September 2015 Legislative Agenda
September 2015 Legislative Agenda
ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Agenda September 24, 2015 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. III. None Spartan Pride - Ready, Respectful, Responsible & Resilient: Dr. Salladino, Mr. DiPaulo and Mrs. Britton Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. VI. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 Educational Presentation A. V. Roll Call Presentations and Awards A. IV Pledge of Allegiance Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. Agenda RTMEA – Susan Howe 1 September 24, 2015 VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. None New Business A. B. X. Rose Tree Media Residents Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Degree advancement d. Rescind Supplemental Contracts e. Supplemental Contracts f. Create New Position g. Other – See Attachments A and B Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Hershey, PA 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Orlando, Florida 3. Penncrest High School Wrestling Team – Hershey, PA 4. Penncrest High School Track Team – Shippensburg, PA 5. Penncrest High School Swim Team – Bucknell University Finance A. B. Agenda Purchasing 1. None General 1. Change Orders 2. Budgetary Transfers – None 3. Donations 4. Service Projects 5. Use of Facilities 6. MTI Contract 7. Edgmont Country Club Agreement 8. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract 9. Philadelphia Outward Bound School Contract 2 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General C. D. XII. 10. School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate 11. Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement 12. Paradise Farm Agreement 13. All Around Entertainmetn Contract 14. PSBA Elections 15. CPR and AED First Aid Training 16. Transportation Reimbursement Contract 17. Settlement Agreement 18. Settlement Agreement 19. Settlement Agreement Financials for August 2015 Bill Lists for August 2015 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of October 22, 2015, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative Meetings are recorded on tape. Agenda 3 September 24, 2015 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary August 31, 2015 Minutes of the August 27, 2015 I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: William O’Donnell – Vice President Tracy Barusevicius Nancy Fronduti John Hanna – Arrived at 7:44 p.m. Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen Harry Postles Elizabeth Schneider Bill Tyson Students: Absent: Absent: Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Director of HR Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Dir.PS and Sp. Ed. William Dougherty, Asst. to the Superintendent Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Thomas Kelly, Esq., Solicitor Patti Linden, Director Technology Christine Seeley, Acting Principal IL Sharon Sweeney, Asst. Principal PHS James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 1 September 24, 2015 I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance II. Resignation of Board President Roll Call Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 16 Resolve, that the Board of School Directors accept the resignation of John Hanna as Board President effective August 27, 2015. Mr. Hanna will remain on the Board of School Directors as a Director until the expiration of his term as Board Director. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None John Hanna Mr. Hanna arrived at 7:44 p.m. III. Approval of Minutes A. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2015 Mrs. Schneider moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 -2 016 17 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015. In Official Minutes of August 27, 2015 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 2 September 24, 2015 III. Approval of Minutes B. Bid Opening Minutes of August 12, 2015 – Springton Lake Middle School Tennis Court Paving Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION; 2015 – 2016 18 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Bid Opening Minutes of August 12, 2015. In Official Minutes of August 27, 2015. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: C. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Bid Opening Minutes of August 12, 2015 – Springton Lake Middle School Guard Rail Replacement – In Official Minutes of August 27, 2015 Mr. Hanna moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 19 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Bid Opening Minutes of August 12, 2015. In Official Minutes of August 27, 2015. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IV. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Presentations and Awards None V Educational Presentation None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 3 September 24, 2015 VI. Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VII. Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VIII. RTMEA – Susan Howe Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each A, IX. Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Rose Tree Media Residents – 6 Community Members spoke Old Business A. Policies 1. Policy #200 – Enrollment of Students – Second Read and Approval – See Attachment A 2. Policy #202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students – Second Read and Approval – See Attachment B 3. Policy #819 – Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response – Second Read and Approval – See Attachment C Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 20 1. Policy #200 – Enrollment of Students – Second Read and Approval – See Attachment A in Official Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015. Resolve, the Board of School Directors adopt Policy #200. This policy is a new policy. This policy was reviewed at the June 2015, Pupil Service Committee meeting. First read of this policy was on the June Legislative Agenda. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 4 September 24, 2015 IX. Old Business A. Policies 2. Policy #202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students – Second Read and Approval – See Attachment B in Official Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors adopt Policy #202 Eligibility of Nonresident Students. This policy is being amended and updated. This policy was reviewed at the June 2015 Pupil Service Committee meeting. This is a second read of this policy. First read was on the June Legislative Agenda. 3. Policy #819 – Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response – Second Read and Approval See Attachment C in Official Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors adopt Policy #819. This policy is required under the new Act 71 requirement regarding suicide awareness and prevention. This policy was reviewed at the June 2015 Pupil Service Committee meeting. This is the second reading of this new policy. First read was on the June Legislative Agenda. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: X. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Degree Advancement d. Rescind Supplemental Contracts e. Supplemental Contracts – See Attachments D and E f. Salary Correction II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 5 September 24, 2015 Mr. Hanna moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 21 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: 1. Terminations a. b. 2. Professional 1. Enoch Stevenson, Latin Teacher, Penncrest High School, resignation effective August 3, 2015. 2. Jaclyn Leck, Learning Support Teacher, Rose Elementary, resignation effective August 30, 2015. Tree Non-Instructional 1. Charron Verica, Secretary IV, Penncrest High School, resignation effective August 10, 2015. 2. William Stumm, Support Staff II, Glenwood Elementary, resignation, effective August 12, 2015. 3. Marydana Dotts, Support Staff II, resignation effective August 30, 2015. Media Elementary, Nominations a. Professional 1. Thomas Durant, Night School Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. Mr. Durant is assigned to Penncrest High School. 2. Helen DeMott, Certified School Nurse, effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $53,562.00, Master’s Degree/Step 1. Ms. DeMott received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Pennsylvania and her Master’s Degree from the University of Illinois, Chicago. She comes to us from Upper Darby School District where she served as a per diem Nurse. Ms. DeMott is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary replacing Debra Taylor who retired. NOTE: Ms. DeMott is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 6 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 3. Sandra Dinnella, Business Computer Information Teacher, effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $54,642.00, Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Dinnella received her Bachelor’s Degree from Bloomsburg University and her Master’s Degree from Cabrini College. She comes to us from Oley Valley School District where she served as a Business Computer Information Teacher. Ms. Dinnella is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing David Matthews who retired. 4. Lauren Snyder, Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher effective August 25, 2015 for the first semester at the annual salary of $46,374.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1 prorated for the first semester. Ms. Snyder received her Bachelor’s Degree from Millersville University. She comes to us from Hatboro-Horsham School District where she served as an Autistic Support Teacher. Ms. Snyder is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Veronica Kusheba who is on leave. 5. Timothy Brown, Social Studies Teacher effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $46,513.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 2. Mr. Brown received his Bachelor’s Degree from Dickinson College. He served as a Long Term Substitute during the 2014-2015 school year. He is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Steve Silva who was reassigned. 6. Cheryl Lund, Homebound Instructor for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour. NOTE: Ms. Lund is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 7 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 7. Lisa Wrenn, Elementary Teacher effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $54,642.00, Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Wrenn received her Bachelor’s Degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and her Master’s Degree from University of Delaware. She served as an Interventionist during the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Wrenn is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Julie Plater who was reassigned. NOTE: Ms. Wrenn is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 8. Patricia Serzan, Learning Support Teacher, effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $72,713.00, Master’s Degree+30/Step 6. Ms. Serzan received her Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University and her Master’s Degree from Immaculata University. She comes to us from Chichester School District where she served as a Special Education Teacher. Ms. Serzan is assigned to Rose Tree Media School District replacing Jaclyn Leck who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Serzan is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 9. Annie Neff, Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher, effective August 25, 2015 for the first semester at the annual salary of $46,374.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1 pro-rated. Ms. Neff received her Bachelor’s degree from Bloomsburg University. Ms. Neff is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Suzanne Hemenway who is on leave. NOTE: Ms. Neff is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 10. Maria Cortese, Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $46,374.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1. Ms. Cortese received her Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University. Ms. Cortese is assigned to Media Elementary. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 8 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 11. Molly Ries, Elementary Teacher, effective August 15, 2015 at the annual salary of $46,792.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 4. Ms. Ries received her Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University. She comes to us from Southeast Delco School District where she served as an Emotional Support Teacher. Ms. Ries is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. NOTE: Ms. Ries is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 12. Kristine Heery, (.5) Long Term Substitute Title I Reading Teacher effective August 25, 2015 for the first semester at the annual salary of $26,781.00, Master’s Degree/Step 1 prorated. Ms. Heery received her Bachelor’s Degree from Marywood University and her Master’s Degree from East Stroudsburg University. She is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Julie Plater who is on leave. NOTE: Ms. Heery is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 13. Julia Modge, Elementary Teacher, effective August 25, 2015 at the annual salary of $46,653.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 3. Ms. Modge received her Bachelor’s Degree from Elizabethtown College. She comes to us from PA Leadership Charter School where she served as a Elementary Teacher. Ms. Modge is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary. This is a new position. NOTE: Ms. Modge is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 9 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 14. b. Megan Cailoa, .4 Gifted Teacher, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork at the annual salary of $21,596.40, Master’s Degree/Step 3 pro-rated. Ms. Caiola received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Richmond and her Master’s Degree from George Mason University. She served as a Long Term Substitute Teacher during the 2015-2016 school year. Ms. Caiola is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Enoch Stevenson who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Caiola is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. Julie DiRemigio, Interventionist for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Ms. DiRemigio is assigned to Penncrest High School. 2. Debra Schnaars, (.5) Director of Night School at the annual salary of $2,500.00. Ms. Schnaars is assigned to Penncrest High School. 3. Carley Dillon, (.5) Director of Night School at the annual salary of $2,500.00. Ms. Dillon is assigned to Penncrest High School. 4. Sean Hobdell, Saturday Detention for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour. Mr. Hobdell is assigned to Penncrest High School. 5. Theresa Long, Saturday Detention for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour. Ms. Long is assigned to Penncrest High School. 6. Steve Townes, Substitute Bus Driver, effective August 28, 2015 at the rate of $22.85 per hour. Mr. Townes is assigned to the Transportation Department. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 10 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional 7. Michael Stetyick, Substitute Bus Driver, effective August 28, 2015 at the rate of $22.85 per hour. Mr. Stetyick is assigned to the Transportation Department. NOTE: Mr. Stetyick is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 8. Louise Naismith, Career Center Tech, effective August 24, 2015 at the annual salary of $34,745.50. Ms. Naismith is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Jennifer Rankin who resigned. 9. Tracey Talley, (.8) Healthroom Nurse, effective August 24, 2015 at the annual salary of $27,796.40. Ms. Talley is assigned to the Education Center replacing Marion Brower who retired. NOTE: Ms. Talley is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 10. Elizabeth Lacock, Secretary I, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork, at the annual salary of $32,916.79. Ms. Lacock is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Linda Kilpatrick who retired. NOTE: Ms. Lacock is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 11. Suzanne Flebbe, Support Staff I, effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $14.43 per hour. Ms. Flebbe is assigned to Glenwood Elementary replacing Chrissy Raymond who was reassigned. 12. Mary Audrey Canterino, Support Staff I, effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $13.43 per hour. Ms. Canterino is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Joann Vann who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Canterino is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 11 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional 13. Leslie Douglas, Support Staff II, effective August 31, 2015 at the rate of $16.99 per hour. Ms. Douglas is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Cynthia Martin who retired. 14. Mary Jane Quinn, Support Staff II, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork at the rate of $16.99 per hour. Ms. Quinn is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Marydana Dotts who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Quinn is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 15. Brigid Shehan, Support Staff II, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork at the rate of $16.99 per hour. Ms. Shehan is assigned to Glenwood Elementary replacing William Stumm who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Shehan is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 16. Cynthia Taddeo, Support Staff II, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork at the rate of $16.99 per hour. Ms. Taddeo is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. This is a new position. NOTE: Ms. Taddeo is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. General a. Classification Change 1. Kylee Bucci, Special Education Teacher from (.7) to 1.0 effective August 31, 2015, at the annual salary of $72,427.00, Master’s +40/Step 10. Ms. Bucci is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 2. Julie Plater, from 1.0 to .5 Title I Reading Teacher effective August 31, 2015 at the annual salary of $31,748.00, Master’s Degree/Step 10 pro-rated. Ms. Plater is assigned to Media Elementary. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 12 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. Classification Change 3. Recommend Board approval for the following Bus Drivers to serve as Bus Aides effective July 6, 2015 through September 4, 2015 at the rate of $15.02 per hour. Effective September 8, 2015 they will resume their Bus Driver positions at the rate of $22.85 per hour: Thomas Delaney Joshua Hughes b. Allen Kannapel Stephen Rhoades 4. Jean Davis, from Support Staff I to 10 month Secretary 1, 4.5 hour a day effective August 31, 2015 at the annual salary of $17,836.68. Ms. Davis is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 5. Deborah Hoffman, from Secretary I to Secretary IV, effective August 31, 2015, at the annual salary of $38,594.79. Ms. Hoffman is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Charron Verica who resigned. 6. Laura Del Casale, from Support Staff I, Indian Lane Elementary to Secretary I effective August 31, 2015 at the annual salary of $32,916.79. Ms. Del Casale is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Deborah Hoffman who was reassigned. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Kristen Manderachi requests an unpaid leave of absence effective December 18, 2015 through January 29, 2016 for the purpose of child rearing. 2. Veronica Kurash Kusheba requests an unpaid leave of absence effective August 31, 2015 through January 29, 2016 for the purpose of child rearing. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 13 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 31, 2015: James Beatty Andrew Bugosh William Carr Lindsi Ciuffetelli Julia Davis Sarah Debessay Joseph Fisher Jaclyn Greenwich Christopher Grouzes William Harmon Devon Hartzell Carolyn Heaton Nandine Hensley Colleen Hoy AnnMarie Johnson Jessica Levy Kristen Mandrachi David Miller Mark Nixon Lisa Roccia Jeanne Richter Michelle Shaw Christy Thompson Ashley Turicik Alexis Viso Erin Warner II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 Master’s/Step 11 Master’s+60/Step 14 Master’s+40/Step 12 Master’s/Step 3 Master’s/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 12 Master’s/Step 6 Master’s/Step 4 Master’s/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 7 Permanent/Step3 Master’s/Step 8 Master’s+40/Step 12 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+20/Step 13 Master’s/Step 3 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+20/Step 5 Master’s+20/Step 5 Master’s/Step 15 Master’s/Step 5 Master’s/Step 4 Master’s/Step 3 Master’s+20/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 9 Master’s+20/Step 7 14 $70,639.00 $94,743.00 $80,903.00 $53,991.00 $54,642.00 $86,739.00 $54,642.00 $54,207.00 $54,642.00 $61,071.00 $49,033.00 $55,080.00 $80,903.00 $61,071.00 $80,735.00 $53,991.00 $61,071.00 $60,344.00 $60,344.00 $90,293.00 $55,080.00 $54,207.00 $53,991.00 $60,707.00 $61,806.00 $61,071.00 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Carley Cagle as Assistant Freshman Volleyball Coach at Penncrest High School for the 2015-2016 school year. 2. Rescind appointment of Gina Lucente as Assistant Fall Cheerleading Coach at Penncrest High School for the 2015-2016 school year. Supplemental Contracts 1. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as New Teacher Mentors for the 2015-2016 school year: Susan Allen Wendy Barton Caitlyn Carminito Bridget Hefferan Sue Hendrixson Bridget Laubach Elizabeth Lutz Carleen Megow Karen Meile Laura Nemec-Osborne Patrick Murphy Lisa Parkinson Ali Perilli Rachael Pinsley Andrea Rachubinski Maria Salera (2.0) Erin Scheivert (2.0) DeAnn Scherer Keith Sharp Phoebe Simmington Erika Yepremian 2. Rose Tree Indian Lane Indian Lane Indian Lane Indian Lane Springton Lake Glenwood Springton Lake Indian Lane Penncrest Media Indian Lane Springton Lake Glenwood Penncrest Glenwood Media Penncrest Rose Tree Springton Lake Indian Lane $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $ 580.00 $ 608.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $ 608.00 $1,216.00 $ 580.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $2,320.00 $2,432.00 $1,160.00 $1,216.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 Recommend Board approval of the Springton Lake Middle School Fall Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. See Attachment D II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 15 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 3. Recommend Board approval of the Penncrest High School Fall Non-Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. See Attachment E 4. Jennifer McLeod, 6-3 Team Leader for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $870.00. Ms. McLeod is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 5. Megan Wasserman, Robotics Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $797.50. Ms. Wasserman is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 6. Rebecca Gilliard, Robotics Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $797.50. Ms. Gilliard is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 7. Recommend Board approval of the following Indian Lane personnel to serve as Building Coordinators for the 2015-2016 school year: Abby Burke Emily Ferdon .5 Communications Mathematics Terry Haskell McDonald Technology Tracy Hatton .5 Communications Sue Hendrixson Social Studies Jason Pinto Science Kathleen Sandiford Language Arts II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 16 $1,620.00 $2,900.00 $3,460.00 $1,450.00 $2,900.00 $2,900.00 $2,900.00 September 24, 2015 X. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 8. Recommend Board approval of the following Rose Tree personnel to serve as Building Coordinators for the 2015-2016 school year: Desiree Barnes Science Nancy Gheysens Mathematics Berit Haahr (.5) Communications Christine Maguire Social Studies Sara McKelvey (.5) Technology JoAnn Podlaski (.5) Technology Kristin Smith (.5) Communications Maureen VanZant Language Arts f. $2,900.00 $3,040.00 $1,450.00 $3,040.00 $1,450.00 $1,730.00 $1,520.00 $2,900.00 Salary Correction 1. Recommend Board approval of the following ADSUP II salaries which were incorrectly reported on the June Board: Bost, Greg Pysher, Gene Ragni, Armondo Price,Michael Schupp, Joel Feltner, Kerry Jones, Michael Quinzi, Phillip Simpson, Donna 2. $44,009.78 $64,795.23 $52,019.36 $41,244.91 $41,616.34 $41,616.34 $64,124.55 $63,724.48 $46,468.18 Katherine White, Assistant Principal, 2015-2016 annual salary of $125,048.00 through her retirement date of July 31, 2015. Her salary was not reported on the June Board. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 17 September 24, 2015 XI New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. Salary Correction 3. Recommend Board approval of the following salary corrections which were incorrectly reported on the June Board Agenda: Angel Barry Susan Allen George Ament John Phillips Erin Warner 4. $68,128.00 $99,018.00 $84,153.00 $46,653.00 $54,861.00 Recommend Board approval of the following pay rate corrections which were incorrectly reported on the June Board Agenda: Stephanie Beckett Brianna Convery Kenneth Lucas Kathryn McKeone Susan McKeon $17.89 per hour $16.99 per hour $17.89 per hour $16.99 per hour $17.89 per hour The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: B. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Wrestlers – Lancaster, PA 2. Penncrest High School Boys and Girls Cross Country Team – Hershey, PA 3. Penncrest High School Girls and Boys Indoor Track Team – State College, PA 4. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team – Ontario, Canada 5. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team – Sellingsgrove, PA 6. Penncrest High School Student Leadership Retreat – Worton, MD 7. Penncrest High School National Honor Society – Arlington, VA 8. Penncrest High School Cultural Immersion Trip - England II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 18 September 24, 2015 Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 22 B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Wrestlers – Lancaster, PA Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip for Penncrest wrestlers to attend the Conestoga Valley Holiday Wrestling Classic from 12/29/15-12/30/15 in Lancaster, PA. The District will pay registration and transportation costs totaling $1,000. 2. Penncrest High School Boys and Girls Cross Country Team – Hershey, PA Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Boys and Girls Cross Country team to attend the State Meet from 10/06/15-11/07/15 in Hershey, PA. The registration and transportation costs are estimated to be $600 and are being paid by the Athletic Department. 3. Penncrest High School Girls and Boys Indoor Track Team – State College, PA Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Girls and Boys Indoor Track teams to attend the Indoor Track State Championships at State College, PA from 2/26/16 to 2/27/16 or 3/5/16 to 3/6/16. Approximately 15-20 students will attend the Championships. Lodging/meals, registration, and transportation costs totaling $1,220 will be paid through the Athletics budget. 4. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team – Ontario, Canada Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Envirothon Team to compete at the National Envirothon Competition from 7/23/16-7/29/16 in Ontario, Canada. Five Students will compete. The PA Envirothon will pay for travel, meals, and lodging costs. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team – Sellinsgrove, PA 5. Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Envirothon Team to compete at the State Envirothon Competition from 5/24/16-5/25/16 at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. Five students will compete accompanied by 2 chaperones. Substitute costs of $408, transportation costs of $400, and lodging/meals totaling $700-$800 will be paid for by the District. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 19 September 24, 2015 X. New Business B. Overnight Trips 6. Penncrest High School Student Leadership Retreat – Worton, MD Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for a student leadership retreat for Penncrest students from 11/21/15-11/23/15 to Worton, Maryland. This is an annual student leadership retreat that includes team building, leadership workshops, and school activity planning. Students will travel by RTMSD bus. Transportation costs are $1,400.64 and will be paid for by the District. Substitute costs are $816. Student costs are $130. 7. Penncrest High School National Honor Society – Arlington, VA Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the National Honor Society and Student Council Officers to attend the LEAD Conference from 01/29/16-01/31/16 in Arlington, VA. The Lead Conference is a weekend of leadership workshops with other NHS and Student Council Officers from the region. 8 students will participate. Total costs for transportation, registration, substitute fees, hotel, and meals are $3,686. Costs are split 50/50 between the District and the students. 8. Penncrest High School Cultural Immersion Trip – England Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for a cultural immersion trip to England from approximately 6/28/167/07/16. This is an immersion literary tour of England with ties to the curriculum. Students will participate in a theater workshop while in London and see a play at the Globe Theater. Costs for the trip are approximately $3,700 and will be paid by the students. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 20 September 24, 2015 X. New Business C. Addendum – Personnel 1. Terminations - none 2. Nominations 1. Peter Barry, Interim Principal Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 23 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Peter Barry, Interim Principal, effective with the completion of his pre-employment paperwork, through January 29, 2016, at the rate of $450.00 per day. Mr. Barry is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: D. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Addendum – Personnel 1. Terminations - none 2. Nominations 1. Joseph Fuhr, Assistant Principal Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 24 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Joseph Fuhr, Assistant Principal, effective date to be determined at the annual salary of $131,301.00. Mr. Fuhr is assigned to Penncrest High School. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 21 September 24, 2015 X. New Business E. Addendum – Personnel 1. Terminations - none 2. Nominations 1. Christine Seeley, Acting Assistant Principal for the SYA. Ms. Seeley is assigned to Penncrest High School. Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLTUION: 2015 – 2016 25 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Christine Seeley, Acting Assistant Principal for the SYA, effective date to be determined at the annual salary of $118,795.00. Ms. Seeley is assigned to Penncrest High School. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: XI. AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider NAYS: ABSENT: Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Bill Tyson None Finance A. Purchasing Mr. Postles moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 26 1. Bid Award Recommend the following bid be awarded in the categories listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having been considered. Resolve, the Board of School Directors award the following bid: This item was discussed at the June 9, 2015 Operations Committee Meeting a. Springton Lake Middle School-Tennis Court Renovation Base Bid Alternates Gessler Construction Co. $103,500 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 Total $103,500 22 September 24, 2015 . XI. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Award The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: XI. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Finance B. General 1. I M Pools Management Inc. Contract 2. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Contract 3 Atlas Transportation Inc. Contract 4. Children and Adult Disability and Educational Services (CADES) 5. Blackboard Order – See Attachment F 6. Reimburse Parent of a Special Education 7. HMS School for Children with cerebral Palsy 8. Vanguard School Contract 9. Vanguard School Extended School Year Contract 10. Dr. Peter N. Christie, DO Contract 11. Dr. Robert Sing, Contract 12. Dr. Peter Christie Contract 13. Green Tree School Contract 14. Melmark School Extended School Year Contract 15. ABA2DAY Behavior Services, LLC Contract 16. Elwyn Counseling Services Contract 17. Elwyn Psychological Counseling Services Contract 18. AIM Academy Contract 19. Elwyn – Davidson School Contract 20. George Crothers Memorial School Contract 21. Royer-Greaves School for the Blind 22. Settlement Agreement with Parent of Special Education Student 23. Settlement Agreement Amendment 24. AED Service Contract Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION; 2015 – 2016 27 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 23 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 1. I M Pools Management Inc. Contract Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approves the contract with I M Pools Management Inc. to provide lifeguard services at the rate of $15 per hour, supervisor/instructor services at the rate of $16 per hour and monthly maintenance services at a rate of $3,750 per month. I M Pools Management, Inc. provides lifeguard services and monthly pool maintenance services for the pool at the Springton Lake Middle School. The term of the Contract is from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2017. 2. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the amount of $10,500 for professional development services for math curriculum. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt will provide professional development services for teachers for the new math curriculum that was approved for the 2015/2016 school year. 3. Atlas Transportation Inc. Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Atlas Transportation, Inc. to provide transportation services for students that attend out of district schools at a cost of $195 per day. Additional transportation services are required to meet the needs of students that attend schools outside of the District’s boundaries. 4. Children and Adult Disability and Educational Services (CADES) Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with CADES to provide transportation services for students at a rate of $77.63 per student/per day for round trips and $44.15 per student/per day for oneway trips for the term of August 25, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Additional transportation services are required to meet the needs of students that attend schools outside of the District’s boundaries. 5. Blackboard Order – See Attachment F Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve the Order Form between Blackboard and the Rose Tree Media School District. The Order Form is for the “My Way Premium Single Template” as a subscription fee to be renewed automatically for successive periods of one (1) year. The one (1) year proposal will commence on September 1, 2015, with payment not to exceed Three Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($3,500.00).This proposal is for a new template for the school district website. Solicitor, Tom Kelly, has reviewed and approved this proposal. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 24 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 6. Reimburse Parent of a Special Education Student Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract to reimburse a parent of a special education student for transporting their child to and from the Royer Greaves School for the Blind or Overbrook School for the Blind (depending on approved school placement) in lieu of the District providing transportation. A student who will attend Royer-Greaves School for the Blind or Overbrook School for the Blind requires parental transportation in lieu of District transportation. 7. HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract that has been submitted by HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy for a special education student with significant disabilities. This placement is required based on the special education needs of this student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This contract is for educational costs for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $94,000. 8. Vanguard School Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract that has been submitted by the Vanguard School for three special education students. This contract covers educational costs for students with significant disabilities at an annual tuition rate of $51,575/student. This placement is required based on the special education needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 9. Vanguard School Extended School Year Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with the Vanguard School for the provision of Extended School Year services for the summer of 2015 for a special education student. The rate of the summer tuition is $3700. Extended School Year services are required based on the special education needs of this student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 25 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 10. Dr. Peter N. Christie, DO Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Dr. Peter N. Christie, DO to provide physicals to staff (bus drivers and cafeteria workers) and students. The cost of the 2015-2016 contract is $9,366.82 plus $55.00 for bus driver examinations and $20.00 per MantouxPPD. The provision of these services are required according to the RTMSD Agreement with the RTM Bus Drivers/Custodial Maintenance Association and under P.S. Code of 1949, Act 14, Article 14, Section 1421 and amendments. 11. Dr. Robert Sing, Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Dr. Robert Sing of Springfield Sports Emergency Medical Corporation for School Doctor for schools and assignments by the School District. The cost of the contract is not to exceed $25,578. Dr. Sing provides medical examinations and services required under the School Health Act. 12. Dr. Peter Christie Contract Further resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Dr. Peter Christie to review Individual Education Programs (IEP) that require health-related services that are medically necessary at the rate of $25/IEP. PA Medical Access requires physicians to review any IEP that includes medically necessary health-related supports. 13. Green Tree School Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a tuition contract submitted for a special education student with significant needs to attend the Green Tree School for the 2015-2016 school year. This placement is required based on the special education needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The per diem tuition rate is $259.75. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 26 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 14. Melmark School Extended School Year Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for payment of tuition for a special education student to attend the Melmark School for Extended School Year services for the summer of 2015 and for the 2015-2016 school year. This placement is required based on the special education needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The tuition is in the amount of $519/diem. 15. ABA2DAY Behavior Services, LLC Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract for the provision of a special education program at ABA2DAY Behavior Services, LLC for a student with significant needs for Extended School Year services. These services are required to meet the needs of a special education student in compliance with IDEA. The educational costs for the summer of 2015 are $10,054.56. 16. Elwyn Counseling Services Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve two contracts with Elwyn to provide psychological counseling services to special education students at the secondary level. The two contracts are for a therapeutic facilitator 2.5 days/week at Penncrest and .5/week at the Simon Youth Academy at the rate of $76.22/hour. Students in the emotional support program receive psychological services as part of the related services in their Individual Education Plan. Specifically identified regular education students may also receive these services as part of a student support team referral. 17. Elwyn Psychological Counseling Services Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Elwyn to provide psychological counseling services to special education students at the elementary level. The contract is for a therapeutic facilitator 2 days/week across the four elementary schools at the rate of $72.83/hour. Students in the emotional support program receive psychological services as part of the related services in their Individual Education Plan. Specifically identified regular education students may also receive these services as part of a student support team referral. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 27 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 18. AIM Academy Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with the AIM Academy to provide Wilson training and certification. Training and certification is for four special education teachers. Wilson is a highly intensive, remedial reading program for students diagnosed with reading disabilities. The cost of training and certification is $9,750. 19. Elwyn – Davidson School Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Elwyn for a student to attend the Davidson School for the 2015-2016 school year. This placement is required based on the special education needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The tuition is in the amount of $274.64/diem. 20. George Crothers Memorial School Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract with the George Crothers Memorial School for a student to attend for the 20152016 school year. This placement is required based on the special education needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The tuition is in the amount of $240.20/diem. 21. Royer-Greaves School for the Blind Contract Further Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a contract for a special education student to receive Extended School Year Services at the Royer-Greaves School for the Blind. Extended School Year services are required based on the special education needs of the student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Educational costs for the summer of 2015 are 479.08/day for 25 days. 22. Settlement Agreement with Parent of Special Education Student Further resolve, that the Board approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related costs (uniform, school lunches) at a private school not to exceed $14,500 for the 2015-2016 school year. Attorney fees not to exceed $4,000 dollars are included in these costs. Tuition reimbursement is in place of the District providing educational placement at an approved private school and releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 28 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 23. Settlement Agreement Amendment Further resolve, that the Board approve an amendment to a settlement agreement to provide an additional $3,000 for tuition reimbursement at a private school for the 2015-2016 school year. The additional tuition reimbursement will allow the student to complete his senior year of education and receive his diploma. 24. AED Service Contract Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a renewal of the contract for a seven year lease with School Health to provide 18 AED's with service contracts and annual maintenance of each unit including replacement of pediatric pads and batteries. This contract will be approved pending review of the Solicitor. AED's are required under Act 35 of PA Law. The annual cost of the lease is $10,689.01/year for seven years. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: XI. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Finance B. General 26. Bayada Nursing Services Contract Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 28 Resolve, that the Board approve a renewal contract with Bayada Nursing Services to provide professional nursing services in school when needed at the rate of $49.95/hour for RN services. Bayada will provide an RN to school on a substitute basis when needed. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Barusevicius, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Nancy Fronduti II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 29 September 24, 2015 XI. Finance B. General 25. Extended School Year Contracts Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 29 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following contracts that have been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services and programs for identified special education students. These services are required under IDEA. a. Timothy School – 1 student at the tuition rate of $5,375. b. Vanguard School – 1 student at the tuition rate of $7,545. c. The Green Tree School – 1 student at the tuition rate of $5,915. d. School – 1 student at the tuition rate of $5,915. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: X. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Finance C. Financials for June and July 2015 D. Bill Lists for June 2015 E. Bill List for July 2015 Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 30 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Financial Reports: X. Financial C. Financial Reports June/July 2015 Treasurers Reports June/July 2015 Investment Reports June/July 2015 Summary Expenditure Status Report June/July 2015 Revenue Status Report II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 30 September 24, 2015 D. Bill Lists June 2015 General Fund Bill List $ 4, 469,081.08 June 2015 Capital Fund Bill List $ 14,004.00 June 2015 Construction Fund Bill List $ 1,907.41 June 2015 Bond Series 2002 Bill List $ 5,772.59 June 2015 Bond Series 2011 Bill List $ 28,961.76 June 2015 Scholarship Fund Bill List $ 8,000.00 June 2015 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 53,397.09 $ 4,572,123.93 X. Financial E. Bill Lists July 2015 General Fund Bill List $4,117,729.56 July 2015 Capital Fund Bill List $ 89,699.73 July 2015 Bond Series 2002 Bill List $ 2,382.94 July 2015 Bond Series 2011 Bill List $ 49,538.72 July 2015 Bond Series 2013 Bill List $ 92,741.00 July 2015 Scholarship Fund Bill List $ 2,500.00 July 2015 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 9,142.82 $4,363,734.77 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 31 September 24, 2015 XI. Adjournment Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 31 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by he Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None ____________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 32 September 24, 2015 OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Mr. William M. Dougherty, Assistant to the Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction DATE: September 11, 2015 RE: September 8, 2015 Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider Board Members in Attendance: John Hanna, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Mackrides, Liz Schneider, Nancy Fronduti Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Grace Eves, William Dougherty, Jim Wigo, Patti Linden, and members of the community. Summer School 2014 Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Pelekis reported on Summer School 2015. The mission of the program is to provide students with unique and engaging summer learning experiences, as well as high school credits, at no cost to the district. This year’s program offered 34 camp experiences and remedial courses in five subjects, with overall enrollment slightly increased from that in 2014. A highlight of the summer was the high participation in the musical theater program culminating in performances of The Little Mermaid. Given a new administrative structure and robust revenue, the entire program operated comfortably in the black for the summer. The Directors reported on the successful implementation of an online registration and payment system. Preview of Anticipated Curriculum & Instruction Agenda Items for 2015-2016 Mr. Dougherty previewed anticipated agenda items for this year’s Curriculum & Instruction Committee meetings. New Teacher Induction Mr. Dougherty reported on the teacher induction program for teachers that are newly hired to the Rose Tree Media School District. These first three days of in-service includes sessions on classroom management, qualities of effective teaching, effective use of technology. Each of the three days also allowed time for the new teachers to meet with their mentors and principals. A copy of the New Teacher Induction Brochure was provided on the web-site. Teacher In-Service Mr. Dougherty provided an overview of the in-service days that took place on September 1, 2, and 3. The highlights included training of the new math program in the elementary and middle schools, review of student data at Penncrest, and a session on reading and writing across the curriculum at Springton Lake. The teachers were also provided time to set up their classrooms in preparation of the first day of school for students. Public Comment There was no public comment. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: September 11, 2015 Subject: September 8, 2015 Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides Sue Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, and Elizabeth Schneider Absent: Nancy Fronduti and Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Grace Eves, and James Wigo Sixteen Members of the Community were in attendance 1. Budgetary Comparison Report The District has expensed 55% of expenditures and received 58% of Revenue. State revenue is less in August of 2015 than in August of 2014 due to the budget impasse in Harrisburg. Action: Discussion 2. Agreements/Contracts • Media Elementary School Musical – MTI The contract for Music Theatre International in the amount of $435 for royalty and materials is for the Aristocats musical that will be performed by Media Elementary School students. Funding is through the General fund. • Penncrest Golf Team – Edgmont County Club Agreement The contract for the Edgmont County Club in the amount of $2,700 is for a membership for the Penncrest golf team. Funding is through the Athletic budget. • Penncrest Leadership - YMCA Camp Tockwogh The contract for the YMCA Camp Tockwogh in the amount of $16,675 is for Penncrest student leadership. Funding is through the student activity account and is at no cost to the District. SYA Leadership – Philadelphia Outward Bound School • The contract for the Philadelphia Outward Bound School in the amount of $2,000 is for SYA student leadership. Funding is through the General fund. Dedicated to Excellence • • • • School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate The District agrees to comply with all of the requirements for participation in the ACCESS program. Transportation – Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement The Fuelmaster agreement in the amount of $918.75 is an annual extended maintenance agreement for the CNG station located at the transportation garage. SLMS Team Building – Paradise Farm The agreement in the amount of $4,080 is for Springton Lake Middle School student team building. Funding is through the student activity account and is at no cost to the District. SLMS Dances – All Around Entertainment The contract in the amount of $4,200 is for DJ services and a photobooth for Springton Lake Middle School dances. Funding is through the student activity account and is at no cost to the District. Action: These items will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board pending final review by the District’s solicitor. 3. PSBA Election The Board of School Directors will cast their vote for PSBA officers for president, vice-president and Eastern at Large at the September 24, 2015 Legislative meeting. Detailed information on each candidate is located at Action: This item will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 4. Sign In Sheet for Public Comment The Board of School Directors will create a sign-in sheet for members of the public to use for the unscheduled presentation section of the Legislative meetings. The form will include name, address, municipality and topic. The form will be available before each meeting and before unscheduled presentation. Name, municipality and topic for each speaker will appear in the Board minutes. Action: Discussion Public Comment The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: September 11, 2015 Subject: September 8, 2015 Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Harry Postles _____________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, John Hanna, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides Sue Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, and Elizabeth Schneider Absent: and Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Bill Dougherty, Grace Eves, Bonnie Kinsler, Joe Peleckis, Phil Quinzi, and James Wigo. 1. Transportation Update Bonnie Kinsler, supervisor of Transportation and Phil Quinzi, garage foremen gave a presentation on the Transportation Department. The District has 75 buses. Thirty-five of the buses are fueled with CNG. Fuel savings from the use of CNG for the period of January 2015 through June 2015 was $52,844. There are 65 bus runs that transport approximately 4,200 student daily and services 6 public schools, 19 special needs schools, 58 private school, 3 vo-tech schools, 6 special program locations and 9 day cars. The buses traveled approximately one million miles last year. GPS units have been installed on a portion of the buses and all buses will have units installed within the next few months. Action: Discussion 2. Capital Project Updates Cabinet Unit Heater (CUH) Replacements & RT Crawl Space Ventilation Rose Tree Elementary Crawl Space Ventilation Indian Lane Hallway Cabinet Unit Heaters Glenwood Hallway Cabinet Unit Heaters • Glenwood and Indian Lane CUH installed – start-up remaining • Indian Lane Teacher’s Lounge unit on back order - Expected delivery date is September 18th-work will be complete after hours • Rose Tree Elementary-all exterior work complete. • Rose Tree Elementary-Crawl space ductwork to be complete by September 4. Dedicated to Excellence Penncrest Locker Room Ventilation Unit Replacements • Ductwork complete in Football and Gym Locker Rooms. • Installation of rooftop unit for Gym Locker Room Compete • Locker room rooftop unit installed on August 28th. • Controls and startup for both units scheduled to be complete September 4th. Penncrest Lobby Hallway Terrazzo Repair • Demolition and new terrazzo installation complete. • Punch list work to be performed Indian Lane Wall Leak Remediation • Drywall in Greenhouse to be completed by September 4th. • Exterior Masonry, EIFS coating and caulking complete Rose Tree Elementary PA/Clock System Replacement • Complete and operational • Training completed on August 19th. Glenwood Fire Alarm Replacement • New fire alarm system installed, tested and operational. • Demolition of existing system/wiring complete. • Training scheduled for August 31st. • Punch list inspection performed on August 20th. Media Elementary 1st Floor Dehumidification • Piping and wiring complete • Rooftop unit installed • Installation of classroom ceiling units complete • Start-up scheduled for September 1st. Rose Tree Elementary Roof/Gutter Replacements • Roofing complete • Gutters fabricated and delivered on August 27th- work scheduled to be completed by September 2nd. Penncrest Masonry Repair at D-Wing • Masonry work completed on August 27th. • Exterior caulking to be completed by September 4th. Springton Lake Punch list Completion • 85% complete • Asphalt paving work scheduled for August 31st. • All interior work scheduled to be complete by September 4th. Dedicated to Excellence Springton Lake Tennis Court Paving • Project Rebid- Bids received on August 12th • Recommendation of Award to Gessler Construction in the amount of $103,500 • Work to be performed in late September Springton Lake Guard Rail Replacement • Bids received and rejected due to being over budget Action: Discussion 3. Change Orders • Cooks Service A change order in the amount of $4,080.50 is to supply and install BACnet Gateway controls for HVAC equipment at Media Elementary School • Gem Mechanical A change order in the amount of $3,944.50 is for a permit. • S. B Conrad, Inc. A change order in the amount of $8,242.50 is for the replacement of broken sidewalks at the Springton Lake Middle School. Action: These items will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 4. Donations Indian Lane Elementary School § The Girl Scouts are donating an exterior bench in the bus loop area. § Picnic tables and benches are being donated in memory of two Indian Lane teachers. Action: These items will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 5. Service Project Media Elementary School will engage in a community partnership with Values in Action, a non-profit community group to beautify the school grounds by planting flowers and bulbs. The project will be incorporated into students’ lessons. Action: This item will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 6. Use of Facilities The Board reviewed turf field rental rates from several school districts. The District will charge $165/hour for Rose Tree Media community organizations and $300/hour for non-community groups for a minimum of 2 hours to rent the turf field. The rental fee includes a fee for a grounds crew staff member to be on site during rentals. Full day rental requests will be reviewed by the Board. Action: This item will be moved to the September 24, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: 15 members of the public were present. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: September 11, 2015 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – Tracy Barusevicius, Chair Board Members in attendance: T. Barusevicius, N. Mackrides, N. Fronduti, J. Hanna, B. Tyson, W. O’Donnell, L. Schneider, H. Postles, S. Nolen Also in attendance: A. Callahan, J. Wigo, G. Eves, and sixteen members of the public I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan The Committee discussed the items for the legislative meeting and approved all items to be moved to the legislative agenda. Action: The Committee agreed to place resolutions for these items on the September 24, 2015, Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. II. Student Liaison Contract The Committee discussed the contract with Cynthia Garvin Parks of Mission Achievement to provide services to students at Penncrest High School related to minority student achievement. The terms of the contract are the same as in the 2014-2015 school year. Action: The Committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the September 24, 2015, Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. III. CVS Contract to provide Flu Shots to District Employees. The Committee reviewed the contract with CVS to provide flu shots to district employees at no cost to the district. The cost of the flu shots will be paid through the employee’s health insurance. Providing flu shots to employees helps to keep them healthy and, in turn, lessens the possibility that employees will bring the flu to school. Action: The Committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the September 24, 2015, Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. IV. Addition of Two New Bus Aide positions. Mrs. Callahan made a request to add two new Bus Aide positions. The positions are need to serve the needs of a student being returned to the district from a private placement and to allow our Transportation Department to split a wheel chair run into two different runs to accommodate an increased number of wheelchair bound students attending two private schools in Philadelphia. Action: The Committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the September 24, 2015, Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 1 James M. Wigo Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.565.5317 Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, PhD Director of Pupil Services and Special Education To: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent of Schools From: Dr. Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Director of Pupil Services and Special Education Date: September 11, 2015 Subject: September 8, 2015 Pupil Services/Special Education Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Ms. Nancy Fronduti Overnight Field Trips A provisional request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest cheerleaders to attend the PIAA Cheerleading Championships in Hershey, PA on 1/22/16-1/23/16.Substitute fees totaling $204.00 dollars are being paid by the District. The registration fee is being paid by the Boosters. The approximate cost to students is $250.00. This trip would only occur if the cheerleaders did not qualify to compete at the national championship in Florida referenced below. A board member inquired about the $250.00 student costs for this event. Unlike other PIAA competitive events, the PIAA Cheerleading Championship does not follow traditional PIAA rules regarding a step-wise progression through competitive events to determine eligibility for competition. This competition is considered a PIAA event in name only. The students will only attend the event if they do not qualify for the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. 2 A provisional request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest cheerleaders to attend the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida from 2/4/16-2/8/16. The cheerleaders will be competing in a regional championship at Kutztown University in December, 2015 to determine if the place to compete in the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida. Substitute costs totaling $306.00, transportation for one coach (Flight to Orlando) and hotel/meals totaling approximately $1,000.00 dollars will be paid by the District. Approximately $1,000.00 dollars for hotel/meals/registration will be paid by students and the Boosters. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Wrestling Team to compete in the PIAA State Wrestling Championships in Hershey, PA from 3/9/16-3/13/16. District costs will be $1,912.00 dollars for substitute fees ($612.00), transportation ($300.00), and hotel/meals ($1,000.00). Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Track team to compete in the PIAA Outdoor State Track and Field Championships in Shippensburg, PA from 5/26-28/16. Total District costs are $2,622.00 and include $204.00 for substitute costs, $2,100.00 for hotel/meals, and $420.00 for transportation (rented vans). Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the boys and girls Penncrest Swim teams to attend the State Swimming Championships at Bucknell University from 3/16-3/19/16. District costs total $1,226.00 and include substitute fees of $306.00, transportation (rented vans) of $320.00, and hotel/meals of $600.00. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. 3 Contracts A contract has been submitted for Jenelle Pyle and Christine Loughry to provide CPR and AED First Aid training for 23 paraprofessionals at the rate of $68.00/person. This certification is required by the Medical Access program. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A contract has been submitted to reimburse a parent of a special needs student to provide transportation home for their child from the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy, located at 4400 Baltimore Pike, Philadelphia, PA. at the rate of $360.00/year for insurance and labor, annual mileage X the IRS standard mileage rate, and $3.00/1000 miles. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. Settlement Agreements A settlement agreement has been submitted for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related services at a private school for children with learning disabilities not to exceed $37,000.00 dollars for the 2015-2016 school year. Attorney fees not to exceed $3,000.00 dollars are included in these costs. The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A settlement agreement has been submitted for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $153.00/diem for the 2015-2016 school year in place of providing education at a PA-approved private school (APS). The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 school year. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. A settlement agreement has been submitted for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related costs at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $8,350.00 for the 2015-2016 school year and $8,150.00 for the 2016-2017 school year, and reimbursement for up to $1,100.00 for mandated school uniform purchases for the term of the agreement. The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017school years. Action: Approval will be on the September 2015 Legislative Agenda. Community members asked questions regarding settlement agreements as they related to the requirements under IDEA and a release of FAPE by the District. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: September 11, 2015 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2015 Chairperson: Mrs. Susan Nolen Board members in attendance: Susan Nolen, Elizabeth Schneider, John Hanna, Bill O’Donnell, Nancy Mackrides, Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Harry Postles Also in attendance: Jim Wigo, Patti Linden, Grace Eves, Anne Callahan, several members of the community ~ Preview of templates for district web site Patti Linden shared a sample of the templates that are available to our school district for a new look on the district and school web pages. The Board approved an order form at the August legislative meeting to create a new look for the website. The samples that were showcased have several possibilities, and teachers who are the Communication Coordinators in each building will assist in organizing the existing content under the new look. Mrs. Linden will be working with the Creative Design Team at Schoolwires/Blackboard to create the new look from the template. She expects the new look to take effect within the next two weeks. Action: None ~ Public Comment Several questions were asked about the involvement of students for graphic design and parental input. Responses: Since this is a template and not a customization of our website, there is no graphic design involved. We will find a way to involve parents in the process; however, the timeline will change. Next meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – September 23, 2015 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten The kindergarten children are learning their new routines for their new school. They are all doing a fine job. They are enjoying making new friends. They especially love going to the playground. Mrs. Taylor's class and Mrs. Dabrowski’s class visited the library for the first time. Our Kindergarten Library days are as follows: Mrs. Taylor's Kindergarteners will have Library on days 3 & 9 of our 12 day cycle while Mrs. Dabrowski's Kindergarteners will have Library on days 6 & 12 of our 12 day cycle. We are looking forward to a great year in Kindergarten this year! First Grade The first graders have been busy learning classroom routines and schedules. They have been working on Glenwood’s Goals (Be Ready, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible). These three goals are being discussed during morning meeting throughout the school year. We would like to thank the fabulous kindergarten teachers and parents for sending us students so well prepared for first grade! The Glenwood Goals will also be discussed in all special area classes, in the cafeteria, at recess, and at dismissal. We encourage parents to use these goals at home as well as in school. We are off to a great start and are looking forward to an educationally rewarding school year! Second Grade Second graders are learning the expectations and routines necessary to develop to their fullest potential as readers. They are deeply immersed in reading, acquiring new skills and strategies to add to their toolboxes of resources for improving decoding and comprehension. Students are being held more accountable for independent reading, focusing on a skill or strategy as they mark post-its or write in reading journals about what they’ve been reading. Third Grade The third grade teachers are so impressed by these students! They came to school ready to learn! They have been working hard on their locker combinations, and we even have a few students that have been designated as “locker experts”! We are so proud of how well they are continuing to follow the Glenwood School goals of being ready, respectful and responsible, especially while we are establishing new routines. We are School Reports 1 September 23, 2015 looking forward to starting our new math program later this week. In Reader’s Workshop we will begin Unit 1, “Building a Reading Life”, and in Writer’s Workshop we will begin Unit 1, “Crafting True Stories”. We are anxious to get started, and we can tell this is going to be a great year! Fourth Grade Fourth grade is settling into their new classroom routines and procedures. We are getting to know our classmates, and are enjoying welcoming some new fourth grade friends. Our new math program is up and running, and we can’t wait to explore our new math workbooks and online activities. We are getting ready to jump into language arts with pre-writing activities and reading routines. Fifth Grade In math, the fifth grade is jumping into the new year with a new math curriculum from Scott Foresman called Envisionmath 2.0. In writer’s workshop the fifth grade is turning its attention to the study of the craft of writing narratives. In reader’s workshop, the fifth grade is focusing its attention on the reading of fiction, in particular realistic fiction. This will be the focus for the next two months. In grammar they are turning their attention to understanding the relationship between subject and predicate. Art with Mr. Sharp The elementary art curriculum is a spiral curriculum. Each grade learns about the same concepts: art production: line, shape, color, texture, form, value, space; art history; art criticism; aesthetics. However, each year becomes more advanced and builds on the learning from the previous years. There is also a theme to each grade and students create a book in which to reflect and/or sketch. First graders are introduced to art by learning about the elements of art – line, shape, color, texture, and space as well as traditional subject matter – still life, landscape, seascape, and portrait. For their first unit of study, students will investigate line. We will create lines with our body, look for lines in the room, look for line in various works of art, and name the various types of line. For our project, students will select one type of line that they will draw across the paper. Students will be shown how to fill in to create a bold line as well as to repeat it. In the rest of the space the paper will be divided up into different sections in which students repeat various lines to create a pattern. Second graders travel the world to learn about art from various cultures around the world. We begin with a unit of study on India and the Banyan Tree. These trees are very large with an expansive root system. Students will be shown how to use line and different line weight to create a tree that fills up a sheet of paper. We will then use oil pastels to color in using a warm and cool color scheme. Third graders begin their travel through time and art history by learning about the prehistoric time period as well as petroglyphs. Students will use tissue paper to create a faux cave wall with implied texture. We will then draw a petroglyph image on top and color in. Fourth graders begin their investigation of Pennsylvania and regional art and artists by focusing in on John James Audubon. Students will learn about this fascinating artist as School Reports 2 September 23, 2015 well as his contributions to the study of birds. Students will use clay to create an owl that shows texture. Fifth graders begin the year with the year-long investigation of what some of the reasons are why artists create art – realistic/documentary, self-expressive, functional, ornamental, religious/ceremonial. For our first unit of study, students will begin working in their sketchbooks to create observational drawings of shells. Students will then use these drawings to trace and transfer to a sheet of paper in which they will allow to overlap, go off the edges of the paper, as well as to create an interesting composition. Students will fill in the negative space with patterns and will color in. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Our teachers have been busy establishing their classroom rules and routines, making sure all materials are disseminated, and introducing their curriculum. We conducted two successful fire drills. Kindergarten families gathered over ice cream at the PTG sponsored Kindergarten Ice Cream Social. Mr. Barry was able to chat with many parents at the Meet and Greet. The week ended with SPIRIT DAY and saw the amazing Bobcat Pride that is here at Indian Lane. A meeting was held with parents on a more informal basis to discuss their questions or concerns at a Principal’s Chat. This was followed by a productive PTG meeting. Kudos to all who give of their time and expertise to help make Indian Lane such a positive place to be. DIBELS benchmark assessments began for first and second grades. Kindergarten and third grade will continue. MAP testing also began this week and continues throughout the month of September. The kids are doing a great job. Picture Day was held and it was great to see all those smiles. Teachers will begin to hand out Bobcat Brags to students in an effort to recognize “Ready, Respectful, and Responsible” behaviors. We will use the brags to cover a large purple bobcat paw outside our cafeteria doors. Once the paw is covered with brags, there will be a school-wide recognition of this accomplishment. Examples could be crazy sock/hat/hair day, backwards day, dress like the teacher day, special recess games, IL Spirit Day, and many more fun ideas. Kindergarten After an exciting first week in kindergarten the children were ready to settle down and start working more with the curriculum. The kindergarten students learned how to write the uppercase letters E & F correctly using the Handwriting Without Tears method. They started the counting unit in math enVisions and are now recognizing numbers and symbols for the numbers 1, 2, and 3. The children also learned that they were already reading the first day of school. Every child in the kindergarten classrooms are able to read the pictures and tell a story while looking at books. On Constitution Day the classes read the Bobcat Pledge, discussed its meaning, and discussed how we can use the Pledge to help us be the best Indian Lane Bobcats. School Reports 3 September 23, 2015 First Grade Writing complete sentences was our big objective in 1st grade. The children learned all sentences need to have: · A capital letter at the beginning · A naming part (the who/what) · A telling part (did what) · A period at the end The children also practice trying to write with lower case letters, putting “meatball” spaces between their words, and doing their best spelling by listening to all the sounds in a word. All of these skills are very important stepping-stones to all the writing your child will do this year. Second Grade In Reading Workshop, we discussed ways to increase our reading stamina. We used storytelling voices for fiction and teacher voices for informational text to help us understand what we were reading. In Math, we began Topic 1: Fluently Add and Subtract Within 20. We reviewed previous skills and worked with addition fact strategies. Our vocabulary words are: sum, difference, addends, equations, doubles and near doubles. One of our goals for Topic 1 is to be more fluent with our math facts, so keep up the practice! Third Grade Third grade students have been working on how to multiply using repeated addition, a number line, skip counting, and arrays. We have been practicing our cursive letters during Word Study. In Reading Workshop, we have been learning how to build our reading lives by taking a look at our reading history, finding reading spots, and shopping for Just-Right books. We have been thinking of small moments with certain people and at certain places in Writing Workshop. During Social Studies, we have been learning about the globe, continents, and oceans. We were even able to learn about Constitution Day! We are eager to see what next week will bring! Fourth Grade The first two weeks of school has been a whirlwind. Students have been getting to know their teachers, and the teachers have been learning about their students. Initial assessments in Reading, Math, Writing, and Word Study have been given to students in order to find out how teachers can best help their students to learn and to grow. In Fourth Grade, students are being introduced to the new Envision Math program, how to change classrooms, and how to make sure they have everything they need before switching to another classroom. During Social Studies, we have been learning about the four types of social scientists, who will be assisting us in understanding the Regions of the United States and Pennsylvania. Fifth Grade In fifth grade we are in full swing of our academics. The students are being leveled for Reader’s Workshop, and they have all begun writing narratives. Each fifth grade math class has begun their new curriculum that the district purchased for us. We are excited to say the new program looks terrific and we are hitting the common core standards each and every day. We look forward to Back to School Night so we can set the stage with how School Reports 4 September 23, 2015 our great year will flow. We have run a primary election for student council officers. A general election will be run right after an assembly so the students in third through fifth grade can hear the candidates speeches. We are all looking forward to a great year at Indian Lane. Art First graders are learning about line! Second graders are traveling the world through art, our first stop is India. Third graders are learning about art through time travel, we are reviewing prehistoric art. Fourth graders are discovering the regions of the United States and are celebrating a particular artist. Our focus is John Audubon, we are creating clay owls. Fifth graders are exploring contemporary sculptor, Roxy Paine. Paine is famous for his industrial tree sculptures in the round. Gym First and second graders started their tag unit! Third through fifth started their fitness testing. Library Students in all grades reviewed library rules and procedures throughout the first six days of school, a complete cycle of library. We also checked out library books for the first time this school year. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School’s Open! When doors opened on September 8, MES welcomed 450+ students to a new year of learning and growing. The MES custodial staff did a phenomenal job of preparing the school in time for our annual Open House. Our PTG hosted a Welcome Back Potluck Dinner, which was well-attended by families and staff. We are off to a busy and exciting start. Here’s a quick snapshot of MES Happenings! Kindergarten Gets “Ready!” Kindergarten has been adjusting to a new classroom and school building by learning our first school-wide goal: Be Ready. We are learning how to navigate a large building. We went on a Gingerbread Man Hunt to find important places throughout Media School. We met our principal, Dr. Voshell, who has been administering the DIBELS assessment to each kindergarten student. First Grade Builds Community! First grade students have been working to learn the school and classroom rules of Media Elementary. They have been modeling and practicing the rules on a daily basis. Students have also engaged in numerous community building activities. The main focus at this time is learning the names of every student in the class. Students have also begun both Reading and Writing Workshop. They have begun reading and interacting with texts on a daily basis and are learning how to engage in the writing process. In math, students have had time to explore the math manipulatives they will be using throughout the school year. They have also begun counting objects to 30. School Reports 5 September 23, 2015 Second Grade Is Off and Running! We have had a busy start to Second Grade! We started the year reviewing school routines and expectations and learning our classroom routines and expectations. We have begun our Communities Unit and are already getting excited for Community Day! In Math, we have begun working with our new Envisions 2.0 math materials and are getting ready to start Tools for Success. Second graders are ready and excited for a wonderful year of learning! Third Grade Mathematicians and Writers! Students in third grade at Media Elementary have begun their math work with multiplication and division. They are “hitting the ground running” by solving multiplication problems using many strategies including using a number line, repeated addition, skip counting, etc. Students have also begun writing personal narratives. The students gathered ideas for the story they’d like to tell by thinking of people and places that matter to them. Some of them got their ideas from the covers of their decorated writers’ notebooks. They are working on getting to the “heart” of the story and showing feelings through their characters actions and words. Fourth Grade: “Ready, Respectful, and Responsible!” Since school began, we have been focused on our schoolwide positive behavior activities. As well as discussing what it means to be ready, respectful, and responsible, the students have been engaged in role play situations and demonstrations where they practice what they have been taught. Read aloud books, charts, and videos have been utilized to prompt discussions and stress deeper understanding of the concepts of positive behavior. Fifth Grade: “Settling In!” Students are settling into new routines. We are spending time getting to know each other through various Responsive Classroom activities. Teachers are administering baseline assessments in the academic areas in order to make well-informed decisions about goalsetting with the students. Art in the Making! Media Elementary students are busy developing routines in art class to prepare them for the projects that they will be creating throughout the year. Be on the lookout for beautiful artwork in the coming months! The Library is Open! LOTS of new books are on the shelves of the Media School Library! The new arrivals include favorite authors, like Mo Willems; favorite topics, like dinosaurs; and new graphic novels, like, Shake, Rattle & Turn That Noise Down! How Elvis Shook Up Music, and Me and Mom. Also, we are ready for the 2016 Reading Olympics. The books are here! Ms. Millette, Mrs. Matusow, and Dr. Voshell have been busy reading the wonderful books and getting ready for our first team meetings. School Reports 6 September 23, 2015 Music: “The Aristocats!” The music department welcomed new and returning students to music class this month. New recorder books were distributed and we are busy reviewing musical concepts from the previous year. We are hosting a student teacher, Ms. Cottelese, from West Chester University. First graders have come to music for the first time and are so excited to have this special class every week. We are enjoying singing, playing and moving while we learn how to interact with each other. The Mustang Chorale has started rehearsals and the music department is proud to announce the fifth grade musical will be “The Aristocats.” Auditions will take place in the next few days. Physical Education: “Shaping Up! Using role-play and classroom discussions, the students are reviewing the daily procedures and rules in the gymnasium. They are exploring and communicating the ideas of fair play, sharing equipment, safety, and sportsmanship in playground and outdoor activities. The students will begin fitness testing to pre-assess and measure their cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility throughout the month of September. Thank You! It takes a team to ready a school for the start of a new year. Hats off to our custodial and maintenance, transportation, food services, and central office teams, and to our teachers for their endless hours of preparation! It is going to be a great year! ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Kindergarten has gotten off to a wonderful start! The children have been learning about general classroom procedures. We've begun to explore our names and our friend's names to compare their length and letters. We've guided the discovery of classroom supplies and routines. We've become comfortable with our classrooms and gotten to know our classmates. We have enjoyed beginning to build our classroom community. First Grade First Grade has had an awesome beginning to the new school year. We have picked our "just right" reading level, and the fun has begun. We are learning what it means to be Ready, Respectful and Responsible in first grade. On the first Friday, we had an amazing assembly outside, watching athletes do tricks on a ramp and learning about cooperation. We are looking forward to all that first grade has to offer! Second Grade Second graders at Rose Tree are ready, respectful and responsible citizens. For Constitution Day, they read informational text in a Scholastic News Weekly Reader and completed online activities to develop habits of good citizenship. The children conducted School Reports 7 September 23, 2015 a grade appropriate analysis of the U.S. Constitution to compare/contrast with their selfcreated Classroom Constitution. Our good citizens watched a Brain Pop on Citizenship and answered questions about their rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. Teams of students read citizenship stories and discussed the importance and value of being a good citizen in their classroom, grade level, school and community. Third Grade The third grade is excited to report that we had a terrific start to the school year. Students came in to school well rested and ready to learn. We celebrated the "new year" by having a Happy New Year Celebration. We made a school-year resolution and blew horns to celebrate our goals. The students really enjoyed the chance to let loose with the noisemakers. We also read the book Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. We discussed our place in the world. We know our continent, hemisphere, country, state, town and street address. We are incredibly proud of all of our new third graders and hope that they keep up the terrific work. Fourth Grade Our district and our school do a good job making sure that Rose Tree Elementary is a "No Place for Hate" school. Much time is spent in every classroom and special area class talking about what it means to be Ready, Respectful and Responsible. Mrs. Robinson also spoke to the students about being members of the school community. These lessons and conversations occur not only in September but also throughout the year. The fourth grader teachers and students met as a grade level and talked about how important it is to include others. We have implemented a voluntary program for lunch recess using Buddy Bands. Each day at morning meetings four students volunteer to be a "go to kid" on the playground/recess yard. Any child who might be feeling left out or uncomfortable joining a group of children already engaged in play can just gravitate to one of the students wearing a Buddy Band. They are immediately welcomed into the group, no questions asked. Last year was the first time we piloted Buddy Bands and we were extremely impressed at how the students embraced it. This year's group of fourth graders are excited to take ownership of making sure every student feels included and wanted. Fifth Grade The Fifth Graders at Rose Tree are adjusting to being the oldest students in the school. They are stepping up their respectful and responsible behaviors and becoming the role models for all of the other younger students. Several of our students exercised their leadership skills as tour guides for all of our new families during Open House. This week, our Principal, Ms. Robinson, met with the entire fifth grade community. Together they discussed the new role our fifth graders have in our school’s community. We ended our first week of school with an all school assembly entitled, Dialed Action Sports. Students witnessed some extreme stunt artists on our playground by a professional sporting group. The participants demonstrated teamwork and cooperation with an action-packed theme. They also inspired our students to work as a community of learners throughout the school year. Music In the general music classroom, Mr. Sikorski and the students reestablished a strong musical foundation for the rest of the year. In addition to reviewing fundamental musical concepts, the students also discovered the RTES school wide positive behavior plan and School Reports 8 September 23, 2015 how it applies to them in the music room. The students also discussed how to apply these same initiatives outside the music room and what our mascot, the Husky, symbolizes. First grade discovered and identified what an echo is, dynamic markings piano and forte utilizing Joseph Hayden’s “Surprise Symphony,” and singing and performing with a steady beat. Second grade began work on continued rhythm reading and the music and instruments of Marine Marching Band conductor John Phillip Sousa. Third grade began identifying the fundamentals of musical notation in preparation for recorder. Fourth and Fifth grade began the next additions of their recorder books. Fourth grade are learning and performing the music of Beethoven, and Fifth grade began their listening journals, a monthly discussion and written assessment, utilizing musical vocabulary to describe music outside of the music classroom. Fifth also begin rehearsing selections for our winter concert. In addition to curriculum, recruitment for two extracurricular groups, Rumblers and Hand Chime Choir, has begun as well as plans for another spring musical. Library Students in grades K-5 participated in a review of the Rose Tree Elementary Library rules for behavior, expectation and organizational skills and were asked to create their own rules for the library. The librarian reviewed the grading rubric for the library competencies of Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, show Perseverance and utilizing a variety of library resources. Physical Education During the month of September, grades 1-5 participated in a variety of cooperative games. Students in grades 1-2 began their Body Movements Unit, and students in grades 3-5 began their fall pre-test for the Elementary Fitness Challenge. Art September kicked off a lot of new excitement in the room. The first month was spent getting to know the new art teacher and learning new procedures in the room. Students from 1st through 5th grade created small artworks depicting chairs. These chairs were colored to represent personality and displayed throughout the school. At the end of the month work began on the first projects of the year. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Art Works of art created by students during the last school year have been professional framed over the summer. In time for the start of the new school year, the framed pieces of art are on display throughout Springton Lake with a number of pieces being hung in the conference room. The twenty-four framed student artworks showcase a variety of mediums, techniques and subject matter. The framed group of artwork contains drawings, paintings and prints illustrating the talent, learning and hard work exhibited by Springton Lake’s middle school students. Language Arts The new sixth grade is filled with students who love to read and write! The teachers share the students’ enthusiasm, as they’ve worked to help the students get to know each other with fun reading and writing activities, such as letters to the teachers, biography poems, School Reports 9 September 23, 2015 and personal Tagxedos. Our summer reading requirements included the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio, which tells the story of a young boy, born with a severe facial deformity that begins attending public school for the first time. The story is full of the difficulties associated with being ‘different’ and lessons about accepting others. “Choose Kind” is the message from the book that we hope to spread across the grade level throughout the year. Students compared Wonder to another summer reading selection, Al Capone Does My Shirts, and searched to find and discuss common themes between the novels, such as family relationships and overcoming challenges. During the month of September, the seventh grade language arts students focused on elements of literature. They identified and supported elements of plot and analyzed how the antagonist complicated the conflict. They also supported the theme with text evidence and explained how the setting affected the characters. Students applied these skills to a few mentor texts, including The Book Thief, Okay for Now, and Thirteen and a Half. As a result of the plot study, students will develop the necessary skills to apply to future reading selections. In eighth grade, all students started out the year with a bang! We began with the identification of the characteristics of a book review. We have read mentor reviews, and modeled our own writing pieces to reflect the same quality of writing that one would find in a NY Times book review. Students have also worked to strengthen our propaganda skills by creating a new book covers to "sell" their required summer choice book. ELA students have created a reading RAFT as a culmination of their third reading selection from the summer in addition to the other two projects. Reading lessons in eighth grade have been surrounding personal stories and memoirs as a prerequisite to writing their own memoirs. Students have read essays by David Sedaris, Esmeralda Santiago, and many more. We have all written six-word memoirs that tell a story about who we really are. We have focused on identifying what good writing looks like and the characteristics that make a writing piece engaging or not engaging. We have learned about how tension keeps the reader engaged, and have begun to practice creating tension in our own writing as we make our way into the writing unit. Core Extension is a new class period at Springton Lake Middle School this year. The majority of students in grades six, seven, and eight are taking a 6-day Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum course during that class period. Other options for specific students are math remediation, resource, or AGP during that class period and possibly a 3-day Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum course. In September, during the first cycle of the schedule, students participated in team building activities. For the remainder of the month, students will be focusing on nonfiction close reading skills, specifically reading for word choice and text evidence. Each student has a Learning Log containing the curriculum for this course. Math Having already mastered and completed Algebra I, geometry students have launched their instruction in Chapter 1: Essentials of Geometry. This covers the initial topics that will provide the foundation for future studies in this course. We emphasize Euclidean Geometry, or geometry in the plane. We begin learning about points, lines, and planes before moving into our first segment postulates. A major focus will be mastering the School Reports 10 September 23, 2015 Distance Formula as it will be useful for future topics and theorems. We're off and running! Our Algebra I students are starting off the year solving linear equations in one variable. They will begin solving simple one-step equations and work their way up to multi-step equation that require applying the inverse operation of both addition and multiplication, the distributive property, and combining like terms. They will be introduced to solving absolute value equations—most having a numerical solution(s), while others having “no solution.” The month of September will end with the start of graphing and writing linear equations in two variables. For the first semester, our Algebra students will follow chapters 1-6; after that, we’ll jump around the text—covering all topics covered in the May Keystone Exam. The Seventh and Eighth Grade Big Ideas Red students are beginning the year with an integers unit. They will be exploring the rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers and absolute value. Once this unit is complete, we will be moving into a unit of rational numbers. The students will be exploring and applying the properties of operations and will perform operations with rational numbers. The first unit from our Sixth Grade Big Ideas textbook was on numerical expressions and factors. To introduce exponents, students read and solved a poem entitled St. Ives. Students enjoyed creating their own St. Ives poem and then swapped and solved one another’s poems. Students also explored the effect of inserting parentheses into a numerical expression thus better understanding the need for the order of operations. Science Sixth grade science students made observations and inferences and were introduced to the scientific method. Students used the Explore Learning Gizmos program to better understand the scientific method. Seventh grade science began with the review of the scientific method. Students became familiar with direct and indirect evidence as it relates to observations and inferences. These concepts were investigated in class with the Obscertainer Lab. Students made prediction of unseen patterns using indirect evidence. Graphing of data was also utilized in this unit. In eighth grade science, students learned about the differences between observation and inference, and independent and dependent variables. We explored this through various demonstrations and activities, such as Sewer Lice - a demonstration that uses raisins and Mountain Dew to illustrate the importance of careful observation. We have also completed labs to allow for true inquiry-based learning, such as “Come Fly with Me”, where students built different paper airplanes and compared independent and dependent variables. In addition, our Science Skills Station Lab illustrated the importance of measuring, hypothesizing and communicating. Finally, students reviewed metric system conversions specific to physical science, as we began exploring physical properties of matter such as mass and volume, collecting and graphing data on various objects. Social Studies School Reports 11 September 23, 2015 Sixth grade students started the year by making a personal flag to represent their lives and share some personal stories with their new classmates. In addition, the students have used the new classroom timelines to discuss their own personal histories and assist them with understanding time as a historical reference. Since the start of the new school year, the students have been studying world geography and general geographic concepts. The focus of this unit includes geographic skills, geographic terminology, and political geography and physical geography of the world. The students have been learning about the importance of understanding the physical and political geographic world as a prerequisite for understanding individual countries or regions. In seventh grade social studies classes, students are learning to think like historians. Students are differentiating between primary and secondary sources and making inferences as to how these sources allow historians to gain a deeper understanding of what actually happened in the past. The students started the year reviewing U.S. geography including physical geography and states and capitals. Eighth grade Social Studies students are currently creating theories about how and why the Neolithic man, Otzi, died. These theories are supported by evidence, photos of artifacts and fossils, scientific testing and logic. Students are comparing their theories to the latest interpretations of archeologists who are experts in prehistory, specifically the Neolithic Period of the Otz Valley. Students are also differentiating between fact, reason and judgment while examining an article about Easter Island. In addition, students are learning how to accurately record events on a timeline and how to use timelines as a graphic tool that enables sequencing. Throughout the World History Introductory Units, including the first civilization, Mesopotamia, students will be critically examining how historians and archeologists develop theories about history and prehistory and so write history. They will recognize the changing nature of these interpretations. Special Education We are excited to welcome instructional assistants Ms. Allison Koechig, Mr. John Mansure, Mrs. Randi Wizniak, Mr. Rick Epstein and Ms. Leslie Douglas, in addition to teachers Ms. Annie Neff, Ms. Lauren Snyder, and Mr. Jonathan Stroup to our department. Ms. Neff is the teacher in our Life Skills program, while Mrs. Hemenway is on maternity leave. Ms. Snyder is teaching sixth grade learning support language arts as the longterm substitute for Mrs. Kurash-Kusheba. Another addition to our sixth grade team is Mr. Stroup, who teaches learning support math. Similar to last year, during resource room, teachers have been utilizing the Executive Functions Skill-Building Program, created by Premier, a division of School Specialty. This research-based program includes lessons and activities divided into three sections. During the “Foundational Units” section, students have reviewed strategies to assist with materials and time management. Students will continue to explore the “Study Strategies and Academic Support” section, which provides multiple approaches for note taking and organizing information. The “Personal Growth” section addresses self-awareness and goal setting. All three sections will continue to be interwoven throughout the 2015-2016 school year. School Reports 12 September 23, 2015 Technology As part of their professional development, Springton Lake teachers rotated through three different sessions to build technology skills. Susan Howe led a session on Google docs; the focus of the session was on assigning, sharing, and collecting student documents. Patti Linden led a session and shared ways to organize, store and sort using Google drive. Evan O’Neill led a session on classroom videos and Youtube. Teachers had time to explore and create documents. World Language Another exciting year began this week. Sixth graders began their exploratory language journey with their first days of either Spanish or French for the first semester. Seventh graders began their year of the language they chose at the end of the last year. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL New Student Orientation Penncrest hosted a pizza party and new student orientation for all incoming freshmen and new students. Students and parents started the evening with pizza in the cafeteria and then walked the school with their schedules to become familiar with the layout of the building. Current Penncrest students were present in force to help with dinner and to guide our new parents and students around the building. The evening culminated with a presentation by Sarah Graham, transition counselor, and Penncrest High School administration. The presentation covered procedures at the high school and the essentials for success for our students. Freshmen First Day This day was designed to allow freshmen and new students the opportunity to become more comfortable in the building without the masses of all of the students. Activities for the day included iPad distribution and set-up, orientation to the Google Drive, presentations on essential academic skills, a learning styles inventory, and lunch and a cafeteria orientation. The day culminated with students running through their schedules, visiting each class for 5 minutes and meeting teachers. Transition to ninth grade can be a challenging time for students. This is one of the many activities we coordinate to make that transition as seamless as possible. First Day of School The first day included assemblies for each grade level with presentations by administration to review expectations for the year, a class meeting facilitated by the class sponsors and elected class councils, and time in class for taking care of paperwork and other logistical needs. The day culminated with students attending their classes and meeting their teachers for the first time. The two points of emphasis to the students this year are recycling and learning. Students were encouraged to use the knowledge they acquired from the learning styles inventory to help them become more efficient and effective learners. Students were also encouraged to do their part to ensure that Penncrest High School leaves a smaller “footprint” on the earth by recycling their bottles School Reports 13 September 23, 2015 at lunch and all around the building. It was a great start to another anticipated great school year at Penncrest High School. Senior Class Portrait Our seniors gathered in the gymnasium for the annual senior class portrait. Several pictures of the class were taken. One of the pictures will be included in the yearbook and for purchase. Students were given order forms. The photographer commented on the respectful and orderly behavior of the students. He was very impressed! Back-to-School Night Back-to-School Night was a great success. The parking lots were busting at the seams and the classrooms were filled with parents committed to the success of their children. The PTG provided an exceptional array of snacks and drinks for all in attendance. This evening demonstrates the strength of this community and our families’ commitment to educational excellence. Parents of seniors were invited to Senior Parent Night. Mr. Fuhr, 10th and 12th grade level administrator, welcomed the parents and guidance counselor, Mrs. Rice-Spring, presented information specific to the senior year to help parents be prepared as their children complete the senior year and transition to the next phase in life. Simon Youth Academy The Rose Tree Media Simon Youth Academy had a successful start to the 2015-2016 school year. Students and the SYA team set expectations and goals. They participated in a daily Morning Meeting to build a sense of belonging, trust, and investment. Morning Meeting will continue each day as a platform to build our team and to communicate positively and proactively. The RTMSYA team is committed to communicating positively and proactively with their students, their families, and the community. RTMSYA has an updated webpage on the Penncrest High School website. They also have a Twitter account and tweet good news and happenings about RTMSYA. Health of PE The Health and PE department is happy to report that all students are working harder than ever now that they are aware their grades count in their GPA. Band Penncrest Band did a fantastic job marching and playing patriotic music for the Brookhaven Borough Welcome Home Parade for Korean and Vietnam Veterans of Delaware County. Everyone was cheering and clapping as the band paraded by. School Reports 14 September 23, 2015 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” August 27, 2015 September 8, 2015 September 24, 2015 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of October 22, 2015, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Presidential Announcement 1 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. b. Jennifer Brotman, Spanish Teacher, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 11, 2015. Non-Instructional 1. Joann Raport, Office Clerk I, Indian Lane Elementary, retirement effective June 30, 2015. Background Ms. Raport joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1999. She is retiring after 16 years of dedicated service. 2. Dana Birney, Substitute effective August 31, 2015. Bus Aide, resignation 3. Veronica McCarthy, Support Staff II, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective September 7, 2015. Background Ms. McCarthy joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1976. She is retiring after 39 years of dedicated service. IX. New Business 4. Keisha Davis, Cafeteria Worker, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 4, 2015. 5. Michele Durkee, Substitute Cafeteria resignation effective August 25, 2015. 6. Terry Mawson, Cafeteria Worker, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective September 8, 2015. 7. Derrick Smith, Support Staff II, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 17, 2015. 1 Worker, September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations b. Non-Instructional 8. 2. Christine Cropper, Cafeteria Worker, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 6, 2015. Nominations a. Professional 1. Mark Williams, Night School Teacher for the 20152016 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. 2. Recommend the Board recognize the following personnel for attainment of tenure, effective August 31, 2015: Mark Crossman Kelly Piecara Marietta Rizzone Maureen Shields Dennis Smyth 3. b. Lisa Klein, .7 Special Education Teacher, effective November 9, 2015 at the annual salary of $37,733.70, Master’s Degree/Step 3 pro-rated. Ms. Klein received her Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University and her Master’s Degree from St. Joseph’s University. She comes to us from Upper Darby School District where she served as a Special Education Teacher. Ms. Klein is assigned to the SYA. NOTE: Ms. Klein is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. IX. New Business Springton Lake Springton Lake Penncrest Media Media/Indian Lane Liza Raspa, Support Staff II, effective September 25, 2015 at the rate of $16.10 per hour. Ms. Raspa is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Raspa is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 2 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Non-Instructional 2. Brian Litwa, Substitute Custodian effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 3. Recommend Board approval for the follow to serve as Theme Readers for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $300.00 per month: John Prichard Elaine Prizzi Nancy Wooding 4. 3. Marion Brower, Substitute Nurse, effective September 25, 2015 at the rate of $140.00 per day. General a. IX. New Business 1 position 2 positions 2.5 positions Classification Change 1. Kathleen Tangradi from Bus Aide to Bus Driver effective September 1, 2015 at the rate of $22.85 per hour. 2. Brian Litwa from Bus Driver to Substitute Bus Aide effective September 1, 2015 at the rate of $15.02 per hour. 3. Aimee Kimmel from Substitute Cafeteria Worker To Cafeteria Trainee effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $11.77 per hour. Ms. Kimmel is assigned to Indian Lane replacing Nancy Sands who was reassigned. 4. Linda Hibberd from Substitute Cafeteria Worker to Cafeteria Trainee effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $12.34 per hour. Ms. Hibberd is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Terry Mawson who resigned. 3 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. c. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Michelle Cunningham requests an unpaid leave of absence effective January 22, 2016 through January 29, 2016 for the purpose of child rearing. 2. Stacy Gallagher requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence through June 30, 2015 for the purpose of child rearing. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries effective August 31, 2015: Caitlyn Carminito Mary Dempsey Julie Fetsch Sean Graham Sean Hobdell Brittani Lutterman Kevin Nolen Paul Norris Laura Osborne Lora Rigatti Kathleen Sandiford Sandy Staiger Erika Yepremian d. IX. New Business Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step8 $61,437.00 Master’s+20/Step5 $60,344.00 Master’s+20/Step6 $60,707.00 Master’s+20/Step11 $70,639.00 Master’s+40/Step15 $95,512.00 Master’s+40/Step15 $95,512.00 Master’s+40/Step8 $68,052.00 Master/s+20/sTep6 $60,707.00 Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step15 $92,274.00 Master’s+60/Step 8 $75,379.00 Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Sharon Williams as .5 Special Student Activities for the 2015-2016 school year. 2. Rescind appointment of Caitlin Judge as 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year. 4 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 3. Rescind appointment of Alex Tyska as 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year. 4. Rescind appointment of Megan Rozinski as Jr. Variety Show Assistant Director for the 2015-2016 school year. 5. Rescind appointment of Brian Lynch as a 1.0 8-2 Team Leader for the 2015-2016 school year. 6. Rescind appointment of Henry Strowbridge as Assistant Football Coach at Springton Lake Middle School. Supplemental Contracts 1. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as New Teacher Mentors for the 2015-2016 school year: Lindsi Ciuffetelli Elizabeth Coulter Bridget Hefferan Shirley Huebner Karen Kerr Brenda Millette Carin Newsome Jayne Walker IX. New Business Glenwood Media Media Indian Lane Penncrest Media Springton Lake Media $ 580.00 $1,216.00 $ 580.00 $1,160.00 $ 580.00 $ 580.00 $ 608.00 $1,296.00 2. Meghan Kowalchuk, Boys Swim Coach for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $4,495.00. Ms. Kowalchuk is assigned to Penncrest High School. 3. Judith Raichek, 8th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Raichek is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 5 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. IX. New Business Supplemental Contracts 4. Brittani Lutterman, 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Lutterman is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 5. Sherre Gaertner, (.5) Special Student Activities Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $362.50. Ms. Gaertner is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 6. Alexandra Tyska, (.5) Game Attendant for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Tyska is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 7. Caitlin Judge, (.5) Game Attendant for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Judge is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 8. Robert Brown, Girls Head Track Coach for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $6,318.00. Mr. Brown is assigned to Penncrest High School. 9. Robert Brown, Girls Head Indoor Track Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $5,508.00. Mr. Brown is assigned to Penncrest High School. 10. Sean Van Horn, Assistant Freshman Football Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $3,625.00. Mr. Van Horn is assigned to Penncrest High School. 11. Tracy Jackson, Human Relations Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,384.00. Ms. Jackson is assigned to Penncrest High School. 6 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 12. Marietta Rizzone, Junior Class Advisor at the annual salary of $2,900.00. Ms. Rizzone is assigned to Penncrest High School. 13. Brian Lynch, (.5) 8-2 Team Leader for the 1st semester of the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Mr. Lynch is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 14. Diane Stern, Dance Club Manager for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,216.00. Ms. Stern is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 15. Devon Hartzell, (.5) 8-2 Team Leader for the 2nd semester of the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Hartzell is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 16. Margie Gilroy, 6th Grade Homework Club for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Gilroy is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 17. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Intramural Leaders for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $27.00 per hour: Vince Eppolito Joseph Fisher Kelly Henry Mark Homan Jessica Levy Brittanni Lutterman Brian Lynch IX. New Business 7 Mark Nixon Paul Norris Maureen Reuther Megan Snyder Sean Spratt Jonathan Stroup Andy Virtue September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 18. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School staff to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $21.25 per hour: Catherine Blackburn Jennifer Blythe Jean Davis Leslie Douglas Anita Garber 19. Brian Perlswig, .15 Assistant Football Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $783.00. Mr. Perlswig is assigned to Penncrest High School. 20. Derek Benedict, .85 Assistant Football Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $4,437.00. Mr. Benedict is assigned to Penncrest High School. 21. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest High School Staff to serve as Game Workers for the 2015-2016 school year: Jennifer Alleva Tim Brown Sandy Carter Craig Casner Michael Clark Jennifer Clarke Elizabeth Clements Alicia Commale Stephan Dashkiwsky Jean Davis Paul DelPrato Mary Dempsey Jerry Diaz Laura Diksa Brian Dougherty Michael Doyle IX. New Business Rebecca Gilliard Patricia Kelly Maureen McCormick Joyce Wolfe Kathleen Cook 8 Svitlana Duffy Tom Durant Suzannah Emmons Elise Ettien Missy Finsterbusch Lindsay Groy Will Harmon Robin Heckman Robert Higgins Winnifred Host Andy Ikeler Greg Jacobs Elaine Jay Emily Kelley Joan King Christiana Kuntz Beth Lacock Heather Ludwig Kristen Manderachi Charlene Merk Steve Mescanti Dave Miller George Munro Laura Nemec-Osborne Christine Nolan Evan Pettit Sharon Williams Steve Silva Jeremy Smith Diane Stern Patty Stokes Mark Williams September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 22. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $42.50 per event: Azeff Baker Bucci Cliff Crossman Debessay Deleo Ekstrom Eppolito Fisher Fritch Gaertner Gilroy Going Griffin Hartner Hartzell Heckman Hemenway Henry Howe Judge Kutney Laubach Lazarow Levy Lutterman Lynch 23. IX. New Business Alexis Jacqueline Kylee Shawna Mark Sarah Michael Jennie Vince Joseph Tracey Sherre Margie Nancy Sue Kristin Devon Robin Sue Kelly Susan Caitlin Adrienne Bridget Jason Jessica Brittani Brian Maguire McLeod Megow Patton Perilli Pfeiffer Piecara Prior Rago Raichek Ruckle Shaw Simmington Snyder Snyder Somerville Spratt Stern Stroup Turicik Tyska Virtue Viso Wasserman Williams Williams Kathy Jennifer Carleen Mary Belle Ali Amanda Kelly Sharon Britt Judy Jody Michelle Phoebe Barbara Meg Amy Sean Diane Jonathan Ashley Alexandra Andy Alexis Megan Courtney Sharon William Blubaugh, Indoor Drum Line for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,450.00. Mr. Blubaugh is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Mr. Bluebaugh is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 9 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. f. Salary Change 1. Recommend Board approval of Lindsi Ciuffetelli’s salary to $54,207.00, Master’s Degree/Step 4 which was incorrectly reported on the August Board agenda. 2. Recommend Board approval of Michelle Kirk salary to $66,075.00, Master’s+20/Step 10 which was incorrectly reported on the June Board agenda. 3. Recommend Board approval of salary correction for Jessica Levy, 7th Grade Soccer Coach to $3,344.00 to include 1 week of pre-season coaching. 4. Kristine Heery, .5 Long Term Substitute Title I Reading Teacher to $26,366.86, pro-rated for 191 days. Ms. Heery is assigned to Media Elementary. Create New Position 1. Recommend Board approval for the creation of 2 new Bus Aide positions. Background Two new Bus Aide positions are needed: One to service a special needs student at Indian Lane who recently returned to Rose Tree Media School District. Another position is needed due to the need for an additional wheelchair bus run. IX. New Business 10 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General g. Other 1. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Cynthia Garvin-Parks, t/a Mission Achievement to provide student relation services at Penncrest High School for the 2015-2015 school year at the rate of $59.55 per hour not to exceed $30,000. See Attachment A 2. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and CVS Pharmacy, Inc. for the administering of on-site influenza vaccinations during the 2015-2016 school year. There is no cost to the District. See Attachment B 3. Recommend Board approval of the 2015-2016 Game Worker rates for Springton Lake Middle School: Game Worker Position Crowd Control Scoreboard Operator Timer Starter IX. New Business 11 Rate $30.00 $40.00 $30.00 $50.00 Approximate Hours 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Hourly Rate $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. Other 4. Recommend Board approval of the 2015-2016 Game Worker rates for Penncrest High School. GAME WORKER POSITION Approximate Hours per Event DISTRICT Hourly Rate NONDISTRICT V Football Timer V Football Announcer V Football Tickets V Football Chains JV Football Timer JV Football Chains FR Football Timer FR Football Chains V/JV Hockey Timer V Boys Soccer Timer V Girls Soccer Timer Soccer Timer Night V/JV Volley Ball Timer FR Volley Ball timer V/JV Girls Lacrosse Timer V Boys Lacrosse Timer Lacrosse Timer Night Track/Dual Head Timer Track Tri Head Timer Track/Dual Attendant Track/Tri Attendant V/JV Boys Basketball Timer V/JV Boys Basketball Scorer V/JV Boys Basketball Tickets V/JV B. Basketball Crowd Control FR Basketball Timer FR Basketball Scorer V/JV Girls Basketball Timer V/JV Girls Basketball Scorer V/JV Girls Basketball Tickets V/JV G. Basketball Crowd Control V/JV Wrestling Timer/Announcer V/JV Wrestling Tickets V/JV Wrestling Crowd Control 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 $51.50 $51.50 $40.50 $41.00 $43.50 $41.00 $43.50 $41.00 $56.50 $43.50 $43.50 $61.50 $56.50 $28.50 $56.50 $43.50 $61.50 $39.00 $49.50 $42.50 $46.50 $57.50 $57.50 $35.50 $38.50 $31.50 $38.50 $57.50 $57.50 $35.50 $38.50 $56.50 $35.50 $36.50 $17.17 $17.17 $13.50 $13.67 $14.50 $13.67 $14.50 $13.67 $18.83 $14.50 $14.50 $20.50 $18.83 $18.83 $18.83 $14.50 $20.50 $13.29 $14.14 $12.14 $13.29 $19.17 $19.17 $17.75 $12.83 $10.50 $14.50 $19.1 $19.17 $17.75 $12.83 $22.60 $14.20 $14.60 $45.50 $45.50 $35.50 $36.00 $38.50 $36.00 $38.50 $36.00 $49.50 $38.50 $38.50 $56.50 $49.50 $24.50 $49.50 $38.50 $56.50 $39.00 $42.50 $36.50 $9.51 $49.50 $59.50 $33.50 $33.50 $27.50 $38.50 $49.50 $49.50 $33.50 $33.50 $49.50 $33.50 $33.50 IX. New Business 12 September 24, 2015 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Hershey, PA Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Cheerleaders to attend the PIAA Cheerleading Championships in Hershey, PA on 1/22/16-1/23/16. Background This trip would only occur if the Cheerleaders did not qualify to compete at the national championship in Florida referenced below. Substitute fees totaling $204.00 are being paid by the District. The Boosters are paying the registration fee. The approximate cost to students is $250.00. 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Orlando, Florida Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a provisional request for an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Cheerleaders to attend the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida from 2/4/16-2/8/16. Background The Cheerleaders will be competing in a regional championship at Kutztown University in December, 2015 to determine if they place to compete in the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida. Substitute costs totaling $306.00, transportation for one coach (Flight to Orlando) and the District will pay hotel/meals totaling approximately $1,000.00. Approximately $1,000.00 for hotel/meals/registration will be paid by students and the Boosters. 3. Penncrest High School Wrestling Team – Hershey, PA Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Wrestling Team to compete in the PIAA State Wrestling Championships in Hershey, PA from 3/9/163/13/16. Background District costs will be $1,912.00 for substitute fees ($612.00), transportation ($300.00), and hotel/meals ($1,000.00). IX. New Business 13 September 24, 2015 X. New Business B. Overnight Trips 4. Penncrest High School Track Team – Shippensburg, PA Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Track Team to compete in the PIAA Outdoor State Track and Field Championships in Shippensburg, PA from 5/26-28/16. Background Total District costs are $2,622.00 and include $204.00 for substitute costs, $2,100.00 for hotel/meals, and $420.00 for transportation (rented vans). 5. Penncrest High School Swim Team – Bucknell University Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Boys and Girls Penncrest Swim Teams to attend the State Swimming Championships at Bucknell University from 3/16-3/19/16. Background District costs total $1226.00 and include substitute fees of $306.00, transportation (rented vans) of $320.00, and hotel/meals of $600.00. IX. New Business 14 September 24, 2015 X. Finance A. Purchasing - None B. General 1. Change Orders Change Orders are acted upon in accordance with Resolution 1997-98 – 124, as approved by the Board of School Directors on April 23, 1998. Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: a. Cooks Service in the amount of $3,944.50 to supply and install BACnet Gateway controls for HVAC equipment at Media Elementary School. b. GEM Mechanical in the amount of $3,413.00 for a permit fee. c. S. B. Conrad, Inc. in the amount of $8,242.50 for the replacement of broken sidewalks at the Springton Lake Middle School. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 2. Budgetary Transfers – none 3. Donations Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Girl Scout donation of an exterior bench in the bus loop area as well as picnic tables and benches being donated in memory of two Indian Lane teachers. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. X. Finance 1 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 4. Service Project Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a service project at Media Elementary School. Students and Staff members will be working with Values in Action, a non-profit community group to beautify the school grounds by planting flowers and bulbs. The project will be incorporated into the students’ lessons. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 5. Use of Facilities Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the rental rates for the new turf field. The District will charge $165/hour for Rose Tree Media community organizations and $300/hour for non-community groups for a minimum of 2 hours rental time. The rental fee includes a fee for a grounds crew staff member to be on site during rentals. Full day rental requests will be reviewed by the Board. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 6. MTI Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with MTI in the amount of $435.00. This contract pays for royalty fees and materials for the Aristocrats musical being performed by Media Elementary School students. Funding for this contract is through the General Fund. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. X. Finance 2 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 7. Edgmont Country Club Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Edgmont Country Club in the amount of $2,700.00. This agreement is for a membership for the Penncrest golf team. Funding for this agreement is through the Athletic budget. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 8. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with YMCA Camp Tockwogh in the amount of $16,675.00. This contract is for Penncrest student leadership. Funding for this contract is through the student activity account and is at no cost to the District. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 9. Philadelphia Outward Bound School Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Philadelphia Outward Bound School in the amount of $2,000.00. This contract is for SYA student leadership. Funding for this contract is through the General fund. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, Finance Committee meeting. X. Finance 3 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 10. School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate. By signing this agreement, the district agrees to comply with all of the requirements for participation in the ACCESS program. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 11. Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $918.75. This is an annual extended maintenance agreement for the CNG station located at the transportation garage. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 12. Paradise Farm Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Paradise Farm Agreement in the amount of $4,080.00 for Springton Lake Middle School student team building. Funding for this agreement is through the Student Activity account and is at no cost to the District. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. X. Finance 4 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 13. All Around Entertainment Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the All Around Entertainment Contract in the amount of $4,200.00. This contract is for DJ services and a photo booth for the Springton Lake Middle School dances. Funding for this contract is through the Student Activity account and is at no cost to the District. Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 14. PSBA Elections Resolve, the Board of School Directors elect the following candidates for the Pennsylvania School Board Association: President-Elect Mark B. Miller Mary Birks Vice President John Love Robert Schwartz Michael Faccinetto Eastern At Large Michael Melnyk Gary Smedley Larry Feinberg Background This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. X. Finance 5 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 15. CPR and AED First Aid Training Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for Jenelle Pyle and Christine Loughry to provide CPR and AED First Aid training for 23 paraprofessionals. Background Costs are $68.00/person. This certification is required by the Medical Access program. 16. Transportation Reimbursement Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract to reimburse a parent of a special needs student to provide transportation home for their child from the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy, located at 4400 Baltimore Pike, Philadelphia, PA. Background Reimbursement is at the rate of $360.00/year for insurance and labor, annual mileage X the IRS standard mileage rate, and $3.00/1,000 miles. 17. Settlement Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related services at a private school for children with learning disabilities not to exceed $37,000.00 for the 2015-2016 school year. Attorney fees not to exceed $3,000.00 are included in these costs. Background The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA. X. Finance 6 September 24, 2015 X. Finance B. General 18. Settlement Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $153.00/diem for the 2015-2016 school year. Background Reimbursement is in place of providing education at a PA-approved private school (APS). The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 school year. 19. Settlement Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related costs at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $8,350.00 for the 2015-2016 school year and $8,150.00 for the 2016-2017 school year, and reimbursement for up to $1,100.00 for mandated school uniform purchases for the term of the agreement. Background The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. X. Finance 7 September 24, 2015
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