A ugust 2014 - Texas State Florists` Association
A ugust 2014 - Texas State Florists` Association
A u g u s t 2014 The Bloomin’ Texan THE PUBLICATION OF THE TEXAS STATE FLORISTS’ ASSOCIATION The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 1 Florist Designed Program! Helping you showcase your Truly Original Products to the World! BloomNet Florists now have the opportunity to sell their Truly Original floral arrangements, gifts & gourmet products on 1-800-Flowers.com. Receive Global exposure to millions of consumers on 1-800-Flowers.com. Spotlight your Shop on 1-800-Flowers.com, including pictures, video, and your unique story. Increase incremental sales for your exclusive local products. Showcase unique, artisan, locally relevant products consumers are looking for. Increase Average Order Values by selling exclusive local products at the price you want. Submit your products today! http://tiny.cc/localexclusive To get started go to http://tiny.cc/localexclusive, email [email protected], or call us 1-800-BloomNet (1-800-256-6663). The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 2 The Bloomin’ Texan AUGUST 2014 VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 8 TSFA Member Spotlight — Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA Texas Employer New Hire Reporting TSFA 2014 Convention Chairs Welcome New Members TSFA 100th Anniversary Book TSFA Membership Application Focus on Design Support Your Advertisers 2014 TSFA Convention Sponsors Letter From the President In Memoriam Calendar of Events Classifieds Advertisers Index COVER CREDIT Floral design by Susan Ayala AIFD Photography by Jerry Davidson P.O. Box 170760 • Austin, Texas 78717 512.834-0361 • FAX 512.834-2150 • 800.375-0361 www.tsfa.org • E-mail: [email protected] STAFF Executive Director/Bloomin’ Texan Editor .................... . Dianna Nordman AAF Administrative Assistant............................ Emily Kissler Production.............................................. Barb Donovan DEPARTMENTS 3 11 15 15 15 The Official Publication of the Texas State Florists’ Association TSFA BOARD President: Pam Fuller AAF TMFA............................Harlingen Immediate Past President: Bruce Easley AAF TMFA................ Gun Barrel City First Vice President: Debbie Woltmann TMFA........................Brenham Second Vice President: Susan Weatherford..................................Houston Retail Directors: Ann Cain................................................. Rockwall Elaine Nevarez.........................................Houston Nicola Parker TMFA.................................... Spring Wholesale Director: Doug Liedtke............................................Amarillo Grower Director: Jimmy Klepac.......................... Blanco FEATURES 4 8 9 10 10 11 12 14 14 THE BLOOMIN’ TEXAN 2013-2014 TSFA BLOOMIN’ TEXAN EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Ann Cain, Chair; Annie Fentz; Dov E. Kupfer AIFD CFD; Robin Martinez AAF TMFA; Mary McCarthy TMFA; Elaine Nevarez; Sandy Ramirez TMFA; Rey Rodriguez AAF CFD TMFA; Bridget Weatherford The Bloomin’ Texan (USPS 304-350) is published monthly, except for July. $8 of the annual membership dues is applied toward a subscription to The Bloomin’ Texan. Located at 9004-C Anderson Mill Rd., Austin, TX 78729. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect official policy of the Texas State Florists’ Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Bloomin’ Texan, P.O. Box 170760, Austin, TX 78717. Letter From the President Pam Fuller AAF TMFA, TSFA President I n just a few short weeks my year as TSFA President will be over. What a wonderful and fulfilling year it has been! Working with a multitude of awesome people has been the opportunity of a lifetime. I feel so honored to play a part in helping our association of 100 years grow even bigger and stronger in 2014. Our centennial TSFA convention was a star-spangled, fun-filled celebration. Congratulations to our Past Presidents, our convention co-chairmen Pat Shirley Becker AIFD TMFA, and Ken Freytag, our Design Symposium Chair Bruce Easley AAF TMFA, and Director, Dianna Nordman and her incredible staff. Together, these incredibly talented colleagues created an unforgettable event for this very special landmark occasion. I continue to be amazed and pleased with the progress TSFA is making in all areas. In the Education Arena, TSFA deserves an A+. Two new classes were taught this year for TMFA. Ken and Donna Senter offered innovative design ideas in a Floral Art class, while Tim Huckabee presented a business program designed to improve sales. Both of these classes provided vital information for a successful floral business. The incredible, tireless Education Committee tested more than nine hundred and fifty high school students and educated approximately two hundred and fifty teachers. The first High School Cup competition was help at the State Fair in October, and members of a Special Education committee wrote a new curriculum for High School Floral Design that was presented for purchase at the VATAT Convention. Promoting the TSFA School of Floral Design, Pat Shirley Becker AIFD TMFA, and Pat Hermes were busy teaching classes in Austin and Houston. The growth and strength of our organization is always a priority. In keeping with this philosophy, our amazing Board of Directors adopted a strategic plan implemented to take our great association straight into the future. Yes, great new things are happening in TSFA thanks to all of our committed members. If you are not a member, I encourage you to join the fun. We could be even better with your talents, ideas and energy. I encourage each and every one of you to become a part of this vital organization. Working together, I can only imagine what TSFA will become in the next 100 years. Thanks to each and every one of you for your help and support this year. I am looking forward to seeing you at the 2015 Floral Expo in Sugarland, Texas, July 17-20th at the Marriott Town Square. Let the fun continue! “Cultivating Members, Success and a Strong Floral Community” Since 1914 The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 3 Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA Member Spotlight Story and interview by Ann Cain “If we don’t share, we don’t grow.” Pat Shirley Becker – January 13, 2014 T hink about that statement. It is simple yet profound. It is direct yet encouraging. It is the truth. “If we don’t share, we don’t grow.” Pat Shirley-Becker has been sharing her talent and her love for all things creative and beautiful for many years. In 1971, Pat graduated with a BS degree from The University of Texas in Austin in Textiles and Fashion Design. She had dreamed of a career working with textiles, clothing and art. As life so often unfolds, a shift in location and a change of mediums occurred and Pat instead unleashed her education and natural creativity on all things floral. Always interested in learning more and fine-tuning her skills, Pat graduated from the American Floral Art School, in Chicago, Illinois, with a Floral Design Certification. She attended the AFS Floral Design School in Oklahoma receiving certifications in six design classes. For 20 years, Pat co-owned Shirley Floral Company and Greenhouse in San Angelo, Texas, her hometown. This thriving retail floral business provided fertile opportunity to learn most aspects of the retail floral business. Pat practiced all that she learned daily. “This opportunity and many years of hard work with great people provided such a wonderful platform for my continued growth in the floral industry,” explained Pat. Pat recognized the value of the Texas Master Florist certification Program through TSFA. In 1985, she received the TMF Certification and the Texas Master Florist Advanced Certification in 1989. The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 4 Sometimes a platform becomes a springboard for new adventure. Pat stepped out of her comfort zone and into new adventures in the Austin area in 1994. For fifteen years Pat managed the floral department of Northwest Hills Pharmacy and Florist in Austin where she was responsible for design production, business policies and procedures. TSFA Events “This wonderful family-owned business maintained their charming neighborhood — free coffee for all — type atmosphere in the midst of a very busy and growing Austin. I loved working there.” Pat continued, “I met lots of interesting people and made great contacts; I was encouraged to explore creative options and to bring in new ideas that helped the business grow to the next level.” Having been a member of TSFA since 1976, Pat became much more actively involved in the association after her move to Austin. “My involvement in TSFA has been another wonderful opportunity for me personally and professionally. I love TSFA and am grateful for the many friendships and opportunities that are a result of my involvement.” In 1995, Pat found herself the only woman running for TSFA Retail Director. With a wink, she shared the closing line of her election speech: “There are three men running for Retail Director, there should be at least one woman from this group on the board” …and she won, serving as Retail Director for two years. Arlington Convention, 2001 Pat’s first “hands-on” demonstration Congressional Action Day, 2009, Washington DC, Texas Delegation Service Since that first entrée’ into TSFA leadership, Pat has served in almost every possible capacity and volunteered countless hours to our organization: serving another two year term as Retail Director, Vice President, President, and currently as the Past Presidents Liaison to the TSFA Board of Directors. In addition to her commitment to TSFA, Pat was inducted into AIFD in 2004 and has served two terms as the Education Chair for the South Central Chapter. The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 5 Education In April, 2009 during her term as TSFA President, Pat expressed her honor in representing TSFA as a member of the Texas Delegation who joined florists from across the country for SAF Congressional Action Day in Washington DC. The horrible weather they experienced did not deter the group from their responsibilities nor from their delight in visiting many DC landmarks. Be sure to ask her how much fun she did have… in Washington D.C.! Pat has shared her leadership skills by serving as TSFA Convention Chair/Co-Chair three times and Design Symposium Chair/Co-Chair three different times. Reflecting fondly of the encouragement she received from TSFA members to present her first hands on workshop at TSFA’s convention in Arlington in 2001, Pat explained, “I remember two things distinctly, I had big hair (ha ha) and I made very sure that I had plenty of product and more ideas than needed, as I was not familiar with the time involved in a hands on workshop”. This program went smoothly and Pat described the experience as yet another step in giving her confidence to help hone her speaking/demonstration skills and moving her forward in her desire to share and help educate others in the floral industry. Pat’s passion is floral education. Her commitment to sharing and education is extraordinary. From 2009-2011 she served as TSFA Education Committee Chairman. She now serves as one of four Education Committee Co-Chairs. Pat has instructed Texas Master Florist Certification Classes and has instructed/presented TSFA Convention Programs and Hands on Classes. One of her favorites has been presenting design classes for the Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas (VATAT) at their conventions. Pat is also one of the TSFA School of Floral Design Instructors. The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 6 Pat describes one of the highlights of serving as Chairman of the TSFA Education Committee was the opportunity to testify at the Texas State Board of Education Meeting in Austin for “Hands On” Floral Design Classes as a Fine Art Credit for High School graduation. The recommendation that Pat made, on behalf of TSFA was voted on and approved by the Texas Board of Education. This legislation was the catalyst to giving accreditation for floral design in high schools across the state. In 2010, Pat received the TSFA Achievement Award for her dedication and service to TSFA and the floral industry. In the midst of all this, Pat has made time to author two books for TSFA Master Florist’s Certification Program. This year, Pat and long-time TSFA friend, Ken Freytag, are serving as Co-Chairs for TSFA’s 100th Annual Convention. “What a fantastic celebration for 100 years of history and success of the Texas State Florists’ Association”, Pat beamed. In 2009, Pat retired from the retail business and established PS Designs allowing her to do both freelance floral designs, as well as continue her work as a floral educator. Pat and her husband, David, enjoy spending time with their five dogs, daughter, Shannon and granddaughter, Anna Caroline. “We love to travel in the RV, which replaced David’s Harley, and I must say it is a much more enjoyable ride!” She volunteers at Anna Caroline’s school during the week, enjoys two foursome groups of florists for monthly get-togethers to keep in touch, sewing, needlepoint or wire work during TV time and lots of volunteer time to TSFA. It’s all about education to Pat Shirley-Becker. “If we don’t share, we don’t grow.” “Being involved in TSFA introduced me to a family of professional friends in addition to education in business and design. I gained inspiration to achieve growth in my career and learned the importance of giving back to the industry and offering my support to assure the continued growth of TSFA.” The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 7 Family MULTI-STATE EMPLOYERS Attorney General of Texas Texas Employer New Hire Reporting NEW HIRE REPORTING Benefits of reporting • Lowers your taxes by returning overpayments of unemployment benefits to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund • Helps the Attorney General in collecting child support payments for families • Reduces government spending on public assistance • Assists state agencies such as the Texas Worker’s Compensation Commission and Texas Workforce Commission in detecting fraudulent claims and prevening overpayments. Employers who have employees in more than one state have the option of reporting all new hires to a single state. A business that decides to report all new hire information to one state must report electronically or by magnetic tape. Employers must notify the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement in writing of the state to which they choose to report new hires. The notification form can be accessed by visiting the child support section of the Attorney General’s website at ww.oag.state.tx.us. CONTACT INFORMATION BY U.S. MAIL Texas Employer New Hire Reporting Operations Center P.O. Box 149224 Austin, Texas 78714-9224 ON THE INTERNET www.oag.state.tx.us (select “Child Support” on the scroll down menu) BY TELEPHONE WHAT IS NEW HIRE REPORTING? New Hire Reporting is mandated by federal law under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconcilation Act of 1996, which requires employers to report new hires within 20 calendar days. Information received from employers is entered into a statewide registry and then transmitted to the National Directory of New Hires. 800.850.6442 BY E-MAIL [email protected] FR Bloomin Texas Ad REV_Layout 1 1/13/14 9:23 AM Page 1 The Attorney General uses this information to: • Locate parents who owe child support; • Establish new child support orders; • Enforce and modify existing orders; and • Issue income withholding orders. subscribe to JAN UAR Y 2 014 • W WW .FLO RIS TSR EVI E W. COM WHAT DO I REPORT? Employers have to report six basic items: • Company name • Payroll mailing address • Company Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) * Employee name • Employee address • Employee SSN HOW OFTEN DO I REPORT? New hires must be reported to the Office of the Attorney General within 20 calendar days of hire. If you report electronically, new hires must be reported at least twice a month — 12 to 16 days apart. The indispensable monthly magazine for floral professionals. [email protected] v-day roses trends Valentin for your e’s Day: 10 desi shop gns menu Page 85 125 stun and gard ning hybr en style id teas Page 61 The Ame Forecast rican Flor 2014-20 al Trends 15 Page 43 Free for yo tech tools ur store Page 18 Plan for pr in 2014 ofits Page 14 JAN 2014 - $4.50 bookstore HOW DO I REPORT? There are several ways to report new hire information. Choose the option that is easiest for you. You may use: • A paper copy (W-4, printed list, or state form); • Phone 800.850.6442; • The Internet, including online submission and file uploads; • A shareware program that generates a file for submission; • A File Transfer Protocol (FTP); • An electronic file on diskette or tape; mailed to the agency. The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 8 Florists’ Review’s newest title, Modern Flower Arranging, is now available. Visit shop.floristsreview.com for books and display materials for retail florists. Contact us today! 800-367-4708 2014 TSFA CONVENTION CHAIRS Austin, Texas GENERAL CHAIRS — TSFA PAST PRESIDENTS: Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA Ken Freytag PS Designs, Austin, TX Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX Bruce Easley AAF TMFA — DESIGN SYMPOSIUM CHAIR Capt’n B’ Florist, ETC, Gun Barrel City, TX DESIGNS OF THE DECADES Allied Florist of Houston SILENT AUCTION Susan Weatherford Southern Floral Company, Houston, TX PROCUREMENT CHAIR Lee Fischer Bill Doran Company, Austin, TX PROCUREMENT ORGANIZERS Debbie Woltmann TMFA Brenham Floral Company, Brenham, TX Sandy Ramirez TMFA Bloomstreet, Wimberley, TX WHOLESALE CHAIR Doug Liedtke J&E Wholesale Floral, Amarillo, TX ELECTION Bruce Easley AAF TMFA RIBBON CUTTING Chad Freytag Capt’n B’ Florist, ETC, Gun Barrel City, TX Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX TEXAS CUP CHAIR Nicola Parker TMFA ANNUAL MEETING DECORATIONS Norman Northen TMFA g.johnson’s Floral Images, Spring, TX PRESIDENTIAL SUITE CO-CHAIRS Fred Galvan TMF Charlotte’s Fiesta Flowers, Austin, TX Renee Dahl TMFA A Bed of Roses, Austin, TX FLOWER SALE TSFA Past Presidents LOBBY DECORATIONS David Kurio David Kurio Floral Designs, Austin, TX VIP FLOWER CHAIR Precious Memories, Temple, TX GALA CHAIR Susan Tate AIFD Darlene’s Flowers, Houston, TX MEMORIAL GARDEN Sheri White AAF TMFA and Robyn Howell TMF Botanical Designs By Montgomery, Baytown, TX FRIDAY DINNER DECORATIONS Norman Northen TMFA Precious Memories, Temple, TX Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX he Bloomin ’ Texan cCONVENTION August 2014 / 9 POSSIBLE! THANK YOU TFOR MAKING WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Christian Baccigalopi 1214 Vista Del Lago, Huffman, TX 77336 (281) 755-5383 Patricia Houck 161802 City Walk, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 451-7744 Marcia Boessling 1461 W. Highway 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620-3402 (512) 461-9758 Anita Bursiel 1582 FM 2673, Canyon Lake, TX 78133 (830) 964-3989 Tiffany Houck 16180 City Walk, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 451-7744 Maria Cadenas 26030 Galena Stone Ln, Katy, TX 77494 (281) 769-2121 Arlene Jones 1200 Hillcrest Dr., Graham, TX 76450 (940) 745-8208 Lori Clark 290 Shootout Lane, Princeton, LA 71067 (318) 949-7914 Amra Kolasinac 12711 Ashford Chase Dr Houston, TX 77082 (281) 761-6300 Beverly Clifton PO Box 185, Port O Connor, TX 77982 (361) 983-4203 Sherrill Crisp 618 FM 140, Uvalde, TX 78801 (512) 921-1120 Jodi Cummins 207 West Main St, Bullard, TX 75757 (903) 714-5601 Shannon Earl PO Box 120, Elysian Fields, TX 75642 (903) 633-1523 Gordon Fulton Box 1240 Didsbury, Alberta, Canada TOMOWO (403) 335-3444 Kaitlin Jamieson 9301 Spectrum Dr, Apt 1323 Austin, TX 78717 (512) 998-0637 Angee Lamberth 483 W. 38th, Houston, TX 77018 (713) 863-0400 Suzi Lawrence 4305 Faith Blvd, Shawnee, OK 74804 (405) 788-6558 Shayne Presley 1406 W 6th St, Austin, TX 78703 (512) 236-0916 Wendy Stout 4316 Delwood Ave, Odessa, TX 79762 (432) 250-7121 D’arcy Roberts 7200 I40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106 (806) 326-1336 Renee Tamayo 190 Texla Rd, Vidor, TX 77662 (409) 651-8426 Lynn Rust 926 Barchetta Dr College Station, TX 77845 (979) 703-6312 Karrena Taylor 6 Vintage Path Place The Woodlands, TX 77381 (832) 610-9991 Gracey Simmons 5530 W Broadway, Pearland, TX 77581 (281) 485-4446 • (281) 485-4256 (Fax) Megan Taylor 314 Magnolia Ln., Longview, TX 75605 (903) 753-4492 • (903) 753-7322 (Fax) Becky Smith 8101 CR 418A, Grandview, TX 76050 (817) 240-8963 Ashley Timmons-Blanton 3333 Troup Hwy, Tyler, TX 75701 (903) 597-3333 Lidia Villamizar 16627 Cairngrove Ln, Houston, TX 77084 (832) 407-8146 Valerie Smith 18131 Mesquite Estates Cypress, TX 77429 (281) 743-7645 Kali Soulier 15532 Riverdale Ave E Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 772-6970 Mikaya Young 4208 Rye Glen Dr, Arlington, TX 76017 (806) 535-1268 Deborah LePore 500 Wood Ave PO Box 926, Woodsboro, TX 78393 (409) 201-5227 Natasha Madison 10606 Settlers Trail, Austin, TX 78750 (512) 970-7579 Charlotte Main 1426 South Houston St., Bullard, TX 75757 (903) 539-1544 Maria Garza 331 W. Hopkins St., San Marcos, TX 78666 Grace Mangels (512) 701-0661 2705 Del Curto Rd, Austin, TX 78704 (512) 650-0805 Laura George 512 W. Hackberry, Malone, TX 76660 Lori Merriner (832) 642-2245 1800 S Egret Bay Blvd #10104 League City, TX 77573 Amy Ha (928) 821-0208 766 Wall St, Los Angeles, CA 90014 (888) 635-5266 • (213) 622-4942 Sundaram Natarajan 39159 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Ste 302 Karen Hale Fremont, CA 94538 2207 Capitol Hill Rd (408) 840-3514 Texarkana, AR 71854 (870) 772-7309 James Nicholson TMF 123 E. Main St., Henderson, TX 75652 Patsy Hopkins (903) 657-2285 8531 Fawn Terrace Dr., Houston, TX 77071 (713) 271-4490 Kristine Ontiveros 7614 Dillon St, Houston, TX 77061 Kelli Hornsby (832) 488-6238 132 April Wind South Montgomery, TX 77356 Chasity Porter (936) 537-2259 8218 Quail Hills Dr, Missouri City, TX 77489 (713) 582-0525 Allen Houck 16180 City Walk, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 451-7744 TSFA 100th Anniversary Book Wayne Fisher and Past Presidents Joel Paul Shirley TMF and Pat Berry have expertly chronicled all 100 years of TSFA’s illustrious history. We have included over a hundred pictures and even copies of old documents to take you back to your favorite moment with TSFA! Order your copy today online at tsfa.org or call 512.834.0361 $19.99 The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 10 In MemoriaM Nancy E. Smith Nancy Elaine Smith was born October 19, 1943. She passed away on March 17, 2014 at the age of 70. She is survived by her husband of 44 years, Grady Smith; son Don Smith (Abby); brother Bob Hale; sisters in-law Linda Fuller, Paulette Newman and their husbands, and also Runette Benbrook, other brother in-laws and several nieces and nephews. Nancy and Grady owned and operated Geraldine Hale Florist in downtown Dallas for many years. The family-owned business was started in 1930 by her grandmother, Geraldine Hale. Nancy will be missed so much by her surviving family and friends as well as the many florist customers and friends in Dallas, TX. Nancy was a big sports fan of the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, and the Texas Rangers. She enjoyed spending her pastime watching and cheering for her teams. She enjoyed shopping and decorating the house. Nancy loved animals of all kinds and donated to many organizations. She loved to keep her house immaculately clean, organized, was always in a good mood, happy, and would always greet you with a warm smile. She was the best mother and mother in-law anyone could ask for. She will truly be missed. Nancy is in heaven now waiting to take her next flower order and is flying with angels. It’s our 100th Anniversary. Share your TSFA wisdom with florists across Texas! TSFA becomes a more substantial entity when our membership is strong. Ask a florist to join today. TSFA Membership Application Name _________________________Firm_______________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________ City_____________________________ State ______Zip___________ Telephone (____)__________________FAX (____)________________ E-mail:___________________________________________________ Recommended By:_________________________________________ Classification & Annual Dues (Membership is on an individual basis) RETAIL FLORIST oOwner/Manager...............................................................................$189.95 o Freelance Designer..........................................................................$189.95 oEmployee.............................................................................................. $96.00 WHOLESALE FLORIST OR GROWER oOwner/Manager...............................................................................$189.95 oEmployee.............................................................................................. $96.00 oEDUCATOR/TEACHER....................................................................... $96.00 o ASSOCIATE MEMBER.......................................................................$125.00 Total Enclosed $_______________ My Position With the Firm is: _________________________________ Payment Options: _____Check is enclosed Please bill my account as indicated: Credit Card Billing: ___MasterCard ___VISA ___Discover ___AmEx Card# ________________________Exp. Date_________Code:______ Cardholder’s Name_________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________ 214-324-2481 800-mcshans Wire Service Account Billing: ___Teleflora ___FTD ___BloomNet mcshanflorist.com Dallas Metroplex Available on wire service billing only: Code# ____________________ Account Holder’s Signature__________________________________ Complete and return to: TSFA, P.O. Box 170760, Austin,TX 78717 800.375.0361 • Fax 512.834.2150 You may also become a member online at tsfa.org The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 11 focus on design Floral design design by Floral by Rich RichSalvaggio SalvaggioAIFD, AIFDAAF, AAFPFCI PFCI Reprinted with permission of Flowers& magazine Photography by Ron Derhacopian Make trioofofMother’s designsDay Make aa trio and sell and them designs sellsingly them singly or all together. together. or all With the trio on display—and a single silver Cube design off to one side—customers will quickly get the idea. They can purchase a Cube design to order, in the flowers and colors their mother loves best—or, they can get a mix of flowers and colors in a stunning composite. It’s the perfect way for three siblings to go in together on a united gift. 1. Make a grid of clear anchor tape on a silver Cube container. 2. Add beaded wire for a decorative accent. 3. A single design looks great by itself. 4. A trio of finished designs can be placed on a tray and linked with steel grass. b 2 1 3 The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 12 4 The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 13 A SAN ANGELO Y AUSTIN T Shirley Floral Company & Greenhouse O ABILENE SAN ANTONIO B W Joel Paul Shirley President NA Y 440 W Beauregard Phone: 325 655-9111 T Greg Waters SHERI San Angelo, TX 76903 Fax: 325 653-8585 www.shirleyfloral.com 800 588-9111 MONTGOMERY Gary Norman O e-mail: [email protected] WHITE Owner W AAF • TMFA N 610 PARK STREET 1800 Industrial - Abilene, TX 79602 BAYTOWN, TX 77520 SAN ANTONIO 281 427 7454 BURNET/MARBLE FALLS Phone: (325) 695-7000 www.garysfloralgallery.com Support Your Advertisers! CORPUS CHRISTI SPECIALIZING IN FLORAL EXCELLENCE • DALLAS Support Your Advertisers! • 888•538•7721 SAN ANGELO AUSTIN Shirley Floral Company & Greenhouse FLOWER & GIFT SHOPS 109 N. MAIN BURNET, TX 78611 2105 HWY. 281 NORTH MARBLE FALLS, TX 78654 (512) 756-4401 (830) 693-7006 Joel Paul Shirley President 440 W Beauregard San Angelo, TX 76903 www.shirleyfloral.com e-mail: [email protected] AUSTIN WACO Phone: 325 655-9111 Fax: 325 653-8585 800 588-9111 DALLAS DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO BURNET/MARBLE FALLS A Wholesale Florist Est. 1935 401 WEST STREETthe world Fresh flowers from20TH around 1-800-252-9145 Fax 1-512-345-1336 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77008 713.862.8811 800.723.3252 fax 713.864.2686 www.heightsfloralshop.com theconnectionwholesaleflorist.com (817) 457-9869 Ken Freytag • TSFA Past President FLOWER & GIFT SHOPS www.freytagsflorist.com 109 N. MAIN BURNET, TX 78611 2105 HWY. 281 NORTH MARBLE FALLS, TX 78654 (512) 756-4401 (830) 693-7006 2014 TSFA Convention AUSTIN Reflections: Design Smart… FORT WORTH “A Look at our Past…a Vision for the Future” A Wholesale Florist Sponsorship Levels Fresh flowers from around the world 1-800-252-9145 Thank you for Supporting your Industry’s Convention Fax 1-512-345-1336 (817) Orchid BloomNet Teleflora Ken Freytag • TSFA Past President www.freytagsflorist.com Rose Bill Doran Co. Taylor Wholesale Texas Floral Endowment Tulip FTD, Inc. J.B. Parks Wholesale Florist Weatherford Farms, Inc. WACO 457-9869 Find it Here Texas State Florists' Associations' 94th Annual Convention and Trade Show July 13-16, 2007 Iris Hotel-Austin Downtown & The Palmer Events Center theconnectionwholesaleflorist.com Embassy Suites Please make your reservations soon as the room block American Agroproducts the Texas State Florists' Association has held at the Association Insurance Services Embassy will fill up. Telephone the Embassy at (800) Design Master Color Tool, Inc. 362-2779, mention the Texas State Florists' Association Flower Shop Network and receive a discounted rate of $119 king or $129 douSmithers Oasis ble. Discounted rates are guaranteed through June 21, Syndicate Sales 2007 or until the TSFA room block is full. Vickery Wholesale Greenhouses Zoom! Roses The Bloomin’ Texan ◆ May Texas 2007 / 13State Florists' Associations' Design Smart… Find it Here Carnation Pikes Peak of Texas Daisy Greenbox Floral Priest International, Inc. Chrysanthemum TSFA Grower’s Division 94th Annual Convention and Trade Show July 13-16, 2007 Embassy Suites Hotel-Austin Downtown & The Palmer Events Center Please make your reservations soon as the room block the Texas State Florists' Association has held at the Embassy will fill up. Telephone the Embassy at (800) 362-2779, mention the Texas State Florists' Association and receive a discounted rate of $119 king or $129 dou ble. Discounted rates are guaranteed through June 21, 2007 or until the TSFA room block is full. The Bloomin’ Texan ◆ May 2007 / 13 The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 14 AUGUST 2014 TSFA Calendar of events 14 Hands on Classes in Pittsburg, Texas Care and Handling of Cut Flowers and Foliage Basic Design Styles & Techniques 15 Hands on Classes in Pittsburg, Texas Wedding Design Techniques Funeral Design Techniques For registration information call the TSFA office at 512.834.0361 or go online to tsfa.org SEPTEMBER 2014 1 Labor Day 5 Hands on Classes at the TSFA School of Floral Design in Austin, Texas — Basic Design Styles & Techniques 6 Wedding Design Techniques Funeral Design Techniques For registration information call the TSFA office at 512.834.0361 or go online to tsfa.org 7 Grandparents Day 15-18 Comprehensive 2 week floral training program held in two locations — TSFA School of Floral Design Classes, Austin, Texas TSFA School of Floral Design Classes, Houston, Texas 22-25 TSFA School of Floral Design Classes, Austin, Texas TSFA School of Floral Design Classes, Houston, Texas For registration information call the TSFA office at 512.834.0361 or go online to tsfa.org 25 Rosh Hashanah 27 Jr. Cup Design Competition Finals at the State Fair of Texas in Texas Dept. of Agriculture’s’ Food & Fiber Pavilion. Noon – 2:00 pm OCTOBER 2014 Advertisers Inside Front Cover: BloomNet 866.256.6663 14 Botanical Designs By Montgomery — 281.427.7454 8 Florists’ Review shop.floristsreview.com 800.367.4708 14 Freytag’s Florist 800.252.9145 www.freytagsflorist.com 14 Heights Floral Shop — 713.862.8811 • 800.723.3252 www.heightsfloralshop.com 11 McShan Florist 800.331.3349, ext. 7931 www.mcshanflorist.com Back Cover: Teleflora 800.421.2815 www.myteleflora.com 11 Texas State Florists’ Association Insurance Programs 800.291.1061 • 512.834.0361 14 Tubbs of Flowers 800.288.1978 www.tubbsofflowers.com 14 Vast America 800.383.3338 www.vastamerica.com 4 Yom Kippur 13 Columbus Day (Observed) 16 Bosses Day 18 Sweetest Day B Classified arely a year old and hardly used floral cooler for sale. 3 door, vanilla and gold color. Bought from Bush Refrigeration, July 2013. $5,000 buyer must move cooler. Perfect condition. Call 512.467.7455 if 31 Halloween interested. The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 15 it’s love at first site! themarket by dutch flowers standing orders Direct from Holland. Everyday essentials and more. oasis foam Keep flowers fresher longer! SHOP NOW SHOP NOW SHOP NOW Get everything you need online in no time. CONTAINERS themarket by our one-stop online shop FLOWERS SUPPLIES With instant access to a huge selection of Teleflora containers, farm-direct flowers and supplies, it’s easy to love our new one-stop online shop. Sign on to MyTeleflora.com and experience themarket today! Shop themarket.myteleflora.com The Bloomin’ Texan c August 2014 / 16
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March 2013 - Texas State Florists` Association
The Official Publication of the Texas State Florists’ Association
P.O. Box 170760 • Austin, Texas 78717
512.834-0361 • FAX 512.834-2150 • 800.375-0361
www.tsfa.org • E-mail: [email protected]