December 2014 - Nipomo Chamber of Commerce
December 2014 - Nipomo Chamber of Commerce
THE CHAT Holiday Edition The mission of the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce is to promote the civic, economic, agricultural, educational, & social welfare of Nipomo. Nipomo Chamber President Richard Malvarose [email protected] Nipomo Chamber of Commerce Email: [email protected] 239 W. Tefft St. Nipomo, CA 93444 805/929-1583 Fax: 805/929-5835 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS FROM THE NIPOMO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Amber Wilson Executive Director INSIDE THE CHAT 1 President’s Message 2 Meet Our Ambassadors 3 New and Renewing Members 4 2015 Mixer Schedule 5 Community Event 6 Business Spotlight 7 Supervisor Message 8 Community Happenings 9 Our Advertisers 11 Chamber Flyers 17 Community Events 22 Networking with the Chamber President’s Circle Major Sponsors Rotary Club of Nipomo Page 2 December 2014 Ambassador Feature Page Mission Statement: The Ambassadors Club of the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce will reach out and connect with Chamber members, prospective members and members of the community explaining the benefits and contributions that the Chamber of Commerce provides to the community. They will act as official greeters at Chamber functions, and will solicit, welcome, and interact with other community organizations. Meet the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Team Sheryl Vines Mesa Design Group Alice Martin Nipomo Properties Jessica Hettler Healing Touch Day Spa Lynn Compton Valley Farm Supply Sharon Nevitt Wallick and Volk Scott Haigwood Keller Williams Sean Schuur Sure Mortgage Solutions Steve Schumann Discovery Dining/SLOCO Data Kat Stowell Healing Touch Day Spa Myra Oclaray Guild Mortgage Kimberley Victor Mary Kay Cosmetics Ron Smith MESA DESIGN GROUP Smith’s Alarms & Electronics CHIEF AMBASSADOR All mixers for 2014 are booked and everything for 2015 is booked except for October 2015! Contact the Chamber office to reserve the last spot in 2015!. If you would like to join this exciting team of Ambassadors or would like to discuss how to better promote your business through the Chamber, please call the Chamber office at 805 929-1583 (M~F 9am-5pm) or Email the office at: [email protected] December2014 Nipomo Chamber Board 2014 Page 3 Our New and Renewing Members! Officers President Richard Malvarose…..929-4970 Nipomo Properties Executive Vice President Dave Nilsen ………..…541-6500 Obispo Wealth Management Thank you to our new and renewing members for your continued support of the fastest growing Chamber on the Central Coast! RENEWING MEMBERS Chief Ambassador Ron Smith……………..619-4510 Smith’s Alarm and Electronics Secretary Anita Tomei……....863-4687 Nipomo Properties Treasurer Mary Mylan…………...929-1911 Rabobank Immediate Past President Rudy Stowell ………..931-0512 Healing Touch Day Spa Executive Director Amber Wilson………929-1583 Directors Diane Malvarose….…929-4970 Nipomo Properties Janet Gaussoin……….931-0300 California Chiropractic Jessica Hettler……….931-0512 Healing Touch Day Spa Jill Gomez……………….474-2380 Wells Fargo MESA VETERINARY HOSPITAL NIPOMO FARMERS’ MARKET JACK’S HELPING HAND, INC. CENTRAL COAST PROPERTY MGMT ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP KALEIDOSCOPE INN & GARDENS NIPOMO OPTOMETRY GREG NESTER CONSTRUCTION KELLER WILLIAMS—ROBIN O’HARA NIPOMO AREA RECREATION ASSOC EUFLORIA FLOWERS THE CITY CHURCH December 2014 Page 4 2015 MIXER SCHEDULE Feb 12/2015 – Trilogy March 12/2015 – Wells Fargo April 9/2015 – Healing Touch May 14/2015- Burrola Financial June 11/2015 –Field to Table July 9/2015 – RaBobank August 13/2015 – Dana Adobe Sept 10/2015 – Century 21 Oct 8/2015 – Home Based Business Nov 12/2015 – Nipomo Properties Dec 2015 – Tri Chamber Page 5 December 2014 COMMUNITY EVENT More than 400 turkey dinners were served to any and all who showed up at the Nipomo Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday afternoon. At least 100 volunteers from virtually every Nipomo civic organization, youth group and church prepared and served the meals in St. Joseph's Catholic Church Parish Hall. "Oh, my gosh, it was awesome," said Deb Geaslen, who helped the late 4th District Supervisor Paul Teixeira organize the first Community Thanksgiving Dinner four years ago. "We had almost 400 people last year, and this year we exceeded that by a few," she said. "Last year, they trickled in over the afternoon. But this year, everyone was lined up at the door a half hour before we were ready to serve. "We had crowded tables up to about 3:30, and we planned to stop serving at 4," she added. In addition to the 400 full meals served in the parish hall, another 40 dinners were delivered to homebound seniors, and still more were distributed to other needy and homeless people, Geaslen said. "We had more people than last year because I think word is getting out about it," said Richard Malvarose, one of the volunteers who helped put on the dinner. "The community has a misconception that this is for disadvantaged people," Malvarose said. "But really it's for everyone. It's for the whole community. "We had people from all walks of life, from little babies to seniors," he said. "It's a chance for people to see each other, sit down and talk." All the food is donated, as is all the labor to cook and serve it as well as to prepare the hall and clean up afterward. "You name an organization, they were there," Malvarose said, adding Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian was among those who helped serve food. Geaslen said Golden State Water Co. donated 52 turkeys through its Operation Gobble program. Volunteers roasted 28 of those and barbecued another 10. The rest were given to Nipomo Food Basket and Nipomo Senior Center to help feed the needy. She noted this year the table decorations were sold to benefit Nipomo Food Basket and raised between $600 and $700. November 23, 2014 6:40 pm • Mike Hodgson [email protected] Page 6 December 2014 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT OLDE TOWNE NIPOMO ASSOCIATION The Olde Towne Nipomo Association is a 501(c)4 public benefit non-profit corporation that was created to revitalize and care for the historic downtown commercial corridor district located in the community of Nipomo and provide a safe environment for those who live, work and visit. The Association reviews all architectural plans and advises the County of San Luis Obispo on issues such as land use pertaining the Olde Towne Nipomo area. The Association worked with the County to facilitate the enhancement of the historic downtown (Tefft Street and Thompson) by road widening, installation of traffic signals, curb, gutters and sidewalks storm drainage, street lighting and bus stops as well as other beautification projects to provide a traffic and pedestrian friendly place. Major fundraisers and activities for the Association include the Annual Luau, a Beer, Beans and Bluegrass Festival, and Christmas in Nipomo. The Olde Towne Nipomo Association meets every Wednesday from 12-1 pm at the Pi-Whole Pizza restaurant. Page 7 December 2014 COUNTY SUPERVISOR NEWS Supervisor Caren Ray, 4th District Supervisor San Luis Obispo County Hello Nipomo ChamberThe holiday season is well underway, and it’s hard to believe it’s December already. Time flies so fast these days! It seems like I’m still counting my Thanksgiving blessings as I transition to pulling the Christmas decorations out of the attic. I’m excited for the holidays, as always. People just seem to come together. Maybe it’s the lights… Many people dislike the commercial aspect of Christmas. But as Chamber members, we are the ones who often rely upon the season to get us into the black and on to the next year. My family owned toy stores, where 80% of the year’s business was done between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I didn’t see my father during that time unless I went to work with him (which I loved to do). It was a huge part of my upbringing, and how I learned the values of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. I never had negative feelings about the season. Rather, it was an opportunity to spend time with my dad, work hard with other great employees, and learn about what it takes to run a business. If that meant “Christmas” was on the 27th, then so be it. All those years working alongside my dad were some of the best times of my childhood. I didn’t play with the toys. I organized shelves. I assembled things. I used the price gun to place a tag perfectly on the bottom right corner of every box (before UPC codes! Remember that?). I wrapped purchases quickly as people waited, making sure to get the corners just right and the ribbons perfectly centered. I answered phones and helped customers find just the right gift. I didn’t get paid for any of this. It’s just what we did as a family. Those who have not run businesses don’t understand this in a real sense. They understand it academically, but not emotionally. It takes a special kind of confidence to rely upon ourselves, and only ourselves, for a job. Our successes, and our failures, are all ours. And there’s nothing that compares to creating something and having people use and enjoy it. Whether we create a product, or provide a service, or both, when customers use what we’ve created, we get a very special satisfaction. It’s a unique combination of gratitude that they’ve come to us for something they need, trusting us to solve their problem, and a wish to truly take care of them to the very best of our ability. There is nothing like that feeling when the customer walks away grateful. We are helpful at our cores as human beings. Being business owners allows us to tap this drive, harness it, and rely upon it. I am so grateful to have been brought up with this experience. I have brought these values to the Supervisor’s office, where I have strived to take care of each and every person who has crossed my path, regardless of social standing, political party, or complexity of issue. Helping people solve really tough problems is what being Supervisor is all about. And I’ve used all the skills that I learned from my dad every single day. My children have been brought up in politics and are learning the very same values I did, just in a different way. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to give them that experience. It will shape who they are, just as the toy stores shaped me. May your holiday season be productive, fulfilling, and profitable. As you reflect on last year and enter into next, I sincerely hope 2015 is the best ever, and your businesses thrive. And most of all, I wish you countless days of watching customers walk out the door feeling like they got just what they needed. Glad to have been of service to you, Caren Page 8 December 2014 Upcoming Chamber Events LUNCHEON NO LUNCHEON SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER MIXER Thurs, December 11th 5:00—7:00 pm CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 239 West Tefft Street 929-1583 Community Meetings Lucia Mar Unified School District Board of Education Room, Open Session: 7pm Meetings: TBA 602-G Orchard Street, Arroyo Grande Nipomo Area Senior Center 200 E. Dana Street, Nipomo Potluck meetings every 3rd Wednesday at 1pm; ongoing functions, rentals available with kitchen, contact center at 929-1615. Nipomo Community Services District (NCSD) 148 South Wilson Street, Nipomo Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9am, Kiwanis Club of Nipomo Hideout Coffee Shop 338 West Tefft Street Meets 1st & 3rd Friday at 12pm Contact Becky at 929-1288 Nipomo Rotary Club Meets every Wednesday at 7am, Cypress Ridge Pavilion 1050 Cypress Ridge Parkway, Arroyo Grande Nipomo Lions Club Meets 1st Thursday at 8am, Blacklake Golf Resort Meets 3rd Thursday at 6:30pm, Community Center Blacklake Nipomo VFW Meets every 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Nipomo Chamber Community Room. Contact Richard at (805) 868-7951 This mixer is hosted by Pismo, Arroyo Grande and Nipomo Chambers of Commerce PLEASE BRING A NEW UNWRAPPED TOY TO DONATE FOR TOYS FOR TOTS FEBRUARY 2015 MIXER Thurs, February 12th 5:00pm-7:00pm Olde Towne Nipomo Association Every Wednesday Noon at Pi-Whole Pizza Nipomo Arts Commission (NAC) Meets every 4th Wednesday at 6:30pm at the Blacklake Community Room. Call 723-1306 for info. South County Advisory Council Meets the 4th Monday at 6:30pm at the NCSD Building Friends of the Nipomo Library (FONL) Meets every 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm at the Nipomo Library The Nipomo Farmer’s Market is held every Sunday 11:30am to 2:30pm at The Trilogy Housing Development near the Bistro. Ask Amber about the various benefits available to our members including: Use of the Conference Room Reduced Pricing on FAX / copier use Free Wi-Fi Page 9 December 2014 President’s Circle Sponsors Hours: Primary care, Pediatrics, Women’s Health And Optometry: M-F 8-6 Dental: M-F 8-7, Sat 8-4:30 150 Tejas Pl. ● Nipomo, CA 93444 ● (808) 929-3211 For information on becoming a Platinum, President’s Circle or Major Sponsor, please call Amber at 929-1583. Mixer Schedule Mixers are held the second THURSDAY of each month, from 5 to 7pm. Thursday, December 11th — Tri Chamber Mixer Breakfast Tuesday Morning Toast Third Tuesday of every Month at Cowgirl Café December 16th from 8 am to 9 am Luncheon Schedule Luncheons are always the fourth Thursday of each month from 11:45am to 1:00pm. Location subject to change. NO LUNCHEON IN DECEMBER Page 10 December 2014 YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE FOR ONLY $150 PER YEAR 35th District 1150 Osos Street Suite 207 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3381 Fax (805) 549-3400 State Capitol Room 4098 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2033 Advertising in “The Chat” Rates to advertise in The Chat, your Chamber Newsletter are as follows: $150 per year for a business card size ad: $400 per year for a quarter page ad: or $500 per year for a half page ad: $1,000 per year for a full page ad: $45 per month or $450 per year for any flyer inserted, plus providing the flyers to the Chamber office. Flyers need to be delivered to the Chamber office by the 8th of each month for the following month. These are bargain basement prices, please take advantage of them. December 2014 Page 11 ’Tis always the season to save water. Double your water savings this winter by shutting down your irrigation system and making changes to your landscape that will save water and money next summer. Winter is the perfect time to plant along the Central Coast. Mild temperatures make the digging easier and help new plants become established. Rainfall — please, let’s have some rainfall! — helps minimize the water needs of new plantings. If planted in the early winter, most drought-tolerant and native plants will need supplemental water for one summer. The following year’s winter rains will help the plants become firmly established, and infrequent watering, at most, will be all that is needed from then on. Without spending any money, many homeowners could significantly reduce the amount of water used in their landscapes. Overwatering of landscapes is surprisingly common, and the well-drained soils in our area mask indications of overwatering. By spending some time getting familiar with your landscape and irrigation system, you could reduce watering and save money while maintaining the appearance of your current landscape. I have spoken to customers who ask, “How many times a week should I be watering my established drought-tolerant native plants?” My answer is: “Zero for the next five months, and next summer give them a good soak once a month — maybe twice if the weather is very warm and dry.” Other customers have expressed concern Nipomo Community Services District’s water is damaging their lawns because they are watering every day, yet the lawn is not the vibrant green they had last summer. I explained that many grass types go dormant or semi dormant in the winter. That results in a more yellow tone of green and slow to no growth. That also means lawns need little to no water this time of year and can be mowed less frequently as well. During this drought, you should continue to consider reducing the water demands of your landscape — either by changes in your watering patterns or landscape type or both. There is a great deal of information on the NCSD website and other local and online sources regarding water-use efficiency and converting to low-water-use landscapes. If you need some help getting started, call the district, and our staff will help point you in a waterconserving direction. Michael LeBrun is the general manager of the Nipomo Community Services District. He can be reached by calling 929-1133 or by email at [email protected]. Page 12 December 2014 Inc. Contact us at 929-1583 today about this exciting new Non-Profit Organization “This organization will act to support and promote the underserved businesses and residents in the unincorporated areas of Southern San Luis Obispo County. The organization’s primary focus will be to create a safe and productive environment in which the residents and businesses in the service area can thrive.” November 2014 Page 14 October 2014 Page 16 December 2014 Page 16 Page 17 December 2014 COMMUNITY EVENTS Advertising Opportunities Available in the NEW Nipomo Chamber Visitor’s Center! Contact the Chamber office for details! 929-1583 DECEMBER ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS December 6th South County Holiday Parade Grover Beach 10:00 am December 11th Chamber Mixer 5-7 pm December 13th Christmas in Nipomo 5 pm December 13th and 20th Free Gift Wrapping at the Chamber Nipomo Rotary Club Community Project The Rotary Club of Nipomo invites you to join them in constructing a brand new community gathering place. THE ROTARY BANDSTAND AT NIPOMO REGIONAL PARK The Nipomo Rotary Bandstand will serve as the centerpiece for ongoing community events at Nipomo Regional Park such as October Festival, Kids Day and the Easter Egg Hunt. It will also provide an outstanding venue for concerts, public and school events. For more info, contact Ken Whittle at [email protected] or 805-459-6207. December 21 Sing Along Holiday Concert Clark Center 4:00 pm December 25th Christmas December 31st New Year’s Eve Celebration Madonna Inn 5pm to Midnight CURRENT MEMBERSHIP = 206 Page 21 December 2014 LOW COST ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES $45 per Month Electronic Flyer $50 per Month Wall Space in Chamber Office Ask Amber about the various benefits available to our members including: Use of the Conference Room Reduced Pricing on FAX / copier use Free Wi-Fi October 2014 Page 15 Page 22 December 2014 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sponsored by the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce ADVERTISE Business Directory Advertising Opportunities Monthly Speakers Luncheon Tuesday Morning Toast Mixers & Ribbon Cuttings Monte Carlo Night Fundraiser Nipomo’s Best OctoberFest Holiday Craft & Gift Boutique Annual Installation Dinner NETWORK HAVE FUN Nipomo Chamber Luncheon NO LUNCHEON in DECEMBER Join us December 18th for Tuesday Morning Toast at Pat’s Cowgirl Café on the corner of Orchard and Division starting at 8:00 a.m. T M T
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