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View the PDF Version of Connection
Winter 2012
Meet the EME student who’s
about to make history
Catch up on all the latest news in
each of our program updates
From the Department Head
Program Updates............... 6
Faculty News....................12
EME @ Your Service........ 13
Student Voice....................14
Professional Societies.....15
6th International
Industry Summit on
Business Process
“Achieving Lasting
Improvements in the Energy
and Minerals Industries”
May 13 - 16, 2013
Sheraton Station Square
300 West Station Square Drive
Pittsburgh, PA
Connection is a publication of the John
and Willie Leone Family Department of
Energy and Mineral Engineering in the
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at
Penn State.
Editorial Director: Mark Klima
Editor: Anna Morrison
Alumni Coordinator: Rachel Altemus
116 Hosler Building
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802-5000
Phone: 814-865-3437
E-mail to: [email protected]
U.Ed. EMS 13-34
This publication is available in alternative
media on request. Penn State is committed
to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and
the diversity of its workforce.
Contact us
Mark Klima
EME Interim Department Head
Alumni and Friends............4
save the date
Here in EME, the last six months have
been filled with excited anticipation over
who will take the reins as the next permanent
department head. I am sure you are anxious
to find out as well. The initial search turned
up three excellent candidates this fall. In
October and November, each of these
candidates was invited to take part in a twoday interview process, where they had the
chance to meet one-on-one with members of
our faculty and staff as well as Dean William
Easterling and his associate deans. The
candidates also were asked to provide us with
a presentation to showcase their vision for
the future of the department. Now that every
candidate has been interviewed, the search
committee will be meeting with the Dean to
offer their recommendations. As soon as the
new department head is chosen, the news will
be announced on our website at:
Whoever is chosen to head our department,
he or she will have the advantage of taking
charge of a unit that continues to excel in all
areas of teaching, research, and service. Our
enrollment continues to be by far the largest
in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
and shows no signs of abating. We now have
over 1,300 undergraduate students, a 22%
increase since last fall. Our graduate student
enrollment is holding steady at approximately
180 students. A five-year snapshot shows a
In the Spotlight................... 3
In This Issue
Dear Alumni and Friends,
255% increase in undergraduate enrollment
and an 80% increase in graduate enrollment.
The other big events on the horizon are
the impending ABET Accreditation visits
for our programs in Energy Engineering,
Environmental Systems Engineering, Mining
Engineering, and Petroleum and Natural
Gas Engineering. It is expected that these
visits will take place in the fall of 2014. In the
meantime, many of you have already or will
be receiving ABET-related surveys from us
as part of the review process. We hope that
you are able to take the time to fill out these
surveys and return them, as your feedback is
always valuable to our programs.
In other department news, I have two
partings to share with you. André Boehman,
professor of fuel science, left in July to
accept a post as Professor of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Michigan.
And in January 2013, Samuel Oyewole,
assistant professor of environmental health
and safety engineering, will be going to work
for the United States Chemical Safety and
Hazard Investigation Board.
We still are searching for a new faculty
member to fill the new endowed Leone
Family Chair in Energy and Mineral
Engineering. As you may recall, this chair
was created as part of the generous $5
million gift from John and Willie Leone to
the department. The holder of the chair will
be expected to further scholarly excellence
through contributions to instruction, research,
and public service that fosters a combined
business and engineering education. If you
know of anyone who you believe would be
a good match for this position, please let us
Finally, I am pleased to announce that we
will have a new member of the faculty joining
us in the new year. Shimin Liu has accepted
the position of Assistant Professor of Energy
and Mineral Engineering. He will arrive just
in time for the beginning of the spring 2013
I wish you and your families a safe and
happy holiday season.
In the Spotlight
Photos: Mining Engineering student Kimberly Grant (left); Grant with Larry Grayson, undergraduate program officer
of mining engineering, at the 2012 EME Awards Banquet; Grant (second from right in back) performing with the
Silent Praise MIME ministry at Penn State.
Kimberly Grant to become first African American woman
to graduate in Mining Engineering at Penn State
by Martha Traverse, EMS Ryan Family Student Center
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is set to laud the first African American
woman to graduate in Mining Engineering at
Penn State: Ms. Kimberly J. Grant.
“I will always remember Kimberly for her
passion about workers’ safety and health and
the need for strong compliance with both
safety and environmental regulations,” said
Larry Grayson, undergraduate program
officer for mining engineering, an encouraging mentor to Kimberly since she began her
studies in 2009. “She has quiet passion for
important issues and worked very hard for
her grades, always doing a very professional
job on her assignments and projects.
Kimberly will be a true and dedicated
professional, and I am very proud of
her and her family for supporting
Kimberly took time out of her
very busy class schedule to chat
with me in her final semester at
Penn State. Our conversation
Question: What was the
most difficult aspect of the
road to your B.S. in Mining Engineering?
Answer: The going has
been tough, but I’ve
been really determined.
Everyone except my
family was telling me
no. ‘No, you can’t get
into Penn State.’ ‘No,
you can’t be an engineer.’ ‘You don’t have
the smarts.’ ‘You don’t have the grades.’ ‘You
won’t be able to do the math.’ On paper, they
were right. My placement tests weren’t good.
The curriculum followed by inner city high
schools in Philadelphia just can’t provide
the level of preparedness needed to test well
for an engineering program. I was already
behind, even before classes started. But when
I got to Penn State and talked to my college
advisor, Jonathan Merritt, I told him how
much I wanted to pursue Mining Engineering. He listened. Although he was probably
skeptical, he still listened and gave me an
honest appraisal of the work required
and the difficulties ahead.
Q: Why Mining Engineering? That’s
an unusual goal, isn’t it?
A: Coming from inner city Philadelphia, I didn’t know anything
about mines. But I’ll never
forget seeing reports of mining disasters on the news,
depicting the lives lost,
and the grieving families,
and I was determined
to work one day to be a
part of improving health
and safety in the mining
Q: Have there been obstacles for you, given that
this is a male-dominated
A: Oh yes. Sometimes, guys don’t take women seriously, and I can tell you it’s even worse
for a black woman. When I first walked into
a mining engineering class, the guys’ first
reaction was, ‘Who are you, where are you
from, and what are you doing here?’ They
weren’t mean about it, just really surprised
and curious. They all laughed and shook their
heads. On a field trip in a coal extraction
course, we visited an underground coal mine
in West Virginia. The workers there were
chuckling and whispering, ‘What’s she doing
here?’ But then, once we were in the mine,
and I was making observations and answering questions, they shut up pretty quickly.
That was a good feeling. Oh, and don’t get me
wrong about the guys in my mining engineering courses. After that original shock,
they have all been really great and we’ve really
bonded. We enjoy each other’s company; we
have the same passion about our field.
Q: What would be your advice to other women
interested in the same path?
A: Don’t be discouraged by males who
don’t think you are fit for the field. You can
still maintain your femininity, too. I met a
representative from the Matterhorn Mining
Boot company at a meeting of the Society of
Mining and Metallurgy Exploration (SME)
in 2010. I asked her if the company made any
boots that weren’t all black, which are very
mannish looking. She completely surprised
me by express-mailing a pair of pink and
black steel-toe mining boots that she had
Continued on page 15
Alumni and Friends
“I always thought of Penn State as the place
that gave me the resources and relationships
to realize just how much is possible.”
Alumnus Michael Orlando (‘88 B.S. Petroleum and
Natural Gas Engineering) talks about his career, the
energy and minerals industries as he sees them, and his
lasting relationship with the John and Willie Leone
Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering.
Question: Your bachelor’s degree is in petroleum and natural
gas engineering. What made you decide to branch into
Answer: My first job out of Penn State was with Shell in
New Orleans. It was a great experience, but it also made me
realize that I enjoyed learning about engineering as much
as I enjoyed practicing it. I became particularly interested in
economics while working on an MBA at Tulane University.
I’ve always been interested in how we make decisions
- individuals, organizations, societies -- and economics
provides a systematic framework for thinking about that.
Q: You have an impressive breadth of knowledge and
experience from working in different areas of private industry,
government, and academia over the years. What are your
current research interests?
A: I’m interested in understanding political markets,
and how we can use financial innovations to improve
political outcomes. We have a good model for thinking
about price-based exchange in real markets, for example,
all those decisions that go into developing a gas field or a
manufacturing facility. And our financial models are also
relatively well understood. But commercial and financial
decisions are also affected by political markets - legislation,
regulation, public interest campaigns. Political markets
often result in relatively prescriptive solutions to public
concerns. For example, outright bans on certain practices and
Michael Orlando (left) with his daughter Hannah and wife, Sarah.
Michael Orlando receives the 2012 GEMS Alumni Achievement Award
Michael Orlando, principal and owner of Economic Advisors, Inc.,
recently was named as a 2012 recipient of the Graduates of Earth and
Mineral Sciences (GEMS) Alumni Achievement Award. The award is
given by the Penn State Earth and Mineral Sciences Alumni Society
to recognize outstanding achievement by EMS alumni.
Orlando received his bachelor’s degree in petroleum and natural
gas engineering from Penn State in 1988. In addition to his current
role at Economic Advisors, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in
vote-theoretic and game-theoretic applications for investor relations
and multi-stakeholder negotiations, Orlando also serves as an adjunct
professor of finance at Tulane University and a course content
developer for Penn State’s online energy business programs.
Orlando began his career with Shell Oil Company. He provided
reservoir engineering and economic evaluation expertise for oil and
gas exploration and development projects in the Gulf of Mexico. He
also worked as an environmental engineer, ensuring environmental
compliance and managing the company’s relationship to a listed
Superfund site. Later he served as a research economist in the Federal
Reserve System, and then as Vice President and Branch Executive of
the Fed’s Denver Branch. He was responsible for regional economic
research, energy markets analysis, policy advising, and public
communication. Orlando also worked as Vice President for Research
and Product Development with a media monitoring and business
analytics firm.
Orlando’s research spans a range of topics in applied
microeconomics. He has published work on corporate governance,
financial regulatory policy, the economics of payments networks, the
geography and industrial demography of innovation, and energy and
environmental policy. He is also a practiced teacher, and has developed
courses in economics, finance, and energy business policy, and has coauthored a textbook on money and banking.
Orlando holds degrees in economics from Washington University
in St. Louis and in business administration from Tulane University.
technologies. Alternatively, financial contracting can address many
of the public’s underlying concerns in a more direct way, say through
bonding, insurance, or beneficial trusts.
Q: How did your educational experiences at Penn State prepare you for
your chosen career path?
A: Andrew Carnegie once said that he built libraries because they
helped people who helped themselves. In general, I always thought of
Penn State as the place that gave me the resources and relationships
to realize just how much is possible. More specifically, the technicallyrigorous training I received in the College taught me how to impose
structure onto messy and seemingly intractable problems.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your current job?
A: In my consulting practice, I enjoy helping clients bring to their
commercial problems -- business strategy, negotiations -- the same
degree of rigor that they apply to their technical problems they may
address using geology, engineering, information technology. The
social sciences provide us great tools for decision making. I want to be
sure we use them in practice. I suppose it’s the same in my teaching
relationships -- I enjoy helping students realize that we can address
commercial and social questions thoughtfully and systematically.
Q: What is the toughest part of your job?
A: I’m lucky to have found something I enjoy and seem to have an
aptitude for, so I don’t consider my job very tough. Being a good
father, and a good spouse, and a good brother, and a good friend -those can be hard. I spend more time thinking about how to do those
things better.
Q: What advice would you give to new graduates who are just
beginning their careers in the energy and minerals industries?
A: Stick with it if you enjoy it. The bulk of the world’s population is
in countries that are just beginning to enter an income regime where
demand for minerals and produced goods grows very fast. So the
career prospects will remain strong. But you have to enjoy what you’re
doing enough to want to be a life-long learner in your field.
Q: Last year, you were a featured speaker at the Graduates of Earth and
Mineral Sciences (GEMS) Seminar on natural resource development.
In your talk, you spoke about the systems-design approach employed
by the EME department in its educational curriculum. What are the
benefits to using a systems-design approach as a model for future energy
A: Systemic problems are those with lots of interconnecting pieces.
I can’t think of industries more appropriate for this perspective
Save the Date
2013 Society for Mining, Metallurgy &
Exploration Annual Meeting
EME Alumni Reception
February 26, 2013
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Denver Hyatt Regency
650 15th Street
Denver, CO
Michael Orlando was one of the featured speakers at the 2011 Graduates of
Earth and Mineral Sciences (GEMS) Seminar on natural resource development.
than those concerned with energy and minerals. We develop
technologically-sophisticated, capital-intensive solutions for largescale business applications. And these activities often have broader
societal implications in the form of risks to environmental and public
health. A systemic perspective ensures that solutions engineered to
proximate opportunities also reflect seemingly peripheral concerns.
Because those systemic issues can often scuttle the best solution,
Q: What is the biggest change you have seen in the energy and minerals
industries since graduating from Penn State in 1988?
A: In oil and gas, things were relatively tight back in 1988. So most of
the smaller players had left the industry. It’s exciting to see the smaller
players, and the high level of domestic activity. On the minerals side,
I think there is a growing awareness that we have a national interest
in developing our own rare-earth and other strategic minerals. This
sector has potential to grow as we find ways to address potential
environmental liabilities.
Q: You were one of the course developers for Penn State’s online Bachelor
of Arts degree in Energy and Sustainability Policy, which was rolled
out in 2010. What were your overall goals when assisting with the
development of the course curriculum for this program?
A: I wanted to ensure that the courses included social scientific
fundamentals where appropriate. That degree program is a relatively
unique blend of technology and policy. So students need to
understand how decisions are made, in commercial and political
markets. I think the program has been successful in that regard and
more generally.
Q: What is your take on the current state of the energy markets? What
trends do you think we’ll see in the near future?
A: I think energy remains an exciting place to be. I expect natural gas
to remain relatively weak through 2013 and probably even into 2014,
partly because of slow global growth and partly because geopolitical
risks are supporting high oil prices, which provides incentives to bring
gas to market if it comes with even just a little oil. So weak demand
and strong supply will continue to weigh on prices. But overall, we’ll
be on firmer economic footing in 2013 and thereafter. And we should
see global growth improve as we work through our fiscal issues, and as
Europe finds political solutions to their stalemate over finances. The
demand side should result in price pressure returning in 2014.
Program Updates
Energy Business and Finance (EBF)
by Andrew Kleit, Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics
For the third year in a row, students from
tion of an Athabasca Business
the College of Earth and Mineral Science’s
Improvement District (BID)
“This experience helped me gain a more
Energy Business and Finance program
to encourage growth and
realistic grasp of energy and policy issues
competed in the Alberta Energy Challenge
entrepreneurship as a longthat are affecting many countries like
(AEC) from September 27th to October
term solution to the problems
1st. The AEC is a 36-hour case competition
facing the region. The initial
Canada, which have global implications.
where teams are challenged by industry with
focus of the Athabasca BID
Learning aside, I had a fantastic time
a task facing the oil sands. Students prepare
proposal was to create a transa presentation to be given before a panel of
portation company that would
meeting students from around the world
judges from industry and academia. Using
focus on the rail bottleneck in
who were eager to share stories and
the “Texas-style” format, during the presenta- the region, particularly crossideas.”
tion judges are permitted to ask questions
ing the Athabasca River north
and focus the presentation on their area of
of Ft. McMurray. Ft. McMur~ Will Mitchell, B.S. student in energy
interest. Therefore, students have to make a
ray, the town supporting the
detailed but flexible presentation to accomoil sands, has limited access
business and finance
modate many aspects of their idea and the
by a notoriously dangerous
case prompt.
order to extend rail to the
Traveling to Edmonton,
major producers outside
Alberta, Kirsten Guelly,
of Ft. McMurray, a bridge
Will Mitchell, Natalie
crossing of the Athabasca
Gerber, and Thomas Rauch,
River would be necessary,
accompanied by Dr. Anwhich is a technological and
drew Kleit, program officer
environmental/social chalof the Energy Business and
lenge. As a popular alternaFinance (EBF) program,
tive, pipelines have been
engaged with teams from
built from upgrader (refinCanada, the United Arab
ing) sites, but they do not
Emirates, and the United
currently meet the required
States in a case focused on
output capacity to support
the transportation logistics
production, add costs due
of supporting oil sand exto dilution, and do not adtraction and refining projdress transport of byprodects in the remote Athabasucts and inputs. Acting as a
ca region in northeastern
consultant, Dr. Kleit helped
Alberta. The case asked
the team to prepare their
teams to engage the bottleinnovative solution for preLeft to Right: Energy Buisness and Finance (EBF) students Will Mitchell, Kirsten Guelly,
neck of delivering materials
sentation to the industry and
Natalie Gerber, and Thomas Rauch with EBF Program Officer Andrew Kleit.
and product to and from
academic panel of judges, as
Penn State’s Alberta Energy Challenge team poses with faculty advisor Andrew Kleit
the oil sands region and the
well as helped organize injust
city of Edmonton using any
Edmonton, Alberta, on September 30, 2012.
dustry contacts for the team
inventive method the teams
to consult with.
could support.
Will, and Thomas comThe EBF program’s unique combination of
highway and limited rail. Currently no rail
engineering, actual
disciplines prepared Penn State’s team for the goes above a rail yard south of Ft. McMurray
and detailed
challenge. The students proposed the formaand thus any rail shipments must be offloaded
and continued to site by truck,
utilitarwhich creates a significant
“This was a once in a lifetime
ian solution for the future of oil sands. Some
delay in the transport logistics
of the other projects that were presented by
experience, not only because it was a
of the region. Canadian Nacompeting teams ranged from zeppelin style
tional, the rail operator in the
challenge so relevant to our major, but
airships to toll highways, with airships taking
region, has invested in the rail
first place in the competition.
because we got to meet students similar to
line from Edmonton to Ft.
Kirsten, Will, and Thomas are all graduMcMurray in recent years, but
us in a different country.”
seniors. Natalie is a junior who will
the gap between Ft. McMurgraduate
in 2014 and is planning to compete
~ Natalie Gerber, B.S. student in energy ray and the actual operations,
Energy Challenge again next
particularly the oil sand mines,
business and finance
keeps rail utilization low. In
Program Updates
Energy Engineering (ENENG)
by Sarma Pisupati, Associate Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering
It is indeed a great pleasure to announce that the Energy Engineering program was accredited by the Engineering Accreditation
Commission of ABET this past summer. The program is growing and
becoming an important engineering discipline both within the University and on the national stage.
It is not just that the number of students is growing, but the quality
of the program also is continuously improving. More industries are
seeking Energy Engineering students as summer interns and for coops. This summer, our students had internships at reputable organizations.
Additionally, our Industrial and Professional Advisory Committee
(IPAC) has been very supportive in continuously improving our program. The committee has reviewed the program and given some great
suggestions to make it even better. Thanks to all the committee members for their hard work and time commitment.
The Society for Energy Engineers (SEE), a professional student organization, is very active in organizing guest lectures and information
sessions from a variety of industries, and several employer information
sessions. SEE members have actively participated in various regional
and national competitions such as Energy Path 2012, Solar Workshops, and the Rube Goldberg Project.
The energy engineering capstone design course is another success in
cooperation with the “Learning Factory” in the Penn State College of
Engineering. Through the Learning Factory, industrial groups sponsor
small projects that can be completed by a group of students in a semester. Students from various disciplines (usually four to five, depending on the project) work collaboratively, and in consultation with the
sponsor, complete the project and “showcase” the outcome at the end
of the semester. As always, the program is looking for these industrydriven projects. If you would like to sponsor a project or know someone who can, please pass this information on or contact Dr. Semih
Eser at [email protected].
If you have any comments or suggestions about the program, please
do not hesitate to email [email protected] or call me at 814-865-0874.
Earlier this year, a Chinese delegation visited the EMS Energy Institute
to discuss current energy research and issues. The group, whose primary
research interests are in clean coal and clean carbon-based energy, met with
University leaders in the morning and listened to presentations by EMS
Energy Institute faculty in the afternoon. The day also included a tour of
Institute facilities. Sarma Pisupati was one of the faculty who discussed his
research with members of the delegation (pictured below).
Students from the Society of Energy Engineers
participated in the Energy Path 2012
Conference at DeSales University.
Program Updates
Environmental Systems Engineering (ENVSE)
by M. Thaddeus Ityokumbul, Associate Professor of Mineral Processing and Geo-Environmental Engineering
At the start of the fall 2012 semester, total
enrollment in the program stood at 137 (10%
of the undergraduate students in the department). As the semester has progressed we had
several students transferring into the program
from the Colleges of Science and Engineering.
We sent out the first batch of our Alumni
and Interest Group surveys in Summer
2012 as part of our preparations for the next
ABET visit, which is expected to take place
in Fall 2014. While the Self Study is due at
the end of June 2014, it is not too early to
get the process underway. Since the results of
these surveys are used to assess whether the
program educational objectives are being met,
we would therefore encourage those receiving
either the paper copy of these surveys or the
online link to submit their completed surveys.
We purchased a new microbalance (pictured below) for the Environmental Systems
Engineering/Enivronmental Health and
Safety Engineering Industrial Hygiene Measurements Laboratory. This was made possible
by a generous donation from Chevron. This
new state-of-the-art piece of equipment can
read to 0.1 µg and is equipped with a static
charge neutralization system to stabilize readings, giving students the capability to perform
gravimetric analysis for size-selective filter
samples including respirable, thoracic, and
inhalable size fractions.
M. Thaddeus Ityokumbul completed his
2011/2012 Fulbright award at Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Nigeria. However, Samuel
Oyewole will be leaving us to pick up an
appointment with the United States Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in
Washington D.C., effective January 2013.
The Society of Environmental Systems
Engineers (SESE) continues to organize
both professional and social activities for the
the spring
the Society
for the annual Earth
and Mineral Sciences
students volunteered for
the event.
As usual,
Left to Right: Ryan Repoff, Julianne Ganter, Lauren Leidel, and Ryan Singer.
they did an
The Society of Enviromental Systems Engineers (SESE) student officers attended the
excellent job
“Engineering Reverse Career Fair,” an event held in September 2012 to help connect
students with companies that have internship openings.
the major
to prospective students and demonstrating a
ties available to them. It also gave current
number of experiments to the many families
students ideas on possible internships and
who visited the displays, which were located
companies to consider for full-time employin the ENVSE labs on the first floor of Homent. The SESE also invited two departsler building. Also in the spring, the Society
ment graduates to speak at the fall meetings.
hosted a speaker from Blazosky Associates
One speaker from McLanahan Corporation
and one from National Fuel Gas, both of
discussed the application of process equipwhom were program graduates. The Society’s
ment in environmental separations. The other
co-ed soccer team provided another opporspeaker was from PPL Corporation and
tunity for ENVSE students to interact. The
discussed issues surrounding the generation
semester’s activities ended with the annual
and use of combustion residuals from coalpicnic, which was attended by more than 30
fired power plants. A new social event for this
students, including many of the seniors who
year was a pumpkin decorating competition,
were given a proper SESE sendoff.
which allowed the students to practice their
At the fall kick-off meeting, the returning
carving and painting skills. Many of these
students discussed their summer internships
activities were made possible by Chevron’s
and other activities, providing a great venue
generous donation and continued support of
for new students to hear the opportunithe program.
Left to Right: ENVSE students present their capstone design project at the end of the spring 2012 semester; SESE members pick their pumpkins for the new
fall semester pumpkin design contest; and the new microbalance, housed in the ENVSE/EHSE Industrial Hygiene Measurements Laboratory.
Program Updates
Mining Engineering (MNGE)
by R. Larry Grayson, Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering
and George H., Jr., and Anne B. Deike Chair in Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering students
were invited to tour a PBS
Coals mining site in the fall.
Scholarships and Awards for Mining Engineering Students
John Krenzel
Angela Moyer
Thomas Rauch
Mining engineering students John Krenzel, Angela Moyer, and
Thomas Rauch were awarded scholarships from the The Gimme
Foundation for this academic year. The Gimme Foundation scholarship initiative is designed to help offset the high costs of education
and to bolster the Mining Engineering profession. In addition, Krenzel was awarded the 2012 SME Pittsburgh Section Student Grant
Award, while Rauch received the 2012 Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America (PCMIA) Donald S. Kingery Student Grant Award
in recognition of his outstanding scholarship in minerals engineering.
son enjoyed a productive trip to Lima, Peru, in which they participated in a “sustainability” conference (seminar), which was held at Pontificia Universidad de Catolica del Peru (PUCP). Andrew Kleit also
interacted with faculty at ESAN University, a local business school,
and with a government agency related to economics. Larry Grayson
interacted with the Peruvian mining enforcement agency, the mining
institute, and a mine safety and health institute regarding details on
the status of mine safety and health in the U.S. and on U.S. enforcement agency structure and effectiveness. A spring 2013 student trip is
being planned as a follow-up to growing relationships in Peru.
Mining Students Attend MINExpo
MINExpo, a once every four years event, was held in Las Vegas in
September 2012. Twenty mining engineering students and two faculty
members joined two staff members in attendance. Featuring a massive
display of equipment, MINExpo had a record attendance. Students
found opportunities to network with thousands of exhibitors and recruiters.
Penn State Mine Rescue Team Re-Staffs
Following three years of organizing, preparing for, and competing in
mine rescue and Mine Emergency Response Development (MERD)
contests, the majority of the original Penn State Mine Rescue team
took jobs in industry. Their jobs took them to Australia, California,
Colorado, and North Carolina in coal, borates, and aggregates. The
past year was spent replacing them and training new recruits for the
rigors of competition. The new team members attended the Mine
Training and Technology Center MERD in the spring semester, and
shadowed experienced teams during the competition, thereby gaining
valuable experience for future competitions.
A Busy Trip to Peru
During June 5-12, Andrew Kleit, Antonio Nieto, and Larry Gray-
Jamal Rostami, assistant professor of energy and mineral engineering, at the
2012 MINExpo in Las Vegas.
Program Updates
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (PNGE)
by Turgay Ertekin, Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and George E. Trimble Chair in Earth and Mineral Sciences
Photos (top to bottom): In May, a group of
petroleum and natural gas engineering students
participated in the 2012 Shell Drilling and
Production Camp in Robert, LA; Members of the
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Penn State
Student Chapter visited EQT to take a tour of a
drilling rig; and the SPE student chapter continued
its tradition of hosting several tailgate functions
for students and alumni during the 2012 Penn
State football season.
It seems just yesterday that
I sent you a note using this
medium of communication
in the fall semester of the last
academic year. And now the
end of this year’s fall semester
is upon us. We have had one
of the most beautiful autumns
until the last weekend in
October, when all the beauty of
fall left its place to Hurricane
Sandy. On Monday, October
29, the Penn State administration cancelled classes and we
were asked to go to our homes
as Hurricane Sandy was inching
toward the New Jersey shore line.
In the end, we found that we were
on the luckier side of Sandy, as we
came out of the storm more or
less intact. Our heartfelt thoughts
go to millions of people who
endured the vicious winds and
flood waters that Sandy brought
to their homes and work places.
In our offices, it has been a
rather busy fall semester and
it looks like it will get even
busier. For the next one and a
half years, we will be focusing
extensively on our preparations
for the ABET accreditation
visit, which will take place for
our program during the 2014
fall semester. As the focal point
of an accreditation visit is the
continuous assessment of the
qualities of a program, we see
that the assessment and accountability movements in higher
education have converged on
“student learning” as the center of
the educational universe. In other
words, ideas about what constitutes a high-quality education
have shifted from the traditional
view of what teachers provide to a
practical concern for what learners
actually learn, achieve, and become. In
the traditional “teacher-centered’ model,
the focus has been on inputs: the credentials of faculty, the topics to be presented,
the sequencing of presentations, and so
forth. In the “learner-centered” model, the
focus is on outputs: what knowledge have
students acquired and what abilities have
they actually developed? Implicit in the
learner-centered model is the idea that teachers are facilitators of learning. It is not enough
anymore to construct a syllabus and present
information; the job of instructors nowadays
involves creating and sustaining an effective
learning environment based on a wide range
of “best practices” in teaching and learning. During the forthcoming accreditation
visit we will need to showcase effectively a
complementary, convincing methodology for
monitoring, confirming, and improving our
students’ learning. As it has been in the previous years, we hope that you also will give us a
hand in this demonstration. We hope you will
participate in ABET-related surveys coming your way and cultivate an environment
at your work place to make sure that surveys
sent to your work places (most probably to
your human resources areas) are completed
and returned to us.
Our undergraduate enrollment increased at
a very fast pace, as it stands nowadays almost
at 500 (at the end of the 2012 spring semester our enrollment was 360). Our graduate
enrollment is steady at 80. During the last
academic year we awarded 39 B.S., 18 M.S.,
and 6 Ph.D. degrees. As we look towards the
future, there is no other way to state that the
2012-2013 academic year will be a challenging one as enrollment continues to increase
while the resources stay at their previous
year’s levels. However, I know with confidence that whatever path we carve for our
students’ future, it will be developed out of a
nuanced thought process based in humanistic
values and understanding, rational inquiry,
and investigation of engineering principles.
We will continue to strive to ensure that our
graduates will be trained to be creative problem solvers with breadth and depth, and be
able to see connections across discrete ideas
and engineering science fundamentals. As the
number of our students increases, the number
of students graduating from our program increases as well. There is no doubt that you are
the best ambassadors of our PNGE program
in your respective work places and we hope
that you will do everything within your capacity to welcome our graduates into the petroleum engineering workforce as well. They
have worked very hard to obtain degrees, and
they have so much energy to prove and make
all of us proud of their achievements.
As always, I am proud to be part of an exceptional group of faculty, staff, and students,
and I remain grateful for your wonderful
commitment to your alma mater.
Program Updates
Online Program in Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESP)
by Vera Cole, Program Officer, Senior Lecturer, Energy and Sustainability Policy
The Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESP) Bachelor of Arts degree is the EME department’s newest program and the first fully
online undergraduate degree in the College. The ESP program opened
in Fall 2010 and has rapidly grown to more than 100 active full- and
part-time students, with the first graduates in Summer 2012. In October, the program was recognized by the Sloan Consortium with the
2012 Outstanding Online Program award for demonstrating “success
in providing expanded access, learning effectiveness, and high levels of
student and faculty satisfaction, in a cost-effective manner.” A delighted team of ESP instructors and staff accepted the award at the Sloan
Consortium International Conference on Online Learning in Buena
Vista, FL, in October 2012.
Students in this well-rounded B.A. degree complete an internship
or foreign studies experience, three semesters of a foreign language,
and general education requirements along with a full curriculum of
major requirements related to energy, policy, and sustainability. The
degree emphasizes five competency areas: energy industry knowledge,
sustainability ethic, global perspective, analytic skills, and communication skills.
Like all online programs at Penn State, the ESP program is delivered through Penn State’s World Campus and all courses are offered
asynchronously, meaning there are no set class times. Following the
Penn State academic calendar and instructor due dates for assignments and course participation, students work at a time and place that
best suits their needs.
Reflecting the broad reach of online learning, over 90% of students
in the ESP program are “adult learners,” based on a combination of
age, professional experience, military service (active or veteran), and
other adult roles (such as parenting). Our ESP students are located
in 30 different U.S. states, plus Norway and Spain, and 20% have a
military affiliation. Student ages ranges from 20 to 61, with an average
age of 33.
Many of our students are currently working in fields related to
Energy and Sustainability Policy, such as a wind
turbine installer in California, a natural gas
pipeline permitting supervisor in
Washington D.C., an energy
auditor in New Jersey, an
industrial hygienist in a
mine in Nevada, and
a marketing manager
for an electric co-op
in Oregon, to name
but a few. The experience and
Amanda Fuller is congratulated by Dr. Karen Pollack, World Campus
director of academic affairs for undergraduate programs, at the Summer
2012 Penn State World Campus Graduation Celebration.
Photo Credit: Bill Wallace, Penn State Outreach
of our ESP students greatly enriches online discussions and interactions, broadening the perspective of all and giving students the opportunity to learn from one another and even professionally network.
Penn State was one of the first accredited universities to offer online
education (starting in 1998) and the College of Earth and Mineral
Sciences has a dedicated unit (the Dutton Institute) for the development of online learning content. The ESP Program team includes Dr.
Vera Cole, program officer, full time instructors Brandi Robinson and
Haley Sankey, and administrative assistant Sue Spaugh. Practitioner
instructors include Barry Posner in Princeton, NJ, with expertise in
energy economics, Ron Santini in Charlotte, NC, with extensive professional experience in energy generation and transmission siting, and
Chris Flynn, a sustainable energy entrepreneur in Allentown, PA.
The Summer 2012 ESP inaugural graduates were Amanda Fuller
of Michigan (pictured) and Todd Venetz of New York. For his capstone project, Todd Venetz filed a comment with the EPA regarding
proposed standards of performance for greenhouse gas emissions for
new electric utility generation units and delivered a presentation on
the topic to other Penn State students in Costa Rica, studying renewable energy as part of the College of EMS Global Renewable Energy
Education Network (GREEN) program. Nearing the end of his studies, Todd writes, “I’ve really had the most rewarding experience I could
have hoped for and so much more. (…) Thanks again for everything, I
really appreciate it.”
Mandy’s capstone project studied the viability and policy issues of
offshore wind in the Great Lakes and included meetings with local
industry and government officials. In a parting blog post, she
writes, “I don’t know if everyone has the opportunity to fall in
love with what they’re studying, but they should. It’s a wonderful feeling to not only be interested in something, but to
feel a passion developing for it. I’m so excited to see where my
ESP degree takes me. (…) I think about people being defined
by their careers and I assume that some (many?) wish that
they weren’t, but I can’t wait to be identified as ‘that girl that
works to change the future.’” We can’t wait either!
Faculty News
Serguei Lvov, professor of
energy and mineral engineering and materials science and engineering, is the
faculty contact for the new
minor in Electrochemical
Engineering. The minor is
designed to equip students with the knowledge necessary to become valuable contributors in addressing society’s clean energy needs
and demands especially in the electrochemical power generation sector as well as educators, practicing engineers, and national leaders
in electrochemical energy conversion and
storage. The curriculum should allow students
in energy-related programs such as chemical,
civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical,
and materials science and engineering to
readily take advantage of the minor and be
better prepared for careers in clean power
generation and future green technologies.
Larry Grayson, professor of
energy and mineral engineering, was recently selected by the Society of Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration,
Inc. (SME) as a Henry
Krumb Lecturer, based on
his paper/presentation entitled, “Analysis of
U.S. Small-Mine Compliance Feasibility with
Proposed New Respirable Dust Standards and
Implications for Better Dust Control Methods.”
The purpose of the lecture series is “to make
available to the SME membership outstanding speakers for the Local Section meetings.”
Each lecturer is expected to make at least
three presentations to SME sections during
William Groves, associate professor of industrial
health and safety, served
on an expert panel tasked
with conducting a follow-up
review of the National Institute of Safety and Health’s
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (AFF) program. The panel reviewed the impact of the
AFF program’s activities from 2007 – 2012.
In addition, Groves served on the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences’
GeoHealth review panel and continues to
serve as an ABET program evaluator for
industrial hygiene. He also developed and
delivered a web version of the popular Safety
Science course over the summer and recently
published the results of graduate student
Brian Marpoe’s study examining effects of
sample holders on measurements of gases and
Randy Vander Wal, professor of energy and
mineral engineering and materials science
and engineering, was awarded tenure and
promotion to Associate Professor of Energy
and Mineral Engineering. In addition, Vander
Wal and Chung-Hsuan Huang, a doctoral
student in the fuel science graduate option,
were part of the NASA Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment Team who recently received their second
NASA Group Achievement Award for “outstanding achievement in establishing the impact
of hydro-treated renewable jet fuels on commercial aircraft engine performance and pollutant
emissions.” Tasked with testing whether a
biofuel made from chicken fat can be used
as a viable jet fuel alternative, the team used
a NASA DC-8 to conduct several studies
with the biofuel, regular jet fuel, and a 50-50
blend of biofuel and jet fuel. The successful measurement of the biofuel’s effects on aircraft
performance and gaseous and particulate emissions will assist both the U.S. military and the
commercial airline industry in its assessment of alternative fuels for aviation use.
Andrew Kleit, professor of energy and environmental economics, was the
recipient of the 2012 Georgescu-Roegen Prize for his article, “Can Credence
Advertising Effects be Isolated? Can They Be Negative?: Evidence from Pharmaceuticals.” The Roegen Prize is awarded each year by the Southern Economic
Association (SEA) to the author of the best academic article published in the
Southern Economic Journal. Kleit received the award on November 17, 2012, at
the SEA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.
EME welcomes new administrative staff
In July, Sara
Peterson began
her new position
as EME’s Industry Recruiting
Coordinator and
Special Events
Assistant. She
previously served
as the administrative support
assistant to the
Penn State Miner Training Program.
In her new role, Peterson manages and
coordinates the department’s Corporate
Recruiting Program; assists visitors with
travel logistics and coordinates interview
schedules with student participants; assists
with promotion and administration of programs, colloquium, seminars and events;
and prepares, distributes, and collects various program surveys and compiles analysis
of survey results to be included in ABET
reports presented to the review board.
Megan Van
Orden joined
EME in August
as the new administrative support assistant to
the Penn State
Miner Training Program.
Van Orden is
responsible for
administrative duties for the Miner Training Program, which includes: scheduling
training classes, maintaining the training
calendar, and coordinating instructor’s
schedules and company requirements;
providing monthly, quarterly, mid-year,
and year-end reports to the Bureau of
Deep Mine Safety and the Mine Safety
and Health Administration; and assisting
with the planning and coordination of
several seminars throughout the year.
EME @ Your Service
Gas Flooding Joint Industry Project Holds Seventh
Annual Meeting
by Shea Winton, EMS Energy Institute
The Gas Flooding Joint Industry Project held its seventh annual
meeting at the EMS Energy Institute from October 11-13, 2012. The
meeting was organized by the EMS Energy Institute at Penn State in
collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin.
The meeting had over 25 attendees including industry representatives from five member companies, Shell, OMV, British Petroleum,
and Maersk as well as students and faculty from Penn State and the
University of Texas at Austin. It included a software demonstration,
14 technical presentations, and tours of several Penn State laboratories. The project presentations drew lively industry feedback and many
comments on the exceptional quality of the research. The meeting also
provided an opportunity to students, faculty, and industry representatives to discuss research goals and future work.
The Gas Flooding Joint Industry Project generates innovative
research in gas flooding and closely related areas, and recruits and
trains graduate students in petroleum engineering for careers in the oil
industry. The project is run by Russell Johns, professor of petroleum
and natural gas engineering.
The majority of funding for the program comes from industry
membership and, in order to ensure the research is highly relevant,
the group encourages industry affiliates to provide topics and data for
the research. The group’s research falls into several key areas, including
gas flooding processes such as CO2 gas flooding and rich gas flooding, thermodynamics and phase behavior, geo-chemistry, petrophysical
properties, and numerical simulation of gas floods.
Unconventional Natural Resources Consortium
Holds Inaugural Meeting
by Shea Winton, EMS Energy Institute
The Unconventional Natural Resources
(UNRC) held
its first industrial meeting
on November
19 at the EMS
Energy Institute.
Representatives from five companies, including member companies Hess and
Chevron, Shell, Rex Energy, and Baker Hughes, as well as Penn State
faculty and students were in attendance.
The meeting included five technical presentations, software demonstrations, and tours of several Penn State laboratories. The meeting
also provided an opportunity to hear feedback from the companies
and to discuss potential future projects.
The UNRC is co-directed by Luis Ayala, associate professor, and
Russell Johns, professor, petroleum and natural gas engineering. The
consortium is a research effort between industry and academia to analyze natural gas and oil reservoirs and production in unconventional
plays. The main objective is to provide long-term support to cuttingedge research in the area of unconventional resources exploitation and
development, and disseminate research results to UNRC members.
This year, Antonio Nieto, associate professor of
mining engineering, spearheaded
Penn State efforts
to develop a
proposal in
response to a call from the U.S. Department of Energy
to form a Critical Materials Research Hub. Nieto also
is part of a team that received a grant from the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
to begin a new research project to develop battery safety
guidelines for underground coal mine communications
and personnel tracking equipment. In addition, Nieto
received a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense
to model supply criticality of rare-earths minerals to the
United States, and he has traveled to Peru and Argentina to give two mining lectures to Hochschild Mining.
Panel discussion looks at connection between
energy, security, and stability
The Penn State International Center
for the Study of Terrorism recently held
a public panel discussion on the topic
of “Energy, Security, and Stability” on
October 8, 2012. The John and Willie
Leone Family Department of Energy
and Mineral Engineering (EME) was
one of the co-sponsors of the event.
Seated in the Paterno Library on the
Penn State University Park campus, six expert panelists from universities across the nation examined how energy policy and usage affects
national and global security, prosperity, and sustainability. One of
those panelists was EME’s Anastasia Shcherbakova, assistant professor of energy economics, risk, and policy, who is the co-director of the
Energy, Security, and Stability Research Initiative at Penn State.
“The concept of energy security, itself, is extremely ill-defined,”
Shcherbakova said. “If you take energy security to
mean we use energy in an efficient manner, not
wastefully, and take into account some of the negative externalities that can occur like climate change,
then to me the biggest challenge [to energy security]
is the lack of incentives for us to change our consumption behaviors.”
Noting that energy links nations, societies, and
people across the world, much of the panel discussion centered on the
concept of energy as a human security issue. While citing the need
to expand utilization of cleaner energy sources, panelists also agreed
there are difficult economic, political, and technological challenges to
transitioning to a renewable energy future. In the short term, many
suggested a good first step to improving the energy landscape is to
educate consumers about more efficient energy usage.
Student Voice
Meet Amanda Fuller:
The first graduate of
the Online Energy and
Sustainability Policy
degree program
by Martha Traverse, EMS Ryan Family Student Center
Amanda (“Mandy”) Fuller, working wife and mother of one,
resides in Lansing, MI. As an 18-year-old, she was accepted at
the University of Hawaii, where she planned to study pre-medicine.
However, Mandy abandoned the plan, realizing that a future in medicine was not her dream, in spite of the allure of a tropical paradise.
She set her focus on a political science curriculum at Lansing Community College. “My interest in social science led to a nine-month
work-study opportunity in Japan. I knew no Japanese, and knew nothing of their culture and customs. It was a personal growth experience;
I learned to embrace a global perspective.”
Upon her return from studying abroad, Mandy decided to look for
possible routes to a Bachelor of Arts degree. The obvious choice was
Michigan State, but “they do not cater to adult learners,” so Mandy
started the search for an online program that would offer the kind of
flexibility she needed “in a marketable program that would interest
She decided to look at programs at Big Ten universities, and found
Penn State, EMS and ESP— Energy and Sustainability Policy—delivered online by World Campus in collaboration with the John A.
Dutton e-Education Institute and the John and Willie Leone Family
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering. “Here was something I knew I would actually enjoy learning about and finding a
career in.”
Mandy says she has been made to feel a part of EMS through her
academic advisor, Brandi Robinson and senior lecturer, Vera Cole of
the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, who have been “so helpful
with feedback and validation” of her hard work.
Mandy’s online education is inspired and fortified by a “wonderful
support network”, led by her husband, Ryan. On Saturday, August 11,
Ebrahim Farrokh and Ehsan Alavi Gharahbagh, doctoral students in energy and mineral engineering, both were awarded $2,000 scholarships
for papers submitted to the 2012 North American Tunneling (NAT) Conference. Farrokh won
for his paper titled, “TBM Down Time Analysis,”
while Gharahbagh won for his paper titled, “Cutterhead Wear Study for EPB TBMs in Glacial Soils.”
In addition to receiving scholarship funding,
Farrokh and Gharahbagh also were invited to
present their papers at the annual NAT conference, held in Indianapolis, IN, from June 24-27,
Amanda Fuller (background) enjoys balancing work and life, as evidenced by
stepdaughter Kathryn’s smile.
2012, Mandy became the very first ESP graduate at Penn State. She
even made the dean’s list, managing to balance her studies with raising
a family.
An online program tailored for adult learners, ESP is an interdisciplinary program, “preparing students for careers in the evolving policy
sector of the energy and sustainability fields.” Entry to the program
requires completion of two years of a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.
ESP graduates gain knowledge of the global energy industry and
sustainability practices, using analytical and communications skills.
With her degree in hand, Mandy plans to remain in her home state
of Michigan and become part of the educational momentum in environmental sustainability and renewable energy. She might decide to
work with a renewable energy company, and is especially keen on the
development of wind energy. “I would like to see Michigan develop
this viable resource.”
Had Mandy arrived in town early enough on commencement eve,
we would have loved to give her a tour of the Ryan Family Student
Center—where she could have logged on in our EMS-student-only
computer lab. But most likely, Mandy would have passed by the PCs,
opting to spend her time less “virtually”, meeting the people in her
College home.
Fidel Castro-Marcano, a doctoral student in
energy and mineral engineering, recently was
recognized at the 29th Annual International
Pittsburgh Coal Conference from October 15-18,
2012. He received the honorable mention award
in the best paper category for his paper, “ReaxFF
Molecular Dynamics Pyrolysis Simulations of a
Large-Scale Model of Illinois no. 6 Coal Including the Role of Organic Sulfur.” Co-authors of the paper included Castro-Marcano’s
faculty advisor, Jonathan Mathews, assistant professor of energy
and mineral engineering, and Adri van Duin, associate professor of
mechanical engineering.
Professional Societies
Live from the 2012 Petrobowl
by Michael Connolly, M.S. Student in Energy and Mineral Engineering
A team of Penn State students once
again headed to the Society of Petroleum
Engineers’ Annual Technical Conference
to compete in the 11th annual Petrobowl
competition. This year’s event was held on
October 8, in San Antonio, TX. Penn State
sent a dream team of five petroleum and
natural gas engineering students to the competition including graduate student Michael
Connolly, and undergraduate students Shane
Hollerich, Foha Rafiq, Leyla Ramirez, and
Penn State Petrobowl Team (left to right): Leyla
Victor Torreabla. The team prepared for
Ramirez, Michael Connolly, Victor Torreabla, Foha
months in advance, studying everything
Rafiq, and Shane Hollerich.
from reservoir engineering to rheology of
drilling fluids.
oil spills in history, earning the team a major
The competition began on the Monday
bonus. In the second round Penn State took
morning of the conference. An enormous
on Montana Tech, but narrowly lost.
room overflowed with students and supportPetrobowl was a great learning experience.
ers from universities all around the world. It
All team members improved their knowledge
was intimidating and exciting at the same
of petroleum engineering, geology, economics,
and oil industry trivia. This year’s team was
Penn State’s first round clash was against
also able to build a bank of several thousand
Universidade Federal Fluminense from
questions for future Penn State Petrobowl
Brazil. Penn State was able to win thanks to
teams. Preparation has already begun for next
Foha’s great knowledge of oil industry history. year’s competition in New Orleans, LA. Let’s
She had been able to list several of the largest hope next year is more successful!
Students organize new
AADE Penn State
Student Chapter
The John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering is
now home to the new American Association
of Drilling Engineers (AADE) Penn State
student chapter.
The mission of the AADE is to offer a
forum for the exchange of information on
drilling-related topics. Penn State is the first
university to have a student section sponsored
by the AADE Appalachian Chapter. “The
primary reason we started the AADE student
section is to expose our student members to
the drilling engineering aspect of the petroleum industry,” said Cory Nguyen, president
of the AADE Penn State Student Chapter.
“With rising enrollment numbers in petroleum and natural gas engineering, we believe
this student section can provide students with
additional opportunities to rise to leadership
roles and obtain scholarships.”
In addition to Nguyen, current officers include the following petroleum and natural gas
engineering undergraduate students: Andro
Soliman (Vice President), Matthew Farley
(Treasurer), and Hope Meyers (Secretary).
SPE Student Chapter
receives Gold Standard
The Penn State Student Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) recently
was honored with a 2012 Gold Standard
Student Chapter Award. The chapter received
the award on October 7, 2012, during the
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, TX.
SPE presents the Gold Standard Award
annually to student chapters that complete
an admirable level of society activities and
programs in a single academic year. The
awards are based on ten categories, including:
membership activities, planning activities,
educational meetings, member participation in professional events, service activities,
member support, fundraising, extracurricular
activities, a summary of significant contributions and challenges of the chapter, and a
complete financial statement.
Current student chapter officers are:
Everardo Tapia (President), Shane Hollerich
(Vice President), Matthew Hogle (Treasurer),
Leyla Ramirez (Secretary), and Patrick Baer
(Event Coordinator).
Kimberly Grant Profile...Continued from page 3
special-ordered just for me.
Q: Do you have any Penn State honors, awards or experiences that you’d like to talk about?
A: I’ve been fortunate to receive a Bunton Waller Scholarship twice, as well as the Robert
Stefanko Memorial Scholarship three times. I joined the Silent Praise MIME Ministry
as a freshman in 2006, and this was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In Silent
Praise, we utilize physical interpretation and movement in Christian worship, reaching
out to every age group. The support and friendship from this wonderful fellowship has
helped me endure the lows and celebrate the highs. I have also enjoyed playing IM Girls’
Basketball for Penn State since 2007. Basketball—there’s another passion. I played in high
school and love it.
Q: What are your plans after receiving your degree this fall?
A: My personal goal is to participate in outreach projects, talking to high school students
in inner city schools, encouraging them to work hard and not to take no for an answer.
My career goal is to work in the industry and bring about a better public perception of
what the mining industry is. I am also very interested in research in mining health and
safety; I would love to earn a master’s degree someday.
Q: How would you rate the advising and mentoring assistance you have received in EMS
over the years?
A: That’s easy. I would rate it a ten. I have been made to feel really comfortable by all the
college’s advisors and faculty mentors. I have never been discouraged from seeking my
dream. I have never felt judged as inadequate.
An Opportunity To Give
The John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
EME Undergraduate Education Funds
To make a gift, please complete and return this
form with a check made payable to:
The Pennsylvania State University
EME Undergraduate Education Funds
116 Hosler Building
University Park, PA 16802
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
I would like to support EME with my gift of:
□ $100.00
□ $250.00
□ Other: _____________
Please use my gift for the following area of need:
Incoming Student Incentive Scholarship Fund
Departmental Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund
Teaching Laboratories Upgrade Fund
When giving online, please be sure to include the code AD323
to the right of the description.
John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
110 Hosler Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-3437