July 3 - Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary
July 3 - Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary
July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy Schedule Saturday:…………………....5:30pm English 7:00pm Spanish Sunday:……...8am, 9:30 am, & 11am English 12:30 pm in Spanish Daily: …………….As published in bulletin Mass in the Extraordinary Form… Fourth Sunday of the month at 5pm For information 910-891-1972 Sacraments Baptism: Preparation prior to baptism is required. Parents should contact the Parish Office for details. Confirmation: Please contact the Faith Formation Office for more information. Reconciliation: 4:00–4:45 pm Saturdays or by appointment. Weddings: Contact the Pastor as soon as possible to set the wedding date and begin marriage preparation; preferably at least 3 months before your wedding. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. R.C.I.A.–Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Saturday: 9:00-10:00 am; RCIA Room, 1st Floor, Tileston Center Education The Saint Mary School: Grades Pre-K–8. The oldest Catholic School in North Carolina now celebrating 146 years of education. Accredited by SACS-CASI. Faith Formation: K–High School (Communion-Confirmation) Sunday: 11:00 am—Noon September to May Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: 412 Ann Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 Fax 910-762-9664 www.thestmaryparish.org Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm The St. Mary School Office: 217 South Fourth Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 ext. 140 Fax 910-772-8034 www.thestmaryschool.org Monday–Friday: 8am–3pm Pastor, Very Reverend Robert J. Kus…………………………………………… ext. 111 RCIA/Social Ministries, Sister Isaac Koenig, S.U……………………………… ext. 135 Director of Religious Education, Mr. John Walsh……………………………… ext. 114 Director of Youth Ministry, Ms. Amy Preusser ……………………………….. ext. 117 Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ms. Norma Rivera……………………………. ext. 122 Business Manager, Ms. Sharon Marren…………………………………………. ext. 158 Wedding and Missions Coordinator, Ms. Simone Amato…………………….. ext. 129 Development Director, Ms. JoAnn Daley………………………………………. ext. 110 Parish Secretary, Ms. Simone Amato…………………………………………. ext. 113 Bulletin Editor, Ms. Sandy O'Leary……………………… [email protected] Campus Director, Mr. Phil Davis……………………………………………….. ext. 115 Organist/Director of Music, Ms. Sara Bryant…………………………………… ext. 118 St. Mary Parish Bookstore………………………………………………………. ext. 159 The Upper Room 1871 Event Coordinator, Ms. Victoria Hudson….……..910-538-9885 St. Mary School Principal, Ms. Joyce Price…………………………………….. ext. 153 St. Mary School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Susan Linn……………………. ext. 140 CEPI De Santa María: Spanish Adult School, Tileston Gym Annex 2nd Floor 910-619-0898 910-762-5491, ext. 138 St. Mary Adult School: Art and ESL. Call office for times and dates. Children, Youth & Young Adults Nursery: 6 months–5 years Sunday: 9:30 Mass. St. Mary School Lower Building Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos: Friday: 7:00 pm. Hispanic Ministry room, 1st Floor Tileston Center Social Outreach St. Mary/Tileston Outreach: Monday–Thursday 8:30-11:30am St. Mary Health Center: (Dental and Medical) Tileston Gym Annex - Lower Floor Walk-ins Welcome For Appointment, call: 763-8163 stmaryhealthcenter.org 2 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 Liturgies and Paraliturgies Including Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner This weekend, Catholic Christians celebrate the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. On this day, we hear, in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus sending 72 of his disciples two by two to various towns that he planned to visit himself at a later time. He even gave them some practical tips on being good missionaries (Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20). Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 2 5:30 pm Mass — † Marge D’Orio Offered by Pat and Tom DeBello 7:00 pm Mass — Carl Stauble Offered by Adam Stauble Sunday, July 3 8:00 am Mass — † Richard Zier Offered by James Zier 9:30 am Mass —† Mary Burns Offered by Patricia Mahoney 11:00 am Mass —Thanksgiving for successful hip replacement Offered by Grace and Al Mangino 12:30 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Monday, July 4 7:30 am Mass — † Edward McNulty Offered by The La Salla Family On Monday, people of the United States will celebrate Independence Day. On this day, please take some time to thank God for all of our blessings and to help us to strive always to be a better and more welcoming nation, especially toward our Catholic immigrants. Tuesday, July 5 7:30 am Mass — † Thomas Haney Offered by Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mallner and Family Wednesday, July 6 7:30 am Communion Service Thursday, July 7 7:30 am Mass — † Frida Offered by Vera Lovell 7:00 pm Annointing Mass— † Charles Hudson Offered by Matt and Elizabeth White Friday, July 8 7:30 am Mass — † Marie Munn Offered by Arlene Fishburn Finally, this Thursday evening at 7 p.m., we will have our annual summertime Anointing Mass at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. We will also have our regular 7:30 a.m. Mass that day without the Sacrament of the Sick. To receive the Sacrament of the Sick, you must have been validly baptized and believe you are sick in mind, body, or spirit. Saturday, July 9 5:30 pm Mass — † Catherine Bambera Offered by Pat and Tom DeBello 7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Sunday, July 10 8:00 am Mass — † France Henrichs Offered by John Henrichs and Family 9:30 am Mass — † Conrad Giacalone Offered by The Giacalone Family 11:00 am Mass — † Barbara Worden Offered by James Worden 12:30 pm Mass — † Sister Marion McGillicuddy Sincerely yours in Christ, - Father Bob The sanctuary lamp will now be offered in honor, memory or thanksgiving. Donation of $20.00 is requested for a week which will begin on Saturday and end on Friday. Please call Parish Office. ~ Stewardship of Treasure ~ May 8, 2016 Envelopes Mailed 1634 Envelopes Returned: 396 Offertory Budget Education 05/08/2016 $ 16,325.98 $ 20,000.00 $ 185.00 07/01/2015 to $ 912,119.42 $ 876,000.00 $ 34,777.88 Weekend Mass Schedule at a Glance Saturday Mass in English – 5:30 pm Saturday Mass in Spanish – 7:00 pm Sunday Mass in English – 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Mass in Spanish – 12:30 pm To schedule a Mass Intention, to donate the Altar Flowers, or for information on Baptism, please call the Parish Office at 762-5491. Readings for the Week of July 4 Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For Public Needs,” nos. 882-889, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 Monday: Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 Please Pray for Our Sick If you would like a name added or removed please email: [email protected] John Ameri Gary Barton Clarise Becks Sarah Bowersox Alexandra Brigantti Charles Briggs Morris Brown Crystal Cameron Patricia Carroll Lawrence Carney Louis Cassella Jeremy Cook Lucille DeLuca Michael DeStasio Christi Ferretti Tim Ford John Gee Vera Gee Brenda Grainger Junior Grainger Mark Groves Donna Hand Walter Hickey Doug Hill Judy Hill Donna Hodges Nicole Hyden The Keating Family Karen Kwiatkowski Jay Linkfield Alison Maccherone George Mailloux Donald Mankin Pat Manuel Howard Militscher Patty Morris Wendy Morris Warren Murphy Ella Nelson Sean O’Leary Kim Pierce Matthew Ramsey The Regan Family Vincent Rotolo Marilyn Ryan Robert Russo Laura Sawyer Regina Stewart Deanna Thompson William Wadman Brien Weissenborn Anthony Wiegand Chester Wiggins Joanne Wright Centering Prayer—An hour of contemplating prayer and the Centering practice. Wednesdays from 1:00—2:00 pm. Contact: Joan Regan at 383-2804 or centeringprayer.com. The Liturgy of the Hours—Monday - Thursday at 7:05 am. Everyone is invited and books are available as is instruction. St. Mary AAMEN Chapter—Chapter meetings are held Fourth Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Tileston Center. Adoration—Thursday after the 7:30 am Mass for one hour. Starting January 7th—Thursday from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm and Friday after 8:30 am Mass until 1:00 pm. Contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579. Camillus Ministry —Brings communion to those who are unable to attend Mass. Ministry Co-Coordinators Barbara Russo ([email protected]); Tim Pflaum ([email protected]) or Eileen Mankin ([email protected]) Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors—Contact Stephanie Watts at 799-7623 or [email protected]. The Newcomer Welcome and Hospitality Ministry—needs your assistance to help our new members become part of our parish family. Young Families and Couples Group—meets last Sunday of each month after 9:30 Mass for light breakfast, discussion and crafts for the kids. Contact: Erin Buller—678-520-4028 or [email protected] or thestmaryparish.org/ newcomer. Catholic Daughters Court 1036—Meets the Second Sunday of the month at 3:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. Contact: JoAnne Shadroui, Regent—910-452-6351. St. Mary Nursery—Volunteers are needed to help staff our Sunday nursery during the 9:30 am mass. Contact: [email protected]. Music Ministries—Contact: Sara Bryant at 762-5491 ext. 118, or [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Council 1074—meets in the basement of the Tileston Center. Contact: [email protected] or kofc1074.org. St. Mary Altar Guild – Meets once a month at different restaurants around the area. Contact: Nancy Dasbach—(910) 264-9480. The Upper Room 1861—Victoria Hudson, Event Coordinator 910.538.9885, [email protected], upperroomnc.com 3 The Week Ahead In Our Parish Summer Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday - 9:00 am - Noon Sunday, July 3 Share Sunday—all Masses Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in the Tileston Center Hispanic Family Ministry Meeting—10:45 am in the Hispanic Room in the Tileston Center NO Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 Monday, July 4 St. Mary Parish Offices Closed Contemporary Choir Rehearsal—7:00 pm in the Basilica Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos—8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio Tuesday, July 5 Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—7:00 pm in Room T318 Wednesday, July 6 NO Centering Prayer—1:00—2:00 pm (will resume in the fall) Women’s Contemplative Prayer—1:30 pm in Room T325 NO Youth Ministry—6:00 pm Thursday, July 7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass for an hour and from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm in the Basilica Divine Mercy Chaplet – 12:30 pm in the Chapel Baptism Preparation Class (Spanish) - 6:30 pm in room T316 Basilica Schola Rehearsal—7:30 pm—9:00 pm in the Music Office Friday, July 8 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass until 1:00 pm Hispanic Young Adult Group (El grupo de jóvenes adultos)7:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos - 8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio Hispanic Prayer Group—7:30 pm Saturday, July 9 Gospel Choir Rehearsal—10:30 am in the Basilica Amaka Nsonwu and Robert Farmer Wedding—11:00 am in the Basilica Rachel Lerose and Michael Gombos Wedding—4:00 pm in the Basilica Reconciliation—4:00 pm in the Basilica Hispanic Children’s Ministry—5:00 pm Sunday, July 10 Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in the Tileston Center Hispanic Family Ministry Meeting—10:45 am in the Hispanic Room in the Tileston Center NO Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 4 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 Parish Happenings Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) Court #1036 2016—2017 CDA meetings are held monthly resuming in September. Watch the bulletin for dates and times. All women of the parish are invited to join us. Contact JoAnne Shadroui, 910-508-4370, for more information. Salud Hondu Ways to continue supporting Salud Hondu: Contact Penny Cromer at 910 264-4500 or [email protected] or visit website saludhondu.org Fr. Bob’s New Books Now Available St. Mary Parish Bookstore—Located in the Tileston Center Tuesday - Friday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Saturday - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 762-5491 (ext. 159) or [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry “A Stitch….A Prayer….The Touch of God” A group meets monthly and shares time together both knitting and crocheting shawls for the ministry. Call Noreen at 798-0055 for more information on meeting dates and times. If you know of anyone who needs the warmth and comfort of a prayer shawl or, you would like to donate your own handmade shawls to the ministry, call Noreen and she will make arrangements for you. St. Mary's Young Families Group The Young Families group will be meeting in the RCIA room on the first floor of the Tileston building after 9:30 Mass on July 31 and August 28. Newcomers are welcome! Join other families with young children for coffee, a light breakfast, crafts for the kids, and a casual discussion or service activity for the grown ups. A city-wide young Catholic families picnic is in the works for the evening of September 18! Mark your calendars! Contact Erin and Tom Buller at [email protected] or 678-520-4028 for more information. Columbarium and Memorial Garden Thank you for the wonderful response to the plan for the new Memorial Garden and Columbarium. We currently have commitments for approximately 1/2 of the 120 niches required to proceed with the construction of the two-phase plan proposed in our June 2015 meeting More Information: JoAnn Daley 910-762-5491, x110 or [email protected] Adoration The Basilica Shrine of St. Mary will now have Adoration on Thursday evenings from 5:00 pm till 8 pm and Fridays after Mass until 1:00 pm. To be apart of this ministry contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579 The Basilica Schola has openings for all voice parts. This choir sings at 11:00 a.m. masses and a few special liturgies throughout the year and is directed by Sara Bryant. Singing in the Schola requires good music reading skills and a voice that blends well with others. The choir sings music from the Renaissance to the 21st century, with a special emphasis on Gregorian chant. Singers who are high school age and older are welcome. For more information or to arrange an audition, contact Sara Bryant, Director of Music at 910.762.5491 ext. 118, or [email protected]. The Hispanic Youth Group is raffling off a Gas/Charcoal Grill. Tickets may be purchased with Simone in the Parish Office. Funds go to help the group summer activities. Fr. Bob’s latest book of homilies – Flowers in the Wind 6: Story-Based Homilies for Cycle C – is now available on Amazon.com and in the St. Mary Bookstore & Gift Shop. Fr. Bob’s journal – The Year of Clifton: Journal of a Parish Priest - 2012 – is now available on Amazon.com and in the St. Mary Bookstore & Gift Shop. Construction Update! The full-scale work for the elevator in the Tileston Center continues. Some of the regular parish office services will be adjusted during this time as access to certain areas of the building will be limited and restricted. If you have questions, or need specific assistance, please contact the Parish Office at 762-5491, x113. Temporary changes include: Closing of the Tileston Center Chapel: Camillus ministers will be able to obtain Hosts from the church. Closing of the Upper Room 1871: No events are currently schedules for the Upper Room until fall. Limited Restroom access: Restrooms located on either end of the building will be available on both the upper and main floors. Limited Activity Spaces: Activities, meetings and events cannot take place in the building that require access or entry into the construction zone. Any additions to the current calendar must be approved, IN ADVANCE, by the Facilities Manager, Phil Davis 762-5491, x115. This project has been more than 20 years in the making and should be finished by early fall! Thank you for your patience! 5 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 We are seeking volunteers! Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Around the Area St. Mary Health Center is seeking volunteers for the following areas: Front Desk – Assist patients with check-in and check-out, process patient paperwork, answer patient questions and other simple clerical duties. Clinics run typically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings beginning at 4pm or 5pm. St. Mary Health Center provides emergency dental extractions and urgent medical care for patients who are uninsured and whose income falls below the 200% federal poverty guidelines. Medical or dental office experience is not required. Training will be provided. To find out more information, please contact Allen Sanderson at 910-763-8163 or visit our webpage at www.stmaryhealthcenter.org/about/ our-volunteers. St. Mary Catholic School is registering for the 2016—2017 school year Come discover the difference in a Catholic Educa on! 910-762-5491, ext. 140 www.thestmaryschool.org St. Mary Catholic School - Falcon’s Nest English as a Second Language Offered by Cape Fear Community College Available for adults in the community at St. Mary. Morning Multilevel class with Jamie…...M-TH 9:30am-12:30pm Evening Multilevel class with Jenny.,,,..TU and TH 6:30-9:30pm The classroom is above the St. Mary Health Center. For more information, please contact Cindy at 910-362-7184. Stress in Your Marriage? Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning with a weekend on September 16th call 800-470-2230 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org. - See more at: dioceseofraleigh.org Divorced? Remarried? Planning to marry someone who is divorced? Do you have questions about freedom to marry in the Catholic Church? Did you know that the Tribunal is available to answer these and any other questions you may have about remarriage in the Church? The Diocesan Tribunal seeks interested men and women who are willing to assist individuals seeking a declaration of nullity of a prior marriage. A compassionate ear and the ability to maintain strict confidentiality are the main requirements. Bilingual skills are helpful but not necessary. For more information or to register, please call or e-mail Mrs. Vikki Newell (919-821-9759; [email protected]) by July 11, 2016. Carolina Catholic and the Human Trafficking Epidemic For our first show in July, Mario and Judi Paparozzi will talk about the rising epidemic of human trafficking happening right here in the United States and even in Wilmington, NC. Judi teaches this subject at UNC Pembroke and hosted its first annual Human Trafficking Conference this past November. In this show, she and Mario will talk about the ten things every American should know about human trafficking including topics such as what grocery products are made with child labor, the use of child suicide bombers, the connection between terrorism and trafficking, and how to recognize human trafficking in our midst. This show will air on Wilmington Catholic Radio on stations 91.7 FM, 93.1FM, and 103.1 FM on Saturday, July 2nd and 9th, at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday, July 3rd and 10th, at 6:00 p.m. This show can also be heard on our website at wilmingtoncatholicradio.com. Thank you. St. Mary Early Childhood Program provides an appropriate preschool experience offering a nurturing environment where children have the freedom to play, learn and interact with one another, and discover the wonders of God’s world in the course of a childoriented day. Students enjoy: Music, Art, Spanish, P.E., Religion, Math, Language, Field Trips & par cipa ng in school-wide ac vi es. Extended Day Program* includes lunch, a rest period, and enrichment opportuni es that reinforce the morning learning ac vi es. *Available Fall 2016 based on enrollment If you are interested, please call Mrs. Susan Linn at 762-5491 ext. 140. 1/2 day PreK 3 and 4 (8:15 - Noon) $2,980 *Full Day PreK (8:15-3) $5,000 Single/Single Again Ministry If you are a single, separated, divorced or widowed person over 35 years, please join us for the 21th Annual Singlesingleagain Beach Retreat will take place the weekend of August 5-7, 2016 at Trinity Retreat Center in Salter Path NC. It is a weekend of prayer, renewal and relaxation. Our retreat leader is Christine Miesowicz. Single/ Singleagain Masses will be on July 17, August 14, September 18, October 16, November 20 and December 11 at 5:30 at Cardinal Gibbons HS. For more information, contact Celia Keator at [email protected]. Worldwide Marriage Encounter The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is November 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at [email protected] or 704-3152144. - See more at: dioceseofraleigh.org Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 6 Fortnight for Freedom Bishop Burbidge invites the Faithful to participate in the fifth annual Fortnight for Freedom, a 14-day celebration of our religious freedom. The theme this year is "Witnesses to Freedom." As part of the theme, we will celebrate exemplary witnesses to freedom, including, Edith Stein, Oscar Romero, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary Social Ministry/Tileston Outreach Witnesses to Freedom will celebrate the values of our faith with respect to the gift of life, marriage, conscience rights, health care and many humanitarian concerns. For more information and educational resources on the Fortnight for Freedom, access our website at www.dioceseofraleigh.org/fortnight-for-freedom. This weekend we celebrate our Independence. The Word of God we listen to this day reminds us, believers in the crucified Jesus, that it is our God who makes us truly free and we are called to imitate God’s love with all those who pass our way. As a matter of fact, we are even sent out to find those who need to hear God’s message and bring them peace. FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONS - A MINISTRY In the Tileston Center, on Sundays, from 10:30 am to 12:15 pm, from October to June. To register, please contact Dé Corbett at 910-2322745. Volunteers for clerical help are welcome. Sister Isaac—Office of Social Ministry Margaret Mead, a 20th century anthropologist is quoted as saying: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Volunteer Opportunities We call our volunteers our “stars” because they truly are. Our high level of hospitality would not be possible without our dedicated, tightknit group of volunteers. We like to spoil our Wilmington theatergoers! Want to join us? Volunteering can be your backstage pass to Broadway shows, concerts of all kinds, comedy and more. See the shows you want and save on tickets by helping us provide excellent guest service. Three easy steps to becoming a Center Star: Fill out the online application – www.capefearstage.com Attend a 1-hour Getting to Know You orientation Participate in a 3-hour training For further information, please contact Tracy Wilkes - 362-7887 email: [email protected] Avila Retreat Center "A Place for Hospitality, Healing, Ecumenical Unity" Avila Retreat Center serves the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh by providing retreats and programs for spiritual enrichment to help enrich one's faith, personal growth and deepening awareness of the presence of God. Retreat Schedule: September 30 – October 2, 2016 Friday 7:00 pm to Sunday 11:00 am Secular Franciscan Retreat Theme: Exploring the Canticle of the Creatures Talks: St. Francis and the Creatures Writing the Canticle Praying with the Canticle and Creation Cost: $160 Presenter: Joanita Nellenbach, OFS, made her perpetual Profession as a Secular Franciscan on Dec. 12, 1998. She is a member, and former minister, of St. Francis of the Hills Fraternity in Hendersonville, N.C. Since February 2010 she has served as spiritual assistant to Franciscan Martyrs of Sirok Brijeg Fraternity in Blairsville, Ga. To register call (919) 477-1285 or email: [email protected] Last week I spent some time with one of those committed Citizens, Jeremy Hardy. Actually I had met him and a few of his urban missionary friends in January when they came to share with me a dream they felt inspired to accomplish – offering a place where the homeless might come to shower. Well, they have accomplished their dream and it is called VIGILANT HOPE! The Scripture they are trying to live by are the Words of the Prophet Micah – Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. The group has retrofitted an old bus and, for the present, it is showing up on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays on the south side of town. I am including the schedule that offers shower four times a week: MONDAYS – 408 Willard St. 8:30 am – Walking together -Pancake Breakfast and Worship and then Shower Trailer from 10am-11:30 am; TUESDAYS – 1626 Lake Branch Drive – 10am-2pm Shower Trailer; THURSDAYS – Walking together – Dinner with Shower Trailer until 7:30pm; SATURDAYS – 8am – 10am Trailer Shower with a Pancake Breakfast at 9 am. During these hot summer days, I am certain that each one of us can imagine just what a shower means to someone who does not have access to one. The people are so grateful and about 20 can be served each day if needed. The missionary team is supported by different faith communities across the country and they hope to expand their services to the north side of town and even get a commercial washer and dryer installed in the bus. This definitely is one project some of the folks we serve will take advantage of We applaud and support their caring and compassion. If interested in learning more about it why not drop by and visit the project – you will see Luke 10 in action! Special Need for the Week: We continue to serve the 35+ men and women who come each day and will do so during the month of July. We will stop taking donations the middle of the month in preparation for our being closed during the month of August for some well deserved rest, relaxation and renewal of our Outreach Area with deep cleaning and painting. Come September, we will be in need of volunteers to pick up food on the third Tuesday of the Month at Food Lion in Masonboro Commons. It is a hard job since coolers containing the food have to be carried down our stairs to the Food area in the Ministry. A large car, van or truck is needed to hold the coolers and two people doing it really helps. The commitment takes about two hours, once a month. If you are able to volunteer for this ministry, please call the Office at 762-5491 x135. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 Celebrations June 20—26 7 Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:00 am Eucharistic Ministers Erica Furr and Ryan Lloyd were married at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary on June 25, 2016. They make their home in Morrisville, N.C. Sunday 8:00 am R. Bianchi B. Setz D. Thompson K. Tosoni W. Vertolli D. Wiggins T. Wilson M. Adkins F. Bua J. Bua J. Cappellino E. Flewwellin M. Gittings E. Grace C. Burkhart C. Coco J. Duffy M. Friedrichs R. Mercorella A. Preusser M. Reis T. Bennett T. Bruhn L. Collette T. Cordon G. Hill J. Maurer J. Price Lectors First Communion Ryan Vitale Ilda Salmeron Saturday 5:30 pm K. Hartung S. Hartung E. Stumph B. Habib L. Hutko B. Meyer J. Schmidt T. Smith Altar Servers Baptisms Dante Gobellán-Chávez Sabino Gobellán-Chávez Benjamin Cyr Coyle Anabel López-Santiago Ricardo Zamarripa-Fernández H. Bowen J. H. James L. Williams J.P. Cantonwine S. Cantonwine H. Ozment O. Frelke P. Frelke G. Hutko E. Caldropoli S. Caldropoli C. Donelson Ushers Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule Weekend of July 9 and July 10 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For Masses in English ~ Schedule does not show substitutions ~ T. Barton P. Lachance F. Bindewald F. Bindewald B. Herdemian H. Lange M. Flores J. Siler F. Bua F. Grant R. Keegan R. Jenski T. Longo A. DeVaga H. Bielawa B. Ozment D. Keefe C. Mongelli T. Patton R. Lowney L. Franks J. Patton L. Dezio S. Frelke L. Johnson F. Romeo E. Burke N. Cahill M.Fedarko J. Prantil J. Newton P. Carey E. Molina F. D’Meza A. Sedney Mission Corner Teresa Cortez-Martínez and Benito Valera-Rios celebrated a second wedding in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary on June 25, 2016. They attend St. Mark Church in Wilmington. Lydia and James Braye celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary with a special community blessing at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary on June 25, 2016. They are members of the parish. Anabely Funes-Llovares of Agua Caliente This is Anabely Funes-Llovares of Agua Caliente, F.M., Honduras. She is part of the family that makes soaps and lotions out of the plants they grow. Agua Caliente is across the river from Reitoca, seat of our sister parish. 8 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – July 2 and July 3, 2016 Principal Joyce M. Price "Let your light so shine..." Matthew 5:16 We have just a few extra yearbooks for sale. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook for $31.00, please see Mrs. Linn in the office. By now, you are probably into your summertime routines or perhaps have started on that long awaited vacation. The offices at school have remained very busy as the summer projects and business continue. Today I want to honor our graduates and give you a short update to keep you informed. As you know, we graduated 17 fine 8th graders during the last week of school. Below are the honors that were awarded to the Class of 2016. President's Award for Educational Excellence (90th %-ile or better in Reading or Math on Iowa test and maintained an overall average of 90% or better in all 5 core academic courses during 6th, 7th grades and 1st semester of 8th) - Tara Bellows, Kenny Brown, Emilia Cordon, Kasey Kiser, Makenzie Payne, Madison Swart, and Conrad Young Msgr. Thomas P. Hadden Academic Achievement Award (Recipient of Presidential Award, scored in 95th %-ile or better in core subject areas of Sci. and Soc. St., and scored 99th %-ile in Eng., Lang. Arts, and Math.) In addition to their extraordinary level of academic success, these students model the loving, caring spirit of St. Mary Catholic School for all who know them. - Kenny Brown, Emilia Cordon, and Madison Swart Religion Award - Ana Maria Gomez Math Award - Emilia Cordon, Kasey Kiser Science Award - Emilia Cordon Language Arts Award - Emilia Cordon Social Studies Award - Emilia Cordon, Reaghan Juelke, and Kasey Kiser Citizenship Award - Thomas Moore St. Mary School pins were given to those students who had completed 9 years of education, K-8th, at our school. Nine students of the class received pins. - Tara Bellows, Kenny Brown, Emilia Cordon, Reaghan Juelke, Olivia Kennedy, Georgia Anne Mead, Thomas Moore, Madison Swart, and Conrad Young. Gifts were given to the entire class for passing the Global Literacy Awareness Challenge. Congratulations and blessings to the Class of 2016! Isabel Barrett, Tara Bellows, Kenneth Brown, Ella Butler, Emilia Cordon, Gabriella Flewwellin, Ana Maria Gomez, Reaghan Juelke, Olivia Kennedy, Kasey Kiser, Jonah Koenig, Georgia Mead, Thomas Moore, Makenzie Payne, Izzabelle Stoneback, Madison Swart, Conrad Young We are very proud of these students and know that they are prepared to succeed in high school and higher education. Gym and Elevator Progress - Gym cleaning and decorating continues. We look forward to celebrating the "Grand Opening" of the gym at the beginning of school. The church's elevator project is well under way. They have sealed off the construction area on both lower and upper floors and hope to have the new elevator operating at the end of the summer. Obviously, there are no functions occurring in the Upper Room during this summer. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Science Lab - We have one generous donor so far who is supporting the creation of a new Science Lab on the 2nd floor of Tileston. Years ago, the lab was in the back section of the present library and the plan is to create the new lab in that same location. Toward the end of the school year, a team of professionals has been meeting to create this plan. So, Mr. Hogan has moved all of the library books to the skylight room which will be the library until the lab is completed. Then we will be moving Mrs. Brown's classroom into the new lab and will use her present room for the lower grades' library. Letters are being sent out to request further financial support for this project which directly affects our students and their learning. We are very excited about the changes. In the coming days, you will receive details of the fundraising campaign for the lab. Please consider a donation to the project and feel free to share it with friends and relatives who may also be willing to help. Staffing of School - I am actively interviewing for the several faculty openings we have for the 2016-17 school year. I am delighted with the quality of applicants with whom I have been meeting. I will let you know when this process is complete. New School App Ready to Test St. Mary School App from Appy City now available at App Store or Google Play. Let us know what you think! Congratulations to Mrs. Hudson on our Kitchen's Health Dept. score of 100! School Office Summer Hours Remainder of June - Mon.-Thurs., 9-3, Fri. - 9-12 July - Office is closed, but messages will be checked. August - Office reopens 9-3 until school starts. Falcon's Nest Preschool Changes Please let your friends, family, and coworkers know that we are planning on the option of a full day for PreK3 and PreK4. (More Information here.) Condolences - St. Mary School Faculty and Staff offer our condolences to the Connaughton Family (Mrs. Connaughton-Gr. 3, Megan-Gr. 4, and Kelsie-KL). Mr. Connaughton's brother-in-law, Bryan, died suddenly on June 11th. Want to get your $400 Annual Fee refunded? It's simple - just refer a registering family for the 2016/2017 school year! Remember, they must register and pay tuition for the 2016/2017 school year - and - let Mrs. Linn know that you are the referring family! Tuition Fees Approved 2016-2017 St. Mary Catholic School, Gr. K-8 Catholic students w/ signed subsidy Other Faiths Technology Fee (Gr. 1-8) Multi-child discounts (Grades K-8) Falcon's Nest PreK 3 and 4 Full Day PreK (8:15-3) $5,640 $6,930 $130 2nd child—$500 3rd child—$1,000 4th child—$1,500 $2,980 $5,000 For registration information, please call Mrs. Susan Linn at 762-5491 ext. 140. JONATHAN S. LUDWIG DMD, PA Jeffrey B. Pupp, D.P.M. Kevin G. Bachman, D.P.M. 1423 S. 3rd St. • 763-1607 Outdoor Patio Seating! Beautiful Dentistry With A Gentle Touch OPEN FOR BREAKFAST Daily at 6am 910.791.9099 343-8889 www.wilmingtoncares.com 1602 Doctors Circle Wilmington, NC Italian Gourmet Market 22 S. Front Street Join us After Mass SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET 9am-1pm Like a Good Neighbor State Farm Is There www.oceanbluepoolsandspas.com Lynn Bullard THURSDAY TRIVIA - 8:30pm At Magnolia Greens in Leland FRIDAY LIVE MUSIC 3600 S. College Rd. Ste D SATURDAY LIVE MUSIC - 9pm Office: 910-791-6026 Fax: 910-452-0323 Res: 910-799-6952 NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS [email protected] Lynn & Susan Bullard - Parishioner Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Open 7 Days (Sundays 12-6) FRESH PASTA - WINE - IMPORTS - GIFTS 910-362-0004 www.thefoodsofitaly.com Car + Home = Big Savings Pine Valley Shopping Center Corner of 17th & S. 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