acallertolight - Darul Ulum College of Victoria
acallertolight - Darul Ulum College of Victoria
A C A L L E R T O W A R D S S U C C E S S 17 Baird Street, P.O.Box 130, Fawkner, Victoria 3060, Australia. Phone: 61 3 9355 6800 Fax: 61 3 9359 0692 E-mail: [email protected] Website: D a r u l Edition 126 C o l l e g e M o n t h l y Wednesday, July 16 2014 Contents July/August Events Ahadith of the month Sunnah Corner Ramadan school timings School Reports You Can Do It (YCDI) Presentations Primary math timetables’ competition Indoor lunch time games due to wet weather Education Week 2014 (18 – 24 May): Science themes A festival of flight Careers’ day: science related careers Secondary Boys’ Camp Girls’ Annual Quran Competition: Round 1 News Library Spelling Bee U l u m Ahadith of the month [Important] The honour and respect of the words of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAW) is obligatory on us. Due consideration needs to be given in the manner in which we dispose of such material. Abu Huraira (ra) reported Allah's Messenger (pbuh) as saying: When it is the month of Ramadan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained. [Sahih Muslim] 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 7 8 9 11 Aisha (ra) once asked the Prophet (pbuh), “If I find Laylatul Qadr, what Dua should I recite?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied: 12 14 ّٰ ف َع ِّن ُّ ك َع ُف ٌّو ُُِت ُ ب ال َْع ْف َو فَا ْع َ َّاَللّ ُه َّم إِن 16 17 “O Allah! Verily You are most forgiving. You love to forgive, therefore forgive me.” [Tirmizi] Calendar of July/August Events 21st of July: First day of Term 3 for teachers only (curriculum day) 22nd of July: Term 3 begins for students 22nd to 25th of July: Ramadan timetable applies 22nd of July to 15th of August: Semi-finals of girls‟ Annual Quran Competition 28th and 29th of July: Eid Holidays 30th of July to 4th of August: Literacy and numeracy week 31st of July to 3rd of August: Art Exhibition 16th to 24th of August: Science week N e w s l e t t e r 18 Ramadan 14352 Virtues of Fasting Narrated Sahl (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Raiyan, and those who observe fasts will enter through it on the Day of Resurrection and none except them will enter through it. It will be said, „Where are those who used to observe fasts?' They will get up, and none except them will enter through it. After their entry the gate will be closed and nobody will enter through it." [alBukhari] Narrated Abu Huraira (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven." [al-Bukhari] A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S Ramadan School Timings Firstly, Ramadan Mubarak to everyone. May ALLAH (SWT) make us of those who reap the maximum benefit from this blessed month. Ameen. July 16, 2014 School Reports Once again the end of another term has approached us quickly. All students will receive their Semester 1 reports during the school holidays in the mail. Parents are then encouraged to sit with their children and thoroughly go through each subject to discuss the results and comments written by teachers and work on strategies and ways to improve where As is the case every Ramadan, the school necessary. reduces its attendance hours for students by leaving out two periods daily. Hence, the Here is a guide reproduced for the benefit timetable to be followed in Ramadan is as of our parent community from follows: ( in order to support Monday 21st of July Tuesday 22nd of July Wednesday 23rd of July Thursday 24th of July Friday 25 of July th Monday 28th of July Tuesday 29th of July Wednesday 30th of July Curriculum Day. Students are not required to attend school. Student attendance: 8:20 am to 1:45 pm Periods 7 & 8 are lost Student attendance: 8:20 am to 1:45 pm Periods 5 & 6 are lost Student attendance: 8:20 am to 1:45 pm Periods 3 & 4 are lost Student attendance: 8:20 am to 1:45 pm Period 1 is lost EID HOLIDAY! EID HOLIDAY! School timings return back to normal. Hence, student attendance is from 8:20 am to 3:50 pm. parents as they discuss and work through their child's strengths and weaknesses. Reports can mean anxious times for children. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Could try harder . . . always does her best . . . lacks concentration. . . easily distracted . . . a pleasure to teach . . . Do these comments, taken from a batch of student reports sound familiar? Student reports bring mixed feelings for parents. Pleasure and pride if they are performing well but considerable angst when children are not progressing as you hoped. Reports can mean anxious times for children too. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Kids of all ages take their cues from their parents, so your 2 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 reaction to their school report can affect Here are some ideas to consider when the way they see themselves as learners you open your child’s report: and as people. Focus on strengths. Do you look for Before you rip open the sealed envelope strengths or weaknesses first? The containing the report do a little self- challenge is to focus on strengths even if check to see if you are in the right they are not in the core subjects. frame of mind: Take into account your child‟s effort Are your expectations for your son or and attitude to learning. If the report daughter realistic and in line with their ability? Expectations are tricky. If they are too high then kids can be turned off learning. Too low and there is nothing to strive for. Pitch your expectations in line with your child‟s abilities. A quick check of your child‟s last report cards may provide you with a good yardstick. Do you believe that children learn at different rates? There are slow bloomers, late developers and steady-as-you-go kids in every classroom, so avoid comparing your child to siblings, your friends‟ children and even yourself when you were a child. Instead look for individual progress. indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that, regardless of the grading. Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child‟s progress as a member of a social setting. How your child gets along with his or her peers will influence his happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to his future. The skills of independence and co-operation are highly valued by employers so don‟t dismiss these as unimportant. Are you willing to safeguard your child‟s Take note of student selfself-esteem rather than deflate it? Self- assessment. Kids are generally very confidence is a pre-requisite for learning, so be prepared to be as positive and encouraging as possible. School reports come in different formats. Some are prescriptive while some use grading systems such as A, B, C, etc. with room for teacher comments. Regardless of the format school reports should provide you with an idea of your child‟s progress in all subject areas, their attitude and social development. honest and will give a realistic assessment of their progress. They are generally very perceptive so take note of their opinions. Discuss the report with your son or daughter talking about strengths first before looking at areas that need improvement. Ask for their opinion about how they performed and discuss their concerns. 3 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S After reports are read and discussed celebrate your child‟s efforts with a special activity or treat. In this way you will recognise progress and improvement. July 16, 2014 students learnt about include „setting long term and short term goals‟, „realistic and unrealistic goals‟, „overcoming distractions‟, „making a list of important tasks to complete‟ and „using a checklist to tick off tasks that have been completed.‟ One period per week is allocated to YCDI every term. Apart from lessons in class, each grade last term took turns during Friday assemblies to do a presentation on the theme of „organisation‟. The audience enjoyed watching a variety of works being presented, not to mention the creativity! [Muddasser Dhedhy These fabulous works included role plays, Assistant Student Welfare Officer] posters, discussions, summaries and nasheeds as well! You Can Do It (YCDI) Presentations Students are looking forward to Term 3‟s new YCDI theme! Although the theme of the Y.C.D.I program [Ms Shehnaaz Shaheed for term 2 was „organisation‟, students Student Welfare and Wellbeing Teacher began their first day of term 2 with „Earth (Prep-6)] Day‟ activities. Students discussed and took a moment to think about how to take care of the Earth. Students pondered over how to take care of the bountiful blessings of Allah (SWT) such as water, forests, The primary mathematics department held clean air and the numerous creatures a timetables competition in term 2. around us. Some of the strategies that Students from grades 1 through to 6 students are implementing at school to engaged in a mathematically stimulating help our earth include: turning the heating competition to see who would be crowned to no more than 20ᵒC, rolling up blinds to the overall timetables‟ champion. let the sunshine in, reducing plastic waste, placing rubbish in the bin and turning off All students were allowed entry into the dripping taps. first round. Thereafter, students progressed to later rounds based upon Coming back on the theme of „organisation‟, their accuracy. Here are the winners of students have been learning about how to rounds 1, 2 and 3: be organised both at school as well as at home. Some of the strategies that Primary math timetables’ competition 4 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S Grades 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C Round 1 Winners Anas Bin Monjur Ayesha Hashmi Emin Bulut Hannah Khodr Ismail Soylamis Junaid Mohamed Mohammed El-Kheir Zakariya Gyftakis Abdul Rahman Arshad Abdulmuhaimin Muhamud Ayesha Syed Burak Ozturk Yusra Idress Aamnah Raheel Muhammad Ammar Muhammad Khairillah Zaakir Hussien Abdurahman Omer Mohammad El-Leeissy Muhammad Aaridge Waqas Omer Mohammad Ryan Bhuiyan Zinneerah Shahzad Aisha Rehan Bilal Dala Haadi Barakat Khansa Rahman Khatheeja .H.Saaliha Mohammad Moubarak Omer Parlak Safiyyah Jeeawoody Yaqoub Aasar Yusairah Irfan Zainab Hoque Afrin Ikbal Areeba Bilal Muhammad Sargana Sakena Mohamad July 16, 2014 Round 2 Winners Round 3 Winners Ismail Soylamis Ismail Soylamis Ayesha Syed Zaakir Hussien Ryan Bhuiyan Ryan Bhuiyan Yusairah Irfan Afrin Ikbal 5 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S 3A 3B 3C 4A 4AH 4C 5A 5AH 5C 6A 6AH Afra Ali Abdullah Faleel Raheemah Rizwan Muhammad Mustapha Taha Syed Rayyan Syed Mashrikur Rahman Ubaildullah Badaloo Fatima Farah Kainaat Ahmed Karima Ibrahim Lello Yusuf Noor Hajoona Sarah Osman Taqwa Abdelzaher Adilah Jeewody Safia Rehman Sahra Mohamed Sarah Khairillah Anshrah Khan Sumayya Salih Zaynab Deniz Amira Abdulahi Ayseha Dennaoui Hoorain Zia Najva Qazi Aishah Luqman A Amanah Mohamed Faleel Iman Humayun Sheefath Khondakar Douha Mubarak Maisa Muneer Malak Sulaiyman Rahma Hussenian Fatima Ali Abukar Saffiya Kharillaih Samina Khan Tahira Rehman Asma Mubarak Sheeza Mohamed July 16, 2014 Afra Ali Taha Syed Taha Syed Ubaildullah Badaloo Kainaat Ahmed Anshrah Khan Safia Rehman Anshrah Khan Najva Qazi Aishah Luqman A Aishah Luqman A Douha Mubarak Samina Khan Iman Taleb Sheeza Mohamed 6 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S 6C Fatima Ahmad Fatima Akand Iman Taleb Iqbal Irfan Mashkura Parlak Nadia Ze. Zeynab Barakat July 16, 2014 Iman Taleb [Ms Subhani] Indoor lunch time games due to wet weather Grade 4C and their lunch time wet weather visitors the 4H girls had a great time playing different games. One could easily ignore the forceful wind blowing outside as the laughter of the children had overridden the sounds of the storm. “I was happy that I had a lot of games and friends to play with,” said Aisha Aden. “It was great that kids were doing different activities,” said Laiba Usman. “I wanted so much to play outside but I realised that you can have more fun playing inside!” said Fatima Abubaker. “I was happy because I had fun playing with others and playing on the computer,” said Amira Abdulahi. [Ms Lamis Rafei – Grade 4C teacher] 7 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Education Week 2014 (18 – 24 May): Science themes Darul Ulum College celebrated Education Week 2014 with various science themes which provided teachers a great opportunity to immerse students and engage them in the fascinating world of contemporary science. Science buddies were organized by pairing up older students with younger ones so that they may demonstrate to them simple experiments and show them that science can be both simple and fun. Here are some samples of the work prepared by students: Here the grade 6A students are distributed amongst the grade 3s. Here the grade 5 students are distributed amongst the grade 2s. Here the Grade 4s are distributed amongst the Foundations. [Ms Subhani] 8 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 A festival of flight As part of the Education Week‟s science exercises the primary sub-school organized a „Festival of flight‟. Students‟ imaginations flew with a school-wide paper plane competition culminating in a final fly-off to see whose paper plane would fly the furthest. Students used their Art lessons to make and decorate paper planes while their PE lessons were used for the flying contests. The planes‟ of prize winners for each class were displayed. 9 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 [Ms Subhani] 10 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Careers’ day: science related careers To create an awareness amongst students of the variety of science related careers, display boards of science related careers were created by each class and students completed this as a homework writing task during Education Week. Here are a few samples of the students‟ work: The grade 2B science displays. The grade 3A science displays. The grade 3B science displays. [Ms Subhani] 11 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Secondary Boys’ Camp On the 2nd of June we went on camp to Phillip Island. It was as an amazing experience and I‟m not even sure where to start. So I guess I should start from the beginning. From the moment we entered the bus the fun had already started. By the first hour of our journey the fog started to roll in. The view was amazing especially when we were near the ocean. With the fog and waves hitting the rocks to form white foam, the scene was absolutely breathtaking. When we arrived at the camp site we were greeted by a nice young man who briefed us about the things we should and shouldn‟t do. Soon after we were in our cabins and luckily for our group we had the best cabin. After we had taken our luggage into our cabins our first rotation started. First we had beach volleyball which was absolutely amazing; we played beach volleyball the whole time. We were supposed to play soccer during the second half of the rotation but we were so stoked on our game we didn‟t even want to play the best game in the world! After we completed our rotation we did our prayers and just chilled in our cabins. Thereafter we had a group activity wherein all the groups came together and played games we had never really played before. Then, we did our prayers and we just chilled in our cabins. Soon after we had our dinner and did our Isha prayers we just hanged around our cabins. We were talking about scary stories and also played a bit of Uno with Ustaz Zaid Boyd. In the next few hours lights were put out and we had to go to sleep and no one from our cabin complained. The next day we woke up early, did our prayers and rested in our cabins again. Breakfast was made at around 9:30 and soon thereafter we had our first rotation of the day. We went surfing, which was not all that bad. However, it was just too cold for some people to surf so they decided to leave early. After surfing we had archery which was yet another great activity, archery is all about luck! I call it the „lucksman‟, though some think archery isn‟t really about luck, it‟s more about skill. After archery we had a competition between all the groups, it was like a mini-Olympics. First we were racing; we had to get a stick from the ground which was placed in a line while we were about 30m away from it. There 12 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 was less sticks then players so each time around half the players got out. In total there were around 5 rounds and each time half the players got out. Finally at the end 2 players were left, Sherry and I and at the end I had gotten the stick and made my class proud. The next thing was „fill the barrel‟; as the barrel had many holes in it so most of the players had to cover it while some players filled the barrel. We were winning at first then one of the other groups caught up and bet us. After that was tug of war in we dominated the other team. Soon enough we were back at the camp site, doing our prayers and having dinner and then going to the campfire. It was really dark; almost pitch black until we got the fire going. Once the fire got going we told horror stories. All the teachers had told us stories that had happened to them or was told to them. It was crazy; it was also cold so almost all of us were shivering from the cold as well as from the stories. The next day was our departure day; we prayed our morning prayers then had breakfast. We later then had to clean our rooms and pack our bags. After we had packed our bags we went for our last rotation which was mountain biking. Mountain biking was all about competition mainly between Syed, Ustaz Zaid and myself. We weren‟t allowed to overtake but we did anyway. It was tiring as well as fun. Going downhill was amazing as the wind just whizzed in our faces making it pretty fun. After we had mountain biking we had our lunch and it was time to leave. We all had a fun time there and those who didn‟t come missed out on a lot!!! [Shimry Mohamed Buhary Year 9B] 13 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Girls’ Annual Quran Competition: Round 1 News Quran competition fever has hit Darul Ulum Colloge of Victoria and it is just in time for Ramdhan, the month of the Quran. After an exciting week of Round 1 testings which were held within the students‟ classes, we have the names of qualifiers to Round 2. These students received a score of 90% or above in order to enter Round 2, the semi-final. The testings of Round 2 will be held during Weeks 1 - 4 of Term 3. Students will be competing against other students from their same year level or a higher year level depending upon their qualifying category. The top four scorers in each category will compete in the Grand Final of the Quran Competition. Congratulations to all the qualifiers of each category. Category Section(s) of the Quran/Iqra Grade Qualifiers to Round 2 (primary students) Abdullah Nablusi, Amal Char, Asiya Aden, Asiya Chamra, Enes Bulut, Recitation of Prep A Fatiha, Al Falaq and An Mahad Mohammed, Maimunah Ridwan, Maira Baig, Rayanne Mustaph, Shareefa Faleel, Yasmine Nasruddin Surahs Al 1 Fatima Hajoona, Hassan Ahmad, Khadija Moustafa, Lujayn Arafan, Prep B Naas Ahmed Omer, Amina Tariq, Arooj Bilal, Asiya Fahour, Atiqah Hafsa, Khadeja El Kheir, Khawla Rahman Ashba Sohail, Fatima Ayas, Hafizah Gadafi, Hamza Aftab, Prep C Muhammad Musaab Adeel, Musaab Muhammad, Nabeela Shakeb, Rozayna Ali Abukar, Sauhgat Hussain, Zaid Badres Grade 1A Aisha Fatrouni, Aisha Hashimi, Anas Bin Monjur, Hanan Yusuf, Khadija Siddiqui, Tajbid Mohamed, Ubaid Hassan, Zoha Adeel Abdul Rahman Arshad, Abdulmuhaimin Muhamud, Aliyah Mirza, Recitation of Surahs Al 2 Masad, An Ameema Sultana, Ayesha Syed, Haaniah Arslan, Hamza Sulieman, Grade 1B Nasr, Al Hana Maricar, Haseeb Abdul, Hassan Mahmood, Ishaq Ali, Jamaluddeen Rizwan Sally, Mahd Aftab, Mariam Elgendy, Mariam Hamad, Maryam Baraka, Maryam Nizam, Omar Hadbah, Ruya Kafirun and Moustafa, Talha Abbasi, Yusra Idress, Zainab Abbasi Al-Maoon Aamnah Raheel, Abubakr Abbasi, Ameera Zaatiti, Asma Aden, Esra Grade 1C Mian, Hamza Naser, Maryam Mahamud, Muhammad Ammar Khairillah, Rayaan Hussein, Saad Badaloo, Somaiya Shifa, Taha Khan, Zaakir Huzayfa Hussien Abdullah Chaudhry, Asiya Aden, Asiya Chamra, Enes Bulut, Fatima 3 Reading of Iqra 1 & 2 Hajoona, Fatma Gokkus, Hamzah Mustafa, Khadija Moustafa, Prep A Lubaiba Sajjad Malik, Lujayn Arafan, Mahad Mohammed, Maimunah Ridwan, Maira Baig, Mohammad Hassan Aziz, Muhammad Shaikh, Rayanne Mustapha, Saleeha Shah, Shareefa Faleel, Yasmine 14 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Nasruddin Prep B Ahmed Omer, Amina Tariq, Arooj Bilal, Asiya Fahour, Atiqah Hafsa, Khawla Rahman, Muhammad Chandoo, Muhammad Musa Kimura Fatima Ayas, Hamza Aftab, Mumin Mohsin, Musaab Muhammad, Prep C Musab Adeel, Nabeelah Shakeb, Rania Sheikh, Saughat Hussain, Taqwa Elgendy, Zaid Badres Prep C Grade 1A 4 Reading of Iqra 3 & 4 Haafiza Gadafi Annesa Salma, Ayesha Hashmi, Hamza Khan, Khadija Siddique, Muhammad El-kheir, Sara Mohammed, Ubaid Hassan, Zoha Adeel Hana Maricar, Jamaluddeen Rizwan Sally, Mahd Aftab, Maryam Grade 1B Baraka, Omar Hadbah, Ruya Moustafa, Talha Abbasi, Yusra Idrees, Zainab Abbasi Grade 1C Grade 1B Reading of 5 Iqra 5 and Grade 2A Iqra 6 (up to page 10) Aamnah Raheel, Asma Mirza, Maryam Mahamud, Saad Badaloo, Somaiya Shifa, Taha Khan Abdul Rahman Arshad, Ayesha Syed, Hassan Mahmood, Mariam Elgendy Abdurrahman Omer, Fatima Ahsan, Muhammad Elleisy, Noor Ayas, Safiya Elleissy, Yusuf Abdella, Yusuf Kimura Aisha Rehan, Ali Ali, Ayesha Majoo, Haadi Barakat, Maalek Shadid, Grade 2B Muhammad Zaman, Nor Mariyah Ahmed Redzwan, Saliha Hidhayatulla, Sanaa Mirza, Sauda Tasnia, Zainab Durrani Grade 2A Grade 2B Naathirah 6 reading of Juz Amma Grade 2C Grade 3A Grade 3B 7 Ainan Alamin, Sundus Mohammed, Zinneerah Shahzad Khansa Rahman, Safiyyah Jeeawody, Sumaykah Sateh, Yusairah Irfan, Zainab Hoque Areeba Bilal, Areeba Mazhar, Sakena Muhammad, Mohamed Salih Ilaaf Irfan, Raheemah Rizwan Sally, Razan Yehia, Sabikun Rahman, Saima Mia, Salena Chaudhry Afra Zaman, Douha Nadeem Qazi, Khadija Jariwala, Rohma Raheel, Sumayah Ali Grade 3C Aisha Badres, Amal Hadbah, Mariam Khan, Sumaiyya Baloch Naathirah Grade 2C Luqman Waedaramae reading of Grade 4A Asma Naser, Noor Hajoona, Sarah Mustafa Grade 4C Dina Harrouk, Fatima Khan, Hinda Sufiyan, Sumayya Khan Grade 4A Sumaiyah Mounajed Grade 4C Aruba Abbasi, Yasmin Azzi Grade 5A Ayesha Dennaoui, Choma Ya, Muiza Mian Surah AlBaqarah (Ayah 1- 232) Naathirah reading of 8 Surah Ali Douha Moubarak, Hala Alashy, Khadija Wilson, Malak Sulieman, Grade 5C Imran - Al Najwa Qazi, Rahma Hassanein, Sadia Siddiqua, Sumaia Khan, Yasmin Al-Said, Zahra Chohan, Zaynab Yonis Yusuf (Ayah 52) Maryam Abbasi, Fatimah Ali Abukar, Nida Mughal, Nour Haouli, Nurul Ali, Rayan Grade 6A Arain, Safiyyah Khalifullah, Samina Khan, Shaema Naser, Umamah Raza, Zahra Shah Grade 6C Asma Iqbal, Fatimah Ahmad, Huda Abbasi, Iman Taleb, Madeehah 15 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Shaheed, Nura Abubaker, Salva Qazi, Zayneb Barakat Strongest 9 Memorisation and recitation of Juz Amma Afra Ali (3A), Choma Ya (5A), Duha Humoud (3B), Fatima Ahsan All (2A), Fatima Chundoo (3A), Fatima Khan (4C), Haafiza Gadafi (Prep primary C), Hala Ali (3A), Hinda Sufiyan (4C), Ilaaf Irfan (3A), Laiba Usman levels (4C), Lello Yusuf (4A), Rayan Suleiman (3C), Saima Mia (3A), Sajida Siddiqua (4C), Sumayya Salih (4C), Sundus Muhamad (4C) [Ms Shehnaaz Shaheed - Quran Department] Library Alhamdulillah we are still in Ramadan. Library staff wish Ramadan Mubarak to all staff members, students and parents. Ramadan is the month of blessings. A gift from Allah Ta‟ala and our little ones can learn what it is all about from our library‟s books on Ramadan and Eid. To name a few, we have: “Celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr with Ama Fatima” for students to read how the kids enjoyed their Eid with Ama Fatima “Eid Kareem Ameer Saab!” for students to read how Allah Ta‟ala changed a selfish Ameer Saab into a helper within a single night. “My first Ramadan” for student fasting for the first time to relate to. “Three Muslim festivals” & „‟I‟m learning about Eid-ul-Fitr” for students to listen to Rabiah & Farah‟s learning about Ramadan & Eid. A few library rules: Very important! No food or drink in the library. For all booked classes, book loans/returns must be carried out during their own library sessions. Books will be issued for a fortnight and can also be renewed if requested. Students must bring their library cards in order to borrow. Borrow/returns times for non-scheduled classes are: before school, lunchtime (1:50 pm-2:25 pm) and after school. Library bags have been issued to all primary students so that they can keep their book(s) safe and for Prep to Grade 3 library bags are the key to borrowing. Just to make students responsible/liable towards books, we incur book damage/lost replacement fees by issuing a fine notice. Fines depend upon the type of damage incurred. Please be informed that if you do not return your books by due date, a fine of 10 cents per day will incur from the due date. [Ms Farhath Khatoon - Librarian] 16 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S July 16, 2014 Spelling Bee Last term the primary school conducted a spelling bee. Students competed against class mates in round 1. Round 1 winners thereafter competed against each other in round 2 and finally round 2 winners competed against winners from other grades in the same year level for round 3. Congratulations to the following round 1, 2 and 3 winners! Grade Prep A Prep B Prep C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C Round 1 Winners Hassan Ahmad Shareefah Faleel Khadeja El Kheir Rushda Anees Haafiza Gadafi Zaid Badres Anas Bin Monjur Hamza Khan Hamza Saed Hanan Yusuf Hannah Khodr Ismail Soylamis Junaid Mohammad Mohammad El Kheir Sarah Mohamad Sumaya Ibrahim Zakariya Gyftakis Ayesha Syed Haaniah Arslan Hana Maricar Mariam Elgendy Maryam Baraka Omar Hadbah Talha Abbasi Aamnah Raheel Hamza Naser Muneeb Shehnshah Taha Khan Zaakir Hussien Ainan Al Amin Fatima Shazad Muhammad Elleissy Muhammad Waqas Ryan Bhuiyan Sundus Mohamed Aisha Reyhan Bilal Dala Khatheeja Hidhayathulla Safiyyah Jeeawody Zoha Riaz Areeba Mazhar Laraib Aman Lubabah Rahman Maryam Malik Muhammad Sargana Round 2 Winners Round 3 Winners Shareefah Faleel Khadeja El Kheir Shareefah Faleel Zaid Badres Ismail Soylamis Ayesha Syed Ayesha Syed Taha Khan Ainan Al Amin Khatheeja Hidhayathulla Khatheeja Hidhayathulla Laraib Aman 17 A CALLER TO WA R D S S U C C E S S 3A 3B 3C 4A 4AH 4C 5A 5AH 5C 6A 6AH 6C Fatima Chundoo Masud Mansoor Sabikun Rehman Amal Hadbah Mashrikur Rehman Rayyan Syed Ayaan Zia Duha Humoud Rohma Raheel Taha Syed Yusuf Isitan Asma Naser Noor Hajoona Sumaiyah Mounajed Taqwa Abdelzaher Safa Nainar Zubaria Habib Ansharah Khan Dina Harrouk Zaynab Aisha Lipovica Ayesha Dennaoui Ya Somaya Choma Aishah Abubakar Amanah Faleel Mona Hadbah Amana Azim Hala Alashy Rahma Hassanein Yasmin Al Said Fatima Ali Nida Mughal Nurul Ali Rayan Arain Zahra Shah Asma Mansoor Asma Mubarak Hania Khan Sheeza Mohammad Asma Iqbal Aysha Khan Eman Aasar Fatima Akand Fatimah Ahmad Hannah Taleb Huda Abbasi Iman Taleb Madeehah Shaheed Salwa Qazi Zakia Hashi Zayneb Barakat July 16, 2014 Sabikun Rehman Mashrikur Rahman Sabikun Rehman Ayaan Zia Sumaiyah Mounajed Zubaria Habib Sumaiyah Mounajed Ansharah Khan Dina Harrouk Ya Somaya Choma Amanah Faleel Ya Somaya Choma Amana Azim Nida Mughal Asma Mansoor Asma Mubarak Asma Mubarak Fatimah Ahmad [Ms Safaa El-massri] 18