Wild Ginger Software Present Easy Sew Accessories


Wild Ginger Software Present Easy Sew Accessories
Wild Ginger Software
Easy Sew Accessories
Hosted by Karen Campbell
Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 and iPad
Some pattern pieces have angled corners. This
helps keep that seam allowance true.
If desired just square corners when you cut out the
Clutch Purse markings.
The instructions explain the pattern markings.
Clip to circles. Match
circle on side and bottom.
Sew short sides from
circle to circle. Sew long
sides from circle to circle.
Do not attempt to sew
with pivot turns.
Clutch purse created using foundation piecing.
Some patterns suggest interfacing. Other may not
suggest it in the sewing guide, but it is needed
based on the fabric you are using.
The interfacing you select should be based on your
fabric selection.
Test – Test - Test
Tote Bag pattern marking.
The sewing instructions explain the pattern markings.
Clip from edge of fabric to circle.
Tote Bag construction
Sew sides from circle to top of tote.
Sew across bottom from circle to
Loralie fabric and embroidery design.
9 Redheads
Sew the sides and
Bridge Tote
(But you can use it for
Finished corner
Match the side seam to the bottom seam pulling
the corner into a straight line. Sew across corner.
Straps cover edge of
Pocket created from
front tote pattern
Sun Hat
When sewing circles
think “Stitching Line”
Red lines 22 vs 25
Agua lines 22 vs 18
Divide in quarters, mark and pin top to side at each
match point. Pin between match points.
Pin should go in a stitching line pointing out.
The cut edges will not match.
Stitch around inner circle just inside the seam allowance.
Mark quarters on top and brim and pin at match point.
Finish pinning between match points.
Embroidery Design Placement
Convert design to
jpeg using paint or
other program.
Place the design on the pattern.
For this design I moved the flap in place to check
placement. Once happy with placement move flap
off bag pattern for printing.
Create a template by cutting out the design section to
place the pattern on the fabric.
Yoga Mat Bag
What’s in a pattern name? Just a suggestion.
Pattern shapes and dimensions let you create almost
2 Door Prizes
E-Patterns Viewer with 4 accessory patterns of
your choice.