GIOVANNI GIARETTA SELECTED WORKS An inaccurate distance Video Full HD, 15’22” Italian with English subtitle 2014 The video is an attempt to grasp the relationship the translator Riccardo Bertani has with the notion of distance. Bertani worked as a farmer all his life and has never visited the countries he has written about. The camera tries to portray the intimacy of his house and look for distance within his domestic space. The video has been realised with the support of nctm e l’arte. An inaccurate distance, Still from video Untitled (Portrait study) Video Full HD, 13’21” 2012 The video documents the relationship between an entomologist with a few different species of butterfly. The gestures and the experience of an entomologist create a narrative between scientific description, language of play and choreography. Untitled (Study portrait), Still from video View of the installation Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice View of the installation Scale di Montesanto, Naples A thing among things Video Full HD, 7’13” 2015 The video combines the recollection of visual memories of a blind person with close-ups of transparent minerals. The images work almost as a scenography open to different interpretations: as if to see something presumed to be something else. A thing among things, Still from video A thing among things, Still from video Everything into something else 35x42 cm C-print 2015 This work consists of pictures of mirrors that have lost the ability to reflect an image (bronze mirrors from the Egyptian and Greek periods). The camera can stand in front of them without being reflected and is able to observe the oxidized surface where no image can appear anymore. The film was inverted, presenting the print as a negative, so the light (necessary for an image formation) will ‘touch’ the mirror’s surface, giving an unexpected physical quality to it. View of the installation in the studio View of the installation in the studio Bicycle Bicycle, Led light, battery Variable dimensions 2011 The light lamp of the bike was previously modified to charge itself when a person is cycling. The light keeps on shining in correspondence to the length of the journey and slowly fades out until it completely disappears. The bicycle was used everyday to travel to the exhibition space. Metaphorically the beam of light projects the journey; the energy of everyday travel translates into light. View of the installation Fondazione Ratti, Como During the entire duration of the exhibition Livret III at Motive Gallery in Amsterdam, the bicycle was used by the gallery owner moving from his home to the workplace. View of the installation Motive Gallery, Amsterdam Moon Beard mirror, clamp, LED battery, sodium chloride Variable dimensions 2009 A small LED battery, held up by a clamp, points to a shaving mirror. These simple items settled together function as a rudimental projector. The mirror reflection recalls the shape of the moon. View of the installation, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene View of the installation, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene To make words become things and not events 35x42 cm C-print Series of 5 2014 The work consists of some images of my mother’s handwritten transcriptions of popular songs. She is a singer who, being non-English speaking, cannot understand the meaning of the original words and through this process of transcribing, the song’s lyrics become a new or imagined language. A selection was made of the lyrics that refer to geographical locations. The different places are only evoked through a bastardised English and as such only a stereotype remains; an unreachable reference point. The intimate translation that unintentionally results, creates a new landscape, the words becoming things or signs of a place that exists only in personal dreams. View of the installation in the studio Giovanni Giaretta / Renato Leotta Effetto Majorana (La Solfatara, recording of disappearance), 16 mm film 01’19” loop 2014 The video documents an exercise in disappearance within the space. An attempt to use the geological features of a landscape as a rudimental special effect. Password: em View of the installation at Fuori Campo, Siena View of the installation at Fuori Campo, Siena Untitled (Misteri d’Italia) 06’07” loop 2015 The starting point for this work is a book of articles written by the Italian writer Dino Buzzati called “Misteri d’Italia”. For one summer the writer travelled in some rural parts of Italy looking for legends, folkloric stories, paranormal or superstitions facts. He was more interested in the relation people had with different phenomena than the phenomenon itself. The video “Untitled (misteri d’Italia)” shows a number of people interacting with the optical phenomenon of the “gravity hill”. A street where things appear to defy gravity, seemingly rolling uphill and not down. The work is based on found footage and the editing underlies the relation between ordinary objects and this illusionary aspect of the landscape. View of the installation Untitled (Misteri d’italia), Stills from video Study for a drawing (completed by its own shadow) C - print 25x35 cm 2014 View of the installation The uncanny parrot C-print 40x40 cm 2013 The c-print captures the moment in wich a parrot realizes that it is in front of a mirror. View of the installation Dans la Baleine Video, MiniDv, 08’25” 2011 A laboratory with blue lights. Some details of natural landscapes. Mountain peaks lit by cold neon lights. Some artificial waterfalls. A jetty which is boxed between the walls, a painted backdrop. The piece was filmed inside the engine room which manages all the tanks at the Milan Aquarium, trying to observe it as a cinematographic apparatus. password: dlb Dans la la baleine, baleine, Still Still from from video video From the pupil of my eyes to the circle of the sun Video Full HD, Loop 2013 From the pupil of my eyes to the circle of the sun, Still from video From the pupil of my eyes to the circle of the sun, Still from video The House 140 slides Variable dimensions 2010-ongoing Genre films follow some aspects and cliches that make several movies look like the same each other and create a similar imaginary and atmosphere. In horror movies, architecture is often the main character, a frame around which and in which disparate situations weave together. This work comprises a collection of several architectures. So all the movies are reduced to their common denominator, dehydrating them in order to deprive these images of their references, forced to show themselves, all variations of the same element, revealing the same sign, hidden in an architectural skeleton, constantly renewed. View of the installation, Cripta 747, Turin Solving the dive Video Full HD, 9’15” 2012 This video is filmed in collaboration with the ex-diver Nicola Marconi taken while training before diving in the pool, learning to fall in the best way. View of the installation Macro, Roma Untitled Series of 6 photos Variable dimensions 2008 Untitled is a work composed by several pictures of lit flashlights hanging up on the wall facing my bed. Turning off the lights, this image approximately recalls the astronomical picture of an eclipse. Such as old sci-fi movies tried to imagine and recreate amateurishly an unknown universe using primeval special effects, this shooting tries to reproduce the same atmosphere, but starting from an inmost and utopian dimension, less spectacular. View of the installation, La Générale, Paris Giovanni Giaretta Padua 1983 Lives and works in Amsterdam [email protected] Education 2009 - IUAV, Venice - Faculty of Arts & Design - Master’s Degree in Visual Arts Production and Design 2006 - Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano - Bachelor’s Degree in Didactics of Arts Workshops 2012 - Fondation Botin workshop, Santander, SP. Visiting professor: Lothar Baumgarten 2011 - Advanced Course in Visual Arts, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, IT Visiting professor: Susan Hiller Solo & Duo exhibitions 2015 - WAS IT A CAT I SAW (with Simon Van Til), De Kleine Kapel, Buitenplaats Koningsweg, Arnhem, NL 2015 - Valbaara. Giovanni Giaretta / Renato Leotta, Galleria FuoriCampo, Siena, IT 2014 - Extra dry, curated by Peep-hole, Milan, IT 2012 - Studioshow, curated by Maria Alicata, Final residence exhibition, Macro Macro Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Roma, IT Group exhibitions (selected) 2015 - Function Creep, curated by Xander Karskens, De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL 2014 - Echo Back, curated by Stefano Coletto and Giulia Bini, Jarach Gallery, Venice, IT 2013 - 5x5Castelló. Premi Internacional d’art contemprani Diputació de Castelló, curated by Alvaro de los Angeles Castellló, SP 2013 - T-A-X-I, curated by Almanac and Cripta74, Almanac Project, London, ENG 2013 - La plupart du temps, curated by Martial Deflacieux, La Tôlerie, Clermont-Ferrand, FR 2012 - Out of Focus, curated by Nicola Genovese and Caterina Benvegnù, 365 architetti, Padua, IT 2012 - Livret IV, curated by Irmavep Club, Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart, Rochechouart, FR (c) 2012 - Opera 2011. Lunar Park. Artists from the Atelier, Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, IT (c) 2011 - Run°3, Room Galleria, Milano, IT 2011 - Livret III, curated by Irmavep Club, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, NL 2011 - Corso Aperto, curated by Cesare Pietroiusti, Villa Sucota, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, IT (c) 2011 - To see an object, to see the light, curated by Ginny Kollak, Padraic E. Moore and Pavel S. Pys, Palazzo Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Guarene d’Alba, Cuneo, IT (c) 2011 - 100 drawings against the Vietnam War, curated by Damien Airault, Komplot, Bruxelles, B 2010 - Luna Park Party, curated by Cherimus Association, Perdaxius , IT(c) 2010 - L’arpa Magica, Lucie Fontaine, Milan, IT 2010 - Titolo Grosso, Cripta 747, Turin, IT 2008 - I sette arcobaleni, curated by Matteo Rubbi, Careof, Milan, IT 2007 - 91st Young Talents Collective, Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, IT (c) Festival and screenings (selected) 2015 - A space between words and images, curated by Gawan Fagard and Gwendolyn Lootens, Cinema Wolke #27, Brussels, BL 2014 - Autumn Screening, curated by Almanac Project, Spazio Borgogno, Turin, IT 2014 - VISIO, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi, Villa Romana, Florece, IT 2013 - Q.I, curated by Adriana Rispoli, Naples, IT 2013 - TEATROЯOTATE, curated by Laurent Montaron, Villa Medici, Roma, It 2012 - Helicotrema, curated by Blauer Hase, Serra dei Giardini, Venezia, Italy, IT (c) 2010 - LOOP - Video Art Festival, Screening curated by Francesca di Nardo, Barcelona, SP 2008 - Italian Annual Videoart Exhibition - Videoart Yearbook 2008, Galleria Civica, Trento, IT (c) 2007 - - Con Acqua, Senz’Acqua, curated by Francesco Poli e Mario Gorni, Accademia Albertina, Turin, IT (c) Residencies 2013 - De Ateliers, Amsterdam. NL 2012 - Artist in residence, Macro, Roma, IT 2010 - Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echange des Rècollets, Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, FR. Grant with the support of the Municipality of Milan Events 2014 - Talk d’artista, curated by Marco Nember, with Lorenzo Benedetti and Massimo Benvegnù, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Amsterdam, NL 2013 - The Impossible hour, screening projection curated by Giovanni Giaretta, Macro Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Roma, IT 2011 - Artist Talk & Open Studios Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzo Carminati, Venice, IT (c) 2010 - Giovanni Giaretta Vs. Barbara Meneghel. A lecture, curated by Radical Intention, Milan, IT 2010 - De Arte Disputatio. Interludium, curated by Milovan Farronato, MiArt, Milan, IT 2009 - Kosmograph, a special project curated for 2video, 2009 - La trilogia di Sinbad, screening curated by Giovanni Giaretta for LucieFontaine, Milan, IT Bibliography 2012 - Wolves and Peasants 38% No title 38% Notes 19% Dreamers 4%, Mousse Publishing 2012 - Atelier BLM Notebook 2011. Artists of Bevilacqua La Masa Ateliers, Molesikine Press 2011 - To see an object, to see the light, Mousse Publishing Press (selected) Ludovico Pratesi, Studio Visit, Exibart, January 2013 Marie Bechetoille, Renverser les images et les origines, La Belle Revue, March 2012 Tommaso Zanini, Case veneziane. Per artisti. Sede #1, Artribune Online, December 2011 Francesca di Nardo, Residenze d’artista, Flash Art Italia, n°294, June 2011 Giovanni Giaretta/Ariane Michel. Passeggiando tra la natura, Flash Art Italia n°293, May 2011 (c) denotes that a catalogue or a pubblication was published in conjunction with the exhibition, the screening or the event.
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