LIL V Program Book - NLA
LIL V Program Book - NLA
TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Name Savs It All! SANDMUTOPIA SandMutopia S and M Utopia Suppll'Co. ) Electrotorturc Sounds ORGASM Conference Director: Sallee Huber NLA Affrliates NLA Chapters CommitteeChair: George Nelson Magazines Vicleos Books Drummer Mach DungeonMaster Sandmutopia Guardian Tit Torture Visit us rvhen in San Francisco: - 2{ Shotrvell, San Francisco, CA (.il5) 252-r r95 Crcrlit Cartl Orrlers (ihtlly Acccptctl by 'l'clr:¡:lrorre pu1=r l'.lodem Usersl Join forces with Local Talent BBS. (41 5) 83i-79=5 l¿r 2l hour access to our catalog. Non.subscribers use 'Drumrn=r' as your password. To be on our mailing list, send 53 to: FO Eox 11314, San Franclsco, CA 94101-1314. National Co-Chairs: Jim Richardsi Judy Tallwing McCarthey NLA Membership Application N. A. C. Listing Memorial Mr. & Ms. NLA: Jan Lyon/ Advertising Ey ry {ræ bå þçi{ Special Thanks Guy Baldwin High Spots: Wayne Gloege Keynote Speaker: Troy Perry Slater/Mains Award: Pat Catifia/ Chuck Renslow Workshop Presentors Weekend Schedule Workshop Schedule Art Show Exhibitors CITY: NLA : Statement of Purpose Audio Tapes Catl'rctcrs Bondage Leather Latex CBT C orn General Information STATE: t..eüry rft iEffirt ZtP 2l y.rr. ol ¡g.: Mr. & Ms. NLA Contest CONFERENCE DIRECTOR GENERAL INFORMATION PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY Private photography: Please limit your pictures to peoplesyou know or people who have given you their permission. Pictures taken by private parties are for their private use only, NO PUBLICATIONS. As v,e gather in Portla¡xl to celcbrate tiving In læatherV, it seems appropriate toconsider the past, present, and future of what we mean by,,Living In kåther." As with Ttþs, supersorvls, and other etr'ents endingwith srccession of Roman numerab, details and meaning of the ocrasion arc easily forgoüen. Each one is just "another onc." We assume it alc¡avs has. and Media photography: unless prior arrangements are made througb George Nelson and Sallee Huber, no pictures shall be taken for or by any publication. alwa¡s will occur. LIL v those publications requesting such. numbers or anniversaries, lnrr being one of them. Frve yeårs, the fifth, it's one of the first numeric mark of These policies apply to all LIL v events including the Exhibition area, opening Ceremonies, and the Mr./Ms. NLA Contest. NO NON-APPROVED PHOTOGRAPHY IS ALLOWED DURING WORKSHOPS. organizations and events go in our own sometimes lrans¡ent SM subculture, fìve years of existence can actually imply an ¡¡cstablishmcnt." As this year's Our cultu¡e seems to put importance on certain has a¡ officially assigned photographer. wee will provide photos by Nov. 10 to NO PHOTOGRAPHY is allowed during the Dungeon Play Parties! The Dungeon shall be open from 6pm to 8pm on Saturday for a free photography session for both private parties and approved Media. sígnifìcance. It suggests that something has existed long enough to become fairly important. As Conference Director, this esoteric examination is rmpoftant to me. Important because I see so much potentially ahead of us as an organuation, ¡at I fear we maylose sight of it in ourgrowrh. yearly for the rebirth ofour energy and ideas, but the concept can v\be used for mudl morc. I trcpe ûo see our chapters and Affìliates doing,,mini-conferences," or regional gatherings that ipread thc knowlcdge of our lives even farther, such as Seattle's ,,May Days." I fulher hop€ that the input and experience each LIL makes the next one even better! we gain at A significant addition to this years conference is the Few things of worth ca n stay static or unchanged for long. During these yeax, the NtA has seen great change. The full scope of a truly pan_sexual organization, encompassing ALL aspects of leather, SM, and Fetishes is linally bcing realized. Similarl¡ rhe NI-A has begun to reflcct the wide geographical base that was to implement some of the long range goals found in the NLA's Statement of purposc, such as a Speaker's bureau, and a functioning political Action Committee. audiotapingof alnrod all of ourwo¡kshops lrJot onlywill this affo¡d manyeducational opportunities for the folk back home, but mo¡e importantly, will preserve a of our knowledge and history. It's my hopc we polion never forget our founders, our leaders and our teachers. So as we meet new sisters and brothers each year, now we may also better remenrber our past as well. AII that is consilercd .Living" must by definition be in a orgrowlh. ,,L¡ather', has lranscended state ofchange CYD ATHENS: STAFF COORDINATOR (This is the person All Staff people need to be familiar with!) "This year's Staff Coordinator was recently released..., but seriously folfts, C]d Athens is a charter member of several organizations in both the SM and mainstream gay/lesbian communities. She has recently returned to Portland after a years' stay in Seattle." The following events will be interprrcted for the hearing impaired: Opening Ceremonies, the Mr/Ms. NI-A Contest, the Leather Brunch, and workshops on "Sm and the Physically challenged" and "creating community." other workshops will be interpreted by request. A great deal of thc growth and erpansion of thc N[-A a(nl)utcd to thh cvcnt wc call ,,tiving In i¿ather." Each year as people experience the cxcitement ofsuch a Tribal Gathering, the energ,and word is spread further, and we're invigorated by new can bc dircctly bbod and ide¿s. We\æ perhaps loú sight of the fact ttnt the Nl-l\ itself was first formed as an organizational vehicle to host LIL I. The one hundred orso perverts lhc litcral dcfinition of deact animal skin þreferably dpd in <brk hucs), to bccornc symbolic of a ¡ifcstylc that challcnges the limitsofsupposed normalcy, and seeks ncw freedom. So let us then, in the NLA,s fifth year of Living In håther, ¡enew both the past and futurc çirit growth of our community. l¡r's celebratc our liræs, lu$, and bvc, and haræ one hell that gathered for that christcning shoræd the ne¿d and ¡i¡¡¿li¡ess for such an ongoing effort as the NI^A. F'rvc of years late r, we start to take oußclves for granted. Sallee Mallard a party! \ryELCOME TO PORTI-A,ND! I{uber DirectorLILV The HOSPITALITY RooM is going to be located at the Red Lion in rooms 265 266.. We hope to see you there! i'm excited that Portland has had the oppofunity to host our brothers and sisters again this year, but I'm *en more thrilled with the prospect of seeing the NI-/\ road-to Chicago next year, and fom therc...? Living In f¡¿ther is our chanc€ to gather lake this showon the -- --- COMMITTEE CTIAIR WELCOME CO. CTIAIRS Whcn I was asked to w¡ite somethins to so that people had not alreadyheard. fhen-I' what it mcant to me and what it meant to I 5th Annual installment of Livins in Leather. If second, third, fourth, or even filth Coofe.ence I think you'll find this fifth congregating of our every bit as stimulating and challenging as any s()mc strong successes. Our most successful efforts have been centered around establishing a national community network. In fact, NLA has built and maintained an international network of well over 400 l.eather/SM/Fetish organiz.ations and over 200 publications, and maintains regûlar,'frequent õontact with them all. imilar interests. It is a safe place to explore where people who would not uiually ideas. I believe family weekend wc be together. Whcn national organiz. the people who toséthei. worki a l'eeling-of belo king to þromote During the weckend Ihe new members of the Most of all attend workshops, learn, and have funJim Richards National Co - Chair Judy Tallwing McCarthey - National Co IChair surance and knowledge that our community has strength, grif, and incredible human resources. Finally, it provides us our best Party of the year. Welcome back to LIL and Portland to our returning registrants. If yoq're here for the first time, welcome to the most posiiive,"supportive, ând exciting weekend you've ever experienccd. George Nelson 1990 N-A.C. Jim Richards Shannon Thomas Kennedy & CO.CHAIRS Co-Chair Co-Chair NATIONAL ADVISORY COI.]NCIL MEMBERS Gabrielle Antolovich Race Bannon Gerrie Blum Nan Burrows Parrie 'M.P.' Bresllin Beth Brown Pat Califia J. C. Collins Tony DeBlase Jerry Deloach Stacy Dennen Joan Donnelly John Ferrari lVayne Gloege Johnny Grey Conrad Hodson Sallee Huber Neal Johnston Karen Kircher Ronald Kite Albert Kraus Jan Lyon Andy Mangels Ruth Marks Karen Mendelsohn George Nelson Stuart Norman Christopher Posler Joe Potter Bonny Ramsey lVes Randell Dave Rhodes Iæs Robinson Marion O. Rounsaville Gayle Rubin Tony Shenton Susie Shepherd Judy Tallwing McCarthey Karen Udell Ann Wilson ALTERNATES TOjN.A.C. Shannon Garcia Moonyean Larry Arbo Susan White Ice Camins-Bretts NLA 1989 - 90 JAN LYON MS. NLA 1989 -90 R. NLA 1989 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Wclcomc onc and all... Angeles after a twuyear stint in the Army, he was s€t on the historical cou¡se his life was to take- this, our fifth Living in Leathcr confcrcncc. Wc hopc that this weekcncl will be a mcmorablc onc lor you. and that -experivou will takc somc ncw ideas, attitudcs, enccs and inforrnation about vourselt hbmc with you whcn its all ovcr. During the last L8 months, I havc had the good fortune to be able to rcprcsent the National Leather Association in 27 citics whilo participating in numcrous fundrais- ing and othcr lcathcr rclatccl cvcnts. it bccame Throughout all this travclins. clear tõ me that the Associatiõn is now in a position to bccome thc most influcntial organization of its kind anyrrvhcre. It is through lhc participation o[ you and othcrs likc yoursclvcs that thc orsanization will bc abló to insurc that [hc nc"cds o[ lhc leathcr/SM/fctish commurity arc addrcssed and hopefully, respondcd to in a uscful and positive way. Without you, without your support, effort and input, the National Leather Association will amount to nothing ofconsequence. Ifyou think our work is important, then please add your effort to that of othcrs so that thc lifcstyle can bccomo a safcr and more satisfying cxpcriencc for all. Thank you for joining us this weekend, and wc hopc to bc sccing more of you in the vears [o come. REVEREND TROY PERRY Troy Perry has spent his time helping others discover the loving and caring God to whom he has devoted the majority of his life. As the founder of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Commu- nity Churches (UFMCC), he has watched membership grow from rhe 12 to over 32,fi)0 ¡n the past 16 years. The fellowshipwas the first church to recognize thc necessity of ministering lesbians throughout the to the needs of gays and world. It is through that ministry that Perry has become one of the teading act¡vists for gay and lesbian rights. Perry began his vocation in Florida at the age of 13 and was licensed as a Baptist ministe¡ two years later. During this period, Perrybecame aware of his s€xual orientation and felt - as manygays did in rural America - that he must certainly be the only one in thc wo¡ld who felt that way. In 1959 he marricd his pastor's daughter, and a year later Perry, his wife and newbom son mo\¡ed to Illinois where Perry planned to attend Midwest Bible College. Whilc studying at Midwcst, Pcrry workcd for a plastics company that asked him to move to Southern California to open a new plant. Perry, with his wifc and two sons, made the move in 1962. Mr. National Leather Association. 1990 Intcrnational Mr. Leathcr. 1989 1989- Once in California Perrywas assigred to pastor the C'hurch of God of Prophecy in Santa Ana. It was there that Pcrry experienced an "uneaq/'coming out and came to terms with his gayness. He and his wifc separated after fìve years of marriage and latcr were divorccd. "The L,ord was dealingwith me. I had been taught by my previous church that you couldn't be a Christian and a gayperrcn too. I kept this up until onc day God got a word in cdgewisc and said, "Don't tell me what I can do. I love you, Troy, and I don't have any stepsons or stepdaughters. Reread My Word.' And ¡e¡cad God's wo¡d I did. It was following a close friends' arrest that Perry ¡ealized that "God cares"'precipitating the birth of MCC in l-os Angeles, and ultimately leading to the universal Fellowsh ip of Me tropolitai n C-ommu ni ty Churches, which has grown to over 200 study groups, missions and churches in nine countries. Pcrlt/s activism has taken many turns during the past 16 years, includingpositions on a number ofboards of ggy and lesbian organizations. He also held a s€åt on the l,os Angeles County Commission on Human Relations. In 1978 he was honored by the American Civil Liberties Union l¡sbian and Gay Rights Chap ter with its Humanitarian Award. He holds an Honorary Doctorate of Ministry from Samaritan Collegc in l,os Angeles for founding MCC, and was recently lauded by the Gay Press Association with its Humanitarian Award. In addition to being a national civil rights leader, Perry has found time to wfite an autobiograph¡ ,oThe lord is My Shepherd and Knos I'm Gay." He is a contributing editor for thc book "Is Gay Good?" and the subject ofanothcr book "Our God Too.,' He has repres€nted MCC and the gay and lesbian rights movement on a number of national and local television shows, including 60 Minutes, Phil Donahue, Tomorrow with Tom Sn¡rder, The Mike Douglas Show, The Virginia Graham Show, and Thickc of the Night. Virtually every major magazine and newspapcr in the world has co¡crcd the story of the founding of MCC. It was Pcrry who led the movcmcnt for MCC's membership in thc National C-ouncil of Chu¡ches in November, 1983. Revercnd Perry has begun work on a sequel to ,,The is My Shcphcrd" and is in the proccss of devctoping a one-hou¡ television show, "God, Gays, and Iord the Cocpcl." While Reverend Perry realizes the oppression still facing ga¡a and lesbians, he stands at the vanguard of thc movemenl, tclling his flock - and thc rcst of thc world - "We're Not Afraid Anymorc." CYNTHIA SLATER/GEOFF ]\{AINS CYNTHIA SLATER/GEOFF MAINS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD CYNTHIA SI.ATER (August 7, 1945 to October 26, LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD GEOFF MAINS (1947 1989) Qmthia Slater was an acivisr lÂ1974, she founded the Socbty of Janug the first pansorual S/ i-pact on San Francisco's has a a rabble-rouser. Unfortunatel¡ because she did so much her work via personal ontact,rrcrylittleruittenmaterialsrwiræsber. Abookthatshe'dplanædtourite¿or¡tSe¡q¡al MagiC, as she called iq somehownewrgot done becar¡se therenas alnrap one moreworkhop toput together, a talk to pla4 a friendu¡ho needed adviæ, or a visitingpervwho needed tobe Slater was updated abor¡t the local scene. Cþlhia built æali¡is¡s Because of her rather omniruors sexral proclivities, gmlhia was able todraw together gay male, heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian sadomasochists, creating a oilturaJanderoticsyntb€sisthatËwothenharæhadthewiqernigy,ustyletomaintain q/"tbla started doing S/vI when most "erqrcrts" daimed that women didn't eræn have serual fetisheg pt a pair of tits past tbebutch doorme¡r of the Fdsm Sfeet bars and it took major lotbying to She refr¡sedtosettleforisolationoriwisfolity. Sinæthevorldshewantedtolircindidn'tenis, sbe was determined to create it. Cþthiawasase><educator. ShewasoneofthefirSpeopleinthescenetostartthinkingabo¡t safery as næll as sensuality. She was capabb of spthesizing and passing on this inforurãtion in a @gent, pithy manner that made it impcsible to argræ with her. Eræry time I go to a party and watch somebody use a whip, I can see a little bit of Slater in action. QæthiawasaPWA Sheliwdwithadiapmisof Hrvinfùcn frr alpyears she worked very hard to educate her doctorg other Dr¡ringtltattime, nomen, and tbe norld in general about tbe dAIDS on the bather onnrmþ and r¡pm cmen Cþthia dfld erær¡hing at top speed One of the mos diffie¡lt things about havingAlDS for her was the limits it placed on herenerry. Bt¡t I never knew her to lce her dignity, oor¡ragg or grace in tbe face of her fear, exlnrstion, and pain. She was one of the 6s1 ¿6¡zing women [þe ever met, one of the mmt temperamental, stutbon\ difficulÇ and intellþent. without her, the norld is a much drabber praæ-. impact þ three daughters and one granddaughter, and thorsands ofproud pracritioners of sexual magic n¡hæe liræs have been changed for the beuer because she was brave enough to ome out and mean enougþ to stay out as a leather \+omen She is survirad Pat Califia UùanAbori$nals tremendous S/\,f ommunig (and nationat bather hnily). 1989) "Leatheris no affecfation; itis an expressionolthe soul.,' MsupportgroupoutheWestCoast OnþNewYclCsEubns¡iegplsocietypredatediL Her political organizing public speaking teaching and networking activities - Geoff Mains was a man of many interests and mulliple talenfs He bad a Ph. D. in biochemistry. He was a dedicated and worked hard as an environmental corsultanl He was a hne writer whose "¡vi¡o¡¡¡s¡t¡liqt th¡ee bools reflect his intelleduat breadth. The Oxlgen Revolution was scientifiq Urban Aboriginals was a study of the gay male leather communiç Gentle Warriorq published posthumously, is a nwel about AIDS, politics, and the leather commurity. Geoff loved the leather communig with passion and commitment. In addition to writing and speaking he was an active member of his loc¿l community, f¡st in Vancourær and later in San Francisco. He understood the need for national organizi¡g ¿¡d yas very supportive of the National l¡ather Association. He was an enthr¡siastic participant in NU, erænts until his health began to interfere with travel. Geoff moved to San Francisco in 1983 because he wanted to live in one of the world capitals of leather. He had already written Urban Aborþina\ his loing portait of the gay male leather'tribe'. As the implications of AIDS and his om diagncis became evideng Ceotrbegan to memorialize the leather world that meant so much to him. gay male Geoff loved the Catacombs, the Ambusl¡ and the Eagle. Hecared intensely about South of ir barg and its ft¡ture as a gay neighborhood As leather institutions began to sucq.rmb to the combined pressure of AIDS and urban renewat Geoffwove portraits of the people and places he loved into his narrativeg especially Gentle Wa¡riors. Market Geoff wæ a dedicated tiker and a prord member of the Zodiacs in Varmurer and the tilarlocls in San Francisco. He often spoke of the importance of the leatherleli dubs and was working on an article on thei¡ historywhen he died. Although he was grounded in the gay male leather world, Geoffappreciated the significanæ of the eme¡gence of mi:redgendey'multi-orientation leather ingitutions. Hefeltthatthemodelsforbuildingsuchcommunitieselsewhere. Hewasworking on an artide in this mi,red leather communitv when he died. CYNTHIA SI"ATER/GEOFF MAINS CYNTHIA SLATER/GEOFF MAINS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD AWARD Gedtfaæd death with grace and couraç. He arranged his allain careft¡lly and wclt but he nwer gave into his illness. He stutbomly fought to stay aliræ and did not let go until he had held his new novel in his hands. Geoff despised the attitude that AIDS is a lesson in what was "wrong" urith gay or leather trestyles of tbe serænties Geoff saw AIDS 6olt5þ diqaster, nct a moral ommenL In C'entle " Warriors, sre of the characters speaks for".GeoffuÀen he *yq ¿ll rhis agonizing shit, I baræ m regrets I belieræ in what we did a¡d what vrc said. We urcre better for it and the world was 'f¡ a beüer plaæ." Geoffwanted his bather u,orld remembered as a precioru accomplishment and not as sære unfortrmate mi$ake. is impøtånt to heasure cu memories of the men arrl women who baræ gone More and made theleatherworldwenowinhabit.Inspiteofthehideoustidalwaveofmorality,theleather cmmunity has survived and continues to flourisb- Those uÀo work now to secure its present It and fr¡tr¡remr¡st alwap remember that theybufd on the u,ork of apneration of uarriors like Geoff Mains b,raræ ald fallen GayleRubin PAT CALIFIA Pat Califia i^s bcing honorcd this u'pckcnd bccau-rc hcr ¡rerrcnal courage has made it easicr for find each o(hcr. tn bccoming strong in hcr own sexual awa¡enesg she has brought pride and strength to our c<¡mmunity. It has bccn a pemonal joumey that was destined to become a us to public comrnitment. In the mid-7O's Pat described herself as a tenified and titillated neoph¡e. None the less she was determined to meet partrrers and friends. She decided that she had been lied to - that úe r¡,oulon-t be alone, u¡hich had becn her greatest [ear. At the time there was not mudr formal o¡ganized support Her tadic was to make herself visible ernugh so that if there were otherq that they would be able to find her. Thus began a phenomenal history of social oryanizing and prolife writing based on the philmophy that ifs more important to be honest ttt¿n it is to be corred. She became a founding membeì óf V-o4 ne nrstìesUian S/M group. She wrote about S/vf for r¿ariou men and women's publications, both fiction and ry{.ti9_tl and also published Sapphistrv. The Power Exchanp. a column in the Advocate, Macho Sluts. the edited S/M Safety Manual and Doc and Ftuff. As a public speakerñhe haá iostghts about contemporary sexual issueg defended with dþity our rþt to semal imaçs of ourselveg and provided e¡plicit fantasy images for lesbians. CYNTHIA SI"ATER/GEOFF MAINS CYNTHIA SLATER/GEOFF MAINS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWAR D AWARD with her scxuality, arnd idcntifiablc on tlrc st¡cct. Sho bad the courage to be friendly to other sexnl minoritics and to write tryond thc limits of wtlmcnShe organized play partieC became public onþmaterial In her uriting she cr¡atallized fr¡ndamer¡tal uuths of wôat it is to bc a Sadomas¡ That in thls world, coercion is an accepted part of daily life. That what m,ciety finds so abhorrcnt aboul us is our notion of consent our notion of sex¡al choice, our insistence on having :rn absolute right to set ou¡ own limits. Morc than fcw of us found hcr worh as isolated as wc worc, znd racrgnvctl orrrsr:lvus in lhc.ç¿ to them like talismang repeated ürem to ou¡sclux to grin ¡:monal stron¡(l¡ and found lhe coruage to bnng our orrn private r¡ndcrstandings to a ¡nliticrl lcvcl. 'I'hcro wc [(x) began to organua and achieræ our rights to fr¡ll sexual e4pression. a truths We held on She told us that what we dreamed was beautiful and life-affirming; how a womcn's broacl shoulders can move inside a leather jacket that is well broken in; how soli is the curvc o[ a submissive's back when she da¡es to kneel and arch her shoulders for the lash. As such more of us haræ mads it to adulthocd wilhout bcing driven macl or drivcn nonnat or driving offa clilf. Instead we dress up in all these funny clothcq buy tùl thc cx¡r,onsivc gurr, and go out to hnd each other. We are proud to present Pat Califìa with Lhe Slater/Mains Ufctime Achicvcmcnf Açard CHUCK RENSLOW þ For almmt 40 year¡ h9 b""" ql activis working in support of the Chicago and National gay communitieq sharing his personal and brxiness rqsourc€s. hq. II" Þfq Iorce u strgng proponent of freedom of eryression, and during Þehrnd a male ph)6rque sfudlo. the'5ß was the moving Thirty pars ago, he was_ invohrcd in the transformation of the original C'old Coast from a establishment to one of the füst leather ban. 'bgirl" The legendary Gold Coast was in business for 28 yegrs at five locations. For thousands of gay men, tñis institution was their first int¡oduction tö the leather lifestyle. He alwara fostereä á pcitive play envi¡onment for thæe n¿ho patronized the ba¡. He was founder of Man's Country during the late '70s the midwest's most interesting e,nrertairune¡t complex MC also prôvided many men with safe space within which to explorõ their sexualiw. In 1q¡9, \ilith Dom Orejudoq be created the International Mr. L¡ather Contest. Now in ifs 12h ycar, IML is thc nation's premier gathcring of leathcrmcn. ?uring the early'80q he took orrcr publication of Gay life when the ne\rÀspaper was in ñmncial dist¡css. For decades, he has been an active particlpant in the regular Democratic Party. He is the current President of theShikeAgainstAIDS, andbehind the sæneE he has plaved a guiding role in the derælopment of manygay-identified AIDS service o.gaoiátiors. Chuck Renslow is truly onc of ou¡ leaders. WORKSHOP PRESENTORS WORKSHOP PRESENTORS MISTRESS AMANDA PAT CALIFIA Mistress Amanda has becn training submissives ¡n the S€attle area at her school of Discipline Training for the past six years. [Ier reputation has grcwn to include persuasive control, erotic bondage and humilation. Her mastery has won hcr the devotion of many a slave in hcr fully equipped Pat Califia is a radical pervert leåther dyke who specializes in education the perceptually impaired. "t \! dungeons. various community charities. Ha has frequently written for Drummer magazine, and has wdtten The kathcr Contest: A Ilandbook, the "how-to" book about various facets of thc leather contest. RACE BANNON Race Bannon spends much of his time futhering the acceptance and understanding of the leather/SM/fetish lifestyle through his writings and speaking engagements. He is currently the Co-Coordinator of the National l¡ather A.ssociation: [-os Angeles and also holds membership in Avatar Club [.os Angeles, Inc., Chicago Hellfire Oub and Threshold. Race is also the creator of The S/M Workshop, a one4ay scminar where those new to the scenc can learn the basic concepts, practices and techniques of the S/M e¡perience, His book, tentatively titled "l¡arning the Ropes", will be published somet¡mc next year and will be an introductory guide to S/M for the newmme¡. In rcgards to the NLA, Race beleives "that the National l¡ather Association can ably serve the putposc of acting as the uniffng forçe for the leather/SM/fetish community. Community networking, education and political progress must remain high prorities." I :,Ç çr Ice Camins-Bretts (NlA Executive Committee) is currently undergoing the trials of separation from a BMW R75/5 motorcycle. Peripatetic as ever, she and Island Whip are now located in Portland, Oregon. A current fetish is Cascade AIDS Project læather Education and Outreach, where she is soon to be a video queen. CELESTE Celeste (AKA Fire Tender) is a native of Washington and a charter member of Outerlimits. In addition to serving a two year term as an Outerlimits treasure Celeste has hosted workshop/demos for the N[.{, eSM, Outer_ limiits and this pâst Mayday gathering. Celeste is known for he r dedication J.C. COLLINS J. C. Collins helpcd to start the Seattle l¡ather Women's contest. She also helped found Outer Limits. J.C. has been involved in all of the Living In lÆather conferences. For the last three )¡srs she has coordinated the Art Exhibit at the LlLconferences. She is a member-aflarge for the NL{-SFBA chapter and is also a member of the Outcasts. She has produces photographic layouts for the Advocate, Sandmutopia Guardian, læather Journal and Dn¡mmer magazines. She was also photographer for the l9g9 l¡ather Jan Brown is an outspoken and opinionated member of thc west coast S/M community. She cnjoys listening to apocryphal rumors'about her activities, Women's Calendar. Other phtographic work of J.C.'s has appcared on the cover of the Lesbian SM Safety Manual, Fint Stoke, and the author photo for'Doc & Fluff". wishes cvcn half of them w€r€ true. Shc lives in Vancouver, C-anada, is working on her cynicism and now beleives love is better the second time around. She is the JAN BROWN I ,1 ICE CAMINS-BRETTS GI.IY BALDWIN Guy Baldwin is a Los Angeles psychothrapist, is renown for his efforts to encou¡age adeeperawarcnessof the kinþetçerience. He has served as Mr. National l¡ather Association, and was also selected as International Mr. l.eather, 1989. Since May of '89, Guy has visited over 25 cities to make p¡esentat¡ons to thousånds of leather folks, has been on the radio and telcvision, and has assisted promoters in the raising of some $130,000.00 for for I JIM BRUCE Jim Bruce is an RN. He is a member and coo¡dinator of Chicago flellfire Club. He is also editor and publisher of ENIGMA. Cunently Jim is giving direct p-care to PWA's. CORKY D lst Ms. Southern California kather, 1988 and also Ms. San Francisco 1990. She is 32 years old and is a member of NI_A. She has been in the leather lifestyle for 11 years. WORKSHOP PRESENTORS WORKSHOP PRESENTORS TONY DeBT,ASE RAELYN GALLINA Tony DeBlase, under thc pen namc "Fledermaus" has been writing SM Raelyn Gallina has been a jeweler for 17 years and has been piercing and cutting professionally for orer 8 yean. Her specialty is female piercings. fiction since the mid 1!)ó0's and has been involved in the scene since the mid 1970's. A dedicated teacher, he has been concerned with education for safe, sane, oonsensr¡âl SM among adults for years. He has been a member of Chicago Hellfire Club since 1978. In 19?9 he created Dungeon Master and soon thereåfter began Sandmutopia University. Tony conducted SM classes and demonstrations for men, womcn, and panscxual SM organizations throughout thc country. In l!l88 hc bcgan thc publication Sandmutopia Guardian. And since 1986 has been publisher of Drummer, Mach, and related magazines. Tony has been a member of NIA since 198ó and has participated in evcry Living in l¡¿ther conference, and this year is co-chair of the LIL V program committee. In addition to CHC and Nl,A Tony is a honorary member of GMSMA, VASM, The 15 Association, and the Brotherhood of Pain. WILLIAM À (BILL) HENKIN William Henkin is author of The Psychic Healing Book(wirh Amy ÌVallace), Bodywise(with Joseph Heller) and a dozen other books, and a Contributing Write¡ for Spectator. Alone and with his partner, Sþil Holiday, he is a frequent teacher for QSM, and has spoken at the national conferences of the International Foundation for Gende¡ Education, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, the MENSA Sexsyg and elsewhere. ,,Erotic Power play," DRAGON Dragon is oq,ner of The Grand Desigrr, a former Seattle leatherwomen, a SIut from Hell, Emeritus, a middle-aged parent who is fond of the Middle Ages, a smokerof cigarettes, adrinkerof Irish Whiskcy, and readyfora good debate an¡ime anywhere. CONRAD HODSON Conrad Hodson is a kinky blacksmith fmm Eugcne, Oregon. Conrad switchably enjoys many kinds of play, though he is becoming notorious nettles ans networking. Member Alliance. of Nld ORCASM, for Eugene Leather CLEO DUBOIS Oeo Dubois, playful and sophisticated professional sadist and bondage specialist, was born in Paris, France but has lived in San Francisco for the past 22 years. Some cleven years ago, she "came out" in thesM community as a bottom to gay leathermen where she "learned the ro¡xs." Cleo is a long standing memberofSan Francisco's SocietyofJanus, The Outcasts and has joined NI-A> For five years she organized San Francisco's SM Mixect Parties for players of all genders and sexual orientation. She ia regular pcrformer at Allen Selby's Fetish & Fantasy night and hgs been a presentor at both LIL III and W. Cleo is [nvolvedin SM as erotic play and rirual. And, she just assumed the ultimate bondage trip with Fakir Musafar. They were married in August. Guess wherc they wear their wedding rings? On their fingers! SYBIL HOLIDAY Sþil Holidayhas been involvedwith the leathercommunityfor l0 years, and has worked in the adult entertainment industry for 20. California cetified sare sex educato¡ she ispecializes in gender and age pla¡ and tantric SM. Alone and with her partner, Bill Henkin, she is a frequent teacher for eSM, and has spoken at the national conferences of the International Foundation for Gender Education, the Society for the Sceintific Study of Sex, the MENSA Sexsyg, and elsewhe¡e. "Erotic Power Play," which she wrote with Bill I Icnkin, is scheduled lo appcar in Sandmutopia Guardian late this year. SALLEE MALLARD HUBER Sallee Mallard l{uber lives out some of her many fetishes as a professional FALCON Slave Falcon belongs to M¡strcss Kate. Slave Falcon is a creatress of ritualistic magic and dancerwith ritual fans...creator, teacher, facilitator and part icipant in workshops on sado-masochism, ritual magic and sex magic for the past five ycars...nite quecn, c¡one witch, submissive, maschist, creaturc of the dark, aligned with Sirius, intense and dedicated. I¡ather-Crafter, a part-t¡me Sergeant in thc U.S. Arm¡ and a full time proudly twisted SM activist. In addition to being the Director of LIL V and Co-Coordinator of LIL [V, She's alsoa founding memberof Portland power and Tn¡st, and on the Boa¡d of Directo¡s of ORCASM ar¡d NL-A portland. She continues to scrve on the NI,{ National Advisory Council as an obvious political masochist. WORKSHOP PRESENTORS ROIIERT.TOHNSON Robert Johnson is a tÊxt¡le/chcmical enginecr by profcssion and a Profcssor at the Univers¡ty of Minncsota A major specilty is bondageþlater of Paris, Velcro, heavy mctal, rope, leather, rubber, fabric, and film with or without suspcnsion). lIe is a memberof the Chicago l{cllfirc Club, and lives with his black slave algiers in Minneapolis. SHANNON THOMAS KDNNEDY Shannon Thomas Kennedy is the C-o-Chair elcct of thc National I-¿ather Association, antl is also the (ìair for thc Elcct¡ons anrl Crcclcntials Cnmnrittee. Shc holds Fx)sitions on the fÌxcculive Comnr ittcc, thc Nat ional Confc rence C-ommittee and the Mcmbeship Conrmittce, and is also the contact for Living ln Lcather VL In 1989 she founded NtA-Detroit and became its CoChair. Shannon is a founding member of the RECUIS, a women's S/M suppol group and served as its President from 1988-1990. ALBERT KRAUS Albel K¡aus has been teaching formal classes in SM tcchniques ans proccdures since 1983 when Ðesmodus Publications first established Snadmutopia Unive rsity. Over the years he has traveled coast to coast, north tosouth,reachingaudiences ofvariesinterests,sexualities,and/orgenders. Ilelllìre Club, he has held a variety of offices, including that of coordinator for Inferno, the world-famous men's play pafly. IIe currently is completing his third term as President of the Windy City Bondage CIub. Albert is also a membe rof the 15 (San Francisco) and the Chicagoland Discussion Group (a straight SM club), both of which WORKSHOP PRESENTORS FAKIR MUSAFAR Fakir Musafar is knovm worldwide for his 40 year's rescarch and pe rsonal practice of primitive body decoration and ritual. Fakir's views have been expres.sed in the 1986 film Dances Sacred and Profanc, many issues of Piercing Fans International (PFIQ) magazine, his own book Body Ply and his recent ReSca¡ch book Modern Primitives (Fakir coined the term "Modern Primitives" for PFIQ in 1979). He played a significant part in the revival of body piercing and is presently a Master Piercer practicing at Gaunlet's San Francisco store. Fakir is an early member and long-time p¡esentor at San Francisco's Society Of Jnaus, a recent member of NIA (a LIL IV presentor) and his shared shamanic rites with the lrathersex Faries, Black Leather tffings. He also conducts workshops on subjects such as Ecstatic Shamanism. Fakir and Cleo DuBois were "bondcd" in an unusual SM wcdding last August. JIM RICHARDS Jim Richa¡ds was the founding Pres¡dent of the Disciples of DeSade. [Ie was on the Advisory Board of the Gay and læsbian Southeast Conferencc. Jim also was host of the Dallas Confe¡ence in 1988. He was Co-Chair of the SSCA and is current CoChair of the National læather Association. ÌIe is also on the board of the Gulf Coast Drummer Contest. As a longtimc membe¡ of ¡he Chicago are affiliates of NI-A.. In addilion, he is an honorary member of the Thunderhead Club (Boston) and Atlanta Sm Solidarity. Recently Albert has been elected to the new National C.ouncil of the Nl-A,. He is an active participant in the organizing of the NLA: Chicago chapter. RUTH MARKS Ruth Marks has been active in the læather/SM/Fetish community fot 3 l/ 2 yean. She has served on the board of International Ms. I-eathe, The Outcasts and wasan original founder of NIA-SFBA. Ruth also co-founded the Safe Sex Palrol. Othcr org4nizations that Ruth is a mcmbcr of are thc Society of Janus, Orgasm, I-eather and lace(I -A), 1'.8.S., NI-¿r, The ACI-U, and the Committee to preserve our Sexual Civil libe(ies. In thc past Rith has presented demos on everything from caning to botloming. She has spoken for QSM, læather and l¡ce, NI.A-SFBA, the Outcasts and for NLA. Ruth has worked on many fundraisers and would like to work to establish a leagal Relief Fund for people who have been persecuted or incarcerated for their scxual behavior. Ruth beleives that at this time we as a community must increase our efforts 1o protect our Sexual Civil l.iberties and that this must be our main priori$. KAREN MENDEI,SOIIN Karcn Mcndcls<¡hn has bccn Progranr l)ircctor and (ltxrrdinator for thc Society of Janus in San lrrancisco. In 1989 shc startcd QSM, an NI-A comnrercial affiliatc which pruJuces cducalional classes and art¡st¡c evcnts for thc panscxual SM community. QSM has s¡xrnsorcd art faircs, bondagc compelitions, and s¡rccial weekcnds by visiting SM practiti<>ners. ERIC E. ROFES Eric E. Rofes is on the Board of Directors of the National GAy and læsbian Task Force and currently works as the execuiive director of Shanti Projcct, an AIDS support services organization in San Francisco. fle has been a community organizer since 1975, working to integrate sex po¡itics into the mainstream gay movement. In San Francisco, he can be found frequenting thc Lone Star, reading Bear Magazine and pursuing working class men. Basically, he's a shy person. MARION O. ROUNSAVILLE He is currently C+Chair of the Dallas Chapter of the National læather Association. He is the past President of the Disciples of DeSade and also a Board member and instructor of Beyond Vanilla. Marion was also a board member and contest director of the Mr. Gulf Coast Drummer Contest for 1989 and 1990. He is also the Master Piercer with Shades of Grey. GAYLE RUBIN Gayle Rubin has been active in the leather/SM community for over a decade. In 1978 she was one of the founding members of Samois, the first Iesbian S/M support g¡oup. She helped found the Outcasts in 1984. She has been active in NIA since 198ó and was named NLA Women of the Ycar in 1988. She has written extensively on S/M and sexual polotics. GAyle does research on leather and S/M communities and has a special interest in the history of the gay male S/M community since World War II. She has helped to build the lealhe¡ and S/M collections of the Lcsbian and Gay Ilistorical Society of Nofhern California, and she maintains hc¡ own archive of materials relating to leather and S/M communities. She lives with eight filing cabinets and one cat, and wants to help make the world a better place for kìnky people. WORKSHOP PRESENTORS BILL SCHMELING l¿T Bill Schmeling, The Infamous HUN, has been drawing hunky men in various stages of undr€ss, dur€ss, and excess since he was five years old. Creator of "Big Sig" at Shady Nook and "Gohr" in the new age, Bill's works have appeared in Drummer, MACH, Dungeonmaster, The læather Journal, Stroke, Bound & Gagged, and other publications of Community ¡nterest. He is a member of NI-A, Port land, and affiliate member of Nl-A.'s National Council, and official artist of ORGASM, Portland. Bill brings ro rhe "SM Cottage Industries" workshop his experience of the past eight years as a selfemployed SM artist, with notes on the challenges, perils and opportunities of generating, promoting and distributing a specialized product/service (his or yours) that appeals only to a very select clientcle. TONY SHENTON \ryORKSHOP PRESENTORS STRAP Strap is a long time Fraternal mcmber of the 15 Association. Strap slaps, belts, paddles,and yes straps his happyway into thc lcatherpants of bottoms. DAN SWEER Dan Sweer is 38 years old and a Portlan, Oregon rcs¡dent. Hc started fisting in Chicago at the agc of 16. Dan was adopted as a mascot for Má.F.IA. becausc he was tooyoung tojoin. All ofhis training has bcen informal. Tony Shenton was elected to the GMSMA's Board of Director five years ago. Four years ago Tony attended LIL I and three years ago formed IIot Ash Cigar Fetish Club (membership in noe 26O and counting). Two years ago he was accepted into asscociate membership of the Chicago IIellfire Club. Tony also was a presentor at LIL IV. The future? I want to be here for it. JUDY TALLWING McCARTHEY DAVID STEIN David Stein was a co-founder of Gay Male S/M Activists, now inits tenrh year of sewice to the community, and has at different t¡mes been that organization's President Chairman, Publications Director, and (currently) Executive Secretary. He also edited the news¡etter of the National Gay'Iask Force for two years and has w¡itten for a number of gay publications, including DungeonMaster, Drummer, the advocate, Christpher Street, and New York Native. He has gone on many speaking engagements for GMSMA, including "Different Strckes: Erotic Abrasion," ,,IIurts So Fine: The Pleasure of Pain," "Playing Sa[e: First Aid for S/M," "l}re Politics of S/ M," and "Mapplethorpe rs. Congress: The Move to Outlaw S/M Art." A confirmed bottom, he's playèd top often cnough to know which he likes better. Boots, bondage, and brushes are a few of his favorite things. THOR STOCKMAN Thor Stockman started tieing himself up at the tender age of 7, but it wasn't until he was 2l that he had his first S/M experience with another man. Since the n he's made up for lost time learning and perfecting his S/M skills in San Francisco and in New York, where hc now resides. As an active member of Gay Male S/M Activists, he's wo¡ked on the design and production of irs newsletterand otherspecial publications, and he has produced orassisted on a variety of programs, includ¡ng the well-received and popular S/M Erotic Ar Photography slide presentations. He's currently at work on the Return of the S/M Quiz Show and An Appreciation of Uniforms programs for GMSMA, slated for Springl99l and Spring 1992, respectively. He's atso a member of Hot Ash, PipcMen, the NGLTF, and the ACLU. IIe's ,,into', oots, bondage, flogging, pipes and cigars, uniforms, cowboys, motorcycles,and tattoos, and he enjoys the very thought of having spare âime. Judy Tallwing McCårthey founded the antidefamation leaguc called Queers United Against Closets. She also helped found the Lcsbi"n C-o-monity Project. She is cefounder of Portland Power and Tn¡st. In 19g7 shc became the first International Ms the March on Washington for produced the first Portland [,€åth the SSCA and current CoCha¡r of the Co-Women of the year in 1988. Nl-{. Judywas the l¡ather Journal MARGARETWELLER Margaret Weller is a long-time SM player, she found the leatherscene only recently, but is trying to make up for lost time. Astounded at her fi¡st er¿enì to find 80 people in one ¡oom who had never used nettles in a scene, she is trying to+rcreate a scnsation. Membe¡ NIA. ORGASM.