From the Pen of the National President
From the Pen of the National President
b The Official Publication of The Drifters, Incorporated 55th Convention Edition August 2011 From the Pen of the National President My Drifter Sisters, My friends, It has been almost two years since my election to the post of National President of our fine organization. I feel as though I just joined The Drifters, Incorporated yesterday. While I have been a Drifter for fifteen years, the drifter experience continues to bring new friends, sisters and experiences. I am still excited about our organization after fifteen (15) years. It’s the Best! This year has been a very busy but a productive and enjoyable one. I had foot surgery after the wonderful convention in South Bend, IN, which delayed things about three (3) weeks. I then had the pleasure of attending several fundraising events hosted by the Mitchellville, Maryland and Montclair, New Jersey Chapters. Seeing these chapters giving back to their chosen communities in the various ways reminded me how Drifters make a difference every day. I also attended the Southwest Cluster in Los Angeles, California. The cluster included members from the Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Las Vegas, and Greensboro Chapters. I met new members from Las Vegas and they were excited about Drifters. In addition, Alumna member Joy Gaddie-Sheppard attended. I am encouraging chapters to invite other chapters, membersat-large and alumna to your cluster meetings. I would like thank The Executive Board, for your dedication and hard work this year. I especially want to thank Convention Planner Elsie Simmons Huey for going above and beyond the call of duty. Elsie and I traveled to Norfolk to meet with the Portsmouth Chapter for a weekend of work. We accomplished a lot and worked hand-in-hand with Portsmouth to provide our assistance for this “FABULOUS” convention. The ladies of Portsmouth were most gracious and I want to personally thank them for the superb hospitality shown to Elsie and me. To the Alumna and Members-at-Large, you have shown me more support than I could have ever imagined. Thanks! I’m extending a very special welcome to all new Drifters, and first time attendees to the 55th Annual Drifter Convention. I hope you are ready for this Fantastic Journey on a Drifter voyage. This year also presented much sadness for me. We lost a number of our outstanding Drifter Sisters, some of whom I have known since I was a Kindling. I salute them for their service to God, their families, their communities and to the Drifters. They will be missed but never forgotten! A special thank you to all Drifters, Driftwood and non Drifters for your support of my role as National President as well as other roles I have held in Drifterdom. I’m also extending a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to my sisters and Driftwoods in the Greensboro Chapter. Your love, support, encouragement, and deeds have inspired me to be the best I can be and help make our organization the best that it can be. I love and enjoy my service to Drifters and I look forward to serving you in a second term as National President. May God Continue to Bless Us All~ Lisa Johnson-Tonkins National President Strengthen Families to Build Better Communities: “Save our Children, Assist our Seniors” Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Atlanta on the Move 2011 President of the Decatur/DeKalb Chapter of the Coalition. On September 30, 2011 she will complete her 3rd and final term (6 years total) as the NCBW Decatur/DeKalb-President. By Paulette Smith 2011 has been a year of achievement and touching for the Metro-Atlanta Drifters. While Drifters Driftwood were heavily involved with Drifter community activities, certain achievements were more unique, and memorable. lives and and even This year, the Metro-Atlanta Drifters collaborated with other organizations to spread joy and hope in our community. Members worked individually and collectively with three other prestigious organizations to change the lives of our "Elders and our Children." As in prior years, Metro-Atlanta Drifter Sisters spread holiday cheer to residents and staff of the Sadie Mays Rehabilitation Center distributing cookies and handmade door ornaments. Lead by Drifter Sisters, Toni Driskell, Elaine Holley and Geneva Jones residents enjoyed the visit, and really liked the cookies. The Metro-Atlanta Drifters aided The Exceptional Health Care Services group in two ways. First, Drifter Sister Toni Driskell was appointed to the Board of Directors of Exceptional Health Care Services. This is an important appointment which recognizes Drifter Toni's dedication to the care of our senior population. Members of our Drifter organization (Geneva Jones, Meryl McNeal, Betty Walker and President Paulette Smith) participated in fund raising efforts such as the "Diamond Ear Ring Mother's Day Fund Raiser" and the yearly Halloween Masquerade Ball held by Exceptional Health Care Services Group. Exceptional Health Care Services provides civic outreach programs which serve senior citizens who are in declining health, allowing them to "age in place" in their homes. The income of these senior citizens is too high for them to qualify for Medicaid, but too low to pay for assisted living facility services. Three Metro-Atlanta members participated in the Annual Financial Boot Camp given by the Decatur/DeKalb Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women. Metro-Atlanta Chapter President Paulette Smith was appointed to sit on the National Economic Development Committee of the Coalition and also chaired the local boot camp to be known in the future as "My Sister's Keeper". Drifter Paulette also taught a class on Retirement Planning. Drifter Sheryl Barnes taught a class on "Wills and Trusts". Drifter Kimberly (Kim) Cameron is the For Drifter Kim, it has been a very busy year! On June 30, 2011 she will complete her second and final term as Habitat for Humanity DeKalb County Board President, the only African-American Woman to hold this position. She chaired the inaugural Golden Hammer Awards for Habitat for Humanity raising $15,000 for the cause. Her appointment with GEFA (the State of Georgia's best energy conservation agency) is now permanent. Drifter Cerelyn Davis has been accepted into the prestigious Leadership Atlanta Class of 2012. Drifter Rosie Robinson is on the move! She participated with the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, (NOBLE) food drive in Macon, GA. This event was an amazing turn out for the City. The Postal Service transported the food to the homeless and others in dire need of assistance. She also participated in the NOBLE sponsored day for Atlanta's Missing and Exploited Children. Take (25)" and other law enforcement agencies sponsored the program. The outstanding event allowed children to see exactly what officers do on a daily basis to keep Atlanta safe. All of the children were fingerprinted and given wrist bands in an effort to protect and keep them safe. While Drifter Rosie is a tireless volunteer for programs that change the lives of children, this year Drifter Rosie visited the sick and elderly, donated her time and services to Mount Carmel Baptist Church as an exceptional leader. Retired, Rosie uses her financial resources to boost the efforts of St. Jude Children's Hospital, Wounded Veterans, and other charitable-organizations. Images of Drifter Elaine Holley are coming to a theater near you! The businesswoman turned actress has roles in two movies. One is a Tyler Perry movie. The other stars Dolly Parton and the Queen (Latifah, of course!). Our Kindling and Kindlewood continue to make us proud! Richard Raphael Xavier Ryan was born on March 4th at 1:33 a.m. He joins his older brother Robert in bringing joy to his Mom and Dad, National Membership Chair Ramona Ryan and her supportive husband Driftwood Robert and his www.drifter Page |2 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter family members, Erma and A.C. Murphy, his doting grandparents. Drifter Kim Cameron's daughter Brooke who is three years old and who attends Green Forest Christian Early Learning Center sang a solo of the Black National Anthem at her class Chapel Program on May 19, 2011. She also recited bible verse Ephesians 6:1 solo. care items to residents bi-annually. The Charlotte Drifters continue to serve the Hospice Program at Presbyterian Hospital by praying, donating time and refreshments to families of loved ones in the hospice program. Drifters along with other volunteers were honored at a volunteer luncheon in May by Presbyterian Hospital. The group also continues to support the Women’s Shelter project at Friendship Baptist Church. Horace Mann Bond III, grandson of Drifter Rosie Robinson was selected by the People to People Program to be an Ambassador for USA, and is currently traveling and studying abroad to Australia and New Zealand. Horace is a Junior at North Atlanta School of Performance Art. Kindlewood Jason (T. Todd) Smith finished 2010 on the east coast editing the movie "Night Club" which stars Ernest Borgnine and Mickey Rooney. Earlier in the year he worked in California as Producer on the same movie. Jason is becoming known as a well regarded Director of Photography for movies being filmed in Atlanta. He is still acting and recently was part of the cast of "Army Wives" which is filmed in North Carolina. The Metro Atlanta Drifters and their families are a diverse and interesting group! Breezing in from Baltimore The Baltimore Drifters hosted the Mid-Atlantic Cluster meeting in May 2011. Mitchellville and Metro DC Drifters attended and had a royal treat. They were wined and dined at the Forest Glen Golf Club in Baltimore. All had a joyous time getting acquainted and sharing personal stories. We provided entertainment including a superb soloist and dynamic Maryland Judge as guest speaker. Charlotte Cable By Gloria Graham HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Charlotte Drifters continue to serve the Helton Manor Nursing Home, and provide refreshments and personal Father Louis “Smokey” Oats & Drifter Ardella Wilson SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION The Charlotte Drifters continue to keep the theme “Jump Start an Education” alive and held their Annual Scholarship Luncheon & Card party in April. The luncheon as usual was a smashing success and raised money to support the Chapter’s scholarship program. This year the Charlotte Drifters donated a $500.00 Scholarship Award to Trinity Episcopal School, in honor of Father ‘Smokey’ who has been wonderful to the Charlotte Drifters, always allowing us to use the Trinity Facility to host our annual luncheon. Father Smoky will be leaving Trinity this year and we will miss his love and wonderful support. The Charlotte Drifters continue to offer two annual $1000.00 scholarships to high school or college students. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Kudos to Charlotte Drifter Anita Elder for winning the crown for "2011 Woman Of The Year" from the Mecklenburg General Baptist Association (MGBA) of Charlotte NC, representing her church Ebenezer Baptist Church, of Charlotte, NC. She came in first place raising $2700.00 for the local MGBA, Shaw University, women & men's shelters and the Lott Carey foreign mission project to name a few. Drifter Anita says the love and support from family and friends was overwhelming, but "To God be the Glory". www.drifter Page |3 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter Gloria Graham’s son, Kindling Derek Graham, a rising junior at Elizabeth City State University, continues to excel, and made the Dean’s list for the second straight year. He will serve as a Resident Assistant for the Fall 2011 school year. He will also serve as President for the Concert Choir and President for the University Players Drama group. Drifter Ardella Wilson accompanied her daughters, Kindlings Cynthia B. Nash and Ardella Y. Blandford, on a two week Mission Trip to Liberia, West Africa in March 2011. Kindling Cynthia planned the trip through her position as Honorary Counsel General to Liberia and arranged a number of excursions including an audience with the President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Serlief and members of her cabinet. Kindling Ardy taught at the Baptist Bible College and Drifter Ardella assisted as a second and third grade teacher. They delivered thirty boxes of much needed supplies for the hospital and three orphanages in Liberia, West Africa. Driftwood Joseph Wilson attended his annual gathering of friends for a week of golf in Daytona Beach, Florida at the LPGA Golf Course International and had a wonderful time. Chicago Breezes from the Windy City Drifter Verbie M. Jones-Smith and Driftwood, Clifton celebrated their second year anniversary with family and friends this past fall. The Smith’s have been enjoying frequent trips to their vacation home in Orlando, Florida to escape Chicago winters. Verbie is founding member of the Community of African American Mental Health Professionals (CAAMHP) and recently hosted a mentoring empowerment day for 200 African American teenage girls. Apostolic Youth and Family Services, a child welfare agency owned by Drifter Verbie Jones-Smith and Driftwood, Clifton Smith celebrated its 10th year anniversary in October, 2010. Drifters, Deborah A. Rountree, Tammy McCann and Sheryl Sawyer-McGill performed for a scholarship fund- raising event sponsored by The Chicago Drifters, Inc. “A Jazz/Gospel Brunch” at Room 43. We had a full house and a great time was had by all! Debbie was busy performing soprano solos in Handel’s Messiah’s during the Christmas holidays. She also performed in a CBS televised fund-raising event for Fisk University, honoring Dr. Matthew Kennedy’s 90th Birthday. Dr. Kennedy now retired, was the Chairperson of the Music Department, Conductor of the “Fisk Jubilee Singers” and former piano instructor for Fisk University, in Nashville, TN. In February, Drifter Debbie and Driftwood Mike celebrated their nephew’s birthday in The Woodlands, Texas. It was a welcomed trip after the crazy blizzard in Chicago that made world news. Drifter Sheryl Sawyer-McGill performed as a soloist with her gospel-jazz group, The Celestials, in fall and Christmas concerts. In addition, she served as treasurer in her brother, Roderick Sawyer’s successful bid for Alderman. She is so excited that he will be sworn in as part of Chicago’s City Council in May 2011. She is also the daughter of the second black mayor of our fair city, the late, Honorable Eugene Sawyer, Mayor of Chicago. Drifter Tammy McCann-Simpkins, a Jazz Vocalist, is in talks with the Nelson Riddle Foundation and The Billy Strayhorn Publishing Company to create musical projects for Broadway and Worldwide. Tammy also has been busy on the road performing in Russia. Drifter Tammy McCann’s oldest kindling was accepted into Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee, with a full scholarship. Her 16 year old kindling has been chosen for a prestigious acting program at The Goodman Theatre in Chicago. Her two youngest kindling will represent their school in the Illinois Young Authors Competition. Driftwood Attorney Anthony Simpkins was chosen by the Counsel on Global Affairs for the Emerging Leader Class of 2009-2011. www.drifter Page |4 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter Mabel Waters as usual spent late summer and early fall in her vacation home in Idlewild, Michigan. Her granddaughter Raven is a junior and also is in the honor society at her high school, Whitney Young in Chicago. She is a cheerleader and is a volunteer in a Food Pantry weekly. Drifter Pamela Thomas-Hall, her mother, Las Vegas Drifter, Betty Jo Thomas-Orr and Pamela’s daughter, Stephanie Shannon, just came back to the U.S. after vacationing in Australia for three weeks. This was a graduation present given to Stephanie for receiving her MBA from Howard University. Congrats to Pamela again on the birth of her granddaughter, Okena Rose Hall, born April 29, 2011- 6 lbs. and 14 oz.! Drifter Mallorie A. Garner is looking forward to spending time with her only niece, Fabia, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mallorie is sponsoring this trip in honor of Fabia’s 21st birthday. Both are looking forward to a wonderful time. Drifter Jackie Sharp-Akins’ job title was changed from Executive Director to Chief Executive Officer of Lakeside Community Committee Social Service Agency in Chicago, Illinois effective 2010. Ms. Sharp-Akins was also honored by the Chicago Defender, A Real Time Newspaper as a 2011 Woman of Excellence. On April 29, 2011, a High Tea in the Regency Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago was given for the Women of Excellence Honorees. In July, 2010, Ms. Sharp Akins, Proprietor of Sharp's Bed and Breakfast in Starkville, MS attended the LA/MS/AL/AR Annual Bed and Breakfast Conference held in Baton Rouge, LA. Ms. Sharp-Akins is looking forward to attending the Bed and Breakfast Conference in July, 2011 to be held on the coast in Gulf Port, MS. Drifter Loistene Rountree has been busy with the Scholarship Committee interviewing students for The Chicago Drifters 2011 Annual Scholarship Award. Loistene also gave a ”Meet and Greet” for Roderick Sawyer who recently ran for Alderman of the 6th Ward and won! He is the brother of our Drifter Sister Sheryl Sawyer-McGill. Clippings from Cincinnati COMMUNITY/CIVIC SERVICE The Cincinnati Chapter, Drifters set aside time at our October meeting for electoral candidates Tracie Hunter and Drifter Nadine Allen to present information related to their candidacies. Tracie Hunter was a candidate for the office of Hamilton County Judge of the Juvenile Court. Drifter Nadine was a candidate for Judge of the Common Pleas Court. The Cincinnati Chapter, Drifters, Inc. provided funds to send students to summer camp. The camp was sponsored by an African American Architectural group. Christmas gifts were given to residents of Talbert House. Talbert House is a facility that provides services to youth who need intervention toward establishing a productive life. Drifter Pamela McClain is Vice President of Talbert House. Christmas gifts were also given to Head Start students at the Cincinnati Community Action Agency. Drifter Gwen Robinson-Benning is CEO of the Cincinnati CAA. Memorial gifts were given to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Eye of the Artist Foundation in memory of our dear sister Constance Hudson. Each organization received $500.00. Both are concerned with health issues and breast cancer. The Cincinnati Chapter gave a memorial gift in the amount of $100.00 in memory of Mrs. Cleo B. Jolly. Mrs. Jolly was known to some of our members, and daughter Drifter JoAnn Jolly-Blanks to many. Their roots are in Cincinnati. JoAnn will recommend that the Los Angeles Chapter use the contribution to initiate a scholarship in her mother’s name. CHAPTER EVENTS The Cincinnati Chapter celebrated Founders Day on November 14, 2010. The Cincinnati Chapter is 32 years old. Chapter histories were prepared for each chapter member. Driftwood and guests were invited. Drifter Daphne Robinson sang “Because of Who You Are,” the inspirational song that was presented at the Drifter National Convention in 2010 by the Drifter National www.drifter Page |5 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Convention Choir. The event was chaired by Vice President Gwen Robinson-Benning. Our Christmas celebration was held once again at the home of Drifter Mary and Driftwood Stan Morton. Despite a snow storm that prevented some members from coming, a good time was had by all. Our prayers and well wishes were extended to Drifter Marie Miller during her surgery, performed in October 2010. We are happy she is on the mend. And keep her in prayer because of concerns about the health of her family members. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Accolades to Drifter Nadine Allen, JD: Judge Nadine Allen was successfully reelected as a judge of Ohio’s Hamilton County Common Pleas Court in November 2010. The Cincinnati Chapter is in the throes of planning its 2011 Tacky Ball. Drifter Daphne W. Robinson, President of the Cincinnati Chapter, presented a tribute on behalf of the Cincinnati chapter in memory of Mrs. Cleo Jolly. Mrs. Jolly, a former Cincinnatian, is the mother of former National President, Drifter Jo Ann Jolly-Blanks. The memorial service was held in Cincinnati on February 11, 2011. Some of our members took JoAnn to lunch during her extended stay in Cincinnati. Remembering Connie Throughout this year, the hearts and prayers of the Cincinnati Chapter reached out to chapter member, Drifter Constance Dukes Hudson. Connie was an Assistant VicePresident and Regional Community Development Manager for the Huntington Bank. She was co-founder of the region’s Sisters’ Network; a breast cancer advocacy group. Connie became one of God’s angels on February 24, 2011. She was a beautiful person and a good member. We truly miss her. We salute Drifter Juanita Gilkey who despite health challenges has continued to meet her challenges head on. We keep her in prayer and ask all Drifters to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she continues her journey toward restored health. Correction: Juanita’s address is: 3905 Leyman Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229. It is with great pleasure the Cincinnati Chapter welcomes Drifter Imogene Williams of Columbus, Ohio as a member of the Cincinnati Chapter. Imogene had been a member of the Columbus Chapter, and then a member-atlarge, but really wanted the opportunity to affiliate with a chapter. We are extremely happy to have her in our chapter. We welcome the experience she brings as a long standing member of the Drifters, Inc. Drifter Jane Patterson and family received a welcome honor. On February 19, 2011, after an eight year struggle the family witnessed the posthumous installation of Jane’s uncle to the National Negro College Football of Fame. Drifter Vada P. Love and Driftwood Steve, and Vada’s mother, Jane Patterson traveled to attend the college commencement of Vada’s stepdaughter, Meredith Love. Meredith graduated from the College of Charleston (South Carolina). Vada and Steve have been in transit between Charleston, South Carolina and Cincinnati for some months and will finally move to Charleston this summer. Drifter Ann Richburg was honored by the Mt. Healthy School Board during Black History month for being the first African American hired in the school district. She taught Biology for 29 years. Ann also attended her class reunion in April at Tuskegee University. After the reunion, she and her sister-in-law went on a cruise to the Bahamas, St. Maarten, and St. Thomas. Ann and members of Just Good Friends, Inc. hosted an elegant luncheon for community guests. The event was attended by the National President, Founder, and friends from Harrisburg, VA. Ann was the Chapter Organizer when the Cincinnati chapter was founded in April 2001. www.drifter Page |6 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Ann and family will vacation in August 2011. She attended the AKA Great Lakes Regional Conference in April 2011. She plans to attend the AKA National Leadership Conference in July; the Drifter National Convention and the Just Good Friends National Convention in August 2011. Ann serves as the 2nd Vice President of the Cincinnati Chapter; Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. Drifter Yvonne West and Driftwood Roland have traveled extensively this past year: They went to Fresno, California for the Seaman/ Bryant/ Lynn Family Reunion; to Los Cabos, Mexico, for rest and relaxation; to Beijing and China for business; to Detroit, Michigan for the Links Assembly; and to Atlanta, Georgia for Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Southeastern Regional Conference. Accolades to Ann’s granddaughter; Amanda Richburg. She received a full scholarship last year to attend Miami University (Oxford, OH) and completed her freshman year with high honors. Kindling Wendi L. Mc Mullen served on the Wilmington Delaware Links Nordstrom's Grand Opening Gala Committee. It was very successful. Kindling-in-law David McMullen, Drifter Yvonne, Driftwood Roland, and Kindling Brother, "Rick" were very proud. Drifter Stephany Taylor was recently appointed to serve on the Board of Steppingstones, an organization and facility that provides camping and other services for Special Needs clientele. Drifter Yvonne and family celebrated the 60th birthday of her brother Chauncey Edmonds, and twin sister Cynthia Miles in Las Vegas. Over 100 family and friends attended. A good time was had by all. Stephany and husband Dr. Curtis Taylor traveled to Tufts University in Boston, MA in celebration of Curtis’ 35th reunion from the Tufts University Medical School. The primary purpose of their trip was to also witness the honor bestowed upon Curtis’ former professor, Dr. Vivian W. Pinn. A room at the medical school was named after her, and a scholarship established in her name. She is noted for her service to students, especially to minority students. Dr. Pinn is currently Director of Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Cincinnati Drifter Vice President, Gwen L. RobinsonBenning was honored at Nefertiti luncheon held June 4, 2011. The luncheon, sponsored by Cincinnati’s Black Newspaper, The Cincinnati Herald honored ten women. Drifter Gwen was one of ten women to be so recognized. Condolences to Stephany Taylor, whose uncle John Bowen passed away. Funeral services were held in Columbus. Mr. Bowen is the son of a former International AKA President, Mrs. Margaret Davis Bowen. Drifter Daphne W. Robinson continues to serve as Parliamentarian for Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Phi Psi Omega Chapter; Forest Park, Ohio. She attended the AKA Great Lakes Regional Conference in April and will attend the Drifter National Convention in August 2011. She is beginning her sixth year as Director of Music for the Hartwell United Methodist Church, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a member of the Worship Team and plans and directs the music for the Hartwell Voices of Praise, and the Hartwell Bell Choir. She participates in planning special worship services, and special and general music through the year. Best wishes to Drifter Helen Allen who had knee replacement surgery in May and is busy with all the exercises and activities necessary to her recuperation. Please keep Drifter Gracie Rucker and Driftwood Dan in prayer. Dan has been ill and Gracie is busy being both wife and nurse. Cleveland’s Communiqué By Andrea Dockery The Greater Cleveland Drifters were proud to install one new member, Denine Goolsby and welcome Drifter Sister Deborah Holston Goode from Maryland. These two sisters are going to be an asset to our chapter as they bring their diverse talents to Cleveland. We proudly welcome our two new sisters. HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVMENT The Cleveland Drifters have enthusiastically continued our monthly commitment to the Fairfax Rehabilitation Center entertaining the residents with bingo, gifts, and www.drifter Page |7 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 snacks. The Cleveland Drifters donated much needed clothing and personal items to share monthly with the residents. We enjoy our time of fellowshipping and sharing with the residents. The New Life Community Center is another endeavor that we hold dear to our hearts. This family transitional living facility serves the community well and affords us the opportunity to assist those in need. The Cleveland Drifters prepared 16 customized Thanksgiving baskets with all the trimmings for the family residents. We truly enjoyed meeting and greeting all of the families. We also hosted our founder’s day with more than 60 guests in attendance. We celebrated and honored our founders by having a program filled with reflections and tributes to honor our local founders. Drifter sisters were wonderful hostesses to family and friends. Drifter Sister Pat Herring received the Reading Heights Award from the Cleveland Heights –University Heights School District as their Outstanding Guest Teacher. Drifter Sister Adrienne Leonard continues to serve as a mentor and troop leader to her local Girl Scouts of America group along with tutoring 3rd and 5th graders in her community. Drifter Tara Simpson continues to volunteer and spend time working at the Hospice of the Western Reserve. She works diligently to support and care for families in need. Drifter Norma Singleton continues her volunteerism by scheduling United States Representative Marcia L. Fudge for her campaign activities, serving on the boards of Catholic Charities Corporation and Catholic Charities Health and Human Service, and Cleveland State University College of Sciences and Health Profession Visiting Team. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Drifter Sister Andrea Dockery was accepted as one of 100 educators to attend and participate in the Ohio University Global Institute for Educators! hosted by Ohio University College of Education and Human Services. She will also be a delegate for the Cleveland Teachers Union conference in Washington, D.C. for the American Federation of Teachers. working on her novel, Making Lemonade and continuing to tour as a public speaker for the Adoption Network of Greater Cleveland. Drifter Norma serves on several scholarship committees. She is also the OH-11 District coordinator for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Scholarship program. SOCIAL/CIVIC EVENTS Drifter Andrea Dockery enjoyed her summer by spending time with her niece and traveling to Seattle, Washington, Orlando, Florida and attending the 50th national convention of her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in New Orleans. Drifter Norma began her summer by attending the 50th convention of her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, in New Orleans, LA. She serves on the National Negotiating Task Force. October found her and Driftwood Julius at Hampton University’s homecoming. They continued their vacation by joining Drifter Anne and Driftwood Lindell Wallace for a trip to Florida and the casinos in Biloxi, MS. Dallas, TX was the location for November where the Singletons visited their sons. April brought the Wallace’s to Cleveland to join them for fun and relaxation. A return trip to Hampton University for Driftwood Julius’ 50th class reunion occurred in May. As always, several trips were taken to New Jersey to visit family and friends. Throughout the year, Drifter Norma accompanied Drifters Frankie Winston and Cheryl King to visit the gaming establishments. Drifter Mary Glazer spent time enjoying a life of leisure as she and Driftwood Walter traveled to Fort Myers and Clearwater, Florida to Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona. Retirement is wonderful! Drifter Valerie Hicks visited San Diego and enjoyed bonding with relatives at her family reunion in Chicago. She also spends time mentoring youth and advocating for child welfare in Columbus, Ohio. Valerie also celebrated a great milestone as her son earned his master’s degree! Drifter Sister Elaine Hobbs once again spent the winter in Winston-Salem, NC. While in Winston, she spearheaded a drive collecting and donating toiletries to HBCU college students, as well as underwear for Drifter Adrienne began her summer by returning to emergency room patients at a local hospital. She graduate school to earn a master’s degree in special continues to enjoy traveling and vacationed with friends education at Notre Dame College. She is also currently www.drifter Page |8 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 in Las Vegas; Jacksonville, Ft. Lauderdale and Orlando, FL. Upon her return to Cleveland, she completed training for online teaching certification and will occasionally teach part-time in Cuyahoga Community College’s Information Technology Department. Drifter Irma Moore is pleased to share that Kindling Dr. Sonja Siler served as judge for the television program Academic Challenge. She is currently a Professor at Cleveland Community College. Drifter Sister Tara Simpson was appointed to Assistant Manager at the EF Boyd & Son Funeral Home and Crematory. Tara will also travel to Las Vegas and Miami with her mother and friend. Dallas / Fort Worth “Committed to Serving Community” The Dallas/Fort Worth Drifters 2011 Program Service year was productively satisfying for all participants. Our 25 members again made our annual commitment to serve in the Drifter tradition of enhancing our community thru our charitable, civic, educational and social programs. In 2010 the City of Dallas discontinued their “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” program that the D/FW Drifters had adopted and supported since 2006. We started the Drifter Programming year by adopting Holy Cross Catholic Family Services Center and Food Pantry. Holy Cross Catholic Church, founded in 1956, is a faith community dedicated to filling the needs of its culturally diverse members and in sharing God's love in service to the greater community through works of social justice, peacemaking, education and praise. The Family Service Center offers emergency assistance, senior citizen programs and more; the Food Pantry supports food requests for church and the surrounding community. Support was provided through volunteer efforts and charitable contributions, including 31 Thanksgiving Baskets, gift certificates for Turkeys and perishable items, Christmas Gift Cards and bulk food contributions to the Food Pantry. Drifter Chapter annual Drifter Legal Clinic. This year’s focus was the importance and issues around Medical Power of Attorney. Over 70 individuals from the community participated and the legal representatives assisted in completing the Power of Attorney documents and having those documents notarized for all interested participants. This one stop effort proved valuable for the community as well as Drifter members that took advantage of the wealth of resources available at this Clinic. The chapter sponsored the second annual “Sophia Stimpson Essay and Oratorical Scholarship Competition”. The Competition founded for our dearly departed charter member, Sophia Stimpson provides a forum through which youth demonstrate academic, artistic prowess through oratory. First, second and third place winners were awarded college scholarships; participants were also provided a “free” dental exam courtesy of Sophia Stimpson’s daughter. The talent demonstrated at this year’s competition has mandated that next year’s competition be expanded. The Chapter to support The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) sponsored An Evening with Pam Grier after a full day film festival with the artist. Ms. Grier shared insights from her career, personal life and excerpts from her book. The Film Festival attracted more than 155 attendees which was a fund raiser for the much deserved TBAAL. TBAAL is a multi-discipline arts organization whose mission is to create and enhance an awareness and understanding of artistic, cultural and aesthetic differences utilizing the framework of African, AfricanAmerican and Caribbean Arts and Letters. Additionally, its purpose is to promote, foster, cultivate, perpetuate and preserve the Arts and Letters of Africans, AfricanAmericans and Caribbean in the Fine, Literary and Performing Arts. Chapter members increased the fundraising results by personal membership contributions to TBAAL. We concluded our Program year with an evening of dining and dancing at the chapter’s annual fundraiser “Let’s Go Retro”. Attendees dressed in 60’s, 70’s and 80’s attire and danced to oldies but goodies. A portion of the proceeds from “Let’s Go Retro” supports our scholarship activity. Driftwood, Judge, Cleo Steele secured attorneys, judges, and notary members of the C.A.W. Clark Legal Clinic to support and provide legal assistance for the D/FW www.drifter Page |9 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Decatur –DeKalb Dialogue The Decatur-DeKalb Drifters, under the leadership of Drifter Frances Pope, have had a super program year starting with our 20th Anniversary Celebration week-end Sleep-Over in Macon, Georgia, home of the Harriet Tubman Museum and the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. We kicked off this event by checking into the gorgeous new Holiday Inn, a beautifully decorated site where we enjoyed a relaxing and tasty cocktail hour before heading to the Country Place Restaurant, one of Macon’s popular restaurants that’s known for good down home and contemporary cooking. After eating to the point that we could hardly walk, not to mention drive, we returned to our hotel where we had a For Real girls’ night out, featuring - for our eyes only…well…Shhh… in a word, what happened in Macon stays in Macon! The next day our members toured the Georgia Music Hall of Fame and visited Drifter Dot Sampson’s mother. Dorothy’s mother passed away not long after our visit and we were thankful to have had the opportunity to fellowship with her and to show her some “sister love.” We attended her home-going celebration as she had played an important role in the success of our Chapter and our Chapter’s charitable work. We miss her! Charitable and Community Service: As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month worldwide, we had a successful campaign at our local Kroger supermarket where, under Drifter Sandra Gray’s leadership, we raised in excess of four hundred dollars toward research and programs to support those women who lack insurance to pay for mammogram and breast exams. Miller’s Preparatory Academy for Boys in Lithonia - As the cost of goods and services continue to rise, many small private school are challenged to meet some basic needs. Thus, we contributed toiletries such as toilet paper, hand sanitizers, and paper towels that will help prevent health concerns at the school. May is career day at many local elementary, middle and high schools. A number of schools were visited, and one high point of several was for Drifter Ruby Thomas, a juvenile judge, to talk with them. Oh, the subjects the students wanted to talk about! Chapter, along with Save Our Students Academy, sponsored a number of mothers and their daughters who attend Save Our Students Academy and CSKWLA. Beautifully prepared goody bags were given to the girls to show them they are valued and worthy of a good life. For Mother’s Day, over fifty beautifully wrapped gifts were given in person by our Chapter members to mothers residing in the Glenwood nursing home in Decatur. In addition to these gifts, a special Mother’s Day Poem written by Drifter Ruby was read to them and to those who were bed-bound in their rooms. These women and the staff were so appreciative, and we were pleased that we could make them happy. In fact, some of the male residents wanted gifts too! On April 30th, The First Annual Wilma L. Johnson 5K Scholarship Walk to benefit our scholarship program was held at the Wade Walker Park in Stone Mountain, Georgia under the leadership of Drifter Lynn Johnson and Drifter Daysha Young. Before the walk, a brief candle light program with a litany was held, followed by the unveiling of the official banner. Our scholarship winner will be announced in May. Wilma, a charter member, was loyal to the Decatur-DeKalb Drifters and Drifters’ Incorporated. At her death, she had not missed a single convention. This past January, Drifter Ruby published her first book, a juvenile coming of age book, entitled Jeremy Williams Takes A Time-Out. The book is written on the 6th grade reading level, and is safe to read. It consists of a great story along with open-ended study questions, a process for making good choices, a glossary, a workbook, extra scenarios and even a rap song called, “Your Choices, Your Consequences or Jeremy’s Song.” Contact Drifter Ruby. Mother-Daughter Tea Scholarship Walk The Mother-Daughter Tea, held at the Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Academy, was a big success. Our www.drifter P a g e | 10 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 McDonald House, and we dressed 36 dolls, which were Christmas gifts for needy children presented by the Old Newsboys’ Goodfellows Fund of Detroit. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Judge Ruby Thomas Career Day Detroit Dispatch By Linda M. Carter-McClure HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Detroit Drifters continue their support / adoption of the Henry Fulbright Family, a grandfather raising three teenage girls. Drifter Portia Hedgespeth arranged two ‘meet and greet’ at her church, where Drifters Charlotte Carson, Barbara Macklin, Del Ortiz and Linda Carter-McClure presented a Thanksgiving Food Card and Christmas Holiday Gift Cards. During these meetings, the Detroit Drifters offered open dialogue, shared wisdom, words of encouragement and emotional support in the loss of girls’ mother. After worship service at Drifter Maribodine Robinson’s church, Christ Church in April, the Chapter held a brunch at a downtown restaurant to provide an opportunity for more members to meet Stephanie Fulbright, a sophomore at Wayne State University in Detroit. When she’s not studying, Stephanie, a Maribodine Book Award recipient, works as an aid at a local nursing home. LaShaunda Fulbright, a 2011 high school graduate, was given a gift card to celebrate this milestone. She plans to attend Oakland Community College in the Fall. Continuous learning is an overarching goal in all that we do. With that goal in mind, a computer training session was held in the home of Drifter Linda Carter-McClure to introduce and setup Skype on personal laptops. Drifters Charlotte Carson, Carmen Frohman, Barbara Macklin and Dianne Robinson received Skype training and had great fun while learning a whole lot. Each Drifter now has Skype accounts and can Skype each other. As seen on the Oprah Show, Skype is a free application that allows people to communicate with each other via their personal computer, provided that involved parties have Skype accounts. Other recipients of our generosity included: Sickle Cell Children’s Camp; The Mariner’s Inn which provides multiple services to men who are substance abusers which exemplifies their slogan, ‘Saving families, one father at a time;’ BMAD SOCIAL/CIVIC EVENTS (Brothers Making a Difference), an organization Annual Events on a mission to build a “Detroit Drifters on the Water (the Detroit River)” day foundation in young boys moved to the Detroit yacht Club. Drifters Dianne which will prepare them to be Robinson, Laverne Ethridge, Harriett Murray, Bette productive citizens who will Bedden, Patricia Gardner, Ilene Robinson, Carmen build strong families and stronger communities; and Frohman, Del Ortiz, Charlotte Carson, Barbara Macklin, Wigs for Kids, an organization that reaches out to kids Evelyn Roberson, along with friends and supporters and young adults with hair loss, notably, cancer patients. were on board for a day of fun, food, and relaxation. We contributed toiletries for the homeless via a Drifter’s church, collected aluminum can tabs for the Ronald www.drifter P a g e | 11 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 In September, fifty-two Drifters, Driftwood and guests spent a day at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario, Canada. They had a continental breakfast on board the bus, had a wonderful lunch at a local restaurant and walked over to the theatre where enjoyed the performance of “Evita.” After stopping at the border for Duty Free Shopping, a boxed dinner with wine and soft drinks was enjoyed by all on the return trip home. Chairwomen, Drifters Patricia Gardner and Dorothy Brown along with their committee, were busy most of the summer, planning every detail of the trip – and it showed when the day arrived. Arranged by Drifter Laverne Ethridge, forty Drifters, Driftwood and friends attended the annual Christmas ‘FUN’ affair which included dinner and the nationally acclaimed Doo Wop Yule Pop concert at the Fox Theatre. It was an excellent entrée to start the Holiday Season. The 2011 Super Bowl party was held in the home of Drifter Dorothy Brown. The Drifters, Driftwood and guests enjoyed a festive Super Bowl party with a wonderful meal, drinks of choice, cards and a ‘quarterending score jackpot.’ The 2011 annual spring fundraiser, ‘It’s Your Thing, Do What You Want to Do in Jeans and Bling,’ was enjoyed by nearly 170 party-goers Decked-out in their denim and blue jeans attire, Drifters, Driftwood and their guests enjoyed the evening of dining, dancing, an open bar, a live Motown singing group, and 50/50 raffle which included a gift raffle. Drifter Del Ortiz and her committee planned a memorable party with all the bells and whistles. Other Events During October, the AARP Convention in Orlando was attended by Drifters Jean Nash, Laverne Ethridge and Harriett Murray. The sessions were interesting and enjoyable. And, of course, the entertainment was great. Drifters Jean Nash, and Laverne Ethridge coordinators of a travel group, The Motown Travelers, organized a cruise that included India & Dubai. This year, Drifter Del Ortiz replaced Drifter Jean Nash who was recuperating from knee surgery. There, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, they ran into two Greater Kansas City Drifters, Betty Taliafero (alumnae) and Charlotte Goodseal, and Driftwood Wilbur Goodseal! Now, that’s an unplanned coincident! Fun was had by all. PERSONAL In April, Drifter Maribodine Robinson celebrated her 102nd birthday! She was also recognized as ‘an Ohio State University Legend,’ the first Black female Physiological Chemistry student at the University. She received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in 1931 and a Master’s of Science in Chemistry from the university in 1932. She was honored with a beautiful colorful plaque, highlighting her Ohio accomplishments. Julie C. Lewis, daughter of Drifter Audrea B. Calloway, moved from Sheridan School in Maryland to focus on her consulting business, Metropolitan Educational Consulting Group, LLC (MEC Group: Drifter Dianne Robinson was elected Moderator of the Presbytery of Detroit, one of the largest Presbyteries in the USA, encompassing 83 churches and over 30,000 people from Ann Arbor, MI to Port Huron, MI. Including presiding over Presbytery Meetings, Drifter Dianne enjoys visiting the churches and witnessing what they are doing in service for God, as well as ordaining new ministers and installing ministers in churches. Shaina Fullwood, the granddaughter of Drifter Audrea Calloway and a 2010 graduate of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC is now certified in bacterial endotoxins testing. She works at the Hospira Pharmaceutical Company in Rocky Mount, NC in the Biological Quality Department. A 2011 graduate of Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School in Detroit, Chelsea Barker, granddaughter of Drifter Jean Nash, will be attending Saginaw Village State University in the Fall. Chelsea served as the 2nd National Vice President of Top Teen of America while serving as president of her local chapter. She was also recognized as the 2011 Miss Top Teen. Top Teens of America is an affiliate of the Top Ladies of Distinguished, Inc. www.drifter P a g e | 12 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 As with many others, June was filled with graduation ceremonies and open houses for Driftwood Cameron McClure and Drifter Linda Carter-McClure. Each of their three grandchildren was participants in a graduation ceremony: Frank K. Mobley, III graduated from Waverly High School and will be attending Lansing Community College in the Fall. His sister, Breanna A. Mobley, and cousin, Celico Carvajal, will be entering high school in September. 2011 has been a year that Drifter Portia Hedgespeth won’t easily forget. Driftwood George Hedgespeth had extensive surgery in the Spring, a week or two after celebrating the life of his beloved mother, Drifter Audrey Hedgespeth. George is on the mend and is looking forward to resuming his normal activities. Your prayers are requested. November we participated in the fundraiser for the Images of Hope. This organization trains people in our area; so that they may become employable. This was the sixth year we have participated. At Christmas we sponsored a Theater Trip to see the play “The Christmas Schooner” for seniors and children at The Center of Performing Arts in Munster Indiana. We also participated in the Lake County Food Bank for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Because of our donation, they were able to feed an additional 4000 people. Other activities were Buds and Blossoms for the Special Children of Indiana. We have participated with them for twenty years. Also, we did “Christmas in May” at Simmon’s Loving Care Nursing Home. This activity made many of the residents HAPPY. It is will heavy hearts that we inform you of the sudden death of Drifter Harriett Murray’s youngest son, Robert C. Murray. Last year, Lt. Robert C. Murray, received the Detroit Fire Department’s Medal of Valor. A memorable and moving celebration was held to honor his life. Senior Trip to see the play “Ragtime” Senior Trip to see “The Shrine of Christ’s Passion” And lastly; Drifter Suda Hopkins and Drifter Imogene Edwards conducted a Langston Hughes appreciation workshop. Greetings from Gary We have had a good year working with our community. By Imogene Edwards September at our first meeting of Drifters we were full of enthusiasm from attending the convention in South Bend. We told our Sisters that did not attend, that they had really missed a royal treat. October our Chapter was the 2010 hostess for the regional Founders Day. Drifter Suda Hopkins was the Drifter in charge of making all the arrangements for Founders Day. She did a super job of planning. Drifter Kim Hicks from the Gary Chapter was our speaker. She is the Associate Minster at First Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana. The souvenirs were made with beautiful stationary! Brian Thomas, son of Drifter Ola Grace Thomas, and Terri Tyler did a terrific job of entertaining the group. Fun was had by all that attended; we look forward to Founders Day with South Bend and Chicago each year. Greensboro News Over the past year the members of the Greensboro chapter have been hard at work both professionally and personally, as a group and with several individual projects. Below are the highlights: CIVIC The GSO Chapter collected school supplies in support of Bessemer Elementary School. This is an annual event to support Bessemer, a Title I school with a significant number of students who come to school without adequate school supplies. The GSO Chapter continues to support HBCU’s in the area though the issuance of book scholarships to deserving students. In August we issued book www.drifter P a g e | 13 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 scholarships to a set of twins, Christian and Christopher Cooper who were upcoming freshman at North Carolina A&T State University and Winston-Salem State University. Drifter Nikki Tucker, DDS is a regular contributor to a scholarly journal that focuses on dentistry. That’s right; the Greensboro Chapter counts two private dental practices amongst its successful members! In June 2010, the Greensboro Chapter hosted its annual ‘Tacky Formal’, an occasion to celebrate and have a good time with club members as well as people in the community who have been supportive of our initiatives. The Tacky Formal serves as our major fundraiser which enables us to support the community through scholarships, donations and activities. This year’s Tacky Formal took take place on July 29th. We will be sure to report on all the fun we had in the next Jus’ Driftin’! Drifter Tonia Cutchin has joined the legal staff of Guilford County, NC as Assistant Public Defender. Greensboro Drifter Elsie Huey donated her time and energy during a trip to Mexico to prepare meals and feed underprivileged children in the large tent cities that have sprung up in impoverished areas. Elsie noted “it was quite an experience to see entire neighborhoods constructed from trash and other debris pieced together to provide shelter”. Drifter Yvonne Johnson, Greensboro Charter Member, served as the keynote speaker for a fundraiser for the Hampton Roads Gazette, an African American newspaper. Drifter Yvonne also recently announced her intent to re-enter politics in 2012! She will be running for an At-Large City Council seat. Having served Greensboro well as a former city council member and Madam Mayor, we expect nothing but continued success on her next run. PROFESSIONAL Drifters featured in Ebony Magazine –August 2011 The Drifters, Inc. were featured in the August 2011 Ebony Magazine article, regarding exclusive African American civic organizations. Check out a quote with National President Lisa Johnson-Tonkins, and former National President Drifter Yvonne Johnson (Lisa’s mom) on page 110! The article is also posted at Greensboro Drifter, Tanya Redd, recently opened a new office for her expanding dental practice, Redd Dentistry, DDS. Drifter Andreana Coleman has expanded her love of crafting, quilting and doll making into an exciting entrepreneurial activity. Her one of a kind dolls have become all the rage in the local area. For the Drifter convention in Portsmouth, VA, she has a vendor booth, check her out! PERSONAL Drifter Jonetta Appling and Driftwood Sean welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby girl, Ashley into the world in October. Ashley, Jonetta and Sean are a growing beautiful family. The Greensboro Chapter hosted a lovely baby shower for Jonetta and Sean in August following their monthly meeting. See beautiful family pics below. Drifters Mary Bass and Bettye Young-Stewart both underwent knee surgeries in the past 12 months. Both have recovered nicely. The chapter provided meals, recreation and support during their recovery and rehabilitation periods. Check out their new knees! Drifter Yvonne Johnson celebrates 40 years of active service in Drifters this year. The Greensboro Chapter celebrated with her at the May meeting and is looking forward to forty (40) more years of active service and support from her! www.drifter P a g e | 14 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Houston News HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Strengthening Community Families Over the past three years, the Houston Chapter, Drifters, Inc. has maintained and supported a partnership with the University of Houston's Relatives Raising Kinchildren. The Houston Drifters specifically focus its efforts on these groups of grandparents raising grandchildren. Through grant funding, the University provides free services for grandparents and other relatives who have taken on the responsibility of surrogate parenting when the biological parents are unable to do so. University support includes information and referral to service delivery systems (i.e., child care, mental health, aging, family services, education, legal and health care); the establishment of support groups; and the provision of avenues to access public benefits. The Houston Drifters take this initiative to a higher-level by providing direct support to participants with much needed food, toys, books and other basic staples necessary for the grandparent and grandchild to enjoy in-home, positive family events. The Chapter adds an additional dimension to the project by involving students from the Energized for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (E-STEM) family of schools in a service project. The students procure donations of food items and amenities and assist the Drifters in delivering the goods to the grandparents. The E-STEM students and proud grandparents are pictured at the November 2010 Grandparents Thanksgiving party, where the students provided lively entertainment before presenting the gorgeous baskets filled with food for the holidays. family events. At the December support group meeting, the adults were presented with their donated goods and grandparents as well as grandchildren enjoyed a wholesome and nutritious repast. Pictured below is a grandmother pleased to receive food as well as gifts for her grandchildren based on their wish lists. Preparations for the Easter holidays, saw the Houston Drifters and E-STEM students coming together to make and deliver Easter baskets filled with food, sweet treats, age-appropriate books, games, toys, and other necessities. The support group met on the E-STEM Central campus where the grandparents participated in games, enjoyed the entertainment of students from the Energized family of schools, and enjoyed a fabulous luncheon buffet. In recognition for the ongoing support of the Relatives Raising Kinchildren at the University of Houston, the Chapter was given a plaque of appreciation and special recognition at their annual end-of-year celebration. Mardi Gras Madness/Support for Seniors For the second year, the Houston Drifters hosted a Mardi Gras party for the senior citizen residents at the Optimum Care residential facility at their campus in Missouri City. This facility offers seniors an environment specifically tailored to provide care and comfort to seniors whose physical and cognitive health is in a decline. The party was complete with beads, games, Cajun-style food, and dancing. The music was the kind you hear on Bourbon Street; it motivated Drifters and seniors alike to take to the floor and parade in unique carnival-style strutting. For the Christmas holidays, Drifters donated ageappropriate toys for the grandchildren, and food for After the dancing, residents enthusiastically played Bingo and were delighted with the prizes for a winning board. Special entertainment was provided by Drifter Linda Knight-Burkley and Kindling Edward Burkley, both accomplished musicians. Ready to party below is Mrs. www.drifter P a g e | 15 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Knight, an Optimum Care resident, who is also the mother of Drifter Linda Knight-Burkley. Her party outfit is complete with beads, mask, and hat. Driftwood Lewis Worthy, an avid bicyclist, was able to accomplish a personal challenge in participating in the BP MS 150 this year. It is a two-day fundraising cycling ride organized by the Lone Star Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The ride is actually a 180-mile journey from Houston, TX to Austin, TX and is the largest event of its kind in North America. The event helps raise awareness about the disease and money raised is used for research and services for those suffering from MS. The BP MS 150 has raised more than $131 million since the first ride in 1985!! With help of family, friends, co-workers and the Houston Drifters, Driftwood Lewis raised over $1,800.00! Money Talks/Save Our Children Continuing the dedication to support the young people of the community, the Houston Drifters hosted a Financial Literacy Workshop for the E-STEM students as well as students from the University of Houston Upward Bound Program. This in-depth seminar held in April 2011 was designed to make a positive difference in the lives of young people by providing them with the information necessary to make wise financial decisions. The workshops were led by experts in the field including: Driftwoods Carl Scott; Lewis Worthy; Roderic Smith of MassMutual; and Drifter Karen Jackson. Workshops included: 1) Developing a Financial Plan; 2) Life Skills: Your Job, Your Career; 3) Saving for Your Education Costs; and 4) All You Need to Know About Credit. Participating students were given back-packs filled with financial information for their future reference and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch courtesy of the Upward Bound Program staff. Renowned fashion artist and fashionista, Drifter Carol Watson, hit the lecture circuit this year at the Texas Chapter of the For Women Only (FWO), "Sisterhood Weekend” May 27 – 30, 2011. For Women Only (FWO), a national sisterhood, is an organization that meets once a year in different states or the Caribbean Islands. FWO founders envisioned this as a time to recognize that once a year Black Women deserve a weekend, without men, children and household chores, to relate to themselves and to enjoy networking with other women with similar goals, objectives, experiences, problems and professions. Drifter Carol was the keynote speaker at the FWO Breakfast/Fashion Show, electrifying the attendees with her different perspectives on “The Voice of Fabric and Fashion.” SOCIAL/PERSONAL There are so many fantastic events in the lives of Houston Chapter members! Drifter Erica Worthy, an engineer at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, was selected to participate in NASA’s “Leading Through Influence,” development course held in Wallops Island, VA this past November. The week long course focused on strategies that shape one’s leadership style and how to utilize those strategies to serve NASA’s mission. Health and nutrition were also an integral part of the curriculum. Other topics covered included: Nutrition; How to Deal With Stress; and How to Balance Work and Home Life. Driftwood Bob Watson, Major League Baseball’s Vice President of Rules and On-Field Operations, has retired after serving more than 45 years in the game as a player, coach and executive. Prior to joining MLB in 2002, Watson served as General Manager of the Houston Astros from 1994-95 and the New York Yankees from 1996-97. With New York in 1996, Watson guided the franchise to its first World Series appearance since 1981 and first World Championship since 1978, becoming the game’s first African American General Manager to win a World Series Championship. Watson has also served USA Baseball as Chairman of the Selection Committee and General Manager of Professional Baseball Operations, in which he was responsible for the selection of professional coaching staffs and players, as well as the team’s competitive preparations, including training and exhibition games. During his tenure with USA Baseball, Watson helped to construct many successful teams, including the Gold Medal-winning team at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia; the Gold Medal- www.drifter P a g e | 16 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 winning team at the 2007 World Cup in Taipei City, Taiwan; the Bronze Medal-winning team at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China; and the Gold Medalwinning team at the 2009 World Cup in Europe. Driftwood Bob and his family celebrated his retirement and 65th birthday with a fabulous party on April 10, 2011 at the Sam Houston Race Park where friends enjoyed fine dining and live racing. In November of 2010, the Indianapolis Drifters Chapter continued an annual activity of gathering personal items for the women and children housed at the Julian Center, a local women’s shelter. In December of 2010, Drifter members took to the holiday spirit of giving and provided refreshments and gifts to the residents of North Capitol Rehabilitation Center, a retirement living and senior healthcare home. MEMBERSHIP Throughout the year the Indianapolis Drifters collect aluminum tabs from beverage and soup cans to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in support of their efforts to provide temporary residence for families of children hospitalized at the IU/Riley/Wishard Hospital complex. Nine talented, community-minded women have joined the ranks of Houston Drifters. The South Shore Harbor Resort, nestled in the Clear Lake Marina, was the setting for the induction ceremony. Inductees included: Cassandra Anderson; Beryl Blalock Humes; Christine Criner-Smith; Cheryl Fleming; Beverly Ann Hardy; Angel Henderson; Etta Hill; Julia Holland Williams; and Renita Wilson. After the champagne toast, the Drifters, Driftwood, Kindling, and friends boarded the Star Cruiser Yacht for a luncheon cruise through marinas of Clear Lake and waterways of Galveston Bay. This funfilled celebration featured music and dancing to all the latest tunes, gifts and prizes, extraordinary scenery, and a ”rock the boat” good time for all. Info From Indy By Vivian Howard HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Drifter Carlette Edwards was invited, as the result of her volunteer work with the American Cancer Society and status as a breast cancer survivor, to be part of a ceremony carrying the signature pink flag onto the field at a Colts game as the national anthem was sung. Drifter Valerie Hardeman, was promoted to Central Area Manager of Federal, State, and Local Government of the Internal Revenue Service on March 1, 2011. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Drifter Carlette Edwards graduated from J. Everett Light Career Center as a Licensed Practical Nurse on June 2, 2011. Kudos on passing her boards and receiving her license! Kindling John Hardeman, son of Drifter Valerie Hardeman, graduated from Brebeuf Jesuit College Preparatory High School and will be attending BethuneCookman College in August 2011. Kindling James Howard III, son of Drifter Vivian Howard, graduated from Cathedral Catholic High School and will be attending Morehouse College in August 2011. A donation of $100 was given to the Midwestern Section of the American Bridge Association Scholarship Fund in memory of Drifter Imogene Boyd. In October of 2010, the members of the Indianapolis Drifters' Chapter came together to plan, donate, and execute a canned food drive to Gleaners Food Bank. SOCIAL/CIVIC EVENTS Gleaners Food Bank solicits, stores, and distributes food and critical grocery products to qualifying agencies who In August of 2010, the Drifters' and friends came together serve the public directly. Gleaners is the storage for for an enjoyable evening of relaxation. The members and millions of pounds of food. friends met at the home of Drifter Joyce Joyner for a www.drifter P a g e | 17 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 friendship party and outdoor entertainment. The event was quite successful as all in attendance enjoyed good food, live music and games into the night. In Memoriam The Indianapolis Chapter will sorely miss the leadership and friendship of our Drifter Sister Mattie Ballow who passed away December 12, 2010. Drifter Mattie Ballow was a charter member of the Indianapolis Chapter. Kansas City Kaleidoscope The Greater Kansas City Chapter of Drifters continues to implement programs and activities to enhance the social, civic, charitable and educational interests of the community. HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The “Assist Our Seniors” committee chose two nursing homes for the December 2010 project. They assembled and beautifully decorated tall, pre-lit Christmas trees for the dining and boardrooms at Villa St. Francis, in Olathe, Kansas. Committee members also assisted dozens of residents with the selection of appropriate clothing and accessories at a FREE shopping spree hosted by the Swope Ridge Geriatric Center, in Kansas City, MO. Greater Kansas City Drifters are actively participating in the Neighbor to Neighbor (n2n) program, which serves homeless, near homeless and indigent persons in our community by offering caring hospitality. Donations of toiletries, clothing and other items for personal hygiene are given on a monthly basis. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Degrees / Honors Maryam Fakhradeen, JD, great-niece of KC Drifter and KC Drifter Alumna Naomi Dillard received her law degree from Washburn University, in Topeka, KS on May 14, 2011. Maryam, President of the Student Law Association Class of 2010 gave the Senior Response and presented faculty awards at commencement. Family and friends are duly proud. Ryan Cedric Rowan, grandson of Drifter Ella Rowan received his law degree from Valparaiso University School of Law in Valparaiso, Indiana. The exercise was Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of the Resurrection on campus. Son of Drifter Willa Major, David Joseph Major and his wife Vickie received their masters’ degrees in business from Salem International University in Salem, West Virginia on April 30, 2011. C’Awna Carlisa Ford-Johnson graduated from Manhattan High School in Manhattan, Kansas on Sunday, May 22, 2011. C’Awna has received a scholarship in debate from Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. She is the granddaughter of Drifter Doris Bailey. SOCIAL / PERSONAL Our Annual Senior Breakfast was held Saturday, May 14, 2011 at the lovely home of Ralph and Dorothy Youngblood. Drifter Eola King served as chair. A most delicious breakfast was served followed by an enjoyable program. A special tribute was given in memory of our dearly departed Drifter sister, Valerie Collins, who was our 2010 chairperson. This affair is always well attended. Our guests enjoyed games and received gifts. Our Annual Scholarship and Hat Show Luncheon was a huge success. Chaired by Drifter Harriet Belcher, the event incorporated many facets. There were monetary awards to two outstanding students in the fields of science and technology. We also honored an unsung heroine from our city that spends her time and talent working with the homeless. Also included was a mini fashion show from a promising designer. Three gas raffle tickets were passed out to lucky participants. Last, but not least, was the hat show of our attendees who received prizes for the most unusual and the most outstanding hats. Much was packed into the two and one-half hour show and the very enjoyable event included a delicious lunch. Driftwood Frank and Drifter Jacqueline Walker celebrated Mother’s Day and 50 years of marriage with family in Chicago. Yolonda Holden is our newest member. She is a native of Gary, Indiana, and recently located to Kansas City. She received her bachelor’s degree from Hampton University www.drifter P a g e | 18 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 and her law degree from Loyola University Chicago, and now works in the Counsel Office of the Environmental Protection Agency in Kansas City. She and her husband, Victor, are the proud and blessed parents of 5 children, ranging in age from 5 to 16. Vibrations via Las Vegas By Betty Thomas-Orr HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Senior Day The Las Vegas Chapter of Drifters really enjoyed entertaining seniors at Martin Luther King Center on St. Patrick’s Day during our annual Celebration. Our Theme was “Rolling With the Seniors.” The Drifters presented the seniors with gifts and gave a wonderful welcome. Afterwards, Drifter Jackie Hoggard gave the seniors an opportunity to talk about such topics as their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren; places they had been and things they were planning to do in the future. This event was a great success and over 150 seniors from across Las Vegas attended. Drifter La Frances Dancy gave a brief history of the Drifters organization. Great job La Frances! Driftwood Herbert Freeman sang songs accompanied on the piano by William Parker. Johnny Hampton favored us with two creative poems as he had done the year before. Drifter Marsha Kimble-Simms a candidate for North Las Vegas Judge talked about her qualifications and passed out brochures. Drifter Carlean LaFear Williams sponsored the refreshments and gifts for ever senior. Thanksgiving Baskets The Las Vegas Drifters collaborated with sororities, fraternities and the Links, Inc., to provided hundreds of baskets to families in our African American community. Sweaters and coats in all sizes were provided for anyone in need. Shade Tree for Victims of Domestic Violence The Las Vegas Drifters donated items to Shade Tree, a shelter for victims of domestic violence. The Drifters collected school supplies and toiletries for women and children who live in the shelter. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION The Las Vegas Drifters volunteered at Paul E. Culley Elementary School, an empowerment school in Clark County. The Drifters read to students and assisted teachers with various classroom activities. The children enjoyed the festivities. The “Drifting into Fall Bazaar” and fundraiser will be held at the Historic Fifth Street School on September 8, 2011. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Drifters Scholarship Fund. We will have venders selling items and a wonderful hat show. Drifter Betty Thomas Orr’s niece Stephanie Shannon received a MBA from Howard University. CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS Drifters Going to Cluster Drifters and Driftwood are looking forward to attending Cluster. Ten people going- Carlean La Fear-Williams, Denise M. Ogletree & Gregory, Betty Thomas-Orr, Terri Yates-Graham, Alice Carter-Williams & Henry, La Frances Dancy, and Patricia Davis & Wesley. New Drifters The Las Vegas Drifters added three new members Denise Olgetree-McGuinn, Terry Yates-Graham, and Marsha Kimble-Simms, Esq. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Drifter Sister Betty Thomas Orr’s son kindlewood Neil Thomas was promoted as Assistant Floor Manager of the Aria Hotel & Resort. Drifter Orr’s Nephew Billy Shannon IV moved to Las Vegas from San Francisco. Her son Neil Thomas and Billy Shannon opened a cleaners store called Blue Bird specializing in upscale clothing. Her daughter Drifter Pamela Thomas-Hall (Chicago Chapter) and Drifter Sister Betty spent a wonderful month traveling in Australia and spent a month traveling. Drifter Sister La Frances Dancy was recently hospitalized and is now convalescing at home. While hospitalized, Drifters Sisters Denise Ogletree-McGuinn, Betty Thomas Orr, and Jackie Hoggart visited her at the hospital. Other Drifter sisters sent their regards via cards and telephone. www.drifter P a g e | 19 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter Sister Patricia Davis and husband Driftwood Wesley were thrilled to see their son Shawn on a recent episode of the popular television show - Shark Tank. Shawn is a successful entrepreneur in the food service industry. Drifter sister Patricia is still talking about her unforgettable visit to the Oprah Winfrey show. Drifter Patricia offers support services to the at-risk population via Impact Transitional Service, a counseling service she recently opened in Las Vegas. Drifter Sister Jackie Hoggart and family went to Miami, Florida last August for the Wright/Cherry Family Reunion. It was her first time in Miami and Drifter Hoggart enjoyed sight-seeing and fellowshipping with family. Drifter Sister Ruby Garland has become a member of the Charm International and is serving as Vice President. Ruby celebrated her 95th birthday with gifts and plenty of good cheer and love. Denise Ogletree McGuinn was nominated for the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners for Nevada State Award, for Nurse Practitioner Excellence for 2011! She is the Co-Founder of the largest non-profit pediatric clinics (Helping Kids) in Nevada; providing care for uninsured and underinsured children. Drifter Denise testified to the Nevada Interscholastic Activities board members regarding the ability and training of nurse practitioners to perform high school athletic physical exams without the co-signature of a physician. Denise was also elected to the Board of the Nevada Nurses Association as the State Vice President and supports all nurses with her extensive nursing knowledge. Additionally, Denise served as the commencement speaker for nursing and respiratory care graduates for Carrington College. Drifter Denise's obvious dedication to professional nursing was a key component of her being nominated and selected as the 2011 AANP Nurse Practitioner State Award of Excellence recipient! Drifter Sister Carlean LeFear-Williams & Honey Do Irving had a wonderful time on Royal Caribbean cruising the Jamaican Islands. She celebrated her 75th birthday March 13 with about 250 guests. Everyone had a great time. Drifter LeFear-Williams is looking forward to a ten day trip and Pilgrimage Journey to The Holy Land with her church in November. Drifter Sister Marsha Kimble-Simms owns the Simms Law Firm, LLC. She is currently running for North Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge and if elected she will become the first African American and woman elected to the City of North Las Vegas Municipal Court bench. She was recently appointed to the State Bar of Nevada Law Foundation. Ole’ from L.A. By Juaria Moore SOCIAL/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT In September of 2010, four of the LA Drifter Sister went on vacation to Aruba. A wonderful time was had by all. JoAnn Jolly-Blanks, Erma Bernard-Gibson, Georgette De Veres and Deborah Pryor all took in the sunshine, shopping and gambling. They just fellowshipped with their Drifter Sisters, and relaxed. Aruba will never be the same again. September was a truly spectacular month for Drifters Juaria Moore, Beverly Morgan and Frances Woods with a trip to Zurich, Lucerne, Vaduz, and St. Moritz. Then off to Bolzano, St. Viet and Cortina, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna, Munich and, Oberammergau, where they saw the marvelous Passion Play performed every ten years since the 16th Century by the townspeople of Oberammergau. The Los Angeles Drifters are proud to announce the engagement and marriage of Drifter Brenda Warrick and the official Driftwood Archie Tyler, Jr. The wedding was held on Saturday, July 2, 2011 at the Olympic Collection Banquet and Conference Center where all the LA Drifters played an important role. FOUNDERS DAY 2011: The LA Drifters began their 2011 celebration of Founders Day by attending service at Third Church of Religious Science, where President, Erma Bernard-Gibson and Historian, Frances Woods are members. Church service was followed by Sunday Brunch at the Lucy Florence Cultural Center in the Leimert Park area of Los Angeles. Over 25 Drifters, Driftwood and Family members participated in the event. Each attendee had an opportunity to verbally express their love and support for the Drifters over the past 29 years. A pictorial display of www.drifter P a g e | 20 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 the LA Drifter history was a wonderful trip down 'Memory Lane', and many thanks to Drifters Frances Woods and Edith Shorter-Harris, who were co-chairs for this year's event. We, the Los Angeles Chapter, thank the Cincinnati Chapter for starting a Scholarship in Drifter Jo Ann Jolly-Blanks' Mother's name - The Cleo Jolly Memorial Scholarship. - And the Beautiful Proclamation in her Mother's honor. The Cincinnati Chapter embraced Jo Ann and her family in Cincinnati at her Mother's Memorial Service. Jo Ann thanks all of the Chapters who made phone calls, sent cards and Love Gifts. She says she cannot thank everyone enough. Juanita Douse and Juaria Moore are new members of "Top Ladies of Distinction", Los Angeles Chapter. As a nonprofit, educational humanitarian organization, their number one objective is youth through a group called "Top Teens of America". Congratulations to Trinity King, granddaughter of Drifter Juaria Moore, who graduated from Baldwin Hills, gifted magnet school in Los Angeles, California, on June 23, 2011. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION The Los Angeles Drifters continue their commitment to provide scholarships for students attending college. Numerous students have benefited from the college scholarships that we have awarded over the last several years. Our Chapter has been able to consistently award a minimum of $5,000 in scholarships to very deserving students each year. We are very proud to report the success of many of our scholarship recipients. For example, Taylor Halsey, one of our four-year scholarship students was recognized this year by President Obama on the CBS news for her work “Rock n’ Roll Roberts” as a team member on an all-girl FTC robotics team through the Girl Scouts organization. We are also proud to report that we were able to renew funds for some of our current scholarship recipients to provide our continued support of their college success. Finally, we are pleased to report that many of our scholarship students have maintained contact with the Los Angeles Drifters and have kept us apprised of their outstanding achievements while enrolled in college and through graduation. Former scholarship recipient, Bernard Height, just completed the Professional Masters of Business Administration Program this month. He was the graduate student speaker at George Washington University's School of Business graduation, and holds 2 bachelor degrees from Tuskegee (Sales/Marketing and Finance), as well as being a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Finance and Accounting Program. He is highly talented, and regularly shares his progress with the Los Angeles Drifters, who gave him one of his first scholarships! CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS Drifters Southwest Cluster Meeting 2011 The Los Angeles Drifters proudly hosted this year’s Southwest Cluster Meeting celebrating Sister 2 Sister: Taking Care of Ourselves/ Healthy Life, Body and Spirit on June 3 and 4, 2011. The weekend included 32 Drifters and 12 Driftwood from Las Vegas, Dallas/ Fort Worth, Houston, and Los Angeles Chapters. We were honored to have in attendance our National President, Lisa Johnson-Tonkins, Past President and Alumna Joy Gaddie-Shepherd with Driftwood Berisford "Shep”, and Past President and Greensboro Drifter Yvonne Johnson with Driftwood Walter. The Cluster weekend of events began with a welcome party and fish fry for Drifters and Driftwood at the home of Will and Julia “Cookie” Jordan. There were ice breakers and photo slide shows to get acquainted. The highlight of the party was the entertainment that featured belly dancing and the history and meaning of this artistic expression. The Cluster weekend continued with a group meeting and luncheon on Saturday that provided a forum to share fundraising and membership practices among the Chapters. The guest speaker at lunch shared vitamin and herbal regiments that promote healthy lifestyles and Drifter Juaria Moore lent her voice for the entertainment. www.drifter P a g e | 21 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 The Driftwood also had a weekend of events that included a breakfast and choice of golf or bowling followed by a barbeque hosted at the home of Deborah Pryor and Myron Moore. The cluster weekend celebrated its end with a Flash Back 2 Black Dinner Dance for 100 friends and family. We were treated to a soul food buffet and lots of line and step dancing for a healthy balance. The entertainment featured the voice of Drifter Jackie Sutton who provided smooth modes to accompany the beautiful panoramic view from the penthouse of the Los Angeles Radisson. Memphis Drifters HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Memphis Chapter hosted the “Hope….That Fashions” fundraising event on May, 7, 2011, at the Holiday Inn, which featured fashion models and gospel talent. The Memphis Chapter gives back to the community through providing books to daycare centers, scholarship and mentorship of youth, and participating in the “Sock for Seniors”, a project for nursing homes. Metropolitan Washington, DC By Evelyn Gunn-Horad Drifter President Cheri Bridgeforth Castillo continues to be actively involves in volunteering at Lowell School her daughter’s school. She has chaired and co-chaired several activities, including one of the biggest events, the annual Bazaar. Cheri also reads to the students, serves lunches and volunteers in the library. As a result of all this involvement she was recently appointed to be a member of the board of trustees for the highly rated private Washington, DC School. Cheri maintains an important position at the Northern Virginia Community College, NOVA where she is a professor in the Department of Languages and Literature. Driftwood Julio Castillo was named Clerk to the Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington, DC. The Castillo’s are involves with many activities connected with the new position. One of their special personal invitations this year was for the very private birthday celebration for the U.S. Attorney General. Yes, President and Mrs. Obama also attended the gala. Drifter Martha Bridgeforth enjoyed several days visiting Williamsburg, VA with friends, as they did a lot of sightseeing, shopping and cruising. She also joined Drifter Mary Jo Joseph, (Richmond Member-At-Large) on a 12 day Caribbean cruise in December. Kindling Isabella Castillo, 5 year old daughter of Cheri and Julio, has a very full schedule for the summer. She will continue her studies in Spanish at the CommiKids language Immersion School where she has been since 18 months of age. She will attend Vacation Bible School at her church this summer and will also attend an Italian language camp. In September, Isabella will move into the Kindergarten class at Lowell School. Drifter Leona Rumsey will move from her lovely Southwest waterfront condo in the fall into the wonderful and highly rated senior retirement community of Riderwood in nearby Silver Spring, MD. We congratulate her on making such a timely decision. Leona’s son, William Rumsey, Jr. is professor at the University of the District of Columbia and Trinity University. He and his wife make sure that Leona’s busy schedule is kept, with doctor’s appointments, club and family activities, and trips to their summer get-away at Ocean Pines, MD. Leona’s grandson, William Rumsey III is employed at EEOC and takes courses at University DC to reflect the many promotions he received at EEOC. Leona has a second grandson, Richard Rogers who continues very successfully as Principal of LaSalle-Backus Education Campus (a DC Elementary School). Drifter Blanca Torres was voted President of the Wapleton Condominium Board of Owners in January 2011, Blanca, an attorney, will bring her many skills to that position. She has kept busy with Drifters’ projects as well as private endeavors, contemplating retirement within the next few years. Drifter Evelyn Gunn Horad is the proud great grandmother of Matthew Gunn, age 2 years, who was one of four ring bearers at recent wedding (of his uncle – in Baltimore). When Matthew was given the “Coin” pillow www.drifter P a g e | 22 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 to carry down the aisle (at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen) he did not wait for his older cousins, but ran the length of the aisle, till stopped by family members just short of the altar. Drifter Horad and five sister/friends will spend a week on Martha’s Vineyard in July, in a lovely Oak Bluffs home of a friend, seeing the many sights, relaxing, meeting and mixing with new friends! Driftwood Sewell will be 90 years at age January, he and Drifter Evelyn celebrated 25 years of marriage in June. Drifter Horad has recently worked with the DC Chapter of the Continental Society in evaluating essays-reports in connection with their Annual Conclave that was held in June of this year. She served as a judge long with several other Continental Board members. GiGi Gunn, daughter of Drifter Horad has received many accolades for the seven romance novels she has authored. The heroes and she-heroes in her books are African-Americans of integrity, character, intelligence, ups and downs of real life—with twists of romance, intrigue, mystery and usually happy endings! GiGi Gunn aka- Gay G. Gunn’s novels are available at She is currently writing her eighth book. Drifter Marion Hull was recently elected Treasurer of Montgomery Community Television Group for a twoyear term. Prior to this office Marion was First Vice President of the group. She remains very active in civic/service, religious and social activities throughout Montgomery County. Drifter Brenda Druiguid is a native of Virginia who has lived in Washington, DC for many years –was recently welcomed into the chapter. This is the very best announcement from the Metropolitan DC Chapter at this time. We look forward to many great years with our newest member and more details of the experiences, energy and accomplishments she brings to the Drifter sisterhood. The Metropolitan Washington, DC Chapter has had a busy, active year with at least one service project each month. Activities have included: presenting personal toiletries to women in certain community facilities; the chapter has given coats and jackets to needy students, also duffle bags or small overnight type bags to foster children (who had been using paper bags when traveling). The Chapter has furnished holiday books, gifts and or food for families working with the Child Services facilities in Washington. Under the leadership of President Cheri Castillo the group has maintained an active program in the community. One special (elegant) event was “High Tea” at the Henley Park Hotel when interested friends were invited for the friendship and fun. This was the closing event for our club year. The Metropolitan Washington, DC Chapter, Drifters Incorporated looks forward to a very productive next year and ever after. Peace and Love Always, Evelyn Gunn-Horad, VP The Mitchellville Newsett By Helen Nuttall HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Mitchellville Drifters celebrated its 6th year mentoring the women of the Avery House. The Avery House is a residential facility in Rockville, MD that provides transitional housing to young mothers who are rebuilding their families and their lives after major setbacks. The young mothers of the Avery House were delighted to see us once again to bring good cheer with turkey & stuffing, mashed potatoes, greens etc. The fellowship included inspirational messages to encourage these women to get a better education and provide tips on how to get jobs. Each Drifter offered their own unique words of encouragement to the mothers and urged them not to give up in their struggle to raise children, secure employment and to begin living on their own. The Drifters donated gifts to the mothers as well as to all of the children. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Drifter Dianne Williams, Chair of the Scholarship Committee received applications from High School graduating seniors. The Mitchellville Chapter awarded two $500 Book Awards to seniors from Oakland Mills High School who are pursuing their college education. www.drifter P a g e | 23 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS In October 2010, the Mitchellville Chapter held its 3rd Atlantic City Bus Trip Fundraiser. The trip was a lot of fun playing games on the bus and winning prizes. We even had an auction of art pieces and a 50/50 raffle. It was extremely successful because the profit from this fundraiser exceeded our expectations. This event helps to support all of our programs and projects. Our Chair for this event was Drifter Thelma Scott. In February 2011, the Mitchellville Chapter hosted its 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Gala. Drifter Joan Stevens and her committee again held a successful event. The Drifters marched onto the floor in purple, gold and green and with colorful Mardi Gras umbrellas that held a captive audience. Door prizes were abundant, and everyone had a grand time. The event was especially grand because of the large number of people in attendance. This Gala event was attended by many Drifter Sisters from Baltimore, MD, Metropolitan Washington, DC, Montclair, NJ, and Greensboro, NC, including our National President Lisa Johnson-Tonkins. by an extraordinary soloist and a thought provoking speaker. The Mitchellville Chapter looks forward to attending the next Cluster to share with other Drifters. Mitchellville & Baltimore Drifters at Mid-Atlantic Cluster Meeting Mitchellville Drifters have always supported our sisters in nearby chapters. Drifters Dianne Williams and Helen Nuttall attended events sponsored by the Montclair Drifters and the Southern Pennsylvania Drifters in the Spring 2011. MEMBERSHIP The Mitchellville Chapter was so excited to welcome four new members Faye Cobb, Lynnie Bruce, Sheila Bruce, and Tanai White, and reinstate one member Teresa Sidewater at the installation ceremony in June. The event took place at newly installed President Joan Stevens’ home in Bowie, MD. Membership Chair Daria Daniel presided over the ceremony, which culminated with a champagne toast. Our special guest for the ceremony was National President Lisa Johnson-Tonkins! Mitchellville Drifters at Mardi Gras Gala A highlight of the event was the disc jockey, or the “Entertainer” Johnnie Steele, who captivated the partiers with his versatility. Drifter guests ate, danced and enjoyed themselves to the point of exhaustion. The Gala was again held at the beautiful Martin’s Crosswinds ballroom in Greenbelt, MD. This is our major fundraiser to support our programs and projects. In May 2011 the Mid-Atlantic Cluster was attended by most of the Mitchellville Chapter members. We were wined and dined at the Forest Glen Golf Club in Baltimore, MD. We had a joyous time getting acquainted and sharing stories about ourselves. We were entertained National President Lisa Johnson-Tonkins (c) with newly installed Mitchellville Drifters and Membership Chair Daria Daniel(r) www.drifter P a g e | 24 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 SPECIAL THANKS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to Vice President, Drifter Joan Stevens who chaired our signature fund raising Mardi Gras Gala which was held at Martins Crosswinds, Greenbelt Maryland on February 19, 2011. Mitchellville Chapter was able to sell-out and made this fundraising event the most profitable event ever. Thanks also to Drifter Thelma Scott who has successfully spearheaded the third fundraising bus trip to Atlantic City, NJ. We are very proud of Mitchellville Drifter Daria Daniel, National Public Relations Chair, who is responsible for the Drifters national website, Please visit the website! Memorable Montclair Moments By Joanne Sanders The Montclair Drifters hosted their annual scholarship brunch on March 5th. It was truly a gala event with the largest number of supporters that we have ever had. Nine hundred of our "closest" friends attended the event. The mood was festive. Food and drink were plentiful. Everyone danced the afternoon away to the music of Valerie Adams and the Dimension Band. For the first time at our brunch, we had silent auction with items that were donated by local venders. It was a huge success and we hope to continue this activity next year. We were supported by sister Drifters from the following chapters: Baltimore, Washington, Ocean, New York, Greensboro and Mitchellville. Our National President, National Secretary and National Convention Planner were also in attendance. We thank Lisa, Donna & Elsie for their continued support. Four outstanding high school seniors were the recipients of the scholarships generated by the proceeds from the brunch. and fixings for Thanksgiving dinner for Apostle's House a shelter for homeless families in Newark. We purchased $500.00 in toys and games for children and families and furnished the Family Room at Tri-Cities People Corporation in East Orange where supervised family visits are held. We donated Christmas gifts including scarves to clients of the United Way and held a Christmas bingo party at Bailey Holt Senior Citizens Center in East Orange. We donated and served as personal gown shoppers for teenage girls participating in Catherine's Closet getting ready for the prom. Grants for two girls to attend Girl's State, a weeklong civics education program for girls, held annually at Ryder College in New Jersey. ANNOUNCEMENTS Drifter JP Powell and Driftwood Arthur Powell proudly announces that their daughter, Kindling Ashley Powell, graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, with a BS in Kinesiology on December 19, 2010. As of May 2, 2011, Ashley has been working for the Tara Dowdell Group, a public relations and event planning firm located in Jersey City, NJ. The Powell Family wishes to thank the National Executive Board for the scholarship award to Ashley during her senior year in high school. Drifter Joanne Sanders was honored by the Zonta International Club as their "Woman of the Year". Joanne was recognized for her accomplishments in community service and also her contributions in education working with students with special needs. Drifter President, Denise Taylor, was honored by the National Organization of African American Administrators as educator of the year. Drifter Cynthia Jones, who choreographs our dance at the brunch every year, opened her own dance school. It is called the Effusion Dance Collective in Hawthorne, NJ. Drifter Shirley Keys was elected and installed as the County President for the American Legion Auxiliary. Drifter Joan Reeves is the County Chairperson for children and youth for the American Legion. Drifter Denise London received her certification in digital marketing. Our Program Committee under the leadership of Vice President Tracy Munford has been very busy this year. Drifter Tracy Munford is now working at St. Barnabas In addition to heading the committee that selected the Hospital. scholarship recipients, we distributed $500.00 for turkeys www.drifter P a g e | 25 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter Adrienne Register ran the 2011 More Fitness Women's Half-Marathon on August. Drifter Pat Watson is engaged to be married in November 2011. Drifter Diane Bittings' daughter Danielle Franklin had her dream come true recently and opened a dance studio. JAM Dancercise Studio, Newark, NJ where joy and motivation begins, dance and exercise continues and ends in a better YOU! Brian and Diane are proud grandparents again. They welcomed, Breone Bittings on June 9, 2011. Drifter Diane's son Tarik Beasley has successfully managed and coached Starting Five Basketball Camp for the 5th year. The Starting Five Basketball camp is presently one of the best around. We strive to seek out weak spots in student athletes, and bring out the best in them. The travel bug has bitten all of our members this year. Drifter Gayle Lewis recently returned from a 10 day cruise to the Bahamas and Nassau. President Arthuree Evans and Driftwood Harvey returned stateside from Egypt, one week before the recent uprising. Driftwood Eddie Feaster (Phyllis Hailstock) was less fortunate, as his Egyptian trip ended mere days before the recent uprising. He reported seeing signs of unrest, but never dreaming it would have such far reaching consequences. However, all exclaimed that it was a fabulous trip. Drifter Phyllis Hailstock celebrated the New Year on the Mexican Riviera. Her cruise was a delight and has us all eager to sail the seven seas next year. Phyllis has also been traveling back and forth between her homes in New York and North Carolina. She has been visiting other states as well. Drifter Deloris Thomas has relocated to McDonough, Georgia, but is frequently back to NY and MD visiting her daughters, Mitchellville Drifter Daria Daniel and Drifter Danielle King as well as her lovely granddaughters. By Gayle Lewis Drifter Elicia Hunter is looking forward to the summer break, especially after her recent White Water Rafting trip- You Go Girl!! We were deeply saddened by the recent, untimely death of our dear Drifter Sister Shirley Person. Shirley had an infectious laugh and indomitable spirit. She worked tirelessly on behalf of the Drifters. She was our resident computer and graphics expert, keeping us abreast of the latest technology. In her memory and honor, we developed the Shirley Person Educational Scholarships, which will be awarded to 2 deserving students annually. This year the scholarships were awarded to Charnae Betton, who is attending City College (NYC) majoring in Business Administration, and to Amir Daley who is attending St John’s University (NY), majoring in History. Drifter Marilyn Warren and Driftwood Jimmie Warren caught not only the travel bug this year, but the gambling bug as well, with frequent forays to Las Vegas and Atlantic City- Lucky couple! Driftwood Jimmie retired this year after 45 years in education (teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal and Superintendent of Secondary Education). Marilyn and Jimmie are also celebrating the following achievements: Niece Nicole Redmond was accepted to Nursing School; Grand -niece Ashley Hooper graduated from Hillsborough County College; and the birth of grand niece Emily Camille Smith. Finally, family from all over the USA will gather in July for the 100th Birthday Memorial Celebration for Special Drifter Norma Smith in July. Mom passed away last year, 5 days before her 99th birthday. Notable New York News CHAPTER NEWS We are proud of our Drifter Sister Laurell Fogle, who has embarked on a writing career. Laurell is in the midst of writing her first spicy mystery novel and had a most successful book reading this year. We can’t wait to read the whole book. Look forward to seeing her shortly on the NY Times Best Seller List!! Our President Arthuree Evans’ grandson Boise Bristo graduated from the University of Phoenix with a B.S. degree in Psychology. He has landed a managerial position with the United Cerebral Palsy Association. Arthuree and Driftwood Harvey also celebrated the birth of their grand niece Jaidyn Taylor Grace Mora in April. She is precious and a delight for the whole family. www.drifter P a g e | 26 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter Rene' Pritchard-Lennon has a grandson on the way, due in June 2011 to her daughter and son in law, Megan and Curtis Hogan, Esqs. Rene' is also looking forward to the graduation of her nephew Andrew Steven Chavez of San Diego, California. November will bring most of the Pritchard and Chavez family to New York to watch niece Shoshannah dance with her troop in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Drifter Danielle King welcomed her second daughter Aria Sage into the world on November 18, 2011, to the delight of husband Driftwood Malcolm, big sister Cadence Sophie (age 2), Grandma Drifter Deloris Thomas and Mitchellville Drifter Auntie Daria Daniel. Debra Lilly’s daughter Brandi, also had a second baby this year, India Jolie who joins big brother Cuba Armani. Congrats to all the mothers and grandmothers- Splinters and Kindlings are abound in NY!! SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION We held our 2nd Annual Scholarship Luncheon this year at the Riverbank State Parks’ Tian Restaurant. We were glad to have a host of friends and relatives in attendance, including our Drifter Sisters from Ocean, Westchester, and our Alumnae. In addition to the two scholarships that were awarded, we also honored three (3) pillars of our community. Jacqueline Bell-Brebnor received the Excellence in Education Award, for her notable services with at risk students, preparing them for college. Kevin Woodhouse received the Humanitarian Award for his services to both youth and adults in the community. Cidra Sebastian received the Yes We Can Award for her work with Brotherhood/Sister Sol, and organization in Harlem that mentors black and Hispanic youth ages 7-22. This group supports Rites to Passage activities, international travel and scholastic achievement (tutoring). Drifter Elicia Hunter coordinated Field Day for her school and lamented that it is a task best left to the young. However her students loved it, and are looking forward to her chairing next year. Artie Evans spearheaded a bake sale and dinner sale for her youth group. Energy abounds in NY! CIVIC family had fallen on hard times and welcomed the attention and gifts we were able to offer. Christmas found us once again relishing our role of Santa Claus, as we provided a meaningful holiday for a family of 5, who had also fallen upon hard times. Though they had recently been forced to move to a shelter, we were able to provide school uniforms, books, educational toys and equipment to this family. Drifter Laurell Fogle was able to insure that they had a lovely Christmas Dinner as well. In February we hosted our annual Black History Month Celebration at the Greater Harlem Nursing home. We are not sure who had more fun singing songs from the Temptations, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin et al. But everyone joined in. Our program also included poetry readings, trivia games, prizes and gifts. This marvelous affair was coordinated by our Vice President, Marilyn Warren. We hosted our region’s Cluster meeting this year in June. We dined on the waterfront at the Seashore Marina on City Island and were joined by our alums and sisters from Ocean and Montclair. A great time was had by all as we communed, played trivia games and got to know each other better. NY also supported our sister chapters in their fundraising activities this year. We traveled en masse to South East Pennsylvania for their Hat Brigade Luncheon. We boogied with Montclair at their annual brunch, and we enjoyed the annual Ocean luncheon. NY was in the house this year!! Norfolk Waves By Yvonne Brown HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Norfolk Chapter had another successful and eventful club year. Our Sisters continued to support the community with their volunteer services. Thanksgiving and Christmas donations were given to local families. Easters baskets were created by the chapter members and delivered by Drifter Sister Sylvia Bacote to the local YWCA battered women's shelter that we have supported for many years. Drifter Sister Mary Bullock Briley was This year we provided a bountiful Thanksgiving for a family selected by educator, Drifter Elicia Hunter. This www.drifter P a g e | 27 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 vigilant is maintaining our focus on EDMARC, a program to assist families of terminally ill children. Monetary donations and supplies were donated to EDMARC on a monthly basis. Drifter Sister Sherry Brooks was instrumental is raising funds for the Breast Cancer Society. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Despite our successes, we had extensive health challenges and numerous bereavements. With the loving support of our sisters pulling together, we were able to move forward in overcoming the many challenges of our sisters, families and close friends. Congratulations to Drifter Sister Mary Bullock Briley and new Driftwood Oscar Briley on their recent marriage in January, 2011. Mary was surprised with a bridal lingerie shower after our February meeting at Max and Erma's Restaurant. Now that Mary is a new bride and retiree, she will have more quality time to spend with Oscar and her family. Drifter Sister Mary retired from her position of Human Resource Director with the City of Chesapeake, Virginia. Mary retired after 32 years of dedicated service. Kindling Ronson Britt and his new bride Stephanie were wed in October 2010. Ronson is the son of Drifter Sister Joanne Watson. We wish the young couple a long and endearing life together. The couple resides in Chesapeake, Virginia. Congratulations to Drifter Sister Janet Madison on her retirement as a clinical psychotherapist from the City of Virginia Beach Community Services Board after twentyseven years of dedicated service . Retired Master Chief Bill Goines, husband of Drifter Sister Marie, was honored at a tribute to veterans at Norfolk State University. Bill was one of the first U. S. Navy Seal and the first African American Navy Seal. He was also honored as a minority swimming pioneer at the National Black Heritage championships swim meet in Carey, N.C. What an honor!! Thank you Bill for paving the way for other African Americans pursuing military careers! Kindling Fenner (Mickey) Eaddy, son of Drifter Saundra Fenner Eaddy, has been busy over the last year, singing, tap dancing and acting. In September of 2010 he was selected to play the life of Wilson Picket at Morehouse College in the production of, “In the Midnight Hour”. Jennifer Holiday and Ann Nesby also appeared in this play written and produced by Wilson’s family. In December 2010, Fenner was the only person of color to star in “42nd” Street at the Strand Theater in Atlanta, Georgia. This sold out production featured over 13 nights of entertainment for the theater goers. Finally, in March 2010 Fenner was selected to appear in Atlanta Opera’s rendition of George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.” The Cobb Energy Center was the venue for this beloved play. Most recently Fenner has been selected to appear in the musical, “Thoroughly Modern Millie” which will begin production in September. Way to go, Mickey.... You're the best! We were saddened by the lost of our dear Drifter Sister, Audrey Hedgespeth. Audrey is the mother of Detroit Chapter Driftwood George Hedgespeth (Drifter Sister Portia). She had been an ardent and supportive member of the chapter for many years. We are also saddened by the passing of Erma and Russell Hoggard, mother and father of Drifter Yvonne Brown; Samuel Bacote, father of Drifter Sylvia Bacote; as well as kindling Rhea Norman, daughter of Sandra Norman. Condolences are also extended to Driftwood Larry Wade (Drifter Sister Faye) in the passing of his father; to Drifter Thelma Hardy, in the passing of her nephew, Earl Ransome; and to Drifter Sister Delores Brown, in the passing of her son Avalon Brown. We love and miss you all. May God bless you and keep you safe in Heaven. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Kindling Ryan Watson, son of Drifter Joanne Watson and Driftwood Randolph, recently received his undergraduate degree in business management from George Mason University in May, 2011. Congratulations Ryan and best of luck in your future endeavors. The Norfolk Chapter donated $500.00 to the Rhea Norman Memorial Scholarship Fund at James Madison University, established by her mother Drifter Sandra Norman. Roosevelt Brown, a junior at the University of Michigan received an additional $250.00 from the Norfolk Chapter for his summer studies abroad. www.drifter P a g e | 28 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Congratulations to Drifter Sister Gloria Adderly who was selected as our honoree at the 2010 Exemplar Awards ceremony, held at Norfolk State University in March, 2011. Gloria was well supported by sixteen Drifter Sisters who also attended the event. Yvonne Johnson, the thirteenth National President, was the guest speaker. Ocean's spring luncheon was held at the elegant and sprawling country club, Jumping Brook in Neptune, N.J. Fashions were shown by a local boutique and models in fabulous furs also graced the runway. After a delectable lunch, The Phyllis Ross Lee, Wilbert Steven Russell and Brian Thomas scholarships were awarded to three graduating high school seniors. There were exciting door prizes, entertainment and a handsome fifty-fifty. All eleven members extended themselves to do an exemplary job to make the event a success. Drifters Alethea "Pepper" Riley and Phyllis E. Bass chaired the luncheon fashion show. Drifter Sister Wivona Ward, President, represented our chapter at the annual Women of Distinction Awards in April 2011. The event was sponsored by the YWCA of Hampton Roads. A “good time was had by all", at our annual holiday dinner party, held at the Holiday Inn, in January. Kudos to Drifter Sisters Gloria Adderly, Pat Green and Thelma Hardy, members of the social committee for creating such a gala event ,highlighted by a Soul Train dance line of members, and their guests meandering though the ballroom. Awesome!! We are looking forward to seeing you soon at the upcoming 55th Drifter Convention, sponsored by our neighboring Drifter Sisters of the Portsmouth Virginia Chapter. Stay blessed! Ocean Ovations HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Bountiful Thanksgiving baskets were prepared and delivered to deserving families. Drifter Marjorie Clark and Drifter Channie Hewitt Johnson chaired the project. Traditionally, Ocean adopts a family for Christmas. This year's family consisted of a single parent and three children. Warm clothing, educational toys and games were purchased and delivered to the selected family. Drifters Yvonne Russell Mann and Carolyn Woody cochaired. The recipient of the Easter project was Spring House, a transitional home for mothers and their children. The children received Easter baskets and the mothers were presented with gifts. Drifters Marjorie and Channie chaired. The Educational Opportunity Fund at Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ is Ocean's favorite on-going project. At each meeting members personally donate health and beauty products for distribution to university students. At the Annual EOF Awards Dinner, President Beverly Cotton and Vice President, Phyllis E. Bass received a certificate of appreciation. Drifters Marilyn Joyce and Channie chaired the project. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Yvonne and Driftwood Robert Mann cruised the Mediterranean on the luxurious Silver Sea line with ten friends. Their ports were in Turkey, Greece, Italy and France. Drifter Margie hosted a family reunion cookout at her home for approximately fifty relatives. She also cruised to New England and Canada and vacationed in the BVI and Tortola. George Bass, kindling of Phyllis received his BS degree from Jersey City University, N.J. and is employed at Fort Belvoir, Va. Atoinette Rogers, kindling of Member at Large, Bessie C. Allen (Florida) received a Masters in Technology Education from Jersey City University. Bessie's splinter Kevin Rogers will be attending Monmouth University, West Long Branch, N.J. on a partial scholarship. Brianna Brown, Yvonne's splinter received a full academic scholarship to Howard University. Beverly's splinter, Edward Chaplin has been accepted in the engineering Lead Program at Villanova University. www.drifter P a g e | 29 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 He is a high school junior and attended the program in July. Pepper and Donald Riley's splinter, Thomas Donald Riley graduated with highest honors from middle school in Oakland, California and will be attending the Bishop O'Dowd private high school. He has been recognized nationally by the United Stated Achievement Academy which is remarkable because fewer than 10% of youngsters can claim such a pinnacle of success. Marjorie's niece, Eileen Ancrum, was married in the Rider University Chapel in July. The reception was held at the Princeton Marriott hotel where over 200 guests joined in the celebration. Ocean President Beverly Cotton was presented with “The Woman of the Year Award”, by Zonta International. The Funeral Directors and Morticians Association honored her with a Leadership Award and she received a Leadership Award from the Civic Awareness Association. Congrats to all the graduates. Ocean looks forward to seeing you at Convention 2011. Orangeburg Trailblazing By Caroletta Shuler HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The Orangeburg Drifters has had a strong presence within the Orangeburg community during our inaugural year as Drifters. During our first year, we have developed - a website, to make our presence known within immediate community and South Carolina. Chapter members have raised money for local chapters of Habitat for Humanity and Relay for Life. supplies to the low-income students within the school. The supplies were greatly appreciated by the school administration, parents, and students. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Splinter Jerrod Anderson, grandson of Drifter Delores Anderson, will be traveling around Europe this summer. Jerrod will start his adventure in Italy. Drifter Patricia Koger had a wonderful surprise birthday celebration from her family and friends. Patricia who is now a fabulous 70 years young, was very surprised as she was expecting that the party was a Drifters’ social gathering for perspective new members. Drifter Patricia is also the proud mother of her daughter, Kimberly Koger, who was voted Teacher of the Year for Baltimore Elementary School in Jacksonville, Florida. Kimberly students made the highest score on the FCAT in science in Duval County. Patricia also mourned the loss her brother in-law, Dr. Eddie Lee Koger from Columbia, SC; and two cousin - Lamont Jenkins from Timmonsville, SC and Jimmy Parker from Raleigh, North Carolina . Drifter Bernadean Shuler had a fabulous birthday celebration with her family. Turning 80 years young, she celebrated with family members from South Carolina and Chicago, Illinois. Drifter Caroletta Shuler completed her requirements for her second doctorate degree – Doctor of Philosophy in Public Safety with a specialization in criminal justice on June 3, 2011 from Capella University. Caroletta looks forward to graduation on August 13, 2011 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Drifter Marquitta Woodard was a proud graduate of Claflin University’s Graduate Studies Program. Marquitta completed her requirements in December for the Masters of Education degree (M.Ed.) in Educational Studies. Marquitta graduated on May 7, 2011 from Claflin University. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION The Orangeburg Drifters adopted Whittaker Elementary School during the academic school year of 2010-2011. Members donated school supplies for elementary students in need after the Christmas holidays. Supplies consisted of notebook paper, college rule paper, pens, pencils, and art supplies. The school’s guidance counselor, Mrs. Ruby Gentry-Edwards, distributed the www.drifter P a g e | 30 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Petersburg Potpourri By Linda Fitzgerald The Petersburg Chapter of The Drifters, Incorporated kicked off the club year in a beautiful luau setting held in the home of Drifter Joyce Roberts and Driftwood Charles with the installation of new officers. Drifter Agnes Hassell installed the following officers: President Drifter Thelma Swain, Treasurer Drifter Linda Fitzgerald, Secretary Drifter Joyce Roberts and Financial Secretary Drifter Ardieth Pierce. Outgoing President Drifter Yvonne Williams was recognized for her outstanding leadership and was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a gift card. Also recognized were Drifter Arlene Williams, former Secretary and Drifter Vivian Bland, former Treasurer. Driftwood were also present and joined in the festivities of the evening. Drifter Chapter President Thelma Swain was appointed as a community representative and member to the Petersburg Alliance for Children and Families Coalition. Drifter Agnes Hassell, President of The Petersburg Chapter, The Links Incorporated encouraged all Drifters to participate and sign up for the organ donors program. Drifter Hassell received a letter of appreciation from the national board commending her for her work with the national archives. Drifter Arlene Anderson and Drifter Frances Lundy received a Certificate of Appreciation and were recognized for their commitment and devotion to the Petersburg Public Schools at the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on April 12, 2011. Drifter Arlene and Driftwood Othello Anderson completed the Spring 2011 Citizens’ Academy of the Petersburg Police Department and graduated on April 20, 2011. CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS In observance of Founder’s Day, on February 20, 2011, Drifter members worshiped at Zion Baptist Church along with Driftwood and family members. Drifter President Thelma Swain made a statement giving an overview of what Drifters are about and recognized and thanked Reverend Dr. Andrew J. White, Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, for his support and assistance at Metro Gardens during the past holiday seasons. Following the worship service, Drifters and Driftwood lunched together for Sunday Brunch held at Virginia State University’s Jones Dining Hall. On March 19, 2011, Drifters Thelma Swain, Agnes Hassell, Ardieth Pierce, Gerri Gaines and Joyce Roberts attended the Regional Founders’ Day Observance hosted by the Portsmouth Chapter in Williamsburg, Virginia. Members of the Richmond and Norfolk Chapters of The Drifters, Incorporated, were also in attendance. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Ms. Lauren D. Merritt of Franklin, Virginia, is the recipient of the Lela H. Williams Scholarship for the 2011-2012 academic school year. Lauren is an upcoming senior, majoring in English with a concentration in Mass Communications and has a G.P.A. of 3.659. Lauren is a member of the VSU Gospel Choral, Sigma Tau Delta – English Honor Society, The Honor’s Program, Student Senate and Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Drifter Yvonne Williams held a Saturday Academy in March 2011 for the Sussex County Public Schools for grades 3 – 5 with forty-four (42) students participating in the gifted and enrichment program. SOCIAL/PERSONAL Kindling Dr. Sylinda B. Banks, daughter of Drifter Vivian and Driftwood Wilbert Bland, was elected National President of the National American Counseling Association. Drifter Arlene Anderson represented the “Paint It Pink Petersburg” (PIPP) coalition and rode on its float during the Virginia State University Homecoming Parade in October 2011. Kindling Pamela Lundy, daughter of Drifter Frances and Driftwood Bernard Lundy, was appointed by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to the Virginia State Cemetery Board for the next four years. On Saturday, February 19, 2011, co-workers, family and friends came together to honor Drifter Agnes Dorena Hassell at a retirement celebration in recognition of her forty-four (44) years of dedicated service to Virginia State University. 140 participants gathered in Jones Dining www.drifter P a g e | 31 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Hall on the campus of Virginia State University to pay homage to Agnes who served as Title III Coordinator. The program consisted of greetings from her colleagues, coworkers, former pastor and friends. There was also representation from each of the organizations that she is affiliated, and they saluted her accomplishments and presented her with gifts. Dr. Keith T. Miller, 13th President of VSU praised her for her many accomplishments and offered his congratulations and best wishes. Music was provided by Mr. James Holden and VSU Students. Chapter President Drifter Thelma Swain hosted the Petersburg Drifters and Driftwood at her home on April 9, 2011, for a “Spring Bash”. There were plenty of delicious dishes prepared by the hostess and it was a very relaxing evening with great fellowship. Portsmouth Press The Portsmouth Drifters are quite busy planning for the 55th Annual Convention. We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our Drifter Sisters in Norfolk, VA!! Raleigh News The Raleigh Drifters look forward to seeing you all next year cruisin’. That’s right – next year’s Drifters Annual Convention will take place aboard the Carnival Cruise Sensation Ship sailing from Port Canaveral (Orlando), FL to the Bahamas! The date is Thursday, August 2Sunday, August 5, 2012! You can register for the cruise now! Contact Carnival Cruise line at 800-327-5782 to make your cabin deposit of $100 per person. When calling, you must use the Drifters Group number 729KJ6 to get the group rate pricing!! PERSONAL Drifter Lorraine Davenport recently retired from teaching in the Wake County Public School system after 36 years! Congratulations! Ravings from Richmond By Mary Ann Jones RICHMOND DRIFTERS RETIRE 2011 So you’re retired??? After 33 years with Reynolds Food Packaging for Jacquelin Banks, and 35 years with Richmond Public Schools for Mary Ann Jones, they both say ‘Hello!’ to the life of leisure that awaits them. Congratulations from your Richmond Drifter Sisters!! WOMAN OF THE YEAR Shirley Braxton-Houze was named WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2011. This award is given yearly to a deserving Christian woman of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Richmond, VA. The award was given at the annual Woman’s Day Service. Shirley is a community advocate, assistant Girl Scout leader and finds herself working daily with other organizations along with The Drifters, Inc. RICHMOND DRIFTERS WELCOME TRANSFER Drifter Margaret Mack-Smith has been a member of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter since September 2008. She is transferring to the Richmond chapter due to the relocation of her family. Margaret initially became acquainted with the Drifters at a Teen Empowerment Workshop (TEW) that her kindling attended in April 2008 and again when her kindling attended and read one of her poems at a Senior Social hosted by the Drifters in May 2008. Since becoming a Drifter Margaret has been on the Courtesy Committee (2008), co-chaired the Holiday Social (2008), co-chaired the TEW (2009), chaired the TEW (2010) and was the financial secretary for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Margaret attended the 54th annual Drifter convention in South Bend, Indiana; it was her first attendance at a convention. Margaret is married to Driftwood Michael and they have two kindlings: Kiersten (21) and Kristian (7 ½). The family dog’s name is “Shadow”. For the past 7 years Margaret has worked in administration at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Prior to this, Margaret worked for the NJ Department of Corrections in “Community Corrections”, helping inmates reintegrate back into society with employment and healthy family relationships, etc. Margaret and her husband have enjoyed helping others over the years. Some of their accomplishments are: The www.drifter P a g e | 32 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Adam Clayton Powell Scholarship Fund (Colgate University), The James R. Smith, Sr. Book Scholarship (Philadelphia Community College), helping the Police Athletic League of Philadelphia, PA achieve their goal of 1 million dollars in fundraising. Margaret is ready and willing to work within the Richmond Chapter. She enjoys writing, vacationing, family, entertaining, planning events and helping others. Margaret believes in Devotion, Responsibility, Intelligence, Friendliness, Truthfulness, Eudemonism and Rationality. Relocating to another state presents challenges but Margaret is comforted in knowing that there is a chapter filled with dynamic “Drifter Sisters” welcoming her with open arms. THE RICHMOND DRIFTERS SALUTE OUR 2011 GRADUATES FRANKLIN MILITARY ACADEMY: Antoine Lamont Coleman, Jr. GPA: 4.0 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Reading, Creative Writing, Music and Tutoring Young Children COMMUNITY PROJECTS: Environmental Clean-Up, Meals On-Wheels, Reading To the Elderly Career Choice: Medicine; College: Morehouse Dale-Ajee Mystique Anderson GPA: 4.0 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Royal Knights, Royal Guards, Color Guard and Peer Tutoring COMMUNITY PROJECTS: Feeding the Homeless, MealsOn-Wheels, and Red Cross Career Choice: Medical Doctor; College: West Point Academy HUGUENOT HIGH SCHOOL: Lakayla Monique BonaparteGPA: 3.9 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Literary Society, and National Science Honor Society COMMUNITY PROJECT: Red Cross Volunteer SPECIAL PROJECT: Submitted Dual Enrollment Project on “Infectious Diseases” for publication Career Choice: Medicine; College: James Madison University COMMUNITY PROJECT: Meals-On-Wheels Volunteer Career Choice: Education (Secondary); College: James Madison University JAMES RIVER HIGH SCHOOL: Ciaro Regine Sookins GPA: 3.0 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Girl’s Show Choir and National Honor Society COMMUNITY PROJECTS: JORF Diabetes Walk, Midlothian Food Festival and Virginia Dance Festival Career Choice: Nursing; College: Old Dominion University VARINA HIGH SCHOOL: Bria Monique Day GPA: 3.0 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Tech Ethics, USA Skills, FCCLA Club. Holds Title of “Miss Varina High School Queen” COMMUNITY PROJECTS: Girl Scouts, Miss Unity Pageant, Metro Richmond Boys and Girls Club Career Choice: Pharmacist; College: Hampton University PARTY – DRIFTER STYLE! The Richmond Drifters held their annual Wine Sip on April 19, 2011 at the ArtWorks Gallery. This signature event was a huge success! The dress-to-impress affair included Drifters, Driftwoods and guests enjoying a variety of wines, particularly Virginia-grown, and delectable hors d’oeuvres. The evening’s festivities included games and dance demonstrations of Zumba and Chicago Steppin’. Other entertainment included games, door prizes, vocal entertainment and dancing as the DJ kept the party going playing the tunes – old and new – for an enthusiastic crowd. The Richmond Drifters look forward to this annual event for next year. RICHMOND DRIFTERS AIDING OUR SENIORS The Rebuilding Together Program is very similar to the Habitat for Humanity Program. The Richmond Drifters have become one of the volunteer teams in helping to repair homes. The primary goal of this program is to help make or keep homes for the elderly safe, warm and dry. There is no charge for repairs made and materials are paid for by the sponsors. All the work is donated by volunteers and with contributions from Rebuilding Together of Richmond. After repairs are completed, a home captain and others inspect the roof, plumbing and electrical needs that were placed. The Richmond Drifters’ team captain is Yvonne Edmonds. We are happy to join up with this team that provides safe and healthy homes for the elderly. See Yvonne and her crew pictured below. Jada Akira Wade GPA: 3.67 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Marching Band, Virginia Mentoring Partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank and National Honor Society www.drifter P a g e | 33 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 for dollars, and boxes of Kleenex have been donated to organizations such as the Center for the Homeless, St. Margaret’s House, Hope Rescue Mission, and Hospice. We continue to support our senior citizens here in South Bend. Our seniors were treated to a Chapter sponsored luncheon and given a small token our appreciation. CHAPTER EVENTS Sounds from South Bend By Mattie Taylor SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Congratulations to our 2011 Scholarship recipient LaQuan Lunford. LaQuan will graduate from Clay High School. He will be attending the University of Wisconsin. Drifter Tonya Willis has decided to continue her educational goals and pursue her Master’s Degree. Keep up the great work. In May we held our Annual Blanche Hardin Fashion Show Brunch. Drifter Mattie Taylor was this year’s Chair of the event. Fashion, food and fun were the call of the day. Drifter Leslie Wesley was our M.C. and did a fantastic job. We also held our Jazz Soul Food Brunch and Trio’s Jazz Club. The event was chaired by Drifter Irene Eskridge. Those in attendance enjoyed a great “soul food” meal with listening to the sounds of Darryl Buchannon. Congratulations are in order for our South Bend Chapter. Four new Drifters were installed and we couldn’t be prouder. Our new members are: Geneva Okeke, Jaquese Neal , Jennifer Lidell and Velina Eaton. Our new members are excited to be Drifters and eager to get down to Drifter business. We welcome them to our sisterhood! Drifters Leslie Wesley and Tonya Willis are working with our youth within the school system. Drifter Leslie has been involved in Life Coaching on the middle school level, while Drifter Tonya mentors and is very active in many areas. Drifter Irene Eskridge continues to teach at Bethel College, facilitates, and mentors youth. Drifter Mattie Taylor has been an active participant speaking at Career Days in the middle Schools. She also speaks with students on the college level concerning a career in Law Enforcement. This year her engagements have taken her to Purdue, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ball State, and Indiana State University. Excellent work ladies! HUMANITARIAN /CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Drifter Josie Buchanan leads the charge for the South Bend Chapter civic and community involvement initiative. Each month, Drifter Buchanan has an organization for our Chapter to contribute to. Items such as toiletries for women, food stuffs, can goods, pop tabs SOCIAL/ PERSONAL Congratulations to Drifter Josie Buchanan and Driftwood Carl on the graduation on their son Carl Jr. from Western Michigan University. Drifter Irene Eskridge celebrated her 70th birthday with a celebration given by her daughter and son-in-law, Shae and David. Drifter Irene had a memorable time with over 90 family members, Drifters and AKA Sorority Sisters. www.drifter P a g e | 34 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Salutations from Southeastern, PA By Deeawn Roundtree The Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Drifters, Incorporated had a very productive and successful program year. HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Drifter Tomika Bryant: Assisted over 10 families in saving their homes and building equity in case selling was the best option. Drifter Kathleen Butler Hayes: Kathleen, along with her husband, Tracey were awarded the Dr. Frank “Tick” Coleman Award (the 1st Black quarterback) for achieving success in their personal and professional lives and for their outstanding service as alums of Lincoln University. Drifter Donna Pugh: On April 25, 2011 at 4 p.m. at the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia, Pa, Drifter Donna M. Pugh, Esquire and Driftwood Terry L. Pugh, Esquire, after several years of grueling legal preparation and week-long trial, they received a not guilty of two counts of Murder in the first degree and related offenses for a Philadelphia man who have spent the last 19 years six months of his life wrongfully incarcerated. The original case in 1992 was brought as a death penalty case, and the jury at that time spared their client's life, but he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. The full story can be accessed at 80-phila-man-found-not-guilty-on-retrial-released-after19-years-in-prison.html. Drifter Deeawn Roundtree: As a Provisional Advisor and member of the Provisional Committee for the Junior League of Philadelphia, Deeawn assisted her committee with their fundraising event where they raised $20k via a fashion show featuring “Green” vendors. In addition, the Committee was honored as “Committee of the Year” for all of their hard work and effort by the organization. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION Drifter Sydney Howe-Barksdale: Chaired the 5th Annual Teen Empowerment Workshop where she invited professional guest speakers to discuss vocational and professional career choices. Teenagers also participated in various workshops about workplace expectations. Drifter Sydney Howe-Barksdale: Dr. Sydney HoweBarksdale published the following: The first is an article in Race, Women of Color, and the State University System: Critical Reflections edited by Vivian YenikaAgbaw and Amarilis Hidalgo-de Jesus (University Press of America, Inc., 2011). Her article is Chapter 10, "Lessons from the Playground: The Private Revolutions of Black Women Holding Their Ground in Academe". Drifter Sydney Howe-Barksdale: Dr. Sydney HoweBarksdale also published a book for which she was coeditor with Diann Cameron Kelly (lead editor) and David Gitelson (third editor): Treating Young Veterans: Promoting Resilience Through Practice and Advocacy (Springer Publishing Company, 2011). Drifter Tomika Bryant: As scholarship chair, the SEPA Drifters will award 10 scholarships to deserving students. Drifter Debbie Dickinson: Markia Dickinson, daughter of Debbie Dickinson was awarded the K. Leroy Irvis Scholarship Award in the amount of $1,000.00!!! She wrote an essay; obtained recommendation letters and earned a 3.96 GPA. Drifter Patricia Nelson: Dr. Patricia Nelson was awarded an honorary doctorate from Lincoln University at 2011 Commencement Ceremonies. CHAPTER/REGIONAL EVENTS In October 2010 the Southeastern Pennsylvania chapter celebrated their fourth year with the Palmerhouse senior living facility by holding a Senior Social in Chester, PA. Drifter Kathleen Butler Hayes, Chair of the event insured that the chapter spent a wonderful evening of raffles, prizes, line dancing and bingo with the residents who enjoyed dessert and refreshments along with spoken word and storytelling. The chapter December holiday was hosted by the ever gracious Drifter Patricia and Driftwood Ivory Nelson at their lovely home on campus at historic HBCU Lincoln University’s campus. Drifters, Driftwood and guests had a lovely time with a live band, sumptuous food and gifts. www.drifter P a g e | 35 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 The Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Drifters Inc. presented HATITUDE for Education Eighth Annual Hat Auction and Luncheon at the beautiful Inn at Chester Springs in Exton, PA on Sunday, March 27. This year’s event chair, Drifter Debbie Dickinson, welcomed nearly 200 enthusiastic guests to the afternoon festivities. Drifter Co-Chair Leah Williams worked the room as the auctioneer during the program’s much anticipated hat auction. Chapter members modelled beautiful spring millinery creations in a rainbow of colors and a variety of styles and shapes as guests made their bids. Drifter Chapter President Donna Roderick introduced other Chapter Officers: Judith A.W. Thomas, Sydney Howe-Barksdale, Kathleen Butler-Hayes and Deeawn Roundtree and members: Ethel Belfon, Tomika Bryant, Debbie Dickinson, Iva Ferrell, Sheila Mitchell, Patricia Nelson, Brenda Williams and Leah Williams. Roderick, who is also National Secretary of the Drifters Inc., remarked, “This is our signature fundraiser event that benefits minority high school seniors. Since 2007 our fundraising efforts have enabled us to award 16 scholarships. The criterion includes the student’s grade point average, financial need and community service. Recipients can use scholarship awards for tuition, books, laptops and incidentals necessary to begin their college experience. We are very proud to reach out and assist young students with their pursuit of higher education.” SOCIAL/PERSONAL Drifter Tomika Bryant: Northeast Regional Director of Mocha Moms, Inc. hosted a successful Marriage Day retreat in honor of Black Marriage Day where over 65 couples renewed their vows. Drifter Kathleen Butler-Hayes: Jalaal Hayes, son of Kathleen and Tracey, graduated from Lincoln University on May 1, 2011. They are pleased and proud of his accomplishment. At the tender age of 18 Jalaal received his B.S. Degree in General Science {Chemistry} and History, and a Minor in Mathematics. Moreover, he completed is studies in just three years. God is always good and we are thankful. Drifter Antoinette Gomez, MAL: -licensed as a Certified Addictions Counselor II, State of Colorado -licensed social worker, State of Colorado -Challenge Foundation mentor - "I continue to feel that higher education is critical for African American girls and women. I began a 7 year commitment to Lana (as her mentor) last summer. It has been an amazing experience. She was taken out of public school and attends St. Mary's Academy and her program invests $30,000 per year in her. I am the only mentor of color.” -Zeta leadership: Past Grammateus of ZZZ Chapter- Delegate for ZZZ Chapter to Midwestern Regional Conference in St. Louis, and Boule of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. (Houston, Texas) Drifter Donna and Driftwood Tim celebrated the graduation of their Driftwood (son over 18) Tyler Roderick from the Philadelphia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and Lower Merion High school. Driftwood Tyler plans to attend University of Northern Texas in the fall. Drifter Donna Roderick was inducted into Philadelphia chapter of the Links, Incorporated. Co-Chair Leah Williams, Chapter President Donna Roderick & Chair Debbie Dickinson (photo from The Philadelphia Tribune) See full article on HATITUDE at: 18374-fundraiser-with-hattitude-benefits-education.html Driftwood Timothy Roderick was inducted into the Commissioners Men’s group in June at their Annual Summer Gala in Atlantic City, NJ. Driftwood Ivory Nelson was honored for twelve years of dedicated service to historic Lincoln University as University President. Driftwood Nelson has been an integral part of significant fundraising and campus www.drifter the P a g e | 36 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 upgrades including a new state of the art media facility. The Media Center serves as the information clearinghouse for Cooperative Extension and Research. From video conferencing and publication production to graphic arts and photography, the center uses a multimedia approach to publicize progress in the program areas offered. The Media Center also handles public relations as needed by Cooperative Extension State Specialists and Research Investigators. One of the most recent additions to the campus is the science building, which is being appropriately named after him. Drifter Judith A. W. Thomas, Dean of the School of Social Science and Behavioral Studies, was one of 50 women selected to have her portrait displayed in The African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP). The exhibition showcases remarkable women in Pennsylvania who were featured in the book Voices: African American and Latina Women Share their Stories of Success. The collection ranges from women within the fields of law, medicine, education, science, business, the arts and entertainment, technology and the non-profit arena. In the book, the women talk directly to girls in their own “voices,” telling the stories of what inspired them. Drifter Iva Ferrell was selected as school board candidates for the November general election in the Norristown Area school district in Pennsylvania. Drifter Ethel and Driftwood Marlon Belfon welcomed, kindling Macyn Belfon into Drifterdom on July 11, 2011. financially successful, netting over $2,800 in scholarship funds, but an elegant Fall sweater affair. St. Louis Guests “Parade of Sweaters The Success Continues: Scholarships will be awarded to St. Louis Metro area students in June, 2011. “Strengthening families by supporting females, giving scholarships, and showing fathers how important their role is”. Adopt-A-Family In December, The St. Louis Chapter continued its partnership with the Human Development Corporation and CEO Drifter Ruth Smith, by providing food baskets to an area family of six selected by HDC. The baskets filled with a variety of foods, canned goods, nutritious snacks, and household items ensured the family of great meals during the holiday season. Breezes from St. Louis By Fannie B. Robinson HUMANITARIAN/CIVIC INVOLVEMENT The St. Louis Chapter of The Drifters, Incorporated had a very successful and productive program year. It began in October with our 2010 signature Sweater Dance Scholarship Benefit which was held at the Machinist Hall, October 31st. Drifter Hattie Riley, Chair and committee members, Drifters Willa Townson, and Fannie Robinson, worked hard to make the event not only St. Louis Drifters Janessa, Ruth, Doretha –and Betty Blanchard with St. Louis Family Wind Beneath the Wings Awards A New Civic Tradition Begins! www.drifter P a g e | 37 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Drifter DeBorah D. Ahmed was honored at the 8th Annual Salute to Women in Leadership Event and received an award in the category of Cultural Leadership achieved through her organization, Better Family Life. This distinguished award recognized unprecedented service celebrating outstanding St. Louis area women who achieve professionally and personally to help others throughout the community. Drifter Diane Clark has been honored by the Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.St. Louis Chapter to receive the Unsung Heroine Award at the 2011 Status of Women Awards Luncheon on September 17th. This is a very distinguishing award which acknowledges women who normally go unrecognized for their community and civic service. L-R Vice-President Debra Jonesel, Doretha Gilbert DeBorah D. Ahmed (Honoree), and President Janessa Herron On February 12th, 2011, The St. Louis Chapter embarked on a new tradition, that of honoring women “Beneath the Wings” of successful and prominent public high profile men in the St. Louis area. St. Louis president Drifter Janessa Herron put it so eloquently in her opening, “We salute these women this evening in the spirit of the union of President Barack and Michele Obama, a union that certainly proves that couples can be partners, lovers, and friends. We salute the women who passionately support, work side by side, and enable their husbands to accomplish their goals.” Among the five (5) women honored was our very own Drifter DeBorah D. Ahmed, Co- founder of Better Family Life, Inc. with her husband, CEO Driftwood Malik Ahmed. Drifter Vanessa Keith, Esq. On March 7, 2011, received the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis 2011 Chairman’s Award. The award presented at the Urban League’s 93rd Annual Dinner meeting was bestowed upon Vanessa in recognition of her outstanding legal support provided the Urban League and her efforts in support of the Urban League’s vision of “Empowering Communities and Changing Lives.” Drifter Janessa Herron has been honored for the 4th year by The St. Louis Veterans Home, as the Veteran Volunteer of the Year... Volunteers are "THE HEART OF OUR GREAT NATION" who serves our Veterans through kindness, dedication and ongoing commitment. SCHOLARSHIP/EDUCATION 2011 Young Orator’s Fest- A Celebration in Speech and Sound Wind Beneath the Wings Honorees: Top L-R: Honorees: Mrs. Leata Price-Land; Mrs. Sandra M. Dooley Bottom: Mrs. Billie H. Wilson; Mrs. Kaye Bailey Drifters Vanessa Keith, Esq. and DeBorah Ahmed, this years co-chairs of the St. Louis Chapter’s 2011 Young Orators Fest produced an awsome event, showcasing 15 talented young orators and musicians from schools in the Metro St. Louis area. www.drifter P a g e | 38 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Thanks to the 100 Black Men of Metropolitan St. Louis for donating the use of their headquarters as the venue for this event, and our resident author and supporter, Dr. Savanah Young for providing us with copies of her latest publication: Parenting: A Handbook with Ideas for Doing Your Best, as gift to the parents of the young participants. At the close of the presentations, St. Louis Alderman Terry Kennedy presented the St. Louis Chapter with a Proclamation from the St. Louis City Board of Alderman for the outstanding job that we are doing with the youngsters in the St. Louis area. Youngsters Showcase Their Talents in Speech and Sound! SOCIAL/PERSONAL Drifter Hattie Riley's granddaughter, Lauren M. Wiley graduated from Webster Groves High School and will attend Rock Hurst College in Kansas City, MO this fall. Drifter Debra Jonesel's grandson, Gary D. Cannamore, Jr. graduated from North Technical High School and will attend Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO this fall. Tallahassee Tattlings By Drifter Bobbi Mount Drifter Ada Puryear Burnette Charitable Drifter Ada Puryear Burnette was selected as an honoree by the Rev. Dr. Charles Kenzie Steele, Sr. Foundation which provides educational scholarships. Her picture now hangs in Bethel Baptist Church where Rev. Steele taught for many years. Drifter Ada served as a hostess for the Eaton-Meeks Black Archives as Florida A&M University where she also inducted the officers into the Ladies Arts and Social Club of FAMU. Ada works with the Links program for the health professions at Rickards High School. She speaks to the students and helps them prepare their written statements. The students, worked with from grade 9 through 12, graduated in spring 2011 and all except 1 who went to the military enrolled in college with scholarships in fall 2011. Civic Ada Burnette contributes to many civic endeavors. She participated in a Links health Jazz Jam initiative to prevent obesity among children and youth. This is a signature program of the Links. She continues as the "Head Mom" for the Links Moms Away from Home program that works closely with students from St. Maarten and includes students from Egypt, Ghana, and a few other nations who are students at Lively Vocational Technical Center, Tallahassee Community College, Florida A&M University, and Florida State University. She meets with them and helps mentor them. This program was recognized as a best practice at the southern area meeting of the Links. The Hope Community continues as an area of service for Drifter Ada. A former member and chair of the board, Hope Community is a part of the Big Bend Coalition for the Homeless which helps men, women, and children. The first family to reach self sufficiency occupied the room sponsored and maintained by the Tallahassee Drifters and the room connected by a bathroom that the Tallahassee Links sponsored. Social Activities Drifter Burnette attended a dinner shower at the Florida State University Club for a couple that were married a couple of weeks later by the lake at the Golden Eagle Country Club. Mr. Glynden and Mrs. Addie Dilworth were welcomed as a couple by many of Tallahassee's and other places leading families. After attending the Links Jazz Jam and Childhood Obesity Prevention program on Friday night outdoors at the Kleman Plaza where speeches, scholarships, exercises, dancing, jazz, and step shows with many undergrad Greeks were done. Drifter Ada attended the Tallahassee www.drifter P a g e | 39 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Links Brunch at the Golden Eagle Country Club and its 60th anniversary formal dinner dance at the Duval Hotel. This weekend of May 20 -22 was topped off with a stellar Broadway quality program on the history of the arts through the years that connected African Americans to Africa, the slavery period and many others in American history. The actresses, actors, dancers, musicians, and singers ranged from ages 5 to 95. After this magnificent play, 9 girls in Kindergarten through grade 6 were introduced as Miss Young Fashionetta, a signature AKA program. Scholarships were presented to some of the contestants. The Tallahassee Drifters celebrated the birthday of member Etheldra when she had a birthday bash in April. It was a tremendous party. Other Drifter Ada Burnette serves as one member of the 3 member executive board of the National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates (National Association of Hispanics and Latinos, National Association of Native Americans and International Association of Asian Americans). She presented at its February conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at which Drifter Patty Ball Thomas also presented a paper. The papers were published. Drifter Burnette attended the board meeting in Maine in August. Drifter Burnette became president of the Tallahassee Holidays after having served in this capacity 2 times before. The group is delegated to their families, community, and the game of bridge. Drifter Patty Ball Thomas is a new member. She chairs the Department of Educational Leadership and Human Services at FAMU and directs numerous dissertations. Ada spent time in South Africa making a presentation, which was published. Kindling Paula Puryear Martin and husband Eric Martin celebrated Mother's Day on Wednesday after Mother's Day in Tallahassee with their Mom Ada. The gifts, cards, dinner, and visit from California were marvelous. Kindling Paula had her short film selected from a huge field for presentation at a red carpet event at the New Filmmakers of Los Angeles in Hollywood, California in May. Paula wrote and performed two other roles in her film; Ada's youngest granddaughter finished high school in Connecticut. One grandson, Cyrus Calhoun, won the Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarship and spoke at the event during his junior year in high school Cyrus’ mother is one of Ada's "adopted" and dearly beloved daughters. Ada's grandson, Eric and Nicole Puryear were married in Jamaica in July with a reception in Illinois and are expecting their first child in July. She attended the reception and met with Paul Puryear, Jr.'s father-in-law and mother-in-law. Drifter Lottie Muldrow is the historian for the Charmettes, Inc. of Tallahassee, Florida. She continues to mentor children and is on the board for the Girls Choir of C.H.O.I.C.E. (Character, Honesty, Originality, Integrity, Confidence, and Excellence.) As a member of Zeta Phi Beta, Inc., she serves as an officer and is the Director for Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. youth group. She will also serve as a volunteer for the Riley House Heritage Conference. Drifter Annette Thorpe announces the birth of greatgrandson, Ethan Marcus Parrish, who was born December 3, 2010, in Memphis Tennessee. He is the son of proud parents, Erin Thorpe and Marcus Parrish. Drifter Beulah Hemmingway The Tallahassee Chapter of the Drifters, Incorporated established a “need based” scholarship for graduating seniors who plan to attend college several years ago. The Chapter saw the need to contribute to the development, improvement, and education of minority students. The scholarship helps to provide some financial and other support for a student each year who meets the established criteria. The established requirements include: * A United States citizen or permanent resident * Cumulative 2.5 grade point average * Completion of the “Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) * An acceptable written essay on an assigned topic Since there are several students from the area high schools competing for this scholarship; a panel of judges (usually English Professors) read and select the best written essay. However, the above criteria must be met, and an applicant must also demonstrate an established need to be determined the winner. Much information is gleamed from the completed application submitted by each applicant. For the last three years, the scholarship has been presented at the Chapter’s annual fundraiser, The Tea Dance. Drifter Monica Brooks started a new job in July 2010 as a Program Specialist IV with the Florida Department of Education. On January 25, 2011 she suffered injuries due to an elevator malfunction. She subsequently underwent two surgeries. Her husband, Keith has been her caregiver and taken excellent care of her. Even so, she has continued to work on her MBA. Her son, William Brooks has performed exceptionally well this year in the Gifted Program and is an honor student. Aside from his academics, he also found time to play flag football and basketball for his father’s teams, and had good seasons. www.drifter P a g e | 40 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 His baseball team won the park championship and William was nominated and named to the 13 year old All Star team. The Brooks family wants to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes this year. also recently recognized by the Tallahassee Drifter’s Inc. for service as a National Leader. Additionally, the C.K. Steele Scholarship Foundation recognized her as a community leader. Drifter Vertia Rollins lost her husband Driftwood Bob Rollins on March 14, 2011. At this particular time, adjusting is a major challenge; however, it has been friends like you, that I cherish the most. You have helped me to realize that illness is very limited, and nothing is greater than your love and support. I have missed my Drifter friends very much, and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Your thoughtfulness during this period is a part of my blessing and recovery. Bob helped me to realize that you cannot cripple love, nor can you shatter hope. Illness cannot corrode faith or destroy peace. Bob’s presence met so much; however, our supreme being had the last mission of eternal life. Our family splinters are continuing to make progress. Splinter Lauren Rollins, a former recipient of Drifter’s, Inc. Scholarships graduated from Vanderbilt University with honors on May 13, 2011 with a B.S. in International Affairs. Splinter Keviron Rollins will graduate from Florida State University High School on June 3, 2011 and was accepted to Dean College in Franklin, Massachusetts. Drifter Shena Jones Mount is graduating from the University of Phoenix in Jacksonville, Florida on June 4, 2011 with a M.B.A. in Healthcare Management. Her daughter Tamia McSwain, a student at Fairview Middle School, is graduating from the eighth grade on June 3, 2011 and was accepted into the Millicent Holifield Academy of Health Sciences at Rickards High School, beginning this fall. Drifter Tiffany Mount Stallworth accepted a Senior Attorney position at the Agency for Workforce Innovation in October 2010. Driftwood Kyle Stallworth earned his A.A. Degree from Tallahassee Community College on April 29, 2011 and will begin studying at Florida State University in the fall to earn a Degree in Criminal Justice. Drifter Barbara Rollins McGriff is the Director of Dance for Bethel A.M.E. Church Liturgical Dance Company. Kindling April McGriff will be graduating from Walden University with a M.S. in Education, Specializing in Curriculum Instruction and Assessments on July 30, 2011. Drifter Freddie Groomes-McLendon has recently launched her new book “Real Gusto Comes Later: How Professional Women Experience Retirement. “ The book was edited by Dr. Groomes-McLendon and features personal stories of thirteen successful professional women who are experiencing the excitement of real gusto in life during retirement. It is available through Amazon Publishers and major bookstores. This is her second book. Her first book you may recall was entitled “The Marginal Difference” Practical Choices for Enhancing Your Success Quotient.” Dr. Groomes-McLendon was Drifter Bobbi Mount was recognized by her clinical supervisor for her exceptional attention to detail in written reports prepared for each of her clients. Greater Westchester M.A.L. News (former Chapter) Drifter Dorothy and Driftwood William Small, started a Soup Kitchen at St. John’s A.M.E Church, Norfolk, Virginia on February 15, 2011. Driftwood Brother William Small is the Soup Kitchen administrator. Driftwood Dorothy Small is the Volunteer’s Coordinator. Since February 2011 St’ John’s Soup Kitchen has feed over 600 homeless persons. This will be the third year that our Fellowship Group will serve Thanksgiving Dinner to persons that may not have any place to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The dinner will be served at St. John’s A.M.E Church 545 East Bute Street, Norfolk, Virginia on a first come first severed basis. Drifter Dorothy Small volunteers at Camelot Elementary School to mentor some of the young children. Drifter Dorothy Small has formed her own organization, “Hampton Roads Women For Education, Inc.”. During 2010 Drifter Dorothy Small and Driftwood William Small traveled to Orlando, Florida for 8 days to visit The Holy Land Theme Park, it was a wonderful experience. We also visited Las Vegas, Nevada for 9 days. Granddaughter Treasure Small is now employed by a International Publishing Company. The company’s home office is based in London, England. She works out of their New York City office. Treasure graduated from SUNY www.drifter P a g e | 41 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 University in New Paltz, NY, in May 2009. She earned a BA in Communications and Public Relations. Grandson Devonte Gatling graduated from I. C. Norcom High School on June 7, 2011. He is planning to attend Norfolk State University this fall. Happy Mother’s Day The Decatur DeKalb Drifters Mothers are special, without a doubt! That’s who we’re here to talk about. Mothers are the best gift that God gave the world. They can bake tasty cookies and put our hair in curls. When we fell down and hurt our knees and elbows, Mothers would kiss our hurts and tickle our toes. Don’t take your kindness for granted, for Mothers can be very tough. If we were disobedient, oh boy, they didn’t take no stuff. Amen? God knew children needed extra love and kisses. He made mothers to love us regardless of our misses. So today we celebrate you Mothers because you are the best. You’re beautiful, kind, sweeter than sugar and better than the rest. And from us the Decatur DeKalb Drifters especially to you‐ We wish you a very Happy Mothers’ Day all the year through Because we love and adore you! www.drifter P a g e | 42 Jus’ Driftin’ 55th Convention Edition August 2011 Index Pg 1 Pg 2 Pg 3 Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 7 Pg 9 Pg 10,42 Pg 11 Pg 13 Pg 13 Pg 15 Pg 17 Pg 18 Pg 19 Pg 20 Pg 22 Pg 22 Pg 23 Pg 25 Pg 26 Pg 27 Pg 29 Pg 30 Pg 31 Pg 32 Pg 32 Pg 33 Pg 34 Pg 35 Pg 37 Pg 39 Pg 41 President’s Letter Metro-Atlanta Baltimore Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas/Fort Worth Decatur-DeKalb Detroit Gary Greensboro Houston Indianapolis Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Memphis Metro-Washington Mitchellville Montclair New York Norfolk Ocean Orangeburg Petersburg Portsmouth Raleigh Richmond South Bend Southeastern PA St. Louis Tallahassee Westchester M.A.L. www.drifter P a g e | 43 THE DRIFTERS, INCORPORATED EXECUTIVE BOARD 2010-2011 Lisa Johnson-Tonkins President Deborah R. Pryor Vice-President Donna Roderick Secretary Jonetta Appling Treasurer Denise L. Taylor Parliamentarian Ramona Ryan Membership Chair Daria Daniel Public Relations Chair James Murphy Spigner Historian/Protocol Chair Leslie Wesley Courtesy Chair Elsie Simmons-Huey Convention Planner “A group of dynamic women with civic, charitable, educational, and social interests who have dedicated their talents to the enhancement of their chosen communities and the universal image of womanhood.”
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