Fortune Teller: Maximising the buzz from new attractions
Fortune Teller: Maximising the buzz from new attractions
Fortune Teller: Maximising the buzz from new attractions and gauging their impacts All attractions have to reinvest ……..but how should they approach their reinvestments and how can they get the greatest benefit from them? Contents A panel discussion to delve into the addition of new content and how to maximise its impacts. Our panellists are Bart Dohmen, Pieter Cornelis and Nicolas de Villiers Michael Collins - LDP Contents • Leisure Development Partners LLP (LDP) produces feasibility studies, concept testing, due diligence and performance improvement strategies for the worldwide visitor attraction and leisure industry • Over the years work with almost every major operating group but also many owner operators and new ventures Global Experience • Our work relies on a deep understanding of markets and competitive environment and benchmarking real world performance • Asking the questions and providing some insight from LDP analysis LDP has exceptional visitor attraction experience Measuring success, benchmarking against prior performance and the performance of our peers Contents Bart Dohmen - BRC X Hotel Management Contents Electronic Engineer Laserpromotions Rexroth Hydraudyne Entertainment division Bradford - MBA Managing Director BRC Imagination Arts BV Responsible for BRC activities in Europe, Middle East & Africa Combining Hospitality, Technology, Business and Design + AMOREPACIFIC VISITOR CENTER, SEOUL KOREA AMOREPACIFIC VISITOR CENTER, SEOUL KOREA NASA’s Kennedy Space Center VISITOR COMPLEX Exploration Space – Explorers Wanted NASA’s Kennedy Space Center VISITOR COMPLEX Exploration Space – Explorers Wanted STEVEN SPIELBERG’S MOTION PICTURE MAGIC UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN STEVEN SPIELBERG’S MOTION PICTURE MAGIC UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN K K k 1 k 1 ln NNVit Ak * lnXkit *[lnNNVt1 Bk *ln Xk,i,t1 ] t Contents Pieter Cornelis – Toverland, Fontys Contents I INTRODUCTION Nicolas de Villiers Chairman of Puy du Fou II HISTORICAL LANDMARKS • 1978 - Creation of the «Cinéscénie», a huge open air night show about the History of France and the Vendée, by Philippe De Villiers • 1989 - Creation of the Grand Park of Puy du Fou • 1998 - The Junior Academy is set up • 2007- The first hotel “the Gallo-Roman Villa“ is opened making the Puy du Fou a COMPLETE HOLIDAY DESTINATION • 2009 - Puy du Fou International is created - Puy du Fou Congrès is created • 2012 - Puy du Fou receives the THEA CLASSIC Award - Puy du Fou Evasion is created • 2013 - New show «Knights of the Round Table» • 2014 - New hotel «Le Camp du Drap d’Or» III FACTS & FIGURES • Number of visitors : 1.740.000 visitors in 2012 • Total Investment : €270.000.000 • Turnover : €56.000.000 in 2012 • 140 permanent employees • 950 seasonal employees in the park • 3.200 volunteers in the Cinéscénie Benchmarking how much parks typically reinvest… • Reinvestment as a percentage of annual revenues Contents e.g. For a 1 million visitor park with a €30 per cap this could mean Reinvesting for growth or to stand still…. • Reviewing 12 major theme park reinvestment programmes, new ride areas Contents or lands or major re-brandings • Attendance went up for some, for some it stayed the same, for some it went down! • Of those which achieved large shifts in attendance, all but one were below average in terms of market penetration! The market demand has to be there to allow for growth. Reinvesting for growth or to stand still…. • It is hard to generate additional visits at parks which are already Contents performing well – under performers see the greatest impact • The greatest impacts were linked with very significant additions with similarly strong campaigns • Some of the most successful addressed a gap in the current offer (e.g. providing teen/adult experiences where there were very few) How can parks invest to grow rather than stand still? Contents Is there a tipping point in terms of investment or content which can deliver a step change? How do we know we made the right choice when adding to our attractions? How do we measure success? Contents • • • • • • • • • • Attendance? Admission spend? Yields / reduced discounting? Press column inches? Operating profit? Return? Guest satisfaction? Online chatter? Repeats? Other? How much of an impact does design and storytelling have on the public perception of new rides and experiences? Contents From the marketing perspective, what creates the greatest buzz around a new investment? Contents Many parks look to what has worked elsewhere and try to copy, is this the right approach? Contents What in your experience is the best decision making process for an attraction which needs to reinvest in new content? How should they decide their budget and how to spend it? Contents What will the ‘go to’ investments be for the next 5 years or so? Contents Are the biggest impacts still to be had from investing in park, or is there now a focus on the creation of second gates and resort destinations? Contents Questions from the audience? Thank You Leisure Development Partners LLP 42 Brook Street London W1K 5DB telephone: +44 (0) 20 7129 1276 [email protected]