Business Trip to VietinBank
Business Trip to VietinBank
Jan - Mac 2013 CONTENTS THE ENFORCER Chairman’s Note THE EXTRAVAGANZA Public Gold Gala Dinner 2012 HEALTH IS WEALTH Pg 3 Pg 4 - 7 The Inaugural Public Gold Golf Tournament Pg 8 & 9 Upclose with Dato’ Louis to discuss on Public Gold’s expansion plans for year 2013 Pg 10 & 11 ROADMAP TO SUCCESS VietinBank Business trip to VietinBank Pg 14 & 15 Editor’s te No It’s 2013! Let’s start off the year with some juicy news from Public Gold as we move forward to another awesome year ahead. Last year, Public Gold ended the year with a bang, where we not only have hosted the annual Public Gold Gala Dinner 2012 but also the Inaugural Public Gold Golf Tournament 2012 which have garnered much talk of the town and brought Public Gold one step ahead of other players within the physical gold trading industry. bridging you to a brighter future Pg 17 SALES INCENTIVE PROGRAM Sales Incentive Program New Product Launch - Tai Fook Series Pg 18 Pg 19 PRECIOUS NEWS NEXT ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Upcoming products Pg 22 Enhanced SMS Ordering Service (ESOS) Allocated Gold Storage Service (AGSS) THE ENFORCER FAMILY List of Public Gold Offices 2 Pg 16 World Gold Council-Gold’s Potential in 2013 Pg 20 & 21 Upclose with Mohd Hasnizam Bin Hj Muda Pg 12 & 13 Public Gold X-Plan Testimoni X-Plan THE MASTERPIECE, “TAI FOOK” THE LEADERS X-PLAN TESTIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENT Pg 23 As you read on, you will also be amazed with our newly launched product, Tai Fook, which carries such an exquisite design that no other gold minter in the region has ever minted such a refined and brilliant gold bar that is so mesmerizing, that you could hardly take your eyes off it. All these are our special highlights for this quarter issue of Golden Bridge for your reading pleasures. So read on to find out more. Happy reading! Warmest regards, Editorial team The Enforcer Chairman’s Note Dear valued customers and business partner, A very happy and prosperous new year to you! Last year was indeed an adventurous year for us. Fortunately, in spite of the obstacles we had, we managed to pull through with great success. Of course, all these weren’t be made possible without your continuous support and for believing in us. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind contributions, physically and spiritually. We at Public Gold sincerely appreciate it. It has been a year since we published the inaugural issue of Golden Bridge back in January 2012. This is a great mileage and achievement for us at Public Gold as never in history, gold traders have publish a newsletter to update their customers and business partners on their company’s activities and promotions just like we do. At Public Gold, you are like a family to us and hence we believe it is essential for us to update you on our marketing plans and happenings so you are aware of our growth from time to time and be rewarded accordingly. With this quarterly newsletter, you can be rest assured that you will never miss any important activities and great rewards as we travel this golden journey together. With this, I wish you great success for another splendid year ahead. Cheers! Yours faithfully, Dato’ Louis Ng Founder and Executive Chairman Public Gold Group of Companies bridging you to a brighter future 3 The Extravaganza Public Gold Leadership Seminar 2012 Grand Ballroom, Crowne Plaza Mutiara, KL 13 October 2012 marks the great milestone of Public Gold in hosting the second Annual Gala Dinner in appreciation of its dealers and customers’ great support over the year which has been phenomenal to Public Gold. This event was graced by 800 guests consist of Public Gold business partners, dealers, customers as well as members of the media who were delighted to be part of this prestigious event. Prior to the evening event, Public Gold has hosted a Leadership Seminar 2013 in the morning with Dato’ Louis Ng, the Executive Chairman of Public Gold being one of the key speakers for day to share with Public Gold dealers on Public Gold’s progress and latest news while motivating them with great new incentives that are already in the pipeline. Other key speakers include General Manager of Public Dinar, En. Syukor Hashim and Penang Assayer, En. Abdul Shukor Anuar. This morning event was attended by more than 200 Public Gold dealers. 4 bridging you to a brighter future The Extravaganza Gala Dinner 2012: Night of Stars Living up to its theme, the event was graced by Top Achievers of Public Gold who were the stars for the night, glittering the evening with their glamorous dressings bringing the whole atmosphere to a prestigious height that no other players in the gold industry has ever done before. The event were also graced by Public Gold Top Management such as the Founder and Executive Chairman of Public Gold, Dato’ Louis Ng accompanied by his wife, Datin Yvonne Lim. Not forgetting, business partners of Public Gold such as Mr. Tan Teow Hong, Mr. Albert Moh and En. Syukor Hashim, were also present together with their spouse, making it the most luminous event ever organized in the gold industry. At the event, more than a million ringgit worth of prizes were given away to Public Gold Master Dealers as a mean of rewards for their tremendous achievements over the year. These prize winners were delighted with their rewards while the other attendees were excited over the attractive lucky draw prizes consists of Public Gold gold and silver products and holiday packages. The main highlight for this prestigious event was the Sales Incentive Trip whereby this time around, Top Achievers will get to participate in the Leadership Seminar to Cape Town, South Africa for free! There were in total 15 Master Dealers qualified for this exclusive trip, while among them, 4 Master Dealers were qualified for the Car Fund Programme which entitled them to own a luxury car each. These are indeed great rewards in which no other gold trading companies in the region have ever offered such lucrative prizes. Overall, this event has ended on a high note and audience were very much satisfied and proud to be part of such prestigious event that has left them with a memorable experience. bridging you to a brighter future 5 6 bridging you to a brighter future The Enforcer bridging you to a brighter future 7 Health is Wealth Another great milestone which Public Gold has achieved last year was to host golf enthusiasts for a Golf Tournament of international standards at Penang Golf Club, Penang on 8th December 2012 to encourage golfers, especially Public Gold Dealers and Customers to pay special attention to health while in search of wealth. This is important as it has come to Public Gold’s realization that being an Ultimate Wealth Protector is not enough. Everyone requires a good health to enjoy the wealth they have. As some say, health is wealth. Therefore, Public Gold has taken a step ahead by organizing a one-of-a-kind golf tournament in which prize winners and participants get to stand a chance to win Public Gold gold and silver products worth RM30,000. This is simply a remarkable event as no one in the region has ever offered such lucrative prices in a golf tournament except Public Gold. Apart from hosting great events, Public Gold has never forgotten to make charitable contributions to the needy ones. During the prize presentation dinner, Public Gold was kind enough to donate RM30,000 to 6 selected primary schools in Bayan Lepas, Penang with each receiving RM5,000 cash for their school operational needs. This is indeed a noble act that deserves a high respect from many. 8 bridging you to a brighter future Health is Wealth bridging you to a brighter future 9 Roadmap to Success Upclose with Dato’ Louis, Founder & Executive Chairman of Public Gold In this issue, the editorial team was fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to get upclose and personal with Dato’ Louis Ng, Founder and Executive Chairman of Public Gold to share with us some of his great insights and future plans installed for us in gaining greater wealth and health as we travel this golden journey together. Read on to find out more! 1) Dato’, what is your New Year resolution for Public Gold this year? This year we (Public Gold) are targeting to hit RM1 billion of sales and venture into Asian market such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Brunei, as well as international market such as Dubai, Turki and other potential countries. 2) Are you planning to launch any new product this year? Yes. Late last year we have launched a new gold bullion called ‘Tai Fook’ for the Chinese market. So this year we are going to launch a new gold bullion called ‘BungaMas’ for the Malay market. Perhaps after that we will have another new product for international market called the ‘FlexiBar’ in which the owner could tear the gold bar into smaller pieces as alternative to paper money to purchase things. Public Gold will be the first physical gold trader and manufacturer in Asia to come out with the ‘FlexiBar’ concept. We are targeting to launch the ‘BungaMas’ product in early second quarter this year and the ‘FlexiBar’ in mid-2013. Apart from these products, Public Gold will continue to brainstorm for more ideas to produce new products from time to time to meet the needs of different market segments. 10 bridging you to a brighter future Roadmap to Success 3) Can you share with us your brand expansion plans? We are looking at expanding our brand exposure through various marketing channels such as public relations (PR) through PR services rendered by Synergy PR to increase media publicity in the local and regional market, regional marketing initiatives through visitation to urban and suburban areas, as well as ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Currently we are planning to increase our CSR activities at our nationwide branches to help the underprivileged or unfortunate ones based on the actual poverty statistics in Malaysia. 4) Are you planning to penetrate into regional market? Yes. As mentioned, we are planning to venture into Asian and international market. In fact, we have already gotten the first order from the largest bank in Vietnam to mint 1,000 pieces of gold brooch for their 25th Anniversary celebration. 5) Is there any plan to list Public Gold on Bursa Malaysia? Yes. We target to list Public Gold sometime in end-2014. For this, we have engaged a consultant as our pre-IPO strategy planner to strategize and assist in planning the listing exercise for a strategic alliance to wider market, locally and internationally. 6) What do you think of this year’s economy? There will be high inflation throughout the world due to aggressive Quantitative Easing (QE) in Europe, United States (US) and Japan. This serves as a boost factor for Gold and Silver, which are the ultimate forms of international real money. Currently, the world debt pressure is temporary eased by international banks. Both the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan have pumped in a large amount of money in the market. Hence with this, it is targeted to have an inflation rate of 2% deeper effect on Asian economy, which means Malaysia will too be affected by the high inflation. This indirectly helps to boost the value of precious metals worldwide, making it the most preferred heir money/ precious commodity during inflation periods. 7) In your opinion, will Malaysian economy be affected by the world debt crisis? Yes. The quantity of gold and silver are finite, whereas paper money is infinite. Hence central banks worldwide can afford to print paper money excessively and keep pumping money into the financial system which leads to inflation and worsen the debt issue throughout the world. As a result, the world faces a high inflation, which affects the economy in every country in the world, and that includes Malaysia. 8) Can you explain to us how gold can be a good commodity or investment to battle inflation? Gold and Silver are natural forms of commodity that acts as hedge against inflation. The quantity of gold and silver are finite, whereas paper money is infinite. When central banks try to ease the world debts by printing more paper money into the financial system, it is indirectly creating even greater debts in the world and bigger inflation worldwide. When this happens, the price of precious metals will increase. Therefore, the best way to safeguard one’s wealth is by keeping physical gold or silver which are well-accepted in any part of the world. 9) Last but not least, any advice for your dealers as we move into 2013? to penetrate into new markets In 2013, we will be moving aggressively and proactively in terms of our marketing strategy and silver. to proactively awake and educate the general public on the importance of physical gold suggested that all investment Recently I have attended a high net worth seminar abroad and 2 investment analysts have and silver in various industries, gold on demand great to due silver and gold to 4-5% least at expose must portfolios is, guard your wealth with a which help to move the gold and silver price higher. Therefore, my advice to all dealers your wealth for the future. solid and stable investment through physical gold and silver to battle inflation and sustain bridging you to a brighter future 11 The Leaders Mohd Hasnizam Bin Hj Muda Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.. Assalamu’alaikum Saya mulakan dengan Asma Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang. Tiada Yang Maujud Pada Hakikatnya Melainkan Allah Dan Hakikat Nur Muhammad Adalah Tajalli Allah Jua. Terlebih dahulu jutaan terima kasih kepada pihak Public Gold kerana membuka ruang dan peluang untuk saya berceloteh di ruangan maha hebat ini. Public Gold adalah platform terbaik untuk sesiapa sahaja membina kekayaan dan kejayaan dengan singkat dalam tempoh kurang 2 tahun. Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dahulu. Nama saya Mohd Hasnizam Hj Muda. Kepakaran saya ialah membantu ramai orang berjaya serta bebas hutang, bebas kewangan bersandarkan emas dan perak. Selain itu saya juga pakar dalam sektor perbankan, berpengetahuan luas dalam selok belok sistem kewangan negara kerana latarbelakang saya pernah menjadi eksekutif di sebuah bank serta turut sama selaku jawatankuasa yang meluluskan pinjaman berjumlah jutaan ringgit. Pengalaman jatuh bangun saya dalam dunia kerjaya dan perniagaan sebelum ini juga banyak mendorong saya untuk mengubah hidup kearah yang lebih baik. Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kepada Allah kerana dipertemukan dengan Public Gold platform simpanan emas bermatlamat yang sangat terbukti berjaya melahirkan ramai usahawan emas dengan modal yang sangat minimum. Kehidupan saya secara total berubah 360˚ menjadi bebas kewangan, berfikiran luar biasa, tabung simpanan masa depan meningkat setiap bulan, bebas terbang ke banyak lokasi, melancong sana sini, bahagia bersama keluarga tersayang, bebas 12 bridging you to a brighter future kengkangan masa kerja 8:30 pagi balik kerja 7:30 malam, banyak masa untuk menelaah buku dan kitab serta banyak lagi yang sukar dinyatakan dengan huruf mahupun tulisan. Saya harap anda dapat menerobos minda jutawan saya sekarang. Huuuuuu Allahhhhhhh (sambil menarik nafas dalamdalam dan melepaskan dengan seribu kerut di wajah). Dulu saya tidak macam ini, kehidupan saya sangat-sangat susah. Pernah jatuh dalam perniagaan ternakan ayam pedaging, dikejar bank sana sini, surat peringatan bank terus bertalu-talu sampai dirumah, ada sebahagiannya surat daripada mahkamah untuk proses kearah menuju pengistiharan bankrap, keluarga tidak aman selalu bergaduh semua berpunca daripada masalah kewangan, anak saudara menjauhkan diri risau takut saya nak berhutang dengan mereka, segala perkara yang dilakukan serba tidak kena. Pendek kata seolah-olah dunia ini gelap untuk saya terus hidup. Melihat sekeliling seperti semua mengejek saya sebagai manusia yang gagal. Hidup dilalui dengan tekanan demi tekanan yang sangat dahsyat macam orang berputus asa. (Mood keriangan) Sehinggalah saya berjumpa dengan Public Gold pada 17/04/2010 yang banyak merubah hidup saya 138% “step by step” berbekalkan Mentor yang betul, ilmu yang benar, sistem yang tepat terbukti berjaya, tindakan yang luar biasa dan impian yang sangat jelas (MESTI). Mereka yang pernah kenal saya sebelum 2010 pasti lihat perubahan besar terhadap diri saya bagaimana saya menjadi diri saya sekarang. Meskipun proses kebangkitan saya melalui beberapa fasa termasuklah menjawat jawatan eksekutif di sebuah bank tetapi yang paling nyata perubahan kejayaan demi kejayaan saya ialah didedahkan ilmu pengurusan kewangan yang betul bersandarkan Dinar (emas) dan Dirham (perak) di Public Gold. The Leaders Emas dan perak bersifat kalis inflasi dan juga penebat kebocoran kewangan. Beruntung mereka yang memiliki pandangan tembus. Semua ini anda tidak akan terdedah selagi mana anda tidak berusaha mencari ilmu berkaitan perkara tersebut. Emas adalah alat yang boleh membuatkan anda bebas kewangan dalam jangka masa yang amat singkat asalkan anda mencari mentor yang boleh menyerap ‘roh emas’ itu sendiri ke dalam minda dan jiwa anda. Tanda mentor yang betul ialah mereka mengajar ilmu emas dengan penuh ikhlas bukan sekadar bercerita perihal untung sahaja malahan lebih daripada itu. Jejaki mereka dengan suluhan hati dan bukannya nafsu ketamakan untung. Kekuatan untuk berjaya bermula dengan diri masing-masing dan emas adalah alat untuk anda melonjak lebih tinggi dari kadar biasa dan PUBLIC GOLD adalah platform yang terbaik kerana mengutamakan penyimpan emas semua golongan samada mereka itu berstatus penyimpan tegar mahupun dealer. Kenapa nabi tidak sebut Az-Zahab (emas)? Kenapa nabi sebut Dinar? Sama-sama kita merungkai mukjizat perakuan nabi dengan hati yang tawadhuk hehehe. Akhir kalam, KEHIDUPAN umpama bermain catur, siapa yang dapat melihat jauh ke hadapan pasti MENANG. Terima kasih Mentor saya Mahaguru Syukor Hashim yang banyak membantu saya dalam dunia perniagaan emas. Terima kasih juga mentor saya Jurulatih Kekayaan & Kejayaan No.1 Asia Dr Azizan Osman yang banyak membantu membetulkan “mindset” saya, mengarap saya menjadi insan yang luar biasa dan tidak lupa juga jutaan terima kasih kepada Public Gold adalah mentor saya selaku guru mursyid Tariqat Syattariyah Nufusiah platform terbaik untuk Syeikh Hj Wan Ismail Al-Fakir Ila Llah yang banyak ‘membedah sesiapa sahaja membina hati saya’ sehingga saya dapat menyelami hakikat kehambaan kekayaan dan kejayaan dan hakikat ketuhanan. dengan singkat dalam tempoh kurang 2 tahun. Ciri-ciri ini anda tidak ketemui di syarikat lain yang hanya mengutamakan keuntungan dealer semata-mata dengan menyembunyikan “spread” atau susut nilai serta pelbagai syarat tersembunyi yang tidak dinyatakan ketika anda membeli emas mereka. Simpanlah Dinar dan Dirham kerana saranan nabi yg bersifat khasyaf lagi maksum. Saya mempunyai impian yang sangat besar untuk memastikan setiap orang memiliki simpanan lebih daripada 1 Dinar Emas dan 10 Dirham Perak untuk pengukuhan kewangan setiap isi rumah, pengukuhan ekonomi bangsa dan negara. Pastikan anda LIKE page Kenapa MESTI Emas Public Gold? Untuk dapat sebarang informasi dari semasa ke semasa atau ikuti saya di Alhamdulillah, penulisan perkongsian santai-santai ini sempurna ditulis di dalam penerbangan MAS berkelajuan 850km sejam dengan ketinggian 28,000 kaki dari aras laut dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur menuju ke Kota Kinabalu untuk tujuan mendidik masyarakat sana tentang kepentingan menyimpan Dinar dan Dirham pada malam ini di Public Gold Cawangan Kota Kinabalu. Terima kasih. Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Akan tiba satu zaman di mana tiada apa yang tinggal dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia, maka simpanlah dinar (syiling emas) dan dirham (syiling perak)”. Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. bridging you to a brighter future 13 Testimoni X-plan Testimonial Azri Bin Hasan X-Plan bagus kerana dapat menjual emas lama dengan harga yang tinggi dan menukarkan dengan emas Public Gold yang mempunyai spread yang kecil. X-Plan juga bagus bagi semua orang yang hendak ingin menyimpan dalam emas Public Gold tanpa perlu mengeluarkan duit. Ia hanya tukar emas lama sahaja. emas Public Gold terbaik punya... Zamri Bin Abdullah X-Plan yang diperkenalkan oleh Public Gold banyak membantu saya menukar emas dari pelbagai bentuk dan syarikat kepada produk emas Public Gold yang mudah di pantau pergerakan harga dan urusan jual beli melalui sistem internet yang disediakan 24jam sehari. Terima kasih Public Gold kerana menyediakan platform ini. Rozita Binti Habizar Saya merupakan peminta logam kuning dimana saya boleh mempelbagaikan simpanan saya. Contohnya penukaran emas lama kepada emas baru, urusan dengan Public Gold amat menguntungkan dimana emas baru diperolehi dengan harga yang murah malah menguntungkan walaupun emas bukan pada kelas ketulenan yang sama tetapi saya tetap mendapat emas yang ingin saya miliki. Saya akan terus mempromosi dan mengumpul emas yang baru serta terpakai untuk mengumpul kekayaan pada masa akan datang Fadhilah Bt Nordin Banyak keistimewaan Public Gold yang memikat hati terutamanya pelanggan perempuan untuk memiliki emas tanpa megeluarkan wang yang banyak. Salah satunya adalah promosi X-Plan. Dimana terdapat pelanggan saya menukarkan emas lama kepada emas baru sekaligus untuk menjadi Dealer. Mereka sangat berpuas hati malah boleh memilih variasi emas yang mereka miliki. Saya juga boleh membeli emas Public Gold dengan cara menukarkan emas yang telah lama disimpan dan dibiarkan begitu sahaja tanpa dimanfaatkan di Public Gold. Muhammad Azri Bin Abdul Majid Saya merupakan pelanggan tetap Public Gold. Promosi-promosi yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat Public Gold amat menarik. Pada mula-mula penglibatan saya dengan Public Gold ialah menukarkan emas lama ibu saya untuk dijadikan emas yang lebih menguntungkan untuk disimpan dalam jangka masa yang lama. Kini saya telah menjadi dealer dimana saya amat yakin dengan produk yang diperkenalkan oleh Public Gold. Hanya bermula dengan logam kuning yang sedikit kini saya memiliki emas dengan jumlah yang berganda. Mohd Zerry Bin Nazeri Alhamduillah dan setinggi penghargaan diucapkan kepada Public Gold kerana memberi peluang kepada saya berkongsi testimoni X-Plan. Di-mana plan ini menawarkan menukar emas lama kepada emas yang terdapat di Public Gold. Saya telah menukarkan emas isteri saya kepada emas 916, ternyata saya mendapat kelebihan setelah menukarkan emas melalui X-Plan ini. Saya telah membawa emas saya ke kedai-kedai sekitar kawasan tempat tinggal saya, ternyata harga yang ditawarkan kepada saya rendah berbanding dengan harga yang ditawarkan oleh Public Gold. Ini memberi peluang kepada saya untuk menukarkan emas berbentuk gelang kepada emas yang lebih cantik lagi ditambah pula setelah membuat belian saya akan mendapat komisen. Itulah yang menjadikan saya lebih tertarik dengan X-Plan ini. Selamat mencuba. 14 bridging you to a brighter future Testimoni Abd Rahim Bin Mohd Sidek Pengalaman menggunakan kemudahan X-Plan Public Gold mendapati ia adalah pilihan yang terbaik dengan menawarkan harga tertinggi dipasaran tempatan. Memberi pilihan kepada kita untuk meningkatkan stok simpanan emas kita dengan menukarkan emas lama kepada emas fizikal yang baru yang lebih sesuai untuk meningkatkan pulangan. Ianya adalah pelengkap kepada Public Gold sebagai platform perniagaan emas yang terbaik di mana kita boleh “trade-in”, membeli, menjual dan mendapatkan pengetahuan atau menambahkan ilmu ke arah mendapatkan pulangan terbaik daripada perniagaan emas kita. Harapan saya semoga kemudahan ini dikekalkan terus oleh pihak pengurusan Public Gold. Noorul Khairy Bt Mohammad Saya adalah salah seorang pegawai kerajaan dan mula mengenali Public Gold dari kawan yang juga merupakan seorang Dealer Public Gold. Selepas penerangan ringkas dari beliau saya mula membeli 1 Dinar. Selepas beberapa ketika berfikir saya mengambil keputusan hendak menjadi dealer Public Gold juga. Kebetulan juga pada masa itu saya mahu memanfaatkan rantai emas dengan lebih optimum. Selepas berunding secara ringkas, saya sendiri telah menjadi dealer melalui X-Plan untuk trade in barang kemas saya. Kelebihan produk Public Gold memang tidak dapat di nafikan dari segi susut nilai yang jauh lebih menguntungkan dari menjualnya di kedai-kedai emas. X-Plan juga sangat mudah dari segi urusan dan masa. Saya berasa selesa dan gembira dengan keputusan yang saya ambil. Saya nasihatkan rakan-rakan untuk melakukan tindakan yang sama jika memiliki barang emas yang tidak dapat di optimumkan kegunaan dan faedahnya. Membuka suatu ruang untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup anda :) Mohd Nizab Bin Pawan Zainol Abidin PG X-Plan creates opportunity to customer or new customer to protect and grow their wealth. It also creates knowledge awareness of gold exchange among Malaysian people (i.e the importance of spread). Furthermore it’s reacts as “Golden Bridge” between non-gold trader & Public Gold trader which leads to financial freedom. In summary PG X-Plan products can build huge relation among Malaysia non gold traders. Mariamah Binti Radin Sumadi Hi, I choose X-Plan to exchange my old jewellery to Public Gold items since the price is more reasonable than selling outside. Hope that Public Gold will extend the programme so that all Public Gold dealers can benefit more. Jumari Bin Che Mat Salam, Alhamdulillah, I am glad I finally decided to act. The potential of gold is enormous, I am aware of it years ago, but back then I did not act. However with Public Gold, a platform that I can rely on. It did not take me long to decide and my meet with Mama convinced me of Public Gold. Almost like a cupids arrow of gold it struck me. “The Power of Now” I gave meaning to it by acting and doing as I should and believe. I also believe that you should and must experience the potential of gold. “ THE POWER OF NOW”, DO IT NOW. bridging you to a brighter future 15 Trade-In Emas Lama ke Public Gold membeli SEBARANG bentuk emas dengan HARGA TERTINGGI di Malaysia. Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini ! *Tertakluk kepada Terma & Syarat Public Gold Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (930830-k) Plot 21, Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Tel (04) 643 9999 Fax (04) 645 0916 Website publicgoldinternational Public Gold Business Trip Business Trip to VietinBank Business advisor of Public Gold, Dr. Lim Boh Soon (left), Deputy CEO of Vietin Gold & Jewellery Trading Company Ltd, Mr. Pham Anh Dung (centre) and Founder & Executive Chairman of Public Gold, Dato’ Louis Ng (right) Dinner meeting with Founder & Executive Chairman of Public Gold, Dato’ Louis Ng (2nd from left) and Chairman of Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade, Mr. Pham Huy Hung (2nd from right) In its effort and aim to set its brand into the international stage, the first international collaboration kick-off with a 1,000 piece order of gold collar broach from VietinBank. VietinBank is the largest state own bank in Hanoi, Vietnam. After the preliminary collaboration, Public Gold will form a joint venture project together with VietinBank to bring Public Gold’s unique business model including gold trading, minting and refinery to Vietnam. bridging you to a brighter future 17 Sales Incentive Program am r g o r P e v i ent utions, ntive c b i r n t n o I ce dc s e ents an erous Sales In et in l m t a i m m S ze num les targ lers’ co ous sa organi ed dea d o u l n t a e s v e m r v e i u tr e initiat rd for o hieved ments. e In rewa d has taken th e who have ac v e i h c ol nt a os ives! Public G e (SIP) for th e their excelle t incent a e r t m g a m h r t leb ed wi Progra ar to ce reward nd out more. e y e b 1 l l i t s w fi the pa and you team to keting d work the goo tions and Mar p u p e Rela re, ke Therefo our Customer ch Approa am am e Progr /13 v i t n e c s In r 2012 1. Sale Semina ip h s r e d SIP Lea Tokyo, Japan rogr ntive P e c n I s 2. Sale P Car Fund SI 10/11 0 inar 2 m e S ip ia dershh, Austral a e L SIP Pert 18 bridging you to a brighter future rogram ntive P nus) e c n I s 3. Sale g Bonus (Q-Bo in Qualify Public Gold proud to introduce Once again, Public Gold proudly presents the remarkable new line of gold products, “Tai Fook” series. Public Gold is a company which believes physical Gold and Silver as a wealth protector. Being the frontrunner in the physical Gold trading industry, Public Gold is twice recognized by The Malaysia Book of Records for producing the First locally-manufactured certified Gold and Silver bullion. Public Gold offers the people with the most comprehensive physical Gold trading platform by setting up a 24 hours live online buy and sell trading platform, enhanced with 18 branches nationwide ready to service the trading. The “Tai Fook series” is your best choice for gift The Tai Fook gold bullion series is minted with AU 999.9 pure gold and comes with 3 different choices ranging from 20g, 50g, and 100g respectively. This series is equisitely-crafted based on traditional Chinese Culture which its name, Tai Fook is specially given to carry the core message of abundance good fortune. The beautifully 3D dragon gold bullion series engraved on the back of the gold represents an auspicious character for the Chinese community since ancient times. The “Tai Fook” series is mainly catered to fulfill the needs of Chinese community with gold bullions that carries the auspicious meaning of bringing good “blessing” and “luck”. With that, the “Tai Fook” series would make the perfect choice as gift for weddings dowry, elderly’s birthdays present, thanksgiving, or any special occasion to express blessing and gratitude to any person due to its nature which resounds great meanings in life. Gold is a symbol of wealth and status that can preserve one’s savings and also can be handed down from generation to generation. bridging you to a brighter future 19 Precious News World Gold Council (WGC) : Gold’s Potential in 2013 By Michelle Smith - Exclusive to Gold Investing News 2013 has seen a renewal of risk appetite and with that has come concern about the outlook for gold. A recent World Gold Council (WGC) commentary notes that the metal ended 2012 on a bittersweet note, but adds that the metal’s ability to put a 12th notch in its string of annual gains reflects underlying drivers. Overall, the organization’s report brushes away pessimism about gold and outlines the metal’s potential in the current environment. The WGC report does not deny that the gold market has faced challenges and experienced weakness. It notes that during the fourth quarter of 2012, gold prices declined in many currencies, including the dollar, euro, yuan and rupee. Across the currencies, gold fell an average of 6.2 percent. Gold volatility was at one of the lowest quarterly levels seen in nearly a decade. Market transaction volumes, already low throughout 2012, were even lower in Q4 relative to the rest of the year. And during that period, when market participants were active, selling pressure dominated, as per the WGC. Last year, many insisted that loose monetary policy would stoke fears and drive demand for the yellow metal, but according to the WGC, these measures had the opposite effect. “The combined efforts of the Fed, European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of Japan (BOJ) to underwrite markets with promises of unlimited monetary support served to quell nervousness, as did the results of the US elections,” the organization said. risk aversion does not preclude prudent risk management and portfolio diversification. In fact, the reduction of safehaven bond exposure provides an opportunity for gold to play a larger role in value preservation. Emerging markets are the largest consumers of gold and many have improving economies. Additionally, their central banks have continued showing support for the gold market, while strength in their equity markets is fueling domestic sentiment, creating a positive feedback loop. The WGC report states that the role of such sentiment should not be underestimated. China China is one nation that is experiencing economic improvement. Debates over the possibility of a hard landing for the country have subsided. Now, following wide-scale improvement in areas such as equities, trade, manufacturing and services, the WGC believes that the resumption of growth is on the cards. Even so, the organization’s report points to the nation’s corrosive inflation as strongly supportive for gold demand — both for wealth creation and wealth protection. India India, another major gold consumer, continues to battle inflation and low levels of economic activity. As long as this battle continues, the WGC believes that investors are likely to remain cautious. Although demand fell last year and the government continues to implement policies that discourage gold purchases, the WGC sees the rupee as an important factor for the country’s gold demand. Now, midway through the first quarter of a new year, gold prices are struggling to gain momentum as investors display renewed appetite for risk and declining interest in safe havens. Some are concerned that gold will struggle to find a role in this environment, but the WGC isn’t so sure. The report notes that rupee volatility has been declining since October. More stable foreign exchange rates are therefore expected to provide comfort to gold investors who typically shy away from purchases when volatility is elevated. Equities and gold demand Turning to the developed world, the WGC believes the reelection of Japan’s Liberal Democrat Party led to tough rhetoric on the economy and regional diplomatic crises. Both the expansion of unconventional monetary policy and the geopolitical tension stemming from this victory provide support for gold. Recently, global equities have rallied as investors pour money into risk assets. The WGC report notes that strength in these markets may be seen well into 2013. While many view investors shifting from bonds to equities as a disadvantage for gold, the report states that general 20 bridging you to a brighter future Japan Precious News Furthermore, “Unlimited quantitative easing with an inflation target of 2% is a bold step for a country battling with deflation, a gross debt ratio more than twice its GDP, a 10% budget deficit, a rising exchange rate and a falling current account balance,” the WGC report states. The marginal impact on yields already suggests that skepticism exists in the bond market. Pension funds’ demand for gold may be only a trickle now, the report notes, but if the country’s fiscal credentials deteriorate and central bank credibility comes into question, investment demand could be underpinned. Eurozone It was widely believed last year that a crisis in Europe was imminent. But the ECB came to the rescue with its commitment to make unlimited bond purchases. That led to a steep decline in peripheral countries’ bond yields and reduced exit and default fears. But the WGC report warns that markets will likely put the region’s central bank to the test. Whether the ECB will cough up the cash when funding is required remains to be seen. The unexpected consequences of austerity must also be considered. Thus far, it appears that the negative effects have been greater than anticipated. Indicators such as rising unemployment and declining production in Germany suggest that the region’s economy is headed in the wrong direction. Overall, Europe appears far from safe ground and the WGC report warns that Eurozone concerns may reignite this year. Furthermore, some are concerned that the US’ economic improvement will lead to interest rate hikes and bring an end to quantitative easing. The WGC report dismisses such suggestions as nothing more than optimism, as numerous structural issues still exist. “An end to unconventional policy and a rise in interest rates will need to very carefully orchestrated and are unlikely to occur for some time,” the report states. Furthermore, the WGC deems it unlikely that the US will unwind its policy. That’s because the other three major economies that embarked on a similar path — Europe, the UK and Japan — are not even close making that step. The organization argues in the report that unconventional policy appears to be a concerted effort to achieve a unified, global impact and it would odd for the US to make a unilateral change. Though growth prospects have brightened and sentiment has improved, the WGC report warns that risks remain abundant. The organization is confident in gold’s continuing role as a capital preserver during times of market stress. Investors are also reminded that demand is determined by a globally diverse set of drivers, not least of which is economic expansion, as evidenced by the massive demand from emerging markets. (Article taken from Gold Investing News site at United States Then there is the US. Its appetite for gold is small compared to likes of China and India, but its influence on the market and the global economy is hefty. The WGC believes that the US avoided the biggest threat to economic growth when it managed not to go over the fiscal cliff. And a pick up in consumer spending and corporate investment, combined with the nation’s aversion to public spending cuts, may position this nation as one of the brighter economies in 2013. Many gold investors have made it clear that they view improvement in the US as a threat to gold, but the WGC argues in its report that that is not necessarily the case. Positive growth, lower consumer uncertainty and greater business visibility all lend themselves to an increased propensity for discretionary spending — a driver of gold demand in the jewelry and technology sectors, which together account for over 50 percent of annual gold demand, the report states. bridging you to a brighter future 21 ig ht s H ig hl BungaMas Is su e BungaMas N ex t With the state-of-art minting, Public Gold will produce another cultural themed bar that specially caters the Malay community in demand for a gift with greater intrinsic value. FlexiBar FlexiBar Public Gold is now preparing to be the FIRST in ASIA to launch its very own ranged of flexibar gold bar named the FlexiBar. Enhanced SMS Ordering Service (ESOS) SMS Ordering 36828 Enhanced SMS Ordering Service (ESOS) Customers are able to order/lock price by using new SMS ordering service which directly integrated with our back end ERP system. With this new featured service, customers able to view their order immediately through website. Allocated Gold Storage Service Allocated Gold Storage Service (AGSS) Under Public Safe, we have launch Allocated Gold Storage Service (AGSS). This service opens the door for all of us to reach customers around the world. 22 bridging you to a brighter future The Enforcer Family List of Public Gold Branches Public Gold Corporate Office Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Tel: 04 - 643 9999 Fax: 04 - 645 0916 Email: [email protected] Tel: 03 - 4257 9916 Fax: 03 - 4257 3916 Alor Setar, Kedah No. 1577, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Kota, 05000 Alor Setar, Kedah. No. 2, (4th Floor), Jalan Tiara 2A, Bandar Baru Klang, 41150 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel: 04 - 734 4916 Fax: 04 - 734 9916 Tel: 03 - 3341 2999 Fax: 03 - 3342 8916 Sungai Petani, Kedah Kajang, Selangor Johor Bharu, Johor Plot 21, Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Kuantan, Pahang 98A & 98B Lorong Mamanda 2, Ampang Point Batu 4½, Jalan Ampang, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. A-6624, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Beserah 25250 Kuantan, Pahang. Tel: 09 - 567 8916 Fax: 09 - 567 9916 Melaka Klang, Selangor No. 9-A, 9-B, Jalan Melaka Baru 22, Taman Melaka Baru, Batu Berendam, 75350 Melaka. Tel: 06 - 317 5499 Fax: 06 - 317 5216 No. 86B, 1st Floor, Jalan Pengkalan, Taman Pekan Baru, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah. No. 19B & 19C, Jalan M/J 1, Taman Majlis Jaya, Sg. Chua, 43000 Kajang, Selangor No.45A & 45B, Jalan Persisiran Perling, Taman Perling, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor. Tel: 04 - 423 2999 Fax: 04 - 422 8916 Tel: 03 - 8734 9916 Fax: 03 - 8734 6916 Tel: 07 - 235 8999 Fax: 07 - 236 9916 Bishop, Penang Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Kuching, Sarawak 95, 95A, 95B, Lebuh Bishop, 10200 Penang. Tel: 04 - 261 9999 Fax: 04 - 261 2916 Relau, Penang 88 E & F, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Tel: 04 - 644 9999 Fax: 04 - 645 5916 Ipoh, Perak No. 45, 45A & 45B, Jalan Yang Kalsom, 30250 Ipoh, Perak. Tel: 05 - 242 8999 Fax: 05 - 242 8916 Petaling Jaya, Selangor 152-1 & 152-2, Block M, Taipan Senawang, Jalan Taman Komersil Senawang 1, Taman Komersil Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Tel: 06 - 678 2916 Fax: 06 - 678 1916 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Tingkat 1, Lot 257, Jalan Kebun Sultan, 15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Tel: 09 - 746 2999 Fax: 09 - 747 8916 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 16A, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Sultan Ismail 20200 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. Tel: 09 - 626 3999 Fax: 09 - 626 6916 42A, Jalan PJS 8/6 (3rd Floor), Mentari Business Park, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Lots 456 & 457, 3rd Floor, Al-Idrus Commercial Centre, Jalan Satok 93400 Kuching, Sarawak. Tel: 082 - 259 916 Fax: 082 - 253 916 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Lot No. 19, Block B-10, Corner Lot, 1st & 2nd Floor, Lorong Plaza Permai 1, Along Jalan Sulaman, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Tel: 088 - 447 916 Fax: 088 - 485 835 Public Safe Management Sdn. Bhd.(Penang) 88 E & F, Ground Floor, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Relau (Opposite Pisa) Tel: 04 - 644 1222 Fax: 04 - 646 8916 Email: [email protected] Website: Tel: 03 - 5634 8999 Fax: 03 - 5634 1916 For further details, call Public Gold Hunting Line at 04 - 643 9999 or email us at [email protected] Other Enquiries: Customer Service Harrison Chiang ext : 112 Commission and Payment Alan Leong ext : 113 Marketing & Promotion Carmen Kong ext : 153 bridging you to a brighter future 23 Public Gold Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (930830-K) Plot 21, Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Tel (04) 643 9999 Fax (04) 645 0916 Website publicgoldinternational Public Gold Scan code to visit our website
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