PP18002/03/2013 (033367)
PP18002/03/2013 (033367)
PP18002/03/2013 (033367) advertisement About FlexiBar™ As part of the brand’s innovation to success, Public Gold has introduced a unique product made of 50 individually-joint pieces of 1g gold nugget, making it a 50g gold bar resembling a chocolate bar that can be easily detached by hand. This is one impressive product that everyone MUST have. The FlexiBar™ is the first of its kind to be locallyminted in Asia by Public Gold under stringent supervision by Public Gold’s very own highly experienced Mint Master. This, we call the legendary achievement of Public Gold. Public Gold has enhanced the design with more accurate weight on each piece of gold nugget after detected, together with a more refined carving of Public Gold’s branding on the product. The FlexiBar™ will be available soon at all Public Gold branches throughout Malaysia and Singapore. So, call your nearest branch or dealer to own one today! 2 bridging you to a brighter future advertisement Why FlexiBar™? • • • • • • It’s convenient. If you need to, detach few grams and keep the rest for future use. It’s unique. The idea of a detachable gold bar is simply remarkable. It’s ‘sweeter’ to consume a gold bar than a chocolate bar. Finely-minted and of high quality No worry of weight lost, each detached piece of gold nuggets, give you most accurate of weight in gram. Can use as gift, souvenir or own collection. bridging you to a brighter future 3 July - Dec 2014 ADVERTISEMENT Flexibar™ CONTENTS Pg 2 - 3 THE ENFORCER Chairman’s Note COVER STORY Featuring Mahaguru, En. Syukor Hashim Pg 5 Pg 6 - 7 RISING STARS New Master Dealers of Public Gold WHY MAKES PUBLIC GOLD SPECIAL? Comparison between Public Gold & other goldsmiths PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT Gold Accumulation Program™ (GAP) SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT Discover the beauty of Tokyo with Public Gold Master Dealers NEXT UP : SIP TRIP TO SWITZERLAND Hurry! Be part of this fun-filled trip Pg 8 - 9 Pg 10 Pg 11 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS - MoU Signing Ceremony between redONE Mobile & Public Gold Group - MoU Signing Ceremony between VietinBank Gold & Public Gold Group - Wealth Protection Seminar 2014 with Public Gold - International Jewellery Fair 2014 - CNY Charity Event - Contributions to Less Fortunate - GST Forum at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Bandar Sunway KNOWLEDGE SHARING Own Gold Now Before GST WHY PUBLIC GOLD? Top 10 Benefits of Public Gold COMMERCIAL BREAK Pg 26 - 27 Pg 28 - Public Gold Merchandise DISCOVER US Pg 29 - X-traordinary plan (X-plan) - Public Gold Branches Pg 30 Pg 31 Pg 12 -15 Pg 16 - 17 Greetings from Public Gold Group! This issue, we at Public Gold are proud to unveil to you the debut of Public Gold’s brand new half yearly newsletter, featuring Public Gold’s Top Master Dealer, En. Syukor Hashim or more commonly known as Maha Guru, as our cover story. Also, for this issue, we will be loading you with plenty of interesting facts and information about Public Gold bridging you to a brighter future Pg 24 - 25 - Unveiling of Gold Gallery by Public Gold Editor’s ote N 4 Pg 18 Pg 19 Pg 20 Pg 21 Pg 22 Pg 23 and its incentives so you too could benefit from it and be equally successful. Best of all, you could stand a chance to be on our cover in our coming issues! Not just that, as you flip through the pages, you will come across some of the momentous events we had over the past months to keep you entertained. So read on to find out more! Happy reading. Best regards, The editorial team The Enforcer Chairman’s Note earest Valued Dealer and Customer, Welcome to the new facelift of Public Gold’s Golden Bridge Newsletter. Just like the Group, every year we evolve and improve for the better. This year, with a much challenging year the team at Public Gold have poured in countless efforts to push beyond our boundaries to succeed. With this new half yearly newsletter, you will get to see much more great contents containing activities organized by the Group with the involvement of precious dealers and customers like your good self, bringing back fond memories of the great achievements we had over the past months. This year, before the implementation of GST on investment gold in 2015, Public Gold is trying our every level best to appeal for a tax exemption on physical gold from the Malaysian authority so physical gold enthusiasts like your good self could continue benefiting from physical gold trading at its origin market rates for gold is still the best wealth protection tool in the universe. Anyhow, we should not be easily dampened by this obstacle. Being an entrepreneur, we must have faith and battle on for what we believe is possible. Over the years, we can see a trend in entrepreneurial movement around the world. Everyone wants to be their own boss, and with Public Gold, we assure you that you too indeed can be a successful entrepreneur. Despite the tight competition in the gold industry, Public Gold believes that you can do it, for we have innovatively enhanced our business model to suit the needs of everyone, figuring out the right mix of products that you and your customers desire, while ensuring the experience you have with us will always remain at the very best you can find in the world. So therefore, do continue to strike on for the best and believe that you can do it. Know that you have made the right choice in choosing Public Gold. This is a business where many have experienced success. Great leaders were made, all through great determination and hard work, while we at Public Gold continue to provide the opportunity, support and rewards to those who are committed to work. This is what we called a great partnership. With team work, I believe we could continue to discover more great potentials that the future has installed for us. Herewith I wish you all the very best and of course, thank you for staying with us. Your great leadership and determination are indeed an inspiration to us at Public Gold. We are pleased to have you as part of our Public Gold family. Dato’ Louis Ng Founder and Executive Chairman Public Gold Group of Companies bridging you to a brighter future 5 cover story Assalamualaikum WBT dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pembaca. Bersyukur dan berterima kasih kerana berjumpa Public Gold. Itulah kata-kata yang paling sesuai bagi menggambarkan keseronokan kami berdua menjadi Master Dealer Public Gold. Semenjak terlibat dengan Public Gold sejak tahun 2008 sehingga ke hari ini, kami dapati platform Public Gold adalah yang terbaik bagi aktiviti membuat perniagaan emas dan perak. Inilah satusatunya platform yang paling telus bagi sesiapa sahaja yang berminat dengan aktiviti membeli dan menjual emas dan perak secara fizikal. Saya mengenali Public Gold pada bulan Jun 2008. Pada waktu itu saya merupakan staff di Universiti Multimedia. Ketika itu saya telah pun terlibat dengan perniagaan emas. Platform yang digunakan ketika itu adalah syiling Kijang Emas dan juga akaun simpanan emas Public Bank. Masalah yang selalu dihadapi ialah stok Kijang Emas sangat sukar diperolehi. Saya terpaksa berebut dengan pembeli lain ketika harga emas sedang jatuh. Banyak masa terbuang kerana saya terpaksa ke bandar Melaka ketika waktu pejabat semata-mata untuk membeli Kijang Emas. Perniagaan emas melalui akaun simpanan pula tidak patuh syariah. Jadi saya terpaksa menutup akaun simpanan emas berkenaan kerana berasa tidak selesa dengan status tidak patuh syariah tersebut. Pada tahun 2008 juga, saya telah menulis blog tentang perniagaan emas iaitu www. jutawanemas.com . Di sini saya banyak berkongsi tips perniagaan emas dengan seluruh rakyat Malaysia serta cara-cara membuat keuntungan dengan perniagaan emas. Blog ini adalah antara blog yang terkenal di dalam topik perniagaan emas. Sekiranya seseorang membuat carian mengenai perniagaan emas, mereka akan terjumpa blog saya. Pada bulan Ogos 2008, saya telah menerima panggilan telefon daripada staff Public Gold yang bercerita tentang syarikat ini. Pada waktu itu nama Public Gold masih baru di dalam industri perniagaan emas. Saya telah diminta oleh staff berkenaan untuk menulis artikel mengenai Public Gold di dalam blog saya. Untuk mendapatkan bahan penulisan, saya telah dijemput ke pejabat Public Gold di Bukit Jambul dan kilang emas Public Gold di Pulau Pinang. Apabila melihat sendiri kilang emas Public Gold, saya yakin dengan kemampuan Public Gold menjadi pemain utama perniagaan emas dan perak di Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, sangkaan saya menjadi kenyataan. Saya telah memilih untuk menjadi pengedar Public Gold pada tahun 2008 dengan modal RM30 ribu. Mula-mula saya cuma mempromosikan Public Gold secara seronok-seronok. Namun saya menjadi serius mulai tahun 2009. Ini kerana saya dapati sambutan masyarakat Malaysia terhadap emas Public Gold begitu hebat sekali. Mereka sukakan Public Gold kerana harganya jauh lebih murah berbanding kedai emas. Susutnilainya juga rendah antara 4.5% ke 8% sahaja. Jadi keuntungan pembeli emas Public Gold adalah jauh lebih cepat berbanding membeli emas di kedai emas. Bagi memastikan kejayaan di dalam perniagaan ini, saya aktif membuat seminar pendidikan di seluruh Malaysia secara percuma. Di dalam seminar ini saya berkongsi tips-tips kenapa seseorang itu perlu membuat perniagaan emas dan bagaimana menggunakan platform Public Gold bagi memaksimakan keuntungan mereka. Seterusnya, saya telah meminta isteri saya, Jonaina untuk mempromosikan Public Gold kepada rakan-rakan beliau dan juga di Facebook. Beliau meletakkan target untuk mendidik kaum 6 bridging you to a brighter future cover story wanita menyimpan emas sebagai harta. Untuk tujuan ini, beliau menulis blog www.emaspublicgold.com . Bagi beliau, seronok rasanya dapat berkongsi ilmu perniagaan emas dengan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Selain itu, saya turut mengambil langkah untuk mengajar peniagapeniaga emas kaedah membeli dan menjual emas menggunakan ilmu analisis teknikal. Saya percaya kemahiran ini mampu membuatkan perniaga emas memaksimakan keuntungan di dalam perniagaan emas. ini kerana mereka boleh mengenalpasti peluang terbaik untuk membeli dan menjual emas. Jika pembaca serius di dalam bidang perniagaan emas dan perak maka dapatkan ilmu ini. Alhamdulillah, apabila saya dan isteri aktif bergiat di dalam Public Gold, hidup kami menjadi lebih baik. Ini kerana kami berjaya mendapat komisyen 5 angka setiap bulan. Public Gold turut menghadiahkan percutian keluar negara kepada dealer-dealer yang berjaya membuat jualan RM3 juta ke atas. Saya dan isteri telah berjaya mendapat trip ke Perth, Australia, Cape Town, South Africa dan Jepun. Seronok rasanya dapat melancong secara percuma. Selain itu saya juga menerima insentif tabung kereta mewah setiap bulan dan menerima SIP-Q bonus. Saya bertuah kerana mendapat sokongan padu daripada ahli keluarga. Isteri dan ibu bapa memberi sokongan penuh untuk saya terlibat di dalam perniagaan ini. Mereka nampak peluang yang sangat cerah di Public Gold. Mereka gembira melihat saya dan isteri kaya dan berjaya melalui platform Public Gold. Untuk pengedar-pengedar Public Gold yang membaca majalah ini. Saya menyeru anda untuk sama-sama berjaya melalui platform Public Gold. Platform Public Gold adalah platform terbaik dan paling telus. Ia mempunyai cawangan di seluruh Malaysia termasuk di Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura. Public Gold mempunyai adalah platform nombor 1 bagi membuat perniagaan emas dan perak fizikal. Harga emasnya murah, susutnilainya rendah, sistem tempahan belian dan jualan 24 jam secara online. Pelbagai pilihan produk iaitu jongkong emas, Dinar emas, barang kemas, jongkong perak dan Dirham ditawarkan kepada pelabur. Ini adalah kekuatan Public Gold yang tidak ada pada mana-mana syarikat lain. Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada Dato’ Louis Ng, pengasas Public Gold. ntuk berjaya dengan "UPublic Gold, anda perlu mempunyai semangat berkongsi ilmu emas dengan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. " mendidik masyarakat Malaysia tentang kepentingan menyimpan emas dan perak sebagai aset. Apabila anda aktif mendidik, baru anda dapat lihat pulangan di dalam bentuk komisyen yang banyak dan insentifinsentif lain yang bakal anda terima daripada Public Gold. Untuk mendidik masyarakat di luar sana, pastikan anda sentiasa menambah ilmu di dada anda. Ini kerana pasaran emas sentiasa berubah. Setiap masa, anda sahaja perrkembangan semasa yang berlaku. Jika anda memerlukan bantuan dari saya atau isteri saya. Sila berhubung dengan kami. Kami gembira jika dapat membantu anda. Kami doakan anda kaya dan berjaya bersama-sama Public Gold. Untuk berjaya dengan Public Gold, anda perlu mempunyai semangat berkongsi ilmu emas dengan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Anda perlu Sekarang Dulu bridging you to a brighter future 7 rising stars Name: Mohd Rosli Bin Busu @ Hamzah PG Code : PG039563 Branch : Kuala Terengganu Contact No. : 017-9860057 Email : [email protected] Name: Mohd Zaidi Bin Md Jizan PG Code : PG036989 Branch : Johor Bharu Contact No. : +6591863695 Email : [email protected] My journey with Public Gold started off as one that was unplanned. That was when I caught up with a Public Gold Dealer whom I interacted on line through Facebook which enlightened me much about this Gold Industry. During one of the promotional campaign, I managed to gather a few investors who became Public Gold Priority Dealers at which my dealership as a Master Dealer was secured. Bermula dengan belian 1 Dinar yang diperkenalkan oleh saudara saya pada Disember 2013, saya terus terpikat dengan emas. Urusan jual beli adalah jelas ,harga ikut pasaran dunia, produk mudah diperolehi, spread yang rendah dan urusniaga 24 jam tak kira dimana sahaja kita berada. Yang paling penting patuh syariah. Jom bersama Public Gold sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit, insyallah. Name: Abdul Halim Helmy Bin Shamsuddin PG Code : PG015886 Branch : Seremban Contact No. : 012-3436522 Email : [email protected] I started interested in gold in year 2011 when my friend showed to me a piece of 1 Dinar. Then I made some research about Public Gold and compared all types of gold trading company in Malaysia. Started with Priority Dealer and my wife was Normal Dealer, I learnt so many things through the talks, technical analysis course and Public Gold booth promotion. As far as I concern, the Public Gold selling and buying transaction were very easy, trusted and transparent. Berjaya dalam perniagaan, anda perlukan "MENTOR" membimbing anda kerana dalam bimbingan tersebut terselit "STATERGI " dan “TEKNIK” dalam dalam memahami potensi diri yang sebenar merangkumi aspek kebahagiaan, kesihatan, kekayaan, kejayaan dan keberkatan. Saya ingin menawarkan perkongsian yang menarik kepada anda yang penat hidup dengan kewangan dan kejayaan yang “BIASABIASA” dan kepada anda yang ingin tahu bagaimana memulakan perubahan hidup menjadi “LUAR BIASA”. Kepakaran saya adalah menambah nilai hidup orang yang ingin kaya dengan selamat, mudah dan cepat dengan membongkar rahsia "TEKNIK PERNIAGAAN EMAS" dan dijamin 300% berkesan. 8 bridging you to a brighter future Public Gold menyediakan satu platform untuk saya membeli dan menjual emas. Ia boleh dibuat untuk melakukan simpanan serta perniagaan. Selain itu, urus niaganya boleh dibuat 24 jam tak kira dimana kita berada. Saya berasa amat bersyukur kerana disebabkan promosi yang PG melancarkan sebelum ini telah memberi peluang kepada saya menjadi MD!! Saya akan bersama Public Gold selama yang mungkin. Public Gold, YES! Name: Dheeya Fathana Binti Hamedon PG Code : PG039413 Branch : Petaling Jaya Contact No. : 013-3254896/ 013-3234010 Email : [email protected] Name: Liza Binti Muhamad Zaki PG Code : PG041682 Branch : Klang Contact No. : 016-2172814 Email : [email protected] Alhamdulillah dan syukur kepada Allah kerana di beri kesempatan oleh Public Gold untuk berkongsi pengalaman saya sebagai Master Dealer dengan semua pembaca. saya berjumpa dengan Puan AZIZAH HASSAN dan mengenali PUBLIC GOLD, maka saya sudah mula nampak masa depan yang cerah dengan PUBLIC GOLD. Emas merupakan salah satu alat pelindungan nilai yang terbaik. Nilai emas sentiasa menunjukkan peningkatan ini di sebabkan faktor permintaan dan nilai wang fiat yang semakin menurun nilainya. Name: Amir Fairuz Bin Abdul Aziz PG Code : PG007825 Branch : Bishop Contact No. : 017-4425038 Email : [email protected] Untuk Name: Wazirulakmi Bin Wahab PG Code : PG022620 Branch : Kuala Terengganu Contact No. : 019-9892649 Email : [email protected] Saya bermula dengan 1 Dinar lock di bawah Mama Azizah Hassan, pada satu malam usai seminar mama di Public Gold Petaling Jaya. Dalam bulan yang sama, saya rebut peluang menjadi Priority Dealer dan hanya memakan masa selama dua bulan saya bergelar Master Dealer. Subhanallah ! Public Gold adalah platform yang sangat telus dan jujur untuk berjaya! Aura emas sangat kuat dan saya bergerak dengan sistem terbaik yang disediakan Public Gold dalam menyebarkan dakwah dan jihad emas kepada ramai orang demi mengembalikan sunnah dalam menjana ekonomi ummah! Name: Kemaria Atasha Binti Kemrry PG Code : PG027827 Branch : Bishop Contact No. : 012-8551785 Email : [email protected] Name: Ahmad Rizal Bin Razali PG Code : PG026446 Branch : Kuala Terengganu Contact No. : 019-9724857 Email : [email protected] Four years ago due to my shallow understanding of precious metals, I’ve no idea to optimise my income wisely. Luckily, it was changed when I met Haji Wazir (my guru). He shares his tips and tricks to become a smart investor on precious metals, not just savings. Want to know one of the Public Gold’s strength? It can be seen in terms of lower spread! Get more tips? Learn more at http://kuasadinaremas.com Langkah pertama saya nekad untuk miliki 1 Dinar sebagai simpanan. Mudah dengan Public Gold sebagai platform, syarikat emas dan perak fizikal terbesar di Malaysia. Jika kena pada cara, ilmu dan mentor yang betul. Duit tidak bocor, emas pasti dalam tangan malah berganda. Saya sedia berkongsi tips. Suami, yang sama-sama turut bergiat aktif sebagai dealer sentiasa berpesan "it's not how much you earn, but how much you save". Emas portfolio simpanan aset termudah. Tidak kira apa latar belakang anda, semua layak simpan emas. rising stars Name: LT Goldinar Trading - Mazhair Shahroz PG Code : PG033024 Branch : Kota Kinabalu Contact No. : 012-8438105 Email : [email protected] Name: Ruslan Bin Hassan PG Code : PG029844 Branch : Klang Contact No. : 019-9785101 Email : [email protected] Public Gold merupakan platform terbaik bagi perniagaan emas di mana sistem lock harga dalam masa 24 jam , susut nilai yang rendah dan di jual pula dengan harga kilang. Sebagai penyimpan dan pelabur semestinya saya memilih Public Gold kerana keutuhan dan kestabilan syarikat ini. Ia adalah langkah terbaik untuk melonjak ke arah kejayaan. Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kepada Allah yang memberikan saya kekuatan dan kesihatan sehingga ke hari ini. Pertamanya, saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Public Gold kerana telah membuka peluang perniagaan kepada ramai orang termasuklah saya sendiri. Alhamdulillah, minat serta hobi menyimpan emas kini menjadi sebuah lubuk perniagaan baru bagi saya dan isteri malah setelah kami berjaya melayakkan diri bergelar Master Dealer dalam syarikat ini. Bagi pemuda pemudi sekalian, mulakanlah perniagaan anda dengan emas fizikal. Semoga Berjaya. Terima kasih Allah. Terima kasih Public Gold. Name: Mohd Rosidi Bin Sulaiman PG Code : PG034853 Branch : Kuala Terengganu Contact No. : 013-9779536 Email : [email protected] Alhamdulillah, kawan saya Tuan Haji Wan Mohd Wazir memperkenalkan dan memberi maklumat yang begitu berharga tentang kebaikan emas Public Gold. Kunci kejayaan saya ialah menggalakkan rakan-rakan serta keluarga menabung di dalam emas dan perak Public Gold. Satu jenama yang amat utuh di persada perniagaan dan simpanan emas dan perak di Malaysia. Saya berterima kasih kepada Tuan Haji Wazir serta Public Gold kerana memberi ruang kepada saya untuk terus unggul di dalam memartabatkan emas dan perak di dalam kehidupan seharian. Semoga kita terus berjaya bersama Public Gold. Name: Mohd Fairus Bin Mazlan PG Code : PG000397 (Relau) Contact No. : 019-5595916 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Noh Bin Isa PG Code : PG003096 (Kuala Terengganu) Contact No. : 012-9825916 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Azdy Bin Azizan PG Code : PG007173 (Alor Setar) Contact No. : 012-5696277 / [email protected] Name: Kamarul Haslan Bin Ramli PG Code : PG007878 (Bishop) Contact No. : 016-4489257 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Azli Bin Mohd @ Rashid PG Code : PG008866 (Petaling Jaya) Contact No. : 013-3401764 / [email protected] Name: Che Ku Farhana Binti Che Ku Alam PG Code : PG014752 (Kuala Terengganu) Contact No. : 012-5238489 / [email protected] Name: Wan Azizah Binti Wan Abd Aziz PG Code : PG015458 (Kuala Terengganu) Contact No. : 013-3806283 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Khairil Izdham Bin Mohd Razali PG Code : PG015935 (Kuching) Contact No. : 019-2546651 / [email protected] Name: Zulkifli Bin Abu Jalil PG Code : PG016128 (Johor Bharu) Contact No. : +6598157912 / [email protected] Name: Hairuz Faizi Bin Md Esa PG Code : PG022501 (Petaling Jaya) Contact No. : 012-6407070 / [email protected] Name: Norsham Bin Abu Bakar PG Code : PG022911 (Seremban) Contact No. : 012-2165811 / [email protected] Name: Muhammad Naili Nafis Bin Norsaham PG Code : PG023509 (Seremban) Contact No. : 010-2113545 / [email protected] Name: Amir Gold Enterprise-Amir Saifuddin PG Code : PG024471 (Kota Kinabalu) Contact No. : 014-5413852 / [email protected] Name: Adiza Binti Jamadin PG Code : PG026456 (Klang) Contact No. : 019-3000360 / [email protected] Name: Asrafuddin Bin Ismail PG Code : PG028904 (Kota Kinabalu) Contact No. : 013-5515002 / [email protected] Name: Golden CT Trading - Siti Malni PG Code : PG029112 (Kota Kinabalu) Contact No. : 012-8438106 / [email protected] Name: Rohana Binti Tair PG Code : PG030054 (Kota Kinabalu) Contact No. : 016-8298585 / [email protected] Name: Muhammad Faisal Bin Sabri PG Code : PG031812 (Alor Setar) Contact No. : 013-4408686 / [email protected] Name: Mohammad Effendy Bin Illias PG Code : PG031902 (Bishop) Contact No. : 013-4268228 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Hasim Bin Draman PG Code : PG032149 (Ampang) Contact No. : 019-6186616 / [email protected] Name: Kasri Bin Ab Ghani PG Code : PG033106 (Kajang) Contact No. : 017-6779464 / [email protected] Name: Syarifah Amienah Bt Syed Mohd Kamil PG Code : PG033894 (Petaling Jaya) Contact No. : 019-3957752 / [email protected] Name: Mazlifah Binti Omar PG Code : PG034720 (Sungai Petani) Contact No. : 013-4506989 / [email protected] Name: Faaizah Bt Shahbodin PG Code : PG034775 (Melaka) Contact No. : 019-6585704 / [email protected] Name: Mohd Fakhzan Bin Mohd Nasir PG Code : PG035194 (Alor Setar) Contact No. : 019-5766174 / [email protected] Name: Shamsol Fahimy Bin Hassan PG Code : PG035343 (Kajang) Contact No. : 016-6180510 / [email protected] Name: Hussin Bin Awang PG Code : PG037318 (Melaka) Contact No. : 019-6846088 / [email protected] Name: Abd Rahman Bin Yusoff PG Code : PG037867 (Sungai Petani) Contact No. : 011-14714916 / [email protected] Name: Roshartini Binti Busu @ Hamzah PG Code : PG038785 (Kuala Terengganu) Contact No. : 012-9830337 / [email protected] Name: Siti Fatimah Binti Osman PG Code : PG038882 (Relau) Contact No. : 012-4280244 / [email protected] Name: Muhamad Ibrahim Bin Marzuki PG Code : PG038884 (Klang) Contact No. : 019-2406067 / [email protected] Name: Ihimran Bin Ahmad PG Code : PG039689 (Kuala Terengganu) Contact No. : 017-9224893 / [email protected] Name: Raja Azmi Bin Raja Yahya PG Code : PG039950 (Melaka) Contact No. : 012-6311424 / [email protected] Name: Mahanom Binti Talib PG Code : PG040573 (Petaling Jaya) Contact No. : 016-6555627 / [email protected] Name: Muhammad Syarif Bin A Rahman PG Code : PG040592 (Kajang) Contact No. : 013-6321825 / [email protected] Name: Che Nor Haneem Binti Ab Rahman PG Code : PG041675 (Petaling Jaya) Contact No. : 012-2861994 / [email protected] bridging you to a brighter future 9 WHAT MAKES PUBLIC GOLD SPECIAL? Pricing Mechanism • Shown transparently 24hours live online for both BUY and SELL prices • Updates every 20minutes* • No workmanship charges Target Market Market Trend Trading Limitation • No limitation on internet based business • Can conduct trading with any internet users in the world • On par with the market demand for physical gold • Operates 24 hours 7 days a week for online BUY and SELL • Retail price based on negotiations for price per gram • Consists of additional workmanship charges • Depends heavily on the numbers of physical branch presence • Remain in the state of offering jewellery with high margin spread • Depends on physical branch location • Normally 11am – 9pm al ay except for internation utes from Monday to Frid * Updates every 20 min trading market rest day. 10 bridging you to a brighter future Special HIghlight Here we are, presenting you the much awaited trip of the year, Public Gold’s For those of you who did not make it this time around, do not be discouraged. trip to Switzerland! So, let us now take a tour around Tokyo together with our selected Master Dealers who had a fantastic time and check out the fun activities they had there! ex much With o depa t ready After . ) A I L (K ublic This P -up e charg Sunday, 23 March 2014 After breakfast at the hotel, the Public Gold team started their ever exciting trip with their first destination, Osaka Castle Park, one of Japan’s most famous castles where you’ll find over 600 cherry trees, including someiyoshino in Nishinomaru Garden, all colourfully embellished. After enjoying the great scenery at the Osaka Castle Park, the team then proceeded to Universal Studio Japan for a fun-filled experience with their favourite movie characters. As usual, fun times seem to be passing very quickly. It is finally time for dinner. 12 bridging you to a brighter future For dinner, these lucky folks were delighted with Turkish meal at the Karakus Turkish Restaurant. Everyone was seemingly filled with great food and laughter during dinner. It was a great meal together. Then, the team took a walk at the Shinsabasi Shopping Street to check out the night life there. It was indeed a beautiful and happening district for shopping at night, particularly great for the ladies. After much shopping, the team has then called it a night and headed back to the hotel for good rest in preparation for more adventures in the next day. Special HIghlight Sales Incentive Trip to Tokyo, Japan. . I’m sure you could join us in the next 14 h 20 c r a M , 22 all were tives Airport a t n e s l repre ationa c Gold pur Intern l Airport. li b u P la Lum ationa s and ealer n from Kua nsai Intern D r e st and t r to re , Mas aka, Japa rived at Ka t u n e e o S xcitem ansai, Os finally ar ry La ntere ey rK o M a art fo r flight, th ak to Os hou r a 6eck-in h c n e ent. has th team ay excitem ld o cG td e nex for th y Saturda Monday, 24 March 2014 The next day comes and it’s time for the team to check-out from the hotel after breakfast to depart to Kyoto via Japan’s most significant bullet train travelling from Osaka-Shin Station to Kyoto Station. It was an amazing experience riding on a bullet train that can travel up to 270km/h. In less than an hour ride on a bullet train, the team arrives at Kyoto Station. Upon arriving at Kyoto, the former imperial capital of Japan for more than one thousand years, the team had their solat at Kyoto Mosque before they depart to Nishijin Kimono Center to check out the Kimono Dress Show. The Kimono Dress Show was simply spectacular. Then comes the next agenda to visit the Asakusa Shopping Street before the team takes a lunch break at the Kerara Indian Restaurant for some delectable Indian cuisines. With much satisfaction to the tummy, the team then headed to Arashiyama Park and took a slow walk along the Togetsukyo Bridge to catch a glimpse of some beautiful sceneries there followed by a stroll through the Sagano Bamboo Grove. The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is one of Kyoto’s top sights and for good reason, standing amidst these soaring high stalks of bamboo feels like being in a completely different world. Whereas the Togetsukyo Bridge that spans across the Oi River with its surface reflects on Arashiyama was named by Emperor Kameyama. Togetsu simply means “moon crossing”. After the sight-seeing, the team then proceeded for dinner at Nagoya Kashmir Indian Buffet Dinner before they call it a day and check-in to Toyohashi Loisir Hotel for some good rest. bridging you to a brighter future 13 Special HIghlight Tuesday, 25 March 2014 After breakfast at the hotel, the Public Gold team departed for yet another adventure of the day by visiting Toi Gold Museum to experience Gold Panning, after satiating their palate with an interesting Japanese Bento Lunch Box. At the gold museum, the team enjoyed a tour of tunnels, description on the mining process and not forgetting the feel (touch) of the world’s biggest gold bar located right at the entrance of the museum. On top of that, they were also thrilled to be given a chance to pan for gold for the very first time in their life! After much thrills at the gold museum, the team then proceeded to Lajke Ashi and Oshino Hakkai for some sight-seeing, before checking in to Koryu Hotel for a special dinner in a private room. After dinner, team were given free time to enjoy spa to rejuvenate and recharge in preparation for their next day’s adventure. 14 bridging you to a brighter future Special HIghlight Wednesday, 26 March 2014 Today, the team has got quite a mission to do. They are visiting Japan’s highest mountain, Mt. Fuji with a height of 3,776.24m (12,389 ft.). Impressive, isn’t it? Mt. Fuji is an active volcano that last erupted in 1707-08. At an exceptionally symmetrical cone shape, it is snowcapped several months a year. Being a renowned symbol of Japan, Mt. Fuji is frequently depicted in art and photographs since its listing in the UNESCO cultural heritage in 2013. Upon savouring to a traditional Japanese breakfast set, the Public Gold team departed hotel for their great expedition to Mt. Fuji! The team then arrived at Mt. Fuji’s first station and had a spectacularly breath-taking view of the surroundings and be thrilled. Next, the team depart for Tokyo. Upon arrival, the team were given prayer break at the nearby mosque before they take a walk and do some shopping at Naksamise Street and Ginza Shopping. Here, the team had a great time getting souvenirs for their friends and families. For dinner, they were taken to a place where the food they are extremely familiar with.. Malaysian food! Malaysian food in Japan? Well, it’s time to put these foods into test. They had dinner at a place called Rasa Malaysia in Tokyo. To their surprise, the food tasted alright and it does carry some sort of Malaysian flavors in it. Well, ‘Kira, pass lah’.. After dinner, the team then check-in to Shinagawa Prince Hotel for a good rest. Thursday, 27 March 2014 Final day in Japan and today, the team has another extremely fun thing to do. They are visiting DisneySea! A place that would unveil the inner child in everyone. The team spent the whole day here and had so much fun before they depart to Narita Airport and bid goodbye to the fun-filled and highly cultured land, Japan. Friday, 28 March 2014 Arrived home with great memories of Japan. bridging you to a brighter future 15 NEXT UP For those who wish to join us in our next SIP Trip to Switzerland and are close to meeting our sales target, strive harder, as we only have few more months left to the final judgement day. We believe you can do it! Let’s earn yourself a Free Trip to Switzerland & Germany! Here’s how.. September’13 October’13 November’13 December’13 January’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive February’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to 1st Q-Bonus (RM3000) (T&C Apply) as well as Standard Dealership Incentive You’re here! 16 March’14 April’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive bridging you to a brighter future May’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to 2nd Q-Bonus (RM3000) (T&C Apply) as well as Standard Dealership Incentive June’14 July’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive Earn RM250k & entitled to Standard Dealership Incentive August’14 Earn RM250k & entitled to 3rd Q-Bonus (RM6000) (T&C Apply), Standard Dealership Incentive as well as SALES INCENTIVES TRIP NEXT UP bridging you to a brighter future 17 EVENT HIGHLIGHT R enowned for its great workmanship and fine quality products, Public Gold Group has recently been appointed as the official minter to mint gold products for a commercial client called REDtone Mobile Sdn. Bhd. under the redONE brand, a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that provides mobile and data services for corporates in Malaysia. For this collaboration, Public Gold is to design and mint gold bars with redONE logo on it in which these products will be used by redONE to rewards their dealers with top sales performance. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between Public Gold Group and REDtone Mobile Sdn. Bhd. was signed on 9th January 2013 at Public Gold Global Business Centre, Penang. 18 bridging you to a brighter future EVENT HIGHLIGHT P ublic Gold Group has officially signed on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with VietinBank, the largest State-owned commercial bank in Vietnam to establish a new partnership and platform for physical gold and silver trading in Vietnam on 22 March 2014 at Public Gold Global Business Centre. Public Gold Group has first initiated their partnership with VietinBank through a business deal on 8th July 2013, whereby the Group has minted 500 pieces of pure gold collar badges for VietinBank’s 25th Anniversary event that was held at The National Convention Center, Pham Hung Avenue, Me Tri, Tu Liem, Hanoi. For this occasion, Dato’ Louis Ng, Chairman of Public Gold Group has personally presented the first article to the Chairman of VietinBank’s Board of Directors, Mr. Pham Huy Hung on 13th January 2013. The VietinBank team was very impressed with Public Gold’s fine workmanship and has applauded the Group for their expertise. This time around, to bring the partnership to greater heights, Public Gold Group has teamed up with VietinBank Gold to provide on-site and online physical gold and silver trading platform in Vietnam. Not just that, for this joint-venture, Public Gold Group is also looking forward to provide jewellery pawning services, minting facility, gold refinery services for locals to refine their used gold turning it to higher grade products, as well as providing precious metal storage solutions to the general public in Vietnam. And in line with its recent ventures into foreign countries, Public Gold Group’s existing Corporate Office will now be renamed as Public Gold Global Business Centre in significant of its rapid business growth and global recognition. bridging you to a brighter future 19 EVENT HIGHLIGHT P ublic Gold Group has recently organized a Wealth Protection Seminar entitled “Preservation of Wealth with Physical Gold” which emphasized on the importance of physical gold as well as how the publics could benefit from it and why they should do so. This seminar was conducted on 1st March 2014 at TH Hotel, Kelana Jaya with 4 professional guest speakers and experienced religion analysts/ practitioners who are experts in the gold industry being invited to share some of their great insights on importance of physical gold and how they could benefit from it while they stay true to Islamic teachings. These industry veterans have also shared some really useful information on physical gold investment with emphasis on physical gold being an excellent investment tool to hedge against inflation and economy instability. From this seminar, participants have 20 bridging you to a brighter future indeed learned a lot about physical gold investment and understand better on the great demand of gold, worldwide. This is the third time Public Gold has organized such an event and this year, to make it more interesting, there were also booths from various banks that provide Ar-Rahnu services across Malaysia to participate in this seminar, so participants could also learn more about the Islamic pawning service. Precious metals have all along played an important role in the Islamic community. Over the centuries, owning precious metals, particularly physical gold is seen as an honour as per enlightened by the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Precious metals not only are good for wealth protection but can also be used to pay Zakat, the Islamic annual tithes, which are being passed on to help the poor and less fortunate ones. EVENT HIGHLIGHT E arlier this year, Public Gold Group has once again participated in the country’s most popular jewellery event, the Malaysia International Jewellery Fair 2014 which was held from 11th to 14th Jan 2014 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. This year marks the second year of Public Gold being part of this notable event. This Malaysia International Jewellery Fair (MIJF) is an annual public event that has been organized for a decade now creating great opportunities for everyone to view the displays of the region’s finest jewellery collection from diamonds, pearls, jades, gemstones, precious metals to precious stones. At this fair, renowned jewellers from across the world were there to explore the potential in Malaysia’s precious metals and jewellery market. During our participation, many have shown keen interest in our products and were amazed by the quality of our products. Not just that, they were also thrilled by our pricing as we offer one of the lowest prices in the market for our gold and silver bullion bars as well as other forms of precious metal products including the custom-made ones. bridging you to a brighter future 21 EVENT HIGHLIGHT I n line with the Chap Goh Meh celebration on 14 February 2014, Public Gold Group has once again spread the joy to the less fortunate by contributing red packets and grocery goods worth more than RM200,000 this year. The beneficiaries for these contributions include those from poor families, old folks and orphanages. There were in total 200 of them who have benefitted from these generosity of Public Gold Group. These less fortunate were thrilled with the extra allowance and daily goods they received from Public Gold and were grateful for their kind contributions. Although the contributed amount is not great, but these small contributions do make a big difference for each and every one of them. 22 bridging you to a brighter future EVENT HIGHLIGHT GST Forum otel and Spa, at Sunway Resort H Bandar Sunway e Minister of 15 by the current Prim 20 et dg Bu of nt me k, members Since the announce n Tun Haji Abdul Raza Bi jib Na ad mm ha of ji Mo different categories Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Ha us concerns on the ro me nu d d ce ise ra du ro ve int newly of the public ha are taxable under the ich wh s ce rvi tal se d me s consumer goods an them include preciou (GST) plan. Among x Ta t gold ce en rvi tm Se es d inv an Goods s, particularly tal me s iou ec pr t tha o feel an alternative form of industry players wh d from GST as it is pte em ex be ld ou sh and silver bars, s. r to stocks and bond investment tool simila investment ganize the ‘GST on or to d lea the en tak has hind and the rationale be With this, Public Gold discuss and underst r the fur ms to ’ sto um Cu for n laysia precious metal ce of the Royal Ma en es pr the rt th so wi n Re Sunway this implementatio , 12 March 2014 at ay sd ne ed W on ion vis Department, GST Di ar Sunway. nd Ba a, Sp Hotel and dback from industry ther opinions and fee ga to s wa um for s tion of GST as The main aim of thi ng to the implementa ini rta pe ide nw tio na s During the players and veteran it from the authority. of fits ne be the d n derstan ing discussed betwee well as to further un some critical topics be re we re ths the mi , lds ion ss Go n of open forum se ed by the Federatio authority. As propos the d an of Finance has nts try ipa nis rtic Mi pa (FGJAM), the sia lay Ma of ns tio ent Precious and Jewellers Associa emption for Investm ex T GS on r ide ns d reco agreed to review an e. ur fut ar Metal in the ne reed to form an participants have ag of ity jor ma t, en ev 4 categories Before the end of the were selected from ies an mp co 11 ich in wh ahnu Trading Banks, Ar-R advisory committee, consisting of Bullion rs ye pla ths, try mi us lds ind Go ld rs & of physical go mpanies and Jewelle Co ing ad Tr n g llio tin or Bu pp and su Service Providers, it relevant feedbacks bm su to rs ye s. pla tal to represent industry estment Precious Me GST exemption on Inv for al pe ap the in documents bridging you to a brighter future 23 KNOWLEDGE SHARING The impending Goods and Service Tax (GST) no doubt has raised great concerns from general consumers particularly the gold enthusiasts who love to keep physical gold and silver, either as an investment or wealth protection because with the additional GST charges on top of the international gold market price, it will make gold and silver price less attractive and even more unaffordable to many. Hence while the authority review and reconsider the appeal for GST to be exempted for all physical investment precious metals, Public Gold advises the public to consider stoking up on precious metals now in case the appeal isn’t successful. In another word, own and keep as many physical gold and silver as you can afford this year before the implementation of GST in 2015. 24 bridging you to a brighter future KNOWLEDGE SHARING Above are some good articles and examples on how the Japanese have reacted before the rise of their consumption tax. The demand rose dramatically after the announcement on the increment of Japan’s consumption tax from 5% to 8% in which we should learn from this as we are going to face similar scenario here in less than a year now. These articles enclosed will give you a clearer picture as to why you should stock up on gold and silver now before it’s too late. bridging you to a brighter future 25 WHY PUBLIC GOLD? by MOHD ZULKIFLI SHAFIE Master Dealer Public Gold Kalau tanya saya, mana bagus beli emas Public Gold atau emas jenama lain? Jawab saya, tentunya Public Gold. Saya syorkan Public Gold bukan sebab saya jadi dealer, tapi sepanjang pemerhatian saya sejak 2010, emas Public Gold yang paling senang beli, senang jual, untung maksimum dan urusniaganya sangat telus. Public Gold platform terbaik untuk pelaburan emas fizikal di Malaysia buat masa ni. Jangan percaya cakap saya, tapi cuba teliti 10 point yang saya senaraikan ni. Dan cuba bandingkan emas Public Gold “secara pakej” dengan emas-emas lain yang ada dalam pasaran. Bila nak beli emas, tak boleh tengok cuma satu kriteria jer, tapi kita kena nilaikan secara PAKEJ, at least 5 kriteria sebagaimana artikel saya “5 Kriteria Penting Memilih Emas Pelaburan”. Kalau emas tu susut nilainya paling rendah dalam pasaran, belum tentu ianya terbaik sebab ada emas yang susut nilai rendah, tapi bila kita nak jual balik, syarikat tak mampu bayar! Itu kes yang pernah saya jumpa. Cuba teliti 10 kelebihan utama emas Public Gold ni, dan buat perbandingan: 1 2 Harga Lebih Murah Dari Kedai Emas Harga emas Public Gold lebih murah berbanding harga kedai emas dan lebih murah berbanding harga kebanyakkan pengeluar emas lain. Public Gold boleh jual harga lebih murah sekitar RM15 – RM20 per gram sebab Public Gold adalah kilang emas, seolah-oleh kita beli terus dari kilang. Bila harga lebih murah, kita boleh dapat lebih banyak emas dengan bajet yang sama. Cuba bandingkan harga emas Public Gold dengan harga emas di pasaran. Secara umumnya, saya boleh katakan emas Public Gold antara yang termurah di pasaran. Susut Nilai Terendah Di Pasaran Susut nilai (atau “spread”) adalah kriteria paling penting kalau nak dapat untung maksimum dalam pelaburan emas. Saya pernah buat perbandingan susut nilai emas di Malaysia dalam artikel “Perbandingan Susut Nilai Emas di Malaysia”. Susut nilai emas Public Gold cuma 4.5% – 8% jer, bergantung kepada jenis item yang kita pilih. Saya perhati, pembeli emas Public Gold lah yang paling aktif jual beli emas di Malaysia sebab susut nilai dia kecil. Bila harga emas naik sikit jer, pembeli dah boleh jual untuk dapat untung. Tak perlu tunggu lama-lama. Bila harga emas turun sikit, dah boleh start beli balik. Susut nilai gold bar 250 gram cuma 4.5%. Harga emas naik 10%, dah untung at least 5.5%. Coin dinar susut nilai serendah 5.0%. 26 bridging you to a brighter future Kalau jadi dealer Public Gold, lagilah jimat. Dengan insentif yang Public Gold bayar, kita boleh rendahkan susut nilai sebenar sebanyak 1.5% (Normal Dealer), 2.0% (Priority Dealer) dan 2.5% (Master Dealer). Contohnya, kalau Master Dealer beli gold bar 250 gram (susut nilai 4.5%), susut nilai sebenar cuma 2.0% (4.5% – 2.5% rebat). Maksudnya, kalau harga emas naik 3% pun dah untung 1%! Tak perlu tunggu lama-lama untuk ambil untung. 3 4 5 Stok Tiada Had Kalau harga emas menjunam berapa banyak sekalipun, kita boleh beli seberapa banyak yang kita mahu. Dulu saya fikir, kalau harga emas jatuh menjunam, Public Gold akan hold stock. Hentikan jualan buat sementara waktu. Tapi realitinya, lagi banyak harga emas turun, lagi agresif Public Gold promote suruh beli. Dan ini menguntungkan pelabur untuk buat “short-term profit”. Contohnya, siapa yang beli emas sekitar hujung Disember 2013, bulan Mac 2014 dia dah boleh jual dan nikmati keuntungan sekitar 5% – 7% bergantung kepada item yang dia pilih. Saya perhati, ada syarikat lain, bila harga menjunam, barang terus out of stock. Bila harga tinggi baru muncul stok-stok tu. Bila macam ni, pelabur emas akan rugi peluang beli emas pada harga murah. Banyak Cawangan Seluruh Malaysia Urusan jual beli emas Public Gold senang sebab banyak cawangan seluruh Malaysia. Setakat Mac 2014 ni, Public Gold ada 18 cawangan termasuk satu di Singapura. Setiap negeri ada office Public Gold. Jadi kita tak terlalu bergantung kepada dealer. Urusniaga pun lebih selamat dan terjamin. Biasanya kalau nak beli emas mana-mana syarikat memang senang, tapi bila nak jual balik tu yang agak bermasalah kalau cawangan tak banyak. Masa nak beli, mungkin ramai dealer yang boleh bantu, tapi masa nak jual balik, tak ramai dealer yang sanggup beli balik terutamanya dealer yang modal tak besar. Kalau emas Public Gold, kita boleh jual terus di cawangan terdekat. Jaminan Beli Balik Walaupun Rosak Selama 3 tahun lebih dalam pelaburan emas, saya perhati, Public Gold syarikat paling tak cerewet bila kita nak jual balik emas. Public Gold jamin beli balik emas dengan harga yang tinggi (rujuk harga “PG Buy” di website) walaupun emas tu calar, kemek, bengkok, hilang resit dsb asalkan berat masih kekal. Kalau hilang sijil ketulenan, Public Gold cuma tolak RM10 jer atas setiap item. Orang yang simpan emas Public Gold lebih peace of mind. Tak perlu risau emas calar atau lekuk. Janji berat masih maintain. 6 Sesetengah syarikat bukan sahaja emas tu calar, bahkan kalau hilang resit asal dan seal rosak pun dah jatuh nilai. Kalau hilang resit, harga dah lain. Kalau buka seal plastik, dia akan tolak at least 25%. Ia dikira sebagai “used gold”. Kalau emas tu calar, kemek atau bengkok, tak payah cerita lah… Diterima Meluas Oleh Ar-Rahnu Emas Public Gold paling diterima meluas oleh ar-rahnu di Malaysia. Jadi kalau nak pakai duit untuk rolling, boleh pajak jer emas Public Gold untuk dapatkan pinjaman bercagar. Kemudahan pajakan ni penting terutamanya bagi mereka yang berniaga. Mulai pertengahan tahun 2011 dulu, banyak ar-rahnu tak terima pajakan hampir kesemua jenis dan jenama gold bar dan dinar (termasuk Public Gold) sebab isu manipulasi pemajak tegar yang menjejaskan cashflow ar-rahnu. Masa tu, ar-rahnu agak “memilih” jenis emas untuk diterima sebagai cagaran pinjaman. Tapi mulai Oktober 2013, Ar-Rahnu Bank Rakyat dan Ar-Rahnu Pos Malaysia terima semua jenis emas Public Gold dan beberapa jenama emas lain yang terpilih. Dua ar-rahnu ni ialah ar-rahnu terbesar di Malaysia. Ar-rahnu lain macam Ar-Rahn PKB, Ar-Rahnu Koperasi Tentera, dan ArAntara ar-rahnu ternama yang terima Rahnu Ekspress, memang dah lama pajakan emas Public Gold. terima emas Public Gold. 7 Sistem Booking Harga 24 jam Sehari Harga emas Public Gold disemak setiap 20 minit mengikut “real-time” harga emas dunia. Kita boleh booking harga untuk BELI atau untuk JUAL 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Kalau harga menjunam tengah malam, kita boleh book harga rendah walaupun keesokan paginya harga dah naik balik. Kalau harga emas dunia naik mencanak, kita boleh booking harga JUAL yang tinggi walaupun harga dah turun balik waktu kita serahkan emas di pejabat Public Gold. Jadi kalau nak beli, kita tak perlu gopoh datang ke office Public Gold. Book dulu harga, buat bayaran dalam tempoh 4 hari, dan datang ambil emas pada bila-bila masa kita free (selewatnya 2 bulan). Harga beli tetap “fixed” ikut harga kita booking tu. Nak jual balik pun Harga emas Public Gold disemak setiap 20 sama. Book dulu harga, dan minit mengikut “real-time” harga emas dunia serahkan emas tu dalam tempoh www.kitco.com 1 hari bekerja. Tak perlu gopoh untuk datang office Public Gold semata-mata nak “tangkap” harga terbaik. 8 WHY PUBLIC GOLD? Keupayaan Beli Balik Jumlah Besar Banyak syarikat boleh jual emas, tapi tak banyak syarikat yang mampu beli balik terutamanya dalam jumlah yang besar. Ada beberapa syarikat dah yang saya dengar, bila orang nak jual balik dalam jumlah yang besar ketika harga tinggi, syarikat tak mampu beli! Ini memang jadi masalah untuk pelabur besar untuk kaut keuntungan. Sejak Public Gold mula beroperasi tahun 2008, belum ada isu Public Gold tak mampu beli balik. Dah banyak kali harga emas mencanak naik, Public Gold dapat beli balik masa harga mahal dengan nilaian jutaan ringgit sehari. Tak ada masalah dari sudut pembayaran. Ada syarikat lain yang bila pembeli jual balik RM100,000 pun dah bermasalah untuk bayar sekaligus! Inikan pula jutaan ringgit sehari. Jualan balik emas Public Gold secara besar-besaran oleh sahabat saya tanpa sebarang masalah. Emas Disertakan Sijil Ketulenan Setiap gold bar dan Dinar keluaran Public Gold disertakan sekali sijil ketulenan yang disahkan oleh assayer bebas. Jadi tak perlu risau tentang ketulenan emas Public Gold. Sejak 2008 lagi, tak pernah timbul apa-apa isu tentang ketulenan bahkan hari ni, ianya diterima meluas oleh ar-rahnu di Malaysia. Banyak emas yang dijual dipasaran tak ada sijil ketulenan, bahkan Dinar Kelantan dan Kijang Emas Setiap keping emas disertakan sijil ketulean Maybank pun tak ada sijil yang disahkan oleh assayer bebas. ketulenan. Tiada Yuran Sebenar Menjadi Pengedar Kalau beli emas RM20,000 dalam satu resit, anda secara AUTOMATIK jadi dealer Public Gold. Tak ada yuran sebenar untuk jadi dealer sebagaimana sesengah syarikat kenakan yuran HANGUS tertentu e.g. RM1,000 untuk layak jadi dealer. Tapi Public Gold hakikatnya percuma jer. Kalau beli emas RM20,000 hari ini, dan jual semua keesokannya, anda tetap jadi dealer Public Gold dan layak dapat insentif untuk belian yang seterusnya walaupun cuma beli sekeping coin 1 Dinar. Tak nak jadi dealer? Kalau nak beli untuk simpanan sendiri pun, saya syorkan buat belian yang melayakkan jadi dealer (kalau ada modal) sebab boleh dapat insentif belian 1% (belian RM20,000), 1.5% (belian RM100,000) dan 2.0% (belian RM1 juta). Dan Public Gold akan bayar rebat 0.5% bila kita jual balik emas tu. Maksudnya bila jadi dealer, kita boleh jimat susut nilai sebanyak 1.5%, 2.0% atau 2.5% bergantung tahap dealership. Kalau beli RM100,000, maksudnya jimat RM2,500! Banyak juga tu… Read more: http://www.mohdzulkifli.com/2014/03/10-kelebihan-utama-emas-public-gold.html bridging you to a brighter future 27 COMMERCIAL BREAK Located within the UNESCO Heritage Site of Penang, Public Gold Gallery carries a distinctive colonial-looking façade that never fai ls to impress. This charming Gold Gallery of Public Go ld serves as a uniqu e gallery where you will find some of the most impres sive displays of gold and silver prod ucts from generatio ns before us as well as Public Gold’ s signature products accompanied by informational charts for public view. All these were done in the name of educ ation to preserve the interesting histor y of gold and silver as we continue to appreciate and nu rture these precious metals for the betterment of our ne xt generations to come . 28 bridging you to a brighter future Calling out to all Public Gold Fans! Come check out Public Gold’s very own series of irresistible merchandise featuring our impressive core products such as gold bars, gold wafers and dinar coins, offering you exceptionally great use and convenience. We have a wide range of merchandise ranging from stationeries to leisure wears available at attractive prices to suit your daily lifestyle. These merchandises also make great souvenirs and gifts for friends and family at any occasion. So log on to www.publicgold.com.my to find out more. bridging you to a brighter future 29 x-traordinary plan X-traordinary Plan! Don’t know what to do with your used gold? Well, just trade them in and exchange for new gold products from Public Gold! It’s that simple. Public Gold accepts all sort of used gold products from any brands. With your used gold, you can exchange for any new Public Gold products of the same range (916 or 999.9 Au products), based on Public Gold’s trading price listed online at www.publicgold.com. my . You don’t have to worry whether your used gold is scratched, bend or whatsoever, as long as it is genuine, we will accept. On top of that, if you spend more than RM20,000 per transaction, you will automatically be converted to a Public Gold Dealer and 30 bridging you to a brighter future enjoy a 1% discount on every transaction you make from your next purchase onwards. And if you spend more than RM100,000 per transaction, you will then be appointed as a Priority Dealer and enjoy a 1.5% discount on every next transaction you make. Isn’t that awesome? Since Raya is around the corner, so why not bring your used gold to us and exchange for some new Public Gold products! Sure your loved ones will be happy to receive such precious gift from you on this joyous Raya celebration. For further information, please contact our call centre at +604643 9999. Terms and conditions apply. The Enforcer Family List of Public Gold Branches Public Gold Marketing Sdn Bhd (Global Business Center) Plot 21, Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: +604 - 643 9999 Fax: +604 - 645 0916 Email: [email protected] GPS : 5.321008, 100.2901349 Bishop, Penang 95, 95A, 95B, Lebuh Bishop, 10200 Penang, Malaysia. Tel: +604 - 261 9999 Fax: +604 - 261 2916 GPS : 5.419789, 100.340227 Relau, Penang 88 E & F, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. Klang, Selangor Melaka Tel: +603 - 3341 2999 Fax: +603 - 3342 8916 Tel: +606 - 317 5499 Fax: +606 - 317 5216 GPS : 3.062788, 101.468591 GPS : 2.241819, 102.258446 Kajang, Selangor Johor Bharu, Johor No. 2, (4th Floor), Jalan Tiara 2A, Bandar Baru Klang, 41150 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. GPS : 5.331513, 100.281618 No. 19B & 19C, Jalan M/J 1, Taman Majlis Jaya, Sg. Chua, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. Ipoh, Perak GPS : 2.989868, 101.775890 Tel: +604 - 644 9999 Fax: +604 - 645 5916 No. 45, 45A & 45B, Jalan Yang Kalsom, 30250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605 - 242 8999 Fax: +605 - 242 8916 GPS : 4.591873, 101.084382 Alor Setar, Kedah No. 1577, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Kota, 05000 Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. Tel: +604 - 734 4916 Fax: +604 - 734 9916 GPS : 6.119764, 100.369817 Sungai Petani, Kedah No. 86B, 1st Floor, Jalan Pengkalan, Taman Pekan Baru, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia. Tel: +604 - 423 2999 Fax: +604 - 422 8916 Tel: +603 - 8734 9916 Fax: +603 - 8734 6916 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan 152-1 & 152-2, Block M, Taipan Senawang, Jalan Taman Komersil Senawang 1, Taman Komersil Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Tel: +606 - 678 2916 Fax: +606 - 678 1916 GPS : 2.715170, 102.001072 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Lot 257, Tingkat 1, Jalan Kebun Sultan, 15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel: +609 - 746 2999 Fax: +609 - 747 8916 GPS : 6.132448, 102.243404 GPS : 5.641856, 100.487523 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: +609 - 626 3999 Fax: +609 - 626 6916 42A, Jalan PJS 8/6 (3rd Floor), Mentari Business Park, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603 - 5634 8999 Fax: +603 - 5634 1916 GPS : 3.077331, 101.610875 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur 98A & 98B Lorong Mamanda 2, Ampang Point Batu 41/2, Jalan Ampang, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 16A, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Sultan Ismail 20200 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. GPS : 5.331078, 103.133522 Kuantan, Pahang A-6624, 1st & 2nd Floor, Jalan Beserah 25250 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel: +609 - 567 8916 Fax: +609 - 567 9916 GPS : 3.828878, 103.341672 No. 9-A, 9-B, Jalan Melaka Baru 22, Taman Melaka Baru, Batu Berendam, 75350 Melaka, Malaysia. No.45A & 45B, Jalan Persisiran Perling, Taman Perling, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. Tel: +607 - 235 8999 Fax: +607 - 236 9916 GPS : 1.494907, 103.678716 Kuching, Sarawak Lots 456 & 457, 3rd Floor, Al-Idrus Commercial Centre, Jalan Satok 93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 - 259 916 Fax: +6082 - 253 916 GPS : 1.551543, 110.329224 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Lot No. 19, Block B-10, Corner Lot, 1st & 2nd Floor, Lorong Plaza Permai 1, Along Jalan Sulaman, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088 - 447 916 Fax: +6088 - 485 835 GPS : 6.032642, 116.131816 Public Safe Management Sdn. Bhd. (Penang) 88 E & F, Ground Floor, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. Relau (Opposite Pisa) Tel: +604 - 644 1222 Fax: +604 - 646 8916 GPS : 5.315072, 100.275486 Email: [email protected] Website: www.publicsafe.com.my Business Hours : Mon-Sat, 9.30am-5.30pm Tel: +603 - 4257 9916 Fax: +603 - 4257 3916 GPS : 3.15857, 101.75175 For further details, call Public Gold Hunting Line at +604 - 643 9999 or email us at [email protected] bridging you to a brighter future 31 Leadership Seminar 2013/14 Switzerland & Germany Our next destination for Leadership Seminar 2013/14 is to Switzerland & Germany! There will be yet another fun-filled trip fantasized by many. So let us aim for that and work towards this goal. Hurry, contact your nearest branch today to find out more! All visuals are for illustration purpose only www.publicgold.com.my www.publicgold.com.sg www.publicsafe.com.my www.publicjewellery.com.my publicgoldinternational Public Gold Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (930830-K) Public Gold Plot 21, Technoplex Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. Tel (+604) 643 9999 Fax (+604) 645 0916
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