
A publication of North Central Camp Cherith
Summer 2015
Boys Week 1
June 21-26
Sparkle, Shimmer, and Shine
Girls 1: June 28-July 3
i  i-Cherith
Girls 2: July 5-10
Lettuce Turnip the Beat
Girls 3: July 12-17
Heading to Summer
Bible Camp >>>
Summer camp. So many people have great
childhood memories and stories that came
from a week away at camp. For many of
those kids, yesterday and today, those stories
come from Bible camp.
There are several camps in the area that offer
summer Bible camp for kids of all ages. “We
love kids and love working with them,” said
Sarah Ann Mallett, girls’ director at Camp
Cherith. Located near Frazee, Camp Cherith
started in 1947 as a camp for the organization
Pioneer Girls. The name “Cherith” —
pronounced “careth” — came from the name
of the brook the Lord sent the prophet Elijah
for spiritual refreshment in 1 Kings 17:1-6.
The established camp was held in several
locations before purchasing the land near
Frazee in 1968. The accredited camp also
added a boys’ week in 1985, and has been
welcoming boys and girls since. “The thing
that sets us apart at Camp Cherith is we
believe strongly in running separate camps
for boys and girls,” Mallett said. “We feel kids
can thrive in a single-gender environment
where that pressure is off and they can focus
on friendships and trying new things and
taking risks.”
The camp’s mission is to bring Christ to every
activity, whether it’s waterskiing or taking a
walk in the woods. Because it’s a smaller
camp, Mallett said the kids get to try activities
more than once. When signing up for camp,
they pick two activities they are interested in
and then get to focus on them every day.
“We have so many activities, and they get
to improve their skills,” she said. “It’s so fun
to see a 10-year-old who has never
waterskied before, and then by the end of
the week, they are up on skis.” Or maybe
it’s a kid learning to ride horse better or
build a birdhouse. “It’s really fun to watch
those skills be developed,” she said.
Another specialty of the camp, and one that
Mallett said is her favorite component, is
that it is multi-aged — first grade to high
school. That means siblings (all girls or all
boys of course) can all go to camp together.
And older campers can become leaders
and mentors to the younger campers. “It’s
so fun to just have all those ages there
An interdenominational camp, Cherith
teaches kids to bring God into any and all
aspects of life and activity. The camp
provides worship and music time each day.
And each morning, they have 15 minutes of
quiet time for devotions. She said that in
life, everyone is go, go, go and this is
important for kids to take time for quiet, still
time with God. The kids also have 45minute Bible exploration with their cabin
mates and leader each day, devotions and
a campfire message each day as well.
Mallett said that camp also gives kids the
opportunity to be away from their parents
and having all their needs met and put their
faith in God instead. “There are really cool
>>> Spring 2015 <<<
Life Is A Highway
Girls 4: July 19-24
Miracle on Camp Cherith Road
Girls 5: July 26-31
Boys Week 2
August 2-7
character-building opportunities I think kids
get to be a part of and watch God show it
to them,” she said. “Like when we pray for
peace at night when you’re feeling lonely
or scared, and then they have the support
of friends and faith and action on their
own.” And once kids discover Camp
Cherith, it seems they keep returning.
“A lot of our staff has been coming since
they were young, which I think says a lot,”
Mallett said.
Article by: Pippi Mayfield– DL online
Girls Director Update >>>
The anticipation is in the air for the summer season. Springtime is upon us, and just
yesterday, as I was walking, I paused to look at the delicate buds on a plant. As the days
pass, they are growing bigger and appear ready to burst into brilliant color and into a
summer flower!! Those buds aren't the only ones about to burst with anticipation. I know my
heart is joined, along with many others, in excitement and anticipation for the summer ahead
of us. The green and growth of spring also makes me think about our spiritual theme this
summer, "Get a Life." In John 10:10, Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life, and
have it to the full." This summer at camp, we will focus on the words of Jesus, and the
Kingdom living he desires and plans for those who choose to follow and obey Him. And of
course, summer camp at Cherith, also means trying new activities, meeting friends, making
memories, sharing faith through singing, worship, and daily life!! I'm convinced just typing
that sentence made my "springtime heart bud" grow about an inch....yup, it is getting ready
to burst!!! Summer, here we come!!!
Camp Cherith values your prayer support. Please pray specifically for the safety of our campers and staff; for the Holy Spirit to be at work
and ever present in the hearts of all who are at camp; and for planning and staffing for the directors as we prepare for the summer. We
have many roles that still need to be filled. Our most urgent needs are cooks, nurses, maintenance, and counselors for boys’ weeks. We
are also in great need of year round volunteers to serve on different committees and/or help with one-time projects. Please feel free to
contact us if you would like more information about these needs.
I hope to see you at camp this summer!
To God be the glory!!!
Sarah Ann Mallett, Girls Director
Boys Director Update >>>
Spring Work Weekend
Spring has sprung at camp and we need you and
your family to join us Memorial Day weekend to get Camp
Cherith ready for another great summer!
Projects include cleaning, setting up the waterfront,
painting several buildings, and many other smaller
projects for both skilled and unskilled hands.
You provide the labor and we'll provide the meals and
lodging! Plus, there is always a campfire or two to roast a
few marshmallows during the weekend. Come for all or
just part of it, whatever works for you (and your whole
Contact Becky Nelson, [email protected] or 612-6155842, to make arrangements to join us.
With summer quickly upon us, it is that time when I
begin to focus on the coming summer and the
excitement surrounding camp.
Today's youth spend an enormous amount of time focusing on technology. The
average teenager today sends an incredible number of text messages every
month. For some of us, we wonder how it is possible to have that much to
say? For others, they are continually connected to what others are doing via
social media. Life for many revolves around what they are posting, texting or
reading on social media about their friends or acquaintances.
The messages that many are receiving are not edifying or causing them to grow
in the Lord. We live in a technological age that by all means can be useful but
also can be a source of great distraction from living the life that God would desire
for us. I would anticipate that most of the messages that the youth of today are
receiving or sending with technology are encouraging them to think of themselves
or the things of this world. There is a constant pressure on many to continually
check their phones for the latest messages which can stop anyone from truly
focusing on what is most important.
Camp is such a powerful time for boys who come to have adventure and to
experience God through the activities, Bible Exploration, evening messages, and
spending time with guys who love the Lord.
I encourage and challenge you to think about how you could be used this summer
at camp, whether it be volunteering a few days, coming as a counselor, recruiting
guys who you know to be counselors and dedicating time to pray for camp. You
will be blessed.
Working with students in a school during the year is rewarding for me, however, it
is a blessing to spend a week working with campers and sharing the love of our
Lord with them. Being at camp allows all of us, from the campers to the staff, to
focus on our Lord.
Scott Taylor, Director, Boys Week 2
>>> Spring 2015 <<<
How Can I Help?
We are blessed to have many individuals
already serving and praying for Camp Cherith.
Without you, Camp Cherith would not be
possible. Thank you! Maybe your family is
new to Camp Cherith, or you are not sure how
you would like to share your gifts and talents
with Camp Cherith. Check out a few of the
rewarding ways to help Camp Cherith.
Join the Camp Cherith Staff
members serve a three year term and a number
of current board members have reached the end
of their term. Please prayerfully consider how
you might be able to help.
Current Board needs:
> President
> Vice President
> Treasurer
> Promotions
As winter gives way to spring, a number of
campers are registering for Camp Cherith
2015! Please prayerfully consider who you
might encourage to work at Camp Cherith this
summer. We are in need of additional staff for
the following positions:
> Counselors for boys weeks
> Kitchen Staff
> Horse Staff
> Waterfront Staff
> Maintenance
If you have thought about working on staff at
Camp Cherith, maybe this is the year for you!
Online at, scroll to the
bottom and click on Donate Online
Go to and sign up to be a
taste tester and select North Central Camp
Cherith as the organization you are fundraising
for. NCCC will earn money with each test you
participate in AND SO WILL YOU!
Change your internet Home Page/browser to, select North Central
Camp Cherith and earn money with every
search. Shop online? You can make purchases
through goodshop and earn even more!
Serve as a Board Member
For directors, board members, staff, campers
and camper families, as well as for the Camp
Cherith site itself.
Camp Cherith Board of Directors has an
urgent need for new members.
3 Reasons Kids Need
to go to Church Camp
1. Build Relationships – Young people
will have friends. The question is, will they be
Christian friends? 1 Corinthians 15:33 says,
“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins
good morals.'” One of the greatest ways to
lose a great Christian kid is to allow them to
develop deep friendships with those in the
world. Instead, send your kids somewhere
where they can build healthy Christian
2. Technology Fasting – We all need a
break from technology; especially television
and video games. I hardly ever hear young
people complain of missing television while at
camp. In fact, most young people at the end of
the camp session say how little they miss all
their gadgets. This time-out from technology
helps teach kids they don’t need any of that
stuff; they can survive without it.
3. Bible Time – Most importantly, kids have
the opportunity to saturate their minds and their
hearts with God’s word. Most young people
come back from camp on a “spiritual high”
because they have tasted the greatness of God
and His word. Spending hours every day
studying God’s word, hearing Bible lessons, and
singing praises to God will do that to you!
Consider making your home more like church
camp: a place where your kids can hang out
with Christian friends, be free from technological
distractions, spend time studying the Bible, and
singing praises to God.
Check out the entire article by Wes McAdams
online at
>>> Spring 2015 <<<
Donations given in
Memory/Honor of:
 Scott Gilles
 Larry Sweetin
 Claire Elaine
(Christopherson) Hassel
 Marvin Helling, USN
2014 Donation Summary
Scholarship Fund:
Building Fund:
General Camp Fund:
Save the Date!
2015 Mother/Daughter
September 18-20
What can your donation buy?
Wish List >>>
Water Front
“Water Bee” pedal boat
Water Mat Shark
(6ft by 22ft floating mat)
Clear Tubs 15-18 gallon size or bigger
Chain saw
Fishing bait for one week
S’mores supplies for one week
Summer art supplies
One tank of gas for the boat
Gluten free meals for allergic campers
To make a donation scan the code below or visit and click Donate Online
Or send Donations to:
Camp Cherith
PO Box 127
Circle Pines, MN 55014
Free Time Items
Fling Socks
Outdoor poly wood Adirondack chairs
Board Members >>>
President — Open
Vice President — Open
Secretary — Andi Anderson, Roseville, MN
Treasurer — Drew Fanberg, White Bear Lake, MN (Term ending)
Communications — Megan Precht, Minneapolis, MN
Marketing— Jennifer Steffens, Minneapolis, MN (Term ending)
Member at Large— Greg Braly, New Hope, MN
Registrar— Gerri Wilson, Minneapolis, MN
Administrative Manager— Ann Wellmann, Lino Lakes, MN
Site Team—Chris Kroohn, Maplewood, MN
Summer Operations—Dawn Kroohn, Maplewood, MN
Girls Director—Sarah Mallett, Middletown, OH
Boys Director Week 1—Rob Scott, Shoreview, MN
Boys Director Week 2—Scott Taylor, New Hope, MN
PO Box 127
Circle Pines, MN 55014
North Central
Camp Cherith
>>> Spring 2015 <<<
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