manual - Ilustrata
manual - Ilustrata
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EDWARD NICKENS deiv petceli fil burjeili MANUAL COMPLET FOTOGRAFÍA AL VIETII ÎN NATURĂ , DE LOS GRANDES EXPERTOS 8&3&).74 .&7&.8 Whatever you love to do, these are the books you’ll love. PARA TODOS MÁS DE 300 TRUCOS Y CONSEJOS A global program 374 DE SFATURI PRACTICE E Â NĂ TOA P RA IR ES C UIT SU P V G AM PIN E 335 mniSvnelovani rCeva nadirobis Sesaxeb C R MANUAL ÎN NATURĂ ȘI EDITORII DE LA FIELD&STREAM VIEȚ U RICH JOHNSON a editori časopisu Outdoor Life OBRAZOVÁ PRÍRUČKA PREŽIŤ EQUIPO Y CONFIGURACIÓN COMPOSICIÓN Y DISPARO POSPRODUCCIÓN Y MUCHO MÁS SaSxanebi RICH JOHNSON SURVIVAL MANUAL 333 Überlebenstechniken • Designed to be coeditionable, with files set up for MANUAL • Global in perspective. • Highly illustrated, with easily customizable SURVIVAL 333 SKILLS SURVIVAL Naturkatastrophen MARK LINDEMANN MANUAL COMPLET DE MOTOCICLISM 291 DE APTITUDINI ESENŢIALE ECHIPAMENTE Wilderness MARK LINDEMANN REPARAŢII CUVÂNT ÎNAINTE DE BEN SPIES CAMPION MONDIAL SUPERBIKE Urban MARK LINDEMANN JA CYCLE WORLD MANUAL TIPPS F FÜR ALLE SCHRÄGLAGEN SCHRÄ Ä AUSRÜSTUNG 291 OLENNAISTA TAITOA FAHREN FA H VARUSTEET TECHNIK PILOTAJ Disaster BIKER’S 291 easy translation and production. production values. City-Survival V meste ŞI EDITORII REVISTEI CYCLE WORLD For over 30 years, Weldon Owen has created top-selling international titles for the global market. Publishers around the world love our books because they are: THE ULTIMATE CANADIAN EDITION Wildnis Katastrofy da sxva... and the Editors of Outdoor Life Rich Johnson 333 ZRUČNOSTÍ, ktoré vám umožnia prežiť V divočine safantis Tofebi AJAMINEN HUOLTO ESIPUHE BEN SPIES Our bestselling title, Show Me How, has been sold in over 60 countries and 35 languages, and has inspired a range of popular spin-off titles. Other internationally successful titles include Nail Candy, Style Yourself, Juice Solution, and many more. Our latest success story for the global market is the manuals series, fully illustrated how-to titles from the top authors and brands in a wide range of subjects. Our growing list of collaborators includes Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, Popular Science, Popular Photography, Cycle World, Dirt Rider, Boating, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Extreme How To, Adopt-a-pet, Card Player, Gold’s Gym, Bowl Full of Lemons, the US Bartenders Guild, and more. RICH JOHNSON and the Editors of Outdoor Life THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL SSUR UR URVIVAL L MANUAL M AN NUAL EXTREME EDITION! Wilderness Disaster Urban T. EDWARD NICKENS AND THE EDITORS OF FIELD & STREAM THE TOTAL OOUTDOORSMAN UTDOORSMAN MANUAL M ANUAL UPDATED & EXPANDED 408 08 TOTAL OUTDOORSMAN CHALLENGE Including NEW TIPS from 10 years of the CAM CA CAMP AM A MP MP F FISH HUNT SURVIVE SURVI S SU SURV SURVIV SUR URVIV URVIVE RVIV RVIVE RV VIIVE VE VE AND THE EDITORS OF FIELD & STREAM THE TOTAL OUTDOORSMAN OUTDO OU UTDOORSMAN SKILLS S KILLS KIL L LS & 324 TOOLS TOO OO OLS TTIPS TI P S CAM CA CCAMP AM AAMP MPP M CAMP F FISH HUNT SUR SSURV SURVI SU URV UURVIVE UR URVI RVIVE RV VIIV IVE VVEE SURVIVE Since then, the experts at sporting magazines Outdoor Life and Field & Stream have shared their secrets and strategies for hunting, fishing, camping, and wilderness adventure. Whether you’re teaching a kid to fish for the very first time, curious about bowhunting, or looking to tune up already-expert skills, these manuals will provide both the instruction and the inspiration. Scott Bestul & Dave Hurteau survival From natural disasters to household crises to international incidents, these books cover the top concerns of the day, and give you the tools to ensure you live to tell the tale. These are the passions that started it all. Our first title in the series, The Total Outdoorsman Manual, has sold more than 200,000 copies worldwide. SKILLS S T. EDWARD NICKENS We partnered with the survival experts at Outdoor Life magazine, to create a line of manuals that help readers prepare for the worst and survive disaster. Both Prepare for Anything and Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual are New York Times bestsellers, and the Ultimate Survival Manual has sold over 250,000 copies. hunting + fishing THE TOTAL DEER HUNTER MANUAL 301 ESSENTIAL THE DEER SKILLS THE PLAN THE HUNT David E. Petzal & Phil Bourjaily THE GUN NUTS coming soon The Total Self Defense Manual THE TOTAL GUN MANUAL 335 ESSENTIAL SHOOTING SKILLS art + science Home + family With these books, you’ll see the universe in a whole new light, and learn to build your own small world of wonderful devices. THE TOTAL CHRIS HACKETT & THE EDITORS OF HACKS GEEK TOYS HOME IMPROVEMENTS GADGET UPGRADES THINGS THAT GO SKYWATCHER’S TOOLS & TECHNIQUES FOR BUILDING GREAT TECH PROJECTS UPDATED & EXPANDED Hand Tools DOG MANUAL SKILLS AND TRICKS FOR EXPLORING STARS, PLANETS & BEYOND Power Tools 264 MEET, TRAIN, AND CARE FOR YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND AMAZING DIY TECH PROJECTS Robotics NAKED-EYE ASTRONOMY TIPS TELESCOPES & OTHER TOOLS ADVANCED TECHNIQUES David Meyer, Abbie Moore, and Dr. Pia Salk PRO PROJECTS THE EDITED BY DOUG CANTOR THE BIG BOOK OF You love your home, your pet, and your lifestyle. These titles nurture your interests so you can spend more time enjoying them. QUICK &EASY SKILLS AND TOOLS QUICK FIXES HOME COMPLETE BOOK of HOME THE DIY ORGANIZATION by Toni Hammersley MANUAL 324 TI PS TIPS S MATT WEBER AND THE EDITORS AT EXTREME HOW-TO T HE TH THE H E TOTAL TO T OTA OTAL TAL T A AL L THE COMPLETE coming soon THE COMPLETE PHOTO MANUAL 300+ SKILLS AND TIPS FOR MAKING GREAT PICTURES MANUAL the total CAT MANUAL MANUAL cocktail THE COMPLETE bird 300+ MANUAL watcher TIPS & TECHNIQUES FOR SHOOTING PERFECT PHOTOS OF PEOPLE 3 0 1 T I PS, T R I C KS & R EC I P ES manual MEE MEE MEET MEET, EET, L LO LOVE, OV VE E, AND E, AN ND D CARE CARE CA GEAR & SETUP COMPOSING & SHOOTING PROCESSING & BEYOND FOR OR Y OR YOU YOUR OUR NE N NEW EW BE B BEST ES ST TF FR FRIEND R RIE RIEN IE END E ND N POSING & WORKING WITH SUBJECTS LIGHTING & GEAR RETOUCHING & BEYOND sports + games THE TOTAL FITNESS F ITNE ESS MANUAL TAKE THE CHALLENGE RUNNING RACING RUNNER’S 332 SKILLS AND TACTICS TRANSFORM YOUR BODY IN 12 WEEKS KEVIN FALVEY GEAR MANUAL QUES RECIPIE S LOU BUSTAMANTE We believe in your drive for speed. Trust these manuals to improve your skills and take your favorite ride to the next level. AND THE EDITORS OF BOATING MAGAZINE TOTAL TECHNI TRAVEL + adventure Whether you’re more motivated by the challenge or the victory, you’re in the game—these books make sure you achieve your goals. THE TOOLS Davi Dav D Da David avid a avi v vid d Meyer, Me eye eyer, yer, ye er,, Ab er, Abbie Abbi bb biie Moore, bie Moo M o oor oo orre o e, and an nd n dD Dr. rr.. P Pia iia a Salk Sal allk k THE TOTAL POKER POK P OK ER R MANUAL 357 ESSENTIAL POKER SKILLS STRATEGIES TACTICS TECHNIQUES THE TOTAL BOATING MANUAL 298 POWERBOAT ESSENTIALS BOATS & GEAR ON THE WATER SAFETY DIY PROJECTS Sales information Amy Kaneko [email protected] Sarah Mattern [email protected] Tel +1 415 291 0100 Fax +415 291 8841 1045 Sansome Street, Suite 100 | San Francisco, CA 94111 Weldon Owen creates visually splendid, mind-expanding books that nurture a wide range of readers’ passions, be they practical, creative, adventurous, or all out fun. We illustrate great ideas, break down complex skills so anyone can learn them, and entertain and inspire along the way. Most of all, we love to create beautiful books that you can’t wait to pick up and never want to put down. Weldon Owen is a part of Bonnier Corporation, the U.S. division of Bonnier AB, a family-owned multichannel media company founded in 1804 and based in Sweden. This makes us a sister company to over 30 leading magazines devoted to connecting people to their passions, including SAVEUR , Field & Stream, Popular Science, Outdoor Life, Popular Photography, and Dirt Rider (to name just a few). | | @weldonowen |