Vintage Circle Quilt
Vintage Circle Quilt
Free Pattern Instructions Vintage Circle Quilt Make a colorful baby gift in an afternoon for an upcoming shower, or to celebrate a new addition. We chose cheerful pastels, but you could easily customize the color palette if you know the colors of baby's nursery. Save yourself the time and frustration of hand-cutting dozens of shapes for this project by using precut fabric circles in whatever colors suit your vision for this fun project. If you love the design but want a larger quilt, add more rows and columns using the spacing provided in the instructions to increase to lap, twin, queen, or king size. Finished Size: Approximately30"x37½" Supplies: • • • • Helpful Notions: 1⅛ yd. white print fabric (for background and binding) 1yd.batting 1yd.fabricofyourchoice(forbacking) 32KonaCottonPrecut5½"Circles—weused8eachof Periwinkle,Jungle,Lemon,andLupine • ExtraLargeCircleYo-YoMaker • Rollofnarrowpaper-backedfusibleweb,suchasWonder Under • Clearmonofilamentthread,ormatchingthread • Adhesivesprayorgluestick Instructions: - Secondrow:Periwinkle,Lupine,Jungle,Lemon,and Periwinkle - Thirdrow:Lupine,Jungle,Lemon,Periwinkle,and Lupine - Fourthrow:Jungle,Lemon,Periwinkle,Lupine,andJungle 1. Cutfabricsandbattingforquilt. • FromFabricA(whiteprint),cuta30"x37½"pieceforthe background,andfour2½"widestripsforbinding. • FromFabricB(backing),cuta36"x40"piece. • Alsocuta36"x40"pieceofbatting. 2. CreateYo-Yos. • UsingExtra-LargeYo-YoMaker,makethreeyo-yosfrom each of the four colors of pre-cut fabric circles following manufacturer’s instructions. Set completed yo-yos aside. 1" 2" 1" 2" Make three of each color 2" 2" 3. Prepareremainingfabriccirclesforappliques. • Applyadhesivesprayorastripofgluetothewrongsideof the remaining pre-cut fabric circles. There should be five of each of the four colors. 4. Arrangecirclesonbackgroundfabric. • Placethebackgroundfabriconapressingsurface,rightside up.Arrangefabriccircles1"fromthetopandsideedges. Arrangecircles2"apartintofourrowsinthefollowingorder: - Firstrow:Lemon,Periwinkle,Lupine,Jungle,andLemon Form638DL ©2014, Nancy’sNotions®;333BeichlAve.,POBox683;BeaverDamWI53916–0683 800.833.0690 5. “Fusetack”backingfabric,batting,andbackgroundfabric. • Fuse1"stripsofthe⅝"widepaper-backedfusibleweb 4"–5"apartonthefrontandbackofbatting. • Positionthe36"x40"backingfabriconapressingsurface, wrongsideup.Removethepaperbackingfromthefusible web strips on one side of the batting. Turn that side toward the wrong side of the backing fabric, center the batting on backing fabric, and smooth out wrinkles with your hands. 4"–5" 7. Arrangeyo-yosontobackgroundfabric. • Applyglueoradhesivespraytotheflat side of each yo-yo. Center each yo-yo at the intersection of four fused circles, andpressintoplace,inthefollowingorder: - Firstrow:Jungle,Lemon,Periwinkle,andLupine - Secondrow:Lemon,Periwinkle,Lupine,andJungle - Thirdrow:Periwinkle,Lupine,Jungle,andLemon Paper-backed fusible web 4"–5" Batting Backing wrong side • Removepaperbackingfromthefusiblewebstripsonthe sideofthebattingnowfaceup.Centerthe30"x37½"background fabric over the batting, and smooth out wrinkles withyourhands.Useyourirontopressthelayerstogether. 8. Appliqueyo-yostobackgroundfabric. • Stitchtheyo-yostothebackgroundfabricusingablanket stitch or zigzag stitch. 6. Appliquecirclesontobackgroundfabric. • Threadyoursewingmachinewithclearmonofilament thread, or a matching thread. Stitch the fuse-tacked circles to the background fabric using a blanket stitch or zigzag stitch. Zigzag Zigzag Blanket stitch Blanket stitch 9. Bind the quilt. • Trim away excess batting and backing fabric. Create and add binding all the way around the quilt using your favorite binding technique. -2-