N ORTHERN I LLINOIS S AMOYED A SSISTANCE , I NC . R ESCUE R EVIEW D ECEMBER 2007 V OLUME 12, I SSUE 12 A breed-specific rescue organization dedicated to finding new homes for abandoned or unwanted Samoyeds Parker asks for your help — Impounded as a stray on August 19, Animal Control would hold this dog for 10 business days to allow time for his owner to claim him. No one ever came. Word of his plight came by email along with this picture from a shelter volunteer. A quick phone call secured boarding reservations and an appointment for a physical examination at AHAH. Next up— a trip to pick up another homeless Samoyed. Looking at his appearance I can tell he was shaved down regularly to compensate for a lack of coat care, there’s a large discolored bald area where an old hot spot has healed, and his ribs are far too prominent indicating lack of and/or poor quality food. It’s so heartbreaking to see such a proud breed of dog in this deplorable condition. I know it’s all “just cosmetic issues” and easily repaired but it makes me wonder what else must he have endured. What the shelter picture above doesn’t reveal is that this handsome boy is 99% blind from diabetic induced cataracts. Genetics and inadequate medical care dealt a very sweet and handsome Sammie a very raw deal! After spending 65 days at AHAH for treatment and in boarding Parker has moved into Dr. McManamons’ home and continued care. First stop on the Doc’s agenda is the University of Illinois ophthalmology department to see if Parker is a viable candidate for cataract surgery. A very expensive surgery, I’m told by supporters who speak from their own experiences. One quoted $1850 per eye plus additional for an inter ocular implants and medications which totals nearly $4000. Parker needs your help! Save the Date Sunday, January 20 For NISA’s annual Holiday Gathering Details inside— What can you do to save the life of a homeless Samoyed? Volunteer!! F EATURED ARTICLES News And Arrooos 2 Support our troups 2 News from Oti-coyote 3 Celebrate the Season 4 Are You Ready to Party? 5 Diamonds in the Rough 6/7 More Diamonds 8 It’s easy to see that Parker is extremely frustrated by the fact he can not see. Unfamiliar Traveling “Tails” smells combined with stumbling and bumping into walls, furniture and other animals Holidays Recycled causes noticeable stress, which results in frantic barks. Barking that begs for reassurance, a familiar voice or touch, that tells him he’s safe. Gottcha Days Close your eyes for a minute. Imagine spending the rest of your life in this darkness. Imagine how difficult it must be for Parker—bumping into things, falling up or down where there is a step, and never knowing if he’s safe or in danger. Now imagine the family you love, the family you depend on—abandoning you to fend for yourself or die! Parker asks, “Will you help me by making a donation so I can have surgery?” 9 10 11 All About Edy, A Tribute 12 From Our House to Yours 13-14 Supporter Form 16 Merchandise Order Form 19 Rescue Review Page 2 Contact us Snailmail: P.O. Box 218, Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0218 S UPPORTERS Donations: Barrington Dog Bakery, Carlo and Nancy Cavellaro, and Andrea Michna for the general fund. (For all correspondence, applications, contributions, and renewals) On the web: www.nisasamoyedrescue.org Hotline: 847-255-4815 Fax: 847-392-5000 Email: [email protected] NISA Staff IN THE NEWS AND ARROOOS John and Maureen Birkmann donated in memory of Bear Jacobson. Marshall and Jody Kerschner donated in memory of Mark and Deanna Kerschners’ special Sammie, Dorah. Karen Phebus for a dog food gift certificate she won at Sam O Rama. Thank you for helping us help them! Year-to-date — 2007 Income Expense Jan Month 4,784.35 2,447.93 Feb 190.51 2,473.10 Mar 4,370.05 483.84 President Jean Gilles 847-392-5000 [email protected] Apr 696.00 2,936.86 May 2,876.56 3,163.87 Jun 466.12 4,145.92 July 3,963.93 2,909.37 Secretary Debbie Jones 847-776-2884 [email protected] August 1,607.82 3,770.70 Sept. **6,157.94 1,472.97 Oct 4,897.83 3,903.00 $30,011.11 27,727.56 Corresponding Secretary Char Kepler 630-295-9603 [email protected] Treasurer Donna Sharik 847-639-6774 [email protected] Committees Development (Chair) Leslie Allison-Seei 630-334-1718 [email protected] Should your name be here? Totals Positive balance: $2,283.55 Thankfully, the table now shows positive balance with the proceeds from Sam O Rama. $2,283.55, however will not sustain the needs of 15 Diamonds who remain in NISA’s care. Nor will it provide Parker with the surgery that he so greatly deserves. Please remember NISA this holiday season with your donation to the General fund, Building fund, Special needs fund, or the Educational fund. Please help us, help them! **Total does not include 50/25-25 raffle proceeds. Holiday Cheer for our Country’s Hero's — Christmas Cards and Letters: Holiday Shopping: Even though many of our service men and women can’t be home for the holidays, we can let them know they are still very much in our thoughts and hearts “Santa Claus is coming to town He's making a list And checking it twice …” Check out the ready made WISH list As you sit down to send out cards and for our service men and women at the holiday letters to family and friends web site below. write a couple extra cards and send them along to the address below. A Recovering American Soldier C/0 Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW Washington DC 20307-5001 Convenient drop off locations can be found using the link at the top left edge of the home page. D ECEMBER 2007 News From Our Ky-5, Alpha Boy — Dear Bev and Jean, Sorry I missed Sam O Rama. My owners were in Italy– some excuse. But I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten about the way you rescued me, healed both my body and my heart, and found me a happy home with Jude, Katie and John in Cheeseland. It’s just that I’ve been a very busy boy lately. Since the beginning of summer, I’ve been a therapy dog at a nursing home in Madison. Every Sunday morning my owners and I visit a whole lot of shut-in elderly people who– of course– love me. Some of them get no other company; last week one of my favorite ladies told me, “You bring joy to my heart.” To tell you the truth, I have a good time too, and I get a ton of treats! I’ve included a photo of me and some of my buddies. My family is leading a holiday sing-along in December, so I need to practice. I still like to be the life of every party; I’m hoping Dad will change one of the carols to “Otis the Black-Nosed Sammie” so I can strut my stuff. And that’s not all. You’ll be happy to know that four years after “Otis’ Odyssey” ran in the 2003 NISA Calendar, I’m still appearing in print. To be exact, on pages 86, 96-97 of the Land’s End Fall Catalog. What a great looking model– and the woman isn’t bad either. My Canine Good Citizen training is still paying off, see how nicely I’m giving paw? Of course, it didn’t hurt that my partner’s other hand concealed a wiener. Lands End brought me back for a Holiday Catalog shoot, so with any luck, I might arrive in your mailbox with a big red bow around my neck and a pair of slippers in front of me. These are paid jobs, so Dad is starting to call me his “retirement plan.” I dunno, I’m just a dog; but so was Lassie. I miss you and my Kentucky Five brother and sisters, and hope I can see you all again soon. Happy Howlidays! Love and licks, Otis (Oti Coyote) Duggleby Page 3 Committees Rescue Review Columnists: Marilyn Frank 847-298-7064 [email protected] Cherie Rankin 217-737-0373 [email protected] Leslie Allison-Seei 630-334-1718 [email protected] Joanne Skidmore 847-732-2346 [email protected] Lori Weigerding [email protected] 630-978-7340 Email: rescuereview @nisasamoyedrescue.org Advertising Donna Sharik [email protected] Education Beverley Stewart 773-267-1351 [email protected] Jennifer Turner [email protected] Sales and Marketing Maureen Birkmann 773-792-0580 [email protected] Lori Weigerding 630-978-7340 [email protected] Event Set up CREW Leader Bob Lazzari [email protected] Event Coordinator Lauren Pond 847-590-0302 [email protected] Rescue Review Page 4 C ELEBRATE THE SEASON … Santa Claws and Hannukah Hound Holiday Photos and Bake Sale Saturday, December 1st, 10 - 4pm, Wilmette Pet Shop, 625 Green Bay Rd, Wilmette. Cost is $10. www.AdoptAPet-IL.org 5th Annual Reindog Parade Saturday, December 1st, 11am, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe. The Chicago Botanic Garden hosts its 5th annual event, marking the only time all year dogs are allowed on the grounds. Activities include a parade for costumed dogs, celebrity costume judging, photos with Santa and a "pup tent" featuring goodies and gifts. $19 per dog, $14 in advance. For info: www.ChicagoBotanic.org/dog B Y C HERI R ANKIN photo taken with your pet. If you have handcrafted items or baked goods to donate, or you would like to make an appt. with Dr. Kim, call 847-740-7788, ext. 130 or email: [email protected] Simons birthday BashBarrington Dog Bakery, Saturday December 8. 110 Barrington Commons Court in Barrington. Stop by! www.barrington dogbakery.com Holiday Crafts and Jewelry Sale Saturday, December 8th, 11 - 3pm, Kiehl's, 907 W. Armitage Ave, Chicago. Proceeds benefit New Leash on Life. www.IansBeadCompany.com Holiday Pooch and Parent Wellness and Spa Day Saturday, December 8th, 2 - 6pm, Muddy Paws Kennels, 20429 N. Rand Rd., Palatine. Raffle benefits Chicago Chihuahua Rescue. 847-540-9451 Blvd., Northbrook. Cost is $10. www.AdoptAPet-IL.org Pictures with Santa Sunday, December 9th, 11 - 4pm, Petsmart, 6405 Grand Ave., Gurnee. Sponsored by As Good As Gold Golden Retriever Rescue of Northern Illinois. Cost is $8.95. For more info: www.AsGoodAsGold.org Dogs for Disabilities' Winter Gala & Silent Auction Sunday, December 9th, 5 - 10:30pm, The Carlisle, 435 E. Butterfield Rd., Lombard. Animal Assistance organization, Dogs for Disabilities hosts an evening of dining and dancing. Cost is $100. Reservations can be made b calling 630-879-9561. For more info: www.DogsforDisabilities.com Holiday Hounds and Christmas Cats Holiday Event Sunday, December 9th, noon - 5pm, WSHS, 1901 Ogden Ave., Downers TLC's Holiday Open House for the Grove. The West Suburban Humane Pictures with Santa Animals Society opens its doors for an afternoon Saturday, December 1st, noon - 5pm, Saturday, December 8th, 1:30 - 3:30pm, of celebration. Visitors can meet the Dog-a-holics, 904 W. Armitage, TLC Animal Shelter, 13016 W. 151st animals, purchase items for the shelter Chicago. Freedom Chic Photography St., Homer Glen. Free. 708-301-1594. from the gift tree and enjoy will take pictures of you and/or your pet www.TLCAnimalShelter.org refreshments. Proceeds benefit the with Santa "Paws." The $20 fee will be West Suburban Humane Society. For donated to Chicago Canine Rescue Santa Claws and Hannukah Hound more info: www.WSHS-DG.org Foundation. Pre-registration is Holiday Photos recommended. Call 773-587-5787 to Saturday and Sunday, December 8th Open House and Pet Blessing book a slot. and 9th, 10 - 4pm, Petsmart, 291 Skolie Sunday, December 9th, 1pm - 4pm, (Continued on page 11) Save-A-Pet Holiday Open House & Craft Boutique Merry Christmas from the Rankin clan! Saturday, December 1st, 12 - 5pm, Sunday, 12/2, 12 - 4pm, Save-A-Pet, May your holiday be as happy as a puppy with a toilet Grayslake. Begin your holiday shopping paper tube, at Save-A-Pet. Event will include handmade crafts, gift baskets, and baked As bright as the twinkle in a Sammie’s eye when you goodies for people and pets! A Stampin' pick up the leash, Up rep will also be on hand to show you As joyful as the dog that wakes you at 2 AM because he how to make a holiday card or can HEAR it snowing, scrapbook page. On Saturday, register your pet for a 15 minute miniAnd as peaceful as a rescue’s sigh when she realizes that Newest Rankin consultation with nationally renowned she is home at last. member—Ray at animal communicator, Dr. Kim Ogden10 weeks of age! Peace to all! Avrutik. On Sunday, have a holiday D ECEMBER 2007 Page 5 Are You Ready to Party!?! Join us at the Fusion Fire Restaurant For NISA’s Post-holiday Gathering 123 East Saint Charles Road (1/2 mile west of Rt. 83) Villa Park, IL 60181 630-832-8900 January 20, 2008 11:30pm to 3:00pm Lifetime Special thanks to NISA’s special friends who have chosen to become lifetime members. Ed and Donna Palmer-Beard John and Maureen Birkmann Jeannee Brave Kelly Bullock Alan and Sharon Chichester Rick and Holly Cox Darrel and Robin Davidson Delight yourself with their Brazilian churrasco rodizio, an endless service of various cuts of meat PLUS their great salad bar consisting of over 40 items. http://www.fusionfire.cc Bring the Whole Family! The origin of churrasco is identified with the flat region of the Great Pampa (southern and central regions of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Urugray and Argentina). Churrasco is a cooking technique where the meat is grilled over charcoal or wood fire and seasoned with salt. The waiters move from table to table bringing different kinds of meats on skewers, carving them table side. Fusion Fire offers 10-12 different types of meat from Filet Mignon or Chicken Breast wrapped with bacon to Pork Tenderloin with Parmesan Cheese to Baby Back Ribs to Sausages. Total price is $38.00 which includes all 10 – 12 meats, the Salad Bar, a special Dessert, Hot Tea or Coffee or Soda, Tax, and Tip. Not a bad price for all you can eat! There will be a Cash Bar for those who wish to purchase beverages not included in the price. Because Leslie is very busy this year I have been asked to collect names of those who are planning to attend. Please RSVP Donna as soon as you receive your newsletter so we have an idea and plan accordingly. Your check must be in Donna’s hands by JANUARY 7, 2008 – no exceptions. If you wish to use a credit card, there will be a $1.50 surcharge added. We need to send them a deposit. Last year we had 32 people. Well mannered Fur-Kidz are welcome too!! We will have the optional $10.00 doggie item grab bag exchange. If you bring a gift, you leave with a gift…sounds fair to me. RSVP Donna at [email protected] or by phone (847) 639-6774 Carol Fisher Jim and Linda Folk Robert and Trinidad Gilmore Peter and Peggy Heles Kathleen Kersten Mark and Emi Kooyman Elaine Kuzniar Mark and Kathy Larson Judith Laux Carol Lewandowski David Lobocki and Denice Bocek Mona Mayr Dr. Kathleen McManamon Marjorie Paine Catherine Pentescu Gary Saunders Mark Spreyer You can join their ranks with a donation of $1,000 or more. See the supporter form on page 15 for details. Rescue Review Page 6 D IAMONDS IN THE ROUGH Danny looks and acts like he might be a Samoyed-Husky mix but his personality is pure Samoyed all the way. He’s estimated to be about 2 years old, weighs about 63#, current on inoculations, and Heart worm negative. No one can say with any conviction what Danny’s breed combinations might be so let’s just say, “he’s a Designer Dog like they sell in New York pet boutiques for thousands of dollars. You’ll never find another one like him” No matter what breed he is, he’s young, sweet, gentle, eager to please and a big marshmallow of a goof. January 1, 2007 Adoption fees: $300 Fees for Senior and Special need Samoyeds will continue to be determined on a case by case basis Rascle is a Sammie/Shepherd mix most dogs he actually chews his food. with gorgeous caramel splotches in his coat. Came to live with 5 other dogs, 2 cats and 2 kids. Loves to chase and retrieve balls or toys. Often when we come home he runs to find a toy to carry in the hope someone might like to play. He loves his cats, his kids and would really do best as an only dog. He loves a good nap on the couch, also enjoys being combed and will let you cut his nails without a fuss. He just likes to hang out as a buddy. He can be quite a goof and has us laughing often. He’s a big food beggar and has, in fact, fallen asleep with his chin on the table waiting and hoping for a crumb. Always a gentleman and never helps himself though. Rascal is a great eater and unlike Koda is a large female at 67# and still very much a puppy at heart. Still needs supervision to prevent chewing and mischief when out of her “house” or crate. As with any young dog, Koda would benefit greatly with professional obedience classes. Foster Mom recommends a tall fence for this very agile and curious youngster. She’s crate trained, compatible with other dogs although she does play very rough. Too rough for kitty-cats. Koda’s estimated age is 1 to 1.5 years. Dear Santa, daily! Parker is improving All I want for Sugar levels have stabilized, he’s Christmas is to see been to the groomer and he’s again. I’ve been afeeling so much better. very good boy. Now all Parker needs is a family to Luv, Parker love him for the beauty that he is. EVERYONE who meets him just marvel at his sweetness. Next on the medical shopping list is to see an Ophthalmologist about Parker’s cataracts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if at least some of his eye sight could be restored? Meantime, cross your paws that a wonderful and compassionate individual will decide to open their heart and home to NISA’s Parker. Page 7 D ECEMBER 2007 S AVING LIVES , ONE SMILE AT A TIME Radar at the age of 4 is an awesome dog at 80 Niko: is another owner relinquish pounds of rock hard muscle. He’s a high energy boy and often does laps around the yard to burn off energy. He’s crate and house trained, okay with cats under supervision and would do best with a female playmate. Still extremely fearful of strangers. this time due to life threatening allergies involving a 3-year old girl. Niko was born March 9, 1997 and has been dearly loved for many years. He came in at 78# and under his foster Dad’s weight loss and exercise program lost a whopping 10#. Niko loves to snuggle his human and is hoping for a Fur-Ever snuggle mate in time for Santa’s yearly visit. Hey! Lower your heating bills and gain a best friend at the same time!!!! Crosby: FM (foster Mom) Carol, says, Crosby is making wonderful strides in improving his over-all manners. FM feels that Crosby’s former family wasn’t always nice to him and some of his behavior stems from mistrust issues. But, she says we’ll continue to work on that! “I can’t imagine why anyone would ever want to hurt such a wonderful dog. Crosby is truly a luv-bug deep inside and he’s so mellow about life in general. I think with a bit more work and lots of patience Crosby will be a delightful addition to any adult home.” Crosby loves long leisurely walks and will change directions on command with no problems. “He does have very good leash manners and understands many verbal commands exceptionally well!” The two largest hurdles are toy possessiveness and his dislike for being groomed. Again, FM feels these are taught behaviors. Aside from those two issues Crosby is one of the easiest dogs to live with. Lexie: All she wants is a home of her Baer: on the right, is an owner give up due own where she can be loved and pampered as every little princess should be. She barks or rings a bell to go outside. Kitchen garbage must be secured or this chow hound will help herself. Came in at 78# and lost 5# pounds in the first two months. Fostered with multiple dogs and a cat. to a transfer to Australia. The owner had experienced quarantine requirements with a previous dog and said she couldn’t bring herself to ever do it again. Yes, being separated for several months can be stressful for all. This sweetie weighs in at 38#, he’s UTD on vaccines, crate and house trained, and ready to love. Having been raise by a single female Baer seems a bit intimidated by men. Give him a chance to warm up and you’ll have a BEST bud for life. He would love to warm your heart and feet! C HANGING YOUR ADDRESS SOON ? WE NEED TO KNOW WHERE TO SEND YOUR COPY OF THE R ESCUE R EVIEW ! Rescue Review Page 8 M ORE DIAMONDS LOOKING FUR - LOVE Cosmo—A svelte, well conditioned and healthy 5 year Spirit is a name that clearly fits this pup well. If you’ve ever old was adopted in August of 2002 by a retired gentleman. A perfect match; both needed someone to love and fuss over. Time passes and things change — Cosmo came back to NISA the end of April and is now busy teaching Duchess the ways of the world. So far lessons include: “how to open the bread drawer for a snack; how to reach tonights dinner from the counter; how to block the fridge door with both feet until a treat is offered; and lastly how to reach into the sink for meat-cicles!” With his Prince Charming personality I know he’ll find a home with someone and until then he’s loved by his foster. looked deep into a dogs eyes you’ll know what I mean. Spirit is unbelievably quiet unless someone knocks at the door. Spirit loves to snuggle! His favorite position is on his back beside you on the couch— just incase you might want to rub his chest and belly. His only vice—he’s in the chewing stage/age—his preference is material. BUT, it’s a stage all pups go thorough and they do grow out of it eventually. They just don’t come any sweeter than this especially when you consider his age. Sarabi means "mirage" in Swahili. Would you share your heart with a middle-aged gal with lots of love to give? I’m quiet and easy going, love kids but have no use for other dogs and I hate cats. I’d gladly give you my heart for a soft bed and a Fur-ever loving home. Byelka: A single father working many hours to put children through college feels that Byelka needs a family who has time to share with her. Weather permitting, Byelka spends most of the day in the back yard, alone and bored. Indoors she requires crate confinement or she gets into mischief while spending time alone. She’s about 5-years old and weighs 52#. Nickie—A senior gal with a simple wish. Sadly, Nickie lost two previous owners who lavished her with kindness and love. In return she was loyal and true to the end. Nickie would do best in a home with routine and asks only that she be valued for the gift that she is, her many years of experience and the love she is willing to share. Niki is all of maybe 9 months of age. Picked up with her littermate Spirit as a stray the early part of June. Information provided indicated they were Samoyed—Shepherd mixes. Maybe, maybe not! Niki is fearless! Nothing, absolutely nothing, phases her. Just a couple days into their arrival Niki hopped onto a webbed folding chair (wiggle-wiggle as they do) and pleased as punch there she sat. Days later she hopped into the same chair and leaped over the deck railing, (4 ft to the ground), as though she had done it a million times before. Soon the deck rail was but a an obstacle as she ran yard to deck and around. I see great agility potential in Niki. Both are in that intense chewing stage because it’s instinct to set the teeth deep into the jawbone. They need lots of exercise, supervision and love NISA needs Foster Homes If you’ve ever thought you might like to foster a homeless dog/Samoyed — Please stop by the Foster Information booth at Sam O Rama and talk to current fosters about the process. NISA covers all approved veterinary needs Crates and bowls are provided Special diets are provided All medication is provided Alternate foster care or boarding is provided for vacations YOU provide love, kibble, toys and general care The rewards are indescribable! D ECEMBER 2007 Page 9 Traveling “Tails” By: Marilyn, Daisy Mae, and Danny Since both Daisy Mae and Danny are typing impaired, they have both told me exactly what they want to say, so I’m the “official typer”. “Woo woo woo” and “Woof woof woof” from Daisy Mae and foster dog, Danny! We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! There are so many things to be grateful and happy about this year “Especially for me” said Danny, “this will be my very first Christmas in a real home…I’m SOOOO excited”!! “My foster mom got me my very own personalized stocking with jingle bells on it! It matches my foster-sister, Daisy Mae’s”. “Daisy Mae said we’re gonna get some really good presents on Christmas, too. I just can’t wait”! “I’m very excited about Christmas, too” said Daisy Mae. Both Daisy and Danny hope that all of you and your fuzzers and have a wonderful holiday! I, too, wish all of you and yours a Blessed Christmas and Hanukkah. I hope all of you get what you wished for from Santa! I got my wish when Tom agreed to foster Danny! Instead of writing about traveling, I’d like to write about sweet, wonderful, Danny. I met Bob Gilles out at Tops several weeks ago…Bob showed me the ropes with Danny…how to get his collar on while still in the kennel, where they walked, etc. At first I wasn’t sure that Danny even noticed that I was there, but after a while, he did notice me and rolled over for me to give his tummy a good rubbing! I then started going up every Thursday, and I would spend several hours with Danny. We would walk around for about an hour, then I would brush him (he just LOOOVES it), then I would put him in the back of my truck and take him to McDonalds for a treat of a plain cheeseburger or an ice cream cone. The more I went to visit him, the more I fell in total love with him. He is the most WONDERFUL, sweet boy! He loves to be touched and laid on. All he wants is to be loved. It broke my heart knowing that Danny had spent the last year in a kennel (literally about half of his life), never knowing what soft and warm carpet or bedding was like, never having anything that was truly his own. I brought my Mom along to meet Danny the one week, and she fell in love with him too. I started forming the idea of trying to at least foster him in our house. I was a little apprehensive knowing that Danny HATED crates and had broken out of several, and how Danny would react around a wild and crazy 2 year old and another dog, but like my heart told me, Danny was wonderful around Andrew and Daisy. Danny was the first dog Daisy didn’t growl at. After spending several hours with Danny, Tom agreed to try bringing him home (when I want something badly enough, poor Tom doesn’t hear the end of it). (Continued on page 13) Volunteers Race to Barrington Niko and Klondike I (plus the rest of his pack). Totally unbelievable that all the dogs fit in his car without any squabbles. Niko is very beautiful and sweet. Bob Gilles brought Spirit who was shy at first but after a while he settled into the routine. Mary Bjornson and I left our furry companions at home so we could help hold and promote the available Diamond. Danny-standing, Klondike-lying down, Sashafacing left, Sunny– far rear, and Niko with the scarf facing right. Barrington Dog Bakery invited NISA to visit the Barkery on Saturday November 10th to promote the available dogs. Marilyn Frank volunteered to drive up to TOPS and bring Danny…what a nice dog. Very well behaved and good with obedience drills. Alan Zielinski brought Bakery will have a professional photographer taking pictures of dogs with Santa. Proceeds will help the rescues that have frequented the Bakery during the past year. Good Wishes to you all, Donna There was some interest shown in Niko, but as of this writing have not heard of a foster or adoption contract being received. Maybe they are thinking about it? Hope so, the young lady seemed mesmerized by Niko. NISA sends a BIG thanks to all of you for giving up your Saturday to help get the available Diamonds out in the public eye. During December, Barrington Dog “Umm, who’s turn is it to drive?” R ESCUE R EVIEW Page 10 Holiday Message From the Skidmore Household Our church, a year ago Christmas, sponsored a refugee family from Burma. Their life in the refugee camp had been hard. The woman’s first husband, along with more than 50 other men from their village were killed in front of the women and children. She remarried while in the camp and they came to America – after about 9 years in camp. When asked what they were thankful for they replied, “food and no rats.” Here we live with such abundance for few of us are unable to find food and few of us live with rats running over us as we sleep on the dirt floor in a small hut. In fact, as I reflected on their life in the camp I have come to realize my dogs have much better lives than they did. I, along with so many who have pets, pamper them, spoil them, and buy cutesy, but if I am truly honest, needless things for them. So what is my point…that we shouldn’t spoil our pets with special gifts or clothes or glitz? No, it is really, can we find a way to do just a teensy bit less for our pampered Sammies and then share the remainder with Sammies that are still in need. Need for rescue, need for medical care, need for foster care, need for someone special who will invite them into their forever home. And so in this holiday season, however you celebrate it, I challenge you to do just a little bit less for your beloved Sammie (and any other pets) and give to NISA, so that a few more dogs will have “food and no rats.” By the way, I think, Christopher and Suki agree with me, they want us to share the wealth, the abundance so that more dogs can find safety and forever homes. On the web: check out the click to give which provides pet food for shelters and rescue group every time you give. Go to NISA’s website http:// www.nisasamoyedrescue.org/ and scroll down till you see the logo for “Feed an Animal in Need.” Happy Holidays, Joanne, David, Suki and Christopher Skidmore Holidays Recycled We all have a holiday item or two that never gets used because it’s the wrong “something” or another. And every year we purchase new decorations to add to our seasonal collection. But what to do with the odds and ends that clog up our storage areas? This year as you pack away Fall, Halloween, and Christmas items please set aside NEW or LOVINGLY USED items you no longer want or need and donate them to NISA. I offered to set up a booth at the 2008 Sam O Rama for a Holiday Garage Sale to raise money for the Diamonds. Please help us help them as NISA can always use whatever help we can give them. Happy Holidays to all, Vivian Jones (708-839-0826) D ECEMBER 2007 Page 11 Birthday and Gotcha Days: L. Weigerding “What is a Gotcha Day???” It’s the day a SAM, Dave Densmore's DANNY, George & Nancy Ganshirt's JASMINE, Michelle & Ken rescue or stray was adopted Hechtman's ASPEN, Marilyn Nelson's into it’s Forever Home. It SAMMY, Donna Sharik's JAZMYN (NISA’s can be counted as the day Bonita) the adoption papers were signed or the day the dog arrived. The custom started because most people don’t know their adopted pets actual birth date. Wishing a huge Happy Gotcha “December” to the following: Rob Van Tuyle & Anna Brown's KATE, Laurel Beckett's KOKOPELLI, Beth Cutsforth's “Lolly-Pups for every one!” Got a special day to celebrate? Send me your birthdays and gotcha days. [email protected] Celebrate the Season— conclusion South Suburban Humane Society, 1103 West End Ave., Chicago Heights. www.sshspets.org/news.asp Celebrate the Season Saturday, December 15 at the Barrington Dog Bakery, 110 Barrington Commons Court, Barrington. LIVE acoustic guitar holiday music from Ron Swanson from 1 to 3pm While you shop. TLC's Bake Sale Saturday, December 15th, Sears Essentials, Bell Rd. and 159th St., Homer Glen. Free. 708-301-1594. www.TLCAnimalShelter.org www.IGive.com Are you an on-line shopper? Did you know that a percentage of your purchase could benefit NISA’s Fur-Kidz? Adopt a Golden Saturday Saturday, December 22 at Barrington Dog Bakery, 110 Barrington Commons Court, Barrington. Chat with AGAG volunteers to learn more about Good as Gold. Also, live acoustic guitar holiday music from Ron Swanson from 1— 3pm Animal Welfare League's 9th Annual Cosmic Bowl Saturday, January 26th, 10pm, Oak Forest Bowling Lanes, 15240 S. Cicero, Oak Forest. Cost is $30 or 2 for $55. For more info: 708-636-8586 x227. Shop through IGive.com and just name NISA as your chosen charity by using cause number 22443 . It’s really that simple! R ESCUE R EVIEW Page 12 All About Ed … A tribute to a very special Samoyed Submitted by: The Muskin Family She was more successful on some issues than on others. He never slept on the sofa unless we were at work, he tried to only pull food off the counter that was stored in unbreakable containers, he never stole her bones and only tried to get into her kennel with her during the worst of storms. Unlike Kaycee, if offered a choice between a ride and a walk he always went to the car. He was a bit lazy and even a bit more uncouth, belching at the dinner table, relieving himself on sidewalks, eating squirrels caught in the yard, but--- he was ours. Edy came with a host of physical and emotional problems no doubt, a result of his earlier treatment and years but he also came with a sense of humor and a lot On July 3, 2007 Edy Muskin passed away. Edy came to of love. At the time of his death his actual age was live with the Muskin’s three years earlier from a shelter estimated between 10 and 12. He had a thyroid condition, remained on medication in Ames, Iowa. Edy was a furless to help him deal with skin issues that Samoyed when the Muskin’s first came with the red paint, was in the met him. The shelter had found Ed initial stages of Alzheimer’s, he was painted red and running wild having trouble with his hips and through the fields of Iowa. He was back legs. shaved to assist with the removal of the red oil base paint and was He continued to be fearful of storms estimated to be between the ages of and loud noises but he was aided in 2-5 there was no other available his ability to deal with the noise information. because of his hearing loss. We were assisted in his care by a wonderful Several representatives from the team of grandparents, neighbors, Muskin household including Kaycee, caring vets, and supporting cast. We (Samoyed/Husky mix) made the loved Ed complete with all his quirks pilgrimage to Ames, Iowa to meet and miss his pacing and constant Edy. We all thought that he was a contributions to the family little strange looking but the furries conversations. The night of July 3 got along well and home he came. Super-dog Edy in front and K-9 patrol Kayhis system just gave out—the house cee in the rear Ed didn’t waste anytime reminding seems awfully quiet. us that he was a Samoyed, within the first 24 hours he ate the chicken wings off the counter, let us know that kennels were for storms and shelters, knocked our elbows so that we wouldn’t forget that he was in constant need of attention and teepeed the main floor. By the end of the weekend we had all the proof we needed that while he might be furless he was pure Samoyed. Ed quickly became a member of the family carving out his place in the house. He got along well with Kaycee who made sure the food dish was full and let him eat first. They wrestled and played in the evenings and during the days she taught him the rules of the house. D ECEMBER 2007 Page 13 Aspen Charms Hearts — Dear Jean, Just have to tell you what a charming, sweet, kind and lovely girl Aspen is. She has made friends with the cats, and likes to hang out with them. She takes her pills and is eating well too. She is enjoying the backyard also. She has let the squirrel, rabbits and opossum know that the yard is HERS. The squirrel and the opossum take to the top of the 6 foot fence, and sass her. Traveling “Tails” I was running errands last week when it was cool, and took Aspen along. I realized half-way through the errands that I was enjoying myself and smiling….all because I was hanging out with Aspen. She has come to work with me two mornings, and has conquered the hearts of many here at WILL-TV. It has been a long time since I had to run poop patrol in the backyard…forgot how easy it is to step in it and then carry it inside on my shoes. The joy of being a parent. I love this girl and look forward to many, many happy days ahead. Thanks for Aspen. Carol (Photo by: Mike Thomas, Art Director/ WILL, Urbana) conclusion We got Danny home and he was a perfect gentleman. I thought he might try marking the house, but nope, not Danny! I let Daisy and Danny out in the backyard. He trotted around and sniffed, then, to my amazement, Daisy initiated play! That was the beginning of the end. They ran, chased, wrestled, and played outside all day. Later that day, Andrew tripped and fell on top of Danny…he just laid there and kissed Andrew’s face! I stayed home with him for several days, feeding him in his crate and trying to get him used to it. He slept in his crate at night without any problems (the crate was in our bedroom along with Daisy’s). On the third day, I put both dogs in their crate. I went out and Tom took Andrew shopping. Danny was alone for about 30 minutes or so. When I came through the door, there was Danny greeting me at the door! My heart dropped! I went into the bedroom, and sure enough, he managed to squeeze himself through a 5-6 inch gap in the bottom of the crate door. When I think of what could of happened if he had gotten his head caught, I could just cry. I have been on the phone with Jean for hours on top of hours trying to come up with possible solutions on how to calm Danny’s fears and apprehension of crates. We threw around several thoughts (one of which was bringing Danny back to Tops) which I just cannot do. He deserves a loving home, which is what I’m trying to give him. It’s going to take some time, but I think Danny will definitely adjust. I’m not saying anything to Tom just yet, but I certainly hope to formally adopt Danny and make him a permanent family member…remember, when I really want something… I don’t let up! He and Daisy have become the best of buddies, and he loves when Andrew plays with him. He loves to sleep with his head in my lap, and he SNORES! He is just toooo cute! Please say a prayer for my sweet Danny that he is able to adjust to his crate without being fearful. Only God knows what this poor boy has been through and why he is so afraid. If any of you have any ideas on how to help Danny, I would love to hear them. I’ll do anything for my sweet polar bear. Until next time, happy tails to youuuuuuu! Dear Santa, When pulling your sleigh on Christmas Eve, Reindeer are tradition. But have you ever considered upgrading? We’re talking a wonderfully furry transition! Working Dogs have stamina and beauty, And we’re pretty darn quick. From Samoyeds to Siberians to Malamutes, We’ll take care of St. Nick! So who needs those reindeer? With us you’ll applaud! (Bet the red nosed one can’t even spell, I. Dit. A. Rod) BUT there is one condition … Remember the homeless among our kind, Their lives so often tragic, Remember the rescue workers who care for them, Extend unto all … your Christmas magic! Merry Christmas, Santa! Your pals, “Sophia (Samoyed) and Sierra (Siberian)" and our favorite human, Jim Pecho, too! R ESCUE R EVIEW Page 14 It’s me, Riley O’Neil, wishing all my new friends at NISA a Happy Holiday Season from me and my little sister, Lucy. I had great fun meeting so many people and dogs at the Pizza Party last July. Thank you all for being so nice to me even though I was one of the few dogs there that wasn’t all white! Anyway, I hope to meet lots more NISA furkidz and their people in 2008. I will continue to share my mom with NISA so she can help out at your events and I Happy Holidays from Jazmyn Sharik Speaking about gifts, NISA has great merchandise for sale. Just call or write We hope that NISA recruits lots of new members and more foster homes in the coming year and that all the homeless sammies find their forever homes in 2008. Doggie kisses and Holiday hugs to all!! Riley, Lucy, and our humans, Pat and Patty O’Neil keep you humans warm too! The Holidays are my favorite time of the year, and it is back again. There‘s all the colored lights, the lawn decorations and the gifts under the tree…especially the ones for ME! The chews, the fuzzy animals and the squeaky toys – gosh there is almost 2 months to wait…bummer. I sure hope all my Sammie Cousins have a fantastic Holiday Season and you receive all kinds of great gifts. Tell your Human Pack that their monetary Holiday gift to NISA will insure future Samoyeds the second chance they need and they too will enjoy the Holiday Seasons to come. Without this support, many Sams will never know the love and joy of being part of a Pack. also promise to donate some of my treat/toy allowance to help fill the raffle baskets for the various rescue visits next year. Lucy has ants in her pants because she can’t wait for the pizza party to meet everyone. I told her she has to share with NISA also - she didn’t like the part about sharing but she is only 5 months old and still just a baby. She will understand how important it is to share one’s good fortunes when she gets older - I will make sure of that!! I love the cold and snow that will be on the way very soon. You get to put your nose in it and act like a snow plow. Then jumping and rolling around in the beautiful white stuff until you have snow all over your body. Ah, Heaven. Don’t forget after the Holidays are over, your Humans will attend the annual post-Holiday Party, and I understand this year will be extra special (see notice in another part of this newsletter.) Jason Sharik (Donna’s grandson), Jazmyn and Anyway, have a great Holiday and an Donna even greater winter…remember, not all Maureen and she will send it to them in a our Sammie Cousins have it as good as we do…help NISA help them. timely manner. The new travel mugs will keep coffee and chocolate drinks nice See ya soon, HO HO HO (I think I hear and hot during the long walks in the up- the jolly old guy – pretending I’m asleep). coming cold weather. A sweatshirt will — Jaz Help us, help them with your purchase of this beautiful 2008 Calendar $20.00 FREE shipping Supplies are dwindling fast Great gift idea for those hard-to-shop-for friends, coworkers, and family members. Order yours today! Help our homeless Samoyeds [email protected] — 773-792-0580 Daniel Penett, groomer at the Petco in Mt. Prospect says, “Parker was a really good boy for his bath, dry and comb out. He stood quietly while I cut his nails and trimmed up his feet and legs although he did get a bit antsy toward the end. Someone is going to get a very nice dog when he’s adopted. Parker sure is a handsome boy!” D ECEMBER 2007 Page 15 Material for the Rescue Review… Thank you Sammie Saviors We love to hear from our readers. We especially enjoy updates from NISA adopters so please keep it coming. Beverly Barborek-Galbraith “Parker” Do you have a request for a particular subject for the Rescue Review committee to cover? Have you read an article in another publication that would interest NISA supporters? Perhaps you read an article to help adopters acclimate to their new K-9 family member . Maybe you found some excellent training tips while surfing the web. Please let us know your thoughts and ideas. Ann Beckerdite “Lexie” Michael Fitzgerald “Lexie” Albert Fowerbaugh and Janet Marvel “Danny” Supporters are invited and encouraged to submit articles of interest for inclusion in the Rescue Review. Kathleen Kersten “Radar” Original material must be presented as a word document ready for print. Pictures may be embedded in the document to indicate placement location but original photos must be sent as a separate file attachment. Lynne Villers “Crosby” Articles from other publications must be attached as print Ken and Karen VanSwearingen “Nickie” ready and include reprint permissions, source of material, author credits and date. Kimberly Singer “Parker” Send material with Events, Travel, Gotchadays, Financial or Miscellaneous in your subject line to [email protected] NISA S UPPORT FORM Funds collected by Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc. are used directly for the Samoyeds in need of assistance. NISA is a not-for-profit breed-specific rescue organization. Yes, sign me up to be a supporter of NISA: [ ] New Supporter [ ] Renewal [ ] YES — [ ] NO — Please contact me to volunteer at events $35 annually entitles me to the monthly newsletter and notice of all activities. $50 annually entitles me to the monthly newsletter, notice of all activities and a 25% discount on program admission fees. $1,000 lifetime supporter entitles me to all of the above for my lifetime. Please make check payable to: Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc. and mail to: Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc. P.O Box 218— Arlington Heights, IL 60006 Or use your Visa, Master, Discover Card Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City ________________________ST____Zip _________ Phone (____)____________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Card # _________________________________________ Pets are for life, not just for Christmas!! CVC number _______ Exp. Date ____________________ R ESCUE R EVIEW Page 16 In The Arms of an Angel Heartfelt sympathy to NISA friends: Alan Zielinski on the loss of his Mother, Odelia Zielinski, November 27. Chris Kelly and family on their loss of Sha, November 24, 2007. The Kerschner Family on their loss of 16-year old Dorah in September. May fond memories bring peace to your hearts Pied Piper Dog Training 401 West Golf Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Information / 847-392-5000 Registration / 630-238-9370 Puppy kindergarten • Beginner • Advanced Intermediate • CGC • Rally & more Private classes available by appointment only M ORE OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP NISA I would like to be a Sammie Savior : Payment preference: $20 Monthly $160 Quarterly $240 Yearly I would like to make an additional contribution of: $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 Other_________ Yes, I would like to help in the following capacity: General volunteer Committee organization Adoption committee Education committee Membership Transportation Volunteer coordinator Event coordinator Fundraising committee Foster care Foster liaison Shelter liaison Inventory clerk Advertising Sales Signage distribution Artist Other D ECEMBER 2007 Page 17 Merchandise Sales will … Help us to Help Them Denim Shirts with embroidered NISA logo 100% cotton. Please specify Women’s or Men’s. Available in regular denim or washed denim colors. Long sleeved $35 Short sleeved $32 Sweatshirts Hooded shown with two side pockets and full front zipper. Gray in stock, other colors available $35 100% cotton regular style available in Navy, royal blue, dark green, purple, red, maroon and gray. $26 T-shirt available in light blue, royal blue, dark pink, lime green, dark green, lavender, purple and teal 100% heavyweight cotton. NISA is a proud distributor of White Pine products. Soft-slip collars received a 4-paw rating in the May 2005 issue of the Whole Dog Journal. Adjustable sizes: Medium only(14”-22”), Featuring our SoftWeb material to prevent coat damage or tangles. Colors available: Mint-5, purple-6, red-5, rose-5, royal blue-6, teal-6 and Twilite-2 in stock. Slip-collars— $8 Other styles and items available by special order. White Pine offers a full line of silky soft slip, soft Snap, soft Web collars, leads, harnesses and newly offered is WPO’s High Sierra Walk-about-belt. Short sleeved $18 Long sleeved $ 20 Polo shirts $28 Three-button style with NISA logo in Heather gray, royal blue and red. Made of 100% cotton for all-season comfort. Sam O Rama short sleeved shirt designed by Jenny Turner of Australia. Colorful patriotic stars and stripes on white. A must-have for anyone who’s attended our biggest yearly event. $12 Pet12blinkers in red/white/blue LARGE– O SMALL & 6 only. $7 each. No more wonderBATTERIES LEFT ing where your pet is in the yard at night. Protects during late night walks too Replacement batteries—package of 12/$3 Buttons, Buttons & more buttons! $3 each or 2/$5 Jacket with hood Flannel lined, water resistant nylon windbreaker. Navy blue $60 NOTE: All clothing items are 100% cotton unless noted otherwise. Larger sizes are available by special order and are not returnable. Reduced or sale items are not returnable, sorry. P AGE 18 Rescue Review More Great Gifts for Friends, Co-workers, and Family CLOSE OUT CORNER Christmas cards 1 pack/ $5 -- 2 designs available, (Only 8 Maysh, or 8Yurak left) Emergency decals 2 for $5 Supplies limited, so call Maureen for availability: 773792-0580 or email: [email protected] Tiny Ones teacup ornaments Available in white with blue (shown) or cream with red detail (inset) Ornament: $10—Stand: $3 Samoyed statue Measures approximately 2 by 3” T OU D L A must SO for every collector $10 while supply lasts! “I LOVE MY SAMOYED” Magnet Now here’s a way for you to tell the world just how much you love your Sammie. Measures 9” by 4” heavy vinyl to withstand elements. $5 each Magnet set -OR $15 COMPOSIT Three styles 6-FURRY of tiny friends to keep you comHEADS, 0 DOG HOUSE pany. Never be alone again! Sold individually: Life-like Furry head/$7; Dog house/$4 or Composite head/$6 Travel Mugs for that “on the go” and very special person in your life. We used a stock Samoyed photo with the imprint: “I love my Samoyed” Color: dark blue with black Price: $12.00 each GATOR CLIPS 3” by 1.5” Available in Black, blue, white, purple, red, green, pink, orange, and gray. Don’t miss an important message ever again. GATOR CLIP IT! ONLY 4 LEFT $3 each while supplies last Samoyed NOTE holder $6 Let this cutie-pie remind you of important meetings, birthdays and appointments. The perfect stocking stuffer or grab ONLY 1 LEFT bag item for Christmas! Woof picture frame $10 Perfect for that hard to shop for friend or relative’s birthday. Keep one on hand for those surprise needs ONLY 1 LEFT Bouchi Bag $15 available in lavender, grey, red, or royal. A must for active dog lovers. Keeps your hands free to ONLY 1 GREY, hold a leash or several 1 LAVENDAR License plate holders $4 each. Available in black: “I love my Dog” or white: “Save a life, adopt a Pet” Another all-breed gift idea for that special person in your Samoyed Key Chain $7 each. This is a must-have for any Samoyed lover. Get yours now while supplies last. Great stocking stuffers! SOLD OUT Enameled cloisonné pins Hot off the presses to help raise much needed funds for approved rescues. $10 each/includes shipping. Buy one or several to give to friends!! D ECEMBER 2007 Page 19 NISA Merchandise Order Form Name: ________________________________________ Please note credit card information or enclose your Address: _______________________________________ check made payable to “NISA” and mail to: City: _________________________ST _____Zip ______ Maureen Birkmann Home phone ___________________________________ 5131 N. Nordica Avenue Email _________________________________________ Chicago, IL 60656-3605 773-792-0580/[email protected] Payment preference (circle one) Check Visa Master card Discover card Shipping and handling per U.S. address Merchandise total: Account # _____________________________________ Up to $60 add $4.50 Expiration date: ____________ 3-digit CVC ___________ $61 and up add $8 Name on card _________________________________ Qty Description Sample of the shirt and jacket embroidery Size Color, 1st choice Color, 2nd choice Cost each Total Subtotal $ Shipping & Handling $ Total amount due $ Thank you for helping us to help them!! NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PALATINE, IL PERMIT NO. 00634 Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc P.O. Box 218 Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0218 Rescue Hotline: 847-255-4815 Fax: 847-392-5000 Email: [email protected] Recognized Affiliate of Endorsed by the SCA www.samoyedrescue.org HELP US HELP THEM Don’t support stores that sell puppies or kittens!!!!! There are an estimated 4,000 puppy mills in the U.S. alone— Every year 8 to 10 million dogs and cats die in shelters because there aren’t enough homes— Un-spayed females have higher incidences of mammary tumors, uterine infections, and cancer— Un-neutered males have much higher probability of prostate enlargement/cancer, testicular cancer and related infections. The urge to mate leads to fighting, aggression, excessive barking, howling, and other unwelcome behaviors— Over $2 billion of YOUR tax dollars are spent annually by local governments to shelter and/or ultimately euthanize unwanted dogs and cats— Spay and Neuter your pets! Before acquiring a pet, serious consideration must be given to the pets’ size, breed temperament, grooming, obedience classes, vet expenses and YOUR commitment of 10 to 15 years of quality care. Adopt and Save a Life Printing services donated by: Insty-Prints of Palatine - 510 East Northwest Highway - Palatine, Illinois 60074 Phone: (847) 963-0000 - Fax: (847) 963-0001 - E-Mail: [email protected]
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