Underwater News April 2016 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
Underwater News April 2016 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
BOARD MEMBERS OFFICERS In This Issue President: Chuck Pixley, [email protected] Vice President: Jim Cormier, [email protected] Secretary: Jacob Guinasso, [email protected] Treasurer: Christina Guinasso, [email protected] President’s Message Chuck Pixley MEMBERS AT LARGE William Maier, [email protected] This Month’s Program Jeff Slade, n/a Equator-Rivers of the Sun-Amazonia Michael Liu, [email protected] A Video Documentary COMMITTEE CHAIRS Membership: Don Hennemann Programs: Dan McKercher Featured Article Newsletter: Michael Liu Apistogramma macmasteri “Gold” Bowl Show: Michael Liu Photo Show: Michael Liu By Robert Prati Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society Breeder Award Program: Jim Cormier Auction Chair: Jim Cormier NEC Delegate: (open) NEC Alternate Delegate: (open) MEETING INFORMATION Location: First Congregational Church, 42 Lathrop Street, West Springfield, MA 01089 Bowl Show & Photo Show Results Michael Liu Trading Post—Items For Sale We meet on the first Tuesday of the month, except July and August, at 6:30 PM. Meetings are open to the public and include a short business update, program or event, door prizes, mini-auction and refreshments. Affiliations PVAS is a member of the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies, Inc. (NEC) The Underwater News is the official publication of the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. and is published monthly or bi-monthly except July and August. The views and opinions printed herein are those of the individual authors, and are not necessarily those of PVAS. The Underwater News is provided free to our members as part of their membership. Reprint Policy: Unless noted by copyright, articles from this publication may be reprinted by other non profit aquarium societies. Please acknowledge PVAS as the source and mail two copies of the publication in which the reprint appears to PVAS: Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, c/o Michael Liu, 14 Indian Hill, Florence, MA 01062 President’s Message, By Chuck Pixley President’s Message – April 2016 Spring is in the air!! For me this means allergies! For many of you however I know this means getting your ponds and tubs ready and stocked with plants and fish for the warmer weather. Good luck and let’s see some pictures and specimens at the end of the season. The September bowl show will feature a special class for plants and animals that were maintained outside for summer; with special awards for each. In May we will have a fish store trip which is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 14 th, 2016. Unless we have other suggestions, we will once again head east to Central Mass Aquatics and Uncle Ned’s Fish Factory. Everyone please remember the NEC Weekend coming up April 8-10. Many great things to see and do including the Giant Auction on Sunday. For more details, see the flyer at the end of this newsletter. This month, we will once again discuss the future of our club and what we hope to accomplish. Please try to think about what you would like PVAS to do within our group to benefit members. Perhaps also what we could do as a group to support some other outside activities. See you April 5th… Chuck This Month’s Program: Meeting Date - April 5, 2016, 6:30 PM Equator-Rivers of the Sun-Amazonia A Video Documentary We’ll have a fascinating video on Amazonia, the rainforest region in South America that is home to the great Ama zon River and its many tributaries. Many of our favorite aquarium fish are found in this vast area, including catfish, tetras, catfish, killifish, and cichlids— hope to see you there! Featured Article Apistogramma macmasteri “Gold” by Robert Prati , Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society For the origin on this fish species we spin the globe and land on Colombia. Macmasteri are known to only come from the Río Guaytiquía and Río Metica basins, upper Río Meta system. With that being said, the Apistogramma macmasteri “Gold” variant is a man-made tank strain. These are often sold under the name of A. viejita Gold but are really A. macmasteri. I was contacted by a fellow club member who was putting together a group buy from a fish importer. As I looked over the list and the prices I stumbled upon a photo of this fish and the red coloration on the males face totally drew me in. That, and the fact that I needed to close the New World class, I joined in on the order and got myself a pair of these fish. After a few days these fish arrived and were looking pretty good. I set this pair up in one of my seven 10gal tanks on the top row of the rack. The top tens are placed on end with three sides painted black. My tank is set up as follows from top to bottom: I use a size 3 API sponge filter with the air on about 30%. The tank is always filled with plants such as Java moss, Java fern and or Anubias of assorted types. The tank also always has a few branchy pieces of driftwood and the bottom of the tank has a very light dusting of sand. The feeding of this pair is very easy because I have not found a single thing that they do not eat. Of course they love the live foods and that’s what I mostly feed but on some occasions when I’m too busy or just don’t have time, they will eat crumbles or flake food. The live foods consist of bloodworms, blackworms, whiteworms, grindel worms, mosquito larva, and different types of Daphnia. They also eat any of the frozen foods such as bloodworms, glassworms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and Cyclops. The pair settled in nicely and after a few weeks they both had put on some size and were eating very aggressively. This continued for another week when I noticed the female was trying to entice the male over to her cave. Due to the color of the female you do not see the usual bright yellow and black markings as you do with all other Apistogramma species. I was never sure she was ready to breed until I would notice her going in and out of the cave more often and seemed to be protecting it. She would just sit there with her head half way out of the cave as you can see in the photo. My lack of patience got the best of me and I decided to go in the tank and take a look. I removed the cave and drained the water out of it and then flipped the cave upside down to look for eggs. To my surprise there were eggs in the cave as you can see in the photos. I quickly took a few photos with my cell phone and stuck the cave back in the tank. After a few seconds the female reappeared and went back in the cave to check on her eggs. The female protected the entrance to the cave for a few days until one day I turned the light on and there she was with a cloud of fry beneath her. She kept the male to the back of the tank as she guarded the fry from him. The photos here show how close the female would let him get to the fry before she chased him off. The males grow much quicker than the females, to almost 3 to 4 times larger. The fry were fed microworms from the day I noticed them. The mom would bring the fry over to where the microworms would be dropping and the fry would pick the microworms one by one until you saw their little bellies become nice and round. Once the fry were no longer just a head and tail and you could see a body shape, I started to feed baby brine. The fry then started to put on some size, but they were slow growers. Once I saw they were around a quarter inch or so I siphoned the fry out the parent’s tank and placed them in a 5gal tank. You can see a big difference between males and females. The males grow much quicker than the females, to almost 3 to 4 times larger. I am glad I was able to work with this pair even though since they spawned the male has jumped out the tank and is now up in fish heaven. I currently still have the female and a bunch of fry growing up from which I will pull myself a pair or two and keep these guys going in my fishroom for many more years to come. END Bowl Show Results—March 2016 1st Place: Erskine Plummer, Hi-fin Male Swordtail 2nd Place: Erskine Plummer, Lyretail Male Swordtail 3rd Place: Erskine Plummer, Tuxedo Hi-fin Swordtail Honorable Mention: Chuck Pixley, Apistogramma cacautoides 2015-2016 Bowl Show Standings 19 points Dan McKercher 13 points Erskine Plummer 4 points Chuck Pixley Bowl Show Rules 1. The bowl show is open to all members. Members must bring fish entries and a container to display the fish for the show at each meeting. 2. There is no limit to the number of entries a member can bring to each meeting. 3. Until further notice, all entries will be judged by the membership in attendance and winners will be determined based on popular vote. Points will be awarded as follows: First Place-4 Points, Second Place-3 Points, Third Place-2 Points. Additionally, any entry not in the top three places will also receive 1 point. 4. Point totals will be kept by the Bowl Show Chair. The top three entries and the winners will be published in the next newsletter. 5. The first place entry cannot be re-entered for the current year. Second and third place entries may be reentered in future bowl shows during the same calendar year. 6. Point totals will accumulate through the December general meeting. Awards will be presented in January, and are as follows: First Place-$50, Second Place-$25, Third Place-Free Annual Membership. Photo Show Results—March 2016 1st Place: Michael Liu, Herichthys carpintes pair 2nd Place: Michael Liu, Sciaenochromis ahli male 3rd Place: Chuck Pixley, Geophagus abalios 2015-2016 Photo Show Standings 13 points Michael Liu 12 points Chuck Pixley 6 Points Travis & Rebekah Peck 2 points Elva Hughes Photo Show Rules 1. The photo show is open to all members. Members must take the photograph and bring the entry for the show at each meeting. 2. Members may bring up to two photos, unframed, each meeting. Photos can be any size up to 8 x 10 inches. 3. Photos will be judged by the membership in attendance and winners will be determined based on popular vote. Points will be awarded as follows: First Place-3 Points, Second Place2 Points, Third Place-1 Point. Point totals will be kept by the Photo Show Chair. The winning 1st place photo will be published in the next newsletter. 4. The first place photo cannot be re-entered for the current year. Second and third place photos may be re-entered in future photo shows during the same calendar year. 5. Point totals will accumulate through the December general meeting. Awards will be presented in January, and are as follows: First Place-$50, Second Place-$25, Third Place-Free Annual Membership. 6. Winners need to submit their entry digitally if they wish to have them published in the newsletter. Trading Post—Items For Sale FOR SALE from Jacob Guinasso– Good stuff, low prices. I need to sell lots of tanks, plants, decor, and some fish. Looking for best offers, not trying to make money. Please contact me if you’re interested, email - [email protected] or phone (707) 718-2866. 125 gallon full setup is sold, I just need to sell off all that java moss, java fern, rocks and driftwood with said plants attached, 1 koi, 1 small albino bristlenose, a few dwarf/pygmy cories, a Fundulopanchax gardneri, and a deformed cory. 20 gallon with metal stand, dual T5 light, small internal filter. Several Threadfin Rainbowfish, variety of stem plants, Anubias nana, java moss, floating plants, Ranunculus inundatus, and dirted bottom. Two 29 gallons on metal stand. Top: mostly dwarf sag or pygmy chain sword in the tank, few other stems and such. variety of plants on top, such as pothos, wandering jew, etc. on floating driftwood, HOBs, and planters. Heterandria formosa, a Dario dario, and a bunch of wild type cherry shrimp. Bottom: fake decor with a ton of marmorkrebs Immersed plant growing tanks, variety of plants, would rather sell off really cheap than try to ID all the plants 35 gallon hex, internal filter. big center piece of driftwood with java fern and Anubias nana attached, potted lily, and golden shiners Lots of Xenotoca eiseni (CARES goodeid) I need to find homes for, as well as a few Tiger Limia.
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