- Community District Library
- Community District Library
B B M J •Cs^a^uSiSBS^BBBm^BaBBS'^^ . . • • '^•'ni^nJ ^ COUNTY S E A T PAPER OF SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. THE [1 '.*->\ C Q * O S K A . MICH., T H U R S D A Y . ADO. 0 » Dqu^* W » m mm m dbise; Pastes H Bacfe be law* ilftK^eta>#4 that &e city clerk shoatf. notify tha company that tbftir trucks won cot A destfab& thing in Corona* • IMhe «m»-| , eWJ&d • efts' 4 ¾ ¾ limit* and fi«b* y h tst in the Jacobs b»iltti««. The Jiffbfcio* franchise as sobWhen the roll was culled at the t h ^ ^ ^ ^ w o n of the Comeooocll meeting MoiK^^enm_g ^ther AhfSanaers nor Ald*Bow*r•ited tothe«Mntmtt*eon street inn* and their report will be ••made the next meeting. oft!*busmess men of ( Pcseoek called attention to preyed W be present ^ the fact tart the eapa on ^ Q T w i i i - n tune * ^ expteted hTdrants were * ^ * that the franchise .«9 J S ™ S j sometimes was t h e ^ ¾ * * ¾ by Citv Attorney Biq>rda wonld and a great delay when tte hot* cart near the i f i L j S hatSe^nc5 hid hi* i . ^ arrived reeomranded £•£^ ¾*¾ aU bvXlrlon^onie & tiirday night be gi&n notice that to visit eaeft all by as often as necessary and keep them a_ to the in good working order. approval orretusmA notice will be phtced on the "*u;j .. :.. fau.himi the main ft*iuresj of the new franchise are as folio*; s: The erantee is to pr, >vide a wait traveling over — . _ . in« W e d anS jfkM cement work is showing signs Cornnna patoons; ^ ^ ^ b e con asnaf number of complaints structed of ^ ? ^ £ S ^ s tending on sWasgee ayeruMtm were made r e ^ M S J ^ ^ far as the Ann ArborjjrackSj m e»M Bailey has complained that ^ o u t ihe streets on which 1 M near his residence does not carry stmcted are e w p j J j A the com- $e sewerage tar enojjgh ont mto rjany shall ptwe hefcjeen ita raite SeCTtrrent of&4W.*gJ* rr •-1— -^. *AAwt iu«r thA Often r ! T : i E N ; : v along S b > w » e e ^ aonrs. switches or^ stroetedwithotttAe; a5 1 5 D I9TEL OPENED AGAIN v 'El^tratioik places were nanud follows: ^^bilen's " 14/).¾¾. sa £r*ju»ocf4k waitf^'City SmU^aft ward; A*n»t S e w a r d . 'PoQing stetkms »j tbe (fliy Dae* K-m*ay were tiie same w i t V t o j j e n ^ g n oi,xn«* XXXIH, No. 32 mtn abase months ago when a fraud of Watson's, who was .also blind and a piano tuner, w a a t h e city and tnned a piano at the Craig bome. Watson wenttothe place to T: for - his vi.friend and Atiri was -fa* enterwait The thing that pats a fellow and ont Is hia tained by Miss Craig until the iany Ssuiaiewortii, ot other's work was completed, A admission test b«_there. feeling of cotomiseratiou was *wnsF^Tt LoCe«tes Here Most poop- want peace 0 ¾ . ^ . ' * ^ ^ ^ ed within the woman on aecprnt of insifl* ©negating for it..;. ...... the man's affliction, ^ On lr aving Wixeonei5«eaaedto his fneod his j>uthonesti and wroetual motion are in one classinner C«»ruttaa Boy Oreets strong attachment to the lady. on\ tools try toaake them wor*. •&SeUtre afterward ^.couple This Week.—Iaterier Has The wxHd would be a lot better off if there weren t met again when ^Miss Craig was Cleaaed asd Rerarsiahed. so r ^ ^ e hedging for the bereafter. sssistine at another home.in ihe eil^and Watson waa making his rf= ^onfchttobe more memory a^hooto wtetsthey lonnds setting hamtnocks which be, £ $ £ ^ to renumber what we owe toothers. altbo Wind, had made. After 4at teach The sign "Closed for Repairs" they met often and friends had ens* Wt; . taea hn which the world needs most-people isappeare<l from the windows of petted the nuptial announcement | ie Grand Central ^ S f o ^ K ^ told, or people wK Hotel on Tuesfor some time> . - y:\ of tbif> weeF-, and disclosed the Jul do them when they are told. . Wutson^g ajlfc^on cayte u ^ i j i p'w Ji4>at, l;i.ui iV Shuttleworth, lateifcunseveral years age bnt m spit^i = ; of r?efrry; and a fonner Corunna Uf it he has been able tO inaK« e ^ vy, busily engaged iu preparing mistake about the majority. ; ^> ^ )!djw-^ing daj. The interior •broon^Whkhne^ E^^^^ttit. hps been cleaned and thruont and a cleaner able to go any P* » , « ^ uuLsheii aubhea thruoc a mUliott from « ^ u l % d e ^ I ack a hundred ill", tavci' without, assignee and ' 1 ? ^ ¾ ^ tfeta^i is not zu to be found in th^Sand with hi«iame tagged to-*. :ImniftgoesOwossoang,ha» w \ •.^.^1 ffi&h The dining room I^iSca?iy^uuding ^ / ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ : A m ^ M until Wednesday T>„ni^ «T>in,on my dear Alice, is the thing that 4 > Ithat i fv.at place. «i»f><» He He can an M k'xssx-:ot „cooks 'and' waiters, -^- identity aft ipersoii by thei? voice whom b»j h i^imik y MT«. Shnttieworih, oiKe met. -.. V^V * T ..a-Wiir. -uCals' as palatable as sho/when 1 tun? arounat" The 'Journal ^ P l ^ ^ i S v ^ . *" .s.vv^r ix--. tasted at hotels, "Yrm sav the prisoner picked yofr poclret " s^s raany fnends^^sair^ ^ , Befove >^:./ing to Corunna Mr. his wife much future happiness. -.•<-' .^(ewol , disposed of his restansay that if ne naun n iiiBu»w»j« ' ^ . ^ ^ W O ^ A - B T ^ " '3s ii re^u^i^arlorfsin Perry. I THE «'PBMEB8SITB ^ ^ 1 ¾ ?! Ia»t Ia*tww .'sissuo Journal I should have found the money. ee\'s issuo ofofthethe Journal Dtioa w: made ^f the fact that ls>^the individual* m ^ o r ^ * ^ ^ Wonld vou reform the world! reform yo^* wbo-uses Foley Kidney P W ^ 0'i*em,\ ited (oe&ting here. Mr . ¾ ¾ ¾ think ^ ¾ ¾ J ^ self bsekscbe rhetunsttsrn, w e a k ^ m * utdoworiji have many * V 0 it easier K for m someone tbesame. same.7 Every e o ^ s else e t otoddoo ^ and other kidney and bladder^ who wish them succea^ who^forms Wmselt Sinselt starts an e n d l e s % golsrities. Foley Kidnoy 1 ¾ ^ , . starte an endless chein chein that that he ttDt:\ I ^ ^^ShouTthe ^ S S n t the centuries centuries to to come, come, fi?d^which fistog, ttrengtbetdug: ^ ° . ^f' w^fr^w whgh vonle should stand back SaScIo preduee benetot^ reB?^, S ! ^ c a l S M you would have men ao better, host aud hestess anil SEvtein no barmfol drugs. 5¾¾ OliiSc ^ place *« it show them the way. baen sold^balkv Put up in two e i i ^ boUles. The senuine ^ a listakably during the • uV • lyr while th% hotel has •;.p. Sold by clo-j? tka^ Ctirnnna ctnnot ^tlront Sn inn. It i* a ;r a pbieicr the else of tbut vne^ rich m. slso the eouniy room for two uumiredt Thesliops.wmVB^^^ ; I ment of tb^ «iia4 incre^; ,. ^ t s t 8. : 1 : !, _ d \sst v*-* m ; W a poleslbemsdc as soon ss V^^^^ ue, «»ano tend the sewer farther ont nrto the «««.J^^ » ™ t o b^ | and called attentionto%ftwt^&tjstilts : f'^i .WW ..1' • S a M v I t mr- + ^ 4 , yy... ' ( . ii-^rry ow w- .rt> ihe committee upon motion by for Ihe nomination foriney'puTiis and __ find tbem tc .. ayKrajitaa^MissGraoeOweu /^iux>rs aad is the change ^or cthar p«; ikages- incon- Aid. Mason and they will report at candidate govern^~...rr .?' ipeak on the streets I claim for them. tt*r.z..> united in marriage Wednesmm a little work and saeridee r - . , - Amm - « +*'-m , V r »m**. travelers h ipon theA\mcars ItK Thsr save me ol« v^^rday at 3:lf di Jar/ |Jia,«i tfie home oi ths on the part of one of the fmrti-iadviaibility 6z turning the sewer at ^^•:•{^ antoxoo6ils. MI. Mu^eXnosn is wore siugaj&fi sad iutM^.w. 'J. osn pants when a rlgnal of distress was bi-^;^ieBla,Mr.andMrs.Fio}l by the council. The sompany will the corner of Woodworth and Oliver shis foroeful speaker who always gives eheerfaQy recommend tbem te sU needed. v a, m Venice township, in tne be requested to contrj »ute a certain streets, to the main sewer one block a good practical talk whieh is well snfferera front kidney trohbles. It began when John fi«ll*w*Tf v*;</.>iaee of a fane number of rehv^ amounttowardthe e pport of Mc- west. worth going to hear. He will be in Sold by Glen T. Beynelds. •v-"«"v..-:•. _ r ^ . u 8 'j * » a n • • « ! f i , . BV n . mm. •- -• I S.L_ ~ * * . ^ .— ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ was arrested on a bevy of peU^ trfm anJ friends. Bev. Curdy park or in [ oeu of snch Manholes near the Elmer Marshall Owosso Friday evening. Hia tour charges and was pent to the count) Girted Mrs. Knots has amount to keep the p rk and casino property and .near Bert Lyman's of the coanty will include the folBaJis^x^^'slHnfiiteTWeds jail for thirty days. It was dnrv*g tA-Aiing domestze science in the lighted. ,.„„A r residence were ordered cleaned. lowing stops: Perry, 7:10 a. m.; Aid. Brands called attention to Thomas Jordan, of C&icago, aid haying time, Gallagher's hay w>is P " ' U ) ; ^ schools o* Wiseonsin and Morrice, 8:30; Bancroft, 9:80; Bythe fact that the hei vy trucks of Miss Hazel Beard, of Morrice, were ripe and ready to cut. Mrs. GaJLv ^ ^&vCoi., reeenay. ^ groom 10:30; Durand, 12:00; Lennon, united the General Meters ;Oomrany> of A SHIAWASSEE CO. MAX ron. niarriage at Dursa<! Wed- her. John's mother, summoned *' tangnt mannai training for 1:30 p. m.; Vernon, 2:15; Corunna, nesday,iaJuly Owcsso, were doing aage to the 31st, Rev. Pr. OUaf- er neighbor, William Bttdingtoa, 3:15. roails in the city and I ,• if some> ferty officiating. The couple were to cut it and put it inio the barn as thing could not be )•( ne io Umit Who Shonid Recmve Year Cmral Conattended by Miss Nellie and Peter in all probability the crop would their speed. The true ; Cf/rry lcao> sideration at the Asgsst Frisianies Jordan, sister and brother of tiie spoil if nottendedto at once. Build New Yards This Fall groom. Mrs. of from 4 to 8 tons nd >uu at a Jordan is a daughter of (Ongtori entered into a eoatrv-t J. Ramsey, president of the Ann A. L. Beard, a prominent Shiawas- to cut the hay on shares. Whej speed of about fiftieu ^riiles per Arbor railroad, was in Owosso last see county banker, and has taught John's jsil sentence expired »V hour, doing mare da:na^ than al', the other vehicles. 3e Anally re- Robert J. Ransom, candidate for week and the following summary in the Perry schools for the past secured a warrant and had Eddzu^ commended that theljeity attorney the Republican nomination for Reg- of an interview by one of the Owos^ three years. Mr. Jordan is employ- ton arrested for trespass,' draw up an ordinanc; limiting tiieister of Deeds, was born on a farm so papers as published is not without ed as a civil eugineeu' by the Ameri- The case was called off in the jr-r-' speed of sueh vehicles tofiverailedin vHazelton township, where he re- interest to Corunna people. The can Bridge Company in Chicago tioe court last week when A. &. j ^ sided until coming to Owosso nine features of his statements were; an hour. il vrhere the couple will reside. Boteford, attorney for Eddiagto J \ years ago. For the past eight years | Part . V ^ Vof V "the new yards will be com* Attorney Bichards! was of the asked for a non-suit, jftdgmeat, a&d I eted before before snow snow flies. The work / "AMOR OMNIA VWCIT" opinion that the spei* was limited he has been manager of the Postal P. .*™ costs, which Jcstice Strong griiat*d.! to 12 miles by the state law and Telegraph Co. in Owosso. He was will be begun — as soon "as the engiImmediatelypapers wereserved*! hence such an onliua ice would not elected supervisor, of the second neering department can stake out :>>fir can be rich, with both second time on Eddington who vi'l! " the Fbops Corunna Laiy Wedded Blind Broom* n o w ^ t the charge. The case •.rcB* need be poor. You ward in the last April election by the grade. ~Plans for Willi one of the largest majorities in the have been and are being considered wotk anddcam money, but maker Lak Weak. be heard Saturday, August iOtb I county. His genial disposition and and the decision will be made Boring have you a bank account before Justice Strong at Morrice * \ $ conrteo as manner have always madethe coming winter. The actual contne care and conserving struction of the shops will be made Miss Liilie Craig, of this city, fieO B^wsrd, f 100. i ? o* tfcis money? No matter Owosso * CorDou Railw»y as soon as possible next opring. was united in marriage last week Tbe readeri of thia psper will Upbasti) 'J i'.<yw KnaR or bow large an The total cost of the improvements Wednesday to William E. Watson, to learn that tberei» mi least one cWled I > WEEK DAY S C ^ EDULE. .come you may ihave, you will be between three hundred and of C&iedonia township, at the Co- disease teat science has leen able to envoi f Leave Corunna—5:i 5 a. m„ 7:l£ fonr hundred thousand dollars. renna Avenue M. E. parsonage in brafl its stageB, and mat is Catarrh. E*T v' * •''Tould have a bank account* a. m. and every bonr >o 11:05 p. ml The yard tracks, when completed, Owosso, Rev. £ . K. Stevenson of Oatarrh Cure la tbe.o*iV positive 1¾¾*} S LeaTe Owosso—Wei it Town terminofr £aowu ¢0 ths owdvAt ;^ will accommodate one thousand cars. nsl, $ : 3 0 s. m.; city ealUnB; room. . . -^Jvm* a uaam^uoo^i iL .sac, revrucL uta ; acks wiiv proviae j is the rasul* +>*» ^JVvl roiMncVbe* and in many other ways. -'«k> w . ALIU * Y U J UOUT to 10.;¾ \ Quire* a coratltaUossl treswaeat; Ban's p. m, |: • _ Catarrh Corefataken intereaQr, > You can |open an account directly nson Oe blood aad aocnaor at this bank without any SATURDAY SCHSDULR, expense and can have the Half hoor serviee from Con»»"t T H E C A N D I D A T E S use of the saoney deposited from 5:45 p. m. to 10:46 p. m, just as if it were in your Otke RessMicss SUNDAY SCHEDULE. OesNxratk basasi^amci own pocket — without the Senator Leave Corunna—8:05 a. m. snd W. A. Rosenkrans Judas C. P. Black faithJto n> € erjufve powers last tbey otter chance oi having it stolen Fred C. lioubecfc Representative every bonr to 2:45 p, m. ions J. WbeUa Jess W, Thorn Jaaes N. McBride One Hunnyed Dc^rs for ssy esse that It or lost. Come in and talk SserbT fails to cvre. 8ead for bat of ti •lasiaiksi. Edwin J. Herriek L . B. C^srooch Ha\f hour service from 2:45 p. m. H. F. with us about it. , Adtora F. t, CBXSST * 00., Toto 6:45 p. m, Frank B. Saetp Jsdys of Probate ledo, O. Matthew Bn«a G. R, Lyes E. S. Atbtvtes UlNSlNO-OWOSSO SCHEDULE. P** lecutiw^ Attorney Joseph H. Collins Pav! V. GaeoU Ctarfc Albert L. r,1chols Jaaw* Lawceck WUliaa H. sWrrlct ttos. Cars from Cornnna connect at him popular and he is conducting Cooaty for Frank Rush George Winegar Owosso witb Michigan United Trse- an honest and clean campaign, not Tra^jnrer E. u ammag GObeit J. Cole Floyd Owen tion Company intemrban for Lan- trying to gain your support by false Register of Deeds Fraair M . Gate Robert Ransocal sing every two hours from 7 s. m.promises or criticising his opponId Say Snmtvioii(to ArtBur Ouaond to 11 p. m. ents, for which he is to be admired. Vernon Royce County Surveyor „ W. E. Payne If nominated and elected he promisA. L. DtsMore Co. Drain Coauiiasioner Aloaxo Griffith R H. Taylor Thursday, August 15th, the Ann es to attend to the duties of the of- Circuit ^km^mm. Cosrt Coa. N. R. Walsh A. U Beard fice to the best of his ability, whieh Arbor Railroad will give its *onuai W. J„ Parker Bernard RUdea is not being questioned. excursion to Prankrort, Beulah, Coroners Guy A. Cole Jobs M . Frtdt W i i i ^ Caidweii If you support hion at the primarTraverse City, Onekama, Pine Park, Fred Zimmerman ies you will be supporting one who Interlochen and Manistee. is worthy and who will appreciate Special train will leave Corunna Look aboat yon and see bow yonr vote. ^mm. mm* at 10,07 A. M. and the round trip trained brain • frin better salfare to any of the poiats naasd aries than trained muscles. We train young men and woabove will be $4.00. Sunday Excursion to Toledo. men to nse tbelr brains in busiTickeia will be good for return on ness. Tbey succeed. Why not any regular train until Thursday, On Sunday, Aug. 11th, the Ann you? Will yon write for a August 29th, and may bfc used tV A Arbor Railroad will run a low round copy of onr new catalogue? It trip to and baggage will be ch£ck<<d ' will Interest yon if you want tnp fare excursion to Toledo, givTHIS COUPON, if presented at the office of The Corunna to any station on the Ann Arbor ing sis; hours in the city. togetabesd. Fall Term from Railroad north of and including Mt Journal, is good for one free swatter with which to "Swat August 28th. Address, Detroit Special train ieaies Corunna at Business University, Detroit, Pleasant or toany station on Manisthat fly." This coupon will not appear again, One swatter 8:15 A. M. Fare for round trip Mich., E. B. Shaw, President, leeand North Eastern Railroad. $1.15. only will be allowed to cadh family. 65 W4»f Grand River. Tra?n will stop to let off passenBASE BALL: Toledo vs. Milgersjitany station on north of Mt. waukee. f ! <v Wilsost Labor asd ..... 1 Electric Tinje Tables 1 t Education Pays t "SWAT THAT FLY" 0 *m ** m *r> H U W i m T Y R E Journal mm ^ U D T O ESCAPE .';!L»- \'.<g CARHI V THOMPSON Humphroya' Specifics have bean used toy t h e people w i t h satisfaction for m o r a than SO year*. Medical Book sent fr**. ALIVE Experience of Emotion Offl' c» r Who Intruded on Sabred MO*, key* of India. , "0.,.. SUPT. WRIGHT, TAI^IIjMS ADVANTAGE OF NEW L^W, *B5SCRIBES CUR» K ULtUl. I * S 4 V • 0 IS IS 1* 1i IS IT IS 50 51 St SA SO SA STATS TREASURER'S REPORT SHOWS STATE FINANCES A R E IN PROSPCOMS CONDITION. . Few*. Ceasiwtn*!. Ia#asas»aea« •-•» WeesM. Worm «* Worm XMntmt S » Call*. C*TU* •** Wa»»*»iJa«w «* lafaaM.SS nUiihei. •(* CaiMsva axM A4aS*- • • • SS reaafc*, CefeU, Prs*-fettti S* Teaalwelw. raoaeae, Weaimtcav. S» H W * ^ » M * H*<-^^Twti*<>... • • nve*»*a. 1*4100**0*. W«* at • laatfc Inw. liewn^Oin^taerafWa S* Salt nae**, krtt(^«e«.EryeJpelai. «S VM aaiarty-B er aaeaawuc' PUae. SS r*e%e» ma* Avar. .*ial*fl*. • • rtl#».Stetf orWeerttafr naaraat SS Cmt**rk. laflaeana, Oeid ta Head SS Wh»ev>ta<r>aeMr>rtT|iaemnrtlrC«e^ SS .4* Aet>*ia Ope««awd.Omteatt>eatlitif ..sa SJJJaay OtMraM »ber»ea» OeWJItv. Vitai W««*»ee» ... ss Vftaacv laeeanaeaer. WetUac Sea.. as Seee fareat. Qatfity . ts CASH SOX HAS $2,000,000 HORE fc vir**ns part* of India monkey* MORE PRACTICAL / fHIHOS TO THAN ONE VEAR AGO. ere rmMmTt^ TAUGHT IN/FUTURE. O M ef taa principal monkey ^oiples: ta t% Nttddea. Such veneration i» Tii« TV;* C-Vd- P^rtii* ^'Oppose Vfrit OBovm here to Htinlman, the monaey Agriculture Wilt f e Requlree Study ing in Nam** of Progressive *md,\'a*x viaitora may net enter tho in Every ar!;rrery Sehoct Candidate* on Tickets in pootu i pi the temple without removing District 1 •( the State Fail Primaries. t'Jeir anoea, • iii • Michiga!*. ' O H on« occasion an English officer, In The eaaxMH report ot State Treas'nasli^; op the country near 2-Juddea. Agriculture becames a . required urer Albert E. Sleeper shows ths jchu ced to stroll Into a bamboo Jungle, 77 Sf 1¾ 8^7 frrtr ss4 SaawscrCeWs study in every primary school dlstrk! state finances are in a prosperous bj* boat had "put to!' for thein Michigan this year, according to *eM W drvsDfML «* ewi »cei?» of price. • condition. The receipts for the fiscal L He bad not advanced far before the pew course of study which has niTaJpaasvB' nonsc. HEPtcciS co. c«r»et year ending June 30, 1912, amounted i ward a terrific uproar all about b^n outlined by Superintendent of WUUaw aa*I AM Su«ei«.Kew York. to $14,190,498.57, as compared with and was not -. little alarmed to Public Instruction Luther L. 'Wright. %l2'M*Mi for 1911. When the books jbebvld a whole army of the largest The legislature of 1911 gave to the were balanced at the end of the last jsson ^eys he bad ever soen making superintendent the power of definSteal year there was |1,74«,384.&1 in the general fund, while the balance low* rd him from all qua ter*. itely outlining the course of study In available cash at tbe close of the } Btbe lumped on the ground before wfcieu "must fee fallowed !n preaent year was t^,vi2.e*^.2i. thiav, others swung- by the ... bamboos district school in the state. Here, CarmJ A ; thempaen, Pree*d*nt affa Cat Frank Metotyrs i * > * ' amsBsAsW ss^s^ffass dssm* In some instances tbe receipts In IHlOriifMIONAL* tofore the course of study was opavst ibis head, and many closed ur* the Taffs new secretory. n*e been secrepointed chief of the b«re.,e of isaaiar the specific tax fund «ere smaller tional with each district hoard, the . Speib In ble rear. Several females bad of stats of Ohio aad before eesuperintendent's power ibeJas only effafrs ef the War depart***** to *ee- than a year ago. The fees from fire tory ^yoat g eaves ^**iig-h>g to them, bnt advisory. eupytog that vfaea bo was anoaker of Cd»/stda. Tha assurance companies Increased from Mr. WrifeM takes advan•* BsJ9H *W* f*« did not seem to render tbem tage of the the hesee in tbe OMa ^•atola'aes. B U S H fztt 544.63 to 9352^28.71; Kfa inanropportunity given him wfth rV^he rank of 2*«e *>gil* than tho others jfijd*)c>**c2*y_tr8 d he ha* bean, first ssstotaat by the new law and will require a Cote*)* tdotweyro anee fees f?om $22fi,eS3 to S2»4,St8JS4, j l t d Knsjlshmsa knew itot what to course of agriculture to be introand railroad taxes from »4.221,403.03 of tne dsaartmsAt of the born In Alabama in USS. •tATTiarw as/Mt wati to H56?4*L«2, while telegraph com* do, a* yoHed at tho top of his voles duced la every district *<*h.fcoL osteeeae « M. paaiea decrriaad- from kS4.ST7.55 to tnajstaoro T a h i * Incense reifed, On acccafit nt the leek of prepara(3S,7tAU; tetopheae taxes from CORUttNA. — <,<*ae that ho yelled the moafceys tion in this sahjeet oa the part of IC s«13^S«.4S to ¢385461.^, and Inher- Fenwfck Asks State AM In Liquor sted a bit This eneouragert ton* teachers, Supt Wright ealy require* itance taxes from $904,978.84 to $4CR,1to p^swvere ba fee snonting; but he one-half year of intenstva study, Six promiaent leaders...»f the ln«>ed that wben be himself bisgaa with a text bo.*, tail tc be given dastrhtl Workers of the W'^ht were - last year the state treasurer re- Sixteen citizens of Penwick. Montlo rttreet th* rsoaAays would again fn the eight* mwd* In addition to found guilty of felony in i tu\ Diego. ceived $57393.4« from the saie of ca'ex coanty, appeared before Gov. OsAttOftvmy sat Leaaa> thl* mtesstvt study, a course ' In Cat. " ' . best i. to dose In «p«« ***** ".,.,¾,. hunter*' licenses, as compared wtth bor«i asking state aid in the prosenscare iptudy, ^egtnaiaa with the Me«atieit*4 Tt« be stood aim and gave owe $J«Jf*6.*5 for the- previous T«ar. The cution of several cases against J . W. grade and advenctvg throngh eaaaainatlea fees from the board of Bullock, a druggist of Fenwieh, for A light fri! of snow suxr^ised the tren. mdouf shout, whereat the mon- third ftchoa! asd gardening, crop key s jrsst bac^agaia. Tm* one tne planting and allied subjects is -esideats of HUIm*s on Sal day. Al- registraUoc, in medicine' Increased alleged violation* uf the local oprioTt though it filled the- air tor a t>.»w min- from $&^S0 to 1M73: the__«ee*_ of_ Jaw. ^_It appears that Prcsscutiag AtHadanined felly SO yards and recommended as stoat daalrxble ute*, it meHed A S *ooa a* f tfetL .. the bankinK «*Kiai*«toner [i»m $31,- torney c.' BVHeardon, of Montcalm wa*; iioiit to repeat ta* e*H whe*- plemeaiary wars. t&JS» to W*WZM; the fees of the county, has the eases in charge,.and, ther.; appeared a new figure upon j Abmm 3, Jiacke^, - «b*s_ ". i a ittsnrance esnoaisaioner from $31,- according to those who appeared be» -Flrot Step ta Wide the i «en* ta the person of an agwL icU>i*™ S* - * * * dlapal '%_;h«*- S4U.90 to $49^i2^6. and the tees ^sd forv the goyernor, Mr. Keardons tb« Pierce during the etrit w;u-, is Uceases from the state dai^y arid food father, with whom he Is connected ^\^S*^&^^& toward dead at Athens, X . Y., aged % t ^eara. department from |10,2S1.31 'io $11,-in the i*w businewj, is assfarUug him door west ot bridge. : : : W * / ! : * *** «teiaht j reforming the rural *ehcaSs la the 148J0, while the non-re»id«»t wholein prosecuting the case*, and Is at the WUbnr Veirra, head of tl J » o a . T£ l aged person shook two or three | state and making them reject tha MlC^iaArt Uquor licetisee decreased from same time an agent of the Michlgaa of 'Hi monkey* by the paw* as she life which su'troeede them rather c!tnrch, has arrangedtocarry he gas* sale $41,701.84 to $27,458.35. Bonding company, ot Detroit The passed. Ne sooner bad she eosee tbtin weaktv imitating the city pel into practically every statt '\> tho As compared with the previous IS comzil'vtoe appearing before the chief vrfcfai \ hearing of ttho Britisher tJmu Snpt Wrtgat i * eerteatiy union by the agaacy of aaton TbUes. months Utere xaa as Usereese in tbe executive declares the case* are not ishe » ened upon hlid tho visls of her **y°™*** J * e f„ j £ ! The raliraad commission wi i)<sive motor vehicle license fees received being prosecuted as they shouM. W I L L I A M Jo tha cithcen* of West Branch a ;benr> iwratl wfor dkwarhiag ^ .scred snJ^ ^ ^ ^ U ^ L ^ i n S ? itt by the secretary of state from $90,rt^, w . f»» bey* sad girl* of the mrmtng tits- ing *oon relative to the telephone a^avycLaw. SmwJtoras Michigan Senators Veto Against CI; tyf^ f^Stt ^ t.icts an Insight into tha arohleias raise recently adapted by tb« tets> 18»^4 to $lSSJiSS.80. ria^ra(er depart, and tbat qafckly. aa | ^ ^ remtten to their of! Reciprocity^ ' 1 - . • Oppeee Wrftiosj Names on Ballot. iorder which b« last ao time tn exa- tire*, sroaafag an mtarest in sciea- phone company the^e. jcatinr.. The menkey* all *uemed 1m- tinc sgricnlture* shaking their trainIvor thousand baskets of grsii /and Frcm the sum ber of petition* filed Michigan's two seaatoni, iPfici; f to .obey th« old woman's Me- ing aot oaly of cultural bat ot prac- SOS barrels ofjgur^ere dert^yed voted tor aad the other againai i pert* ^^^^k^d^ft^^t^ C»mm^^reciprocityact at the islhg, raaUttg a way for the ssan's re- tical value as well. As fast SS R fa la a Sra at> wsnWm, H. Df, * time of It* passage, went oa record as pracUcai the work fa agriculture burned tne New State roller \ ftrast. .. - ' favoring its repeal. The vote came wtth a|o*S of S5O4K0. , the state, thv now party has Si ^ will be extended to tha othar grades. ' .Th*) oM weassa, It «»*s>rea. was' oa a pTOBoattiou to recede from tha f Tha new coarse of study doe* not The Ptesch Aero dub has /jalot^sdl dldaiea for ta* l a * ^ ^ ample red by the Braaatta* ta senate asseadweat ta' the steal hfU* Uaiass the two old parties split stop with the tatrodnettoo of agrf- Jnisa Vedrtnea, Mnarice Pravost »-.ad' (the l i n k e r s with tassr food whieh called ior a rsaeal of the Jet aoarly e*»a the Ssossvelt men waald «MWu is»Mrtsst *ajtsBt^su» is. F*sy to rcpresaat r^ance In limy. |a*sy ware a*i*iassd by aa at hat i t esipaasisea throngheat it* Andre Seaatora Smith sad Twwneead voted have mil* easaea *f electing their ^terssrtie^sJ svtatloa latest \$t Stevrtrt *w«idL Owino th* people tb* eowstry roaad. who •cope the desirsbnlty for *aakjng the tha against receding frost the TJ. a senator avea If all of their the Gordoa Bannet cap at CUcaffn; tans showing that they are Ihaougilt iili>riaa* n ilea sad *w*sm- work at the rem! seJraet store practiIn a head-oa oolMston bklwsea si^sa The NaUonat party leader* say the to havo the law strlekoa from tha Si^au to fhem ec^na^^^itfpwys caL l a artthmetie, for exsaiple. tha weatboahd Hlhe meantaln expreta situation is sot worry ing tbem aay statate books. Umstor Townaead ae(Waek y. prsklssas sra to deal wtth potato**, aad aa eavstnesnsd fraigbt oa the We*' they lataad to writo ia, Ighmiiy favored the maumre, sat Sea- D i r t D . H . graia, hatter. oSsa. farm SaMs, pre- era M*rylaad railroad <t*«e0« OsMeSr et Caawwvfl^v tames at the primary to have star. Smith voted agsieat It. Oa the ducttresMsa of cows sad hear Th*y Md^ stx passenger* and foar trala a fall ticket Is sack county or legl*vote the Michlgaa seaators were ta '.. '''. Crnaity ts are not to deal wtth hypothetical wore hart, Vs latlve district m tf.e state. the minority, the senate voting S? to Ejys,£w. Ths { cases which are not In range of th* The Republicans snd Dessoerats, to.recede from lt* smesdmsnt callTwo yens* farmer* foand la aa old l;is, in loaSoa OptaAa, writes of experience of a boy or girl oa the tree which had frees split ia half byW«fod»»S swuiy lawyera. etsits that 28 ing for ^ e repeal the r ring aseA of e new society, ara- farm and probably never will be, tv*t lightning *t Uvtogstone, Ca,, a gold If thta le attempted the saw dng Uat it hi^hitfh time to da away they wiU bp such problems fa fcrls band wedding ring. The circlet bore wen ara going to run against a Nrttk t i« soetotr for the preventkm of accounting that their feiherr sax? the inltiala.. "To JuUa Henderson, stamp, oa tha ground that sorb a pro- State fc After UnH**s**d Prnavoa«y*, mothers aro called upon constantly to Tbe sUW insurance depsrtsent fs pesding is against th* law. The case mraelt-'to ehildraa and from John. Jtay 17. 1879." fin. Try lis consider. vlll likely reach the supreme court making an effort to determine the jcAeref> ana tor the Because of tha prevaJence of ftnaka*l»afore % ia decided. whereabouts of C. H. Chalfaat 8. A. Laura Practical TMnes. mt cr *?ty to parents. Ho raawrha la tha soathera pan of New York Price and G. W. Stockman, reputed y,yk.^. -~ Tha geogiapAy in the new coarse that <: w/atioas sad *nb*ciiptioa* far state the New York Xoolop^osl soeto- , Juds* Blair N*ar Death. representatives of toe Grand Lodge of study will begin at home, and *nu>h i , b^eficent firganizarion would of the Owls. child will be taught something ty hae placed la service a motor car yndge Charles A. Blair, justice of W i t 'ix from those who know by «** the about hi* owntownship,coanty and equipped with a 60o-candle power 1¾¾! -supreme court ef Michigan, will The operation* of the men aro not axperi «nce bow *orrowful Is the lot of state before he has to master the lfsfc searchlight and will bunt the snake* in conflict with the insurance laws ne.'er sit on the bench again the f* bar who Suds himself abandon- of European capitals andtobound %Le by night in several counties. except that the neglect to honor the ed to V ferocity of his chiidren. "Too vallous . Asiatic empire*. The prob- Polities has rent the home of Joa- ^tricken with Brigjit's disease, Jus- state laws relative to securing a litlc4v Blair is i t a riitrnmer home in cense, and it Is through this omission lofig.' he writes, "his the cry of the lems of food production and their re- quin JftJler, poet of the Sierras, in Uniting the care ot physician* thit the authorities hope to drive it s fallen upon deaf ears. Do yon lation to people is of more importance Oakland, Cel., Into three factions. It >|camaunder C . S . A L L I S O N a sum, known Uiat the chances of them out of business. % \o patents crying, O my brothxho present-day conception of geo-Miller, a life-long Jacksonian, has reg- prol>s*ging bis lite and length of time *>p*saieuee> stead J»«»ats>f The men came to Lansing about six sirs? rbe young lambs are playing In graphy than drawing of weird maps istered as a Democrat; 'Mrs. Miller i* wotC doubtful, and that though hi* weeks ago. Last week they left town !tha mwadews, but the old people are .and the memorising of the names of a Republican of tbe Taft school, while ^bya^ians sc^ht to suppress the without appraising the member* of 117 5. Washington St. Owai **epl'« bitterly. Many a fat city j various rivers end mountain ranges, Miss Jnaaita, the daughter, declare* tae condition of his health, they their embryo lodge with their destinaaffrchat conceal* behind hi* waist- j Instead of learning f^ names af herself an ardent admirer of Roose- were'agreed* that It would be impos- ation Tbcj had collected about iJ'*-l M: heart that is lacerated by the alltoebone* in the body and being; velt sible ;?or tbe justice to resume court $1,000 in initiation fees. • .K"'... of hi* children. Many an focste the vaxtsAU organs and Poverty has become so r»mpletely work. 7£~~ L TuSZ. htTT^i* J^Tamn: describe their fanctiosm, the child ts a thing of ]the past In the town of The new* of this condition of his •fawn An dilutes hia turtle soup with » . _ .to^ take ^ ^ ^care . - .ef ^u There sra a lot of ressmts to learn how his teeth, Brewster; Kit**, that the authorities health '/as a severe blow!to his as- MICHIGAN NEWS ITEMS. tears ^ angnish'as he think* of the skin eyes, ears snd other parts of why s teJepitose shoald torma; t* Ids children sra preparing his body, how to revive a person who have dlrocte| the town clerk to sell aoclatoi and many frienda. Charles Draske, Detroit wa* electthe poor farti. and poor house to the Justice Blair is In his fifty-eighth fi'i. hli a ta the dark precinct* of hi* la nearly drowneS? whattodo fn case highest bidder. There has r^bf been appeajtojron; it k ewerh^vihg been born in Jackson, ed president of toe'Lutheran bund at au>urt<ji noma.** a person is burned or svffers a broken an applicant for &; place hv <:-.^ iyr.tl- year, the conclusion of tke annual eoaven^pril 10.1854 His father *as lasting service asd every bone or a severed artery. The men- tutlon in over a year, it 1«, aaid, '/he Mmh Austin lUa.ir, Scotchman and famous tton In Bay City. ace ot flies and mosquitoes and other town bas about TOO toluu s. \ Coifapelbl* Army Cart flay satisitttion. Provide Authorities at the Ingham county ^ a gc vernor" of Michigan. A ctHapsfble military cart bas been similar questions of hygiene and sanjail in Mason have been ordered to A new.' ktoS ^of-intoxlOf ;^;' ;\UHIIICT yonix^lf with a Union invent ,d by ah officer of the army itation . _ , win • . ...supersede . ^ . the. technical . . remedy conditions at the institution New Ifon Field Near Bessemer. has b w dweovered In 3Ali*^,,rr service corps In London. Tbe carl P ^ o l o g y which has been taught in or the state will close i t The jail : r C A RD S. # r ? 0 1 7 E . H. BAILEY, M - 0. 1 aAT rt PkUKEH, W B f c k a e i m f - E • Mm : u : a b l e to tm n 1 w the bottom of every *uo is discov^rtiV A ne^v iron fi^ld is at-out to be is he!d to be unclean. > a 7Jqnor prcduced. oj tbe ferniciitAt ca Opened on the^-Gogebic range, the w u ue Teach Correct Speaking. Gov. bsbors has received a check ( Of the sllasre; Tt, t« «f»"»ir t- c r i ; r'.i.u:,^ a working shaft beiag now ,^siio«uTTv* of the army next SeptemReadinr In ih* • » * *"i.rs ;Z tor. 175 from the tx^torer of the Wiry corn wSisfcy before being distinker way. Drilling lias been going ht> The cart Is built eotlrely of tu- ts emphasised as probably the most United States, the amount being, the 'tiil^dv While •.1¾ M, hot expected to f>j off and on for years and the prcsi,'^ r *U*-i:-.-*r>,t u i u v u , ana Is <«xtrei.ie usual allowance: frou> the government ly light «0 iiaul, r i i ^ i i l> will car J' Teachers are u:«t.o&&d y>- train ind become fashirmable at city bar* itr «hce oi ore at frota 500 to 1,000 feet for assistance in maintenance of 'the liquor is pronounced good <r«n«iid<>T-' down well kiinwn, but being seven up to a ten dead-weght Several of chldrren to read for the thought reth- ing its cost. SoMi€>a' Home. The miies froiu the nearest railroad no ilkuigau these can be carried in a motor lorry [ amount will be turned over to the than for expression,/JO sflent rather A macadamized roadway, eight feet real efforts at opening up has been state treasurer. of-.the type now In use In tlie aimy, ther. Sloud reading ir, recommended. atteoptea and would be instantly available tor The plan is for the chiia to read wide, from Chicago to the strsitH of John Bolinski, aged 25, a Polisn laThe new field is just abou* haif Mackinac, will be the project that a use In any desired direction. U It silently from the pi in ted page, close specif! committee of the board of way between /WaterfieJd and Lake borer, is dying in a Sagtoaw hospital claimed by uie Inventor that no coni his book and then stand before the supervlsom and the board of county Gogebic and some seven miles north from wounds received when attacked and t « l wjrat be has read. In try is too riugh for the cart, and that class Maieniseo, the nearest railroad by several of bis countrymen. Bcllnthis way the child not only learn* to commissioners will advocate at a of skl attended a o^nce and it is said point. ft 4» practically indestructible. read quickly anrt for the thought, bnt meeting of special supervisors and It costs rery Uttle to build thee* he acquires the desirable ability to road commissioner*' boards of every As soon as actual ore is shown UQ he caussd trouble by/ t«*tag Peter car^s, since all the part* are Inter- stand on his feet face other people county on the esat shore of Lake the Northwestern will extend it* Dudewits's sweetheari bome. Dudewiti and ahothex foreigner are locked changeable; a temporary breakdown ^ _ „. , ^ H * Michigan .to be held in Muskegon tTie tracks to the new field and a few up in the county jail. waSfnot be a very - r t o o . m a t t o r . f f ^ « « years hence the Gogebic mining field criticism latter part of October. .1 to speak correctly, as crit since spare parts could -«-»w easily h be. car learns Because tbe demand tor labor in is sn important part of the work. tae seSaoner Caaco, immortal as will no doubt reach east to Lake Goried on the motor wagons. The idea is that habits of correct the ahtp. of adventure in which 24 gebic, an extension of about 18 miles Saginaw was too great and there was no unemployed to enlist the navy respeech are infinitely more valuable year* ago Robert Lout* Stevenson eastward from its present limits. cruiting office, which has been OperHa (sues<» I stfolvt to the boy or S'»ri tnun * knowledge sailed away never to return, soon will jSacon—I see * nev fecok a of rule* of grammar. be remodeled to enter the fishing Detroit In Sixth Place * • Manufac- ated ia the federal building, for sevturing Center. eral years, will be discontinued Ocl^oking-glas* set fn tbe title business. Stcve-ison sailed from San tober 1 and moved temporarily to Detroit as a manufacturing ecater The Stm?*cr. Ps.rk Camp Meeting Francisco in l«sg. Cruising through Egbert—That Wtoprevent the worn pftasociatioe opened its fifty-fifth sea- Oceania on the Casco, in search of now occupies sixth place among the Bay Clfy. Chief Quartermaster C. V. e»i from rynungaver to read the last' »«n » Romeo. It Is expected that health, he gathered the materials for cities of the United States, accord- Kinney has been in charge of the lothere will be a larger attendance this "The Ebb Tide," for "The Wrecker," ing to tbe United Status census of cal office, which has been a disapchapter the first (king, t «uppoa*. 1910, which has lust been published. pointment year than ever before. and "In the South Seas." Prosecuting Attorney Potter has Grand Maxais baa «w«^d into hisA cloudburst near Horse Creek. 40 A Long See*Ion. There are many boilers in use ordered out of the state Palo Spar tory a* a Swiing center, the tug* of miles north of Cheyenne, Wyo., wiped "Toull have to go, sow, Mr. Hng the A. Booth company, the ia.**** out nearly a mile of track on tbe throughout the state, arcofitng to; r*,ko, «src' bX :.ars, an Italian, wbo ghM,M said the girl, wtth a yawn. Inspector JT A. Aab, of Detroit, that ! assaulted his wife and afterwards fishing concern on. the lake, having ColOi-*do A Southern line. •'What! to early?" exeiahned tb* been token to Cheboygan. shoald not be allowed to be operated J tried io kill bis son-in-law, Charles John Slade, head sawyer for Alon- because their owners overtax them. DiainanU, of Nashville. Sparratto wu'fl between four andfivehu%> David, of Hagle, who conducts a "Tea, you see, papa I* a union roan tired men to be moVed to Battle to and bis wife had been living with Sheriff Werrlck fs making an effort portable saw mill, was klUed when be end bell only allow eight sours for Creek, the Castle Lamp company, wss cut lengthwise, from shoulder to have tbe authorities give George Diamaxitt erwrtinjc.'* Mrs. George Powell, of Saginaw, which recently purcbaifd tbe Cori to hln, by the circular saw. Slade Chambers of Vernon, a paroled convict, another chance. Chambers was died from the effects of an operation, Piano company* local factory, Is was taking a piece of timber from sentenced in February, 1910, to serve it is alleged. Dr. Mercer M. Carter Keep Him t^asy. the carriage which carries the log practically held up from farther pro"What nro ths principal activftle* of gress because Battle Creek has not back and forth from the sa*, when from one to 20 years in Ionia, for ao refused to sign th* death certificate on his divorced wife. He was and Corouer W. S. Ccucery started the official position our friend oeea empty bouses enough to provide for he accidentally backed against the assault given his freedom after serving 14 an investigation. Coroner Connery lever cor •roiling the carriage. He the newcomer*. President Caatfe months, but last week was arrested says he IF *r°i»'c to orobe the case and '..vol***, to Vumw htode an appeal tor of some fell acd *ax jerked in front of the and sentenced to 1$ days ia the coun- wiil lay the facte before Pros*tutor •aw. Part of the man'* rigM long smabad feast** ftsrsjhiaa, j^ their famine* with taeav Browna wss fswid ia the pit under the ssw. ty tail for being druak. ; v Tekphone st i8©,o connections in Owosso; And Corunna, £ 4 1 SS YCARw EXFcatcrtcc ^f^^t^iT^ u tpWCsBBSdhOw _ _ -.—-^ & Aetkem^eSBHsstfemW . • H S B B B S B ^ S B B B B L T : l f m g «1 ^*c*re£xe3for ou> work ai this TV? Sharp Pains I n the> B a c k Juihor to Kia**y Trouble. H a v * you * lame back, aching d a y a n d nighi? Do }4ft feel a sharp pain after bending over? When the kidney* seem sore and the action irregular', u s e Doan's Kidney P i l K which have cured thousands. of " N o ; we are coming back tc .Phil*: 'You are causing roe to run away I heard him telling about it an hour j fence alone promised concealment, {and, biding ray sword tightly, I crept delphi* victors, and soon. I tut not from Grant," I protested blindly. "You ago." afraid to tell you. 1 have learned are making me appear afraid to meet "Is tbat ao? Where d tbey go?" [in that direction,breathing again iuJre Major. Lawrence, aun ot Jtidce L * w - much today, and go back to report to him," "Covered everything, I judge, from freely as I reached it* protection* unAA lUmots Case rem'e t>f Virginia, whoao wife waa a Lee, ta eem on a pertloua mlaslon by 0>n. Washington that -the exchange ot Brit'No, it is not that," »wlftly. "He CsJIowolll to the Lower Battery, observed. There waa a guard stationed ft TT. Davis. M« Coicraeretat 3 t . Wai»hlnff»«n, Ju*i after the winter at VaJ- ish cottjnander* mean.* the early evac- was not co ail a g to you personally *t Watt* said he asked questiona oi befors the stable door—a Grenadier, Danville, l i t . says: "I wa* complete!fy F u r r . D^aculMed hi a British uotly laid up wit): kidney trouble and uation of the city. When we meet r«rm t a w r e u w arrtv«i within the enemy's all—you were to be arrested?** everybody they met, but he didn't take from tbe outline of bis bat—and othrheumat!«hi. 1 spent several iveelu IF. tine*. The Major atteiida a great the hoepftai but was not helped Aa a again you will not be a Lady of the any note*. He llkeu the fellox, but "What! He knew me then?" era, a little group, were sitting on tbe and aavea the "Lady of iha Blended last resort, I began using Doats's K l d K « K " from mob. He later meet* the girl Qlended Rose, nor will I be wearing Pilta aad was entirely -cured. X "1 aro not sure--some one did, end thought he was migixty Inquisitive. grass a dosen feet away. If they bad «>av« had no trouble since." at a brllllaot KalL Trouble t* amrted thi* uniform." Where is he now, air?-' mentioned his suspicions. Captain not been already warned I might gain u v t r n F t K i ana Lawrence la urged by Get Dose's st «sy Dreg Seats, Me. * Bag "The devil kraows, I don't, and youH a horse by boldness, but tne profe&btfHer eyes sparkled brightly into G**ftt waa glad euou&a of au excuse, hi* partner. Kistre** at oi timer (Ttie r-Ady >t,the Blended Roae>, to m**e hU escape. mine, then dropped demurely. K y no doubt, but he." the soft voice fal- have ic find out Hell bead north- ity was tbat here was where Carter tering, "he made a mistake is twitting west likely; heli never try to eros* hnd mounted his squad, and I would '•I—I rather like the colors you are C H A P T E R IV. (Continued). the river here. How miay men have merely walk tor ward into a trap. 1 wearing now, and am sure this dress me for being friendly toward you.** *How 1 kept to the measure 1 cannot i * most becoming. I —I have a pa* you?" "Asd you came to warn, to save bad better chance the possibility tbat A fr** thinker ts s man who isn't imagine, for. tn an instant, all my •ion for siasquerade." "Twenty." me!" ! exclaimed, pressing her band. some visitor had left s hora» tied in married. house of card* crumbled late nothing"Scatter them to every north post front, or to one of the stasds. With " i recognise that, but have already "That waa nothing* i could do no ness. She. knew nse. this brae-eyed discovered where I can read the truth le*s. Sad Cross Ball Bhas wffl wash deahle as l a m only glad I i VJW tbe way." The fellow had ho horse, and your this poawiptlizy in mind I turned, aad girl; asew me. and sought to aid my beyond the aiasaue—what is occurring slothes ss aay other bla*. Doa't pat "You mean how you might reach me troopers can easily get ahead of him. skirted th* ho***, ntaklag sty***? as maay your sacaey iato say other. . mission, tb>* dausjhter of a loyalist, now?" ' Hurry up now." €*rt< r depbrced with Ineoaspicuows as pssalbl*. There were tht* lady of she Blended Bo**. It was She turned to look, attracted s* I **Ye*;-lt cam* tome l a s . Sash when etteh- of e*-»l. and Ma 'Hugh evidently soldiers on the outside step*; I beard inconceivable, and yet a fcet—my bad bees by the change and bustle he first left me alone, only 5 was sot turned to hi* comp*n>on. A n*s SraaK their voices without seeing them, asd name had beea whispered by ber Hp*. about us. A few feet from where w* certain is watch parlor yoa would be is ssght? " W e l l catch the lac! all rhsht. Grant Itesher—Mo- l triad to dirt with a Suddenly she looked U P tatigafsg. a* stood cosversihg, large folding doors, waiting. 1 nut through to* kitchen Some ot those outposts will nab him was thus drive* to rus awtftry pretty suSrsgett*.—Judge though to make onhers feel that wo previously concealed by draperies* asd down the back jtair*; I helped before daylight No use our waiting an open speee, Bsemory g^tdlss conversed lightly- We passed Grant, wore suddenly Suing wide open, re- the officer* p u s their deemsttoa*. *ad around bare: let's go back upstair*." toward the opposite psvindo. Brestblees, with bear* besting fsst, I even as .1 held my breads almost vealing a magnificent dining halt in that way t*»*r«*d o# »hi«. artiste A Sasptie, The girl** nervous gravy oa my n+t* crouched lew in tiw shadow, endeavorafraid to ven'.nre witb word*. Ye? pBssJed by the magnificent *pectacl!*> passage beneath the stair*, ft was tightened, her Up* pressed close to my "Do yes believe to ghost*. Willie?" ing to make est my reore immediete tbey woeW sot be restrained. "No, not ualecs I'm alone la th* tarried to thy companion, unable to]easy, but—oh, listen! they are in ear. surTounding*. There were ae horses "Yoa certainly startled me; how do Itv»Ut •*!--! must get h*ifk to.my pUce at 1¾*!**. hfit 1 *froM **+nfly 4iat!?i«atsb teaiptatiou. C!ie must have in there rOvri--^. -you know this ? Surely we hsve never *ta-B«xT,ire*d-4h#, jp^ the tabled she whispered. "Surely you. t'j* *tomping of rest lesa beof* somei n my face, We could hear voices throri£b the inmet before T* , e"sfffa^^iaPw^aie'wsn'el -—•— - - . -—- -.— " ^ i ••\ ^ know what to do; this is a fearooor; where to the right Aa I *tisignteued for she grasped my sleeve. tervening wall clearly enough to even i refuse to be questioned, sir; tt Kxaxnine carefully ever/ bottH> of "No; you must not think of remain- distinguish words, as toe*a^»kers ex- there are stable* a hundred feet away; up, determined upon dsscovermg as means nothing how 1 know—the fact ing a moment longer. There will be CASTOR1A, a safe aud sur* rmnedy for ercised little restraint I felt the girl's you^muet get a horse, and ride fast— empty saddle if posc^le. tbe figure of Infant*-sua children, and see th*^\ it that 1 do should be sufficient," ' » seat reserved for me, anal Captain slender figure press agalnat me in the fyou—you wfll do this!** a msn advanced towaid me.. "Must Mistre** Clair*—"— Bears tbe ''Ye*, of course—but how can I Grant is coming thto way novr. Some- .najTOSr-- si>«cc_ where we, stood, and 1 "Hold en there! hold on!" he com"Rather Mistres* Mortimer." Signature of i n*r n*u4. ooth rer&aining KSO tb^Kk yosY* ' . )r thing la wrong, 1 aaa:sure; ; ] ; ^ y ? no c'lurs manded shortly. "Who are yon? What "Yet the captain called you Claire." time to explain, but promise me you tionlesa and sileat. Is Us* For Over ao'Yesr*. •Uon't try; don't ever even think ot the devil are you skulking about out "And we were ehUdreii together— wffl leave here at ©oce~-at oaee." "That fellow has run. Grant.** it again. I hardly know what mad im- i here for?" Children Cry for Fletcher** Coatorni you can scarcely claim such familiarHer eyes, her word*, were so In- boomed some one hoarae?y, "either p « w :'<?*st ?3»e h*?e. Now f hav*» but It was Grant beyemd a doubt; 1 ity." Rare Bo«fc? fer Harvard. > sistent I cosid not refuse, although a# *fr*!«f or else what you *ay he one thought—to hurry you a^ay, s»d wouW. iwifftul*v the peculiar anari Of " i warrant you can nera« me." Harry Elkins Widener. who waa lost 1 glanced shout I felt convinced See here. boy. did you see anyone is get safely back myself—you will go?" that voice in a thousand. He had not . "Allen, is It no*. * i r ? " there waa no ^danger In this assem- here lately in scarlet Jacket V "Yes—but—' g-nyxe upstairs then; had not rejoined on the Tuaakv had a very valuable What wa* tt tke witch did not know! blage. not a familiar face meetis* "I don' Inst 'member, a&h." answered "Kot naw! there W no tiro* for ex- j r»*. lady. to the dining-room. What coUectlcu of books, and these will go Thi* wa* no guess work, vurely. and mine. At the Instant Grant csme np. a negro, hesitatingly. "1 was busy planatlOB, promises, anything. You i would she think of bis abs-nco? to Harvard usiveraity. His grandfajet ^ow could her strange knowledge elbowing hi* Tf*y throuffb the pre**, over dar* •'lessln* de sideboa <5." heard what tttey said; ever? avenue <>f What would she do wben she realised ther, P. A. B. Widener, will provide a be accounted f?r? Sweet a* the face and staring insolently Into my eye*, *^Ven, Les sot here sow. tbsi'« cer- escape will be blocked within an hour, j probable meaning? Someway 1 wa* building is which the book* will bs was, greatly as tt had attracted me, eves as be bowed politely to the lady tain." broke Is Grant IntvMiienUy. If you go at once you can outride them not frightened, at this meeting him. adequately boused. The collection bv ,«.M!?e..ws* nethisg to awakes a throb beside me. "sad we've bees is all 'be parlors? pieawe, p£ea*e go!" but glad—if those otber* would only oSuses a first fotfe Bnakeepesre, a of mensory. Surely 1 could never have "At least this 1* my privilege" be What nest, MseH^ghr She held out her band, and f keep away, and let us settle the affair copy of Ss*k**p*arw'a poms* ia ths sees he; before, sad forgotten; that insisted, "imless there be another preoviglBsl bind t n * sad what I* deserlssdi "Try to head him oft* before be ess j grasped it warmly, usable longer to would hare been impossible. The ms- vtou* cagagement of which 1 sst Igso- «et oat of the city, of coarse. That's war against the vttiful appeal Is bet between u*. Here was hia teat—« a* ths fittest eoBeeti** m the world st coward would cry out an alarm, ssm- Bobert Louto St*v*s*os** works, a»c ceased, leaviag us at- the farther rast.** bla gams, probabiy. triasorue, ssvet voice. ... ', mon the guard to> bbj sdMstsiios, but, extremity of the nsli. "Oh, ro," ssd she rested a*r sa^d* i f the feBew** serve only held, or If he "And now you win go?** she que* on the green sleeve, smtrfog fross hi* Works 1» tn* faardsn Msw. bsted Me badly esoagh,he'd Sgbt it ttosed eagerly. , ChwwB old la the **rv>es of his ***** face Into mine. "We were w*iting for out alone. Alt thla came to m* ts a "You *$ean. leave borer* ter ssd •latisss, James was * prlviyou to come. Goodnight, Lieutenant Sash, and tho words of cssllesge "Ye*; you said oae* tonight, that Psrte*que." tatMd refaiser,'' ~ spoken before be even grasped tb* but for me you would be riding yon* Re w*« waitisg at table ose day, They had taken a step or two, wbee tbought of wbo I was der. I realised &U you: meant, and Grant halted, holding her arm.tightly "So I have discovered you. hsve I? whea s avast p*ttt*ty *sssd for a nab you must not remain. The guard lines as he glanced back to where I stood. Wty did you fsil to keep our auaetnt- fofk. Straagely *sougs, th* request are slack tonight, and you can get wss ISaofed. J "Would Lieutenant Forteaque spare raent within?" through, but if you watt until tomor- me a moment after I L«ve found tbe Ts*» i s * host— ssttosd ths spiHe drew up,sharply with an oath, sode aad r*s*srrk*d Is a aw*t psreaprow it may be too late. Believe me, 2 lady a seat?" he questioned politely. peering at me through the dark, beam ynur friend, a friend of your "Gladly, If you dc not keep me wildered by my speech. _ 'cause." ^ s S t e a T k r s . Josos bssn't a ash waiting too long." "The spy! Ye gods, what luck! Do fork. Get her oae ar esse!" "1 do believe you; I could not con"Then there will be no delay. Shall you mean to insinuate I ran away, nect you with deceit, but I am bewil- we say the par»or below T' "Madam,*' came ta* •mphatlc reply, sir?" dered at thla sudd ?n exposure. Does *T*st timeMr*. Jose* din*d sere w* 1 bowed, conscious of the mute ap"iiow else could I interpret It!* I l o r t s i a for*.Captain Grant also suspect m y iden- peal in the lady s face, yet wiih no questioned coolly, determined to taunt tity?" James has sow been relegated bp excuse for refusal. him to action. "I waited where you th* gardes. "1 think not—not yet, at least, for If "A* well there as anywhere, sir." told IU* till I was tired. Perhaps you h*> did you would be under arrest. But Once again we bowed with all the wil' oblige me by explaining your purthere are others here wbo would rec- punctilious ceremony of mutual disHe Was Wltite* to Waric pose." ognize you just a* I have. There is like, and be whispered someiblns f^to The Dsmocratic member* of thta He muttered something, but without house of repre*e cat ires have bees no mystery about it. 1 was in Phila- h e r ear as they disappeared in ths comprehending its purport I wsnt OS besieged ever by a horde of ofltce delphia when th« ^ o E t l a e u i a i troops stream of people. My cheeks burned threateningly : vere here, and you were pointed out with Indignation at his cool insolence. see kerf, willing to serve their couar "And I ttlnk you made use of the try. to me'tnen. No. we have never met, What could it wean? Wa* he merely word spy just now. Did you mistake yet I was sure I recognized you tbis seeking"a quarrel? or was there some"It la refreshing,*' said one repreme ror another?" afternoon." sentative in discussing th* oflc* questhing else concealed behind this rt»» "Mistake you? No; I'd know you in tion, "to hear of *a aspirant for pub"1 was pointed out to yon by quest? in either case I knew not how hell," be buret forth, anger making his lic office who frankly admits bis ambiy.hom?" to act, and yet felt no inclination to voice tremble. "I called you a spy, and tion, yet disdain* to seek a position j;. "My brother—ray twin brother on avoid the meeting. Studying over the you are one, you sneaking night rat is which he will have sothls* Ut so tbe staff of General Lee." situation I pushed my way through You never waited for me In the par- but to draw hia anbury. / "Did you not Inform me your family the crowd across the floor of the balllor; if you had you'd sow be under ar- , "T^ra ^arsids pilgrims weft were loyalists?" room. There wer^e a few people still rest." "Yea: it is true." earnestly, her foot lingering on the stairs, but, except for over things w)»o* one of them asked: "Ou; fd'tbat was tbe plan?** tapping tbe floor, aa though annoyed tbe sei'vaiiU, the parlors below were "'Dick, you aint aiiankerin" after "Yea, that was it, Mister Lieutenant no government place, Are ye!*" • at such persistent questioning. "I deserted. 1 walked tbe length of one Fortesque." have a father acd brother In the of tbe great rooms, and baited In " I don't mind sayta' I'd take on* "WeU. Grant," I said sternly. "I've of 'em ef I could git It' responded th*,< king's service—but one Is a renegade, front of a fireplace to await Grant"s got just one answer to make .yon. You other,., 'but. I' don't want no job that's and I—I—" coming. 1 was eager to nave this afcan call your guard, or you can fight all fat. I'm willia* to earn my wages.' "You are what?" fair' settled, and be off. I compreit out with me here. Whichever you ' i an: mersly a woman, sir, unable hended now the risk I had assumed " ' A n ' what sort o* Job would be choose wiil depend upon whether you about yoqr size?* io- determine whether to finally He- by remaining so long, and began to are a man, or a cur." 1 took a step come loyalist or rebel." " 'Well, I'd like to fill fountain pans feel the cords of entanglement drawnearer, watching him aa best I could fur some assistant secretary of the I locked gravely Inio her eyes until ing about me. There was a door opin the dark. "You are an unmitigated treasury / "—Judge. posite where 1 stood, and, staring liar, sir," and with sudden sweep of ..I' toward it, 1 saw it open slightly, and, the arm I struck bim with open hand. back in the darkness, the beckoning "Probably you will realize what that ( of a hand. Startled, yet realizing ihat means." It must mean me, I stepped closer, For an Instant he remained so still gripping the hilt of my sword, half I doubted him. even held bim cheap; suspecting treachery. ' then the breath surged through his "Quick," and I recog sed the deep clinched teeth in a mad oath. He contralto of the voice. "Don't stop to l f You Go'at Once You Car Outride Them. Please, Pi ease Go!** surged tcward me, but my sword was question; there is not a moment to out, the steel blocking his advance. Carter come here at once. Why didn't "Ye*, 111 go, at once. But 1 take lose." one enfoyi a bowl of "You—you aciuuii/ &rban light?" you nab the fellow upstairs. Captain? away with me a memory which will "Why not? Isn't that cause enough? •map. Fool play that, sending hJm down never permit me to be satisfied until CHAPTER V. here." we meet again. We havs been to- If not I will furnish more." "1 do not fight sple*—" "I didn't wish to create a row In the gether ao short a time—" The Thaakt of Swords. "Stop! That silly charge i * merely Stepping from tbe glare of those ball-room; he was wliL Claire Morti"Had it been longer," she interrupt- an excuse. You do not believe it yourgleaming parlor lights into the gloom mer—" ed, "you would know m* better, and self. You wanted « ouarrel yonder is of that narrow passage, blinded me for "Oh, I see," augblng coarsely. care less, perhaps. I am a sham; s tbe ball-room. The expressfoa of your the instant, yet a moment later, I be- "Something besides military duty in- cheat," a trifle of bittern*** \n the eye* wa* an Insult. Don't evade sow. came aware of the distant glimmer of volved, eh? . tone. "You ~ i ! l learn all that some I &TS. here, wearing the ''*»Worm of the a candle, the faint reflection revealing "111 troubJe you to C-A ? trine ms>re day, and laugh at yourself. Oh, I know British army. I have every right of athe girl's, face. careiul, ftiacHugn, urant said stiffly. you will; so not anchor word, sir. 1 gentleman, and you v/lU cross sworjs, "Please do u&t talk; dc not ask acy- "Tbe fellow did her a small service In. air going; then, perhaps, rou will.** or 111 brand you coward wherever thing—yet," she Uiged burriedtr. \ the afternoon, and she couldn't refuse There was a slight pressure of ber there hi an English garrison" or stewed noiselessly closing the i?oor at my dancing witb him, as he was in uni- fingers, and she had vanished so quick' I saw the sudden flash of hi* drawn "If I Leave You Now a* You Keou**t back, and as instantly gripping my form, aud apparently ail rfght. I ad- ly I could only ft*re bliadl> *Jon« toe blade, and flung op my own is guard. I Must First Have Promts* *f Wet sie* c. Her breath came quickly; bet vise you to drop that part of the af- deserted passage. Yet, an instant "Walt; rot here, t**ptaia," 1 tnaJst**voice trembled from surpreescd excite- fair. Here's Carter now." later, the peril of my predicament eaickZy. "Were far too near., your ccrn* Again.'' ment. "Come with me, beyond the I could hear the click of the new- flashed back upon ray mind, and ii watchful friends veneer; be*****, the *M o f s s % ^ I comer's suurs as be creased the room. faced the Immediate necessity for ac- Ugbt la poor. Let's try our fortunes they fell, veiling their revelation of light yonder." I followed her guidance, bewildered, MacHugh chuckled. truth behind long lashes. tion. What her strange words might beyond th* pavilion, where it can be "Mistress Mortimer," I murmured, yet having every coofHcnoe the res"Touchy about it juat the same, f mean could not be int<!rpreted; I made simply mar»a*n." Try k) bending ao Close to her pink ear, 1 felt *on for this mysterious occurrence aee; however well pass up the lady. no attempt to comprehend. Now 1 He turnedwithout a word, tad I fc* the soft touch of her hair on my Up*, must be fu**v Justified. The passage Carter, there haa been a spy in her* must find mean* of escape, and learn lowed, eager enough to have dose "you dissemble so charmingly a* to curved slightly, terminating at a closed tonight, calling himself Lieutenant the truth later. 1 opened the door <vea purple me. But If I leave you door. Scares a reflection of tbe casdle Forteeque, of the 42ad Regimen?. He cautiously, anJ stepped without, every with the business. The rtars gleamed on the naked weapons held In our now, aa you request, I must nr*t have •*pat;bed, us here, yet roy eyea were S*M by 4 » cam*; through the lines this morning •jerve taat, every muscle braced for hands, but we exchanged no words now sufficiently accustomed to the with despatches for Howe, I under action. It waa a star-lit night, and the promise o2 welcome again." until we had rounded tbe corner and "The* you mean to return—a pris- gloom * <hat I could trace the out- stand. Did you meet him?" numerous rear windows of the man- coin* forth into .the open.space b*% lines of her face. A vague oiubt took oner? i am always merciful to the No, sir, but oi»e of my men was sion cast a glare of light for some dls yond. ' *sssbOas^ ^ possession of me. suffertAg," . -rtlng about wifji him si] day—Watts; tauce. The dark shadow of a high (TO BE CONTINUED* SYNOPSIS. 4 D o a n ' s K85 ! ;i 1 ; : i t i v y # 1v v I To Tbe Last MoBthM M Post Toasties It- v 1 y M r ISLWut aaa* »«sSi aassa aaahl ———: , — -r — the hotel, at nine o'clock. There • CwUHT ITEMS. • was no one in the room at the time. Bedding and a quantity of elothin* were burned bnt the ate waa conOne of Vernon's well known men, fined in one room. A few minutes who lately bough* an auto, like later an explosion oocurred in the many other beginners, lacked in the kitchen. The second explosion Machine Mr^es the art of knew^g all the ins and outs caused an investigation and it was of the peaky machine. All went discovered that gasoline had been slick with him until one day when used in the laroga. According to more to get a \ high grade PLANO at he came totownin grand style, but the statement of Tewksbnry, an oil when ready to return bc.ne. the autocan was taken io a store and an developed a remarkable balky spell order given for oil. Tbe can had a and utterly refused to be coaxed color simuarjto a iaded red and the into bciag started homeward. As UHsrchaul U&ughi ga«K>l:ne a/a* usual, » large crord of wise ones wanted. Hefilledit with the exga&ered around the auto and ad- plosive and later in the day a quanvised him what to do. After a vig- tity waa poured into the lamp*. orous ea«inaign of cranking and Don't wait—take advantage of th other active movements, when Glean; the four-year-old son of H. G. Porter, of Perry, had the tip of everyone had given np in despair, wonderful low prices the owner of Ahe ante calmly uu-•the indexfingerremoved while playJoriswd-them tfcst he-had'removed ing about the machinery ^*n ms the spark pine and put it in his father's tnaehlho shop. Tha childpocket, as he did not think the re* got hiefinger-caughtjn tne gearing AdrerdMBtente tn tela M J M U • » aud amputation of the end: of the at the r«te of oae eeat for eeca woaa each to* move! of so small an affair effected finger was necessary* eerUoa. No ose-taeeHioa adferOaoateat ae- the running of the machine. e e p * * a t i e a » taea l i e . t W i « J « a i U i « 7 pfotaeti f e of gale* retain* ana eaa at seed ta bakers of Owosso at a meetThe removal of the Michigan Mill- ingThe J S r a a - a « U fllda« taaaj waaU. Ooejaaeald held week decided to accept \ be ia aywodaefida/ aeoa. ing Company's elevator ooiWing the offer last of the Owosso grocers to Factory Sale Price Owosso to oar village, was purchase only bread I —Pure Paris Green.—Reynolds. from baked in that caused by the reason that the reason city. They immediately set about —Class Annuals at Reynolds' or that ground it',: elevator was locat- making plans to ueeure the FREE SCARF FREE ed on belonged to the Ann Arbor sary equipment to bake the necesthe Journal office. ' quanTUNIIfC Railroad Company, who desired the —Bargains in the windows at land to build the new depot on. A tity and quality of bread desired. Sanders* Shoe Store Satarday. new aide tract wiil be built by the Company H, ,he branch of the company to the new location. This; Michigan Nations il Guard at OwosIf yon have something yoa want together with the proepeets of a new so, wilt leave for camp at Luding52 music lessons right in your own howrr to seller exchange, Ube a business bank being located here and some tou thla summer on Angus* 14th. loeal in the Journal. by a graduate teacher other prospects that are looking A. J. Green, of Owosso, an umpire —There's eaxisfaeirMi in eating good, tt is believed that oar boom in the Southern Michigan State the meat that comes from Cole's will soon start tte village along.— League, ha-* been suspended by th** Vernon News Item. market. Seeoar NEW PLAYER PIANO witfc tbe AUTOleagne'B president on aeconut of personal emineoeie*. Green expeevs Relieves cattle and horses —Bug Death for eacuaaber, to* last Thursday afternoon Ch tries MATIC TRACKING ARRANGEMENT maso, eabbeeje wonna—SeyirQlds. MaadTm, of Bancroft, waa ont to to be reinstated in th* near futot^ NON-DESTSUCTiVft FLAYER ACTION. wiiefc a new presidemVwUl *e dectrrom fly peat Gnaratiof the 1912 ed. —Get a ebpy hay and as the hay waa eaeentionl^^Ssminx* at the Journal office al&5*avy he had much trouble in jgrnia A n ™ , the Ifr-monfchs-old teed to give saiiafeetfon. or tt Reynolds' keeping the inachine rroa clc^ging, .ughter of Mr. and Mra. Herbert More than pays for itself stepped offthe i»**ht*»e aiidwerit /*ug«t*t, rewM*?g' "sostfeveei- of —There are a fewef the 1912 around in front of it but in his Corunna, was "jajored Sunday annuals, "Sphinx*' left They may harry to get the job done h> neglectintroduction of milk and he had at Keynotes' or at the Jour- ed to throw the machine out of gear. morning when ao Ann Arrjor motor car struck her. The accident batter from cows. No nal office. As he stepped in front of the ent- oecnrred at the Angus crossing rwt —The new fall line of Raletons tmjr bar, he forgot his position and far from the child's home. A bad more thin .fretting horses. may be eeen at Sneers'. £ ? - ^ ! X ^ M ^ a J ^ scalp wound waa inflicted and the Oeaxt, # Gal- and Gal. ^ ¾ ^ ! ^ ITiHV to was Vd^y bruMd FOR SALE:—60 gallon gasoline and cut. It is believed she wiil retank in good condition. Inquire at off. A phyaictan was immediately cover. era*. called and was able to save tbe legs JcuraaJ office. without amputation bnt he wul The matter of extending aid to —We *ave good opening for wo- always have one stiff leg te the cord Caledonia township in buiiding one men or girls. Only those who seek on one of then was completely mile of state road on Owosso main steady employ r»eut K«ed spply. U . severed,—Ba*cioft Commibrcial.^ street was di«*cas?ed at a meeting that city's ImprovementA^soeiatioti S. Robe Co. 22tf Harold Hall, of Momct, fell from Tuesday bnt no action was taket —Wateh the fwindow* at the a tiapcaa, Thuraday night, while because of the fact that there was UnderSheriff afid Mrs. Bert Grif- Dana Corneal isdriv en Walter Derr . mail roots iatsstNorth Snd Shoe Store for bargains dotnw ctrens stunts, and broke the no quorum of directors present. fis were in THitxifc the first ot the tam bones in hiari^ht forearm. He Highway Com?nissioner L. G. Cud- week.' . ing hi* is tse esas^yesr-ota son. of Mrs. ney was present and talked to the George Hatch, at Detroit, visited WHliaiu —For Sale—Good work Warren MeMahos, fie had visited board. Some means of asctistiBg hi* brother, Walter, thefirstof the completed a s)oose on a U Henry Hew, phone 42 red, Corun- the circus and was striving to emu* the town^bin will doabUces be de- week. ' BulesBoalhoCOTOtse. ••• /' 2D-W3 late the performers, vised. MVV^Y»|.IV,,. Miss Winnie Dsmiela, ol Denver, Mr. and lira. Claveaee Hamlrn» —Seethe new Pali Mall Balaton* The Owcaao Canning Cotnpaay Joe Coe, of Benni^tofi, wae^ery OAo. will open ita campaign about the seriously injured at tne fttrm of Mr. &une.has been vistting Miss Irene of Dniand, spect Snnday with Mr. at Sawder*'. . »ad A ^ V L ^ U same time aa usual, the latter —Everybody's doin' it, doin' it, part of August. The company has Niblock In Sciota Friday morning Mrs. Frank MiUardandMrs, GUdoin' i*. JMn' what! Smoking completed an addition to its where the Coe brothers bail gone bert Cole have been visiting in Ann ^bP6)KJ ^J^f tlaaWB Iks^^^fcs' asWadaBrs^aa^aij M l JaSBatsleSa^^P Connor's Son Rob&e*. For sale byplant on Shiawassee street in with their threshing outfit. While Arbor. aloag vi* Atlaatkcoast. all dealers. 30 that city, to be used for the manu- they wern drawing the grain separaMiss Louise Wiieox, of Jackson, tor into the barn the tongue of the Miss Marie Etcbmsn was the guest facture of vinegar and will can to- machine •truck him on the leg, of Miss Hazel Darling, of Morrice, visited her father here for a few matoes acd applet) as usual. The breaking both bones below the kuee lastweek. CCRNBR days the firstof the week. Save just received a new lot of tomato yield promises to be unusual- ao that bones protruded thru the Misses Kate and Bess Carland en- AU«» Corfette, of Cleveland, is Blue Ribbon round cornered bug- ly large and if this promise is fulThe force of toe blow threw tertained the guef t of his grandparent*, Mr. gies, armies, delivery wagons,«and filled, the company's campaign willtV*h. Mr. Coe some f? (Stance and he afternoon.the Prise ilias Wednesday and Mrs. William Lindsey. expre&e wagons, to ue sold at fac- be longer than usual. / struck oit a pile of boards bruising* Let us show you. tory price*. George Schuster, of Owosso, a 10- hiru quite badly and internal injur- Charles Hathaway, of Detroit, Hugh M. Nichols, who ws* operWa* Ask For »:EP& MARTIN. year-old boy of foreign parentage, ies are feared as he suffers a great has, been spending the week with ated upon at Grand Rapids last Back of Bank. his family. tcok a roll of bills containing $100 deal of pain. week, ^rapidlyimproving. - - Roy Adams was in Detroit the and his father's revolver whue his Mrs. W. A. Bosenkrans returned It is reported that the Methodist parents were ab*eut from home last part of the week. Tuesday from a visit with friends church will offer a high-class enterWednesday afternoon, July 31st; tainment course this winter. in Lansing. —Found:—A pocketbook on Mc- After putting ou his best clothes he Howard Pettibone is spending a Mr. and Mrs. George Mason will Arthur ^^a few--rods-west-^f-baak. we&t to the & r , £ ; £ & 5 Centra! depot few days at the family cottage at leav«2 this week for Arcadia, where The ow^ler car have same by prov- aud told a number of boys whom he they will spend a, few weeks. ing property and paying cost of met there that he was going to ChiLong Lake. TH/.T TILL INTEREST YOU advertising. W. LA. Knight. cago on the night train. While G. L. Cornstock was operated Miss Lois Weed, who has acceptplaying w?*h the revolver near the upon at the Miller hospital in Owos- ed a position in Detroit, is spending Notice to TJaxpayera. station, it was accidentally dis- Phone in your news items. a few days at her hen-* here. so Tuesday. charged. The bullet struck the Notice is hereby given that he Old papers for sale at the Journal The Davis-Harder reunion will be Miss Irma Arnold, of Ovid, ia tax rolls for the several wards 6i"«be brick wall and rebounding hit the office. held Monday, August 12th, at Me- visiting this week at the home of ' city of Cornnna are now in.my boy on the leg. He fainted and Mr. and Mrs. «!cn Seynolds. hahdsfajid I am ready to receive was unconscious several minutes. Tell everyone you see to "Swat Curdy park. At a physician's office, where he that fly." Mr. and Mrs. John Welch left Rev. £ . J. Cross will preach at taxes during banking hours, was taken, an e»m»!=tiou proved Tuesday for a week's outing at the Baptist chnrch in this city both C H A R L E S E. C A R L A N D , Mrs: G. M. Beemer was in Vernon Xorth Branch. Snnday morning and evening. City Treasurer. that the bullet had not even Tuesday. bruised the skin. Schnmer did not Frank Doty, of Pontine, waa a William Brands haa been cutting go to Chicago. Mtta Esther Nickels spent Mon- guest at the hom£ of William lind- the tops^ont of his trees near his Wilfred McGnrr was found guilty day ia Doranu. residence on Shiawassee avenue. sey on Sunday. in the municipal court at Owosso Seal Morse returned Monday evenMr. and Mrs. James Orth have The W. R. C. has invited tbe By- returned Wednesday, Jnly 31st, of permit- ing from Detroit. from a week's visit in ting noisy and) boisterous talking Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wren are ron corps to meet Saturday, AugustClare, Bay City ana Henderson. 10th, with them. in his home in violation of a city visiting in Detroit. H. E. Nickels has added a new ordinance. He wasfinedthe costs electric sausage machine to hia Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morton, of in the case aniouiing to $23,,86. His Miss- Margaret Harmon spent Flint, visited relatives here Satur- equipment at the Central Meat UNION son, Bert, who wea^aacTicted by * Sunday in Pontiac. M*rket« day and Sunday. jury 'the- ^vio^day of intoxica- Samuel Fox, of Arcadia, was in ia oaa is which the aurcAtat Uauelf has implicit iaita— tion wasfined$20.15.. Cornnna this week, else he xroold aot ad-refti** it. Stiram was raistd in the toilers of Mra. Albert Serr is confined to Yon are sate ia patrenixtat tke the plant of the Kstey Co., Owos- her home by illness. merchants whose ads in this piper hecansi so, and the whistle bioT^n last week goods are cp-to-date aad serar Wednesday evening for the first I. D. Derr, of Detroit, has been shopworn. time siuce the tornado wrecked the visiting relatives here. 9 factory on November 11th. aa-aaw^aT-arr^sacaaBeMCBB Mrs, Tower Jackson is recovering | George Hayes, or Morrice, was from her recent illness. found in an unconscious cdadition Mr. and Mrs. John Elkins k.>ent one night last week at the farm Sunday in Grand Rapids. home of George Sehmitgal near that village. He remained in that con- John Hatch has returned to Dedition for more than an hour. The troit after a visit in this city. attack was due to overwork in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry BeU are visitgravei pit. Haves has never ing in Detroit for a few days. fully recovered from an attack of HERE'S no longer any question but what the baker's typhoid fever which he had this Mrs. Mattie Elinkman, who has been in Marceilus, is in the city. product equals home-made bread in every respect, spring. and unless the wife is an exceptionally good bread Prosecuting Attorney Joseph i±> A call for a convention of Prohi- Collins maker she can't begin to equal this DICKSON & SONS' was in Bancroft Tuesday. bitionists of the county to be fceM ELECTRIC. Eqen if she could equal it, she can't attempt ! in the i \ W, C> A. parlorr at Owos- Seven young ladies from Miirrice to make it fresh every day, and freshness is half the bread. so on September Wth, has been is- picnicked at MeCurdy park Sunday. Ju<t try it a week and you won't trouble yourself about the •sued ivy (Coaaty: Chairman George Ray £erkam> of La»aing was a brcadmakiug any longer. ^ P. Caster, of MioMtetmry towushtp. guest of meads here over' Sunday. The perpew trfthe convention is to elect 2S delegates aad £9 alternates Mies Almedia Go ward is spending to the state convention to be held in the week with her sister near Alma. Lansing ou September 24th. Rev. James Fisher, who has oeen ill for some time, is slowly improvGasoline instead of kerosene was TIR^ steady growth of the Citizens* ing. ased to fill the matps at the ComSavings Bank indicates a strong mercial house at Morrice, Wednes- Miss Lu^y Tsehan has accepted a Ive policy« day, Ju4y 31st. As a result, two position in the Hudson store in Deexplosions occurred that night and troit. caused fires which damaged the CatitaL SS0.000. Total Assets. $1,000,000 hotel to the extent of $200. The Miss Phoebe Sbick, of the register first c^oatoa occurred ia the roomof deeds' office, is enjoying a week's ot T. W. Tewkebmy, proprietor of vacation. 1 A -* ' 4 M k Oar New Beea-i: Sausage Real Sausage. ONLY ONE WEEK At Nickels' Market Factory Sale Prices i 1 Special 530o.pd'"'d^ Cow ,;-W- Lase $150.00 A Free Musical v > ••j', — — LET US SHOW 7 :i ; t Reynolds' Drug Store Yes ic wishing Ice can get it promptly by calling Phone 410 owosso Local It^rnS T - ta f The Advertised Article ; ( Dickson & Sons Bread TRY JOURNAL LINERS > -SAY3NCS BANK, OWOSSO Charles S- Carland PHONE 8-2 1-7*. Cut inch 1» txxtk W. Shiptiaau passed aa a*>1 carefully. There's always bargainsof state reward road, north of the Or V. Van Lokw. ,11 ayti**..-^ rcr??* e s t a t e Board [is tbs ads. Yo* havs to road themcity, ss a speedway, k the com plaint *. .4 .4 ,14« « « • t.tfi of Sn^ming at Lansing last oli -? y«u»»!l iai*f one, and surely that is comingtofeWirrE J He* 11.. '.4 S.SS .14« 3.46 in nek from varies* The *. A 17 itisset Easel eo4 Ami** Hemek, *° **** w» ^ **M that the speed 4. .< a «* .14« 2.4* It ol Flint, viaited^heir pstfcmta, Sbat- The Schaar-Young families held eheriu .4 «.7« .14« t.7i 2.3« 12 m u n i s * * endanger life and limo uuJ s.t. .4 «.«• .14« 3.»« iff aod a reunion r>icnic jst MiK^miy park show 12 Uttle retard for rigs thai are .4 R. •.71 .14« S.»« 131 7. oon. Nearly .14« 4.«« i.KX Mm Wtsmiin&af^ Denver, proceeding along the highway. Mr. «. .4 «.«« .14« 5.71 2.«S relatives were present and Herrick Goto., hasMtGfe^l^fim nf^er a lias taken steps to investi- 1.# . 1 7 .4Ch.a. l.SS .144 «.£« t-7? Man vims with Mi 11 ironsJtnme ia this vsfcisng, names and a biff supper gate the matter, and some arrests tin. 1.9S .14« «.?2 2.«« Wsrn^ festuree of the deyQU 12 i«. .4 R. to 1.4« Un*. .14«thenc* «.«7 t.9i may follow. 11.. 4 1.1» .14« «.7« £ 4 1 12 .4 R. 9 to ,UC «.*« 2.5« 12 Mr; and Mrs. J^)*#Bfcext and fltten Montfort, who has recently 'Ton know that liner thai I had 18.-., IS... .4 F. «,«7 .144 S.S3 *.?S 12' been working in the intaveet of the two riiildren kft sfrgaany for a in the paper last week abont re- 14.. .4 F. 1.12 14« 4 9* 2.6* 12 lion Motor Company at Adrian, I I . ' . . .4 F. 1.22 .14« week's visit in Flushing mith rela* 4.9« 2.42 12 was in the oity for a few days the duced prices Saturday on certain 1«.., .4 1.12 .14« 5.«2 2.22 12 tives. 17... 1.1« .4 14« 4.72 2.27 1» I nasi. w*c£, b?* hrft Monday for shcest'' queried fit** Banders of 1«.. 2.S2 .145 4.C1 2.31 •1'* .4 Mhses Bttth and Ruby Mason O^att«ao£*. Teua , where he has a *V Journal this week, "wdl, that 1». l.»2 .14« «.Sf 2.5« 12 4 llinereaoghiikb eye of a party in spent the week-end witb their broth similar but s better position to thenc* on W . M . 1 » . « » Cn. I Bancroft aad they psid thi* plaee a er, Kara, WHo is camping at Long; 2«. Farmers about the county are visit Satnrday and took away a few ThowjApjgor:. I.«T .14« z.:s 2.1« 1« Lake. 1« VI7 .14« holding onto their, hav, had prices pair of shoe*. Yes, 1 goes*, I will «1. .4 «7? .14« «.«• 2.66 IS l%eherdof daerai the park now are tending upward becaoue they advertise through the liners every tt. Ii , .4 0.22 14« 7,14 2.S4 1« «.52 .14«; 5,*9 5.3» 14 numbers ten.. Steps will be taken are afraid if .she kind of weather week." This speaks well of the 24., .4 .4 R, « 1 8 .14« 7.«3 2.33 1« by the oouneil toMiapoae of half of that this vicinity has been suffering Journal as an advertising agency 25.. 24 .4 R, «i78~14» 8.58 2.43 the number. during tbe past ten days prevails for business men in all parts of the 27. . .4 R «.«3 .14* 7 » 8 2.'<S 1«1« 28. . .4 K 0.1S .14« 8.22 2.32 1« coanty. .4 F . P.»7 .14« 7.2$ 2,82 IS 2».. Petty Duffey iz assisting on the long, there will be &o fodder. F . 1.71 mail wagon daring the absence of A menu of creamed potatoes, meat A warfare of dies is being waged 1301 . .. .4 .4 J^t .14« f.&t 2.51 .1«1« lijB, brother, Wiliiaji, who ia taking .4 3.42 .14« £.2« 2.2« sandwiches, beet pickles, fruit salad, by the business men of Perry. They 3 1* .14« 5.6« 2.1« 1« hia v*/;stion. * coffee, cake as! sherbet wiil be bars £rr»uged a number of neve* 33.. .4 .4 5.37 .14« 5.«0 iM 1« $4., 3 42 14« 5.7« 2.«« 1« Eight girl friends of Miss Esther served by a geuwid Miiimiittee of fly traps* taking pw^es of screen, a» 5 . . .< .4 3.17 ,14« «.09 £ » 4 1« DeFern, ot Owosso, s%ve a picnic the Baptist Social Union at Mrs. round (Lata is niade of the material 3«.. :4 i 2 . 4 « . 6.14 2.«9 1« 1« .4 4.55 .347 5.SS Monday afternoon at McCurdy park Mark Martin's next Tuesday after- which is over a frame and stands on 3 19.44 ,4 S.ii noon. The gentlemen are also in3 9 . legs, a cone leads nn into the trap 04 3 17.82 in her honor. vited. line, thenc* on B. Lewim. and a bait of banana or eookie is 4«. 38.«?.4 Ch. to 5.12 •47 4.»» 3.1« t 17.98 Dr. and Mrs. Howard Force reused, underneath the cone. This S.32 047 4.S4 »54 -f 3 17. « turned to Lo4iagton thefirstx£ the Justice McBride awarded William attracts the dies away from the storeAl 5 47 ,04"7 4.73 2.74 42. .4 % 17.1» £.'22 «47 5M S.«8 3 18. «4 ivsek after a.visit with Dr. and Mrs. MeCaffery, of Rush township, a doors, and when the trap ss fell 43. .4 3 18.1« 5.2« .«47 5-1S I T S . judgment of $ 8 5 5 against Thomas which occurs often the whole thing 44. .4 Wa!*r>r Parker. 3 19.41 2,47 2.47 45. .4 4.87 .•47^ Amos, of the sametownship,Mont 1«L9£ .4 5.74 .«47 4.«£ 3.1« The re-jfuh* meeting ot the TV. C. day. The ease was heard some time >3 submerged in water to drown the 4«.47. '.4 4.5« 2.«S 5.»4 .«47 3 1€.S* T, C. will be postponed from this ago but the jury disagreed and the flies, the result is that the town is48. .4 «.14 .•47 4.34 5.4» 3 1«,»2 .4 4». S.SS .«47 4.S4 2.C9 3 1«.»2 week on recount of .tcje picnic at thematter was left with the court to nearly without flies. se. .4 3 '«.« «.14 .«47 4.44 2.24 park on Friday. .4 51. 3 14.S2 «.«• .«47 t>4 1.S9 deeide. A family reunion wis held 8an- 61.3a X \*.1« 4LS7 .«47 3.7« « . U I^bbse Byrnes, of Owosao, Elijah WJ hiding, 61, and Blise 51.39 to «nd In Orate croasiai roaO. ^^^'iJA^t bridge 1«3.«2 duel operater 'ir. the toad Union ATSoeriBg, © , ^ & . c f Corccns,*W. Blkinsinthiserty. Fnrtymste fnehe*.M., _N W , Cor. ^ • . ^ephene office, is enjoying a two* —»_ by F . J. were present. Au»>ug thcic rrosi • B . M . '.4X>» oi u u l v « i t " t t SS £31* Sf! married Thursday wees* vaesfom. - <a^kins, a Free Methodist minister. est Cf tews» were: Mrs Lrr«»v 8h«D FJL.93.«3 taefiea. Myrtle C^cegg and child- B, * L , T o p of steel I U W * i U n a t a u i , Hiss E&aa IiooW, who has been Mr. Herding is active in Free Meth- Sf^'Mrs. ren, of' California; Mr. and Mrs. m. 1Z.SS t....Saa. odist e«ureh work, and tsn carpenvisiting at Cleveland, Ohio, fer the HT7CSGTNB. Surveyor. ' Wilson Md Mr, and Mrs..: - « a M jib GSO. win be offered as feliaws summer, has been quite ill recently ter by trade. They will reside in Thomas David Coop, ol liiddletOTrajV-31>; to-wtt; c^e open w o r k w u i iw « # e r e i Cornnna, but is recovering. in oae seetuw and the tite w o r k »11»"»* and Mrs. Adam Smith and family, offered one seetson, A H person* M d the ioitit Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Coon and family. dte?: CiBn ?W« Justke McBride awtrded (faster An invitation to woi'k. (wtthout b a v i n s elnbs, glennr Mr. and Mrs. John Cotiard and his bend*mca. there at the time, ar.d Bead a judgeaat of fSl by d&fissst plaee) w i n lie required to—ds^is*? a against I N . Vite, of Bennington era and granges of the eonnty at family, Mr. and Mrs. Georgn Fresi, eertlSed eheell for One Hundred (SlP^v McCurdy park August 23, has been township, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Broekrwny sad D o l l a r s I K J * w i l l be req*tred for furnishing u i e att follows t o - w i t : Seventyextended to aU gnfcnttttorial eandi Mr- IMekfcson, of Harrietts, ia djten, according to JL B. Cook, Mrs. A. Smith aiw baby, of Owos- seven afid ttti one-hundredths (77.5«) rods of t w e l v i . (1¾) Inch ttte and sevtaking 4oc*jpn ahuite' plana at the who left Sunday nighfto attend tfae so: Mr. and Mrs. Brace nSkit&s, of enty-three a n d sixteen one-hundredth* Durand; William Kikins, of Cedar Ann ArUr depot Mr. Shialte is Bull Moose convention at Chicago. (73.1S) rods of Wxteeh (1«) Inch U!e to Springs. _be delivered oi\ the ground »>y said enjoying hm vacation. drain. T i l * to vbe number one harH Corunna Lodge, F. snd?A. M., «;lay • t l l e i . \ • • - ; > ' • ^ ' Miss Bessie Tate, a fomter teaeherhas bees vi!*™**** *o attend a icon at yestr extfratfofl date burned If aaid Job Is \\et by section*, tho in the Omnaa seboob and tsrnn is sehool of instruction at Owosso oh section at the outltit of the s a i d D r a i n w i l l be let first, and the remaining secnow tasen**c aiHoUy, Oste..» the Tcesday, Sept. 3d. The session tion* In their order up stream, i n acgtf«st of Maw Irene Ensne. ope** at two o'clock, when the first cordance w i t h the diagram now on Ql? w i t h the other papers pertaining to X O T I C I : O F L t s m s Q o r n s t a i w degree will be conferred by Lain**Maxabstt TOfean, s retiirdd teassaid Drain, 1» the office of the C o u n i v bsttf Lodge, following by the escort COXTBtACT'. er, and ssSeij ot Osroaso. has * D r a i n Commissioner' ot the said Counis H e r o s r O K t n , T b a t W e , ties of Shiawassee and Genesee, by Cortuuusu In the eroing Owos- J o Notle* w«ieH and a n B e u t V £ ! i audi A . H_ B*f4, C o o n t y reference may be had by a l l parties i n so will put on the third, i > n i a CouuMaaiouars of t a a C o a a t t « a of terested, and. bids w i l l be nuade and rethe httsjmifaUtttFon last S s t * w a a * « « a a d <J«e«a«* aa-t State of ceived accordingly. Contracts w i l l b# Mr. and Mrs. Was. It Jaeobs asicfeljras, w i l l , s a tlto M t * day of A u - made w i t h the lowest responsible bidA , D . I M S , at i h « r M l d a a c e ' ^ t der g i v i n g adequate s e c v i i t r for t h spent the week end in Wfndiate fuat. W t n i a n T h « a i | i a a a on S a c 1», ou* a n d perfwrmaiMNt of the w o r k , i n * sum nark reterning on Monday. 1 ¼ oa«*baif utU«« a o r t a o f I>nnoa on 1¾* then and there t a be fixed b y me. rec t r U s « l a tit* tewaanJp ot Venice, serving to myself the r i g h t i a reject resort is n bt&atifnl chstin of lakes; ctao uaaid with Mr, and Mrs. J« County of Sfetawaasea at ten ary and a l l bids. The date for tb* with a hotel and amadous cottages «r«*oefc fa tit* faraaaaa ot t h a t day. of such contract, and t>e Mr. ssji Mm Pwjadoa Prnay on the East Shore Une. KvtB-ytiingi pruc««4 to rccwlVe oiAn far tSa c o n - completion of payment therefor, shall a n * tetlalwsi Mrs. J>. M. I"wwy, of is in foil swmg and pleasure and struction ot a certain t>raln fcaowa and term* w i l l be announced at tba time a u i aa "Slack D r a l a . " located place of letting. Chernning, ssd hsr maher Jroen Co- fish abound. Windjate park is 42 Sea'xn*t«d aa« ratabUakctf \» the Tawuahlp of Is F u r t l i c r Hereby Olven. T h a ' runna Snnday—Perry News Item. Uea from Corunna on the D. <t M* t l a / t a a >n the C&uat? o f Q*T?«w«e and at Xotlcx the tim* and place of said l e t t i n g , th* Township of Vratce, tu Said County or at such othtr time and place thereMrs. Loess* Stowell, s retident of of ShiawaaM*, a r d de*crfb«a aa tot- after, to which I, the County Drair. . the third ward, eeleWated her 90*h A petition, asking for the reatora tawa, t o - w i t : Commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn F " T H E the same, the assessments for benefit*, bdrtboky-awverssry Thursday se v- tion to. his former standing, of > JR< NU lCJ iKi » D ROAFI NS" CARJVT OB T S O ^ C C l F l C A - and comprised w i t h i n the erai n4nghbots and tnendasssistisg Francis Rogers, formerly of Ver- TIOMS A N D ORAl>£ T A 3 L . B FOIt "blftcktheD rlands a i n Special Assessment D i s T H E COUSriUCCTlOH O F T H K trict," ana~ the apportionment thereof her non, has been $l*d in the probate S A t t C w i l l be announced by me and w i l l be Tl;e s l « e k D r a i n ]» located In the Miss Agnes Me3tamara is in Co- conrt. Rogers was adjudged insaiie Twp. af Clayton, coanty ot GeneaeQ subject to review for one day. from o'clock' in the forenoon u n i i i ftve rnnna *or a two weeks' vncstion. by the court some time ago, and was and i t a t e of M i c h l s a n aad w a * *ur- nine o'clock In the a i t e r Q w n . committed to the Poetise hospital. v*>ed A p r i l 15. 1912, for A. H . Held. Mrs. W. A. C^nJey is taking her The following is a description of the County D r a i n (-Tomniiisloner o f Qene- several tracts or parcels of land conplaee in the stow.^Morriee News Sinee that time lie has been released, county. > s t i t u t i n g the Special Assessment Disand is now said to be living in se« Said Item. Slack D r a i n b$lng loegled aa trict of said Drain, eta: Lapeer/ follows to-wft: Commcnclns • t Pt The following Is a description of the Boy Cornford, the. recruiting offiK. 43 D c s . nnd Dt>c «.4« C h . trom tracts or parcels of land located In tbe th« »W. C«r. Sec. I I of C U y t o n T. 7 X . Township «f Clayton. (T7n R SE.), cer, aad H. A. Cornford, of Fort Even with the third party launch- R. 5 E . and o w » as follow*: of Genesee Michigan. Sill, Olka., visited their brother, ed in this county Shiawassee is not On tbe fi. S. h* SW. % FTL of Said County 4 acres In the S W cor. of S W V i of 18, V . C . V a n Letw owoer. North NVVfc, Hoc. 18. William Cornford, tbe first of the presenting a political fight of suffi- See. 9.«7 Ch. to M. line or said land at a The N W frlfc of the S W frlfc. Sec. cient proportions tc make it interPt. •.27 Oh. E . of N W . Cor. of fame. 18. ^o&k. '' {••••, It's a tame affair. Office Wbole D i a l , on aaid land 9.C7 Cb. or The W % of the N»i of Stt of S E f r l Mrs. Lney Shep an^ Mrs. Myrtle esting. Rd. •• holders are sorry, and the people 38.«S K Sec. 18. Kunninif thence on the M. % &. % Cregg and children left for their do not seemnot The W % of the 8½ of 8¼ of S E f r l to care. Remarking on SW. % aaid Sec. 18, Jas. Mas tin owner. homes in California, Monday, after the third party, we pause to bold North 10.02 C h . to N . line of said land ^4, Sec. 18 E ! 4 of N W % « i , 1« acres in being guests of relatives in this eityonr breath. Nothing to say. -Da- at a P t . *.27 Ch. E . ot N W . Cor. of theThe N ENcorner. Sec. 19. same. Whole Dlst. on aaid land 19.92 aud vicinity. The N W H of N W % and that r a r t rand Express. Ch. o r 4«.«8 R d . of tyc ot l y i n g west of the n n l n s thence on the N . % S W . % a T. R. R . R i g h t of George L-, the twelve-year-old Sparks from a passing locomotive Frl.K u said W a y , See. 19. Sec. 18, W . M . ThomBaon T h a i part of the 8¼ of S«4 o f NW% eon of Mr. snd Mrs. J. P. Boedisneli, OTmer. North 17,«9 Ch., thence E a s t l y i n g west of the Q. T. R . R R . Sec, Sec. 19 who was aertotssly injured last weekA. W. Green near the App'^rbor «.«2 Ch.. tfteuce North 1«2 C h . t o North A l l of that part 1: n s R. wost of the whew the family horse trampled enn^tontheroof of th^ hay)) b a r n w s o 1 e % & ' £ " Q.1». T. R. R . of the K ^ Of S W % S e c depot Monday morning, nui was n i n g thence on the >V. % W . % upon him, is recovering^ nicely. put out without much difiMniiy, en- NW.b a n % That portion of land l y i n g n o r t h of said Sec. 18. & L e w i s owner. the O. TV R . H . ot ths S w f c of the North 11.70 Cb. i o tertslnss !="dra!!» tailing only a small loss. The usual Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Marshall, of SVf% on Section 1 9 . rvnnlnar West acroa* h l s h w a y . Whole Bay City, visited here the tot of trouble was experienced in findingDist. on a a i d laad 11.7« C h . o r ««.8« Tbat part e f the N E K o f 8M'% l y i n g N of the G . T. R . R. Section 19. the week with Miss Edith Marshall a team to haul the cart, bnt the city Rda. The following 1« a description of the Slack D r a i n terminates at a bnt left Tnesday for Grand Rapids. team hooked on five minutes after Pt, Said «.»2. Oh. East, and 11.7« C h . N . of several tracts or parcels of land located the W . % post said Sec. 18 of C l a y - in the Township of Venice. (T 7 N R They made the trip with an auto. the alarm had sounded. 4.5} County of Shiawassee Michigan. ton T. 7 N . R. 5 E . Mr. and Mrs. Leor Forster, of If a clerk in the near ilntc ?e bands T o t a l length of said Slack D r a i n Is Tbe S E 4 acres of 8% ot S E * of N E 265.5« Rda. %, Sec. 13. Flint, were guests Sunday of the ont a coin with buffalo and Indian 51.39 C b . or SseetftcaSfoa*. 5 acres of N ' * of N E K of S E * latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. heads on it, don't start a fuss and The line of the drain as described 'n Sec E 13. these minute* of surrey is the center Montfort. Mrs, Forster is spend- accuse him of trying to short change line thereof, and the r i s h t - o f - w a y re- E 12 acres of 8 ½ of X E % of S E U , ing the remainder o* the -creek here. you. It is rumored that TJDcle Sam quired for the, construction of same Sec The 13.B 30 acres of S E * of S E * , Sec will shortly retire the present fiveand deposition or tbe earth excavated Sam Lavighta and Herman Levin, cent pieces and begin tha coinage of therefrom w i l l be one hundred (1««) IS. The E 40 acres of N «0 acres ot N E * . taken in equal widths along: e i - Sec 24. two Russian Jews, are spending a new style of nickels with a buffalo feet ther side aaid center line to-wtt, E 4« acre* of S «0 acres of N twer.fy dajs in the county jail. head on one side and the likeness of tifiy <50) tc et on each side of said 120 The acres of N E * . Sec. 24. center. They plead guilty to the charge of noble red man. cn the other. Grade stake* are spaced at the uni- Sec. The 24.E 35 acres of S 40 acres of N E * disorderly conduct in Durand last form distance impart of four (4) rods Mrs. Charles Doan, a widow liv- an<l are n u m b e r ^ consecutively from Sec.The 24.E «0 acres of the N * of S E * week. the beginning of said drain to its tering on Mack etr?et, during a faint- minus. The S E * of S F * Northwest of the Bearings xIven are >aken In Mr. and Mrs. William Knight left ing spell Monday, fell on the walk the same direction. A l l grade stakes G. T. R. R . and 2 acres i n N E cor. o l Tnesday for Negannee where they in front of her home, fracturing her must be preserved, »nd in no wise dis- S W * of S E * . S e c 24. Now, Therefore, *.lf\ unknown and i f destroyed rhrougrh contracwill visit their son. They went by hip and injuring her spine. On ac- turbed; tor's negligence, w i l l he reset at his non-resldcnt persor . owners and perway of Milwaukee aud will take a count of the advanced age of the expense. sons Interested in the above described lands, and you E . » C o r n w a l l . Bert trip north along the shore of Lake woman, doctors declare it is doubt- All measurements given in the l o c a - Lewis, Horace Slacl , Elisabeth Slack, tion of the center line of t*ils proposed Michigan. ful if the bone will ever knit. Only drain are in chains and hundredth* o i ?arah M . A t w e l l , W i l l i e Thompson, land surveyor's nvjo.s^ire of Jatnes Mors ten, V . E . V a n U e n . Nettie There were thirteen prisoners con-a few months ago, Mrs. Doan suffer- afourchain I*leu, tiottle Benjamin, John Cro( 4 ) rods to the chair, of one hun- Van dred (100) links. run, Ernest Gazley, Norine Crosby, J . fined in the county >ail last week ed a slight stroke of paralysis. E . Donahue, and you Fred A l l timber w i t M n the l i m i t s of ths M. W i c k ham. which is the largest number that If Arthur H. Dumondreceivestl e excavation and .oerm to be cut and Todd and H a r r y Touells, Supervisor anc» )>ft? be«?n locked up ther* st, one Republican nomination for register removed b*yynd the depositions of Jfighway Commissioner of the T o w n ana within tbe rtght-of-war/. On ?hip 'of Clayfon, and you J . D. Benjamin. time since Sheriff Herrick took his of deeds and is elected he will serve earth the open work aU excavations !>'«?ll be K, Slack, W m . F . Baldwin, C. Cronln, S. oath of office. removed at least three (3) feet from N. Baker, Nora Crosby, M. Donahue Est, the eonr'ty of Shiawassee as faith- the top edffe or banks. Suitable open- and you George Serr and J e r r y Self. The Misses Tvah and Vivian Bil- fully as ne has served the city of ings must be left or made through the Supervisor a « d H i g h w a y Commissioner c t earth to afford a free of the Township of Venice, are hereby himer entertained a* a thimble party Owosso and ho will keen every depositions of surface water at such notified that at the tims and placi* Friday afternoon in nonor of Miss pledge he makes daring tne cam^ passage places a,"! the general surface may de- aforesaid, or at Buch other time a n l ' Theo Cornell. A five course dinner paign. He pledges himself not to mand. piace f.hereafter to which salu hearThis proposed drain w i l l be con- trig may be adjourned, I shall proceed was served at six o'clock. Covers ask for any compensation for any structed tile drain from Sta. 0, to to receive bids for the construction of service hs renders the county ex- Sta. 37.«5,a and were laid for ten. trom here to us ter- f * i d "Slack Drain," In the manner herecept th* salary fixed for the office. minus i s to be constructed an open inbefore stated; and also, that at such The Corunna schools wU} open drain, thre# (3) feet wide on bottom. time of l e t t i n g from nine o'clock in the untU five o'clock i n the afTuesday, September 3d. Supt- A. Fox «% Mason, furniture manu- Rise o f tile t o - b e (12) twelve iseh forenoon. ternoon the assessment for benefit* from Sta. a i o Sta. 19.31 or 77*4 R d * . ; faeurers of Corunna, are dVwjrous M. Walsworth was here last week the lands comprised Trlth/.n the and <1«) s i x t e e n Inch tile from Sta. and Slack D r a i n Special Assessment Dispreparing for next year's work. of establishing a factory in Ovid, 19.3« t o Sta. 37.C6 o r 711« R d a A U **rU) excavated on tne tile w o r k tricts w i l l be subject to review. He has rnished his work ypsi- using the village building. They shall be replaced on the tile, which And T o u , and Each of Y o u , Owner* will take stoek in the firm t > u d conlanti for tbe summer. Is net to be covered until inspected. and persons Interested In *be aforesaid duct the business, provided a suffiearth to be put In the h i g t w a y lands, are hereby cited to appear at The annual examination of candi- cient local capital ean be aecored to Nowithout the consent of the highway tbe time and place of such l e t t i n g as dates for teachers' certificates in buy stock. Tomorrow, Friday after- . omulsaloner., On the open work, aforrsaid, and be heard with respect slopes shall be one and one-halt to such special assessments and your the county will be held Thursday noon, arraagemeT)U have been madebank (1½) hcriaontal to each foot in depth, interests in relation thereto, \t you so nnd Friday, August 8th and 9th, at for those who are interested to go as shown in the annexe^ grade tabid desire. which is made a part of thea* "n«cwJohn Boutwell, County D r a i n Comthe Corunna school building, nnder to Corunna and iasnoct the fsctorv cat ion a missioner of the County of Shiawassee the direction of County School Com- there.—Ovid Register Union. A i l measurements given In tho a n A . H . Re Id, County Drain Commisnexed grade table are in feet and sioner of the Countv of Genesee. missioner Howard Slocum, * foot Dated at F l i n t , Mich., J u l y 26, A . D. That automobile owners of the hundredths ofttxade Irafcl*. * 1913. You haven't read the news until conn ty are using the two-Tr.Ue stretch«t* B i t F I Od Ct New T i l e B o t Tap the ids in this paper <«* gone over y o t t n o t a- . 1 4 ( QUARTER Ail Shirt Waists in the store are marked at reduced prices* Also Special prices on Skirts. BBtterick Patterns, 10c and 15c « , « « » 1 . OFF O. M. B E E M E R Dry Goods and Notions. Phone 61. 1^¾¾?, n v r 1 M ? S 1 The Corunna Journal t » TOR. W I S E X C I v i ^ l V B h l H B , : * I The Peters Pitken Company line of BARN PAINT r and it is some paint The price will remain the same as we have regulatly sold it at. It is guaranteed for five years and has a good luster all the time. Corunna Hardware / COMPANY MM i0 EXCrlLJENT RULES GIVEN FOR Eradication of Canada Thistle3 IMPROVING SWEET CORN SEED TEfimBLE Culture will do much f o r * TWO out it will sot permit her to encase gracefully. Of CARES KlliwWOR«l CURED A ruazJ*. By fteslnoi. ItcMtto and Di«fl«irins> "Birds of a fegtasr Sock together." Chicfcko. VK June «. » « : ' " ^ . , ¾ * ! "How about a rooster and a crow V daughttr a r u t i n s »re. 'wtdesi I was toW was a wet ringworm, oa turn back ot her head from ear to «*r, auS Too S>**py. atee one wHic*» spread from ona hip t* tho othfcr, extendi!* from the ^* * « * Physician—Wbat can I do for you? They Itched h« fiontinually. She Sad t* Patient—My foot gets ; 'eep often be carried en * pillow. t.»d ^pishta «h* not sleep ^ , * ^ ^ ^ , , ^ * ^ ¾ and I want something to It In- <»u!d She Buffered terrtWyj• .-nd , * * l *"i •omnia. contlnuai!/. I bousht . ^ i w l Soap aaj Reiilnol Ointment, and ***** my child wa* well•-SSdheertyv_ tn Practice. Husband—Your extravagance Is aw- am Ave. • , . ful, when 1 aie you'll probably have ^ejwvUle. Pa., May i t - » « : ^ ^ sreateat pleaaure for mm teaMfV *o th*» to beg Seritt of Beaiaol Soap • ^ ¾ " ^ ^ Wif«-Well, I should be better off meat in the treatment 0 ' rtuTWv t r J . which T ' '** .Ji^ ' • . / ' . ' * than some poor woman w^o never had team week* until I found a perfect v ^ . is any practice.—London Opinion. BoainoL •Tha trouble ^gan^wHh •weraltch ng. anracttns- ray face; and neck. Then burrSound* (Setter, Ing *A *n. tausins me to lo»e a lot of The feeling of ^\^ay men with re- Bleep. I?r aU, thera wer* a dosea fairly iarge sores, with a»nrs»jl\JSS%m gard to i^hlic ofhee Is mucb the same aerer, were very iinalshtly. r tried ••W' ao that which a certain distinguished reM«dle» without' ajuch renef until a happy thousht *Mwek.me t«.*J£*<*£2 Frenchman had toward the academy-^ Soap and oTntmect It muU ahort work that group of forty who are called of rin*lror», <agn*d) « . A On»V "the Immortal*.** He was asked one land. Tour druswist sefto Reshm! Se#u 2««: day why be did not propose his candidacy for the academy. write to Dept S K . Bealael Cham. C«... "Ah," aald he. -if i -applied mad were BaltUBore, « A admitted, some one might ask, 'Why -e»c'—.-tory*» Wa* HlfM. Is be In itf and I should much rather Mrs. hU*oa'« colored hear it asked. 'Why Isn't h* In It?' Martha, wis f^ompmaing of he Christian Register. band** hesith. -Why. Is he stek, Msrtnaf' Making Htatsarf at Heme. Mrs. afsson. . .Doris wa« r a d i s Q i t?«e? * recent ad-: "He'« ve'y poly, mn'sss, paly," sadtUoa to turn ramiiy, a u d viiihed but •wered the woman- «*Ha»* got tho exof the boas* to tell the new* to a passclamatory rheumatism.** ing neighbor. ^ "Taa men Inffsrosistery, *"OL, you don't know went we're gm said tha patron. -Kxclajastcry spstairsJ'* '. ta cry out," "What Is t t r -lim a new hahy brother*"—ami «b« eonvictics: **dsT* what It is. S s hr>p — s s . aa_ — » s » . - s>-d A j . ;:lt!c^ bsck ttpea her heel* and fold- a -_ ed her bands to watch the effect. rt»S 5 *S t V a A t p v e a a f f l u + IsHislfii "Ton don't say ao! Is he going to Does • girt take a etfteh..Am thaa when she menus tea cioca// ia guess so;*'—very " thoughtfully **H*s got hla things 02." 1 By It S. SHAW, Dean and Director, MJrnJgsu Agnvmhand Cgjueg* Farmers Wbo euro Most Snttcaasxai Plant E*u*ly« TJs* PlagU? of Manure and High. Grade Commercial Fertilizer and EUop P l a n t s Clean F r o m Weeds s a d 1 Thoroughly Cultivated. w r 1 o u , d 1 , f t T M Prize Winning Seed Cars. (By C H A R L E S D. WOODS.) ; kernes to the bill and thm ta !«••<* General observation show? beyond i the two best stalks »t»ndl»g in the any Question that the farmers who j hill. Give the plots the best eultivaare most successful with sweet corn, ( tion you can. are those who employ the following .j In the breeding-plot shoald be rales: Plant early, use plenty of ma- ;planted the selected ear*. Each ear sure and high grade commercial fer- should be planted te one row by ittilizer. keat> the corn clean from weeds self. (Thl* 1* called the ear-to-row afirf wet! C5lt*v".t*4, €f> hot plant too system* The row* should be given thick, use seed well adjusted to the the-S*rmb*r l?!>?5* by the e*r plasted in it. Careful observation should be locality is which It is to be grown. K*co The following detailed plan is u r a w i r made throughout the season. up Cor the guidance of f a r m e r s Who rJn should be harf'e»i*d---s«paiSteiyw desire to Improve their sweet corn ita yield d>termined and the ears from it kept separate m a the ears from Seed all other rows. First Year's Work. Tu toe first year's ^ e r £ towards an-, The seed from the best rows, those irapro-ed strain of Beetf, only jhe field _showing_gi^atesr enrlTnes* and highselections of piente from which ears est yield of good onsiily corn and sto»rc later to be used for planting can be ver, should ue used to plant tbe propamade. These selections should be made gation plot tbe third yean: Reject a?l of tbe growing pis tits in the field. In nubbin« and pooi ears. choosing plants to be saved for seed In tbe propagation plot of thl* yearlook out for the following points in plant tbe good ears from tbe previous the order named. In jgotag over tbe year selection which were not used field one should provide himself with th the breeding plot. It 1* desirable some strfits of cheap bright colored though not absolutely neeessary in cloth, about 2 feet long end i to 3 the propagation plot to detaseei ever/ inches wide. When a stalk 1* select- alternate. Detasselisg Is done by pulled to be saved for need one of thee* ing out sad throwing away the tassel cloths shoald be tied- around it last (spindle) as soon ss it aopeer*. The below tha tassel, TM* mark* the ears from the de4kaselcd row* are to ba regarded s* the best seed, and tho** from tho row* where the tassels were aot rwasored as second best. The fva etesaea shenld be harvested sad cured eepamtely. Seed from tha de> taseeled rows will probably be found to yield better than that from the others. Just as In tne previous year the beat individual plants from both the breeding and propagation plots should be marked with dethes and *»>ed Separately to furnish seed for tbe following rear's ear-ic-row breeding plot Third *nv1 Succeeding Year * Work. Plant on the ear-to-row system, tbe individual ear* delected the previous Rack for Drying Sweet Corn. year in the breeding plot. , In the proThis may be made rat and pagatiA plot plant seed from the proof by covering top, bottom and ; best rows of tbe preceding year. In «ide» with \yire screen. the propagation plot detassel 'every 7 The ease W difficulty experienced In t Thea put a hoed crop on the tMstie Sredlcating Canada thistles denesdS patches tbe second year, unices they oc the kind of soil snd the character are too nusserou* and scattered. If of the crops in the rotation. As tbey inang-dds ©.» -.iiock beets or turnip* or profiegate readily hy root-stalks which retshsga* are planted oa these patchran under ,'th* ground, they spread es and if the thistles are killed by more rapidiy and are much more August drat, clover or grass seed eaa dlnlcntt >tfi eradicate In loose, opaa, be sown among' tbo root* nnd covered porous soils thaa in heavy day*. lightly with i. spike tooth drag. Tho Otaia crops sre more favorable for foOowing ye/lr tho Sold will all be their continuance than cultivated seeded. This succeeded admirably crepe such i s corn, beans, roots, ete* with us Ir. eradicating quack grass. providing the latter are properly cared III. it Canada thistles are scatfor. tered lu grain or pasture crop* and L Canada thistles can be complete- are not too numerous, tbey caa be ly eradicated In a strgis seaaoa" by subdued by the use of the thUtl/i spud thorough summer fallowing, but this which can b* procured of any hardle an expensive system and should not ware dealer/though be may not keep be employed unless an entire field has them hi stock. Mark tbe patch** In bean taken possession of so as to some way or other and then cut the make lt impossible to grow a crop fbiailes off below the ground every II. The best method Is to follow tec day* or so after tbey start In the with two cultivated crops in succes- spring. This too! snd the method just sion, as corn after corn, with manure described fire sstisfactory where the applied between the two crops if pos- thistle* are not too numerous, as sible. Cultivate thoroughly, using this- where new patches sre starting in „ tle sweeps on the cultivator, these pasture, grain crops, along fences, tn are cultivator points with wings and l?nes, woodlota, e.c. are fr>in eight to ten inches wide; IV. I have seen; Canada thistles they Oar: *>e attached to almost any completely destrc>ed hy cmting them cultivator with sweeps after the corn close to the ground witb a sscythe lust U too big for a two-horse rig. Check row corn if possible so as to cultivate as the blossoms opened, -but thia both ways. If thistles are in patches probably will not otcur except where which are hot. too numerous, give followed by dry weather and adverse these spots more frequent cultivation growing conditions. It I* better not than the balance of the field/ The to reply upon this method. secret of success consists in keeping Success can only be obtained In the tfcistles underground; this done, combatting Canada thistles by followthoy must smother. ing up tbe method,*, of eradication paIf two cultivated crops cannot be tiently and perseverlngly. Unfortugrown in succession and if the.this- nately the shortage and high price of tles are not all killed the first year. labor too often prevent the farmer BOW the clean portions of tbe field to J from doing the things he wants to at grain and seed to clover or ' grass. j the proper dme. a high grade herd without a very great New Queen of the Dairy World s expense. Mixing breeds and the use of grai^e, bulls has. kept Michigan cat- tle tar Welow the Standard tbey ought to attain, if you ais Interested in thl* proposition write to til* Michigan experiment station. Bast Lansing. Michigan, and ask for Circular 4 on "Tie Improvement of Michigan Cattle." With a record of 1,058.34 pounds of butterfat producrkl in 3S5 days, BanosBetter Yield*. tthe Belle DeK/jl, afive-year-oldHol- In England the average yield of Bteln Friesiau cow owned by Dan Dun- wheat runs from 30 to 33 bushels to mick A Bro., Ohio, becomes the new the acre. In Germany it average about "Queen of the Dairy World." This 28 bushels. In the United State»-th* wonderful cow produced during the average for the past ten years ha* year 27,404.4 pounds of milk, testing been about 15 bushels. England get* tM per cent. fat. If made into but- ordinarily over 40 bushels of oat* to ter, her fat production would eqaoii the acre, tbe United States gets less 1.322.9 pound* of butter or over 3½ than 34. The soil of England and pounds per day for 365 days. Germany has been bearing crops cenDining the time that Banostine Bell turies before our* knew the touch of DeKol was in test sbe received nearly. a plow. These disparities :n yl*V! U not all the tin te, more or leap en- must be due either to tbe Incompesilage and alfalfa^ When available tency of our farmers or to the deshe received roots and a mixed grain bilitation of our soli. ration, the foundation of which was brao and oats. The grain ration waa Correcting Soft-Shelled £"99*. varied to suit the conditions of the Soft-shelled eggs may be caused by cow from 25 pounds to as low as 9 lack of lime in the ration of the hen pounds per day and the estimated av- and also may be due to the fact that erage amount of grain fed was 12 to she Is out of conditio a, resulting from 14 pounds daily. She was also given too much corn in ' tb.« v&*ion. Jf th* green food when it was available dur- former Is the cause the difficulty may ing summer season. be righted by acpplyln? old plaster ot This cow is a wonderful example of ground oyster.shells, while in the latthe Importance and value of good ter wheat, bran or oats should be sub breeding. Her pedigree include* a stituted for tbe bulk of the corn, snd long li*£ of ancestors possessing high tbe Sock made to scratch for their records. AU Michigan farmers cannot feed. posses* animals of phenomenal ability but it is easily within the reach IVeea Afford Comfort of all to improve their herds to the A few irees In the pasture edd ft**T?.t?.? '?. ot profitsui« production byjrreat'.y to th* enwfort of the sheep the use of pure bred sires. Tbe bull Is these days. If you can't tave them one-half the herd ana tne coiir-tast use sst up a few pons and cover a bit ol Of bulls of one breed will soon produce grosud over lor a shed. s r tim l - r — •••• -•— •- •. Awful. - " A West End woman caSed the attention of h^* husband to a littl* baby which was tryingrto <4eep on the porch of Its home oa the opposite side of tbe street. "H*i lying on the bare boards, isn't 11?** h**ob«ervi5d, "Tet, they haven't even placed a rag for tlte little chap to test his bead on." ' The basband took another look, "And what do you think of t h a t r he ejaculated. "Tbey haven't even painted the hoatds."~To*ngal nwn {%>.) Telegram. K*d Cross Seat* Satna Prtntsd. Sereoty-five mllKoa Ba^ Cross seals are now being printed fer the holiday sals of thee* satttaherrals*!* stickers for 1S1Z. The National Aseaeiatioa for tbo Study sad of Tuberculosis, which In with tbe American Red Cross win eonduet the sale, make* taic' issaeiec*ment and stated further that the oatlook thl* year Is bright for-a higher •ale than ever before. Tbe seal this year is said to be the best of Its kind that the Red Cross bas ever issued. The design I* la three colors, red, green and gray. A Santa Claus head in the three colors is shown In the center surrounded' l>y holly wreaths. In each corner ts a alternate row. The seed from the de- small red cros*. The seal bears tbe tasseled row will be the beat seed. greeting, Merry Christmas, Happy From your individual plant selections, New Year, American Red Cross, iS12." j take the seed for the following year's breeding plot FAMILY HUNT Kansas Man Says Coffee Made Him That 1 plant so thaV.it will be saved when ihe rent of the crop is cut. 1. Whatever other good points a stalk may have do not save it for seed unless it m conspicuously earlier than tbe others around & This 1* most important. 2. Tate oaiy stocky plants with broad leaves bearing good sized, and "Coffee has been used In our family to far as can be judged at this stage, of eleven—father, mother, five sons well-shaped ears. and four daughters—for thirty yean:. 3. Take only a talk*, which show F a n e w W h o H a d F i f t y A c r e * ** I ara the eldest of the boys and have the characters which are typiczi for G r a s a Cut tt T o o Soos— always been considered the runt of the the variety you are working with. Better to Feed to family and a coffee toper. Avoid fre&kX Animals* "I continued to drink it for years unThe field in which selections are til I grew to be a man, and then I made' must obviously be cat by hand, <By B» A. OUrSTEAD.) found I had stomach treub!*, nervous so that the marked plants may be One of my ne!gaboi> learned a IeS headaches, poor circulation, wa* unleft standing to mature their ears. son in hay bai'ing this year. >*e bsd, able to do a full day's wo<k t » k mediSave about twice as many plants 'n never bees a hay farmer until last | cine for this, that and (he othW thing, tbe fiv'd as ypu expect to want ear* year when be put in a crop of timothy j without the least benefit. Is fact I for planting the breeding plot of next red top mixed. He cut a pretty fair only weighed U6 when I waa 28. year. crop in July but he was so eager to "Tlisn I changed from coffee to PosWhen the selected plants are weU- get the new work that be cut it tum, beinc the first one in our family niatured (stalks *"d busks dead and a tittle too soon. He bas about 50 to do so. 1 noticed, as did the rest of drying) they should k>e harvested, and acres in grass and concluded to bale the family,-that I was surely gaining the ears should be busied and Cvtred the crop and sell it. 1 suggested that strength and flesh. Shortly after I fer in the following manner, in i*ie he Ought to stack it and let it stand was visiting my cousin who said, 'You winter, aifer the ears from these at least six weeks for cutting before look so much better—you're gluing plants are well dried on the racks, baling it, but the hay looked pretty fat/ the best of them si>vu.td be plckea out dry and he concluded to haul it direct "At breakfast his wife passed me for shelling and platting Special at- from the cocks to the baler. It looked a cup of coffee, as she knew I was altention should be paid to the follow- very nice as it came out of the baler ways such a coffee drinker, but I said, ing points. and our neighbor stacked It all up 'No, thank yon/ 1. Take only ears having small tfell three tiers deep. ^ "'What!' said my cousin, *you quit packed grains in straight rows, and Of course the bulk oi' the hay spoiled coffee? What do yon drinkr with the grain* set firmly on the cob. and it will be a total loss. I never ? 'Postum,' I *aid, 'or water, and I Select no ears with fewer than 14 rows think of baling timothy hay on my am well.' They did not know what (better 16.) place until it has gone in rough a Postum was, but my cousin had stom2. Aim to select ear* of medium sweat and is practically cured, there- ach trouble and could not sleep at rise, nearly cylindrical in shape, and fore, I stopped selling baled hay sev- night from drinking coffee three times with butt and Up fairly well covered eral years ago because I discovered a day. He was glad to learn about with grain. that it paid much better to feed the Postum, but said he never knew cof3. Test the germination of each ear bay to make beef and obtain manure fee would hurt anyone.** (Tea Is Juat by taking 25 kernels from the middle to put back on the land to raise more as infcHont as coffee because It conof th*. ear. Reject all ears from bay. Tbis season I cut an average tains caffeine, the same drug found whicii more than two kernel* out of of three tons of timothy on 40 acres lu coffee.) .:te 26 fail to germinate wUhin ten nd lt was as fine hay as I ever saw. 'After understanding mr condition days. Soma of tbe neighbors who are hay and how I got well be knew what to Having selected the ears for plant- seller* got only on an average of two do for himself. He discovered that ing shell them, keeping the grain from tuns and they do not seem to under- coffee wa* the cause of his trouble as cuch ear by itself in a paper bag. Do stand where the trouble is. Origin- he never used tobacco or anything else not save the kernels fran the butt ally their land was as i,oo6 as mice of tbe kind. Ton should sec the change ft no tip, say for about % inch from but they have yet to learn tbat they In him now. We both believe tbat if each end. Each ear selected, should cannot keep on selling off their bay persons who suffer from coffee drinkbe given a number. Thm number nay crop* without putting anything back ing would stop and use Postum they be written oa a sl{p of paper and .put on the land. ce~l«i build back io health and happiIn the bag with the shelled seed. ness." Name given by Postum Co„ Second * Year's Work. Battle Creek, Mich, . Rotation of Crop*. There's a reaaoc" Read tbe little The corn should be planted each If wo use but one crop on the land year in two plots, one tbe breeding and cultivate it clean all the time tbe book, "The Read to Wellville," Li pkg*. Ever read the above letter. A new plot and tbe other the propagation •oil will quickly be robbed of it* hup?ot. In planting .the corn for seed, mus; therefore we mu*t follow a one appear* from time to time, Tbey use the best com land you have, vnd proper retfttlo" *n order to supply •re genuine, true, and full of human manure and fertilise it well. Pla^t humus, without wolch we can do lit- interest. van* tne a Vera tattert A new the rows 3 feet apart and the hills tle. Some men have aever discovered «a« Kver aswuara traat nave t* ttmt. Tney IS inches apart iu the row. Plant 4 this fact, however. ganaiiie, erne, mmm tmti mt aeataai COSTLY LESSON i & HAY BALING f •4\M>\+9m^Q^OjJhffmjSsp skffkd 1 * * ¾ ! ytmm ctfcspaciwem w«.ur g a* price i* WinTTEJmE BROS. Si CO. 7%, Pimm md Urtm HmnfMmm* m* 50,900 FARMERS Ddryioen and stock ndsen Jo *appiy bar local markata with buner, poultry, vagatsbles,hogs and cattle. The bast lands ia thm world out ba bad at (S4S to tSOAO pa* acre, on easy nmrna. Lat ua help yon to get a farm in Alabama, where the cumate ia deughtml, wbere joa can rsJee •evaral ctops each year on the same land, -.nd nod a raady markat Ibr th* aame. We supportad by the Sena *ad —V, no ' Write awniawsssnon and Iheratura, STATE BOARD OF OalaCJtATIOfl SKNTTCOMSRY ALABAMA B S O R B I N E v u 1 omr OM* ABSor^*^ ^ SeSaeet rHam or tt~r iJ ^* T nntasgto*-** *.t.rOLW?.t>.c„mimm9tmU^mrtm#Mt mtm* 8 T P P SEWTiNG rSPMUS' SaltaeSt* *IslBaaslBtaal AMTm* -Sack 1>.U#4,» eia* maav Arm, WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP In a north of England tows there WHY COWS STOOD IN WATER faPCRTAUT HEWS SUftssttftY Canada Has Soffideot vit^tkt LlnrtMiene Resseiwuble for Ckarscte^stlc AttHede ef **x Humble tovine. The board of wducaOon bas iasuee an order that all persons teaching Is Kansas City pubPc schools must hereafter undergo a medtcsJ eisisioaUon • as & shiftless man who would n«ver Usdoo Mamee^^i Philadelphia, a accept jr^fts outright, although he was l.ydi* £ . l^ildiam'* Vegets> paaHenger sa^-ed from the Ti always' demanding on charity, says A! It Has Enough Agricultural Land for tiie Set- cabin tsnic. has brought suit against tbe SENATOR SEVERlOGg IN KEY- Prlddy in hi* book. Through the bag Coanprwiud Restored NOTE 6PECCN USeS SLOGAN White Star line for $26,000, the vaJu* Mill," relate* the Youtn's Companion tling: of Millions. Mrs* CTNO'I He^aitrj of Jewels ho says be lost. He painted landscapes, and my aunt, -PASS PRObPeRITY when benevolently inclined, would The body of Harvey W. black of AROUND.'? Her Own Statement olr« him to decorate o»r- walla with Alton, ' " / w h o died of injuries r » > • report dealing with tho coal re> the opening op of this rich field of agrural scenes, highly colored in a U r U g & mWorcyci* accident sC •oerets of Canada has been iaaued by riculture, and it ia A high class of ag- ceived as if natur* had nrned color C^viatftoa. M o . Y c ^ r modicine haa Dole, France, will be sent C o ttie too Dominion Department of Mine*. riculture, carried co t»y the use of COL. ROOSEVELT IN CHICAGO TO tints, blind. Not one stood ta its vivid me crore good th^n ail the docUnited Stau»» ou LA Lorrain«. Tne estimates given sre cat? baaed on brains, and, where energy has not ATTEMO CONVEX I green hills. tor's lAcdicindS. At What la known. In the western b&d been endowed, it has become in that The »friking freight handlere cf Du every monthiy period "Jorvey," she remarked to Jbe old northern regions, which have been splendid air a case of Inoculated en- luth have decided to reraain on strike I bad to stay in bed man, "why do you always put the cows little explored, there may be vast de- ergy. until the N»>rth*->-»» Pacific and theB e » ? ^ d g e N a n e * E v i l * of B i o Busi. four days because of in the water?" posits of which novbin? whatever is The rapid advancement of rail ways Shipper*' associations gave theai 38 n*»». and the Tariff as T w o hemorrhages, and "It's this way, Mr*. BrJndln," the old known at present Tto officials oTthe makes the situation easy. Today one cents an hour aud 40 ce*}** for banrt* Prir.eipal Problems i o my back was so weak artist responded. "You see, ma'am, 1 department eeti«uate that of bltu- may be located thirty miles from one ling cement. „ I could hardly walk. Ovcrcorn*. never learned to paint hoofs." miaous coal tfcere is io Canada ^3¼ of the many branches of the different Control of the l-eiiutWe Power comI have bees taking blUtos tons; of anthracite 461 mU-systems. A year from now, the whis- pauy, capitalized ait $20,000.000 aod Lydia £. Pinkbim's Telting the Truth. lion tooa; sub^ituminou* and lignite tle of the locomotive and the long owning six iarge hydroelectric piauu Vegetable ComThe proirreesive party was formalever 100 billion tons. The quantity train of cars may pass the farm, the in Colorunic and Utah, has passed in- ly launched » a naiionts.1 political orOn little Arthur's birthday, be repound and aow I can of coal now snnnally miaed in Canada elevator la but a short drive from tbe to the bauds of New York and Cleve- gau!i«ation in Chicago Monday after- ceived a present of a very large furry stay up snd do my Is shout 11 mftiion tons. With an es- aome, a aaleadid market hs established, land cspitallbta noon ai 1?:47. At that hour the na- toy monkey. Jwork. I think it is timated essntity f unmixed good coal, and all tbe advantages of an old settional convention which wHl nominate Two days later, bis father found tt the best medkxas on efirtib for women.'* A new wage agreement, carrying Theodora Roosevelt for the presiden- lying iu a corner with both eyes miss- —Mra. JBNKTS Gsxan, Covington, Me, af 74 Wliloe ton*, it would require tled community ar* at he id. increase* for the «,0e* cy T.-*» called to order. sUCt yesrs to exhaust the supply. . If The prospects this year from *n ag- subeiaLtiai ing. miners of Wyoming, has been signed The delay of 47 minutes in opening How BErs. CBae Avoided tae interior grades were Included, sup- ricultural standpoint are exceedingly by represefttaiives of the operatot* "Myfcoy,"'asked father, more in sorOp^ratioxft* sly weald lent for l i ^ f i years. Of bright, and, relieved ...ofuntoward con- and omciats of the Usltes Mine Work- the proceedings was due to an ex- row than in anger, "why have you tended conference which the progreseesrse tbe coal demimda of Canada ditions, the farmer Is already counting spoiled that beautiful monkey by pull- Brownsi/ine, fedL***I can ry test , sive leader* held with Col. Roosevelt ing its eyes out?" wtQ keep os iaeresstng. bnt it will be bis hank roD, planning for more ex- ers of America. Lydia Rlinkbain's Vegetab^Compocal An attacfcjseHt for kj.ee».W9 under at his hotel. Oa their arrival the a s^od many yesrs before the quantity tensive operations for next year, and "Didn't," replied Arthur briefly. bas dose we awre good tban saytiusg af Canadian coal mined will equal figuring oa paying cnt for hla farm* as sllsasa vic4atioa of tbe Sherman proceedings began. "Don't tell any untruths," snorted else. One doctor said I unst be operaDiss* Call* to Order. output of tbo United States He is calculating vhar the increased antHrset law was filed is the Usitsti father, more in anger than in sorrow, ted span for a serious female trouble Tbel? ssnusl oatpet Is about value ef hts holdings as a resalt ef a State* etstrfct court la Bestes bv tae Senator Joseph M. Dixon of Mon- "or HI punish you! Why did you end that nofrtag could beh> m* but aa WOW&JtX* toss At tbat rate it s u c c e s s M c i ^ will *dd to his assets Gilmon' EUsctrte compsay sastsst tac tana called the convention to order pull the monkey's eyes out?" aad a te* political party waa usn**l bad aessacrhsges sad st wooM take only its years to exhaust Already somefieldsof wheat hare bees €?ec«raj Electric company of Lyaa 'Didn't: repeated little Arthur defiered rate being. Asrtt-the usual deeoukl not get say sawScine to stop mens, tbe;as&sat'^d Casadias asppty of s/.:fated, harley hat bees cut. sad antly. Then be honied on, a* father Ur, and lira. Jack C^ragsu are ex good coal, aad about t6d years to set la-above hia expecutlor. In pectteg the anivst of a ottle strss> lay while the cletks shouted orders took off his slipper. "I—1 pushed tbem Igetmaucbaweelce^ hsve died if 1 bad not got refief i tor Am and afthe total supply. And fact, the fteuag at the time of wrtttng ger t& October, and Newport sodetJ to clesr the aisles Dixon stood wait- in!"' '" bis chance. It was some minutes *« Several women who bad taken witb thatecreasiagpopulation, made is that never ia tbe history at' say ts ^onderlRg i f tbfa* win chaase tbe ing before he was able to speak. sp n£shout fonr huadf ed tn&usand per ] country *m the continent has thereattit-«aa of He. *4?t^ Amps Tsck *l!^JL*f "P'AdYes and gentlemen," he said, FACE k SIGHT WITH TETTER eoea a year (and tt looks now as it this !b*«n suck a prospect af a large i-reSvh iowi.ro 5beiT oauguv^f, wao-iaJB "the c o » T * B t i o n will now come to -' • ^ _ j and found it «o-bstbe right inedidne m asmber wooid be reached tha yea?).iag* crcs. all over the three central » w a y A O S the chauffeur.. older. Twenty-eight days ago in the Moberlv. Mo.~"My trouble begaa!l J^? j** *•» »7»*«» anS oVereome ,-=ar?ftts -5ve *be*t»aa£ iprOTlnees of Canada.as will be harvestWalter r^rmenter. brotfcev of Swls city...of New fork It was decided there with a amaJi pimple on tbjrteft:*ttle"cS} ^ ^ ^ ™ - -. - -= ^ , . , ..^ ; ton Permeoter. onxx- ct«s*tetsd "«F&4 would he a sew political alignment in my and tpread "aliiover iSy* ' \ ^*?".!! ?¾ later sraotod a new trial on t h ithese United States. They thereupon my face face and to myIT neck. It-wottJd »K searoughtX to thank yen fortort"^ O. M, Issued a call for a conventionto lake than ever expected be, soMrs. 1 tmnk charge of killing Miss J a a l e Sharf up the subject and try to accomplish let red when. I got warm - iface CLIM% S. Main S*,. BiownsvOla, lad. 1 July 22, 1»16, at Louisville, was waa a sight. It looked very ^ipleaashot and killed from ambuss ia the an alignment snt, sad It felt uncomfortable. My Has Seen Evolution. yard of a relative's home in Euponr. face was something awful; it just kept Miss. "In the past 28 days the nation has me in agony all tbe time. Sonm said evolution in its democracy,. a It was tetter, and some saidfitwas Mrs. John 1^. Crlder. Fteter of Dor seen new alignment in political parties. that awful ecsema, but X rather thinkcas. L " Saodgrase, whose body was New in four weeks the nation has it was tetter. X had been troubled found in Dubis creek. Cauklll. N. Y, seen a political convention of a new wtth for about two years and tried baying said she was asrlsfled there party sending the largest number of manyfit remedies, but got no relief until we're u*> suupicious circumsta&css sur delsgaf^* ever seen at a political con- 1 used Cuticura Soap and Ointment roonding the death, county ofilciali vention in this country." *Wben I would wash my ibce with have discontinued efforts to solve tb< While Dtxon was speaking some ths Cuticura Soap and apply the CunV one thouted: "Hurrah for Teddy," curs Ofataient it wonld cool say akin mystery. for two or tbee minutes dele- sad drsw great big drop* of matter Ownership of one-half of tbe com and gate* indulged in a shooting beet men stock of tb* Wester 4 Sugar (to Finally Dixon resumed and Intro- eat nf ths esfs. Too would think 1 fining company has netted the Rsve taajfraajang > S 5 ^ J 'N duced O. K. Davis, wbo read tbe call was sweaxtag; tt would run down my .- fr/* -••^ •' merer interests In tbe An>erfeeB Fu for tbe eosvsBYton. The readier of face jest as taough I bad washed h. gar Redoing company SlS^&ejBew It Itcbed and smarts and1 suffered tbe can twice oceaamhed cheers. a W a a ^ H ^ T f ^ . sl7lfiesea m tee ta*» t l years Taess Tbe reading of the nsmes tbat were ta the day time most X used tbe Cuti- Th* har arrei season is sow as/ rAsd. payments were oa au Inreetswst thst appeased to tbe call was also a sig- cura Soap «*4 CatScnra Otatmeat for roe bava had se? awarV'Qr. represented oolr 1500,000 nal for cheers. Hiram W. Johnson, a month tod I was cuked of it" (Slgsare to sSv*ttfi*wts sal— «MM tkwt wHMlarfat rwmady ** Harimw,* e4) Mrs. J. Breehsker, April iS, 1»«; ot Califorhls, and Ben Uneasy were A anal decree wm taewed by tat Treat roerasM now sa IS wiU aevar araas loadty cheered. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold back. " H a n W k asseiatelr akli. s taay eourt of chancery at Trenton, R J . both Wsen the sssae of Dixon, of Mon- tbroaaboiit tbe world. Sample of each esnld even eat tt .Tha Dairy Heips the Psrmsr In Western Canada. csAcetlng •9,000 share* ot oomojox tana, was reached tike delegate* had free, witb 32-p. Skin Book. Addrasa tSatrka m estimate of tbe inintfgratioa ed tbls year. Tbe railroad* sre s4s> stock of the Natioasl Sugar Aeflniai tbe occasion to give iPoaT-casd "Cuticura, Dept. U frms the Uni^t States for 1915, tb*lss; to their already Urge mileage and coa»pssy, which »t «as charged sai chairman a saseril ovstkm. " bees issued without any coasidararJoc ooamacpOon of coal will srturslly in- have got ready for handling tLs crop Woe4*<* cad s^rsee Cheered. A Year Hence. t^o^md* of box cira. The govern- tn tbe name of Jam** H. Post for ch* Timothy L*. Woodruff and Oscar Mis* Dioningham—Mamma, do yes lata Henry O. Havem«y*r. by return matt * free trial Tb* agricultural districts of Cased* m*Bt agents asd thi railways are makStraus of New Tors, were cheered think papa know* Harold is going to of year woadarrol_ . . ing a-rang*Enenta foi from fifty to sixSheriff HersUaa has besuu ativertfs now become eo well known and James R. Garfield's name wss call for me in hi* aeroplane? give* iasSant relief sad enrex Hay aad Seas PSrsr. I aaeloM 1 * tlueeghout ths world, snd tbe vacant ty thousand extra fsjrtc hands ia order ins tbe sale of the ruralshlng* in th« greeted with a round of cheers. . Mamma, O, 1 think so, dear. He's ifever it* ta ka|» asy JBu^Sid Height* (Cleveland) mansku When th*» reading of the cgil endedy of splendid land Is still eo great tbat tbe crop may be stwcea/fttny and been hanging around ths skyllgnt with that it may be expected tbat the num- Qntckly bsrvestes, bsstoees men sre of Patrick Calhoun, otrwt raiiwa) Sesator Dixon called oa Rev. T. F. s eiut all afternoon. bers mentioned wnl (acres** from !£7!neT la larger stocks than usual, real magnate, to satisfy a ^segment fot Dornblaxer, who pronmuiced the prny0*>" l9te>* year to year, and it vlil not be many estate men are active, preparing: for $7,910 obtained agnlast Catboua bj er. ,, A Dar*. Btate . . . The Rev. Dornblazer's prayer was City... years before the immigration figures the rusk of business that ia sure to John Orent, * contractor, for bulidlhj To tbe Editor—Why do tbe most rather lengthy, and be was interruptfollow, and everywhere there la the materials for which Grant claltas h< will reach, the million mark. worthless men often gui tbe best ed by cries of "Amen, amen.? It may be naked what is there to note cf optimism, which seems to be was not paid. Former Ssiiiitor *. J. Beveridge, _of wive*?..' warrant this large immigration? With perfectly justifiable. The conquest of Mount Sir Sand Indiana, was then elected temporary Answer-r-1 don't know. Ask your muliena of acres of land, capable of There is, as {has bees sai£, a vest ford, the highest peak of the Selkirk* chairman and made a keynote speech. husband.—Smart Set. Is d o g g e d Up producing twenty-five to forty bismels area of tbe country still open for set- by Howard Palmer, secretary of the The senator devoted more than half of wheat to the acre; or, if in oats, tlement and homesteadlng lying in the America* Alpine .club, is ennooeceti U of fails 5,060-word address to what be TsaTa Why Yeafr* TkaaV-<gat af Sarta Paxds^ Antiseptic sprayed Into the • • Hsve from forty to ninety, and eren as hlgn center north. Speaking of this part a message sent by Mr. Palmer to the termed "the business evil that faces passages is a surprisingly sucas s bsadred bashels per acre, or the * writer* who made tae trip asen the American Georgaphlc society. The Americans," as embodied in the trust nasal cessful remedy for catarrh. At diug- c A a m ' s i J T i u ssaie splendid yields of flax or bar- crop was in its green stage, said: ascent of the mountain, which Is 11,- issue. He laid down as the motto of gistc, 26c a box or sent: postpaid on re- u m p i u s ley, there<'uvarap*e inducesaent to at- "Just no :, the whole country is a 634 feet high t\uA U practically ont the procresuive party. "Pass prosper- ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet wui put you right CARTEI& tract these bondreda ef thousands who beantifol s! ;ht, as it presents itself la continuous wall of Ice, was mad* ityaround," and made the assertion Co^ Boston, Mass. in s few days. that the progressiven mean to • put arsjglj^a;tne iveaept igrleultaral set- lid;; dress of living srsea, varied la June 24. Theydo [IYER laws os the statute ^ k « that will tlements and pushing forward ioto the sbsde, many places #l«aantly frinsed Instance. their dizty^ Footsore and wesVy from tbe J4b tell Americas business men what newer settlements year by year, and sad Interspersed witb nleatlsgs of ariie tramp over unsympathetic ran they can. aadV what they cannot do. - Knieker—Do- you nee ialw-aavlng CureCon-fl devices? leave room still for the hundreds of shrubbery sad patches of sweet scent- road ties from Sprlngfleld. Mo.. A. 8 Xndlgestkmimd^ick Headacba Becker-—Yea, a nsAlng pole will pretaeassnaa who wiii foilow. Tbere r»- edflowersin rose, yellow, vbita, pink, Hogan, bis wife and four small ebn vent yon from hav'ng u > taks up the SMALL PftL. SMALL DOSE. fi'AlXfWQE, mslas not only the agricultural wealth scarlet, cardinal and purple. In trav- dree trudged into Bast St. Louis os The Titanic Memorial Fund. carpet of the cocntry, but there are also tbe eling; orer tbe virgin soil, I bare seen their way to their home in Chiistias Michigan is one of the two states bear Signature social advaatssea, the home^uking- some of the most charming rolling; eounty, Illinois. A June Sood wasb«4 in the union tbat bas forwerded to srrrileges, apart altogether from tbe prairies, sloping: hills, deep ravines, away a farm they hxti tented Is Washington two or ^isre individual and cures ttchlag , torttrfaa 4\lrr tnaoct*'. opportunities, there ia tbe life mirrored lakes, artistic flower fields, Crawford county, Arkansas, and left contributions of $1,000 for the fund ^ ma>,4ere« m of ta* akta aad ataeoa* ir^mbraM. A rttperlor Pile Cure. S5 asdfiOeeata, by that is being raised to erect in tho ssd the energy born from the knowl- and natural piLrfea ,'<h*t cnuld Vsh them penniless. dVoggta^*. For free Muapl* write te J . W. uational capital a great memorial edge that the eettle*- is.more than a to behold, and all placed there without Cola S Co., Black RU*r W u a , Wit. DA1STFLY KULER ^TKu S ar".h to the men who died on the pnit in the upbuilding-^ in the making the aid of man. The J«ad in general Heat, eSau *w THE MARKETS. 'litanir that women and children ot a pcuciiT that will soon sank is heavily matted with grass, iri^ed WBtWlllt O* the Bird Kind. • • «3 «11 might lUf. C^Songst the first 1P «Lo sitions of with vetches and p«*a vines, nearly up "Say, pt?" »•••*». «t New Torn, A a t . X Mrs. James McMillan of Detroit the world. There is no desire on the to the knee, and many millions of "What I* it r SS 75 ej S IS and Mrs. Sydney A. Sloman of Fort vtm: wUt mat sen «r pert of the writer to dwell upon the acre* of which are going to waste L t V K Sl'OCK-8t*er» "Is an aviary a hospital for & 7 «5 avia730 # 4 90 Brady, Sauit Ste. Marie, have mailed torar success that has followed the Ameri- while beef, pork and mutton are soar- F 1 .Hos*n Itjtr* •Bj'tiJBE 0 U K - Winter Strttght*.. 34 »0 55 0 4 7C to the central office of tbg Women's Sheep cas settler in the Provinces cf Mani- ing at prices heretofore unknown, Tho WHEAT—Sepleitiber I f (MMiutgrf «*«««tv*. Titalfic Memorial their personal CORN—Export C So44^o«a4ara«* fted Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluiag toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and comparatively small acreage under cul- OATS—No. checks for «1,000 each to aid the pro• seat ptmvmtf. for R . «1 vain* Us tbe wbols world, make* tb« humthe coast Province of British Colum tivation reminds one of a few small R V E - N o 22 ,. 77 Sea, SntaUya, a. S, ject. Both checks were sent to Mrs. Ores* smile. DR. J . D. KELLOQG'S BUTTER—Oreajncry . . . . . , . tZ wU, or U> •pedk of the thousands of in- garden patches. John Hays Hammond, secretary of ECr03 15 dividuals whose hundreds of dollars "When we consider the estimated C H E £ 8 K the memorial, with accompanying let^ •••>* * XI Some men's idea of luck is co owe have made them thousands, but atten- crop of 200,000,000 bushels ot' wheat ters of enthusiastic praise for tbe more than they can pay. CHICAGO. great movement that has been backed tion must h« paid to the iact tbat these for 1912, to be produced on these west- CATTLE—Choice Steers S] « t ! 3 peeple havo done well. Tbey are fol- ern prairies from these garden patches, Fair Beevea (00 A f l | by 23,000 women's clubs throughout Mia. WlaslowV SooiklAa ayra* roe Calldraa f o r trts p r o m p t relief of Fancy rearllnsa S 00 fll H the United State*. teetklny. aeOeaa U t y j a * , redacea laSewtealowed by their families and their some faint Idea can be formed by an PeediiHt Steers 4 15 O 7 Si tloa, allay* aala, carve wind eoiic Sac a bottla. frsmds, who also are dotng well H*mvy Carre* 3 S) a « s> imaginative mind as to the immense •afrrmio* t L T B W C O , I J I , sufy/uA NLV, HOGS—Packer* 7 «i # 7 1 * indictmenu to Accuse Becker of yVbere, s few years ago, seemingly possibilities and rich reritage of a gloIt** difficult for a man to be upright Butcher Hot* I 00 g 8 35 Graft carr moaths ago. there waa nothing rious western Canada" PI SB (3f w ^ S after be ia down and out W. N . U„ DETROIT, NO. 32-1012ti 6 9 Three or more indictments against the open prairie, or if we sp**k of The estimate of ths wheat crop, as BUTTER-Cr#*n**ry Dairy O Q 24 Lieut Becker of the Xew York potie more central portions of these L I V E POCTLTllT » # 17 made by ihe writer quoted, is exceslice department for extortion are exEGOS 14 o 2?M sreviBces, the park districts, there are P<rr ATOKS <p«r Mil ) S 25 & J 75 pected this week. sive, hut with even 350 million Nnshels, today wesf tilled aad cultivated farms, F l ^ O U R - ^ J n t e r tVheat Spl 4 10 ¢ 4 ^ the police are hunting in large farms, too, and the herds of cat- there will be a great deal of satisfac- G R A r N - f r h e k t . September. «S»y JW theWhile hi Ibelf with ffat uesda^ches* sear atosssch. sapieaamnt beeaih Catskiila for two of the m>2 that Com, 9ept*mbw *S*fT •7¾ tle. Cities and towns are the result of tion on the part of the settlers. Oats. September .. I V M l %fH J a c k ROSP Rays were hired *it Becksnd tte^e4M.d<hjtfes^ ncrvouaucss brings a bad train MTLWAUKsm. er's orders to kill Herman Rosenthal, of* uevse ilk if it is not ooon corrected. But if yea will dear no good. So please be patient There's WHllrts to Wait for Good Time. the gambler, the district attorney's O R A I N - W U o a t . NO. 1 Nor'o H M year system of possonoas btle yoa wui be ad of present a good time coming and I want yoa A woman wbo for tvolve years baa Septrm^MT office is at work preparing extortion here wbeu it comes." The bearders tftv^bfes and be aecsre against others which may be worse. Corn. September eoadoeted a boarding house in Chi evidence for the grand jury. Oata, Standard 13 are taking tbe reduced rations and esgo. «ad wbo takes pride in telling that "bnsrders cso'Jly stay until they are ' waltlngr." one of th*m 3ay« **w^tb KAX8AS CTTT. /•Ipsea lodge of Elk* has purchased get married and then send eome one shortened be)u, for the good time/** ORAIN-W>ia*C Ho. I H a n i f 91 the Beebee Mock, near tbe center of to'flS the place made vacant by matthe city, JOT $1^000. The building Com, v*c. 2.<White . . . . . . Fit* tl*e Text. will be remodeled into a temple. ria)eay, anticipated possible comO a u , No. 2 WhNo... » set quickly sad *urelr--they restate the boweh, stJaaklste "Johnnlo," asks the teacher, "what ff*y 0 w% plaints because of smaller portions the hver end kklney*—tone . the stoiascb. Then year of meat by placing a nestl." written do you think may be meant by the sr. Loma P.ank Oonroth, a Lithuanian, who biood will be purer sod richer and yonr nerves won't bother pleaded guilty sereval weeks ago to notice in the dining room which stat- text, 'Unto him tbat hah shall be CATTLB—Native Steers $« H9 you. Tbe whole world over Beecbam'* Pflk are known sa % a char£<> of forgery, knelt in silent Tex*« Steert 4W ed tbat the price of he?f, mutton and given, while from hinj thst hatn not H O < 3 S H < ? « V T S * praver in tbe circuit court in Kalamost efficient iasaily remedy, harmless bat sare ta action. For v«el bad advanced to rlgTires which shall be t*ken away even that which Butcher* I So mazoo when Judge Knappen informed sll disorders of the digestive organs they are regarded as the bad not prevailed since the-Civil war, he bath?"' S H EEP—Mutton* 1 76 «y him he could hsve his freedom on OMAHA. asd that "everything ?s high in pro- "Uncle Bill earn H means Ut, teacbprobation. Conroth la unable to T L E — N&trv* St ff 60 A portloa. Tbe re has a«ver been any er," answers Johnnie. "Ko says fat C A TStockerj speak a word of English, and as far aad Feeaarn 4 75 < J*i coajjt»aJnt amc^ my boarders, and l folks keeps a'gettln' fatter an' t^in Cow» and H*lfer» ^_ SCO ns can be learned there te no one in S 75 icp* there be'none. 1 am irftt^ ouvi h^-p a-geitln' thinner, tn splt» WXIS—Heavy . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . „ 1 ii 7 70 the city wbo -ran understand his na4 4? •^tt^Wsfsats 19 ate best 1 ess aad cer^pUdst win do of al?. tbe> io.'—Judge's library. Coal lor 6M» Ye^s f 1 a tt - : t e 0 0 1 s m n o w r o 1 Hay Fever t ; • • . • • * • •»/,** A Ycxsr L I T ^ a > # ^ a w » — a w 7 ASTHMA l BiHousness is Bad Enough iBEECHaWS PT1LS H , * * . * • • f»** p •+w* Cotrectfv© MM M. n. x a, north ot ShUwasse* River snd south Os Sunday M r . and sfra, Frank Of ' « « a l B-d Kowd," E*iroli VJtriasd HrWk Co., awasra. &t8 ^aalae. the&ee s S»H .«1«9 Hunt snd M r , and M r s . s". Tubba, Cb^'.ott. «u a K>\ e x.09 cha MU taeeee • St , of St. Johns, meAorsd te tbs bome r £i* chains >•> * polat MS chatas south of tae of M r . and M r s . E l m e r Y « n t e k • (t MfMT Mill tKFMH l, where tbsy anent ths day. Leayth of drale iee aaM laud* to * 04 easts*, Ivsh TiVtlA tae rs«nrnesf bome Thence a S3*, c oo the folfee-iag described land: Tf ?w#,ofn w fc|- sent!: •¢'••^(¾*!' iWu after a few days' atsy sriUi hia Road" oo *oe. <?. T 7, N, tt 3 F A«u i Zun- br*»tbarj Bi-ousi, bit el, owner, r&eh*tn». »bence» 41¼ , e S.U! chain*, theaee * £4½ ,« 2.16 chains, thence e A new floor io baiog isld in the 34¾ , c 4 Ot chains '.hence * &y,\ e 9 » c h a i n s , thcac* i 4 »V, 0 £.46 chain*, thence » 1*%*,« sehool hosae and the bolkhng is TO 0.1» eba a* ko a petal oa tk« west list taa being rs^ud^led. Right or War «' tae Gorana* *ud If>rby spur Pe(»r n U n a id ent4»rta:oma; of the Untax! frank Railway wbieb Is 0 IS Mrs. chaias west af to* • e co/oerof Aaid land. a niece tor a few days. Length of drain oa said laad to 8V. 7¾ ehsluc. Station 17 plusefof drain is on center line of Mrs, Boy Priest and ehUdreu of abast'osed Railro*** Grade,' b>;iag spur of Chiesso, srs riettiua; relatives tn Grand Truak JMu>ro«<l, formerly c«?vaeetui( tb« Kuralfs Goal Mine aad ta« C- -auaa aad this vicinity Keror npnr ot *iie Grand Trsak Bailroad. . and M r s . S m s s t Wh^tsksr Ta«ne« • 10¾*, * ott tke Sifbt of Way >>f the Mr Ctmtsss asd S>ror *p<tr of tb* Ora«d TmnH apent Bnnday with M r . and M r a . fiaUwsy «JS «halo» to the itse Ls^wecn put John Parsons. RGUR*.* trip to Grand Rapids, wW raUway asd loads of w Parkar aad +1.30 \ Ionia, $1.30. Leave vi'e. Tbe drain oroases center Has of said Mrs. William Kerby will spend a raiiroad I.OM chain north of the » w comer of e Corunna IOi22Return train couple of days In Owosso. -54 -01 m * H ot said sre, St Gd.Rap Js 6:15, Ionia 7:15. Leagth of drain oo said lands is CM chaias. A greet many from here havs at* Tb« ^-e « 1*¾*, e os tbs following described tended the aviation meet i n Owosso taao: A fjo a<rre« of taat part of u w % ot said wet.«. HOOU) »i ibe "Coal Bed aoad," WM. Ihis week. Parker »*M wiie, ownerw. ¢.70 cbalsti to a ooiat Farmers fhave beea unprortna; (8 Ilakaeastof (be • w corner trf said laad. their tima of late i n gra^fHuf the Least* of deals «a said laad {* i?9 eixsjr.*, .• ' Thcoec o IWii . e on tr« following dercrlfaed ^•A, a w frt «^9 7-1¾ acres CHIROPRACTOR OWOSSO Uuc: Thj-**^^Ha«-ttart'wf Mr. and M r a . £ r n s a « L y t i c and aad Alton Wrev, owners, STATE SANK nUfLOffsG tt.1'0 ebalwa, tb«nce s «8|4»,e 10 »8casios, Ssmeedsnghtar apsst Sunday with M r . UMIOM PHoMaS I * •* cbains, taeaee sSOJw'. e $.]0ehalns and M r s . L e v i L y t l s . osetes Mount * tenuiuus of said drain at a point t ^ l Umce, M) ehala* south of the center of sec. 5», rvfT». R, The Kerby elevator baa recently 4 to 10 A . M . MY Raai(l«Dce, IK. been painted. i£*jaminsslou to 5, 7 to 3 P.aud Consultation Free length ef drain oa said 2aad 1« 2147 ehalas. Mra. J*m*s Parser and children ^ Total u rtgtli of Jraia to ISJO chaias. of F l i n t , have bssn gnosis at the SPECIFICATIONS ZAMBIASI DRAIN. GET W E L L — I T ' S E A S Y ! homes cf C . B . Youngs and Hugh CeawTi- bitkes are aet at tht ^Uet, term is us Pajrfcr? thm past few days. acd at ail sugies ef the drain. O r r r t hubs and station a takes are set eyerj Bobert W . Hsr**?* LswiwesvtMe, 8 rod? along £ie line of the drain and are set 14 links to tbe rlght^f the center line. Mo., wbo had nsen bothered witb fttation stakes am a«»b«red cesseroUreJy kidney trouble for two ynnrs, says: Osteopathic Pfcrskiaa from 0 at the outlet to 29 plus j*& at the teratii tried tnres different kinds o f kidO f f a n d residence, 321 ST. Waah- Sna. ney pills but with no relief. M y All cuts shall he awastt«ed. fw*s the top o r m&toa street., Owosao. tbe grade hub or. the, bench mark at tae •Merev neighbor toid u » to nes Foley S i d Hours:—9 to l i s . m.; 1:30 to £ ssd pondins station stake. P i l l s , 2 took three buttles of 7 to 8:36 p. m. Sunday, 8:30 iodS*. The depta of the iraio shaU be TUB ten or ney tbem, snd got a permanent curs. I m.; 4 io S p. m. and by appointment. less to be taken fr^t the profile or grade a s h recommend them te everybody." Jn Owosso 4 years. Union Phonewhich are bereft* returned a ^ a M d e a p a r t Sold by Glen T . Beynedos* No. 326. 30-ii-C:n Of the.&*irx**_T+*a*Aa, .__ , - • ["'^7¾*^¾!?¾.".'¾^^^*¾'^!!*.!! AM f«et. The width of the top shall be two times ihr depth added to tbe boitota. T*rsc?o?-oftae baaks shall be 1 foot horiSaturc?,ty night « pc«ular 10* iOHtai ro vnsti foot wrttral. dance will be pnt on at the ensino. All asglesssatl b e ^ a F a e d « a - a a e»sy enree begioaing and endiafr notte&f-taaa a rods each There has been a large number of aide of the a&gle stake, exceps at the face o l request* for sqniure d&wses from I Sssday Excursion AUG. 1t 4 9 See Our 6 0 0 Gd. Rapids t aod iogia H l W.C.JWAUSKEYD.C 0 and leave your t , f6 6 1 4 M order for a ssit 3w ttk to your measure Mc Wo C. L SHEPPARD 1 r DR. A, H. WOLFE Osteopath Physidan cuivcrts. ^ A It trees, brash, stumps, stooea or otter rab- those older ones w!no do not dance Thome A Frisbie'E Shoe Store btoh sbaii be removed from the right of way far the ronnd dsnees, nnd OF MICHIGAN. The TMrtj-tVth thie wiil be TATU enough irom each side of tbe centertin*>sothat ^udieiai Otteott: la Caaoeery.Ada SetOffice ilours: 9:49 to M:30a. tn.: 2:00 top>:30 p. the full-;}¾¾; width of UieJnUn, a cie-a ter* their grand opportunity to have a eksa. ces>i>latnaat, vsv Jiymyem *>tcS*«a A ui-aiii^ri *nd ihe »poil'basks anal/ be is tae good time. Good music wiil be Rtasaeo, ueteudaus. * on Ojrtoeida cleared. ^re». 8«Jt pending for the Ooasty v." 3telawiitc, band and "Sites and Samanthy" Ia Okaoeery, before we, uke- Koa. Be idea 8. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot 31ilawas- The rig* t of way shal! consist of a strip of land 80 feet wide. # feet telo^ on each sMe of will be there. Dance from g to 12. Mister. Oresit Judge, at my chsisBns-far she a session of the Probate Court for said the abore described nunc vaich shall be the of Oweescin tbe County of rJhfiawassee ta A few round dance* will be mixed City Cennij, held at the Probate Office Is the City center line of the drain. •aid JodiEial Circuit, on the-Ntb say mt Jmmr of Oftruatuv oa hlo&d&y, the 17ih day of Jvne, All work shall be done 1« a gtwd aad woek* in at 5f per dance, bnt JtfS. ^ ,. tae greater A.BL to the year of one thoosand nine bsrdred and niaslike manner add shallfr*.Approred by the 1 in tkto eaase, it appeariag by adNavlt fas part of the evening witf he given up twelTe, taat Mom defeBdast, Jasses BtSnim. to I>raiB Commissioner or his represeawt<r>, Present, M'Ataew Bash, Judge of irrobate. a** a rswdeatjsf tMs State bafw^*- reaisea«s# to''the old fashioned dan~e?. Ia the utatter of the eatate of Frank A. BTjrreyed aad ieTcied KOT. 1 1 % 1S11, by order of Joha Boatweil, Couaty Uradn Osssa^s- The regular dunce next week will ^OsTssoUaS S«oVlf. Chrouch^ atoa>, settettor siriaxd, dosej>sed. Oa ressiag aad filing the petition of l a s * sloner of Sbiawassee County. Mich. toardnwd be given on Thursday evening inr for etsajlaisiast.it K. affUaflS as adaitaistratrtx praylag for a tae said defendant. Tt V. W. BOVOl, Surveyor. ate**^ of WedAesdsy cveikinr ss be eatssed ta tato rawss wttala- fstsr Sesase to sail real estate. Job wiil be let by seenosa. The It to orSsted, tbat taa MS* day of Jnly, atSaM ef tarn order, )fcat ta» the oetlet of tee said Drain will be let au**, a* ta* oVlock la the fs, swoon, at said aad jaw ^re^totott, saetfaw fa ifts^ardw mm Ws Come ont 8stcni%y evifmint?. ~ ' ' ~ be aswgaed ter hsariag said te oa Sis wttS tae stasr wasersate4sSsasras satd Aad It la ra*ti*£7 orfsi^d, taat m eapy of this Utala^iattss^^^^Jgyy ntasamen* stSar mm ymhltohnit tares saeeeasls* weeks arsosstts saM day «4" hew i M , lata* coram* to watch ra4sres.es star be had ay aU jt) si sal, a as wsaatisi sa4a<*M aad etecalattsg is satd Csaatya* aaltwsssse, S •we* Pnas^ian JPly Kaccateret*t; t iiWeU] stock. It with a spray or witk a. ef tW a^atao/Adeila TrtpN Sticky Ry Paper _ wfll In A pinaesC IsfSag. SsSM We4njg4pasajr s^mnr inewb»ran . , O.E.S. of all asraad /dees of eadd kstnas, er at assnesssr i a^Teby mtmrn aooee as^_,**aes taofaafssr ss wSts* % tts M^slasvCfOkilssn, of ttjaSw* wUl atsat at taa OM Osraaaa SAM Oaaasy *- — BtasSt la tae Ctty si Osraaaa, la aasi Osaaty, ii Tititisg^ft* TTiwiiir « ^ «s> TSssaamjv the SSh day «d aeajsshhsr, A. 0. mt. and os, WsdssJIaf. the 9th day Mr.andMra.Gkn Soisssber. A, p. ISBL at taa s'ctoak la tas lesaaaaaWaaeh mf sati days, far the taa vmrpaot visitissgin Dfttroit. af tssalslna had ^djasttrng aii " ^ 5 2 ¾ •eiocktoj l taat fbar sisaihs from taa SSlh Miss Cstlsel Long is »a mt Jair. A. n. ttlZ. aw altowad to few dnya in DeticS. present their etatass to said Cost- lal lisiiisansi PtotHct i for adjastsssat aad allow/iaee. The twwaaaia of Cassisnta mm large Dewey Csmpbell returned Monpassd, tae 1Kb day of May, A. D, MSZ. the follawtsydeaerlbsd laada InmidTowsabip day night from a visit in Detroit. Km. Sft-S S acres of a S4J0 acres of a UTTOB « . NIOHQI^a, I ol * H of see Ut lying a of SSiawsaSesBiTCf $ B s S) acres of 44 SI acrea on • sid« of A gnat many from tarn eity atSOc Ma Of Shiawassee aimer acd s of Coal Bed tended the aviation meet wkieh waselaams %» aaid Tuewt, as tbe Probate Otsce, la Road. af t^aenawa, in asdd County, on or Leiu at D. & C. fw*rk, Owssso, on she City tha 4*K «sv ef ttsvember. A- D. ItlCaaS ffm. S—* 3S of. a w M ot n w ^ Tuesday and Wednesday of taw befosaMid 'Hw' WJU be heard by aaM Oeaat .#> acre ia a e corset, s M acres of is s^res Oeawa, oa Mssiday. tbe 4Kb day of November, \r nniaa* 4* rods o ot a w corser, thence a 7*week. J U D O A. m\ t#tr> at asn o'etoefe ia aba feraaoon. «> rods, n TS rods, w 49 rods to beginM, Ai JO. WIS. ¥ Mil acres of w H of n rr. U h ot highway Mra. L. N. Sheardy ajsdttatghter, Bated, Jsdgr MATTMSW BUSH, u>d to Qerrard; t S aeres of e % dr. Evelyn, are visiting Mrs. Sbsardy's R. S.; n 1ft acres oi ii mmnm c = c s s JVt^— MPVtth***^ ing at % post between sections Si aad SS, theaee parents in Lexington. guarantee satisfe<*on on every By Pk,- race Ltodaey. Probatte Segtoter. e 80 rods, s SB rods, w SO rods, s SI rods to beMichigan Department of job turned out c4 saw shop g i * > D i t t g oa w pt of s w frt iix m tS acres of e pt T,auslng. of s w frl H [».07 acrea}; sM acrea of w K of 'BATS Oaroau^r-jStete of laieafgae. w 5 i o f B e W e x c B . S . ; t S u i « i 4 f * % of w TotaeSbcriiT: TJHIOK PICHIC FRIDAY Kotne M excB.n.w^of n'^of n $4 of» At a lesatne eg tae Prctoate^Oomt tor said Tea are hereby notified taat » Oenersi Prir e i i ; e yiol s % ot a %ot mm Hi a SO aeres of s coaaty. s*M at tae Probate OStee. lu tae asary'iaeetion will be hetd in Ons-Mate an % ot a % of 5 « ! | ' ; » « S acres ot e % ot a e % City of Coraeus, on atoaday. the Itth day Tuesday, the treaty-seventh das ef Aogaat^ exd R. K.; commencing m% rods n of s e corner County Scaday Seassis, P i s a s s n , and of Jury, fa the year ee* thousand sloe me. for aU political paxiies.fbr tbea^raoaeaf of a w !4 of a w ii, tkeaee s w 186 ft toward a bundred aad twelve. • , point Mfods w of said a e eoraer on a list oi Present. Matttaew Busa. JedsK of Protaae. namiaatlBg caadidatea for the aflheea of United " l l r y i " to Senator, Governor, said laad, thence n e to a poiit fW ft n of beIu the saatter ot tae estate of Prank States nor; Representative ia ginnisg on ii line, tbenee >CBM i. »c 00 ft to at large. RepA. MOlard, deeeaaed. recentativea iu Coag* beginsdng. On readisg aad Silag tbe petiUoa of I s>re*santatives In U M S%at*l«srto!asare. aiso CI„Ul-.»„ .__ Section No. 4*~W 10 \i * f - : i cf* WUUUU SM1U aoaia BOB of said estate may be granted to for Domiaaasg eaodidates^ by eaa* poUstcai party Is counties, as prescribed by Aet 24«. St w >i; n w 1«acrasof a % of n % otm w 54. T. Sldaey or seas* other saitabie person. ef the Pioneer Society will meet with Bmest the PnbUc Acts of MSS, aa ameaded. All in T. 7 N., R. S Bast. It is ordered, taat the ltta dav of Aogoat y the Axnalgsnisted Temperance Assoaext. at tea o'clock is the foresnoa, at saH Tmzt part of the Right of Way of taeOarnana In Witness Whereof, I have hereto- aSBaed Prooate OStee; be ass4gaed for hearing saM and Kerby spar of the Detroit Grand Haven A ciation of the county in a rally and ia? signature and, the Sreafc Seal of petition. Milwaukee Railway tying oa tbe w % ot n a (SBAL) the State, at Laasingi.th*s. iMrttotS picnic under the auspices of the latAnd it to further ordered, tbat a copy of this FOB and a w H aad a^ornwMofsw tf of Seeday of July in the- year ter organization at McCurdy park order be published three saccesstve weeks tion 23 T. 7 N., K. 5 K . hundred twelve. previous to said day of bearfog, i» taa Corseee The executive Now, Therefore, All unknown aad son-resi- Friday, August 9th. PRBDBRICK C. MAnaiMDAU. a newspaper priated aad clrcrlaSlBg dent persons, owners uiad perssns interested committee, representing the three Journal, Secretary afl ta aaid Couaty of Saiawassec. in tbe abore described lauds, and yon, Charles By D. H. MoxSc Deputy Seesetary of State. MATTBXW BTJSH, Doan, supervisor, aed L- O. Cudney. highway orgsnizatjons, consists of James Judge of Prober conuatosioaer, of the Township of Cadsdoaia, WT Griffin, Bev. John MeLean and By Ptoaxaca IJWHBT, Probate Register. and yoa, Anton zambiaai, Detroit Vltriaed BbertBTs Brick Company, Wm. Parker, Oeo. Shirley, and John M. Fitch, of Durand; H . Via tns> Grand Trunk Corunsa, MtfcaH Juiy 3C, IStE. Alton Wren. Chas. Wren, Hugh Parker, SnrekaW. Spitler, of New Lothrop, and OaTIOaSlOKKBS* NCTICaV-In the matter To the Township Clerks oPSldaw sas i Csasay: Coal Company. W. D. Braads, Jules Perry, De> doGewffteack route of the eatate of Mar/ D. Adams, deceased. Sirs:—You are hereby nstHtod tbat at sae troit Oraod Bavea J KUlwackee KaUroad Mrs. Etta Killian, of Buxton. J. Te, the undersigned, haviag been appatatsd Primary election to be- hsM ia tela State oa Ooatpaay are hereby notified ;has at the tlsK H. Schweinfurth will act a» director by the Hon. Mattbew Buaa, Judge of Probate Tussdsy. Aagust gf, A. Bt sttt. easdldates for and place aforesaid, or at sacs other Usse in aad for tbe county of Shiawassee, state of she office of Governor aad> Ueamaaat Ooveraor and place ihsisafwr to which said hsariag of singing. cossMtsslpwers te reeetre, c v i a e (to be voted for at tbe general eiertioa to be ssay be ad)oaraad, I saall proceed sa receive The program will open at 10.-30 Michigan. aadadjastanslaisssaaddsmsads of all per- beid Tuesday, Wevessher a> A. Uv sfl« wUl be Wds for the eoastracttoii of said "Zambiaai Drain," is tae ataaser bare in before stated; o'clock a. m. with singing by the , do hereby give notice voted for by the quaaSii eaeaUsd eieetors of to aad. also, that at sack time of letting from that we vtti meet at the Bask of A. X* Beard mil political partiea. AJoo that the^aaiifled nine o'elock in the fsreasus until Sva o'elcek assembly and will include the folCompaor ia the Village ol Morrice, ia enrolled electors of a» partiea will TO*S for ia the afteraoois, the aassssaaest for bcttfite coaaty, oa Totsday, the Itth day af candids4wJtorCeagrisiflsas fsr tae eeegresaad tbe lands cost) prised wttala the Briiaard lowing: sepcember, A. D. Ittt, aad ca Meaday, the steeal district ef wmteh said c^mm%y foms a Devotion—Rev, J. E. Somen. Utb dav of Movsmbar, A. D. MB, at part; Senator, ia tha State T sgtota«nre from Drain Spestal A mist Districts win be tea o'elock U the focsaosw of each of the sesateriai dtosrtot mt wateh said coaaty Address - " P b a e c r Memories assaid subject to review. Reduced Rate, Sumoser Tour CORUNNA days, for tke parposs of isusiHsg and rasa a part; Bspmsesative ia the State Aad Taa aad Bach of You, owaeis aad per- a Present Ineentivf>"—Bev. John adlustiag Tickets wiU be sold to0 tbe aU ciaim* agataat said estate, aad Legmiatafe. SaerSt, Ooaaty Clark, OouaVy soas latersstid bs tae sioi sstii " taat tour atoatbs Cram tae l*ta day of July MeLean. Traaeerer, Register ef Desda, Prosecatieg AtHrghtaiids of Ontario aod hereby eisad te appear as she time aer, A. D. UUS, are aUowed to credttora to pre- tovaey, two Ctrceit Ooart Cossaiiaslpssri. two of soea letting aa aforesaid, aad ba ! Business session followed by an asat tbeir clsiata to said eossmlstioesrs fo* *d- Coroners, Ooaaty Bar tejwi, Coaaty Dtais Comother tourist resorts in Cana" respect tarackspeaial asasssssssrts aad ye adjournment at noon for s picnic iaatmentaad alio as aee. Notice of Letting Contract Zsn> ' itersste ia relation Uieteto, if you so desire. mtsa4eaer;atoo aa advisory vote fer candidates \ oa. Hex York, New England Dated, the Wt h day ot July, A. D. tSlS. fsr Palted State Senator from Michigan; also dinner in the park. bissi Drsin at ths Residence of JOHV BOUTWSLL, a. U BSARD. and the Jersey Coast. delegates to aU County fJonvtattons to elect TPPUS S. MABTIM, Singing by the assembly at 1:30 Couaty Sraia Csmmtsiioaar sf the Anton Zsmblssi» Secdoa b3> delegate* te atate C^aveattoes. Ooaaty efSaiawsssi CommissJoaera. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my CsledosU Township, Tuesoay, Dated, COTGSMW, hOeh^ July tS, A. httt o'clock, p. m. hand this 39th da; cf July, A. D. 1SU. Devotion—Bev. J. ii. Wolford. Aug. 20, A. D. 1912. B. J. nXRRlCK, Address, i4The Euforeemeut of Ns*}ce to Uereby Olrea, That I , John Scat- • • w w d > w w w w w 4 > w w « > w « > Sheriff of Shiawassee County, the Law"-Judge S. S. M'juer. well, Ctmaty • Drain Otaarttssioner of tbe Coaaty of Shiawassee and State ef Michigan, Singing. will, oa the S9th day of Aueast, A. tt. lW at Address, "Our Present Need"Hay fever and asthma make Augthe resideocc of Anton Zaakbia«i, in the Town- d > d > d > « ^ W W < S w 4 > W V d > d > # 4 > Boston, . . . •..••.. $36.06 ship of Caledonia, in said Coazt.y of Saiawaeaee ust a month of intent* suffering to Ex-Shenff Frank L. Convis, of Montreal, direct, . 28.04 a; '•"5 o'clock in tbe forenoon of taat dar, proMias Lacy Tscbeji, of Corunna, mauv people. Foley ? Honey and reed to receive bids for the constmcUsn oi a waa the guest recently of her slater, Gratiot coanty. Wuskoka, . . , 1 4 .75 certain Draib known aod designated as Claiming damages that are nomi- Tar Compound gives prompt ease Benediction? -. Fred $hsw. "ZasabuMki Drain,'' located and established in Mra. Portiand,Me., . . 22.38 relief, asd ia soothing and heal* nally ¢5,001), Mrs. Clara SciiulU, ££d the TewBshij/ of Caledonia in said Coanty of I r s b L y t l e w i l l spend thla week ing inflamed membranes. Temagami, . . . 24.49 Shiawassee aad described ** follows, to wit: who lives west of Owosso, has be- Wnu. toM .tbe Meretbew, N . Sesrsport, with her brother. Advertised Letters. GoniBteaeiag at a point ia the Coal alise i suit in the circait court against Me., says: " A few doses of Foley's Thirty days' limit. Liberal DrataV.W chela* west and SMS chaias sonUx Mr. snd M r a . E . A . Dibble spont N. Ainsworth, of Owosso. The Honey and Tar Compound relieved of the n e cstswe of See. St Town 7, Xorth Mrs. Edith Stewart, Miss Kathstop-overs. Variable route Sunday with the latter's parents. Saage s east, eaiawasmee Cssaty, aTiehigaa, leen Saunders, P. N. Lemon, De- suit ia the result of an accident Sun- me of a severe attack of asthma and theaee roasJar mSm%", e on tae ftsUowtng destickets also on sale to New F . Geeck and M r 4 . Susie troit Alaska Knitting Mills. Wm. cribed land: The *»*t pan of the *e*i ©art of Mm. J. day atternoon, July 28th, when a less than a bottle eaosed a complete a e frl 4? UHJI acirs and east part of a e trt Jmxki and tona spent cue day lastScott, Joeu Drfegomir (foreign) runaway caused by the Ainsworth cure." Refuse substitutes. jSoldby York and Boston. U 116¼ mere* exceptlandftaold OstfoitVitriSedweek in New Haven. Glen T. Reynolds. automobile, resulted itf the breaking Illustrated literature and deSrttt Conkpany aad Jobs Johcssa, F. C. 0«JLs Calzifiero Flabaao (foreign), Eddie MU wife, owners, t>A<* chains. t'AStore s 39¼*, M i . and M M . of the plaintiff's leg. Mias Helen tailed information may be had Simon Vodder and Whipple. 0.S1 chaias to a point w (>Z7 ch*ioa ftoat Brommerwich who was in the rig the s e corner of said lnsds, two children, D o r o & y and Minnie, on application to with Mrs. Schultz, which was driven rata cnti*i>**w L I K E I * Levsth of drain on said laud is 530 chains. are spending a few days here, havG. D. YOUNG, Agt., by Fred Trumbull, also threatens mWWMjrrs Tbenee s J»V, e oo the following described ing been called to sitesd the funeral UOCATIVS Corunna. land; 44 40-100 acres on e side of wc. 32 Y. 7, of her father, F , Sanderson. actioa for less severe injuries^ . 'iMen. au)ttlw^l^asCHdgs ot aa awl ttv tha Oaaat/ of t e ••p^w^vs^n 1 ^B^VSPSB^BW< ^^^^sns^sa^Sr^F s w m p s u i &J5"iSi E« H. IV! I L L S TELEPHONE 84 Notice oi Electioa I Tke ICE QUEEN , Summer Tours q Clark W . Effectln Jase 1st SHIPMAN Sefteafeer 1st t < The n A Few AttTeKtive Rates Below: Circint Court f 1 r O O U Q I SYRUP •S-^SP