edgars club magazine - John Brown Media South Africa
edgars club magazine - John Brown Media South Africa
ACCESSORIES THAT WILL UP YOUR WOW FACTOR SOFIA VERGARA TALKS TO CLUB RULE BREAKER Beauty CLUB’S ON FINDINGYOURMATCH THE POWER OF 9 00 000 MEMBERS lingerie 2012 club SUMMER LOVING WE LOVE SHOES Your guide to this season’s best fits DON’T MISS OUT SWAP YOUR CARD TODAY AND ENJOY YOUR REWARDS SMALLER HANDBAG SIZE +10 EXTRA PAGES = YOUR ULTIMATE STYLE GUIDE EDGARS CLUB MAGAZINE Circulation: 851 011 ABC Q2 2012 EDGARS CLUB MAGAZINE Club magazine is now a glossy, handbag-sized shopping guide, packed with the latest fashion and beauty buys available at Edgars. It’s aimed at the style-conscious South African woman who wants to learn how to shop smartly and feel fabulous, no matter her budget or shape. MAGAZINE STATS TECHNICAL SPECS ADVERTISING RATES s #IRCULATION 851 011 ABC Q2 2012 s issues per year s 4ARGET MARKET medium income, styleconscious women, aged 25-45, LSM 7+ s Club membership grew by 3.6% in the last year s 4HE COST PER THOUSAND for Edgars Club magazine is R72 EDGARS CLUB MAGAZINE Full page DPS BLEED (MM) 235 x 180 235 x 360 EDGARS CLUB MAGAZINE Full page DPS Inside front cover Inside front cover DPS Inside back cover Outside back cover s Spend on average R448 per shop )43 !,3/ ! &!#4 4(!4 s Club members spend 29% more than non-Club members 22% black 61% white 13% ETHNICITY TYPE (MM) 210 x 150 210 x 320 John Brown Media will not be held liable for any colour printing errors if hi-res colour Epson is not supplied with pdf. Average 36 years old 15-24 29% LSM 7-10 65% LSM 6 24% Female Male 69% 31% LSM 7-10 35-49 43% 21% Educated: 30% 50+ asian 8% 225 x 340 A high resolution pdf (CMYK, images 300dpi and all fonts embedded) to be supplied via Adsend or Pagestore/Quickcut plus a hi-res colour Epson of the same pdf. s &AVOUR mainstream fashion items and prestige beauty products 25-34 225 x 170 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS $)$ 9/5 +./7 4(!4 7/-%.x s Make up 60% of Edgars consumers coloured 18% TRIM (MM) 18% AGE have matric LSM 1-5 12% LSM have a tertiary education R61 650 R123 300 R67 815 R135 000 R64 800 R70 920 The above rates include agency commission. ADVERTORIALS Full page DPS R61 650 R123 300 The above rates include production costs and exclude agency commission. INSERT RATES R250 per ‘000 R650 per ‘000 (Full print run) (Segmented print run) The above rates exclude production costs and agency commission. A cancellation of 50% will be charged for cancellations made after booking deadline. EDITORIAL TALENT Justine Stafford Group Editor 3TACEY (ENDRIKSE Group Art Director Annelee Joubert Group Fashion Director ,AMEEZ (ENDRICKS Beauty Editor Well aboveaverage HH income: R14 847 FOR ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES, CONTACT: -OYRA "EEMING !DVERTISING $IRECTOR [email protected] tel: 011 895 0402 cell: 082 375 4446 &RANCES 6ENTER 3ENIOR !DVERTISING %XECUTIVE *(" [email protected] tel: 011 895 0403 cell: 072 607 5134 %STELLE $IETRICH !DVERTISING -ANAGER – Coastal [email protected] tel: 021 486 7609 cell: 073 224 4996 0ONTSHO .TOBENG !DVERTISING 3ALES 3UPPORT [email protected] tel: 011 895 0404 cell: 078 157 7446 EDGARS CLUB MAN MAGAZINE With a circulation of 200 000 subscribed members, Edgars Club MAN is the biggest men’s fashion magazine in the local market. The content plays to the aspirations of the modern South African man; acting as both a trusted style advisor and a guide on how to live a fashionable – not to mention balanced and healthy – life. MAGAZINE STATS TECHNICAL SPECS ADVERTISING RATES s #IRCULATION 200 000 ABC Q2 2012 Edgars Club MAN delivers a reach that is significantly higher than the competitive male lifestyle magazines s 4HREE issues per year: Feb, May, Nov s 4ARGET MARKET men, aged 25-40, LSM 7+, credit-worthy black men s ,OWER COST PER THOUSAND than any other lifestyle magazine of R216 EDGARS CLUB MAN MAGAZINE Full page DPS BLEED (MM) 235 x 180 235 x 380 EDGARS CLUB MAN MAGAZINE Full page R43 200 DPS R86 400 Inside front cover R46 000 Inside front cover DPS R92 000 Inside back cover R45 600 Outside back cover R46 500 $)$ 9/5 +./7 4(!4 -%. s Make up 40% of Edgars consumers 225 x 170 225 x 340 TYPE (MM) 210 x 150 210 x 320 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS A high resolution pdf (CMYK, images 300dpi and all fonts embedded) to be supplied via Adsend or Pagestore/Quickcut plus a hi-res colour Epson of the same pdf. s Spend on average R473 per shop s &AVOUR mainstream fashion items and prestige grooming products John Brown Media will not be held liable for any colour printing errors if hi-res colour Epson is not supplied with pdf. )43 !,3/ ! &!#4 4(!4 s Club members spend 29% more than non-Club members black 42% TRIM (MM) 25-34 34% LSM 7-10 white 21% 60% LSM 5-6 24% 35-49 32% coloured 13% Average 32 years old unknown 13% ETHNICITY 50+ 15-24 15% 19% Black Young LSM 7-10 45% 24% Educated: AGE LSM 1-4 16% LSM ADVERTORIALS Full page DPS R43 200 R86 400 The above rates include production costs and exclude agency commission. INSERT RATES R250 per ‘000 R650 per ‘000 (Full print run) (Segmented print run) The above rates exclude production costs and agency commission. A cancellation of 50% will be charged for cancellations made after booking deadline. have matric asian 11% The above rates include agency commission. have a tertiary education EDITORIAL TALENT Justin Jurd Editor 0IERS "UCKLE Art Director ,IZA 7EST Managing Editor $AVID -OSELEY Features Editor Well aboveaverage HH income: R13 820 FOR ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES, CONTACT: -OYRA "EEMING !DVERTISING $IRECTOR [email protected] tel: 011 895 0402 cell: 082 375 4446 &RANCES 6ENTER 3ENIOR !DVERTISING %XECUTIVE *(" [email protected] tel: 011 895 0403 cell: 072 607 5134 %STELLE $IETRICH !DVERTISING -ANAGER – Coastal [email protected] tel: 021 486 7609 cell: 073 224 4996 0ONTSHO .TOBENG !DVERTISING 3ALES 3UPPORT [email protected] tel: 011 895 0404 cell: 078 157 7446 SUPPLEMENTS DEADLINES 2013 club 2013 club active EDGARS CLUB MAGAZINE MY LIFE, MY STYLE YOUR GUIDE TO THE BEST GLAMOUR VALUE TRENDS FIT INNOVATIONS LINGERIE ESSENTIALS HOW TO BUILD THE ULTIMATE LINGERIE WARDROBE FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT !DVERTISINGADVERTORIAL BOOKING 6 nov 18 dec 17 jan 13 feb 19 mar 17 apr 17 may 18 jun 17 jul 16 aug 18 sep !DVERTORIAL BRIElNG 13 nov 18 dec 24 jan 20 feb 26 mar 24 apr 24 may 25 jun 24 jul 23 aug 25 sep #OVER ADVERTISING MATERIAL 30 nov 11 jan 11 feb 12 mar 11 apr 10 may 11 jun 11 jul 8 aug 12 sep 11 oct 'ENERAL ADVERTISING MATERIAL 04 dec 15 jan 14 feb 13 mar 16 apr 15 may 14 jun 16 jul 14 aug 13 sep 16 oct Style secrets of the hip and happening STREET SMARTS COULD WIN R100 000 PLUS INSTANT PRIZES WHEN YOU SPEND BE UNSTOPPABLE: YOU R300 OR MORE AT EDGARS AND EDGARS ACTIVE THIS NOVEMBER Throughout the year, we will publish a range of supplements put together in the same customer-friendly way as the main magazine. These will cover the full range of Edgars offerings, from fashion and accessories to beauty. SUPPLEMENT THEMES MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Club creates supplements tailor-made for our customers’ needs. These include: sA range of Gift Guides for every occasion, including the &ESTIVE 3EASON, 6ALENTINES $AY, -OTHERS $AY and &ATHERS $AY. sBeauty supplements with all the latest fragrances, make-up and beauty products in store. s&ASHIONORIENTATED SUPPLEMENTS, including !CTIVEWEAR +IDS ,INGERIE and VIP (a new offering that showcases high-end fashion brands available at Edgars). A high resolution pdf (CMYK, images 300dpi and all fonts embedded) to be supplied via Adsend or Pagestore/Quickcut plus a hi-res colour Epson of the same pdf. John Brown Media will not be held liable for any colour printing errors if hi-res colour Epson is not supplied with pdf. TECHNICAL SPECS BLEED (MM) FPFC 235 x 180 DPS 235 x 360 TRIM (MM) 225 x 170 225 x 340 TYPE (MM) 210 x 150 210 x 320 NOV DEC/JAN EDGARS CLUB MAN MAGAZINE MAY SEP DEC !DVERTISINGADVERTORIAL BOOKING 13 feb 18 jun 18 sep !DVERTORIAL BRIElNG 20 feb 25 jun 25 sep EDITORIAL TALENT #OVER ADVERTISING MATERIAL 12 mar 11 jul 11 oct Justine Stafford Group Editor 3TACEY (ENDRIKSE Group Art Director Julia Fraser Supplements Editor 'ENERAL ADVERTISING MATERIAL 13 mar 16 jul 16 oct Edgars Club reserves the right to increase advertising rates in 2013. FOR ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES, CONTACT: -OYRA "EEMING !DVERTISING $IRECTOR [email protected] tel: 011 895 0402 cell: 082 375 4446 &RANCES 6ENTER 3ENIOR !DVERTISING %XECUTIVE *(" [email protected] tel: 011 895 0403 cell: 072 607 5134 %STELLE $IETRICH !DVERTISING -ANAGER n #OASTAL [email protected] tel: 021 486 7609 cell: 073 224 4996 0ONTSHO .TOBENG !DVERTISING 3ALES 3UPPORT [email protected] tel: 011 895 0404 cell: 078 157 7446 FOR ADVERTISING MATERIAL QUERIES, CONTACT: 4ESSA 3MITH 0RODUCTION4RAFlC COORDINATOR [email protected] tel: 021 486 7611 cell: 083 444 5350 John Brown SA (Pty) Ltd and Edgars will check material provided for publication by clients or their agents, but will not be liable for any losses or expenses suffered by any person as a result of errors contained in such material. The client accepts that John Brown acts on behalf of the client when publishing such material and indemnifies John Brown against any loss or expense John Brown may suffer or incur should any such material be provided by the client. 0UBLISHED BY *OHN "ROWN 3! 0TY ,TD ND mOOR "LOCK ! "LACK 2IVER 0ARK .ORTH &IR 3TREET /BSERVATORY 'ROUP -ANAGING $IRECTOR ,ANI #ARSTENS 'LOBAL #%/ !NDREW (IRSCH