· Hina Mauka - Hawai`i Area 17 General Service


· Hina Mauka - Hawai`i Area 17 General Service
·Hina Mauka
Hina Mauka is located at 45-845 Po'okela St., Kaneohe.
(see map below for directions)
Registration will begin at 8:30 AM. Please do not arrive earl)
as the clients will be finishing breakfast. Their will be a
greeter to meet you and give you directions
on where to go at the Main Entrance.
Lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon. This is not flexible
as the cllents will be served at the same time. Please
ke~JJ this in mind as·we iovingiy debate.
Our business will conclude at 3:30 PM. This is flexible
depending on your flight times. If you are arriving from a
neighbor island and need transportation please contact
Jane H. @ 944-1162 {H) or 259-6031 {WK). If you are
traveling form the Leeward side and"can provide
transportation please let Jane know.
Contact Pat W. for other info @26,1<·1752{H), 236-2600{WK)
Pali Hwy .
Kina Mauka
Windward CC
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Kahekili Hwy.
May 30, 1998
Hosted by the Manoa District!
Saturday 5/30/98
8:30am - 9:30am
9:30am - 9:50am
9:50am -
10:05am - 11:Osam
11 :05am - 11 :20am
11 :25am - 12:00am
i t :45
.12:00pm - 12:45pm
12:45pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 2:15pm
2:15pm - 2:45pm
2:45pm - 3:30pm
Hawaii Area Committee Meeting
Hosted by the Manoa District
Saturday, May 30, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 9:38 am by Area Chair Scott C .....Serenity Prayer.....Twelve Traditions
read by Marty C., Hospital Chair......reading from the Service Manual page S87 "Conference Committees"
read by Maria C., Ewa/Pearl Harbor DCM ......Host D.C.M. Announcements by Pat W.
Approval of Minutes from the July 12th Committee Meeting. Motion to approve minutes was made and
seconded. Motion passed, the minutes were approved.
Area Officer Reports
Treasurer's Report (Marta W.): Our cash balance on May 30th was $3,891.47 in~luding the prudent
reserve of $3,500. The interest of $26.06 for the last three months has been transferred to the checking
account. The negative net income of -$2,926.25 reflects the total expenditures minus the total income for
this fiscal year. All inter-island airfare ($2, 121.00) as been paid already for the July Committee meeting.
She asked that all outstanding invoices be turned in to her by June 151h. The Structure & Guidelines now
state that we must have an interest bearing checking account. After doing some research her
recommendation is that we would be better off having a regular checking account. There would not be the
$10.00 service fee vs. the $3.00 interest we receive each month. The cost would be a flat $3.00 per
month. The cost for our checks would be $70.00 for 500, which we pay anyway... She suggested to keep
this in mind when she makes a motion at the August Assembly. Motion to accept the Treasurers
Report - seconded - approved.
Delegate's Report (Tanya E.l: She gave a wonderful report back on the 1998 General Service
Conference. (See attachment "A")
Standing Committee Reports
Corrections' Committee Report (Kawika K.- Chair): The committee is currently working on getting a
Women's meeting started in the Hilo Correctional Center. They have been working with Robin M. from
Hilo and she has been very instrumental in "taking the bull by the horns" and getting the ball rolling. She
has already been through an orientation. (They are extremely hard to get into.) They are working with the
Volunteer Coordinator Supervisor to see if there can be an orientation set up once a month like the State
does on Oahu. This is an unforeseen expense that wasn't factored into the budget numbers for the fiscal
year '98. It will have to be factored in for the fiscal year '99. The next committee meeting is going to be
held on Saturday, June 6'" at the United Airlines Support Facility from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Archives Committee Report (Ted K. - Chair): The committee has been focusing on its participation in
the Founders Day Committee. They are preparing a new archives display for the Founders Day event on
June 13 & 14 1998. Two record searches have been conducted successfully, one in behalf of a group on
Oahu and the other for an Area Officer.
Cooperation with the Profession al Community Committee Report (read by Dave R. for Shari L. •
Chair): On Oahu, the CPC committee is still planning the next Professional event. The funds have been
requested and it is soon to become a reality. They have made several attempts to secure written formats
for appropriate protocol for the "Sponsor a Doctor" program, and efforts will continue in this area. CPC
presentations were held on Maui w ith the court system and the social service agencies. CPC committee
members were part of DUI classes on three Islands: Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. The Maui CPC committee
has been busy with the 2nd Circuit Court's DUI classes which have been on-going since Feb. 27th. The
AA/CPC committee has the 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. portion of the third day of each 3-day class on the 3"' Friday
of the month. There w ill be about 30 - 35 people attending each class. Beginning in May, the DUI panel
has been meeting three times per month except in June when they will only meet once. The Director of
the same DUI class has been funding Varna N. from Moloka'i to fly in and speak to the classes as well.
Although this is not a CPC event, Varna is eager to carry her message of recovery. In the Kailua-Kona
District, continued efforts exist in carrying the AA message into the medical community. The CPC
committee members have been in contact with the Finance committee and after much consultation, have
decided to accept their vision for the fiscal needs for the next rotation. The figure is set at $1,800.00. .
Grapevine Committee Report (Rosie A . · Chair): Two new GVRs on Oahu were mailed GV material in
April. She received more La Vina material from the Grapevine office, so any groups needing them contact
Rosie. The West Maui District GVR, Javier is looking into starting a Spanish speaking meeting in Upcountry Maui, the one in Lahaina is no longer meeting. The second annual Grape-A-Thon was held on
May 16th at the Alano Club with about 30 people in attendance. They had four Grapevine topic
presentations, a drawing for a GV cassette, books and a year GV subscription. The skit, "Grapeler was a
huge success, the best performance yet. The Hawaii Area had 543 subscriptions for the month of June,
which is down 12 from last month.
Hospitals' Committee Report (Marty C. • Chair): The Hospitals committee has. 3 new members which
all came from the Downtown Lunch Group. The next Hospitals meeting is scheduled for the end of June,
which will definitely revitalize the committee and set up a new distribution of duties. The committee plans
to use the same strategy by keeping in contact with the hospitals & clinics of Hawaii, leaving the
appropriate literature and phone numbers of members who are willing to suit up and show up.
Public Information Committee Report (Kevin D. • Chair): No one present to give report.
Treatment Facilities Committee Report (Stewart B. - Chair): The TFC committee, which consists of 9
members, is currently performing their 12th step work at eight facilities on Oahu. The committee is in need
of a new literature person, a position that was created 2 years ago. A budget was submitted to the
Finance committee and recently a proposal was received back from the Finance committee, which will be
discussed at the next TFC business meeting. The TFC committee is still in need of some new blood, it
takes time to observe how we carry the message within the traditions. The committee held a meeting with
4 members present and discussed the effectiveness of the presentation format. The group conscience
was to change the format to three sections: Preamble "What AA is", tools for sobriety & "What AA does
not do." The TFC business meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at St. Andrew's
Church in Davies Hall.
Mynah Bird Report: (Susie S. - Chair): An apology was made for not having a Mynah Bird at the
meeting today, it was due to a lack of articles. A request for articles was made and hopefully people in the
fellowship will contribute so an edition can be distributed at the July Committee meeting. So far the
committee hasn't used a lot of their budget. Susie's new e-mail number is [email protected]
and here phone number is 487-9113. Please submit any articles ASAP!
Convention Steering Committee Report (Leonard R. - Chair): There are presently 378 members
registered for the 1998 Convention. They have now acquired Insurance, which will be discussed in more
detail by Bob D. the Alt. Area Delegate in his report later. After the workshop in November 1997, and the
feedback from the fellowship on what they wanted to see changed in Appendix "C" of the Hawaii Area
Guidelines, members on the Convention Steering Committee (CSC) have worked very hard to revise
Appendix "C" over the past year. Members of the CSC who were present at the January assembly,
proposed the new Appendix "C", and there seemed to be much discussion on 5.1 O & 5.15. They CSC
were surprised when the motion was made to sever the relationship between the Hawaii Area and the
Annual Hawaii Convention. That motion was tabled until the April Assembly. During their Steering
Committee meeting on 1/17/98, revisions were made to 5.10 & 5.15. The CSC was hoping to have the
new Appendix "C" approved at the April Assembly held in Waianae. After long discussion the question
was once again called to sever the relationship between the Area and the Convention. The motion did not
pass. Again the Appendix "C" was tabled until the August Area Assembly. Copies of the proposed
Appendix "C" in its entirety were distributed and to be given to all GSRs so they can take it back to their
groups. The CSC is hoping that this revised Appendix ·c· meets with the fellowships approval since this
will be on the agenda once again at the August Assembly. They would like to use the revised Appendix
for the remainder of the fiscal year 1998. They have sent out queries to everyone asking for anyone
who is interested in becoming the next Convention Chair to submit their resumes to the Convention
District Reports
#1 Diamond Head District (George B . -DCM): The district put on an AA meeting at the Opportunity
Fair on April 19'" which went very well. The district currently has 21 active members and at least 17
show up regularly for the district meetings. The district committee members .have been committed to
visiting a group a month and this month they visited H.O.W. Big Book on May 201h. Last month they
visited Back to Basics Big Book Study on April 191h. Their web page is doing well and has some good
links to other web pages including GSO and some local AA web pages. They continue to get hits
every month and John H. continues to fine tune to web and keep it current. They are currently
discussing putting on a Traditions Workshop and a District Inventory in the near future.
#2 Honolulu District (Scott L - Chair): The district had been concentrating on the Opportunity Fair in
April and helped out the other districts putting it on. They are currently planning and all day Big Book
study for August.
#3 Leeward Mauka District (No new DCM elected yet):
#4 Windward District (Sally T. - DCM): The district held a workshop at Hina Mauka on April 251h , the
topic was "Home Groups our Commitment." There were around 70 people in attended. A district
inventory was held on May 3rd and discussed topics such as: moving the district meeting around the
district so that more groups may be served, learning more about concepts, making use of box 459,
working with the committees and much more. The inventory process revitalized the GSRs getting
them pumped up for the remainder of their terms. Windward Group happenings: The Gropers group
has changed their meeting time to 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., they meet on Thursdays at the Windward Church
of Christ on Kaneohe Bay Drive. The Kaaawa Step is sponsoring the 2"" annual Camp Out at
Malaekahana Beach park on July 10th-121h. Contact person is Stephanie #261-6290. Kaneohe
State Hospital has a representative who comes to the district meetings. They would like to start a
correspondence, pen pal list so the patients have some contact with the community. A flyer will be
coming out soon. The district has the following in the works: Workshop on Sponsorship, Workshop for
new GSRs, Christmas & New Years Alkathon's.
#5 Maui No Ka Oi District (Debra· Alt. DCM): On 6127/98 they have a delegate report back scheduled
and a PRAASA report back to be held at the Pukalani Multipurpose room from 11 :00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
At the last district meeting the secretary & Pl Chair, Kay re.signed. David took on the position of GSR
for the Upcountry Sunrise. The Paniolo group Monday night has changed their location, now they are
at the Community Center. On April 18111 the Upcountry Sunrise group sponsored a Sponsorship
Workshop that was very well attended & received excellent feedback.
#6 Kauai District (Marv R. • DCM): No one present to give a report.
#7 East Haw aii District (Paul • DCM): They are having a Founders Day celebration that will be co·
sponsored by the district & Intergroup. It will start w ith a Sponsorship Workshop at 10:00 a.m. a
poUuck/BBQ lunch followed by games and an AA meeting. (Flyers were available on the back table)
Next month they will take the districts inventory. Literature racks are being filled around the district.
The district & groups are beginning to set aside money on a monthly basis for PRAASA. The 3td
Annual Summer Solstice Women's Retreat is being held on June 19 - 21 at Kalopa Street Park
(Flyers also available). They are still looking for an Alt. DCM and District Grapevine Rep.
#8 West Haw aii Di strict (Roy V. · DCM): H.l.C.Y.P.A.A. is happening on June 26th - 28111 at Punalu'u
State Park. They need to have 70 registrations so get them in as soon as possible. The new Spanish
meeting is doing well, they have 4 members attending. A workshop on "AA on the lntemer will be
held on August 8'" at the Intergroup Office. The district is sending their DCM to the Pacific Regional
Forum on July 10th· 12111 • The district treasurer has disbursed money to Area & GSO. The KKAA
group has a new GSR, Liz and Alt. GSR, Dwayne.
#9 Central North Shore District (Dave F. - DCM - Repo rt given by Curtis): 'The district has $350 in
the treasury. Three literature racks have been put out at Wahiawa General Hospital, Kaiser
HospitaVClinic in Mililani & the third location is still to be decided at the next district meeting. They are
attending the ADAPASE program meeting twice a month. There Is a new meeting at Schofield
Barracks on Friday nights. Contributions: are up! They discussed the area budget due to lack of
understanding about the air travel & the Neighbor Island voting in regards to the Convention vs.
Hawaii Area.
#10 Waiki ki District ! Fred T. - DCM - Report given by A lt. DCM - John B .): The districts meets the
first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at St. Marks Church on Kapahulu Ave next to the Internet
Cafe. Due to tremendous support from groups within the Waikiki District a registration fee of $3 was
unanimously approved for the upcoming Budget Assembly. A site has been secured for the event.
Home groups in the district are contributing monetarily & in manpower to keep the registration low.
Flyers will be out soon. The Oahu Intergroup is looking into throwing an event the Saturday night of
the Budget Assembly weekend. The Pl Committee has approved an ouUine to fax hotels about AA, a
budget will be brought to the next district meeting. They will be visiting the Police stations, libraries
and video rental shops to carry some AA videos. Bad Brains is putting on a workshop on June 6 111 at
4:30 p.m. by 12 coconuts.
#1 1 K ih ei District (Gordy • DCM): No one present to give a report.
#12 Puna District (Mike W. · DCM): No one present to give a report.
#13 West Maui District (Dan • DCM): No one present to give a report.
#14 Manoa District (Pat W. ·DCM): The district has been working on hosting this Committee meeting.
Contributions to the district are on a decline and they are not doing well financially. They have been
investigating into it and its steady decline. The district has not been able to pay its bills. They
currently owe the DCM a significant amount of money and are just getting by paying the rent. They
will be sending letters out to all the groups in the district about being self-supporting and start visiting
some of the groups.
#15 Ewa/Pearl Harbor District (Maria C.· DCM): Since taking over she has had her first couple of
district meetings at her house and is learning about the position. The Leeward district still does not
have a DCM and some of the groups are attending her meeting. They are discussing and beginning
to plan some future events.
#17Waianae Coast District: No one present lo give a report.
Intergroup Reports
Oahu Intergroup Report (David R. • Chair): They have phones, cable TV, coffee & literature at the
office. They have been preparing for the Founders Day event. There will be workshops & meetings from
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. Our delegate will give a short inspirational talk, in addition there will be
a volleyball tournament & games. They will be selling T-shirts for the event and had flyers to order them
on or sign up for the games & register. A dance is being held on Saturday night at the Richard Street
YWCA with a $5.00 fee at the door. They have been asked to possibly host a dance on the Saturday
night of the Budget Assembly. The Intergroup reps are taking it back to the groups to see what they
decide to do.
Maul Intergroup Report (Mike· Chair):
No one present to give a report
Kauai Intergroup Report: No one present to give a report.
West Hawaii Intergroup Report (Cindy • Chair): No one present to give a report.
East Hawaii Intergroup Report (Paul J. · Chair): No one present to give a report.
Area Officers (continued)
Alternate Delegates Report (Bob D.): The Convention Committee has negotiated an insurance policy
for the Convention, which is required in the contract with the Hawaii Convention Center. They are
required to get liability to cover itself & 3rd party insurance. He asked to re-propose an amendment to the
Structure & Guidelines that he first proposed in February 97' to place the DCMs on the Area standing
service committees. In 1995 our then delegate, Charlie N. introduced this idea after returning from the
General Service Conference in New York. He would like to propose that the amendment be to add a
paragraph to the current Structure & Guidelines as follows:
"3.5 At the first Assembly after the elections, and after the standing committee chair appointments have
been confirmed, the Hawaii Area DCMs will be assigned, by lot, between eight standing service
committees for service (does not include the convention steering or finance committees which are
separately provided for in this S & G) The Assembly suggests that districts adopt this practice and assign
GSRs to district service committees.•
Group Registrar Report (Curtis H.}: The total number registered at the Committee meeting was 24.
The breakdown is as follows: Area Officers & Standing Committee Chairs - 14, DCMs - 8, Alt. DCMs - 1
and Intergroup Chairs - 1. At the next committee meeting he will have updated membership lists. He
asked for any corrections or additions to the existing information. He made contact with Jane W. from
Puna in regards to the upcoming committee meeting in July.
Area Chair Report (Scott C.}: The outgoing Waianae DCM asked him to run a third legacy election for
a new DCM responsible for the Waianae District. He explained the third legacy procedure and the voting
members of the district must voice their conscience via the ballot. The new DCM elected is Sarah. He
asked the DCMs to take back to the districts & inform the groups about the changes the Convention
Steering Committee is trying to make. At the invitation of "Ka Hui Moolelo" he attended their group
conscience. He informed them what GSO, Area, Districts and the Oahu Intergroup does: letting them
know the 12th step work the service organizations do. They had $1,500 in a bag - not in the bank - and
were planning to have a huli huli chicken party. The Area has just received some money from them. The
Finance committee did a great job coming up with this budget. Now it is up to us, especially the DCMs to
inform their groups about the budget. He asked the DCMs to make appointments with the Finance
committee members - Marta, Sally on Oahu, Charlie & Chuck on Maui, and Jeanette on the Big Island to
come to your district meetings and inform your district about the budget and the 12th step work being done
with it. The more informed your groups are prior to the August Assembly the less time we will spend on
the budget at the Assembly.
Alternate Area Chair Report (Jeanette F}: She asked for comments to be sent to her on the "Hot
Tips" sheet on how to put on Area Assemblies & Area Meetings so she can update it for next years DCMs.
She also asked DCMs to remind GSRs to announce that Kamaaina rates are available for Hawaii State
Convention, due to hotels filling up quickly. She suggested to the DCMs that when a Finance committee
member comes to their district to explain the budget to remind them that 7th tradition means not only
money but also the members participating in service.
Workshop/Discussion: Append ix "C" - Convention Steering Committee Guidelines.
A new Appendix ·c· - Convention Steering Committee Guidelines hand out was distributed. Clarification
was made on the "AA Experience• in the hanaout and other points.
Old Business - (None}
New Business
Finance Committee (Marta W. - Chair}: The Finance Committee has worked very hard to put the two
budgets together. They gathered information from the past six years on what was budgeted and what was
actually spent. They took into consideration all submitted budgets from the Standing Committees and
Hawaii Area Officers. Based on that information they set about the task of coming up with a budget.
Balancing what the Area Officers and Standing Committee Members wanted, and the data collected they
have completed a budget that is approximately $8,000, less than the budget submitted last year. From
the Finance Committee discussions held throughout the year, this budget seems in line with past budgets
and current spending. They are proposing going to a calendar year starting January 1, 1999. Should the
Assembly agree in August then there is the need for the September 1 through December 31, 1998 budget.
Should the Assembly choose not to change from a fiscal year to a calendar year, they would like to submit
the budget titled 1999 for the fiscal year September 1 -August 31, 1999. This is the reason why two
budgets were given out. She asked the DCMs to please discuss them with their GSRs at their next district
meeting. The Finance Committee would be more than happy to come to a district meetings and discuss
the budget further.
. ,,.
Kawika K. the Corrections Committee Chair talked about Pen Pals for Correctiona l Facilities.
Motion was made to Adjourn by Jeanette and seconded. The motion was approved, meeting adjourned
at 3:00 p.m. Closed with the Lords Prayer
Respectfully submitted by your trusted servant,
Cathy _,.-.
Hawaii Area 17 Recording Secretary
MAY 30. 1998
Eve ry Conference, I'm told has its own flavo r; a word or phrase that describes it to
a tee. If true, then this year's General Service Conference s hould be known as the "Unity
Conference". Foi;, like o.ur own pre-confer ence assembly, it was m a rked by unfailing
curlesy and goodwill Iowa rd one another in spite of there bein g members wh o held strong
views 'certain issues which were al opposite ends of th e sp ectrum. I learn so much about
the pri nciple of u ncondition al love a nd th e practice of principles befor e person alities from
being arou nd people in AA service. This may be the m ost important part of serving as
This year, unlike las t year, the weather in NYC was r elatively mild all week (a
welcomed change from th e prior year). The Delegates of th e Pacific Region began the week
on Sa turcl:1 y with a b us tour of AA historical sites from "AA Comes of Age". Our guides
were Julian Rhi nehart, now rotated Regional Trustee, & past Pacific Region Trustee &
current G SO Manage r, Geo r ge Dor sey. It was a beautiful s pring day as we clamored onto
a bus & headed for C linton Street in Brooklyn , Bill & Lois' home during Bill's early
so briety. It's a quiet residential street & God only knows what the neighbors thou ght a s all
these people piled out of this bus & began milling a round & snapping pictures all over the
S undny nftcrnoon there is :1 Delegate's onl y meeting which is just a s haring session
between the Delegates & is r eally a n ice breaker for the new Delegates. Panel 47 shared
their experience about what the 48s could expect for the week. It was n ice to be able to
"pass it on" to the n ew Delegates. This is a lso where the Delegates exchange mementos and
I g:ive out the H awaii pins. Sunday night is the kick off for the Conference with a banquet
& rou nd robin speaker m eeting. Con fer ence m embers may bring a guest & it is attended
by m any spouses, passed Delegates, Directors and Trustees. Conference mem bers :ire fil led
with anticipation for the week to come & the who le evening is very w:irm & festive.
The Confer ence b egins officially on Mond:iy mo rning with an orientation session
and office r oll call of p articipates (ve ry emotional). Also, an over all review of the coming
days and h ouse k eeping items. We then we break into our resp ective Committee meetings.
We meet in Committee through Tuesday m id-day. This is where the real work of
Alcoholics Anonym ous is done. Delegates a r e thoroughly co unseled during the Delegate's
only meeting & duri ng the Regional meetings about the importance of the Committee
process & the confidentiality of the process. The Committee system is essential to the
Conference process. Without th e C ommittee system we plow through the sheer volume of
work represented by the agenda. Tuesday afternoon a fter lunch the Delegate's all troop up
to the GSO office.
All Conference members break into s mall groups for sharing on the works hop
q uestions. This is where I shared some of the comments and presentations from the Hawaii
Arca on 12 Step work. l kept the presenta tions and my riotes & contributed yo ur ideas to
the general sharing. The Wo rkshops arc a ttended by Delegates, Directors, Trustees &
GSO s taff people. Really good s hari ng. Some of the comments & ideas that struck me:
I. The Home group is a ki nd of "emotional living room ".
GSO is a resource for s haring on gro up problems.
S ponsors hip is important. Set a good example by having one & using them.
Have a short orientation session at every assembly for new GS Rs.
Pull DCMs names out of hat & assign them to a standing Committee.
Wednesday the Delegates meet as a region for lunch with their respective T rustee.
The P:1cific Region uses this time to hea r presentations for hosting PRAASA & chose
eastern Was hington (the newest Arca) to host PRAASA in 200 1. It will be held in S pokane.
During this week the Pacific Region also selected the site for the 2002 Regional Forum &
selected AZ as the hosting Arca. Selection us ually depe nds largely on the ver bal
presentation rather than the printed materials & need plays an important pa rt in the
selection process.
Wednesday afternoon elections for Regional Trustees are conducted. Election area
is roped off & only voting members are allowed in this section. Elections a re conducted by
Third Legacy Procedure. Each Delegate is given 2 minutes to make a presentation about
their Area's candida te & by custom t ry to make comments other than what's on the
resume. There were 2 regions electing Trus tees this year: Eastern Canada and the Pacific.
Both elections went to four ballots & then to the hat. After the second ballot T he Pacific
Region election was clearly between the Delegates from AZ & mid-S outhern Calif.; both
extremely qualified. T he new Pacific Region Trustee (pulled from the hat after the 4th
ballot) is J im Clough from the mid-Sout hern California Arca. Jim is a past Delegate &
served for the last couple of years as an appointed member to the AA WS Literature
Com mittee. Ma ny of yo u will meet him a t next years' PRAASA in Kona. I felt r ight at
home duri ng this election - very exciting to be a part of electing the Regional Trustee.
Wednesday night the Commi ttees begin reporting out to the Conference floor. The
order in which Committees repor t o ut is rotated each yea r. This yea r we started wit h
I. Corrections Video - Recommended t he fi nal cut be approved. Conference
members viewed t he final c ut. Very emotional for me.
Here was the actual fr uit of severa l years' worth of wo r k by this Committee & the
Conference. T his an excellent service piece. It has members sharing their g ratitude
fo r the experience of carrying 1he message into prisons & jails. It also features cxinma tcs talki ng abo ut how they got sober by going to a meeting inside prison.
Open Mike
* Discussion was short and overwhel mingly positive. T he recommendation to
approve was unanimous.
Additional Considera tions arc not put to a vote but are suggestions. However, the
Conference is free to comment or ask questio ns.
A. Suggested the Gra pevi ne Board develop two softcover anthologies: O ne a
compilation ofGrapevi!)C a rticles written by "AA's Around the World", and; a
seco nd ly an anthology of letters previously publis hed in the Grapevine.
A. Suggested that res ults of questionnaire on carrying message into
psychiatric/ mental health institutio ns be condensed and included in the Treatment
Facilities wo r kbook. Committee felt this sharing was very valuable & a good
inventory taking of the efforts throughout the US & Canada in this Area.
B. Suggested that a questionnai re be developed similar to the one on
psychiatric/mental health institutions on carry the message into non-correctional
yo uth facilities. As we've experie nced in Hawaii (on Maui at least) increasingly AA
meetings are becoming a part of programs that counsel troubled youth. The
questionnaire wo uld be circula ted among Delegates & Area Treatment Committees.
The Conference took 6& 1/2 hours to discuss this Committee's recommendations.
This debate illustrated to me the ideal Conference process as envisioned by Bill Wilson &
set forth in t he 12 Concepts. It was thorough & every voice was heard. Conference
members, while feeling strongly one way or another, were unfailingly civil, polite and
loving in their comments. There was no acrimony. On several of the recommendations we
conducted two votes, but had no clear consensus - the minority was often a majority of the
votes - but when (and this is the important part) the minority could not sway the other
members to their way of thinking they graciously accepted the Conference vote as God's
will and a llowed us to move on. This debate was AA at it's very best.
I. GSO & S ervice S tructure Video - We viewed th e fin a l cut. I am wild ly excited
about this video because it w ill be a te rrific tool to inform the fellowship about th e
general service structure & very helpful in o ri en ting n ew GSRs.
Open Mike
* Som e concerns expressed th at so me o f the faces needed m or e fuzzing for th e sake
of an onymity.
* Most of th e com ments were in favor of th e piece.
112 for/12 opposed . Minority opinion. A vote to r econsider fail ed endin g debate.
Recommendati on passed & became an Advisory Action.
2. Fourth Edition - recommended process go forward. The C hairman of th e Fou rth
Edition s ub-comm ittee, Richard Roughton, a Gen eral Service Trustee, made a
excellent repo rt explaini ng the process the Com mittee was using to review stories
(over 600 s tories s ub mitted). Rep ort accepted & th e reco mmendation passed
y nanimously.
3. Living Sober C han ges - Recommended that 3 sets of ch a nges be made which
kicked off :1 length y debate of several h ours. The r eco mmendations included:
A. Updati n g lang uage outdated language
B. C hanging som e of the langu age related to medical and/or health information
C. Inserting so me in fo r mation r egarding cyberspace meetings.
Open mike
* The discussion centered around the ideas of modernizing & u pdating the
la nguage. T h e members will pretty evenly split between :
I. those who thought the book s hould reflect current AA thinking and be consistent
with other literature, a s well a s, use langua ge that is understa ndable to people
comin g into AA today, a nd;
2 th ose wh o felt making ch anges piece meal breached the editorial integrity of the
book & even s uggested th at if it were so out of date it be r etired & a whole new book
written. Som e made the point that Living Sober is th e 3rd best selling book in
foreign countries. Maki ng these changes wou ld be enorm ously expensive for th em.
89 for/33 agains t. Passed . Minority spoke for a long time. Motion to r econsider
passed. Debate continued. A second vote taken & was split al most 50/50.
Recommendation failed . After several more hours of debate it was clear th e
Con ference could not achieve substantial un animity. Other two related
r ecommendations to make changes a lso failed by sim ilar votes. This issue needs
more discussion & is likely to be back as an agenda item.
The Hawaii Arca was contacted t hrough a district by a someone in the Marshall
Islands wanting some AA literature translated into Marshalese. I forw:lrded the request to
Vin nie McCarthy who works in the publishing dept. at GSO. At the Conference she
inform ed me that the project was nearing completion. Two pieces were translated, "AA
AT A G la nce" & C hapter 5 of the Big Book. The translations were reviewed & approved
& the pieces shou ld be ready in another 2 to 4 weeks. They w ill be sent to the Kwaj group
who meet at a hospital on the island of K wajalein. Vinn ie will also send copies to the
Hawaii Area. This project was amazi n gly simple to accom plish. GSO needs only the
barest hint that a translation may help someone before they ta ke up the req uest & follow it
throug h. This reques t is a graphic example of o ur 7th tradition contributions to GSO
car rying the message in our own back yard.
I. PSA An n ouncements -Recom men ded th:it several announcements for both TV &
radio be updated.
Open Mike
•Most pointed out that media in their areas would not play current PSAs because
they were too dated. Recommendation passed w/on ly 2 opposed.
2. 1998 Survey - That 98 survey proceed & be conducted on the same rando m basis
as the 96 survey.
Onen Mike
* Very lengthy discussion wit h a lot of shar ing at the mike.
* For -Those in favor of the survey (w hich was the vast majority who came to the
mike) pointed out that the survey helped provide the kind of factual information
about AA that professionals w ho come in contact with alcoholics are looking for.
The survey also helps us to know where we can be helpful and w here we need to
focus our efforts. Gives information on long term trends - helpful to professionals
an d to us as a kind of inventory of ourselves.
* Against - T hose opposed said there was little support in their areas. The
information was inaccurate. Thought race q uestion was divisive.
107 for/ 18 opposed. Minority spoke but una ble to sway the group. The
r ecommendation became an Adv isory Action.
l. T h eme for 1999 - "Moving Forward:Unity Through Humility"
Adopted una n imously. A couple of the Committee members made it a poin t to come
to me & tell me how much they liked the Hawaii's suggestion for a theme. One
Canadia n delegate said he tho ught it was so grc:1t he had taken it back to his own
A. On-Linc l ntergroups - Took no action o n a request that on-line intergroups be
listed w/othcr intergroups in the Directories. They reaffirmed Advisory Actio n
fro m prior year that on-line interg ro ups servi ng on-line meetings be listed in the
same place - in the international correspondence section.
This Committee's report was important for wha t it did not say. The main topic on
Finance Committee age nda was self-support & most of the discussion in Committee focused
on this topic. However, throug hout the Conference there we re a few people who continued
to focus on an agenda item from the prior year - the cash incentives question. One fellow
tried 3 different ti mes to propose a fl oor action related to the topic & fin ally s ucceeded.
There were several comments d uri ng the sha ring sessions in the early days of the
Conference about t he cash incentives issue. There was also some discussion on the floor by
Delegates who did not appreciate being lobbied by people on Conference matters before
going to the Con ference. Some considered this to be politicking and inappropriate in AA.
However, because of this undercurrent of grumbling from the minori ty & since each
Committee is free to address matters not specifically o n its agenda, the Finance Committee
chose to address the matter even tho ugh it was not on their agenda. W e repor ted o ut an
Additional Consideration which stated that the Committee had reviewed the decision of the
Conference from the prior yea r and felt no further action was needed. T his, in effect, gave
Conference members, if they so chose, a n opportuni ty to discuss the matter agai n.
I nterestingly, when given the opportunity there was not a single comment concerning the
matter - much to all of our surprise.
At the close of each Committee Report when all shari ng & voting was finished
Conference members showed their appreciation for the work done by Commi ttee members
by giving them a s tanding ovation. T he love & s upport expressed for each other was very
I can ha rdly begin to express to the Hawaii Area what it has meant to me to be a
part of this spiritual process. I a m so very grateful to you for the opportunity to serve you
and participate in t he group conscience of AA world service. I a m truly blessed.
Hawaii Area Committee
From: Marta Kay W .. Hawaii Area Treasurer
Date: 05/29/98
Treasurers Report
Hawaii Area has a balance of $3891.47 including the prudent reserve of $3,500, as
of May 30, 1998. The interest of $26.06 for the last three months has been
transferred to the checking account. The negative net income of -$2,926.25 reflects
the total expenditures minus the total income for this fiscal year.
All inter-island airfare ($2, 121 .00) as been paid already for the July Committee
Meeting, Alt. Chairs next tree trips to Oahu for the Steering Committee Meetings,
and for the August Assembly. This is do to my being out of town from June 17,
1998 to July 14, 1998. I wanted to make sure everyone would get their tickets
in time to make their reservations. Should you have any outstanding invoices
please get them to me by June 15. If you know of funds that you will need while I
am gone let me know and Scott and I can make arrangements or if it can wait I
will take care of it as soon as I return.
I do hope all of you received your quarterly reports and the DCM's should have
received their group contribution breakdowns with the exception of Leeward and
Waianae. Please see me for your reports. There are still some groups sending their
contributions to past Treasurers. They are as follows. Please DCM'S correct this
with your groups.
District #3
St, Tim's Roundtable
District #5
Na Ka Oi
Food For Thought
District '116
Bill Wilson
District #7
E. Hawaii
Mt. View Step Study
(Gp. #?)
District #8
W. Hawaii
Hapuna Sunset Beachcombers (Gp.# ?)
District #9 C/N Shore
District #1
o Waikiki
Hospital Group
(Gp.#?) (Dist ?)
Hana Ho'e Waimea
Serene Sunday Group
May 29, 1998
District #11 Kihei
Kihei Sunday Beach Gp.
Kihei Beginners
(Gp. #?)
Thank you for your support, your Districts support and your group's support in
helping and keeping Hawaii Area funded to do the work necessary as an Area. We
encourage you to work with the Standing Committees to help carry the message.
Our Structure and Guidelines now states that we must have an interest bearing
checking account. After doing some research I really feel we would be better off
having a regular checking account. There would not be the $10.00 service fee vs.
the $3.00 interest we receive each month. The cost would be a flat $3.00 per
month. The cost for our checks would be $70.00 for 500, which we pay anyway.
Please keep this in mind when I make a motion at our next Assembly in August.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you.
Marta Wll/llt;
i •
Finance Committee, Marta Kay Wade
May 30, 1998
All Area Officers, Area Standing Committees, and DCM's (Please
share with your GSR's)
Subject: September 1 - December 31, 1998 Budget and 1999 Budget
The Finance Committee has worked very hard to put these two budgets together.
We gathered information from the past six years on what was budgeted and what
was actually spent. We took into consideration all submitted budgets from
Standing Committees and Hawaii Area Officers. Based on this information we set
about the task of coming up with a budget. Balancing what the Area Officers and
Standing Committee Members wanted, and the data collected we have
completed a budget that is approximately $8000.00, less than the budget
submitted last year. From the Finance Committee discussions held throughout
the year, this budget seems in line with past budgets and current spending.
What we are proposing is going to a calendar year starting January 1, 1999.
Should the Assembly agree in August then there is the need for the September1 December 31 , 1998 budget. Should the Assembly choose not to change from a
fiscal year to a calendar year, we would like the submit the budget titled 1999 for
the fiscal year September 1 - August 31 , 1999. This is the reason why two
budgets are given to you. Please discuss them with your GSR's at your District
Meetings. We would be more than happy to come to a District Meeting and
discuss the budget further. If at all possible have one or more Districts combine a
Please keep in mind this budget is based on current information at hand. We do
not know whom will be elected as the new Area Officers nor Standing Committee
Chairs, so we can not be certain on all expenses. An example of this would be
the new Alt. Chair being from Oahu. This would cut the Air Fare by $1287.00
automatically, however, on the other hand if both the Alt. Del and Alt. Chair are
from neighbor islands then this amount would increase. The number of
Assemblies would be another area. As I stated we did the best that we could
possibly do at this time.
Submitted by the Finance Committee
Hawaii Area 1998
Balance Sheet
As of May 29, 1998
May29, '98
Current Assets
Checking - First Hawaiian Bank
Savings - First Hawaiian Bank
Total Checking/Savings
3,891 .47
Total Current Assets
Opening Bal Equity
Net Income
Total Equity
Total Contributions
$1 6,366.41
Other Contributions or Interest
Total Income
Bank Service Charges
Hawaii Area/As Whole
Standing Committees
Assembly Seed
Total Expences
For the year we show a negative of ~$2,926.25. Air Fare for July Committee
Meeting, Alt. Chairs next three Convention Committee Meetings and
August 8 & 9 Assembly has been paid ($2121.00).
Hawaii Area 1998
Budget for September 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998
HASC - Archives
Display Materials
Group Data Books
Other Supplies
Storage & Access Charges
Total HASC -Archives
HASC - Corrections
Postage/P.O. Box/Printing
Total HASC - Corrections
HASC - CPC (Cooperations w/Professional
Workshops/Profess. Event
Total HASC - CPC (Cooperations w/Professional
HASC - Finance Committee
Air fare - Budget Briefings
Air Fare - Prepare Budget
Total HASC - Finance Committee
HASC - Grapevine
Total HASC - Grapevine
HASC - Hospitals
Total HASC - Hospitals
Hawaii Area 1998
Budget for September 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998
Aug 31, '00
HASC - Mynah Bird
P.O. Box
Total HASC -Mynah Bird
HASC - Pl (Public Information)
Total HASC - Pl (Public Information)
HASC - TFC (Treatment Facilities Comm.)
Rent for Meetings
Total HASC - TFC (Treatment Facilities Comm.)
Hawaii Area Officers/As Whole
Area Mtgs
Area Committee Mtgs. (4)
Assembly Registration Fees @ 20
Assembly Seed
Assembly seed reimbursement
PPRASSA 1 Feb. Assembly Reg.
Total Area Mtgs
Area Phone
ALT Area Chair
Area Chair
Other Area Officers
Total Area Phone
Area Postage
Ad Hoc Reports
Agendas & Minutes
Alt Chair
Hawaii Area 1998
Budget for September 1, 1998 to December 31 , 1998
Aug 31, '00
Area Chair
Financial (incl budget)
Total Area Postage
Area Printing
Ad Hoc Reports
Agendas & Minutes
Area Chair & Alt Chair
Financial (Incl budget)
Total Area Printing
General Sv Conf
Addi GSO Support
Min. Registration
Transportation & Misc.
Total General Sv Conf
lnterisland Airfare for Area Mtgs
Assist Districts Air Fare
Conv. Steering Air Fare + Pkrg
Delegate's Report 1.5
Neighbor Islands 4 Meetings
Oahu 4 Meetings
PRASSA '99 Chair 1 Assemb 1 Comm.
Total lnterisland Airfare for Area Mtgs
Office Supplies
Total Office Supplies
Pacific Forum
Airfare 2 @ $300
Fo od 2@$90
Hotel 2 @ 3 nites, no share
5 .00
Hawaii Area 1998
Budget for September 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998
Aug 31, '00
Transp/Misc 2 @ $25
Total Pacific Forum
Airfare 2@ 110
Banquet 2 @ $25
Delegate Lunch 1 @ $20
Host's PRASSA '99 Flyer
Hotel 2 @ $200
PRASSA Tapes 1 set @ $70
Registration 2@$18
Transportation/ Misc.
Trustee Visit
Room, Board & Expenses
Total Trustee Visit
Total Hawaii Area Officers/As Whole
No name