Shiver Me Puggers! - Homeward Bound Pug Rescue
Shiver Me Puggers! - Homeward Bound Pug Rescue
Shiver Me Puggers! It’s a Pirate Puggerfest!!! • • • • • • • • • Costume Contests King and Queen Contest Silent Auction Door Prizes Pet Communicator Pet Photographer Raffle Prizes Pug Races Kids Zone A Benefit for Homeward Bound Pug Rescue & Adoption of Oklahoma Monday - Saturday 8:00am to 8:00pm No Overtime!!! See our pet safety tips @ Thank You! For helping us double our ratings!* ratings! Pat Becker Host Saturdays @ 10 am *Dog Talk - Nielsen May 2012 Cox 7 HD 707 | AT&T U-Verse 52 HD 1052 Dish 52 | DirecTV 52 | Over the Air 52.1 DYLAN The moment we drove into the driveway and saw Dylan outside with Gail, we fell in love with that little boy and knew we would be taking him home that night. We learned Dylan came to Homeward Bound from a pound. He was set to be euthanized within a few days if Gail and her team had not rescued him. He had a broken back leg from either being hit by a car or abused by a previous owner. Homeward Bound paid for Dylan’s surgery to fix his broken leg. We often thought he had been abused because he would cower at us for the first several months that we had him. Luckily though, Dylan learned to trust us. We cannot imagine all of the horrible things that Dylan may have gone through when he was younger. Even with all of that, he was happiest pug we have ever seen. He never had a bad day. He loved going to bed in his crate at night. In the morning he would get up and his tail would instantly curl and start wagging. He had the softest and most beautiful coat of fur. We gave Dylan the middle name Rambunctious and no name could have suited him better. While our other two pugs were playing with us, Dylan could often be found trying to sneak cat food. He loved being with his two pug brothers and you could tell that he truly cherished getting to be a part of a family that loved him and took good care of him. Earlier this year, Dylan was diagnosed with histoplasmosis. This past April Dylan could no longer fight this infection and passed away. While Dylan was a part of our family for only 6 short years, he will live in our hearts and minds forever! He taught us to not take life for granted but instead to appreciate every day that we get to spend with the ones we love. Dilly Dill Pickle, we love you and miss you everyday. We will never forget your kind heart, soft fur and abundant kisses! Brad Redden and Rodney Ikard Welcome to the 10th Annual Puggerfest!!! All proceeds raised today will benefit the Pugs of Homeward Bound Pug Rescue & Adoption of Oklahoma. We have many FABULOUS silent auction items for you to bid on and also other items available for purchase at our Sales Booth. Be sure to enter one of our free contests, open to any pug. Kids will want to visit our Kids Zone-Our Prize Wheel is sure to be a big hit this year! Remember to purchase your official Puggerfest T-shirt and buy your raffle tickets and door prize tickets for a chance to win some great prizes. We have lunch available for purchase from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. There are so many things to enjoy today and help homeless pugs too. We are so glad you are here! Let the curly-tail fun begin! KING AND QUEEN OF PUGGERFEST Do you treat your pugs like royalty? Now is the time to make that a reality! We will be crowning 2 special pugs King and Queen of Puggerfest. Enter your pug in the drawing for our fourth annual King and Queen of Puggerfest. Each winner will receive a basket filled with wonderful items with a retail value over $300 and a trophy commemorating your win. HOW CAN YOUR PUG WIN KING OR QUEEN? The King and Queen contest is not a popularity contest. Here’s how it works. You can enter as many times as you like, each entry ticket is $1, or six $5. We will draw the names for King and Queen at 3pm, award the gift baskets and take their photos for you and for future newsletters. SPONSORED BY Pat Becker Host of Dog Talk TV Show and of Speak! Radio show and Pat and Charlotte McMurry Puggerfest 2013 1 RAFFLE DRAWING Have your kids been saying?... “I WANT AN IPAD!!” Has your husband been saying? “I WANT A BIGGER TV!!” Have you been saying? “I WANT A KINDLE FIRE HD!!” If so, here’s your chance to win! These would make GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00 and may be purchased at the TICKET TABLE! Raffle Prizes are: The New Ipad, a Flatscreen LCD HDTV and a Kindle Fire. Drawing will be held today at Puggerfest. You do not need to be here to win!!! Items can be picked up today or sent to you if you are not present at the time of drawing. This is one raffle you do not want to miss!!! Raffle Drawing will be at 3:15 2 Puggerfest 2013 Door Prize Tickets are $1. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket counter. SILENT AUCTION 10:00 AM Bidding Begins 3:15 PM Last Call for Silent Auction 3:30 PM Silent Auction Ends (Pens Down) *Thank you to all of the wonderful individuals and businesses who donated items for the silent auction. LUNCH AVAILABLE FROM 11:30 AM TO 1:30 PM Cost $6- Includes hamburger OR hotdog OR veggie burger, chips, cookie and drink $1 for each additional drink ALL LUNCH PROCEEDS GO TO THE RESCUE. Tickets may be purchased at the TICKET TABLE. *Homeward Bound would like to thank our food sponsors, Richard & Janice Moulson. Puggerfest 2013 3 e Spin th Wheel! Win Great Prizes! KIDS ZONE For the kids: Popular at Puggerfest!!! Spin the Wheel!!! Every Spin is a Win!!! Sponsored by: Scott and Renee Vincent Prize Wheel-1 ticket Bandana Making-1 ticket Temporary Tattoo-1 ticket Visor Decorating-2 tickets All Kids Zone Games and Activities are paid for with ticket coupons. Tickets may be purchased at the TICKET TABLE. Pam Case, Animal Communicator We are very excited to once again have Pam Case, a well known animal communicator. Find out what your pet is really thinking. Having an animal communication will bring you a better understanding of your pet, both past, present and future. Timed sessions run from 10 am to 3 pm and are 15 minutes in length. One pug to a session please. There will only be time for 18 sessions so don’t get left out! There is a $25.00 fee. email: [email protected] phone: 918-512-6833 or 918-629-4587 4 Puggerfest 2013 QUESTIONS? Just look for the Puggerfest volunteers wearing Puggerfest nametags. They welcome any questions you might have! Imagine If Photography Pam Meyers [email protected] PET PORTRAIT PHOTOS $15 A day at Puggerfest just wouldn’t be complete without a keepsake photo of you and your little pug. Be sure to stop by and see our photographer and get your pug’s picture taken in our adorable Pirate Display! Purchase tickets at the Ticket Table! GROUP PHOTO AT NOON HAVE YOU ADOPTED FROM HOMEWARD BOUND? PLEASE COME TO THE STATUE AREA AT NOON WITH YOUR PUG FOR A GROUP PHOTO. Puggerfest 2013 5 Gracie Lou Freebush Her full name was Gracie Lou Freebush. We adopted her from Homeward Bound Pug Rescue on August 4, 2007. Grace was rescued from a puppy mill by Homeward Bound in May, 2007. The time in the puppy mill left Grace with a lot of emotional baggage. I’d never met a dog that wouldn’t go by people. Grace spent many weeks pacing the house constantly, unable to relax unless she was in her kennel where she felt safe. Slowly, Grace began to emerge from her shell and although she never overcame all of her fears, she made leaps and bounds over the six years that she lived with us. Although Grace was a stout 16 pound pug, her personality was as large as her name. When Grace was able to relax and let down her guard, we discovered that she was a silly pug with funny quirks – like her love for fabric. Grace loved to chew on fabric. Though this fabric habit could get her in trouble at times – like when she’d chew holes in our sheets while laying on our bed, or pull clothes off the hanger in my closet to chew on, or when she once tried to pull the shower curtain down so she could chew on it! Grace was my traveling partner – if I put her in the car to go someplace, she’d lay down and relax, as if to say, “Wake me up when we get there”, no matter how far the drive was. She drove to Oklahoma, Chicago (where we walked on the Magnificent Mile with her in her stroller), and Minnesota. Grace also traveled by plane with me to Texas and Tennessee – she was such a well behaved girl on the planes that fellow passengers would often remark that they never even knew I had a dog with me. In October of 2011, we found out that Grace had Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). We knew that her time left with us would be limited and we resolved to keep her as happy and comfortable as possible for whatever time we had left together. She was a fighter – Grace battled against the disease for 32 months before we decided that her little body had had enough fighting and was ready for peace. Surrounded by love, in the only place she ever felt comfortable – our home – we said goodbye to our precious Gracie Lou Freebush on July 1, 2013. We miss her everyday – our house isn’t the same without her little spitfire personality. But she left a legacy in our lives – I have a very special spot in my heart for former puppy mill dogs and I look forward to welcoming more survivors into our family in Grace’s honor. -Rachel Charles 6 Puggerfest 2013 pug races The Pug Races are open to any pug. Be sure to sign up early...they fill up fast! There is no charge to compete (but donations are accepted) and it is all in good fun. Simply go to the CONTEST SIGN UP table to enter your pug. You might even win a prize! Thank you to A1 Pet Emporium for sponsoring the Pug Races once again this year!! Amazon Wish List Homeward Bound has an ongoing Wish List on Amazon. Just visit our website at and click the Amazon link. This is a great way to donate something tangible to the rescue and the convenience is great! Whatever you order is shipped directly to us! We appreciate flea and tick preventative, heartworm meds, squeaky toys....oh, and we absolutely ALWAYS need PILL POCKETS! Thank you friends! Puggerfest 2013 7 costume contests The Costume Contests are open to any pug. There is no charge to compete (but donations are accepted) and it is all in good fun. Simply go to the CONTEST SIGN UP table to enter your pug. You might even win a prize! List below are the approx times of the costume contests. 1:00 Best Individual Costume Contest-1st, 2nd, 3rd place 1:15 Best Theme Individual Costume Contest -1st, 2nd, 3rd place 1:30 Best Look-Alike Contest-1st place 1:35 Best Group Costume Contest -1st place 1:50 Best Theme Group Costume Contest -1st place A Special Thanks to POOP911 for donating their services to Puggerfest! Be sure to thank them for keeping the park area clean for us and our pugs to enjoy the day! 8 Puggerfest 2013 DON’T THINK HEARTWORM PREVENTATIVE IS NECESSARY? Many people think that heartworms will not affect their animals because their animals are kept inside and aren’t around “strange” animals. Did you know that this is a major misconception? One in five of the pugs taken into rescue annually with Homeward Bound Pug Rescue are heartworm positive. Some of the heartworm positive pugs are even owner surrenders where they have been kept in the house all the time. Heartworms are transmitted from infected mosquitoes. Pesky mosquitoes can easily enter your home when you open your door to let your pet out to do its business or when you go on a walk in the evenings. How many times have you been in your house, but still received a mosquito bite? Heartworms, if left untreated, can be fatal to animals. However, heartworms are preventable! With a simple heartworm pill once a month, you can protect your pet from this horrible disease. Heartworm preventative is also very inexpensive (only about $5 per month) compared to the cost of treatment which can run from $350 to $600! Heartworm preventative also protects your animal from several other internal parasites as well. Treating heartworms can also be very long and painful for your pet too. So, PLEASE, do your pet a favor – keep them on heartworm preventative year-round! See your vet today and talk to them about heartworm preventative. Homeward Bound Pug Rescue would like to thank Rockwell Pet Clinic for taking such great care of our heartworm positive pugs over the last several years. Mention this ad and receive $15 off yearly vaccinations Puggerfest 2013 9 BE SURE TO MEET OUR ADOPTABLE PUGS Not sure who is who? Most of our adoptable pugs are here for you to meet. The adoptable pugs are wearing pirate scrunchies with name tags. Several of our wonderful pugs are featured on the next few pages. ADOPT ME! Marilyn will be 12 in October and was surrendered by her family. The new baby made her nervous but Marilyn is as sweet as can be. She loves to follow you around and although she is a big girl she doesn't mind being in your lap. Marilyn is on a diet to regain her girlish figure so measuring her food intake is a must. She is a laid back girl but has moments when she will play with a toy, although she loses interest fast. She knows how to use a dog door and loves to sleep with her human if she can. It is hard to lose your family after 11 years but she has adjusted well and is hoping there is someone out there that would love to give this sweet senior a forever home. She is a very easy keeper but you must go out with her when she needs to potty. She doesn't like to be alone. Marilyn would prefer to be the only queen in her castle. 10 Puggerfest 2013 ELEANOR ADOPT ME! Eleanor is a precious girl who is about six years old. She loves to be right by your side and will follow you everywhere. She gets along great with her fur foster siblings and is learning to play a bit. Eleanor seems to have limited vision but that doesn’t stop her from getting to where she wants to go. She loves to sleep with her human and doesn’t much like crates. Eleanor has lots of spunk left and can’t wait to meet her new family. Lily came to us as an owner surrender. Her mommy no longer had time to spend with her. Lily is four years old, housebroken and the sweetest girl ever. Right now she is a bit chunky but we are working on her diet plan and she will soon have her girlish figure back. Lily can be shy at first but once she relaxes she is happy to be your new best friend. She is a very pretty girl and gets along great with her foster fur brothers and sisters but can be a bit bossy at times. Lily can’t wait to meet her new family and start her next adventure in life. LILY ADOPT ME! Puggerfest 2013 11 paula jane Paula Jane was surrendered by her former mommy when she could no longer keep her from scratching all the time. Paula is seven years old and has always had allergies. It got to the point where she was miserable. We started Paula on medications and new food and she is doing great. We discovered by accident that she is allergic to grass! Her foster home has very little grass and when she gets on grass for very long, she gets red and itchy. Wiping her down after coming inside should help with that issue. Paula is very sweet and loving and insists on being on your lap if it is empty. She loves to sleep with her human and will lick you for ten minutes before going to sleep. She is housebroken and will make the perfect companion for someone wanting a loving little girl to keep them company. She hardly ever barks and is a complete sweetheart. Paula loved her witch costume and pranced around like a fashion model!! ADOPT ME! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! A huge thank you to all of our volunteers, fosters, advertisers, sponsors, silent auction donors and Homeward Bound Supporters! Puggerfest couldn’t happen without you! Thank you to all the people who spent countless hours of pre-planning, gathering supplies and donations. Thank you to those that help make sure the races run smoothly, sell the t-shirts and raffle tickets, work the registration, and transport the pugs. The list could go on and on. We appreciate all that you do! 12 Puggerfest 2013 CAN WE ADOPT A PUG AT PUGGERFEST AND TAKE HIM OR HER HOME TODAY? Homes must be PRE-APPROVED in order to adopt a pug the day of Puggerfest. If you are interested in adopting, spend some time today getting to know the available pugs and then please submit your application as soon as possible so that we can begin checking your references and scheduling a home visit. Puggerfest is a great time find a new friend because most of the pugs are in attendance and you have hours to spend with them. ADOPTION APPLICATION CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE AT: Puggerfest 2013 13 FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS What a year it has been! The highs were very high and the lows were devastatingly low. It was a year filled with joy that so many pugs were saved and found wonderful forever homes, but also filled with more than our share of heartbreak. We have never lost so many sweet pugs and had to say so many goodbyes. I will never get used to losing one and my heart breaks with every passing. Sometimes I just have to abandon ship for a few days to get the strength to keep going. People constantly ask me “How do you do it? How do you not just give up?” Trust me, I think of that often and say the same thing to myself. That is when I go into the archives and start looking at all the pictures of the pugs that have touched my life over the last ten years and have found happiness with a family to call their own. I then look into the eyes of the pugs here with me now and realize that there is no way I can walk away. Some day maybe, but not today. I would like to pay tribute to the following precious pugs who touched our hearts and will never be forgotten. They will be with us always. Although they never went to what we call their forever home, they all were loved and cherished by their foster families. I truly believe that they all were right where they were supposed to be. Beatrice: My sweet wiggly girl enjoyed every moment of every day. Beatrice was completely blind and was found wandering by herself. She was one of the happiest little pugs ever. Bentley: Bentley came to us with seizures that couldn’t be controlled. His time with us was short but he had such a beautiful soul and left a huge hole in my heart. I was hoping I could help him, but it wasn’t meant to be. Bogey: Bogey was rushed to us from a shelter in Wichita. Oh how I wanted to take those awful seizures away and give you the life you deserved. I still think of you often and know you are now at peace. Cindy: This little girl had so many problems. She never gave up on herself and fought so hard to stay with her foster mommy that loved her so very much. Her little body finally had enough. Hughbert: What a sweet and gentle soul you were. Your foster mommy loved you so much! You left us unexpectantly but we will treasure every moment we had with you. 14 Puggerfest 2013 Lettie: I never met you, but your foster mommy and daddy posted so many pictures and updates that I felt I knew you. No pug was more loved than you were. You left us, knowing what it was like to be loved by a family to call your own. Louie: My little old man was blind and crippled with arthritis and was found in the country as a stray. He had heart problems and our vet didn’t think he would last two weeks. He made it a year before his body finally gave up. He was a crusty old man but I loved him and he ruled the roost. His last day was spent outside being held and enjoying one more day of sunshine. Pugsley: Pugsley was with us for several years. He was such a gentleman and oh so very sweet. He loved to be with his human and was happy and content just being by your side. Rudolph: Rudy was turned into a vet clinic to be euthanized. What a gentle giant he was! He loved everyone and formed a special bond with his human foster brother. He left us very unexpectantly but surrounded by love. Spanky: Spanky came to us from the Joplin tornado. He was not in great shape when we got him but slowly learned how to love and trust again. His foster mom took such good care of him and he knew how much he was loved. SuLin: What a cranky little treasure she was! She came to us from the shelter after her family dumped her there. She was diabetic and 13 years old. She fought a hard battle but lived life to the fullest. I miss her every day. Toby/Einstein: Toby came to us from another rescue. He was only eight months old and such a handsome boy. His little legs were deformed and we were going to try and help him. He was such a joy and nicknamed Einstein as he learned things so quickly. Everyone who met him, fell in love. His time with us was very short, but we will never forget him. Zipper: This little guy was the most precious boy! He was in kidney failure when we got him, but thanks to his two foster mommies he made it two years before his body just gave out. Each one of these babies took a piece of my heart with their passing. But they also taught me many lessons. The most important one being, live in the moment. Enjoy life to the fullest, accept what life throws at you, and be kind to others. Rest in peace sweet angels. We will meet again. Puggerfest 2013 15 WHY SHOULD YOU SPAY AND NEUTER? • Because you love your pet! • No unwanted or “oops” litters (or no more “free to good home” ads on Craigslist!) • No medical expenses for raising kittens or puppies. • Reduce the risk of mammary tumors in females. • No risk of uterine or testicular cancer. • Reduce the risk of male dogs and cats marking and roaming (twice as many males as females are injured or killed by automobiles.) • It’s part of nature that animals want to mate. Having them “fixed” eliminates this desire and allows them to be more devoted pets. • Know that YOU are helping control pet overpopulation. • Longer lifespan, healthier pet. EARLY DROP OFF OFFICE HOURS 7:30 MON-FRI 8-6 MON-FRI 405-364-2197 8:30-12 SAT 405-364-2202 FAX WWW.SOONERVET.NET SOONER VETERINARY HOSPITAL 107 S VICKSBURG NORMAN, OK 73071 DR. DONALD K RUSSELL DR. SARA BROWN DR. JENNIFER SCHOONOVER DR. AMY TYLER DR. KARLA DENTON 16 Puggerfest 2013 Don’t Forget to Purchase Your Official Puggerfest T-Shirts!!! All Proceeds go to Homeward Bound Pug Rescue!!! $25 each (sm, md, lg, xl) $28 each(2xl and 3xl) SHANKS LOGGING PO BOX 1179 CARLSBAD, NM 88220 (575) 885-0458 We do Carbon Well Analysis. We do not cut down trees. Puggerfest 2013 17 In Memory Of Viki Cleavelin October 21, 1968 January 20, 2013 Viki was one of those individuals who could do just about anything she set her mind to and do it well. She was a dedicated nurse and her love for babies drew her to the neonatal unit of one of the biggest hospitals in the Southwest. Besides her love of family, art, gardening and sewing, Viki had a passion for animals and took home many strays finding homes for them or making them part of her furry family. About 6 years ago she was drawn to an Amazon Parrot in a pet store who had been mistreated by its owners and returned to the store. Although he developed into a 'biter' and even bit her in the store, Viki adopted Arnie and took him home. We lost our precious Viki in January and miss her terribly but will remember always her love of animals. She always wanted to come to OKC and attend Puggerfest and although she couldn't make it this year, her mother Nita is here today volunteering in her name. If there would be anyone you would expect standing on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge welcoming our pets home, holding a puppy in one arm and a baby in the other, it is Viki. We love you & will always remember, Aunt Niki, Uncle Tony, Harley, Bella, Prince & Arnie 18 Puggerfest 2013 PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO HOMEWARD BOUND PUG RESCUE OF OKLAHOMA Homeward Bound has had staggering vet expenses this year with so many pugs needing expensive surgeries and coming in heartworm positive. With the holidays approaching, more pugs will enter the rescue and need help. Please consider making a holiday donation to the pugs of Homeward Bound. The easiest way to donate is to go to our website: and click on the DONATE ONLINE button to donate via Paypal Donations may also be mailed to: Homeward Bound Pug Rescue. 1702 Vanessa Dr, Norman, OK 73071 C. H. "SKIP" TANGNER, D.V.M., M.S. Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons SUSAN STREETER, D.V.M., M.S. Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons BRENT NEWCOMB, D.V.M., M.S. Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons Practice Limited to Surgery (405) 751-3920 • (800) 762-2962 • Fax (405) 755-7927 13551 N. Indiana, Oklahoma City, OK 73134 Puggerfest 2013 19 SCHEDULE (Please note that we will do our best to stay as close to this schedule as possible but some events may begin a little later. Pugs tend to run on their own schedule so some adjustments may need to be made. Thank you for understanding! :) TIME EVENT LOCATION SPONSOR 10:00 Puggerfest Opens 10:00 Silent Auction Begins Pavilion 10:15 Sign up Begins for Contests/Events Registration Tent 11:00 Curliest Tail Contests- 1st place & Honorable Mention Stage Area Full Circle Obedience School Bob Sunday 11:15 Longest Tongue Contest-- 1st place & Honorable Mention Stage Area The Bumblesnot 11:30 Pug Races Heat #1 Pug Speedway A1 Pet Emporium 11:40 Pug Races Heat #2 Pug Speedway A1 Pet Emporium 12:00 Group Photo Statue Area 12:15 Best Trick Contest- 1st place & Honorable Mention Stage Area TPC-The Plumbing Company 12:30 Best Kisser Contest- 1st place & Honorable Mention Stage Area The Chojnacki Family The Milligan Family 12:50 Pug Races Heat #3 Pug Speedway A1 Pet Emporium 1:00 Best Individual Costume Contest1st, 2nd,3rd place Stage Area The Priceless Pug 1:15 Best Theme Individual Costume Contest -1st, 2nd,3rd place Stage Area The Tait and Young Families 1:30 Best Look-Alike Contest1st place Stage Area The Tait and Young Families Gary Baccus, State Farm Ins 1:35 Best Group Costume Contest -1st place Stage Area Able Movers OKC 1:50 Best Theme Group Costume Contest -1st place Stage Area Able Movers OKC 2:05 Pug Races Heat #4 Pug Speedway A1 Pet Emporium 2:30 Pug Races Final Heat Pug Speedway A1 Pet Emporium 3:00 Coronation of King and Queen Stage Area Pat and Charlotte McMurry Pat Becker of Dog Talk 3:15 Raffle Drawing Stage Area 3:30 Silent Auction Ends Pavilion 3:35 Silent Auction Check Out Sales Tent 4:00 Puggerfest Ends and Clean Up Begins! Entire ParkPlease stay & help if you can! MrsDoolittle’s Pet Stay N Play We appreciate all the help we can get! Nov 9, 2013 - Pug Meet & Greet Dec 15, 2013 - Holiday Photos Proceeds go to Homeward Bound OUR PUGS NEED FOSTER HOMES! Because Homeward Bound Pug Rescue does not have a shelter, we rely solely on our foster homes to provide a safe and stable temporary home to get our pugs ready for adoption. Because many of our dogs cannot be immediately adopted the only way that we can save these animals is with the help of foster homes. Some pets will need to be in a foster home until they can be spayed or neutered, at which time they are ready for adoption. Pugs who are ill or injured may need to stay in foster care until they are well enough for adoption. In some cases, a foster home is needed to help an animal transition from the stress of a bad situation, such as a puppy mill, abuse, etc. The number of animals we can save depends entirely on the number of people who open their homes and hearts to foster them. Please consider fostering a pug. Interested? Fill out a Foster Application on our website at: Become a part of the chain ... Rescue Foster Adopt Donate PugHearts and Homeward Bound: Creating a Chain of Survival Homeward Bound pug rescue of oklahoma Dr. Chris Rispoli, Veterinarian is a Proud Supporter of Puggerfest 2013 Gentle Care Animal Hospital Our treatment of Dogs, Cats, Birds, Exotics, and Other Small Animals is with complete “Pride” 17200 N May Ave, Suite 900, Edmond, OK 73012 Telephone: (405) 285-WOOF (9663) [email protected] Flexible Appointments Daily, Evenings, and Saturdays Homeward Bound Pug Rescue would like to thank Dr. Rispoli at Gentle Care Animal Hospital for the generous Silent Auction donation of a FULL DENTAL CLEANING, including pre-anesthetic blood work, a full exam, ultrasonic cleaning, polishing, a flouride treatment, any teeth that need extraction and an anti-pain shot at the end so the little guy or gal can go right back to eating. Be sure to look for this great item at the Silent Auction Tables!
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Last Call for Silent Auction
3:30 PM
Silent Auction Ends
(Pens Down)
*Thank you to all of the wonderful
individuals who donated items
for the silent auction.