2013 Annual Report - Oakland City University


2013 Annual Report - Oakland City University
Making a
2013 Annual Report
Founded by General Baptists in 1885
The Difference.
A letter from the President
Dear Generous Friends of OCU:
Oakland City University is making a difference.
Our sacred University distinguishes itself from the
majority of higher education institutions through
an emphasis on spiritual formation. Robert
Mullholland, Jr. defines spiritual formation as
“the process of being conformed to the image
of Christ for the sake of others.” Mullholland’s
definition and the University’s motto, “Enter to
Learn – Go Forth to Serve”, run parallel. Our
greatest joy is developing the head, the heart,
and the hands of students in service to God.
2 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Because of your prayers & financial support,
major strategic goals were accomplished this past year:
aunching several new academic programs including: a Bachelor’s
• Since its construction in 1968, the Chapel (known as the Provance
degree in Worship Arts, and Master’s degrees in Teaching Curriculum
Memorial Chapel, in memory of Mrs. Jean Provance) has served as a
and Instruction, Building Level Administrator, Education in Sports
spiritual center for the OCU experience. This past year, the Provance
Science and Strategic Management. Additionally, several new online
Memorial Chapel has undergone major renovations including:
programs have been implemented including: an Associate’s degree
structural foundation repair, a new roof, and interior remodeling.
in Religious Studies, Bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice, Business
Thanks to your stewardship over $150,000 was raised for the
Administration, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.
Provance Memorial Chapel renovations.
• Oakland City University entered into a collaborative effort with
• The inaugural President’s Golf Classic commenced at the
the Indiana Department of Corrections to provide educational
Cambridge Golf Club and generated over $52,000 supporting
programming within eight correctional facilities.
the mission of the University.
• OCU students and staff served in various service learning
• OCU dedicated a new coffee shop named by students Holy Grounds
opportunities, e.g. a missions trip to Faith Home in Honduras. Our
in the Bower-Suhrheinrich Student Life Center. Holy Grounds is now
largest team of record (24) ministered by sharing their testimonies
open for business and proudly serves Starbucks coffee.
to numerous Hondurans and orphaned children. Additionally, OCU
students served overseas through internships in China and Saipan.
As Oakland City University looks forward to a new year, we thank God
for His continued presence on our campus. Through God’s grace, OCU
• Multiple named endowment scholarships were added to the
has existed since 1885. It is because of God’s grace, our faculty, staff,
University’s 100+ endowment scholarship funds. The Dr. James
and students have a sense of higher calling. This is why the spiritual
Wilson Murray Endowment Scholarship was created in honor and
formation of OCU students continues to be a high priority. Pray for us,
loving memory of former OCU President Dr. James Murray. The
as we conform the lives of our students to the image of Christ for the
Murray Endowment will benefit needy General Baptist students
sake of others.
answering God’s calling into vocational ministries.
Thank you for supporting the Kingdom’s work
• The family and friends of the late Rev. Tony Kevin Eskew established
at Oakland City University!
the Rev. Tony Kevin Eskew Endowment Scholarship. An OCU
alumnus and Senior Pastor at Bloomfield General Baptist church is
In His Service,
remembered through the creation of this endowed scholarship.
• Over $250,000 was raised to create a new formal campus entrance.
Ray G. Barber, D.Min. ’85, ‘88
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and
pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
~ Romans 12:1-2
OCUAdvancement.com 3
Don’t Forget to
Doug Johnson, Senior, OCU Student
It is because of an opportunity through Oakland City University
that a difference has been made in my life. A few months ago, I
boarded a plane in Atlanta, Georgia, with a final destination to San
Pedro Sula, Honduras in Central America. I had never been to
Honduras, nor had I ever been on an international missions trip.
I had no idea of what to really expect. I just knew that I wanted
a life change. I truly wanted to be broken and put back together
differently than when I started.
“…God used me to change lives
in Central America.”
Honduras was hot, sweaty, bug infested, dirty, yet beautifully
amazing. I wish that I could somehow paint a picture or come up
with the right combination of words to give you a visual idea of
what we experienced together. Honduras reaffirmed my “Never
Stop Smiling” mission and showed me, firsthand, that a smile truly
does speak in all languages. A smile truly can alter one’s mood and
change his or her day. Never Stop Smiling.
Probably the most flooring moment of my Honduras trip occurred
Over the course of eight days and seven nights, I managed to
laugh, cry, work, sleep, smile, sing, play and love in a way I never
had before. Each morning, at six a.m. the OCU team split up
with some of our group painting a house in preparation for a
soon-arriving family of missionaries, while the rest of our team did
construction work in places throughout the village. Although we
had a diverse team with different interests and backgrounds, we
had one goal that week…love on the people of Honduras. We
primarily ministered to the children at the Faith Home orphanage.
We also had opportunities every day to go to different villages
where we fellowshipped, delivered food and attended church.
as our team loaded up Saturday morning and headed back to the
airport. I was literally struggling to let go of the little children as we
said our goodbyes. I saw the look on their faces. I am sure they
observed the same look on my face. I knew that no matter what I
had done in my past, no matter how many regrets I had, no matter
where I had been or what I had seen, God used me to change
lives in Central America. I knew as we said goodbye that I would
never be the same person again. God used the broken children of
Faith Home Honduras to change my life. I think I can represent the
entire OCU Missions group when I say our hearts will always be
heavy for Honduras as we left a piece of us in Central America.
Each night our group was blessed with the opportunity to sing
“Our God” (by Chris Tomlin) during the worship service.
4 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Dios Es Bueno Todo El Tiempo
“…we recognize that God has big plans.”
Making a Difference in
Worship Arts
Throughout scripture, the Bible speaks of the importance of worship. As
believers of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we understand that God longs for our
worship. Beginning in the fall of 2013, Oakland City University launched a
new Bachelor’s degree in Worship Arts. OCU hired Andrew Goldman ’12
as Worship Arts Admissions Counselor and Chris Cook ’13 as Worship
Arts Lecturer. These fine young men head a new program that directly
impacts church ministry.
Andrew Goldman states: “Our goal is to greatly increase the number
of Worship Arts majors within three years.” The program
is currently located in the School of Arts and Sciences.
However, the Chapman School of Religious Studies is
working on a second track for students desiring a greater
emphasis in pastoral ministry. Andrew says:
“Our current approach is from the standpoint of
educating individuals who desire to lead worship.
When the other degree in Religious Studies with a
worship concentration is finalized, then we will have
both models.”
Chris Cook adds: “Andrew and I bring an interesting
dynamic to the program. Andrew has the performance
background. I add the music education expertise to
the Worship Arts degree.”
Currently, the new degree has started with several
students and the forecast is bright for the Worship
Arts program. Additionally, President Barber is
strategically launching a new contemporary praise and
worship band, The Great Command, as an outreach
to congregations. The University’s Earthlight group
will continue its long history of serving General Baptist
churches. This new group will carry out a similar focus
leading churches in praise and worship music.
Andrew believes: “We can promote the Worship Arts program
through the ministry of our student music groups, campus
events such as Soulfest, and even through networking with other
Christian organizations and schools.” He goes on to say: “The
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for
the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and
those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
~ John 4:23-24
potential is oozing out of this place and we recognize that God
has big plans.” Oakland City University is making a difference in the
lives of students through the Worship Arts program. It is our goal to
provide churches across the country with educated and equipped
worship leaders making an eternal difference.
OCUAdvancement.com 5
Making a Difference Financially
Each year OCU graduates take what they have learned and use that
the spiritual formation of each life; and providing experiences on the
knowledge to change the world and to reflect the image of God to
mission field that effect how students think globally. You are an integral
others around them. Internal changes in the lives of students are made
part of this equation. Your support of OCU directly translates into lives
because of scholarships and grants. Oakland City University strives to
changed and the world impacted. We work to keep tuition affordable
help students obtain a quality Christian education through providing the
for all students by offering University scholarships; we provide student
financial assistance and support in every way possible. We continue to
support services such as tutoring, academic advising and career services
focus on: increasing the academic expectation of our students; enriching
all to ensure that OCU students are successful.
Total Scholarships and Grants Awarded
Total Main Campus Awards
and Grants Awarded
2012-2013 Scholarships
Grants Awarded
Main Campus Awards
Main Campus Awards
Main Campus Undergraduate Main Campus Undergraduate
21st Century
21st Century
How awards are divided amoungst the
campuses and programs.
Awards given to students who attend the main
campus in Oakland City, Indiana.
& Extended Learning
Adult & ExtendedAdult
6 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Adult &
Adult &
Bedford Center Bedford Center
University Scholarship
University Scholarship
Veteran’s Grant
Main Campus Room
and Board Grant
Main Campus Room
and Board Grant
Endowment Scholarships
Alumni Endowment Scholarship
Marietta C. Hasselbrinck Endowment Scholarship
Orlan & Margery Phillips Endowment Scholarship
Professor Emma Anderson Endowment
Heathman Family Scholarship
Dr. Dale Porter Endowment Scholarship
Dorothy Cockrum Heldt Endowment Scholarship
Lynden R. Pride, Nona, & Earther Fritz Endowment
Claude L. Atkins Endowment Scholarship
Arthur & Zell Baker Memorial Scholarship
Neva Barnard Endowment Scholarship
Hope, Swartz, Williams Endowment Scholarship
Barbara Hortsmeyer Endowment Scholarship
Orville Pratt Endowment Scholarship
Jennie M. Pride Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Gary Barrett Endowment Scholaship
Charles & Isabel Hoskinson Endowment
Ruby & Edgar Baum Endowment Scholarship
W. Anthony & Sheri Huff Endowment Scholarship
The Religious Studies Endowment Scholarship
Bethesda General Baptist Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Virgil Hunt Endowment Scholarship
Lawrence Black Endowment Scholarship
Lennie Hunt Johnson Endowment Scholarhsip
Jeannette E. & Mildred Rauscher Endowment
Bryce & Opal Bottom Endowment Scholarship
Jamaica Youth Missions Endowment Scholarship
Ella Mayhall Bradbury Music Endowment
Paul B. Johnson Endowment Scholarship
Cane Run General Baptist Church Endowment
Wm. P. & May Cockrum Dearing Scholarship Fund
Lt. William Randall Crecelius Endowment
Christy Park General Baptist Endowment
Davis/Phillips Endowment Scholarship
Wm. C. & Edythe Dearing Scholarship Fund
Coach Delbert Disler Endowment Scholarship
Mamie Dufford Endowment Scholarship
Thomas H. & Beatrice Colvin Dunning Endowment
Edward Glenn Endowment Scholarship
Professor William Jordan Endowment Scholarship
Marlin Kell Endowment Scholarship
Robert S. Kelley & Weldon X. Hall, Jr. Endowment
Dr. Olen & Inez Pumphrey Endowment Scholarship
Randolph/Hargraves Endowment Scholarship
C.R. Richardson Endowment Scholarship
Dr. L.O. Roberts Endowment Scholarship
Cyrstal Jones Roland Endowment Scholarship
Fred & Helen Rumble Endowment Scholaship
Jose & Delores Sablan Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Kenneth R. Kennedy Endowment Scholarship
Margery Settle Endowment Scholarship
Adolph & Jamae Lacy Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Carl Shepard Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Ollie & Jane Latch Endowment Scholarship
Willis B. Simpson Endowment Scholarship
William Ledgerwood Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Olive Smith Endowment Scholarship
Arno Lessheim Endowment Scholarship
R.B. Smith Endowment Scholarship
The Liberty Association Endowment Scholarship
Louese Spradley Endowment Scholarship
Lone Oak Endowment Scholarship
Benoni Stinson Endowment Scholarship
Ron Malin Student Support Services Endowment
Lois Tichenor Music Endowment Scholarship
Rosalia T. Torres Endowment Scholarship
Lillian K. Ehlbert Endowment Scholarship
Harold & Mary McCord Family Endowment
Frieda Jordan & William T. Ellison Endowment
Maxine & Stephen E. Medlin Endowment
Rev. Tony Kevin Eskew Endowment Scholarship
Mildred Vaughn Endowment Scholarship
The Union Grove Association Endowment
H.C. or Dorothy Evans Memorial Endowment
James E. & Alice Morlock Endowment Scholarship
Michael R. Vire Endowment Scholarship
Dr. James Wilson Murray Endowment Scholarship
Richard & Charlotte Wasson Endowment
First G.B. Church of Chino Endowment Scholarship
Michael Musgrave Endowment Scholarship
Thomas H. & Beatrice Colvin Dunning Endowment
Lesta & Howard R. Miller Scholarship Fund
The Finch Endowment Scholarship
Paul Montgomery Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Wayne Foust Endowment Scholarship
OCU Alumni Athletic Endowment Scholarship
Frances Borders West Memorial Scholarship
Professor J.H. Oxford Endowment Scholarship
Lonnie E. & Sara Elizabeth Fraser Endowment
Dr. William I. Painter Endowment Scholarship
Cecil H. & Wanda Gladish Endowment Scholarship
George Gomer Endowment Scholarship
James Montgomery Gordon Endowment
T. Hammons Endowment Scholarship
Paula Pendergrass Endowment Scholarship
Townsend Endowment Scholarship
C. Kightly Trippet Endowment Scholarship
The Webb Foundation Endowment Scholarship
Carolyn Weng Endowment Scholarship
Virgil Whaley Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Edward A. White Endowment Scholarship
Vern Whitten Endowment Scholarship
Ira M. & Lela Mae Wilder Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Presley Pendergrass Endowment Scholarship
Donald K. & Mary Ann Wilder Endowment
Eloise Mack Peugeot Endowment Scholarship
Winsett-Riggle Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Jerry Phillips Endowment Scholarship
Joy Yeager Endowment Scholarship
Opal Phillips Endowment Scholarship
OCUAdvancement.com 7
Honor Roll Thank you to all of our Donors
The Founders Circle
Lee & Bonnie Ayers
Jerry & Pamela Aigner
 H.S. Barger
Richard & Naomi Beesley
Joe & Jane Black
 Lawrence Black
Bill & Angela Blackburn
 Virgnia Boyd
 William & Caroline Roberta
Bernard & Linda Marley
Fifth Third Bank – Princeton, IN
Administrators, Inc.
Gene Leroux
 Harold &  Mary McCord
Fifth Third Bank Foundation
State Budget Agency
Bernard & Ellen Loposer
 Donald & Evelyn McDonald
First G. B. Church – Princeton, IN
John Marshall
 James & Rae Murray
First G.B. Church – Clay, KY
Terrace Parke G. B. Church –
Evansville, IN
Alan & Connie Nass
First G.B. Church –
Heber Springs, AR
 Steven Osborn
 Doyle Oursler
 William Painter
 Jerry & Judy Phillips
Gary & Kathy Phillips
 Olen & Inez Pumphrey
First G.B. Church –
Oakland City, IN
The Webb Foundation
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
of Indiana
Union Grove Association
 Leland Morrison
Valley of Sun G. B. Church –
Payson, AZ
Claude Murray
General Baptist Foundation
Westwood G. B. Church –
Evansville, IN
Earl & Brenda Penrod
Whirlpool Foundation
The Benefactors Circle
Francisco G. B. Church –
Francisco, IN
Ft. Branch G. B. Church –
Ft. Branch, IN
Dewey & Charlcie Burden
 Carl Richardson
General Baptist Women’s
Ministries, Inc.
 Frederick &  Martha Cantrell
Wayne Roberts
German American Bank
Phyllis Casson
James & Kathy Sanders
Gibson County Visitors & Tourism
Cecil & Velda Cook
Michael & Mary Sandifar
 Ann Irene Cornwell
Frank & Judy Schultheis
GTE North Region –
Indiana Foundation
Heritage Fund of Bartholomew
County, Inc.
Gary & Terry Barrett
Patricia Creevy
 Dallas Suhrheinrich
Larry & Alta Davis
Jack & Jane Tichenor
Hopper Heritage Foundation
James & Jeanette Broshears
Ellen Dimmett
Donald & Nelda Townsend
Independent Colleges of IN, Inc.
John & Gail Dunn
Charles & Carolyn White
 George Brown
Indiana Limestone Institute
of America
Jerald & Joyce Burns
Daniel Durbin
Richard &  Donna Whiting
David Elliott
Donald & Mary Ann Wilder
Key Construction, Co., Inc.
 Wanda Gladish
Anonymous (2)
Koch Foundation, Inc.
 Ethel Gieske
The Founders Circle
Liberty Association
Ministries Board
Anonymous (4)
Ray & Beth Barber
Charles & Judy Brauser
James Crecelius
Larry & Martha Sue Crowe
Gordon Curtis
Wendell & Linda Daugherty
Lilly Endowment Community
Scholarship Program
Vernon & Delores Deutsch
Lilly Endowment, Inc
Stanley Durham
BP America Inc.
Main Street G. B. Church –
Boonville, IN
Elizabeth Enlow Albon
Gary &  Margaret Earl Harper
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Foundation, Inc.
Mt. Vernon G. B. Church –
Mt. Vernon, IN
John & Naomi Haskins
Cane Run G. B. Church
Central California Association
of G. B.
New Hope G. B. Church –
Malden, MO
 Stacy Givens
William Hasselbrinck
CINergy Foundation, Inc.
North Lawrence Community
School Foundation, Inc.
Kenneth & Betty Hall
Citizens National Bank
OCU Foundation
Darroll & Savannah Hargraves
Citizens State Bank
Old National Bank – Evansville, IN
Theodore & Amelia Hunley
Community Foundation
Alliance, Inc.
Old National Bank – Princeton, IN
Cynthia Jackson
Parke Co. Community
Foundation, Inc.
Marion & Janet James
 Henry Gwaltney
Stanley Hale
Carl & Cleda Haley
Robert Harnishfeger
Carl & Anne Hirsch
Claude & Connie Hopper
Leon & Dorothy Howell
Anthony & Sheri Huff
Dolly Jewel
Leroy Jolly
Thomas Durall
Alice Evans
Robert Finch
Ariel May Green
 Murel Jones
Community Foundation
Partnership, Inc.
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.
William Johnson
Jim & Eddie Marie Julian
Council of Associations, Inc.
Pioneer College Caterers
R.A. Jones
Mary Ruff-King
Dana Corporation Foundation
Pleasant Hope G. B. Church –
Calhoun, KY
Gary & Kristy Jossa
Jack & Linda Kinkel
Dubois County Community
East Gibson Dollars For Scholars
Pleasant Valley G. B. Church
– Eldorado, IL
 Oria Keys
Educational Testing Service
Princeton Area Dollars for Scholars
Gale Lambert
Exxonmobil Foundation
Scholarship Program
G. Richard & Helen Lankford
William Kohlsaat
Maurice & Marilou Mann
Gregory Marish
Lifetime Giving
$25,000 + The Founders Circle
8 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Louie & Melba Medlin
 Paul & Freda Montgomery
Wayne & Edna Brumfield
Algers Winslow & Western
Railway Co.
Gerald & Martha McCormick
Transporation Services Co.
Tom & Suzanne Raper
Norma Graham
Riley & Violet Mathias
Richard Jines
Vance Kell
David Patton
 Charles Phillips
Gary & Mary Phillips
Robert Poinsett
Sarah Porter
James & Kristina Pratt
W. Wyatt & Betty Rauch
Norm & Carlotta Reynolds
 Angelo & Diana Sablan
Virginia Schulz
William & Juanita Scoggan
Russell & Vera Scott
Kenneth Seebode
Robert Shaw
Stephen & Shirley Shields
Alma Shufflebarger
Joseph & Jenny Smith
Gary Sorgius
Randall “Skip” Spence
Charles & Sharon Strickland
 Ada Taylor
Alan Jay & Rachel Thompson
 Arthur Tichenor
Phyllis Tivey
James Tomlin
Brenda Waddle
Paul Wade
 Charles & Carol Jean Weir
 Elmon Whitledge
David & Judy Whitten
 Vern Whitten
R. Frank & Gracie Williams
L. Ray &  Altha Lou Winkler
 G.L. Yeager
 Joy & Wilma Yeager
$10,000 $24,999 The Benefactors Circle
Listed Alphabetically |  Deceased
The Benefactors Circle
Jack R. Kinkel & Son, AIA
Alcoa Foundation
James A. Holt Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
AmBank Indiana, N.A.
Arrington Prairie G. B. Church –
Wayne City, IL
Barr-Reeve Scholarship
James River Corp.
Jerry Aigner Construction, Inc.
Judge Nixon Scholarship
Kappa Kappa Kappa – East Gibson
Baseball Office of the
Kimball Intl. Habig Foundation,Inc
Bedford Federal Savings Bank
Lamb-Basham Memorial
Chapel, Inc.
Bedford Urban Enterprise Assoc.
Bethlehem G.B. Church –
Ft. Branch, IN
Black River G. B. Church
Buehler’s Buy-Low
Carroll-Wyatt Scholarship Fund
Chaffee Public School Foundation
CIC Foundation
Citizens’ Sch. Foun. of America
Lawrence County Tourism
Lehigh Cement Company
South Gibson Dollars for Scholars
Ronnie & Sandra Black
Bobby Reed
State Farm Companies Foundation
Jackie Bowling
Norm & Carlotta Reynolds
Sugar Tree G. B. Church –
Dexter, MO
Charles & Judy Brauser
 Angelo & Diana Sablan
Sunny Vale G. B. Church –
Malden, MO
Caroline Bromley
Bob & Billie Sakel
James & Jeanette Broshears
James & Kathy Sanders
Syndicate Sales, Inc.
Jerald & Joyce Burns
Michael & Mary Sandifar
Telephone Switching Supply Inc
Phillip & Sharen Buyher
Frank & Judy Schultheis
Tennyson G. B. Church –
Tennyson, IN
W. Harold & Frankye Calloway
Alma Shufflebarger
Cecil & Velda Cook
Camille Simpson
The Herald-Times / The
Stephen & Sharon Cullen
Daniel Skaggs
Larry & Alta Davis
Gary Sorgius
Jimmy & Mona Dickens
Chris & Robyn Speltz
Toyota Motor Engineering
Union G.B. Association
Camp Clark
Wallace & Kathy Duncan
Peter Swanson
United of IN Home Mission Board
John & Gail Dunn
Anthony & Lyndi Tedder
Madisonville 1st G. B. Church –
Madisonville, KY
UPS Foundation Corporate
Brian & Linda Evans
Donald & Nelda Townsend
Midwest Merger
Management, LLC
Vectren Corporation
Andrew Ford
J. Mike & Kathryn Trotter
Virgil Fry
David & Anita Walters
Wanda Gardner
Carolyn Weng
Jeff Gray
Charles & Carolyn White
Frank & Caroline Gullic
Donald & Mary Ann Wilder
Raymond & Lisa Haase
Kevin & Janice Winschief
Kenneth & Betty Hall
Curtis & Pauletta Yarbrough
William Hasselbrinck
 Joy & Wilma Yeager
Liberty Association of General
Welborn Baptist Foundation, Inc.
City of Bedford, Indiana
Mt. Carmel G. B. Church –
Mt. Carmel, IL
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Mt. Olive G. B. Church – Dale, IN
Dell Scholarship
National Collegiate Athletic
The Leaders Circle Individual
National Endowment for the Arts
C. William & Angela Blackburn
New Hope G.B. Church –
Edwardsville, IL
Wayne & Edna Brumfield
Duke Energy
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Federation of American
Consumers & Travelers
Winslow G. B. Church –
Winslow, IN
Jerry & Pamela Aigner
 Jerry & Judy Phillips
Steven Henke
Bill Hoover
The Stewards Circle
Ford Motor Company Fund
North Friendship G. B. Church
– Lynnville, IN
Garvinwood G. B. Church –
Evansville, IN
Oak Grove G. B. Church –
Oakland City, IN
Jack & Jane Tichenor
Gibson County Visitors/Tourism
Old National Trust Company
Richard & Lindy Wilder
Omaha G. B. Church – Omaha, IL
Anonymous (1)
Otter Creek G. B. Church –
Boonville, IN
The Leaders Circle Corporation
Cynthia Jackson
First G.B. Church –
Owensboro, KY
Community Foundation
Alliance, Inc.
H. Dean & Hazel Jaggers
First G.B. Church – Owensville, IN
General Baptist Ministries –
Council of Associations, Inc.
Jack & Linda Kinkel
Bloomfield First G. B. Church –
Bloomfield, MO
General Baptist Foundation
Gerald & Martha McCormick
Carroll-Wyatt Scholarship Fund
Hopper Heritage Foundation
 Donald & Evelyn McDonald
Chaffee Public School Foundation
Independent Colleges of IN, Inc.
Lonnie & Julie Menke
East Gibson Dollars For Scholars
Pleasant View G. B. Church –
Wood River, IL
OCU Foundation
Melvin & Janice Menke
Elmer Buchta Trucking
Escalade Sports
Holt Masonic Children’s Home
Providence G. B. Church –
Cisne, IL
Pioneer College Caterers
Lois Mondy
The Webb Foundation
 James & Rae Murray
Evansville Sports Program, Inc.
Howell G. B. Church –
Evansville, IN
Scholarship America
The Stewards Circle Individual
Alan & Connie Nass
Fellowship G. B. Church –
Poplar Bluff, MO
Schultheis Insurance
Brian & Jamie Baker
Shady Grove G. B. Church –
Poole, KY
Ray & Beth Barber
Integra Bank Corp.
Sharrett Automotive Inc.
Gibson County Farm Bureau Co-op
Glen Meadows Development
Co., LLC
Gravel Ridge G. B. Church –
North Little Rock, AR
Gray Cemetery Trust
Growth Industries
Hansen Corporation
Harrison County Community
Herald G. B. Church –
Modesto, CA
IBM Int’l Foundation
Pepsi Cola Company of Vincennes
Permanent Federal Savings Bank
Pleasant Mound G. B. Church –
Bismarck, IL
Shoals Dollars For Scholars
 Olen & Inez Pumphrey
Richard Whiting
Frank & Marsha Beach
Robert Bean
Annual Giving
$10,000 + The Leaders Circle
C. Dean & Kimberly Hopper
Mark & Kelly Hopper
Barr-Reeve Scholarship
Sheila Houchins
Belews Chapel G. B. Church
– Bradford, TN
C. Mark & Joyce Hubbard
Best Home Furnishing
Theodore & Amelia Hunley
Bethel G.B. Church of
Advance, Inc.
Robbie Jossa
David Patton
Earl & Brenda Penrod
Kenneth & Kathy Perkins
Dino Raso
W. Wyatt & Betty Rauch
Bethlehem G. B. Church –
Ft. Branch, IN
Fifth Third Bank – Evansville, IN
Fifth Third Bank – Oakland City, IN
First Financial Bank
Freedom G.B. Association
$1,000 - $9,999 The Stewards Circle
OCUAdvancement.com 9
Honor Roll Thank you to all of our Donors
General Baptist Women’s
Ministries, Inc.
Sunny Vale G. B. Church –
Malden, MO
German American Bank –
Jasper, IN
The Graceful Lady
Reba Benson
John & Carolyn Cochren
Michael & Darlene Elaman
Larry & Janice Benton
Randy Coleman
Christopher & Pam Elpers
Amy Benton
Dan & Wendy Colglazier
Pam Elpers
Isaac & Sandra Birch
Roger Collins
Ben Elrod
Joe & Jane Black
Ronald & Marilyne Conner
Carissa Embry
Harold & Bettye Black
Michael Conners
Ashley Engler
V.F.W. Post 3587
Jan Blackburn
Matt Conrad
Jared Engler
Vectren Foundation
Bryan & Amy Blacklock
Clint & Judy Cook
Terry & Marilyn Enlow
Washington Community School
Ruth Ann Blanton
Wilford & Lewanna Copeland
Keith Erickson
Wilkins-Brittingham Air & Water
Jeffrey Blaydes
Paul & Billie Corn
Regino & Mary Espitia
Maria Cottier
Joseph & Mary Evans
Hope Church – Indianapolis, IN
Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel
& Shoulders, LLP
Kevin Bonnet
Kenneth & Sally Bose
Michael & Martha Crafton
Randall Ewin
Huntingburg Foundation, Inc.
The Patrons Circle Individual
Edwin & Robin Boyd
Susan Craig
Veronica Falodun
Indiana Black Expo, Inc.
Jonathan & Terri Adams
Thelma Boyer
Tricia Crane
R. Ed Farhar
Joseph & Gayle Adams
William Boyles
Paul & Pam Crawford
Christopher Farley
Gayle Adams
William Breeden
Alice Crawford
Joseph Farris
Rodger Adkinson
Karen Breeden
Christopher & Amy Cron
Gary & Dee Ann Ferguson
Dean Affeldt
Frederick & Jan Brittain
Rebecca Crowe
Kevin Ferguson
Jordan Aigner
Jeff Broadwell
Delmas & Linda Culbertson
Chris & Dawna Fischer
Jeremy & Katherine Aigner
Vivian Bromm
Gordon Curtis
T. Ray & Maddie Fletcher
Kingsley & Sandra Alarcon
Suzette Broshears
Brenda Curtis
Bill & Ruth Foust
Robert Allen
David & Dawnelle Brown
Wendell & Linda Daugherty
Carl & Linda Fowler
Steven & Sue Alston
Mike & Susie Bruder
Roger Davis
Sandy Friedrich
James & Rhonda Anderson
Patti Buchta
Cecil Davis
Iona Froman
Thomas & Barbara Andrews
Carl & Julie Burns
Orbie & Amy Day
Robert & Sharon Fuchs
Jeanne Angermeier
Don & Donna Burroughs
James Dean
Ronald & Sue Fuhrman
Jeannine Anson
Rick Burton
Denzel Denny
J. Bryan & Gwendolyn Fulk
Wayne & Gloria Antworth
Terry & Nancy Byrns
Vernon & T. Delores Deutsch
James Funkhouser
Patrick & Brenda Arnold
Norma Callis
Willa Mae Dickey
Carol Garlock
Michael & Mary Atkinson
Walter & Tammy Carnahan
Michael & Carole Disler
Jerry Garrett
Dale Austin
Joyce Carpenter
Dodd & Heather Disler
Terry & Nancy Gehlhausen
Larry & Chiquita Baker
Robert & Inez Carr
Darren & Sally Disler
Nico Gercke
Kenneth & Charlotte Barnard
Todd & Sherry Carver
Daniel & Joyce Ditzer
Marianne Getz
Bill Barnard
David & Aasta Carver
Melanie Dolen
M. Wayne & Gracie Gipson
George & Mary Barnes
Ronnie & Ginger Cary
John & Lora Donoho
James & Paula Goedde
Randy & Renee Beard
James Cates
Raymond & Marie Doud
Francis & Karen Goedde
Mary Jo & William Beauchamp
Tim & Peggy Chancellor
James & Nancy Dougan
Harry Goerlitz
Byron Beaumonde
Elmer & Birdie Chancellor
Billie & Ruby Duncan
Gregory & Susan Goodson
Richard & Naomi Beesley
Pam Christy
Leland & Ruth Duncan
Kelsey Gordon
Steve Belden
Kenneth & Peggy Christy
Gary & Donna Duncan
C. Keith & Saundra Gore
Denver Bell
Lewis & Frances Clark
James & Rita Dunlap
Galen & Marilyn Graber
Carrie Bellamy
Charles & R. Sharon Clark
Stanley Durham
Gary & Carol Graf
David & Sandy Benefiel
Vickie Clark
Jerry & Evelyn Eades
Norma Graham
Brittney Benefiel
Milton Clayton
Jack & Evelyn Eberhardt
Janna Graves
State Farm Companies Foundation
Jack & Betty Benjamin
Will Clopton
Dan Egierski
Max Green
Sugar Bakers
Chuck & Kari Benningfield
Steve & Kelly Clymer
Mark Ehret
Eleanor Groom
German American Bank –
Petersburg, IN
Gibson County Visitors & Tourism
Harvest Time Ministries
Henryville High School Dollars
for Scholars
Heritage Hills Scholarship
Holder’s Furniture
International Scholarship
& Tuition Services
Jasper Engines & Transmissions
Judge Nixon Scholarship
Kappa Kappa Kappa
Key Construction, Co., Inc.
Lamb-Basham Memorial
Chapel, Inc.
Leslie Coatings
Linton Elks 866
Mt. Gilead G. B. Church –
Dexter, MO
National Endowment for the Arts
New Life Church of the Nazarene
– Princeton, IN
Newburgh Family Dental
North Lawrence Community
Old National Bank – Evansville, IN
Old National Trust Company
Optimist Club of Jasper, Inc.
Paoli Incorporated
Piggott High School Class ‘75
Pleasant Hope G. B. Church –
Calhoun, KY
Princeton Area Dollars for Scholars
Schwindel Graphics
Scott County Community
Foundation, Inc.
Seymour Noon Lion Club
Shoals Dollars For Scholars
South Point Hotel & Spa
South Van Buren G. B. Church
– Van Buren, MO
Toyota Motor Engineering
Tri-State Fence Co.
Union G.B. Association –
Camp Clark
Annual Giving
$100 - $999 The Patrons Circle
10 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Listed Alphabetically |  Deceased
Chris Guiling
David & Heather Hose
Harry Kries
David McFarland
Tiffany Pennington
Phyllis Gunkel
Charles & Rose Mary Hoten
Debbie Kunkler
Wendell & Carolyn McGehee
E. Leo & E. June Perkins
Stanley & Dilys Hale
Richard & Loretta Houston
Dennis Lampert
Lisa McKamey
Jarmon & Patricia Perkins
Daryl Hale
W. Lester & Mary Howard
G. Richard & Helen Lankford
Louie & Melba Medlin
Kenny Perry
Carl & Cleda Haley
Ron Hudson
Brandi Laskowitz
Rhonda Medlin
Larry Pflug
Nathaniel & Tammy Hall
Harold & Janie Lou Hughes
Ray & Rhonda Laskowitz
Ryne Meece
Gene Pflug
Charles Hall
Terry Hughes
Robert & Constance Laubscher
Rebecca Meece
Michael & Kristi Pflug
Kenneth Hall
Lindel Hume
Cameron Lefear
Kurt & Jessica Mehringer
Ray & Jill Phelps
Clayton Hall
Robert & Bette Jo Hunt
David & G. Ramona Lennen
Robert & R. Virginia Meier
Gary & Mary Phillips
Jerome Harding
Keith & Patricia Hunt
Alan & Jayne Lentz
Marie Meier
Douglas Pierce
Jewel Harding
Jeffrey & Tessa Hunt
Gene Leroux
Glenn & Alice Menke
Glenn & Holly Pillow
Brian & Debbie Harmon
Bette Hunt
Thomas Leuze
Howard & Lou Meuche
William Ping
Devin & Martha Harper
Bradley & Cathy Hussung
Missy Lewis
Joyce Meyer
Gregory & Debbie Pirtle
Larry & Beverly Sue Harper
Mark Hyde
James & Linda Lindauer
Curtis Miller
Robert Poinsett
Donald & Patsy Harris
Marion & Janet James
Susan Lockwood
Trey Miller
Brad Pollard
Elaine Harrison
Peggy Jenkins
Dave Loewenstein
Phillip Miller
Michael Pollom
Lloyd & Cristie Harry
Janice Jochim
Audie & Sharon Long
Gerald & Betty Montgomery
Janet Poston
Norman & Nancy Hartig
William & Elaine Johnson
Guadalupe Lopez
Rachel Moore
Tim Powers
Mike & Shanna Harville
Ron Johnson
Angie Luebbehusen
Robert & Jeannine Moore
Sam Powers
J. Mitch Haskins
Ora & Wanda Johnson
Dave & Janis Lueking
Autry Moore
James & Kristina Pratt
Donald & Hilda Hazelton
Leroy Jolly
Dolus Luff
Dave Morris
Edward Prior
Lucille Head-Hammond
David & Karen Jones
Gary Lumpe
James Morris
Jerry & Janet Putman
Bryan Heap
Grady & Stacy Jones
Antonia Lyzenga
Bartley & Sally Mulzer
 Edward & Valada Raber
Roger & Ilene Heckler
Virginia Jones
Matthew & Lori Malin
Dick & Dewania Murray
Douglas & Donna Rademacher
Teresa Heidenreich
Philip Jones
 Ron & Carolyn Malin
Lois Jean Murray
Floyd & Lois Raisor
Steven & Judy Heidorn
 Murel Jones
Elon Mancebo
Teresa Myers
Richard & Jane Reed
Jim & Tonya Heim
R. Stanley & Judy Jones
Kevin Manion
Ray & Marlene Nalley
Jarvis & Barbara Reed
Edwin Helms
R. A. Jones
Maurice & Marilou Mann
Brent & Cassidy Nalley
James Reed
Scott Helms
Gary & Kristy Jossa
Anthony Mann
Brenda Nash
Russell Reeves
Richard & Cynthia Helton
James & Eddi Marie Julian
Bernard & Linda Marley
Jeff Neel
Phillip & Leigha Reinbrecht
L. Paul & Mildred Henager
Chad & Charity Julian
C. Edward & Joyce Marlin
William Newton
Jane Reinitz
Billy & Patsy Henderson
Dick & Carol Kabrick
Keith & Alecia Marshall
William & Doborah Nichols
Aaron Reynolds
Vicki Hendricks
Roger Kaiser
Gloria & Stuart Mason
Steve & Sandra Nixon
Jerry & Dorothy Reynolds
Donald & Evelyn Hendrickson
Payton Karl
Manuel Massy
Steven Nixon
Olivia Richardson
Alec & Julie Hensley
Charles Kavanaugh
Keith Masterson
N. Elaine Norrick
Charles Ridenour
Alvin & Deborah Herring
Nicholas Keener
Carl Rex May
Glenn Nulty
Arvin Roberson
Kellen & Rachelle Higginson
Charles Keeney
Joe & Barb Mayer
Edwin Nurrenbern
Shane Roberts
Clara Mae Hirsch
Larry Kemp
Brenda McAllister
Patricia & Patrick O’Brien
Thomas Roberts
John Hochstetler
C. Denver & Anna Kennedy
Maxine McCartney
M. Austin & Kathryn Odom
Cecil & Lois Robertson
Lyndon Hogg
Richard & Linda Kerby
R. B. McCartney
Rex & Pansy O’Neal
Fleeta Rodewald
David & M. Beckey Holder
Donald & Francis Key
Todd & Debbie McConnell
Joan Overmire
Roger Roedel
Justin Holland
Norris Kimsey
Marie McCord
Monte Parke
Marvin Roeder
Eldon & Ann Hopkins
Dennis & Phyllis Knaack
Georgiann McCord
Dan & A. Janet Parrish
Jason Rogers
Claude & Connie Hopper
Devon & Lori Knepp
Troy & Chris McCrary
James & Karen Patton
Elizabeth Rogers
Dave Horner
Bud & Rita Knight
Derek & Tanna McCullough
Bobbie Paul
David & Ann Rogier
Lynette Hose
Richard Koss
Ward McDaniel
Tony & Linda Payne
Thomas & Charlene Rosenfeld
OCUAdvancement.com 11
Honor Roll Thank you to all of our Donors
Robert Rowe
John & Christine Stahl
Keith & Connie Tyner
The Patrons Circle Corporation
Crown Plaza Hotel
Chris & Kelly Rowland
Brett & Kim Stahl
Gary & Darlene Underwood
Alcoa Foundation
CVS Pharmacy
Donald & Janice Royal
Harold Stallion
Gary Van Winkle
All-Star Video & Tanning
Denny’s Auto Parts
Jerry & Linda Royalty
Del & Norma Steinhart
Melvin & Shari Vaughn
Diamond Photography
Kenny & Carol Rueger
Joyce Stevens
Rex & Janet Veatch
American Legion
Aux. 263 Rainbow
Allen & Vicki Rumble
Mike & TizAnn Stilwell
Richard & Rhonda Veen
Betty Runyon
Conrad & Donna Stinson
John & Tamyra Verheul
Daniel & Kathy Ryan
Larry Stoffel
Floyd & Karen Vieth
Joe Sandefer
Tanya Stoll
Jerry & Beverly Sandefur
American Red Cross
DMI Furniture
Angie’s Baskets Galore
Duell’s Evansville Mazda,
Kia, Volvo
Applebees Restaurant
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Brenda Waddle
Arrington Prairie G. B. Church –
Wayne City, IL
Duvalls Chapel G. B. Church
Charles & Sharon Strickland
Marilyn Waller
Auburn Theological Seminary
Christopher Sandifar
Sheryl Strickland
Thomas & Mary Lou Walls
Backyard Living & Fence
Don & Kristy Sawyer
John & Kathy Stroud
Jean Weir
Beech Creek Farms, Inc.
Max & Peggy Schaffer
John & Katherine Stroud
Gay Marie Weir
Bee-Leave N Trucking
Henry & Karen Schleter
Jon Stroup
Marion Weseloh
Best One Tire
Devon & Jacob Schlottman
Tyler Stutzman
Stanley & S. Ruth White
Terry & Melinda Schlottman
Roger & Cynthia Sublett
T. H. White
Bethlehem G. B. Church –
Whitewater, MO
Sascha Schmidt
Elizabeth Sullivan
Carolyn White
Martin & Barbara Schroeter
Susan Sullivan
Andy Whitt
Virginia Schulz
Kenneth Sullivan
David & Judy Whitten
Nathan Schumacher
Tom Super
Mari Whittle
William & Juanita Scoggan
Bradley & Sheila Swain
Bradley & Angie Wibbeler
Kenneth Seebode
John & Jane Swain
Bobby & Joyce Wicks
Michael Seebode
Norm & Fran Swartzentruber
Glen & Peggy Wiggs
Martin Sell
Amos Swartzentruber
Betty Jean Wilgus
S. R. Sera
Brenda Swinney
Jay & Misty Wilkins
Steve & Melissa Sevier
David & Carol Taylor
Greg & Natalie Wilkinson
Rick & Pam Shamblin
Sarah Taylor
Robert Shaw
Beulah G. B. Church –
Calhoun, KY
Black Township Trustee
Bloomfield Rotary Scholarship
Bonefish Grill
Boone County Sheriff Department
BR Sandblasting & Painting
Dye’s Gym
Eads & Son Bulldozing, Inc.
Embassy Suites – Indianapolis, IN
Enon G. B. Church
Evansville Ice Men
Evansville Urban Enterprise
F&M Building &
Home Supplies, Inc.
Fairfield Inn – Bloomington, IN
Fairfield Inn – Evansville, IN
Fairfield Inn – Indianapolis, IN
Fairfield Inn – Jeffersonville, IN
Buckhead Management
Farmers & Mechanics
Fed Savings & Loan
Cambridge Golf Course
Fazoli’s Italian Restaurant
Casino Aztar
Final Touch Hair Salon
Teresa Williams
Cassady Electrical
Contractors, Inc.
First Baptist Church –
Petersburg, IN
Haley Taylor
R. Frank & Gracie Williams
Cathedral of Praise
Stephen & Shirley Shields
Robert & Monica Thacker
John Williams
CBS State Bank
First Church of God –
Mt. Carmel, IL
Doug Shipman
Alan & Zelma Thompson
Shane & Nancy Wilson
Shari Short
Bruce & Karen Thompson
James & Pat Wilson
Cedar Grove Baptist Church –
Hopkinsville, KY
James & Carol Shoulders
Kerrie Thompson
Joseph & Linda Wilson
Stan Shoultz
Clay Thornberry
Sarah Wilson
John & Rose Shurig
Torrie Thornton
Steven & Karen Winberry
Center Point G. B. Church –
Quitman, AR
Rick Simmons
Mike Thurow
L. Ray Winkler
Central California G.B. Association
Friendship G. B. Church –
Oakland City, IN
Jack Simmons
Al & Jeanne Tieken
Richard & Malinda Wirey
Central G.B. Church – Ceres, CA
Gander Mountain
Chaffee G. B. Church –
Chaffee, MO
Gibson County Soccer Club
Cedar Grove G. B. Church –
Olaton, KY
Santford & Rosene Singleton
Phyllis Tivey
Michael Wiseman
William & Marilyn Slatton
Joe & Janice Todrank
Rick Wittmer
John & Gladys Sloan
Kermit Tomes
Theresa Wittmer
David Smith
J. Ed & Ann Tower
J. D. Woods
Richard Smith
Marie Townsend
Michael Worrell
F.L. & Pamela Smothers
James & Sarah Trentham
Robert & Ruth Yeager
Karen Snyder
Danny & Jeanette Trusty
James & Tamara Yochum
Glen & Margaret Spence
Mary Tubbs
C. Phil Young
Bill & Sharen Spencer
Alfred & Joan Tucker
Charles Young
Courtyard by Marriott –
Louisville, KY
Carolyn Spitler
Harry Tucker
Anonymous (4)
Cozy Cove Sandwich Shop
Diane Turner
Annual Giving continued
$100 - $999 The Patrons Circle
12 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Chick-fil-A Crosspoint
First Farmers Bank & Trust
First G. B. Church – Princeton, IN
Fox & Hound English Pub
Francisco G. B. Church –
Francisco, IN
Gibson General Hospital
Chick-fil-A Eastland Mall
Glendale G. B. Church –
Marion, KY
Clarks – Lafayette, IN
Golf Plus
Coca Cola Bottling Works
Graceland Baptist Church –
New Albany, IN
Complete Nutrition
Computers Plus
Grandy’s Restaurants
Grass Masters Sod Farm
Gray Cemetery Trust
Gray’s Garage
Listed Alphabetically |  Deceased
Hall, Partenheimer & Kinkle
Hampton Inn – Indianapolis, IN
Henderson Country Club
Herald G. B. Church –
Modesto, CA
Holiday Inn – Evansville, IN
Holiday Inn – Lakeview
Oakland City Church of the
Nazarene – Oakland City, IN
Steve Lewis Construction
 Olive Forbes
 Rose Ann Smith
Oakland City
Ministerial Assocation
Sultan’s Run Golf Course
 Sarah Fraser
 Olive Smith
Swift Athletics
 Hester Furman
 Louese Spradley
Teachers Credit Union –
South Bend, IN
 Edward Glenn
 Claribel Talley
Tennyson G. B. Church –
Tennyson, IN
Max & Shirley Glenn
Jack & Jane Tichenor
 Alvin Graper
 C. Kightly Trippet
Texas Roadhouse – Clarksville, IN
 Jeanette Gray
Paul Waggoner
The Bauerhaus
 Margaret Guard
 Wilma Wilder
The Fresh Market
 John Edward Gudgel
 Lorene Williams
The Great Outdoors
John Gwaltney
R. Frank Williams
The Westin Memphis Beal Street
 Weldon Hall, Jr.
 Lovie Wiseman
Tourist Club
Gary Harper
Odon Locker, Inc.
Olive G. B. Church – Stonefort, IL
Orthotic & Prosthetic Lab, Inc.
Home Building & Savings Bank
Owensville First G. B. Church –
Owensville, IN
Howell G. B. Church –
Evansville, IN
Patriot Motors
Hudson Office
Impressions Printing, Inc.
Peabody Energy
Indiana Blood Center
Peace Chapel G. B. Church –
Louisville, KY
Indianapolis Power & Light
Peoples National Bank
Tri State Speedway
John Haskins
Jack R. Kinkel & Son, AIA
Pike Central High School
Veolia Environmental Services
 Barbara Horstmeyer
Pike County Teachers Association
Vermillion County Community
Foundation, Inc.
 Charles & Isabel Hoskinson
VP Indiana Furniture
Ron Johnson
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Leroy Jolly
Pleasant View G. B. Church –
Risco, MO
Welborn Baptist Foundation, Inc.
 Robert Kelley
West Clark Community Schools
 Loye J. &  Jane Latch
Lighthouse Recovery Center
Poplar Bluff First G. B. Church
– Poplar Bluff, MO
West Side Christian Church
 Charles Lentz
Livermore G. B. Church –
Livermore, KY
Powell G. B. Church –
Norris City, IL
Westfall Gold, Inc.
 Arno Lessheim
Westfall Group
 George Malone
Longhorn Steakhouse
Powers Motor Parts, Inc.
Marilou Mann
Louisville Bats
Prides Creek Golf Course
Winslow G. B. Church –
Winslow, IN
Mackey Salem United Methodist
Church – Mackey, IN
Princeton Broadcasting Co, Inc
Princeton Country Club
The 1885 Legacy Circle
Marengo Alumni Association
 Harold & Mary McCord
Promotions Plus
Brian & Jamie Baker
Maumee G. B. Church –
Owensville, IN
Chris McFail
Providence G. B. Church –
Cisne, IL
 Florence Barnett
 A.E. McKenney
McKinneys Heating & Air
 O.W. Barry
Quality Inn North
 Alice Morlock
Memmer Tile, Inc.
 Joe & Jane Black
Quality Tool & Supply
 Madelyn Myers
Midwest Eye Consultants
 Gail Bradbury
Quick Lube
 Doyle Oursler
Mitchell Com. Schools Scholarship
 George Brinegar
Rainey-Mathis Funeral Home
 Edward Owen
 Goeble Bunch
Rolling Hills Country Club
Helen Welch Painter
 Ann Irene Cornwell
Ruby & Gib Strate Family
Foundation, Inc.
 Presley &  Paula Pendergrass
Amel Cox
 Eloise Peugeot
 John Culbertson
Ray & Jill Phelps
 Oma Daugherty
Gary Phillips
Larry & Alta Davis
 Imel Pride
 J. Michael Donahue
 Jennie Pride
John & Gail Dunn
 Maurice Pride
Jasper Group
Jerry Aigner Construction, Inc
Johnson Chapel Sunday School
Kemper CPA Group
Liberty G.B. Assoc. One Day
Mt. Gilead G. B. Church –
Slaughters, KY
Mt. Pisgah G. B. Church –
Winslow, IN
Mt. Union G.B. Association –
Westmoreland, TN
Mt. Zion G. B. Church
PJJT Distributors
Pleasant Union G. B. Church –
Lewisburg, KY
Scholarship America
Shyler’s Bar-B-Que
South Spencer Scholarship
WTVW Local 7
 Virgil Hunt
 May Mason
Alonzo McBride
National Office Furniture
Sports Marketing
International, Inc.
New Home G. B. Church
 Frieda Ellison
 Jeanette Rauscher
North Daviess Community Dollars
for Scholars
Spurgeon G. B. Church –
Spurgeon, IN
Fred Estheimer
 Helen Reed
North Knox Scholarship
St. Elmo’s Steakhouse
Francisco Estrada
 Kenneth Reed
 Dorothy Evans
Veradine Reynolds
 Glenn Finch
 Eva Smith
St. Johns United Church of Christ
St. Jude Medical, Inc
This Annual Report recognizes the
individuals, corporations,
government agencies & Foundations
that have financially invested in
Oakland City University from
January 1, 2012 to December 31,
2012. The benefactors listed in the
report are enabling Oakland City
University guided by its General
Baptist heritage, to maintain &
strengthen intellectual, spiritual,
physical & social development that
are central to its Mission.
In this report, we acknowledge with
gratitude all who have contributed to
the financial well-being of Oakland
City University in the past calendar
year. All financial contributions are
included in this report. While we
have made every possible effort to
ensure the accuracy of this report,
we apologize in advance for any
inadvertent misspelling or
omissions. Please inform us of any
errors by calling (812) 749-1228 so
that we can correct our records &
properly acknowledge your gift in a
future publication.
Planned Giving
The 1885 Legacy Circle
Gift Annuities, Life Insurance, Trust, Bequest, Property/Life Rights
OCUAdvancement.com 13
A Year of Making a Difference
Chapel Renovation
True Blue
Alumnus of the Year
The Chapel Renovation Project is nearing
We recognized two couples as “True Blue Mighty
The 2012 Alumnus of the year was Judy
completion because of the many gifts from OCU
Oaks” at Homecoming. Charlie & Judy Brauser
Black Phillips ‘62 pictured with Brian Baker,
Alumni, Friends and Students.
and Dick & Naomi Beesley.
Director for Advancement.
Snowbird 2013
In Memorium
Big Brand
Snowbird 2013 was hosted by Don & Mary
Former President Dr. James Murray passed away
OCU donated property to the city for the
Ann Wilder in Tavares, Florida, pictured with
October 5, 2012. An endowment Scholarship
new water tower that hosts the University
Ray & Beth Barber.
was established in his memory.
name and logo.
Go Forth to Serve
These graduates “entered to learn” and are now prepared to “go forth to serve”.
14 Making a difference 2013 Annual Report
Thank You! For…
Making a Difference
John C. Maxwell, New York Times Best-Selling Author of the book
Perhaps you have already sowed a generous seed this year by supporting
The Difference Maker, is credited with the quote: “I want to a make a
the mission and vision of Oakland City University. As you have seen in
difference with people who make a difference, doing something that
these pages, your gifts are already making an important difference.
makes a difference.” When I read this statement my thoughts immediately
turned to you. As benefactors of Oakland City University, I know you
As you plan your year-end financial giving, we want you to know how
desire to make a difference by investing in the lives of students.
critical you are and how much the faculty, staff, and students appreciate
your support. As we labor together for the cause of Christian education, I
pray God continues to bless you and your family.
“I want to make a difference with people
who make a difference…”
In His Service,
Alongside my colleagues at the University, I warmly thank you for your
continued financial and prayer support. It is because of faithful friends
just like you that OCU students can Go Forth To Serve making an eternal
impact in God’s Kingdom.
Brian J. Baker ’99, ’03
Director of Development/
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also
reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
~ II Corinthians 9:6-8
Board of Trustees 2012-2013
Dr. Curtis C. Yarbrough ’67, ‘96
General Baptist Pastor
Madisonville, Kentucky
Mr. W. Harold Calloway
State Farm Insurance
Evansville, Indiana
Mr. Bill Blackburn
Retired – Vice President & CFO
Three Rivers Electric
Henderson, Kentucky
Mr. Wally Duncan ‘78
Duncan & Pierce Attorneys at Law
Poplar Bluff, Missouri
Dr. Ron Black ‘69, ‘99
Past Executive Director
G.A. of General Baptists
Poplar Bluff, Missouri
Mrs. Edna Brumfield ‘68
Retired Teacher/Business Owner
Fort Myers, Florida
Mrs. Kelly Hopper ‘87
Former President of Propane One, Inc.
Oakland City, Indiana
Dr. H. Dean Jaggers ‘97
General Baptist Pastor
Dade City, Florida
Mrs. Eddie Marie Julian ‘63
Business Owner
Modesto, California
Mr. Gerald McCormick
Retired – Ford Motor Company
Hendersonville, Tennessee
Dr. Holly Pendleton ‘08
Former Director of Holly’s House
Evansville, Indiana
Rev. William G. McMillen ‘88
General Baptist Minister
Gurnee, Illinois
Rev. James Sanders
Owner/Funeral Director
Fisk, Missouri
Mrs. Brenda Nash
Retired Government Employee
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Mr. Frank J. Schulteis
Weissman Insurance, Inc,
Newburgh, Indiana
Mr. Alan Nass
Nass & Son Funeral Home
Huntingburg, Indiana
Honorary Trustees
Dr. W.F. (Buck) Provance ‘98
Falcon Communication, Inc.
Malden, Missouri
Dr. Elvis O. Wilson ’64, ’99 Retired
General Baptist Pastor
Valrico, Florida
Mrs. Darlene Underwood ‘99
Mt. Carmel, Illinois
OCUAdvancement.com 15
Our Mission
Oakland City University is a Christian faith-based learning community dedicated to the
enhancement of intellectual, spiritual, physical & social development for positive leadership.
Our Vision
To become a leading faith-based university that provides a Christian learning environment
preparing students for service.
Enter to Learn
 Go Forth to Serve
138 North Lucretia Street, Oakland City, Indiana 47660
(812) 749-1228