Work while It Is Day, the N i g h t C o m e t h !


Work while It Is Day, the N i g h t C o m e t h !
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An Apostolic Publication
VOL. 12, ISSUE 16 • JANUARY - M ARCH 2014
New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ Near and Far!
Bishop Hopeton W. Mair, Sr., Pastor • Bishop Van Bynum, Sr., Assistant Pastor
Work while It Is Day, the Night Cometh!
John 9:4
Missionary Prayer
March 8, 2014
March 9, 2014
Evangelist Beverly Campbell
Groves of people turned out to support our Annual Missionary Breakfast which was
held on Saturday, March 8, 2014. Putting together a roomful of powerful Holy Ghost
women of God led to a very sumptuous and gratifying breakfast, the WORD. The Word
was feasted on and everyone’s appetite was satisfied. A Special Presentation was given to
Evangelist Doris Scott, President, Missionary Department by Pastor Estavia Mitchell,
Tabernacle of Praise, Landover Hills, Maryland. On Sunday we continued the anniversary
celebration with a dynamic speaker, Evangelist Beverly Campbell from Grace Tabernacle
Apostolic Church, Patterson, New Jersey.
Lady Thelma Morris
Lady Donna Brock
Below is a synopsis of the ladies’ concept on missionary work at the prayer breakfast summarized by Sister Christina Powell, Maryland Shiloh Apostolic Church,
Temple Hills, Md.
Lady Prudence Powell
1. Lady Donna Brock, Greater Christ Temple Apostolic, Temple Hills, MD – The
church has many ministries but the most basic is taking care of the less fortunate. Taking
care of the less fortunate is an example Jesus left behind as he helped and healed those in
need. The church should be able to take care of the children who may enter into our doors
unclean and hungry. Children with bad attitudes because they come from less than perfect
situations and have not learned or experienced how to cope better. The church has to be
able to work sincerely and without judgment by consistently giving to those in need
because they are the ones who have the most to benefit.
Lady Patricia Plummer
2. Lady Prudence Powell, Shiloh Apostolic Church, Temple Hills, MD – For any
child of God to work, we must be within God’s will to complete his work. We can never
lose sight, that it is not our ministry but God’s. If God works through us and places a special calling upon us, it is for his glorification and for his purpose, not our own.
3. Co-Pastor Ella Patterson, Lighthouse Full Gospel Church, Washington, D.C.,
with excitement and jubilence, led us in worship and praise, while she encouraged us to
Co-Pastor Ella Patterson
Lady Annie Mair
NEW MT. OLIVET APOSTOLIC CHURCH • 5908 Addison Road, Seat Pleasant, MD 20743
301.499.5524 • (fax) 301.499.0063 • Email: [email protected] • Web:
E D I TO R ’ S V O I C E
In our last quarterly newsletter, we
focused on perilous
times and what it
going into the New
Year, we need to exercise HOPE which will
take us through these times. Hope can be
defined as a ‘trustful expectation in God’s word
which leads to eternal life. Every single family
has gone or is going through a situation that
might seem hopeless. Whether it might be
financial woes, sickness and diseases, job situations, deaths, emotional problems, or addictions; the sense of hopelessness is very real.
Many people have succumb to the misery of
hopelessness and find themselves banish from
eternal rest. They have taken their own lives
because they are unable to cope with the
wretchedness of this world. Some situations
might seem trivial to us, but all over the world
there are just senseless deaths and anguish. I
just read an article about China having the
highest suicide rate among their children population. There are so much pressures and
demands that are place on these kids to succeed
academically, that if they are unable to make it,
they commit suicide. There are so many people who are hitting the bottle or doing drugs
just to get away from their everyday troubles;
many have overdosed on these drugs. These
staggering statistics prove that there is no hope
in this world. People around the world are
wrestling with a high degree of hopelessness
which leads to homicides and suicides everywhere.
We, the Church have a hope that we cherished not in vain and that is hope in Christ
I Cor. 12-19, states that if we only have
hope in this world, then we would be men most
miserable. Therefore, our hope has to lie somewhere else from this world, and that is in
Christ. We should not even entertain the idea
of committing suicide or look to the world for
any reprieve from our struggles. It doesn’t
mean that we are oblivious to our troubles or
that we have a reprieve. It simply means that
we have an outlet where we can go; we can go
to God in prayer.
The world is full of so much craziness and
lewdness that we must stay in prayer and fasting
and seeking God’s face daily. The very times
that we discussed earlier are upon us and unless
we stand with Christ, we will fall. 2 Cor 4:1618, explain that we should not lose heart,
though outwardly we are wasting away but
**Pease send Bible Study questions to
[email protected] or
contact any staff member and
we will submit them
to be answered.
Bible Study
Questions . . .
By Elder Gregory Parker
There are many scriptures that deal
with HOPE and faith in God.
However, in these times of great peril,
how can we encourage people to exercise
their faith in God when everything
around them is failing?
Much can be written (even many have
written books concerning the end) however God’s word should be everyone’s comfort. Jesus said that these are just the beginning of sorrows. Things are going to get
much worst therefore take comfort in
knowing Jesus said prepare for the trouble
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the
same shall be saved.” Mat. 24:13.
With everything that is going on
around us, when will the Christian’s
hope be fulfilled?
The believers hope will be fulfilled at
their death, if they continue in the faith
that was once delivered to the saints or
until Jesus comes and finds them living in
the faith that he is looking for (Luke 18:8).
We must all fight the good fight of faith in
order that we might inherit eternal life. It
is not a fight if there is no struggle or
adversity. This is why we have been given
such great power through the Holy Ghost
to withstand the wiles of the devil (end
time). No matter how bad it may get, take
comfort in knowing that the believer is victorious because they keep their minds on
Jesus and live in righteousness unto holiness. Rom. 6:19. That is when the believer’s hope shall be fulfilled not at the beginning or middle of the race but at the end of
the race.
everyday we are being renewed. So, the Lord
already knows that we are going to have trouble in this world; however, in verse 17, he said
that our momentary troubles will achieve for us
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
We should not be hopeless like the world
but remember the covenant that God made
with us. Of course many a times when we are
going through our struggles, we feel like giving
up because the burden gets too hard to bear.
But, Paul admonished us, “It is written: “I
believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have
that same spirit of faith, we also believe and there fore speak, So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
but on what is unseen, since what is seen is tem porary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2
Corinthians 4:13, 18 NIV). Thus, the bottom
line is, we must fix our eyes on Christ Jesus and
Him alone and not the temporary illusions of
riches, fame, career, family, job or just going to
Church. The Hope we look for is embedded in
Jesus Christ. So, for anyone who is hopeless
and think you are at your end, you must receive
Jesus and throw all your burdens on him.
Finally, in Mathews 11, we are encouraged:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and bur dened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle
and humble in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is
Prayer of
Sister Donna Archer
Our father, our creator and our soon
coming king. We thank you Lord, for who
you are because of you we have hope. Our
hope is built on nothing else but Jesus blood
and righteousness. We will continue to look
to you for help because hope in you can
remove any situation that might face us.
Lord we ask that you continue to cover us
under your blood where the enemy cannot do
us any harm. Thank you for your listening
ears, for what you have already done and for
what you are about to do. God we give you
praise, honor, and glory for you alone are
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014
this issue
Message from the Editor . . . . . .2
Bible Study Questions . . . . . . . .2
Prayer Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
From the Bishop’s Desk . . . . . . .3
Missionary Anniversary . . . . . . .4
Joy Fellowship Anniversary . . . .5
Ordination Service . . . . . . . . . . .5
Celebrating Pastor Reid . . . . . . .6
Personals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Mark Your Calendar . . . . . . . . . .7
Ask the Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Young People’s Fellowship . . . .9
Voice Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Health Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Recipe Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Opportunity Knocks . . . . . .11-12
Events and Announcements
Order of Services . . . . . . . . . . .12
The New Mt. Olivet VOICE
is published quarterly.
Articles and ads are welcome.
Submission deadline is:
15th day of February, May,
August, and November.
Sister Marlene McNeil
Sister Janet Wilson
Assistant Editor
Sister Donna Archer
Project Coordinator
Sister Isolyn Duncan
Youth Correspondent
Sister Shirell Bynum
Advertising and
International Correspondent
Sister Catherine Wilson
International Correspondent
[email protected]
Sister Rosetta Smith
Gaphic Designer
Sister Florita Bynum
Editoral Assistant
Bishop Hopeton W. Mair, Sr.
The subject of Hope and Hopelessness are
very close to me since both words contain half
of my first name —Hopeton.
My name is unusual and sometimes people
would ask me what my name means. Since I do
not know if there is an original meaning to my
name, I came up with my own meaning which
is a TON of HOPE.
I do not have a dictionary meaning for the
word hope right now, but I believe that Hope
is having a “ton” or more of confidence in
Almighty God to supply all of your needs and
have the patience to sit back, relax and wait for
future things to come to you. Permit me to paraphrase one scripture, wait on the Lord and be
very courageous for He will give you your heart
desired needs. If I may continue my paraphrasing, God told His people in the book of
Chronicles, after they were attacked by many of
their enemies that they should relax for the battle was His and all they needed to do was to
hope, sing, praise and worship Him and He
would take care of their future needs.
Hope sometimes makes you feel like a plant
that is desperately in need of rain and sunlight,
but the cloud is blocking the sun. However,
hope is linked to faith and the positiveness of
faith and hope helps one to understand that the
cloud is not there to make matters worse, it is
simply gathering water molecules together to
send down needed rain/water that will cause
you to grown and when the clouds is gone the
sunlight will come through and build up your
spiritual chlorophyll so that you can look green,
pretty and healthy. Oh the power of hope.
Hope promotes positiveness and patience.
Hope makes you stay focus on the Hill (JESUS)
from whom all that you need will come. The
road the Hope Bus travels on is not always
smooth, but it sometimes full of Jamaica type
ruts, hills, valley, turns and a lot of stones. The
assurance comes in knowing that Jesus is in the
Driver’s seat and not only is He the experience
driver but He will see to it that the bus does not
break down, but through faith in Him it is
guaranteed to reach the supply of your need
Hope comes from God; hopelessness comes
from the devil that brings fear and doubt. Fear
brings torment, and torment will make you
become angry and start the blame game.
Despair will set in and cause you to see the
wrong in everybody except yourself.
A life of hopelessness is a life with no future.
There is no benefit in blaming others for your
life of hopelessness. The blame game will only
put you to shame. The fault finding game, the
everybody wrong but you game, the nobody
cares game, the nobody listen game and the
nobody loves me game are signs that the enemy
is packing you up into his suitcase for a long
journey in the land of hopelessness.
There are two buses that come our way
daily: The HOPE BUS and the HOPELESSNESS BUS. Choose which one you want to
jump on. What do you do when you feel like
just giving up and just yield to sin? Hope in
God and yet praise Him. What do you do when
you feel tired of waiting for Mr. Right or Ms.
Right? Look to Jesus and hope in Him.
Remember not everyone who pity’s you, really
loves you. Don’t take this pity bus; it will drop
you off at depression park; doubt and fear will
lead to soul destruction.
Faith and hope are unconditional confidence in the Almighty God. Hopelessness is
going the wrong direction (way) on one way
Hope Avenue. Just turn around. Hopelessness
is a self- inflicted wound.
A life without hope is like a plant in good
soil, but is getting little or no water and light.
Hopelessness produces wrong thoughts and it
is dangerous to your physical and spiritual life.
When you are traveling on the Hope Bus of
which Jesus is the driver, you don’t worry which
route the bus takes, all you care about is getting
to the destination of God’s will for your life. He
will give you peace in the midst of the storm.
At the terminus joy and peace are waiting
for you. 1 must confess that the road the Hope
Bus travels on is not always smooth, but sometimes it can get rough and bumpy. However, it
will take you to your blessings.
Finally, hopelessness is a choice, but it does
not have to be fatal. A famous preacher once
said “tough times, don’t last, tough people do”.
Don’t look to man for your comfort, the Holy
Ghost is your best comforter.
Don’t give up on God, don’t give up on
The Psalmist stated in Psalm 43:5 “Why art
thou cast down, O my soul? and why are thou
disquieted within me? Hope in God; for 1 shall
yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” God has said in Hebrew
13:5 “ ... 1 will never leave thee, nor forsake
thee”. God always mean what He says, so drop
the lessness and keep “Hope alive”.
God bless you all.
January - March 2014 • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Missionary Prayer Breakfast and Anniversary
continued from p. 1
“work while it is day for the night cometh
when no man can work” and shared her
testimoney about the goodness of the
4. Lady Thelma Morris, Beulah
Apostolic Fellowship Center, Hyattsville,
MD – Our work should not be separate
from God’s ministry. There is only one
ministry and that is God’s ministry. Often
times, if we look into ourselves we can only
see limitations around and what we cannot
do. We limit what work we can or cannot
do based on our feelings or perspectives.
Nevertheless, God knows our individual
strengths and weakness, our limitations and
points of excel. His thoughts are higher
than our own. When it comes to working
within the body of Christ, despite our
thoughts about each other, or ourselves, we
all can live. Our life living is our greatest
testimony. Our testimony is what saves and
is within all of our possession once saved.
The right attitude is foremost to doing the
work of God. We must be humble, obedient, and empowered that we can do all
things through Christ that strengthens us.
Once God has truly quickened our lives, we
changed, just as a butterfly can never go
back to a caterpillar. When God has work
for us to do, we must do it and not be
cursed as the fig tree that was cursed
because it could not bear fruit; but when it
was in its season to bear, did not yield its
5. Lady Patricia Plummer, True
Apostolic Church, Bladensburg, MD – To
be a child of God working in the vineyard
is stressful. We must not deceive ourselves
that once called we can just relax on to
heaven. The moment we embrace God, the
devil and his conspirators are against us. We
have to be able to handle the pressure and
endure. In the temporal world, we have
breaks during our 8-hour workday (lunch,
bathroom, etc.). Working for the King, we
should also be mindful of our breaks
because this work is actually 24/7.
Children of God must remember three
1) Word break - because the word is a
light unto our feet and a lamp unto our
path, his work is God with us.
2) Prayer break - because prayer is our
constant communication with God to
speak with him.
3) Praise break - because nothing
should get in the way of true praise and
worship to our God.
The pressure that we are under should
pressure us to be kinder, more loving, and
more empowered to do what is right in the
sight of God.
6. Lady Annie Mair, First Lady, New
Mt. Olivet Apostolic Church - Before we
can start any work or do any work, we must
have our heart right. Work starts internally
first before anything ever comes to fruition.
We need to be like David and ask God to
consistently create in us a clean heart and
right spirit. In order to save anyone, we
ourselves must be saved and in order. Every
day we are writing the book of our lives.
Before salvation, we wrote with a pencil
without an eraser. Since salvation, we have
been given an eraser to make corrections
daily and even instantly through repentance. Thank you Jesus.
VOICE your opinion!!! - are we too engrossed with social media?
With the upsurge of social media, our
best friends have become our little smart
electronics. These friends are capable of
doing almost anything you can desire.
You can spend the entire day and every
waking moment glued to your little
smart friends. We have become a generation enslaved to our little digital friends.
There is nothing wrong with social
media because it has made life a lot easier with the way we communicate.
However, I do think that it has taken
over our lives and could very well impact
our Christian living if we allow it.
A typical example, was when we went
to Jamaica recently, we spent time in the
rural area where there was no Wi-fi. My
children had a fit because according to
them, there was nothing to do without
Wi-fi. It seemed so outlandish to me
because I remember as a youngster; I
would travel with a book to read.
Nowadays, everybody is just on their
phones playing games, texting, shop-
ping, taking pictures, posting pictures,
watching videos or listening music etc.
So, are we too engrossed with social
media? We want to hear what you
think..please send a response to [email protected]. Your short
responses could be published in the second quarter issue of the newsletter. It can
be published anonymously or otherwise.
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014
February 23, 2014
Return in Time ... Hosea 6
Here we go again, exploring another
measure of time. Our 8th Joy Anniversary
was celebrated on Feb 23, when we
‘Return in Time’. The service was really
charged and Elder Oneil Pusey from
Refuge Temple, Jamaica brought the
word profoundly. He was very insightful
when he spoke about the love that God
has for us, that even though we might drift
away from Him, He is still waiting with
arms outstretched. He compared the relationship with God like the ones we have
with our personal physical relationship
reminding us that during the honeymoon
stage of the relationship, which is when we
just accepted Christ, we were on fire for
God. We were so in love with Christ, however, as time go by, we have lost our zeal.
This message was a cue for us to return to
the Lord. Like the choir sang, ‘take me
back dear Lord, where I first believed’.
Bishop and First Lady Brock of Greater
Christ Temple Apostolic, Temple Hills,
Md., were among the a.m. visitors.
The evening service was just as intense
as the morning service. Minister Pusey
continued in his mission admonishing us
to return in time. He talked about Esau
and Jacob and how Jacob would never let
go of the angel until he got a blessing. He
proclaimed that we should be warriors
because warriors never stop fighting until
they get their break through. We give
thanks to our guests from Beulah
Apostolic who came to celebrate with us.
January 7, 2014
The year started with the appointment of two
men of valor to the office of deacon. On January 7,
2014, we ordained Brother Seymour Clarke and
Brother Sheldon Adams as the newest Deacons.
Bishop expressed his confidence in both brothers to
carry out the work of a Deacon. He encouraged the
wives to support their husbands in every facet of
their work. He highlighted some of the duties that
the deacons are responsible for including the handling of funds collected during offering. Bishop said
he has no reservations with these two brothers taking on that task. The evening was truly a blessing
and Sister Millicent dedicated a song to them, ‘carry
your candles....go light the world. We congratulate
these two families and to God be the glory!
January - March 2014 • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Kingston, Jamaica
Submitted by Sister Sanya Jack
Sunday March 16, 2014 marked the
inaugural Pastor Appreciation Service for
Pastor Cynthia Wright-Reid. The Mount
Olivet family of churches congregated to
honor the woman of God.
The church was beautifully decorated
creating an ambiance of a palace. Pastor
Reid was showered with rendition of
songs, poems and gifts. The saints were
united in their efforts as presentations were
made from all departments and auxiliaries
of the church. Our branch churches were
nothing short of excellent in making presentations to Pastor Reid. A delegation
from our headquarter church in Seat
Pleasant, Maryland was also present. Our
presiding Bishop Hopeton Mair Sr., sent
his greetings, well wishes and the biography of Pastor Reid of her life and work in
the ministry.
The atmosphere was jubilant throughout THE evening. Saints danced and worshipped in the spirit praising God; a real
Pentecostal affair I must say. To top things
off for the evening, assistant Pastor Sheril
Edwards and Evangelist Curline Braham
presented her with a basket of orchids on
the behalf of the Mount Olivet Family
(Kingston). In addition, it was announced
by Elder Khani Stephenson that we will be
sending her for a three night stay at the
Sunset Jamaica Grande Spa and Hotel
Resort in Ocho Rios, St. Ann.
Oh my word, you should have seen our
Pastor’s face, surprisingly shocked. Pastor
Reid though overwhelmed with the presentations was also humbled by it and in
her vote of thanks declared that “It is not
me but the Jesus in me that afford me to lead
as pastor.” She gave thanks to the Lord for
the evening one well spent with the saints
of God and thanking all for being there in
this celebration. A slideshow was done by
the youth department showing her journey
from the USA to Jamaica.
Truly, it was a joyous occasion, not just
for Pastor Reid but also for the saints who
got an opportunity to show their love and
appreciation for her work and service. We
look forward to an even splendid appreciation service in 2015 God’s willing.
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014
June 18, 1926 - March 4, 2014
M o t h e r
Florence Green
was a FAITHFUL member of
the New Mt.
Olivet Apostolic
almost 30 years.
She was indeed a beloved mother in Zion
and an inspiration to our entire church
family. Mother Green loved the Lord with
all of her heart and demonstrated that love
to family and others. She willingly, wholeheartily and consistently performed any
task asked of her, by her pastor or church
leadership. She instilled in us a wonderful
example of true worship, true praise and
holy living. She was gentle, yet she could
be stern, if the occasion called for stern-
ness. Mother Green was a prayer warrior
and to hear her pray was such a blessing.
All you had to do when she prayed was to
latch onto her prayer and just join in with
“thank you Jesus”, “yes Lord”, “glory” or
“Hallelujah”. Oh what an anointed prayer
She served in many capacities at New
Mt. Olivet, including the Mothers’ Board;
Missionary Board; Women’s Department;
Women’s Choir; Sanctuary Choir; Kitchen
Group No. 1; Prayer Band; New
Members’ Department.
Mother Green loved people and loved
her church family; she would counsel with
the young as well as the older members of
our church family. She will surely be
missed by the entire Church.
The Mount Olivet family gathered to bid farewell to our
own Brother Garfield Mckenzie who had to report for
military duties for the Navy. The brethren gave farewell
toasts, wishing him God’s blessing and prayer for his safety. Many gave him encouragement and expressed that he
will be missed. Brother Garfield is now stationed on a ship
in Hawaii. We will continue to pray for his safety always.
February 23
March 8 - 9
May 18
May 23 - 25
June 22
June 30 - July 6
July 12
July 19
August 6 - 10
September 13 - 14
September 20
September 21
to Sister Sanya Jack and Brother Keron Grant
We are happy to announce and congratulate Brother
Keron Grant and Sister Sanya Jack on their engagement. They both attend the Mt. Olivet Apostolic
Church in Kingston, Jamaica. We wish them God’s
richest blessing on their impending marriage and to
God be all the glory!
Thomas Lavender, Jr.
November 1
November 15
November 17
November 22
February 11, 1953 - March 3, 2014
Bro. Lavender came to
Washington, DC at the
early age of 11 with his
family. He was a member
of the First United
Church of Jesus Christ, under the leadership of Bishop Charlie Burroughs and later
New Mt. Olivet Apostolic Church, under
the leadership of Bishop Hopeton Mair. At
New Mt. Olivet. Bro.Lavender helped with
the Security Ministry, Building and
Grounds and was a member of our
Brother’s Department.
Since 1989, he worked as an
Environmental Service attendant for the
United Medical Center (formerly Greater
Southeast Community Hospital). He also
worked for the Melwood Horticultural
Training Center in Upper Marlboro, Md.
He was also owner of TL Landscaping.
December 14
December 21
December 31
January - March 2014 • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Assistant Pastor Bishop Van Bynum, Sr., responds to questions from Sis. Isolyn Duncan
someone overcome a life of
such as: abuse
( m e n t a l / p h y s ical), illness and
etc.? Are there
steps to follow in pursuit of recovery?
It is a tremendous blessing to come
into the knowledge of the existence of our
Creator and Maker, Almighty God (the
Lord Jesus). As we read the Bible and hear
His words through preaching and the testimonies of believers, our faith is increased
and strengthened, as we not only hear but
become doers.
Job 14:1, says, “Man that is born of a
woman is of few days and full of trouble…” May I pause here, and say to you,
“trouble has no respect of person; black or
white, male or female, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, Christian or nonChristian.”
Troubles come to all
men/women. Trouble has no season or
special day and trouble never comes at a
convenient time.
How does one overcome life’s tragic
events? There is only one-way and that
way is JESUS CHRIST. Yes, intellectuals
may suggest doctors, therapists, counselors, and etc; their assistance can only go
so far. But the Almighty God doeth all
things well. The Gospel according to St.
Mark 7:36-37 says, “And he charged them
that they should tell no man: but the more
he charged them, so much the more a
great deal they published it; And were
beyond measure astonished, saying, He
hath done all things well: he maketh both
the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak”
(Read St. Mark 7:31-37).
Jesus says in Matthew 9:26, “…with
God all things are possible” But in
Matthew 6:33, He admonishes the believer to “seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you” (whatsoever
things you have need of).
Are there necessary steps to follow in
pursuit of recovery? From a believers
point of view, I must tell you that
Almighty God can do all things; Matthew
4:24 “And his fame went throughout all
Syria: and they brought unto him all sick
people that were taken with divers diseases
and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were
lunatics, and those that had the palsy; and
he healed them”. But you must first
believe that He is and that He is a rewarder
of them that diligently seek Him. And as
you seek Him, pour out your heart to Him
and expect the healing and never stop
praising Him.
Finally, the Gospel According to
Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you”.
Be encouraged as you grow in knowledge of God’s word and your faith in Jesus
Christ, believe that you are victorious.
How can someone that may have
experience hurt and pain from within
the church strive to overcome the feelings of wanting to separate from the
church? Or remaining in the church but
developing walls in hopes of preventing
further hurt?
May I began by saying the building that
is standing on a portion of property: A
1/4 - 1/2 or hundreds of acres, that man
call church, is not the Church; It’s the
building. The Church is the body of
Christ which He (JESUS CHRIST) gave
His life for. We who believe in Him and
walk according to His words are (the
Church) the body of Christ. Though
sometimes we stumble and fail to do what
God is calling us to do. 1st John 1:9 says,
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”
The hurt and pain that is experienced as
a believer in the body of Christ (the
Church) should be for God’s name sake,
but sometimes people and Christians are
included and can say and do some wicked
things. II Chronicles 7:14 states, “If my
people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my
face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.
Hurt and pain can come from within and
without. Jesus said to Peter in St. Luke
22:31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath
desired to have you that he may sift you as
wheat, but I have prayed for thee, that thy
faith fail not”. When trials (hurts) and
tests (pain) come, the natural thing to do
is cry and runaway, but 1st Peter 4:13-14
commands ,“But rejoice, inasmuch as ye
are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that,
when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be
glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be
reproached for the name of Christ, happy
are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God
resteth upon you: on their part he is evil
spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
Separation is not the answer; the
answer comes in knowing who you are and
whose you are. Paul put it this way in
Ephesians 6:13, after you have done all, to
stand, STAND…”. Trials don’t come to
make you weak; they come to make you
strong. Remember, He who chooses to
live Godly shall suffer persecution.
Developing a wall can be a weight to
your spiritual growth because as time goes
by, ill feelings will develop. Know this,
that all that claim the name of JESUS
CHRIST are not His. Some are wolves
dress in sheep clothing. Jesus said, “let the
wheat and the tares grow together”(
Matthew 13:30) and He would do the
Be encourage, HOLD ON!
VOICE of the Church
Testimony of Hope
by Sydonnie Cain
I can recall one evening having a large
sum of money in my purse to pay a bill. I
went in my vehicle and drove some distance
when I realized I could not find my purse. I
thought to myself that surely someone
found the purse with all the money I had in
it. I asked the Lord to please let me find the
purse. I drove back to the parking lot and
found the purse exactly where I had parked.
I gave thanks to the Lord for covering my
purse with the money.
I can also remember not having enough
money to cover some important bills and
wondering how the bills would be paid. It
seemed all hope was lost because I did not
have enough money. I thought to myself if
I could just open the mailbox and find a
check written to me, I would be happy. I
went to the mail box and praise the Lord
Jesus there was a check in the mailbox for
me and I was able to pay the bills. Just when
things seemed hopeless my God delivered
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014
YO U N G P E O P L E ’ S F E L L O W S H I P
On Friday, March 28, 2014, we fellowshipped with Maryland Shiloh youth department and we had a marvelous time. It was competition all the way PEACE vs. LOVE. Of
course, PEACE took the trophy in every category, even the offering. As a part of the LOVE
team, I was a little disappointed but I am geared
up and ready for the next fellowship. The fellowship was lively, interactive and fun. We had
the really young children, youths, young adults,
and the elders; and everyone participated to the
Our hostess sister Kareem Johnson, was great
and kept us on our toes during the competition
and the entire program. Of course, our host
Church fed us and sent us on our way. We
thank Maryland Shiloh youth department for
the great fellowship and we look forward to
more comradeship with them.
Interview conducted by Sis. Isolyn Duncan
Simone Drake
To be honest, high school is going
great for me. Daily I run into challenges
but I know that I can overcome them. I
am a Junior and right now I am mainly
focusing on grades, graduation and college. I would love to attend college one
day; it is one of my main goals. Some of
my college choices are University of
Maryland College Park, Towson
University, Gallaudet University, George
Washington University, Georgetown
University and Howard University.
On February 26, 2014 I took the SAT
of which I did many things to prepare for
this test. I was given a Princeton Review
book and I took several full-length practice
tests. I made sure that I constantly timed
myself because I knew that there were a lot
of questions but little time was given to
complete the test. I also reviewed vocabulary words and mathematical formulas. I
don’t know as yet how I am going to pay
for college tuition expenses but I have submitted essays, surveys and poems to
receive scholarships.
In the future, I plan on studying to be
a Dentist. This has been a lifelong dream
of mine. I love going to the dentist; it is
one of my favorite places to go. I never get
scared or nervous going to the dental
office; it’s probably because it’s my dream
job. I do not have a mentor that helps me
with my homework but my counselor is
always there to assist me with college
opportunities. My goal after my first four
years of college is to go to dental school.
Hopefully in the mix of dental school, I
will get married and start a family. To all
the young children that want to go to college, I suggest that you study hard and
never cease to study, get A’s on your report
cards and never give up on your dream
because you can aspire to become anything you want to be in life as long as you
put your mind to it.
January - March 2014 • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Gray Hair
and Vitiligo
A modified pseudocatalase, a new compound that reverses oxidative stress may
provide a cure for loss of skin or hair color,
i.e. gray hair or vitiligo, researchers from
the United Kingdom and Germany
in The FASEB Journal.
The need to use hair dyes to cover up a
classic sign of aging - gray hair - may soon
be a thing of the past.
Scientists from the Institute for
Pigmentary Disorders in association with
E.M. Arndt University of Greifswald,
Germany and the Centre for Skin Sciences,
School of Life Sciences at the University of
Bradford, United Kingdom, explained that
people’s hair goes gray because of massive
oxidative stress caused by a build up of
hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles. This
causes hair to bleach itself from the inside
The researchers found that this massive
build up of hydrogen peroxide can be
reversed with a UVB-activated compound
called PC-KUS, a modified pseudocatalase. The research team developed this new
proprietary treatment. The authors added
that PC-KUS treatment is also effective
for patients with vitiligo. PC-KUS
restores skin color in patients with vitiligo.
Vitiligo is a long-term skin problem that
produces white depigmentation.
16 (ounce) can refried beans
3/4 onion, diced
5 (10 inch) flour tortillas
1 cup salsa
2 cups shredded Cheddar or Colby Jack
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees
C). Spray a 9-inch pie pan with non-stick cooking spray.
In a saucepan, cook refried beans and
onions (to soften them) on medium-high heat
Broadcast can now be HEARD WORLDWIDE
SUNDAYS at 10:30 a.m. and
WEDNESDAYS at 11:30 a.m.
Do you want to hold on to great family memories with
old or new photos? Well, move into the digital age by
securing your photos on DVDs where they will be safe
from damage or loss. Make it into a fun story or movie
with musick and great animation, whatever your
heart desire: be creative! Please contact Marla
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for about 5 minutes.
Place one tortilla in the bottom of the
greased pan. Spread about 1/3 cup of the bean
mixture over it. Layer a few tablespoons of salsa
over this. Then, place another tortilla over the
salsa, and add more of the bean mixture.
Follow the beans with a big handful of cheese,
spreading evenly. repeat layers, spreading the
ingredients evenly over the tortillas. On the top
layer, make sure to use lots of salsa and cheese!
Bake until the cheese is melted, approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
Fairfield, Pennsylvania
Come and be a part of this
wonderful fellowship!
Contact Sis. Bynum
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Our GRAND Rally
in celebration of Annual Harvest.
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014
For fine
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Sun.: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Irie Grille is the new upscale
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For Delivery Call . . . .
Get your grass manicured and
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We will be accepting new residential and
commercial clients for the following services:
Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Spring & Fall
Cleanups, Tree Prunning, Limb Removal,
Storm Cleanup, and Mulching.
Please Contact:
Sis. Florita Bynum
(hours after morning worship)
January - March 2014 • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • New Mt. Olivet VOICE
Sunday Morning Prayer - 9:30
Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship - 11:30 a.m.
Evening Worship - 4:00 p.m.
Fast Day
Prayer - 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study - 8:00 p.m.
3rd Sunday
4 p.m. Service
1st Sun. - Brothers
2nd Sun. - Missionary
4th Sun. - Youth
5th Sun.- Joy Fellowship
The Gift Shop
Sundays 3:00 pm —5:00 pm
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“Operating From an
Area of Strength”
Tune your radio to
WYCB Spirit 1340 AM
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m.
where the word of God will be
dissected, marinated and
established with the truth.
Broadcast can also be heard
Tell a friend!!
To God Be The Glory!
New Mt. Olivet VOICE • Hopelessness breeds and creates the feeling of depression; but there is hope today! • January - March 2014