Welcome to Ryerson! - Ryerson Students` Union
Welcome to Ryerson! - Ryerson Students` Union
WELCOME TO RYERSON! The RSU represents all full-time undergraduate students, as well as all graduate students. We are here for you. A platform to encourage collaboration, engagement and empowerment — we are your trusted allies, a resource students can depend on for timely and accurate representation now and in the future. We empower students and build community on Ryerson’s campus by advocating for your rights, supporting student initiatives and providing discounted services to save you money! One of the most important facets of Ryerson’s community is the work done by the over 150 different campus groups we house — including student groups, course unions, graduate course unions and affiliate groups. The RSU provides funding, access to free space, mentorship, guidance and a number of other resources to support you. This September we’re bringing you the 55th annual Week of Welcome and Parade — Ryerson’s largest party yet. But it doesn’t stop there. There are many other great events throughout the year to look out for, including our staple CultureJam Week and Showcase, lots of diverse pub nights, karaoke nights, open mic nights, speaker series’ and debates. Remember that we are here to help you. If you have any questions or comments, drop by the office on third floor of the Student Centre. Our goal is to ensure that you have an amazing year and our doors are always open! Your RSU Executive 2015-2016 RSU Executive Andrea Bartlett President [email protected] Cormac McGee Vice-President Education [email protected] Rabia Idrees Vice-President Equity [email protected] Obaid Ullah Vice-President Operations [email protected] Harman Singh Vice-President Student Life & Events [email protected] 2015-2016 Board of Directors 2015-2016 RSU Executive Arts Gizelle Lao | Hannah Van Dyk | Alexander Waddling Business Rana Abdalla | Celina Hernandez Nav Marwah | Noah Parker | Andrew Ashton Communications and Design Shay Alford | Tavia Bakowski Mady Krapez-Fewster | Tyler Webb Community Service Zahra Islam | Stacey Manhue | Cassandra Myers Kayla Reid Engineering and Architecture Dave Alcivar | Amar Latchman | Mariam Nouser Urooj Siddiqui Science Matthew Tesfaldet | Ana Sofia Vargas Garza Course Union Director David Tenty Residence Director Lia Richardson Senate Director Victoria Morton Student Group Director Angelyn Francis Graduate Directors Pablo Godoy | Uthman Said Get involved! Whether you’re interested in organizing amazing campus wide events, are passionate about equity, sustainability and student life, or are looking to enhance your experience at Ryerson, the RSU is looking for you! Volunteer with us today or join one of our student groups! Email [email protected] or visit rsuonline.ca for more info rsufb ryesu ryesu rye.su The Ryerson Students’ Union 55 Gould St. SCC311, Student Centre M5B 1E9 [email protected] • www.rsuonline.ca Welcome to Ryerson! WHAT IS THE RSU? The RSU is your hub for student life at Ryerson. We organize inclusive, diverse events, support over 150 student groups and initiatives on campus and offer free academic and legal guidance. Get involved today! Open Committees: Equity Work for a more inclusive and accessible campus Contact: Rabia Idrees [email protected] Community Building Enhance school spirit and get students excited to be on campus Contact: Andrea Bartlett [email protected] Educational Policy Innovation Committee Research and propose innovative recommendations to improve student funding and access to postsecondary education Contact: Cormac McGee [email protected] Student Engagement Organize innovative and educational events on campus and in the city Contact: Cormac McGee [email protected] RSU Legacy Program The RSU is committed to enhancing student life on campus, and developing future leaders on campus. The RSU Legacy Program is an application-based program, accessible to all full-time undergraduate and graduate students at Ryerson. Apply online today by filling out the form on the RSU website, and email your resume by Friday, September 25th @ 7:00pm Contact: Andrea Bartlett [email protected] ORIENTATION WEEK SUNDAY, Aug 30 • RES MOVE-IN DAY - Pitman Quad MONDAY, Aug 31 • FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST - SCC Front • LAUNCH & INVOCATION - Quad • PEP RALLY - Gould Street • ORIENTATION BASKETBALL GAME - MAC • COSTUME KARAOKE - Ram in The Rye TUESDAY, Sept 1 • FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST - SCC Front • O-FEST CARNIVAL - Gould Street WEDNESDAY, Sept 2 MEMBERS’ & HANDBOOK DAY PLANNER 2015-2016 Starting Tuesday, Sept. 8 Pick up your FREE Members Handbook & Day Planner It’s your guide to campus life, student issues, and planning your schedule! WEEK OF E WELCOM TuesDAY, Sept. 8 Pancake Breakfast SCC Front, 9am-11am Street Festival Gould Street, 12pm-6pm WedNESDAY, Sept. 9 Campus Groups Day Gould Street, 11am-4pm Paint Party Gould Street, 5pm-7pm ThurSDAY, Sept. 10 • FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST - SCC Front • FIESTA DEL FEUGO - Quad Fit Fest Gould Street, 10am-3pm THURSDAY, SEPT 3 FRIday, Sept. 11 • FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST - SCC Front • $2 BBQ LUNCH - SCC Front • DEVO JAM SESSIONS - Lake Devo • BLACK LIGHT PARTY - Ram in The Rye FRIDAY, SEPT 4 • SHINERAMA - Gould Street Parade and Concert Parade start - 3:00pm Concert on Gould Street - 6:00pm September 21-25, 2015 DisOrientation will immerse you in social justice, activism, action and knowledge. It's about learning to unlearn our assumptions, engaging in thought-provoking discussion and art, and rediscovering our relationships to each other. All events are free. For more about DisOrientation visit www.rsuonline.ca M O N DAY, S E P T. 2 1 | 1 2 - 6 P M Mental Wellness Fair Gould Street | SLC | SCC | TRS T U E S D AY, S E P T. 2 2 | 8 : 3 0 -1 1 P M Outdoor Movie Night | Gould Street Featuring ‘Fire’ & Shisha W E D N E S D AY, S E P T . 2 3 | 6 - 8 P M Eath, Think, Vote | Thomas Lounge, SCC The Politics of Hunger Panel T H U R S D A Y, S E P T . 2 4 | 1 2 - 2 P M Building Cultures of Consent Workshop Thomas Lounge, SCC Our Words are Strength | RCC208 Cultural Performance Night FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 | 4-7PM Shits n’ Giggles | SLC A Feminist Comedy Night TOP 5 WAYS TO $AVE 1 Student TTC Metropass Buy your postsecondary metropasses at a reduced rate right at our front desk! Available at the Member Services Office, main desk in the Student Centre Lobby. 2 Member’s Health 3 Used Book Room 4 CopyRITE and Dental Plan The RSU automatically provides Health and Dental insurance to keep you covered! Already have insurance coverage? OPT-OUT for a full refund! Find more information online www.rsuonline.ca or [email protected] Are your textbooks expensive? Save hundreds of dollars each year by buying them used right in the Student Centre! And when you’re done with them, sell your books to the Used Book Room and earn some cash! Located in the newly renovated Student Centre Basement Save with the cheapest printing and copying services at Ryerson! Whether it’s a one page assignment or thesis we’ve got you covered with our CopyRITE shop. Come in for colour prints, binding, wide format prints, business cards and more! Located in the newly renovated Student Centre Basement 5 International Student Identity Card (ISIC) Get your free ISIC card to access exclusive discounts from companies around the city, country and world! Includes clothing, flights, trains, buses and more! Available at the Member Services Office, main desk in the Student Centre Lobby
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