worship - Cathedral of Hope
worship - Cathedral of Hope
WORSHIP April 20, 2014 T O D AY Volume 1 | Issue 7 | 9 & 11 a.m. Worship Services | EASTER Sunday But still, like air, I’ll rise. Still I Rise You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries. Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Does my haughtiness offend you? Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own back yard. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. Maya Angelou You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, SAVE THE DATE Jason & deMarco INSIDE Friday, April 25 from Jim A Note 9:00 PM Order of Worship Remembrance JasonHolocaust & DeMarco Sign-up for a “Reunion” Free concert H4PJ presents BENT Marriott Quorum HotelChurch Today in Children’s 14901 Dallas Parkway A Note from Jim STAFF Dear Friends, WELCOME! To worship at Cathedral of Hope, a congregation of the United Church of Christ. Your presence here is a blessing and we hope you will return often. Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with a circle of 12 friends and has since grown into the world’s largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people. • The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to be a community of hope proclaiming God’s inclusive love, removing barriers to faith and empowering all people to grow in grace toward wholeness. • The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion and Relentless Compassion. Notes for Newcomers Restrooms are located near the double glass doors behind the Sanctuary. Private restrooms are available off the hall to the right of the Hall of Heroes area. For more information about the church, please come to the Ministry & Visitor’s Center located next to Sources of Hope bookstore. Our worship services are recorded for broadcast around the country. We make every effort to respect your privacy. However, if you would like to ensure that you are not seen on screen, please sit in one of the last five rows of pews in the center section. Large-print bulletins and assisted listening systems are available in the bookstore. H O P E Quotes “I just can’t express how heartwarming it felt to be a part of a worship experience that affirmed me, just as I am.” —C.J., Denton TX Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is risen, indeed! Jesus lives in you, he lives in me, and he lives in all of our sisters and brothers. The Resurrection is both a personal and a communal occurrence. It’s personal because we, like Jesus, share the experience of Resurrection. It’s communal because we share the common experience of the Lenten season of preparation; the moving events of Holy Week; and, now, the transcendence of death to new life on Easter morning. At last count, how many second chances have you been given by our loving Lord? Think about this—it’s pain with a purpose—have you not suffered betrayal…and, through anguish and reflection and prayer, gotten through it? And, tell me, when you’ve suffered a major loss, whom could you count on to get you through the worst times? I could not have gotten through the 1980s and 1990s—a period when my friends and my family members suffered and perished, way too young, so full of promise, if I had not believed in the power of Resurrection. For me, Jesus, by transcending death, ascending to eternal existence, living now as part of my DNA—our DNA!—is like geometry: Proven. The Easter story in the Gospels grabs our hearts and tells us, “Love is stronger than death!” I know this love so deeply, at so many times, in so many places. And, friends, don’t we—the Cathedral family—need Easter this year? We are in the midst of some very hard work—work we’ve needed to do. Jesus Christ is risen, indeed! If you need proof, turn to the one beside you and smile. You’ll feel it. You will feel Easter. Hallelujah! —Rev. Jim Mitulski, Interim Senior Pastor. Prayer Requests and Pastoral Care If you know anyone who has been hospitalized, or is ill at home, and would like to be included on the church prayer list, send the request to [email protected] or online at www.cathedralofhope.com/ contact-forms/prayer-request. If you know of someone in need of pastoral contact, please notify Rev. Todd Scoggins by phone at 214.351.1901 or [email protected]. Rev. Jim Mitulski Interim Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Life [email protected] Rev. Shelley Hamilton Assoc. Pastor for Social Services [email protected] Dr. Alberto Magana Minister for Congregación Latina [email protected] Rev. Todd Scoggins Assoc. Pastor for Congregational Life [email protected] Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle Theologian in Residence [email protected] Sean Baugh Assoc. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Chris Chism Assist. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Lee Covington Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor [email protected] Dan Dubree Executive Director [email protected] Anita L. Haddy Coordinator for Ministry Development [email protected] Jerry King Director of Media Ministry [email protected] Yadi Martinez Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Missions [email protected] David Moldenhauer Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Dan Peeler Minister for Children & Families [email protected] In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE, No Flash Photography or Video Recording during the service, and PLEASE, Turn Off Your Cell Phone! Thank you. On the cover: Maya Angelou, born Marguerite Ann Johnson; April 4, 1928) is an American author and poet. She has published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning more than fifty years. She has received dozens of awards and over thirty honorary doctoral degrees. Angelou is best known for her series of seven autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. 2 EASTER SUNDAY Easter Sunday A p r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 4 | 9APRIL & 120,12014 a.m | A.M O. r d e r o f Wo r s h i p ● 9. & 11 GATHERING PRELUDE The Anthem by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber Cathedral of Hope Orchestra INTROIT Alive Words and Music by Bernie Herms and Nichole Nordeman arr. Bradley Knight Voices of Hope, Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra Who but you could breathe and leave a trail of galaxies, and dream of me? What kind of love is writing my story till the end with mercy’s pen? Only you. What kind of King would choose to wear a crown that bleeds and scars to win my heart? What kind of love tells me I’m the reason he can’t stay inside the grave? You, is it you? Standing here before my eyes; every part of my heart cries. Alive, alive! Look what mercy’s overcome; death has lost and love has won! Alive, alive! Hallelujah, risen Lord, the only One I fall before, I am his because he is alive. Who could speak and send the demons back from where they came with just one name? What other heart would let itself be broken every time till he healed mine? You, only you could turn my darkness into dawn; running right into your arms. Alive, alive! Look what mercy’s overcome; death has lost and love has won! Alive, alive! Hallelujah, risen Lord, the only One I fall before, I am his because he is … Emmanuel, the promised King, the baby who made angels sing, Son of Man who walked with us, healing, breathing in our dust, the author of all history, the answer to all mysteries, the Lamb of God who rolled away the stone in front of every grave. Alive, alive! Look what mercy’s overcome; death has lost and love has won! Alive, alive! Hallelujah, risen Lord, the only One I fall before, I am his because he is alive. **CALL TO WORSHIP by e.e. cummings Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby i thank You God for most this amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky, and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun’s birthday, this is the birth day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any— lifted from the no of all nothing— human merely being doubt unimaginable You? now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened **The people will rise in body or spirit. 5910 Cedar Springs Rd | Dallas, TX 75235 | 214-351-1901 | cathedralofhope.com | Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon-Thurs 1 WORSHIP **PROCESSIONAL HYMN **PROCESSIONAL HYMN NOTES Insight into **P the musical **PROCESSIONAL HYMN ROCESSIONAL HYMN Christ elements of our services the Is Lord Is Risen ChristChrist the Lord Risen TodayToday Christ the Lord Is Risen Today the Lord Is Risen Today EASTER The modern English term “Easter” derives from the Old English word Ēastre or Ēostre. The word Easter is held by some to have originally referred to the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess, Ēostre. Easter is held by others to have originally referred to the name of a Babylonian goddess, Ishtar. Others surmise that Eostre and Ishtar, pronounced identically, are two forms of the same word, referring to two forms of the same goddess, although the spelling differentiated through time and distance. In Greek and Latin, the Christian celebration was and is called Πάσχα, Pascha, words derived, through Aramaic, from the Hebrew term Pesach, known in English as Passover, which originally denoted the Jewish festival commemorating the story of the Exodus. Already in the 1st century, Paul, writing from Ephesus to the Christians in Corinth, applied the term to Christ. In most of the non-English speaking world, the feast is known by names derived from Greek and Latin Pascha. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christ the Lord Is Risen Today is a Christian hymn associated with Easter. Most Words by Charles Wesley Words by Music Charles Wesley from Lyra Davidica, London, 1708 of the original ten stanzas Music from Lyra Davidica, License London,#A-705445 1708 OneLicense.net were written by Charles OneLicense.net License #A-705445 Words by Charles Wesley Words by Charles Wesley Wesley (1707-1788), and **I Music from Lyra Music Lyra NVOCATION Davidica, London, 1708Davidica, London, 1708 **Ifrom NVOCATION License #A-705445 the hymn appeared under the OneLicense.net LicenseOneLicense.net #A-705445 title “Hymn for Easter Day” **INVOCATION **INVOCATION in Hymns and Sacred Songs WORDS WELCOME WORDS OF WOF ELCOME by Charles and John Wesley in 1739. It remains the traSELCOME ACRAMENT OF HBOLY BAPTISM AND MEMBER CONFIRMATION W ORDS OF ELCOME WORDS W SOF ACRAMENT OF W HOLY APTISM AND N EW N MEW EMBER CONFIRMATION ditional processional hymn on Easter Sunday. The hymn XCHANGE OFH POLY EACE S**E ACRAMENT OF BAPTISM NEW MEMBER CONFIRMATION is a variation of an earlier SACRAMENT OF HOLYOFBP APTISM AND NEW MAND EMBER CONFIRMATION **EXCHANGE EACE hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, a 14th-century Latin **E **EXCHANGE OFXCHANGE PEACE OF PEACE hymn which was translated into English and published in 2 2 Lyra Davidica in 1708. 4 2 2 EASTER HYMN EASTER HYMN EASTER HYMN Rev. Todd Rev. Todd Scog EASTER HYMN Rev. Todd Rev. Todd Scoggins Rev.Mitu Jim Rev. Jim Rev. Jim Rev. Jim Mitulski THE WORD COMMUNITY PRAYER ANTHEM Alleluia by Randall Thompson Sanctuary Choir GOSPEL LESSON, PART 1 John 20: 1-10 The Empty Tomb Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.” Then Peter and the other disciple set out and went toward the tomb. The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent down to look in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth that had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that Jesus must rise from the dead. Then the disciples returned to their homes. GOSPEL CHORUS The Anthem One: Hallelujah! You have won the victory. Hallelujah! You have won it all for me. Death could not hold you down. You are the risen Lord. Seated in majesty. You are the risen Lord! All: Words and Music by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber © Planetshaker Music OneLicense.net License #A-705445 3 5 **GOSPEL LESSON, PART 2 John 20: 11-18 Jesus Appears to Mary But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?” Supposing it was the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” – which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to God. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Abba and your Abba, to my God and your God.’ ” Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them what the Savior had said to her. **GOSPEL CHORUS The Anthem One: Our God is risen, Jesus is alive! God won the victory, Jesus reigns on high! All: Words and Music by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber © Planetshaker Music OneLicense.net License #A-705445 SERMON Rev. Jim Mitulski 4 6 **HYMN OF RESPONSE He Lives Words and Music by Alfred H. Ackley OneLicense.net License #A-705445 ACKLEY THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY End of the Beginning Words and Music by David Phelps; arr. Lari Goss Voices of Hope featuring Jason Huff Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra 5 7 CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION INVITATION TO THE FEAST DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELEMENTS MUSIC DURING COMMUNION TO OUR GUESTS Cathedral of Hope celebrates an open communion. We understand the sharing of the bread and the cup in Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all peoples. We don’t require you to be a member of this church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come forward at the ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the cup, the minister will place it on your tongue and offer a brief blessing. If you prefer to serve yourself, cup your hands in front of you as you come to receive communion. Crown Him (Majesty) Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon the throne. Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own. Awake my soul and sing of him who died for me, And hail him as your matchless King through all eternity. Majesty, Lord of all, let every throne before you fall. The King of kings, oh, come adore the God who reigns forevermore. Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, Those wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified. All hail, Redeemer, hail! For you have died for me; Your praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity. Majesty, Lord of all, let every throne before you fall. The King of kings, oh, come adore the God who reigns forevermore. Praise God who reigns forevermore. Words and Music by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash George Job Elvey, Godfrey Thring, Matt Maher, Matthew Bridges © Allertop Music, Sixsteps Songs, Worship Together Music CCLI License #123333 We Fall Down We fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus; The greatness of mercy and love at the feet of Jesus. And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy.” And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy.” And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb.” We Exalt Thee For thou, Oh Lord, art high above all the earth, thou art exalted far above all gods; For thou, Oh Lord, art high above all the earth, thou art exalted far above all gods. We exalt thee! We exalt thee! We exalt thee, Oh Lord. We exalt thee! We exalt thee! We exalt thee, Oh Lord. TO OUR GUESTS It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. We invite you to join as you are able, in body or spirit. Words and Music by Chris Tomlin © worshiptogether.com Songs CCLI License #123333 Words & Music by Pete Sanchez, Jr. © Pete Sanchez, Jr. CCLI License #123333 Shout to the Lord My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like you; All of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love. My Comfort, my Shelter, Tower of refuge and strength, Let ev’ry breath, all that I am, never cease to worship you. **Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing, power and majesty, praises we bring. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name. I sing for joy at the work of your hands, forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand; Nothing compares to the promise I have in you! Words and Music by Darlene Zschech, adapted; © Darlene Zschech/Hillsongs Australia CCLI License #123333 **PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING 6 8 **RECESSIONAL Words and Music by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber © Planetshaker Music Hymn text by Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring, adapted; Music by George J. Elvey This arrangement by David Moldenhauer © Cathedral of Hope CCLI License #123333 **BENEDICTION Words and Music by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber © Planetshaker Music Hymn text by Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring, adapted; Music by George J. Elvey This arrangement by David Moldenhauer © Cathedral of Hope CCLI License #123333 POSTLUDE **BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Time of Fellowship Please join us for refreshments after the service. Time of Fellowship WORSHIP NOTES Insight and background Please joininto us musical for refreshments after the service. and liturgical elements of our services. Hallelujah/Alleluia Hallelujah is a transliteration of the Hebrew word ּהָיּולְּלַה. The term is used 24 times in the Hebrew Bible and four times in Greek transliteration in the book of Revelation. In the Hebrew Bible “hallelujah” is actually a two-word phrase, not one word. The first part, hallelu, is the second-person imperative masculine plural form of the Hebrew verb hallel. However, “hallelujah” means more than simply “praise Yah”, as the word hallel in Hebrew means a joyous praise in song, to 7 boast in God. The second part, Yah, is a shortened form of YHWH, the name for the Creator. The correct pronunciation is not known, however, it is sometimes rendered by Christians as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”. Our a cappella (unaccompanied) Anthem this morning is Randall Thompson’s Alleluia. Composed over the first five days of July in 1940, it was given its world premiere on July 8. The work was written on a commission from Serge Koussevitzky, who wanted a “fanfare” for voices, and he asked Thompson to contribute such a piece. Instead of the joyous work expected of him, the composer produced a quieter and more introspective piece. Thompson was inspired by the war in Europe, and the recent fall of France; given these events, he felt that to write a festive piece would be inappropriate. The text of the work consists of the word “Alleluia” repeated over and over again. The only other word in the text is 7 “Amen”, which is used once at the end. 9 News April 20, 2014 HE DATE Holocaust BRIEFS Jason and DeMarco Concert Next Sunday eMarco Remembrance April Next 25 Sunday HaShoah ()האושה םוי PM Yomand translated in English as April 27, 7 p.m. CoH Sanctuary Jason & deMarco’s “Celebrating Diversity” tour began in Nashville, Saturday, March 29th and will continue performing over 20 concerts traveling through the Southeast and over to Texas, ending in Sherwood, AR on Tuesday, April 29th. Jason & deMarco will again board the RV tour bus along with Jason’s parents and the duo’s newest additions, their two-year old twin sons, Mason and Noah. Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel’s day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. DeMarco ncert Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups also targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, gay organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general, were burned, and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were murdered. The Gestapo compiled lists of homosexuals, who were compelled to sexually conform to the “German norm.” orum Hotel s Parkway as Join Us for a “Reunion” for All 3-day Spiritual Retreat Participants If you have ever attended a retreat like “Walk to Emmaus”, “The Journey”, “Chrysalis”, “Cursillo” or any other 3-Day spiritual renewal retreat, you are invited to join us as we gather together for a Reunion. We will gather on Sunday, May 4, atto 5 p.m.Dallas at 2525 Turtle Creek Blvd. #432. This will be a fun time with fellowship, , Jason & deMarco, are coming with their a good ol’ pot luck dinner, a 4th day talk and communion. We will also be sharing the plans for the continuation of our 3-day retreat ministry at Cathedral of Hope. inspiring music. Their music focuses on every day More than one million gay Germans All 3-day retreat alumni are welcome to join us for this special event, so please RSVP during church in were targeted, of and whom at the least the ionships, kind struggles that wethe all commentsof section of the registration form by printing Keyword: REUNION. Or, register online at 100,000 were arrested and 50,000 www.cathedralofhope.com/coh-reunion. serving prison terms assing “con- from a personal spirituality, eywere write and If you have any 3-day retreat alumni friends who do not attend CoH, yet may be interested in participating with this victed homosexuals”. ministry, please invite them to join us for the “Reunion”. BYOB & LC (Bring Your Own Beverages and Lawn Chairs) d proud of when who Join us next Sunday, we willthey are, without compromising commemorate this dark chapter in world history on the second Sunday of Eastertide. For additional information or questions, please contact Rev. Todd Scoggins at [email protected] Pot-luck sign ups by Last Names: A-G Bring a Main Dish H-P Bring a Side Dish and/or Salad : presented by the Evangelical Lutheran in Q-Z Bring aChurch dessert rn Texas Northern Louisiana mission area, meeting in Pack the Pantry Collection Day -27. April Board of NEXT Sunday, April 27 Stewards Meeting changed from April 21 to April 28 Board of Stewards [email protected] CoH Offices closed on Monday April 21. Did you know that through your generous grocery donations on the last Sunday of each month, we are able to consistently provide more than 300 bags of food to hungry people each month? Pack the Pantry volunteers will be distributing shopping lists following our worship services today. You are invited to be a part of the team by purchasing items from the shopping list to bring to church NEXT Sunday, April 27 on Pack the Pantry collection day. Volunteers will be under the bell wall to receive your grocery donations. 10 Getting a Tax Refund? Please consider tithing a portion of your refund to CoH! Circles Of Hope THANK YOU! Congregación Latina In a church this large, it is still important to gather with small groups of people for study, reflection, fellowship and fun, so we hope you will consider joining one of the current “CIRCLES OF HOPE”. A special thank you goes out to Congregación Latina for donating this year’s Paschal Candle, for the Easter Vigil last night, and for use during the services of Eastertide. If you would like to contact a specific Circle Leader, please visit the Cathedral of Hope website at www.cathedralofhope.com/circles-of-hope. On Sunday, May 4 you will have a chance to visit with our current and NEW Circle Leaders during the Fellowship Time following the worship services. If you are interested in hosting or leading a CIRCLE OF HOPE or if you need additional information, you may contact Rev. Todd Scoggins at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 214-3511901 x198. CoH Youth – UCC Southern Regional Youth Event W Volunteer At CoH! June 12-15, St. Petersburg, FL e are excited to announce that the UCC Southern Regional Youth Event will be hosted at Eckerd College, in St. Petersburg, Florida this year. Our theme is “Touched by God.” We invite our Sr. High Youth (grades 9 - 12) to join Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman and Yadi Martinez, Minister for Youth, Young Adults and Missions to attend this conference. Early bird registration fee is $240 by TODAY; after that deadline the registration fee is $265. The fee includes meals, lodging and a t-shirt. Being a volunteer is a rewarding pursuit, but if you’re like the rest of us, it’s often hard to find that perfect fit, that volunteering environment where our talents, knowledge, and passions lie. How do we even know where to look? Try starting here! CoH is lucky to have its very own specialist who is dedicated to finding the best possible ministry that utilizes your skill set or simply gets you involved. You can start volunteering today! Contact Anita Haddy, our one-of-akind Coordinator for Ministry Development, at [email protected] As a team, I believe you and CoH Youth Ministry can make this a reality for your son/daughter. Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman and Yadi Martinez are workor 214-351-1901 ext.135. ing to cover travel expenses, which we estimate to be $500 per person. Please Sign Interpreters Wanted contact Tom Martin in accounting to make a credit card payment by calling the New members are being sought for our sign interpreter team for the Sunday, 11 office at 214-351-1901 or by writing a check to Cathedral of Hope. If you do a.m. worship service. ASL is preferred, but not required. Use your ability for write a check for your student, please write in the memo section your son’s/ sign interpretation to make our worship service accessible and meaningful for daughter’s name and Florida trip. the deaf and hearing impaired members of our congregation. To join the team, Please let us know by TODAY if it is possible for your son/daughter to travel print the Keyword: SIGN in the comments section of the registration pad. Be with us and if you will be able to make this financial commitment. We would sure to include your current contact information on the registration pad so we like to make traveling arrangements for those youth who are confirmed to be can follow up with you, or email [email protected]. traveling with us. For further information or to confirm your student’s participation, please contact Yadi Martinez by email at [email protected] or Gray Pride Café Rescheduled by phone at the office by calling 214-351-1901 ext 220. Our third Friday (April 18) Gray Pride Café is rescheduled for Friday, April 25, 2014, 5–8 p.m. The event will be “Poets Reading Poetry”. There will be iCare Ministry Wants Young Adults (18+) local poets reading their material, and readers proclaiming the poetry of others. If you are a hidden poet, journalist, musician or essayist, please bring your Your Help! Ministry material and share with us. Greeters, bag-fillers, interviewers: We are inviting all Young Adults to There will be beverages and edibles available. Everyone is welcome! This is a they’re people just like you, and they join us on Wednesday nights at 6:15 free event, but donations to support and grow the program are always welcome! want your help. The iCare ministry p.m. in our new designated classroom, For questions, comments or more information contact Shelley Hamilton at 214- distributes food from CoH’s in-house CLC 107, for “tweets from the bible”. 821-4501 or [email protected]. food pantry on Mondays from 1 p.m. After our 6:15 meeting, we sit togethto 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 er for Wednesday night worship, while some help lead in the service. Pride Prom 2014—Friday, June 20, IPC, 7 p.m. a.m. to Noon. If you’re available at these times during the week and wish to make a difference in countless lives, print the Keyword: iCARE in the comments section of the registration pad or contact Anita Haddy, our Coordinator for Ministry Development, at CoH Youth Ministry is reaching out to members of our congregation to make [email protected] or this memorable night a reality for all of our young friends out in the DFW area. call 214-351-1901 ext.135. We are seeking chaperones, decorators and assistance with refreshments and appetizers. If you are interested in participating please contact Yadi Martinez at If you’re bilingual (English/Spanish), [email protected]. All of our chaperones must be over the age we can definitely use your help, so contact us today! of 25 and able to pass a background check. Do you remember Prom? On Friday, June 20 from 7 p.m.–midnight, Cathedral of Hope will be co-sponsoring “Pride Prom” with Youth First of Resource Center Dallas. Pride Prom was originally created as a second-chance prom for those who couldn’t bring their desired date to their prom in High School. Cathedral of Hope will be opening the doors to all of our young friends in the DFW area from the ages of 13-22. 11 We welcome all Young adults 18 years of age and up, to come help us build this ministry together. Currently we are planning our summer calendar and our first Young Adult Mission Trip. Come join us in a non-judgmental setting with individuals who can relate, guide, and strengthen us. No matter what part of the journey you might be on, all are welcome. For more information contact Yadi, Youth, Young Adults and Missions Minister at [email protected]. Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth is offering a generous deal in theological higher education -- a full ride plus $10k stipend! This may be the Open Door for seminary you have always been looking for. Cathedral U Re-Imagines Itself Free Rapid HIV Testing klklklkl Offered on the first and third Wednesdays (appointment required) each month here at the church. Beginning May 4, Cathedral U will launch an entirely new educational program, focusing on both learning and community building. If you’d like to be part of this redesign, please contact Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby at [email protected] . After For an appointHoly Week, Cathedral U will be on m e n t , c a l l Southwestern hiatus. Medical Center at 214-645-7300. The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations fellowship includes full tuition plus a Display-Case $10,000 annual stipend for three years Also offered on Sundays between of fulltime Master of Divinity study. the 9 and 11 a.m. services in the IPC Specialist Wanted This special award will be granted for lower level room C. No appointment matriculation in the 2014-15 academic One of Sources’ talented volunteers required for Sunday testings. has updated the displays in the glass year (fall or spring). counters and vastly improved the Application deadline: May 1, 2014 jewelry and small gift presentation. Applicants who do not win this award However, they will not be able to do will be considered for other merit this on a regular basis. We are seekscholarship funding. ing someone who can keep the disGreening Tip plays fresh and alluring. Time is very For an application and to schedThose plastic egg cartons you’re ule an interview, please call Brite flexible, not more than once or twice about to throw away after using Admissions at 817-257-7513 or email a month for an hour or so. New product arrival may require a little more their contents for Easter eggs www.brite.edu. time. If this is your interest and tal- have many uses. For instance ent, please print the Keywords: they can be used as trays for Attention All Clergy JEWELRY DISPLAY in the com- making Easter ice “cubes”. ments section of the registration pad or If you are clergy (retired, serving as email [email protected]. chaplain, etc.) please join the CoH Be sure to include your current conclergy staff for an informal conversa- tact information. tion on Sunday, June 1, immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service. Giving and Attendance at Glance No set agenda. We’d just like to get to know you better, listen to your sugWeek Week Week Ending 04/13/14 Ending 04/06/14 Ending 03/30/14 gestions, affirmations, and feedback. Service Attd. Ministry Attd. Ministry Attd. Ministry Lunch is included ($10, please). qrqrqr qrqrqr We’ll meet in the IPC, downstairs Conference Room A-B. P l e a s e R S V P b y S u n d a y, May 25 to Katherine Godby, [email protected]. See you then! Wednesday Sun. 9 AM Sun. 11 AM Mid-Cities 11 AM Sun. 1 PM Auto-Give Mail/Credit Cards Total 146 334 463 60 114 $1,019 $4,115 $4,819 $509 $345 1,117 $8,170 $4,452 $23,430 143 273 389 77 78 $832 $4,765 $3,768 $685 $210 960 $24,306 $3,513 $38,079 136 308 428 64 111 $908 $3,392 $3,635 $455 $235 1,047 $9,126 $2,310 $20,061 Tr i b u t e s In memory of Letty Rodriguez By Patsy Rodriguez In memory of Jewel & PJ Morrow By Warren Morrow In memory of Rev. Dr. Lester Zeitler By Joey R. Miertschin In memory of My friends I miss dearly By Joseph Louis Perkins In honor of Dixie White By Jose Gallegos In honor of “this place called Hope” By JW Wylie To make an honorary or memorial gift, please contact Tom Martin at [email protected] or 214.351.1901 x210, or use the envelope in the pew rack. klklklkl Seminary Offers Full Scholarship Plus Stipend CoH Offices closed TOMORROW Monday April 21. Ocean and River Cruises • Tours • All-Inclusive Resorts CoH receives a charitable donation for each cruise booking. Doug Thompson bigdcruises.com [email protected] 214-254-4980 Hawaii • Weddings • RSVP • Groups 12 H4PJ I Scan to visit our website H4PJ.org The Cast* H4PJ presents “BENT” April 25-27 n observance of Yom HaShoah—Holocaust Remembrance Day—Hope for Peace & Justice presents BENT, written by Martin Sherman and directed by Daniel Scott Cates, at the Interfaith Peace Chapel April 25, 26, 27 at 8:00 p.m. BENT follows the story of Max—played by Dr. Mann Hanson—a homosexual on the run from the Nazis, who finds himself in Dachau, a prison camp. By developing a relationship with fellow prisoner, Horst—played by Todd Whitley—he regains his self-respect. BENT is a harrowing, overpoweringly intense, and at times, violent story about the treatment of homosexuals by their own countrymen before World War II. “I am proud to be directing such a talented group of performers and to be presenting such a beautiful and powerful show,” said Cates. “It is my sincere hope that people leave this production changed or moved to speak out.” The show also stars Richard D. Curtin as Greta—drag performer and club owner; Brandon Simmons as Rudy; and Mark Calloway as Uncle Freddie. Other cast include Barry Phillips, Heath Billups, Steve Frawley, Christopher (Kory) Beale, and Rev. Jeff Hood. Leslie Frye is the stage manager. Music will be performed by Danny Anchondo. “Many people don’t know why the LGBT community—and even the Cathedral of Hope—use the pink triangle as a symbol,” said Todd Whitley, H4PJ board chair. “Those who know or come to know this story and its history understand why a symbol that once represented hate and injustice was reclaimed as a symbol for us, and why we as a people—a community—must unite to ensure that nothing like this happens again, ever, to anyone, anywhere—not here in Dallas, not in Texas or any other state, and not worldwide, in places like Russia and Uganda.” Sources of Hope 15% Discount Coupon Today & Wednesday (April 20 and April 23) on Everything!!! Please bring this coupon with you 15% OFF 15% OFF Seating is limited. Tickets are available for a suggested $10 donation to Hope for Peace & Justice. Advance tickets are available on the Cathedral of Hope Web site, before and after services, and at the door while they last. Free tickets are also available to those who cannot donate. Contact [email protected]. Note: BENT is recommended for mature audiences only. To volunteer for or help sponsor the production, contact [email protected] or [email protected]. * Todd Whitley and Danny Anchondo not shown. C h i l d r e n , Yo u th Children’s Church &Familie s O n this Easter Sunday morning, our Children’s Worship services will celebrate Resurrection Day by telling the illustrated PowerPoint story of the return of the Christ and the birth of a new religion. We will talk about the varied Gospel accounts of that Sunday morning we now call Easter, and see that the one person who was common to all the stories was Mary Magdalene, whose exciting news delivered to the Disciples has earned her the title of Apostle to the Apostles. We’ll also consider some legendary stories that grew up around the loyal Mary, including one about a common egg she carried turning bright red and becoming the prototype of the Easter Egg. We’ll also examine some legends that, over the centuries, have introduced bunnies, caterpillars and The children meet Mary Magdalene: The Apostle to the Apostles. butterflies as colorful symbols of this most joyful day on the church calenEach week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose, create beautiful illustrations like dar. We’ll also celebrate the Season this one for use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint Lessons. through a handout which includes lots of information that both children and their parents will enjoy. Do you know Youth Working Lock-in how the egg shell, white and yolk can Senior High Youth will be hosting be used to tell the story of the Trinity? a “working lock-in” on this Friday, April 25. On June 25 - June 29, CoH Youth Ministry will return to Beaumont, TX to work on a mission project for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CoH Youth will host a fair for all the children and teens in the foster care system free of charge. CoH Youth, have designed and planned the fair games and entertainment. During the lock-in on April 25, the Senior High Youth (grades 9 – Youth Ministry 12) will work on the games for the fair by painting, building and assembling Grades 5 - 12 the items needed for their trip. meet in Room 107 at 11 a.m. every Sunday. Share us with your friends! www.facebook.com/CathedralofHope Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights! We invite all youth from grades 9 - 12 to join us for dinner in the CoH fellowship hall and come prepared for a night of fellowship, and the first of many more planning days as we prepare for Mission Trip 2014. Join Us Today for EASTER BRUNCH! E a s te r F l o r a l Dedications In Honor of Our “Framily” By Miguel Atkins and Todd Whitley In Honor of My “Framily” By Leslie Frye In Honor of Bill Johnson By Scott Bedford In Honor of Henry Ann Johnson By Kirk Johnson In Honor of Dutch Ross By Charlie Fulton In Honor of John Lukert By Kirk Johnson In Honor of Doris and Becky By Scott Bedford In Honor of Lisa Carter By Charlie Fulton In Honor of Jerry and Nancy By Scott Bedford In Honor of Chad Ross By Charlie Fulton In Honor of Jim and Jerry By Scott Bedford In Honor of Debbie Clodfelter By Charlie Fulton In Honor of Annette and Pat By Scott Bedford In Honor of My grandchildren By Harriet Garey In Honor of Our children and grandchildren By Martha M. Cruz and Philip E. Jenks In Honor of Debbie Leiteritz By Travis A. Gasper In Honor of The Cathedral of Hope By Mark Haberman and Dave Jacobson In Honor of Mark K. Smith By Timothy J. Dowler In Honor of SFJ Friends By Paul Kolasci III In Honor of Nidia and Kelley Cardenas-Carrillo’s marriage By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of Don Day By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of Brent, CM, and SC Barns By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of The Order of St. Francis and St. Clare By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of Donua and Gerhard Kratschmann By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of The North Dallas Circle By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of Beverly Hodges By Shawn Shotzman In Honor of The Choir and Orchestra By Glenn Wessler In Honor of Roger Parrish By Shawn Shotzman In Honor of The Director, Cast, and Crew of “BENT” By Todd Whitley In Honor of The Celebration Circle By Douglas Kratschmann In Honor of Jim Mitulski By Burke A. Lipscomb In Honor of Bobby Springfield By Larry Singleton In Honor of Ashley and Julie Cutrer By Shealyn Stephens and Ashley Cutrer In Honor of Beebee Suliman By Robert Suliman and David Mumm In Honor of Van Martindale By Martin Yates In Honor of Martin Yates By Van Martindale In Honor of Molly Sutton By Carol S. Morgan In Memory of Mary Catherine Grace Barns By Brent Barns and Doug Kratschmann In Honor of The Irving Circle and its Friends By Carol S. Morgan In Honor of Cathedral of Hope By Larry G. Nelson In Honor of Todd Scoggins By Paul Rumsey In Honor of Harold Shotzman By Shawn Shotzman In Memory of Woody Berisford, Sr. By Woody Berisford In Honor of Robert Roderick By Bill Wells In Memory of Don Alan Franz By Russell Buescher In Honor of The Usher Ministry By Glenn Wessler In Honor of The Irving Circle By Glenn Wessler In Memory of My grandson, Josh Carter By Larry Carter In Memory of Marty Rouse By Charles Cason III Easter Floral Dedications In Memory of Candace Grantham By Charles Cason III In Memory of Barbara Garner By Terry Garner and Keith Dowler In Memory of Joseph Nicholas Quintessenza By Martha M. Cruz and Philip E. Jenks In Memory of Johnie Bolen “Bill” Bates By Lynetta Elder In Memory of Mal Goodfellow By Dennis Green and David Wells In Memory of Don Kennedy by Bill James In Memory of Pam Hester By Jim Hester In Memory of Marie James Kennedy By Bill James In Memory of Irene and Homer Holland By Howard Holland In Memory of Dora James By Bill James In Memory of Dolores Greer By Howard Holland In Memory of Pasqual James By Bill James In Memory of Kristen Magoun By Summer Housmans In Memory of Joyce and Richard Kearns By Gary Kearns and Jim Glasgow In Memory of Carol Dowler By Terry Garner and Keith Dowler In Memory of Wanda and Milton Bentley By Jim Hurt In Memory of RoJean Fearey, Ed and Johanna Twietmeyer, Jack and Margaret Fearey By Bret Fearey and Eric Pryor In Memory of My mom Vera June Downing-Schmidt By Jim Downing In Memory of Jim Maertens By Jim Hurt In Memory of Beverly Green By Dennis Green and David Wells In Memory of Carole Jane Polk By David and Shelley Darling In Memory of Andrew and Fannie Gasper By Travis Gasper In Memory of George J. Fowler By David and Shelley Darling In Memory of Billie G. Hurry By Harold A. Hurry In Memory of Andrew D. Hurry By Harold A. Hurry In Memory of Johnny Ray Knott By Jason Knott In Memory of Thelma Breaux Kolasci By Paul Kolasci III In Memory of Weldon Martindale By Van Martindale In Memory of Maria C. Serrato By Rosa M. Ochoa In Memory of Carl Hill By Vince Kordsmeier In Memory of Donnie Rutledge By Van Martindale In Memory of My sister Leigh Ann Pomykal By E. Keith Pomykal In Memory of Cole Hill By Vince Kordsmeier In Memory of Richard Baker By Van Martindale In Memory of Parents Rose and Oran Pryor, Brothers Leo, Frank and Clem By Eric Pryor and Bret Fearey In Memory of Olga S. Ledesma By Eddie Ledesma In Memory of Jackson Myars By Van Martindale In Memory of Sgt. Richard Brill By Burke A. Lipscomb In Memory of Grady Altom By Van Martindale In Memory of Mindy Simmons By Burke A. Lipscomb In Memory of Dorothy Miller By Doris Miller In Memory of Jay and Joel Miner-Hecker By Jim Miner In Memory of Ailene Lipscomb By Burke A. Lipscomb In Memory of Jackie Costello By Carol S. Morgan In Memory of Jean Hon By Burke A. Lipscomb In Memory of Family Members By Jon and James Nicholson In Memory of C. T. Singleton By Larry Singleton In Memory of Lucille Singleton By Larry Singleton In Memory of Alan Ross By Edward Slater In Memory of David Weddle By Burke A. Lipscomb In Memory of Tom Beatcher By Edward Slater In Memory of Bert Greup By Edward Slater Easter Floral Dedications In Memory of Mary Kay and Dottie By Mark Smith and Tim Dowler In Memory of Mary Kay Smith By Mark Smith and Tim Dowler In Memory of Dorothy and Carl Mumm By Robert Suliman and David Mumm In Memory of Martha Teitlus By Glenn Teitlus and John McGrail In Memory of Patricia McGrail By Glenn Teitlus and John McGrail In Memory of Betty Thompson By Harry Thompson In Memory of Jackie Costello By Glenn Wessler The Easter altar arrangements are given to the glory of God in memory and honor of Cathedral of Hope Senior Pastors by the Senior Pastor Search Committee. In Memory of Larry Ford By Glenn Wessler Rev. Rob Shivers Pastor 1970-1971 In Memory of Frank Peterson By Glenn Wessler Rev. Richard Vincent Senior Pastor 1971-1974 In Memory of Dixie White By David White Rev. James Harris Senior Pastor 1974-1977 In Memory of Alan Worthington By Dr. Lowell Worthington Rev. Don Eastman Senior Pastor 1977-1986 Rev. Steven Pace Interim Pastor 1986-1987 In Memory of Russell, John and Hank By Martin Yates and Van Martindale Rev. Michael S. Piazza Senior Pastor 1987-2003; 2004-2005 Rev. Elder Dr. Mona West Senior Pastor 2003-2004 In Memory of Jimmy Smith and Matt Vega By Ed Trimble Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson Senior Pastor 2005-2013 In Memory of My mother, Cynthia Turner By Brett Turner Rev. Elder Jim Mitulski Interim Pastor 2013-Present Sunday, APR 20 • EASTER SUNDAY Rev. Jim Mitulski; English 9 & 11 a.m., Sanctuary Dr. Alberto Magana; Spanish 1 p.m., Sanctuary Friday APR 25, Saturday APR 26, Sunday APR 27 The play BENT (H4PJ), Interfaith Peace Chapel, 8 p.m. Friday APR 25 Gray Pride Café 5-8 p.m. “Poets Reading Poetry” PENTECOST April 2014 June 2014 Sunday, JUN 8 • PENTECOST Ministry Appreciation Party 5-7 p.m. Friday, JUN 20 Pride Prom 7 p.m. to Midnight, IPC Sunday, JUN 29 Stonewall Commemoration Pack the Pantry Sunday, non-perishable food collection Sunday, APR 27 Rev. Jim Mitulski; English 9 & 11 a.m., Sanctuary; Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance Dr. Alberto Magana; Spanish 1 p.m., Sanctuary Pack the Pantry Sunday, non-perishable food collection Music 4 Hope presents: Jason & DeMarco Concert, Sanctuary, 7 p.m. Monday, APR 28 Board of Stewards Meeting, 7 p.m, CLC Chapel May 2014 Sunday, MAY 4 Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby; 9 & 11 a.m. Dr. Alberto Magana; 1 p.m. Cinco de Mayo Celebration Sunday, MAY 11 • MOTHER’S DAY Rev. Jim Mitulski; 9 & 11 a.m. Other Important Dates EASTERTIDE H O P E o n the Horizon EVENTS at a GLANCE* Saturday, MAY 17 Pack the Pantry Sunday, non-perishable food collection N E W S E R I E S December 2014 Monday, DEC 1 World AIDS Day Service at 6 p.m. Thursday, DEC 11 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (La Virgen de Guadalupe) with Mass and Outdoor Procession 7 p.m. Wednesday, DEC 24 • CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Eve Children’s & Families Service 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Holy Communion Service 7 p.m. Spanish, 9 & 11 p.m. English Christmas Day Sunday, MAY 18 Sunday, MAY 25 Thursday, NOV 27 • THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, DEC 25 • CHRISTMAS DAY John Dear; The Nonviolent Tour 2014, 6 p.m. at CoH Music 4 Hope presents: Chris Chism & Friends, 7 p.m. November 2014 *Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed. Share us with your friends! www.facebook.com/CathedralofHope B E G I N S A P R I L 3 0 Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights!