WESTMINSTER CHURCH 745 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 1A5 Phone: 784-1330 Fax: 784-1339 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to noon, 1 pm to 4:30 pm email: [email protected] – website: westminsterchurchwinnipeg.ca facebook.com/westminsterchurchwinnipeg FIFTH IN EASTER Sunday, May 6, 2012 Minister: Rev. Robert Campbell Director of Music in Worship: Nathan Poole Associate Minister: Rev. Geza Szemok Organist: Don Menzies Voluntary Associate Minister: Rev. Dr. James Christie FIFTH IN EASTER Sunday, May 6, 2012 Nursery: Supervised care for children under the age of 3 years is available in the nursery which has been relocated to the Little Lambs Room adjacent to the Sunday School upstairs in the Concert Hall. Should children become restless during worship, parents may wish to care for them in the Crying Room, where the service is received through closed-circuit television. An usher will be pleased to direct you to either location. Hearing Assistance Earphones are available in the entrance lobby each Sunday. Please ask an usher if you wish to use one. Cellular Phones: We thank you for your co-operation in turning all cellular phones and pagers off or to mute during the service. Washrooms: For your convenience, the entrance lobby has two washrooms, which are wheelchair accessible and have change tables for infants. THE ORDER OF SERVICE Our service begins with the Prelude, inviting us to prepare for worship. ORGAN PRELUDE INTROIT GREETING Leader: People: Leader: People: The LORD be with you. And also with you. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN 232 “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” PRAYER OF APPROACH PRAYER OF CONFESSION Risen Lord, on the day of your rising you came amongst your own to bless and empower them. We confess our unwillingness to receive what you so readily offer. You said to your disciples, “Peace be with you,” but we must acknowledge the times we have sown discord, and neglected to make peace with our brothers and sisters. You, said, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you,” but we must acknowledge the times we refused to go, fearing to venture forth in unknown paths of faith. You said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” but we must acknowledge the times we resisted the gifts of the Spirit that would have strengthened us to pray as you prayed, to give as you gave, to serve as you served. Resurrected One, forgive us for missing out on resurrected life. We pray you to take hold of us and raise us up to the life you now enjoy. Amen. Silence for personal confession. LITANY LORD, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. LORD, have mercy. ASSURANCE OF PARDON WORD OF WELCOME SOLO “Psalm 150” Given by Sandra Bender - Ned Rorem CONVERSATION TIME DEPARTING HYMN Children and youth will depart for Sunday School and Youth Class. READING FROM SCRIPTURE At the conclusion of the reading: Reader: The Word of the LORD. People: Thanks be to God. Genesis 18:1-16 Given by Jim Young READING FROM SCRIPTURE At the conclusion of the reading: Reader: The Word of the LORD. People: Thanks be to God. Hebrews 13:1-18 HYMN 606 (NRSV, p.14) (NRSV, p.227) “In Christ There Is No East or West” SERMON “How to Become a Christian: Practise, Practise, Practise” “Hospitality: The Practice of Being Open to the Stranger” “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels unawares.” - Hebrews: 13:2 HYMN 584 “Through the Heart of Every City” (Verse 1, choir alone) CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION COLLECTION AND PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS As we present these offerings for God’s service, we also thankfully dedicate the offerings of those who give monthly through the PAR program. OFFERTORY DOXOLOGY “Come Now, Almighty King” Words anon. 18th century, as in George Whitfield's Collection of Hymns 1757. Music: MOSCOW, adapt. from Felice de Giardini, 1769 ANTHEM “Christ Is Our Corner-Stone” - Noel Rawsthorne PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL THE LORD’S PRAYER (sung) - VU 959 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. HYMN 633 “Bless Now, O God, the Journey” SENDING FORTH AND BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE “Church Alive” Words and music Jack Hoggatt and David Pelletier, 1980 ORGAN POSTLUDE If departing, please do so quietly for the benefit of those remaining to hear the Postlude. HYMNS ON THE CARILLONIC BELLS WESTMINSTER NEWS Welcome to worship at Westminster Church. If you are worshipping with us for the first time, we hope you will sign the guest book in the lobby and stop by the “Welcome Table”. Please help yourself to any of the materials and information provided. You may also wish to fill in a “Welcome to Westminster” card to be found in the pews and place it on the offering plate or give it to an usher. As we are able to be of help, we look forward to doing so. Greeters – As you came into the church this morning, you were greeted by Grace Aoki and Bob Dines. This week in the Winnipeg Presbytery prayer cycle, please remember the people and work of the Trinity United Church. We extend our congratulations to Joan Wilton and Bernard Boland who are to be married on May 11 at St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church. Congratulations also, to Amanda Titley & Stefan Korbutiak and Lindy Blackmon & Brody Edmondson who were married here yesterday. Please remember Elaine and Bill Hickerson in your prayers. Elaine is very ill at this time. Today, Outreach is happy to host Mary Scott in an after church discussion. We will start promptly at noon, in the Chapel. The presentation is approximately 30 minutes long and there will be a short time for questions afterwards. Mary Scott is a renowned social activist on behalf of women's issues globally. Her presentation, "The Global Women's Movement - Challenges Ahead" promises to be both interesting and enlightening. WORSHIP AT WESTMINSTER May 6 Fifth of Easter Genesis 18:1-16, Hebrews 13:1-8 - Rev. Campbell “How to Become a Christian: Practise, Practise, Practise Hospitality: The Practice of Being Open to the Stranger” May 13 Sixth of Easter The Sacrament of Baptism 1 John 4: 7-21, “Let Us Love” - Rev. Campbell Thursday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. Ascension Day Rev. Campbell preaches at the Ascension Day service at St. Michael and All Angels’ Anglican Church, Hugo at Mulvey. May 20 Seventh of Easter Matthew 7: 24-29, “Define Success” - Rev. Szemok May 27 Pentecost Romans 8:12-25, “Speaking of the Spirit” - Rev. Campbell June 3 Trinity Sunday Ernest Janzen teaching June 10 Second after Pentecost A Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee June 17 Third of Pentecost A Service Marking the 100th Anniversary of the First Service in the New Westminster Church THIS WEEK AT WESTMINSTER Monday May 7 Tuesday May 8 Wednesday Thursday May 9 May 10 Friday Saturday Sunday May 11 May 12 May 13 Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders 6:30 Gym and Concert Hall SISTERS OF THE HOLY ROCK ! 7:30 pm Executive meeting 4:30 pm Chapel Ron Sexsmith Concert 8 pm Sanctuary Quilting group 1 – 4 pm Library Executive meeting 4:30 pm Library Membership and Pastoral Care 4:30 pm Library Choir rehearsal 7 pm Sanctuary AlAnon 8 pm Library Pembina Trails Voices rehearsal 4 – 6 pm Pembina Trails Concerts 2 & 7 pm Sanctuary Mother’s Day LIFE AT WESTMINSTER Attention Special Care Visitors: Large print copies of the Easter Sunday sermon, “Oh Dear, He’s Back”, have been placed in the Membership and Pastoral Care box for you to take to those under your care. Mark your calendars for November! Unit #13 is planning to make mincemeat this year and it will be for sale on Sunday, November 18, 2012. The Orville Derraugh Scholarship Concert is on Wednesday, May 16th, 7:30 pm at Westminster United Church. Admission is free with a reception to follow. This year’s winners are: Katy Evanyshyn, Katherine Mayba, Emily Diehl, and Ainsley Wray. Parking – When attending Sunday and evening events at Westminster Church, parking is permitted behind the South Sherbrook Pharmacy, 88 Sherbrook St. (formerly Sooters Studio building). There is a large quantity of yarn still available for the Prayer Shawl ministry. For the next two Sundays, it will be available for pick-up in the Lecture Hall after the service. If you knit or crochet and are interested in taking part in this ministry for the first time, patterns will also be available. Please see Angenora Murphy after the service for more information. CHANGE TO CHURCH OFFICE HOURS The Church Office will be open Monday to Thursday from 9 am – noon and 1 – 4:30 pm and closed on Fridays. The Friday closure is to allow Marilyn some uninterrupted time to complete some of her many tasks. The answering machine will be monitored and messages will be passed on as needed, and calls of an urgent nature will be responded to. "A reminder to anyone who has not yet had their picture taken or written up their bio for the new Westminster Directory: please attempt to do so before the May Long Weekend (Sunday, May 20th). The Membership and Pastoral Care committee would like to be able to publish it by September. For pictures, please see Geza after the service anytime between this Sunday and May 20th. For bios, please fill in a form, which can be found on the table in the Narthex or by the Lecture Hall. They can be deposited in the office. Thank you!" The Taxi Fund is always in need of donations. This fund is used to help pay for transportation for some of our members who have no other way of making it to Church. Please remember this important ministry. Cheques may be made payable to Westminster Church and marked for the Taxi Fund. THE WIDER CHURCH Calling all Women – Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference UCW, celebrating 50 years of United Church Women are holding a weekend retreat June 8, 9, and 10 at the Wilderness Edge Retreat and Conference Centre in Pinawa, Manitoba. The theme is “faithfulness is……” and the Scripture is “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Mt. 25:21 Registration forms are available on the Hallway and Narthex bulletin boards. The Annual General Meeting of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario will take place at the University of Winnipeg from May 31 – June 3, 2012. If you can assist by providing billets for a delegate(s) to this meeting please contact Del Sexsmith as soon as possible at [email protected]. If you do not have access to email you may call Del at 667-2061. Your gift of hospitality will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Volunteers are needed in the following areas . . . 1. Banners, preferably with dowels are needed to decorate the court. Please bring them to the Duckworth Centre during the day on May 31st so that they can be hung before the meeting convenes at 7:00 p.m. 2. Cookies and Muffins. Donations of muffins and cookies for break times are needed. If you or your congregation aren’t able to help us with that, please consider making a donation of either an ingredient or a cash donation to go towards the ingredients. The YAAY Committee has agreed to make the remainder of items needed the week before annual meeting. For a list of ingredients, please contact Kathryn Parsons at [email protected] or by phone at 782-8113. - If you are willing to donate 2 dozen cookies or muffins – please email [email protected] - If you are interested in joining the group baking, we will be meeting Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 10 a.m. at The United Church in Meadowood, 1111 Dakota St. Please let Kathryn know if you will be coming. 3. Camera Operators – 4 volunteers are needed to operate the camera during the annual meeting. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Linda Arklie [email protected] 4. Wool, cloth ribbon and various sized knitting needles/ crochet hooks are needed for those who wish to knit during the meeting. West Broadway Community Ministry has put in a request for layettes this year and while we do have a pattern we need some of those lovely pastel colours for babies. Please bring your contributions directly to the Annual Meeting SISTERS OF THE HOLY ROCK Presented by WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 745 Westminster Avenue Winnipeg Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm Tickets $15 Call Peter @ 889-6983 or the Church Office @ 784-1330 Cover photo courtesy of Stephanie Powell, Toronto
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Welcome to worship at Westminster Church. If you are worshipping with us for the first
time, we hope you will sign the guest book in the lobby and stop by the “Welcome Table”.