third in advent - Westminster United Church
third in advent - Westminster United Church
WESTMINSTER CHURCH 745 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 1A5 Phone: 784-1330 Fax: 784-1339 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to noon, 1 pm to 4:30 pm email: [email protected] – website: THIRD OF EASTER Sunday, April 22, 2012 Minister: Rev. Robert Campbell Director of Music in Worship: Nathan Poole Associate Minister: Rev. Geza Szemok Organist: Don Menzies Voluntary Associate Minister: Rev. Dr. James Christie THIRD OF EASTER Sunday, April 22, 2012 Nursery: Supervised care for children under the age of 3 years is available in the nursery which has been relocated to the Little Lambs Room adjacent to the Sunday School upstairs in the Concert Hall. Should children become restless during worship, parents may wish to care for them in the Crying Room, where the service is received through closed-circuit television. An usher will be pleased to direct you to either location. Hearing Assistance Earphones are available in the entrance lobby each Sunday. Please ask an usher if you wish to use one. Cellular Phones: We thank you for your co-operation in turning all cellular phones and pagers off or to mute during the service. Washrooms: For your convenience, the entrance lobby has two washrooms, which are wheelchair accessible and have change tables for infants. THE ORDER OF SERVICE Our service begins with the Prelude, inviting us to prepare for worship. ORGAN PRELUDE INTROIT GREETING Leader: People: Leader: People: The LORD be with you. And also with you. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN 507 “Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples” PRAYER OF APPROACH PRAYER OF CONFESSION Risen Lord, on the day of your rising you came amongst your own to bless and empower them. We confess our unwillingness to receive what you so readily offer. You said to your disciples, “Peace be with you,” but we must acknowledge the times we have sown discord, and neglected to make peace with our brothers and sisters. You, said, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you,” but we must acknowledge the times we refused to go, fearing to venture forth in unknown paths of faith. You said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” but we must acknowledge the times we resisted the gifts of the Spirit that would have strengthened us to pray as you prayed, to give as you gave, to serve as you served. Resurrected One, forgive us for missing out on resurrected life. We pray you to take hold of us and raise us up to the life you now enjoy. Amen. Silence for personal confession. LITANY LORD, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. LORD, have mercy. ASSURANCE OF PARDON WORD OF WELCOME ANTHEM “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” - J. S. Bach CONVERSATION TIME DEPARTING HYMN Children and youth will depart for Sunday School and Youth Class. READING FROM SCRIPTURE At the conclusion of the reading: Reader: The Word of the LORD. People: Thanks be to God. HYMN 559 John 21:1-19 Given by Jim Young (NRSV, p.115) “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing” SERMON “Christ Is Risen!—Now What?” “When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’” - John 21:15 HYMN 567 “Will You Come and Follow Me” CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION A MINUTE FOR MISSION Given by Val MacIntyre COLLECTION AND PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS As we present these offerings for God’s service, we also thankfully dedicate the offerings of those who give monthly through the PAR program. OFFERTORY DOXOLOGY “Close Every Door” - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat “Come Now, Almighty King” Words anon. 18th century, as in George Whitfield's Collection of Hymns 1757. Music: MOSCOW, adapt. from Felice de Giardini, 1769 SOLO “The Lord’s Prayer” Given by Peter and Silas Jo PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL THE LORD’S PRAYER (said) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. HYMN 420 “Go to the World” SENDING FORTH BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE “Church Alive” Words and music Jack Hoggatt and David Pelletier, 1980 POSTLUDE “Blessed Assurance” If departing, please do so quietly for the benefit of those remaining to hear the Postlude. HYMNS ON THE CARILLONIC BELLS WESTMINSTER NEWS Welcome to worship at Westminster Church. If you are worshipping with us for the first time, we hope you will sign the guest book in the lobby and stop by the “Welcome Table”. Please help yourself to any of the materials and information provided. You may also wish to fill in a “Welcome to Westminster” card to be found in the pews and place it on the offering plate or give it to an usher. As we are able to be of help, we look forward to doing so. Greeters – As you came into the church this morning, you were greeted by Douglas and Diane Gillis. This week in the Winnipeg Presbytery prayer cycle, please remember the people and work of the Sturgeon Creek United Church. Thank you to the Morrow, LeBoldus and Sweatman families for leaving the lovely floral arrangements for the congregation to enjoy. THIS WEEK AT WESTMINSTER Monday April 23 Tuesday April 24 Wednesday Thursday April 25 April 26 Friday April 27 Saturday Sunday April 28 April 29 MCO rehearsals morning & afternoon Sanctuary River City Toastmasters 6 – 10 pm Lecture Hall Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders 6:30 Gym and Concert Hall MCO rehearsal am Sanctuary Beavers & Cubs 6:30pm Gym and Concert Hall Busy People Bible Study 7 pm Library Fair Warning rehearsal 7 pm Lecture Hall MCO dress rehearsal am Concert 7:30 pm Quilting group 1 – 4 pm Library Wolseley Judo Club 6:30 pm Gym Choir rehearsal 7 pm Sanctuary AlAnon 8 pm Library Organ Series Rehearsal 11 am Sanctuary Search Committee 7 pm Library Search Committee 9 am Library Organ Series Concert 7:30 pm Sanctuary WORSHIP AT WESTMINSTER April 29 Fourth of Easter John 1: 14-18 , “Define Spirituality” - Rev. Szemok May 6 Fifth of Easter Genesis 18:1-16, Hebrews 13:1-8 - Rev. Campbell “How to Become a Christian: Practise, Practise, Practise Hospitality: The Practice of Being Open to the Stranger” May 13 Sixth of Easter The Sacrament of Baptism 1 John 4: 7-21, “Let Us Love” - Rev. Campbell May 20 Seventh of Easter Matthew 7: 24-29, “Define Success” - Rev. Szemok May 27 Pentecost Romans 8:12-25, “Speaking of the Spirit” - Rev. Campbell June 3 Trinity Sunday Ernest Janzen teaching June 10 Second after Pentecost A Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee June 17 Third of Pentecost A Service Marking the 100th Anniversary of the First Service in the New Westminster Church LIFE AT WESTMINSTER CHANGE TO CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Effective May 4, the Church’s Office will be open Monday to Thursday from 9 am – noon and 1 – 4:30 pm and closed on Fridays. The Friday closure is to allow Marilyn some uninterrupted time to complete some of her many tasks. The answering machine will be monitored and messages will be passed on as needed and calls of an urgent nature will be responded to. On Sunday, May 6th, Outreach is happy to host Mary Scott in an after church discussion. We will promptly start at Noon, in the Chapel. The presentation is approximately 30 minutes and then a short time for questions. Mary Scott is a renowned social activist on behalf of women's issues globally. Her presentation, "The Global Women's Movement - Challenges Ahead" promises to be both interesting and enlightening. Our tenor soloist, Jan Nato, will be giving his graduate recital this Saturday, April 28 at 8:00 p.m. at Eva Clare Hall, 65 Dafoe Road, University of Manitoba. Good luck, Jan. WESTMINSTER FUNDRAISER The Sisters of the Holy Rock are coming to Westminster Church on Tuesday, May 8th at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $15 and available at the Church Office or call 784-1330. We continue a drive for non-perishable foodstuffs for the West Broadway Community Ministry, located at Crossways in Common on Broadway and Furby. Many community organizations face a real slump in donations during the summer months. To that end, we wish to collect supplies before our attendance begins its summer drop off to be able to help out in June when West Broadway’s need is the greatest. Bins for your donations will be located in the entrance lobby. Parking – When attending Sunday and evening events at Westminster Church, parking is permitted behind the South Sherbrook Pharmacy, 88 Sherbrook St. (formerly Sooters Studio building). The Taxi Fund is always in need of donations. This fund is used to help pay for transportation for some of our members who have no other way of making it to Church. Please remember this important ministry. Cheques may be made payable to Westminster Church and marked for the Taxi Fund. STEWARDSHIP Each fall, the Stewardship Committee conducts a campaign in which members of Westminster and adherents (non-members who provide financial support) have the opportunity to pledge financial help for Westminster in the coming year. Contributions from members and adherents provide approximately 65% of the church operating budget. An increasing number of individuals give financial support to Westminster using PAR (pre authorized remittance) whereby 1/12 of the pledged amount is transferred from the bank account of the member or adherent to the church bank on or about the 20th of each month. Results of the two recent campaigns are as follows: Number Pledges of cards Number of: Amount for: returned Pledges Non-pledges pledged PAR 2012 232 185 47 $260,992 64 2011 203 175 28 255,264 49 2012 2011 Pledge No. of No. of amount pledges $ Average pledges $ Average over 2,000 38 163,146 4,293 37 156,054 4,218 1,000-2,000 28 37,320 1,333 33 40,860 1,238 500-1,000 61 43,819 718 67 46,099 688 under 500 58 16,707 288 38 12,251 322 185 260,292 175 255,264 In addition, individuals who choose not to pledge, have provided Westminster with a total of $25,000-$30,000 per year in recent years. Stewardship is part of being a member of Westminster. A recent study has shown that 70 Westminster households had not provided financial support for the church in the past three years. The church is budgeting for a loss of $ 42,000 in 2012. If all Westminster members provided financial support, this loss would be largely reduced or eliminated. - Stewardship Committee THE WIDER CHURCH “With Love, Lydia” by Patricia Wotton - The story of the life and ministry of Lydia Gruchy, the first Canadian woman ordained by the United Church of Canada. Book Launch on Saturday, April 28, 1:30 pm, Celebration Tea to follow. Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, 525 Wardlaw. Admission $10. UCW Spring Rummage Sale on Sat. Apr. 28 9-12 at Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor at Lanark. There will be a wonderful variety of items to shop for. Come join us! RUMMAGE SALE & BAKE SALE McClure United Church, 533 Greenwood Place SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 9:00 AM –12:00 NOON, GEORGE TAYLOR HALL The Annual General Meeting of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario will take place at the University of Winnipeg from May 31 – June 3, 2012. If you can assist by providing billets for a delegate(s) to this meeting please contact Del Sexsmith as soon as possible at [email protected]. If you do not have access to email you may call Del at 667-2061. Your gift of hospitality will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. IN THE COMMUNITY Creation in Peril: What People of Faith Can Do: Join an interactive discussion about the role of faith communities in environmental decline & climate change; featuring Willard Metzger (Mennonite Church Canada), Carol Thiessen (Canadian Foodgrains Bank), and Rev. Paul Gehrs (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada). Wed, May 2, 2012, 7:00 - 8:30pm, Rm 2M70, Univ. of Winnipeg. Please sign up at: The West Broadway Spring Clean-up is being held on April 28th from 9:30am-12pm. It is a completely volunteer driven effort that focuses on residents cleaning up the streets, sidewalks and backlanes of West Broadway to get the neighbourhood looking great and ready for beautiful summer weather. If you would like to help, meet us at Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (185 Young St). Volunteer Mentors Needed “Give a little time, get a lot in return”. N.E.E.D.S. Inc. is currently seeking volunteer mentors to work with newcomer youth ages 6-18. NEEDS (Newcomer Employment and Education Development Services) is a non-profit, charitable organization that works to enhance the integration of refugee youth into Canadian society. Mentors engage youth in recreational and educational activities around Winnipeg and help them to positively connect to their new community. Hours are flexible and a minimum commitment of 6 hours per month for 1 year is necessary. Please contact Steph at 940-1275 or [email protected] for more information. Check out for more information on NEEDS. Cover photo courtesy of Rev. Geza Szemok
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