monstrocards - White Whale Games
monstrocards - White Whale Games
MONSTROCARDS: The Creativity Party Drawing Game of Horrific Hilarity What is MONSTROCARDS? MONSTROCARDS is a party card game in which players quickly create their own cards and pit them against other players’ cards in a series of duels. Because you don’t have much time to create your deck, what comes out is often weird, sometimes creepy, and usually hilarious. When two players pit their cards against each other, the players who aren’t dueling vote on which card wins. Here’s an example of MONSTROCARDS that could be dueling: “Wooden Underwear” “Underwater Nightmare” What You Need to Play 3 – 7 players A deck of MonstroCards Pencils 5 index-card sized slips of paper for each player plus some extra slips for flash rounds A sheet of paper for recording Prompts A sheet of paper for keeping score How to Play MONSTROCARDS in played over four phases. In Phase 1, players sit in a circle and are dealt three red cards and three blue cards cards each. These cards are used in Phase 2 to create the prompts that will help players make MONSTROCARDS. In Phase 3, players have 15 minutes to create their deck of five MONSTROCARDS. Phase 4 is where the action is, as players face off in MONSTROCARD duels! PHASE 1: Dealing Red and Blue Cards Shuffle the red and blue decks separately and deal three red and three blue cards to each player. Look at your cards! If you received a card that says “Wild Card” then you choose whatever word you want for that card when you ultimately play it. PHASE 2: Play Cards to Make Prompts Now it’s time to make the prompts! The player with the closest birthday goes first by choosing a red card from their hand and laying it face up. Moving clockwise, players go until everyone has laid down a red card. If you play a Wild Card, announce to the group the word you’ve chosen. Next, each player lays a blue card from their hand next to the red card that the person to their right just played. The resulting combination of cards creates PROMPTS. After each round, discard the used red and blue cards. Repeat this process until all cards have been played. Record the prompts on a sheet of paper and repeat the process until players have played all of their cards. PHASE 3: Making MONSTROCARDS With the sheet of prompts as a guide, it’s time for players to draw their MONSTROCARDS. You have 15 minutes to draw all five of your cards. Every player has access to the entire set of prompts and multiple players can select the same prompt. Don’t tell the other players which prompts you’ve decided to use and don’t let them see your drawings! How a player chooses to interpret a prompt is entirely up to them. There is no wrong way to do it! Players must use AT LEAST THREE of the prompts but are allowed two free cards that may be anything that springs to mind. When drawing their MONSTROCARDS, players may draw anything, but monsters, curses, events, and objects are all good suggestions. The only requirement is that each card is labeled with the prompt or free idea that was used. Write the labels on the same side of the card as the drawing. The backs should remain blank. PHASE 4: MONSTROCARD Battles! When everyone has finished making their MONSTROCARDS or the time limit is up its time to get to battles! First, each player shuffles their MONSTROCARDS into a stack and draws the top three cards from that stack to form their hand. Don’t show other players your hand! Replenishing your Hand: Whenever a player plays a MONSTROCARDS, they immediately draw (if they have cards remaining in their stack) another MONSTROCARDS from the top of their stack to replenish their hand. The player with the nearest birthday goes first, choosing a card from their hand and putting it face up on the table while announcing what it is. In response, the player clockwise to the player who went first chooses a card from their hand to play against the first player’s card. All players who do not have a card in play must vote on which card wins the duel. Players should advocate for their cards and then the other players judge and vote. It doesn’t have to make much sense. In the case of a tied vote, the two players whose cards are battling enter a FLASH ROUND! Pull an unused card from both the red and blue decks to create a prompt. Both players have 60 seconds to draw the prompt. At the end of the sixty seconds a winner must be chosen by the judges—no ties on a FLASH ROUND! After a FLASH ROUND, the newly created card that won continues in the duel rotation as if it were the card originally presented. The original MONSTROCARD that caused the tie are discarded. When a card wins a duel, the player who created that card scores a point and the card survives to battle the cards of next player one at a time moving in a clockwise direction. Defeated cards are discarded. The duel continues until the either the first card is defeated or it survives a full rotation and it would be the first player’s turn again. If a challenging card defeats the first player’s card, that player becomes the new first player and their victorious card continues to battle the next player in the rotation. The game ends when there are no more MONSTROCARDS battles to resolve. If a player runs out of cards they may no longer gain points but may vote on duels. If any player has remaining cards an there are no other players left to play against, that player gets a point for every card remaining in both their deck and hand. The player with the most points wins! In case of a tie, resolve with a FLASH ROUND. MONSTROCARDS Tips Interpret prompts wildly—the less people see it coming, the funnier, and more likely to win a card becomes Add little details –things like captions, labels, voice or thought bubbles, or notes really help spice up a card Advocate! Sometimes making your case for why your card is the most awesome / horrible / whatever is key Feed weak cards to strong cards—if you know you don’t have anything in your hand that can beat what you’re up against, try throwing that scribble of Tony Danza that you ran out of time making at it. Grossness for its own sake usually won’t win. Usually. Know your audience. You’ll need their votes to win, so try to anticipate what will swing their opinions. Watch your time when making cards—you’ll be out early if you don’t make 10 cards in the time limit. Don’t throw away the cards. You’ll probably think they are really funny later. How to make your own set of MONSTROCARDS Print this PDF. You’re welcome to print on home printers, but we recommend taking it to a print shop and selecting a heavy cardstock. If you’d like to differentiate between the Red and Blue decks, consider using different color paper stock (if you’re unable to do that, no worries- in this printable version the Red deck is all caps, and the Blue deck is all lowercase.) Cut the cards, ideally using a large paper cutter. Be precise! Additionally, to play MONSTROCARDS, prepare index card sized pieces of paper (each game requires 5 pieces of paper a person). You can purchase index cards, or you can copy and cut the blank card template included in this packet. You should have some extras on hand for flash rounds. That’s it! Let’s play MONSTROCARDS! Terms of Use Thanks for downloading MONSTROCARDS! MONSTROCARDS is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license. You are welcome to use, share, remix MONSTROCARDS, but you must credit us, and may NOT use it for commercial purposes. Learn more about this license at (oh, and if you do something cool with MONSTROCARDS under this license, let us know! [email protected]) Credits Designed by George Royer Produced by Jo Lammert Box & Card Illustration and Design by Joe Alterio For more games from White Whale visit us at @monstrocards for MONSTROCARDS on Twitter #monstrocard WEALTHY HAUNTED MYSTERIOUS SOILED SINISTER LOVESTRUCK CHEAP STINKY THE WORLD’S BEST THE WORLD’S WORST PERFECT LAZY TACKY TERRIFYING BELOVED LATE-NIGHT CLUELESS MUSCULAR HAIRY OLD-TIMEY HORRIBLE WONDERFUL TRAGIC LUSTY HUNGRY DISHONEST SUPER-COOL ANCIENT DELICATE FANCY FLAMBOYANT ANGRY HAPPY CRAZY SAD AWKWARD FUTURISTIC INVISIBLE COWARDLY WISE INVINCIBLE HIP-HOP JEALOUS SPARKLY TURBO-CHARGED MILLION-DOLLAR 2 DOLLAR TOUGH DAPPER SECRET AWARD-WINNING LONELY VAIN FILTHY UNDERWATER WILD UNEMPLOYED YOUR DAD'S ALL-AMERICAN WHOLESOME SLEAZY VAMPIRE SHAMELESS PLASTIC ONE OF A KIND LOYAL HARD-TIMES UNWASHED FAMOUS THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS CAREFREE REALLY, REALLY DUMB TOXIC ABANDONED FREE PRICELESS HISTORICAL PRIMITIVE UNDISCOVERED CYBORG ROYAL MISUNDERSTOOD OVEREAGER UNWELCOMED BORING MAGIC EROTIC WOODEN TEENAGE WASHED-UP DREAMY GIANT TINY HIDDEN MOM'S WILD CARD WILD CARD WILD CARD WILD CARD WILD CARD celebrity frog boyfriend girlfriend appliance dragon bug doctor book movie restaurant bear cat sport hole garbage birds drink holiday monster grandpa superhero curse job legend fish tattoo instrument storm shoes vegetable wig haircut car boat public transportation farm animal toilet leprechaun pants ghosts president nerd pizza date robot website caveman teacher dog cowboy alien skin condition underwear present wish jerk experiment witch soup time machine belt buckle hat dream bartender waiter dance habit tour guide summer camp birthday party break up nightmare secret hope beach farmer news scam tv show ruse disguise clubhouse actor wizard toddler king queen turtle law landlord fad factory sea creature snack Wild Card Wild Card Wild Card Wild Card Wild Card