THE STEAM WHISTLE A Monthly Bulletin of the Chesapeake and Allegheny Steam Preservation Society, Inc. Facilities Located in Leakin Park, Baltimore, MD (Off Windsor Mill Road east of Forest Park Avenue) Tel. (410) 448-0730 Charles W. Kinzer – President GAUGES Craig E. Close – Editor/ Stationmaster Michael E. Schroeder – Vice President 7.5” (contact Editor at [email protected]) Norman Warfield, Sr – Secretary 4.75” Robert Schwoerer – Maintenance of Way James L. Carpenter – Treasurer 3.5” Glenn Sharpe – Switch Department VOLUME 36, NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2010 Deadline for submittals to The Steam Whistle is the last Sunday of the month. OCTOBER RUN DAY BEAUTIMACIOUS! The streak is restarted! And for every ounce of beautimaciousness of the weather there were a dozen people! Perhaps there has never before been such a turnout. By 11 the line stretched twice the length of the ropes which are parallel to the road, and even as trains were filled the line remained at that length for several hours. Photo (A) below shows the line after 2 o’clock, and there were two trains running with more than 40 customers. The line is usually only straight out from the gate by that time. The guys who brought out 614 worked until after 3 to keep the line moving. Mike Schroeder, Jim Carpenter, Jim Grieshaber, and Bill Derr had a long day with her. Also running were Norm Warfield with his Consolidation, Matt Berkebile and his Li’l Gasser, Bill Kinzer driving the Chessie diesel, and John Frederick pushing 3 cars and a conductor with his Shay. Tony Kopecni brought out the club electrics to cope with the crowd. There was a bit of duty-swapping but Bob Slenbaker, Ned Treat, Tim Allen, Larry Law, and Gil Lehmann served as conductors. Harry Horney and Steve Zuiderveen helped at the station. Jo Orser, president of the Friends of Gwynns Falls and Leakin Parks conveyed the Friends' appreciation for CALS’ being such an attraction for the park. It’s good to be appreciated. TIMONIUM CALS made a substantial showing at the Great Scale Train Show at Timonium over the Halloween weekend. Norm Warfield had his caboose there; Francis Roberts brought his old-timey Mogul; Harry Horney displayed both his FAs; and Dave Blum had a reefer and a stock car. Mike Looney coordinated the appearances. Bob Slenbaker was at the exhibit both days, and a number of other members helped talking with visitors or just dropped by. The TV was playing appropriate DVDs to show what Live Steam is all about. The Steam Whistle November 2010 E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE It would be helpful to all if the Board could notify the membership of news, events, and changes. To that end, the Board would like to have a fairly complete list of e-mail addresses. Your address does not have to be published in the Directory. When you send a message to the Editor (listed in the masthead) with your address, you can request that it not be published; otherwise it will. You can also specify to receive the eWhistle. WHAT? What has happened to work session participation? Look at the activity sheet at the end of the Whistle each month. There are fewer and fewer names each day, and the number of different names is distressingly small. Look at the activities performed. Virtually NO track has been laid all this year. It is understood that there are fairly few members who are within comfortable commuting distance, but the level of participation really needs to grow. The same few individuals cannot be expected to maintain the complete workings of the Society. Perhaps the e-mail list (above) can be used to establish a larger crew on at least one Wednesday and Saturday each month? With a known crew, appropriate preparations could be made to minimize the delay in start-up. GWYNNS FALLS LEAKIN PARK HOLIDAY SEASON EVENT Orianda House Annual Holiday Open House Saturday, December 11, 2010 5pm - 9pm, Guest Speaker 6pm Guest speaker: Retired Judge Tom Ward from the Irish Shrine “Winans and the Irish Railroad Workers” *Featuring history talks, entertainment, displays, and tours of the mansion *Refreshments *Donations Accepted *Trees decorated to represent park affiliates: Outward Bound - Baltimore Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore City Dept. of Recreation and Parks; Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park; Gwynns Falls Trail Council; Parks & People Foundation; Ancient Wisdom Teachings Spiritual Lodge; Carrie Murray Nature Center; Baltimore City Police Department; Baltimore Heritage, Inc.; The Irish Shrine and Railroad Workers’ Museum Mansion also open 9am - 3pm, Mon. - Fri. and by appointment on weekends 1901 Eagle Drive Baltimore, MD 21207 410-299-7613 CABIN FEVER IN JANUARY Providing more notice than in past years, here’s the announcement of the annual Cabin Fever Expo held each of the past 14 years in January. It is more than just a show; there are auctions, too. $10 for all 3 days. CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS on Friday and Saturday, the 14th & 15th: THE REGULAR LIVE FRIDAY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION: At 10:00 AM, starting in the John Page Building, selling Box Lots & Smalls. At 1:00 PM, continuing in the Toyota Building with Numbered Lots. Preview & registration starts at 8:00 AM. Link to to view the Auction Listing on A SATURDAY ABSOLUTE AUCTION: The First Auction of Paul Seachrist's Engine Collection at 11:00 AM. Link to to view the Auction Listing on Also, SEMI-SILENT AUCTION 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. THE SHOW is Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. 2 The Steam Whistle November 2010 ELAM SPRENKLE Long-ago member—and very early in the history of CALS--Elam Sprenkle passed away in September at age 93 in Waynesboro, PA. He had a backyard track and early-on members gathered there for meetings. As an excellent machinist, he helped Bruce Hamilton in producing the President-series Pacifics. He left many machine tools which are available for purchase. A list of specific items should be provided next month. MOVERS AND SHAKERS Well, movers anyway. Airplane Lou Koehler has downsized to a very nice, nearby retirement community. KOEHLER, LOUIS A., JR.. 7200 3RD AV SYKESVILLE, MD 21784 E-mail: FULL (H) (410) 549-8448 (C) (410) 707 6354 NEW MEMBERS Welcome our newest members: BUCKBEE, ROBERT D. 11050 MARTHA ANN CT FAIRFAX STATION, VA 22039 E-mail: [email protected] ASSOCIATE SPOUSE: (H) (703) 323-0326 (C) RITTE, ROWLAND H. 3052 WOODSIDE AVE PARKVILLE, MD 21234 E-mail: [email protected] FULL SPOUSE: JANET (H) (410) 668-7574 (C) FOR SALE ITEMS 1 ½” scale Pacific Locomotive plus two Coaches $32,500 7 ½” gauge by Little Engines Coal fired, Southern Railway green Roll-around Stands (x2) Current Maryland boiler certificate Contact Brad Chism at 610-751-5218. ====================================================================================================== 1 ½” scale 2-6-0 Mogul, incl tender, trailer, & more $10,000 7 ½” gauge by Little Engines Coal fired, with coal and tools 10’ x 56” trailer and engine stand Current Maryland boiler certificate 1 ½” scale 4 wheel gas switcher, chain drive Make offer Castings for two 1 ½” scale, 7 ½” gauge trucks (pkg) Make offer Tools, Millrite, LaBlond/Power King, 9” South Bend Make offer Magazines Make offer Trains, Classic Trains, Live Steam, Railfan, Model Railroader, Modeltek, Home Shop Machinist & Workshop Business of reproducing small engine and tractor manuals Make offer Contact Bill Derr at (410) 756-2248 or [email protected] (for Dottie Schroeder) 3 The Steam Whistle November 2010 OCTOBER RUN (A) Long Line Even at 2 PM (B) 614 Being Readied in the Yard (C) 614 with Flags Flying (D) She’s a Long Locomotive (E) Sparky, the Chessie Diesel (F) Even the Electrics Were Pressed into Service Photos by Craig Close 4 The Steam Whistle November 2010 TIMONIUM SHOW & ACTIVITY (G) Norm’s Caboose (H) Francis’s Old-Timey Mogul Photos by Mike Looney (I) CALS Video Display with Norm (J) Santa Fe FAs, Our Sign, & Jake Schroeder Photos by Mike Schroeder (K) Cleared Driveway Access to HS (L) New Pile of Cleared Branches Photos by Craig Close 5 The Steam Whistle November 2010 ACTIVITY NOTES Mixed weather; again no track work done. The tracks were cleaned of storm debris – at least once. More curves had a slight super-elevation set. Tony Kopecni and Bill Derr continued work on the 1” elevated track. All the setup for the Night Run was reset to normal and the grill was thoroughly cleaned. The outside light fixture over the front door of HS was emptied of the fairly massive collection of insect remains. An extra compressor motor donated by Steve MacDonald was set upon a plywood base. Mowing and tree trimming continued. The row of cedars from the driveway to the building was severely trimmed so that vehicles can negotiate that driveway (see photos). Roof of container #1 was brushed off, patched with galvanized, tarred, and later pressure cleaned. It will be slopped with silver sealant in the Spring when the cedar needles have stopped falling and it is warm enough. The tannic acid from the needles had eaten much of the way through the roof in a couple of places. WORK RECORD DATE WORKERS WORK ACCOMPLISHED 09/29 Close, Kinzer, Derr, Lehmann 10/02 Close, Kinzer 10/05 10/08 10/13 Kopecni, M Schroeder, Close, Kinzer Close, M Schroeder Close, Derr, Kinzer, Carpenter, Kopecni 10/16 M Schroeder 10/20 10/23 10/27 Close, Derr, Kinzer, Carpenter, M Schroeder, Allen Close, Kinzer Carpenter, Close, Derr, M Schroeder, Kopecni, Kinzer Prep Whistle; Replace bent rail; Work on elevated track; Clean grill & restore after picnic; Laundered table covers; Cleared storm debris from tracks Mow; Build track; Carry track to #4 Trim trees Patch/tar roof of #1; Trim trees; Work on elevated track Clean roof of #1; Wire new tool chest Trim cedars; Work on elevated track Final tree trim; Level SE horseshoe Check Chessie; Level SE horseshoe; Clean outside light housing; Put extra compressor motor on base UPCOMING - Orianda House Annual Holiday Open House, Saturday, Dec 11, 5pm - 9pm. Guest Speaker at 6 PM - Cabin Fever Expo, Friday thru Sunday, Jan 14 - 16 at the York Fairgrounds. Varying start times. DUES ARE DUE If you have not yet fully paid your annual dues, you should be writing that check soon. Please get it to treasurer, Jim Carpenter, at 9617 Hillridge Drive, Kensington, MD 20895. You can call him: 703-402-7813. ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF THE WHISTLE You can sign up to receive your copy of The Steam Whistle electronically by sending an e-mail with your name and e-mail address to the Editor at the address in the masthead. Color photos and saves mailing expense. For now this is a voluntary decision on your part, but there may be greater force to the ‘request’ in the future. Your e-mail address would also be helpful for better communication to the membership. 6 The Steam Whistle November 2010 2010 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE TIME EVENT PLACE AUGUST Wed 4 Sun 8 Sun 22 7:000 PM 11:00 – 3:30 11:00 – 3:30 BOD & Member Meeting Public Run Member Run & S-gauger Picnic Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta Track site 7:00 PM 11:00 5:00 PM ‘til 11:00 – 3:30 BOD & Member Meeting Public Run Picnic and Night Run Member Run Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta Track site 7:00 PM 11:00 11:00 – 3:30 9:00 - 4:00 10:00 - 4:00 BOD & Member Meeting Public Run Member Run Great Scale Train Show Great Scale Train Show Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta Track site Timonium Timonium 7:00 PM 11:00 BOD & Member Meeting Public Run Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta 7:00 PM BOD & Member Meeting Hamilton Sta SEPTEMBER Wed 8 Sun 12 Sat 25 Sun 26 OCTOBER Wed 6 Sun 10 Sun 24 Sat 30 Sun 31 NOVEMBER Wed 10 Sun 14 DECEMBER Wed 8 2011 CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY Wed 5 Fri 14 Sat-Sun 15-16 7:00 PM 08:00 – ?? 09:00 – 5:00/3:00 BOD & Member Meeting Cabin Fever Auction Cabin Fever Expo Hamilton Sta York Fair York Fair 7:00 PM BOD & Member Meeting Hamilton Sta 7:00 PM 11:00 11:00 – 3:30 BOD & Member Meeting Mandatory Annual Safety Meeting Member Run Hamilton Sta Hamilton Sta Track site FEBRUARY Wed 9 MARCH Wed 9 Sun 13 Sun 20 Wed Sat TRACK WORK SESSIONS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 9:00 AM Whatever 9:00 AM Whatever 69200 11/02/10 CEC 7 Wherever Wherever The Steam Whistle November 2010 CHESAPEAKE & ALLEGHENY STEAM PRESERVATION SOCIETY c/o CRAIG CLOSE 15 BENWAY CT BALTIMORE, MD 21228 FIRST CLASS ____ 8
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