2010 Annual Report - Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund
2010 Annual Report - Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund
ignite potential enrich lives 2010 annual report Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund from DMSF’s Dear Friends of DMSF, president In these difficult economic times, there are thousands of young men and women in the City of Chicago who could benefit from the opportunity to attend high school in an environment that challenges them academically and prepares them for the rigors of college. I am very pleased to report that DMSF is helping 330 Scholars flourish in just those surroundings. Our Scholars are attending 70 different high schools – 40 day schools here in the Chicago area, and 30 boarding schools located from coast to coast. These outstanding young men and women are leaders in their schools, both inside and outside the classroom. They are serving on their schools’ student councils, as officers of their schools’ clubs and organizations, and as captains of their schools’ athletic teams. They are succeeding academically, and they are learning what it means to give back to their communities. In the pages that follow we are pleased to highlight a few of our amazing Scholars: Jorge, a member of our freshman class who is off to a great start at St. Paul’s; Fernando, a junior who attends St. Laurence High School, and Brandi and Brittany, who attend Mother McAuley High School. Brandi and Brittany happen to be one of three sets of twins in our senior class. It would not be possible for DMSF to assist these students without the dedication and hard work of our remarkable Board, our hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers or our committed staff. Nor would our work be possible without the support of our donors. Collectively we are providing Murphy Scholars with a road toward success – a path to overcome substantial economic and environmental challenges. We thank all of you for joining us on this rewarding journey. Bob Cooney DMSF President from DMSF’s Dear Friends, executive director Not-for-profits have come under increased scrutiny to show statistical proof of their successes. The Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund has ample evidence to Andy letter display its impact: • For the third year in a row, 100% of our graduating seniors continued on with their education past high school. Our graduates not only gained admission to some of the nation’s top colleges and universities, they were awarded substantial financial aid to help them pay for their education. On average, each Murphy Scholar received more than $26,000 per year in financial aid to pay for college. • The DMSF Class of 2013 – the first group of DMSF Scholars to participate in a second week of bridge programming prior to beginning high school – had a collective G.P.A. of 3.15 in their core classes during their freshman year of high school. More than a third of our Scholars had G.P.A.s of 3.5 or better. • We received more than 1,100 applications from 8th grade students – continuing proof of the need for DMSF. But despite our proven success, we are not resting on our laurels. DMSF’s Board is crafting a strategic plan to guide DMSF over the next five years. We recognize the need to do more to prepare our Scholars for high school, to ensure their success while in high school, and to increase the rate by which they are graduating from college. None of our successes would be possible without the effort and commitment of our Board, without the countless volunteer hours devoted to helping us recruit and select applicants, or without the remarkable generosity of our donors. We look forward to counting on all of you as we seek to do more to ensure that Daniel Murphy Scholars attend great high schools, matriculate to great colleges, and enter the work force as college graduates ready and willing to make a difference in the world. Andrew B. David DMSF Executive Director vision We believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and to developing leaders and role models from diverse backgrounds. The Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund seeks to be at the forefront of this social change by providing access to college preparatory high schools to promising young women and men. mission The mission of the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund is to give high school scholarship assistance and educational support to Chicago students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. DMSF seeks to make a life-altering difference in the lives of its Scholars by providing them with the best opportunity to succeed in high school and college. board of directors Robert J. Cooney* President David J. Shaw* Vice President Michael Millhouse* Treasurer Christopher G. Boehm Doug Brown Michael T. Byrne Violet Clark Wheeler Coleman Loretta Cooney* Theodore E. Cornell, III Jaqueline Daggett Warren DeMaio James Doherty Thomas J. Dwyer* Stephen E. Elkins Justin Foley* Charles Gately Greg Giles Tony Goodman Catherine H. Gottfred David D. Grumhaus** Bruce R. Hague Craig W. Henderson** John B. Hoeflich Lawrence Hollins Jerome B. Johnston* James Kaplan Thomas P. Kearney** Patrick Kempton Scott Kilrea* Roger S. McEniry* Eileen Mitchell David P. Murawski Betsy S. Murphy James K. Murphy** Robert M. Murphy** Marlene Nei Mary O'Leary* Loida Rosario John R. Russell Michael J. Sacks Lee E. Tenzer* Robert M. Thomas William R. Tobey* Mark J. Van Grinsven Nancy Van Grinsven* Allen A. Weaver Peter Wrenn* * Executive Committee ** President’s Council partnership schools Asheville School Brooks School Brother Rice High School Cate School Chatham Hall Cheshire Academy Chicago Academy for the Arts Chicago Hope Academy Chicago Waldorf School Christian Heritage Academy Concord Academy Cristo Rey Jesuit H.S. Culver Academy Deerfield Academy DeLaSalle Institute Emma Willard Episcopal High School Ethel Walker Fenwick High School Fountain Valley School of Colorado Francis W. Parker School Global Citizenship Experience The Governor’s Academy Gordon Tech Groton Guerin College Prep Hales Franciscan High School Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School Holy Trinity Hun School Ida Crown Jewish Academy Josephinum High School Lake Forest Academy LaLumiere School The Latin School of Chicago Leo High School Loomis Chaffee Loyola Academy Maria High School Marist High School Mercersburg Academy Middlesex School Milton Academy Mooseheart Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School Mount Carmel High School Nazareth Academy North Shore Country Day Northfield Mount Hermon School Northridge Prep School Notre Dame College Prep Notre Dame High School for Girls Our Lady of Tepeyac Phillips Exeter Academy Providence St. Mel The Putney School Queen of Peace High School Regina Dominican High School Robert Louis Stevenson School Roycemore School Seton Academy Shattuck-St. Mary’s School St. Benedict’s High School St. Francis de Sales St. George’s School St. Ignatius College Prep St. Joseph High School St. Laurence High School St. Mark’s School St. Patrick High School St. Paul’s School St. Rita High School St. Scholastica Academy Taft School Thacher School Trinity High School The University of Chicago Laboratory School Wayland Academy The Williston Northampton School The Willows Academy Woodlands Academy-Sacred Heart 2010 Revenue Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Total $1,240,602 $32,000 $1,272,602 Grants & Contributions: Scholarship and education Endowment $87,251 $87,251 Caddie Program $96,154 $96,154 $25,415 $25,415 Contributed Goods and Services Fundraising Events, net $707,732 $25,000 $732,732 Gain (loss) on investments held and sold $103,402 $3,444 $106,846 Interest $35,306 Dividends $33,331 Investment fees $35,306 $2,974 ($27,851) $36,305 ($27,851) Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of purpose or time restrictions TOTAL REVENUE $456,768 ($456,768) $2,758,110 ($393,350) $2,364,760 Expenses: Program Services $1,965,406 $1,965,406 $202,185 $202,185 $326,693 $326,693 $2,494,284 $2,494,284 Supporting Services: Managment and General Fundraising Total Expenses Change in net assets $263,826 ($393,350) ($129,524) $2,545,586 $2,376,602 $4,922,188 $2,809,412 $1,983,252 $4,792,664 Net assets: Begining of year End of Year statement of financial position August 31, 2010 aSSETS Cash $ 1 ,1 6 2,9 5 8 Investments Investment Cash and money market fund $325,583 Mutual Funds $437,167 Corporate stock $ 1 ,9 1 2 ,8 9 2 Corporate bonds $ 4 6 0, 1 9 9 U.S. Government and Government Agency obligations $ 4 5 0, 3 3 3 Total Investments Receivables Accrued investment income $ 3 ,5 8 6 ,1 7 4 $ 9 ,0 0 5 Accounts Receivable $102,300 Contributions receivable $403,539 Endowment $771,616 Total receivables $ 1 ,2 8 6 . 4 6 0 Security Deposit and Prepaid Expenses $ 3 4 ,6 8 2 Property and equipment, net $ 3 4 ,5 5 1 Total assets $ 6 ,1 0 4 ,8 2 5 L i a b i l i t i e s a n d N e t Ass e ts Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $117,477 Accrued tuition and travel costs $ 1 ,1 9 4,6 8 4 Total liabilities $ 1 ,3 1 2,1 6 1 Net Assets Unrestricted $ 2 ,8 0 9,4 1 2 Temporarily restricted $ 1 ,9 8 3,2 5 2 Total net assets $ 4 ,7 9 2,6 6 4 Total liabilities and net assets $ 6 ,1 0 4,8 2 5 Note: Audited financial statements available upon request freshman profile For virtually all students, entering high school requires an adjustment. For DMSF Scholars who come from Jorge some of the area’s most economically-distressed neighborhoods, the beginning of their high school career presents an even bigger challenge. DMSF Scholars not only need to adapt to a challenging academic curriculum, they also must learn to navigate in an entirely new community. Recognizing the difficulties of this transition, DMSF prepares its Scholars for the high school experience through the Bridge to Excellence Program. Each Scholar attends this two week program during the summer after 8th grade. The summer program includes a week-long intensive language skills course at which dedicated teachers and professional speech pathologists work with each of the students in one-on-one and group settings to develop the superior communication skills which are expected of students in their college preparatory schools. During the second week of the program, called the “Ideal Student Workshop,” Scholars focus on study skills, time management, note-taking, and critical reading, thinking, and writing. Thanks to DMSF’s Bridge to Excellence Program, Jorge, a freshman at St. Paul’s School, a boarding school located in Concord, New Hampshire, is thriving in his new community. Jorge attends classes with students from all over the world and enjoys daily academic challenges. I have been doing great at school. I feel happy and proud of the education I am receiving and all the people I have met, Jorge explains. St. Paul’s School is challenging me by pushing me to become a better athlete, a better student, and a better person. Every day is a new adventure in learning. DMSF gave me the chance to receive this amazing education, which is helping me to become the best as I can be, preparing me to attend a great university, and allowing me to be successful in the future. Thanks to DMSF’s Bridge to Excellence program, we know Jorge has the tools he needs for continued success! sophomore successes The members of the DMSF Class of 2013, who entered their sophomore year of high school this past fall, have displayed the academic excellence that is the hallmark of DMSF’s Scholars. DMSF expects each of its Scholars to maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 in their core courses – history, math, foreign language, English and science. Meeting the challenges of their rigorous academic environments, the DMSF class of 2013 achieved an aggregate G.P.A. of 3.15 during the first year of high school. One third of the members of the class had G.P.A.’s of 3.5 or higher. DMSF closely tracks its Scholars academic performance, standing ready to provide additional help to any student who seeks it, or who appears to be struggling with a class. One-on-one tutoring is available to any Scholar to make sure that DMSF Scholars stay on track as they meet the challenges of the college-preparatory high school environment. Many DMSF Scholars come from single-parent households, and for many they are the first in their family who plans to attend college. To assist our Scholars in dealing with a myriad of social and academic challenges, we give them the opportunity to be matched with an adult mentor who can provide guidance, support and friendship. Every mentor is a college graduate who receives specialized training before being matched with a Scholar. Mentors provide an immeasurable resource for DMSF Scholars. DMSF is committed to ensuring our Scholars succeed both in and out of the classroom. DMSF is proud to report that the members of the Class of 2013 are fully engaged. For example: • Jarrett, who attends DeLaSalle Institute, is a starter on the sophomore basketball team, while maintaining a 3.75 G.P.A. • Emmanuel, who attends Marist, is a straight A student who stars on the school’s Math Team. • Angelica, who goes to St. Benedict’s, and Christina, who attends Fenwick, are both on Student Council. • David, a student at St. Francis de Sales, has a lead role in his school’s spring play, is an officer of the Art Club, and works on the yearbook. DMSF succeeds when our Scholars succeed. summer opportunities For DMSF Scholars, education does not stop when the summer starts. DMSF expects each of its Scholars to spend the summer productively, whether participating in an academic program, working, or engaging in other enriching activities. As part of its Summer Opportunities Program, each February DMSF hosts the Summer Opportunities Fair at which it Scholars are introduced to a wide variety of summer employment possibilities and enrichment programs. Over 35 corporate and not-for-profit partners participate in the fair, representing volunteer and paid work positions, internships, educational programs and travel and cultural exchange programs. Approximately 20% of DMSF Scholars participate in DMSF’s Summer Caddie Program. For eight weeks Scholars live on suburban college campuses and caddie at nearby country clubs. As a result of participating in the DMSF Caddie Program, more than 135 DMSF Scholars have been awarded the Evans Scholarship, a fouryear, full-tuition college scholarship. Fernando, a junior, ranks 7th in his class at St. Laurence High School. He balances academic interests with extra circular activities, including Student Council, the National Honor Society, serving as a peer mediator, and participating on his school’s volleyball and bowling teams. During the summer after his sophomore year in high school Fernando chose to broaden his horizons through the DMSF Summer Opportunities Program by traveling to Costa Rica. Fernando lived with a host family and spent most of his time helping build animal shelters. It was a good experience for me to be away from home in a new place, says Fernando. By seeing how hard my host family worked just to survive, I gained a lot of perspective, and learned to appreciate what I have. DMSF has given me so much and opened so many doors. DMSF is more than a scholarship, it is a family. college counseling It is DMSF’s expectation that all of its Scholars will attend college. DMSF’s College Counseling Program provides Scholars with the tools they need to prepare for the college application process. DMSF has implemented a four-year college counseling curriculum for all of its Scholars. Before they begin high school DMSF Scholars are given advice about the courses they need to take in order to qualify for admission into selective colleges, as well as the other factors that colleges consider during their admission process. The DMSF curriculum includes visits to local college campuses for freshmen and sophomores. The strength of the college counseling curriculum intensifies during our Scholars’ junior year, and during the summer before senior year DMSF provides ACT/SAT test preparation classes as well as college application and essay writing workshops. Thanks to DMSF’s College Counseling Program, Brittany and her twin sister Brandi, seniors at Mother McAuley High School, are well-prepared to follow their dreams of entering the medical field. Both Brittney and Brandi have worked hard to succeed in high school; always keeping their grades above 3.3 GPA, traveling for athletic competitions, and leading multiple community service projects. They are group leaders in their cheerleading and dance troupe, as well as members of the National Honor Society. Given their achievements in high school, coupled with their optimistic attitude, DMSF knows that Brittany and Brandi will be assets on any college campus. We have faced obstacles as a family, but DMSF has given us the tools we need to face life’s challenges, explains Brittney. Having this scholarship gives me opportunities in life that I never thought I would have adds Brandi. DMSF has given me the chance to dream and achieve my dreams. Using the lessons they learned through DMSF’s College Counseling Program, Brandi and Brittney have applied to a number of colleges, including Colgate, Marquette, University of Illinois, and Syracuse University. They are anxiously waiting to hear from the colleges to which they have applied. They plan on attending school together and will select a school that will help them pursue their life goals. DMSF class of 2010 Jonathan Corral Mooseheart Southern Illinois University Ariana Garcia University of Chicago Lab University of Illinois Stephanie Ayala Chrishane Cunningham Robert Louis Stevenson School Boston University Angeles Garduno Trinity High School St. Leo College Cesar Barrera Jason Davis Anchellie Akuamoah Conserve School University of Illinois Anna Bokun Culver Academies Miami of Ohio Conserve School Knox College Eduardo Gomez Mount Carmel University of Illinois St. Laurence High School University of Illinois Crystal Del Raso Marlene Gomez Marist High School University of Chicago St. Ignatius College Prep University of Illinois Mooseheart School Southern Illinois University Michael Buie Joni Dema Robert Gonzalez Jessica De Paz St. Patrick High School Hampton University Ramon Diaz St. Ignatius College Prep Northwestern University Laura Cabral North Shore Country Day School University of Illinois Emmanuel Camarillo Maria High School Oberlin College Stephanie Carrera St. Laurence High School St. Xavier University Mount Carmel University of Illinois Latin School of Chicago Wellesley College Thacher School Claremont McKenna Mount Carmel Marquette University Kiante Green Diamond Greer Josh Greer North Shore Country Day School University of Missouri Araceli Duran Latin School of Chicago Bates College St. Ignatius College Prep Amherst College Ricardo Castanon Robert Edwards St. Ignatius College Prep DePauw University Rebecca Elliott Mother McAuley Liberal Arts Marquette University Fountain Valley School of Colorado University of Illinois St. Ignatius College Prep Illinois State University Ivette Castro Loyola Academy University of San Diego Trinity High School University of Illinois Cedric Casuga St. Patrick High School Columbia College Tatiana Cooper Trinity High School North Carolina A&T Melissa Corado Notre Dame for Girls Marquette University Diane Enriquez Mooseheart School Southern Illinois University Kestler Fernandez St. Ignatius College Prep Marquette University Alexis Franklin Fenwick High School Denison University Randan Harris Colleen Healy Matthew Hernandez Wayland Academy Syracuse University Derrick Hicks Hales Franciscan High School Southern Illinois University Geena Hines Gordon Tech University of Illinois John O’Neill Akenya Seymour Fenwick High School St. Mary’s University Winona St. Patrick High School St. Mary’s University Chicago Academy for the Arts New England Conservatory Marcus Jackson Damilola Oyeyipo Dominique Smith Loyola Academy University of Missouri Damaris Jimenez Gordon Tech St. Xavier University Amber Johnson Mother McAuley Liberal Arts Benedictine University Latin School of Chicago Northwestern University Melissa Pham Miss Porter’s School Occidental College Ivan Ramirez Concord Academy Scripps College Javiana Smith Notre Dame for Girls Northern Illinois University Angel Solano Brother Rice High School University of Illinois at Chicago Yvette Leon North Shore Country Day School Wittenberg University Elena Ramon Emmanuel Lifschultz Putney School Lake Forest College St. Francis de Sales High School Benedictine University Jordan Lucas Shattuck-St. Mary’s School Lawrence University Elisa Manrique Brooks School DePaul University St. Ignatius College Prep Marquette University Latin School of Chicago Rochester Institute of Tech St. Ignatius College Prep Northern Illinois Deerfield Academy Georgetown University Zoie Reams Trinity High School Southern Illinois University Diana Martinez Alexander Ocampo Mount Carmel University of Illinois Chicago Chrystian Ochoa Loyola Academy University of Illinois St. Ignatius College Prep University of Illinois Chicago Guaranteed Professional Program Admission Carolina Ojeda Maria High School Lewis University Jasmine Swoope Isabelle Rodriguez Northridge Prep School Marquette University Concord Academy Tufts University Loyola Academy Northeastern Illinois St. Ignatius College Prep Bradley University Ricardo Martin Lake Forest Academy Bentley University Michael Stauffer Alexis Rivera St. Ignatius College Prep Bowdoin College Hales Franciscan High School St. Augustine Arturo Solis Diego Roman Jose Romero Arturo Romo Eunice Ruiz Thacher School Emory University Johanna Salgado Culver Academies University of San Diego Ashley Valdez Xiomara Villagomez Mercersburg University of Illinois Chicago Job Villasenor Conserve School University of Wisconsin Madison Hector Villazana St. Laurence High School Moraine Valley Anna Ward Marist High School University of Illinois Daniel Zumba St. Patrick High School Marquette University DMSF class of 2010 Dekeshia Horne contributors Nancy M. Van Grinsven Allen A. and Jennifer S. Weaver Annonymous Joseph L. and Emily K.Gidwitz Annonymous Memorial Foundation Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation Michael L. and Rosalind C. Keiser $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d Up $5,000 - $9,999 $50,000 - $99,999 AT&T Illinois Brandenborg Family Foundation Robert and Loretta Cooney Scott W. and Mary Beth Kilrea Abra Prentice Foundation Ross Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Anonymous The Brinson Foundation Clearing Corp. Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies Cindi and Stephen Elkins Justin C. and Erin M. Foley Jim and Karen Frank Herdrich Charitable Trust IGN Foundation Kaplan Family Foundation Thomas P. and Susan Kearney Roger S. McEniry Michael J. and Roberta J. Millhouse Northern Trust Company Michael and Kay O'Halleran $10,000 - $24,999 ADT Advantage National Bank Anonymous Bruce and Patty Becker Christopher and Amy Boehm Boothroyd Foundation Kevin Buggy Liam Connell Kevin J. and Linda J. Conway Conway Farms Golf Club, Inc. Warren and Mary Jo DeMaio Thomas J. and Martha Dwyer James R. and Kelly Epstein Philip M. Friedmann Charles and Barbara Gately Gelber Foundation Richard and Catherine H. Gottfred Richard H. Hanson Helen Brach Foundation Craig W. and Patty Henderson Thomas and Vicki Horwich Jerome B. and Karen J. Johnston Jones Lang LaSalle Mark and Michelle Kellner Robert M. and Diane Levy Bowman C. Lingle Trust Kennon McKee Thomas F. and Susan Moran Navteq Foundation The Private Bank Robert and Mary O'Leary Michael J. and Cari A. Sacks Albert S. and Joan M. Saia James W. and Angie L. Schiavitti Timothy H. and Sharon M. Ubben Mark J. and ACE-INA Foundation Anonymous James M. Bachner Richard P. and Janice Bail The CGW Family Foundation Teri Gidwitz and Perry Bax Cancer Treatment Centers of America Tim Finnegan Friends of Golf, Inc. Donald F. Gardner Paul C. Gignilliat Gorter Family Foundation David D. and Mary Grumhaus Jay Whipple Family Foundation James and Laurie Kaplan Bradley R. and Mary G. Krey Lend-A-Hand Program Lesnik Charitable Foundation MB Financial Bank Mesirow Financial Anne and Mead Montgomery Family Foundation Daniel Munro Owens Foundation Bruce R. Pfaff Prudential Foundation John R. and Phyllis Russell Robin P. Selati Sending Support Charitable Foundation David J. and Beth Shaw David S. Shorr Mark Slobodnik J. Clarke and Patricia Smith Geoffrey and Nancy Stack Jerry Steinborn Paul F. Sullivan and Marsha Dittmer Robert M. and Barbara Thomas Jeffrey A. Urbina and Gaye L. Hill Ventas, Inc. P. Scott and Beth Von Fischer Thomas L. Wheeler III $1,000 - $4,999 David Abbott Abbott Laboratories Fund Allyn Foundation Anonymous Arthur T. Dalton Foundation Guy F. and Janice L. Arvia David and Laura Atchison Eugene W. Bader Bank of America, N.A. Robert J. and Ann S. Bates, Jr. Michael R. Benson R. David and Linda Bergonia Hank and Ann Bernbaum Biegler Foundation Big Shoulders Fund David C. and Luann P. Blowers David C. and Kathryn L. Bohan Laurence Booth Matt and Christine Botica Douglas Brown Mary M. Brown The Brunner Family Foundation Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella Thomas R. and Carol K. Butler Terrance K. Livingston and Debra A. Cafaro Michael Cahill Mr. and Mrs. William Cahill Daniel Camardo Frank and Sue W. Cannon, Jr. Ceres Foundation Matthew J. and Debra J. Chanin Elizabeth K. Christie J. Anthony and Violet Clark Anthony and Michelle A. Coletta Patricia Cox Andrew and Celia David DB Aviation Delaware Place Bank Andy Denenberg Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Jeffrey and Denise Dickson William R. and Ann M. Dodds, Jr. Donald W. Collier Charitable Trust Earley Family Fund Dean Egerter Peter W. Evans Sandra Farley Mark E. Ferguson and Elizabeth B. Yntema Joseph Ferraro Lawrence I. Field Fifth Third Bank John and Theo Figliulo Marvy A. Finger & The Finger Companies Joyce and Thomas Fitzgerlad Denise and Gerald Fitzgerald John F. and Stephanie Flynn Kevin F. Flynn Gary W. and Patricia W. Fridley Vincent and Monica A. Getzendanner Margaret A. Gipson James J. and Louise Glasser Goldman Sachs Foundation Edgar Gonzalez and Perla Gamez Tony and Tasneem K. Goodman Greenberg Traurig, LLP Robert and Amy Greenebaum, Jr. David and Jennifer Grumhaus Jordan M. and Debra Hadelman Handelsman Family Foundation Lawrence Hayes Stephen Hearty James F. and Nancy D. Heinz, Jr. Sidney N. and Margaret D. Herman Jan M. Hirsch Adam L. and Denise Hoeflich Mark R. and Mary N. Hoffman Richard J. Holland Lawrence and Gwendolyn Hollins John Holmes Christopher and Maureen Hurst David Hutchison Thomas F. Hynes Wayne Janik John Hancock Matching Gifts Program Blake and Lisa Johnson Peter and Catherine Kanaris Allan and Loretta Kaplan Katten Muchin Rosenman Foundation Dave Kavanagh Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation Patrick and Rebecca Kempton David and Kathy Kennedy William G. and Cheryl L. Killam Charles Y. and Mildred M. King Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Kinnard Melinda Kramer Bill and Joann Kunkel H. Michael Kurzman Terry Lavin Jeff and Lisa Leiden Michael and Robyne Lewis Kenneth F. Lieberman Brian M. and Ellen D. Liston Rocio Lopez Rocky Lopez Loyola Academy Lutsey Family Foundation James M. and Sara Lynch Joseph Mahoney Thomas and Sandra B. Mallman Michael Manganaro Luke and Lisa B. Massar Thomas Maurer and Linda Gosser-Maurer Timothy I. McAllister Jeffrey and Linda McCroy John T. McEnroe Mark McKevitt John J. and Kathleen Meierhoff Randall Miller Mills Family Foundation Russel and Randi Miron Brett and Suzanne Moore John R. and Judith R. Moore Mindy Moore Robert and Patricia Moore Brian Morgan Michael Moskow David and Joanne Mullen David P. and Joy Murawski Betsy S. Murphy James K. Murphy and Letitia Windham Patrick Murphy Robert M. and Linda Murphy Roger and Gina Myerson John E. and Cheryl M. Neal Neal & Leroy, LLC Joanne Nemerovski and Marc Brown James J. O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oetter Michael D. and Stephanie M. Oettinger Donald O'Shaughnessy Jerry and Marcia Osher Mimi W. Ostrander Mark T. O'Toole Owens-Illinois Fund Amy Papranec David A. Paro Nancy Partipilo Jim Pavela Kenneth S. Pell Jose Perez-Sanz and Catherine Bosher Michael A. Perlstein Pinnacle Investment Consulting Catherine Pollina Raymond E. and Patricia Pollina James G. and Heide M. Reilly David L. and Marguerite H. Rogers contributors Saul Rosen Donald Rowley Scott and Amy Rubenstein Lawrence and Pepi Rubin Sapiente Family Foundation Schiff Hardin LLP The Schreiber Foundation Christopher Schuba & Co. Robert and Maureen Schuberth Ira J. and Beverly Schulman Scupe Foundation Robert G. Seeds, Jr. Kevin Shanahan John Shave Michael Shean William and Lyn Shean, Jr. Mary Kathleen Shields Joshua and Melissa Shipley Lee Smolen Smurfit-Stone Container Enterprises Spark Communications Robert Stawik Jim Stonebridge Robert J. Stracks Mike Sullivan John and Jill Svoboda James Swartchild Tim TeBockhorst Monica Tobler Trexler, Bushnell, Giangiorgi David and Shannon B. Tridle Union Tank Car Company David Voss Douglas K. Walker Edward S. and Dia Weil Mr. and Mrs. Michael Welch Beth and Jeff Wessel Henry J. and Georgia L. West Roger and Pam Weston Daniel Wolman Peter and Joan Wrenn Gary Zakutney $ 5 00 - $999 James Aldrich Steve and Joanie Alley Jason Baine Randall R. Barth John and Esther Benjamin Keith Berk Mark P. Bischoff Abram Bluestein Donna Bossy David & Nikki Brown Kenneth H. and Roberta S. Brown John P. Buckley Michael T. and Laurie Byrne Scott Byron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campion Dianna and Kevin Carr Mark and Ruth Carroll Center Point Properties John Charmelo Edward Chez Chicago Board Options Exchange David J. Chizewer and Debbie G. Musiker James N. Clewlow Ted and Laura Cornell Richard J. and Clare B. Cortesi James S. Crown David Crumbaugh Mrs. Robert David Deublin Company Tom Doar III Michael Donovan Thomas and Eileen Drake Michael P. Earley Stephen Eisen Randy L. Emer Steven D. and Denise Emer Farther Foundation Kevin P. Filter Flag Insurance Services, Inc Christina Fradelos David R. and Lisa M. Garcia Lawrence E. Glick Family Foundation Donald Goens Arthur Goldner Bruce K. and Mary Goodman Mark C. and Lee Ann Gossett Kenneth Groover Ray Guerin James Harmon David Healy Jeffrey Hechtman Steven Helms James B. and Sandra D. Hoesley Mark and Kathy Hoffmeister John L. Huff Andrew Hunt Cynthia and Robert Jewell Lewis A. Kaplan Karl Knauz Motors, Inc. Charles P. Kempf Tom Kilborn Bruce K. Knox Jerome Kohn Yan and Christina Krasov Thomas Kully Burt B. Lasko Michael Lebeau James Letchinger Mark and Chase C. Levey Lawrence and Patti Limbach Sam Long Thomas E. Luther Eric and Denise Macey Mack Investment Securities David Makowski James J. and Peggy Maloney, Sr. Kelly Marchant Dan McClean Joshua and Pamela Miller Eileen and James Mitchell Carole P. Murphy Jeanne Murphy Stephen M. and Anne C. Murray Walter and Wendy R. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Nelson Northridge Group Inc Julian and Sheila Oettinger Joseph J. O'Hara Kevin O'Reilly Michael G. O'Reilly Jeff and Patty Patterson Patzik, Frank & Samotny Partners Ltd. Kevin Phillips Tracey T. Powell Dennis Regan Paul J. and Mary Pat Kane Reilly Andre Rice Pamela K. Rijos Patrick J. Roche William A. Rogers Jeffrey H. and Laurie F. Rubin Joan H. and Robert R. Rudolph David Russo Louis J. and Anita M. Rutigliano Michael Sachs and Alice Rapoport Steve and Onnie Scheyer Justin Schmaltz Frank Schmitz Lee Selander Jean E. Sheridan David and Barbara Smith Greg H. and Janis L. Smith Robert S. Soderstrom Russ M. and Pamela B. Strobel John P. and Barbara Sweeney Ronald F. and Jessica Tesarik Mr. and Mrs. Steven Thompson James Tunney Chris Webb Dr. Jeffrey and Barbara Weinberg Howard Eglit and Barbara Weiner Wineman Charitable Foundation Michael and Sherry Ziegler $100 - $499 Honorable Jorge Alonso Robert Alsteen Family Foundation Stefan Anderson Anonymous Joseph Aukstolis John Baker Naveed H. Bandukwala Eugene and Margaret Barry William and Susan Beanblossom Marty and Brenda Becker Steven R. and Sandra M. Becker Donald and Susan Belgrad Adnan Bhanpuri Stephen Bisgeier Johnny D. Bledsoe Kurt A. Bonigut Cliff Bregstone Dan Brennan Michael Brennan Richard and Elaine J. Brennan Kevin J. and Kristi S. Brown Kenneth H. and Roberta S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bryant Ralph Buelling Chris Burke William Burroughs John Campbell Dollard and Beth Carey Jerome Castellini Chubb & Son Sally T. Clair Jonathan Claydon Courtney Collier Mr. and Mrs. John Comerford Robert K. and Suzanne B. Costello Alfred E. and Terri R. D'Ancona III Edward and Catherine Davis Christopher Delhey Don and Margo I. DePhillips Deborah M. Dooling David Doyle Jay F. and Carla S. Edelston Lou Ellsworth-Yow Guillermo Estrada John Ettelson Jay and Alicia Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Feinerman J. Richard Fisher Michael Fitzpatrick Shayle Fox J. Patrick and Anne M. Gallagher, Jr. Stephen Ganshirt G-Bar Philanthropic Foundation Stephen R. and Carolyn Geldermann William Golden Ian Gracey Greater North Shore Real Estate Planning Council Olga M. Gvozdenovic Hales Franciscan High School Matthew Harvey Ryan Hayes Stephen and Mary Jo Herseth Robert Heymann, Jr. Jerome E. Hickey Neal Hirsch Charles Holmes Sara Hurtuk William Inglese Stephen D. and Leslie P. Jacobson Mike Jamieson JPMorgan Wade and Nancy Judge Gary T. Kachadurian Joseph and Mary Ellen Kadleck Thomas Kalebic Benjamin M. and Miriam S. Kaplan Matthew Kaplan Donald Kempf John Kenning Michael King Harvey Kinzelberg Charles M. Kiven Klatt Family Jane Knoche Dr. Marty Kolinski David and Stephanie Konsler Carl and Lucy Konsler Phillip Kramer Fredric and Nancy Kreiter J. Scott Lafferty, Jr. Elizabeth L. Lassar Leonard Levine Bruce and Laura Linger Alan C. and Barbara L. London Denise Lucas Torben Luth Joseph D. and Mary Kay Mahoney James C. and Anastasia M. Malles James L. and Alice R. Malone III Jed and Miranda Mandel Ralph B. and Bonnie L. Mandell Marist High School Daniel M. and Marie Marks A. Ward McCally III Ryan F. McKendrick Elisabeth C. Meeker John Merritt Matthew J. and Eileen Miller James E. and Jermayne A. Moore Eugene V. and Mary C. Morrissy Henry S. and Barbara Moss Edward W. and Maureen Mulcahy John D. Newhouse John G. and Mary P. Nikitas Benjamin S. and Hilary Nitka John E. and Christel Owens Jonathan Paris Mr. and Mrs. Jon F. Paul William C. and Gloria A. Perlitz Erik Peterson Christian Pollina contributors Douglas Pollina Roy and Susan J. Postel James G. and Maureen E. Quaid Spiridon Rakos James D. Ratcliff Herbert and Anne Peg Redding Philip W. and Margaret K. Reitz Steven P. Remelius David Richter Robert J. Roach Jan N. Roberts John Rokacz and Susan Lichtenstein Thomas F. and Loida Rosario RTE St. Charles, Inc. Steven Rugo Joseph and Mary Alicia Santucci W. Stephen and Catherine Saunders Paul E. Schneider Katie Scholz Brad Schotanus Richard D. Schwartz Neal and Rachel Seltzer Jane E. Shaffer Jeffrey C. Sharer Thomas and Kimberly A. Shaw David and Susan Sherman Richard D. and Valarie Smith Craig D. and June Sopko Alexander D. Stuart James C. Styer James Swabowski Rick Szewka Kent T. Taubensee Ann Taylor Shaku and Gregory Teas Robert W. Thomas Augie Tonne William S. and Joan W. Trukenbrod Kenneth Turek Robert Tutwiler Thomas B. and Kathleen O. Tyson J.T. Vanderkamp Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender Karl Von Drathen A.J. Walker Robert J. Walter Bill Wardrop Fred Weaver Frederick F. and Marilyn Webster Dan and Liz Weil Edward Weil III Charles Weiner Stuart Weinstein and Lynn K. Cherney Weiss Family Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel John Westerberg Matt Whipple Frederick L. and Katherine White Brenda Williams James and Lynn Winikates Wohlers Foundation James M. Wyman Shepard and Sally Young Peter M. Young Julie M. and Robert J. Zaideman John R. and Patricia R. Zeeman u p to $100 Amy Ackerman Katelyn Adams Amy Adelbush Rosalind Alejandro William Allen Richard M. and Andrea Amend Matthew J. Anderson Snigdha Archarya Alan Arrieta Amy Atchison Miguel Aviles Daniel Bahr Julie Baker John Baratta Brenda Becker Gregory W. Beckway Jenna Behling Matthew Berman Jennifer Birch Wasim Bleibel Margaret S. Boutchia Emily Breuker Jeffery Broom Michael R. Bruns Eric Buhrke Brian Calhoun Sean Campbell Daniel O. Canales Brooke Carroll Otis Carter Joel and Rebecca Castillo Scott E. Chesebro Bruce C. Clegg Philip W. Coatar Jason Colburn Kerry A. Comstock Shawn D. Costello Ed Craft Catherine Crossley Matthew C. Crowl Lea Crusey Sahar A. Dar Chris M. Dasse Cassidy A. David James M. Delaney Lynn DeMeulemeester Erin Dolan Mark D. Dombrowski Jen Donahoo Ashok Dorairaj Tyler Dorsett Susan Doty Bob Doyle Mary Duncan Megan Duncan Mariola Dziubasik Julie Ecclestone Cally Eckles Ashley Eddy Allison Edwards Brent Edwards Damien Edwards Katie Eisenhut Abigail Emerson Ryan Esche Inga Evenchik Caren Evers Cynthia Felsburg Meghann Finerghty Jennifer Finkel George T. Fitzgerald Jason Flahive Erin Fox Richard Fox Sadath Omar Garcia Gail Gassner Irina Gelfand Raymond and Ruth A. Geraci Sylvia Gerut Noeleen B. Gilbreath Ruth E. Goldsmith Lisa Grijalva John Grossman Susie Gura Michael Gurovitsch Ernie D. Gutmann Jeanna A. Hajduk Chris Halloran Cindy Hallums Julie Hallums Melissa Hansen Jaime Harrington Christina Hasbrook Jason Hawbecker Owen Hayes Sarah Hazan Kelly Hendricks Celine and Greg Heraty Margaret Heraty Stephanie J. Hickman Haley Hill Hill Consulting Inc Carol Hillsberg Beth Horwitz Monserrat Huerta Julie Hughes Sarah J. Hurst Robyn Hussa Douglas R. Hyde Renata Johns Kajsa Johnson Suzae Johnson Brian Jones Michael Jones Dr. Pamela Jordan, Ph.D. Nimbe Juarez Anita Kalhan Melissa A. Kearney Henry and Carol L. Kohn, Jr. Catherine Koltz Patrick W. Kolzow Patrick Kozlow Olga Krasner Katarzyna Lach Amanda Lewis Denise Liddiard Lauren Linke Robert Lyman Joseph M. Lyons Megan Marker John J. McDonnell Quinton C. McElhaney Melissa McGrane Nicole Mesko Noah Miller Laura Milnichuk Daryl Misrac Marisa Mokodean Thomas Molzahn Gerry and Noreen Moore Katherine Moore Gustavo Moreno Star Motry Uriah Muhammad Kathleen Nagel Anne Nelson Mr. and Ms. Antonio Ortiz Tristan Paige Jamie Patrick Bradford G. Peterson Regina Phillip Tim Pomaville Jerry Pope Joshua Prangley Katherine Rames Josh Raper David and Cory Rasho Bruce V. Rauner Sonja Reed William Reeg Kevin M. Reid Tonya Reinwand Devin Renberg Brad Rifkin Brittany Rotello Nadar Salah Joe Salas Emily Sanchez Susana Sandoval Irene Sang Kristen Scaletta Bethany Scheuerman Jennifer Schmidt Debra Schnell David G. Sepuha Jason Shafer Sara Sher Celeste Shores Amit Singla Charles and Barbara Slagle Laura Sleeman David Slife Kate Smigiel Monica Smutek Elizabeth Snell Lauren Solomon Annessa Staab Melanie Strah J. Alexander Stuart Paul Stumbaugh Jessica Suvanto Kristina Swanson Edward S. Tirakian Anita M. Trotter Casey Tushaus Kyle Ulep Lisa Urbanich Ashley Walker Alexzandra Wallace Edward A. Wallace Toni Wallace Judith Wallenstein Roger and Judith Wallenstein Debra N. Walters Tim Wambach Katie Watson J. Diamond Weathersby Sherry Weil Becky Werra Kristy Whipple Johannah Whitefield Carrie Whitfield Alvin Wieden Edith Williams Sherri Williams Stephanie Wilson Chris Wirsing Jeffrey Wright Erica Young Daniel Zankel Abigail Zureich G i fts i n K i n d DB Aviation EPCO Carbon Dioxide Products Inc. High Sierra Bruno Abate ABT Akira Jay Amberg AT&T Avec Eugene Bader Robert J. and Ann S. Bates, Jr. Bruce Becker Benefit Cosmetics Boutique Bettinardi Golf Big Bowl Blackstone Golf Club Christopher and Amy Boehm Bolingbrook Golf Club Bonsoiree Borders Boru Vodka Budweiser Cantigny Golf Charlie Trotter’s Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox The Chopping Block Classic Toyota Clear Wireless Mike Colhoun Comcast Sports Net Bob and Loretta Cooney Ted and Laura Cornell Dana Hotel and Spa Danis Charitable Trust Andrew and Celia David William Dodds Jim Doherty Drawing Room Eagle Ridge Resort and Spa East Bank Club East Lake Foundation The Eden Club Edward Fox Photography Steve Elkins English EPIC International James R. and Kelly Epstein Juan Espejo, IPGA Evan Williams John and Theo Figliulo Justin C. and Erin M. Foley William J. and Patricia B. Frey Fuze Brian Gelber Richard and Catherine H. Gottfred Grand Geneva Just Grapes Bruce and Jamie Hague Halo Harborside International Golf Center Craig W. and Patty Henderson Don Herdrich Hub 51 Illinois Sports Facilities Impact 365 Jerome B. and Karen J. Johnston Tom and Susan Kearney Joel and Michelle Kennedy Knauz Autopark Knollwood David Kreisa Lake Lawn Resort Leap Learning Systems Liberty Lincoln Mercury Lissa on Maxwell Little Black Dress Wines Donald Loback Lucky Strike Chicago Patrick Lynch Mark Mariani Martini Park McElroy Furs Roger McEniry Mercat a la planxa Mike Donovan Dave Murawski James K. Murphy and Letitia Windham John Newhouse Robert and Mary O’Leary Olympia Fields Pama Liqeur Park Ridge Country Club Katie Peterson Personal Training Frank S. Polizzi Province Ravines Edge - Saugatuck Ravinia Festival Tim Rooney John Russell Christopher Schuba & Co. Scoozi David Shaw William and Lyn Shean, Jr. Clarke Smith Don Sritong Stella Artois Steve’s Deli Paul Sullivan Sunda Lee E. and Marilyn Tenzer Timber Ridge Lodge and Waterpark Traditions at Chevy Chase The Venue - Horseshoe Casino Hammond Webster’s Wine Bar Whiskey Wilson Sporting Goods Gregory S. Wolcott special thanks Laura Atchison Lisa Jackson Lila Cabañas Brad Krey Rocky Lopez Pam Davis Hector Villanueva Sandra and Jose Diaz Patty Patterson Mary Jo DeMaio Patty Pollina Jose Estrada Jody and Don Rowley Sandra Fernandez Aisha Smith Dora Garza A.J. Walker Esther Griffin Sara Welch Sybil Hightower staff Andrew B. David Executive Director Daisy Delgado Education Coordinator Carol Lee Barry Director of College Counseling Amanda Freund Development Associate Cindy Hallums Director of High School Programs Lindy Keiser Recruitment Coordinator Dan Heraty Director of Development Amy Pojman Special Events Coordinator/ Office Manager Rosy Santiago Director of Education Meghann Sandak Education Coordinator Nancy Van Grinsven Special Projects Coordinator
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