ignite potential enrich lives - Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund
ignite potential enrich lives - Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund
ignite potential enrich Lives 2011 Annual Report f r o m D M S F ’s Dear Friends, president When our founders launched DMSF twenty-three years ago, they provided tuition assistance to four economically-disadvantaged students who demonstrated a passion to learn. In the years following, our board members, volunteers, supporters and staff have done quite a bit of learning as well. We used to think, for example, that providing scholarship to a college preparatory school was enough to ensure the success of our Scholars. We know now, though, that while financial aid is crucial to our Scholars’ success, it takes a great deal more than that to make promising young Scholars academically competitive and socially comfortable in these college prep environments. Having researched and acknowledged that need, we expanded our educational programming, and have asked our valued corporate and individual donors about supporting us in this groundbreaking effort. Among those who responded was Walgreens, a true partner in this work. The financial support that Walgreens provides through their Golf Classic sponsorship helps DMSF offer the bridge program - summer school for incoming freshmen that “bridges” the gap in their learning skills from eighth grade to high school. In addition to our signature language enrichment course, we have added study skills and time-management techniques to help our Scholars feel confident and hit the ground running in those first critical weeks as freshmen. Once we get Scholars off to good start in high school, we have to ensure that they are effectively handling the challenges that will continue to come their way from freshman through senior year. To do that, last year DMSF took the existing mentoring program and expanded it into a more focused and group-oriented “affinity group program”. In its pilot phase, the Affinity Program grouped selected freshman and sophomore males together for twice monthly discussions with an adult facilitator to review and constructively deal with common issues. With support from the Invest for Kids investment conference, DMSF now has four different affinity groups meeting on a regular basis. Of particular interest is that three of our affinity group adult facilitators are DMSF alumni! DMSF’s expanded programming is intended to serve a single goal – to enhance our Scholars’ opportunity to succeed – in high school, in college, and beyond. A donation to DMSF is an investment in a Scholar, and DMSF’s programs increase the likelihood of that Scholar’s success. In this review of fiscal year 2011, you will see our commitment to ignite the potential and enrich the lives of our Scholars. This critical work is accomplished through your generosity. We are so grateful for your support. David Shaw President f r o m D M S F ’s executive director Dear Friends of DMSF, During the 2011 fiscal year DMSF’s Board of Directors developed and approved a strategic plan designed to guide DMSF over the next five years. The Board is resolute in its desire for DMSF to continue to accept 100 new Scholars each year. The strategic plan also calls for DMSF to implement additional programming to make certain that all of those new Scholars are successful. It is the combination of these two powerful forces – tuition support to allow Scholars to attend great high schools and programming support to help them succeed at those high schools – which has led to so many of our Scholars ultimately gaining admission to the nation’s finest colleges and universities. In the course of developing the strategic plan, the Board revised DMSF’s mission statement. Our focus is not only on the financial aid which has been DMSF’s cornerstone, but also on the educational support which is needed to ensure our Scholars’ success in high school and in college. As the following pages highlight, the educational support DMSF provides its Scholars begins before their first day as freshmen in high school, and continues through their successful matriculation into college. DMSF’s class of 2011 – its 21st graduating class – is the fourth consecutive class in which every graduating senior is continuing on with his or her education. The success of DMSF’s comprehensive college counseling program is evidenced by the list of colleges and universities which our recent graduates are attending. Not only are DMSF Scholars going to the well-respected large Midwestern universities like Northwestern, the University of Illinois and Marquette University, they are attending some of the top small private liberal arts colleges throughout the nation, schools such as Carleton, Colgate, Colorado College, DePauw, Oberlin, Smith and Wesleyan, where they will receive not only top-tier educations but also the financial aid they require. DMSF Scholars achieve success at their schools, in their careers and in their communities because of the support they receive from DMSF’s donors and volunteers. DMSF is extremely grateful for your compassion, your energy, your enthusiasm and your financial commitment. Andy David Executive Director vision We believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and to developing leaders and role models from diverse backgrounds. The Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund seeks to be at the forefront of this social change by providing access to college preparatory high schools to promising young women and men. mission The mission of the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund is to give high school scholarship assistance and educational support to bright Chicago students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. DMSF seeks to make a life-altering difference in the lives of its Scholars by providing them with the best opportunity to succeed in high school and college. b o ar d o f d i r e c t o r s – 2 0 1 1 David J. Shaw, President • Loretta Cooney, Vice President • Thomas Dwyer, Treasurer • Christopher G. Boehm Doug Brown Michael T. Byrne Violet Clark Wheeler Coleman • Robert Cooney • • Theodore E. Cornell, III Jacqueline Daggett Warren DeMaio Stephen E. Elkins Justin Foley • Chuck Gately • Greg Giles Tony Goodman Dr. Catherine H. Gottfred David D. Grumhaus •• Bruce R. Hague Craig W. Henderson •• John B. Hoeflich Lawrence Hollins Jerome B. Johnston • James S. Kaplan Thomas P. Kearney •• Patrick Kempton Scott Kilrea • Rocky Lopez Roger McEniry •• Michael Millhouse • Eileen Mitchell David P. Murawski Betsy S. Murphy James K. Murphy •• Robert M. Murphy •• Marlene Nei Mary O’Leary • Bill Rogers Loida Rosario John R. Russell Michael J. Sacks Brad Schotanus Lee E.Tenzer Robert M. Thomas William R. Tobey • Mark J. Van Grinsven Nancy Van Grinsven • Allen A. Weaver Peter Wrenn • Executive Committee •• Past President Revenue 2011 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Grants & Contributions: Scholarship and education $1,171,659 $128,000 $1,299,659 Endowment $35,158 $500,000 $535,158 Caddie Program $85,678 $85,678 $38,880 $38,880 Contributed Goods and Services Fundraising Events, net $727,061 50,000 $777,061 Gain (loss) on investments held and sold $279,924 $186,972 $466,896 Interest Dividends Investment fees $36,939 $43,883 $6,814 ($33,380) $36,939 $50,697 ($33,380) Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of purpose or time restrictions TOTAL REVENUE $454,871 ($454,871) $2,840,673 $416,915 $3,257,588 Expenses: Program Services $2,149,817 $2,149,817 Managment and General $178,360 $178,360 Fundraising $369,611 $369,611 $2,697,788 $2,697,788 Supporting Services: Total Expenses Change in net assets $142,885 $416,915 $559,800 Begining of year $2,809,412 $1,983,252 $4,792,664 End of Year $2,952,297 $2,400,167 $5,352,464 Net assets: aSSETS s tat e m e n t o f f i n a n c i a l p o s i t i o n August 31, 2011 Cash $1,121,930 Investments Investment Cash and money market fund Mutual Funds Corporate stock Corporate bonds U.S. Government and Government Agency obligations Total Investments $303,939 $564,836 $2,460,351 $497,091 $533,302 $4,359,519 Receivables Accrued investment income Accounts Receivable Contributions receivable, net: Scholarship Endowment Total receivables Security Deposit and Prepaid Expenses Property and equipment, net Total assets $10,075 $55,250 $324,326 $906,257 $1,295,908 $24,110 $24,420 $6,825,887 L i a b i l i t i es a n d Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued tuition and travel costs Deferred Rent Total liabilities $164,456 $1,264,800 $44,167 $1,473,423 Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets $2,952,297 $2,400,167 $5,352,464 Total liabilities and net assets $6,825,887 tutoring To ensure Scholars’ success, DMSF pairs Scholars in need of extra help with professional tutors at no cost to the Scholar. Tutoring may be conducted through a Scholar’s high school or through accredited teaching professionals. In the 2011 academic year, 52 Scholars received more than 350 hours of tutoring. DMSF actively encourages any Scholar who is struggling in a particular subject to seek extra assistance. mentoring My DMSF mentors were a great help in boosting my morale in school life and in my everyday life. By inviting us to dinner and telling us about their lives, my mentors are a great support for my twin brother and me. Jen Concepcion St. Ignatius, ‘11 Each DMSF Scholar who requests a mentor is matched with an adult who serves as a role model with a special interest in the Scholar’s academic success and personal growth. In 2011, DMSF facilitated mentor relationships for more than 70 Scholars. Mentors and mentees communicate regularly, and DMSF also hosts several events throughout the school year at which mentors and their Scholars meet in a social setting. DMSf played host to five Mentor-Scholar events in 2011, including bowling, ice skating, and various sporting events. a f f i n i t y p r o g ra m DMSF piloted its Affinity Program in 2011 to promote healthy responses to the academic and social pressures many students face when they enter college preparatory school environments. Through this program, small, facilitated Affinity Groups of Scholars gather monthly to discuss positive alternatives to social pressures while building friendships with each other. At the end of the pilot year, 100% of the participants improved their GPA, meeting or exceeding the required 3.0 level. Because of the program’s success, DMSF permanently added it to the Core Programs, and also quadrupled the number of Affinity Groups. summer opportunities Schmitt Scholars Service Day At DMSF, education doesn’t take a summer break. Every Presidents’ Day, DMSF hosts a Summer Opportunities Fair, where Scholars learn about summer internships and educational and travel opportunities. At least 25 organizations are represented, many of which provide financial aid for their programs. In 2011, 98% of non-graduating Scholars attended, and look forward to participating in the programs they learned about this summer. t h e DMSF c a d d i e p r o g ra m Even Scholars who know nothing about golf can participate in the DMSF Summer Caddie Program, an opportunity for them to live at local colleges under caddie counselor supervision, and to caddie at one of 20 suburban golf courses. In 2011, 60 Scholars were selected to participate based on academic performance and leadership skills. In addition to receiving this professional training and job experience, Scholars who caddie for at least two summers and maintain good grades are eligible to apply for the Chick Evans Scholarship, a four-year, full tuition scholarship to one of 17 colleges and universities. More than 160 DMSF Scholars who have participated in the DMSF Caddie Program have been awarded Evans Scholarships. Being a caddie for the summer was a great learning experience. I got to live with other scholars and meet new people at the club every day. Some of the golfers would ask me questions about my future plans and gave me advice on how to achieve my goals, including becoming an Evans Scholar. Luz Gonzales St. Ignatius, ‘12 This past summer I was lucky enough to visit the Galapagos Islands with Global Leadership Adventures. It was one of the most life-changing and unforgettable experiences I have had. Miguel Mendez Roycemore, ‘12 I learned a lot during the 2 days we spent touring colleges in Wisconsin. This trip helped me because I had been freaking out about the application process, but after hearing what the colleges were looking for in a student I feel more confident in myself. I feel like I have what it takes to be accepted. Thank you so much DMSF for giving me the opportunity to go and experience this important process. Chelsea Cooper Fenwick High School, ‘11 Marquette University college counseling For the fourth year in a row, 100 percent of our 81 DMSF graduating seniors are attending some of the best colleges and universities in the country. These outstanding Scholars also earned 14 Evans Scholarships, two Gates Millennium scholarships and three Posse scholarships. DMSF c l a s s o f 2 0 1 1 D i l a r a A k g u n d u z Latin School of Chicago, Carleton College W i ll i a m Alle n Wayland Academy, Marquette University M a r k Al v a r a d o St. Ignatius College Prep, Chapman University E s m e r a l d a Al v a r e z La Lumiere School, Knox College J o se Al v a r e z Williston Northampton, Northwestern University F el i p e Ay a l a Latin School of Chicago, Colgate University J u a n B a r r i g a Marist High School, Loyola University S h a k i y l a B o l d e n Josephinum High School, Grand Valley State B r a n d o n B o ll i n g Guerin College Prep High School, Lewis University Kest r i n B r a h i m a j North Shore Country Day School, Knox College B i a n c a C a r te r University of Chicago Lab, Washington University St. Louis T e m p estt C a r te r Loyola Academy, Lawrence University M a r k ’ S h o n C a st o n St. Patrick High School, Northern Illinois University C h r i st o p h e r Cel i o Fenwick High School, Butler University Ke n n y C h a v e z Lake Forest Academy, University of Illinois M i c h elle C o b o s De La Salle Institute, DePaul University J a n Cl a r e n c e C o n c e p c i o n Fenwick High School, University of Illinois J e n Cl a r i da le C o n c e p c i o n Fenwick High School, University of Illinois C h else a C o o p e r Fenwick High School, Marquette University G i o v a n n i D i a z Wayland Academy, St. Xavier University M a r i a D i ll o n Mooseheart School, Western Illinois University D a v i d D i n k h a St. Patrick High School, Northern Illinois University O r estes D u r a n St. Ignatius College Prep, Knox College A k ee m E d m o n d s Mooseheart School, St. Norbert College N n a n n a E g w u St. Ignatius College Prep, University of Illinois N n e n n a E g w u St. Ignatius College Prep, Purdue University A n g el a E s c a n i ll a Fenwick High School, Illinois State University A n g el a E s c o b a r Putney School, Colgate University L o u r d es E s p i n o z a Nazareth Academy, University of Illinois P a t r i c i a E stes Mooseheart School, University of Illinois Springfield J a c q u el i n e F e r n a n d e z Loyola Academy, Marquette University M a r i ss a F l o r es St. Francis de Sales High School, St. Joseph’s College A g u st i n G a r c i a De La Salle Institute, Marquette University C o d y G o r s k i Marist High School, Illinois State University D a n i elle G o w o r o ws k i Marist High School, Northern Illinois University L u z m a r i a G u z m a n Fenwick High School, Oberlin College T r i st i a n H a tte r Marist High School, Northern Illinois University J a v i e r He r e d i a North Shore Country Day School, North Park University M a r c o He r n a n d e z Thacher School, Colorado College S te v e n He r n a n d e z Mercersburg, University of Illinois E d g a r He r r e r a De La Salle Institute, Marquette University As h le y H o w z e St. Martin de Porres, St. Mary’s of the Woods Ose J a c k s o n Lake Forest Academy, DePauw University Ve r n o n J a c k s o n Deerfield Academy, Grinnell College G i o v a n n i J a i m es Lake Forest Academy, Knox College M a r i a h J o n es H i c k s Fenwick High School, Marquette University B r a n d i Kell y Mother McAuley Liberal Arts, University of Louisville B r i tt a n y Kell y Mother McAuley Liberal Arts, University of Louisville He n r y L o p e z Lake Forest Academy, St. Louis University J o n at h a n L o p e z Latin School of Chicago, Columbia College Chicago E l i z a b et h A n n M a r t i n Mother McAuley Liberal Arts, St. Xavier University Be n j a m i n Me d i n a St. Ignatius College Prep, DePaul University S a b le M i c o r Guerin College Prep High School, Illinois State University Ke n y o n M i t c h ell Fountain Valley School of Colorado, Marquette University As h le y M o l i n a Mooseheart School, Harold Washington R a u l M o n t o y a St. Ignatius College Prep, DePaul University V a n ess a M o r a les Culver Academies, George Washington University M i g u el M u n o z St. Ignatius College Prep, DePaul University M a r y Cl a r et N d u b u i s i - O b i Robert Louis Stevenson School, University of Illinois Me y a l i t O r t i z Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, Georgetown University Ve r n o n Owe n s Mooseheart School, Kansas State University A i r et P a r a m o Mooseheart School, Harold Washington W e n d y Pe r e z St. Ignatius College Prep, Northwestern University J a c o b R a f i n s k i St. Ignatius College Prep, University of Illinois Ve r o n i c a R a m i r e z University of Chicago Lab, Northeastern University L i s a R ay f o r d Wayland Academy, Smith College J o h n a t h a n Re d m o n d Fountain Valley School of Colorado, University of Illinois L a s h i o n ette Ree d Mooseheart School, University of Illinois Springfield Ces a r R o b les La Lumiere School, Knox College De r e k R o g o z Guerin College Prep High School, Loyola University W i ll i a m R u a n St. Ignatius College Prep, Wesleyan University M u b a r a k S a l a m i St. Ignatius College Prep, University of Wisconsin Madison C h r i st i a n S a n c h e z Phillips Exeter Academy, University of Chicago S t a c e y S p i z z i r r i St. Ignatius College Prep, University of Iowa N o r m a T eje d a Mooseheart School, Harold Washington J e n n i fe r T h o m p s o n - M a tt h ews De La Salle Institute, University of Illinois Chicago Ge m a T o le d o Trinity High School, University of Illinois Chicago V i c t o r i a V a s q u e z Williston Northampton, University of Colorado Pueblo Mel i ss a Vel a St. Ignatius College Prep, Loyola University M i c h elle V i lle g a s Fenwick High School, Creighton University D’Ann Whiting St. Ignatius College Prep, Indiana University our generous donors $100,000 and up Michael L. and Rosalind C. Keiser Lee E. and Marilyn Tenzer $50,000 - $99,999 AT&T Illinois Brandenborg Family Foundation Robert and Loretta Cooney Jim and Karen Frank Thomas F. and Susan Moran Abra Prentice Foundation Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation Walgreens Company Susan Kearney Scott W. and Mary Beth Kilrea Roger S. McEniry Northern Trust Company William and Anne Tobey $10,000 - $24,999 Mary G. Krey Raymond and Lisa Lewis Dominic Mangone Mesirow Financial Michael J. and Roberta J. Millhouse Daniel Munro Navteq Foundation Craig Omtvedt RBS Greenwich Capital Patrick J. Roche William A. Rogers, Jr. Denise Stefan-Ginascol William and Anne Tobey Foundation Timothy H. and Sharon M. Ubben Mark J. and Nancy M. Van Grinsven Allen A. and Jennifer S. Weaver Thomas L. Wheeler III Donald F. Gardner Charles and Barbara Gately Gregory and Lynn Giles David D. and Mary Grumhaus Edward F. Heil Lawrence and Gwendolyn Hollins Impact 100 Chicago Margie and Wayne Janus Laurie and James Kaplan Dave Kavanagh Robert M. and Diane Levy Kennon McKee Ryan F. McKendrick David and Joanne Mullen David P. and Joy Murawski James K. Murphy and Letitia Windham Robert and Mary O'Leary Owens Foundation Pacific Life Foundation The Private Bank Prudential Foundation Kathleen and Mark Rowley Robert E. and Maureen Schuberth Lee Selander Sending Support Charitable Foundation David J. and Beth Shaw Paul F. Sullivan and Marsha Dittmer Emanuel Tabachnik Tim TeBockhorst Robert M. and Barbara Thomas Jeffrey A. Urbina and Gaye L. Hill Ventas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Welch Peter and Joan Wrenn Thank $25,000 - $49,999 Alverin M. Cornell Foundation Anonymous Philip S. and Janice A. Beck The Brinson Foundation Clearing Corp. Foundation Liam Connell Kevin J. and Linda J. Conway Robert J. & Loretta W. Cooney Family Foundation Warren and Mary Jo DeMaio Cindi and Stephen Elkins Mark E. Ferguson and Elizabeth B. Yntema Justin C. and Erin M. Foley Gelber Foundation IGN Foundation Kaplan Family Foundation Thomas P. and ADT Advantage National Bank Anonymous Boothroyd Foundation Bowman C . Lingle Trust Kevin Buggy Carbon Green LLC Chopper Trading Conway Farms Golf Club, Inc. John D. & Barbara C. Cooney Family Foundation Thomas J. and Martha Dwyer Ed Uihlein Family Foundation James R. and Kelly Epstein Philip M. Friedmann Geoffrey L. and Terri A. Gifford Haines Family Foundation Helen Brach Foundation Craig W. and Patty Henderson Herdrich Charitable Trust Jay Whipple Family Foundation Jerome B. and Karen J. Johnston Patrick and Rebecca Kempton The Kilrea Foundation Nick Kokonas Bradley R. and $5,000 - $9,999 Richard P. and Janice Bail Borders, Inc. Matthew and Christine Botica Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan Robert L. Brown IV Douglas Brown Cancer Treatment Centers of America Michael J. and Suzanne Carusillo The CGW Family Foundation William R. and Ann M. Dodds Michael Donovan Ronald P. Fox Friends of Golf, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 David Abbott Abbott Laboratories Fund Allyn Foundation Anonymous Archer Daniels Midland Company Guy F. and Janice L. Arvia Laura and David Atchison James M. Bachner Eugene W. Bader Robert J. and Ann S. Bates, Jr. Modestus Bauer Foundation Bruce and Patty Becker Eric Belcher Michael R. Benson R. David and Linda Bergonia Carol Lavin Bernick Family Foundation Jason Boe Christopher and Amy Boehm Betty Brooks Michael R. Bruns Marcia Buell Chris Burke Brian Burke Herman P. and Julia B. Buthman Thomas R. and Carol K. Butler Charles Campbell Frank and Sue W. Cannon, Jr. Carbonari Family Foundation, Inc. Matthew J. and Debra J. Chanin Thomas D. Coleman Colliers Bennett & Kahnweiler, Inc. Richard J. Cortesi k Scott and Virginia Cotherman Patricia Cox Crystal Foundation Daniel and Sheila Dalton Arthur T. Dalton Foundation Timothy Dart Andrew and Celia David Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Jeffrey and Denise Dickson William C. and Claudia H. Donohue Thomas J. and Amy Dwyer, Jr. Dynamic Manufacturing, Inc. Ricardo Fernandez Lawrence I. Field Marvy A. Finger & The Finger Companies Tim Finnegan Denise and Gerald Fitzgerald Joyce and Thomas Fitzgerald Flag Insurance Services, Inc. John F. and Stephanie Flynn George Franks William J. and Patricia B. Frey James J. and Louise Glasser Goldman, Sachs & Co. Edgar Gonzalez and Perla Gamez Tony and Tasneem K. Goodman Gorter Family Foundation Greenberg Traurig, LLP Amy and Robert J. Greenebaum, Jr. David and Jennifer Grumhaus Hackberry Endowment Partners - Malkin Family Bruce and Jamie Hague Bradley M. Halverson Handelsman Family Foundation Mark Hatfield Jan M. Hirsch Adam L. and Denise Hoeflich Thomas and Vicki Horwich Jeff Howard John L. Huff Christopher and Maureen Hurst David Hutchison Thomas F. Hynes Stephen D. and Leslie P. Jacobson Wayne Janik John Hancock Wade and Nancy Judge Ken Kailin Lewis A. Kaplan Matthew Kaplan George Kapotas Ira J. Kaufman Family Foundation Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation Ron Kelner Kathryn Kemp Brian Kenney Steven and Judith Kinnard Richard S. Kiphart Charles M. Kiven Ken Kunin Bill and Joann Kunkel Lake Forest Lake Bluff Rotary LaSalle Systems Leasing, Inc. Lawyers Lend-A-Hand Program Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard Mark and Chase C. Levey Ronald and Fifi Levin Family Fund Kenneth F. Lieberman Douglas Lipke Rocky Lopez Rocio Lopez Thomas E. Luther Lutsey Family Foundation Thomas and Sandra B. Mallman Michael Manganaro John Marzonie Russell K. Mayerfeld MB Financial Bank Timothy I. McAllister John T. McEnroe Thomas Mientus Thomas and Sue Mikrut Russel Miron Anne and Mead Montgomery Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moore John R. and Judith R. Moore Brian Morgan Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Lawrence Morris Jeanne Murphy Roger and Gina Myerson Gregg and Jodi Newmark John Noell Maureen and Martin M. O'Connor t o p 2 0 1 1 DMSF Golf Sponsors Title Sponsor Ea g l e S p o n s o r s birdie Sponsors Advantage Bank AT&T Chopper Trading Bob and Loretta Cooney Jim Frank Phil Friedmann The Gelber Group Jones Lang LaSalle The Kilrea Foundation Mesirow Navteq RBS Bill and Anne Tobey Than You Nanci and Paul Oetter Mimi W. Ostrander Patty and Jeff Patterson Jim Pavela Kenneth S. Pell Jose Perez-Sanz and Catherine Bosher Bruce R. Pfaff Kevin Phillips Catherine Pollina Raymond E. and Patricia Pollina Christian Pollina John Powell Harold Purkey Steven R. Putzel Fred Quirsfeld John R. Raitt Thomas Reichel David L. and Marguerite H. Rogers Ross Foundation Scott and Amy Rubenstein Lawrence Rubin John R. and Phyllis Russell Louis J. and Anita M. Rutigliano Sapiente Family Foundation James W. and Angie L. Schiavitti The Schreiber Foundation Christopher Schuba & Co. Ira J. and Beverly Schulman Schuyler, Roche & Crisham, PC Rich Seidel Robert and Mary Kathleen Shields Joshua and Melissa Shipley John F. Siff and Joan Leydon Siff Skender Construction J. Clarke and Patricia Smith David and Barbara Smith Don Smith William Soden Geoffrey and Nancy Stack Nancy & Geoffrey Stack Family Foundation Robert Stawik Alexander D. Stuart John and Jill Svoboda James Swartchild Paul Szafarczyk Stephen Szejner Ronald F. and Jessica Tesarik Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Thauer Union Tank Car Company John Utter Richard Vague David VanEekeren David Voss Douglas K. Walker Henry J. and Georgia L. West Peter M. Young $500 - $999 Jay Beadle Ronald and Elizabeth Bernardi Mark P. Bischoff Abram Bluestein Michael Brennan David & Nikki Brown Kieran Browne Daniel Budny Mark R. and Jean L. Burnstine William Butler Dianna and Kevin Carr John Charmelo Chatham Hall J. Anthony and Violet Clark Zada Clarke James N. Clewlow Anthony and Michelle A. Coletta Robert and Winifred Crawford Dr. Jack Crisham Mrs. Robert David Christopher Delhey Tom Doar III Daniel Dolan Thomas and Eileen Drake Stephen Eisen Steven D. and Denise Emer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ferguson Kevin P. Filter Peter J. Fluor Gary W. and Patricia W. Fridley David and Lisa Garcia Adrienne and Burton Glazov Terry and Margo Gottlieb Kenneth Groover Daniel Gumbiner Jeffrey Hechtman Mark and Kathy Hoffmeister Michael and Denise Hruskocy Harry and Cathy Ipema Barbara and Garrett Johnson Allan and Loretta Kaplan Timothy Keane Paul Kilborn Charles Y. and Mildred M. King John and Mary Kinzer David and Stephanie Konsler Yan and Christina Krasov Fredric and Nancy Kreiter Thomas Kully John and Janet LaRocque Burt B. Lasko Nancy and Paul Lederer Daniel Lee Sam Long Patrick Lynch Mack Investment Securities William and Kim Madden Joseph A. Mahoney Fred Marks Greg McCarthy Robert Metzen Margaret H. Miller Eileen and James Mitchell James E. and Jermayne A. Moore Thomas J. Morrison Donald E. and Mary M. Mortell Robert M. and Linda Murphy Stephen M. and Anne C. Murray Rebecca Nathan Walter and Wendy R. Nathan Joanne Nemerovski and Marc Brown James J. O'Connor Mitch Ornstein James Preschlack Ross Prindle Saul Rosen Donald Rowley Jeffrey H. and Laurie F. Rubin Daniel T. Ryan Onnie and Steve Scheyer nk u Frank Schmitz Schorr-Lieberman Family Foundation Rick Schuham Robert G. Seeds, Jr. Terrence Seibold Kevin Shanahan Gerard Shannon Thomas and Kimberly A. Shaw Jean E. Sheridan David and Susan Sherman Lee Smolen Gerald Sommers Robert J. Stracks Russ M. and Pamela B. Strobel Bob Szurgot Craig Tuber UBS Matching Gifts Program J.T. Vanderkamp Kenneth A. and Amy Viellieu John Vitt P. Scott and Beth Von Fischer A.J. Walker Edward S. and Dia Weil Howard Eglit and Barbara Weiner Rick L. Wills Wineman Charitable Foundation Cynthia J. Wolfson Michael Ziegler $100 - $499 Allstate Insurance Company Jorge and Amee Alonso Jim Alvarez Anonymous David Ashland Miguel Aviles Bank of America United Way Campaign Bank of America, N.A. Bank of Montreal U.S. Group of Companies Eugene and Margaret Barry Brenda and Marty Becker Steven R. and Sandra M. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad John E. Benz Michael B. Boyle Gary Bradley Terri C. Brankin Cliff Bregstone Donna and James Brennan Kenneth H. and Roberta S. Brown Frank and Mary Frances Brumfield Ralph Buelling Willard and Jeanette Bunn, III Dr. Walter Burke Michael T. and Laurie Byrne Jerome Castellini Joel and Rebecca Castillo Cheryl and Andrew Caveney Sharon and Wheeler Coleman Jeffrey P. and Elizabeth L. Coney Maureen and Brian Connelly Robert K. and Suzanne B. Costello & Cupids Cocktails 2 0 1 1 DMSF a s s o c i a t e b o ar d President Josh Shipley Julie Baker Joel Castillo Edward Craft Michael Earley Erin Fox Patrick Hager Julie Hallums Monse Huerta Michael King Vernard Lockhart Madelyn Pavlic David Rasho Scott Rubenstein Emily Sanchez Jennifer Schmidt Arun Varanasi Ben Whipple Jessica Zhang Hakan Dahlgren Alfred E. and Terri R. D'Ancona III Don and Margo I. DePhillips Jeffrey Devine Paul Dlugosch Joseph Doherty Cally Eckles David B. Edelson Ellen Engelke Juan Espejo J. Richard Fisher Collins and Mary Fitzpatrick Kevin M. Forde Shayle Fox Amanda Freund Dan Frost J. Patrick and Anne M. Gallagher, Jr. Peter Gancer Gail Gassner Stephen R. and Carolyn Geldermann Jeff Grossman and Nancy Gidwitz Allison Gonsowski Goodman Theatre Francis B. and Judith B. Gummere, Jr. Larry and Rita Hanson Jeffrey C. and Colleen T. Harrison Betsy and William McManaman Elisabeth C. Meeker John Merritt Midwest Property Group Ltd. Bernie Miller Matthew J. and Eileen Miller Robert and Barbara Mitchell Dr. David O. and Lola R. Monson Eugene V. and Mary C. Morrissy James D. Moss Henry S. and Barbara Moss Edward W. and Maureen Mulcahy Elizabeth Mulligan Carole P. Murphy Tim Newman Benjamin S. and Hilary Nitka Northridge Group Inc Dan O'Brien Michael G. O'Reilly Kathleen and Thomas Orton Robert Otter John E. and Christel Owens Carlos Pacheco Frank M. and Gail Paris Tom and Patricia Pasquesi Pratik Patel and Priya M. Bhatia William Pawlak William C. and Gloria A. Perlitz Timothy Perry Leroy D. and Margarita M. Peterson Christopher S. and Sara Pfaff Tracey T. Powell Amy and David T. Pritikin Julia Rainer Tamica Rainey James D. Ratcliff Paul J. Reilly and Mary Pat Kane Reilly Philip W. and Margaret K. Reitz Steven P. Remelius David Richter Kenneth Roedel Ron Romitti Thomas F. and Loida Rosario Michele Ruiz David Russo Marty and Alison Salzman W. Stephen and Catherine Saunders Brad Schmarak Jennifer Schmidt Brad and Kristena Schotanus Louis Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Seltzer Jane E. Shaffer Chad and Tricia Smith St. Andrews Foundation Dave Stephenson Jan and Dale Taubensee Kent T. Taubensee Shaku and Gregory Teas Augie Tonne William S. and Joan W. Trukenbrod Turner Construction Co. Casey Tushaus Robert Tutwiler Thomas B. and Kathleen O. Tyson Gerard Vahey Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender Steve Vincento William G. Waller James and Katie Walsh Frederick F. and Marilyn Webster Elizabeth and Dan Weil Dr. Jeffrey L. and Barbara J. Weinberg Charles Weiner Brenda Williams Stu and Mickey Wind James M. Wyman Mr. and Mrs. Shep Young Julie M. and Robert J. Zaideman Up to $99 Katelyn Adams Beth Alberts Lorena Alcala Charles S. and Jane Allen Richard M. and Andrea Amend Matthew J. Anderson Scott Arnoldy Allyson August Laura Bacon Julie and John Baker Jenna Behling Jessica Besser-Rosenberg Marjorie B. Biederman Reginald Binford Theodore and Karen Bots Max Boury Monica Bravo - Bianco Dennericka Brooks Jeffery Broom Amy and Paul R. Bryant Erin Burden Brian Calhoun Courtney Callaghan Brooke Carroll Carrie Casper Anna Chapin Daniel Malik and Yasmin Chaudhury Savitha Chelladurai Elizabeth K. Christie Philip W. Coatar Victoria Constantine Ted and Laura Cornell Kimberly Cozza Ed Craft Gail and Brian Crannell Eric Crowley Matthew Csaki Andrew Dalovisio Cassidy A. David Olivia Davis Jeff Day Jennifer Delgado Rohit Dhake Lucien Disalvo Carmen G. and Dawn D. Dodaro Stephanie Don Mike Dotson Susan Doty Mary Duncan Kelly Dwyer Mariola Dziubasik Julie Ecclestone Lauren Edmonds William Edwards Aaron Efta Lou Ellsworth-Yow Kristin Estandarte Inga Evenchik JaNae Ewald Annie Fileta Teri and Michael Finley Ted Frankel Frank I. Franzese Elizabeth Franzosa Rakhi Fuller Samuel Garnatz Jessica Gelber Irina Gelfand Raymond and Ruth A. Geraci Luellen J. Giera Noeleen B. Gilbreath Matt Goode Grace Gordon Rachel Gottlieb Carol Gottlieb Michael Gurovitsch Christopher M. and Andrea R. Haigh Christopher Halloran Julie Hallums Melissa Hansen Noel Hara Mary Haring Courtney Harper Thomas Hartsig Emily Hasselquist James Hausler John and Margaret Hawn Owen Hayes PK Hensien Margaret Heraty Holly Herrington Randi Herzberg Carol Hillsberg Abby Hillyard Kaylea Hoelscher Bradley Holland Emily Hominick Beth Horwitz Julie Howe David and Dolores Huante Julie Hughes Sara Hurtuk William Inglese Ellen and Harvey Jacobson John and Constance Jaeger Gregory and Julie Johnson Lisa Johnson Michael Jones Kate Juergens John and Margaret Kealy Melissa A. Kearney Donald Kempf Country Clubs Par t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e DMSF Ca d d i e Pr o g ra m Briarwood Beverly Conway Farms Exmoor Evanston Glen Oaks Green Acres Indian Hill Knollwood LaGrange Lake Shore Northmoor Oak Park Old Elm Onwentsia River Forest Ruth Lake Shoreacres Skokie Sunset Ridge Jason Kim Michael King Craig Knoche Catherine Koltz Andrea Kurrle Katarzyna Lach Leonard Levine Alan C. and Barbara L. London Rick Lopez David Lubek Mary F. Lukas Joseph M. Lyons Daniel Malik Antoinette Maloney Caroline B. Margolis Harold G. McCall Heather McShain Nicole Mesko Richard Miller Laura Milnichuk Erin Miskov Daryl Misrac Pauline Mohr Thomas Molzahn Gustavo Moreno Maureen Mulvihill Lisa Natale Marlene and William Nei Fred and Lois Neikrug Patricia Nemec Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Newman, M.D. Virginia Nothnagel Jonathan Paris Laurence Pasquesi Bradford G. Peterson Heidi Petrus Chris Piqueira Rachel Pluto Jeanette Polanin Brittany J. Pollina Jaime Powers John J. and Donna M. Pucin Gene and Terri Quirini Spiridon Rakos David and Cory Rasho Rebecca Ray Nadya Remy Devin Renberg Kirsten I. Runkle Alan and Mally Rutkoff Emily Sanchez Julie Sawaya Celina Scala Kristen Scaletta Jenny Scherer Rudolph Schilais Zachary Schneider Debra Schnell Carl J. Scichili Jason Shafer Jodi Shapiro Sara Sher Paul Shuman Charles and Barbara Slagle David H. Smith Dana Snodgrass Joseph and Kathleen Soprani Annessa Staab Taylor Stat Tracy Steele Heather Steffan Gregory Stewart Scott Stringer J. Alexander Stuart Katherine Suberlak Piotr Szymanski Erica Tejeda Robert W. Thomas Joi Thomas Catherine Thompson Kyle Ulep Amy Valaitis Arun Varanasi Claudia E. Villar Christopher Wallace Roger and Judith Wallenstein Debra N. Walters Katie Watson Rudy Weber Justin Weiss Matt Whipple Carrie Whitfield Benjamin Widseth Alvin Wieden Shelley Willems Corinne Williams Ryan Wiltshire Charlene Yaneza Maryellen and Robert Young DMSF s t a f f Andrew B. David Executive Director Carol Lee Barry Director of College Counseling Terri Connor Brankin Director of Development Loretta Cooney Education Committee Chair Daisy Delgado Education Coordinator Amanda Freund Development Associate Cindy Hallums Director of High School Programs Lindy Keiser Recruitment Coordinator Igho Oraka Intern Amy Pojman Special Events Coordinator/ Office Manager Meghann Sandak Education Coordinator Nancy Van Grinsven Special Projects Coordinator Special thanks to Rosy Santiago for her years of service as DMSF’s Director of Education. Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund 100 West Monroe Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60603 312.455.7800 www.dmsf.org DMSF w i s h e s t o t h a n k t h e 2 0 1 1 h i g h s c h o o l p ar t n Er s h i p s c h o o l s w h i c h e d u c a t e o u r s c h o l ar s Boys Hope Girls Hope of Illinois Brooks School Brother Rice High School Cate School Chatham Hall Cheshire Academy Chicago Academy for the Arts Chicago Hope Academy Chicago Waldorf School Concord Academy Christian Heritage Academy Cristo Rey Jesuit H.S. Culver Academies Deerfield Academy DeLaSalle Institute Emma Willard School Episcopal High School Ethel Walker School Fenwick High School Fountain Valley School of Colorado Francis W. Parker School Global Citizenship Experience The Governor’s Academy Groton Guerin College Prep Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School Holy Trinity Regina Dominican High School The Hun School Robert Louis Stevenson School Ida Crown Jewish Academy Roycemore School Josephinum High School Shattuck-St. Mary’s School Lake Forest Academy St. Benedict’s High School The Latin School of Chicago St. Francis de Sales LaLumiere School St. George’s School The Lawrenceville School St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy Loomis Chaffee St. Ignatius College Prep Loyola Academy St. Joseph High School Marist High School St. Laurence High School Mercersburg Academy St. Mark’s School Middlesex St. Patrick High School Milton Academy St. Paul’s School Mooseheart St. Rita of Cascia High School Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School Taft School Mount Carmel High School Thacher School Nazareth Academy Trinity High School North Shore Country Day The University of Chicago Laboratory School Northfield Mount Hermon School Wasatch Academy Northridge Prep School Wayland Academy Notre Dame College Prep The Willows Academy Notre Dame HS for Girls Woodlands Academy Providence St. Mel of the Sacred Heart Phillips Exeter Academy The Putney School Queen of Peace High School
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