Love Our Kids Gala - Federation Early Learning Services
Love Our Kids Gala - Federation Early Learning Services
26th Annual Love Our Kids Gala JUNE 9, 2015 An Evening Dedicated To Celebrating And Supporting Excellence In Early Childhood Education for helping to shape the future. PNC is proud to support FELS Early Learning Services. Because we know that brighter futures begin in the classroom. ©2015 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association. Member FDIC Welcome Federation Early Learning Services 26th Annual Love Our Kids Gala Honoree Ronald Perilstein Ron, currently an Honorary Life Director and a former FELS Board Chair, has been a board member for nearly 20 years. Throughout his board tenure, Ron has led by example working tirelessly helping us to fulfill our mission. His commitment to the Jewish community also includes serving as Chair of the Board of Overseers at Penn Hillel and Vice President of Har Zion Temple. He is also a board member of the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life, Federation Endowments Corporation and Hillel of Greater Philadelphia. Ron is President of The Arjay Group, Inc., an insurance brokerage firm. Guest Speaker Rabbi David Wolpe Named the most influential Rabbi in America by Newsweek, David is the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, CA. He is a writer and columnist for many publications, including The LA Times and The Huffington Post. Having appeared on the Today Show and Face the Nation, he was also featured in a series on PBS, the History and Discovery Channels. The author of eight books, including a national best seller, his latest book, David: The Divided Heart has been optioned for a movie. For the past three years, it has been my privilege to be the Ad Book Chair for this wonderful annual event; an event that is dedicated to celebrating and supporting FELS, an organization that provides excellence in child care and early childhood education for families from diverse backgrounds throughout the Delaware Valley. It is also my honor to thank ALL OF YOU; our many friends and business associates, for your support. I especially thank our board members, not only for their time obtaining ads, but also for their generous personal donations to our Love Our Kids Ad Book. A special thank you to our FELS Staff, Joanne Stretz, Deborah Koobrick and Miranda von Salis, whose hard work and dedication go into making this Ad Book a success. To all of our guests who join us this evening to honor Ronald Perilstein, a fellow board member and former Board Chair, whose dedication to our mission is exemplary, and to hear our distinguished guest speaker, Rabbi David Wolpe, I extend my sincere appreciation. Each one of you helps to make this a memorable night. Tomorrow and each day thereafter, we will continue making a difference in the lives of the children whose families entrust us with their care. We cannot do it alone; together we are a much stronger organization. 26th Annual Michael Dubin, Ad Book Chair Love Our Kids Gala Messages and Recognitions........... 2 - 13, 23, 24 How FELS Makes a Difference................. 14 - 22 Benefactors................................................ 25 - 30 Advocates................................................... 31 - 42 Patrons........................................................ 43 - 57 Partners.................................................... 58 - 108 Associates............................................... 109 - 121 From our Board of Directors, staff and our children, I thank you wholeheartedly for making this evening a very special event. Friends.................................................... 122 - 134 With great appreciation, Michael B. Dubin Supporters.............................................. 135 - 140 Contributors........................................... 141 - 144 Legislator Support................................. 145 - 159 Jewels.............................................................. 160 Staff........................................................ 161 - 166 Index....................................................... 167 - 169 2 3 Federation Early Learning Services Regarded as a leader in the field, Federation Early Learning Services (FELS) has provided quality programs since 1911. We enroll infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children from diverse economic, religious and racial backgrounds on a year-round basis. With eight centers and two public school sites located in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware Counties, we serve 1,000 children annually. For over four decades, we have provided classroom supports for children with special needs, while helping their families identify and obtain resources vital to their child’s optimum development. We are extremely proud of our staff many of whom have been with us for over 10 years. Their commitment to continuing their education and remaining current with best practices has resulted in their receiving prestigious awards during their careers with us. Our professional staff serve in key regional and state leadership positions, advocating for increased funding, higher standards and meaningful legislation to ensure quality programs for all children. We have also served as a resource for other early childhood education programs, offering advice, support and technical assistance. Mission Statement Federation Early Learning Services (FELS) provides excellence in child care and early childhood education for all families from diverse backgrounds throughout the Delaware Valley. Built on a foundation of Jewish values and traditions for over a century, FELS is a recognized leader, helping families access affordable child care, providing innovative programs for children and consultation services to the early childhood community. Vision Statement FELS will continue to: • Promote excellence by achieving and retaining national accreditation • Provide safe and stimulating environments that teach children and their families to respect diversity and honor differences • Operate facilities that uphold the highest standards for learning and safety • Serve as a leading regional resource for the early childhood community • Maximize the abilities of all infants, toddlers, preschool, kindergarten and school-age children enrolled in our programs • Advocate for quality early childhood education in Pennsylvania • Build a strong and vibrant Jewish community by offering Jewish Family Life education programs to enrolled families and the communities we serve 4 Maddy Malis, President and CEO At this time, we are indeed fortunate that early childhood education is enjoying a favorable political climate in the executive branches of our federal and state governments. FELS has always been more than an organization that provides a vital service to children and their families. We have a long history of advocating for change and influencing public policy. I ask that each of us continue our commitment to FELS and the fight for high quality early childhood education in our country. Let’s continue to dream about what we want our educational system to become. Let’s continue to dedicate ourselves to making it happen. Let’s make sure that all children enter kindergarten ready to learn. This year, we are privileged to honor Ronald Perilstein who makes the commitment to FELS and high quality early childhood education. Ron is unique. When he leads he focuses on priorities, takes reasonable risks and does so with brevity, humility and, most significantly, humor. As Board Chair from 2006 – 2009, he demonstrated his vision, his clarity and his determination to get things done. For over 19 years, he has worked to ensure that our strategic plans are implemented and our legacy continues for the next 100 years. I thank each and every one of you for honoring Ron’s work; for honoring FELS’ work; for honoring those who cannot speak for themselves through your presence here tonight. You are already helping make the dream come true. 5 Thank You BOARD OF DIRECTORS Maddy Malis, President and CEO Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary David Pollack Michael Dubin Chuck Finder Evan Segal Ben Persofsky Scott Schwartz Cathy Seiler Kate Legge Kay Lokoff Gary Novick Ronald Perilstein David Pudlin Gail Rosenberg Helene Rosenfeld Charlotte Rosenthal Eydie Rudman Ellen Scolnic Marisa Shuter Barbara Spector Ryan Udell Marcia Wasserman Sandra S. Axelrod Scott Barsky Carol Blank Barsh Robert A. Clair Jason Cole Ellen DiStefano William England Ellen J. Friedman Ilene Garlin Molly Gerber Mary Bert Gutman Jill Kleeman Michael Koffler Ellen L. Kolodner Rita Lifson ADVISORY BOARD Marcy K. Bacine Marc Clair, AIA Sharon Easterling David R. Fair Norman S. Finkel Carol A. Gantman, Ph.D. Ellen Horowitz Matz Representative John P. Sabatina Honorable Allyson Schwartz Commissioner Joshua D. Shapiro Harriet Weiss Honorable Constance Williams 6 Message from David Pollack, Board Chair As a pediatrician and incoming Chair of the Board of Directors, it gives me great pleasure to thank you for supporting excellence in early childhood education. Most importantly, I thank you for supporting an organization that has been caring for children and strengthening families for over 100 years. This year we honor Ronald Perilstein for his exceptional service and commitment to FELS. As an active board member since 1996, Ron has served in a variety of leadership capacities and currently participates on three vital committees. Leading by example throughout his tenure, he continues to play a pivotal role in our new business ventures and has been instrumental in helping the organization fulfill its strategic mission. We thank him for his vision, determination, and dedication to our children and families. I would also like to offer very special thanks to this evening’s Gala Chairs, Andi and Scott Barsky. Scott and Andi both have been tremendously involved with FELS in so many ways, ever since 1988 when Scott became a board member. We are grateful for their commitment and contributions all these years, especially for making tonight’s Gala such an enjoyable and successful event. To our Champion Sponsors, PNC Bank and the Dozoretz Family Foundation and to our Benefactors, Digital Benefit Advisors, Jill and Mark Fishman, The Haverford Trust Company, Helene and Lester Rosenfeld and the Tioga Foundation, we are most grateful for your generosity. I also want to extend my own heartfelt thanks and appreciation to FELS. My service on the board and as an officer in the organization for the past decade has been my way of expressing, along with my wife Amy, tremendous gratitude for setting both our children, Eliza and Gabriel, on life paths of which we are extremely proud. They were both graduates of the Kehillah Early Learning Center, which FELS helped establish in 1986 within our own synagogue community at a time when there was no Jewish “Day Care” available in all of Delaware County. Many years later Eliza is using her Masters degree in Public Policy, working for the City of Philadelphia to bring innovation and technology to local government as well as underserved areas of the city. Gabriel graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music as a jazz trumpeter and entrepreneur, and is currently living his dream in Cleveland as the manager of a new and highly successful music venue. They are both happy and empathic adults, so much of which is grounded in the incredible foundation that they received through FELS programs. In my new role as Chair, I will continue my commitment to assuring that the rich experiences from which my own children have benefited remain available to many other children for years to come, and I ask for your continued commitment as well. On behalf of our Board of Directors, our staff, our children and their families, I thank everyone who supported this event through their donations, sponsorships, ads and attendance, but most importantly, for being an ongoing friend and supporter of FELS, a truly unique and inspirational organization that has served our community for over a century. 7 Remembering Judy Broder Remembering Judy Broder For nearly three decades, starting in 1989, Judy Broder served on the FELS board and was clear and consistent about the role she wanted to play. During her 26 years on the Board, Judy served in many leadership positions and was our 2003 Gala honoree. For more years than anyone can remember, Judy co-chaired the Special Events Food Committee with Helene Rosenfeld. Gala 1992 (Judy far right) “It was important to her that FELS events were enjoyable, memorable and well attended so supporters would look forward to returning to them every year,” said George Broder, Judy’s husband of 53 years. Gala 2002 Judy and George George and Judy Gala 1992 Gala 2011 “Using her innate creativity, excellent taste and attention to detail, she accomplished her goal. Like any pro, Judy made event planning seem effortless though, in reality, she’d spend countless hours behind the scenes making sure everything was perfect,” he continued. This past December, we lost her. “It’s hard to imagine putting future board events together without Judy,” said board member Ilene Garlin who joined the board because of Judy’s excitement for and passion about FELS. “Judy and George’s generosity to FELS was an inspiration to (my husband) Tom and me.” We enjoyed working together all these years and affectionately became known as the foodies, commented Rosenfeld. “Judy was always very confident about what she was doing and whenever she became a part of an organization, she was fully committed, doing whatever she could to benefit them,” she continued. Judy and Helene “She loved children,” said Jill Steinberg, Judy’s daughter, “and wanted them to have the same opportunities that she and my father were fortunate enough to provide for my brother and me. Her deep love for her children and grandchildren was obvious. They were precious and so were other children. Nothing was more important than our children – our future. Her commitment to FELS was apparent and she was so proud when she was honored at the 14th Annual Love Our Kids Gala which my father branded 17 years ago and still prevails today.” For over 16 years, a piece of toddler equipment that Judy and George Broder dedicated in memory of their son who passed away in infancy still stands in the Paley Early Learning Center’s playground. Bringing joy and the opportunity for much needed exercise to our “little ones” is just a small part of Judy’s legacy. Giving us a model for and mentoring others about how to have a successful gala will continue for years to come helping to ensure that FELS and FELS kids prosper for years to come. (l to r: Gala 2013: George and Judy, Helene and Lester Rosenfeld,8 Irene and Tom Garlin) Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. — Maimonides 9 Thank You Love Our Kids Gala Committee We applaud your hard work and planning to ensure this event’s success! Chairs Scott and Andi Barsky Ad Book Chair Michael B. Dubin Auction Committee Sandra Axelrod Gail Rosenberg Decoration and Food Committee Ilene Garlin Jill Kleeman Helene Rosenfeld Staff Deborah Koobrick Joanne Stretz Miranda von Salis 10 Scott and Andi Barsky, Honorary Chairs Andi and I are pleased to be Honorary Chairs of this special evening and proud to honor a man who has dedicated over 19 years to Federation Early Learning Services, Ronald Perilstein. My own board service to FELS started in 1988. I knew my commitment to providing excellence in early childhood education would be enhanced by bringing Ron onto our Board. I approached Ron by saying, “Can you help me out for a little and sit on a committee”; promising him that it wouldn’t take up too much of his time. Well, almost two decades and countless hours later, it is only fitting that we thank and acknowledge the important mark Ron has made on our organization. He has helped us identify and focus on priorities, setting the bar high and fulfilling our goals. FELS has benefited from his vision, his determination and courage. I am privileged to call Ron a good friend and have him as a fellow board member. A Special Thank You to those whose hard work and dedication went into making this event a success: my fellow Board Members including, Auction Chairs Gail Rosenberg and Sandy Axelrod; Food and Décor Committee Helene Rosenfeld, Jill Kleeman and Ilene Garlin, and most importantly, the FELS staff. We also consider ourselves fortunate to have you, our friends, here supporting quality early childhood education. YOU help the organization provide high quality early childhood education under Jewish auspices for over 100 years at eight centers throughout the Delaware Valley. A special thank you to our Guest Speaker, Rabbi David Wolpe, whose spiritual understanding and keen insights will inform and energize us all. We hope that you enjoy this wonderful evening of celebration. 11 Thank You Jim Cawley, President and CEO United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey Standing United for Success in School! Our Funders Because of you, we can provide the best of everything from the beginning. Howard and Terri Abrams Foundation Bravo Foundation The Solomon and Sylvia Bronstein Foundation Camp Council, Inc. Cassett Foundation Julius and Ray Charlestein Foundation City of Philadelphia Dansko Foundation Department of Community & Economic Development Department of Human Services Helen and Joseph First Fund Foundation for Jewish Day Schools Hess Foundation Aaron and Frieda Kadden Perpetual Trust Fund Joseph & Sharon Kestenbaum E. Roy Knoppel Fund Hannah Langendorf Endowment Fund Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care Foundation Office of Child Development and Early Learning Paul Sultanoff Memorial Fund Philadelphia Activities Fund Public Health Management Early Childhood Education Facility Fund Audrey Stein Memorial Scholarship Fund The Schwartz Foundation School District of Philadelphia United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Young Israel of Elkins Park 12 As the parent of a young child, I’ve seen firsthand how important quality early learning is in a child’s life. Research shows that investments in early childhood education pay off tremendously. From cost savings in special education spending and social services to reduced incarceration rates, we know that it’s crucial to get it right in the first five years. In fact, for every dollar spent on high-quality early education, there is a $1.79 return on investment generated in local economic activity. And most importantly, children who have access to high-quality early education are more likely to graduate from high school on time, obtain and retain a job and earn a higher family-sustaining wage. The evidence is resounding. At United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, we’re committed to supporting quality early learning and ensuring children across our region enter kindergarten ready to learn because we know it works. Through Success By 6® United Way provides resources to help child care centers build and sustain high quality, resulting in thousands more children from targeted neighborhoods prepared to succeed in school each year. Additionally, United Way serves as one of the founding partners of the Pre-K for PA campaign, utilizing our unique position to advocate for policy change at all levels of government to ensure all 3- and 4-year-olds in Pennsylvania have access to high-quality pre-k. We do not do this work alone. Partnerships with education leaders like FELS, which has been a steadfast ally in our mission to improve lives for more than 50 years, are what allow us to bring high-quality early learning experiences to more of our youngest learners throughout the region, preparing them to enter school ready to learn. These experiences are a necessity for all children to achieve in school and later in life. It’s time to provide our children and future leaders with the start they deserve. Educators and researchers have done their part. We know what works, and we know it can be done. 13 Making a Difference PROUD ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Will serve over 1,150 children this year in eight centers and two after school programs; 50% living at or below the poverty line; 49% living in single parent households •Six centers maintained a Keystone STAR 4 rating, the highest designation possible in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Quality Initiative •Five centers remained accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Only 8% of all early childhood programs in the United States have achieved this prestigious and highly regarded designation Making a Difference LITERACY Developing an appreciation for reading and writing maximizes a child’s chance to excel in school. Our literacy programs foster imagination and creativity. Our curriculum also teaches the early literacy skills necessary for school readiness such as comprehension, phonemic awareness and vocabulary. Children learn to listen, think critically and discuss while building language skills, providing them with the foundation for future learning. •Assisted more than 23,000 families through our Child Care Information Services Northeast, which provides resource and referral services and subsidized child care assistance to low-income families •Successfully integrated over 200 children with special needs into our programs •Awarded $90,000 in scholarship assistance to families in need so parents could keep their children enrolled in a quality Jewish early childhood education program while working to keep their families economically independent •Raised over $430,000 to improve facilities, enhance programs for children and promote staff development and retention •Continued our partnership with the School District of Philadelphia to provide services to 103 children in our Pre-K Counts and Head Start classrooms •Two Teachers recognized by the Howard and Terri Abrams Foundation for making a significant difference in the lives of children with special needs •Excellent staff retention record; 68 staff have been employed over ten years; 16 of whom have been employed for over twenty years 14 15 Making a Difference Making a Difference HEALTHY HABITS JEWISH HERITAGE Research continues to support that nutrition and physical activity play a critical role in the cognitive, emotional and behavioral development of children. To ensure we are meeting these needs, our curriculum includes healthy cooking projects, active playgrounds, fitness enrichment programs and balanced snacks. “Since our children have been at the Lokoff Center, they are more aware of their Jewish identity. I make more of an effort to celebrate Shabbat on Friday night. I am always amazed that they know so much about our Jewish heritage and am delighted about the attitudes that they have developed. I know that these are things that they will carry them with them for the rest of their lives.” FELS preserves and enhances the Jewish identity of our children and their families, which is an integral part of our curriculum. Our rich Jewish environments and programs create a sense of community and significantly impact the Jewish identity and practice of the entire family. By providing workshops and holiday programs for families, we educate, support and enrich their own knowledge and facilitate celebrating their heritage. These activities help our culturally diverse families understand and appreciate each other’s differences. 16 17 Making a Difference SCHOLARSHIPS Our dedication to supporting our families, particularly during financially challenging years, has not wavered. Through generous donor support we have been able to provide over 100 scholarships this year alone, ensuring the children receive a high quality early childhood education. “The education my son receives far exceeds my expectations. As a single mother and the only means of support, I only want to provide the best for him. This scholarship allows me to continue to provide him the best of everything and to help him be the best human being he can be. The first five years of a child’s life are the most important and this assistance helps make those years matter by making quality care affordable. Thank you!” 18 Making a Difference STAFF DEVELOPMENT Through comprehensive staff development programs, our teachers and administrators remain current with new technology and best practices in early childhood education. Our staff development programs meet the gold standards on state and national levels, continually surpassing state licensing standards. Our teachers distinguish themselves and our organization by winning prestigious awards like the Terri Lynne Lokoff/Children’s Tylenol National Child Care Teachers Award. 19 Making a Difference Making a Difference SPECIAL NEEDS CAMP FELS continues to maintain our long and proud history of enrolling children with special medical, developmental, neurological and behavioral needs. Teachers working in tandem with our Director of Child Development design techniques to provide the optimal inclusion of children with special needs into typical classroom settings. Our centers feature summer programming that keeps education in the limelight while featuring numerous outdoor activities, weekly themes and for many centers, time in the pool. Camp Woodlight at Paley offers a safe, stimulating and welcoming environment for our year-round children and many school-age children from the community who return year after year. Field trips, service projects and enrichment specialists comprise our unique summer all-day programming which is so important to many of the working parents who count on FELS. District Attorney of the City of Philadelphia, R. Seth Williams and Campers 20 21 Making a Difference OUR FUTURE FELS meets and maintains the highest standards set nationally through the National Association for the Education of Young Children and from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Keystone STARS Quality Initiative Program ensuring our children are set on the right path to succeed. Decades of research show that children who enter kindergarten ready to learn are better positioned to read at grade level by the end of third grade, graduate from high school, remain employed and are less likely to engage in criminal activities. Message from Auction Chairs, Gail Rosenberg and Sandra Axelrod As Auction Chairs and also FELS Board Members for over 20 years, we want to thank those who have charitably donated items to our Love Our Kids Gala Silent Auction. We especially want to thank our board members who went above and beyond to secure these wonderful gifts. In anticipation of a successful auction, we want to thank you, our guests who generously purchased items; making you our partner in educating our youngest population. A special thank you is extended to FELS staff members: Joanne Stretz, Debbie Koobrick, Miranda vonSalis and to all the volunteers this evening whose contributions of time and talent where of tremendous help to us. This auction would not be possible without all of YOU and we are grateful for your generosity. You truly make a difference in the lives of the children we serve. Gail Rosenberg and Sandra Axelrod 22 23 Thank You Thank You to Our Silent Auction Contributors Academy of Natural Sciences Accent on Beauté Aldar Bistro Sandra Axelrod Barre Focus Fitness in Haverford Scott Barsky Barnes Foundation Becker’s School Supplies Beifeld Jewelers Benny the Bum’s Boyd’s Carol Blank Barsh Conshy Girls Catering Curds N Whey Dansko Dolce and Gabbana Drake’s Tavern Elise Nails in Bryn Mawr Elite Concepts and Décor Ellen Friedman and Jeff Cohen Estia From the Boot Ilene Garlin Ginza The Daily Grind Gypsy Saloon Home Grown In Her Shoes at Linda’s Loft Instacart Kiehl’s King’s Corner Les Copains Linda’s Loft Lolli Lolli Magical Mouse Travel Manzo Media Group Marco Polo Marzano Ristorante Meadowlands Country Club Bette Midler Tickets for June 16th Mercedes Benz Neiman Marcus Partyland in Ardmore PCA Philadelphia Ballet Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Seventy Sixers Philadelphia Theatre Company Philmont Country Club PNC Bank David and Amy Pollack Prime Time Beef & Ale Ride Cycling Studio Gail Rosenberg Saks Fifth Avenue Salon L’Etoile Seasons 52 Sesame Rockwood Camps Six Points Kosher Event Catering Southern Cross Kitchen Starlight Salon in Jenkintown Stella Blu Susanna Foo Trish McEvoy Joey Tate’s The New Tavern Twice as Nice Walnut Street Theatre Rabbi David Wolpe *List may be incomplete at time of printing 24 BENEFACTOR Game Change We broke the mold in the benefits arena. We’re offering the most critical benefit to employers — advice. Sound, actionable advice. This changes everything. Congratulations to our friend, Ron Perilstein Michael Steinberg, Principal CA L L : 215.885.7742 EMA I L : [email protected] V I S I T : DBA_PA_FELS_GameChange_5x7H.indd 1 25 4/25/2014 1:27:11 PM BENEFACTOR BENEFACTOR Jill and Mark Fishman Congratulate Ron Perilstein 100% Committed to Quality Investing Investment Management • Trust & Estate Services Retirement Plan Services • Nonprofit Services And FELS On This Wonderful Evening. Seth D. Horwitz, MBA, Vice President & Portfolio Manager [email protected] | 610-995-8775 Investments in securities are not FDIC insured, not bank guaranteed, and may lose value. 26 27 BENEFACTOR BENEFACTOR Congratulations to Ronald Perilstein For his dedication to our kids and his commitment to quality early childhood education. Ron, We are so proud to be related to such a tireless and dedicated community leader! You set the bar high Helene & Lester Rosenfeld as a role model for us all. Love, Jayne, Julie and Dan, Alex and Nana Millie 28 29 BENEFACTOR ADVOCATE Congratulations, Ron! Great things can happen when Education comes first. Carol and Horace Barsh Joy and Bennett Ellen and Andy Gwen and David 30 31 ADVOCATE ADVOCATE Cozen O’Connor proudly supports FELS and its 26th Annual Love Our Kids Celebration. Camille M. Miller 215.665.7273 | [email protected] E. Gerald Riesenbach 215.665.4159 | [email protected] 1900 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 575 Lawyers | 23 Offices Worldwide 32 © 2015 Cozen O’Connor Federation_Children_2015_Ad_Color_Converted_Text.indd 1 33 4/8/15 6:41 PM ADVOCATE ADVOCATE Congratulations to Ron Perilstein for your leadership role and continuing commitment to FELS and Early Childhood Education. Your dedication and involvement are an inspiration to all. With equal enthusiasm I salute FELS as a pioneer in the field and for providing the best and most innovative quality care to our kids. Our Gutman Girls, Then and Now! Ellen Friedman and Jeffrey Cohen Hannah and Leah Cohen 34 Mary Bert Gutman 35 ADVOCATE ADVOCATE Heartiest congratulations to Ron Perilstein for his longstanding and dedicated service to Federation Early Learning Services Ron and Harriet Lassin salute the teachers and staff of Best Wishes, Federation Early Learning Services Rita Lifson for their dedication and hard work. 36 37 ADVOCATE ADVOCATE Morison Cogen LLP, Joe Kistner & Ben Piazza I Proud To Support FELS We’re working toward the same goal— Let’s work together 2425 Maryland Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659‐9150 (800) 257‐9362 Fax: (215) 659‐9158 Teamwork = Success We’ve got your back Congratulations to a Great Organization and to this year’s honoree Ron Perilstein “Please Call Again” for all your Janitorial supplies. Gary B. Rubin Our team can be an exceptional resource for you to rely on. We’re not just about the numbers–our goal is to provide support, advice and guidance every step of the way as your business and your life evolves. Your success is our success. Accounting I Audit I Tax I I 267.440.3000 38 39 ADVOCATE ADVOCATE Congratulations to FELS for helping hundreds Congratulations Ron of children on this Well Deserved Honor. enter school ready Your Dedication and Leadership to learn each year is an Inspiration and to to Us All. Ron Perilstein who is an inspiration to others. Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great. - Mark Twain Marcia, Ted and the Wasserman Family - Mark Twain Jerry Ralph Proud Dad of Maddy Malis 40 41 ADVOCATE PATRON We honor and salute our friend, Ron Perilstein and FELS For their commitment to children, Our most valuable resource. Fiebach/Demchick Family Stein/Rubenstein Family Sandy and David Axelrod 42 43 PATRON PATRON Mazel Tov to Ron Perilstein on this well-deserved honor. Judy Broder 1942-2014 A Very Special Person We admire your continued commitment to Federation Early Learning Services. We applaud your dedication!! We will always love you. Bryna and Fred Berman 44 George, Jill and Sid, Andy and Chris Blaine, Leigh, Alex and Ryan 45 PATRON PATRON Relationships That Span EARLY LEARNING GENERATIONS Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. is proud to support FELS in its mission to provide high quality early education to children from all Investment Advisory walks of life. & Trust Provides a framework fo r teachers to relate more effectively w ith students Corporate Lending Private Equity Corporate Advisory Benjamin Persofsky Sr. Vice President One Logan Square, rt Jump-sta ’s d il h your c ce n ie c S Math, g in d a e and R , n educatio today! 14th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215.864.1828 [email protected] Pathways is an innovative, research-based learning approach perfect for home and school with 90 fun and easy, hands-on activities arranged in 16 themes. Also included are 5 popular children’s books to complement the activities. 484_15 46 For more information, call 856.324.4787 47 PATRON PATRON Mazel Tov to Ron Perilstein for your commitment, service and leadership of FELS. Thank you to the staff and volunteers for your dedication in providing a quality Jewish education for so many children. We support FELS and we believe in quality, publicly funded early learning for all children. Firstrust is proud to support Federation Early Learning Services. For providing a safe environment and inspiring our children to grow and succeed, we thank you. Timothy J. Abell President Richard J. Green C.E.O. & Vice Chairman So proud of our daughter Sarah, FELS Grad! Bill England and Lorie Slass 800-220-BANK 48 49 PATRON PATRON We are proud to support the hard work and dedication of Ron Perilstein. Lynne and Bill Garbose 50 51 PATRON PATRON Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor, Ron! Thank you for all of the amazing insights and leadership you have shared with the FELS Board throughout the years! Ellen and Bernie Kolodner 52 53 PATRON PATRON We salute Ron Perilstein’s Nineteen Years of Service To FELS and Ben Persofsky and Danielle Sandsmark honor FELS’ 104 year commitment to providing a foundation for success to every child. 54 FELS Dedication to Quality Early Childhood Education David and Helen Pudlin 55 PATRON PATRON Congratulations to FELS and Congratulations Ronald Perilstein for your dedication Ronald Perilstein, to Federation Early Learning Services my oldest, dearest and most trusted friend and for all that you do. Early Childhood Education Charlotte Rosenthal and Family Your success as a businessman, family man and philanthropist is unparalleled and revered. With much love and respect, David Schlesinger and Amy Wexler 56 57 PATRON PARTNER Mazel Tov to Ron Perilstein And to the Federation Early Learning Services Organization Best Wishes, Susanna Lachs Adler and Dean Adler 58 59 PARTNER PARTNER Here's the next generation of FELS kids! Congratulations to Ron Perilstein from Marcy and Dan Bacine Congratulations to our dear friend Ron Perilstein for his tireless efforts on behalf of early childhood education and FELS. The Barsky Family 60 61 PARTNER PARTNER The Gordons congratulate Ronald Perilstein on many years of service and dedication! Proud to provide benefits to FELS, And Its Wonderful Employees. Congratulations on the 26th LOVE OUR KIDS Gala Jeffrey W. Plaut Benefit Advisory Partners (817) 909-5904 [email protected] 62 With more than $1 billion in Main Line real estate sales, The Robin Gordon Group is uniquely qualified to help you find your ideal buyer, or your dream home. For an expert home valuation, call Robin directly at 610-246-2280. 610.649.7410 [email protected] 63 Call 610.246.2280 PARTNER PARTNER We are pleased to join in honoring our dear friend, LOVE OUR KIDS GALA Ron Perilstein, for his contributions to FELS. In whatever he does, he always puts it “right through the uprights.” Blank Rome proudly supports FederaƟon Early Learning Services and joins in honoring Sue and Dan Bernheim Susan and Larry Chane Ron Perilstein BOCA RATON CINCINNATI FORT LAUDERDALE Ellen and Gary Wasserson HOUSTON LOS ANGELES NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH PRINCETON SAN FRANCISCO SHANGHAI TAMPA WASHINGTON 64 WILMINGTON 65 PARTNER PARTNER We’re right by your side. The team at CHOP Care Network Delaware County congratulates Ron Perilstein on his many years of service and devotion to FELS — and to children throughout our region. We’re proud to be right by your side. ©2015 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. All Rights Reserved. 66 67 PARTNER PARTNER Karen and Stewart Cohen, Lisa Heller and Harry Roth Celebrate the Great Work Of In memory of the two loves of my life! Federation Early Learning Services HOPE CLAIR Congratulations Ron! April 12, 1929 to July 20, 2013 KATE SVITEK July 1,1979 to February 9, 2002 Bob Clair, Loving Husband & Grandfather 68 69 PARTNER PARTNER Kamal Elsherif salutes Federation Early Learning Services Sandy & Steve Cozen and the Samuel D. Cozen Memorial Fund are pleased to support Federation Early Learning Services and congratulates Ronald Perilstein Continental Mainenance Co. Full Janitorial Service Carpet and Flooring Services No job too big or too small 856-261-8077 70 71 PARTNER PARTNER DeMasi’s Landscape Design & Lawn Services Congratulates FELS on its 26th Annual Love Our Kids Gala No Job Too Big or Too Small RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE PROVIDING THESE SERVICES: • GRASS CUTTING • TREE WORK •MULCHING • SOD / SEEDING •LANDSCAPING •FERTILIZING •CLEAN-UPS • SNOW REMOVAL •FIREWOOD CALL JOE AT (267) 394-3618 72 Congratulations to FELS Congratulations to FELS for another successful year in providing for quality anotherearly successful yeareducation in providing childhood quality early childhood education and to to Perilstein Ronand Perilstein and hard work Ron for his continued dedication for his continued dedication and hard work on behalf of FELS. on behalf of FELS. Michael, Betsy, Jessica and Sari Dubin 73 Michael, Betsy, Jessica and Sari Dubin PARTNER PARTNER 74 75 PARTNER PARTNER Congratulations to Ron, For Ron who approaches all he does with the Officers, Volunteers, Staff thoughtful wisdom, abundant and Families Of FELS generosity and youthful excitement. THE FINDER FAMILY Debbie and Bob Fleischman 76 77 PARTNER PARTNER Congratulations to Ron Perilstein a deserving honoree and to FELS Thanks for a job well done, Steve !! We’re all so proud of you !! a wonderful organization serving children and their families for over 100 years! Mom and Dad The Gable Family Sundee, Becca, Sami and Steve 78 79 PARTNER PARTNER Our grandchildren join us in saluting the staff of FELS for the wonderful work they do for so many children. Ilene and Tom Garlin 80 81 PARTNER PARTNER We salute Ron Perilstein. Your exceptional devotion to your community Is an inspiration and a blessing to us all. We are proud to join you in support of Mazel Tov to our friend Ron Perilstein on this wonderful honor! Thank you for your commitment to and leadership of FELS Federation Early Learning Services. Marjorie and Jeffrey Honickman Ruth and Richard Horowitz 82 83 PARTNER PARTNER Lauren Hogan and Jason Wall are honored to continue the legacy of their Grandparents Howard and Terri Abrams Since its inception in 1986, the Howard and Terri Abrams Foundation has been dedicated to providing children with special needs the support necessary to succeed and thrive in a classroom setting. As trustees, Lauren and Jason are proud to partner with FELS to help achieve this goal. 84 85 PARTNER PARTNER Congratulations Ron for your many years of service and leadership The Koffler Family and to is Proud FELS To Support FELS for providing the best in early childhood education Jill and Mike Kleeman 86 87 PARTNER PARTNER Congratulations to a super involved Mensch. The Philadelphia Jewish Community has been rewarded by “Do not be wise in words, be wise in deeds” Jewish proverb Mazel Tov to: your years of service and commitment. Ronald Perilstein Fondly- You are an inspiration! inspiration! Marty and Sylvia Kreithen Thank you forfor allall do you for our Thank you do for Community. our community. Michele & Robert Levin 88 89 PARTNER PARTNER Enthusiastic artists from the Buerger Early Learning Center at Rodpeh Shalom Best wishes from Congregation Rodeph Shalom Rabbi Bill & Emily Kuhn Rabbi Jill Maderer & Len Lipkin Rabbi Eli Freedman & Laurel Klein Cantor Erin & David Frankel Rabbi Alan & Carol Fuchs Merrill & Lloyd Brotman, President Carol & Tom Perloff and Your Friends at Rodeph Shalom Congregation Rodeph Shalom, 615 North Broad Street, Philadelphia 215-627-6747 90 91 PARTNER PARTNER We Mazel Tov to FELS FeDeratioN EarLy LeArniNg SeRvicEs for continuing to provide essential services to children and their families throughout the Philadelphia region Debra and David Magerman 92 93 PARTNER PARTNER Mazel Tov All of the business sense in the world makes no sense without a strong sense of community Ron and Scott & Andi We proudly support Our community is fortunate to have your leadership! FELS and the wonderful community THEY serve Congratulations to Honoree Ronald Perilstein and Gala Chairs Scott & Andi Barsky Gail and Elliot Norry BRETT STUDNER, LISA SCHNEIDER AND Your friends and family at: 94 95 PARTNER PARTNER Kol HaKavod to Ron Perilstein You are an example and an inspiration to us! Thank you FELS for your wonderful work. To Our Dear Brother, Son and Friend. We are so proud of all the hard work you do. We are honored to support you and this wonderful organization. Liz and Billy Shaid Love, Mom & Dad Margie & Brian Wargon Linda & Joel Appelbaum Robert & Nancy Perilstein 96 97 PARTNER PARTNER We thank Ron Perilstein for his The Pollack’s congratulate Ron for his dedication, commitment and leadership to FELS and all its kids. caring commitment and generous contributions to FELS and to the Jewish community Yasher Koach for everything you do, always with great humor and passion. David and Amy 98 Gail and Michael Rosenberg 99 PARTNER PARTNER The Segal Family and Segal Financial Congratulate Ron Perilstein Thank you for your dedication, caring, and for just being a great guy. Yasher Koach to WE LOVE LOKOFF!! Honoree Ronald Perilstein along with Gala Chairs Scott and Andi Barsky & the entire committee for your endless dedication to children! Savannah (Lokoff ’15), Graham (Lokoff ’17) Thank you Terri Lynne Lokoff Center staff for making a difference in our children’s lives! With Love, Nancy and Stuart Selarnick & Family Evan, Jennifer, Savannah and Graham Segal Commercial Mortgages and Business Loans 100 101 PARTNER PARTNER PARTNER Congratulations to FELS For helping children for over 100 years! Congratulations to Jill Kleeman For her many years of service to this wonderful organization! Thanks to FELS for providing us with lifelong friends. Congratulations on another amazing year, truly the best of everything from the beginning. Love, Barb and Gene Spector The Shuter and Levin Families 102 103 PARTNER PARTNER Children’s and Home Décor Consignment Boutique Trigon Technology is a technology management company that has redefined the concept of integration. With Trigon, you can expect more... ..You can expect IT to Happen! ______________ 250 Haverford Avenue • Narberth, PA 19072 610-667-3005 [email protected] It’s Twice As Nice to congratulate our two children who are FELS Board Members. Evan Segal and Ellen DiStefano We are so proud! 701 LEE ROAD • SUITE 200 • WAYNE, PA 19087 [email protected] • (484) 323-5000 104 Jill and Ed Baim Julie and Alan Segal 105 PARTNER PARTNER In Appreciation of Ronald Perilstein Your compassion is inspiring and highly valued amongst our community. Your leadership teaches us all to give more. Thank you for the tremendous work that you do, Congratulations Jennifer and Michael Willner to our friend and honoree Ronald Perilstein! Shelley, Mark, Josh and Jena Verlin 106 107 PARTNER ASSOCIATE Congratulations to Ron Perilstein and to Federation Early Learning Services for continuing to represent the best in early childhood education. Keep up the great work. Jason Cole with 108 109 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE For over a decade, CRW Graphics has proudly produced the Love Our Kids Gala Ad Book, to support all the budding readers, writers, and artists nurtured at FELS. Congratulations on 104 years of high quality early childhood education! Camp Robindel Ann and Nat Greenfield, Owners Honor Camp families past and present The Perilstein Family The Gable Family and The Garlin Family Printing Services & Advanced Online Services Digital Printing • Commercial & Conventional Printing • Prepress Services Direct Mail Services • Mailing & Fulfillment • Bindery Services Multichannel Marketing • Variable Data Printing Workstream Web-to-Print Solution • magSend™ Ad Delivery CRW Graphics You’ll LOVE what we can do for you. 9100 Pennsauken Highway | Pennsauken, NJ 08110 | 856.662.9111 [email protected] 110 111 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE Fox Rothschild is proud to support FELS 26th Annual Love Our Kids Gala In recognition of the good work our friend - Bob Clair - does. Stan and Arlene Ginsburg 600+ attorneys | 20 offices nationwide 112 113 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE Hillel of Greater Philadelphia and Congrats to Scott Barsky Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania are proud to honor And Sandy Axelrod Ron Perilstein for his commitment to FELS Barbara and Ed Glickman 114 and the entire Greater Philadelphia Jewish community. 115 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE We congratulate the Honoree Ronald Perilstein and Gala Chairs Scott and Andi Barsky For all that they do for the Kids from Sandy and Clare Mozes Sanford K. Mozes, Esq. 215.299.2086 | [email protected] 2000 Market St., 20th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19103 116 117 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE We are Proud to Support FELS The Posel Management Company is proud to support Early Learning Services 26th Love our Kids Gala Honoring our Friend Ronald Perilstein Federation Early Learning Services! The Batterman Family of Camps Sesame/Rockwood Camps Rockwood Adventures Diamond Ridge Camps& Conference Center 610-275-2267 118 119 ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE LEADERS IN MANAGED PRINT AND CONTENT SOLUTIONS The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out. — Bill Gates Vault Communications is proud to support the Love Our Kids gala because we Love Our Insurance Broker. At Toshiba, we’ve moved far beyond the box. Our people bring innovative, real-world solutions to all your print management needs. We’ll help you cut cost, secure your documents and reduce your environmental footprint. And if there’s one thing every business and our planet could use right now, it’s managing to do more with less. We salute Ron Perilstein for all he has done to ensure that children have a running start and that their parents have the opportunity to provide for their families with FELS by their side. Matthew Bonner 610-350-2005 MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PR | GRAPHIC DESIGN [email protected] 120 121 The Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life proudly salutes Ron Perilstein Joseph M. Yohlin, Esq. Chairman of the Board Carol A. Irvine President and CEO Concerned about an older loved one? Let us guide you to the services you need. Local Toll-Free 215-371-3400 1-888-340-0080 Congratulations to Ron who is all of the following: Tenacious Proudly Supports Federation Early Learning Services 26TH ANNUAL LOVE OUR KIDS GALA Exuberant Admirable Marvelous You truly deserve this Honor. Anonymous 122 Jeff Brown - Brown’s Family ShopRite Bensalem 2200 Bristol Rd., Bensalem, PA 19020 215-757-5491 Brooklawn NJ Rt. 130 & Browning Rd., Brooklawn, NJ 08030 856-742-8700 Cheltenham 2385 Cheltenham Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19150 215-887-7300 East Norriton 55 E.Germantown Pk., East Norriton, PA 19401 610-313-5500 Fairless Hills 547 S. Oxford Valley Rd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 215-547-4600 Haverford Avenue 67th & Haverford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151 215-747-8660 Island Avenue 2946 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153 215-492-1333 Oregon Avenue 24th & Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 215-336-7300 Parkside 52nd & Jefferson, Philadelphia, PA 19131 215-220-8700 Roxborough 6901 Ridge Ave. 215-482-1600 Fox Street 2800 Fox Street Phila Pa 19129 215 717-1222 123 It takes more than great shoes to make a shoe business successful. It takes a company with values that place people and community right up there with the bottom line. Improving the quality of people’s lives through our products, our passion, and our commitment to a better tomorrow. 100% EMPLOYEE OWNED Through the Dansko Employee Volunteer Program and the Dansko Foundation, we have helped support over 80 organizations in our local community. DANSKO 33 Federal Road West Grove, PA 19390 Dansko, Dansko and the Wing Design, the Wing Design and the Doodad Design are all trademarks of Dansko, LLC. © 2012 Dansko LLC. 1.800.326.7564 Dansko, Dansko and the Wing Design, the Wing Design and the Doodad Design are all trademarks of Dansko, LLC. © 2015 Dansko LLC. 1.800.326.7564 ® A Powerful Brokerage Partner Ron, Congratulations on your support of Federation Early Learning Services! Offering insurance professionals a world of insurance solutions and the power of... • Dedicated sales and service teams • Product Solution Centers for Life, Annuities, Long Term Care and Disability • Underwriting knowledge, experience and results • Innovative technology solutions • And much more! 124 The Crump relationship offers insurance professionals access to a complete Life Insurance solution. Producers have access to top industry products along with a full service program that provides support from start to finish including sales support and case design, contracting, case processing, underwriting and much more! Visit the Crump website today to learn more! Kathy + Jerry Drew 125 Mazel Tov, Ron (& Jayne)! The Graham Company is proud to support the Federation Early Learning Services 26th Annual “Love Our Kids” Event. Thanks for continuing to lead the way. With love, The Robin & Steven Katz family Actions Matter. 215.567.6300 126 127 We Love You Ellen DiStefano Elite SEM “Those who give of themselves to others, live forever in the hearts of those they have touched.” With our love, Betty Lou Malmud Liz & Lance Rultenberg JoAnn Malmud It is an honor and a privilege to be CEO of this amazing organization. Kudos to all FELS staff who are on the front lines preparing our kids for future sucess! future success! Congratulations Ron! Thanks to Scott and Andi for all your hard work Ron Perilstein Makes a Difference Susan and Jim Meyer Ron’s commitment and unyielding dedication to FELS is AWESOME!!! Thank you for always inspiring me to do better. Maddy Malis 128 129 Parkway Corporation Is Proud To Be A Sponsor Of The Love Our Kids Gala 150 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-569-8400 109 To Ron Perilstein We are very proud of you! Tema and Bernie 130 131 Edward Rudolph, Esquire Peter C. Amuso, Esquire Michael L. Barbiero, Esquire Karen Lee DeMerlis, Esquire Alexander M. Glassman, Esquire Benjamin W.R. Hauser, Esquire Michael P. Clarke, Esquire Lauren A. Gallagher, Esquire Noah Marlier, Esquire Georgeann R. Fusco, Esquire Suzanne M. Pontious, Esquire BEST WISHES ED AND SHELLEY SIGMAN Matthew D. Bradford, Of Counsel Joseph W. Pizzo, Of Counsel Offices in Montgomery and Bucks Counties 215.633.1890 e-mail: [email protected] Congratulations to Ron! WE ARE PROUD TO SUPPORT AND OUR FRIENDS Steven Sidewater and Judy Munroe 132 133 Marian and Norman Wolgin Congratulations to Are Happy to Honor Ron Perilstein BLG Bala Law Group, LLC A BOUTIQUE LAW FIRM SPECIALIZING IN ESTATE PLANNING Rebecca Rosenberger Smolen Amy Neifeld Shkedy Carol & Bennett Aaron One Bala Plaza, Suite 623 231 St. Asaphs Road Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Phone: 610-624-3390 Ron Perilstein Chalmers Security Systems, Inc. Congratulations to FELS! Wyncote House, Suite 18C 25 Washington Lane Wyncote, PA 19095 Phone: (215) 342-5625 Fax: (215) 482-3106 Jack McMenamin, Owner 1738 Rockwell Rd. Abington, PA 19001 215-657-5360 [email protected] Email: [email protected] BECAUSE PAINTING IS PERSONAL 134 135 The Commandment to be charitable is in its weight as much as all the rest of the commandments in total. Larry, Mimi & Remy Scott, Susan, Helen & Paige Best Wishes to Michael Dubin Thank you Ron for all of your good work. Congratulations on a Wonderful Event! Cristy and Mitchell Hollin Patty and Jerry Harvitz Ellen and Win Churchill Mazel Tov to Ron Perilstein. Congratulations to In appreciation of your commitment and dedication Kate Legge Ron Perilstein. SUPPORTS FELS AND CONGRATULATES Ron Perilstein FOR A WELL-DESERVED HONOR Thank you for all you do to make our community stronger. Thanks for all the great work you do Mitchell and Jane Goldenberg 1717 Arch St, Ste 3630, Philadelphia, PA 19103 | 215.618.3720 | for our community. Karen and Bill Kramer 136 Nancy and Morris Kurtzman 137 The Mackler Family is proud to recognize Congratulations to FELS! your honoree, Chuck and Judy Lyons We “Love Our Kids” that attend Ron Perilstein KehillahWeEarly “Love Learning Our Kids” thatCenter attend and Kehillah Early Learning Center and are proud to support are proud to support Federation Early Services. Federation EarlyLearning Learning Services. 2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086 2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086 Life’s a Journey Congratulations Mazel Tov to Ron Perilstein we’ll help along the way to For your ongoing dedication Ron Perilstein to for his commitment FELS kids! to such a wonderful organization MileStone Bank 1980 South Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18901 866.672.2655 Sara & Jay Minkoff 138 Nicole and Jim Schaeffer 139 American Box & Recycling Corporation To my friend, Ellen Congratulations to In loving memory Ron Perilstein of our daughter Kate Elizabeth Svitek Debbie Feith Tye & Family July 1, 1979 - February 9, 2002 Frank and Ellen Svitek Congratulations Dear Ron, Ron Perilstein Mazel Tov on this wonderful and well deserved honor. On your devoted leadership Thanks for all that you do in our community. Early Childhood Education May you go from strength to strength. A brighter place. Love, We love you. Marty and Jen The Weinerman Family: Janna, Brent, Austin, Alexis and Jason And your dedication to To make the world Mazel Tov to Ronald Perilstein for his many years of service to FELS. Congratulations and love to Scott & Andi as co-chairs for this event. Tama Lee Barsky A brighter place. 140 For The Children Janice and Tom Biron 141 Congratulations Ronald, Helping others always feels good. Behind every success is ambition Behind every ambition is effort… Behind every effort is someone who’s willing to try! We support Federation Early Learning Services with the same steadfast dedication we show each of our clients. You have a lot to be proud of! To your success! That Special Look Exclusive Boutique Carole Celeste Heuberger, Manager 1700 Market Street, Suite 2100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-568-9690 Susan and Martin Lautman Congratulations Ron! We Love FELS!! Ellen, Danielle & Alex DiStefano Alan Goldstein Larry Goodman, CPA We Salute Chuck Finder And FELS For their dedication to Early Childhood Education. My sincere gratitude to FELS for providing me with the best start in life. thanks Ronald Perilstein for his dedication to high quality early childhood education Eric Malis Proud son of Maddy Malis Russell Anthony Florist Jamie Rothstein Florist is proud to support 313 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-238-1220 the 26th Love Our Kids Gala and FELS. Your Neighborhood Florist Since 1937 Keswick & Wharton Ave, Glenside, PA 19038 215-884-9130 3370 Progress Drive, Unit H Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 676-0707 Fax (215) 638-0728 “Leave it better than you found it” Congratulations to Jayne and Ron Perilstein -Nathan Perilstein Ronald, Two Remarkable and Dedicated people The Jewish community is enriched by your commitment. Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor. Sue Ellen, Alan, Meredith and Matthew Love, The Kirschners Kenny, Sandi, Anna and Emily 142 Our thanks to Ron Perilstein and the FELS staff for their steadfast dedication to the next generation. To Honor Sandy Axelrod Best Wishes! -Bubbles Scott and Emily Schwartz 143 In honor of Ellen Kolodner’s commitment to FELS. Arnold and Hadassah Shafritz Starry Nite Party Designs, Inc. Legislators Visit FELS! Unique Creations for Any Party or Special Event Huntingdon Valley, PA 215-322-1322 Graphic design for nonprofits WEB / PRINT Amy Pollack 610.543.5431 • [email protected] Governor Tom Wolf Congratulations to Ron Perilstein for his many years of service to FELS. The Udell Family Lt. Governor Michael Stack PA Representative Steve McCarter (Ryan, Rebecca and their two FELS alumni children, Nate and Sam) In Memory for Judy Broder A Very Special Lady Ann Waldman and Robert Wolf PA Representative John Sabatina Councilman Brian O’Neill 144 145 Thank You Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf LEGISLATORS Your support helps us to make a difference. Tom Wolf Governor of Pennsylvania Michael Stack Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania Robert A. Brady United States Representative, 1st Congressional District Patrick Meehan United States Representative, 7th Congressional District Dominic Pileggi Pennsylvania State Senator, 9th Senatorial District Brendan F. Boyle Pennsylvania State Representative, 170th Legislative District Mary Jo Daley Pennsylvania State Representative, 148th Legislative District Stephen McCarter Pennsylvania State Representative, 154th Legislative District John P. Sabatina, Jr. Pennsylvania State Representative, 174th Legislative District Darrell L. Clarke Philadelphia City Council President Councilman, 5th District Brian J. O’Neill Philadelphia City Councilman, 10th District Risa Vetri-Ferman Montgomery County District Attorney Joshua D. Shapiro, Chair Valerie A. Arkoosh, MD, MPH, Vice Chair Bruce L. Castor, Jr. Montgomery County Commissioners 146 147 Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania Michael Stack United States Representative Robert A. Brady 148 149 United States Representative Patrick Meehan Pennsylvania State Senator Dominic Pileggi 150 151 Pennsylvania State Representative Brendan F. Boyle 152 Pennsylvania State Representative Mary Jo Daley 153 Pennsylvania State Representative Stephen McCarter Pennsylvania State Representative John P. Sabatina, Jr. 154 155 Philadelphia City Council President Darrell L. Clarke Philadelphia City Councilman Brian J. O’Neill 156 157 Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman Montgomery County Board of Commissioners 158 159 JEWELS Our staff and parents honor their children, grandchildren and friends FROM IN HONOR OF Anita BlockThe Families and Staff at Lokoff Early Learning Center Anita Block Thank You FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. Alan and Christine Block Sherry & Michael BohmYocheved Sima Bohm, Naami Tziyona Bohm, Avital Chaviva Bohm, Ivan Elan Bohm, Eli Schuchman, Shua Schuchman, BB Schuchman, Izzy Schuchman, Auva Schuchman, Eddie Bohm, Gabriel Bohm, Abigail Bohm, Maytal Chana Bohm Sheri Cutler Kol Ami Families and Staff Norma Finkelstein & Marvin Levine Dan, Eli, Ashley and Jaiden Lisa and Alan Isaacson Noah and Max Cohen Debbie Koobrick Maddy Malis Fredda & Buzz Satinsky Meg, Sar, Dan, J. & Rachel Fredda & Buzz Satinsky Grandsons Asher Yale & Zachary Wyatt Ha Cam Siu Lauren and Andrew Siegel Joanne Stretz Pamela Thomas Angelina, Alicia & Anthony Eric Malis Christopher Siu Shayna and Toby Siegel FELS Staff Jaavon and Joey Brown 160 Child Care Information Services Northeast Shirley Adams Eva Ajderi Yaritza Alicea Sheida Alvarado-Rodriguez Charlese Anderson Kiana Brown Telita Brown Mardella Burdine Nicole Campbell Yadira Castillo Nidza Cisneros Nakia Dalton Michele Drummond Darryl Everett Norma Finkelstein Diane Floyd Teresita Garcia Diane Getzinger Yelena Ginzburg Evimellissa Gonzalez Socorro Gonzalez Maxayn Gooden Lashaunda Green Jennifer Grimmage-James Rashidah Hall Rita Hunter Tyrone Jackson Victoria Kelmansky Melissa Kersey Natalie Lewis Juan Lin Raquel Madrid Kathryn McGee Jamilee Melendez Latanya Monteiro Denise Moody Theresa Murray Yolanda Nesmith Carmen Ortiz Miriam Pagan Teresita Penalvert Sharon Peters Marisol Ramirez 161 Carmen Ramos Marion Randolph Eunice Rivera Guerra Danielle Robinson Cynthia Robles Michele Robson Carmen Rodriguez Jennifer Rodriguez Madeline Sanchez Siomairra Sanchez Cameron Siler Tasha Simmons Nicole Spellman Deann Springette Edna Torres Minerva Torres Michelle Velazquez Tamara Vickers Terry Waslow Brenda White Colleen Young Thank You Thank You FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. Buerger Early Learning Center Laura Auboug Jaya Bhatt Jennifer Chicano Kathryn Cuniff Suzanne Curcio Shenika Davis Tara Fassel Suzette Freeland Suzanne Garofalo Letisha Golafaie Rebecca Goldstein Melissa Hochbaum Robin Long Catherine Mason Christina McDevitt Francis McCullough Andrea Miller Yolanda Moore Grace Piana Kim Robinson Ella Shelton Hope Weinstein Lassin Early Learning Center Arti Bhatia Dishae Brown Irina Chernenok Catherine Dugan Shekinah FlowersAnderson Kemberly Francois Yvonne Howard Elma Hoxha Lucy Hoxha Maya Lapin Coleen Long Janiya McCray Lauren Merrell Kelli Miller Melissa Monck Albana Nikolla Betty Pinckney Brittany Roberto Elmira Shehu Christie Silva Gina Small Sheila Stockley Madina Sule 162 Crystal Townsend Andrea Tryon Bella Vuka Desiree Wheeler Beverly Whiten Jennifer Winterle Ermira Xharda FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. Paley Early Learning Center Maureen Abernethy Stephanie Becker Felicita Beideman Jonathan Beuerle Lori Blank Sandra Blumstein Lisa Brooks Heather Campbell Tyler Carpenter Jennifer Corcoran Yvonne Daniel Robyn Daniels Amymarie Driscoll Rebecca Edmiston Justin Fein Janet Felke Tammy Fitzgerald Nicolette Gadler Toni Gogoj Amanda Green Rebecca Greene Lauren Greenly Erin Guzikowski Amanda Hiltwine Iva Hodaj Leslie Hylaris Agnes Imrei Linda Inman Lori Jett Aimee Kohler Irene Kornet Iris Lanzo Nicole Lanzo Jennfier Laverty Melissa Lopez Nicole Masias Jacalyn Nastasiak Antuela Pajollari William Patterson Sheryl Pretcher Patricia Reimer Yvette Samedi Shadaia Sanders Christina Santiago Alivia Schaffer Ryan Schriver 163 Cheri Seaman Christina Sees Danielle Slipp Rebecca Smith Theresa Starnowski Kelly Stepp Samantha Sullivan Zoica Tefa Helen Thompson Julianne Timcho Victoria Tingle Lauren Toner Maria Del Socorro Torres Rachel Vargas Ludmila Vaulin Heidi Weinstein Kathryn Wesolowski Monica White Judy Zityniuk Thank You Thank You FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. Kehillah Early Learning Center Central Administration Rekyiah Abdul-Zahir Judy Carter Anjali Chawla Ella DeAngelis Laura Derrick Heather Dillon Liz Feeney George Fraioli Debbie Koobrick Maddy Malis Jacki Metzler Kol Ami Early Learning Center Lisa Naussner William Ott Mary Patrick Frank Pileggi Miriam Pshetizky Shannon Rosenman Fredda Satinsky Joanne Stretz Pamela Thomas Joseph Thompson Miranda Von Salis Barbara Cohen Sheryl Cohen Sheri Cutler Valerie Franklin Diana Goldstein Karen Gordon Karen Isard Jennifer Perry Susan Riesenberg Nancy Uffner Laura Abel Kathleen Baker Amy Coppock Jill Davis Hana Ernest Mariah Ervin Patti Fischer Brie Anna Gricco Jamie Griffith Barbara Hance Amanda Howell Courtney James Natasha Kitt-Icaro Ari Kleinman Tara Larkin Erica Layser Dustin Logue Kyndra Love Lokoff Early Learning Center Leeann Arthur Cyndi Balin Jasmin Battice Megan Beltran Anita Block Paige Brower Thelma Clayton Gigi Combe Lauren Delgosh Christina Dos Santos Lagina Ferguson Eileen Fiorella Kristen-Nichole Gonzalez Laura Kabinoff Shannon Kennedy Sharon Kremens Melissa McDowell Ashley Moore 164 Beth Ann Neuschwander Stacey Norden Courtney Paoli Barbara Pettinati Alena Poli Catherine Quinn Maryam Saber Amanda Schaible Elyse Schatz Brenda Schwartz Tiffany Smith K’tonton Early Learning Center Kaytee AbuJomah Marsha Adams Christina Callaghan Susan Callaghan Alexis Galway Genevie Giko Miriam Goldberg Vicki Grant Jennifer Lee Christy McIntire Josie Miller Janet Mulholland Alyssa Parsons Jennifer Russo Juli Stanners Jamie White 165 Annemarie Maniaci Samantha Martin Niana Milburn Mary Mullen Nadine Murphy Angelique Porter Matthew Prince Tinera Richardson Diana Salik Aristea Slikas Saliyma Whiting Arielle Zigon Thank You INDEX FELS and CCIS NE Executive Staff and the Board of Directors thank the dedicated teachers and administrators for their hard work and enthusiasm. Gutman Early Learning Center Joan Atkins Sherry Bohm Lauren Bull Wanda Cherry Leah Cohen Susan Dempsey Lisa Dixon Holly Draine Nina Fonaroff Ellen Furman Lauren Furman Julie Gilbert Deborah Greene Libby Kaiser Eileen Lashin Tiffany Mejias Deena Meles Elizabeth Mitchell Jaci Nadav Ellis Pearson Adriana Pettinati Honey Porter Janene Raisman Pamela Reynolds Linda Rigberg Jessica Robertson Baree Smith Jennifer Teel Debra Ungar Stephanie Walsh Daniella Williams Program Locations Philadelphia County Montgomery County Buerger Early Learning Center Lassin Early Learning Center Paley Early Learning Center Gutman Early Learning Center Kol Ami Early Learning Center Lokoff Early Learning Center Central Administration Delaware County Child Care Information Services Northeast Kehillah Early Learning Center K’tonton Early Learning Center 166 Anonymous............................................... 122 Anonymous............................................... 141 Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Aaron...................... 135 Abacus Wealth Partner and Mr. Jason Cole....................................... 109 Abramson Center for Jewish Life.............. 122 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Adler............................. 59 American Box & Recycling Corporation.... 141 Ardmore Toyota......................................... 123 Astor Weiss Kaplan & Mandel, LLP........... 141 Available Plumbing.................................... 141 Mr. and Mrs. David Axelrod......................... 43 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bacine............................. 60 Bala Law Group, LLC................................. 135 Dr. and Mrs. Horace Barsh........................... 31 Ms. Tama Lee Barsky................................. 141 The Barsky Family........................................ 61 Benefit Advisory Partners............................ 62 Berkshire Hathaway Home Services and Ms. Jamie Moss.............................. 141 Berkshire Hathaway Home Services and Mrs. Robin Gordon........................... 63 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berman........................... 44 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bernheim, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chane, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wasserson................. 64 Better Pool Management ......................... 141 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Biron....................... 141 Blank Rome, LLP ......................................... 65 Ms. Carole Blum and That Special Look.... 142 Brinker Simpson & Company, LLC............... 66 Dr. George Broder....................................... 45 Brown Brothers Harriman & Co................... 46 Brown’s ShopRite....................................... 123 Camp Robindel......................................... 110 CertaPro Painters....................................... 135 Chalmers Security Systems........................ 135 CHOP Care Network................................... 67 Mr. and Mrs. Win Churchill........................ 136 Mr. Robert A. Clair....................................... 68 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cohen, Ms. Lisa Heller and Mr. Harry Roth................................... 69 Colliers International................................. 124 Commonwealth Land & Title..................... 142 Continental Maintenance ........................... 70 Mr .and Mrs. Steve Cozen........................... 71 Cozen & O’Connor ..................................... 32 Crump Life Insurance Services.................. 124 CRW Graphics .......................................... 111 Dankso....................................................... 125 DeMasi Landscaping................................... 72 Destination Imagination.............................. 47 Digital Benefit Advisors............................... 25 Ms. Ellen DiStefano................................... 142 The Dozoretz Family Foundation......... (cover) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Drew............................ 125 Mr. Michael Dubin, Esq. and Family............ 73 Einstein Healthcare Network....................... 33 Electric Factory............................................ 74 Mr. Bill England & Ms. Lori Slass................. 48 The Fiebach and Demchick Families........... 75 The Finder Family........................................ 76 First Trust Bank............................................ 49 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fishman......................... 26 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fleischman...................... 77 Fox Rothschild LLP.................................... 112 The Friedman-Cohen Family....................... 34 The Frolow Family .................................... 136 FTS Flooring.............................................. 126 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gable.......................... 78 The Gable Family........................................ 79 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garbose............................ 50 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garlin.............................. 80 Ms. Molly Gerber and Mr. Jason Silverman................................. 51 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ginsburg.................. 113 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glickman......................... 114 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Goldenberg ........... 136 Mr. Alan Goldstein..................................... 142 167 INDEX Mr. Larry Goodman................................... 142 The Graham Company.............................. 126 Griesing Law and Ms. Kate Legge............ 136 Ms. Mary Bert Gutman................................ 35 Mr. and Mrs.Jerry Harvitz........................... 137 Har Zion Temple.......................................... 81 The Haverford Trust Company.................... 27 Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.................... 115 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Hollin...................... 137 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Honickman.................. 82 Mr .and Mrs. Richard Horowitz.................... 83 The Howard & Terri Abrams Foundation .... 84 HUB International...................................... 127 Jaimie Rothstein Florist............................. 142 Joseph Levine & Sons Memorial Chapels, Inc............................. 85 The Katz Family......................................... 127 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kirschner....................... 142 Mr. Ben Kishner and Elite SEM ................. 128 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleeman.................... 86 Mr. Michael Koffler and Family.................... 87 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kolodner, Esq........... 52 Mr .and Mrs. William Kramer..................... 137 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreithen....................... 88 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kurtzman................... 137 The Laken Family ...................................... 142 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lassin............................... 36 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lautman ................... 143 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin........................... 89 Liberty Lutheran.......................................... 91 Ms. Rita Lifson............................................. 37 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lokoff............................. 92 Mr .and Mrs. Charles Lyons....................... 138 The Mackler Family................................... 138 Magaziner Center for Wellness................. 143 Mr. and Mrs. David Magerman.................... 93 Mr. Eric Malis, Esq..................................... 143 Ms. Maddy Malis....................................... 128 Ms. Betty Lou Malmud, Ms. Joanne Malmud, and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Rultenberg ............. 129 Mr. and Mrs. James Meyer........................ 129 Milestone Bank.......................................... 138 Mr. Gavi Miller and Ms. Minna Ziskind...... 134 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Minkoff........................... 138 Montgomery Early Learning Services........ 143 Morison Cogen LLP..................................... 38 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Mozes, Esq.............. 116 Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Norry.............................. 94 Novick Brothers Corporation....................... 53 Odell Studner Group................................... 95 Ohev Shalom............................................. 139 OPT 4........................................................ 117 Paintech Painting & Wallcovering .............. 96 Parkway Corporation................................. 130 PCA............................................................. 39 Pearl Properties......................................... 130 Penny’s Flowers......................................... 143 Mrs. Jayne Perilstein and Family................. 28 The Perilstein Family................................... 97 Mr. Benjamin Persofsky & Ms. Danielle Sandsmark........................... 54 Pileggi & Sons Construction...................... 139 PNC...................................................... (cover) Dr. and Mrs. David Pollack.......................... 98 Posel Management Co.............................. 118 Print & Quick Copy.................................... 131 Mr. and Mrs. David Pudlin, Esq................... 55 Mr. Jerome Ralph........................................ 40 Recreation Resource.................................. 139 Rodeph Shalom........................................... 90 Mr .and Mrs. Michael Rosenberg................ 99 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rosenfeld..................... 29 Mrs. Charlotte Rosenthal............................. 56 Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Roth........................... 131 Rudolph Clarke, LLC.................................. 132 168 INDEX Russell Anthony Florists............................. 143 Mr. and Mrs. James Schaeffer................... 139 Mr. David Schlesinger and Ms. Amy Wexler....................................... 57 Mr. Scott Schwartz, Esq. and Ms. Emily Feinzig................................... 143 Segal Financial and Mr. Evan Segal........... 100 Ms. Bubbles Seidenberg........................... 143 The Selarnick Family.................................. 101 Sesame Rockwood Day Camps................. 119 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shafritz ..................... 144 The Shuter and Levin Families................... 102 Mr. Steven Sidewater and Ms. Judy Munroe................................... 132 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sigman.................... 133 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spector.................... 103 Starry Nite Party Designs, Inc.................... 144 The Steinberg Family.................................. 58 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Svitek.......................... 140 Tioga Foundation........................................ 30 Toshiba Business Solutions........................ 120 Tri-County Pediatrics................................. 144 Trigon Technology Group.......................... 104 Twice as Nice............................................. 105 Twist’n’Shout............................................. 144 Ms. Deborah Feith Tye and Family............ 140 The Udell Family........................................ 144 U.S. Mortgage Line .................................. 144 Vault Communications, Inc. ...................... 121 Vector Group Consulting .......................... 144 The Verlin Family....................................... 106 Mr. and Mrs. Marty Wachs......................... 140 Walden Capital Advisors........................... 133 Ms. Ann Waldman and Mr. Robert Wolf.... 144 The Wasserman Family................................ 41 The Weinerman Family.............................. 140 White & Williams LLP.................................. 42 Willner Realty & Development Co............ 107 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin.................... 134 Young Adjustment Co............................... 108 169 Salute (sƏ-lüt) To honor, to give a sign of respect We salute the staff of The Dozoretz Family Foundation is proud Federation Early Learning Services to support FELS in their mission for giving to all their children, to provide “The best of everything, from the beginning.” Their endeavors have made this a better world for many. Harriet and Larry Weiss 170 quality early childhood education throughout the Delaware Valley. On behalf of all the FELS children and their families for your generous support!
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