Loading the Adapter Ear piercing Stud and Instrument After
Loading the Adapter Ear piercing Stud and Instrument After
Ear piercing Stud and Instrument ADAPTER (installed) PLUNGER PLUNGER KNOB CLASP EARRING HEAD POST STUDS CLASPS CLASP RETAINER TRIGGER BLISTER PACK PLASTIC MOUNT CAFLON Instrument Loading the Adapter Uncocked position Make sure Adapter is fully seated Pull Plunger back to cock Insert Adapter into Plunger Shaft Return in uncocked position After piercing care is the most important factor in keeping pierced ears healthy. Position plastic mount with stud on the bottom and the clasp at the top. Loading the Instrument with stud and clasp Insert one stud head into stud adapter then pull the mount straight up to release the stud from the mount. Keep the instrument in the upright position, slide the corresponding clasp into the clasp retainer at the end of the instrument. Caflon ear piercing instrument with installed stud and clasp Ear Piercing with CAFLON Instrument Carefully release the trigger and pull the instrument straight down from the ear. Place the ear between the clasp retainer and the stud. Align the point of the stud with the mark on the ear. Slowly squeeze the trigger until the ear is held securely by the instrument. Keeping alignment to the mark, continue to squeeze the trigger until it releases the plunger. The ear will be pierced and the clasp will be automatically installed on the stud’s post with proper spacing. Repeate procedure for additional ear piercings. Give to the customer the signed after-piercing care instructions to take home with them.