

the magazine for life west of the hudson
life leisure
March 2008
Let’s Chat
Kelli McDonald
Annual Buying and
Selling Your Home Guide
Buying a Vacation Home
on Long Beach Island
The South City Group introduces
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • Volume 10 Number 3 is published by
Smooth Stone Publishing
615 Valley Road
e d i t o r ’s n o t e
If there is one emerging theme for me in 2008, it’s “Change”. I
hate change when it’s unexpected. However, when change is
planned it’s what life is all about. For nine years I have been
the editor and publisher of NJ Life & Leisure. Actually for the
first year I was the editor, the publisher, the writer, the art
director, the circulation manager, the sales manager, the only
sales rep, and the janitor. Our first issue was 12 pages, black
and white and it had 4,000 readers. Now we have a sister
publication, a staff of 12 people, an online version and over
200,000 readers every month. That’s a lot of good change in
9 years!
Our biggest change is that starting March 1, 2008, Jessica
Wolf will be our new editor and publisher. This is exciting on
so many levels for us and for you, our readers. Jessica brings
her years of experience in NY publishing and advertising to
NJ L&L. She is also a Montclair mom and a longtime reader
of NJ L&L. You as readers can expect some exciting changes
in the coming months as Jessica brings her vision to the
magazine. She will be introducing new features and a real
“woman’s touch”.
As for me,
I am thrilled about the journey we are all about to embark on.
Newness. Inspiration. Change. George Louvis
I am so thrilled to be a part of NJ Life and Leisure
and to introduce some new features to the
magazine. The first is an interview series called
Let’s Chat. This month we spoke to cowgirl-turnedJersey-Girl Kelli McDonald (wife of Bon Jovi bassist
Hugh McDonald). Her story is really inspirational
for all of us who are in the process of making
changes in our lives.
Another new feature I’m really excited about is
called Birthday Dinner, where kids choose their
favorite restaurant to review. It’s already generated
a few new ideas for me for family dinners.
In this issue, you’ll also find a ton of useful
information about buying or selling a home.
Getting your house ready for sale, finding the
right house to buy, and the lowdown on real
estate agents, home improvements and financing
We have great plans for the growth of NJ
Life and Leisure, and I look forward to your
comments and feedback. You can contact me at
[email protected].
Jessica Wolf
• newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
NJ Life & Leisure is delivered via the US Post Office to
100% of the residential addresses in: Upper Montclair,
Essex Fells, Glen Ridge, and select homeowners in
NJ Life & Leisure is also available free in fine stores, art
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© 2008 Smooth Stone Publishing
All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this publication may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without the
written consent of the publisher.
We welcome articles, press releases and announcements
from responsible local civic, business, and religious
organizations and individuals.
Questions or comments, please call
or email [email protected]
Deadline for submissions for the
April 2008 issue is March 22.
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Cover photo by Michael Stahl
Best Friend Photography
in this month
Let’s Chat with Kelli McDonald
by Jessica Wolf & George Louvis
10Head to Long Beach Island
by Steve Sears
12Do’s & Don’ts for First Time Buyers
by Amy Kennedy
14Home Improvements
by Amy Kennedy
16Real Estate Agents help Sell your Home
by Amy Kelly
18Making your Home More Appealing
by Amanda Knoles
m a r c h
0 8
ever y month
t h a t ’s l i f e
health & fitness
the art of intimacy
dining in & out
simple living
the market-place
20Finding the Best Mortgage
by Amy Kelly
22Good Resale Potential
by Amanda Knoles
31Making Financial Planning Easy
by Steve Sears
46Go “Inside Montclair”
by Steve Sears
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • LET’S CHAT with KELLI McDONALD
The wife of Bon Jovi
bassist talks about
coming to New Jersey
and carving out a
new identity.
Kelli and Hugh McDonald
ou’re at a Bon Jovi concert, sitting right up front,
and catch the eye of the bass player. After the
show, an old friend who’s working security
invites you backstage. It’s there that you first
meet the man who has been flirting with you for
the entire last set.
“You know, I have a thing for bass players.”
“That was my pick up line,” Kelli McDonald says with a laugh.
“He was a dead man after that.” She and bassist Hugh McDonald
just celebrated their two-year wedding anniversary.
Things change after you marry a rock star, but for Kelli, not
entirely in ways you might expect.
Born and raised in Bountiful, Utah, Kelli began horseback
riding as a teenager, training to be Miss Rodeo Utah. This plan
was eclipsed in 1990 when, at 20, she found herself a single
mother, with no job, no education, and no skills. What she did
have though was a talent for riding horses. She started giving
riding lessons and training horses, and what began as a hobby
and passion turned into a lucrative business. Over the next
thirteen years, she moved into the more specialized training of
show horses, working closely with both the animals and their
owners. And when she wasn’t training, she rode – barrel racing
in rodeos, a competition that is all about speed and control; the
physical agility of both horse and rider.
She jokes about how she recently ended up in New Jersey. “I
chased my husband back here,” she says, referring to her move
east to live with Hugh. But getting herself from one end of
the country to the other had nothing to do with her physical
• newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
I N ter v iew by G eorge L o u v is
S tory by J essica W olf
agility. It was pure flexibility of the spirit that brought this
self-described cowgirl to the Garden State. “I didn’t have any
friends here; I didn’t have any family. But I was able to meet a
few people with horses. I didn’t have my own horse at the time,
but I was asked to rodeo a little bit for a woman who had some
barrel racing horses. And I started training again, building up
my business, but slowly, without a lot of the pressure I had in
“I believe everything happens for a reason,” she says. And for
Kelli, maybe it has. An unplanned pregnancy catapulted her
first career. A car accident, her second.
Once she’d settled in here, she bought her own horse and was
in the process of training him, again able to follow her passion.
“I was just leaving the barn, driving in a little sports car, and I
was literally hit by a Mack truck,” she says. She sustained severe
back and neck injuries, leaving her not only with daily pain, but
the more devastating loss of her identity as a horsewoman. The
doctors told her she would not be able to ride horses again.
“After the accident, I was offered a job as a Park Ranger.”
Coincidentally, this was one of the things she’d wanted to be
from the time she was a girl. (Her first dream was to become a
jockey, but as she got taller and taller, she realized that wasn’t
meant to be.) “I went through the police academy and the
training, but ultimately I couldn’t do it. It’s a very physically
demanding job, and my accident left me in constant pain.”
It was on leave from this job that she found herself bored and
distracted. “I’ve always felt the need to stay busy,” she says,
explaining in part how she started designing jewelry. “I would
To hear the live
interview and
view a podcast
with Kelli &
Hugh visit
Kelli started to wear her
creations to her husband’s
shows and immediately
people began asking where
she’d gotten them. She made
bracelets and necklaces for
friends and they encouraged
her to start selling them. “At
first, I thought they were just
being nice, saying that to
me. But then Hugh started
asking me how much I was
spending on all these beads –
they were filling up our house!
– so I thought maybe I should
try and do something with
A friend of a friend owned
a boutique in nearby Long
Branch and eventually Kelli
mustered up the courage to
bring in a few samples. “I
assumed they would be polite,
but tell me they had no need
for them. I was surprised.
They actually wanted them.”
That lack of confidence may
not be what you’d expect from
a rodeo star. But bringing her
jewelry to market was an act
that was entirely out of Kelli’s
comfort zone. “I’m really very
insecure,” she says, “always
full of self doubt. I’m six feet
tall, so I get stared at a lot. I
always imagine people look at
me and think of me as a geek.
It’s hard for me to get up and
walk across a room because I
know people are going to stare
at me.” Riding and training
horses had allowed her to
disappear into the athleticism
and pageantry of a certain
world. That kind of security
wasn’t available to her now.
photo by Debbie Leshno
go into stores to buy a bracelet
and never find anything I
liked. So I just started making
Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi wearing a bracelet designed by
The interest in her jewelry
made Kelli throw herself
into this new endeavor with
the same enthusiasm and
commitment she had when
she began training horses. “I
started to feel like I had an
identity again.” The owner of
the boutique mentored her
through the business end of
things and again she was on
her way. “I’ve always felt the
need to work and this was
something I could be proud
of. My husband makes a good
living, but it’s not something I
ever want to take for granted.
I still remember the days that
I didn’t have grocery money. I
don’t ever want to be in that
position again.”
Vulnerable as she may feel,
Kelli’s beadwork is a constant
reminder that life is inspired
by faith. “I’ve been called a
dreamer before, but I prefer to
think of myself as a believer.”
Although she does not affiliate
with any particular religion,
her designs incorporate all
kinds of spiritual icons – each
piece a kind of celebration
of both gratitude and rock
‘n’ roll.
About faith, she says, “I have
had some bad luck and I have
done some stupid things,
but I keep getting these
opportunities in my life. I
think it’s pretty special that
God hasn’t given up on me.”
And a little rock ’n’ roll doesn’t
hurt either. Kelli’s jewelry
is worn by several band
members on stage and has
become a favorite of at least
one celebrity stylist. Between
that, her website and The Bee
boutique in Long Branch,
she has once again created
a business that allows her to
express who she is.
“My whole life had been about
horses,” she says. “That was
who I was. Horses were all I
knew. But, when you have an
injury, one that leaves you in
daily pain, it can take over
your identity. I just couldn’t
do that. I didn’t want to simply
become my pain.”
After spending some time with
Kelli McDonald, I wondered
whether being a rock ’n’ roll
wife figured into her identity
at all. So…What does it feel
like to be married to a rock
“When I was in junior high
school I used to listen to Bon
Jovi tapes all the time. Who
could have thought…? Hugh
always tells me how lucky
he is to have met me, and
I feel the same way about
him. I do feel more confident.
More beautiful. And always
grateful.” n
Kelli McDonald lives in
Monmouth County with her
husband, two children and
several dogs. Her jewelry is
available for purchase at
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • Buying a Vacation Home
in New Jersey? Head to
Long Beach Island
by Steve Sears
here’s a certain something about
Long Beach Island. It’s a true event
when you drive across the Route 72
Causeway Bridge, enjoying what
seems an everlasting view of water
to your left and right as you ascend then
descend, eventually hitting the bisection
point of the 18 mile, 24 community
island. Turn left and you hit the “quiet”
end of town with Surf City, Loveladies and
Harvey Cedars. Turn right, and the “busy”
end calls you; Ship Bottom, Beach Haven,
and abundant dining and shopping.
The niftiest thing? Long Beach Island (LBI
for short) is just one mile wide at its
widest point, sandwiched by the Atlantic
Ocean on one side, Barnegat Bay and
sedge islands on the other, with historic
Old Barney -- the Barnegat Lighthouse
-- and Barnegat Light State Park on the
north end, and the sereneness of the 3 ½
mile long Holgate Division of the Edwin
B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge hugging the
“I grew up in the area, raised four children
there, and lived there for 40 years,” claims
Bayshore Agency Real Estate Cindy Lister.
“I love the Island.”
As do hosts of others. The popularity
of Long Beach Island is a testament for
buying a vacation home here, the finest
of worlds.
“The founding fathers,” says Lister,
“wanted to keep the island residential,
and that’s what we have here. It’s an
excellent community, a close knit group
where people watch out for each other
– I’ve never seen anywhere else like it.”
Lister claims that many vacationers who
opt for seasonal rentals (including during
the winter) at Long Beach Island often
buy a second home because of their love
of the area.
According to Rick Reynolds, Director of
the Southern Ocean County Chamber of
Commerce (,
the reasons are many. “Even in the heart
of winter, it can be 40 degrees on LBI and
enjoyable. Crowds are gone, the air is
clean, and the ocean is sparkling. There are
bayside businesses that cater to bayside
activities, and the Island draws visitors
from both New York and Philadelphia.”
“We get an influx of people at Christmas
time and New Years,” claims Lister, “and
10 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
There’s something about being near
the water; like going back to the womb.
with Pomona Airport and limousine
services nearby, LBI is always accessible.”
These words are echoed by Rick Stevens
of Stevens Real Estate. “The waters are still
warm enough in the fall to swim, but the
nights are cool and the crowds have thinned
out considerably. The fishing is also at its
best in the fall with several major fishing
tournaments scheduled. With our ever
increasing year round population, more
and more commercial establishments are
staying open throughout the year.”
Stevens, in the real estate business since
1983, has seen many changes on Long
Beach Island. Cape Cod and ranch
style dwellings have yielded to larger
contemporary homes, and “the low
property taxes encourage living here all
year round. A typical $600-700,000 home
here will likely have annual property taxes
under $5,000, which is a whole lot less
than people are used to paying in North
Generations of families have vacationed
at Long Beach Island, and have enjoyed
its myriad of activities. Taking in a show
at Surflight Theater is always a highlight,
shopping at Pier 18 Mall means returning
home with a great buy, having fun at
Fantasy Island Amusement Park, and also
visiting an LBI beach, ranked as one of
the five safest beaches in the country. Don
Myers, President of the Long Beach Island
Beach Patrol Association, and colleagues
see to that.
“The Beach Patrol is a year round
operation, and in addition the volunteer
fire departments of Beach Haven and
Barnegat Light have formed water rescue
teams,” says Myers, “so LBI is protected.”
As for buying a home and living on the
Island? “A home by the water is high
premium, and it hasn’t declined. I bought
land down here many years ago. There’s
something about being near the water;
like going back to the womb.”
“That’s a beautiful bay between
Manahawkin and Barnegat Light,”
Myers continues. “When you drive over
the bridge and see the “string of pearls”
(homes lit up along the water) in early
morning or at night, smell that fresh air
and see the seagulls, see the bay to the
right and being close enough to hear the
ocean but not seeing it…it’s wonderful.”
Purchasing a Long Beach Island home
can also be a lucrative investment. “LBI,”
says Stevens, “has always been somewhat
immune to the whims of the economy
due to the financial status of people who
are our typical second home buyers. You’ll
have a lot more fun in an appreciating
Long Beach Island vacation home than
you will with an equally appreciating
stock portfolio. Add to that the fact that
the sale of single family homes on Long
Beach Island rose over 20% last year, and
you have a very desirable place to invest
your money.”
Part of the draw to Long Beach Island is its
six yacht clubs, and the Long Beach Island
Yacht Racing Association. One of the
latter’s 1983 founders was Cindy Lister’s
late husband, Jack Elfman. “The yacht
clubs are a great activity. The program has
produced some top sailors, and two girls
from the program recently qualified for
the Olympics!”
The best thing about Long Beach Island,
according to Lister, is the feeling it gives
you. “There is a certain ‘feel” with LBI.
When you cross the bridge and arrive, you
just want to let it out and relax.”
“It’s a great place.” n
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 11
Dos and Dont’s
for First Time
Home Buyers
B y
A my
K e nn e dy
Figure out how much
you can borrow
1. I f you find your dream home and coming up with a down
payment seems impossible, think creatively. Is it possible a
parent or relative will loan you the amount you need?
2. T
alk with bankers and mortgage brokers about the types of
loans available. You may qualify for a VA or FHA loan, which
requires a much smaller down payment.
3. D
on’t necessarily assume that a big loan with a small down
payment is a good deal. In some cases, you may get stuck
with a higher interest rate and have to take out mortgage
insurance which can tack on another $100 or more to your
monthly payment.
4. P
ay off as much of your credit card debt as possible. Credit
card debt will limit how much you can borrow, and the
interest rate consumes money you could be putting toward
your down payment.
5. F
igure out how much you can borrow and how much of a
down payment you can realistically come up with. Your
annual mortgage payment, taxes and homeowner’s insurance
should not exceed 28 percent of your gross income. When
calculating how much you can put toward a down payment,
include 3-5% of the home’s value for closing costs and keep
some money in reserve for furnishings, moving, etc.
6. C
ompare different lenders to see if they offer special
programs for first-time buyers. For example, first-time
buyers at Washington Mutual who have 10 percent for a
down payment will not be charged for mortgage insurance.
The lender builds the cost into the interest rate, making it
tax deductible.
7. T
wo piggybacked loans, also known as 80-10-10s can be an
alternative if you are having trouble coming up with a large
down payment. First, you must get a primary loan such as a
30-year fixed mortgage for 80 percent of the home’s value.
For the remaining 10 percent, you will have to take out a
15-year fixed mortgage at a less competitive rate. The two
combined costs will be your monthly mortgage payment.
12 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
This type of loan arrangement is more
expensive than a regular mortgage and
has higher closing costs, but it can be
cheaper in the long run than paying
private mortgage insurance.
8. I f your credit rating isn’t that great, you
may not qualify for fair-market rates
from traditional lenders, but you may
qualify for mortgages at competitive
rates through Fannie Mae’s expanded
approval program. If you can’t qualify
for a Fannie Mae loan, you may still
qualify for an FHA loan with as little
as 3% down and closing costs and fees
wrapped into the mortgage. However,
these government-insured loans have a
limit on how much you can borrow and
the amount varies in different regions.
9. L
ow-income earners may qualify for
down-payment assistance programs
available through state and county
housing and community development
10. D
on’t make an offer on the first home
or condo you see. Take plenty of time to
shop around, and make sure you have
found the best home and best price for
your family’s needs.
11. I nvest the time to find a good real estate
agent who can explain the ins and outs
of the home buying process to you.
Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t
understand certain realtor jargon.
12. D
on’t hesitate to switch agents if the
person you are working with doesn’t
seem to be devoting adequate time to
helping you. Explain your frustration
first, and give him or her a second
chance, but move on if you continue
to feel unhappy with the quality of
13. S
pread the news that you are looking
for a home. Your friends, family and
co-workers may know someone who is
putting a home on the market, or they
may know the name of a good realtor.
14. T
ake the time to get pre-approved for
a mortgage before you begin house hunting. The approval
process will give you a better idea of the price range you can
realistically afford and it will put you in a better position
with sellers when you make an offer.
15. D
on’t get railroaded into buying a home that is more
expensive than you can afford. Keep in mind that you will
have other homeowner expenses, taxes and bills to pay,
besides your mortgage payment.
16. Practice your negotiating skills. The home-buying process
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can be complicated and confusing for first-time buyers.
Have patience and show some restraint. If you don’t
get the first house you make an offer on, learn from the
experience and move on.
17. O
nce you’ve made an offer and your mortgage is in the
works, keep a cool head. Your mortgage broker and real
estate agent will help you resolve any issues that arise
leading up the closing. n
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 13
f you are considering remodeling your home, it’s smart
to make improvements that will not only enhance
your family’s enjoyment but also increase the resale
value. Generally, major remodeling projects should be
undertaken only if you plan to stay in the home for a few
years. Minor improvements are a better idea if selling in the
short term is your goal.
According to statistics compiled from realtors and building
associations, kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects offer
the highest return on your investment (80-100%). Adding a
bathroom or family room and remodeling the master bedroom
also can yield high returns. Some projects, such as adding on
a deck, or converting a basement or attic into living space,
vary according to region. For example, if you live in an area
like California or Arizona where outdoor entertaining is very
popular, adding a deck is smart.
Before you undertake a major remodeling project, do some
research in the local real estate market. Improvements that you
make should be in harmony with other homes on the block.
Just because you decide to copy the look of a grand estate
in an upscale neighborhood doesn’t mean you will realize a
significant return on your investment. If the home looks out
14 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
of character, as if it doesn’t belong in the neighborhood, you
will probably have a more difficult time selling it for a higher
price. The truth is people who can afford a grand estate are
more likely to buy a home in a more affluent area.
If you decide to add on a room or second floor, keep the
original design of your home in mind. The idea is to create a
consistency with materials, trim and finishes so the remodel
doesn’t look like a conspicuous afterthought.
When repainting the inside or the outside, consider how long
you plan to stay in the home. If you expect to sell within two
or three years, it’s better to stick with neutral colors on floors,
walls and the exterior. A color scheme that is too bright or dark
may be a turnoff to more conservative buyers.
One of the biggest trends in new home design is great rooms,
where walls do not separate the kitchen and family room.
Kitchen cabinetry and countertops are higher quality and
within view of guests lounging at the dining table or by the
fireplace. Another popular redesign option is installing an
island with a sink facing the family room. This way the person
who is preparing food or cleaning dishes can converse with
others instead of staring at a wall or window. A recent survey
H ome I mprovements
Can Enhance
Yo u r H o m e ’s Va l u e
B y A m y K e n n e dy
According to statistics compiled from realtors and building associations,
kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects offer the highest return on
your investment (80-100%).
of realtors revealed that remodeling your kitchen can add up
to 150 percent of the cost of the project to your home’s resale
Manufacturers of kitchen cabinetry say that consumers are
looking for more creative storage options such as drawers for
dishes, pots, and glasses that traditionally have been stored in
wall cabinets. Asian influences are gaining ground in cabinet
designs, as are darker tones like cherry and mahogany. Clear
glass doors are being replaced with frosted, opaque or etched
glass for a more contemporary look. Features like breakfast
nooks and stainless steel appliances are very much indemand.
Updating your bathroom is one of the smartest investments
you can make. According to the National Association of the
Remodeling Industry, more than 4 million bathrooms will be
renovated in the country this year. Homeowners are installing
deep tubs and glass block showers to create the same look of
luxury found in nice hotels. Dual showers, windows above spa
tubs, and extended lounging/dressing areas are increasing in
popularity as people seek to transform their bathrooms into
relaxing retreats.
If you can’t afford a major bathroom remodel, try installing a
contemporary sink or sophisticated new faucets. A high arc
spout faucet featuring an open waterway that simulates the
look and feel of a natural waterfall can add a touch of beauty
and serenity to any bathroom. Vessel sinks also provide an
elegant look as they rise above the countertop to create a
decorative focal point.
Keep in mind that exterior improvements such as refurbishing
a front porch or even replacing doors and windows can make
a difference. Improving the landscape around your home can
also enhance its value. If your lawn is large enough, consider
adding interesting stone walks, a gazebo, a pond, fountain,
bench, outdoor lighting, and a few exotic plants. According to
the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, landscaping
can increase the value of a home by as much as 15 percent.
Installing energy efficient windows and a more effective heating
and cooling system may not increase your home’s value that
much, but you will save significantly on yearly energy costs,
which is worth mentioning to realtors and potential buyers. n
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 15
R e a l E s tat e
H ow a R e a l E s tat e Ag e n t
H e lps S e ll Y ou r H om e
B y K imbe r ly Ripley
n today’s market, selling your home without the help
of a professional is the wrong move. Selling your home
without a real estate could cost you thousands of
dollars. They will help you sell your home for what it is
worth, but they help in many other ways also, including
the proper paperwork to protect you from future lawsuits and
liabilities. Just what purpose does a real estate agent serve,
and what do they do to actually help with the sales of your
their home sans an agent. These friends were starting to think
that their luck had just about run out.
“Real estate agents have are privy to data bases that
homeowners can’t always access,” says Joshua Piper. A real
estate agent at Russell Associates in Hampton, New Hampshire,
Piper recently helped friends who were determined to sell
Real estate agents often provide sellers with many worthwhile
tips to increase the salability of their homes. Most of these tips
require only nominal fees and minimal work, and often make
a big difference between the house selling to first time lookers
16 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
“It was on the market for more than a year, and only a dozen
people had come to inquire about it,” Piper says. “Within just
a few weeks of listing the home under our agency, it was under
contract. We not only know what’s selling, we know of many
people in the market to buys homes, and we know just exactly
what type of homes they’re looking for.”
or those who’ve come back for a second or third look. Take a
look at just a few of these simple yet highly beneficial tips:
Long Beach Island
1. Flowers - Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Indeed it is. Fresh flowers
in vases or flower arrangements in one or more of the rooms
in a house give a warm and homey feel, as well as exuding a
sense of serenity. Even a quick trip to the grocery store for a
few bunches of mixed cut flowers can made a huge difference.
If you don’t care to constantly replace fresh arrangements,
many good fakes are available at places like Wal-Mart or Big
Lots. Also check craft supply stores for good deals on faux
2. Candles - Obviously leave it up to the real estate agent
to light these if the homeowners aren’t at home during the
showing. Candles, like flowers, perfume the air. Aromatherapy
candles can actually influences people’s moods. Lavender is
very popular. Keep the candles to a minimum, however. One
or two burning in the living room or kitchen is nice. More
might look like you’re trying to mask
3. Banish fingerprints at the last
minute. If you don’t get enough
notice to clean the house prior to a
showing, take five minutes and wipe
down fingerprints and smudges on
the refrigerator door, countertops
and the face of the microwave. For
some reason, these places are among
the most noted when discovering
smudges or fingerprints. Keep those
pre-moistened glass cleaning wipes
handy for times like these.
Cynthia (Cindy) A. Lister
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“It’s More Than A Name”
“Quite often when these units sell, it’s because the sellers are
upgrading to a permanent year round home or a larger unit.
They sometimes opt to sell some of the furnishings in the
condos. If this is the case, and some
furniture is moving with the sellers,
yet some is remaining, it’s best to try
to fill the voids. For example, a lanai
with inexpensive department style
patio furniture is better viewed than
an empty lanai. For as little as $50,
white or green plastic chairs and
table can be purchased, allowing
the lanai to appear “complete.” This
way the buyers can more readily
visualize the lanai (or room) in the
manner it will be used.”
“Real estate
agents are privy
to data bases that
Such replacement furniture needn’t
even be new. “What we see here in
Florida is a tendency for the sellers
to stake out garage sales prior to
putting their home or condo on the
market. They find very inexpensive
pieces that help create the complete
look of each room. For a minimal
investment they up the odds of
getting the asking price for their home. If the buyer prefers
to buy without the furnishings, the items are then donated to
Goodwill and used as a tax deduction,” Bernado says.
homeowners can’t
4. Spruce up the front door and
surrounding area. It makes perfect
sense. The first impression a
prospective buyer gets is usually
formed when viewing the entry way.
If it needs a coat of paint it’s well
worth the splurge. Wash down the
front steps and hang an inviting wreath or decoration (subtle,
of course) on the front door. Face your home from the street.
Does your entry way seem inviting or does it convey a message
of disarray and clutter? Take the necessary steps to correct
whatever may be askew in your front entry way.
always access.”
5. Second only to the front door is the yard. If dead tree limbs,
garbage or children’s toys are littering your lawn, now is a good
time to gather your belongings and toss all debris. If time is of
the essence, consider hiring a neighborhood teen to do the
job for a few dollars.
Tom Bernado sells real estate in Fort Myers, Florida. Many
of the residences he sells are condominiums. Often they are
purchased by buyers to be used as part-time winter homes or
as rental properties. He offers this bit of advice for sellers of
these types of units.
The same goes for enormous bare walls. “Thrift shop art sells
quickly in Florida,” he adds. “Everyone wants the infamous
beach scene or pink flamingo gracing their walls. It really gives
a place that Florida feeling.”
Real estate agents know their stuff. Yes, they’ll benefit greatly
through the sale of your home by retaining a hefty commission.
Yet, without their help, which is geared specifically toward selling
your home in your region, your house may in fact sit on the
market way longer than necessary. And that ultimately winds up
hampering the plans you have for relocating, or simply moving
one step closer to the home of your dreams. n
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 17
M a k i ng Y ou r Home M o r e
Appe a ling t o B uy e r s
emember how you
used to fuss with
your clothes and
hair before a first
date, or how you
would go through your closet
looking for just the right outfit
to wear to a job interview? If
you want your home to make
the very best impression on
potential buyers, you need to
give it what real estate pros
call “curb appeal.”
You may have experienced
a twinge of longing the first
time you saw a home that
fit your personal fantasy,
whether it was a quaint
Victorian with a rose garden
or a contemporary condo
with a sweeping view of the
golf course. Most people
have an image of their
dream home in their mind,
but sometimes something
as simple as a porch swing
or a freshly painted white
picket fence can trigger an
emotional response.
18 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
improvements, take a few
photos from different angles
and show them to friends
and family members who
can offer objective opinions.
Your real estate agent can
be particularly helpful with
this, since he or she knows
firsthand how curb appeal
can make or break a sale. Your
agent can help you compile a
list of improvements you can
do yourself such as removing
weeds and fallen leaves,
fixing broken window panes
or replacing worn screens,
but you may also want to
enlist the help of a gardener
or landscaper to improve the
look of your yard.
If your lawn, trees and shrubs
are in good shape, try adding
an attractive accent like a
gazing ball, lamppost or bird
bath to provide more warmth
and interest. The appearance
of nearby homes will also
have an impact on buyers. If
installing a tall, vine-covered
arbor or a wall of shrubs will
help obscure the junk pile in
your neighbor’s backyard, you
should seriously consider it.
Giving your home a fresh paint
job can make a big difference.
Peeling and chipped paint
can make your home look
tired and worn. Take a close
look at the front door. If it’s
suffered weather damage or
simply has gotten old, replace
it with a style that makes your
front entrance more exciting.
At the very least, get gleaming
new replacements for the
doorknob, knocker and porch
If you have a large covered
front porch, installing flower
baskets, handsome planters
and a couple of comfy
looking chairs will make it
more appealing. As potential
buyers arrive at the front
door, they’ll be fantasizing
about how great it would be
to hang out on that inviting
porch on a beautiful day.
Once you’ve made all repairs
and you’re sure the exterior is
looking it’s best, you’ll need
to take the same approach
on the inside. Fix loose door
handles, squeaky doors and
have any plumbing, lighting
Be ruthless about eliminating
clutter from all the rooms in
the house. Potential buyers
want to visualize how their
things will look in the home,
so the more spacious you
can make it look, the better.
Have a garage sale to get rid
of unwanted knick-knacks,
closet clutter, furniture and
books that you don’t plan to
move. Gather what doesn’t
sell and donate it to charity.
Pack out of season items and
store them in a closet or the
garage until moving time.
Organize tools, equipment
and lawn care accessories
discount stores and home
improvement stores have
a plethora of plastic boxes,
hooks, and wall organizers
B y Am a n d a K nol e s
Try to play up your home’s best features.
that can help you get things
off the garage floor.
Once you’ve eliminated as
much clutter as possible, hire
a professional cleaning service
to come in and clean your
home from top to bottom,
including the windows. Hire
a carpet and drapery steam
cleaning service if necessary.
If carpet stains are a problem
and you can’t afford to install
new carpet, use throw rugs or
move furniture to cover up
the worst areas.
Pay special attention to
the kitchen. It’s okay to
leave frequently used small
appliances like a coffeemaker
and toaster on the counter, but
place blenders, mixers, can
openers, etc. behind cabinet
doors. Remove magnets,
photos from the refrigerator
door. Box up collectibles and
get rid of kitschy items that
have a dominant theme and
replace them with neutral
curtains, towels, etc.
Try to play up your home’s
best features. If you have an
elegant winding staircase,
polish the railings to show
off the wood and hang a
beautiful painting on the wall
at the top of the stairs.
Getting your home in top shape
on the outside will go a long
way in convincing prospects
to stop and take a look inside.
Making a few simple changes
on the inside could help it sell
even faster. n
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 19
Finding the
B est M o r tg a ge
f o r Yo u r N e e d s
by Amanda Knoles
here is no one-size-fits-all category when it comes
to mortgages. The type of mortgage that is best for
you will depend on your personal financial situation,
the current economy and what you anticipate your
finances will be in the future. Since there are many
options available to home buyers today, sorting through the
various mortgage types can be confusing.
Most experts advise choosing a mortgage with the lowest total
cost during the time you expect to own your home. If you only
expect to own a home for a few years before you sell it, then
an adjustable-rate mortgage might be the best choice since it
typically will have a lower initial rate. An adjustable-rate mortgage
may also be a good choice if you expect to own the home for a
long term but current interest rates are high. An adjustable-rate
mortgage usually will have a lower starting rate than a fixedrate mortgage and the rate often goes lower over time. However,
interest rates could also go up so you need to be prepared for that
possibility. If you expect to own your home for many years and
interest rates are very low, a fixed-rate mortgage will lock in the
low rate over the life of your loan.
Interest-only loans and graduated payment loans with low
monthly payments often seem attractive initially, but if you
expect to live in a home over the long term they are not the best
choice. Compared to other types of loans the total mortgage
cost over time is higher and interest-only loans do not build
equity through amortization. In fact, graduated-payment loans
can cause negative amortization. Many home buyers feel more
comfortable with a fixed-rate mortgage since they don’t have to
worry about their mortgage payment increasing over the life of
the loan.
Home loans are available from commercial banks, mortgage
companies and credit unions. Shop around with different types
of lenders and compare offers. A mortgage broker is another
option. The mortgage broker works on your behalf to contact
several lenders and provide you with a choice of loans. Working
with a broker can give you a wider selection of loans and terms to
select from than you might find on your own. Brokers are often
20 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
paid in points that are paid at the closing or as an add-on to your
interest rate. Be sure to ask each broker that you work with how
he will be compensated so you can compare fees. Feel free to
negotiate with brokers just as you would with lenders.
When you are speaking with lenders and brokers about mortgages,
find out all costs involved in the loan, not just the amount of the
monthly payment. Be sure you understand the loan amount, loan
terms and type of loan. You should ask about current mortgage
interest rates, whether the rate is fixed or adjustable and how
your rate or loan payment will vary if rates go down. You will also
need to ask about the loan’s annual percentage rate (APR). The
APR includes the interest rate plus points, broker fees and credit
charges you may have to pay in the form of a yearly rate.
Many homebuyers get confused when lenders and realtors refer
to points. Points are fees paid to the lender or broker for the
loan, and they are usually linked to the interest rate. Generally,
the lower the rate, the more points you pay. Ask for points to be
quoted in dollar amounts so you will be certain how much you
have to pay in fees.
Obtaining a mortgage is a long-term commitment for most
people and usually involves making payments over a period of
decades. Since the idea of making payments for many years is
a foreboding prospect, some people choose a shorter mortgage
payment term to try and get out of debt faster. Take the time to
analyze the many types of loans before making a commitment.
You don’t want to strap yourself financially so you are struggling
every month to make high payments.
Most lenders offer mortgage loans up to 30 years. You will be
paying more interest overall on a longer term, but it will allow
you to spread your loan payments over a longer period making
your monthly payments lower. However, if you are in a financial
position to make higher payments, you will pay less interest over
the long term if you choose a shorter mortgage term.
Keep in mind that some lenders will allow you to repay your loan
early without penalties, so you could choose a mortgage with a
longer term to enjoy low payments, but pay it off early and save
on interest if you are in a position to do so later on. n
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 21
hoose a
Home with
Goo d Resale
inding a home with good resale potential may take
longer, but if you put forth the effort now, chances are
your home will be on the market a shorter time when
you’re ready to sell.
Location is one of the most important considerations when buying
a home. Of course, you can’t guarantee that a neighborhood will
remain desirable, but there are red flags you can look for that are
indicators an area may be changing.
Is the neighborhood in a good school district? Your realtor or local
Chamber of Commerce can provide you with current information
on schools, test scores, planned expansions, closures, etc. Ask
which neighborhoods seem to be in most demand and why.
If the home you are considering is in a neighborhood that seems
to be rundown with several vacant homes, ill-kept lawns and
other eyesores, take a hard look at the surrounding area. Do the
other homes seem to be old and neglected or do you see evidence
that the area is becoming revitalized as new homeowners take
on remodeling, restoration, etc?
Be cautious about buying a home in an area that seems to be
shifting from residential to commercial unless your plan is to live
there for a short time and sell.
One factor to consider is whether to buy a pre-owned home or
a new home. A home in an established neighborhood may be
in a good school district and have other features like attractive
landscaping or a large back yard.
New homes may come with a warranty on appliances and
heating or cooling systems. A new home may also offer a more
22 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
Location is one of the most important
considerations when buying a home.
by amanda knoles
modern layout, such as an oversized family room, a larger master
bedroom, walk-in closets, and a contemporary kitchen. Energy
efficiency is another factor to consider since newer homes tend
to have better windows and state-of-the art central heating and
air conditioning systems. Many new homes are also conveniently
wired for computers, so you can set up your home office and
plug right into the Internet.
Look for modern architectural features such as high ceilings,
media niches, larger windows, skylights and built-in storage
units in hallways, garages, kitchens and family rooms.
A newer home may also provide health advantages since modern
shingles, floor tiles, ceilings and insulation are constructed with
stricter safety guidelines than they were years ago.
The price of a new home is usually more expensive than an older
home, but you have the advantage of being the first family to live
in the home, and it is less likely to need expensive maintenance
or repairs for the first few years.
Many builders offer new home buyers flexibility in choosing
room layouts, floor coverings, and upgrades such as built-in
cabinets, wood flooring, granite countertops, etc. The upgrades
you select now will often result in a higher resale price later on.
Take into consideration who the typical home buyers are likely
to be in 10 years. If you move into a community with a large
percentage of seniors, a one-level home will sell easier than
a two-story. If most of the buyers are families with children, a
home with lots of bedrooms, extra baths and a large backyard
will be more desirable.
Look at homes from different angles. Does the house next door
have a junky backyard? Is the front yard very close to a busy
intersection? Is parking in the neighborhood a problem?
Try to avoid buying a home with outdated features. For example,
homes with only one bathroom sell for less than a comparable
home with two baths. And a home with a small old-fashioned
kitchen is going to have lower resale value than a home with a
big kitchen.
Some negative features can be turned into a positive if you are
willing to do some remodeling work. For example, a small kitchen
and dining room can be transformed into a great room by taking
down a wall, installing an island and making a few other changes.
Before you commit to a remodel, you should consider the cost
and determine how much it will add to the home’s resale value.
You may find yourself in the situation of falling in love with a
particular home but not being crazy about the neighborhood.
You should choose a home that you like, but if it happens to be
in a declining neighborhood, you would be smarter to choose
a home in a more desirable area even if it means making a few
If you find a home in a good neighborhood that needs some
cosmetic work but is in good condition otherwise, you would be
smart to pounce on it. Updating appliances, installing new floors
and light fixtures and repainting the walls can often transform an
outdated home into a charmer. n
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 23
That’s Life
Ghost Story
Just before we bought our
turn-of-the-century house, my
real estate agent and I spent
some time with the owner so
he could show me some of
the idiosyncrasies of our new
home. Owner and Agent began
reminiscing about the previous
owner, a dear and beloved
doctor who had his office in
the addition on the back of the
house. In an effort to be a part of
the conversation, I chimed in.
“I heard he was a great guy,” I
said to Owner.
“Yes, he is,” he confirmed.
“Wait,” said Agent. “I heard the
doctor passed away years ago. I
thought he was dead.”
“Yes,” said Owner. “He is.”
Agent and I remained politely
Owner went on to tell us how
the doctor shows up sometimes.
That their nanny used to see him
regularly when she lived in the
back room. He told us about
doors shutting and rockers
rocking and several times when
the nanny just flat out met up
with him face to face.
Agent listened to his story
and giggled nervously.
confessed that she’d heard
about the doctor’s ghost before.
I smiled and nodded but inside
felt the panic already starting to
well up. I’ve threatened to move
when I’ve found a hornet in my
house; I’m simply not cut out for
We were scheduled to close in
a few days. Days that I spent
moaning to my husband, “We’re
buying a house with a ghost.”
“But he’s a doctor,” my husband
said. I knew what he meant – this
particular ghost might watch
over us all. He was finally taking
into account my preoccupation
24 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
with accidents and disease.
“My mother always wanted me
to marry a doctor,” I told him.
“Not be haunted by one.”
I tried to feel adventurous, but
it was no use. That back room
was to serve as our children’s
playroom. Over my dead body
would I leave them with an old
doctor’s ghost.
I considered just roping off those
rooms with police tape. But my
husband had a better idea: we
would purify.
Minutes after the closing, we
sped over to the new house with
batches of dried sage. We lit
them on fire and painted the air
with the wafting smoke, all the
while apologizing and explaining
to Dr. Ghost that we have young
children to worry about.
After our long bout of cleansing
and apologizing we carried
on with the more mundane
business of moving house.
Between unpacking boxes and
looking after small children, it
was a long time before we gave
the ghost a second thought. Our
bright new playroom was set up
with wooden blocks and action
figures; an easel, paints and
Then one day I caught a whiff
of something as I passed by that
room. I called my husband over
and he smelled it too. It took a
few minutes to identify, but once
we did it was unmistakable. It
was the same smell that lingered
on the old sports coats I’d bought
from thrift stores in my college
days. Our playroom reeked of
Old Man’s B.O.
I was convinced this smell was
Dr. Ghost. We burned more sage,
and my children were banned
from the playroom. The room
was cleaned and recleaned. I
kept the windows open no
by Jessica Wolf
matter the weather and ran an
air purifier through the night.
The smell persisted. Not every
day, but often enough.
Week after week I could still
smell Dr. Ghost, but never at
any time had I seen him. At first
I was relieved about this, but as
time went on I began to worry.
What if my constant sanitizing
had offended him, implying
that he was perhaps unclean or
unsavory? Or worse yet, what if
he simply didn’t like me?
I soon recognized a situation I
find myself in all too often, that
of ardently pursuing the very
thing I swore I’d avoid. I’d enter
the playroom sniffing, imagining
that the odor, which once so
offended me, would now prove
me worthy; when I smelled the
doctor, I felt wanted. I was finally
ready for us all to live happily
ever after.
Then one day I smelled him
in the dining room. I became
alarmed that the doctor was
making his way into our main
living spaces. I guess I’d come
to think of him like a family pet,
welcome in some areas, but not
in others.
I don’t even remember now how
I discovered the truth. That the
smell, seemingly that of an old
man’s essence, of all he’d left
behind, was in fact emanating
from our blue tin bucket of
crayons. I’d never considered
crayons malodorous. But it was
undeniable: the crayons would
come out, the smell would
appear. As the crayons moved,
so did the smell.
I wonder what kind of
conversation might transpire
years from now, when our 200year-old house is being shown
yet again. Would the new agent
and owner reminisce about me?
Would I be described as dear and
beloved, like the old doctor? Or
would I come to be known as
that peculiar woman – the one
who couldn’t tell the difference
between a box of crayons and a
ghost? n
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That’s Life
On “Second” Thought
It started out as a simple,
innocent longing for a larger
refrigerator. Or at least one
made in this century.
Hardy of construction workers. They did a great job, leaving me giddy with hope and
The fridge that came with our
house couldn’t even fit a head
of broccoli in its drawer. Call
me crazy, call me spoiled, but
I wanted a fridge that didn’t
make me weep in frustration
every time I used it.
I went hunting for the new
fridge. Determined to get the
best price, I emailed friends,
looked online, talked to a
contractor. I went to Karl’s
in Montclair and Karl’s in
Fairfield, then Karl’s in one of
the Oranges.
Trouble was, the opening for
the fridge only accommodated the tiniest models. We
were looking at redoing our
entire kitchen in service of a
head of broccoli. Actually, I
was up for it. But my wallet
Then, one day about three
years after we moved in, I
got it. Modest prayers to the
gods of space management
finally paid off and I saw the
Soon, there were two workers in my kitchen, slicing the
counter and moving our sink
to make space. One was tall
and thin. The other, burly
and sweet-the Laurel and
I even had time to be with my
children every couple of days.
Karl’s in Orange, like the Karl’s
in Fairfield, has a large room
in the back that looks foreboding. But I, now “in the
know”, walked right in to shop
from the “seconds”-appliances that have a small dent or
scratch so they can’t be sold
at full price.
And there she was.
Tall…wide… deep…stainless.
Freezer drawer below, French
doors above.
Angels sang. There is a God…I
wanted to weep again…happy
tears. I looked, but I couldn’t
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by Patience Moore
find anything wrong with her.
It was the winning Super Bowl
touchdown of the retail world.
The salesman concurred.
“She’s a beaut.”
There was a passing thought.
“I wonder why it’s a second.”
But I signed on the dotted line
and arranged for delivery.
Then it got ugly.
There was nothing wrong
with this fridge inside or out.
Its problem was invisible: bad
karma. It must have been a
really mean Ice-box in a former life and was using us to
pay back its karmic debt.
Three days after the silver goddess arrived, I heard a tap, tap,
tapping in the basement. Our
basement was being flooded
one drip at a time.
The delivery men, sliding her
back into her new spot, severed the water line, causing a
secret leak. We turned off the
water and put the back of our
hands to our foreheads with
a “whew, that was a close
one”. We thought we had been
Until the kitchen floor started
to feel funny.
Until it started to buckle.
Until it crunched up across
the entire kitchen in triangles
of splintered Oak reminiscent
of a Spielberg movie when the
slimy alien comes up through
the floor. We were too late.
We tripped over the trouble
spot. My kids fell down over
We had Laurel and Hardy
back over to fix the floor. We
called the delivery company.
“Just send us the bill.” They
promised to cover it. Then
we “just sent them the bill”. It
wasn’t a small bill.
Now it wasn’t their fault.
Now it wasn’t a cheap refrigerator any more, either.
Now the gods of retail seemed
to have been mugged by the
devil of bad mojo.
We sued the evil delivery company. We woke at the crack
of dawn and wound our way
through the dingy, slightly
scary corridors of the small
claims courthouse in Newark.
The delivery company didn’t
show. So we “win”, but get no
money. There’s a guy from
the courthouse who is supposed to get the money for us.
He sends a card in the mail,
“Don’t call me for thirty days.”
I don’t feel hopeful.
A week later, a cluster of small
dents appeared on the front
door of the refrigerator- the
work a four-year-old boy with
a large wooden hammer and
a penchant for ruining anything pure and clean. Now it
looks like the “second “it was
but cost practically as much
as a Sub Zero.
It had held such promise, this
fridge. The roomy drawers
were all I’d hoped for. But
bad mojo, as invisable as it is
powerful, had its way with us.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand why we were the chosen ones…Oh-gotta run, my
broccoli’s ready. n
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That’s Life
Dirty Secret by Christina Loccke
I like to steal. It gives me a
certain thrill, despite the fact
that others know what I’m
doing. In fact, they are usually
giving me permission or
encouragement. I’m getting
better at it, too. Divisions,
plucked from friends’ gardens
now grace my yard. I am
already fantasizing about
raiding my aunt’s vinca in the
Catskills… and I might help
myself to a little stonecrop
sedum while I’m there.
The funny thing is that I
have absolutely no idea what
I’m doing in the garden.
Flowering bushes that only
bloom on last year’s wood
have been cut to the ground.
forgotten and spontaneously
re-rooted in strange and
inconvenient places. Scores
of seedlings have drooped
and died in either excessive or
insufficient sun. I’m terrified
that my benefactors will
someday visit and wonder
where their gifts have gone.
Currently, I’m working on an
excuse that involves blaming
my children.
Although I often fail, at least I
have learned:
Maple saplings may take a
woman of average strength
and exceptional stubbornness
three consecutive days to
If you plant it, and water it,
and feed it, and sing to it, it
still might not grow.
If you plant it, teenagers will
walk across it.
If you plant it, children will
yank it.
If you plant it, babies will
h a i r
28 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
s t u di o
immediately want to put it in
their mouths.
When my husband asks
what I’m doing wrist-deep
in dirt, my practical sides
responds that I am improving
our home’s curb appeal.
Despite the fact that we have
no intention of selling our
home, I remind him that that
most buyers know whether
they will like a house before
they open the car doors.
Five years ago, we certainly
proved this phenomenon
true. I remember admiring
the emerald hostas across the
front beds, but missed the
fact that the furnace predated
the Cold War. A magnolia tree
depositing its petals into the
windowboxes overshadowed
a bit of dodgy plumbing in
the kitchen. And weren’t there
two shutters outside that
window, last time we looked?
Then again, maybe not—this
was on the side of the house
we didn’t see when we initially
pulled up.
So, each year we lovingly pick
our battles—first the furnace,
then the fence, perhaps the
bathroom in the next year or
two. Gardening remains the
one constant improvement
and pleasure that never bores
or tires us… although it does
I admit, somewhat sheepishly,
that these challenges are
making me go legit. My plans
this year have grown beyond
what can be readily pilfered or
purloined. Recently, I’ve been
perusing every gardening
magazine and seed catalog
I can buy or “borrow.” My
penchant for thievery may be
related to my fear of failure;
the stakes seem higher when
I’ve thoughtfully selected,
purchased, and shipped these
items. What if I don’t plant
them deeply enough and
the root ball is exposed and
the mulch is too close to the
stem and I forget to fertilize
and even though I think I’m
planting this in the full sun
what will happen when all the
leaves come in?
Still, I plan and plant, and plan
some more. We may someday
outgrow our house, I caution
my husband, and we need to
be prepared if that happens.
After all, it’s about the curb
appeal. Toad lilies and sweet
woodruff will really brighten
those shadier spots out front…
but I’ve stopped pretending
that my upcoming shipment
from Whiteflower Farm is a
matter of simple economics.
This is still our family’s first
home, and we’re in no rush.
After all, we planted two
plum trees out front when our
daughters were born, and they
haven’t even flowered yet. n
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Frank W. Kapitza & Associates,
Certified Public Accountants Make
Financial Planning Easy
by Steve Sears
Our country
(you and I)
is embroiled
now. These
words have
a few times
during this century. Panic sets in.
You don’t know where to turn.
“The biggest mistake people
make in financial planning is
not staying the course. I have
had many clients that have
specifically told me that they
would not panic if their Mutual
Fund goes down, but when the
Mutual Fund actually does go
down, they do panic and sell
their position. The way to “right
the ship” is to get back into the
Mutual Fund. Buy and hold is
the key. If a Mutual Fund goes
down in value, clients may
want to consider that a buying
opportunity and then buy more
of the fund.”
Those words are courtesy of
Frank W. Kapitza, CPA, MS of
Frank W. Kapitza & Associates
in Fairfield. He and his team are
masters in financial planning,
and now is the right time for
your visit. Frank Kapitza, a
graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson
University with a Masters
Degree in Financial Planning
from Seton Hall University, is
a licensed Health and Life
Insurance Broker, as well as a
Registered Investment Advisor.
Frank Kapitza recognizes a
problem and has a solution.
“People who are in financial
trouble need to realize that what
they have done by themselves
hasn’t worked; therefore, they
need to find a qualified and
experienced professional that
can help them, a professional
that they trust.”
This is where he and his staff
comes in. “We ask a lot of
questions and take a lot of notes.
Our mission statement is to
listen carefully to our clients and
then, only after understanding
them as people, recommend
what is best for them. We are
specifically trained in the area
of financial planning and will
design a financial plan with
their short and long term goals
in mind. We do our very best
to keep our clients on track and
Is financial planning only for
single people? No! “Financial
planning for families is far more
critical because there are others
that are dependent on you,
especially if you are the only one
working. If you die who will take
care of your family? You need
Term Life Insurance combined
with you investing the difference
so that your family is protected. You also need nursing home
insurance when you have a
family so that you will not be
a burden on your family when
you are unable to take care of
Have a very
Happy Easter!
Wise words.
Convenient office hours are
offered in the morning, evenings
and on weekends and, in addition
to Frank Kapitza, his colleagues
are top notch. Robin Nevins is a
certified bookkeeper and Quick
Books Pro Specialist (Frank
W. Kapitza & Associates are
Advanced Certified Quick Books
Pro Advisors; “We feel that we
know the Quick Books software
better than our competition,”
says Frank Kapitza), and Diane
Perez, a recent Graduate
of Gibbs College, has had
extensive training in the areas of
accounting and the Quick Books
All the more reason to make
an appointment with Frank
W. Kapitza & Associates now.
“Investing in a CPA (Certified
Public Accountant),” claims
Frank Kapitza, “is a great
investment for many reasons. A
CPA is also a tax specialist, and
taxes are a big part of financial
planning. The second is that it
is one stop shopping - with a
CPA you don’t have to go to two
or more professionals; you need
only go to one.”
That “one” is Frank Kapitza of
Frank W. Kapitza & Associates.
Frank W. Kapitza & Associates
277 Fairfield Road, Fairfield
Suite 200
Ph: (973) 276-0650
Fax: (973) 276-0649
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Punishing/Teaching by
Humiliation: At What Cost?
by Gale Glassner Twersky A.C.H., Ct. H.A.
Here we go again. On Good
Morning America, another
headlines regarding how
a desperate parent used
humiliation techniques for her
misbehaving son to “teach him a
lesson.” Apparently, he was rude
to his teacher and was creating a
problem in his classroom.
The host, Robin Williams,
interviewed the mother and her
son. The mother had tried other
methods but to no avail. Fearing
that humiliating her son might
have negative consequences;
yet, not knowing what else she
could do, the mother forced
her son to stand in front of his
school holding a sign saying he
had misbehaved in class and
was now going to make good
decisions. When Robin inquired
what people said to him when
he was holding his sign, she was
uncomfortably surprised by
his first response. Others had
said “he was bad.” Even though
Robin quickly guided the boy
into acknowledging others had
given him encouragement,
it was blatantly clear that
what he heard was, “I am a
bad person.” Ironically the
mother was concerned for her
child’s success in school and
beyond; nevertheless, without
her knowing it, that gross
humiliation lesson may have
initiated incredibly negative
repercussions for her son’s
Indeed, the likely lessons the
little eight-year old learned
were manifold. Now, I’m
speaking as a HypnoCounselor
with years of experience in
assisting clients to reverse the
damage/stress of humiliations
they’ve endured, most often
as children. Importantly, the
subconscious holds the key
to one’s self-esteem. While
you are experiencing strong
emotional states, such as feeling
humiliated, your subconscious
will download your thoughts as
new beliefs that have powerful
influence over what you then
will think, feel and behave.
Besides learning that being
rude to your teacher is “bad,”
there were other possible
subconscious lessons the
boy learned from his wellintentioned mother and the
punishment she chose. One or
more of the following low selfesteem beliefs may have been
accepted into his subconscious
as fact:
I am a bad boy= a horrible person.
I am not lovable. I am a failure.
I deserve to be hurt. School is
a scary place that may lead to
more humiliation. I fear being
in school. I hate school. I fear
doing something wrong again.
I will not take risks because I
might be bad again. I am not
good enough. Everyone knows
how bad I am. Nobody likes
me. I am inferior. My mother
is proud she embarrassed me.
The people you love can turn
on you and hurt you. I can’t
trust Mom to protect me. The
world is an unsafe place. I am
all alone. I am helpless.
It is vitally important for a
child’s wellbeing to have high
self-esteem. By punishing/
teaching with HUMILIATION,
you may “win the battle but
lose the war” plus LOSE A
LOT MORE! There are better
alternatives. Please help me get
the word out. Send this article
to those who need it. n
Gale Glassner Twersky A.C.H., Ct. H
A.,is President of Glassner Associates
Hypnosis for Personal Growth
and Wellness. Gale is certified in
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy
and is a HypnoCounselor/Featured
Public Speaker/teacher with two
offices Montclair. Gale authored/
recorded the single CD, “Relax,
Release and Dream On,” (released
2006). Her 9 CD Series “Reprogram
Your Subconscious: How to Use
Hypnosis to Get What You Really
Want” produced by NightingaleConant Corp., (2005) is still a “Top
Seller.” Please email comments:
[email protected] Visit
Glassner Associates Hypnosis:
T h e
A r t
o f
I n t i m a c y
Love Languages:
Basic tools for Creating and
Sustaining Your Emotional
by Irisha Brown, M.A., M. Ed
Officially there are five
romance languages. Each
originates form the same
linguistic root, Vulgar Latin.
Although they bear striking
similarities to each other, they
also exhibit crisp, clear differences. According to Dr. Gary
Chapman, marriage counselor, marital enrichment educator and author of “The Five
Love Languages”, the emotional languages we experience and use are similar to
the romance languages.
The Love languages all
spring from and respond to
our innate need for love and
recognition, and they represent the diversity or our personalities, and the effects of
socialization. Our ability to
create and sustain emotional
intimacy can be directly tied
to our awareness and understanding of our own “love
language” and “dialect”, and
those which are in place for
our loved ones and friends.
of physical touch throughout
the day, but instead receive
gifts and acts of service from
them, we will probably begin
to feel unloved, unwanted
and unhappy. Exiting the
relationship will seem much
more appealing so that we
can search for what we need
emotionally. In like manner,
our partner who is bestowing these gifts upon us thinking they are doing just the
right thing, will recognize that
their efforts are less than ‘well
received’ and may also begin
the process of withdrawal and
Dr. Chapman’s observations
over a thirty year period have
led him to identify the Five
Love Languages as: Words
of Affirmation, Quality Time,
Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service
and Physical Touch.
Just what are the love
languages that you and your
partner speak? Take the selfassessment on our website:
com/theartof intimacy, or
within Dr. Chapman’s book.
Consider your findings and
then share that information
with your partner. Resolve to
speak each other’s language
for at least thirty days and
then take your emotional
temperatures. You may be
very pleased and surprised at
what you find!. n
Identifying our primary and
perhaps secondary love languages can assist us in being
very clear about what we need
in order to truly feel loved
and valued. If we need to
spend quality time with our
loved ones and receive lots
Irisha Brown, M.A., M. Ed., is
an Intimacy and Relationship
Coach and Proprietress of the
boutique, Initmate Engagements,
in Montclair, NJ. Please email
questions and comments to ib@
1a: total character peculiar to and distinguishing
an individual from others
b: personality.
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Birthday traditions vary widely from family to family, but somewhere in those traditions you can usually find some food. We
thought it might be fun to find out where our younger “foodies”
would go to dinner for their birthday.
restaurant review
By Lena Rawley (7th grade)
or my birthday
I chose Indigo
Smoke. I think this is
the best restaurant
in Montclair! The
whole reason I always look
forward to picking my choice
of restaurant is because I can
get an endless supply of food
and I don’t have to get water
as my drink…I can get soda!
Indigo Smoke is my favorite
restaurant because I just love
their fried chicken and ribs.
The fried chicken is cooked
to perfection and the tender
ribs fall right off the bone.
Personally, I am not a rib
person, but I will eat them at
Indigo Smoke.
If you happen to stop by
Indigo Smoke and you’re
really, really thirsty you should
try the delicious Watermelon
Lemonade (as well as their
many other flavors). It is as
delicious as having a soda!
Inside the restaurant you’ll
feel right at home (not exactly,
but you know what I mean).
The service is amazing. And
the atmosphere has this nice
jazzy kind of feel to it, which
makes anyone who eats there
feel like they are in a posh
nightclub without all the
Noise is something everyone
hates, whether it’s that
impossibly annoying young
family with the screaming
baby or the man with the
weird and annoying laugh.
And, in Indigo Smoke there’s
barely any noise! It’s not that
the servers there are strict and
don’t let you talk, it’s just that
everyone is so relaxed while
Montcl air
C h a r B r oi l R e s ta u r a n t
for 80 Years
eating their food, and the
calmness of the atmosphere
makes everyone a nice kind
of quiet. The only noises that
can really be heard are the
murmur of conversation and
the soothing music coming
from the speakers, which have
excellent sound.
But wait…it just gets better!
The sides dishes of your meal
are also savory. You have so
many to select from as well. A
creamy Macaroni and Cheese
with a subtle kick, heavenly
Sweet Potato Casserole and
crispy Sweet Potato Fries, just
to name a few. The casserole
tastes exactly like you’re eating
dessert. You’ll be in sweet
potato heaven! It will change
any sweet potato hater into a
sweet potato lover. I know it
did me.
There are so many amazing
options to choose from! So
what are you doing reading
this article when you can
be out enjoying a delicious
delight at Indigo Smoke?
Where would you go for your
birthday dinner? Tell us all
about it in 300-400 words (stars
optional), and we will contact
you if we use it in a future issue.
Email to: [email protected].
Please include your full name,
grade and a phone number. n
Indigo Smoke
381 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ
* Open 7 Days *
* Dine-In *
* Take Out *
Daily Specials
613 Valley Rd. | Upper Montclair | 973-746-0911
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 35
The South City Group is pleased
to announce the Grand Opening
of South City Prime, a modern American
steakhouse, at One Route 23 South in Little Falls, New Jersey.
This first of three South City Prime steakhouses scheduled
to open this year is characterized by the standout cuisine,
polished service and sophisticated vibe that has made the
South City Group’s three seafood restaurants – South City Grill
– such metro-area stars.
The stunning interior of South City Prime, designed by
the renowned Manhattan-based firm Anyk, features sleek
furnishings, a striking contemporary fireplace and a distinctive
wine wall. A raised lounge area offers a comfortable space to
relax over cocktails and small groups are accommodated in a
luxuriously appointed private dining room.
The South City Prime menu features the combination of classic
and creative dishes that have defined the South City Group’s
seafood restaurants. In addition to steakhouse favorites like
prime aged, Certified Angus steaks and chops, oysters and
other raw bar selections, there are also American and Japanese
Wagyu beef and the unique element of an authentic sushi bar.
South City Prime restaurants are also planned for Montvale
and Jersey City.
South City Prime owners Joshua Dorras, Errick Paragioudakis
and Graeme Dorras at the Little Falls restaurant’s grand opening
celebration on January 21st.
For more information, or to schedule an interview
with owners, Joshua Dorras, Graeme Dorras or Errick
Paragioudakis, contact [email protected]
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 37
Te e n W r i t e r s C o n t e s t
TD Banknorth
Our Teen Writers Contest is down to five finalists. Over thousands of
people have logged on and read the essays, hundreds have commented
and these five have received the most comments.
Now we ask you to log on to and vote for the winner.
Voting will close March 15, 2008 and the Grand Prize will be awarded March 22.
Below are excerpts from each finalist’s essay. Please log on to to read the complete essays, then vote for your favorite!
Bjonda Ademi
The state of New Jersey is the scene of much history in colonial
America. Not only is it a historian state, it is also an attraction
to many people. It was for sure an attraction to my family and
me. There are many reasons why I adore the Garden State.
To begin with, it owns the Statue of Liberty. New Jersey also
contains many beaches that make up the east. In addition it
is the home of the world’s largest light bulb. Finally, the Civil
Rights Garden is located in New Jersey.
Christine Lavosky
In 1966, when my mother was two years old, she and her family
moved to New Jersey from Cuba in search of opportunity, hope,
and a new life, but most of all, they came out of faith. Without
ever coming to New Jersey before, they trusted that it would be
the best place for them to start anew. So they got their papers
in order and made plans to come to New Jersey and finally got
there. Of course, like any other place it started out rough with
my grandmother sewing buttons in a factory - a dollar for every
three buttons, but eventually she made enough money to go to
college where she worked hard and earned her bachelors and
masters degrees from Montclair State. And since the day she
was old enough, my mother has been exploring and trying to
find out as much about New Jersey as she can, and of course
she’s been taking my sister and I on her explorations.
Travis Weiss
Growing up within the mesmerizing charm and friendly
atmosphere of the Garden State has not only been an
experience but a blessing. Whether I was playing determined
goal keeper for my little league soccer team or venturing to
Mountain Creek to ski pristine, snow-capped mountains, I
was extremely fortunate to enjoy my childhood in New Jersey.
Playing soccer with children from town helped me make
lasting, valuable friendships while those skiing trips to Vernon
were anticipated with the same amount of excitement as if I
was going to Disneyland. I never enjoyed anything quite as
much as speeding through pure white powder down a rocky
Noah Vogel
New Jersey is my home state. I was born, grew up, and go to
school here. I’ve made many friends over the years between
school, Boy Scouts, and sports. The location of New Jersey
is ideal for all the activities I like to do. Not to mention the
biannual edition of Weird NJ.
I love New Jersey because of the vast range of people that make
it up. I have friends with ethnic backgrounds from all over
the world. They teach me about their culture and traditions.
Everything from the foods and holidays to the way you should
wear your clothes I have learned from my friends.
Bethany Lipman
Growing up in New Jersey is truly an experience all its own…
It’s the feel of the wind rushing past your face as you ride the
fastest (and tallest) roller coaster in the world at Six Flags.
It’s that unforgettable taste of a taylor ham egg and cheese
sandwich served at any of the hundreds of 24-hour diners close
to home.
Bill Pascrell
38 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
by Ariane Benefit, M.S.Ed.
Getting Organized for a
Part 1
Are you stressing out about
finding the papers to get your
taxes prepared? Do you have
bags of papers stashed in
closets and drawers around
the house because you had
company coming, but then
never got around to actually
going through the bags? How
about piles of papers covering
your dining room table,
kitchen counters, desk, floors
and even in your bedroom? If
so, tax return season is your
personal nightmare and this
article is just for you! How
would you like to get your
tax papers submitted EARLY
instead of spending the next
couple months stressing?
You can! The best time to
prepare for tax time is the year
before, but if you didn’t do
it last year, it’s never too late
to get started organizing your
papers to make your next tax
season stress-free. And once
you have a simple system in
place, it will be even easier
next year.
STEP 1 - Set an Early Deadline
To Submit Paperwork! The
first step toward eliminating
tax time stress is to FORGET
ABOUT APRIL 15! Think of
your Tax deadline as March
15 and start organizing your
paperwork RIGHT NOW.
If you use a tax preparer,
call now and schedule an
appointment. If you do your
own taxes and have difficulty
setting a deadline, get a friend,
family member, or coach to
hold you accountable. Now
that you have a little fire under
your butt, it’s time to organize
your paperwork.
STEP 2 - Gather Unfiled
Papers into ONE Place. (Yes,
unopened mail, too.)
you have already filed your
papers, you probably don’t
even need to read this article!
But if the papers you need to
complete your tax return are
scattered around the house,
grab a box or basket and
QUICKLY gather them ALL
into a single container. If you
are like some of my clients
you may need a few laundry
baskets for this exercise. BE
BRAVE. No matter how many
baskets or boxes it takes,
gather them ALL and keep all
the containers in one location
until you are ready for Step 3.
(to be continued next month)
1008 Long Beach Blvd.
Surf City, NJ 08008
Chris Duncan
State Certified
Real Estate Appraiser
years making memories on
© 2008 Ariane Benefit
Ariane Benefit, M.S.Ed, is an
Organizing Coach specializing
in helping people reduce stress
and save time by making their
lives simpler, easier and more
efficient. What’s keeping you from
having the joyful life you want?
Based in Bloomfield, NJ, she is the
author of the popular organizing
and decluttering blog, Neat &
Simple Living and the “Neat &
Simple Guide to Organizing Your
Office”. She can be reached at
973-429-2100 and on the web at
G. Anderson Agency
Haven Beach, NJ 609-492-1277
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 39
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3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 45
Go “Inside Montclair”
with Wayne Robbins
by Steve Sears
ayne Robbins is “the
guy with the hat.”
That’s how he’s best
“I started to wear it about
twelve years ago” he said,
pointing to his derby. “I got it
as a gift.”
I’ve further coined him the
“hat guy who introduces you
to your Montclair neighbors
with his camera.” It’s been over
ten years now since Wayne
Robbins, as an independent
producer, began hosting
“Inside Montclair,” airing on
the Township’s TV – 34 and
now Verizon Fios TV - 34, walking around town and visiting
his neighbors and yours, providing a look into what makes
the township and its people
fascinating. Viewership also
includes the local towns of
West Orange, Verona, and
Glen Ridge. It’s a way for these
towns to respond to and learn
more about Montclair, and it’s
also a way for the township to
reach out.
The concept is quite simple.
Robbins and his camera, a la
the old Steve Allen “Man On
The Street Show,” wander and
meet people, whether it be at a
fair or sidewalk sale, art show
or musical event (Robbins
especially enjoys the cultural
end and those who specialize in it), or visiting a local
business. “It’s my eyes meeting that person,” says Robbins
enthusiastically. “The viewer
moves with me, and 99% of
the show is taped right there,
minus editing.”
“Being natural is the key. It
gets the true side of the personality to be known, because
when it comes to businesses, it’s all about the people
involved with them.”
And after all that mileage,
he’s not tiring, nor does his
enthusiasm ever wane. “It’s
the people and activities that
make us (Montclair) unique,”
says Robbins. “I have a lot of
fun, and it’s great to be a part
of it.”
Robbins, originally from Fair
Lawn, became fascinated by
the video and programming
field after he graduated from
Rutgers University at Newark.
Cable television had just
been developed, and local
Suburban Cablevision was in
its infancy minus programming. “A friend of mine was
doing a bridal show, and I was
doing a show called “Inside
Fashion.” Suburban Cable
asked me if I could give them
a video for broadcast, so I did.
Well, after it aired, I got 575
calls asking me if I could film
their business! I did this for
13 years, and this led me to
doing local programming.”
But why Montclair? “There are
some very unique shoppes
here in town. Ma and Pa
shops. And the show draws
people from other areas.”
“This is also a strong way of
enlightening business owners about who their neighbors are. Believe it or not, I’ve
actually visited store owners
who didn’t know the other
owners of businesses two and
three doors away. The feedback from business owners
has been wonderful.”
The half-hour show normally
contains four to six segments,
and a new show airs about
every two weeks. For those
without the benefit of cable
television, selective segments
are available online for viewing at
Any business can request
to be included in the online
showing. And per Robbins,
“Inside” will soon be coming
to your town, highlighting
your neighbors.
“The exciting part of this is
now being involved with New
Jersey Life & Leisure,” says
Robbins. “Every month we’ll
have a listing of the names of
our neighbors whose videos
can be seen, and they will be
available for viewing all the
time - anytime one wishes.
We will be showing segments
from current episodes, as well
as from past shows.”
As for the future plans of
Wayne Robbins and “Inside
Montclair?” “I’m very happy
with this. I’ve done other stuff,
but this is the best for me. And
it’s about time people can see
the show online.”
TV – 34 has a schedule listed via the Township of
Montclair’s municipal website, and the schedule can
also be accessed on the station between programming.
Visit www.NJLifeandLeisure.
com and just click on www.
So remember, Montclair when
you see “the guy with the hat”
and his camera rolling, be
sure to tune in to see who
you’ll “meet” next. n
Going Green
Welcome to our March 2008 issue.
We’ve decided to try something different with this issue. This month our print issue is 48
pages and our online issue is much larger. We’re hoping that “Green Conscious” readers will
subscribe to our online version and help us do more to take care of the environment in 2008.
We already do the following:
We allow all our employees to work from home, usually 4 days per week.
We have been using Solar Power for three years.
Our goal is to get 20,000 online subscribers, to go with our 60,000 print readers.
This will allow us to print fewer pages and save trees.
Will you help?
Log onto and subscribe today. (It’s free and it’s Green!)
46 • newjerseylife&leisure • 3.08
3.08 • newjerseylife&leisure • 47
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