Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda
Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda
Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve Executive Summary I. Introduction The Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESG, the Sierra Gorda Ecological Group) uses a variety of tools to describe, quantify and communicate the value of the natural resources of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve and the benefits of the programs carried out by the Alliance for the Conservation of the Sierra Gorda (The Alliance) for their conservation. These tools include the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services and the analysis of social return on investment (SROI). This document presents a summary of some of the results. II. Valuing of the Natural Resources of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve The natural resources of the Biosphere Reserve (MaB-UNESCO) are important for their provision of ecosystem services as well as a means of sustenance for its residents. Below, we estimate the value of selected ecosystem services as well as the economic value of one example of sustainable use of forest resources. In Table 1 (page 2), the value of carbon, hydrological and biodiversity services provided by the Biosphere Reserve is estimated at more than $4.5 billion USD. Situated in the state of Queretaro, the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve covers an area of over 946, 000 acres (383,000 ha) consisting of 15 types of vegetation including evergreen and deciduous tropical forest, shrubs and cacti, oak forests, pine forests and cloud forests. Indicators of Social Return on Investment The Sierra Gorda SROI analysis is broken into three core areas: • Earth - Returns that demonstrate protection of the environment. • Wealth - Returns that demonstrate support for the livelihood and economic existence of Sierra Gorda residents, as well as the financial sustainability of the Sierra Gorda project. • Spirit - Returns that demonstrate change in peoples’ mindsets, their understanding of their relationship with nature, etc. For each of the three core areas (Earth/Wealth/Spirit), desired states are identified and results presented. The results have been determined through historic records, surveys and ongoing monitoring. Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve - Executive Summary - - 1 Table 3. Annual Social Return on Investment of Sierra Gorda Alliance for Conservation. In Table 2, an example of the value provided by the sustainable use of forest resources is presented. This example involves the value of planned harvesting for pulp production and is estimated at more than $6.7 million USD. Table 1. Value of ecosystem services in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve. Ecosystem Service Carbon capture Premium Carbon project Table 2. Value of sustainable use of forest resources: projected pulp production. Value in USD 2,717,006.00 Description Operated by: Value in USD 50 hectares, felling cycle of 25 to 30 years 586,087.00 Carbon storage and capture Biodiversity Carbon project 100 additional hectares, second half of 2012 86,957.00 Carbon storage Value of total carbon storage in vegetation of the biosphere reserve 1,801,347,510.00 Hydrological services 1,340,091,300.00 Biodiversity services 1,340,091,300.00 TOTAL 4,514,569,298.00 606 hectares, next five years 6,062,000.00 TOTAL Amount I. Income obtained or generated by the Sierra Gorda Alliance for the local economy (USD1) 50 hectares, first half of 2012 43,478.00 Carbon capture Solidarity Carbon project 3,480,000.00 26,842,174.00 Return on Investment 6,778,522.00 Temporary employment programs (2010) 205,603.00 Community income from pulp production (annual projection) 41,667.00 Other community income (2010) 113,450.00 Reserve tourism (2010) 1,067,500.00 Income of Sierra Gorda Alliance employees and workers (65 operational and administrative staff in 2010) 651,249.00 Subtotal 2,079,469 .00 The economic ripple effects of income coming into the area, using a multiplier of 1.82 3,743,045.00 Total 5,822,514 II. Annual value of ecosystem services Carbon storage 11,346,964.00 Hydrological services 80,897.00 Biodiversity services 80,897.00 Avoided erosion3 6,038,784.00 Total 17,547,543.00 GRAND TOTAL 23,370,057.00 Investment (combined budgets of organizations of 1,341,641.00 Sierra Gorda Alliance) SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT (dollars of return 17.42 for each dollar invested) The results show a return on investment of $17.42 USD for each $1 USD invested. III. Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve In this section, GESG presents the summary of an analysis of the social return on investment (SROI) of the programs of the Sierra Gorda Alliance. This information is based upon an external SROI analysis conducted by SVT Group in 2007 with revisions and updates by The Alliance. A. Calculation of social return on investment with selected monetized returns In this section, we present a calculation of the annual social return on investment of The Alliance utilizing selected monetized returns of the overall project they operate. The return on investment is separated into two large categories — I) Income generated by the Sierra Gorda Alliance for the local economy and II) Annual value of ecosystem services provided by the Biosphere Reserve — which are further broken down into subcategories. 1. Assumes exchange rate of 12 pesos MXN = 1 USD. Following SROI methodology, this calculation takes into account the percentage of returns that are attributable to the work of The Alliance. 3. Estimated by Gabriel Domínguez Cabrera, Director, Bosque Sustentable, A.C., 2009. 2 Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve - Executive Summary - - Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve - Executive Summary - - 2. Whitestone, Jim. 2007. Survey of Multiplier Effects for Use in SROI Analysis of GESG Community Education and Ecotourism Programs. February 2007. 3 Overall The vast majority of survey respondents believe the existence of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve has improved their lives. 4 Quality of life in Sierra Gorda Changed for the worse 86% 4% 10% Not changed at all Changed for the better 4. Based on survey carried out from 2006-2007. IV. Conclusions The Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda (GESG, Sierra Gorda Ecological Group) founder of the Sierra Gorda Alliance has been involved for more than 24 years in a persistent effort with neither deviations nor delays to build a bridge to a new paradigm of conservation and sustainable development. It has implemented energetic local actions for mitigating global warming and created a living laboratory of the most innovative tools and strategies for achieving conservation of natural resources and development and participation of local communities. The Sierra Gorda is now implementing a strategy that will shorten the learning curve and reduce costs of transference and implementation in other regions. Through the operation of the Sierra Gorda Earth Center, GESG is providing workshops, courses, and on-line education in which community members, staff of protected areas and NGOs, teachers, environmental educators and others can enhance their capacities to cultivate widespread participation and leadership. GESG believes its valuation of natural resources and SROI analysis are powerful tools that will strengthen its communication and fund-raising efforts and is ready to share its experience with others. This has been a pioneering initiative, and GESG’s knowledge can now help others to more easily adapt these tools to their needs. Through the Sierra Gorda Earth Center, GESG will continue to share its experiences in developing this new vision, alerting social enterprises to the importance of becoming part of this disciplined approach to monitoring in order to more fully value their impacts and achieve their missions. Nature Photos by: Roberto Pedraza Ruiz Contact for inquiries and donations: Laura Perez-Arce [email protected] Director, Viva Sierra Gorda A Project of Earth Island Institute 415.390.2201 4 Jalpan de Serra, Qro. Mexico Tel. Fax (441) 296 0229 y 296 0242 [email protected] Postal Address: Carlos Septien Garcia No.46. Col. Cimatario. Queretaro, Qro. Mexico. C.P. 76030 Tel. (442) 212 3267 Fax (442) 212 4777 Valuing Nature and Social Return on Investment in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve - Executive Summary - -