project - Timothy Christian Schools
project - Timothy Christian Schools
PROJECT IMPACT Team TC: I am excited to officially introduce you to Project IMPACT. This project includes a new 7th/8th grade building, improved parking and traffic flow, enhanced safety procedures, and a premier athletic arena for our high school. The completion of this project will also open up future programming opportunities in our grade school with the soon-to-be-vacated 7th/8th grade wing available for “flex” space and innovative models of instruction. COVER IMAGE: View from Butterfield Road Front entry view from South parking lot Our school has been on the move! We have already sent five athletic teams to STATE this year, and we have witnessed other extraordinary accomplishments in academics, music, and various extra-curricular clubs. Our enrollment is strong and our admissions office is already busy for 2016-2017. Additionally, we have intentionally controlled our tuition to remain lower than nearly any comparably sized private school in the area and surrounding communities. For those who have been on campus over the last few years, you have also seen our dedication to the finest facilities. What makes the recent renovation and construction even more impressive is that we have finished each project without absorbing debt. We are a completely debt-free organization, which is extremely rare among private schools and churches today. Stubbornly sticking with that standard, our goal is to complete Project IMPACT with the same conviction—no debt! This is a big project. The expected full cost of the project will be under $16MM. We are well on our way to achieving that goal through the quiet phase of the fundraising effort. In the months ahead, as we go public with the campaign, we are counting on our alumni, parents and friends to generously support this project. In the midst of our successes, we remain fiercely committed to “keeping the main thing the main thing”— which is to give Jesus the highest place in every program of our school. We desire to train, equip, and inspire difference- Commons space WHY DID WE SELECT THE TITLE OF PROJECT IMPACT? This project will have an enormous and immediate impact on our program of education and our athletic programs. A simple review of this brochure will clearly reveal the materially positive impact of this project. But most importantly, this project will strengthen our mission to impact the world for Jesus Christ. makers to change the world for Jesus Christ, and we desire to do this as excellently as we can. Make no mistake about it…every accomplishment of our school is nothing more than an opportunity to proclaim HIS truth and HIS love to the world. With God all things are possible, and we can make an IMPACT for eternity. Please join me in this adventure through prayer and/or financial support. Very Truly Yours for Christian Education, This project will strengthen our mission to impact the world for Jesus Christ. Matt Davidson Superintendent Lobby/Cafeteria Our junior high students will finally have their own space— even for lunch and chapel. This will also bring many benefits to the elementary school and high school since they will not have to share space with the junior high. IMPACT There are countless parents, extended family members, alumni, current students, and a host of others who would testify that goals are being reached and dreams are being realized largely because of the IMPACT of Timothy Christian School. By the grace of God, these claims will persist as we carry on in the mobilization of leaders and difference-makers for our world. OUR SCHOOLS Project IMPACT will provide a new home for our 7th and 8th grade students, thus providing our junior high with a greater sense of identity on campus. Our existing junior high wing is the oldest and most rigid portion of the grade school. The new junior high building will deliver a 21st century learning environment with greater opportunities for collaboration and strengthened technology. Our junior high students will be proud of this space! As we vacate the existing junior high wing in the grade school, it will open up many doors for flex space and programmatic innovation for our younger grades. Science Lab IMPACT OUR ATHLETIC PROGRAM Project IMPACT also includes a competition gymnasium for our high school sports. The gymnasium will seat 1,200 people (nearly double our current size) and will have significant lobby and concessions areas. We will also have unique viewing areas for athletic contests, multiple locker rooms, a full training room, and added storage. The additional gym space will help us to resolve the practice and game scheduling conflicts that presently exist, particularly with our winter sports. The new gymnasium will stand out as the leading athletic facility in our conference and beyond. Athletics is our most visible activity to the community. Project IMPACT will provide us with a state-of-the-art facility that will match the growing successes of our athletic program, capture the attention of our community, and excite our student body. Please join with us by putting your full support and resources behind this important project and milestone at our school. We pray that God will be glorified and the lives of His people impacted by this place and in this time. We sincerely ask for your prayers in this endeavor as we do His work and as we prepare another generation to go out and serve God in this world. Serving God and His people, Timothy Christian Schools develops academically prepared Christian disciples who embrace Christ’s call to transform the world. Gymnasium View from Prospect Ave Many of our constituents view this as an opportunity to give one of their largest gifts ever, in the form of a legacy gift, to support TCS in our mission to Impact our World for Christ. IMPACT OUR WORLD 3-D Aerial view 2015 UPFRONT DESIGN & PLANNING DECISION PROCESS QUIET PHASE FUNDRAISING 2016 ZONING/ELMHURST MUNICIPAL APPROVALS COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS (ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING) BIDDING/POST BIDS 2017 CONSTRUCTION BUILDING COMPLETION (FALL) Above all, Project IMPACT will provide us with greater opportunities to fulfill our mission: to train, equip, and inspire this generation to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Beyond the classroom and the athletic arena, we desire for our students to win at life! You can find agents of Timothy Christian School as ambassadors for Jesus Christ all over the world. Believe it or not, the list of positive outcomes from this project does not stop here. As the project moves forward, stay tuned for even more exciting information. Lead On, O King Eternal! Front entry exterior view from South parking lot We are excited and thankful to announce a $500,000 matching gift to launch our public fundraising campaign. Dear Constituents: Thank you for your interest and investment into the future of Timothy Christian Schools. We look forward to successfully completing Project IMPACT. With your help and encouragement we will move forward and improve on an already beautiful campus, an excellent Pre-12th school system, and most importantly a school dedicated to Christian education. This specific project will greatly impact every building and enhance educational and athletic programs at all levels, benefitting our students for years and generations to come. We appreciate the many benefactors of TCS who have been so loyal and faithful for many years. Your continued support is needed and very much appreciated. To those who are newer to the TCS community, we need you just as much. It will take a broad base of support to reach our $16MM goal for this campaign. We celebrate what God has done for our school for so many years, and we celebrate this diverse community and how God has brought us together in so many wonderful ways. Working together, we are confident that we can reach even higher and HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED? MY 1, 2, OR 3 YEAR COMMITMENT TO THE PROJECT IMPACT CAMPAIGN I/We will contribute the Total Amount of $_______________ to this campaign for what He has done in the past. To be paid: Monthly Annually Thank you for your commitment to Christian education at Timothy Christian Schools. You are First installment to be paid on:____/____/____ attain our goals. We are confident that God’s faithfulness will continue and we are so thankful a blessing to us and you are making an impact and a difference in His Kingdom as we partner together to educate the next generation of disciples and Christ Followers. In His Service, Robert J. Venhousen (’79) Quarterly Lump Sum E nclosed is my check payable to Timothy Christian Schools Project IMPACT campaign I will give to this campaign online at I will pray for God’s guidance and blessing on this campaign. Director of Advancement & Supporter of Project IMPACT __________________________________ Signature NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID OAK BROOK, IL PERMIT NO. 100 PROJECT IMPACT 188 W. Butterfield Rd. Elmhurst, IL 60126 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FULL NAME__________________________ ____________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________ ____________________________________ PHONE______________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS______________________ ____________________________________ WE THANK YOU for partnering with us to impact our schools, community and world. Serving God and His people, Timothy Christian Schools develops academically prepared Christian disciples who embrace Christ’s call to transform the world.
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