to - Andaman and Nicobar Islands
to - Andaman and Nicobar Islands
fu8.:rr 31°\\;QI1 'ijl:fJ f.:Iq;)ati< ~ #1~1~c!l "Q;Cf ~ ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH SOCIETY (ANIMERS) ~ 00 f.:I~I(IIW<f DIRECTORATEOF HEALTH SERVICES f.:I' 31°\\;QI1 'ijl:fJq;iCIII( ANDAMAN F.No. 1-18/ANIMERSlBooks ~ & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION ...... & Joumals/2014/o(_6':}- "fL Port Blair, dated the dC'March 2015 TENDER NOTICE Sealed quotations are invited from the Authorized Dealers for the rate contract for the supply of Medical Books to the proposed Medical College at Port Blair, A & N Islands on as and when required basis for the period of one year. The tender document containing the list and details of items with terms and conditions of supply can be collected from the office of the Member Secretary, ANIMERS, Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair during the working hours on payment of Rs. 5001- (Rupees five hundred only) non-refundable per set 1 document in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Member Secretary, ANIMERS, Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair payable at Port Blair and can also be downloaded from A&N Administration website The firm who obtained the list from the website have to enclose the demand draft of Rs. 5001- (Rupees five hundred only) in favour of Member Secretary, ANIMERS, Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair. The last date for sale, submission and opening of tender is as under: 1. Sale of Tender Document 2. Last Date of submission of Tender : From 10.00 am on 20.03.2015 to 02.30 pm on 10.04.2015. : 10.04.2015. upto 03:00 pm 3. Date of Opening of Tender : 10.04.2015. at 03:30 pm ~~~ Member Sf"cretary, ANIMERSI Director of Health Services tmn ~ ~ tr.!rr PlCf»)iux ~ ~ ~)~I~e1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH SOCIETY (ANIMERS) ~ 00 Pl~~II(i1l1 DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SERVICES tr.!rr PlCf»)iillx ~ ~ ANDAMAN ~;::jlJi'<4/~ LBT.x=f. 1-181 ~ & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION *** ~/2014/026::t W~ ct -q'R ~ # lOl"hilRlCi 31lgf4$1I'1 Jii5IRlS_£JIC'1£J ct ~ 10P crt ctT 31cTISr ct G'RA \i'j"6[ "Cfl1fI '4T 311cH£JCI? Ci1 m ct 3llt:fR 1:R 311g f4 $1H ~ ~ gX"CiCl?IC'1;QR ~ \f<"l ~ ctT ~ -gg ~ ~ ct ~ lOlCl?I~ICfl'j/~ ~ ~ ji5'1!5i~ Cfll2:~H ~ ~ -g I ~ ~X"CiI~\Ji ~ ~ -r:;cj ~ ctT ~ -r:;cj fctcRur ~ ~ ct ~t:Ff \f<"l "ffif \3 dl ftl Ci t cpT ~ ~ cpr CI? 1£JTC'1£J, ~'ilJixl "fCIR~ ~ Pi~~"C'1£J, -q'R ~ ~ Cl?1£J1C'1£Jx-r=r<:l ct G'RA ~ 500 1-(~ m ~ ~)"!Olf<1 xR 1 ~x"CiI~\Ji(31lOlf?i~£J) ctT ~ ~, "\liT fcp ~~, ~'ilJi'<4, m~ ~ Pi~~"C'1£J, -q'R ~ ct -qaT # PiCl?IC'11 "S3TT ~ ~ ct ~ # m \f<"l -q'R ~ # ~ -gT, ct ~ # :fTCiT'l ~ >fflCi" fcp-m "\liT "X1CI?"CiT ~ I ~ ~x"CiI~\Ji cpT 31u-sJiH ~2D PiCflliill'l! lOl~"xi'1 ct ~iilxil~c\i?.1C.11-s ~ ~ -g I ~ 31u-sJiI'1 PiCflliill'l! ftq" ~ ~2D CLlIClxilft1C1? lOlf?it5dH "\liT ~iilXiI~c ~ ~ ct XiT2l ~ PiCl?IC'1I"S3TT ~ ~ 1. ~ x"Ci1~ \Ji ~, ~'ilJi'<4, m~ 5001-(~ ct ~ ~ -s1\i?'1C'1'I-s -r:;cj "\Ji1iT ~ ~ ~ X"Ci1~ \Ji x-r=r<:l ~ ~ m~ ~) ~ cpr ~ m ~X"Ci1~ \Ji ctT 3lfc'r'1 ~ "\Ji1iT ~ \[CI" x-r=r<:l 3. ~ ~ ctT ~ \f<"l x-r=r<:l ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ct ~ ct 10.04.2015 ~ -qaT N<nl ctT ~ 20.03.2015 ~ 3lUI fc;j ftl Ci ~ :10.00 ~ 31q'l!I~'1 04.00 I ~"CiCP 2. ~ ~ ct -q'R ~ Pi~~"C'1£J, ~2D ~ ~ ~ ~X"CiI~\Ji'j cpr \3q£Jlll ~ ctT 3lfc'r'1 ~ ct~ctT~-r:;cj ~ 10.04.2015 ct 31q'l!I~'1 03.00 ct ~ 03.30 "CiCP I 10.04.2015 # II Tender No. II II Price Rs. 500/- (Non Refundable) ~ f."lCf))ElI"! ~ tmn ~ ~ tfltll~e) ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCHSOCIETY (ANIMERS) ~ ~ f."l~~IIC'1~ DIRECTORATEOF HEALTH SERVICES ~ ~ f."lCf))ElI"! ~ ~ ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION *** F.No. 1-18/ANIMERS/Books & Journals/2014 (TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL BOOKS FOR ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AT PORT BLAIR) Last Date of submission of Tender : 1010412015upto 03:00 pm Date of Opening of Tender : 1010412015at 03:30 pm ISSUED BY Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education &Research Society A&N Administration : [email protected] (NON TRANSFERABLE) II ~ cr.m tmn ~ ~ Pl<t>~ElI'<~ mtll~t) ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCHSOCIETY (ANIMERS) ~ 00 Pl~~IIC'I~ DIRECTORATEOF HEALTH SERVICES ~ ANDAMAN cr.m Pl<t>~ElI'<~ & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION *** TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL BOOKS ANIIMS CENTRAL LIBRARY Due Date & Time of submission of completed Tender form in the prescribed tender box: 10.04.2015 UPTO3:00 PM Date &Time of Opening of Tender 10.04.2015 AT 3:30 PM Earnest Money ~ 1,00,000.00 (RUPEESONE LAKHOnly) 1. PREPARATION OF TENDER (A) The copy of Annexure - I to Annexure - III, duly completed and signed on each page, should be sent by SPEEDPOSTor dropped in person enclosed in a double cover. The outer as well as the inner covers should be sealed and addressed to the "The Member Secretary, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Medical Education and ResearchSociety, Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair, A & N Islands - 744 104". At the top of the inner and outer cover, the following words should be written in block letters. "QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL TEXT BOOKS 2014". The right to ignore / reject any quotation, which fails to comply with the above instructions, is reserved. (B) The Bid should be typed in the letter head pad of the firm in the tender format. Hand written quotations will be rejected. (C) The firm should quote over all discount percentaqe on all the books instead of quoting discount of individual book. If the supplier fails to quote overall discount percentage, the quotation of the firm will be rejected. ANIMERSis not responsible for Transit loss and damage. Rate should be inclusive of all charges like CST, FREIGHTCHARGES,DEMURRAGE charges, OCTROI& Incidental charges etc. (D) The Terms and Conditions and the Schedule should be in the format of tender document and duly signing in full on each page with stamp, whether you are quoting for any item or not, failing which the quotation is liable to be rejected. (E) Conditional tenders are liable to be out-rightly rejected. (F) The supplier must submit self-attested copy of the valid certificate of membership of The Federation of Publishers'& Booksellers'Associationsin India (FPBAI). Without valid certificate of membership of FPBAI,the quotation will be rejected. (G) Self-attested copy of PANcard of the agency shall be provided by the supplier. 1 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 2. EARNEST MONEY (A) The quotation must be accompanied with Earnest Money in the shape of Demand Draft of ~ 1,00,000/(Rupees One Lakh Only) for Books, valid for One year, in favour of the Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS) payable at PORT BLAIR. No Cheque will be accepted. (B) Quotation without Earnest Money shall be rejected. (C) In the event of the withdrawal/revocation of tenders before the date specified for acceptance, the earnest money shall stands forfeited. In the event of acceptance of the tender the earnest money may be adjusted towards the amount of security required to be deposited by the contractor in terms of Clause mentioned below, the earnest money will however, be returned without interest to the tenderer whose tender is not accepted. (D) All the payment shall be made by Demand Draft; drawn in favour of Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS), payable at Port Blair; Cheques/cash will not be accepted. 3. RECEIPT OF THE TENDER The tender must reach this office not later than the date and time notified in the Tender Notice stated in the schedule of tender. Any tender received after that shall be rejected. 4. DOCUMENT The tenderer should have a valid Trade license, VAT/PAN / TAN / other statutory document as applicable and provide self-attested copies of such certificates along with the tender documents, failing which the tender shall liable to be rejected. (a) Name of the Agency (b) E.M.D. : ~ 1,00,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh only) (c) DD No. & Date (d) PAN/ TAN No. (e) Office Address at Port Blair (if any) 5. OPENING OF TENDER The tender shall be opened on the date and time mentioned here in the document. All tenderers and/or their representatives, if they desire, may be present at the opening of the tender at the date and time as specified in the schedule. Tender must reach this office not later than the date and time notified in the tender notice stated in the tender document. Any tender received after that shall be rejected. In the event of the stipulated date of opening of the tender being declared a closed holiday for Govt. offices, the date of opening of the tender(s) will be the next working day. Tender sent by hand delivery, shall be delivered at this office not later than the last date and time stipulated in the schedule of tender. 2 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 6. DELIVERY (A) The supply should be made by the supplier within 45 days from the date of receiving the supply order failing which, penalty of 5% shall be imposed on the final bill(s). However in special cases period can be extended up to three months against request. (B) If more time is required for supply of ordered Books, the supplier has to inform to the undersigned / office timely. (C) Time for and date of delivery; The essenceof contract: - The time for and the date of delivery of the books as stipulated in the schedule shall be deemed to be the essenceof contract and delivery / execution must be completed no later than the date(s) specified. The Director of Health Services may allow additional time under special circumstances. 7. CONSIGNEE The Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS), Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands - 744 104. 8. BILL (A) The bills should be issued in the name "The Member Secretary, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society, Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands - - 744 104". The bill should also contain the Order Number and date. (B) Pre-receipted bill in triplicate (3 copies) will be submitted by the supplier for payment, the original duly stamped with one rupee revenue stamp. (C) The bill(s) will be raised by the supplier at the GOC(The Federation of Publishers'& Booksellers'Associations in India) recommended conversion rates prevailing on the date when the books are finally invoiced against order or procured from abroad. A certificate should be enclosed along with the bill(s) to this effect for payment. (D) In the case of imported titles the prices of the books must be converted into Rupee (~). 9. PAYMENT (A) Payment will be made in Indian Currency after receipt of the consiqnrnent in good condition and there if are no discrepanciesof any nature. (B) Proof in support of the prices charged i.e. publisher's invoice must also be attached along with the bill(s) for verification and payment. (C) Self-attested copy of Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the agency shall be provided the supplier. 10. PENALTIES (A) In the event of the supplier failing, declining, neglecting or delaying the supply or in the event of any damage occurring or being caused by supplier, the Directorate of Health Services shall without prejudice to any other remedy available to it under the law for the time being in force: (1) (2) (3) Terminate the supply order after 15 days notice. Recover the amount of loss caused by the damage, failure or default (including the consequential damage). Impose a penalty up to 10% of the total value of the order and confiscate earnest money. 3 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair (4) (5) The delay in the supply and imposition of penalty shall be subject to "Force Majoure" and "Arbitration" Clausesof this document. In the event of any violation of laws, rules, statutory provisions by the contractor, this will amount to breach of contract and in such case, the Director of Health Serviceswill have the right for terminating the contract, forthwith, without giving any notice or assigning any reason. 11. ARBITRATION (A) If at any time, any question of difference, or dispute whatsoever arises between two parties hereto or in relation to a part thereof, either of the party may give to other notice in writing of the existence of such a question or dispute or difference and same shall be referred for award to arbitrator i.e. Director of Health Services,Andaman & Nicobar Administration, Port Blair, A & N Islands. (B) Subject as aforesaid the Arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules there under and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitrator proceedings under this clause. Work under the contractor shall, if reasonable possible continue during the arbitration proceeding and no payment due to payable by the purchaser shall be withheld on account of proceedings. The venue of arbitration shall be at Port Blair. 12. PENALTV CLAUSE Supply forms the crucial part of the order and therefore, if the supply is not completed in the stipulated time as prescribed in this document or supplier fails to deliver the Books within the delivery schedule as agreed upon; a sum equivalent to 1% of the exact Value for each week of delay or part thereof until actual delivery, will be deducted from the Contract Value. 13. RECOVERY OF SUMS DUE Whenever any claim for the payment of a sum of money arises out of or under this contract against the contractor, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover of such sum by appropriating, in part or whole the earnest money deposited by the contractor, when the balance or the total sum to be recoverable, as the case may be shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to recoverable under this or any other contract with the purchaser. If the sum is not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. 14. RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE MEMBER SECRETARY, ANIMERS (A) The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders or accept the lowest quotation or cancel the supply order or part of it at any moment of time without assiqninq any reason thereof and shall not be bound to place order for all books. Also, the Director of Health Services reserves the rights to award any or part or full contract to any successfultenderer at his discretion and this will be binding on the tenderer. (B) The Tender Inviting Authority would not be under any obligation to give any clarifications to the tenderers whose bids are rejected. (C) The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the rights to make any amendment in the above terms and conditions in the interest of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and ResearchSociety, Port Blair and the same will be binding on the Vendor/Agent. (D) Any legal disputes that may arise out of the contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of court in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 15. TENDER FEE A fee of ~ 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) should be attached with the tender document if the tender is downloaded from the website. 4 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Documents must be signed all pages (Annexure - I to III) Valid Trade License Certificate of Membership of FPBAI PAN(TANjother Statutory Documents Demand Draft (E.M.D. ~l,OO,OOOj- (Rupees One Lakh only) Terms & Conditions of Annexure-I SpecialTerms & Conditions of Annexure-I! Quoting rate in Annexure-III ENCLOSURES: 1. Annexure - I (Terms & Conditions) 2. Annexure - I! (Special Terms & Conditions) 3. Annexure - III (Schedule for supply of Medical Books) ***** Member Secretaoy (ANI~f 5 Health 5elVices Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair ANNEXURE - II SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL BOOKS ANIIMS CENTRAL LIBRARY 1. Receipt of the supply order must be acknowledged by the supplier within a week of its receipt by Speed Post OR Email [email protected]. 2. The EMD deposited of successful tenderer will be treated as Performance Security and remain with the Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS), Directorate of Health Services, Port Blair, A & N Islands for a period of One and Half Year issued from a scheduled bank guaranteed by RBI in the name of bidder in favour of Member Secretary (ANIMERS).The successful bidder has to deposit additional amount also in the same manner to level EMDtogether with extra amount to 5% of the accepted price. Successful bidder shall also submit a bank guarantee equivalent of order value from Scheduled Bank, till the pendency of the contract. 3. The rate quoted and overall discount offered by the firm should be valid for one year. 4. The successful tenderer shall not in any case sublet the contract to third party. 5. Responsibility for executing Contract: The contractor is to be entirely responsible for the execution of the contract in all respects in accordancewith the terms and conditions as specified in the acceptance of tender. 6. Unlessotherwise mentioned, latest editions of the books requested only must be supplied. 7. The books supplied should be in good condition without any defects and should not be damaged. If the supplied book does not conform to specifications or if the pages are torn or missing or the copy is old or is not in good condition, the book will be replaced by the supplier within 30 days without charging any extra cost. 8. The Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair, A&N Islands reserves all rights to cancel a supply order, if the supplier fails to supply the requisite books within a reasonabletime period or part of it at any moment of time without assigning any reason. 9. The delivery of the medical books is required within a period as specified and as the place mentioned therein. The tenderer shall deliver the books at the destination defined to the consignee in good order (of which the Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Medical Education and Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair, A&N Islands shall be the sole judge) within the limits of the time as deemed reasonable and specify in such quantities/qualities as may be ordered by him from time to time. 10. The Supplier undertakes to refund the amount if charged in excessthan the prices of books. 11. In case of any price manipulation detected at any stage, the supplier shall be responsible for the same and the excess amount charged shall be refunded to the Member Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Medical Education and ResearchSociety (ANIMERS),Port Blair, A & N Islands in one installment. ?4 Member Secretary (ANIMERS)/ 6 Director of Health Services Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair ANNEXURE - III S.NO. l. AUTHOR Alexander Lee TITLE Unit Cost A Synopsisof SurgicalAnatomy McGregor 2. Frank H Netter Alas of Human Anatomy 3. Bhatia 4. Vishram Singh Anatomy for MBBS : BDS & Other Exam CBS quick revision series important text for Viva/MCQs Anatomy of Head, Neck and Brain. 5. Vishram Singh Anatomy of Upper Limb and Thorax 6. Vishram Singh Neuroanatomy 7. Thieme 8. Thieme 9. Mosses Atlas of Anatomy Image Collection: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System Atlas of Anatomy Image Collection: Neck and Internal Organ Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy 10. Kiernan Barr's the Human Nervous System 1l. Junqueira BasicHistology Text & Atlas 12. Todd A. Swanson BRSBiochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics 13. Ronald W. Dudek BRSEmbryology 14. Richard S Snell Clinical Anatomy by Regions 15. 16. Neeta V Kulkarni & Forework RDLele McMinns Clinical Anatomy for Students Approach Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy 17. Richard SSnell Clinical Neuroanatomy 18. M J Turlough Fitzgerald Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience 19. James L Hiatt Color Textbook of Histology (With CD) 20. Moore Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology 2l. Victor P. Eroschenko DiFiore's Atlas of Histology 22. Emery Elements of medical genetics 23. Peter Turnpenny Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics 24. A.K. Dutta Essentialsof Neuroanatomy Vol-l 25. A.K. Dutta Essentialsof Human Embryology 26. G P Pal General Anatomy 27. SusanStandrig Gray's Anatomy 28. Gray's Anatomy 29. Peter L Williams & Roger Warwick Gray 30. SusanStandring 3l. B D Chaurasia Gray's Anatomy : The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice Handbook of General Anatomy 32. IB Singh Histology 33. B D Chaurasia& K Garg Human Anatomy Vol-I, II & III with DVD Problem Solving Gray's Anatomy: A Facsimile 7 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair S.NO. AUTHOR 34. TITLE 35. Lt. Col PankajTalwar VSM Inderbir Singh Manual of Assisted Reproductive Technologies & Clinical Embryology with 4 DVDs Text book of anatomy with C.A.Vol-l, II & III (Oster Upper & Lower Extremity) 36. Inderbir Singh Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Alas Vol-I 37. Inderbir Singh Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Alas Vol-III 38. Inderbir Singh Text Book of Human Neuroanatomy 39. Inderbir Singh Textbook of Anatomy Vol- I 40. Inderbir Singh Textbook of Anatomy Vol -III 41. Inderbir Singh Textbook of Human Histology 42. Barrs The Human Nervous System 43. Ross Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: Neck & Internal Organs 44. Vishram Singh Clinical & Surgical Anatomy 45. Moore EssentialClinical Anatomy 46. G.J.Romanes 47. G P Pal Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy Thorax and Abdomen Vol-I & II Textbook of Histology 48. Inderbir Singh Unit Cost Textbook of Human Histology With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide TOTAL LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS S.NO. AUTHOR TITLE 1. Norman, Geoffray R 2. Nina Bascia 3. Robert Turnes 4. Nicola Cooper 5. David Bowers EssentialGuide to Education Supervision in Postgraduate Medical Education Getting Started in Health Research 6. Farina Clarke How to Manage Your GPPractice 7. Jeeny Firth Cozens 8. Andrew Russell How to Service in Medicine Personally & ProfessionalIy Lecture Notes: The Social Basisof Medicine 9. Lan She Milt 10. Tim Swanwick 11. Peter Contilion Evidence BasedDecisionsand Economic Health care social welfare education and criminal justice Understanding Medical Education EvidenceTheory & Practice ABCof learning & Teaching in medicine 12. Tejender Singh Principles of assessmentin medical education 13. Bhawalker Medical Education Technology: The Trainers 14. Ghanshyam Vidya General Practice International Handbook of Researchin Medical Education (Part-1&2) International Handbook of Teacher & Teaching (Part1&2) Clinical Skills and Examination: The Core Curriculum 8 Unit Cost Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair S.NO. AUTHOR TITLE 15. Uttam Shiralkar Cognitive Simulation 16. K.B. Pawar Multiple Choice Questions in Medical Science 17. Ronald M. Epjein Assessment in Medical Education 18. Ronald M. Epjein BasicCourse in medical education technology 19. Ronald M. Epjein Education handbook for health personnel 20. Ronald M. Epjein World Health Organization: Handbook of Medical Education Technology 21. Ronald M. Epjein Medical Journal (6) 22. Ronald M. Epjein Workshop of Hospital Administration 23. Ronald M. Epjein Medical Education Technology Unit-2 24. Ronald M. Epjein Students assessmentnew trends and tools 25. Col P.J.Vincent An introduction to medical education 26. J.P. Baride Manual of biostatistics 27. Donn weinholtz Teaching during round 28. M.J. Campbell Statistics at square one 29. C.K. Assessmentof student achievement 30. R.W.Jaeger Statistics a spectator sport 31. K.Vishweswara Rao Biostatistics in Brief Made Easy 32. Steven Downing 33. Jyoti Kumar Assessment in Health Professions Education Biostatistics 34. B.K. Mahajan Methods in Biostatistics for medical students and research workers 35. John Creswell ResearchDesign 36. John D. Bransford How People Learn 37. Peter Rossi Evaluation 38. Janine Edwards ResidentsTeaching Skills 39. Linda 40. Margaret Bussigel Teaching and learning in medical and surgical education Innovation process in medical education 41. K.V. Rao Biostatistics 42. M. David Measurement and assessmentin teaching 43. Arun K Agarwal Standard operating procedures 44. Lana Uys Curriculum development in nursing 45. D.L. Kirkpatrick Implementing the four levels 46. Michael Patton Utilization focused evaluation 47. N. Kumar Educational Technology Theory & Practices 48. Rowan Bayne 49. Rowan Bayne Counselling & Communication Skillsfor Medical & Health Handbook of Medical Education 50. Kothari The art of teaching medical students 51. Tejender Singh Principles of Medical Education 52. National Board of Examination WHO Journal of postgraduate medical training & research (Vol-IV No.1-5 Jan-Oct 2009) Educational Handbook for health personal Anant Krishnanan Medical Education Principles & Practices 53. 54. 9 Unit Cost Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair S.NO. AUTHOR TITLE 55. Vincent An Introduction medical education 56. Robert J Mason 57. D Behera Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine NCCPTextbook of Respiratory Medicine 58. Unit Cost David A Warrell Oxford Textbook of Medicine Vol 1,11&111 59. James S Dooley Sherlock's Diseasesof the Liver and Biliary System 60. Y.PMunjal AlP Textbook of Medicine Vol I & II 61. A.K. Kundu Bedside Clinics in Medicine 62. RAlagappan Manual of Practical Medicine 63. Richards 64. Allan H Ropper The New International Standard Medical and Health Encyclopedia, vol-t & II Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology 65. David Skinner 66. Vincent Samuel & Steven Sunder Lal 67. Cambridge Textbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine Cancer Principle & practice of Oncology Textbook of Community Medicine 68. Narayan H Nayak 69. Surendra K. Sharma 70. Kevin K. Brown 71. Robert O. Bonow 72. Michael Glynn Hutchison's Clinical Methods An integrated approach to clinical practice 73. Park K ParksTextbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 74. G.N. Prabhakara Short Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 75. Penguin UK First Aid Manual (English) 76. Ambulance, St. John First Aid Manual (English) 77. Handal, Kathleen 78. Saumya Shukla The American Red CrossFirst Aid and Safety Handbook ACROSS- A complete review of short subjects 79. WE Dandy The Brain 80. J Willis Hurst The Heart 81. Wardener The Kidney 82. Gopa B Green The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics Guidelines to practice of emergency medicine Tuberculosis Oxford American Handbook of Pulmonary Medicine Braunwald'sHeartDiseaseA Textbookof Cardiovascular Medicine TOTAL LIST OF PHYSIOLOGY BOOKS S.NO. AUTHOR TITLE 1. A.Ranade Amphibian Manual of Physiology 2. 3. W.F. Ganong Review of Medical Physiology Berne and Levy Principles of Physiology 4. Boron Textbook of Medical Physiology 5. Indu Khurana Textbook of Physiology 10 Unit Cost Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair S.NO. AUTHOR TiTlE Unit Cost 6. Aminoff Clinical Neurophysiology 7. Kalita and Mishra Clinical Neurophysiology 8. John Cote The Lung: Cote's Lung Function 9. Brenner The Kidney Vol-I&11 10. Chaudhury ConciseMedical Physiology 11. KSembulingam & Prema Sembulingam William D McArdie & Victor L Katch (LWWj Rhoades Essentialsof Medical Physiology Exercise Physiology Energy, Nutrition, & Human Performance Medical Physiology Principles For Clinical Medicine 14. Mathew N Levy & Achilles J. Pappano Mosby Physiology Monograph Series - Cardiovascular Physiology 15. Bruce A. White Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology 16. Leonard RJohnson 17. 18. Bruce M Koeppen & Bruce A. Stanton Mitchellem Cloutier Mosby Physiology Monograph Series - Gastrointestinal Physiology Mosby Physiology Monograph Series- Renal Physiology 19. Andrew B Lumb Mosby physiology monograph Series Physiology Nunns Applied Respiratory Physiology 20. Arnold M. Katz Physiologyof the Heart 21. West Respiratory Physiologythe Essential 22. Vander Vander's Human Physiology 23. Fishman Pulmonary Diseasesand Disorders 24. Adler Adler's Eye Physiology 25. R.L.Bijlani Understanding Medical Physiology 26. c.L. Ghai Manual of Physiology 27. Dr. A.K. Jain Textbook of PhysiologyVol-I & II 28. Dr. A.K. Jain Textbook of Physiologyfor BDS 29. Roger Watson Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses 30. Dr. A.K. Jain Textbook of physiology for Nurses 31. G.K. Pal Manual of Physiology 32. Bruce A. Stanton Berne & Levy Physiology 33. Goodman BasicMedical Endocrinology 34. Ary L Goldberger Clinical Electrocardiology 35. Mishra & Kalita Clinical Neurophysiology 36. Leonard R.Johnson EssentialMedical Physiology 37. 38. Amar Chatterjee Frank I. Katch Essentialsof Medical Physiology ExercisePhysiology 39. SusanM. Barman Ganong'S Review Of Medical Physiology 40. 41. 42. John E. Hall Cyril A Keele & Eric Neil A KJain Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology SamsonWright's Applied physiology Textbook of PhysiologyVol-I & II 43. o P Tandon Best &Taylor's Physiological Basisof Medical Physiology 11 12. 13. - Respiratory Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERSj, Port Blair S.NO. AUTHOR TiTlE Unit Cost 44. R N Roy A Textbook of Biophysics 45. Sujit K. Chaudhuri Concisemedical Physiology 46. Prof Dr. GK Pal Textbook of Medical Physiology 47. 48. CLGhai Raj Kapoor A Textbook of Practical Physiology Practical Physiology TOTAL LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS S.NO. AUTHOR TiTlE Unit Cost 1. Dorland's Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary 2. Donald Venes Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 3. Maxine A Papadakis Current Medical Diagnosisand Treatment (CMDT) 4. Nicki RColledge Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine 5. 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Foundation Bonney's GynaecologicalSurgery Jeffcoate's Principles of Gynecology Textbook of Gyanecology Manual for Lap & Hysteroscopic GynaecologicalSurgery Estrogens& Progestogens in Clincal Practice Step by Step Gynaecological EndoscopicSurgery Pelvic Floor Disorders Manual of new Hystrectomy Techniques Female Breast Handbook of Gyanecology Diseasesof Women Vaginal Surgery Menopause - Current Concepts Manual of Gynaecology Step by Step Management of Endometriosis Gynaecology Prep Manual for Undergraduates Gynaecology Gynaecological EndoscopicSurgery Current Concepts Vaginal Hystrectomy Gynaecology Drug Handbook Pathology of female genital tract Kistner's Gynaecology & Women Health Management of Peri operative Complicatons in Gyanecology Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy & Gyanecologic Surgery Endometrial Receptivity. 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Hormones in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Jaypee) Burnett, Alexander F. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology: a Problem-Based Approach 14I. Mukherjee, Ganguly. Current Obstetrics & Gynecology 142. Decherney, Alen H. & Etc. Current Diagnosis & Treatment: 143. Gita Ganguly Mukherjee. Medicolegal Aspects in Obstetrics & Gynecology 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. lSI. Sood & Charulata Hamilton-fairley, Diana. Demystifying Obstetrics & Gynacology Lecture Note Obstetrics & Gynaecology Goel & Malik Quick Revision of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Panda, U. N. Hand Book of Gynaecology & Obstetrics 140. Gita in Obstetrics & Gynecology David S. Cooper Medical Management Guy I. Benrubi Handbook of Obstetric & Gynecologic Emergencies Shrotri & Shrotri. Shrotri's Surgical Principles in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Konar & Dutta's Bedside Clinics & Viva-Voce in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 25 of Thyroid Disease Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. Sabaratnam Arulkumarana Sarala Gopalan, Pratap Kr. Dr. ux. Ghosh Narendra Malhotra J Samuel R Rajan Asim Kurjak Ashok Khurana Narendra Malhotra Asim Kurjak 16l. 162. 163. Sadhana Desai Arthur Fleischer 164. 165. Kuldeep Singh Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Peter W. Callen. Leon Speroff Achyut M. Phadke Steven Bayer Surveen Ghumman Adam H Balen Sulochana Gunasheela Kamini Rao Sadhana Desai Allahabadia Surveen Ghumman Allahbadia, G.N. & Etc. Allahabadia, G.N. Dr. C.B.Nagori Chaudhuri Leon Speceff Manoj Pandey Barakat, Richard R. & Etc. 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Handbook on Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of SexSelection) Act, 1994. Ultrasonography in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Clinical Gynaecologic Endocrinology & Infertility Clinical Atlas of Sperm Morphology Handbook of Infertility Tubo Uterine Factors in Infertility Infertility in Practice A-Z Encyclopediaon Male & Female Infertility The Infertility Manual Advanced Infertility Management Intrauterine Insemination Step by Step Ovulation Induction Gynecological Endoscopy& Infertility Manual of Ovulation Induction Handbook of Infertility & Ultrasound. 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Michael Strober BasicPrinciples of KneeArthroscopy - Normal & EssentialOrthopedics Traction and Orthopedic Appliances Pathological Findings (Tips & Tricks) TOTAL S.NO. AUTHOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Glasscock M. Sanna Waltzman Hoeffner Gauri S. Belsare Aina Julianna Gulya Charles Bluestone Melissa A. Scholes Stuart R. Mawson Joseph B. Nadol Ludman Biswas Martini Hildman Bluestone DeSouza Rosenfield Luxon Mahadevaiah 20. Peter John Wormald 21. Rolling K. 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Levine 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Rolling K. Daniel R. Bradoo Rice Pstma Younis Brook Laws Assizzadel Wigand M 39. 40. 4l. Behrbohm H Chiu Friedman 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Clark A Rosen Bruce Benjamin Katherine A Kendall Leonard L LaPointe Arnold EAronson Bruce E. Murdoch 48. 49. 50. 5l. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 6l. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Ossoff Montgomery Cotton Paw Aronson Blitzer Kendall Remade Gemsenjaeger Terries D Johnson PLDhingra P. Hazarika Vesantam Eugene N. Myers RoganJ. Corbridge Charles Bluestone John M. Graham Lalwani Rhinoplasty: What Every patient Needsto Know: Essential Considerations for FacialPlastic Surgery Rhinoplasty Dallas Rhinoplasty: NasalSurgery by the Masters Rhinoplasty - Casesand Techniques Corrective Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty Essentialsof Functional SinusSurgery SinusSurgery: Endoscopicand Microscopic Approaches Hardcover Rhinoplasty: An Atlas of SurgicalTechniques Anatomical Principles of EndoscopicSinusSurgery EndoscopicParanasalSinusSurgery Atlas of Transnasal Escophagoscopy Pediatric Sinusitis and SinusSurgery Sinusitis Transsphenoidal Surgery Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty EndoscopicSurgery of the ParanasalSinuses& Anterior Skull Base Essentialsof Septorhinoplasty A SinonasalTumors Sleep Apnea and Snoring: Surgical and Non-Surgical Therapy Operative Techniques in Laryngology Endolaryngeal Surgery Laryngeal Evaluation Aphasia and Related Neurigenic LanguageDisorders Clinical Voice Disorders Dysphagia: Foundation, Theory and Practice: Julie Cichero The Larynx Surgery of Larynx,Trachea Esophagus& Neck Understanding Voice Problems Percutaneous Tracheostomy: A Practical Handbook Clinical Voice Disorders Neurologic Disorders of the Larynx Laryngeal Evaluation Surgery of Larynx and Trachea Atlas of Thyroid Surgery Thyroid & Parathyroid Diseases A Medical Speech- LanguagePathology Diseasesof Ear, Nosae and Throat Textbook of Ear, Nose, Throat and Head & Neck Surgery Emergenciesin ENT Operative Otolaryngology: Head And Neck Surgery Oxford Handbook of ENTand head and Neck Surgery Pediatric Otolaryngology Pediatric ENT Current DiagnosisAnd Treatment In Otolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery 28 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 67. 68. 69. 70. 7l. 73. Rudolf prbst Bull Mayers Rosen Snow Shah Hathiram B 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Lee KJ P.Wakode S.Arora Ravinder Sharma Dhingra Sahoo C Richard Stasney 8l. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 9l. 92. Mario Sanna Chole RA Tony R. Bull Postma Bluestone Lore Sanna Ulug Gemsenjaeger Goycoolea M Honnurappa H RicHarnsberger 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Eugene N Myers and Tobert L Ferris Neil Axel Swanson Melissa A Scholes Leslie H Sobin Compton Compton James L Hiatt Maheshwari Shankar Mancuso Kocjan 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Day Ludman Wolper Detels Eisele Roland Bhargava K Schnorrenberger C 72. 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Smouha E Cholesteatoma Grewal OS Atlas of Surgery of the FacialNerve Jack Katz Handbook of clinical Audiology Rawool Auditory processing Deficits Waltzman/Roland Cochlear Implants Northern & Downs Hearing in Children Jacobson & Shepherd Balancefunction-Assessment and Management JaceWolfe & Erin Programming in Cochlear Implants Schafer Michael J. Metz Sandlin's Textbook of Hearing Aid amplification Frank E. Museik and Gail Handbook of central auditory processing disorder, Volume D. Chermak I and Volume II Tony LSahley, Frank E. BasicFundamentals in Hearing Science Musiek Robert A Dobie Medical-legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss Michael J Ruckenstein, Rapid Interpretation of Balancefunction tests Sherrie Davis Rene H. Gifford, PhD Raymond H. Hull, PhD, FASHA,FAAA Sherri M. Jones, PhD, and Timothy A Jones, PhD H. Gustav Mueller, PhD, Todd A. Ricketts, PhD, and Ruth Bentler, PhD Terrence Picton Ames WHail Martin, Fredrerick N, et al Kenneth G. Shipley et al Cochlear Implant Patient AssessmentEvaluation of Candidacy, Performance, and Outcomes Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Genetics, Embryology, and Development of Auditory and Vestibular Systems Modem Hearing Aids Pre-Fitting Testing and Selection Considerations Human auditory evoked potentials New handbook of Auditory evoked responses Introduction to Audiology (Allyn and Becon publisher) Assessment in Speech LanguagePathology: A resource manual Teresa H. Caraway an K Auditory verbal practice To Houston Froma P Roth, Colleen K Treatment ResourceManual for Speech Language Worthington Pathology Debra M. Dwight Here's how to do speech Therapy John S. Rubin, Robert Staloff, & Gwen S. DiagnosisAnd Treatment Of Voice Disorders Korovin Joseph C. Stemple, PhD, Nelson Roy, PhD, CCCSLP,and Bernice K. Clinical Voice Pathology Theory and Management, Klaben, PhD, CCC-SLP, BRS-S Alison Behrman, PhD, CCCSLPand John Exercisesfor Voice Therapy Haskell, Ed.D.,CCC-SLP Kenneth J. Logan, PhD, Fluency Disorders CCC-SLP 30 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 140. Thomas Murry an Ricardo L. Carrau 14l. Renee Laura Fabus MS, Clinical Management of swallowing disorders PhD, CCC-SLP,TSHH and Clinical Case Studies of Children with Articulation Julia Yudes-Kuznetsov, MS, CCC-SlP Phonological Disorders 142. Donald B. Freed Motor Speech Disorders: Diagnosis and treatment 143. Kushner, Karen Golding Therapy techniques for Cleft palate speech Joan C. Payne, PhD Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders Assessment and Treatment. An Ethnobiological Approach 144. 145. Anthony Dilollo, PhD, CCC-SLPand Robert A. and Counseling in Speech- Language Pathology and Audiology Neimeyer, PhD 146. Renee Laura Fabus, Julia Yudes- Kuznetsov, and Terry Hausner Gozdziewski Clinical case studies of Children with articulation phonological disorders Thomas Murry Clinical Management companion CD 148. 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Ryan Karen C.carroll Parija Arora Mahon JagdishChander CkJayaram Paniker Ananthanarayan And Panikeer Subhash Chandra Parija Prof. C P Baveja C.K.JayaramPaniker Subhash Chandra Parija Ananthanarayan P Chakraborty CPBaveja David Greenwood K.D.Chtterjee Patricia M. Tille Mackie & McCartney Practical Medical Microbiology Manual of Clinical Microbiology Vol: I & II Medical Bacteriology, Medical Mycology & Aids Medical Microbiology: A Guide To Microbial Infections Medical Microbiology and Immunology Medical Microbiology Medical Microbiology Medical Parasitology Microbial Toxins Vol II Microbiology Microbiology an Introduction Microbiology Immunology & Parasitology Microbiology With Virology and Immunology. Microbiology Ocular Microbiology Parasitology Practical Medical Microbiology Practical Medical Microbiology Practical Microbiology Practical Microbiology for MBBS Prescott, Harley and Klein'S Microbiology Questions in Microbiology Review of Medical Microbiology Roitt's EssentialImmunology Self-Assessmentand Review of Microbiology Sherris Medical Microbiology Tawetz, Melnick & AdelbergS Medical Microbiology Text book of Microbiology and Immunology Textbook of Microbiology Textbook of Diagnostic microbiology Textbook of Medical Mycology Textbook Of Medical Parasitology Textbook of Microbiology Textbook Of Microbiology And Immunology Textbook Of Microbiology Textbook Of Microbiology Textbook of Practical Microbiology Textbook of Microbiology A Textbook of Microbiology Textbook of Microbiology Medical Microbiology Parasitology Protozoology and Helminthology Diagnostic Microbiology TOTAL 32 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair FORENSICMEDICINE S.NO. l. AUTHOR TITLE Universal law pub Unit Cost Bare Act: Narcotic drugs & psychotropic substance act 1985 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Sarkar Code of criminal procedure Vol I & II Jay Dix Colour atlas of forensic pathology Scott A Wagner Colour atlas of Autopsy R K Sharma Trestrail Jhon Harris Eta Concise textbook of forensic medicine Criminal Poisoning Gautam Benerjee Disability and the law K S Narayan Reddy Vincent JM. Dimaio Suzanna E. 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Gonzales Legal Medicine, Pathology and Toxicology Camps Practical Forensic medicine Sydney Simpson Forensic Medicine Modern trends in Forensic Medicine 33 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair Singhal Guharaj Keith Mant Chaube RK Henry Grey Chandsa Ramesh The Doctor & law Forensic Medicine Taylor's principal & practical of Medical jurisprudence Consumar protection & the Medical Profession Grey's Anatomy ForensicScience & Crime Investigation TOTAL PATHOLOGY S.NO. AUTHOR TITLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Morson and Dawson's Gastrointestinal Pathology Pathology of the Lungs Lymphoma Pathology, Diagnosis & Treatment Endocrine Pathology Diagnostic Gynaecologic & Obstetric Pathology Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 8. 9. 10. 11. Neil & Shepherd Bryan Corran Robert Marcus Riardo V Lloyd Christopher P Crum Christopher D M Fletcher Thomas Brenn, Phillip McKee Hans H Goebel James Patherson SKim Suvarna Victor J Morder 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Andrew Horvai Nooshin K Blinster Rosai & Aberman Christine A Lacobuzio Richard Prayson 0' Malley Steven G Silverberg 19. 24. 25. 26. 27. Kurman, Ellenson, Ronett Parvin Ganjei Azar Richard McPherson, Mathew R. Pincus Ronal Hoffman Goldblum, Sharon W Weiss & Andrew L Flope Edmund Cibas DeMay Stacy Mills S. Kim Suvarna 28. WHO 29. 30. 31. WHO WHO WHO 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 7. 20. 21. 22. 23. Unit Cost McKee's Pathology of the skin Muscle Disease: Pathology & Genetics Weedon's Skin Pathology Cardiac Pathology: A guide to current practice Hemostasis & Thrombosis - BasicPrinciple & Clinical Practice Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Dermatopathology Rosai& Aberman's Surgical Pathology Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Neuropathology Breast Pathology Silverberg's Principles and Practice of surgical pathology and cytopathology Blausteens Pathology of FemaleGenital Tract Effecsion Cytology - A practical guide to cancer diagnosis Henry's Clinical Diagnosisand management Hematology: BasicPrinciples and Practice Enzingerand Weiss's Soft TissueTumors Cytology Diagnostic Principles & Clinical Correlates Art and Scienceof Cytopathology Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical pathology Bancroft's Theory and Practicesof Histopathological Techniques WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs WHO Classification of soft Tissue & Bone WHO Classification of Tumors of the Breast WHO Classification of Tumors of the Digestive System 34 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 32. WHO WHO Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic Lymphoid Tissue 33. WHO 34. Dabbs David J WHO Classification of Tumors of Central Nervous System Breast Pathology 35. Marluce Bibbo Comprehensive Cytopathology 36. Agnes B Foggo Diagnostic Atlas of Renal Pathology - A Companion to Brenna & Rector's The Kidney 37. David J Dabbs Theanostic & Genomic Applications 38. Paolo Gattuso Differential 39. Ming Zhou Genitourinary Pathology Pathology: 40. Alberto Marcharsky Intraoperative pathology Consultation: 4l. Susan Lester Manual of Surgical pathology 42. David Neuropathology 43. Savante Orell Orell & Sterrett's Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 44. Gary Procop Pathology of Infectious Diseases 45. Annike Weissferdt, Cesar A Moran Diagnostic Pathology of Pheuopulmorary 46. Aliya & Husssain Colour Atlas of Pediatric Pathology 47. Walter E Finkberiner Autopsy Pathology 48. Philip Clement Atlas of Gynecologic Surgical Pathology 49. Barbara J Bain Dacie & Lewis Practical hematology 50. Robert Bussbaum Thompson and Thompson's Genetics in Medicine 5l. Harry Iloachim loachim's Lymph Node pathology 52. Roberto n Miranda Atlas of Lymph Node Pathology 53. Dennis Wright Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology 54. Syed A Hoda Rosen's breast pathology 55. Leopold Koss Koss's Diagnostic Cytology and its Histopathological 56. John P. Greus Wintrobe's 57. Ritu Nayar The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology latest 58. DP Lowani The ABC of CBC Interpretation & Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology Foundations in Diagnostic Foundations in Diagnostic - A reference Text of CNS Pathology Neoplasia Bases Clinical hematology of Complete Blood Count and Histogram 59. Syed Z Ali The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology 60. David Elder Lever's Histopathology of the skin 6l. Craig S Kitchens Consultative 62. Cynthia C Chernecky Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures Hemostasis and Thrombosis 63. Stuart H Orkin Nathan and Oski's Hematology and oncology of infancy 64. David Elder & Sookjung Yun Superficial Melanocylic Pathology 65. B Fruet 66. WHO Cutaneous Lymphomas Blood Bank Manual 67. Denise Harmening Modern Blood Bank & Transfusion Practices and childhood 2015 68. Michael F Murphy Practical Transfusion Medicine 69. Geoff Daniels Essential Guide To Blood Groups 70. Thao Doan Immunology 7l. 72. Judy Owen Robert Rich 73. Mary Turgeon Kuby Immunology Clinical Immunology Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine 35 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Jason Hornick Edward McCarthy Brenda Waler's Sheaf Guy Rutty 79. Guy Rutty 80. 8l. Walter Finkbeiner Jeffrey Medeiros 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Enid Gilbeat Barners Attilio Orazi Kim Collins Myron Yanoff Christina A Arnold 87. Robert D Odze 88. 89. Simen Cross Wheater 90. 9l. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Kumar Abbas Aster Kumar Abbas Aster Robbins & Cotran L Maximilan Buja Harsh Mohan Robbins & Cotran Harsh Mohan Dr. Tejinder Singh Dr. Tejinder Singh Barbara J Bain Harvey Miller, Robert Curran Shirish M Kawthalkar Shirish M Kawthalkar Ian Damjanov Dr. Tejinder Singh Howard Reisner Charles Simon David Stayer 10l. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Practical Soft Tissue Pathology Pathology of Bone & Joint Handbook of Autopsy Practice Post Mortem Technique Handbook Essentialsof Autopsy Practice: RecentAdvance topics & Development Essentialsof Autopsy Practice: Innovations updates & Advances Practice Autopsy Pathology - A manual & Atlas Diagnostic Pathology: Lymph Nodes and Spleen with Extranodal Lymphomas Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Knowlas Neoplastic Hematopathology Autopsy Performance & Reporting Ocular Pathology Atlas of Gastrointestinal pathology: A Pattern based approach to non-neoplastic biopsies Odze & Goldblum's Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract Liver, Biliary Tract & Pancreas Underwood's Pathology: A Clinical Approach Wheaters' BasicPathology - A Text Atlas and Review of Histopathology Robbins & Cotran's Pathological basisof Diseases Robbins BasicPathology Robbins & Cotran Review of Pathology Netter's Illustrated Human Pathology Textbook of Pathology Roobins & Cotran Atlas of Pathology Pathology practical Book Atlas and Text of Hematology Practical Pathology Dade and LevisPractical hematology Curran's Atlas of Histopathology Essentialsof Clinical Pathology Essentialof hematology Pathology for Health Professions Textbook of Haematology Essentialsfor Rubins Pathology Muir's Textbook of Pathology Rubin's Pathology: Clinicopathological TOTAL COMMUNITY MEDICINE Unit Cost AUTHOR TITLE l. Anderson Infectious disease epidemiology 2. Armitage P, Berry G, Statistical methods in medical research S.NO. Matthews JNS 3. Baker Environmental epidemiology 36 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 4. Beaglehole R, Bonita R, BasicEpidemiology Kjellstrom 5. Bernard J Turnock Public health 6. Bernard J Turnock Essentialsof public health 7. Bradford Hill Principles of Medical Statistics 8. Brownson RC,Baker EA, Evidence based public health Leet TL 9. Charles guest Oxford handbook of public health practice 10. Charles R Mcconnell The effective health care supervision II. Cook Manson's tropical diseases 12. David A Bender Oxford dictionary of food & nutrition 13. David bowers Medical statistics from scratch 14. David L Heymann Centre of communicable diseasesmanual 15. David L katz Epidemiology, biostatistics & prevention medicine 16. Donner A & Clair N Cluster trials 17. Dr TK Ray Bioterrorism: a public health challenge 18. Eileen E Morrison Health care ethics 19. Elwood JM Critical Appraisal of Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials 20. Erik Bias Social determinants approaches to public health from concept to practice 21. Everitt Modern medical statistics 22. FieldsA Discovering statistics using SPSS 23. Fletcher RH, Fletcher Clinical epidemiology the essentials SW 24. Geoffrey H Bourne World review of nutrition & dietetics 25. Glaser AN High yield biostatistics 26. Gofin J & Gofin R Essentialsof Global Community Health 27. Gregg MB Field epidemiology 28. Guerrant RL Infectious diseases 29. Gupta P Textbook of preventive & social medicine 30. Hasselhorn Occupational health for health care workers 3I. Hulley 5B, Cummings SR, Designingclinical research Browner WS, Grady DG, Newman TB 32. I. Robbani Foundation of community medicine 33. Indrayan A Medical biostatistics 34. Jacobsen KH Introduction to health research methods 35. Japhet Killewo Epidemiology & Demography in public health 36. Jekel, Katz, Elmore & Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine Wild 37. Joan Gratto Liebler Management principles for health care professionals 38. Joseph Tan & FayCobb Adaptive health management information systems Payton 37 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 39. Kathleen Meehan arias 40. Keith Hurst Outbreak investigation, prevention and control in health care settings 42. Primary care trust workforce planning & development Kirkwood BR,Sterne JAC Medical Statistics Kirsten W & Karch RC Global perspective in workplace health promotion 43. Klaus Krickeberg Epidemiology: Key to prevention 44. Kramer A, Kretzschmar Modern Infectious DiseaseEpidemiology: Concepts, M, Krickeberg K Methods, Mathematical Models, and Public Health. 45. LewisJB, McGrath RJ, Seidel LF Essentialsof applied quantitative methods for health service managers 46. MacMahon and Pugh Epidemiology-Principles and Methods 47. Manjunatha SN Management manual for medical officers 48. Meinert CL Clinical trials: design, conduct and analysis 49. Mike Gibney, Este HH Introduction to human nutrition 41. Vorster, FransJ.Kok 50. Mike Service Medical entomology for students 51. Mogli GD Medical records organization & management 52. Moyses Szklo& Javier Epidemiology nieto 53. Mukopadhyay Preventive & Social medicine 54. Peat J, Barton B 55. Peter J Baxter, Anne Cockcroft, Malcolm Harrington Plotkin SA,Orenstein W, Medical statistics: a guide to data analysis and critical appraisal Hunter's diseasesof occupation 56. Vaccines and Offit PA. 57. Prabhakara GN Short textbook of preventive & Social medicine 58. Rajvir Bhalwar Textbook of public health & Community medicine 59. Robert Matheson Medical entomology 60. Rothman Modern epidemiology 61. Rowitz L Public health leadership 62. Sackett DL Clinical epidemiology, a basic sciencefor clinical medicine 63. Schlesselman Casecontrol studies 64. Seth B Goldsmith Principles of health care management 65. Sommer A Vitamin A deficiency and its consequences 66. Stewart A BasicStatistics and Epidemiology: a practical guide 67. Streiner DL Health measurement scales 68. Suresh Chandra Essentialsof community medicine 69. Swayne Strategic management of health care 70. Swayne Strategic management of health care 71. Tanu Singhal lAP guide book on immunization 72. Tejinder singh Medical education 73. Thomas B Newman Epidemiology & Public health 74. W. Gilman Thompson The occupational diseases:their causation, symptoms, 38 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair treatment & prevention 75. Wilcox RR 76. Williams Atlas of occupational health & diseases 77. KelseyJ Observational Epidemiology 78. A K Hati Medical Entomology 79. AFMC& WHO Textbook of public health & Community Medicine 80. Amerian red cross Community first aid & safety 81. B K Mahajan and M. C Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods: Substantially Improving Power and Accuracy. Gupta 82. C. Gopalan Nutritive Value of Indian Foods 83. Chouhan LS TB Control in India 84. Detels R Oxford textbook of public health 85. Geisslet C Human nutrition 86. J.H Abramson and Z. H. Survey Methods in Community Medicine Abramson 87. K.Visweswar Rao Biostatistics: A manual of statistical methods for use in Nutrition, Health & Anthropology 88. Kishore J National health programmes of India 89. Last Dictionary of Epidemiology 90. Lemeshow S & Lewanga Sample Sizedetermination in health studies. A practical SK manual. 91. Leon Gordis Text book of Epidemiology 92. Leslie E. Daly, Geoffrey Interpretation and usesof medical statistics J. Bourke 93. M. F. Drummond Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes 94. Mahajan BK Methods on biostatistics 95. Mahon Krause'sfood & nutrition therapy 96. Maxcy roseneau last Public health 97. Park Parkstextbook of Social & preventive medicine 98. RakeshLal Substance use disorder: manual for physicians 99. Sathe and Sathe Epidemiology and Health management 100. Sunder lal Textbook of community medicine 101. Suryakanta Textbook of community medicine 102. Taneja DK Health Policies & programmes in India 103. CBHI Report 2014 104. GOI Report of the working group on health for all by 2000 AD 105. IARC Global cancer report 106. ICMR Dietary guidelines for Indians 2010 107. ICSSR Health for all: an alternate strategy 108. IYCF Guidelines 109. MOHFW Family welfare statistics 2013 110. MOHFW Guidelines for antenatal care and skilled attendance at 39 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 11l. MOHFW birth Guidelines for pregnancy care and management of common obstetric complications by medical officers 112. MOHFW Maternal and newborn health kit 113. MOHFW Comprehensive abortion care. Training and service delivery guidelines 114. MOHFW Guidelines for enhancing optimal infant and young child feeding practices 115. MOHFW Facility based newborn care operational guide 116. MOHFW RBSKOperational guidelines 117. MOHFW Infection management and environment plan 118. MOHFW Immunization hand book for medical officers 119. MOHFW IUCDreference manual for medical officers 120. MOHFW Operational guidelines on facility based management of children with severe acute malnutrition 12l. MOHFW Home based newborn care operational guidelines 122. MOHFW PPIUCDreference manual 123. MOHFW FIMNCI 124. MOHFW IPHSStandards 125. MOHFW NUHM, NRHM, NHM, RMNCHAplan documents 126. MOHFW National Iron Plus initiative 127. MOHFW DLHSIII report 128. MOHFW NFHSIII report 129. MOHFW SRSBulletins 130. MOHFW, NACO,RNTCP Annual reports 13l. NACO All Publications 132. NIHFW Module for medical officer 133. NLEP All Publications 134. NPCDCS All Publications 135. NRHM A handbook for ANM, LHVand staff nurses 136. NRHM Common Review Mission reports 137. NVBDCP All Publications 138. Planning Commission Twelfth five year plan 139. Planning commission All reports on poverty 140. RNTCP All Publications 14l. UN MDG Report 2014 142. UNAIDS Global Report 143. UNICEF Levelsand trends in child mortality 144. USAID Family planning. A global handbook for providers 145. WHO On being In-charge 146. WHO Health ResearchMethodology. A guide for training in research methods. 147. WHO Guidelines for the treatment of malaria 148. WHO Tomans tuberculosis 40 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 149. WHO World health report 2014 150. WHO International standards for TB care 151. WHO International Health Regulations 152. WHO 153. WHO Management of severe malnutrition: A manual for physicians and senior health officers Health by the people 154. WHO Alternative approaches to meeting basic health needs in developing countries 155. WHO Primary health care 156. WHO Global strategy for health for all by 2000 157. WHO WHO child growth standards: methods and development 158. WHO Global action plan for the prevention and control of non communicable diseases2013-2020 159. WHO Publications on community based rehabilitation 160. WHO&MOHFW Students handbook for IMNCI 161. WHO&MOHFW IMNCI Physicianchart booklet 162. WHOTRS 522,590,916 163. WHO Guidelines for drinking water quality 164. UNICEF CES2009 report 165. WHO World health statistics 2014 166. Planning commission HLEGreport for UHC 167. MOHFW Report of the national commission on macroeconomics and health 168. MOHFW 169. CDC 170. Epidemiologic review Principles of health education in public health practice Casecontrol, cohort study 171. WHO Global adult tobacco survey India 2009-10 172. WHO Guide to ship sanitation 173. WHO Guidelines for drinking water quality 174. WHO International medical guide for ships 175. WHO Manual for lab diagnosis & virological surveillance of influenza 176. WHO IPCSAircraft disinfection insecticides Background papers: financing and delivery of health care services in India TOTAL RADIOLOGY S.NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AUTHOR Grainger & Allisons Greenspan, Adam Evelzn M Teasdale & SusanAitkar (Thieme) (Thieme) Collins, Jannettes & Eric TITLE Unit Cost Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging Orthopedic Imaging - A Practical Approach Multidetector CTin Neuroimaging Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT& MRI Vol 1&2 Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy Chest Radiology- The Essentials 41 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 7. 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. J Stern Martin Wezrenther, Christoph E Hezde Goethan, Houwe, Parizel Scott W Atlas Haller, Sioris, Joshi Ketenen, Hiwatashi, Sidhu Westesson Chudleigh, Thilaganathan Martino, Silvestri, Grassi,Garlaschi RakeshK Gupta & Robert B Lufken Michael B Ziatkin Lombardi & Bartolozzi Larheim & Westesson AL Baert K Sartor Schneider, Prince, Meanez HO W.S. Muller Dev Maulik Kornienko, Pronin Kenneth J.W. Tazlor Lee & Segal Stephen Chapman & Richard Nakiely S Blackman Sahani Stephan G Davies S Walton & G Leech Theodore E. Keats Debra M Ikeda Benjamin Felson Gerald De Lacey A Stewart Whitley Peter Cockshott & Howard Middlemiss Howard Middlemiss Seungho Howard Lee Manorama Berry,Sima Mukhopadhyay Manorama BerryVeena Chowdhury Sudha Suri Manorama Berry & Veena Chowdhury Manorama ,Sushma Vashisht R Brooke Jeffrey MRI Atlas Orthopedics & Neurosurgery Spinal Imaging Diagnostic Imaging of Spine & Spiral Cord MRI of Brain & Spine Pediatric Radiology Pediatrict Brain & Spine Obstetric Ultrasound Musculoskeletal Sonography MR Imaging & Spectroscopy of CNSInfection MRI of the Shoulder MRI of Heart & Vessels Maxillofacial Imaging MR Imaging in Ischemic Stroke MR Angiography Forell-Imaging of Orbital & Visual Pathway Pathology Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Diagnostic Neuroradiology Clinical Applications of Doppler Ultrasound CT& MRI of Whole Body Vol 1&2 A Guide to Radiological Procedures A Manual of Dental & Oral Radiography Abdominal Imaging Vol- 1&II Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis An Introduction to Doppler Echocardiography Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease Breast Imaging Chest Roentgenology Chest X-RaySurvival Guide Clark's Positioning in Radiography Clinical Radiology in the Tropics Clinical Radiology In The Tropics Cranial Computed Tomography and MRI Diagnostic Radiology Emergency& Chest Radiology Diagnostic Radiology Hepatobiliary &Gastrointestinal Imaging Diagnostic Radiology Musculoskeletal & Breast Imaging Diagnostic Radiology Urogenital Imaging Diagnostic Imaging Emergency 42 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Glenda JBryan AAdam Carol M Rumack Peter Armstrong FA Burgener Sharon B Rhodes Lawrence RGoodman Clyde A Helms WJ. Meredith, J.B. Massey W Richard Webb David Kessel William J Zwiebel Dr.g.s.garkal Who Philip T. EnglishAnd Christine Moore Clyde A Helms John R Haaga& Dean A Nakamoto David Sutton Satish K Bhargava Wolfgang Dahnert Thomas Lodge David Sutton David OCosgrove& V Ralph McCready Peter M Som Chew Gardner S Lange Meng Law Pickhardt N. Reed Dunnick David Sutton James D. Begg Jonathan Corne Gerald De Lacey Anne G. Osborn Paul Butler Julia Grim William E.Brant Pellerito Polak Diagnostic Radiography: A ConcisePractical Manual Diagnostic RadiologyVol-I&II Diagnostic Ultrasound Vol-I&11 Diagnostic Imaging Differential Diagnosisin Magnetic ResonanceImaging Dorland's Radiology/Oncology Word Book Felson's Principles of chest Roentgenology (with cd) Fundamental of Skeletal Radiology Fundamental Physicsof Radiology High-Resolution CTof the Lung Interventional Radiology Survival Guide Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography M.C.Q.IN RADIOLOGY Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound MRI for Radiographers Musculoskeletal MRI Radiologic Clinics of North America Radiology and Imaging for Medical Students Radiology Procedures Radiology Review Manual Recent advance in Radiology Textbook of Radiology and Imaging Vol-I&11 Ultrasound Imaging: Lever, Spleen & Pancreas Head and Neck Imaging Vol-I&1I Skeletal Radiology Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Radiology of Chest Diseases Problem Solving in Neuroradiology Atlas of Gastrointestinal Imaging Textbook of Uroradiology Radiology & Imaging for Medicine Students Abdominal X - RayMad Easy Chest X-RayMad Easy The Chest X-RayA Survival Guide Osborn' Brain Imaging Pathology Applied & Imaging RadiologicalAnatomy Specialty Imaging Arthrography Fundamental of Diagnostic Radiology Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography PHARMACOLOGY S.NO. AUTHOR 1. Burton 2. 3. Katzung/MGH Michael E.winter Unit Cost TITLE Applied Pharmaco Kinetics & Pharmaco dynamics Principles of Therapeutic Durg Monitoring Basicand Clinical Pharmacology BasicClinical Pharmacokinetics 43 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 4. Dr Narsapur VU Basicsof Experimental Pharmacology 5. Min of Health & Social Servicesfor Northern Ireland PN Bennett Smith P N Bennett Kohli Pal Kholi Carter S K Gupta KDTripathi Pillai KK Laurence Brunton British Pharmacopoeia RECENTEDITION 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Mozayani Page B G Katzung Anthony J. Trevor Cobert SeanC Sweetman Jayant Skulkarni SSAgrawal & MK Keshari Robert A.woodbury S.George Carruthers Leonard S.jacob Vyas G.melentyeva & L.Antonova Don A Ballington & Mary M Laughlim Richard AHarvey Pamela C.Champe RSSatoskar Smita Shenoy KCSinghal Ballington Georage M.Brenner Tara V. Shanbhag Richard Dharvey & Pamela CChampe Joseph T.dipiro Marie A Chisholm-Burns & JosephT Dipirio PDR Bikash Medhi David EGolan Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacology and drug therapy CLINICALPHARMACOLOGY CLINICALPHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS Clinical Research: Practice & Prospects Contemporary Prospectuseson clinical pharmacology Cooper & Gunn's dispensing for Pharmaceutical students Drug Screening Methods Essentialsof Medical Pharmacology Experimental Pharmacology Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological basisof therapeutics Handbook of Drug interactions A clinical & forensic guide Integrated pharmacology Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Manual of drug safety & Pharmacoviglances MARTINDALECOMPLETEDRUGREFERENCE MCQsin Pharmacology MCQsin Pharmacy & Medical Sciences Medical Examination Review Pharmacology Melmon and Morrelli's Clinical Pharmacology NMS Pharmacology Pharmaceutical biotechnology Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacology Pharmacology Pharmacology and Pharmcotherapeutics PHARMACOLOGY FORDENTALSTUDENTS Pharmacology Laboratory Manual- Vol-l&2 Pharmacology with CD PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACOLOGY (Prep Manual for under graduates) Pharmacology: Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Pharmacotherapy A Pathophysiologic Approach Pharmacotherapy: Principles & Practice Physicians' DeskReference Practical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Principle of Pharmacology 44 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 44. 45. AT Kinson PRINCIPLESOF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY David EGolan AH Principles of Pharmacology Tashjian, Ehrin J 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Armstrong Laszlo Kerecsen Baxter Vimlesh Seth RAPID REVIEW PHARMACOLOGY Shockley's Drug interaction Remington TEXTBOOK OF PHARMACOLOGY The Science & Practice of Pharmacy Vol - 1&11 Cooper Washington's Harry Backman Yearbook of Drug Therapy Tara V. Shanbhag PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological Basise of Therapeutics Goodman & Gilman's Manual of Medical Therapeutics Royal Pharm. Society Newer Drugs British National Formulary (BNF) Rang & Dale Rang and Dale's Pharmacology Katzung Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Basic Pharmacology for Nurses and Allied Health Ashutos Kar professions Essentials of Medical Pharmacology Vikas Dhikav KD Tripathi Dr Bhavana Srivastava Sujit K Chaudhuri Experimental Pharmacology A Summary of Medical Pharmacology R.S.Satoskar Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics Vikas Dhikav Smart Study Series Pharmacology Leonard S.jacob NMS Pharmacology Review of Medical Pharmacology Arun Kumar Tiwari David E. Golan Randa Hilal -Dandan Principles of Pharmacology Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics 68. Gary C.Rosenfeld BRS Pharmacology TOTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY S.NO. 1. AUTHOR Peyman Gholam & Unit Cost TITLE Principles and practice of Ophthalmology 3 Vol Set Others 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Duke Elder Datta t.c. System of ophthalmology Vol X Ophthalmology (Principles & Practice) Nema H.V. Textbook of Ophthalmology Hopkings G Ophthalmic Drugs Anatomy & Physiology of the Eye Khorana A.K. Ahuja Markarndeye Azad Rajvardhan Azad Rajvardhan Kanshki J.J. Jafee Norman S. Daios P.H. Garg Ashok Nema H.V. Shrinivasan Renukar Agarwal M.L. Eye Banking & Karatoplasty Current Concepts in Ophthalmic Lasers A Practical Manual of Indirect Ophthalmoscopy Synopsis of Ophthalmology Cataract surgery & its Complications The Actions & Uses of Ophthalmic Drugs Current Treads in Ophthalmology Anatomy of the eye & Its Adnexa Complications of Intraocular Lens Implantation Short & Long Cases in Ophthalmology 45 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Dada V.K. Singhal N.C. Chatterjee Nema H.V. Kanski Stephen J.H. Miller Mahipal Sachdev Mahipal Sachdev S.Sood C.L.Abdul Retrman L.C.Gupta Shashi Kapoor G.Omkarnath RozakisW. George Kamaljeet Singh Vajpayee, Sharma, Tabin, Taylor L.P.Agarwal Kaushi, Nischal Agarwal, Apple, Burallo, Pandy Abrams A.K. Khurana Daniel M. Albert A.S. Bruce, MS. Laughman S.S.Badrinath Joseph Flamer Ramanjit Sihota JackJ. Kanski IOL& Phacoemulsification Secrets Principles & Practice of Refraction & Optics Handbook of Ophthalmology Recent Advances in Ophthalmology 2 Vol Set Clinical Ophthalmology ParsonsDiseasesof Eye Phacoemulsification Ocular Emergency MCQs- Ophthalmology MCQs- Ophthalmology Clinical Examination of Ophthalmic Cases Clinical Ophthalmology Ophthalmology - Pre PGTest Review Cataract Surgery Small Incision Cataract Surgery Corneal Transplantation Ophthalmic Assistant Vol 1&2 Ophthalmology Clinical Sings& Differential Diagnosis Textbook of Ophthalmology 4 Vol Set Duke Elder's Practice of Refraction Theory & Practice of Squint & Orthotics Ophthalmic Surgery- Principles & Techniques V-l&2 Anterior Eye Diseases& Therapeutics A-Z Clinical Patterns in Ophthalmology Glaucoma ParsonsDiseasesof the Eye Clinical Ophthalmology TOTAL PAEDIATRICS S.NO. AUTHOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Santosh K. Mittal SKMittal Meharban Singh Ronald B.david Dr. Anne- Marie Masseraimbault Ivan B Pless Gerald M Fenichel Gerald M Fenichel B.r. Santhanakrishnan William W.hay Mary Ellen Avery & H William Taeusch Meharban Singh & Ashok KDeorari Unit Cost TITLE An Approach to Pediatric Problems An up-to-date in Pediatric Gastroenterology Careof the Newborn Child and Adolescent Neurology Children in the Tropics Chronic Childhood Disorder Clinical Pediatric Neurology Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signsand Symptoms Approach COMMON DRUGSIN PEDIATRICS Current Paediatric Diagnosisand Treatment Diseaseof the New Born Drug Dosagesin Children 46 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 5l. 52. 53. 54. 55. EssentialPaediatrics OP Ghai FORFARAND ARNElL'STEXTBOOKOF PEDIATRICS Peter Helms Forfare & Arnolds Text Book Of Paediatrics AGM Campbell & Neil Mcintosh Gallis & KagansCurrent PaediatricsTherapy 14 Fredric D Burg, Julie R Ingelfinger & Ellen R Wald/ Guidelines for management of Diarrhoea in Children M.k.bhan High-Yield Biostatics Anthony N.Glaser lAP TEXTBOOKOF PEDIATRICS Vol-I&11 Psn Menon Immunization Update SKMittal, Ashok Dutta & Vijay Agrawal Kaplan Medicine Step 2 Lecture Notes Pediatrics Christine E.koerner M CQ in Pediatrics Dr.5uraj Gupte Manual of Peadiatric PhysicalDiagnosis Lewis A Barness Manual Of Peadiatric Therapeutic John W Graef Medical emergencies in chiodren Meharban Singh Moderns Trends in Paediatrics -4 John Apley Nelson Review of Pediatrics Richard E Behrman Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics - Vol I Kliegman Neurology of the Newborn 3rd edition Joseph J Volpe NMS for independent study pediatrics Paul H. Dworkin NORMALCHILD. Ronald S.llIingworth Nutrition in Children H.P.5.Sachdev Paediatrics Cardiac Intensive Care Manual. Gd Puri Paediatrics DKPublishing House Peadiatrics clinical gastroenterology Arnold Silverman & Claude C Roy Peadiatrics Cardiology Alexander S Nadas & Donald C Fyler Peadiatrics Diagnosisby Green Morris Green Pediatric Clinical Methods Meharban Singh Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Robert Wyllie PEDIATRICNEPHROLOGY Vol-I&II William E. Harmin Pediatric Neuroimaging A James Barkovich Pediatrics Paul H Dworkin poisoning in Children Utpal Kant Singh Practical Pediatric Problems (James) James H Hutchison Primary Care of the Newborn Henry M Seidel Principles Of Pediatric And Neonatal Emergencies Arvind Bagga RecentAdvance In Pediatrics DauglasGairdner & David Hull Right parenting: Parenting & child-health: The right way Bichu Short Textbook of Pediatrics. Suraj Gupte Text Book Of Paediatrics Nelson Richard E Behr-man Textbook of Child Neurology John H Menkes Textbook of Pediatric Care Thomas K.mcinerny Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Gary R. Fleisher The NICERII Pediatric and Neuroradiology Skeletal Holger Pettersson Radiology and Breast Imaging The Nonverbal Child Adler 47 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. Ronald Slllingworth Ronald Slllingworth APLS Carlos J Sivit Seizure Disorders Op Ghai William W Hay Meharban Singh Dr Ashish Bavdekar Suraj Gupte Suraj Gupte Suraj Gupte Meharban Singh Fima Lifshitz MI Kulkarni Gerald M.fenichel Elizabeth Ek Meharban Singh Vimlesh Seth Wayne Harris A Parthasarathy Denise M.goodman Donald C.pyler Robert M.kliegman Tricialacy Gomella Morris Green R N Srivastava Thierry A.g.m. Huisman Anurag Bajpai Suraj Gupte Suraj Gupte Suraj Gupte S.r.banerjee Thomas K.mcinerny Karen Marcdante Brian K.walsh K.n.priftis Fuhrman & Zimmerman Nc Joshi BasilJ. Zitelli Karen Griest Mukti Sharma BasilJ. Zitelli BasilJ. Zitelli OP Ghai Paul H. Dworkin Michael J.Light Kenneth LyonsJones Larry K. Pickering The Normal Child The Normal Child The Pediatric emergency medicine resource The Pediatric Clinics of North America Vol-44 The Pediatric Clinics of North America Vol-36 EssentialPediatrics LangeCurrent Diagnosis & Treatment with CD Pediatric Clinical Methods Pediatric Gastroententerology RecentAdvances in Pediatrics-16 RecentAdvance in Pediatrics-18 Hot Topics The Short Textbook of Pediatrics Careof the Newborn Childhood Nutrition Clinical Methods in PaediatricsVol-l-lll Clinical Pediatric Neurology Clinical Pediatrics for Undergraduates Drug Dosagesin Children EssentialsofTuberculosis in Children Examination Paediatrics lAPTextbook of Pediatrics Vol -1&11 LangeCurrent Procedures Pediatrics Nadass Pediatric Cardiology Nelson Text book of Pediatrics Neonatology Management Procedures on -call Problems, Diseasesand Drugs Pediatric Diagnosis PEDIATRICNEPHROLOGY. Pediatric Imaging CaseReview Series Practical Pediatric Endocrinology RecentAdvance In Peadiatrics-19 Recent Advance In Peadiatrics-20 Recent Advances in Pediatrics special Volume -21 Textbook of community and Social Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care Nelson Essentialsof Pediatrics Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care Pediatric Bronchoscopy Progressin Respiratory Research Pediatric Critical Care Clinical Pediatrics Pediatric PhysicalDiagnosis Pediatric Homicide Medical Investigation The Acutely III Child A Ready Reckoner Fine Needle Pediatric PhysicalDiagnosis EssentialPediatrics NMS Pediatrics Pediatric Pulmonology Smith's RecognizablePatterns OF Human Malformation REDBOOK2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious 48 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERSj, Port Blair 105. 106. 107. John Kattwinkel Brian K. Walsh Ronald E. Kleinman Diseases Neonatal Resuscitation Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care Pediatric Nutrition Handbook TOTAL ~ Member ecretary (ANIMERS)/ Dire or of Health Services 49 Andaman Nicobar Islands Medical Education & Research Society (ANIMERS), Port Blair DECLARATION I have completely read all the instructions, clauses, terms and conditions stipulated in the above tender document and pledge to accept and abide. Bidder's Signature Firm Name: . Name of Proprietor I Partner · Office Seal: 50