Event Application
Event Application
ELEVATOR CONFERENCE OF NEW YORK "BE AN ECNYSPOA'SOR' March 2A12 :.$. Dear Friends, on Friday evening yav '! 1,2012, the Elevator conference of New york will hold its Annual Dinner Dance at Viila Barone lvlanor, Bronx, New york. The dinner dance enables us to sustain the activities and programs of the Association. Proceeds support ECNY's continued iommitment and participation in Elevator Escalator safety week, held annually in New vo* city. our oinrFi-Jli"" pro."eds also provide financial support for ECNYs informational presentations and seminars. It is with pleasure to, cordially..invite you to consider donating $250 or more. Wth the generous support of people like you, the sales of raffle ti&eis nelp prouio" ,r'*iin' financial support for our programs and activities Tyti;fir-ii-"* *"r" microwave ovens, television sets, DVD's, theater tickets, baskets of cttiei, da-se[au tickets and much more. ln some cases, the sponsor provided iheir own gifts or gn" to oe raffred. The names of sponsors are well advertised and on display with their gifts during the entire evening' As the. gifts are raffted, the sponsors name and gift are announced for all to hear and see - wouldn't you rike to irJar your name and be a part of the fun and excitement? should you have regarding the dance or donation, prease cail Bobby DeFrancesco, (71 "nv-gl":li9ns S) 706-8600. Checks should be made payable to EGNy. Kindly send your check to: Bobby DeFrancesco Benfield Electric & Elevator Company 708 East 133d Street Bronx, NY 10456 on behalf of the Board of Directors and membership of EcNy, we thank you for your continued support. We look forward in seeing you at tne Jancl. Sincerely, ELEVATOR CONFERENCE OF NEW YORK .Kennet6 Breg/Zo Kenneth Breglio President t9tl ff#ruyffiruffffi $ffffiffi# ffffiruffffi ffAruilff ttamn Friday, May 1l.nr 2OIz 7:3OPM Villa Barone Manor (718) 892-3s00 Ert, l99t 737 Throgs Neck Expy Bronx, NY 10465 $ Fa x 130.00 Per person ffi (We held last year's pricesl) Res i,t,u t i??bPJ,.3:ii tJj# Acknowledging a special event? Someone's retirement? E:S ? g, 8)706-866s ls it a milestone anniversary? Have a party within a party! C_elebrate your special day at the ECNY Dinner Dance We'llacknowledge-your happening and we,lt giv; you your own area to rejoice your speciar day...art at nd extra cost For further information, call Dee at 718-700€600 For More lnformation and Registration Forms, go to www.ecnyqe!.egm I ro(ence ."T 2 Lm Ert. ro{€trGe --REGISTRATION FOR]VI-- .P"l z ECNY- DINNERDANCE NIay ll'n, Z0lz W l99l Ert. tg9t Please make your check payable to: "Elevator Conference of New $ york, for Enclosed is my check in the amount of tickets at $130.00 per person (same low price as last year) for the EcNy Dinner Dan""Jrid"y l\rf"ylTlzotzat 7:30 pM. Location: Villa Barone Manor, Bronx, Ny. phone: tif Sl dgZ_SiOO. - NAME PHONE FIRM ADDRESS THE FOLLOWTNG ARE THE NAMES OF THE GUESTS WHO WILL BE ATTENDING: I Tables are set to accommodate up to l2 people. to: "Elevator Conference of New yorkrt ECNY, clor TDgEast r33"d street, Bronx, I{y 10454 AI\D FAX REGISTRATION FORMS TO BOBBY DEE AT (718) iOO-AOOS Please make MAIL CIIECK payable and mail TO: should you have any questions conceming the dance or donations, or if you want to arange any special events such as birthdayq speciar occasions, retirements, etc..., please contact: Bobby De Francesco:' Phone {7ts) 706-8600 or Fax (7tB} 706-866s DRTVING DTRECTIONS WLLA BARONE IVIANOR 737 THROGGSNECK EXPRESSWAY BRONX, NY 10465 PIIONE: 718.892.3500 BRUCKNER EXPRESSWAY, TRIBORO BRIDGE, CROSS BROI\TX EXPRESSWAY OR G.W. BRIDGE: ' Follow signs to Throggs Neck Bridge, takc 295, getoffRandall Ave. exit, make left turn at haffic light, 7 blocks to Hollywood Ave', make left, I block to Frrilip Ave., dren right tu; to vILLA BAR9NE MANOR. THROGS NECK BRIDGE: ' Bear right toward New England, 95 North, get off MANOR. exit 2Lafayette Ave.,1left tums to vILLA BAR'NE NEW ENGLAND THRUWAYI - Going south, sisns to Throggs Neck Bridge, take 695, get offRandal Ave. exit into BARONE MANOR parking lot. tt]ly vILLA WHITESTONE BRIDGE: - Bear right beforepaying toll, get offLafayette Ave. exit approx 30 ft. after toll booth, take service road to first light, make right turn onto Lu!ryT:4ve., go + tiehtsto Throggs Neck Expressway, make right turn, 1 % bIOCKS tO VILLA BARONE MNON. WESTCHESTER COT]NTRY: - Take HutchinsonRiver Parkway South into New England Thruway South Int 95 (keep left), toward Throggs Neck Bridge, take 695, get off Randall Ave]exit into VILLA BARONE MANOR. BRONX RIVER PARKWAY: - gpt take Parkway south and get onto the Bronx Expressway (95 North) get onto Route 295 follow signs to Throggs Neck Bridge, get off Randall Ave. Exit 9 make left ut truffi, rieit, go z blocks to Hollywood Ave. make left, I block to Phillip Ave., then right turn to VILLA BARON-E traeNOn.