10th edition - Perron Group Event
10th edition - Perron Group Event
SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 2015 LÉON COURVILLE’S VINEYARD DINNER AND SHOW FEATURING ROBERT CHARLEBOIS FOR THE BENEFIT OF Table Of Contents 3 The Event 5 The Perron Group 6 The Fondation les petits trésors de l’Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies 7 Les Impatients 8 CAPHC Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres 9 The Pacific Path Institute 10 Butters Foundation 11 The Fondation Mélio 12 Projet RAD 13 Quechua Benefit 14 Léon Courville Vigneron 15 Robert Charlebois 16Auction 17 Online Auction 18Tickets 19 Sponsorship plan 2 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT The Event The Perron Group event was born from a very simple idea: to do something for children. The idea evolved, transforming itself into a dream – the dream of making it grow by constantly pushing the limits. Thus, since the idea was born, more than $1 185,000 has been raised for the benefit of several organizations. Proud of our success, we would like to thank all our participants, our many volunteers as well as the generous donors and sponsors who have believed in this project throughout the years and have made it into the prestigious event it is today. $ 1 185 000 LET’S KEEP GOING ! 2014 250 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients, Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres, Pacific Path Institute, Butters, SOS Children’s Villages Honorary president : Diane Giard Artist : Zachary Richard 2013 225 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients, Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres, Pacific Path Institute, Maison Gilles-Carle, Butters Honorary president : Mario Tremblay Artist : Cirque Eloize 2012 225 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients, Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres, Pacific Path Institute Honorary presidency : Patricia Curadeau-Grou and Pierre Fitzgibbon Artist : Ima 2011 155 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients, The Montreal Canadians Children’s Foundation, Pacific Path Institute Honorary presidency : Serge Bilodeau and Frédéric Bilodeau Artist : Martin Fontaine 2010 100 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients, Fondation En Coeur Honorary president : Jean Lemire Artist : Dan Bigras 2009 70 000 $ Charities : Les Petits Trésors, Les Impatients Honorary president : Guy Lafleur Artist : Daniel Bélanger 2008 61 000 $ Charitiy : Les Petits Trésors Honorary president : Isabelle Hudon Artist : Michel Pagliaro 2007 52 000 $ Charitiy : Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation Honorary president : Pierre Boivin Artist : Robert Charlebois 2006 47 000 $ Charitiy : The Fondation Centre de cancérologie Charles-Bruneau Honorary president : Pierre Bruneau Artist : Grégory Charles 3 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Our 2014 Success On August 23rd of last year, more than 500 people gathered to show their support to the Fondation les petits trésors, Les Impatients, the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC), the Pacific Path Institute, the Butters Foundation and SOS Children’s Villages. Under the honorary presidency of Mrs. Diane Giard, Executive Vice-President - Personal and Commercial Banking, National Bank of Canada, the event enabled us to raise $250,000. Invitation 2015 On Saturday, August 29, 2015, the Perron Group once again invites its business partners and clients to the 10th edition of the Event, with Robert Charlebois performing, in the enchanting and magnificent Domaine Les Brome vineyard. Under honorary presidency of Mr. Mario Dumont, TV show host and commentator, the event is expected to draw more than 500 people, coming together in aid of the Fondation les petits trésors, Les Impatients, the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC), the Pacific Path Institute, the Butters Foundation, The Fondation Mélio, Projet RAD and Quechua Benefit. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT : www.evenementgroupeperron.com / [email protected] 4 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT The Perron Group The Perron Group is a team of six finance professionals working in the field of portfolio management within BMO Nesbitt Burns. Founded by Gérald Perron 25 years ago, the company works with more than 150 families and manages 400 M$ of assets. The direction is complemented by two other partners, Jonathan Sénécal and Mathieu Bouthillier, while Francine D’Astous and Aviva Abergel enrich the team and add depth to the service offering. Success is measured one person at a time at The Perron Group. For more than 25 years, it has been successful in meeting its clients’ objectives. The Group has secured an enviable position in the financial world through upscale services and a customized approach. There is no compromise to make when it comes to fulfilling expectations. The team members never lose sight of the values that define them and guide their action: innovation, education, communication, listening, accuracy and above all, passion about their profession and their clients. The Group goes through all the stages of its clients’ lives, understanding their personal situation, guiding them and helping them to prosper. The Group is known for staying in close contact with its clients. Indeed, over time, situations and personal goals evolve. Therefore, maintaining a close relationship, listening and reacting adequately is crucial. The team is always available to advise clients and answer their questions. On a weekly basis, the Group issues a summary report highlighting key economic and market news in plain language. Working towards society’s welfare, The Perron Group is committed to helping the most vulnerable in our society. Since 2006, it contributed to various charities embracing the wellbeing of children and supporting the cause of mental illness by organizing its own annual event. So far, more than $1 185,000 was donated to various foundations through the organization of 9 events. FOR MORE INFORMATION: McGill College Tower 1501 McGill College Avenue, suite 3200 Montréal (Québec) H3A 3M8 Tel: 514 871-7031 Toll free: 1-888-548-7676 Fax: 514 871-7032 www.legroupeperron.com 5 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT The Fondation Les Petits Trésors de l’Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies A year of commotion 2015 will certainly be remembered in the collective mind as a year of commotion and turmoil in Quebec’s healthcare system. Our particularities as a foundation, lead us to expect the best of this restructuration as we are the only Hospital foundation dedicated exclusively to the mental health of children and teenagers in Québec. Awaiting the implementation of all these changes, we must, more than ever, pursue our activities and consolidate our mission. Through all this uncertainty, we continue to move forward. The challenges are considerable and that is why your engagement is more than necessary and essential to the cause. As you know, Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies (HRDP)—the only pediatric psychiatric hospital in the province—has been our charity partner from the start, more than thirty years ago. Our Foundation is entirely and exclusively dedicated to the mental health of children. Since 2010, close to 2 million dollars were donated to our philanthropic partner and invested in the advancement of research and the elevation of the cares provided to our “petits trésors”. Suffering in silence It is true that mental illness is a subject that we hear about more frequently. It is not surprising knowing that 1 out of 5 adults and children suffer from mental health issues. But mental illness, especially in children, is still a taboo subject. Many parents do not talk about it and often deny it even exists. Currently, more than 250,000 families in Québec are coping with this issue in silence and isolation. These kids have a hard time growing. The illness invades their head... their entire life. Imagine how difficult, if not impossible, growth, development and aspirations for the future must be for a child or a teenager suffering. If nothing is done, this will mean deprivation of the richness and contribution of 20% of tomorrow’s adults in our society. We, as a community, cannot afford to miss out on all this potential! Thank you for helping us to strive to always do better! FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.petitstresors.ca 6 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Les Impatients It is a wonderful work that Les Impatients achieve by offering a haven, an “oasis where each one can not only find peace and beauty but also feels free to express himself in a secure and fraternal environment. How can we not want this to last? - James Hyndman ” For 22 years, the mission of our non-profit organization has been to help people with mental health issues through artistic expression. We offer free creation workshops in visual arts, music and dance. Each week, 450 participants attend 47 workshops in 8 locations in Montreal and surrounding areas. And the need is always increasing. Our approach is unique in Quebec: we are offering to vulnerable participants the opportunity to express themselves freely through creativity. Each year, many outreach activities in professional contexts are held to encourage self-esteem and to help demystify the mental illness. When Impatients join us, they break out their isolation, socialize, and reveal themselves beyond words. Their recovery accelerates often without any hospitalisation. Create hope! Nourish pride! This is Les Impatients! Strong from the experience, the commitment of the team and the complicity of the citizens and artists who support us, we want our workshops to grow and our activities to touch, each year, more and more creative people. It is with the funds raised at events like this one that we will succeed! Thanks to the Groupe Perron and everyone who supports it! Frédéric Palardy, General Manager FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.impatients.ca 7 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) Health promotion and health care delivery are complex issues, in particular for our more vulnerable populations. All children and youth must have access to a healthcare system supported by evidence based practice and integrated models of care that will appropriately position them for optimal transition to adulthood. CAPHC’s Vision – “Knowledge to Action: Enabling the Best Healthcare for Canada’s Children and Youth” Founded in 1968, CAPHC supports child and youth healthcare professionals and families from more than 70 organizations in Canada. Each year, 8.75 million children and youth rely on the services of CAPHC’s member organizations. These organizations provide essential healthcare services to Canada’s children and youth. Every year, 600,000 young people visit emergency rooms across the country; 500,000 children and youth seek help for a disability; 350,000 are admitted to paediatric and community hospitals; and 200,000 are treated for the effects of serious childhood illnesses such as asthma, cancer and diabetes. In all, children and youth spend approximately 1,500,000 days per year in hospital, away from their homes, schools and communities. “CAPHC sees opportunities to improve the quality of care that children and youth receive, and brings together people from across the country to seize them. Thanks to CAPHC, I can help ensure that my brother and kids like him get the support they need to be the best they can be!” – Alexandre Bilodeau, 2010 AND 2014 Canadian Olympic gold-medalist Le Groupe Perron’s Contribution to Children’s Rehabilitation Since 2010, the Groupe Perron has been an integral partner in supporting CAPHC’s work in Childhood Rehabilitation. In the spring of 2015, the first ever Paediatric Rehabilitation Reporting System (PRRS) will be launched bringing child and youth rehabilitation centres together from coast to coast. The PRRS will be a powerful national tool to help rehabilitation centres across the country make better decisions based on evidence, and will provide robust, standardized data to improve access to care and health outcomes. “CAPHC is most grateful to Le Groupe Perron for its support and commitment to the health and well-being of our children and youth.” – Elaine Orrbine, President and CEO, CAPHC FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.caphc.org / www.caphc.org/knowledge-exchange-network 8 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT “I lead a school in a disadvantaged ethnic environment with all the challenges that entails. The implementa- “The project Young Mediators ontion of the Pacific Path Institute program allowed us to find an increase in student retention and a significant line allows us to share our knowreduction in violence and bullying.” ledge as mediators and support – Mr Dominic Blanchette, director of Calixa-Lavallée High School in Montréal Nord other young mediators by answering their questions on a forum or creating video capsules on the blog.” The team of young consultants mediators. The Pacific Path Institute An expertise in violence prevention and conflict resolution for youth and into communities DID YOU KNOW… In Quebec, one out of ten youngsters says he/she has been a victim of bullying. (Public Security Ministry, 2012) Nearly 53% of high school youth and 40% of elementary school children in Quebec report they were victims of violence at least once. (Janosz, Bowen et al, 2004) Violence has negative consequences on the psychosocial development of children, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, a feeling of loneliness or depression and a strong impact on school performance (Chouinard, Janosz et al, 2004). OUR MISSION For 38 years, the Pacific Path Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development, implementation and promotion of skills for conflict resolution and prevention of psychosocial problems, to build living environments free from violence and support the psychosocial development of children, youth and adults. Through its Community Centre in Montréal-Nord, the Pacific Path Institute is directly involved in children 5 to 12 years to get them to develop social skills. Also, more than 500 schools in all regions of Quebec who implement our conflict resolutions program aimed annually to equip more than 105 000 young people to solve their conflicts peacefully and prevent other problems such as bullying and psychological distress. THE IMPACT OF YOUR COMMITMENT The funds raised through the Groupe Perron event will allow the Pacific Path Institute to pursue its mission through the development and dissemination of his major conflict resolution programs designed for preschool, elementary and high schools. A greater number of youth will learn the necessary skills to the management of pacific conducts that they can use throughout their lives. By your commitment, you indicate your interest in building a more peaceful society. A big thank you to the Perron Group and all those who contribute to the success of this great event! “Note that throughout the CPE, children are aware of Mrs. Pacific, even at the nursery. Children see the posters, hear the songs and staff use the language.” – Hélène Courville, educational director at CPE Mini Fairy Inc. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.institutpacifique.com 9 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Butters Foundation A diagnosis of autism or intellectual disability with severe behavioural “problems can be a sentence to isolation, loneliness, frustration and family dysfunction. These people are, by far, the most underserved, often misdiagnosed and mistreated. Even when correctly diagnosed, their needs are longterm and expensive to support and treat. - Dr. William Barakett, President, Butters Foundation ” Over the past 10 years, the prevalence of autism has jumped from 1 in 125 to 1 in 50. The demand for services for autistic people in Quebec is increasing 24% annually. 10-20% of people with an intellectual disability or autism have serious behavioural problems. The government does not currently know how to effectively address this challenge, and there is no new money to provide services for this rapidly growing group. Alternative solutions are needed to address this challenge. Founded in 1976, the Butters Foundation has repeatedly paved the way for societal improvement in response to the changing tapestry of our healthcare and public funding. Working in a public private partnership with the government, the Foundation innovates new social services based upon the latest research to improve our care of people with intellectual disabilities and autism. Through this approach, the Foundation has enabled major public cost savings by innovating new ways of better serving people with intellectual disabilities and autism using the existing public purse AND has invested $7M in housing, respite, parent group support and specialized equipment for families. We continue to create a more effective and cost-efficient public system, and to ensure that no child or adult with an intellectual disability or autism is turned away. Support raised through the 10th Edition of the Perron Group Event will be directed towards our From Caring to Curing Campaign. Funds will go towards curing autism, providing respite for the families and carers of people with intellectual disabilities and autism, and the social rehabilitation of people with severe behavioural disorders. Thank you to Groupe Perron for supporting the community. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.fondationbutters.ca 10 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT The Fondation Mélio Their autonomy is more than just a promise In Latin, melior means better. Bettering is improving. That was our inspiration. Because after all, that’s what we do: improve rehabilitation to make lives better. Their autonomy is more than just a promise! The Fondation Mélio’s mission is to allow children with locomotor and speech impairments to improve their autonomy, while supporting rehabilitation research and financing the planning and the development of the specialized services at the Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant. THE CRME The Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant (CRME) at the CHU Sainte-Justine provides newborns, children and teenagers who have motor or speech disabilities with highly specialized services in the areas of rehabilitation-accommodation, integration and social participation. Each year it welcomes more than 5,000 children between the ages of 0 and 18 from across Quebec. Today, the CRME is recognized as the only centre exclusively dedicated to pediatric rehabilitation in Quebec. OUR PROJECTS 2014-2015 $150 000 For updating the Residence and Respite Unit, the waiting room for the external clinics, the bathroom with a therapeutic bath and a kitchen adapted for children at the IFRU, 4 balconies in the care units with different themes : nature/zen, sports, culture/gardening and finally fun/jungle, as well as the creation of a therapeutic wall in the physiotherapy hallway. $80 000 In equipment to complete the LOKOMAT room, including the purchase of the FEC (Functional Electrical Stimulation) bike as well as the purchase of a microprocessor knee. $95 000 To maintain the humanization of care with the addition of a therapeutic harpist, a new massage therapy project for the CRME, the production of a short film « Au-delà des apparences » in the Residence and Respite Unit, as well as a movie for the IFRU that helps children interact in a group and affirm their personality, the addition of a mobile library for children, parents and employees. $90 000 For research/clinical and development projects, such as the development of an adjustable chair that facilitates casting for fabricating tibial orthoses, the development of a pediatric-sized intelligent walker, the development of an electromechanical system that simulates imbalances, as well as other special projects… Thanks to the Groupe Perron and your involvement, to make a difference in the lives of 5 000 children’s who have motor or speech disabilities and your involvement will help us make children’s lives better. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.fondation-melio.org 11 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Projet RAD As long as our hearts are beating a rhythm is being created, “everyone can dance! No Excuses, No Limits ! ” - Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli Projet RAD is an organization providing people with special needs an opportunity to take inclusive urban dance classes in a progressive and reliable atmosphere tailored to the needs of each student. Guided by certified dance instructors, our students experience the joy of dancing with a group and the opportunity to shine on stage like a superstar! All should have the opportunity to discover a method to pursue a passion in their own way. We believe that everyone can reach their full potential and can accomplish their goals, regardless of ability. Projet RAD remains the only business in Quebec to specialize in offering urban culture-based activities to people of all ages and all abilities. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Offer various urban dance experiences to people of all ages and all abilities. Promote an active and healthy living in order to build confidence and improve self-esteem. Promote positive interactions between professionals and amateurs in the field of urban arts. Develop a sense of belonging for people with special needs. Educating the public with the idea that everyone can participate in activities in their own way, regardless of their condition. 6. Promote urban arts as a means of self-expression. 7. Remove social, environmental and personal stigmas that may limit the general participation of people with special needs. Thank you The funds raised through the Perron Group event will assist Projet RAD to continue offering inclusive urban dance programs to people of all ages, all abilities at low-costs. Your support will allow us to expand our program to more studios across Quebec and you will be helping with the global mission to create a more inclusive society for all. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.projetrad.com 12 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Quechua Benefit From its inception in 1996 Quechua Benefit has served more than 90,000 patients with free medical, dental and optometry services in the highlands of Peru. Today we conduct medical missions, deliver disaster relief to remote alpaca breeders, support four orphanages. In 2010 we constructed Casa Chapi Children’s Village which will ultimately be home to 100 young souls most of whom come from single mother homes that cannot afford their keep; or live so remotely in the highlands that they cannot attend school; or the children have no families at all. Casa Chapi Casa Chapi Children’s Village was inspired and founded by Quechua Benefit with the underprivileged children of families from the alpaca farming highlands of Peru in mind. Casa Chapi provides a nurturing refuge to children whose lives are often at the mercy of a chaotic, unstable family life, to children who live in extreme poverty, or to children whose family home is so remote that even attending school is impossible. The school at Casa Chapi is committed to providing the children with their best opportunity to succeed. The goals are to deliver high quality on-site education through the formative primary school years; to offer culturally appropriate training in personal and spiritual values; to present teamwork and leadership opportunities within their peer group and the community; to gain proficiency in practical life skills; and to facilitate the continuation of education and transition to an appropriate secondary school. The cornerstone of life at Casa Chapi is the family unit. The children from ages 5 through 11, both boys and girls, are all raised together in age appropriate “families” in small cottages, each with a full time Madrina (God Mother). Each of the children will receive sociological and psychological evaluation and counseling, as well as training in sports and the arts. Perron Group’s Support Quechua Benefit is proud of the fact that we are a volunteer organization; no member of the Board of Directors receives a salary or monetary compensation. The missions to Peru are based on our guiding principle of “volunteerism” and each mission team member pays their way to Peru including room, board and transportation while they are in country. From 2008 through 2014, nearly 87 percent of Quechua Benefit’s total donations went directly to programs in Peru; only 7 percent went to management expenses and 6 percent to the cost of fundraising. The Perron Group’s donation will be dedicated exclusively to the operation of Casa Chapi. 100 percent of their donation will be spent directly for the benefit of the 50 children currently living at Casa Chapi. None of the Group’s donation will go to fund raising expenses or administrative overhead for Quechua Benefit’s operations. The Board of Directors of Quechua Benefit and the children of Casa Chapi salute the Perron Group’s generosity. For more information please visit: www.quechuabenefit.org 13 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Léon Courville’s Vineyard Léon Courville’s vineyard is located in an exceptional country setting with breathtaking views of the Eastern Townships. Set in a gently rolling hillside that flows into Brome Lake, the vineyard enjoys an exceptional microclimate. A magnificent winery with the most up-to-date equipment overlooks the vineyard. The vine is cultivated according to timetested practices; the quality of a wine begins in the fields, from pruning to harvest. The vineyard now has over 75,000 vines planted on 18 hectares that include 10 varieties: Vidal, Geisenheim, Seyval, Riesling, Chardonnay, St-Pépin, Maréchal Foch, De Chaunac, Pinot Noir, and Baco. Vinification of grapes is done with the most modern equipment and the methods ensuring the highest quality. Most wines produced are aged in oak barrels. Unless it is a blend, each wine bears the name of the varietal, as is the custom in the New World. Léon Courville, vigneron produces award-winning red, white and rosé wines, wines aged in oak barrels, late-harvest wines, ice wines and a traditional method sparkling wine. The winery has received many awards and honours. In January 2013, Jancis Robinson, the London Financial Times wine correspondent, said about our Réserve Vidal wine: “I was quite impressed by an expensively oaked, mature dry 2008 white from Domaine Les Brome based on the hybrid grape Vidal”. In 2014, 75,000 bottles were put on sale at the vineyard and at the SAQ. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.leoncourville.com 14 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Photo : Sylvain Dumais Robert Charlebois French singer Alain Bashung said of him that he was one of the first to introduce irony in Quebec’s French music, to the tunes of rock, blues and country. Robert Charlebois, songwriter, musician and performer, has become in 50 years of career a key figure within the music scene, not only in Quebec but throughout the Francophonie. The one that was affectionately nicknamed Garou received several awards which reflects the recognition of his peers, the quality of his thousands of shows and his twenty plus albums: Prize from Charles Cros Academy, the “Olympiades de la chanson” gold medal, Prize of the City of Paris, the French Academy Vermeil Medal and a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award. Finally, in 1993, ADISQ awarded him its Félix Hommage for all of his work. Like other giants from the Quebec music scene before him, such as Leclerc and Vigneault, Robert Charlebois has marked his time and exerted a profound influence on many songwriters and performers. In fact, without him, perhaps there would not have been any Richard Desjardins, Jean Leloup, Les Colocs, or Les Coyboys Fringants ... Fall 2010, Charlebois brings All is well, a new album of original songs, which could be his most masterful album since the 70s. The album contains twelve songs with sophisticated arrangements ranging from folk to orchestral pop. A great theme: love. Love and life, love and death, love and the passage of time. New songs that will join the great classics of Charlebois’ repertoire. The year of 2013 marks the beginning of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Robert Charlebois career. Tours in France, memorable tribute show as part of the Montreal Francofolies, a new tour of Quebec with a show called 50 years-50 songs, a featuring in the beautiful film Gabrielle; if we said that he is like James Brown The hardest working man in show business, it could be said that Charlebois (69 years old) is the busiest man in the show business in Quebec. Charlebois, a unique and more than ever vital voice for the Francophonie. Charlebois: the voice of an icon. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.robertcharlebois.com 15 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Auction As part of the event, the Perron Group organizes an exceptional auction for the benefit of the supported charities. SILENT AUCTION Each year, several lots are featured: works of art, jewelry, spas, hotels, wine and special items. PUBLIC AUCTION Exclusive lots are also featured in the public auction. Over the years, this auction has become a tradition and is now considered an important part of the event’s entertainment! For this 10th edition, the Perron Group is proud to collaborate with Mr. Rock Fournier, auctioneer. ROCK FOURNIER From a family of auctioneers, Rock Fournier has nearly 30 years of experience in industrial and commercial auctioneering. He also lends his talent to the Perron Group Event for the 5th consecutive year. Beware! This man can sell anything to anybody! THANK YOU! The auction has been made possible by individuals and businesses who generously donate goods and services. The Perron Group would like to thank all those who contribute to the success of this auction. If you wish to donate a good or service to the auction, please contact the Perron Group. 16 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Online Auction Starting June 15, 2015, you can bid on any of our online featured lots. For more details, please visit the auction tab of our new website at www.evenementgroupeperron.com. EXPOSURE OFFERED TO SILENT AUCTION DONORS VALUE OF DONATION1 Exposure2 $7 499 to $2 500 $2 499 to $1 000 $999 and less Exposure in the silent auction area at the event X X X Detailed description of your contribution and corporate name in the evening program provided to the 500 guests the day of the event X X X Description of your contribution and your corporate name in the event’s magazine3 X 1/4 page in the event’s magazine3 (description + logo + photo if applicable) X Website (description of your contribution and corporate name) X Value of donation = market value – cost price. Live auction upgrades are offered for any lot with a donation value of $7,501 and up. 3 Print run: 1500 copies of the magazine will be printed and distributed to centers of influence. It is critical that we receive all required information for exposure in the magazine by June 1st, 2015 at the latest. 1 2 EXPOSURE OFFERED TO LIVE AUCTION DONORS VALUE OF DONATION1 Exposure Live auction area4 $7 500 and + X 4 Detailed description of your contribution + logo + photo if applicable Magazine 4 and 5 X 1 page: Print run: 1500 copies of the magazine will be printed and distributed to centers of influence. Website4 X It is critical that we receive all required information for exposure in the magazine by June 1st, 2015 at the latest. Giant screen4 X Presentation by the auctioneer X 5 17 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Event Tickets You are cordially invited to the 10th Edition of the Perron Group Event. YOUR PARTICIPATION WILL ENABLE THESE FOUNDATIONS TO PURSUE THEIR MISSION. TO ATTEND THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENING, YOU MAY: Buy tickets at the cost of $325 each. An income tax receipt of $150 per ticket will be issued. Become a sponsor It is also possible to book a table of 10 at a cost of $3000. A NOT-TO-MISS EVENT! To purchase tables or tickets, please contact Francine D’Astous at 514 871-7031 or at [email protected] 18 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Sponsorship Plan Principal $30 000 10 Platinum $20 000 8 Gold $10 000 8 Silver $5 000 4 Bronze $1 500 2 Partner's logo visible on the event website *logo must be submitted before July 31st, 2015 Exposure on the home page *logo must be submitted before July 31st, 2015 Exposure on the home page *logo must be submitted before July 31st, 2015 Exposure on the home page *logo must be submitted before July 31st, 2015 Logo visible by clicking on the link 2015 partner son the website's homepage *will be available after the event Logo visible by clicking on the link 2015 partner son the website's homepage *will be available after the event Exposure in the Perron Group event's magazine1 2 premium pages2 (on a first come first serve basis for the choice of the location) 2 pages 1 page 1/2 page x (individual logo) x (individual logo) x (individual logo) x (logo paired with another partner) x (logo paired with 4 other partners) x x x x x x (First choice of table) x x Official sponsors of the silent auction area x x x Logo on the bidding sheets at the silent auction x Logo on the cover page of the evening program x x x Logo on the back of the evening program (section Thank you to our generous partners) x x x x x Official sponsors of the wine auction area x x Pens with the partner's logo for each bidding board in the silent auction and the wine auction area (approx 150 pens) *pens must be provided by the partner before August 1st, 2015 x Official presenters of the live auction x Logo on the live auction bidding paddles x Logo on the menus set at each table x x Logo in the bar area and signature cocktail in the company's name x x Official presenter of Robert Charlebois' show with special mention by the evening host x Logo on the volunteers ID cards x Logo on the 500 tickets Number of tickets included Website Magazine Welcoming personalized note in the evening program Continuous showing of partner logos on giant screen during the event Partner logos in the reception area VIP places Event x x x Official event presenter in any communication relating to the event (press releases, personalized invitation Communications letters, etc.) x x Logo on the ‘‘giant check’’ given to the foundations x x Ferris wheel bearing the image of the partner at the event x FERRIS WHEEL * If logo is submitted after July 31st, 2015 it will be available on the website only after the event (within a month after the event) Print run: 1500 copies of the magazine will be printed and distributed to centers of influence. It is critical that we receive all required information for exposure in the magazine by June 1st, 2015 at the latest. 1 19 x 2 Magazine’s premium pages - fisrt two pages in the magazine - back of the magazine and page next to the 1st summary - last page of the magazine (interior) and page next to the 2nd summary 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT Thank you to our 2014 partners Main partners Platinum sponsors Gold sponsors Silver sponsors Bronze sponsors Event partners 20 10th EDITION PERRON GROUP EVENT