ASEM Industrial PC`s USER`S GUIDE addendum


ASEM Industrial PC`s USER`S GUIDE addendum
ASEM Industrial PC’s
USER’S GUIDE addendum
ELO Touchscreen
driver installation & calibration
Code 86000042
Version A00
Date 19.07.2012
Thei – Di Fonzo
ES Draft
Preliminary Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
General notes .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Instructions on disposal ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Technical support & repairs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Driver installation & calibration procedure .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step by step driver installation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step by step calibration procedure ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
 General notes.
 Instructions on disposal.
 Technical support & repairs.
CHAPTER 1 – Preliminary Informations
General notes
The information in this manual is subject to change and is in no way binding upon
ASEM S.p.A. is not responsible for technical errors or other omissions in the manual, and shall not accept any responsibility deriving from its use.
All brands and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks of their
respective owners.
ASEM’s products are compliant with European Directive 89/336/EEC concerning
electromagnetic compatibility and Directive 73/23/EEC concerning the safety of
electrical products, and subsequent variations.
Instructions on disposal
Il simbolo
sul prodotto o sulla confezione indica che il prodotto non deve essere considerato come un normale rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere portato nel
punto di raccolta appropriato per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature elettriche ed
elettroniche. Provvedendo a smaltire questo prodotto in modo appropriato, si
contribuisce a evitare potenziali conseguenze negative per l’ambiente e la salute,
che potrebbero derivare da uno smaltimento inadeguato del prodotto. Per informazioni più dettagliate sul riciclaggio di questo prodotto, contattare l’ufficio
comunale, il servizio locale di smaltimento rifiuti o il fornitore da cui è stato acquistato il prodotto.
The symbol
on the product or in its packaging indicates that this product
EN may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By
ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human healt, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For mor detailed information about reciclyng of this product, please contact your local city
office, your housechold waste disposal service or the supplier where you purchased the product.
Le symbole
sur le produit ou son emballage indique que ce produit ne peut
FR être traitè comme décher ménager. It doit être remis au point de collecte dèdié à
cet effect (collect et recyclage du matèriel èlectrique et èlectronique). En procèdant à la mise à la casse règlementaire de l’appareil, nous prèservons
l’environnement et notre sécurité, s’assurant ainsi que les dèchets seront traitès
dans des conditions appropriées. Pour obtenir plus de dètails sur le recyclage de
ce produit, veuillez prendre contact avec les services de votre commune ou le distributeur où vous avez effectué l’achat.
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Das Symbol
auf dem Produkt oder seiner Verpackung weist darauf hin, dass
dieses Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall zu behandeln ist, sondern an
einem Sammelpunkt für das Recycling von elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten abgegeben werden muss. Durch ihren Beitrag zum korrekten Entsorgen dieses Produkts schützen Sie die Umwelt und die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitmenschen.
Umwelt und Gesundheit werden durch falsches Entsorgen gefährdet. Weitere Informationen über das Recycling dieses Produkts erhalten Sie von Ihrem Rathaus,
Ihrer Müllabfuhr oder den Distributoren, in dem Sie das Produkt gekauft haben.
El simbolo
en el producto o en su embalaje indica que este producto no se
puede tratar como desperdicios normales del hogar. Este producto se debe entregar al punto de recolección de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos para reciclaje.
Al asegurarse de que este producto se deseche correctamente, usted ayudará a
evitar posibles consequencias negativas para el ambiente y la salud pública, lo
qual podria ocurrir si este producto no se manípula de forma adecuada. Para obtener informaciónes mas detalladas sobre el reciclaje de este producto, póngase
en contacto con la administraciòn de su ciudad, con su servicio de desechos del
hogar o con el surtidor donde comprò el producto.
O simbolo
no produto ou na embalagem indica que este producto não pode
ser tratado como lixo doméstico. Em vez disso, deve ser entregueado ao centro
de recolha selectiva para a reciclagem de equipamento electrico e electronico. Ao
garantir uma eliminação adequada deste produto, ira ajudar a evitar eventuais
consequencjas negativas para o meio ambiente e para a saude publica, que, de
outra forma, poderiam ser provocadas por un tratamento incorrecto do produto.
Para obtener informações mais detalhadas sobre a reciclagem deste produto,
contacte os serviços municipalizados locais, o centro de recolha selectiva da sua
area de residência ou no distribuidor onde adquirir ou produto.
Technical support & repairs
ASEM offers wide-ranging, complete after-sales technical support. The staff who
deal with this handle questions on the entire range of products skilfully, quickly,
and efficiently.
You can phone our staff in the service department, and they will give you complete, prompt advice on how to resolve your problems.
+39 0432 967435
+39 0432 967480
[email protected]
CHAPTER 1 – Preliminary Informations
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Driver installation &
calibration procedure
 Step by step driver installation.
 Step by step Calibration procedure.
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Step by step driver installation
Figure 1
Step 1 - ELO driver installation
Figure 2
Step 2 - ELO driver installation
Run Elo XP2k 4.6.3 file.
Unzip all files.
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 3
Step 3 - ELO driver installation
Confirm unzipped files.
Install default language.
Figure 4
Step 4 - ELO driver installation
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Figure 5
Step 5 - ELO driver installation
Select USB Drivers if USB interface is present.
Confirm license agreement.
Figure 6
Step 6 - ELO driver installation
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 7
Step 7 - ELO driver installation
Installation in progress.
Setup complete.
Figure 8
Step 8 - ELO driver installation
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Figure 9
Step 9 - ELO driver installation
Restart Computer if request.
Press Finish to calibrate touchscreen.
Figure 10
Step 10 - ELO driver installation
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 11
Step 11 - ELO driver installation
Elo Icon in Control Panel shows the touchscreen status (USB connection ).
Select serial driver if serial interface is present.
Figure 12
Step 12 - ELO driver installation
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Figure 13
Step 13 - ELO driver installation
Confirm license agreement.
Search ELO serial port.
Figure 14
Step 14 - ELO driver installation
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 15
Step 15 - ELO driver installation
Wait for serial port number.
Confirm serial port detected (for example COM1).
Figure 16
Step 16 - ELO driver installation
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Figure 17
Step 17 - ELO driver installation
Select the serial port detected and press next.
Installation in progress.
Figure 18
Step 18 - ELO driver installation
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 19
Step 19 - ELO driver installation
Press finish to calibrate the touchscreen.
Elo Icon in Control Panel shows the touchscreen status (in this example serial connection).
Figure 20
Step 20 - ELO driver installation
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Step by step calibration procedure
The calibration procedure is common for USB & Serial touchscreen.
Figure 21
Step 1 - ELO calibration procedure
Touch the red circle as in figure 42.
Touch the red circle as in figure 43.
Figure 22
Step 2 - ELO calibration procedure
ELO touchscreen driver installation & calibration
User’s guide
Figure 23
Step 3 - ELO calibration procedure
Touch the red circle as in figure 44.
Touch the red circle as in figure 44.
Figure 24
Step 4 - ELO calibration procedure
CHAPTER 2 – Driver installation & calibration procedure
Figure 25
Step 5 - ELO calibration procedure
Step e serial/usb – Setup complete
Index of figures
Figure 1 Step 1 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2 Step 2 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3 Step 3 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4 Step 4 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5 Step 5 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 6 Step 6 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7 Step 7 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8 Step 8 - ELO driver installation .............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 9 Step 9 - ELO driver installation ............................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 10 Step 10 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 11 Step 11 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 12 Step 12 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 13 Step 13 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 14 Step 14 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 15 Step 15 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 16 Step 16 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 17 Step 17 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 18 Step 18 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 19 Step 19 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 20 Step 20 - ELO driver installation ........................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 21 Step 1 - ELO calibration procedure .................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 22 Step 2 - ELO calibration procedure .................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 23 Step 3 - ELO calibration procedure .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 24 Step 4 - ELO calibration procedure .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 25 Step 5 - ELO calibration procedure .................................................................................................................... 18
Via Buia, 4
33011 Artegna (UD) Italy
Tel. +39/0432-9671
Fax. +39/0432-977465
Via Prealpi, 13/A
20034 Giussano (MI) Italy
Tel. +39/0362-859111
Fax. +39/0362-859121
[email protected]