Newsletter 898 - Adelaide Institute
Newsletter 898 - Adelaide Institute
ADELAIDE INSTITUTE PO Box 3300 Adelaide 5067 Australia Mob: 61+401692057 Email: [email protected] Web: Online ISSN 1440-9828 Otober 2015 No 898 _____________________________________________________________________ Death of Europe - and America America, Israel Creating White Genocide Through Mass Migration By Ronald L. Ray World war is underway. It is not a typical war, fought Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a with guns and munitions on the front lines. Nor do the diversity of individuals.” armies of a million invaders carry firearms. But it is a The New World Order Coudenhove Kalergi envisioned, world war—a race war—nonetheless, and its goal is to once the White race has been eliminated, is to be ruled extinguish every last vestige of Christian and White by the Jews, whom he saw—as they themselves—as a civilization from the face of the Earth. Far from an “master race.” “Instead of destroying European Judaism, accident, it was long planned. Europe, against her will, refined and educated this Judeo-Freemasonic forces have cajoled and coerced people, driving them to their future status as a leading Western political leaders into betraying their own peoples nation through this artificial evolutionary process.” to a seething mass of foreigners, who are overwhelming This cultural communist was supported by the likes of societal structures and bringing about the collapse of Baron Louis de Rothschild, banker Max Warburg, Zionist entire cultures. It is a war of demography as destiny, Bernard Baruch, the B'nai B'rith Masonic lodge, driven forward by the imperialistic aggressions of the libertarian economist Ludwig von Mises and later the CIA. United States and Israel, as they destroy nations across The European and American rulers, who today cause and Africa and the Middle East, creating an artificial migration promote the inundating floods of non-Whites and nonof peoples not seen on such a scale for nearly 2,000 Christians into White, historically Christian countries, are years. following the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan. Photographs of thousands of Asian and African At the behest of Zionist plutocrats and Israeli terrorists, “refugees,” disturbing in themselves, are not the entire the U.S. and its allies have militarily destroyed or story. Although a centuries-long effort, the war's modern dismembered numerous nations: Afghanistan, Iraq, salient was publicized a hundred years ago, both in Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Ukraine America and Europe. and more. Economies and infrastructures were ruined Jewish Communist Party apparatchik Israel Cohen wrote deliberately, leading those who can to exit their native in 1912, “By propounding into the consciousness of the homes for the mirage of greater prosperity in Europe and dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed America. Millions are moving into Europe, and, rather by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the than improve the lot of the wrecked countries, so people Communist Party....[We] will endeavor to instill in the can stay at home, Western governments foment and Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the foster the intruding hordes. Negroes....and begin a process which will deliver America Diabolical forces demand the coming race wars, to to our cause.” eliminate Christians and Whites, and reduce the world In Europe, the war strategy was laid out in 1925 by population to a sixth of its size. But it is not just corrupt Count Richard N. Coudenhove Kalergi, a halfgovernments and clandestine organizations at work. Austrian, half-Japanese diplomat, whose wife of the time Even multi-national corporations like pharmaceutical was Jewish and undoubtedly influenced his views. giant GlaxoSmithKline seem to have a sinister hand in Coudenhove Kalergi was the father of the Pan-European the matter. movement, designed to create today's European Union The result will be the catastrophic loss of the best classes (EU). from Africa and Asia and the complete destabilization of In Practical Idealism, he wrote, “The man of the future European economies, which cannot support the invaders. will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will While Pope Francis follows the Freemasonic foolery of disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and “free migration,” the African Catholic bishops see things prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, more clearly, warning those who would leave to stay and similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient help their own peoples. It is not primarily those truly harmed by the wars flooding Europe, but largely the 1 educated classes. And those who do not have the money to travel are subsidized by U.S organizations. However, not all the aliens are friendly. The darker races are almost solely responsible for astronomical increases in European violent crime, and the presence of ISILterrorists among the “refugees” has been documented. The frequently violent and law-defying, order-destroying behavior of the foreigners on the march—and numerous photographs—prove that they are a well-funded, well-supplied revolutionary band, not peaceful immigrants. The European peoples recognize what is happening and oppose the coming White genocide, but they have no power, because they are unarmed. A proposed EU “protection force” for dealing with the migration crisis no doubt is really intended to suppress the native Whites. So far, only the Eastern Europeans—Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic—have stood up at all for their peoples and civilizations. But it is not enough. Nor is America free of danger. Seventy percent of UN refugees are settled in the U.S., along with the millions of illegal aliens bringing the race war to a formerly great country. White genocide is what our rulers want. We must not succumb to their desires, but replace them with nationalists faithful to their own people. Only then can we hope to turn back the millions of invaders, without also facing the Western military forces aiding the genocide. Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of The Barnes Review. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. Contact Ron by e-mail at [email protected] “As Happy as God in France”: State of French Jewish elites Guillaume Durocher, May 3, 2014 Then-interior minister and current Prime Minister, Manuel Valls tells a Jewish audience (including the Jewish Defense League) on 19 March 2014: “The Jews of France are more than ever at the vanguard of the Republic!” Bernard-Henri Lévy watches over him. The Jewish community in France, as in most Western countries at least since the Second World War, has been remarkably successful. This very success however has brought on backlash as other groups — Whites, Blacks and Arabs — feel their interests and honor are not as well-respected by the French politico-media system. There are an estimated 600,000 Jews in France, or just under 1% of the population. Almost half are Ashkenazim (a mix of people living in France for centuries, especially from the eastern parts of the country, and immigrants from Germany, Poland, etc.), while the rest are Sephardim, most of whom came to France from North Africa in the wake of decolonization in the 1960s. According to the francophone Jewish-Israeli nationalist website “Terre Promise,” Jews are massively over-represented among the 500 richest Frenchmen: three out of the top 20 (15%), nine of the top 50 (18%), 23 out of the top 50 (18%), 23 of the top 200 (11.5%) and 44 out of the top 500 (8.8%). This is the same order of magnitude of over-representation (1000–2000%) that one finds in the United States. Ashkenazim and Sephardim are equally-well represented among this elite, showing the remarkable social mobility of the new arrivals from North Africa.[1] Given French Jews’ over-representation among the country’s wealthiest, it is unsurprising that they are also over-represented among its political, media and intellectual elites. In politics it is by no means overwhelming, although it is marked, including among super-elites. The one-quarter Jewish Nicolas Sarkozy (born Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa) might have lost the 2012 presidential elections to Socialist Jewish politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn had the latter been able to sexually restrain himself. “D.S.-K.” had once told a Jewish publication that “I wake up every morning and think about how I can help Israel.”[2] Sarkozy instead lost to the decidedly limp François Hollande, while his replacement as leader of the center-right conservative party (Union for a Popular Movement or UMP) is the “non-practicing Jew” Jean-François Copé. It is no secret that the Socialist government in power since May 2012 is full of Freemasons (indeed these are well-represented in most major parties), Jews and Israelophiles. These include Laurent Fabius (of a Jewish family converted to Christianity) as Foreign Minister, Pierre Moscovici (Jewish) as Finance Minister and Manuel Valls (gentile) as Interior Minister. Valls in particular has been notorious for pandering to the more ethnocentric elements of the Jewish community. When attacked by members of a Jewish audience for insufficient fealty to Israel, he angrily defended himself saying: “I am by my wife eternally linked to the Jewish community and to Israel. Come on!” His second wife (“eternally linked”?) is Jewish, although it is not clear that she is an Israeli citizen. Valls, who is the most popular Socialist politician and cultivates his image as the party’s “bad cop,” was recently promoted to Prime Minister by the hopelessly unpopular Hollande. There are recurring videos of French politicians having to tell hostile Jewish questioners that they are definitely pro-Israel. Moscovici once defensively responded: If I joined the Socialist Party — I who am Jewish too, French, Socialist — it was also in thinking of Léon Blum. The Blum of the Popular Front and the Blum the Dreyfus Affair. We have to ask ourselves: What would Léon Blum do today? What were the causes for which he fought? The Republic, Socialism, the Left, and towards the end of his life, it’s true, Zionism. Zionism for 2 him was both the creation of Israel and peace in the Middle East. Peace! To respect Léon Blum, let’s be in all of this. It means a kind of fraternity. It means not throwing out the entire Left with the bathwater. It means also not forgetting a common history between the Socialists, Israel and the Jews which may have known difficulties at this or that moment, but which also has extremely strong traditions. Jewish predominance in the intellectual world is much more striking. Jews are simply staggeringly over-represented among the pundits and “intellectuals” presented by mainstream media. While a systematic study would be interesting, one has the impression that a TV talking head in France is more likely to be Jewish than not. These include figures on many sides of the issues facing France (discussed in Part 2): Bernard-Henri Lévy: Perhaps the most (in)famous French intellectual today, despite the oft-recognized nullity of his work. He is also an avowed Zionist, Jewish activist and warmonger. Éric Zemmour: the leading French nationalist, and a consistent one at that; occasional critic of Jewish lobbies. Emmanuel Todd: the leading euroskeptic intellectual (part-Jewish, immigrationist). Élisabeth Lévy and Alain Finkielkraut: the leading new voices of anti-immigration and anti-Islamism. Alain Minc: the leading “economic liberal” (i.e. favoring limited government and free trade, a rarity in France where libéralisme is close to swear word). Jacques Attali: the leading advocate of global government (“ideally” with Jerusalem as capital). Bernard Kouchner: The leading “liberal interventionist” and a former Foreign Minister. Daniel Cohn-Bendit: The retiring leader of the European Greens and long-standing opponent of popular nationalist leaders everywhere (Hugo Chávez, Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin…) Certainly there are major non-Jewish intellectuals. The point however is to suggest the incredible prevalence and leading roles of Jews in French intellectual public life, totally out of proportion with their share of population. “The System”: France’s inbred media elite Jews are by no means overwhelmingly dominant in France’s media management and ownership, although they are overrepresented. A rather large proportion of senior journalists are Jews. (Indeed, this has been recognized by Zemmour, one of the franker commentators), although the composition is constantly changing. French media control is remarkably concentrated in a tiny group of State officials and private oligarchs, the latter mostly from the financial, telecoms, arms manufacturing and fashion sectors. Most of these industries are themselves heavily intertwined with the State as major client and/or as regulator. In particular, TV and radio are dominated by the State and telecoms. Newspapers and magazines are owned by various oligarchs and are generously subsidized by the State (evermore-important as readerships decline). They overwhelmingly promote globalist views in line with the interests of the EuroFrench regime and mega-corporations who control them. Players include: The State: controls domestic public TV and radio, France24 (under foreign ministry control, for a time run by Kouchner’s wife), and half of Franco-German channel Arte (whose Supervisory Board has long been presided over by Bernard-Henri Lévy). The Le Monde Group: owned by a trio of fashionfinancial-telecom oligarchs, run by Louis Dreyfus, controlling Le Monde (the newspaper of record), Courrier international (translations of foreign articles), Le Monde diplomatique (a leftist professor’s answer to The Economist), and 6% of the Perdriel Group. The Perdriel Group: owned by Claude Perdriel, raised by a Jewish family (one journalist wrote: “Though he isn’t Jewish, he carries Jewish identity in his bandolier”), controls center-left magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, news site Rue89, business magazine Challenges, and 6% of the Le Monde Group. Serge Dassault: An arms manufacturer, born of a Jewish family converted to Catholicism, he has never shown any particular interest in Jewish activism, and is owner of conservative newspaper Le Figaro, one of the mainstream media more sympathetic to nationalists. The “leftist-globalist” Libération, co-owned by financier Édouard de Rothschild. The Christian newspaper La Croix is perhaps the best on nationalist issues; it has kept its independence (it continues to be owned by Christian publishing group Bayard) and its readership is growing. In addition, a large swathe of media are dependent on advertising giant Publicis, which is Jewish-run, for their revenue. In short, the incestuous ties between French media empires, the state and the oligarchic elite are extreme, all interlocked in a web of ties of personnel, financial flows and mutual support, with a heavy over-representation of Jews. Oligarchization and concentration of media has increased as readership has declined, with the result that oligarchs and the State have had to increasingly bail out or forgive debt of failing publications. This concentration means that French media are very cohesive when it comes to determining the limits of acceptable discourse. The acceptability of a topic (euroskepticism, Islam, immigration, nationalist parties…) often changes suddenly by a sort of pack mentality which seems to follow the perceived interests of the French oligarchy. This notoriously inbred politico-media nexus collectively forms what subversives in France call “the System.” Litigious overt Jewish groups In addition, France is filled with litigious Jewish NGOs which are very active in the business of censorship, ostracism and pecuniary/legal punishment of thought criminals. These include formally Jewish organizations such as the official Jewish lobby, the CRIF (Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France). It has become customary for the entire French political class, including the President, to hobnob with and pander to the CRIF in an official dinner once a year. Another group is the UEJF “student group” (Union des étudiants juifs de France), which also dedicates its time to policing speech. Then there is the so-called “International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism” (LICRA). Originally founded in 1927 as a Jewish activist group, it added the “R” in 1979 and officially became an “anti-racist” group. In fact however, every single one of its five presidents since its founding has been of Jewish descent (presumably no one was qualified among the Goyim 99%?) and its Executive Bureau does not have a single person of color, being made up mostly of Jews, with some White gentiles. If one goes by skin color, the “anti-racist” LICRA may in fact be whiter than the Front National (FN), the leading nationalist party, but it spends a large amount of time campaigning against that party for its “racism.” The LICRA took the lead in attempting to criminalize the “quenelle” gesture, regardless of whether it is used in a political or an overtly Judeo-critical context. LICRA activists termed it a “sodomization of the victims of the Shoah.” The group’s lawyers coincidentally also legally represent the Ukrainian ultra-feminist group FEMEN despite the latter’s having undertaken such outrages in France as urinating in a cathedral and chain-sawing a cross in half. Perceived Christophobia is rather more tolerated than perceived anti-Semitism… The LICRA’s objective role in the French political system is suggested by its Honorary Committee, which is made up of a mixture of top Jewish intellectuals (Finkielkraut, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Élie Wiesel) and France’s leading politicians across the mainstream political spectrum (Chirac, Bayrou, Jospin, Fabius). In short, the LICRA is something of a partnership between litigious Jewish ethnic elites and inbred Euro-French political elites: the groups Jewish elites don’t like (notably the Front National) tend to also be those who threaten the political elite’s 3 hold on power. Few things are as effective in marginalizing someone in France than suing them for hate speech and tarring them with the brush of anti-Semitism. The media, being intertwined with the regime and disproportionally Jewish, tends to uncritically follow suit with the usual mob mentality. [1]The richest is Gérard-Louis Dreyfus, who has long lived in the United States as “William” (“as a symbol of his integration,” according to Wikipedia) and is father to former Seinfeld star Julia-Louis Dreyfus. There are also at least four members of the French branch of the Rothschild family among the 500 richest Frenchmen. It’s a small, networked world! [2]As an aside on this casual elite ethnocentrism, StraussKhan’s wife Anne Sinclair was asked in 1979 whether she could have married a non-Jew, she replied: “I don’t think so…” Raymond Aron on Jewish ethnocentrism It is effectively illegal in France to suggest that over-represented Jewish elites are ethnocentric, have dual-loyalty problems with regard to Israel, and that this has an influence on the way power is wielded in the country. Two men who do so, the nationalist essayist Alain Soral and the Franco-Cameroonian comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, have paid a hefty price for it, although their struggle has earned them a certain notoriety and place in history in compensation. I will therefore not say anything of the community, but quote Raymond Aron, a universally-respected liberal-conservative French patriot of Jewish origin, who died in 1983. Towards the end of his life he increasingly, in his ever-diplomatic, reasoned and understated way, criticized the rise of Western Jewish elites’ ethnocentrism and uncritical support for Israel, worrying that these would contribute to anti-Semitism. In a text sent to the 28 January 1980 World Jewish Congress, Aron said: In the United States, the American Jewish Community, almost always if not always, supports the diplomatic positions adopted by the Israeli government. The French Jews who publish Jewish reviews and are active in Jewish organizations do the same. Whatever is the Israeli party (or coalition) in power, the official representatives of the community support the arguments of the Israeli government. This situation does not strike me as healthy. [1] These elites have typically paired their uncritical support for Israeli nationalism with hysterical opposition to any flicker of French nationalism. After mentioning his annoyance with the Israeli government for sending an official reprimand to his magazine L’Express for his having criticized Israel in an article, Aron explicitly raised the problem of dual-loyalty: I have a hard time understanding why those [French Jews] who consider themselves Israeli first are still French [citizens]. Loyalty to a county is not total or totalitarian, but it is political par excellence, it is constitutive of citizenship. Dual citizenship exists legally, [but] there are difficulties for Jews occupying, in their country, essentially political positions. When Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State, his loyalty, his allegiance was first to the United States. The same is true for French civil servants, for French political commentators. [2] In his memoirs, he even says that non-Jews have a right to question Jews who seem to put Israel first for dual-loyalty (an unthinkable argument in polite company today!) and that these Jews should renounce French citizenship and become Israelis: From the moment that their [Jewish] consciousness binds them to Israel, a State among others even if it has particularities, non-Jewish Frenchmen have a right to ask to which political community they belong to. … As citizens of the French Republic, they [Jews] legitimately maintain spiritual or moral ties with the Israelis, but, if these ties with Israel become political and take precedence over French citizenship, then they should logically choose Israeli citizenship. … I meet Jews, old and young, who, so to speak, have not forgiven France or the French for the Jewish statute [the Vichy regime’s race laws] and the vélodrome d’Hiver roundup by the French police …. If they have not forgiven France, then it is no longer their nation, but the country in which they agreeably reside. A normal attitude for the old, who cannot start a different existence. But the young who have become indifferent to the fate of their “host country,” their nation, why don’t they choose Israel? [3] If the problems of dual-loyalty and hostility to the historic French nation were already apparent to Aron, and is suggested by the quotes of Strauss-Khan and Valls in Part 1, many French Jews have become less and less shy about their identification. The most prominent was perhaps Arno Klarsfeld, a senior government official and Jewish activist lawyer (he wears both hats) as well as son of “Nazi-hunters” Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, who in 2002 temporarily joined the Israeli Defense Forces as a border guard. He proudly explained to public TV channel France2: I think it’s important to not only be spectator of one’s destiny but also an actor. And I couldn’t identify with the foreign policy of France, which has its interests, but aren’t those of the Jewish people. … If I thought Israel was an occupying country, I would not have joined the army here. Really. … I think the root of the conflict is that Palestinian leaders still do not want to recognize the existence of Israel as a Jewish State. Aron had also written a scathing review of Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Francophobic screed, L’idéologie française, which sought to demonize countless historical French thinkers as proto-fascist anti-Semites and somehow portray France as congenitally hateful: If one objected to Bernard-Henri Lévy that he is violating all the rules of honest interpretation and of the historical method, he would reply with arrogance that he doesn’t care what Ivory Tower watchdogs think. … Non-Jewish Frenchmen will conclude that the Jews are even more different from other Frenchmen than they had imagined, because an author acclaimed by Jewish groups shows himself incapable of understanding so many expressions of French thought …. By his hysteria, he will feed the hysteria of a fraction of the Jewish community, already inclined towards delirious words and actions. A work of public interest, wrote the conclusion of the review of the Nouvel Observateur. Of public interest, or a public danger? [4] In other words, Aron is pointing out that “B.-H. L.’s” works will lead to anti-Semitism because of their blatant hostility to the French intellectual tradition—an excellent example of the theme of Jews as a hostile elite. Though B.-H.L.’s works have been widely panned as pompous, vapid and boring, and although he has been caught publicly lying several times, the man remains a fixture of the French elite, enjoying widespread access at the highest levels of the media and of the state. For critics, he has become the symbol of extreme elite Jewish over-representation and ethnocentrism in France. Aron’s fears regarding Jewish ethnocentrism have largely been realized and grown more acute, contributing to ethnic tensions with Whites, Blacks and Arabs. The “Double Standard” While Blacks and Muslims have come to emulate Jews in ethnic lobbying in France, Jews remain much, much better at it, while ethnic French are banned from doing it. Structurally, the result over time is constant violation of France’s theoretical nonrecognition of ethnicities and of “equality before the law.” French gentile politicians and journalists know which way their bread is buttered, so they pander to ethnic groups based on their perceived and real influence. Arabs and Roma, being powerless, are often scapegoated, while gentile politicians are careful not to offend the sensitivities of Jewish elites, and the more ambitious will prefer to actively cultivate an alliance. This has attained somewhat ridiculous proportions with Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. In fact, today, it doesn’t seem to be really possible to even be vaguely critical of Israel and to rise in the French politico-media system. In 1967, shortly after the Six Day War, President Charles de Gaulle made his (in)famous statement that the Jews in Israel “remained what they had 4 always been: an elite people, self-confident, and dominating.” Such comments, from the man recognized by the Establishment as France’s greatest patriot, would today automatically relegate one to the “untouchable,” “fascist” far-right. The bias in favor of perceived Jewish interests, naturally stemming from Jewish over-represensation and ethnocentrism, and its enforcement (notably by de facto and de jure criminalization of any discussion of the causes), is commonly known as “Zionism.” In this informal sense, “Zionism” is used to mean “Jewish racism” as opposed to anything specifically to do with Palestine (although, certainly, Jewish racists tend to also be Zionists in the strict sense). This results in the infamous “double standard” (deux poids, deux mesures), whereby Jewish suffering and interests are given overwhelming priority over, say, White, Black or Arab suffering and interests. The double standard is arguably more severe in France than in another other country. A few examples: The fatwa against French nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen, particularly since the September 1987 “affair of the detail” (the term he used for whether the gas chambers had been used in the Holocaust, not for the Holocaust itself), including blocking of any possible political alliances with the mainstream right (unlike in Italy, Austria or the Netherlands), demonization and ostracism of the Front National and of any who would associate or dialogue with them. Combined, naturally, with strong support for Israeli ethno-nationalism. The notorious 1990 Gayssot Act outlawed all revisionist historical investigation (not to mention “Holocaust denial”) concerning the persecution of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War, under threat of imprisonment. The politico-media and legal/extra-legal persecution of FrancoCameroonian comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala following a December 2003 sketch making fun of a Jewish fundamentalist Israeli settler (it concluded “Isra-HEIL!”). Dieudonné then got into trouble for trying to explain why this act offending Jewish elites got him into trouble while his joking about other ethnic communities did not get him into trouble. The promotion of Islamophobia and Arab-baiting, ruthless repression of any perceived (as opposed to proven) anti-Semitism. Harassment of Muslims for wearing religious symbols (headscarf, burqa), encouragement of Jews to wear the kippah. Vast differences in politico-media coverage based on who the victims are (any attack on Jews is given massive coverage, attacks by Jews are ignored). The outlawing of advocacy of Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) concerning Israel since 2010 as “racism.” French courts have approved this tendentious interpretation of the Lellouche Act. In February 2014, 20 people were convicted of “discrimination” for BDS activities. (Christiane Taubira, the Black Socialist Minister of Justice, was visibly uncomfortable and indeed afraid when asked why this was still outlawed, explaining: “it’s a serious topic, it’s a dangerous topic,” i.e., extremely dangerous and sensitive for a politician to broach.) Finally, the warm ties between the government of the “left-wing,” “anti-racist” Socialist Party with right-wing, Likudnik-Beitanu Israel, an aggressively militarist, parttheocratic, expansionist and objectively racist ultra-nationalist State. * * * It is hard to tell exactly what the impact of elite Jewish overrepresentation and ethnocentrism is in France. These elites have tended to identify more with America and with Israel, and far less with the Catholic, European French people than do ethnic French elites. At its most extreme, this Zionism is blamed for critically contributing to the general pursuit of “globalist” and anti-national policies including borderlessness in all spheres, European integration, immigration, multiculturalism, French guilt, free trade, the free movement of capital, various wars of intervention since the 1990s, and the general discrediting of the concepts of national sovereignty and majoritarian democracy (because “the people” is invariably “populist”). In short, the claim here is that the structural “globalist” tendency of dismantlement of France as a cohesive Nation and as a sovereign State, which is now well under way, is a Judeobourgeois tendency. In fact, Jewish intellectuals in France have embraced a variety of causes and can be found on many sides of political issues, including nationalist causes. Conservative pundit Éric Zemmour is the only one who has consistently advocated immigration restrictionism and French nationalism. Emmanuel Todd, who has Anglo-American and Jewish heritage, has led a center-left apology of the French Nation against the euro-regime (although he is immigrationist). The hostility to immigration of Alain Finkielkraut or Élisabeth Lévy is more recent and perhaps more opportunistic (the former has explicitly argued that Muslim immigration and multiculturalism are bad for the Jewish community). That Jews are also among the leading nationalist intellectuals appears to reflect their incredible predominance as public intellectuals in general and the fact they cannot be suspected of anti-Semitism and tend to get less harassed (notably by Jewish groups) for “racism,” notably when criticizing Islam. French nationalist Jewish intellectuals tend to be in the minority however. More typical is Jewish elites, including Finkielkraut in the past, taking the lead in the 1980s in organizing Arabs and Blacks to fight for immigration and multiculturalism through organizations like SOS Racisme (not unlike the Jewish role in promoting the organization of Blacks in America or of proletarians in Europe). The latter was co-founded by (Jewish) politician Julien Dray as an informal wing of the Socialist Party (notably to get non-White votes) and its current president is Cindy Léoni, who is of Israelo-Senegalese origin. Jewish organizations more generally have tended to demonize French nationalism and prosecute discussion of ethnicity, and specific Jewish intellectuals and politicians have very often taken the leading roles in the promotion of “globalist” policies. It is hard to say however exactly how much French Jewish elites accentuated what were arguably pre-existing bourgeois tendencies. Discomfort at the slow abolition of France and the very success of these over-bearing, ethnocentric and often hysterical elites have led to a backlash. Soral with his meta-political movement Égalité et Réconciliation (Equality and Reconciliation) and Dieudonné with his stand-up act have brought perhaps more people than in any other country to become aware of “Zionist power” and its boundless hypocrisy. Indeed, there has even been some success in uniting White, Black and Arab Frenchmen against Jewish racism. Zionist elites have become so successful in policing discourse that one commentator joked that Voltaire’s second-most famous (possibly apocryphal) quote on free speech was “anti-Semitic”: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” [1]Published in Raymond Aron, Essais sur la condition juive contemporaine (Tallandier: 2007), p. 323. [2]Ibid, p. 325. [3]Raymond Aron, Mémoires (Julliard: 1983), pp. 707-9. Incidentally the author also expressed worry about Europe’s low fertility and is skeptical of immigration as a “solution.” [4]Raymond Aron, “Provocation,” L’Express, 7-13 February 1981. Reprinted in Essais sur la condition juive contemporaine. 5 Paul-Éric Blanrue and the Jews: From Celebration to Censorship Guillaume Durocher, September 24, 2015 Paul-Éric Blanrue Paul-Éric Blanrue is a French writer whose most recent books have documented Jewish power networks in France, especially their relationship with the center-right under Nicolas Sarkozy and with the “far-right” Front National under the Le Pen family.[1] The thesis of these books, meticulously documented, is that Jewish influence in elite French political and cultural circles is enormous. Blanrue quotes countless French political leaders and commentators remarking upon this, but also shows how, if any are critical, they are swiftly punished. Elite political and cultural power in France is thus distorted by Jewish perceived interests and ethnic biases, to the detriment of non-Jewish groups. The native French suffer demonization at the hands of a holocaust-centric memorial culture, the de facto exclusion of French nationalists from normal democratic politics, and the de jure censorship of indigenous European advocates, race-realists, and revisionists. Arabs and Muslims also suffer at home with a noxious combination of continued immigration and race-baiting, and abroad since at least 2007 with unconditional French support for Israel and the American Empire against the Palestinians, Libyans, and Syrians. The story of Blanrue’s career, of his evolving relationship with the organized Jewish community, and of his difficulties publishing books on Jews is itself ironic and instructive. In 2007, he sought to publish a dictionary of anti-Semitism, with over 500 Judeo-critical statements that have been made throughout history by prominent leaders and intellectuals, entitled Le Monde contre soi (The World Against Oneself). The mainstream publisher Grasset declined to accept the book, deeming it “impossible to publish.” Grasset’s editorial chief, Jean-Paul Enthoven, wrote Blanrue in April of that year: Dear Paul-Éric Blanrue, I have then examined very closely, and with great interest, this Dictionary of Anti-Semitism. This is a considerable and useful work, loaded with information – but [is], in my opinion, impossible to publish. . . . Yours, with great sympathy. PS: Yann Moix [a journalist], who shows a venerable and faultless friendship for you, told me he would accept to preface your book. Supposing that it could one day be published, believe me when I say that I will advise him with all my strength to not fulfill such a friendly duty. This would add a useless magnetic cloud to his reputation (such as some of his enemies would like to fix it) and would complicate the release of his next novel – and neither you, nor I, can want this to happen.[2] 6 Thus a major publisher believed that mere association with a work documenting the history of anti-Semitism would be deeply damaging to a writer’s career and lead to informal censorship of his work. Le Monde contre soi was later published by Les Éditions Blanche,[3] a less prestigious publishing house mainly dealing with erotic literature, which for this reason appears to benefit from an unusual degree of intellectual freedom (Blanche is also the publisher of French nationalist and anti-Judaic activist Alain Soral; see my 3-part series on Soral). Blanrue at the B’nai B’rith Book Fair Ironically, apparently contrary to Grasset’s fears, this dictionary of anti-Semitism proved a hit with the organized Jewish community. Indeed, Blanrue was invited by the B’nai B’rith of France (the racially-exclusive Jews-only Masonic group) to present Le Monde contre soi at their November 2007 book fair. The book indeed still features prominently in the Paris Shoah Memorial museum’s online bookstore.[4] Jewish leaders evidently thought the book served to “educate” non-Jews about the terrible hostility towards Jewish culture manifested in all times and places. The book was republished in 2012 by Soral’s publishing house Kontre Kulture. This time however Jewish groups would have none of it, and the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA, on which see my “The Culture of Critique in France: A review of Anne Kling’s books on Jewish influence”) sued to censor the dictionary and four historical works on Jewry (Édouard Drumont’s La France juive, Léon Bloy’s Le Salut par les juifs, and French translations of Henry Ford’s The International Jew and Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion) on grounds of “incitement of racial hatred.” Incidentally the “anti-racist” LICRA and the no-gentiles-allowed B’nai B’rith are close organizations, having shared the same president for many years. As ever, the question of whether the work was to be promoted or suppressed was not its truth or its value as a historical document, but narrow tribal interests. The B’nai B’rith had promoted the book thinking it would stoke sympathy for Jews. The LICRA suppressed the book when it realized that such a dictionary might lead people to ask: Wait, just why has this culture attracted such consistent and acute criticism throughout the world and throughout the ages from so many of history’s greatest political leaders and intellectual geniuses? The LICRA intuitively sensed that Jewish power and privilege could surely not survive such scrutiny. As of today, the four historical works remain censored while an appellate court re-legalized Blanrue’s dictionary last February.[5] Early in Sarkozy’s term as president and inspired by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt’s The Israel Lobby,[6] Blanrue decided to write a similar study on France. This became Sarkozy, Israël et les Juifs, a very measured and moderate book. In particular, Blanrue shows that the quarter-Jewish Sarkozy was both raised in a culturally Jewish social milieu (by his Jewish grandfather) and rose politically in such a milieu, namely as mayor of the wealthy town of Neuilly (carefully cultivating the local community’s wealthy Jews and rabbinate). He presents Sarkozy’s election as President of the Republic as a kind of replacement of vestigial Gaullist French elites, which had some concerns for independence from the United States and a balanced policy towards Israel, by significantly-Jewish neoconservative ones. Sarkozy – now in opposition and seeking to re-election to the presidency – has made a number of shockingly Judeo-centric statements since Blanrue’s book was published, probably because he swims in these milieux and, no doubt, to pander to Jewish oligarchs. On November 25, 2014, Sarkozy told a French audience: “I will never accept that Israel’s right to security be questioned. Never. It is the struggle of my life!”[7] On June 8, 2015, he told an Israeli audience: “[the Shoah] remains an indelible stain in the consciences of humanity, and we have all contracted towards the Jewish people a debt which cannot be extinguished.”[8] As Russell Kirk might have said: Is Sarkozy running for the Élysée Palace or for the Israeli Knesset?! And yet this man was and aspires to again be the Chief of State of France! These Judeo-centric and Israelo-centric comments – and let me recall that 99 percent of the French population is made up of non-Jews – have attracted no criticism in mainstream media. Do not an admission that Israel is first in his heart (“the struggle of my life”) and an apparent reduction of humanity to eternal debt slavery (“a debt which cannot be extinguished”) make him ineligible to be President of the French Republic? In any event, Blanrue found it very difficult to publish Sarkozy in 2009, despite the work being very cautious in its language. Even Franck Spengler, no stranger to controversy as the head of Éditions Blanche, declined to publish Sarkozy. He wrote Blanrue: As for publication, alas the answer is no, for in addition to the risks, though moderate, of releasing this book, we will not get one line in the press and still less on television and radio, precisely because of the control of those whom we cannot name and their lackeys. And it isn’t a little splash on the Internet that will sell the book in stores. The book would not be not banned, to be sure, but the book would be given the silent treatment and have even less sales than Le Monde contre soi which, alas, did not have the success it deserved due to the silence that surrounded it.[9] The book ended up having to be released by an obscure publisher outside of France – Belgium’s Oser Dire – and then faced difficulties even to find a distributor to enter French bookstores, requiring four months to do so. In June 2009, Blanrue hosted a press conference in Paris to promote the book. The event attracted a room-full of attendees, but only two journalists: an independent Englishwoman and Marc de Miramon of the Communist L’Humanité. Shortly after the Parisian bookstore Résistances, which had placed Sarkozy in the window display, was ransacked by thugs from the Jewish Defense League – an extremist ethnic militia banned in Israel and the United States, but which enjoys free rein in France – its computers and books destroyed, the latter by drenching them in oil. Again, there was virtually no media coverage of this equivalent of book-burning.[10] Blanrue’s book then faced a media blackout, only being reviewed in the Tunisian, Egyptian, and Saudi media (which, I am forced to observe, testifies to the undeniably far greater degree of free speech on Jewish issues in non-Western countries generally). One might think the book’s somewhat provocative title – which refers to an old work by the famous Jewish liberal-conservative thinker Raymond Aron[11] – might be the problem which led to the omertà. But Blanrue notes that mainstream French media had used article titles like “Obama, Israel, and the Jews” and favorably reviewed a pro-Israel book by former Israeli Ambassador to France Freddy Aytan with a suspiciously similar title.[12] The issue was not the title but rather that Blanrue’s book was critical in documenting Sarkozy’s pandering to strongly-identified, ethnocentric Jews, the prominence of many 7 of these Jews in his government, and that this ethnic bias accounted for a sharply pro-Israeli shift in French foreign policy, to the detriment of both Palestinian rights and objective French interests. Blanrue writes: I am facing a de facto censorship and not an official prohibition. The method is all the more insidious: The brutal banning of my book by a ministerial order, or on the suggestion of an ethnic organization, would perhaps have provoked tens of thousands of indignant reactions, and at a minimum would have signaled my existence. . . . Some journalists were afraid . . . . Never has the Israeli question been so taboo; never has the French Republic been so closely bound up with a network dedicated to the Zionist cause.[13] Blanrue was supported by a number of personalities[14] who had the intellectual honesty to submit Jewish racism and Israeli colonialism to the same critique that is typically reserved for Whites. Alain Gresh, of the far-left Le Monde diplomatique magazine, wrote: “This books deserves a debate, not a de facto ban.” This however proved completely insufficient to break the wider omertà and in Blanrue’s next book, Jean-Marie, Marine et les Juifs, the writing is franker and more biting. Evidently no longer believing intellectual freedom is possible in France, Blanrue has since expatriated himself, first moving to Belgium and then to Venice, where he now lives. However, his works have enjoyed considerable visibility in French alternative media. As ever, freedom of thought on this question only exists online. Incidentally, the novelist Yann Moix, who had been so supportive of publishing Blanrue’s dictionary of anti-Semitism and even prefaced the work, has since become a talking head on the public TV channel France 2. Moix, who had also opposed legal censorship on the Holocaust, has apparently got burned and is now terrified of association with politically-incorrect figures like Blanrue. This is the carrot and stick at work. When recently asked at a book fair about his preface to Blanrue’s book, Moix could think of no better answer than to flee the scene.[15] Human beings, being human, will typically respond to incentives, and the war on Whites and their culture is nothing if not incentivized . . . [1]Paul-Éric Blanrue, Sarkozy, Israël et les Juifs (Embourg, Belgium: Éditions Oser Dire, October 2009, third edition) and Jean-Marie, Marine et les Juifs (Embourg, Belgium: Éditions Oser Dire, 2014). [2]Blanrue, Sarkozy, 6. [3]Paul-Éric Blanrue, Le Monde contre soi: Anthologie des propos contre les juifs, le judaïsme et le sionisme (Éditions Blanche, 2007). [4] 17D7891C&rid=5F5E101&uid=131221183757719661892 [5]“Anthologie des propos contre les juifs, le judaïsme et le sionisme à nouveau disponible sur Kontre Kulture !,” Égalité et Réconciliation, February 17, 2015. [6]John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux), 2007. Reviewed in Kevin B. MacDonald, “The Israel Lobby: A Case of Jewish Influence,” The Occidental Observer, 7(3), Fall 2007, 33-58. [7]“Rappel : ‘La sécurité d’Israël est le combat de ma vie,’” Égalité et Réconciliation, May 31, 2015. [8]“Sarkozy condamne l’humanité au tapin éternel,” Égalité et Réconciliation, June 12, 2015. [9] Blanrue, Sarkozy, 6. [10]Diana Johnstone, “Zionist Fanatics Practice Serial Vandalism in Paris,” Counterpunch, July 6, 2009. [11]De Gaulle, Israël et les juifs, which I discuss in Guillaume Durocher, “The Jew as Citizen: Raymond Aron & Civic Nationalism,” North American New Right, November 5, 2014. [12]Freddy Eytan, Sarkozy, le monde juif et Israël (Éditions Alphée, 2009). [13]Blanrue, Sarkozy, 195-6. [14]Including the anti-Zionist Belgian university professor Jean Bricmont, the former university professor and United Nations/European Union adviser Roger Briottet, and film director Frank Barat. [15] ________________________________________________ Annihilation of Nations Ongoing Flood of Foreigners Will Destroy Societal, Governmental Structures By Ronald L. Ray, AFP, September 2015 For decades, if not longer, Americans and Western Europeans have been misled deliberately into believing that they could wage unlimited wars of aggression in far off lands, with relatively few casualties of their own and nearly no consequences for their comfortable, materialistic lifestyles. But destroying millions of other people's families, homes, societies and livelihoods has—apart from the diabolical immorality— world-changing consequences. And these consequences are now forcefully, and increasingly violently, intruding themselves into our own families, homes, societies and livelihoods, as millions of displaced persons flood into Europe and the United States, bringing with them the planned, realistic prospect of societal and governmental collapse. It is a collapse intended to destroy nations and replace them with a New World Order of internationalist tyranny. If Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto can be believed, as many as 35 million Third-Worlders could abandon their native countries and head for the relatively small areas of the globe still inhabited by a White majority. Some 200,000 are migrating currently along the Balkan route to Europe alone. That does not include the tens of thousands crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Wherever the alleged “refugees” from Asia and Africa resettle, they bring with them an astronomical increase, not only in coarse, filthy living conditions, but also in the most violent crimes: rape, sodomy, pederasty and murder. Reportedly, 25% of Swedish women have been raped by immigrants—an experience being repeated across Europe and repeatedly covered up by police, media and governments. Over 70% of refugees are male, while 80% are Muslims, and even the establishment media have been forced to admit that only a tiny percentage are either families or actual refugees. Just one in five actually comes from Syria. Nor are the masses invading Europe peaceful, grateful immigrants, ready to assimilate into the new culture. They are violent, radicalized invaders, clashing with police at camps and border crossings like typical Marxist revolutionaries. In the U.S., where the United Nations settles 70% of the world's official refugee population, similar experiences have been made. Thanks to the Obama administration, tens of thousands have been relocated in cities and towns across America—notably Houston, Tex. One source told AFP of the massive crime and societal disruption coming from the large number of Somalis resettled in Maine. Dearborn, Mich., once the orderly home to wealthy White executives in the automobile industry, has become a chaotic Third-World city with the largest Arab population outside the Middle East. 8 The White House clearly intends to change the racial composition of the United States. This is obvious from the insane practice of letting millions of Mexicans and Central and South Americans flood across our southern border, while forcibly settling them in U.S. communities, large and small. In many places, like Atlanta, Ga., elected officials sell out their own constituents for the federal money paid for accepting foreigners. The CIA's Voice of America gives evidence that this genocidal policy has been expanded to include the so-called “refugees” from Asia and Africa, while playing the “Holocaust” card to instill feelings of White guilt and neutralize Caucasian Americans' reluctance to have their hometowns overrun with the “diversity” and “enrichment” of mostly barbaric, unemployed, frequently criminal aliens. A map of “most popular” American destinations for refugees proves the federal government's intention to commit White genocide. Almost all, like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Idaho and Vermont, have the highest percentages of White people remaining. Whether in the U.S. or Europe, foreigners compete against native inhabitants for shrinking numbers of jobs, often depriving middle-aged White family men of needed work, because the aliens accept far less money. U.S. and European governments shower millions of taxpayer dollars on the invaders. In the European Union, resettlement costs an average of 10,000 euros per person—that is 8 billion euros in one year for just the 800,000 “refugees” expected in Germany alone. In the U.S., over half of those arriving will each drain perhaps $30,000 in welfare from the taxpayers, with typically only 40%-60% finding work. One-time resettlement grants from the State Dept. of $1,850 per person also enrich greedy non-governmental organizations, which typically siphon off about 40% for their “assistance” to aliens. “Refugees,” and their increasing numbers, are big business. But in Europe, where the devastating effects of massive hordes of foreigners are much more apparent, even some Establishment types now have second thoughts and begin to realize that they cannot control the monster they created. Germany's respected Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published editorials defending Eastern Europeans' opposition to the invasion and—more notably—suggesting that Chancellor Angela Merkel's race-suicidal claim that, “The fundamental right of asylum has no upper limits,” runs contrary to the duty of the state to foster and defend its own people first. The FAZ article went so far as to declare that the unlimited acceptance of massive numbers of aliens endangers the nation and makes a government illegitimate. Meanwhile, the racist, terrorist state of Israel continues with impunity to build its national ghetto by completing prison walls on all of its borders and violently expelling foreign refugees. Extremely wealthy Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Southern Gulf states refuse to accept Syrian refugees. So much for brotherly love. White genocide is what our rulers want. We must not succumb to their desires, but replace them with nationalists faithful to their own people. Only then can we hope to turn back the millions of invaders, without also facing the Western military forces aiding the genocide. And the foreigners coming to our shores should be told the truth that they will not find prosperity in the West, but only political exploitation, the heavy shackles of debtslavery and subjugation to a family- and soul-destroying ideology of materialism under the rule of parasitic plutocrats. Perhaps then the millions on the move will decide to stay home, where at least their minds and hearts can stay free, and we Westerners will counteract the anti-White race-haters in our midst and preserve our culture. Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of The Barnes Review. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. Contact Ron by e-mail at [email protected]. ______________________________________________ >>A celebration of Racist Thinking << German philosopher Martin Heidegger states: The Jews, with their marked gift for calculating, live, already for the longest time, according to the principle of race, which is why they are resisting its consistent application with utmost violence. *** This observable fact is considered to be an anti-Semitic remark. If this expressed fact is true, then truth-telling is an anti-Semitic act! Finding out the truth of a matter is a philosophical enterprise, which enables moral and intellectual courage to emerge out of the infantile darkness cast upon human activity by those who thrive on enslaving humanity. All humans seek to liberate themselves, often from self-inflicted ignorance, and from those individuals who thrive on living in darkness. Australia has just joined the western democracies where politics is determined by those who control the public polling institutions – five prime ministers in as many years, and the people have had no voice in this change. Citizen initiated referenda would enable the people’s voice to be heard once more. Currently the Jewish voice is well represented by the latest Prime Minister, The Hon Malcolm Turnbull: Menachem Mendel Turnbull? JOSHUA LEVI, AJN, IT’S official. Malcolm Turnbull is Jewish … well, at least as far as his mother was concerned. Speaking to The AJN this week, the shadow minister for communications and broadband recalled his mother, the author and academic Coral Magnolia Lansbury, discussing her heritage. “My mother always used to say that her mother’s family was Jewish,” the member for Wentworth said. However, he added, “I’ve never researched it. I honestly don’t know where or how I would do that,” Asked if his mother’s revelation has shaped his views he said: “Yes, maybe.” “I grew up in the Eastern Suburbs and as we all observe there were a lot of Jews in the Eastern Suburbs and I have always been very comfortable. “There is no doubt that the strong traditions of family and the whole heimishe atmosphere of the Jewish community, which I’m August 29, 2013, sure some people don’t like, for me – as someone who is a good friend, but not part of it – I find very admirable.” Reflecting on his mother, he noted, “She had a lot of Jewish friends in Sydney and a lot of Jewish friends in Philadelphia, where she was living when she died.” Jewish genealogist Eli Rabinowitz, who calls himself a mishpachah-ologist because he likes to connect people with their past, recently returned from the International Jewish Genealogical Conference in Boston. He told The AJN if Turnbull is interested, he could help trace his Jewish lineage. “It’s very possible for Malcolm to trace his heritage if he wants to from clues that he may have from his parents and grandparents,” Rabinowitz said. “I’d happily offer to help him if he would let me.” 9 German Jews fear backlash from country’s welcome of refugees With the wave of migrants, Jewish communities are concerned that a massive influx of Arabs will make their own minority status even more minor By Uriel Heilman September 25, 2015, 6:49 am BERLIN (JTA) – The migrants sit slumped together on the least 800,000 asylum seekers into the country. Many are sidewalk outside the State Office for Health and Social Affairs Syrians, but there also are migrants from Iraq, Pakistan, here, resting on donated sleeping bags, clutching food Albania, Afghanistan and other countries. handouts, smoking, sleeping, fiddling with their cellphones. The Syrians have braved perilous journeys by inflatable raft They have come to this city by the tens of thousands, propelled through the waters between Turkey and Greece, marched for by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s pledge to welcome at miles on sunbaked roads en route to Athens, circumvented 10 Hungary’s harsh border controls and passed through Macedonia, Serbia and Austria to find their way onto trains bound for Germany. “I had five years of civil war in Syria, but the journey here was more dangerous,” said Hadiya Suleiman, a 45-year-old mother of five from Deir ez-Zur in eastern Syria, where ISIS killed her 18-year-old son. “Here, I feel for the first time like a human being. We thank our mother, ‘Mama Merkel.’” But many Jews are watching the wave of migrants flocking to Germany with some measure of alarm, concerned with what a massive influx of Arabs could mean for Germany’s Jews and the country’s relationship with Israel. “This is not yet France, this is not yet London,” said one Israeli who has lived in Berlin for about 10 years and asked not to be identified. “Yet,” he added pointedly. Thousands of migrants line up daily to register at Berlin’s State Office for Health and Social Affairs. (Uriel Heilman/JTA) Outside the processing center at the health and welfare office in central Berlin, where thousands have come to register as refugees, the wait for documentation can take days, even weeks. In the meantime, the migrants have nowhere to go. Every evening, a frenzy ensues when volunteers set up metal barricades to prepare for the arrival of buses that will take the lucky ones to shelters for the night. Those who can’t squeeze onto the buses must find a place to bed down on the street or in a nearby park. Police at the site keep watch — more with pity, it seems, than vigilance. Monika Chmielewska-Pape, a Jewish lawyer originally from Poland, is among the volunteers helping the refugees. She collects clothing for them from friends and neighbors, drives the migrants to administrative appointments and tries to help them navigate Berlin. Some 1,500 refugees are being housed at a sports facility adjacent to the Olympic stadium where Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics. (Uriel Heilman/JTA) ‘The situation is very hard for refugees here. If we don’t help them, the people stay on the street’ “There are so many people here and the state is not able to help them,” Chmielewska-Pape told JTA last week. “The situation is very hard for refugees here. If we don’t help them, the people stay on the street.” But Chmielewska-Pape said she is not typical of Germany’s Jews. Most, she said, are anxious about the migrants, fearful of the consequences of a massive influx of Arabs into Germany. Chmielewska-Pape said her own decision to help the migrants did not come easily, and she keeps her Jewish identity to herself — including from the left-wing Germans who volunteer alongside her and whom Chmielewska-Pape said are not sympathetic toward Israel or the Jews. The irony of refugees fleeing through Europe to the relative safe haven of Germany is not lost on anyone here. Seventy-five years ago Jews were the refugees, trying to flee a genocidal German chancellor whose name became synonymous with evil. Few countries were willing to accept Jewish refugees; most were turned back and perished at the hands of Hitler’s Nazis. Today, Germany occupies the opposite role, lauded as the most humanitarian and welcoming country in Europe. Both critics and supporters of Merkel’s refugee policy cite Germany’s past as a major motivating factor. “Why is Germany more welcoming than other countries? Because of history,” said Berliner Stefan Hitziger. “It’s not only guilt, it’s a chance for Germany. It’s a chance for us to rebuild society anew, to have new inputs and new outputs.” But many Jews here believe that Germany’s atonement for its past is coming at Jewish expense. They’re worried that the influx of hundreds of thousands of Muslims will turn Germany into a place hostile to Jewish concerns and to Israel – and that along with the migrants there are terrorist infiltrators who will try to realize their dreams of jihad on German soil. It’s not that Jews in Germany are unmoved by the plight of the downtrodden migrants — many Jews here are themselves migrants from the former Soviet Union — but sympathy takes a back seat to the harsh concerns of realpolitik. “I have no problem contributing some money to help some people, but for the German government to accept a tide of refugees? No,” said a Jewish immigrant who lives in Potsdam, near Berlin. Like others interviewed for this story who criticized Merkel’s welcome of the refugees, he asked that he not be identified. ‘These Arabs have no possibility of integration. They can’t contribute to society. I prefer Balkan immigration’ “These Arabs have no possibility of integration,” he said. “They can’t contribute to society. I prefer Balkan immigration.” For now, Germany’s Jews are keeping a low profile. They number some 200,000 in a country of 80 million. Their political influence is negligible. [sic – Germans are oppressed through legal means, and individuals such as Horst Mahler, who dared challenge the gagging mechanisms, received a prison sentence of over ten years.] “Why should the Jews talk publicly about it?” the Potsdam Jew said. “We’re not significant enough to make a difference in state policy.” Migrant children play at a temporary camp for asylumseekers near the main railway station in Munich, southern Germany, on September 13, 2015. (Andreas Gebert/DPA/AFP) Jews aren’t the only ones with deep reservations, even resentment, toward the migrants. Many Germans share similar concerns about terrorist infiltrators and how Germany might be transformed by a massive influx of Arab and Muslim migrants. They, too, don’t want the problems of France, where unemployment, poverty and radicalism are problems among the country’s six million Muslims. In a country where obsession with pure Germanic lineage still lingers, some Germans express their concerns more bluntly. ‘In 100 years there will be no more German people in Germany, only Arabians and maybe Chinese’ “In 100 years there will be no more German people in Germany, only Arabians and maybe Chinese,” said Otto, a Berlin taxi driver. “Berlin is full of immigrants from Poland, Russia and 11 Turkey. The Poles have integrated well, the Russians so-so and the Turks hardly at all. The Arabs will be even worse.” Josef Schuster, the president of Germany’s main Jewish body, the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has come out in favor of welcoming the migrants. In a September 10 Op-Ed in Die Welt, he shunned any Jewish association with neo-Nazis screaming “Foreigners out!” and evoked the Jews’ own history as refugees. But he also said that Germany must make sure the refugees respect Germany’s positions on Israel and the Holocaust, not alter them. “It’s also important that those who at present can’t return to their home countries will become familiar with our Western values,” Schuster wrote. “In Germany, that means respect for the values enshrined in the Constitution and also an acceptance that support for Israel is part of the political DNA of this country. Moreover, society by and large agrees that the Holocaust must be remembered.” [sic – such nonsense is clearluy exposed in the Koudenov-Calergi Plan, which aims to “brown” Europe, of which the Holocaust narrative forms the prime pillar. In effect it is a genociding of Europeans. See Barbara Learner Spectre who has called for the destruction Europe at:] History isn’t the only reason Merkel is welcoming the migrants. With negative population growth, Germany needs more people to help sustain its economy, the strongest in Europe. At its current birth rate of 1.38 children per woman, the lowest in the world, Germany’s population will shrink by some 20 percent over the next 45 years. An influx of immigrants could offset the shrinking workforce. For historical and practical reasons, it is vital to make sure these migrants are integrated successfully into German society, said Nina Peretz, a lay leader at the progressive Conservative Fraenkelufer Synagogue in Berlin. Peretz is helping spearhead a project to distribute Jewish-donated goods to the migrants on November 22, Europe’s annual Mitzvah Day. “You need to give these people a future in Germany because a large number are staying,” Peretz said. “If you don’t let them work and study, then you will have a problem. You have to integrate them and take the risk of what will happen. If you don’t help them, if you don’t talk to them, then the situation is uncontrollable.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Austria, a Jewish sheep breeder shepherds Syrian refugees WATCH: A video of Hans Breuer leading a car-load of migrants in a classic Yiddish tune receives both praise and jeers. But this son of Holocaust survivors says his help is instinctive By Cnaan Liphshiz September 24, 2015, 4:21 pm JTA — Even at his remote sheep pasture in the Austrian countryside, Hans Breuer was too disturbed by the plight of the Syrian refugees streaming into his country to go about his daily routine. Especially troubling to Breuer, a 61-year-old Jewish shepherd and singer of Yiddish songs, were the overcrowded conditions at Traiskirchen — a government-run refugee camp near Vienna that was featured on the local news last month because its 4,500 residents were double the intended capacity. “I was sick of this crime, I asked my wife whether we should do something, and that’s how it began,” Breuer told JTA last week, recalling his recent experiences assisting dozens of refugees. In August, Breuer showed up at Traiskirchen with peaches, water and meat from a sheep he had slaughtered for the refugees — one among his flock of 200 that he keeps near his trailer home 15 miles from Vienna, where he lives with his wife, Mingo Georgi, and two of his five children. The Traiskirchen visit, he said, motivated him to help out in other ways, including assisting migrants in their trek from Hungary to Austria by transporting them closer to the border. During one of his trips this month with migrants, Breuer was filmed by a fellow activist driving five passengers who said they were Syrian Palestinians while singing a Yiddish song: “Oyfn Veg Shteyt a Boym” (“A tree stands off a road”) by Itsik Manger. Breuer, an athletic-looking man with a thin beard, delivered the lyrics in a moving rendition. The giggling migrants joined in for a bit of the refrain. The video, uploaded to YouTube and disseminated on social networks, went viral. It’s been watched tens of thousands of times and viewers offered praise for Breuer’s “contribution to coexistence,” as one user phrased it in the comment section — as well as condemnations for his assistance to “the Muslim invasion of Europe,” as another put it. Breuer said he was surprised to discover that so many people found the situation unusual and politically charged. ‘My connection to refugees is as strong as it is instinctive. It is a political issue for me, but it’s also a question of human rights and humanity’ “My connection to refugees is as strong as it is instinctive,” he said. “It is a political issue for me, but it’s also a question of human rights and humanity.” Breuer’s father, Georg — a middle-class Austrian Jew who was not observant but belonged to the Reform Jewish milieu of Vienna — was himself a refugee. In 1938 he fled Austria for Italy and, from there, to Britain, where he became a communist and a journalist. Rosa, Hans Breuer’s non-Jewish Austrian mother, also a journalist and a communist, was tortured by the Gestapo during the Nazi period — she tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the fourth floor of a hospital building where the Gestapo imprisoned her. Her father was sent to a concentration camp for dissidents. “They weren’t like those couples who survived the Holocaust and never spoke about it,” said Breuer of his parents, who died several years ago. “On the contrary: They told and told and it dominated my youth. Their refugee experience wasn’t exactly a trauma for me, but it wasn’t too far from that.” The refugees’ tired faces, their stories of escape from ISIS terrorists and the alienation they encountered in Europe made him think of his own parents’ ordeal, Breuer said. On one visit to Traiskirchen, Breuer brought along his youngest children, 3 1/2-year-old Louis and 1 1/2-yearold Rosa (Breuer’s children from his second marriage.) As a token of gratitude, some of the refugees gave the children teddy bears, which they hurled over Traiskirchen’s wire fence. “When they saw how happy our kids were with the new toys, they threw over a bigger teddy, taller than our kids,” Breuer recalled. It was “one of the most emotional moments” he had in his interactions with the migrants, he said. Breuer said he knows firsthand what it is to be an outsider. At school, Breuer said he was ostracized for what he calls his “mild obsession” with the Holocaust. “I was the only one talking about it, thinking about it. They thought I was pretty weird,” he recalled. 12 Hans Breuer at train station in Budapest, Hungary holding a sign calling for an end to the deportation of migrants, August 2015. (Courtesy of Hans Breuer/via JTA) As he matured, Breuer said he began despising certain aspects of Austrian society – and especially its lack of reflection and soul searching in the postwar era. The Holocaust, he said, wasn’t taught properly at his school. And the Austrian authorities’ claim, backed up by popular sentiment, that Austria was a victim of Nazism instead of an accomplice was “especially disgusting,” Breuer said. “I understood that I didn’t want to be a doctor if it meant working with ex-Nazi doctors,” he said. “I didn’t want to become a lawyer if it meant appearing before a Nazi judge.” Growing up, Hans Breuer, seen here at his pasture near Vienna in March 2015, began to despise certain aspects of the Austrian culture, which he felt did not address the Holocaust enough. (Courtesy of Hans Breuer/via JTA) Instead, Breuer — the subject of “Schlepping Through the Alps,” a 2005 biography authored by the American writer and journalist Sam Apple — became a musician and sheep breeder, often living in communities of like-minded individuals. Breuer’s father did not teach him Yiddish. As a Viennese assimilated Jew, Georg Breuer belonged to a social class for whom the affiliation with Yiddish-speaking refugees from Eastern Europe was an embarrassment, said Breuer. He said he discovered Yiddish music 35 years ago while playing and singing world music with various ensembles. “This music, written by refugees for other refugees like themselves, somehow makes me think of home,” Breuer said. “It is also my hope for the refugees I help: That they find a home.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jewish organizations, Israeli NGOs facilitating invasion of Europe September 24, 2015 Realist Report The organized international Jewish community and Israeli NGOs are literally facilitating and financially benefiting from the invasion of Europe. They admit this in their own newspapers. The Jewish Telegraph Agency recently reported: As the small rubber dinghy crowded with Syrians and Afghans emerged from the midnight-black sea to land on a desolate pebble beach, the first people to greet the bewildered and frightened refugees were two Israelis. “Does anyone need a doctor?” Majeda Kardosh, 27, a nurse from Nazareth, shouted repeatedly in Arabic as the asylum seekers scrambled ashore amid cries of celebration and tears of relief at surviving the short but perilous crossing from Turkey to this Greek island. Her team partner, Tali Shaltiel, 31, a physician from Jerusalem, stood knee deep in the water, helping a shivering 4-year-old girl out of her wet clothes and a pair of inflatable armbands that would have provided little protection had the overloaded boat capsized at sea. Kardosh and Shaltiel are part of a small advance group of volunteers from IsraAid, an Israeli nongovernmental organization that is trying to provide some assistance to the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who are flowing into Europe. While IsraAid has plenty of experience in disaster relief and assistance in 31 countries — from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa — this mission presents a unique challenge: The beneficiaries come from countries that are traditionally hostile, or even officially still at war, with Israel. […] Even though the so-called “refugees” IsraAid and other Jewish charity organizations are helping “come from countries that are traditionally hostile, or even officially still at war, with Israel,” these Jewish groups still want to help them. However, the “help” the Jews are providing to the millions of refugees invaders flooding into Europe and America is merely a ploy to advance Jewish ethnic interests: namely, the demographic annihilation of the West. Make no mistake about that. As Andrew Joyce recently explained in an outstanding article published on The Occidental Observer, radical Jewish intellectuals and propagandists have been arguing for decades that: White nationalities and identities are simply harmful, diseased, “racist” constructs which should be slated for destruction if the world is to enter a better age. Demographic dilution, if not total annihilation, is the surest way of weakening and destroying a working sense of national and ethnic identity. Supporting refugees, whether by political agitation, propagandizing their fabricated tales to White students, or helping to mould and disseminate their emotive emblems, thus fits the goals and aspirations of organized Jewry very well. […] Jews do not feel safe and secure in homogeneous societies, especially White homogeneous societies. Leonard Glickman, the former president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, once described the Jewish agenda behind their promotion of 13 “multiculturalism” and massive Third World immigration into America and the West: “The more diverse American society is the safer [Jews] are.” Everything the organized Jewish community does, including the ostensible “help” they are providing to millions of non-White invaders on the verge of conquering Europe, is designed to advance Jewish ethnic interests. Unsurprisingly, IsraAid and the various Jewish charity and nonprofit groups providing assistance and guidance to the hordes invading Europe want to expand their operations in the coming weeks and months, as the JTA article notes. At the moment, the main aim of the team is to assess the needs of the refugees and find gaps in the services provided by the overwhelmed Greek authorities and other volunteer groups. IsraAid plans to expand the medical teams and eventually establish a mobile clinic that will provide emergency care for new arrivals on the beaches. It will also expand the psychosocial help to bases in the registration and refugee camps that have been set up. The NGO also has volunteers providing assistance on the Croatia-Hungary border. Eventually IsraAid plans to be in finaldestination countries, like Germany, where they hope to help with refugee rehabilitation. “The aim is to have a presence as an organization along the entire journey,” Gorodischer said. It is time to #ExpelTheInvaders and recognize #WithJewsWeLose – every single time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MP slammed over Israel speech EVAN ZLATKIS, September 24, 2015 FEDERAL NSW Labor MP Laurie Ferguson has roused the ire of the community leadership after delivering a speech slating Israel in the House of Representatives last week. In the address, the Member for Werriwa spoke of Israel’s “mistreatment of Palestinian children” in detention, and accused the Israeli military of employing a “strategy of mass intimidation and collective punishment”. “The direct losses of the three Israeli military operations that took place between 2008 and 2014, excluding the people killed, was equal to three times the size of Gaza’s local gross domestic product. This meant that the 2014 war displaced half-a-million people and left parts of Gaza destroyed,” Ferguson said. He added that the blockade of building materials is “crippling even where capital is available to rebuild, with 22 years required to repair the outstanding damage from previous conflicts and 76 years to rebuild the overall housing shortage in Gaza”. Ferguson also spoke of the “widespread, systematic and institutionalised” ill-treatment of Palestinian children who come in contact with the military detention system for merely “rocks being thrown”. Executive Council of Australian Jewry executive director Peter Wertheim said it is “astonishing” that Ferguson bewails the Dr Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences, is the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, which presents original content touching on themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West. Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger, bringing awareness to White genocide through the widely circulated memes, "Diversity is a code word for White genocide" and "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White” and other popular animations. John Friend is an independent blogger and journalist who maintains The Realist Report, focusing primarily on the events of 9/11, WWII revisionism, media deception and psychological warfare, power and influence of the Zionist Lobby in America, and the systematic assault upon traditional Western European civilization. In this special roundtable discussion, we focus on the burgeoning immigrant invasion of Europe and the controlled mainstream media’s contrived web of lies covering the mess. We begin with a look at the design and tactics of the campaign that is pulling on the heartstrings of White Europeans, and signs devastation that Gaza has “undoubtedly suffered” in wars with Israel in 2008-9, 2012 and 2014, “but utters not a word of criticism of Hamas and other Islamist groups for having precipitated those wars in the first place”. Stating that Hamas deliberately fires rockets at Israel’s civilian population centres and by tunnelling into Israel “diverts the very construction materials that Ferguson wrongly complains are not getting into Gaza for the civilian reconstruction effort”, Wertheim said, “It is perverse to turn a blind eye to the leaders of Hamas, whose genocidal charter impels them to attack Israelis whenever Hamas deems it advantageous to do so, while criticising Israel, and Israel alone, for having the temerity to defend itself.” He said Ferguson’s concerns about the detention of Palestinian youths for throwing rocks is similarly blinkered. “Just days before Ferguson’s comments were made, Alexander Levlovitz was killed when his car was pelted with rocks, causing him to lose control of his vehicle and collide with an electricity pole. Earlier this year, four-year-old Adele Biton died after more than two years of suffering from the acute brain trauma she suffered during a rock attack on the car she was travelling in,” Wertheim said. “Such incidents are not isolated nor are they trivial. Ferguson’s description of the ‘savage destruction’ of olive saplings contrasts sharply with his silence on the destruction of human life by mobs hurling bricks and cinder blocks through car windows.” that the official narrative is beginning to crumble as people wake up to the absurdity of the situation. Kevin MacDonald, Tim Murdock & John Friend - Invasion of Europe, September 21, 2015 John describes the press’ coverage of the crisis, which plainly indicates their ruling elites’ central role in promoting the resettlement of non-Whites in Europe and America. We discuss the absence of any MSM video footage that would shine a negative light on the hostile 'refugees,' a majority of whom are 14 extremely aggressive male Muslims with a particular disdain for Europeans. We get into the attacks on US presidential candidate Donald Trump for his open support of White interests, along with the hypocrisy of the outspoken political elite in regards to the demographic and economic questions of the immigration debate. Further, we look at the speed in which the Zionist agenda to overthrow the Middle East using Western capital is moving, and Tim points to indications that the managerial class is growing suspicious of the global agenda and the mission of multiculturalism for only European countries. Kevin emphasizes the history of cataclysmic social upheaval that has been created by Jews, and the ideology of past movements that have been aimed at deconstructing the ethnicity of the Western people. Then, our focus turns toward simple memes that can be used to counteract the psychological warfare that has brainwashed society to believe in the utopian dream of diversity. To round things off, we speculate on what moves the hostile elite could have up their sleeves in what is shaping up to be a full-on clash of civilizations on European homelands. _____________________________________________ Rudolf Diesel His Invention and Mysterious Death of his engine work that relied on a high air temperature, caused by extreme compression of the fuel to ignite it, eliminating the spark plug. “It is the diesel’s higher compression ratio that leads to its greater fuel efficiency. Because the air is compressed, the combustion temperature is higher, and the gases will expand more after combustion, applying more pressure to the piston and crankshaft”. Besides, Diesel was sure that his engine “can be fed with vegetables oils and would help considerably in the development of agriculture of the countries which use it’. That’s why his invention was originally known as the “oil engine”. Diesel gave us a hi-tech and energy option that could become an alternative to petroleum. Circumstances of Rudolf Diesel’s death are considered to be a suspicious enigma for us even now. Dr. Rudolf Diesel boarded “SS Dresden”, a cross-channel ferry, at Antwerp in September 1913. He was going to see the newest diesel engine factory of London. The famous engineer was invited as a guest of honor to the opening of that factory. He was traveling alone. After dinner Rudolf Diesel went to his cabin at about 10 p.m. and that was the last time anyone saw him alive. His cabin turned out to be absolutely empty next morning on September, 30. There were only his coat and hat left on the deck. Ten days later, Dutch fishermen found an unknown body in the stormy waters of the North Sea. Seamen realized that he was a rich man as he wore expensive clothes. Their boat was too small and that’s why they took only his papers and belongings and threw the body back into the sea. Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel (born 18.03.1858 in Paris – died 30.09.1913 on the English Channel) was an exceptional German inventor of the famous Diesel engine, talented engineer, and “the James Watt of the late nineteenth century”. He spent his peaceful childhood with the friendly Diesel family in Paris. Rudolf was a very stubborn and persistent young man who loved music and art. He spoke English, German and French. Family happiness was broken by the Franco-Prussian War. The Diesels were deported to London. Rudolf lived with his relatives in Augsburg where he studied at the Royal Country Trade School. He became an extraordinary student at Technische Hochschule of Munich. The idea of inventing a high economical engine appeared in Diesel’s mind when he was a student. Carl von Linde, the pioneer of refrigeration, and his lectures influenced young Diesel and sparked his interest in engines. Now he knew what the sense of his life was. Diesel was a hard-working engineer who dedicated all of his spare time to the invention of a new engine. At the same time he had to earn a lot of money to help his family in France. But fortune favors the brave. At last the success came to him in 1892. Diesel was granted a German patent for the engine, named after him. In 1883 Diesel published a book titled “Theory and a Rational Thermal Engine to Replace the Steam Engine and the Combustion Engines Known Today”. It described major methods Working in Paris, Rudolf Diesel married a young governess Martha Flasche. The first functional engine prototype was built at Maschinefabrik Augsburg plant in July 1893. That engine test finished with a serious explosion that practically killed Diesel. Several first engine samples were not successful at all. Engines were huge in size, heavy and dangerous. Their inventor heard a lot of reproaches, but nevertheless he didn’t put down the work of his life. He was famous and rich. But Diesel couldn’t enjoy his achievement any more. A not-yet-ready engine, bad investments and frequent headaches made him nervous. Diesel continued working like crazy on the engine developing; himself criticizing it and that badly affected his health and mood. He was under depression when he found himself a bankrupt. Some biographers believe his death was accidental in the waters of the English Channel. Most historians are sure that it was a desperate suicide, as Diesel already had a kind of a mental break-down. But his family never accepted that Diesel’s death was self-inflicted; they were sure he was intentionally thrown off the ship and his invention ideas were stolen. Another point of view on his death is in Diesel “bio-oil’ fuel solution. His thoughts might have meant the end of petroleum monopoly and its profits. Others suspected political motives and that he was murdered by the German representatives to prevent Diesel from telling the results of his invention to their opponents in the future World War I. 15 In any case Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel is a prominent personality in the history of engine building. His engines are lf_diesel.htm alive and they keep our cars, ships, boats, tractors, electro generators, submarines, etc. going. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volkswagen turns to Porsche boss to steer it out of crisis: source BERLIN | By Andreas Cremer, Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:59am EDT Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) will name Matthias Mueller, the head of its Porsche sports car brand, as its chief executive, a source close to the matter said on Thursday, as the fallout from the U.S. vehicle emissions test rigging scandal broadened. Matthias Mueller, CEO of Porsche AG and Executive Board Member of Porsche Automobil Holding SE arrives for the company's annual news conference in Stuttgart, Germany, in this October 19, 2010 file photo. Reuters/Alex Domanski/Files Mueller, 62, has been widely tipped to succeed Martin Winterkorn, who quit on Wednesday, when the German carmaker's supervisory board meets on Friday. He will take responsibility for steering Volkswagen through the biggest business crisis in its 78-year history. The crisis deepened on Thursday as officials in Europe and the United States stepped up their investigations. Germany's transport minister said Volkswagen had manipulated tests in Europe too. "We have been informed that also in Europe, vehicles with 1.6 and 2.0 liter diesel engines are affected by the manipulations that are being talked about," Alexander Dobrindt told reporters, adding it was unclear how many vehicles in Europe were affected. Dobrindt said Europe would agree on new emissions tests in coming months that should take place on roads, rather than in laboratories, and that random checks would be made on all manufacturers. Separately, a group of at least 27 U.S. state attorneys general launched a multi-state investigation of Volkswagen's representations to consumers about its diesel vehicles, and said it will send subpoenas to the automaker. “I am furious that the world’s leading car company wilfully took steps that polluted our environment and deceived consumers,” Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said in a statement. In Sacramento, California, that state's top air quality regulator said her agency is preparing a series of actions against Volkswagen in response to the company's admission that it cheated on tailpipe pollution tests. "Right now we are organizing ourselves for a major enforcement action," said Mary Nichols, head of the California Air Resources Board. The state also intends to order a recall of Volkswagen diesel vehicles sold in the state with software that enabled the cars to pass the agency's emissions tests, but then emit far more pollution on the road. Volkswagen has said 11 million cars globally had the software fitted, but it was not activated in the bulk of them. As well as the cost of regulatory fines and potentially refitting cars, Volkswagen faces criminal investigations and lawsuits from cheated customers and possibly shareholders. More immediately, the new CEO will have to restore the confidence of customers and motor dealers, who have expressed frustration at a lack of information about how they will be affected by the scandal. *** Related Coverage › California gearing up for major enforcement action against Volkswagen Mueller has a majority on the 20-member supervisory board, the source said. Volkswagen declined to comment. The board will also dismiss the head of the company's U.S. operations and top engineers at its Audi and Porsche brands, a senior source told Reuters, as it seeks a fresh start. "He is a good choice even though he may be seen as a transitionary CEO until another internal candidate such as VW brand CEO (Herbert) Diess has earned their stripes," Arndt Ellinghorst, an analyst at Evercore ISI investment banking advisory firm, said of Mueller. PRESSURE Mueller, who has worked for parts of the Volkswagen empire since the 1970s, is a management board member of Porsche SE (PSHG_p.DE) and so is close to the Piech-Porsche family that controls Volkswagen through the holding company. Related Video Why VW scandal could spell death of diesel *** The company is under pressure to act decisively, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging it to quickly restore confidence in a business held up for generations as a paragon of German engineering prowess. "There will be further personnel consequences in the next days and we are calling for those consequences," Volkswagen board member Olaf Lies told the Bavarian broadcasting network. The research and development chiefs of Audi and Porsche, Ulrich Hackenberg and Wolfgang Hatz, will be removed by the supervisory board, as will Volkswagen's top executive in the United States, Michael Horn, the senior source told Reuters. 16 Hackenberg and Hatz had both held senior posts at VW in development, including of engines, before they switched to Audi and Porsche. They are among Volkswagen's top engineers. Horn acknowledged this week that the company had "totally screwed up" by deceiving U.S. regulators about how much its diesel cars pollute. The scandal has sent shockwaves through the car market, with manufacturers fearing a drop in demand for diesel cars and tougher regulations and customers worrying about the performance and re-sale value of their cars. near tripling in profit during his eight-year reign, he faced criticism for Volkswagen's underperformance in the United States and for a micro-management style that critics say delayed model launches and hampered its ability to adapt to local markets. Analysts said a new management structure, possibly more decentralized but also with a clearer system of checks, was all the more urgent, with top executives apparently unaware of the emissions test cheating despite a tight control on decisions. Two sources close to the matter said Volkswagen would create a special position for the United States on its management board on Friday, with the head of its Skoda brand, Winfried Vahland, the favorite to get the job. The new CEO will also need to improve communications with dealers and customers, with many frustrated that Volkswagen has yet to say which models and construction years are affected by the crisis and whether cars will have to be refitted. Volkswagen said in a statement on its website it was working to answer these questions. "It goes without saying that we will take full responsibility and cover costs for the necessary arrangements and measures." (Additional reporting by Reuters bureaus in Europe, Asia and Americas, Writing by Mark Potter and Joe White, Editing by Gareth Jones and Matthew Lewis) Related Coverage › At least 27 U.S. state attorneys general to probe Volkswagen › India orders probe into Volkswagen cars: Mint *** The European Commission urged all member states to investigate the use of so-called defeat devices by carmakers to cheat emissions tests and said there would be "zero tolerance" of any wrongdoing. So far, no other carmaker has been found to have used the devices. German rival BMW said on Thursday it had not manipulated tests, after a magazine reported some of its diesel cars were found to exceed emissions standards. DRIVERS WORRIED Friday's board meeting had originally been due to extend the contract of Winterkorn and set out a new management structure. Though Winterkorn oversaw a doubling in sales and a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary: VW Diesel HOAX? - Post by Friedrich Paul Berg » Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:40 pm I seriously doubt that the accusations currently so popular about VW diesels are valid. The bosses at VW are, however, more than intimidated by all of the media hoopla and are simply caving in for fear of being the "bad Germans" once again. I could be wrong, of course--but I think the furor has far more to do with the revival of anti-German racist holocaust propaganda than with any real technical problems inherent at VW. The VW execs are trying to get out in front of the media storm by caving in and admitting guilt, blah-blah-blah--and denying nothing at all even if it means the very future of their entire company--which was, of course, created by the "great Old Man" himself before WW2. The alleged "defeat device" in the 2008 and later VW diesels supposedly was turned ON during testing, but OFF during normal driving. Well, what does that really mean and specifically what was turned ON, or OFF? Was there a urea tank somewhere in the car which introduced urea liquid to make the cars pass when the testing was in progress? There is nothing like that in those VWs at all--so, that could not possibly have been involved. So, what was done? I have read several articles claiming to explain the deception but they contained ONLY the vaguest generalities. What was really done, specifically? Was the fuel/air ratio range manipulated? This would have certainly been possible, and easily enough--but rigorous testing with brake dynamometers should have revealed this as well in almost any testing lab. My guess is that the testers from West Virginia simply did not do their on-the-road testing properly. They made wild guesses whereas in Germany, the same model cars were tested far more accurately. The WV testers used ONLY two cars according to their own stories. One of the advantages of lab testing is that one can "stabilize" the operating conditions before taking data. During actual driving, however, "stability" is almost non-existent due to the various driving conditions encountered, especially on America's generally crappy roads and highways---and that is precisely when one can get momentary readings that are NOT truly representaive of the car's performance as a whole. Experienced testers generally know this all too well as they look at readings that bounce--just like the road itself with bumps and potholes-all over the place during "unstable" momentary driving conditions; that is why standardized lab testing is so essential. And guess what folks--on all such "lab tests," the VWs passed! Perhaps we can all learn a lot about diesels which until about 2008 were also blamed for the killing of about two million Jews in the so-called HOLOCAUST--and that stupid but extremely dirty hoax is still out there. We can also learn how media hype can drive people to believe the stupidest things imaginable. Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:08 pm VW and Dr. Winterkorn should sue the US government for gross technical INCOMPETENCE and libel. That suit should be many times greater than the $18 billion discussed for possible cases against VW. TDI engines passed all of the standard tests. If the techies in West Virginia, or wherever, don't like the results, they should concoct new and better tests. Lab tests are repeatable and "FAIR" for all manufacturers whereas long, on-the-road trips across the US are so variable that they are practically impossible as serious tests of anything. All auto manufacturers know they must meet the EPA and CARB standards with standardized tests and NOT the whims of wise guys from West Virginia--and that is as it should be. The real diesel problem, if there is any at all, is that the EPA and the CARB concocted standard emission tests which did not reflect real world driving conditions as well as they might have. But that was the fault of the EPA and the CARB--not VW. But instead of admitting any of that, the EPA and the CARB simply blamed VW for "cheating." WOW--but based on what other than wild 'childish" speculation and racist prejudice? How on earth did VW do any of that? The technical explanations are as vague and wacky as anything out there. One explanation is that the diesels were run RICH to put extra fuel into the catalytic converters to burn off NOx during testing-and then run "normal" or even LEAN the rest of the time. This suggests that the "techies" at EPA and CARB believe diesels have carburetors which they do not. In diesels, ALL of the fuel explodes and burns all the time--and the engine speed increases or decreases accordingly depending on the engine load. There is NO fuel left-over in the exhaust except under super heavy engine loads--beyond the normal operating range. Except for such truly exceptional conditions, diesels ALWAYS run with an excess of air over whatever is needed for complete combustion of the fuel. In other words, any excess fuel left-over is nearly impossible. Learn your basics, EPA--and pay those billions of dollars for the damage you have caused VW. The best discussion with a video of the VW cheating charge may be the following: 17 The comments are quite good also. I have not yet seen the text of any "admission" by VW to having put a cheating device into the engines. The actual text may be quite different from what is alleged. Moreover, those of us who understand the "holocaust hoax" know how "confessions" or "admissions" are often made w-i-t-h-o-u-t any underlying guilt but merely to appease a tormenter--or even for simple PR to resolve an inconvenient situation quickly and cheaply. "Plea bargaining" in courts around the country is based almost entirely on that. I will NOT believe in a VW cheating device until I see some hard "evidence"--including an actual chip with a credible analysis of what it actually did. That should be easy enought for the VW accusers to provide if they know anything. Here's a good technical essay sympathetic to VW: ___________________________________________ U.S. Will Station New Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia By Eric Zuesse; Global Research, September 22, 2015 Region: Europe, Russia and FSU; Theme: Militarization and WMD, US NATO War Agenda In-depth Report: Nuclear War Bundestag decided in 2009, expressing the will of most Germans, that the US should withdraw its nuclear weapons from Germany. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel did nothing.” And now she okays the U.S. to increase America’s Germanbased nuclear arsenal against Russia. Maria Zakharova, of the Russian Foreign Ministry, says: “This is an infringement of Articles 1 and 2 of the Treaty on NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” which is the treaty that provides non-nuclear states the assurance that the existing nuclear powers will not try to use their nuclear status so as to take over the world. Germany’s ZDF public television network headlines on Tuesday German Economic News says: September 22nd, “New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in “The federal government had demanded the exact opposite: The Germany,” and reports that the U.S. will bring into Germany 20 Bundestag decided in March 2010 by a large majority, that the new nuclear bombs, each being four times the destructive power federal government should ‘press for the withdrawal of US of the one that was used on Hiroshima. Hans Kristensen, the nuclear weapons from Germany.’ Even the coalition agreement Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation between the CDU and FDP, the German government in 2009 had of American Scientists, says, “With the new bombs the promised the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Büchel. But boundaries blur between tactical and strategic instead there will be these new bombs.” nuclear weapons.” Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, A former Parliamentary State Secretary in Germany’s Defense of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Ministry, Willy Wimmer, of Chancellor Merkel’s own conservative Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S party, the Christian Democratic Union, warns that these “new VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. attack options against Russia” constitute “a conscious Copyright © Eric Zuesse, Global Research, 2015 provocation of our Russian neighbors.” Economic News also reports on Chancellor Merkel’s nuclear-weapons-in-germany-against-russia/5477506 decision to allow these terror-weapons against Russia: “The _____________________________________________________ China: Reformers and Compradors James Petras China’s wealthiest classes have secured their recent fortunes through various means, both legal and illegal: These include (1) the privatization of public enterprises; (2) the savage exploitation of cheap labor after destroying workers rights , protections and social welfare legislation; (3) large-scale, longterm corruption of government officials; (4) the often violent state-sponsored land-grabs from towns, villages and farmers and the land transfer to private investors; (5) real estate speculation; (6) changes in state regulatory policies leading to oligopolistic control of markets; (7) large-scale tax evasion, money laundering and offshore transfers of profits and (8) state policies dictating low wage and salaries and repressing workers collective action. The Communist leadership’s pursuit of an ‘export-oriented’ growth model, based on reducing labor costs to secure competitive advantages in world markets, coincided with the emergence of aggressive Chinese capitalists intent on increasing their profits and concentrating private wealth. This model of capitalist accumulation required ‘capital-friendly’ labor policies to attract large-scale, long-term investment from US, Japanese and European multinational in association with China’s wealthiest capitalists. China’s capitalist development was based on a triple alliance of national, foreign and state capitalists, all of whom depended on the widespread, massive corruption of state-party officials. The Dynamics of Mature Capitalism As the economy grew, national capital diversified from manufacturing to the FIRE economy, (finance, insurance and real estate). As the economy “liberalized”, overseas and local financial institutions proliferated. Speculative profits attracted major investors as well as millions of middle class ‘fortune seekers’. China’s growth led to its rise as the primary market for raw materials and the primary producer of imported consumer goods in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Its rapid growth provoked the US to build-up its bases around China and launch a policy of military confrontation and encirclement as well as regional trade exclusion (the so-called ‘Pivot to Asia’).. The long, deep recession in the European markets and the financial crisis in the US limited China’s high growth export model. Meanwhile, second and third generations of skilled Chinese workers became more militant, demanding and winning double digit wage increases. At the same time rural communities staged mass demonstrations and took direct action against corrupt local officials linked to land-grabbing speculators and other attempts to drive them from their homes and farms on behalf of powerful real estate interests. Wealthy Chinese investors, who diversified into the FIRE economy, created a speculative real estate bubble. High-ranking party officials, who had enriched themselves through the corrupt takeovers of lucrative state monopolies, caused economic stagnation and deep political disenchantment among the mass of Chinese people. Worldwide demand for China’s exports declined with the global economic crisis. 18 Crises and Rectification Faced with a major loss of political legitimacy, the stagnation of its global export markets, a real estate bubble and stock market volatility, the Chinese government launched a wide-reaching rectification campaign which featured: A massive anti-corruption campaign was launched to restore morality to the government and to win back public respect. Over 250,000 corrupt officials were identified, investigated and tried. Many were imprisoned or dismissed and some were executed. Reform of wage and income policies was designed to reduce inequalities and encourage domestic consumption. As a result wages rose 10% annually. The investigation and prosecution of speculators, including investors connected to foreign hedge funds and big oligarchs who had gained gaining billions by “defrauding” retail investors, was initiated by the judiciary. The Chinese currency, the renminbi, was devalued to promote exports. The government increased military spending in order to confront the US naval encirclement, including upgrading its of most sophisticated weapons systems, which were on display recently during China’s massive ‘Victory over Japan’ parade. Two new international investment-financial organizations was set up to counter the US dominated IMF and World Bank and to encourage the participation of regional trade partners as a response to Washington’s Asia Pacific trade arrangements which specifically excluded China. Greater emphasis is now placed on providing domestic government services, enforcing tax collection, broadening social welfare legislation and social accountability. Measures are being implemented to prevent the flight of Chinese capital by oligarch families as they flee criminal prosecution for their illicit business activities. The Response from China’s Wealthy Classes China’s wealthy classes are resisting these government reforms designed to lessen some of the class imbalances and injustices and to deal with the multiple crises in the society and economy. They have been transferring hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country – essentially disinvesting and de-capitalizing the economy. They have expressed deep concern that the increase in workers’ wages will cut into their profits and that they will lose their lucrative contracts as well as access to compliant, corrupt government officials. They are anxious to hide their source of wealth for fear they will end up in the criminal docket with corrupt partners in the government. China’s wealthy classes have gone on a buying spree of overseas real estate, fixed income securities, commercial properties, trust products, etc. in an attempt to safely stash their wealth. Large-scale speculation, the massive flight of capital and cancelling of irregular state loans have all contributed to the current volatility in the Chinese economy. China’s wealthy classes create their own self-fulfilling prophecy: their capital flight and speculation creates the very volatile conditions that then serve as the pretext for even more capital flight. Crisis, Rectification and the Struggle for Power The source of the current Chinese crisis is found in the behavior and political alliances of the leading classes who benefited from the rapid growth Chinese capitalism. Progressive capitalist reformers believe that to end the crises requires radical reforms. They advocate: (1) returning the financial market to its original role as an instrument of productive activity; (2) reversing the liberalization of the financial market, including ending speculation by Western hedge funds, re-introducing capital controls, going after tax evaders and punishing massive illegal transfers of profits to offshore havens; and (3) increasing domestic mass consumption and imposing restrictions on conspicuous elite consumption, via progressive income tax and welfare measures. The process of rectification has encountered passive resistance from the comprador capitalists as they spirit their wealth out of China. Wealthy Chinese have adopted a post-colonial comprador mentality born out of their tight economic ties with Western capitalists. They absorbed the neo-liberal ideology; they prize Western education and culture and turn to the US imperial state to protect their wealth – in a dramatic shift of loyalties. Their own children attend the most expensive private US universities where they are indoctrinated with US elite-centered political and economic dogma. They stash their money in high end real estate as an investment and to house their families and children who attend elite US schools.. Conclusion It is difficult for Chinese political and economic ‘reformers’ to solve the problem of the comprador capitalist, because the ‘reformers’ have engaged in similar behavior and practices over the years. It is critical for the ‘reformers’ to expose the illicit wealth and go after the compradors with aggressive prosecution. This will be difficult because many reformers have family members among the comprador class, have benefited from the speculative ‘boom’ and have sent their own children abroad. Some may even have their own secret bank accounts overseas – the profits from deals made with big investors. There is no deep fundamental or class division between compradors and reformers in China. However, the crisis and capital flight is intensifying class polarization and external events are forcing a deeper rethink of how China should confront US militarist policies. The US military threat is causing problems for Chinese compradors and their economist-propagandists. It is difficult to ‘sell’ the idea of opening wide to Wall Street when the country is staring down the barrels of US guns. In a strategic sense, this frenzy of Chinese capital flight legitimizes the rectification campaign and weakens compradors’ influence in the economy. Even some of China’s most ardent economic liberals are in flight! Nevertheless, the reformers’ hesitant steps, their deep ‘faith in the market’ and the massive presence of foreign multi-nationals inside China indicates that real, deep, structural changes are not on the agenda. China’s reformers have started their new version of “The Long March” through many layers of corrupt, flawed and failing institutions …Bigger and more consequential changes await the awakening of the working class. Refugee facts you need to know Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, September 9, 2015 11:30pm THE media class is misleading the public about the “refugee” His Canadian sister supported him and says her brother wanted crisis now threatening Europe. Sanctimony is drowning crucial to go to Europe fix his teeth. facts. The result: Australians are being coached into accepting GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is not showing great what threatens even us — the fall of Europe. “compassion” by welcoming an expected 800,000 illegal THE people flooding into Germany are not “refugees”. Once immigrants this year. She simply knows German soldiers cannot they arrived in Greece — or Turkey before that — they were turn away trains of unwanted people. (Remember the war!) But safe. Moving north to rich Germany is an economic decision. she claims this intake will be “one off” and demands other MOST of the “refugees” are not fleeing death. United Nations’ countries take some immigrants off her hands. Germany has figures suggest half are not Syrians. Real refugees do not leave already had hundreds of anti-immigrant protests, some violent. their families back home, yet 72 per cent of these are men. Soon it must get tough. AYLAN Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian photographed lying THIS is not a benign invasion. Hundreds of Afghans on Lesbos dead on a Turkish beach, was not fleeing Syria. His father had last weekend rioted when they couldn’t get to the mainland. lived for three years in Turkey, working on construction sites. More rioted earlier on Kos. More than 100 Syrian immigrants rioted three weeks ago at hostel in the German town of Suhl 19 when an Afghan man ripped a Koran. Eleven migrants and four police were hurt. WE ARE doing more than our “fair share”. Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are among many countries refusing to take Syrian refugees. Poland, Slovakia and Hungary will accept only Christians. THIS is not our responsibility. Australia didn’t bomb in Syria. EUROPE is paying the price for its weakness — and that of the US. They refused to intervene when jihadist and other groups started to attack Syria’s Assad regime, triggering the refugee exodus. Now Europe won’t defend its borders. EUROPE has struggled to assimilate large Muslim populations in France, Sweden, Germany and elsewhere. Illegal immigration of 4000 people a day — mainly Muslim and young — represents an existential threat. Fredrick Töben comments: If you are aware of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, then it is all going according to plan – Google it – the existential threat is absolute; The second prong is fuelling civil war among Europeans as is occurring in Ukraine, so that Europeans kill off their own kind. The question that clarifies it all is: Cui Bono – in whose interest is it – who benefits from a European demise? ee-facts-you-need-toknow/storyfnj45fva1227520095084 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Adolf Hitler Speech to the Reichstag Hitlers Victory - A Final Appeal for Peace and Sanity Berlin, 19 July 1940 Published on 22 April 22 2013 The full version is banned by YT but available on my website (see links below). This is just the opening 15 minutes of a 2 hour video featuring the audio portion of Adolf Hitler's "Victory Speech" on July 19th, 1940 in the Reichstag, Berlin, following Germany's victory over France and her allies, the British, on the Western Front in the Spring of 1940. It is combined with relevant war film footage of the war. But for the first time, you will hear Hitler's speech, in its entirety, spoken entirely in English. The speech is his own narration of the events of the war up to that point, from the German perspective, regarding who and what caused the war, and the reasons for his own actions, followed by a final call to reason, in order to stop the hostilities and senseless bloodshed. The English narration is laid over Hitler's own voice, which is still audible. FULL VERSION: *** Deputies, Men of the German Reichstag! In the midst of the mighty struggle for the freedom and future of the German nation, I have called on you to gather for this session today. The grounds for it are: to give our Volk insight into the historic uniqueness of the events we have lived through; to express our thanks to the deserving soldiers; and to direct, once again and for the last time, an appeal to general reason. Whoever contrasts the factors which triggered this historic conflict with the extent, the greatness, and consequence of the military occurrences, must realize that the events and sacrifices of this struggle stand in no relation to the alleged causes, unless these causes themselves were but pretexts for intentions yet concealed. The program of the National Socialist Revolution, insofar as it concerned the future development of the Reich’s relationship with the surrounding world, was an attempt to obtain a revision of the Treaty of Versailles under all circumstances-and as far as this was possible-by peaceful means. This revision was by nature a necessity. The untenability of the provisions of Versailles lay not only in the humiliating discrimination, the disarmament of the German Volk secured with the result that they lost their rights, but above all in the resultant material destruction of the present and the intended destruction of the future of one of the greatest civilized peoples in the world, in the completely senseless accumulation of vast terrains under the mastery of a few states, in the depriving of the losers of irreplaceable foundations for life and indispensable vital goods. The fact that insightful men on the side of the adversary, even while this Diktat was being composed, warned against the conclusive realization of the terms of this work of lunacy, is proof of the persuasion prevalent even in these ranks that it would be impossible to maintain this Diktat in the future. Their misgivings and their protests were silenced by the assurance that the statutes of the newly created League of Nations secured the possibility of a revision of these provisions, indeed that it was authorized for such a revision. At no time was hope for a revision regarded as something improper, but always as something quite natural. Regrettably, contrary to the will of the men responsible for the Versailles Diktat, the institution in Geneva never regarded itself as an agency for procuring sensible revisions, but rather, from the beginning, as the custodian of the ruthless implementation and maintenance of the provisions of Versailles. All endeavors of democratic Germany failed to obtain, by means of revision, an equality of rights for the German Volk. It lies in the interest of the victor to portray as universally sanctified those conditions that benefit him, while the essence of the instinct of self preservation compels the vanquished to strive for a restoration of his general human rights. For him this Diktat penned by an arrogant enemy has even less force of law insofar as the victory of this enemy was a dishonest one. It was a rare misfortune that the German Reich was led exceedingly badly in the years 1914–18. To this, and to the not otherwise instructed trust and faith of the German Volk in the word of democratic statesmen, must our fall be ascribed. It was thus that the joint British-French endeavor to portray the Versailles Treaty as some type of international or higher justice must have appeared to every honest German as nothing other than an insolent usurpation. The supposition that British or French statesmen of all people were custodians of justice itself, or even of human culture, was a stupid effrontery. It was an affront which is sufficiently elucidated by their own inferior performances in these fields. For rarely has this world been governed with a greater deficit of cleverness, morality, and culture than in that part of it which is presently at the mercy of the fury of certain democratic statesmen. The National Socialist Movement has, besides its delivery from the Jewish capitalist shackles imposed by a plutocraticdemocratic, dwindling class of exploiters at home, pronounced 20 its resolve to free the Reich from the shackles of the Diktat of Versailles abroad. The German demands for a revision were an absolute necessity, a matter of course for the existence and the honor of any great people. Posterity will some day come to regard them as exceedingly modest. All these demands had to be carried through, in practice against the will of the British-French potentates. Now more than ever we all see it as a success of the leadership of the Third Reich that the realization of these revisions was possible for years without resort to war. This was not the case-as the British and French demagogues would have it-because we were not then in a position to wage war. When it finally appeared as though, thanks to a gradually awakening common sense, a peaceful resolution of the remaining problems could be reached through international cooperation, the agreement concluded in this spirit on September 29, 1938, at Munich by the four great states predominantly involved, was not welcomed by public opinion in London and Paris, but was condemned as a despicable sign of weakness. The Jewish capitalist warmongers, their hands covered with blood, saw in the possible success of such a peaceful revision the vanishing of plausible grounds for the realization of their insane plans. Once again that conspiracy of pitiful, corrupt political creatures and greedy financial magnates made its appearance, for whom war is a welcome means to bolster business. The international Jewish poison of the peoples began to agitate against and to corrode healthy minds. Men of letters set out to portray decent men who desired peace as weaklings and traitors, to denounce opposition parties as a “fifth column,” in order to eliminate internal resistance to their criminal policy of war. Jews and Freemasons, armament industrialists and war profiteers, international traders and stockjobbers, found political blackguards: desperados and glory seekers who represented war as something to be yearned for and hence wished for. It is to be ascribed to these criminal elements that the Polish State was incited to assume a posture which stood in no relation to the German demands and even less to the consequences that resulted. The German Reich, in particular with regard to Poland, has shown restraint ever since the National Socialist rise to power. One of the basest and stupidest provisions of the Versailles Diktat, namely the tearing away of an old German province from the Reich, already cried for a revision in and of itself. But what was it that I demanded at the time? I must in this context refer to my own person. No other statesman could have afforded to propose a solution to the German nation in the way I did. It comprised merely the return of Danzig-that is to say of an ancient, purely German city-to the Reich as well as the creation of a connection of the Reich to its severed province. And this only pursuant to plebiscites conducted, in turn, under the auspices of an international forum. If Mr. Churchill or any other warmongers had but a fraction of the sense of responsibility I felt toward Europe, they could not have played so perfidious a game. For it need be ascribed solely to these vested interests in war, both within Europe and beyond, that Poland rejected the proposals which neither compromised its existence nor its honor, and instead resorted to terror and arms. And it was truly superhuman restraint, without precedent, which for months led us, in spite of persistent assassination attempts on ethnic Germans-yes, indeed, in spite of the slaughter of tens of thousands of German Volksgenossen, to continue to search for a path toward peaceful understanding. For what was the situation like? One of the creations of the Diktat of Versailles, the most divorced from reality, a bogy inflated militarily and politically, insulted a state for many months, threatening to beat it, to fight battles before Berlin, to smash the German Army to pieces, to transfer the border to the Oder or the Elbe; it went on and on. And this other state, Germany, watches the goings on patiently for months, although one sweeping gesture would have sufficed to wipe this bubble inflated by stupidity and arrogance off the face of the earth. On September 2, this struggle could yet have been avoided. Mussolini made a proposal to put an immediate end to the hostilities and to negotiate peacefully. Though Germany saw its armies advancing victoriously, I accepted this nonetheless. But the Anglo-French warmongers needed war, not peace. And they needed a long war, as Mr. Chamberlain put the matter at the time. It was to last for at least three years, since they had in the meantime invested their capital in the armament industry, bought the necessary machinery, and now needed the precondition of time for the thriving of their business and for the amortization of their investments. And besides: what are Poles, Czechs, or other such nationalities to these citizens of the world? A German soldier found a curious document while rummaging through train wagons at the La Charite station on June 19, 1940. He immediately handed over the documentwhich bore a particular remark-to his superiors at departmental headquarters. From there the paper passed to agencies. It became clear that what had been discovered constituted evidence in a most important investigation. The train station was once more thoroughly searched. And it was thus that the High Command of the Wehrmacht came into possession of a collection of documents of unique historical significance. What was found were the secret files of the Allied High War Council, including the protocols of all sessions of this illustrious association. And this time it shall not be possible for Mr. Churchill to simply deny or lie about the authenticity of these documents, as he had attempted to do at the time in the case of documents found in Warsaw. For these documents feature handwritten notes in the margins penned by Gamelin, Daladier, Weygand, and so on. Hence these gentlemen are free either to admit to these or to disown them at any time. And these documents enlighten us as to the dealings of these gentlemen who have an interest in the war and in its expansion. They will above all demonstrate how these cold-blooded politicians and military men have used all these small peoples as a means to an end; how they tried to subject Finland to their interests; how they determined to make Norway and Sweden the theater of war; how they planned to set fire to the Balkans to procure the assistance of 100 divisions from there; how they prepared to bomb Batum and Baku under the cover of a shrewd as well as unscrupulous reading of the Turkish neutrality in favor of their own interests; how they spun their web around the Netherlands and Belgium, pulling its strings constantly tighter, and finally engaging them in general staff agreements; as well as many other things. The documents afford us, moreover, a good picture of the entire amateurish method which these policy-making warmongers employed in an attempt to contain the fire they had kindled. These speak of their military pseudo-democracy which is jointly responsible for the gruesome fate which they have inflicted on hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers of their own countries; of their barbaric lack of conscience which led them to drive their own peoples from their homes in cold blood and deliberately, in a mass evacuation whose military consequences were not necessarily favorable to them, while the general human results were shockingly gruesome. The same criminals are at the same time responsible for whipping up the Poles and inciting them to war. Eighteen days later this campaign endedfor all practical purposes. For a second time in the war, I spoke to the German Volk from this stand on October 6, 1939. I was then able to report to it the glorious military defeat of the Polish State. I then also directed an appeal to reason to the men responsible in the enemy states and to their peoples. I warned against further pursuit of the war, the consequences of which could only be devastating. I warned the French especially not to start a war which, by necessity, would eat its way inward from the frontier and which, irrespective of its outcome, would have dire consequences. At this time, I directed an appeal to the rest of the world as well. However, as I said then, I did so with the apprehension that not only might I not be heard, but that thereby I might only elicit the wrath of the warmongers interested. And this is precisely what came to pass. The responsible elements in England and France smelt a rat, seeing my appeal as a dangerous assault on their lucrative profiteering in the war. 21 Thus they hurriedly and eagerly declared that any thought of an understanding was a waste of time-yes, that this would even have to be regarded as a crime. The war had to be pursued in the name of culture, humanity, good fortune, progress, civilization, and-Good God!-even in the name of sacred religion, and in subservience to this end Negroes and Bushmen (Busch menschen) had to be mobilized. And then, of course, victory would come about of its own accord, so to speak. It would then be within grasp; one need only reach out for it. And, naturally, so they said, I was very well aware of all this myself, and indeed had known it for a long time, and it was only because of this that I had laid before the world my appeal for peace. For, if I were in a position to believe in victory, I would not have approached England and France with an understanding without any conditions attached. In a few days these agitators succeeded in portraying me as a coward before the eyes of the world. I was scolded for my peace proposal, even personally insulted. Mr. Chamberlain virtually spat in my face before the world public and declined to even talk of peace, according to the directives of the warmongers and agitators backing him: Churchill, Duff Cooper, Eden, Hore-Belisha, and so on. Not to mention negotiating a peace. And it was thus that the big capitalist clique of war profiteers cried for a continuation of the war. And this continuation has now begun. I have already asserted, and all of you, my Volksgenossen, know this: if I do not speak for some time, or nothing much happens, then this does not mean that I am not doing anything. With us it is not necessary to multiply by a factor of five or twelve every airplane built, and then to proclaim it loudly to the world. Besides, hens would be ill-advised to cry out to the world every egg just laid. It would be all the more ill-considered of statesmen to announce projects barely beyond the planning stage, in nervous chatter, to the surrounding world, so as to inform it in a timely manner. To the excited garrulousness of two of these great democratic state leaders we owe evercurrent information on the plans for an expansion of the war by our adversaries, and especially on the concentration of the war effort in Norway and Sweden. While the Anglo-French clique of warmongers was on the lookout for new opportunities to expand the war, and trying to trap new victims, I have labored to bring to a conclusion the organizational buildup of the Wehrmacht, to set up new units, to start up production for the war, to get material to flow, as well as to order training of the entire Wehrmacht for its new missions. Beyond this, however, the bad weather of the late autumn and winter forced a postponement of military operations. In the course of the month of March, we gained knowledge of British- French ambitions to intervene in the Russo-Finnish conflict; which was less to help the Finns and more to damage Russia, the latter being seen as a power cooperating with Germany. This ambition grew into the determination to intervene actively in Finland itself and, if possible, to gain a base for carrying the war to the Baltic Sea. And, at this time also, suggestions of the Allied High War Council appeared with ever greater insistence either to set afire the Balkans or Asia Minor in an effort to bar the Reich from its Russian and Romanian oil imports, or to gain possession of Swedish iron ore. Landings in Norway were to serve this end with the goal of occupying all ore railroads leading from Narvik across Sweden to the port of Lulea. The Russo-Finnish peace accords prevented, at the last minute, the carrying out of the already envisioned action in the Nordic States. Yet, merely a few days later, similar ambitions surfaced anew and precipitated a clear decision. England and France had agreed to move, in one sudden strike, to occupy numerous important locations in Norway under the pretext of preventing further support for the German war effort with Swedish ore. To secure access completely to the Swedish ore, they intended to march into Sweden themselves and to push aside the few forces Sweden could muster, either, if possible, in a friendly manner or, if necessary, by force. Of the imminence of this danger we were informed personally by the untamable garrulousness of the First Lord of the British Admiralty. Moreover, we received confirmation through a hint made by the French Premier Reynaud in a talk with a foreign diplomat. That the date had been postponed twice before the eighth of April, and that the occupation was scheduled for the eighth, that the eighth, therefore, was the third and final day-of this we gained knowledge only recently. It was conclusively established only with the discovery of the protocols of the High Allied War Council. I then ordered the Wehrmacht, as soon as the danger of dragging the North into the war was becoming apparent, to take the appropriate measures. The case of the Altmark already demonstrated that the Norwegian Government was not willing to uphold its neutrality. Beyond this, reports of secret agents also revealed that, at least insofar as the leading heads of the Norwegian Government and the Allies were concerned, there was already full agreement. Finally, Norway’s reaction to the violation of its territory by British minelayers dispelled all remaining doubts. The German operation, prepared down to the last detail, was launched. In fact the situation was a bit different from what we perceived it to be on April 9. While we then believed we had anticipated the British occupation by a few hours, we know today that the landing of the English troops had been scheduled for the eighth. The embarkation of the British contingents had already begun on the fifth and sixth. However, the moment the first news reached the British Admiralty of the German steps, i.e. that a German fleet had put to sea, this development so impressed Mr. Churchill that he decided to have the contingents already embarked disembark once again, so that the British fleet would first be able to search for and attack German ships. This attempt ended in failure. Only a single English destroyer came into contact with the German naval forces and was shot out of the water. This vessel could not relay any sort of message to the British Admiralty or to the fleet of the English naval combat contingents. And thus, on the ninth, the landing of German forward units was carried out along a coastal front stretching from Oslo north to Narvik. When news of this reached London, the First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Churchill, had already been on the lookout for many hourseagerly awaiting first reports of the successes of his fleet. And this strike, my Deputies, was the most daring undertaking in the history of German warfare. Its successful implementation was possible only thanks to the leadership and the behavior of all German soldiers involved. What our three arms, the Army, the Navy, and the Luftwaffe, have accomplished in the struggle for Norway assures them mention in the records of the highest soldiership. The Navy conducted its operations, and later handled the troop transports, faced by an enemy who, all in all, possessed an almost tenfold superiority. All units of our young Reich War Navy have covered themselves with eternal glory in this venture. Only after the war will it be appropriate to discuss the difficulties faced especially in this campaign: the numerous unexpected setbacks, losses, and accidents suffered. To have overcome all this in the end goes to the credit of the behavior, the leadership, and the troops. The Luftwaffe, which often was the only means of transport and communications in so gigantically vast a terrain, outdid itself in all respects. Death-defying attacks on the enemy, on his ships and landing troops, are hardly more impressive than the tenacious heroics of the transport plane pilots, who in spite of unimaginably adverse weather started time and time again on their way to the land of the midnight sun, only to unload soldiers or freight in the midst of a snow storm. Norway’s fjords have become the graveyard of many a British warship. 22 Because of the uninterrupted wild attacks of German bombers and Stukas, the British fleet was forced to retreat from and to evacuate the very arena of which a few weeks earlier an English newspaper had so tastefully stated “that it would be a pleasure for England to oblige the German invitation to do battle there.” The Army. The crossing already constituted a great challenge for the soldiers of the Army. In a few cases, airborne troops had opened up the area where they first set foot. Then division after division flooded the land which, due to its natural characteristics, already possessed considerable defenses, and which-as far as the Norwegian units were concerned-was very valiantly defended. Of the Englishmen who had landed in Norway, one can say that the only remarkable thing was the unscrupulousness with which such badly trained, insufficiently equipped, and miserably led soldiers had been put ashore as an expeditionary corps. From the beginning, they were certain to lose. By contrast, what our German infantry, the pioneers, what our artillery, our communications and construction units, have achieved in Norway can only be termed the proud heroism of struggle and labor. The word Narvik will enter our history as glorious evidence of the spirit of the Wehrmacht of the National Socialist Greater German Reich. The gentlemen Churchill, Chamberlain, Daladier, and so on, have, until recently, been exceedingly ill-informed as to the essence of the Greater German unification process. At the time, I announced that the future would probably teach them better. And I may well assume that in particular the deployment of mountain troops from the Ostmark at this front furthest north in our battle for freedom has enlightened them sufficiently as far as the Greater German Reich and its sons are concerned. It is lamentable that the grenadiers of Mr. Chamberlain did not pay sufficient and, above all, persistent attention to this conflict, and instead preferred to be satisfied with the first test of the inner disposition of the tribes of our Volk which have newly come to the Reich. General von Falkenhorst led operations in Norway. Lieutenant General Dietl was the hero of Narvik. Operations at sea were conducted under the leadership of Admiral General Saalwachter and the Admirals Carls and Boehm, and Vice Admiral Lutjens. Operations of the Luftwaffe were under the leadership of Colonel General Milch and Lieutenant General Geissler. The High Command of the Wehrmacht, Colonel General Keitel, as the Chief of the High Command, and General Jodl, as the Chief of the Wehrmacht leadership staff, were responsible for implementing my directives for the entire undertaking. Even before the conclusion of the campaign in Norway, news in the West took on an ever more threatening character. While, in fact, preparations had been made before the war to break through the Maginot Line in the event of a necessary conflict with France or England, an undertaking for which the German troops had been trained and had been equipped with the weaponry required, the course of events in the first months of the war compelled us to contemplate the possibility of moving against Holland and Belgium. While Germany had positioned hardly any units against Belgium or the Netherlands, other than those necessary for security reasons, as well as beginning to expand upon its fortification system, a visible mass of French units began to array itself along the French-Belgian border. In particular, the concentration of tanks and motorized divisions in this sector revealed that it was intended-at any rate it was possible-for these to be hurled at lighting speed through Belgium at the German border. Decisive in this context was the following observation: While, in the case of a loyal reading of the Belgian-Dutch neutrality, these two countries would have been forced, by the concentration of strong Anglo- French forces at their border, to focus their attention on the West, both began to reduce their troop strengths along this border to the same degree they began to build up the units stationed along the border with Germany. News of ongoing talks at the general staff level also shed a peculiar light on [this interpretation of] BelgianDutch neutrality. I need not emphasize that these talks, had they been conducted in the spirit of true neutrality, would have had to be held with both sides. Besides this, such an intensification of signs indicating that a move of the AngloFrench troops across Holland and Belgium against the German industrial area was taking place required that we should regard this threat as a serious danger. Hence I took the German Wehrmacht into my confidence, informing it of the possibility of such a development and entrusting it with the appropriate, detailed directives. In numerous conferences at the High Command of the Wehrmacht with the Commanders in Chief of the three branches of the Wehrmacht, the leaders of the Army groups and of the armies, down to the leaders of important, individual undertakings, the tasks facing us were enumerated and thoroughly discussed. Among the troops these were taken up with great understanding, as the basis for a special type of training. Correspondingly, the entire German deployment underwent the necessary adjustments. The thorough observations which had been conducted everywhere gradually led to the compelling recognition that, from the beginning of May on, an Anglo-French advance had to be expected at any moment. In the days of May 6 and 7, telephone conversations between London and Paris took place, of which we gained intelligence and which reinforced suspicions that an invasion of the Netherlands and Belgium by the so-called Allies had to be expected at any moment. Thus on the following day, May 8, I ordered an immediate attack for May 10, 5:35 in the morning. The basic thought behind this operation was to deploy, without worrying about peripheral successes, the entire Wehrmacht-especially the Army and the Luftwaffe-in so decisive a manner that the envisioned operations had to attain the complete annihilation of the Anglo-French forces. In contrast to the Schlieffen Plan of the year 1914, I ordered the main thrust of the operation along the left flank of the breakthrough front, while, however, keeping up appearances of a reversed version. This deception was successful. Conduct of the entire operation was made easy for me by measures our adversaries themselves took. For the concentration of the entire Anglo-French motorized combat forces against Belgium revealed as certain that the High Command of the Allied armies had arrived at the decision to advance most speedily into this area. We relied on the steadfastness of all German infantry divisions deployed in the thrust against the right flank of the Anglo-French motorized Army Group. Such a drive had to lead to its complete shattering and dissolution-yes, perhaps even to its encirclement. As a second operation, I had planned the taking of the Seine up to Le Havre, as well as securing bases at the Somme and Aisne for a third assault. This was intended to break through, with strong forces across the plateau at Langres, to the Swiss border. Reaching the coast south of Bordeaux was to conclude operations. Within this framework and in this sequence, operations were in fact carried out. The success of this mightiest sequence of battles in world history we owe first and foremost to the German soldier himself. He held his own at all places he was deployed to the highest degree. The German tribes all share equally in this glory. The soldiers of the young, new Reichsgaus, added only since 1938, also fought in an exemplary fashion and took a heavy toll of lives. The heroic risk of life by all Germans in this war will make the emerging National Socialist Greater German Reich eternally sacred and dear not only to the present generation, but to all that follow. When I undertake to honor all those forces to whose activities we owe this most glorious of victories, then first mention is due to a leadership which, in particular in this campaign, has met the highest of requirements. 23 The Army. It has performed the tasks imposed upon it, under the leadership of Colonel General von Brauchitsch and his Chief of Staff Halder, in a truly glorious fashion. If the leadership of the German Army of long ago was regarded as the best in the world, then it is deserving today of at least equal admiration. Yes, since success is decisive for passing judgment, the leadership of the new German Army must be considered even better. Subdivided into three Army Groups, the Army in the West was placed under the orders of Colonel Generals Ritter von Leeb, von Rundstedt, and von Bock. The Army Group of General Ritter von Leeb had the initial mission to maintain the left flank of the German front in the West, stretching from the Swiss border up to the Moselle, in a state of highest defensive readiness. It was anticipated that, in the later course of the operation, this front would also actively intervene in the battle of destruction with two armies under the leadership of Colonel General von Witzleben and General Dollmann. At 5:35 in the morning of May 10, the two Army Groups under Colonel Generals von Rundstedt and von Bock launched the attack. It was their mission, along the entire front from the river Moselle to the North Sea, to break through the enemy lines along the frontier; to occupy the Netherlands; to move against Antwerp and the troops stationed at Dyle; to take Liege; and, above all, to reach the left flank along the river Meuse with massive forces for the attack, to force a crossing between Namur and Carignan with a main thrust of the tank and motorized divisions at Sedan and, in the further course of operations, to assemble all available tank and motorized divisions to push onward, along the system of canals and rivers between the Aisne and the Somme, to the sea. To Rundstedt’s southern Army Group fell also the important task of preventing a repetition of the Miracle of the Marne of 1914. He was to accomplish this task by securing, according to plan, the cover of the left flank in the course of the breakthrough. This massive operation, which already decided the further course of the war, led, as planned, to the annihilation of the main mass of the French Army as well as of the entire British Expeditionary Force, and already added luster to the German leadership. Besides the two leaders of the Army Groups and their Chiefs of Staff, Lieutenant General von Sodenstern and Lieutenant General von Salmuth, the following leaders of the Army are deserving of the highest of distinctions: Colonel General von Kluge as leader of the Fourth Army; Colonel General List as leader of the Twelfth Army; Colonel General von Reichenau as leader of the Sixth Army; General von Kuchler as leader of the Eighteenth Army; General Busch as leader of the Sixteenth Army; and the Generals von Kleist, Guderian, Hoth, and Hoeppner as leaders of the tank and motorized troops. Large additional numbers of generals and officers who distinguished themselves in these operations are known to you already, my Deputies, because of the high distinctions granted them. The further conduct of the operation in the general direction of the Aisne and the Seine was not intended to conquer Paris primarily, but rather to create, or better secure, a basis for a breakthrough to the Swiss border. This massive offensive action, thanks to the outstanding leadership of all grades, also went according to plan. A change of personnel in the High Command of the French Army, which had meanwhile taken place, was to revive its resistance and to bring about a change, much desired by the Allies, in the fortunes of the battle so unhappily begun. Indeed it was possible to get the German armies and their offensive actions going, at several locations, only after overcoming the strongest of resistance. Here, not only the courage, but also the training of the German soldier had the opportunity to hold its own to a high degree. Inspired by the zeal of countless officers and noncommissioned officers, as well as of individual men of valor, the infantry itself, time and time again, was compelled onward even in the most difficult of situations. Paris fell! The breaking of the enemy’s resistance at the Aisne opened the way to a breakthrough to the Swiss border. In one gigantic envelopment the armies stormed to the back of the Maginot Line. Now abandoning its reserve, the Army Group Leeb went on the offensive in two locations west of Saarbrucken and Neubreisach. Under orders from Generals von Witzleben and Dollmann, they achieved the breakthrough. And thus it was possible not only to surround the gigantic front of the French resistance, but to dissolve it into little particles and to force it to the well-known capitulation. These operations were crowned by the now generally beginning advance of the German armies. At their head moved the incomparable Panzer and motor divisions of the Army with the goal of driving a left flank down the Rhone in the direction of Marseilles, and a right flank across the Loire in the direction of Bordeaux and the Spanish border. This was to destroy the dissolving remains of the French Army, or rather to occupy French territory. I will report in detail at a later point on the intervention of our allies in this war. When Marshal Petain offered France’s laying down of arms, he was not laying down a weapon he still held. Rather he merely put an end to a situation completely untenable in the eyes of every soldier. Only the bloody dilettantism of a Mr. Churchill either fails to comprehend as much or lies about it in spite of better knowledge. In the second, third, and last phase of this war, the following Army leaders distinguished themselves as did the earlier mentioned generals: Colonel General von Witzleben; the Generals von Weichs, Dollmann, Strauss. The valiant divisions and standards of the Waffen SS also fought within the framework of these armies. When I express my gratitude and that of the German Volk to the aforementioned generals, in their capacity as leaders of the Army and Army Groups, this applies at the same time to all other officers, all of whom it is not possible to mention by name, and especially to all the nameless workers of the General Staff. In this battle, my Deputies, the rank and file of Germany has proved itself to be what it has always been: the best infantry in the world. And with it all other branches of the Army compete: artilleryand pioneers, and, above all, the young units of our tanks and motorized troops. The German Panzer weapon, through this war, has made its entry into world history. The men of the Waffen SS share in the glory. Yet the communications units, the construction units of the pioneers, the railroad construction men, etc., are also worthy, in accordance with their performance, of the highest praise we have to offer. In the wake of the armies followed the commandos of the Todt Organization, of the Reich Labor Service, and of the NSKK, and these also helped to repair roads, bridges, as well as to restore order to traffic. Within the framework of the Army, this time there also fought parts of the Flak artillery of our Luftwaffe. At the foremost front, they helped to break the enemy’s power of resistance and attack. A detailed account of their effectiveness can be rendered only at a later date. The Luftwaffe itself. At dawn on the morning of May 10, thousands of fighter planes and dive bombers, under the cover of fighters and destroyers, descended on enemy airfields. Within a few days uncontested air superiority was assured. And not for one minute in the further course of the battle was it allowed to slip. Only where temporarily no German airplanes were sighted, could enemy fighters and bombers make short appearances. Besides this, their activities were restricted to night action. The Field Marshal [Goring] had the Luftwaffe under his orders during this mission in the war. Its tasks were: 1. to destroy the enemy air forces, i.e. to remove these from the skies; 2. to support directly or indirectly the fighting troops by uninterrupted attacks; 3. to destroy the enemy’s means of command and movement; 4. to 24 wear down and break the enemy’s morale and will to resist; 5. to land parachute troops as advance units. The manner of their deployment in the operation in general, as well as their adjustment to the tactical demands of the moment, was exceptional. Without the valor of the Army, the successes attained should never have been possible. Equally true is it that, without the heroic mission of the Luftwaffe, the valor of the Army should have been for naught. Both Army and Luftwaffe are deserving of the greatest glory! The deployment of the Luftwaffe in the West took place under the personal command of Field Marshal Goring. His Chief of Staff: Major General Jeschonnek. Both aerial fleets stood under orders of General der Flieger Sperrle and General der Flieger Kesselring. The Aviation Corps subordinate to them stood under orders of Generals der Flieger Grauert and Keller, Lieutenant General Loerzer, and Lieutenant General Ritter von Greim, as well as of Major General Freiherr von Richthofen. Both Flak Corps stood under orders of Flak Artillery General Weise and Major General Dessloch. The Ninth Aerial Division under Major General Coeler deserves special mention. The Commander of the Parachute Troops, General der Flieger Student, was severely wounded. The further conduct of the battle in the air in Norway was orchestrated by General der Flieger Stumpff. While millions of German soldiers of the Army, Luftwaffe, and Waffen SS took part in these battles, others could not be spared at home as they were needed for the buildup of the local reserve formations. Many of the most capable officersas bitter as this was for them- were forced to conduct and oversee the training of those soldiers who, as reserve units, or perhaps in new formations, were to go to the front only later. Despite my sympathy for the inner sentiments of those who felt at a disadvantage, the greater common interest, as a matter of principle, was decisive. Party and State, Army, Navy, Luftwaffe, and SS sent every man to the front whom they were able to spare somehow. Yet, without securing a Replacement Army, a reserve air force, reserve SS formations, as well as Party and State in general, the war at the front could not have been waged. As the organizers of the Replacement Army at home and of the armament and supplies for the Luftwaffe, the following have attained special merit: Artillery General Fromm and General der Flieger Udet. I cannot conclude the enumeration of all these meritorious generals and admirals without paying tribute to those who are my closest co-workers in the Staff of the High Command of the Wehrmacht: Colonel General Keitel as Chief of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, and Major General Jodl as his Chief of Staff. They have made the greatest of contributions to the realization of my plans and ideas throughout long months of many cares and much work. An appreciation of the accomplishments of our Navy and its leaders will only be possible, to a full extent, at the end of the war. When I now conclude these purely military reflections on events, truth compels me to state the historic fact that none of this would have been possible without the disposition of the home front-or without, at its fore, the foundation, the work, and the activities of the National Socialist Party. Already in 1919, in the age of great decline, it proclaimed its program for the establishment of a German People’s Army and has stood up for it throughout the decades with a zealous determination. Without its activities, the conditions necessary for both the re-emergence of the German Reich and the creation of a German Wehrmacht would not have existed. Above all, it lent the struggle its ideological (weltanschaulich) foundation. To the senseless sacrifice of life of our democratic opponents in the interests of their plutocracies, it opposes the defense of a Volksgemeinschaft. Its activities have resulted in a solidarity between front and homeland, which regrettably did not exist in the World War. From its ranks, therefore, I should like to name the men, who along with countless others, attained great merit in securing the opportunity to celebrate victory in a new Germany: Party comrade Reich Minister Hess, himself an old soldier of the World War, has been one of the most loyal fighters for the erection of the present state and its Wehrmacht ever since the early days of the foundation of the Movement. Party comrade Chief of Staff of the SA Lutze has organized the mass of millions of SA men, in the sense of supporting the state to the utmost, and has secured its pre- and postmilitary training. Party comrade Himmler has organized the entire security of our Reich as well as the units of the Waffen SS. Party comrade Hierl has been the founder and leader of the Reich Labor Service. Party comrade Ley is the guarantor of the behavior of the German worker. Party comrade and Reich Minister Major General Todt is the organizer of the production of armament and ammunition and has gained eternal merit as a master builder in the construction of our massive, strategic [!] road network as well as of the fortified front in the West. Party comrade Minister Goebbels is the leader of a propaganda apparatus whose refinement is best ascertained in comparison with that of the World War. Among the numerous organizations of the home front, there remain to be mentioned the organization of the Kriegswinterhilfswerk, and of the NS Volkswohlfahrt under the leadership of Party comrade Hilgenfeldt, as well as the German Red Cross, and moreover the Reich Air Defense Association under the leadership of Flak Artillery General von Schroeder. I cannot conclude this tribute without thanking the one man who, for years, has engaged himself in loyal, untiring, selfdevouring work to realize my foreign policy directives. The name of Party comrade von Ribbentrop as Reich Foreign Minister shall remain tied for all eternity to the political rise of the German nation. My Deputies! I have determined, as Fuhrer and Supreme Commander of the German Wehrmacht, to honor the most meritorious generals before the one forum which in truth represents the entire German Volk. I must place at their forefront a man to whom I have difficulty in expressing sufficient gratitude for the services which tie his name to the Movement, to the State, and, above all, to the German Luftwaffe. Since the days of the foundation of the SA, Party Comrade Goring has been bound up in the development and rise of the Movement. Since we came to power, his capacity for work and willingness to take responsibility have accomplished deeds in numerous fields for the German Volk and the German Reich which cannot be excluded from the history of our Volk and Reich. Since the rebuilding of the German Wehrmacht, he has become the creator of the German Luftwaffe. It is granted to only a few mortals to create in the course of their lives a military instrument practically from nothing and to transform it into the mightiest weapon of its kind in the world. Above all, he has lent it his spirit. Field Marshal Goring as creator of the German Luftwaffe, and as an individual man, has made the greatest contribution to the rebuilding of the German Wehrmacht. As the leader of the German Luftwaffe he has, in the course of the war up to date, created the prerequisites for victory. His merits are unequaled! I name him Reichsmarschall of the Greater German Reich and award him the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. For services rendered to the victory of German weaponry in the struggle for the freedom and future of our Greater German Reich, I hereby promote: The Commander in Chief of the Army, Colonel General von Brauchitsch, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General von Rundstedt, Commander in Chief of Army Group A, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General Ritter von Leeb, Commander in Chief of Army Group C, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General von Bock, Commander in Chief of Army Group B, to the rank of Field Marshal; 25 Colonel General List, Commander in Chief of the Twelfth Army, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General von Kluge, Commander in Chief of the Fourth Army, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General von Witzleben, Commander in Chief of the First Army, to the rank of Field Marshal; Colonel General von Reichenau, Commander in Chief of the Sixth Army, to the rank of Field Marshal. I promote: General Halder, Chief of the General Staff of the Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General Dollmann, Commander in Chief of the Seventh Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General Freiherr von Weichs, Commander in Chief of the Second Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General von Kuchler, Commander in Chief of the Eighteenth Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General Busch, Commander in Chief of the Sixteenth Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General Strauss, Commander in Chief of the Ninth Army, to the rank of Colonel General; General von Falkenhorst, Military Commander in Norway, to the rank of Colonel General; General von Kleist, Commanding General of the TwentySecond Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Ritter von Schobert, Commanding General of the Seventh Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Guderian, Commanding General of the Nineteenth Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Hoth, Commanding General of the Fifteenth Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Haase, Commanding General of the Third Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Hoeppner, Commanding General of the Sixteenth Army Corps, to the rank of Colonel General; General Fromm, Chief of Military Armament and Commander in Chief of the Replacement Army, to the rank of Colonel General. In consideration of unequaled services rendered I promote: Lieutenant General Dietl, Commanding General of the Mountain Corps in Norway, to the rank of Infantry General. As the first officer with the German Wehrmacht, I award him the Oak Leaves of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Pending a later recognition of all the leaders and officers of the Reich Navy, I promote: Admiral Carls, the Commanding Admiral of the Naval Station Baltic Sea and Commander in Chief of the Naval Troops East, to the rank of Admiral General. In appreciation of the unequaled accomplishments of the German Luftwaffe, I promote: Colonel General Milch to the rank of Field Marshal; General der Flieger Sperrle to the rank of Field Marshal; General der Flieger Kesselring to the rank of Field Marshal. I promote: General der Flieger Stumpff to the rank of Colonel General; General der Flieger Grauert to the rank of Colonel General; General der Flieger Keller to the rank of Colonel General; General of the Flak Artillery Weise to the rank of Colonel General; General der Flieger Udet to the rank of Colonel General. Furthermore, I promote to the rank of General der Flieger: Lieutenant General Geissler; Major General Jeschonnek; Lieutenant General Loerzer; Lieutenant General Ritter von Greim; and Major General Freiherr von Richthofen. In my High Command of the Wehrmacht I promote: Colonel General Keitel to the rank of Field Marshal; Major General Jodl to the rank of Artillery General. In announcing these promotions on the occasion of the most successful campaign in our history, before this forum and so before the entire nation, I thereby honor the entire Wehrmacht of the National Socialist Greater German Reich. I cannot conclude my reflections on this battle without thinking of our ally here. Ever since there has been a National Socialist regime, its foreign policy has embraced two goals: 1. bringing about a true understanding and friendship with Italy and, 2. bringing about the same relationship with England. My Party Comrades, you know that I was as driven by these conceptions twenty years ago as I was later. I have dealt with and defended these ideas as a journalist and in my speeches countless times, as long as I myself was a mere opposition leader in the democratic republic. I immediately undertook, as soon as the German Volk entrusted me with its leadership, to realize these oldest goals of National Socialist foreign policy in practical terms. It still saddens me today that, in spite of all my endeavors, I have not succeeded in obtaining this friendship with England which, I believe, should have been a blessing for both peoples; and especially because I was not able to do so despite my persistent, sincere efforts. However, I am all the more happy that at least the first point in this program of my foreign policy was in fact realized. This I owe, above all, to the genius who today stands at the head of the Italian people. For it was possible only owing to his epoch-making activities for the two intellectually related revolutions to find each other, to finally seal in jointly-shed blood the alliance which is destined to procure a new life for Europe. That I myself have the honor to be a friend of this man gladdens me all the more in view of the unique story of his life, which bears evidence of as many similarities to my own as our two revolutions do to each other, and, beyond this, as does the history of the unification and rise of our two nations. Ever since the resurrection of the German Volk, we have heard many voices of understanding from Italy. On the foundation of this mutual understanding grew a living community of interests. And finally this was set down in treaties. And when, last year, contrary to my expressed will and desire, this war was forced on the German Reich, a consultation on the further conduct of our two states involved Mussolini and me. The benefit derived for the Reich from the behavior of Italy was extraordinary. Not only economically did we profit from the situation and the stance of Italy, but also militarily. From the beginning, Italy tied down strong forces of our enemies and curtailed above all their freedom of strategic disposition. And when the Duce determined that the time had come to take a stand with the weapon in his fist against the unbearable and persistent violation of Italy, damage done in particular by French and British transgression, and the King issued the declaration of war, then this was done with complete freedom of decision. All the greater must our gratitude be. The intercession of Italy has sped up and assisted in opening France’s eyes to the utter hopelessness of continued resistance. And ever since, our ally has fought on the peaks and ridges of the Alps and now on the vast plains encompassed in his sphere of interest. Especially his present air attacks and battles at sea are being led with the spirit peculiar to the Fascist Revolution. Here they elicit the spirit which binds National Socialism to Fascist Italy. Italy’s pain is Germany’s pain, as we have experienced in recent days in view of the death of Balbo. Its joy is our joy. And our cooperation in the political and military fields is a complete one. It will erase the injustice done the German and Italian peoples throughout the centuries. For, at the end of everything, stands the shared victory! And when I now turn to speak of the future, my Deputies, I do so not to boast or brag. This I can well leave up to others who are in greater need of it, as for example Mr. Churchill. What I want to do is to paint a picture of the present situation, bare of exaggeration, as it is and as I see it. 1. The course of events in the ten months of war now lying behind us has proved my assessments correct and those of our adversaries incorrect. 26 When the British so-called statesmen assure us that their country emerges strengthened from every defeat and failure, then it surely is no arrogance when I inform them that we emerge at least equally strengthened from our successes. On September 1 of the year now past, I already explained to you that, come what may, neither the force of weapons nor time shall force Germany to the ground. The Reich today stands stronger militarily than ever before. You have seen the losses, individually surely heavy, though as a total relatively low, which the German Wehrmacht has suffered in battle within the past three months. When you consider that, within this time, we erected a front which reaches from the North Cape to the Spanish border, then our losses are extraordinarily low, especially when compared with those of the World War. The cause lies-besides with the, on an average, excellent leadership-with the outstanding tactical training of the individual soldier and of the units, as well as with the cooperation among the branches of the service. Another cause is to be found with the quality and efficiency of the new weaponry. A third cause lies with the conscious refusal to pursue what is called prestige. I myself have, on principle, labored to avoid any attack or operation which was not necessary in the context of the actual annihilation of the adversary, but was instead to be carried out for the sake of what was regarded as prestige. In spite of all of this, naturally, we had anticipated far higher losses in many instances. The manpower saved will benefit us in the further pursuit of the struggle for freedom forced upon us. At present, many of our divisions in France are being withdrawn and reassigned to their bases at home. Many men are able to take leaves of absence. Weaponry and equipment are being either repaired or replaced by new material. All in all, the Wehrmacht today is stronger than ever before. 2. Weaponry. The loss of weaponry in Norway, especially in the campaigns against Holland, Belgium, and France, is void of any significance. It stands in no relation to production. Army and Luftwaffe possess at this moment-as I am speaking to you-equipment more complete and stronger than before we intervened in the West. 3. Ammunition. Provisions for ammunition were so well executed, the stocks are so vast, that in many areas production must now be curtailed or rerouted since the existing depots and warehouses, even given the greatest of efforts, in part are no longer capable of absorbing further deliveries. As in Poland, the consumption of ammunition was unexpectedly low. It stands in no relation to the stockpiles. The total reserves of the Army and the Luftwaffe are higher at present, for all categories of weapons, than before the attack in the West. 4. Raw materials essential to the war effort. Thanks to the Four-Year Plan, Germany was prepared for the greatest of strains in an exemplary fashion. No armed forces in the world, other than Germany’s Wehrmacht, have so benefited from a shift away from imported raw materials essential to the war effort to such as can be found within the country. Thanks to the work of the Reichsmarschall, this transformation of the German economy into a war economy characterized by self-sufficiency was already achieved in peacetime. [!] We possess reserves of the two most important raw materials, coal and iron, in what I may well term an unlimited quantity. Fuel supplies are more than enough for consumption. The capacities of our production are increasing and, within a short time, they will suffice- even should imports cease-to satisfy demand completely. Our advance metal collections have so increased our metal reserves that we can face a war of no matter what duration. We shall reign supreme no matter what happens. Added to this are the enormous possibilities that come from a yet immeasurable loot and including the development of the territories we have occupied. Germany and Italy possess, within the confines of the area they regulate and control, an economic potential of about 200 million men, of whom only 130 million are soldiers, with seventy million free to be employed exclusively in different economic activities. I informed you on September 1, my Deputies, that for the further conduct of the war I had ordered the initial implementation of a new Five-Year Plan. I can now assure you that all measures to this end have been taken. Come what may, I now no longer regard time as a threatening factor, not even in a general sense. This time, the measures taken in a timely fashion have also secured foodstuffs for a war of no matter how long a duration. 5. The attitude of the German Volk. Thanks to National Socialist education, the German Volk has not approached this war with the superficiality of a “hurrah” patriotism, but with the zealous determination of a race which knows the fate awaiting it should it suffer defeat. The endeavors to subvert this unity, launched by the propaganda of our enemies, are as stupid as they are ineffective. Ten months of war have rendered this zealousness all the more profound. And, in general, it is a great misfortune that the world’s opinion is not formed by men who see things as they are, but by men who see them as they want them to be. In the last days, I have seen through and studied countless documents from the Allied Headquarters’ “Ark of the Covenant.” Among other things, these contain reports on the atmosphere in Germany, or memoranda on the disposition and inner attitude of the German Volk. The authors of these reports were, in part, also diplomats. Reading through these reports, one cannot help wondering whether their authors were blind, stupid, or simply vile scoundrels. I will admit without further ado that, naturally, here in Germany also there have been, and perhaps still are today, certain individuals who have watched the Third Reich’s conquests with a feeling akin to regret. Incorrigible reactionaries or blind nihilists may well be saddened in their hearts that things came out not as they had willed them. But their numbers are ridiculously small and their significance is smaller yet. Regrettably, this scum of the nation appears to have been chosen by the outside world as a measuring stick by which to assess the German Volk. And from this, the sick minds of failed statesmen derive the last points of orientation to cling to for new hope. As needed, the British warlords designate a “General Hunger” or an “imminent revolution” as their new allies. There is no nonsense that these people would not dish up for their own nation in order to cling to their positions for yet a few more weeks. The German Volk has proved, above all, its inner attitude through its sons who are fighting on the battlefield. Within weeks they have beaten Germany’s strongest military adversary and have destroyed him. Their spirit was and remains the spirit of the German homeland. 6. The surrounding world. In the eyes of English politicians, their last hopes, besides those resting with the loyal and allied nations, lie with a series of propped-up heads of state without thrones; statesmen without subjects; and generals without armies; as well as on renewed complications they believe they can conjure up thanks to their well-proven deftness in such matters. A true Ahasuerus amongst these hopes is the belief in a possible new estrangement to separate Germany and Russia. German-Russian relations have been established for good. The reason for this was that England and France, with the support of certain smaller states, incessantly attributed to Germany ambitions to conquer terrain which lay completely outside the sphere of German interests. At one time, Germany was eyeing the occupation of the Ukraine; then again it sought to invade Finland; at another time it was claimed that Romania was threatened; then finally even Turkey was endangered. Given these circumstances, I held it to be proper to undertake, above all, with Russia, a sober delineation of interests, to once and for all clarify what Germany believes it must regard as its sphere of interest in securing its future, and what in turn Russia holds to be vital to its existence. 27 Based on this clear delineation of mutual spheres of interest, the Russo- German relationship was revised. It is childish to hope that in the course of this revision tensions might arise anew between Germany and Russia. Germany has not stepped outside its sphere of interest, and neither has Russia. England is deceived in its hope of bringing about a new European crisis to reprieve its own situation, insofar as the relationship of Germany to Russia is concerned. Though the British statesmen are chronically slow in their comprehension of almost everything, they will surely come to understand this in the course of time. I fancy I correctly forecast the future development of this war in my speech of October 6. I assure you, my Deputies, that not for a moment could I doubt victory. And, unless one feels the need to see signs and guarantees for the final victory exclusively in defeats, then I believe that the course of events up to this point has proved me right. As I was certain of this course of events, I offered my hand to France and England at the time for an understanding. You still recall the answer I received. My arguments against the nonsense of pursuing this war, on the certainty of gaining nothing, even under the most favorable of circumstances, and of losing much, were mocked and scoffed at, or passed over. I promptly assured you then that I feared, because of my peace proposal, to be decried as a cockerel who no longer wants to fight because he is no longer able to fight. And this is exactly what happened. I now believe that France- less the guilty statesmen than the people- thinks differently about this October 6 today. What nameless misery has befallen this great country and people since then. I shall not even mention the toll of suffering the war has placed on the soldier. For above this stands the suffering caused by the recklessness of those who drove millions of people from their homes without proper cause, who were compelled by the thought that this might somehow hamper the German war effort. This premise defied comprehension: this evacuation was mostly to the detriment of the Allied war effort and, moreover, it was the most cruel experience for the unfortunate afflicted. The injury the gentlemen Churchill and Reynaud have done millions of people, through their advice and commands-this they can neither justify in this world nor in the next. All of this-as I said-need not have happened. For peace was all I asked of France and England in October. But the gentlemen war profiteers wanted a continuation of this war at all cost. They have it now. I myself am too much a soldier not to comprehend the tragedy of such a development. Still all I hear from London are cries-not the cries of the masses, but of the politicians-that this war must now, all the more, be pursued. I do not know if these politicians have an inkling of just how this war is in fact to be pursued. They declare that they will continue this war, and should England fall, then they will do so from Canada. I do not believe this means that the English people will all emigrate to Canada, but rather that the gentlemen war profiteers will all retreat to Canada by themselves. I fear the people will have to remain behind in England. And, assuredly, they will see the war with different eyes in London than their so-called leaders in Canada. Believe me, my Deputies, I feel an inner disgust at this type of unscrupulous parliamentarian annihilators of peoples and states. It is almost painful to me to have been chosen by Providence to give a shove to what these men have brought to the point of falling. It was not my ambition to wage wars, but to build up a new social state of the highest culture. And every year of war takes me away from my work. And the cause of this robbery is those ludicrous zeroes whom one could at best call nature’s political run of the mill, insofar as their corrupted vileness does not brand them as something out of the ordinary. Mr. Churchill has repeated the declaration that he wants war. About six weeks ago now, he launched this war in an arena in which he apparently believes he is quite strong: namely, in the air war against the civilian population, albeit beneath the deceptive slogan of a so-called war against military objectives. Ever since Freiburg, these objectives have turned out to be open cities, markets, villages, residential housing, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and whatever else happens to be hit. Up to now I have given little by way of response. This is not intended to signal, however, that this is the only response possible or that it shall remain this way. I am fully aware that with our response, which one day will come, will also come the nameless suffering and misfortune of many men. Naturally, this does not apply to Mr. Churchill himself since by then he will surely be secure in Canada, where the money and the children of the most distinguished of war profiteers have already been brought. But there will be great tragedy for millions of other men. And Mr. Churchill should make an exception and place trust in me when as a prophet I now proclaim: A great world empire will be destroyed. A world empire which I never had the ambition to destroy or as much as harm. Alas, I am fully aware that the continuation of this war will end only in the complete shattering of one of the two warring parties. Mr. Churchill may believe this to be Germany. I know it to be England. In this hour I feel compelled, standing before my conscience, to direct yet another appeal to reason in England. I believe I can do this as I am not asking for something as the vanquished, but rather, as the victor, I am speaking in the name of reason. I see no compelling reason which could force the continuation of this war. I regret the sacrifices it will demand. I would like to spare my Volk. I know the hearts of millions of men and boys aglow at the thought of finally being allowed to wage battle against an enemy who has, without reasonable cause, declared war on us a second time. But I also know of the women and mothers at home whose hearts, despite their willingness to sacrifice to the last, hang onto this last with all their might. Mr. Churchill may well belittle my declaration again, crying that it was nothing other than a symptom of my fear, or my doubts of the final victory. Still I will have an easy conscience in view of things to come. Deputies, Men of the German Reichstag! In reflecting on the ten months lying behind us, all of us will surely feel overcome by the grace of Providence which allowed us to accomplish so great a task. It has blessed our resolves and stood by us on many a difficult path. I myself am touched in recognition of the calling it imparted to me to restore freedom and honor to my Volk. The disgrace we suffered for twenty-two years and which had its beginnings in the Forest of Compiegne was erased forever at the very same site. Today I have named the men who, before history, enabled me to accomplish this great task. They have done their best, dedicating their talents and their industry to the German Volk. I now wish to conclude in mentioning all those nameless men who have no less done their duty. Millions of them have risked life and liberty and, as brave German officers and soldiers, have been ready at every hour to make the last sacrifice a man can make. Today many of them rest in the same graves in which their fathers have rested since the Great War. They bear evidence to silent heroism. They stand as a symbol for all those hundreds of thousands of musketeers, anti-tank gunners and tank gunners, pioneers and artillerymen, soldiers of the Navy and the Luftwaffe, men of the Waffen SS, and all those other fighters who stood for the German Wehrmacht in the struggle for the freedom and future of our Volk and for the eternal greatness of the National Socialist Greater German Reich. Deutschland-Sieg Heil! ______________________________________________ 28