the St. Vincent Ferrer bulletin for 8 May, 2016
the St. Vincent Ferrer bulletin for 8 May, 2016
May 8, 2016 Founded in 1931 Dominican Friars of the Central Province, U.S.A. Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Year C) 1530 Jackson Ave. • River Forest, IL 60305 • Ascension of Christ (Salvador Dali, 1958) Page Two The Ascension Sunday PARISH AND SCHOOL STAFF Telephone:(708) 366-7090 Fax:(708) 366-7092 Fr. Thomas McDermo OP, Pastor Fr. Ma hew Strabala OP, Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael DeTemple OP, Parochial Vicar Jerome J. Trakszelis, Deacon John Gaughan, Deacon Mary Bodlak, Development Director Camela Daley, Music Director Chona Foellmer, School Secretary Jean Finnegan, CPA, Business Manager Sr. Immaculata Nneji DDL, Parish Visitor Mary Saldana, Secretary Mary Sklenar, Administra ve Assistant Dr. Charles Terry, School Principal Mary Ann Trakszellis, Secretary Maureen Weldon, Religious Educa on May 8, 2016 x100 x112 x104 x117 x147 x141 x114 x109 x 100 x115 x141 x100 x144 (Email addresses can be found at CHURCH: 7525 W. North Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 SCHOOL OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 771-5905 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090 X144 PARISH OFFICES/PRIORY: 1530 Jackson Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090, Fax (708) 366-7092 Office Hours: Sunday 9:00AM—1:00PM Monday-Friday: 8:00AM-12:00PM — 12:30PM-7:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM—1:00PM MASSES: Saturdays: 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Sundays: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM Mondays to Fridays: 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM noon Civil holidays: Go to SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Weekdays: 11:30 AM—11:50 AM Saturday, 4:30 PM and by appointment DOMINICANS IN RESIDENCE AT SVF PRIORY Fr. Michael DeTemple, OP, Prior Fr. Kevin Fane, OP Fr. Michael Garcia, OP Fr. Peter Hereley, OP Fr. Richard LaPata, OP Fr. Thomas McDermo , OP Fr. Jordan McGrath, OP Fr. Nicholas Monco, OP Fr. Jack O’Malley, OP Fr. Richard Peddicord, OP Fr. Ma hew Strabala,OP Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP Today is Mother’s Day, at least in our country. (I know that the UK and many Commonwealth na ons celebrate it on another date). While it does not appear on the Church calendar, Mother’s Day is worthy of our support. A er all, mothers are, in the normal course of things, the first sacrament or sign of God’s love in our lives. I suppose God could have created us in some other way than bringing in mothers (and fathers), but He didn’t. I remember reading that from the moment an infant can see and is able to look into its mother’s eyes, a sacred bond is begun between mother and child. As much as our mothers love us (at least in most cases, I hope), their love is just a par cipa on in God’s great love for us. That’s why I say moms are sacraments or signs of God’s love for us, at least on the natural level. And, of course, it is good to be grateful to our moms for all they’ve done for us. Pope Francis has strongly condemned neglect of the elderly which he sees as a growing problem. Let’s be mindful of giving quality me to our mothers and of praying for them, both living and deceased mothers. Today is also a great feast in the Church: the Solemnity of the Ascension. (The bishop of every diocese can decide whether to observe the Ascension on the tradi onal Thursday or on the following Sunday. For many years, we in the Archdiocese of Chicago have celebrated it on what would have been the Seventh Sunday of Easter). What’s the big deal about Christ’s ascension to heaven such that it’s a solemnity? Well, for openers, note that He ascended not as a soul detached from a body but as a risen and glorified human being, body and soul together. That means that in heaven there is a risen, material human body—the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. (In fact, the soul and body of His mother Mary is also there, as a ested to by the Solemnity of the Assump on which we celebrate on August 15th). The Ascension of Christ reminds us of the sacredness of the human body which is made in the image and likeness of God, which the Word, the Second Person of the Trinity, assumed at the moment of the Incarna on, and which is now seated “at the right hand of the Father” in heaven. This is important because many of people think that ma er and spirit are opposed. Beginning with the Incarna on of Christ, however, ma er has been elevated to the level of the divine. Buddhists may be an -ma er but Chris ans are not. Ma er is good. We must not run from it but allow God to elevate it through His deifying grace. Have a great week! Fr. Tom McDermo , OP May 8, 2016 The Ascension Sunday Page Three Sunday, June 5th 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm on the school grounds FREE ADMISSION! Pony Rides Petting Zoo Human Hamster Balls Rock Climbing Bouncies And More! Food Trucks will be available. Sponsored by the Parish Life Committee of the Parish Pastoral Council Page Four The Ascension Sunday May 8, 2016 MASS READINGS AND INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, May 9th Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 7:00AM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes 12:00PM +Angelo and Lucy Perna Tuesday, May 10th Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a 7:00AM +Clifford Mar n 12:00PM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes Wednesday, May 11th Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 7:00AM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes 12:00PM +Eugene Smuda Thursday, May 12th Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 7:00AM +Denis McGrath 12:00PM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes Friday, May 13th Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 7:00AM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes 12:00PM +Albie Lavezzorio Saturday, May 14th Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 8:00AM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes 5:30PM +Joan Carlson Sunday, May 15th Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 7:30AM For all those whose names are wri en on Mother’s Day Novena envelopes 9:00AM +Dr. Todd Woods 11:00AM People of the Parish 5:30PM +Joseph Monahan BAPTISMS: Christopher Giovanni Cali Oliver Alexander Ponzio PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Gina Bacon, Mary Baynes, Gina Bra man, James Budzban, Frank & Teresa Cairo, Alexander Capraro, Alfred Cardillo, Sam Ciccio, Rica Conci, Sabrina Conforte, John Corcoran, Rose Marie Cor le , John Dalicandro, Dorothy Elaine Dato, Veronica DelaTorre, Antonella DiBiasio, Nora DeVito, Rose Mary Fahey, Rita Farina, Nico Felice, Christopher Garcia, Gemma Gotauco, Josie Karr, Elaine & Richard Kalla, Evelyn Kelly, Michael Reardon Kelly, Virginia Kielb, Stella Kowalczyk, Renee Kunkel, Marcella LaSpina, , John Lennon, Sonny Li uri, Frances Livich, Jeannine Malecki, Kris na Maria, Pearl Mazzone, Sam Mazzuca, Tiffany McGraw, Vedasto Mendoza, Sco Miller, Constanza Misura, Kaylo Nanni, Tina Piscopo, Angela Orlando, Ernest Raczkiewicz, Rosalie Rizzo, Holden Sepe, Donata & Angelo Serritella, Nick Speziale, Mary Spinuzza, Mary Spitzer, Bill Steber, John Summaria, Barbara Thorne, Jacqueline Varani, Deacon Jerry Zych, Michael O’Rourke May our prayers bring them strength, healing and peace. Please call our Parish Office to add a loved one’s name to our parish prayer list. Names are removed a er four weeks unless the office is contacted. FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF: Fr. James Motl, O.P. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND POLICE: Senior Airman Armando Chavez (Air Force) 1st Lieutenant Daniel Armstrong (USMC) Officer Robert Reeves COLLECTION FOR MAY 1, 2016 Needed: $14,800 Actual: $15,756 Online dona ons can be made to St. Vincent Ferrer Parish at HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR MAY: Universal: Respect for Women That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essen al contribu on to society may be highly esteemed. Evangeliza on: Holy Rosary That families, communi es, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangeliza on and peace. May 8, 2016 The Ascension Sunday Page Five Reflection on Sunday’s Readings May 8, 2016 The Ascension of the Lord First Reading (Acts 1:1-11). We hear of the ascension of Jesus into heaven, and of his promise to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples. Second Reading (Eph 1:17-23). Paul sets out the meaning of the ascension: God raised Jesus above all earthly powers, and made him head of the Church and Lord of crea on. Gospel (Lk 24:46-53). Before ascending into heaven, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples. The reading from the Acts speaks of the ascension of Jesus. It also shows how Jesus, now in the glorious presence of his Father, con nues to act through the Holy Spirit and through his followers. The theological meaning of the feast is expressed in the Second Reading: God has glorified Jesus, raising him above all earthly powers, and making him head of the Church and Lord of crea on. The Gospel Reading consists of the end of Luke’s Gospel. It contains Luke’s first account of the Ascension, which is here presented as occurring on Easter Sunday. The risen Lord shows the apostles how the Scriptures had foretold that the Christ would suffer and rise again. Jesus also gives them mission (the proclama on of repentance and forgiveness of sins) and promises to send the Holy Spirit to them. They return in joy to Jerusalem to await the Spirit. In his Gospel Luke has shown that ‘the me of Israel’ has yielded to ‘the me of Christ’. Now, ‘the me of Christ’ is to yield to ‘the me of the Church’. The word of salva on will go forth from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. He will tell us about that in his second book, Acts of the Apostles. The Ascension is seen as the culmina on of Jesus’ life and the start of the Church’s mission. From June 13 to August 19, St. Vincent Ferrer School will be the site of “Steve & Kate’s Camp”—a non-sectarian, private day camp for kids which operates in several loca ons across the United States. St. Vincent Ferrer School is one of six sites in the Chicagoland area. Instead of a rigid structure, we give our campers choice. Instead of teaching kids the typical way, we give them tools and gentle guidance to help them become autodidacts. The difference is subtle–and it’s profound. At Steve & Kate’s, campers step into a world packed with possibili es: for experiencing new sensa ons, for expressing themselves, for exploring their passions and poten al. The results are unexpected and they’re unexpectedly rich. One camper dives deep into stop-mo on anima on. Another discovers a passion for dance. Or chess. A camper becomes engrossed in making the perfect bread. Or developing Leo Messi-like touch on the soccer pitch. These discoveries are all the more exhilara ng because campers make them for themselves. This is a world liberated from adult judgments and expecta ons, and campers flourish in it. For more informa on, go to h p:// ons/river-forest/ St. Vincent Ferrer Church has a drop-in Moms & Tots group that is free-of-charge and meets on Mondays from 9:00 to 12:00 noon in the school gym. Interested moms should join the Facebook group St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Moms and Tots for no ces, changes, etc. (Please check Facebook on the day of the mee ng to make sure that the mee ng has not been cancelled). All moms with young kids are welcome! Page Six The Ascension Sunday May 8, 2016 May 8, 2016 The Ascension Sunday Dominican Jubilee Indulgence “His Holiness Pope Francis has granted the possibility of receiving the plenary indulgence to all the faithful par cipa ng in the Jubilee celebra ons that will take place both interna onally and in each province and to all those who will par cipate in a pilgrimage to the churches and chapels of the Dominican family.” To gain this special plenary indulgence, one must fulfill the usual condi ons of sacramental confession, Eucharis c communion, and prayers for the inten ons of the Holy Father, and freedom from a achment to sin. Further, the Holy Father specifies that one be united with the spiritual purposes of the Year of Mercy, and perform either of the following works: 1.Devoutly a end a celebra on of the 800th Jubilee of the Dominican Order [such as the May 23rd lecture on St. Dominic at 7:00 pm at St. Vincent Ferrer Church or the 7:00 am or 12:00 noon Masses on the Solemnity of St. Dominic, August 8th]. 2.Go on pilgrimage to a church or place of worship of the Dominican Order [such as St. Vincent Ferrer Church or the Shrine of St. Jude at St. Pius V Church, 1909 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago], there medita ng for a suitable period of me before the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, the Dominican Jubilee Prayer, and an invoca on to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Most Holy Rosary. Dominican Jubilee Prayer God, Father of mercy, who called your servant Dominic de Guzman to set out in faith as an i nerant pilgrim and a preacher of grace, as we celebrate the Jubilee of the Order we ask you to pour again into us the Spirit of the Risen Christ, that we might faithfully and joyfully proclaim the Gospel of peace, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen Page Seven Page Eight The Ascension Sunday Commandments for Making Friends By Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI More than twenty-five hundred years ago, Moses gave us the ten commandments. The centuries since, the Enlightenment notwithstanding, haven’t given us a single reason to doubt the validity and importance of any of those precepts. However, as we struggle to live out them out, it might be helpful if Moses again descended from that same mountain with two new tablets of stone, spelling out some rules for be er befriending each other, God, life, and ourselves. Perhaps this second set of commandments might read like this: 1) Befriend humanity … To be human is to be fallible, wounded, scarred, sinful, and living in a far-from-perfect history, body, family, church. Don’t look for anyone to blame, to sue, to be angry at. This is called the human condi on. Make friends with it. Grieve, don’t rage. Think of chaos, not blame. Our parents called this “original sin”. We talk of “dysfunc onal families”. It has ever been thus. Don’t live in a sulk. 2) Befriend what’s best in you … As long as we look out at the world through our wounds we will always fill with selfpity, bi erness, and jealousy. If, however, if we look out through the prism of what’s best in us, our jealousy can turn to apprecia on and we can again be astonished at others’ goodness. We have two souls, a grand soul, where we carry the image of God and the memory of our blessings, and a pe y soul, where we carry the bi erness and jealousies that comes from our wounds. We need to a ach our eyes, our ears, our speech, and our a tudes to our grand soul. We need to be be er friends with what’s best in us. 3) Befriend those who love you … There are only two poten al tragedies in life: To go through life and never love and to go through life and not express love and affec on to those who love us. We need to make be er friends with our May 8, 2016 friends, to express more readily our affec on, our gra tude, our apprecia on, and our contri on. Thank those who love you for loving you. Never take their love for granted, or as owed. Give out a lot more compliments. Say thank-you constantly. 4) Befriend chas ty … So much of our pain and restlessness comes from our lack of chas ty and much of our subsequent ra onaliza on and bi erness come from not admi ng this. We have sophis cated ourselves into unhappiness. For all of our knowing, we aren’t happy. Make friends with chas ty. Children and virgins, scripture assures us, enter the kingdom easily. Be post-sophis cated. Learn to believe in Santa and the Easter-Bunny again. Enjoy secondnaivete. Ride a merry-go-round. Make a searing, honest confession soon. 5) Befriend your own body … Don’t be afraid of your own body, of its goodness, its sexuality, its pleasures, its redness, its limits. It’s the only one you’ve got in any case. Befriend it. Don’t punish it, don’t spoil it, don’t denigrate it. It’s a church, a temple. Give it enough rest, enough exercise, enough discipline, and enough respect. 6) Befriend the other gender … The mothers and the fathers, the wives and the husbands, are figh ng. Small wonder the children are suffering. Never trivialize the issues of gender. We are being called to a new level of mutual respect and mutual sympathy. Make friends with what seems most threatening to you in the other gender. 7) Befriend your father … Father-hunger is one of the deepest hungers in the Western world today. Reconcile with your own father, with other fathers, and with God the Father. Your father’s blessing will de-constrict your heart. Forgive him his inadequacy. Acknowledge your hunger. 8) Befriend your mortality … Death comes to us all. Make friends with aging, with wrinkles, with grey hair, with a body that is no longer young. Accept, let go, grieve, move on. Bless the young. Share your wisdom with them. Give away what’s le of your life. Let the zest, beauty, and color of young people enliven you. 9) Befriend humor … In our laughter we taste transcendence. Humor takes us above the tragic. Laughter gives us wings to fly. Thomas More cracked a joke to the man who was about to behead him. That’s a quality of sanc ty that we too o en neglect. 10) Befriend your God … The gospel is not so much good advice as it is “good news”, it tells us how much God loves us, what God has already done for us. God is as proud of us as is any mother of her children. Peace comes to us when we can enjoy that favor. Befriend the God of love and the God of the resurrec on, the God who is completely relaxed, whose face beams like a marvelous symphony, whose power to raise dead bodies from the grave assures us that in the end all will be well and all will be well and every manner of being well be well. Befriend the God who tells us 365 mes in scripture not to be afraid. Walk in that confidence. May 8, 2016 The Ascension Sunday Page Nine Page Ten The Ascension Sunday May 8, 2016 May 8, 2016 The Ascension Sunday LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE May 14th and May 15th Saturday, May 14th, 5:30 PM (Vigil Mass) Lector: Fabian Sansona EMC: Rogert Mastalarz, Pat Champagne, Frank Giglio, Augie Aleksy, Casey Czaja, Maggie Kenny, John Sheahan Servers: Charles and Chris Doherty, Chuck Lucas Sacristan: Sylvia Zamora Sunday, May 15th, 7:30 AM Lector: Mary Sklenar EMC: Pat Schwandt, Mary Andreoni, Bill Andreoni, Veronica Zemuglys, Rose Felipe, Ron Catanzaro Servers : Ryan Perrino, Julian Zadlo Sacristan: Mario Dato Sunday, May 15th, 9:00 AM Lector: Chris ne Meyer EMC: Ken Trendel, Mary Trendel, Joe Johnson, Chuck Doherty, Pawel Nowak, Irene O’Hara, Janet Homer Servers: Anika Pison, Grace Knox Sacristan: Dolores and Robert Boveri Sunday, May 15th 11:00 AM Lector: Alex Duran EMC: Astrid Duran, Bill Hardy, Jeanne Hardy, Anthony Georgen, Jean Dugo, Ed Gesualdo, Myriam Escobar Servers: Max and Solanus Daley, Elizabeth, Anna and Mia Ruggiero, Gianni Bertacchi Sacristan: Mike McDonald Sunday, May 15th 1:30PM (Confirma on) Servers: Franklin and Luke Fisher, Luke and Ben Brown, Sophia Miceli, Emilia Nowak Sunday, May 15st, 5:30 PM Lector: Shelly Capps EMC: Sharmaine Tuason, Dean Mar ni, Bob Sasse , Rene Villarreal , JoAnn Jaskiewicz, Jim Farina, Charlie Capps Servers: Kaylene Gohmann, Sophia and Grace Miceli Sacristan: Ken Yourek Page Eleven ICE CREAM SOCIAL Please join the CCW for our ice cream social on Tuesday, May 10th in the Cabrini oom at 7pm. We will say the rosary and honor the Blessed Mother by having a May Crowning. This will be followed by an ice cream social with all the trimmings! Please RSVP with Judith at 708-453-0579 or Sylvia at 708-453-7973. Join us anyway if you forget to RSVP. THE WOMEN'S CENTER 5116 North Cicero Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630 (773)794-1313 During the month of May, we honor our heavenly mother and our earthly mothers. At the Women’s Center we rejoice that since last Mother’s Day, with the assistance of our counseling, spiritual, and material help, over 1,000 babies and their mothers were saved from abor on. They sent us beau ful “thank you” le ers. We thank you for your help. The Women’s Center is looking for new servant-hearted volunteers to join us on weekdays between 9am-5pm at 5116 N. Cicero Ave., usually for 3-4 hour shi s. 1) We are in need of Spanish-bilingual volunteers to help as a Client Assistant helping new moms shop free in our family room. 2) We are looking for a person with open availability to learn lobby desk and 3rd floor recep onist du es so they can serve as a subs tute. 3) We have an opportunity to clean, tag, and box bo les on weekdays for Baby Bo le Campaigns. 4) We are looking for three warm-hearted commi ed volunteers to answer a er office hours phone calls on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5pm to 9am the next day at home and schedule appointments for our office. 5) We would love to have a group host a used or new baby furniture drive to collect pack ‘n plays, cribs, infant car seats, single or double strollers, bouncers, exersaucers, and other baby furniture. For more details, please call Paige at 773.794.8807 or pscarle We need 6 pack n plays, 5 infant car seat/carriers, 3 toddler beds, 7 fixed side cribs, 6 strollers, 4 double strollers, 7 baby bathtubs, 5 walkers, 3 changing tables, 6 bouncers, 2 high chairs, 7 bassinets, and 6 swings. Gently used maternity clothes are always needed. It will be a great help if you can deliver these to us. For our address, or for a poten al pick-up by a volunteer, please call 773-794-1313. Page Twelve The Ascension Sunday SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION BAPTISMS: Infant bap sms are celebrated on Sundays immediately a er the 11:00 AM Mass. A endance at a bap smal prepara on class is required. For more informa on go to:— Sacraments—Bap sm. FUNERALS: Call the parish office at (708) 366-7090 x100. Also, look at www.svfparish.orgSacramentsFuneral Resources. (If applicable, read Crema on Guidelines). WEDDINGS: Marriage prepara on with a priest should be started at least one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. For more informa on go to www.svfparish.orgSacraments Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the parish office before major surgery or in case of serious illness. Tel: (708) 366-7090 x100. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults). Contact Fr. Ma hew Strabala, OP, at [email protected] or phone (708) 366-7090 x112. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Contact Maureen Weldon, Coordina or of Religious Educaon, at (708) 366-7090 x144 or [email protected]. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Usually done in the 2nd grade. Contact Maureen Weldon, Coordinator of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x144 or [email protected]. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Usually conferred on our youth in the 8th grade a er 2 years in the parish’s religious educa on program. For more informa on, contact Maureen Weldon, Coordinator of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x144 or [email protected]. SPRED: Faith forma on for adults and children with developmental disabili es. For more informa on, go to Educa onSPRED or contact Sylvia Zamora at [email protected] HOMEBOUND PARISHONERS: Any homebound parishioner who would like to receive Holy Communion should contact Sr. Immaculata at [email protected] or Fr. Michael DeTemple, OP, at [email protected] or by calling them at (708) 366-7090 x100. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL: is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 12:30 to 8:30. To volunteer, please call the Parish Office (708) 366-7090 x100 FAMILY MASS: The 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays is the Family Mass. There is a separate Liturgy of the Word for children during the homily. ROSARY: Daily before the 12:00 noon Mass. May 8, 2016 NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Tuesday a er Noon Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO ST. JUDE: Every Friday at the end of the 7:00 AM and 12:00 noon Masses. BLESSING OF THE UNBORN AND THEIR PARENTS: A er any Mass by prior arrangement through the parish office (708) 366-7090 x100. NEW PARISHIONERS: Go to www.svfparish.orgWelcomeJoin the Parish or come by the parish office to meet the staff and priests. (See office hours on page 2) BULLETIN SUBMISSION: Ar cles and no ces should be submi ed at least one week in advance to sv ulle [email protected] or by going to the parish office. CALENDAR SUBMISSION: For parish ac vi es to appear on our parish calendar online and in the bulle n: [email protected] or by going to the parish office. Sunday, May 8th 9:00am May Crowning (Church) 12:00pm Bap sm (Church) 7:00pm Men’s Basketball (Gym) Monday, May 9th 9:30am Mom and Tots (Gym) 7:00pm Seniors Mee ng (Cabrini Room) Tuesday, May 10th 10:00am Book Club (Fenwick Room) 6:30pm Alateen/English (Fenwick Room) 6:30pm Al-Anon/Spanish (Sinsinawa Room) 7:00pm CCW Mee ng (Cabrini Room) Wednesday, May 11th 7:30am Coffee and Donuts (Fenwick Room) 5:00pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Church) 6:30pm SPRED (Rm-19 School) 7:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) Thursday, May 12th 1:00pm Scripture Study (Fenwick Room) 7:00pm Bible Study (Cabrini Room) Friday, May 13th Saturday, May 14th CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — St. Vincent Ferrer #512150 ADDRESS — 1530 Jackson Ave. River Forest, IL 60305 PHONE — 708-366-7090 CONTACT PERSON— Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska 630-308-2609 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pak 4 PRINTER — HP Photo Smart P1100 TRANSMISSION TIME— Tuesday, 9:00AM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT — Cover through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN — May 8, 2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS — The Ascension Sunday