Summer 2014 web - Texas Knights of Columbus
Summer 2014 web - Texas Knights of Columbus
Texas Knight The Journal of the Knights of Columbus in Texas Since 1902 Vol. 1, 2014-2015 Message From the State Deputy M In This Issue State Deputy Message Page 1 Ladies Project Page 2 Resolving Differences Charitably Page 4 Membership Page 1 Be A Rock Star Page 5 Find Us on Facebook Page 7 One Member! Per Council! Per Month! We Are One! By Alfredo Vela, Membership Director y Brother Knights, We have just completed the 20132014 Fraternal Year. I want to congratulate our Immediate Past State Deputy, Jim Collins and his team on a great year. On July 1, 2014, we began a new fraternal year. I want to thank you for giving me the honor of serving you as your State Deputy in this great State of Texas. It is with a great deal of humility that I take on this leadership role. We as Brother Knights in Texas have had many great years in Membership, Council Growth, State Charities, Star Councils and Programming. We should be very proud of the tradition that we have established here in Texas. Without good leadership in the local areas, and without your hard work, dedication and love for the Order, Texas could not achieve its stature as the best Jurisdiction in the Order. As members of the Texas Jurisdiction, we must truly believe in what the Knights of Columbus stands for: to dedicate ourselves to the growth and strengthening of our Order in Texas. In saying that, please remember that we have an obligation to offer membership in the Knights of Columbus to every eligible Catholic man. For us to have a successful year, we must all work together as a team. This teamwork lead us to be united as ONE and thus leading us to the theme that has been chosen for 2014 – 2015 as: “WE ARE ONE.” We have just had our Organizational Meeting for the District Deputies s we begin this fraternal year, I would like to take some time to explain our charities fund raising program. A majority of the councils in Texas budget for and submit their charity contribution every year. Putting the charity contribution in a council’s budget Continues on Page 3 Continues on Page 10 Squires Convention Page 9 Wheel Chair Page 12 The Star Council Goal! M y Brother Knights, it is a brand new fraternal year, a fresh start for each and every council. Now is the time to not only set your goals, but it is also the time to start implementing your plan. As one of your goals, please make achieving Star Council one of your goals. Membership growth is very important in achieving Star Council, but it also gives your council bigger and greater opportunities. Every new member gives us opportunities for more Church service, more charitable Continues on Page 3 The First Principle Charity By Chris Johnson, Charity Director A New State Council Officer for 2014-2015 T he new State Officers for the Texas State Council fraternal year 2014-2015 were elected at the annual state convention, held in Houston. From left to right: Immediate Past State Deputy Jim Collins; State Secretary, Doug Oldmixon; State Deputy, Terry Simonton; State Warden, Paul Bettge, State Advocate, Diego Pena; State Treasurer, Mark Evans. Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of the Tyler Diocese was appointed as State Chaplain and Msgr. Louis Brum of Brownsville Diocese was appoint Associate State Chaplain. The officers were installed at the Organization Meeting that was held in Horseshoe Bay at the beginning of July. Page 2 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Message from the State Deputy’s Wife By Estelle Simonton, First Lady F irst of all, I want to thank you for giving Terry and I the honor and privilege of representing Texas, the best Jurisdiction in the Order. We are truly blessed to have all of you as part of our Knights of Columbus family and we look forward to visiting with you during this fraternal year. The Texas Ladies Project that has been chosen for this fraternal year is “PRO-LIFE.” This year we will raise funds for a Pro-Life Ministry in each of our 15 Dioceses. There are many Maternity Homes and Pregnancy Resource Centers throughout Texas that are in need of financial and Spiritual help. Our goal is to raise enough money to be able to send a generous donation to one Pro-Life Ministry in each Diocese. Donations can be sent to the Texas State Office and made payable to “State Council Charities” with a notation in the Memo section stating “Ladies Project” or a payment can be made online at Any donation of any size will be greatly appreciated, but for a donation of $250.00 from an individual or Council, you will be able to choose one of 3 incredible gifts. The 3 gifts you can choose from are: (1) Olive Wood Lourdes Rosary and Box; (2) Olive Wood Rosary and Box with Relic; (3) Olive Wood Crucifix with Holy Sepulchre Relic. (Details on these 3 items can be found on the website.) I want to thank all of you for your support and I want to thank Tom Clark, our Pro-Life Chairman, for all his help and guidance in this very special project. A special thanks to those of you that have already contributed to our Pro-Life Project. With all of us working together, I know that we can make a difference and that we can help save all our special angels. May God Bless You and Your Families. The Texas Knight wants to Hear from YOU! The Texas Knight wants to know about our brother knights throughout the state so send us the news and photos. The Next issue is being prepared at this moment. Share the good news with your brothers! Send all articles and photos to Mark Johnson, Editor Texas Knight, 707 Harbor Drive Georgetown, TX 78628 E-Mail [email protected]. Typed articles are appreciated. Thank you. Texas State Council Ladies Program Be a Reporter for the Texas Knight! PRO - LIFE 2014 – 2015 (Assisting the following Pro-Life Ministries:) Amarillo Diocese: Amarillo Agency for Women Austin Diocese: The Annunciation Maternity Home Beaumont Diocese: Hope Women’s Resource Center Brownsville Diocese: Gift of Life Pregnancy Center Corpus Christi Diocese: Hope House Dallas Diocese: Dallas Catholic Maternity Home* El Paso Diocese: House of Hope Pregnancy Center Fort Worth Diocese: Fort Worth Pregnancy Center Galveston/Houston Archdiocese: Life House Maternity Home Laredo Diocese: Casa la Esperanza Pro-Life Center Lubbock Diocese: Nurturing Center San Angelo Diocese: Pregnancy Help Center of the Concho Valley San Antonio Archdiocese: Guadalupe Home Tyler Diocese: Living Alternative and Crisis Center Victoria Diocese: Love for Life Crisis Center T *Name changed due to request from the Sisters that operate it Funds Presented! By Thomas Daum he New Braunfels Council 4183 recently invited representatives of Project Gabriel and Rachel's Journey to the May Council Fraternal meeting where they were presented funds on behalf of the Council and those Knights and the Public who also contributed to this project. The Texas Knight is looking for reporters in your neck of the woods. All we would ask is that you attend local council, district or diocese Knights events, take a couple of digital photos and write a short story that we could put in the publications which would include the Texas Knight and also on the website. We cannot reimburse for any expenses and don’t want you to incur them. The pay is your name and title (Texas Knight Reporter) and the gratitude of your brother knights in Texas for spreading the good news about our Order. If you’re interested drop me an email mjohnson@ or use the email address above and I’ll give you more details. Thanks, Mark Johnson, Editor. Don’t see Your Article? Our space is limited but look for it in the next edition of the Texas Knight or check out Texas KNIGHT The Texas Knight is a publication of the Texas State Council Knights of Columbus. Copyright 2010 by Texas State Council. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material appearing in The Texas Knight is forbidden without written permission. Publisher Terry Simonton State Deputy Editor Mark Johnson Contributors Alfredo Vela Chris Johnson Jack Gunn Bobb Mahrer Daryl Entrop Diego Pena Douglas Oldmixon Michael McLaughlin Texas Knight Reporters Fred Afflerbach Pat Aguillen Robert Allen Bob De Chene Robert Esparza Luz Gallegos Joseph H. Raymond, Sr. Larry Treibel Stan Urban Burnie Vaughn Thomas Weigel James Wick Photography Mark Johnson Design Creative Development Services Texas State Council 6633 Hwy 290 East Ste 204 Austin, TX 78723 The Texas Knight, as the official newspaper of the Knights of Columbus, Texas State Council shares in the mission of the Church, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout our fraternity by providing information, education and inspiration to its membership and families. The Texas Knight provides objective and accurate information about the Knights of Columbus both locally, state and internationally and mirrors the living experiences and activities of its’ membership. The Texas Knight strives to educate and enrich the lives of its readers by challenging them to a deeper understanding of the Knights of Columbus and with a greater commitment to the practical application of the precepts of the Catholic Church. The Texas Knight, dedicated to its readers and to the Catholic Church, has a special responsibility to foster a spirit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism within the Order and within the Church. All Address Changes need be to sent to Supreme Council addressed to: Columbia Membership Services PO Box 1670 New Haven CT 06507-0901 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Vivat Jesu…Semper! State Deputy Continued and I want to say that we are very fortunate in Texas to have so many great District Deputies. I want to thank the Major Directors and their committees along with the other presenters for their great presentations. There was a lot of information given to the District Deputies that they will present at their meetings with their councils. It was said many times over this past weekend, if we are going to have a successful year in Texas, it’s due to all the councils reaching their goals. The goal for every council in Texas should be to achieve the STAR COUNCIL AWARD. Some of our Goals for this fraternal year are: Recruit 5239 new members, while keeping suspensions below 1500. Every Council Active Start 15 New Councils Reactivate 23 Dormant Councils Sponsor 200 Roundtables Obtain 100 Star Councils Keep Texas the Best Jurisdiction in the Order The Circle of Honor Adopt every Seminarian in Texas Work hard but have FUN We have had some great years in Texas, but as some of our Past State Deputies have said many times “We haven’t had our best year yet.” Will this be the year? Vivat Jesus! Terry Simonton State Deputy Membership Continued (How “Vivat Jesu” became the Knights of Columbus Motto) W By Rudy Balli hen the late Supreme Chaplain Bishop Charles Greco was a seminarian he was deeply moved while reading the story of St. Bernardine of Siena. He adopted the saint’s favorite prayer – “May Jesus Live” (in the hearts of all), in its Latin form “Vivat Jesu”, to use as the motto for his life and priesthood. When he became Bishop of Alexandria, LA in 1946, Bishop Greco chose the same phrase as his Episcopal motto. In 1978 at the 96th annual meeting of the Supreme Council in New Orleans, Supreme Knight, Virgil C. Dechant, thought our order ought to be devoted to the name of Jesus and chose Bishop Greco’s motto “Vivat Jesu” as a greeting. The response is “SEMPER”, meaning ‘always’. By its use, the Knights help bring back the love and devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. Brothers “Cleaning Up!” By Gregg Shields works, more community service, more pro-life activities and the list goes on. Our Supreme Knight states that it is our duty to invite every eligible Catholic man to become a Knight. From the new member’s perspective, imagine the opportunities you present him. He will now be given an opportunity to take care of his family. He will now be able to become a better husband, father, uncle, friend, and etc. There is no reason not to ask an eligible Catholic man to become a Knight. As for this year, it looks like this year will be an exciting year for every Knight in Texas. There are lots of goals to achieve at the local and state level. Our State Deputy has asked to work hard towards these goals, but have FUN doing it. Let me give you an example of what is in store for this year. Would your wife like for you to take her on a cruise? Ask her and let’s find out. We will have cruises to give away. For instance, the top proposer for the year will receive a cruise for him and his wife sometime next year. That is just one way to get on the cruise. There are other ways and more opportunities to come throughout the year. For more details, contact your Diocesan Deputy or District Deputy or visit the Texas State website at under the membership tab. This year promises to be a great one. Jump on the bandwagon and hold on for the ride. Everyone that participates will truly enjoy it. Let’s make it happen. Good luck this fraternal year. PROPOSER PROPOSER PROPOSER PROPOSER 1 MEMBER 5 MEMBERS 10 MEMBERS 15 MEMBERS P2 P3 P4 P1 Page 3 Member recruits 7 members, his name goes into bucket #1 and bucket #2 Attention! Texas Knight Reporters! I Each of the buckets represents a different trip. There will be 4 different trips raffled for proposers. Depending on how many members a current member recruits determines how many chances they have to win. Example: Member recruits 3 members, his name goes into bucket #1 S ixteen brothers from Council 7850, Plano, braved balmy temperatures and blue skies Saturday, June 14 to pick up the trash along Spring Creek. Brother Dave Kistner led the band of merry trash pickers by feeding them juice, coffee, doughnuts and delicious breakfast burritos. Afterwards, he hosted a wine raffle featuring the finest vintages of Two Buck Chuck. The Plano Clean Up is one of the longest running ministries of Council 7850. t’s time to step up your game. For the best article you will be awarded a Texas Knight logo Polo shirt. There will be 5 shirts (for 5 reporters) available. Articles will be judged for the next three Texas Knights (Fall, Spring and Summer). Please identify your articles as submitted by a Texas Knight Reporter and just keep doing the great work that you have been doing. I will notify the winners after publication of the Summer Issue of the Texas Knight in 2015 (and get your shirt size). If you are not a Texas Knight Reporter, drop me a line and sign up. ([email protected]). Everyone is welcome to help spread the good news of the Knights of Columbus in Texas. Did you know that the Texas Knight goes out to over 92,000 Knights of Columbus families in Texas and other states. We are the largest publication in the Order and one of the largest independent Catholic publications in the United States. Join us to continue this proud publication. Member recruits 12 members, his name goes into bucket#1, bucket #2, and bucket #3 Member recruits 17 members, his name goes into bucket #1, bucket #2, bucket #3 and bucket #4 Texas KNIGHT Page 4 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Assembly 1097 Resolving Differences Charitably By Eleuterio Reyes By Diego Pena, State Advocate L ike any parent, when it comes to my children’s sports teams, I am not an objective observer. I vividly recall attending one of my son’s high school basketball games with my daughter who was about nine years old at the time. During that game, the referee made some questionable calls against my son’s team. My daughter and the parents cheering on my son’s team grumbled loudly. When the referee charged my son with a foul at a dramatic point in the game, tempers flared and my daughter turned to me and declared: “Papa, that ref has issues!” To this day I still disagree with the ref’s call, but this story serves as a reminder that disagreements are inevitable and a part of life. Even among good families, disagreements are common. As Knights of Columbus, we are not immune from disagreements. When handled properly, disagreements can and should be amicably resolved. But handled improperly, disagreements can be divisive and destructive. Dissension, resulting from unresolved disagreements, can infect a council like a malignant cancer, and undermine that council’s fraternal soul. As Catholic gentlemen—as Knights of Columbus—when confronted with disagreement, we must work towards resolving our differences charitably and fraternally. As State Advocate, I have seen more than my share of fraternal disputes. The causes of these disputes vary: disagreements over protocol, bylaws, council traditions, Roberts Rules, financial decisions, distributing proceeds, home associations and even trivial matters (e.g., color of table cloths and shirts!). If not settled quickly, disputes escalate rapidly, resulting in petty accusations—and sometimes personal attacks. If the disagreement spills outside the acceptable boundaries of charitable and fraternal conduct, the disagreeing parties muster supporters. Then the supporters bicker. As the opposing camps escalate their war of words—and emails—the non-combatants flee from the debate, and begin to lose interest in the council. When the disagreement is finally settled, the losing camp stops participating in council events. In the end, the council has lost. Failing to manage internal disagreements in a charitably and fraternally undermines more councils than possibly any other cause. This is precisely why we have to be charitable and fraternal in how we manage disagreements. The way in which we manage and resolve disagreements reveals who we really are. We must master the challenge of disagreeing fraternally, and trying to resolve conflicts charitably. As Knights of Columbus, we have a moral and spiritual obligation to be charitable in all our endeavors. By necessity, this includes being charitable and fraternal in managing disagreements. All Knights of Columbus—particularly state, district and council leaders—should always consider the Order’s principles of charity, unity and fraternity when dealing with disagreements. Most experienced mediators and counselors will tell you that praying together and eating together minimizes the potential for hard disagreements. To insure that our council meetings always begin with the proper tone, Grand Knights should ask their Chaplains to ask the Holy Spirit to bless all members present with the grace to be charitable and fraternal towards each other. Additionally, having a meal before the meeting also helps break down possible lines of disagreements—especially when everyone is encouraged to sit together as much as possible. Another way to minimize can be found in proper meeting management. Grand Knights should insist on enforcing meeting protocols: particularly, standing when addressing the Chair, and making the proper salutation when addressing the Grand Knight. The purpose of these salutes has never been to empower the Grand Knight, but rather to establish a charitable and fraternal tone for conducting the meetings. In addition to addressing the Grand Knight properly, council members should refer to brother knights charitably and respectfully. References to the officers should always be “Worthy Grand Knight” or our “Worthy Financial Secretary.” When referring to council members during a meeting, identifying them as “Brother John” or “Sir Knight John” is more fraternal than simply saying “John.” These salutations have at their very essence, a reminder to all of us that we are special members of a fraternal organization. We all know it is very easy to be charitable when everyone agrees with us or when we are addressing a non-controversial matter. The real challenge lies in speaking and acting charitably and fraternally when addressing a controversial matter. The Officers’ Desk Reference reminds us that even when some of our brother Knights fail to be charitable or fraternal, it is our obligation to engage in “measured and respectful dialogue and debate.” Rather than say: “Mark is wrong about x,” it is more charitable to say: “I respectfully disagree with Brother Mark.” Rather than say: “Bill, you need to read that report,” it is more charitable to say: “Worthy Grand Knight, I would respectfully refer you back to the Treasurer’s Report.” C onfirmation Mass with Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey was held at Immaculate Conception Chapel. Seventeen persons with special needs received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The reception after Mass was prepared and served by members of the Corpus Christi Assembly 1097. SK Rosendo Vasquez, and his wife, Terry, SK Clinton Evans and his wife, Jeanie, PFN Eleuterio Reyes, FN David Cutton, SK Rey Garza, Joel Rosas and his wife, Mary (Co. #7290) SK Tony Saenz, SK Miguel Serna. Also in attendance were the staff from the Diocesan Office of Ministry and Life Enrichment for the disabled, Celia Mendez, Aurora Martinez and Dora Marquez. Not only must we be charitable during council meetings, but also outside the meeting particularly when exchanging emails or text messages. Sometimes, it is very tempting to “unload” on someone with whom we disagree by sending a lengthy confrontational email that emphatically illustrates “blow by blow” points, sprinkled with emphatic points in bold or italic font. An example: “IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, I WILL DO X;” “Don’t lie to us.” These messages can at times be more damaging than any words spoken at a meeting. We must avoid the temptation to use what I call “Rubicon” language during meetings and in electronic communications. I define Rubicon language as strong words or statements from which there is no turning back. Examples of Rubicon language: declaring that someone is wrong or stupid about x, calling someone a thief, a liar, or a criminal. When these words or expressions are used, a boundary has been crossed, causing the dialogue to quickly spiral out of control making the underlying dispute even more difficult to resolve. When confronted with these situations in meetings, the Grand Knight, District Deputy, or a conscientious Knight should make a point of order, and remind all the members gathered of their obligation to behave charitably or fraternally. Some cynics may scoff at this; however, I have personally witnessed meetings where a fraternal reminder presented charitably restored the meeting allowing it to proceed amicably. When done charitably and fraternally, these reminders can strengthen a council. If, however, disputes remain, then Grand Knights and council officers should do everything they can to resolve the difference at the council level. Resolving disagreements and problems locally has always been a part of our Catholic tradition. This concept is known as subsidiarity, which means that problems should be addressed and resolved by persons who are closest to the issue. If council officers are unable to resolve the matters, they should consult with their District Deputy. Sometimes, the parties may agree to have a mediator assist them in resolving their differences. Council and district leaders attempting to resolve a dispute should always be ready to recommend a Chaplain, Deacon, Diocesan Deputy, or experienced Brother Knight as a mediator. Resorting to a mediator is not a sign of weakness, but is a sign of charitable and fraternal wisdom. If a disagreement cannot be resolved at the council or district level, only then should the matter be escalated to a higher level. Sometimes, in the heat of disagreement, one side accuses the other of engaging in misconduct that in their opinion requires removal from the Order. Like “hanging judges” in Western movies, the accusers rush hastily to trial and execution of sentence. Rubicon language is frequently used in these mad dashes to judgment. But, Knights of Columbus are held to a higher standard. Principles of due process should always guide our leadership in addressing any and all membership, fraternal and disciplinary issues. As we all recall from our basic government classes in school, due process simply means that members should be treated fairly. As Knights of Columbus, due process is inherent within our love for charity and fraternity. When a Brother Knight’s conduct is in question, give him a fraternal opportunity to be heard. The opportunity to be heard includes informal opportunities to discuss the situation, as well as a formal hearing—whether during a meeting or during a formal inquiry. For example, membership suspensions based on criminal convictions should never be decided in a council meeting without the accused being given an opportunity to explain his situation. Complying with due process is extremely important in those situations where there may be evidence of impropriety. Rather than rush to judgment in a meeting, council leaders need to make properly reasoned reviews of the situation to insure that the accused is given the benefit of due process. In these situations, council Grand Knights and Advocates should consult with their District Deputies. Texas KNIGHT Page 5 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Don’t Just Be A Star, Be A Texas Rock Star A By Bobb Mahrer, State “Star Councils” Director s everyone knows, there are several Supreme Council goals required of a state jurisdiction to qualify for the prestigious Supreme Council "Circle of Honor" Award. There is a Membership Team in Texas for membership growth. There is an Insurance Team in Texas for insurance growth. There is a Council Growth Team in Texas that strives to increase the number of councils in our jurisdiction so that Father McGivney's vision of a council in every parish is one day realized. And, because a Star Council goal is a new and an additional requirement imposed by the Supreme Council for a jurisdiction to qualify for the Circle of Honor Award, there is now a Star Councils Team for Texas to see to it that the goal is achieved. Since the Star Council Directorship is brand new this fraternal year, we have begun building a business model that will continue to evolve as we move forward in time. For now, I have asked four experienced brother Knights who represent the five largest dioceses/ archdioceses in Texas to join the team. Jim Wade twice served as a Major Director for the State Council and as a Diocesan Deputy for the San Antonio Archdiocese. In addition to covering his home archdiocese, he will also cover the Corpus Christi and Brownsville dioceses. Paul Fehmel is a four-year District Deputy who has also served as the Assistant Diocesan Deputy for the Dallas Diocese. In addition to covering his home diocese, he will also cover the Fort Worth, Tyler, Amarillo, and Lubbock dioceses. Jack Ferguson of Houston is a four year District Deputy from Houston, the largest archdiocese in Texas. In addition to covering his home archdiocese, he will also cover the Beaumont, Victoria, and El Paso Dioceses. And David Perry is a four year District Deputy from the Austin Diocese. In addition to covering his home diocese, he will also cover the San Angelo and Laredo dioceses. Each of these state chairman bring immeasurable experience with them not only from the Knights of Columbus but also from their world of business. Because our great jurisdiction must now meet a Star Councils goal, this means that each of our dioceses and archdiocese must share in their part of the goal. To achieve the goals, the Star Council Team has put together some incentives that I think each diocesan deputy, district deputy, and grand knight will find both rewarding and fun, including for the very first time, the Texas Circle of Honor Award, the First Star Award, and Texas Rock Star Award. The Star Guide for the 2014-2015 fraternal year was passed out to every district deputy in attendance at the State Council Organizational Meeting scheduled on July 10-11-12 at Horseshoe Bay in the far north Austin area. This same Star Guide was mailed to every Grand Knight and Financial Secretary of record. It includes copies of the forms referenced in the Star Councils section, a check list that can be used by Grand Knights, District Deputies, and Diocesan Deputies, and the goals for each diocese. In addition, the Star Council Team will be putting together a history of Star Councils in Texas that will be shared with everyone at the diocesan, district, and council levels. Together, these tools will hopefully be helpful in our quest for every council to have the opportunity to become a Star Council. In order to achieve the highest pinnacle of the Supreme Council “Circle of Honor” Award, Texas must achieve the Star Councils goal. (NOTE: This is in addition to achieving the net membership goal and the net insurance goal.) The Star Councils goals have been broken down by diocese and represents 16% of the number of active councils in each diocese (with a minimum of four Star Councils). Please refer to the Star Guide for the incentives that are available for those diocesan deputies, district deputies, and grand knights who achieve their respective goals. Good luck. We will be helping you along the way in the race to the finish line. Ask a Catholic man to Join the Knights of Columbus! Crosses for Outdoor Stations By Roger Strong Pictured from left; FS Richard Garcia, Rick Lujan, Warden Ben Barraza, GK Carlos Samaniego F ather Jose Molina, pastor of Most Holy Trinity Church in El Paso asked the Knights of Joseph I Driscoll Council 4497 to assist in making and installing eight foot crosses around the church grounds so that parishioners could pray the Stations of the Cross any time they wanted to. The Knights stepped up and one member donated the funds to acquire the lumber and hard ware to build the crosses. A good part of a day was spent by GK Carlos Samaniego, FS Richard Garcia, Warden Ben Barraza, Recorder Roger Strong, and father son team Rick & Andy Lujan fabricating the crosses. Later that same week, the crosses were placed and made ready for the Easter Season. Star Council Goals for 2014-2015 Don’t Just Be A Star, Be A Texas Rock Star DIOCESE ARCHDIOCESE No. of COUNCILS No. of Active COUNCILS GOAL AMARILLO 23 22 4 AUSTIN 89 86 14 BEAUMONT 28 26 4 BROWNSVILLE 51 40 6 CORPUS CHRISTI 60 53 8 DALLAS 53 49 8 EL PASO 37 33 5 FORT WORTH 58 54 9 GAL-HOUSTON 123 118 19 LAREDO 24 17 4 LUBBOCK 23 18 4 SAN ANGELO 33 31 5 SAN ANTONIO 102 100 16 TYLER 31 28 4 VICTORIA 32 32 5 TOTAL 767 707 115 Texas KNIGHT Page 6 VOL 1, 2014-2015 PARISH ROUND TABLES – Gregg Tatum, Chairman ey, what’s up Worthy Grand Knights … this is your friendly Round Table Chair. Just wanted to remind you that even though Round Table Form 2630 was due June 30th, it is still not too late to submit, especially if you still have a Round Table. If you are interested in a Round Table, email me at [email protected] or just visit this link at Supreme, I’m here to assist. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m in the book!. Let’s get our State Deputy off to a great start! H Armenta Family initiated into 4th Degree By Jose Pena F rom the Monsignor Alfred Raye Council 9201, of the St. Luke’s the Evangelist Catholic Church , four members of the Armenta family were initiated into The Knights of Columbus highest order and celebrated as a very rare occasion in Knights of Columbus history. On Saturday, May 10th, the Armenta’s, joined the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. Clemente Sr. , a deaconate candidate from the Archdiocese Galveston Houston in his second year of studies, together with his three sons, Andres, Sergio, Clemente Jr., all accomplished their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees, joining the KofC May 2013, before advancing into this 4th Degree very rare family accomplishment. One Hundred Eighty Five Candidates were initiated along with four other members of Council 9201, Joseph Sedita, Jesse Longoria, Humberto Naguit, and Raul Soto received their 4th Degree Honors. Armenta’s pictured left to right are Andres, Clemente Jr, Grand Knight Jose Peña, Clemente Sr, and Sergio. Scholarship Donation By Jesus Martinez S cholarship donation made from Knights of Columbus Council 2304 and Knights of Columbus Assembly 1129 to Laredo Community College. (L-R) LCC President Dr. Juan L. Maldonado, FN Rudy Rodriguez, GK Joe Medina, Alberto Torres PIO and ADD Jesus Martinez 2014 CACEY QUEENS STATE BOWLING TOURNAMENT By Sandy Janda, President, Cacey Queens State Bowling Tournament The 41st Annual Cacey Queens State Bowling Tournament (which is associated with the Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament) was held at Forum Bowl in Grand Prairie, Texas the weekends of April 12 - 13, 2014 and April 26 – 27, 2014. The following are our 2014 Tournament winners and scores: 1st PLACE TEAM – “Stars & Strikes” – 2656 – Houston Council # 8096 – Marcy Cooper, Dee Irizarry, Lisa Buckingham, and Franchelle Sicola DOUBLES – Kelly Rektorik & Becky Tarnowski – 1313 – Houston Council # 4550 SINGLES – Carol Vrana – 717 – Flatonia Council # 3295 ALL EVENTS – Mary Jane Header – 2014 – Arlington Council # 13363 HIGH TEAM GAME – “Stars & Strikes” – 924 – Houston Council # 8096 - Marcy Cooper, Dee Irizarry, Lisa Buckingham, and Franchelle Sicola HIGH INDIVIDUAL GAME – Cynthia Stallins – 223 – Arlington Council # 13363 EARLY BIRD TEAM ENTRY WINNER – “Stars & Strikes” – Houston Council # 8096 Ladies must be a resident of Texas, out of high school, and the wife, widow, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt or niece of a Knights of Columbus member (any council, any state) in good standing, to be eligible to participate. The handicap tournament was certified by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC). This is a fun competition – we have tournament awards, door prizes, raffles, 50/50 pots, etc. It’s a great way to meet fellow K. of C. ladies from around Texas! The 25th Annual Cacey King & Queen Handicap No-Tap Singles Tournament was not held this year due to lack of lane availability. Each Friday night is a separate tournament with Men’s and Ladies’ divisions. This, also, is a fun tournament with awards, strike pots, door prizes, etc. To be eligible to participate, a male bowler must be entered in the Knights of Columbus Tournament, and a female bowler must be entered in the Cacey Queens Tournament. The location for the 2015 Cacey Queens State Bowling Tournament, which is certified by USBC, has not been decided by the KC’s at the time this article is being submitted for publication. (Again, this Tournament is in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament.) Doubles and Singles Events are bowled on Saturday, and the Team Event is bowled on Sunday. Entry forms will be mailed to previous participants in early January. If you would like to join us and receive an entry form for our 2015 Cacey Queens and No-Tap Tournaments, or just want more information, please contact Sandy Janda, President, at (281) 463-1819 or email [email protected]; or, Virginia Hall, Secretary/ Treasurer, at (281) 898-8062. Plans for the 42nd Annual Cacey Queens Tournament and the 25th Annual Cacey King and Queen Handicap No-Tap Singles Tournament are in full swing…….we hope to see you in 2015! Honorary Member of Knights on Bikes O n our last day at ROT rally in Austin, we made Fr Rodriguez an honorary member of Knights on Bikes worldwide. During mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Austin, we presented him with a KonB vest and he was very surprised and visibly happy. We'd like to thank Father Rodriguez for always welcoming us to our home away from home. My grandparents Jose and Rosaria Contreras were members of OLG in their early years and the parish will always have a special place in our hearts. Texas KNIGHT Page 7 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Ramp Built By Larry Treibel, Texas Knight Reporter D By Craig Modrzynski, Communications Director id you know the Knights for the State of Texas are on Facebook? Are you on Facebook with them? Go to and like our page. Want to share what your Council and Brother Knights are doing? You can submit it to Facebook or send an article to Supreme for the Knights’ Columbian magazine. You can share what your Council did for a fund raiser, what your Diocese did for the Bishop, an event that you had such as a Casino Knight, talk about your Lenten Dinners, a parade your Color Corp was in, focus on a ministry that your Council supported such as a Youth Group Event. The possibilities are endless. We can all learn from one another. Do you have a particular Knight who has done something exceptional? Share with pride and let everyone know. Don’t forget to add pictures to the article. It always brings it to life. We are a big state and have big ideas and we want all of our Brother Knights to feel the joy, excitement and fraternity of what is happening in our great state of Texas. 10509 Fish Fry P ictured is a ramp that members of Fr. Collins Council 11151 in Sour Lake built for one of their parishioners. Her health was declining and she had to use an electric wheelchair to get around. It took 15 guys about a half a day to get it finished, but the lasting impression we left her was enough for a lifetime. By Tito Hernandez Friendswood Knights Announce Annual Grant Recipients By David Allen F or six Fridays during lent we do our fish fry at St Thomas hall to help with our scholarship fund and coat for kids. Our members and our ladies with the help of others ladies also put this together. Knights Of Columbus 3458 By Rudy Espinoza Photo is by Tommy McKenna. Pictured (from left to right) are Jane, Wendi, Jennifer & Julia Twyford and Dave Allen, Chairman – Education Grant Committee. F S aint Mary Cathedral hosted its annual Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession on Sunday. For the first time ever, the church brought the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction into the Texas State Capitol. This is called the Feast of Corpus Christi, and this is the day we celebrate the belief we have of Jesus truly present with us right here, right now. He walked the Earth 2,000 years ago, but he didn't leave us alone, he walks with us every single day. Our local Council 3458 was very proud along with all of our Knights of Columbus Brothers to be part of this historic event. Senator Eddie Lucio who made the procession of the Eucharist into the State Capitol Rotunda possible with Sir Knight Robert Hernandez riendswood, Texas, June 30, 2014 – Mary Queen Council 8494 of the Knights of Columbus is please to announce its 2014-2015 Education Grant recipients. Jennifer and Julia Twyford, daughters of Kevin and Wendi Twyford of Friendswood, each received a $1,000 grant to assist with their upcoming educational expenses. Jennifer will be attending A & M University with a major in Math Education, while Julia will be studying Civil Engineering at San Jacinto College. Jennifer and Julia, and their family, were honored at Council 8494’s Annual Awards Night Social and Dinner on June 24th at the Council’s hall in League City. They were each presented with a certificate of recognition as this year’s grant recipients. Council 8494 established its Education Grant Fund in May, 2003 to provide a perpetual source of financial assistance for those deserving students in the community, who are seeking an undergraduate degree or similar education. Each grant application undergoes a rigorous evaluation by members of the Education Grant Committee to determine those deserving students with the greatest financial need. Texas KNIGHT Page 8 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Council 9997 ACE Wings Recipients By Ron Cichocki C ongratulations to your new ACE Wings recipients for their continued efforts to end abortion by restoring a culture of life not death. At your Council meeting last night, your Worthy District Deputy Kevin Brinkman presented ACE Wings to Brothers Larry Carpentier, David Sanchez, Micheal Yarberry and Mike Prendergast. Stan Urban Grand Knight. Council Supports Youth By Ruben Rodriguez Incoming Officers Council 10131 By Eric Staveley, Past Grand Knight, Trustee Council #10131 O n June 29, 2014, the Fr. Gene Doré Council No. 10131 in Austin, Texas celebrated their 25th Anniversary at their recent Officer Installation and Annual Awards Banquet. Numerous charter members were present and the Council was privileged to continue its tradition of having the incoming State Deputy, Terry Simonton, appear as an honored speaker. Incoming State Secretary, Doug Oldmixon, from Council 10131, was on-hand to introduce incoming State Deputy Terry Simonton. Terry congratulated the Council for their outstanding achievements this past fraternal year, including receiving the Blessed Pope John Paul II award for outstanding achievements in contributing to State Charities. Council 10131 has reached the State charity goal for every year of the Council’s existence! Outgoing Grand Knight Marc Fuentes presented Incoming State Deputy Terry Simonton with Council 10131’s donation to State Charities. Pregnancy Help Center Donation By Deacon David Workman T he Knights Of Columbus Council 12535 of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Harlingen held a Father’s Day Dance and gave an opportunity to the newly formed Junior Catholic Daughters of America their first fund raiser where they had a profitable start. Pictured here is the Lydia Miller Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2187 with Grand Knight Ernesto Galvan. 8404 Serves Up Hamburgers By Don Quintero T C ouncil 8404 of St. Patrick, Houston manned the hamburger booth at the church's annual festival. All sales went to the church, in combination with burger supplies and cash donation the council contributed over $7,000 to the church. he St. Mary Star Knights of Columbus Council #10985 in Ballinger annually raises money to benefit the Pregnancy Help Center of the Concho Valley. During the Advent season, the Knights pass out baby bottles to the parishioners at the weekend Masses at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea. The parishioners were asked to place their loose change in the bottles for a month or until they were full, and then return the bottles to church. This recent collection brought in $2,523 for the Pregnancy Help Center. The picture shows Grand Knight Larry Lange presenting the check to Jonna Vu, of the Pregnancy Help Center. Other Knights attending the presentation are (L-R) Mike Kozelsky, Fr. Hugh Wade, Deacon David Workman, and James Matthiesen, Board Member of the Pregnancy Help Center. The Pregnancy Help Center of the Concho Valley is a locally funded organization which provides guidance and support to expectant mothers experiencing an unexpected or crisis pregnancy. The Pregnancy Help Center provides ultrasounds as well as information, counseling, and support concerning alternatives to abortion. The Knights of Columbus wish to thank the parishioners of St. Mary’s Star of the Sea in Ballinger for their generous support Texas KNIGHT VOL 1, 2014-2015 Squires Convention S By Gilbert Guerrero t. Anthony Columbia Squires Circle 4889 in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus Council 7975 was proud to host the 2014 Texas State Columbian Squires Annual Convention at St. Anthony Marie de Claret Catholic Church in Kyle, Texas on June13-15, 2014. Special thanks to Bishop Joe S. Vasquez who celebrated Mass with the community of Kyle and mostly of all the Squires and Counselors who attended the convention from across Texas. Council 7736 Awards Seven $1000 Scholarships K Our next Mid-Year Squire Convention will be hosted by Columbia Squires Circle 2040 in Keller Texas on January 17-19, 2015. We would like to also say thanks to all the Sir Knights who participated in the Fallout. SK Tony Munsch P.F.N, Sirildo Castillo C.C.C., SK Gilbert Guerrero, SK Stephen Villalon. SK Robert Hernandez, SK Richard Figge, SK Pete Perez, SK Felix Maldonado,SK Victor Medina, SK Sonny Espinoza, SK Kent Gates, SK James Castillo, SK Larry Saucedo, SK TC Cruz, SK James Molnosky, SK George Mercado, SK James Esquivel, SK Andy Alvarez, and Brother Knight Juan Maldonado Photo by Ernest Garcia “Pledge Across America Program” By Edward Cantu By Bill Tillotson nights of Columbus Council 7736 at St. Jude Catholic Church in Mansfield, Texas presented seven $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors of the parish. Scholarships were awarded after Mass on May 18, 2014. Those receiving scholarships were : Megan Meyer (Timberview HS), Kirsten Broussard (Mansfield HS), Cailey Kidman (Mansfield HS), Emma Chandlee (Nolan Catholic HS), Richard Henz (Legacy HS), Kamble Cox (Mansfield HS) and Joshua Gonzales (Mansfield HS). This is the eighth year the Knights of Council 7736 have presented scholarships to graduating high school seniors of the parish. Applicants were judge based on their academic record, extracurricular, community and church activities. Funds for the scholarship were raised through a scholarship raffle at the parish and many generous contributions from the members of the parish. Council 7736 at St. Jude was founded in 1980 and presently has 269 brother Knights. Shown in attached picture: Front Row: Richard Henz, Emma Chandlee, Kirsten Broussard, Cailey Kidman, Joshua Gonzles, Chancellor Mark Von Plinsky. Back Row – Grand Knight Dave Tomlin, Father George Foley. Not Pictured – Megan Meyer, Kamble Cox. Page 9 L ast month on June 14, 2014 Flag Day, The Knights of Columbus celebrated its 60th anniversary of the words “Under God” being added to the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States. Fourth Degree Members from the entire State of Texas met at the State Capital in Austin, Texas on the request of Supreme Master Dennis J. Stoddard. “To recite the Pledge of Allegiance at exactly noon all across America.” The Fourth Degree along with Council Knights from all over the State and their families recited the Pledge of Allegiance with all the honors as it was given 237 years ago as a reminded of our agreement in this great cause for liberty and justice, “Under God” for all. June 14th commemorates the date in 1777 when the Continental Congress officially made the Stars and Stripes the symbol of America. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was first published in 1892 in Boston, Massachusetts to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was first used to celebrate Columbus Day on October 12, 1892. Over the past 237 years, our flag has been a symbol of freedom wherever it flies. It inspires hope in people suffering under oppression or terror. It welcomes immigrants from every land searching for a better life. And it rallies our nation in times of battles, disasters, and catastrophes The Knights of Columbus not only played a key role in having these words added to the pledge, The Knights of Columbus continues to play in ensuring that they remain part of the pledge. In these days when there seem to be efforts to remove any and all references to God from the public square, it’s important to remind people that freedom of religion, should never be confused with freedom from religion. Our duty as Knights and Americans is to serve our country, to defend the cause of liberty, and to extend the realm of freedom across the earth. Today, over 200 years later, we can proudly say that we are answering that call established in the 1700’s. Support Our Bishops Charity Texas KNIGHT Page 10 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Charity Continued From Page 1 allows them to plan for the expenditure. Many send it in before the end of the calendar year which earns them the prestigious Charity Quick Start award. This also positions them for the Lone Star Award for Excellence with Distinction. To the councils that I just described, we say a very loud thank you. These councils are truly following Father McGivney’s dream of charity for our fellow man. Then there are the councils who contribute shall I say inconsistently. These councils intend to meet their charity goal or think that they have contributed to Texas State Charities every year. But occasionally the council will forget to send it in, or get busy paying bills and overlook the charity goal letter that is sent to the council. I had the opportunity to visit a council recently and the subject of the charity goal came up. The grand knight proudly responded that they meet their charity goal every year. The District Deputy there with me, had previously commented to me that the council had been very diligent in meeting their charity goal in years past but had not sent anything in over the past couple of years. And as luck would have it, he had a 10 year historical printout of the council’s contributions. When made aware of their oversight, the council returned to their previous tradition of making their goal and have made it every year for the past 5 years. Again, this council intended to follow Father McGivney’s mission for our Order but simply got busy with the day to day activities and the submission slipped through the cracks. We as Knights of Columbus want to help our fellow man. That is the reason most of us join the order. We really appreciate those councils that contribute …. even if they cannot make 100% of their goal. Another way to help raise fund for charity is through the charity pins. I have had several brother knights approach me about the cost of the pins. I have two responses. First, we do not sell the pins. They are given as recognition of a $20 or more donation to Texas State Charities. And for a council to get credit for the donation, a donation form should be completed and either sent to the State Office or to the person providing the pin who will forward it to the State Office. Secondly, as happened at the Organizational meeting in July, if someone asked us to give $20 for charity, most of us would open our wallets and gladly give to those in need. So why not recognize then with a charity pin? These pins are different every year. This year’s pin is really outstanding in its thoughtful design. Our Worthy State Deputy wanted a pin that symbolized his theme of “We Are One”. So when your council is in consideration of making its charity goal, remember our founder and his goal of helping our brothers and their families. Please give!!!!!! Texas State Charities Individual donations of $20 or higher will be recognized with a State Charities Lapel Pin. Thank you for your generosity assisting the Texas State Charities Program as well as supporting our Bishop selected Diocesan charities. Please include your pledge or contribution. Make Check Payable to Texas State Council Charities Mail To: Knights of Columbus 6633 Highway 290 East Suite 204 Austin, TX 78723-1157 Name: Address City, State Zip Telephone ( ) Council # Contribution $20 $50 $100Other Amount Enclosed: $ Thank you for your generosity - State Officers and State Charities Team Council 7600 Presentation By Fred Afflerbach Council 6878 Holds Fundraiser for Wounded Warriors By Jim O’Brien D eputy Grand Knight Mike Cottrell (center) and Grand Knight Walter Yucikas (right) present a $7,000 check to Rev. Le-Minh Pham, pastor of St. Margaret Mary Parish of Cedar Park. Council 7600 earned the money through various fundraisers such as Mardi Gras and Lenten Fish Fries. The June 8 check presentation was in conjunction with the council's Corporate Communion and recruitment drive. Blood Drive in El Campo By Greg Witcher, Blood Drive Chairperson C ouncil 6878 of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Humble, TX held a fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. The event was a Sporting Clay Tournament and resulted in a $7,000.00 donation to this cause. R ecently a community blood drive was held at Council 2490 hall in El Campo. The blood drive had over 200 individuals who tried to give blood and a total of 186 pints of blood products was collected. At 7 PM we had to start turning people away and reschedueling them for another drive . The council sponsors a blood drive every 8 weeks through the year. Texas KNIGHT Page 11 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Fellow Award What It Means to Me By Brad L. Meyer, Statistics Chairman O n Saturday, May 3, 2014 Morgan, my little girl, and I had just entered the General Assembly of the Texas State Knights of Columbus Convention to listen to State Deputy Jim Collin’s Opening Remarks. The State Deputy asked if I was in the room and asked me to approach him at the podium. As Morgan and I approached the podium, he announced to everyone in attendance that on behalf of the Councils in District 88 (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 7850, St. Jude Council 11293, Shaun P. O’Brien Prince of Peace Council 11716, St. Francis of Assisi Council 12480, and Our Lady of Angels Council 13044), he was presenting me with the Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Fellow Award. Needless to say I was shocked, humbled, and in awe. The Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Trust Fund was created in 1981 as a part of the Texas State Council Charities. The trust fund was named in honor of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, a former Bishop of the Brownsville Diocese and State Chaplain of the Texas State Council from 1969 to 1970. The goal is to increase the corpus of this fund to one million dollars. The interest from this trust is used to fund the educational grants awarded to seventeen individuals and two-thousand dollar grant awards to Catholic Schools in each diocese. As the corpus increases, the Texas State Council Charities will be able to increase the number of educational grants presented each year. The Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Fellow Award program was started in 1998 by then State Deputy Ron Gay as a means to promote contributions to the Cardinal Medeiros Trust fund by recognizing and honoring individuals as Cardinal Medeiros Fellows. I became the 242 recipient of this award. Throughout my professional career as well as my time with the Knights of Columbus, I have always had the desire to share my experiences with others as a means to inform and educate them with the hope that they might follow in my footsteps. Besides, like the warning words of the Deputy Grand Knight in the First Degree, “Death will come to each of us, we know not when, nor where, nor how”. I want other people to be able to pick up where I left off. I view this as my learning legacy much like the intentions of the Cardinal Medeiros Trust. As I stated in the beginning, I was shocked and in awe when my name was announced to receive this award. I felt humbled and honored to receive this award from the councils in District 88, formerly District 77. I served these councils as their District Deputy from 2005-2008. I continue to serve these councils as the Team Captain for the two District 88 First Degree Teams. To me receiving this award was a sign of their gratitude for the work and leadership that I provided to them. My hope is that more deserving people will receive the Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Fellow Award in the future and that over time the Texas State Council Charities can award more grants to eligible recipients, including my little girl and soon to be daughter, Morgan. Appreciating Our Ladies By Al Ewer Conroe Council Attends By Barry Abbott M embers of Conroe Council # 6456 attended the Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN) dinner at the Woodlands Marriott, The Woodlands, TX Conroe Council # 6456 presented a check for $44,712.00 to the PACN for the purchase of an ultrasound machine. It is PACN intention to equip a converted motorhome out as a mobile clinic and go around the area giving free ultrasounds to pregnant women. It has been found that over 75% of women, who are contemplating aborting their baby, change their minds when they see an ultrasound of their child. Conroe Council 6456 worked with Supreme’s Ultrasound Initiative, which provides matching funds for the purchase of an ultrasound machine, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Council 15828 O By Sam Armadillo n Sunday, June 22, 2014, Knights of Columbus Council #15828 responded to a plea from Wm. Michael Mulvey, Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, for contributions to the Catholic Charities and Refugee and Immigration Appeal. The Council mobilized under the direction of Grand Knight Sam Armadillo and used Council funds as well as private member donations to purchase $1,200 in food, clothing, medicine, and other much needed items. The items were delivered to the Mother Teresa Shelter in Corpus Christi, TX that same day. The donations were destined for church centers in the Rio Grande Valley to aid the large number of refugee mothers and children crossing the border into the United States. Council 7563 Rebuilding S By Gene M. Tucker, Sr. t. Rafael's Council 7563 is rebuilding the meeting facility so that all members as well as new members have a fun and comfortable meeting place. We also started a new's letter in January of this year , something we have not had in a long time. We are growing and looking at training all members to be active in the function of the council as well as in family value activities. K nights of Council 4204 (Sugar Land) honored our ladies at Ladies Appreciation Night which included a delicious dinner and much deserved pampering. Editors Note: I believe that’s PSD Larry Zapalac on the far right! Texas KNIGHT Diocesan Charity Designations Amarillo Continuing Spirituality Training for the Priests and Seminarians Austin Vocation Fund/Emergency Funds for the Priests Beaumont Infirm Priests Fund Brownsville Deaf Ministry/Disabled Program Corpus Christi The ARK Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth Dallas Persons with Disabilities & Deaf Ministry El Paso Vocations Fort Worth Deaf Ministry & Seminarian Support Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Laredo Evangelization/Outreach Charity & Seminarian Support Lubbock Vocations/Seminarian Support San Angelo Pro-Life, Seminarian Education and Training; Lay Leaders Support and Development Archdiocese of San Antonio Deaf Ministry Tyler Seminarian Education & Training Victoria Continuing Education for Priests/Extension of Lay Ministry & Evangelization Donate Online!! Page 12 VOL 1, 2014-2015 A Day of Prayer! Wheel Chair Fund Raiser Success By Sam Szalwinski T he Knights of Columbus in the State of Texas should feel very proud of the successes achieved by the American Wheel Chair Mission in our State. We have just completed the sixth year of this ministry and have made a gigantic step forward. By contributing $150 or more, approximately 130 Councils have met our Worthy State Deputy’s appeal to raise the minimum necessary to purchase at least one wheel chair. More Councils, in concert with their parishes, have seen what can be accomplished by conducting Sunday Weekend Fund Raisers. As of the end of the 2013/2014 fraternal year we have raised $200,498 and funds continue to trickle in for that time frame. This money will purchase 1336 wheel chairs or better said, it will make 1336 IMMOBILE people, MOBILE!! Of the total raised, more than $124,000 was the result of the efforts of six Councils. Congratulations to these six Councils. Council 11716—Plano $45,000 Council 7613—San Antonio 34,000 Council 9967—San Antonio 21,000 Council 15240-San Antonio 11,785 Council 6856—San Antonio 11,380 Council 10816—Stephenville 1,800 During the previous fraternal year $142,000 was raised with one half the result of the effort of four Councils. Conducting a Sunday Weekend Fund Raiser is very easy. First, get permission from your pastor, then during several weeks before the event, explain the purpose of the ministry to parishioners. On the weekend of the event, show a pertinent DVD at the end of Mass and be prepared to accept donations. There are many parishioners who will be happy to participate in this ministry. Give them a chance to do so. Remember that Jesus said “WHATEVER YOU DO FOR THE LEAST OF MY BRETHREN, YOU DO FOR ME”. LET’S TWEEK HOW WE MANAGE THE WHEEL CHAIR MINISTRY IN TEXAS The operation of the wheel chair ministry in our State has been has been smooth and very successful, but any fine machine sometimes needs a little oil. Here are a few things that need to be tweeked so that management of the wheel chair ministry in our State will be easier to manage and easier to operate: In order for good record keeping and flow of information it is best to have a focal point. The chairman of the Texas KC Wheel Chair Mission is Sam Szalwinski. His contact information is either e-mail [email protected] or phone H-210-496-6310. Address is 1914 Margate, San Antonio, TX 78232. Sam’s assistant is Christobal Rodriguez who replaces Richard Moken. His contact information is e-mail [email protected] or phone 210-379-8368C / 210-666-1115H. Address is 6823 Rebel Grove, Converse, TX. 78109. (Richard Moken has served as the Assistant Wheel Chair Chairman for two years and has done a very good job but needs to step down because of health reasons). Chris’s primary responsibility is to manage the Sunday Weekend Fund Raisers. Sam will assist Chris when necessary. Record keeping can be improved considerably if Grand Knights and District Deputies honor this organization and not deal directly with Chris Lewis, CEO of the American Wheel Chair Mission or his Assistant, Dan Moberg. This is very important if Councils are to be properly credited with wheel chair donations. Sending donations directly to Dan Moberg inhibits smooth operation if Councils want credit for their donation. It needs to be understood that there is no warehouse in San Antonio or anywhere else in Texas at which we can store wheel chairs. From time to time a few wheel chairs may be available but these are so few that they usually are stored at Sam’s house on the patio. Grand Knights and District Deputies who identify a specific need should contact Sam or Chris with the understanding that their name will be placed on a waiting list until arrangements can be made to obtain a wheel chair. Following these few tweeks will make for a smoother operation and will be appreciated. THANKS Let’s Recognize the Knight of the Month By Ron Alonzo “Day of Reflection and Prayer”, at Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Perpetual Adoration Chapel, Corpus Christi, on Saturday, June 7, 2014. We began with Mass at 8:00 a.m., listened to three talks and finishes with Benediction at 2:00 p.m. – Benediction. All participates were provided with a Breakfast and Lunch. The Spiritual Director for the Day of Reflection and Prayer was Fr. Dan Estes. Several Knights and their spouses attended this event. Father Knufer Assembly 1116 By Chris Shows, Faithful Navigator T he Father Knufer Assembly 1116 in Abilene Texas honored the red, white, and blue on June 14, flag day, at a ceremony held at the flag pole in veterans section of the City of Abilene Cemetery. Readings of Presidential, state, and city proclamation were conducted as well as the reading of two letters from President Eisenhower on the 60th anniversary of adding the words “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. Scholarships Awarded to Parish Youth C By Rick Berry ouncil 8521 (St. Joseph - Honey Creek, Spring Branch) has a long and proud tradition of supporting the youth of our faith community. This year, in conjunction with the Catholic Daughters of America, we were blessed and pleased to be able to present to the youth of our Parish 3 scholarships worth $2,000 each for a total of $6,000 in scholarships awarded! Much of the scholarship money awarded came from the Council 8521 Annual Golf Tournament held in April of this year. Money raised from the Golf Tournament also benefits other worthy causes during the year. The Scholarship recipients for 2014 were as are as follows: Carlos Castillo; Mary Kellar; Shalen Lewis. We congratulate these individuals and ask for God’s blessings over them and all of our Parish youth as they continue their education. Texas KNIGHT VOL 1, 2014-2015 Assembly 2517 Leads Independence Day Parade A ssembly 2517 (Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, First District of Texas, (St. Mary Magdalene Church in Humble, TX) and Squires $4089 lead the Independence Day Parade in Kingwood, TX On July 4th. It provided a great opportunity for visibility in the local community and was a testimony to the4th degree patriotism. Arlington July 4th Parade Page 13 Donations from Council 1329 Victoria By Loren Hackbarth K nights of Columbus Council #1329, Victoria recently made a donation of $12,500 to Our Lady Victory School for the new School Bus. The donation was from proceeds of the first annual Knights of Columbus Council #1329 Gun Raffle which was held on May 20th, 2014. Left to Right: Rev. Gary Janak, Pastor of OLV; Gary Rangnow, Representing KC Council #1329; Chris Bludau, OLV School Board President; Sr. Laura Toman, OLV School Principal; Lori Young, OLV PTC President; Denise Cooper, OLV Development Director Special Olympics Fundraiser By Bill Arneson K nights of Columbus Council #1329, Victoria recently made a donation of $2,000 to St. Joseph Catholic High School for scholarships. Also a donation of $1,200 was made to Our Lady Victory School and another donation of $1,200 was made to Nazareth Academy for scholarships. The donations were from proceeds of the Knights of Columbus Council #1329 Calendar Raffle which was held from April 15th through May 26th, 2014. Left to Right: Gary Rangnow, KC Council #1329 Financial Secretary; Loren Hackbarth, KC Council #1329 Grand Knight; Bill McArdle, Principal St. Joseph High School; Jeremy Martin, KC Council #1329 Co-Chairman Calendar Raffle T he Knights from Council 8464 in Mineral Wells collected $1300 for the local Special Olympics Organization . They passed out Tootsie Rolls to shoppers at WalMart for donations. The funds will be used to help cover the local group's expenses at the various meets. A portion of the funds will help finance a local girl's trip to the National Special Olympics in New Jersey. Fr. McGiveny Icon Available on! Texas KNIGHT Page 14 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Council Hosts Reception By Chris Diaz Alvin-Manvel Council 6403 Report Annual Charity Donations of over $55,000 in 2013 T By John E. Swartz Fr. Martin Mwangi reads inscription on chalice presented at reception while council members and ladies hold the four chasubles L umen Christi Council 13520 sponsored a reception following the Mass of Thanksgiving for Fr. Martin Mwangi who was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Dallas the previous day. Council members and family planned the event and prepared food for this very important day for Fr. Mwangi and his family. Over 250 family, friends and parishioners were served a light lunch at All Saints Fellowship Hall and gymnasium. Lumen Christi Council also presented Fr. Mwangi with several gifts for his Priesthood. These included four chasubles in proper liturgical colors (Red, Green, White and Purple) and one of the chalices used for our Chalice for Vocations Program. This chalice held many prayers as it was in service for over five years, with many parishioners sharing prayers for vocations from our parish. he Alvin-Manvel Council 6403 of the Knights of Columbus donated over $36,000 to local charities in 2013. This includes money to the local needy through Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels, Smiles, BACH, Activity Funds of the local nursing homes, etc. The local charity donations also include money to the local youth through various sports programs (soccer, baseball, volleyball, etc.), YMCA, Boy Scouts, Special Olympics, Project Graduation and 33 scholarships. An additional $19,000 was also donated to Parish and Church charities. These include support for 25 seminarians in the Archdiocese, Right to Life activities, etc. The principle fundraisers for the local Council include twice-weekly bingo games, an annual gun raffle and fish dinners served the second Friday of every month. The Dayton Texas Knights Council 8871 C By Glen Hajovsky ouncil 8871 is at it again helping the elderly to be independent. This means so much to them to be able to move around with out help from others. Council members Bill Lechowitt, Felix Skarpa, Taft Merka, Walter Prokach and Glen Hajovsky poured a concrete ramp at the front door of Mrs. Dianne Wyatts house so she could get her husband in and out with minimal effort. This is one of many ramps made by this council for the elderly. Mrs. Wyatt was very pleased which made it all worth while. Building on a Good Thing By Marty Krupp B uilding on a Good Thing... Knights of Columbus Council 12320 (St. Martha Parish in Kingwood, Texas) has come to be known for its quality Lenten Fish Frys. Thanks to the great leadership of Brother Michael Hvisdoz we have come from serving about an average of 200 meals in 2003 to a facility capacity busting 510 meals each of the 6 weeks during the 2014 Lenten season (see photo). Our net review for 6 weeks of Fish Frys was about $14,000., Bringing needed funds for our many charitable causes. This year we added a new member to our staff – the brightly colored “Nemo” (see the attached photo) Our Columbian Squire Circle 4543 provided the “Nemo Power” and we increased our revenue by about $ 250 through donated prizes and raffle tickets.. The Squires have been a reliable source of friendly servers for many years along with Confirmation Students who help serve for accumulating their service hours. Council 14055 Contribute online! Photo by Arlen Nydam Council 14055 of Saint Mary Cathedral, organized a large Corpus Christi procession this year Texas KNIGHT Page 15 VOL 1, 2014-2015 The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild Father Michael J. McGivney Guild By Jack Harvey, Father McGivney Guild Chairman T he Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild distributes informational materials about him, receives reports of favors granted through his intercession and oversees the distribution of relics. The purpose of the Guild is to inspire greater personal holiness and cooperation with God’s grace by disseminating information about Father McGivney. “ The Guild’s goal is to spread the good word about Father McGivney’s holiness of life, to encourage devotion to his memory and to seek his intercession before the throne of God,” said Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell, guild director and postulator of Father McGivney’s cause for canonization. The Knights of Columbus founded the Guild in 1997 concurrently with the archdiocesan phase of Father McGivney’s cause for canonization. Membership in the Guild is free, is open to all individuals and households, but not groups. Members of the Knights of Columbus are not automatically Guild members and must elect to join the Guild. The Father Michael Guild Newsletter is published bimonthly except July-August, and is free to Guild members. Those devoted to Father McGivney are encouraged to join the Guild and regularly say the prayer for his canonization, report favors received and assist in the advancement of the cause. God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to Lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his Commandment of charity and building up his Body Which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to Greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his Work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask That you glorify your servant Father Michael J. McGivney on Earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his Intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your Request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Father Michael J. McGivney was born on August 12, 1852…Let us Honor him on this day by inviting Catholic men to join the Knights of Columbus.. Chalice Ceremony By Gerald French K Check Presented By Larry Treibel, Texas Knight Reporter L night of Columbus SK Nicolas Rodriguez, Spring Council 6557 was honored eroy Falcon (L), Bill Avery (Back Row) and Grand Knight David Guarnere (R) recently with a Chalice ceremony at St Anthony of Padua by the Knights of of the Groves Knights of Columbus present a check for $8,500.00 to Roxanne Columbus. Somerville, Director of the Estelle and Allen Fetters Center for Specially ChalWhen a Knight passes away their Council prepares a Chalice in their honor for the lenged Adults. This money was raised at the annual Fetters Golf Tournament to support Knight’s family. The Chalice was given to St Anthony of Padua by his wife Marguente the center. The center runs on donations. This is the 7th year that Council 3491 has hosted Rodriguez to be used during the Mass celebration in his remembrance. Rodriquez name, the Golf Tournament to benefit the center. birth date and date of death is engraved on the Chalice. Family members attended were his daughter Sonja Rangel and husband Anthony Rangel and grandson. Also Knights from Spring Council 6447, Woodlands Council 12327 and Our Lady of the Pine 1759 attended the ceremony. (Photo: Gerald French) Texas KNIGHT Page 16 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly 1087 Celebrates 100 Years + 7 By SK Patrick Fletcher, PFN O n April 12, 2014, more than 200 persons across DFW and the state gathered at the Dallas Council 799 Hall to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the chartering of the Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly 1087 on April 6, 1914. The Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly 1087, the largest assembly in Texas with over 400 members, was the first assembly in Texas and was originally known as Dallas Assembly 799 when Council 799 hosted, at its downtown Dallas hall, the first Fourth Degree exemplification in the Southwest on February 22, 1907. The Assembly’s namesake was a Vincentian priest who served as a chaplain during the Civil War and was known afterwards as the “Poet-Priest of the South.” Attending the 100 year celebration, hosted by FN Dan Chaney, were several priests, Texas State Deputy SK Jim Collins and Lady Duchess, Texas State Marshal Squire Sean Fletcher, Diocesan Deputy SK Roger Scott, Master of the Third Texas District Bill Elliot and Lady Karen, 6 Former Masters and their Ladies, 13 Past Faithful Navigators of the Assembly and their Ladies, current Sir Knights and Ladies of Assembly 1087, other Sir Knights and Ladies (who originally called the Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly “home” before their current assembly was formed from Assembly 1087), and other guests. Everyone enjoyed a seated dinner, Assembly 1087 historical items, addresses and presentations by Texas State Deputy SK Jim Collins and Master SK Bill Elliot, and the keynote address delivered by Thomas W. Keefe, J.D., President of the University of Dallas. Vacation Bible School By Ron Smith Council 2698 A Fraternal Year in Review 2013-2014 By Carlos (Charlie) Ramirez Jr., Council 2698 FS, Circle 1492 Chief Counselor August – Our fraternal year begins in August. We have a social in our municipal pool for St. Paul’s Catholic Church Altar Servers. Knights host the social and provide hotdogs, Cokes, chips and hamburgers. September – Usually a quiet month but not for Knights, we continue with Parish operations such as sacristans, ushers and Eucharistic ministers. October – Starts with our taco sausage sales at the Las Palmas Jamaica event. During this last year we were fortunate to have co-sponsored a Kenny Rodgers concert and were rewarded very well for our efforts. November – A very active month, is started by participation in Special Olympics 5K run and bowling. Participation in Special Olympics is always a very special event for us Knights and our community. Following the Special Olympics is our participation in H.E.B.’s Feast of Sharing where many are served and no one is turned away. In November we do our Thanksgiving Food baskets where no less than 46 needy families or elderly people receive a turkey and trimmings. December – Always an exciting month starts by collection bike donations and working with area merchants to buy bikes for children ages 3-12 years of age. Last year we gave 55 bikes to kids and made their Christmas a Very Merry one. We didn’t stop there we collected blankets and sleeping bags as well and passed those out too. Our council had our Annual Tamalada social and enjoyed a fun filled evening with brother Knights and families. During December, we also held our fund raising Spaghetti Dinner, always a good way to raise extra money for our charities. A very busy month, we also helped with church functions and decorations. January – Was Squires Month, our Circle 1492 hosted the State Convention and our council supervised, fed and ran operations of picking up and driving Squires to the Airport. February – Again, we volunteered for Special Olympics basketball. Our Annual Fish Fry project to help CCD kids go to Notre Dame for a week starts in this month and is done on Fridays for the Lent Season. Final planning by the committee for our Holy Smoke BBQ sanctioned by IBCA starts in February and is held in March. March – Holy Smoke BBQ event is held this month and after that a much needed rest. April – Is Easter Month, religious activities and Fish Fries keep us busy .Our Scholarship application process finishes this month and is awarded in May to our area graduating seniors for a total of $5 thousand dollars. Qualifications are: Must be Catholic, enrolled in CCD, and have a plan for furthering their education. Proof of acceptance and enrollment are required to receive monies. May – Long Stem Red Roses for Mothers’ at St. Paul’s Catholic Church are presented by Knights at the end of each Mass for Mothers’ Day. June – This year in June we hosted a Knights of Columbus Religious retreat by bringing in Mike Patin a renowned speaker at Notre Dame and throughout the United States. Closure of our Fraternal Year came with donations to needy Knights, abortion clinics, wounded warrior program and service to St. Paul’s Catholic Youth Renovation Project (CYRP) where the youth of St. Paul with the supervision and guidance of our parish restore homes of truly needy families in colonias. Donations by our Council 2698 and surrounding merchants supply the materials and food needed for the project. Many Knights serve as Team Leaders while others are part of the wonderful cooking team serving CYRP breakfast and Supper. Corporate Communion By Pete Martinez O ur Lady of the Lake Council 10463, at Lago Vista, Texas assisted the parish Vacation Bible School (VBS) program from July 7-11, 2014. The program theme was "Jesus was a Super Hero." Fifty-three children participated in VBS with about thirty-two adult and teen supervisors. Knights served on the registration desk, outdoor game (zip line) leaders, and a photographer during VBS. Adopt a Seminarian! F our councils of San Angelo gather together for their Quarterly Corporate Communion. Councils in attendance were Council 2136 (Cathedral) Sacred Heart Church, Tony Shillo G.K.; Council 13514 St Mary’s Church, Pablo Flores G.K.; Council 12798 St Joseph’s Church, Lee Soto G.K.; hosting Council 12008 Holy Angels Church, Michael Huro G.K and 12008 Bryan Koepl D.G.K. Organizer. Texas KNIGHT Page 17 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Weimar Council 2153 Certificates of Appreciation By Joe Jimenez By Herb Ulbrich GK Charlie Herzik (R) recently recognized Ken & Monica German(L) as The Weimar Council's Family Of The Year for 2013-2014. CONGRATULATIONS KEN & MONICA - Thank You for all your help and support! GK Charlie Herzik (R) recently recognized Francis Janacek(L) as The Council's Knight Of The Year for 2013-2014. CONGRATULATIONS FRANCIS from all your Brother Knights! T hese members of Monsignor James E. Fitzgerald Assembly of Round Rock, Texas were presented Certificates of Appreciation from the Assembly they are from left to right (First pic) is Sir Knight(SK) Lynn Williams, SK Marvin Freeman and SK Mark Xavier, (Second Pic), SK Moe Esker, SK Myron Slota, SK Tony Masterjohn, SK Joe Banda and SK Joe Jimenez. These certificates were presented to these Sir Knights for their annual participation in raising money by selling various types of nuts for funds to support Seminarians within the Austin Diocese. Monsignor James E. Fitzgerald Assembly 2245 and its members, supports five seminarians each year for a total amount of $5000.00. Brother Alex “Hondo” Verver Fundraiser By Pete Rangel W e want to thank all the Brother Knights who showed up to help at the fund raiser for our Brother Knight Alex (Hondo) Verver in Creedmoor Texas. Brother Alex Verver has cancer and his medical bills have sky rocketed and some are not covered by his insurance. Some of his Friends and the Knights of Columbus members of Council 9038 teamed up to help a Brother Knight in need. The Fund Raiser was held on Saturday April 12, 2014 at the Creedmoor Community Center in Creedmoor, Texas. The Knights served almost 800 Bar-B-Que plates. We also want to thank Bobby Schmitt of Schmitt Electric and his family, Z-non Electric (Sonny Verver is Alex and Lee’s Brother) and his family. Also thanks to T.J. and A.J Verver (Alex’s sons) and their family, and the Knights of Columbus wives. Thanks to Grand Knight Al Garza, Brother Jim Coy and Brother Lee Verver, for helping, planning, and organizing the whole event. It was a very huge success. Scholarships By Larry Treibel, Texas Knight Reporter L eft to Right are Caitilyn Glidden, Charles Sigur (Council Member) and Callie Faul, receiving the 2014 Immaculate Conception Council 3491 in Groves Scholarships totaling $3,000. Curé d’Ars Council 12148 By Ken Main C ouncil 12148 is proud to announce the close of an amazing year where much was accomplished under the leadership of our Grand Knight, Eddie Zapata. Two major accomplishments were earned, Star Council and receiving the Columbian Award. This annual notice wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention our parish Priest, Fr. Michael J. O'Connor, who we wholly support and from whom we receive amazing leadership and support in our faith journey. Recently, we had two of our Knights receive the Shining Armor Award. Our sponsorship of the Honduran Coppreme Orphanage has grown from a simple sponsorship into a routine pilgrimage in which Knights and parishioners travel down to Honduras to serve the many children there. An article about our sponsorship was published in a previous Columbia Magazine. Our community activities include our annual golf tournament, with a major part of the proceeds going to the Round Rock Serving Center and taking part in the Round Rock 4th of July parade. As an active council, we have monthly socials, Christmas parties, Lenten fish frys for parish and community, and serve in many of the parish functions such as our annual Vianney Fest get together which is open to all. This year it is the last weekend in October. It gets better every year so don't miss it. We are involved not only in Backpacks For Kids, but also support the Annunciation Maternity Home, which has provided refuge and support to those who choose life. Last year, they used 8,000 diapers of which 5,000 came from our council. It is one of our higher callings to support this. We are a big supporter of our seminarians, providing spiritual and financial support for two seminarians, as well as periodic gifts to all seminarians in our diocese. The seminarians and our children are the future of the Catholic Church and it is too important a task not to face it head on. For the kids, we have sponsored a KC Free Throw contest, where many attended and had a great time. In addition we sponsored an Eagle Scout project, our annual College Scholarship Program, as well as CYO sponsorships. If you have any questions about our programs, or want to be involved, please don’t hesitate to contact our Council. Texas KNIGHT Page 18 VOL 1, 2014-2015 Council 13513 “We will now begin the Rosary” By Monty Barrett, 13005 and 1109 I recently served as honor guard during the rosary for departed SK Candido Gonzales. What an honor it to serve for a man of such distinction who I only knew as the elderly man who sat in the back during mass. When I woke the morning after the rosary, Candido was on my mind and as I prayed I thought about my impressions of the evening. After the rosary I had a conversation with a friend of mine who is a counselor at a hospital, serving late stage cancer patients. She told me that in a recent interview she asked this question: “During the hardest times of your life, who or what do you turn to?” The patient replied “My bed to sleep.” It struck my friend as one of the saddest comments she could think of hearing. I contrasted that situation with the previous night. I think the moment that elevated it for me into something extraordinary was when Deacon Ray Jones said “We will now begin the rosary.” From my station at the foot of the casket, I heard the rustling in the pews and the rattle of rosaries being brought from pockets and purses. Candido was blessed with a family of faith who came prepared to bid him goodbye in the tradition of our faith and those friends and family knew the tradition and they knew the prayers. Several family members brought instruments and sang hymns between the decades of the rosary. The music was a very nice touch. The next moment that perked up my ears was when GK Paul Michalka read from the certificate of condolence: “While we submit to the will of the Father, who calls Candido home, in his benevolent wisdom; we mourn our loss of his companionship even while rejoicing in the knowledge that Candido continues to live with us in the supreme aspect of our lives, which is prayer with Jesus Christ.” Brothers and sisters we now have an advocate, an intercessor and a friend in the heavenly realm to petition Our Lord on our behalf, to bring a portion of our love and devotion to our Blessed Mother and a precursor of our own heavenly worship to our Christ. SK Jerry Marroquinn and I stood for 32 minutes during that rosary and it was a long thirty two minutes! But when I think of the devotion and service that our brother Candido performed while he was alive, the work which he may continue in the spirit, and when I think of the love and devotion you, my brother fellow Knights offer in your daily prayers and service to our Holy Mother Church, I consider 32 minutes a paltry salute for the benefit I have received because the Knights of Columbus were there when I was ready to answer. So until such time as I am all called before that sublime throne of grace, let me don my rumpled regalia, let me stand while my body permits, let the musicians bang on their wooden boxes and let the faithful rattle the chains and beads of their rosaries in our finite, human attempt to grasp that infinite sublime embrace which we hope to encounter when we shall meet Him face to face. 52nd Installation By Lupe “Rod” Rodriguez S an Angelo TX - Knights of Columbus Council 13513, their wives and kids helped paint four houses for four deserving families from around St. Mary Church neighborhood. A long day effort during a hot West Texas Saturday resulted in big similes and hugs from these very appreciative families. Scope the Job Ahead Tackle the Job Admire a job well done Knights Help Warriors’ Families By Walter Caldwell By Ray Reynolds O ur 52nd installation of Officers for Irving Council 5243 Holy Family of Nazareth. Ceremonies were held at the hall on July 15th 2014 for FY 2014-15. Group Picture from left to right Louis Becerra Guard, Joe Sanchez Treasurer, Jessie Jauregar recorder, Dale Lawrence Guard, Manny Garcia Chancellor, Bill McMullen Dist. Deputy, Loren Hedrick Grand Knight, Jose Velez Warden, Frank Horak Trustee, Tom Watters Trustee, Renee Rodriguez Trustee. Not present for picture: Fr. Albert Becher Chaplain, Joe Maldonado Advocate , Chris Chouffet Dep. Grand Knight and Al Torrez Fin. Secretary. C ouncil 10940 hosted the community again this year for the July 4th fireworks and hotdogs on the parish grounds. This event has been sponsored for several years. Several hundred people set up lawn chairs and enjoyed hotdogs and fireworks from one of the highest points in Boerne. A donation bucket was in place and all money received was given to the Wounded Warrior Family Support. Joe Haggerty (left) and Rob Walz hold the check for the donation. Get Your KC License Plate! for info Texas KNIGHT VOL 1, 2014-2015 St. Cecilia Hike for Life By Steve Godfredson Page 19 Dedication in Council 3098 S t. Cecilia’s Council 13322 sponsored a Hike for Life to support local Crisis Pregnancy Centers on Saturday July 19th in Dallas. Hikers prayed the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet in procession around St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church and raised over $1000. Pray For Vocations O fficers Installation of Knights of Columbus Council 3098 of Weslaco dedicated the Ceremony to Sir Knight Raul Sauceda, who past away on March 2, 2014. Raul was a very dedicated, committed, active knight both in the council, church and community. Pictured is Paola Sauceda,wife of Raul, receiving a Certificate of Condolences from Worthy Grand Knight Reynaldo V. Trevino. Texas KNIGHT Texas State Council Knights of Columbus 6633 Hwy 290 East Ste 204 Austin, TX 78723-1157 NON - PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID AUSTIN, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 1550 Texas Knights of Columbus Support Our Military Vol. 1, 2014-2015 Journal of the Knights of Columbus in Texas Texas Knight