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MARCH 2009
WWW . KOFC 3361. ORG
Grand Knight - Rich Rezabek : Phone (360) 675-1102
Newsletter Editor - Doug Warren : [email protected]
Field Agent: Romy B. Ablao : Phone: 206-542-2176
Pennies for Heaven
The Ides of March will soon be upon
us not to much meaning to us any
more since the Government moved
income tax day to 15 April, But
there is the Ides of May when we
have to send our Pennies For
Heaven donation to the State Council. We still have a ways to go to
meet our goal for this year, and I'm
confident we will make it. A big
thank you to Scotty MacDonald,
Tom and Gerri Hiestand to Dan and
Jane Ritter to Albert and Carolyn
Bakker for there generous donations also to the parishioners of ST.
Joseph’s, the bingo players and the
members that come to the meetings
and make the march to the barrel.
Thank you all and GOD BLESS and
by all means keep your stick on the
Del Swatosh PFH Chairman
The CRE Committee will meet on
Mon. March 30th, 7:30 pm for pre
planning of this next years
budget. All CRE committee members are requested to attend. If
you have any inputs please feel
free to attend.
Give a great gift to a fellow Catholic gentleman..
Ask him to join you in the Knights
of Columbus. It is a life time of
Recruit a new member today!
April 10 , 7:30 P.M.
Our local Cub scout troop 66 is
looking for some help with this
years Pine Wood Derby. They need
help with registration, operating the
track and ensuring that everything
goes smooth.
This is a very worth while cause
that you can really enjoy giving a
few hours to help. The Derby will
be held at St Augustine's on March
21st at noon.
POC for this event is Thomas
2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification
Our council will be hosting a 2nd
and 3rd degree on April 4th. If you
are not yet a 2nd degree or a 2nd
that is waiting for the 3rd now could
not be a better time than to join
your other fellow brothers as they
take another step toward that journey that began when you joined the
Knights of Columbus.
It is time for all sponsors to complete your commitment to these
individuals when you asked them to
join you in one of the greatest
men's fraternal organizations in the
world. Ask those individuals you
sponsored to join with you on this
special day. For more information
please contact the grand knight,
Rich Rezabek 675-1102
APRIL 24th Holland Happenings
MAY 8th Priest Appreciation Dinner
MAY 10th Mothers Day Breakfast
Watch for upcoming articles in next
month newsletter.
Our Insurance Field Agent
Romy B. Ablao
19414 Aurora AVE. N.
Suite 207
Shoreline, WA 98133-3971
Phone# 206-542-2176
Cell #206-399-3515
Fax. # 206542-2176
His email address remains the
same: [email protected]
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough
to take away everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson
February 2009
Knight of the Month:
Ben Lorica
Our knights of Columbus Council is preparing for our next “Annual Yard
Sale” on May 1st and 2nd. We are inviting all those interested in helping out
to please come forward.
There are several steps in conducting a successful yard sale, such as: advertising, collecting merchandise, storing the merchandise, transporting it to the
KofC hall, setting up the merchandise, marking prices, seling and then clean
up. Each of these steps requires organization to ensure a successful yard sale.
Point of Contact for those who have items to contribute is Joe Hoing (6756149). For those that can contribute time in any category mentioned above
call the Grand Knight Rich Rezabek (675-1102 or 929-5226) or DGK
Maurizo Tonini (720-3177).
Below is a “self test” to determine if you have items to contribute;
Set aside one evening this week. Try backing the car into the garage. If you
are unable to get it into the garage, just leave the car in position and open the
trunk. Open eyes wide, survey the items within four feet of the trunk. This is
the first step in the yard sale process...collecting merchandise. Donate what
you can.
Repeat this step one evening each week until April 28th. The result will be
two fold, you will have a clean garage and the Knights of Columbus will
receive plenty of merchandise to sell.
“You Call...We Haul” Joe at 675 6149
Maurizo Tonini DGK
Family of the Month :
Ramon and Judy Cejas
Upcoming Elections:
Jack Newman Jr, Ben Lorica, Ed Witt
and Rich Mueller are actively canvassing those members who are interested
in filling one of the many council officer seats for the coming year 2009 –
2010. If you are a 3rd degree member
who would be interested in one of the
upcoming vacant spots please contac
one of the committee members. Nominations will be accepted at the next
council meeting.
Delegates for the Summer meeting:
Jack Newman Jr was voted as the 2nd
delegate for the summer meeting in
Tukwila, Ed Witt was voted 1st alternate and Ken Laguana 2nd alternate.
Stimulus Plan Explained
Shortly after class, an economics student approaches his economics professor and says, "I don't understand this stimulus bill. Can you explain it to me?"
The professor replied, "I don't have any time to explain it at my office, but if
you come over to my house on Saturday and help me with my weekend project, I'll be glad to explain it to you." The student agreed. At the agreed-upon
time, the student showed up at the professor's house. The professor stated
that the weekend project involved his backyard pool. They both went out back
to the pool, and the professor handed the student a bucket. Demonstrating
with his own bucket, the professor said, "First, go over to the deep end, and
fill your bucket with as much water as you can." The student did as he was
instructed. The professor then continued, "Follow me over to the shallow end,
and then dump all the water from your bucket into it." The student was naturally confused, but did as he was told. The professor then explained they were
going to do this many more times, and began walking back to the deep end of
the pool. The confused student asked, "Excuse me, but why are we doing
this?" The professor matter-of-factly stated that he was trying to make the
shallow end much deeper. The student didn't think the economics professor
was serious, but figured that he would find out the real story soon enough.
However, after the 6th trip between the shallow end and the deep end, the
student began to become worried that his economics professor had gone
mad. The student finally replied, "All we're doing is wasting valuable time and
effort on unproductive pursuits. Even worse, when this process is all over,
everything will be at the same level it was before, so all you'll really have accomplished is the destruction of what could have been truly productive action!" The professor put down his bucket and replied with a smile,
"Congratulations. You now understand the stimulus bill."
Knights of Columbus Launch News
and Information Site for Catholics
The Knights of Columbus has
launched a brand-new Internetbased news and information service
for Catholics everywhere –
Headline Bistro. The new Web site
provides a quick digest of daily
news of interest to Catholics.
Whether it relates to world affairs,
politics or news specifically about
the Catholic Church, you'll find
links to the original sources here.
You'll also find video clips, detailed
state-by-state information about
voting and public policy, and recommended books. The Web address
Culture of Life Fund
The following is a memorandum from the Supreme Secretary Donald R. Kehoe.
Last August, the delegates to the Annual Supreme Council Meeting reaffirmed the Orders longstanding commitment to the church’s teaching on life
and marriage by unanimously approving Resolution 302. which established
the Culture of Life Fund and a special assessment of $3.00 per member. It
was anticipated that this fund would support a broad range of initiatives that
advance the Culture of Life. I am happy to report that the fund has done just
that. Two programs, one to assist men and women to cope with the traumatic after effects of abortion and divorce and one to help men be better
fathers have been introduced. To date, the response to these initiatives has
far surpassed our expectations.
In addition, our financial support last fall was vital to the passage of constitutional amendments protecting he sanctity of marriage in California, Florida and Arizona Today 30 states have such amendments. In January, we
implemented our new initiative helping state councils provide pregnancy
centers with ultrasound machines. The Supreme Council partnered with
local knights to put this life saving technology in the hands of pregnancy
centers in both Iowa and Florida. On a national level, the Board of directors
recently voted to provide financial support to the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops for a newly formed Task force whose purpose is to promote the church’s teaching on marriage as the union of one man and one
The Knights of Columbus has always been deeply committed to promoting
racial equality and defending religious liberty as a basic civil right. In the
united States today, the abortion lobby has indicated a desire to move the so
called “Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA) through congress. This radical
piece of legislation would not only expand abortion “rights”, but also force
medical personnel, morally opposed to abortion, to violate their consciences
and participate in abortions. In Canada, the parliament has witnessed the
introduction of a private member’s bill that would legalize euthanasia
across the country. On these and a host of other issues affecting the Culture
of Life, the Knights of Columbus must be ready to educate the public about
the need to support policies and legislations that protect human life from
conception to natural death.
Please remember that contributions to the fund from councils or individual
members remain in the country of origin and will only be used for projects
in that country.
Donald R. Kehoe
Supreme Secretary
Whidbey - Fidalgo Assembly
Fourth Degree News
Rusty Waters FN
Welcome Aboard is extended to the following 17 NEW Sir Knights who were
exemplified into the 4th Degree in Oak
Harbor February 21st and who are now
members of the Whidbey-Fidalgo Assembly.
Oak Harbor... Ryan Abaigar; Kurt
Bauch; Bryan Cortes; Walt Daspit; Alex
Halanes; Steve Luna; John Magno; Lou
Oravetz; Mike Szczerbinski and James
Coupeville... Dennis Benson; Ray Bouchard; Mark Hanley and Scott Jatczak
Langley... Al Jones, Tom Kerns and Bob
The above Sir Knights were the Guests
of Honor at a salmon dinner held at the
Oak Harbor Council Hall on Saturday,
February 28th.
4th Degree Membership Dues Billing
for 2009 was mailed mid December
of last year. If you have not paid your
dues please remit $20.00 to Jack
Newman Jr, assembly comptroller
578 Se 4th Ave, Oak Harbor, Wa
98277. The free dues winner for the
April meeting was Tom Seiger".
Yes, there will be a 4th Degree business
meeting on March 17th, 7:30 pm at the Oak
Harbor Council Hall.
Looking to the future:
Mark you calendar for a very important event coming this summer to a
local golf course near you. That’s correct on July 25th the council will
once again host its annual golf tournament at the gallery golf course.
This is a major tasking that requires many helping hands not only on
the day of the event but the months planning it. This has been the top
money raiser for the council in years past and we plan on making this
years event another great year. If you can help in any way please contact Maurizo Tonini DGK 720-3177
Any member in need of a tuxedo..
Pants (38 x 29)... Coat (40 or 42??
Long) or in need of black shoes
size 10-1/2 or 11, both "D"
width can contact Former Master
Jack Newman Jr. at 675 5189.
4th Degree Candidates are 1st
come, 1st served...
March 2009
Bingo 6:00 pm
Club Meeting
Bingo 6:00 pm
Council Mtg
Bingo 6:00 pm
Bingo 6:00 pm
Bingo 6:00 pm
Bingo every Sunday. Volunteers
needed each week.
Contact :
Doug Warren
Club meeting 3rd,
7:30 pm
Council meeting
10th, 7:30 pm
Fourth degree 17th,
7:30 pm
21st St Patrick's
day dinner Coupeville 3:30 pm
2nd and 3rd degree
Oak Harbor.
St Paddy’s
2nd / 3rd
We had a wonderful turnout for the fourth degree. My congratulations
to all who were advanced. It is now the turn for all the first degree
members to finally move up to 2nd and 3rd degree. This time the ceremony is right here at St. Augustine. I encourage all first degree to
make the effort to take advantage of this convenience.
This is the Lenten Season. The retreat last week was a huge success
with Father Stone, in his easy delivery very encouraging in getting
closer to Christ. It was a great beginning to Lent. These days are difficult for many people, we should offer up our prayers that the many
who are affected in these times are able to overcome their difficulties.
There are many opportunities for all of us to heighten our appreciation
of God's sacrifice of his own Son for our salvation.
Stations of the Cross at 5:00 p.m. and Lenten Soup nights at 5:30
p.m. every Thursday. Lenten Reconciliation is scheduled for Tuesday
March 10th at 5:30 at St. Mary, Coupeville and Thursday March 12th
at 7:00 at St. Augustine.
Rich Rezabek, Grand Knight
01 Vic Velencia
19 Martin Witt
04 Phil Rarugal
20 Pat Moore
05 Chris Davis
20 Barry Madsen
07 Charlie aus
21 Alan Johnsen Jr
07 Rev Ashwell
21 Rey Bolo
07 Floren Apuyan
22 Sean Prasser
09 Odelon SendayDiego 23 Ed Denmon
09 Frank Baker
24 Nick London
09 Myles Walsh
25 Mike McConaghy
11 Mathew Powers
25 Joe Santos
14 Ted Merrill
26 Norm Bomkamp
14 Enrico Matias
26 Roger Balbarona
15 Brian Heva
27 Joe Henderson
18 Rich Linsenmayer
29 Bryan Bolo