The Knightly News


The Knightly News
The Knightly News
Knights of Columbus
Thomas D. Reilley Sr Council No. 10668
Only SC Council With Ten Consecutive STAR Awards !
Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29926
Vivat Jesus!
Worthy Brothers:
Here we are starting out a new fraternal year: District Deputy Bill Jaillet presided
over the installation of your new officers on Sunday, June 29. The installation was
followed by a reception in the family center, hosted by our newest PGK, Bob Killenberger. It is an honor,
and a privilege to be selected to serve as Grand Knight of the best Council in the state. It is also a great
responsibility and I will do my utmost to justify your trust. Under PGK Bob Killenberger, the Council had
a very successful year. We accomplished much for the parish, the school and our community. Supreme
acknowledged our efforts by awarding our Council an unprecedented 10th Star Council Award. With your
help, we will build on these accomplishments and work toward our 11th Star.
At our June Business Meeting, Amanda Diaczenko, Director of PEP, presented the Council with a plaque
in appreciation of our Operation HOPE work. This year we contributed over $10,500 to the intellectually
disabled. Although I have said it before, it bears repeating: thank you to everyone who contributed their
time to work on all the events that made this possible.
Earlier this year, lead by Rich Regan and Lee Sturm, the Council replaced all of the Stations of the
Cross. The June 19 edition of The Catholic Miscellany ran a wonderful article on this story. If you
missed it in the newspaper, you may see it by visiting our website:
July will be a month to catch our breath. With many of our Brothers out of town for the summer, our
schedule will be limited, except for the business meeting on July 7 at 7:30PM. It picks up in August,
however, with Fraternal Benefits Night on Monday, August 18. The format will feature pizza, beer, wine
and soda. Brother Roy Spurlock will bring us up to date on new investment and insurance products
available through the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program. Lecturer, Ken James will coordinate the
program. Brother Lee Sturm has reserved Dolphin Head Park on September 20 for Oktoberfest. This
has quickly become one of our most popular social events. Planning and executing an event such as this
takes a lot of work. Please see Lee and pitch in. Be a part of the fun!
God Bless
Bob Oppenheimer, GK
The Knightly News
July 2008
Page No. 1
PEP Honors K of C Council 10668
I can't begin to tell you how very important your
generous and gracious support is to our organization.
The Knights of Columbus have supported Programs
for Exceptional People from its beginning. Some of
you, I'm sure, can recall helping us move into our first
building on New Orleans Road. PEP now serves 60
people each week; and, with the growth in our community, we know that number will increase. We
would not be where we are without the on-going support of the Knights of Columbus. Your generosity
helps PEP provide job coaches, a sheltered work area,
developmental training and care for mentally challenged adults and respite for caregiver. What a gift to
our community!
On Monday, June 9, Programs For Exceptional People (PEP) Executive Director Amanda Diaczenko attended the Council’s Business Meeting to thank all of
the Knights for the wonderful work they do for the
PEP organization.
She acknowledged the Knights’ check in the amount
of $10,500, derived from Operation Hope.
As we all know, fund raising is always a struggle
and a scramble, and be assured that the PEP Board,
our staff, our members and our caregivers understands all the remarkable effort that goes into your
charitable support. It's uplifting to see the dedicated
faces soliciting for Operation Hope, and the smiling
participation when the Knights hold dinners and
PEP truly feels blessed to have the Knights of Columbus so dedicated to our efforts. When Grand
Knight Killenberger, Deputy Grand Knight Oppenheimer and Brother Wilfore came to our Board meeting on May 22 to present PEP with a check for
$10,501.30, they made everyone on our Board smile
with gratitude, and, the Knights might also have
heard a sigh of "wow, that really helps." Your support
is very important to our organization. The Knights of
Columbus are truly remarkable men who make a
huge difference in their community and especially at
Accepting the thanks from Amanda were
Grand Knight Bob Killenberger (right) and
Deputy Grand Knight and Operation Hope
Chairperson Bob Oppenheimer (left).
Thank you for being there for us.
God bless you for all the good that you do.
Judy Sturm
PEP Board Chair
Letter of appreciation from the Pregnancy Center & Clinic of the Low Country
The weather at this time of the year is simply glorious, a foreshadowing of what we have yet to see! When
one sees the beauty of the earth and the wonder of the
skies, it is hard to believe there are those who say there
is no God.
Praise God we know the Creator, and are grateful
that He chose us to serve Him by loving the' least of His
little ones.' In a climate of great controversy concerning
whom to serve or not serve, we must hold to the truth
that all men are created equal in the eyes of God.
The Knightly News
July 2008
Through this communication, we wish to express our
sincere appreciation for your generous gift of $1,000.
We thank God for you His wonderful servants who give
to Him through time, talent and/or resources. You are
already blessed and will be more so in the kingdom to
come. We bless you.
In Christ, for life,
Vera L. Bailey, Dr.PH
Executive Director
Pregnancy Center & Clinic of the Low Country
Page No. 2
Congratulations Knights of Columbus
Council 10668 on achieving our
10th Consecutive Star Council Award
The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in
membership, insurance and Service Program activities. To be eligible to earn the Star Council Award, a council must qualify for all
three other awards.
For the 2007/2008 fiscal year, our council met all criteria of membership and insurance, and in each of the Service Program areas
of Church, Community, Council, Family, and Youth.
Congratulations to the members of Council 10668 and especially
to those committee chairs and their committees which made this
achievement a reality.
Brother Howard Haines reunites with
Father Michael Akpoghiran from Nigeria
St Francis By the Sea parishioners Dannie and Howard Haines were recently reunited with Father Michael Akpoghiran. Father celebrated the 10:30 Mass on June 22, and after mass, Howard introduced Father as a visiting Priest from
Nigeria. Howard & Dannie have him staying with them until August 26th, when he returns to Nigeria. Before the final
blessing, Father stated that the Haines’ were responsible for his education into the Priesthood. What follows below are a
few extracts and some details about their past relationship, as captured from a St. Francis By The Sea “Glowings” 2003
In 2003, Father Michael was teaching at the Dominican Seminary at Ibadan, Nigeria, on the continent of Africa. By
his own admission, he is a priest today because of the loving faith, prayers, and support from two St. Francis by the Sea
Church parishioners, Brother Knight Howard Haines and his wife, Dannie. For seven years they provided the financial
support Father Michael needed to continue his studies at the Dominican Seminary. By the grace of God , they were
there at his ordination in Africa in April, 2003. Photos of ordination day and the Thanksgiving Mass are shown below.
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Howard H Ordination Cere
The Knightly News
Howard, Michael, and Dannie before the
Thanksgiving mass at Michael’s
home village of Oha.
July 2008
The Arc
Michae op anoints
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Page No. 3
Council 10668 New Officers Installed
On Sunday June 29th, officers for the 2008/2009 fiscal year were installed at St.
Francis by the Sea Church. The Installation Ceremony was followed by a reception
dinner in the family center.
Incoming Officers
Grand Knight: Bob Oppenheimer
DGK: Brad Simpson
Chancellor: John Scanlan
Recorder: Kirby Sullivan
Treasurer: John Reda
Advocate: Bill Burger
Warden: Dave DeReamer
Inside Guard: Breeze Vannoni
Outside Guard: Edgel Blake
Trustee: Bob Killenberger
Lecturer: Ken James
Financial Secretary: George Salemi
Chaplain: Fr. John Paul Pentareddy
Bob Killenberger addresses his
Brother Knights and guests for a
final time as Grand Knight.
District Deputy Bill Jaillet officiates at the
Installation of New Officers Ceremony.
Bill Jaillet recognizes outgoing
Grand Knight Bob Killenberger’s
excellent leadership.
Outgoing Grand Knight Bob Killenberger
receives an award and congratulations
for a successful year from incoming
Grand Knight Bob Oppenheimer.
The following Council Brothers received awards for selfless
service that went above and beyond the call of duty:
Knight of the Year: Bob Oppenheimer
Family of the Year: Lou & Marie Mahoney
Fr. John Paul
Terry Conway
Steve Cunniff
Russ Piccioni
Rich Regan
Rich Rochelle
George Salemi
Brad Simpson
Jack Wilfore
Bob Oppenheimer takes the
reins as Grand Knight.
The Knightly News
July 2008
Page No. 4
♦ Anita Cuniff-Paralysis from fall. Brothers
are sitting Sunday mornings to allow
Steve to attend mass.
♦ “Pete” Greene-Progressive Alzheimer’s.
Has started a care program on Tuesdays.
Awaiting word from wife, Mary, on our
proposal to sit with him.
♦ Dani Haines-Progressive neuromuscular disease. Using
walker to protect her from falling. Will go to John Hopkins
on June 27th to investigate a possible research program that
could lead to a cure.
♦ Carmela Scarcella, mother-in-law of Ron SmetekParkinson’s and dementia.
♦ Dominic Favata-Lung cancer contained. Continues physical
therapy for stroke in effort to regain speech and mobility.
♦ Dick McTigue-Slowly recuperating at home from leg surgery to correct circulatory problem.
♦ Carl Lagomarsino-Continues recuperation at home from
extensive chemo and radiation for lung cancer.
♦ Doug Watson-Travelling back and forth to New York for
treatment of Parkinson’s.
♦ Aloysius Green, father of David Green-Suffers from emphysema and depression.
♦ “Chip” Hedetniemi-Recovering at home from back surgery
on June 5th to relieve intense pain.
The Hilton Head Island Annual Memorial Day celebration
at the monument in Shelter Cove was again supported
this year by 21 4th Degree Knights, in full regalia. The
Sir Knights were from the Hilton head Assembly 2280
comprised of Holy Family, St. Francis & St. Gregory parishes.
♦ Sophie Burger, wife of Bill Burger-Torn shoulder rotator cuff.
Awaits decision on possible surgery.
♦ Paul Grindstaff, brother of John Grindstaff-Just suffered a
stroke. In hospital in Greenville,SC. Recognized his wife this
♦ Kathy Cooper, niece of Bob Bidwell, after undergoing chemo
and radiation for cancer.
♦ Carl Fenstermaker-From week-long hospitalization for pneumonia.
♦ “Babe” Canfield, sister-in-law of Jack Battel-Fell 5 times.
Was in Coastal Carolina Med Center. Now doing 3 weeks of
rehab in Life Care Center.
Chalice for Vocations
Matthew 9:36
At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for
them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep
without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master
of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.
Chalice for Vocations Schedule
We are in need of
unteers to take
Vocations Chalice
weeks in August
Please e-mail Deacon Joe at
[email protected]
to signup for the open
In Memoriam:
♦ Margaret Carey, mother-in-law of DD Bill Jaillet-Passed
away in Boston on May 25th.
Next business meeting
Monday July 7th
7:30 PM
The Knightly News
July 2008
Page No. 5
Pretty scary headline isn’t it. Whether it gets printed in
the news media this year or next is something that is on
everyone’s mind. Everybody knows the market has its ups
and downs but right now there is a real and visceral fear
that is sitting somewhere between the stomach and heart
of every person who has significant money invested in
stocks. Some people are calling it a correction. Some call
it election year jitters. Most just keep a keen eye on the
market and hope for the best.
In spite of the market jitters there are some rays of sunshine. Recently on CNBC to market investment specialists
did the unthinkable. They recommended permanent life
insurance as part of any investment portfolio. They cited
the stability of life insurance, tax advantages and a solid
return on investment as a few of the reasons today’s investors should consider permanent life insurance. Needless to
say, the CNBC host was left almost speechless.
Neither the host nor the viewers should have been that
surprised by what the two investment specialists said. The
truth is, permanent life insurance is one of the most misunderstood products available to the public. I can’t tell you
how many times I have heard talk show guru’s and brokers
say forget the whole life. “By term insurance and invest
the rest.” Fact is, if many of the people I talked to had
invested a significant portion of their investment capital in
whole life insurance, they would have fared much better
after 9/11. The Knights of Columbus was doing business
during the crash in 2001, as it has been for 125 years, and
none of our members lost a penny. To the contrary, we
continued to pay the nation’s highest rate of insurance dividends to our policyholders.
Russert remembered for his fondness
for church, faithfulness
As summarized from a Catholic News Service article.
NBC News Washington bureau chief and "Meet the Press"
moderator Tim Russert, who died June 13 at the age of
58, was remembered for his warm lifelong ties to the
Catholic Church and his support for Catholic education as
well as for his career covering politics.
An active Catholic who apparently kept a promise to God
to never miss Sunday Mass if his son was born healthy,
Russert spoke often and fondly of his Catholic school education and of the role of the church in his life.
"Americans valued his tremendous command of the political electoral process and his commitment to discovering
each aspect of the story that contributed to people having
a better awareness of the issues of public life and candidates for political office," said Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. bishops'
communications committee, who was attending the U.S.
bishops' spring meeting in Orlando, Fla.
"But those of us who shared his Catholic faith and his
deep love for it appreciate his sharing of the story of his
own faith and his loyalty to the life of the Catholic Church
in this country and the many charities to which he contributed his time and talent," the archbishop told Catholic
News Service.
What the investment specialists didn’t say during the interview was there is one life insurance provider that year
after year provides the best in permanent life insurance…The Knights of Columbus.
If you would like to see a video of the interview, the web
site is
Roy Spurlock
Field Agent
Knights of Columbus
In April, Tim Russert, right, was a guest of Pope Benedict XVI, along with Wolf Blitzer, at left in blue tie.
As Wolf Blitzer told the story….
While we were waiting for the pope to arrive, he was
like a little boy. He had his rosaries in his hand, ready
for the pope to bless them. This was not the Tim
Russert whom we all saw and admired as he grilled
presidents, prime ministers, kings and mere politicians.
When the pope finally approached him, he could
barely utter a word. This was a special moment, and
he knew it.
The Knightly News
July 2008
Page No. 6
The Knightly News
July 2008
Page No. 7
Thomas D Reilley Sr Council 10668
At St Francis by the Sea
P.O. Box 21276
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Church Bulletin Bloopers
Thursday night-Potluck Supper. Prayer and medication to follow.
This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south
and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.
This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to
come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the
church hall. Music will follow.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will
be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the
side entrance.
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday
at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use the back door.
Due to the Rector's illness, Wednesday's healing services will be discontinued until further notice.
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance
to get rid of those things not worth keeping around
the house. Don't forget your husbands.
Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha
Belch all the way from Africa
Please place your donation in the envelope along
with the deceased person you want remembered.
Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble
sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Nelson's sermons.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
The Knightly News
July 2008
July 02
July 02
July 02
July 07
July 07
July 08
July 09
July 13
July 13
July 15
July 16
July 16
July 19
July 20
July 22
July 22
July 23
July 23
July 24
July 28
July 29
Ronald Dziekan
John F Mc Cue
Joseph M Mc Govern
Carlino Lagomarsino
Rev Theofilo Trujillo
David C Tassinari
Matthew P Houle
Henry H Fox
Frederick A Losinski
William Weyeneth
Salvatore E Faraci
Richard C Mc Tigue
Stephen P Timperman
Ronald T Smetek
John D Mc Gahay
John V Zmarzly
James W Karaman
Brendan W Kelly
William A Mcdonald
John D Holstein
Joseph A Paige
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