Newsletter - Montana Territory Peacemakers!
Newsletter - Montana Territory Peacemakers!
Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 1 Twenty-eight shooters participated in the inaugural Big Sky State Games Cowboy Action Shooting event hosted by the Montana Territory Peacemakers at the Peacemakers’ July match held on July 23, 2016. Shooters from Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado shot in seven men’s categories and six ladies’ categories. Hoss Shoer was the overall men’s winner with a total time of 185.81 and Mudhen Millie was the top cowgirl shooter. Her time was 249.00. The weather, while hot, was tolerable and shooting concluded just before 3:00 p.m. The awards ceremony was held shortly afterwards with BSSG Cowboy Action Shooting Commissioners Lascivious Latigo and Homestake Drifter awarding 14 gold, 6 silver, and 4 bronze medals. Judging by the many smiles on the recipients’ faces, the contestants were well pleased with the medals they received. Thanks to all those who set up for the match and tore down afterwards. Thanks also to volunteers Kari Lynn (scorekeeper), Miz Griz (lunch orders & pick-up), Fairweather Annie (registration & lunch assistant and awards ceremony prep), and One Shot Caramel—previously known as Fleur de Lis and/or Disastrous Olive (T-shirt wrangler and scorekeeper). Thanks also to the ever present Angel for her work on registrations and This Issue: Above: Posse 1 match scoring and Cowboy/Cowgirl Profile Below: Posse 2 Cowboy Recipe to Muggins and Colorado Coolade Cowboy Poem Ladies Fashion for providing 4 Meeting Notes—July, August wheelers for setup/tear down. July—Big Sky State Games Match and Results We hope to see you all and more Montana State SASS Match for the 2017 ver- August Match and Results sion of the BSSG. CAS Practice Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times Cowboy Poetry “Cowboy Prank” By Chuck Murphy In the Cowboy West all pranks are fair And some could only happen there. This prank that I’m about to share Is not so nice, but extremely rare. It was told to me by a real old Salt, With descriptive language to a fault. So I will try to reword the deed To language most adults can read. September 2016 Page 2 He knew it wasn’t his imagination. He knew he had had the right sensation. Could the object he had turned to admire Have fallen inside his winter attire? While his exposure was getting very cold, He examined each and every fold. His concern by leaps and bounds increased As he searched for the thing he’d just released. Now the others unto this very day, Say it just got up and walked away. But the nastiest prank of which I’ve heard Was the stealing of the cowboy’s turd. It was late in the fall some years ago. They were working cows in the cold and snow. They had taken a break it seems as how, For reasons not important now. This cowboy in insulated coverall Slipped away to answer nature’s call. He got paper from the vaccine kit But had not the appropriate place to sit. So he departed from the cowboy crew To do the thing that he had to do. Around the corner at spot remote He removed his mitts and parka coat. Coveralls were unzipped and pulled aside. There were lots of layers between wind and hide. His Levis were down and his long johns parted. He assumed the position to get things started. Another cowboy also left the troop With either a shovel or a scoop. And went around the corner a different way, Oh what a terrible thing he did that day. With the timing by which a cowboy’s trained He extended the shovel when the other strained. Then departed quickly, without a word, And stoled forever his partner’s turd. Now, the first was trained since he was one, To turn and admire the thing he’d done. But, when he turned, all that remained, Was a scrap of paper, duly stained. This poem was written by Chuck Murphy in 1985. Several years later, he included it in his second cowboy poetry book, “Salt Sack and the Cowboy” published in 2009. Chuck’s first cowboy poetry book, “Christ and the Cowboy,” was published in 1984. In addition to his cowboy poetry books, Chuck wrote a novel, “Slumlord.” Chuck Murphy ranched in the Bull Mountains for 40 years. After selling the ranch, he and his wife, Margaret, moved to Red Lodge where they lived until Chuck died earlier this year (May 6). The August 11 practice session found Angel practicing with a double barreled shotgun, Galloping Swede and Grizzly Bill practicing with pistols and Homestake practicing with pistols and ‘97 shotgun. Latigo stopped by, but didn’t shoot. Angel was preparing for a shoot in Meteetsee. The rest of us were just trying to shoot better. Muggins says, “If you aim here, you will hit the target!” By 7 pm we were all practiced up. Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 3 Cowboy/Cowgirl Profile “Hoss Shoer” MTP Times: Thanks, Hoss Shoer for providing this issue’s “Shooter Profile.” Tell us, how did and/or why did you choose your Alias? Hoss Shoer: All my life people called me "Hoss". I also started my career as a professional farrier in 1994. I naturally put the two together and came up with "Hoss Shoer". MTP Times: How long have you been shooting Cowboy Action? Hoss Shoer: I began shooting cowboy action in 2012. MTP Times: Why did you start shooting Cowboy Action? Hoss Shoer: Doc Wells put an ad in the paper trying to start a new club for Cowboy Action and I was interested. It only took one stage and I was hooked. MTP Times: What do you like about Cowboy Action Shooting? Hoss Shoer: Everything!! Mostly meeting new people, hanging out on the range, and having fun. MTP Times: What guns do you shoot and why? Have you shot others? Why did you change? Hoss Shoer: Currently I shoot 1873 Short-stroked Taylor’s tuned Gunfighters in 38 Special. I alternate between two 1866 rifles, a 38 Special Cody-matic, and the other is a 4th Gen Shortstroke 45 Colt. My shotguns—I alternate between a Rossi double barrel and an 1897. Yes I have shot others. I started with new model Vaqueros in 45 Colt and an 1866 Chaparral in 45 Colt stock rifle. I changed because I switched to more race-ready guns and to beat Chama Bill. MTP Times: Where all do/have you shot matches? Hoss Shoer: I started in Glendive, then tried some in Miles City. I have also shot in Tombstone, Arizona, Simms, MT, Rexburg, Idaho, and Billings, MT. MTP Times: Have you held any club positions, been match director, written scenarios, built/contributed props (which ones)??? Hoss Shoer: Yes to all of the above! Was Vice President in Glendive, work side-by-side with Hartshot in Miles City, trained to be a RO I & II, currently write matches locally, and do whatever I can to help a match run smoothly. MTP Times: Anything new or different you'd like to see at our matches? Hoss Shoer: Yes, bring back the YVBS. Where we live you have to travel hundreds of miles to go to a "big" match. If we lose the YVBS a lot of local and regional shooters will never get the chance to shoot in that setting. I really liked the three day format that was held in 2013. Every club does things a little different, it adds a lot of variety to your own match to see how other clubs do things. I would love to see traveling club trophies, like the club match at the MT SASS championship. Spark up some friendly rivalry between local clubs. MTP Times: What other types of shooting do you do? Hunting? Hoss Shoer: I also love to shoot IDPA, USPSA, and Skeet/ Trap/Clays. I have done all sorts of hunting my whole life including Bowhunting. MTP Times: Do you reload? If so, how long have you been reloading? Smokeless? Black Powder? Advice for reloaders? Hoss Shoer: Yes I reload. Have been since early 1990's. Smokeless. My advice would be have someone help you get started and to save your money and buy the good equipment first. MTP Times: Anything else you'd like other shooters to know about you??? Any advice for new shooters? Hoss Shoer: I am a Saggitarius, like movies, and enjoy long walks on the beach. Advice to new shooters, get out of your comfort zone, go shoot with other clubs, go to big shoots, and expand your horizons. Don't be afraid to ask questions, everybody will help you! Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 4 Ladies’ Fashion for MTP Upcoming Events Schedule September 9/3 Colter's Hell Justice Committee monthly match 9/8 Practice 9/10 High Lonesome Drifters monthly match 9/17 Custer County Stranglers monthly match 9/19 Monthly Club Meeting 9/24-25 Monthly Match Sign-up 8:00 a.m. Match Begins 9:00 a.m. Match Director – Latigo Stage Writer – Backstrap Bill **Special Event** TBD October 10/1 10/8 10/13 10/15 10/17 10/22 Colter's Hell Justice Committee monthly match High Lonesome Drifters monthly match Practice Custer County Stranglers monthly match Monthly Club Meeting Monthly Match - Zombie Match Sign-up 8:00 a.m. Match Begins 9:00 a.m. Match Director – Latigo Stage Writer – Latigo **Special Event** TBD Comments Feel free to provide your comments and suggestions for future Montana Territory Peacemaker newsletters to [email protected] with a subject of “Newsletter Comments.” Photo at right courtesy of Wild West Mercantile——and is used with their permission Corsets, Camisoles, and Chemises by Lilly Blossom Corsets as we know them were in fashion from the 1600/1700’s through the 1910’s. Corsets didn’t fall from favor until shortly after the United States entered World War I in 1917. The U.S. Industries Board asked women to stop buying corsets, which were made with steel stays, to free up metal for war production. Approximately 28,000 tons of metal, enough to build two battleships, was removed from around women’s waists and put to use in the war effort. Corsets evolved over the years as fashion dictated. For the decades we depict the corset was tightly laced over a chemise - a shapeless, close fitting, straight hanging garment. Normal layering of clothing in 1860 – 1880s consisted of stockings, drawers, and an under shirt (chemise), then the stays or corset, then perhaps a bustle, petticoats, or crinoline and cover, corset cover (camisole), separate collar and under-sleeves, and finally a gown or dress, perhaps a skirt and jacket, pelerine, or mantle. Stays or corset was a necessity, because all the layers (petticoats) worn beneath the skirt were designed to be tied around the waist or attached to an upper garment by ribbons or buttons. The weight would be transferred up to the woman’s shoulders. As corsets evolved and became strapless, women took more weight on their hips and tighter lacing was required to hold everything up without sagging. The medical profession of the time was very concerned that the tightly laced corset could reduce lung capacity and weaken back and chest muscles. There are even stories of corsets worn so tight and for so long a time that a woman’s organs actually shifted location. It’s no wonder women ate so little and were prone to fainting. They had no room for food, could easily over heat in all those layers, and couldn’t breathe. Aren’t you loving your jeans and t-shirt more every second! For shooting matches, most women leave the corset at home, although I have seen it worn paired with bloomers and a camisole in the summer months. Having worn a lace up corset on occasion, I have found them comfortable. However, I did not cinch the corset tight enough to reduce my waist the period correct minimum of two inches! Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 5 Montana Territory Peacemakers - Match Results Big Sky State Games—July 23, 2016 Match Final Finish Alias Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Category Time Rank Time Time Rank 1 Hoss Shoer CB 185.81 10 33.67 1 32.51 2 34.30 2 25.09 2 28.88 1 31.36 2 2 Chama Bill S 195.03 21 56.28 13 32.90 3 30.13 1 22.58 1 29.06 2 24.08 1 3 Colorado Coolade CB 225.81 24 42.45 3 43.54 7 37.93 3 37.08 5 31.04 3 33.77 3 4 Mudhen Millie LS 249.00 32 43.63 4 46.93 9 38.76 4 34.99 4 35.63 5 49.06 6 5 Joe Cross S 263.80 42 43.66 5 37.96 5 50.36 10 34.28 3 34.78 4 62.76 15 6 Owl Eye Olga LFN 290.63 49 42.40 2 36.11 4 61.70 16 60.09 15 43.35 7 46.98 5 7 Homestake Drifter D 297.10 55 49.40 7 56.01 15 47.95 7 54.02 13 39.03 6 50.69 7 8 Lacivious Latigo FN 297.71 52 51.91 9 32.06 1 60.51 15 46.57 8 50.85 8 55.81 11 9 Donk CB 305.97 59 58.24 14 40.86 6 46.48 6 48.02 9 57.35 14 55.02 10 10 Two Eyed Ted S 308.83 58 50.25 8 51.15 10 53.01 11 51.55 12 51.68 9 51.19 8 11 Bugler D 327.21 68 52.87 12 72.30 20 48.21 8 43.20 6 55.96 13 54.67 9 12 Yakima Red BPFC 336.78 71 46.55 6 69.39 19 59.87 14 46.26 7 54.10 12 60.61 13 13 Muggins Taylor ES 352.45 79 77.82 20 46.44 8 63.19 17 49.56 10 53.20 10 62.24 14 14 Yellowstone Nerd FN 356.49 85 62.06 15 51.96 11 53.13 12 50.55 11 71.73 19 67.06 17 15 Galloping Swede S 365.93 70 51.98 10 52.64 12 42.25 5 56.09 14 116.29 25 46.68 4 16 Grizzly Bill ES 387.28 93 52.45 11 53.91 14 75.29 21 60.46 16 54.02 11 91.15 20 17 Angel LS 390.87 95 74.91 19 59.57 16 49.33 9 61.90 17 59.13 15 86.03 19 18 Cowbel John S 398.58 101 69.02 17 53.86 13 81.37 22 70.33 19 66.37 18 57.63 12 19 Canyon Charlie SB 419.12 107 84.79 22 69.26 18 58.45 13 73.21 20 60.98 16 72.43 18 20 Two Gun Montana ES 423.09 107 65.60 16 68.56 17 66.15 18 66.59 18 91.64 22 64.55 16 21 Big Sky Ranger CB 551.65 124 69.92 18 122.09 24 66.79 19 120.48 24 62.62 17 109.75 22 22 Lilly Blossom BPLFC 585.18 132 83.36 21 129.37 25 67.91 20 119.77 23 73.38 20 111.39 23 23 Tough Eye Jones ES 664.25 142 105.96 23 101.50 22 99.51 24 98.88 22 130.75 26 127.65 25 24 Charlie T Waite BPFC 666.93 137 113.65 24 97.07 21 129.59 25 153.19 25 81.80 21 91.63 21 25 Cate CG 684.65 142 128.80 26 106.23 23 91.97 23 85.78 21 103.85 23 168.02 26 26 Clarks Fork Hawk D 793.38 152 122.16 25 132.13 26 135.80 26 163.30 27 116.13 24 123.86 24 27 Uncle Grumpy ES 1352.80 166 227.20 27 172.53 28 236.60 28 251.30 28 174.97 28 290.20 27 28 Mean Streak 2640.13 163 1024.90 28 136.96 27 140.37 27 160.39 26 147.61 27 1029.90 28 LSB Rank Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank Stage 6 Far Left: Homestake congratulates Top Cowboy—Hoss Shoer Near Left: Latigo awards Gold Medal to Mudhen Millie—Top Cowgirl Right: Cate shoots, Latigo times Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 6 Big Sky State Games Medal Winners - July 23, 2016 Medal Time Overall Match Winner—Cowboy Category Alias Hoss Shoer Gold 185.81 Overall Match Winner—Cowgirl Mudhen Millie Gold 249.00 49'er 49'er Lascivious Latigo Yellowstone Nerd Gold Silver 297.71 356.49 49'er - Lady Owl Eye Olga Gold 290.63 Cowboy Colorado Coolade Gold 225.81 Cowboy Donk Silver 305.97 Cowboy Big Sky Ranger Bronze 551.65 Cowgirl Cate Gold 684.65 Duelist Homestake Drifter Gold 297.10 Duelist Bugler Silver 327.21 Duelist Clark's Fork Hawk Bronze 793.38 Elder Statesman Muggins Taylor Gold 352.45 Elder Statesman Grizzly Bill Silver 397.28 Elder Statesman Two Gun Montana Bronze 423.09 Frontier Cartridge Yakima Red Gold 336.78 Frontier Cartridge Charlie T Waite Silver 666.93 Frontier Cartridge - Lady Lilly Blossom Gold 585.18 Senior Chama Bill Gold 195.03 Senior Joe Cross Silver 263.80 Senior Two Eyed Ted Bronze 308.83 Senior Lady Angel Gold 390.87 Sod Buster (Over 16) Canyon Charlie Gold 419.12 Sod Buster (Over 16) - Lady Mean Streak Gold 2640.13 Lillian of the Valley (BSSG Rep) tries Cowboy shooting as Latigo instructs Owl Eye Olga shoots as Homestake times Lilly Blossom purposefully heads to the line Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times Cowboy Recipe “A man’s gotta eat!” September 2016 Page 7 1 tablespoon lard (or vegetable oil for the heart healthy) 4 strips of bacon, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 3/4 cup prepared salsa (optional) 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (optional) sour cream to taste Colorado Trail Hash Cooked in a cast iron skillet, Colorado Trail Hash can be a tasty breakfast recipe or a dinner side dish. For breakfast, serve it with a dozen scrambled eggs. It will complement your venison steaks for dinner as well. The recipe comes together in just a few easy steps. And, like any classic hash, the recipe calls for cubed potatoes and crisp bacon. The flavor is in the Instructions seasoning. Once your hash is starting to crisp up, you Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium heat. Place can add some salsa and cheese to provide more zip the onion, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, bacon and zest to the flavor. Top this dish with sour cream and lard (or vegetable oil) into the skillet and cook unand anything else you might like and enjoy! This til bacon is crisp, 4- 5 minutes. Add garlic and cumin cowboy-style recipe is sure to fill up 6 of the hungri- and stir until fragrant. Add the potatoes, salt, and cayest cowpokes on your trail drive or at your spring enne pepper and continue to cook and stir over high roundup. heat until potatoes are beginning to crisp. If using them, stir in the salsa Ingredients and then sprinkle 4 medium to large potatoes par boiled and cut into cheese on top. Cover cubes and cook 3 to 4 min 1 large onion, chopped utes. Garnish with 1 green bell pepper, chopped sour cream before 1 red bell pepper, chopped serving. July Meeting Notes—7/18/2016 Attending: Latigo, Angel, Muggins Taylor, Grizzly Bill, Miz Griz, Homestake, Two Gun Montana, No Gun, Lilly Blossom, Galloping Swede, Montana Lone Wolf, and Journey West Setup for Big Sky State Games Match will be Friday at 9:00. Swede will get ice. Colorado Coolade and/ or Muggins will bring 4 wheelers. Canopies will be set up Saturday morning. There will be a mandatory lunch break. Box lunches from Jimmy Johns will be available for $9.00—sandwich, chips, and cookie. Medical care plan for the BSSG was discussed. There may be TV coverage from KTVQ 2. July practice session was attended by Grizzly Bill, Snake Doctor, and Latigo. Journey West has scenarios drafted for the August match. The match will be 5 stages with a Texas Star head to head duel side match. Cost of the match is $10. The attendees at the Montana State SASS Championship reported on the match and how the club members fared. Mrs. Donk would like to be involved with the Christmas party. Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 8 Report from the Front Lines Battle at Black Horse Montana State CAS Championship Six Montana Territory Peacemakers entered the fray at the "Battle at Black Horse" which took place on July 15-17. The "battle" was staged at the Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex, home of the Black Horse Shootists. For those who participated in last year's Fracus (sic) at Fort Farris, the facilities are much improved. Gone is the black sand, additional bays have been added, three building fronts grace the firing bays. the RV parking area has been expanded, and a new "community" building/structure for meals and awards, etc. has been built. Doc Money, Bugler, Two Gun Montana, and Homestake shot in the Friday morning Wild Bunch match which at times was quite entertaining (like 12 misses on one stage). After lunch, Colorado Coolade and Galloping Swede (fresh in from Simms) joined for the afternoon three stage warm up match and the rest of the weekend's shootin'. In the side match competitions, Two Gun Montana was on the second place Team Side Match team. Eight team members shot a 2 X 4 in half. Homestake was first in the '97 Cowboy Clays for the second year in a row. (He should probably quit while he's ahead). This year's main match featured 12 stages with Clint Eastwood movie themes. Main match plaques were awarded to: Colorado Coolade 3rd Place - Cowboy Doc Money 4th Place - '49er Bugler 3rd Place - Duelist Homestake 2nd Place - Senior Duelist The Montana Territory Peacemakers team was 3rd in the main match team competition moving up from fourth and last in 2015. If we continue to move up a place a year, we should win it in 2018. And finally, Colorado Coolade was the first RV out of the RV parking area headed home! Colorado Coolade ready to shoot Montana Territory Peacemakers with awards Two Gun Montana takes aim Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 9 The MTP August match found a cool morning and warming temperatures throughout the bright sunny day. Held on August 27, the match featured 5 stages written by Journey West and based on the life and times of Doc Holliday. Twenty-one shooters enjoyed the match—all shot in one bay with varying target sequences. One new shooter shot the entire match and three spectators tried at least one stage. We look forward to their return at future matches. After the main event, several shooters shot a team Texas Star side match. Shooters with fast main match times were paired with shooters with slower main match times to form the teams. Designed as a duel, one Texas Star failed to cooperate so the teams ended up shooting for time. Hoss Shoer was the match winner with a time of 120.08 and the team of Lascivious Latigo and Bugler took the team Texas Star side match. Montana Territory Peacemakers Match Results August 27, 2016 Match Final Finish Alias Category Time Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Rank Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank 1 Hoss Shoer CB 120.08 7 25.13 1 23.03 1 20.14 1 25.32 1 26.46 3 2 Doc Money FN 152.64 14 29.25 2 40.53 5 24.28 2 32.29 3 26.29 2 3 Colorado Coolade CB 160.05 17 35.13 3 23.87 2 36.78 5 38.07 6 26.20 1 4 Santa Fe Kid S 202.70 39 38.04 4 52.63 14 39.02 7 39.94 9 33.07 5 5 Shame CB 214.17 39 45.45 8 44.94 9 45.92 11 38.02 5 39.84 6 6 Two Eyed Ted S 216.24 38 47.09 10 38.17 4 36.69 4 38.16 7 56.13 13 7 Lacivious Latigo FN 220.40 42 45.86 9 47.28 10 40.42 8 33.53 4 53.31 11 8 Bugler D 220.50 46 50.05 11 43.89 8 47.46 12 39.14 8 39.96 7 9 Grizzly Bill ES 223.64 43 41.27 6 36.44 3 38.46 6 57.92 18 49.55 10 10 Angel LS 261.33 62 65.04 15 51.12 12 44.78 9 46.67 14 53.72 12 11 Bluewater CB 267.37 66 57.75 13 51.40 13 57.85 15 43.50 11 56.87 14 12 Powder River Joe CB 267.77 65 74.00 18 55.19 15 49.07 13 43.34 10 46.17 9 13 Two Gun Montana ES 270.72 57 44.43 7 42.79 6 88.16 19 52.30 17 43.04 8 14 Kid Kansas S 288.05 76 53.86 12 58.13 16 61.28 16 51.00 16 63.78 16 15 Yellowstone Nerd FN 322.82 77 71.80 16 87.69 20 56.73 14 45.00 12 61.60 15 16 Big Sky Ranger CB 356.05 86 111.62 20 69.64 18 63.04 18 46.06 13 65.69 17 17 Packratt CB 380.61 92 74.16 19 82.88 19 62.74 17 82.15 19 78.68 18 18 Journey West LFN 498.68 98 72.24 17 115.67 21 123.16 21 100.36 20 87.25 19 19 Homestake Drifter SS 1129.56 41 999.90 21 47.32 11 27.13 3 27.39 2 27.82 4 20 Muggins Taylor ES 1176.24 58 41.18 5 42.83 7 44.95 10 47.29 15 999.99 21 21 Montana Lone Wolf ES 2228.71 92 57.77 14 65.06 17 106.98 20 999.00 21 999.90 20 Volume 1I, Issue 6 Montana Territory Peacemakers (good) Times September 2016 Page 10 Montana Territory Peacemakers Side Match Results—Texas Star Shootoff August 27, 2016 Hoss Shoer/Muggins Round Round Round One Two Three 16.96 29.37 Doc Money/Homestake 36.88 Colorado Coolade/Packratt 17.62 21.65 Santa Fe Kid/Powder River Joe 38.92 Shane/Bluewater 28.54 Grizzly Bill/Two Eyed Ted 12.36 8.85 14.16 Latigo/Bugler 7.41 7.22 12.19 Winners!! Left: The Posse Right: Muggins Shoots, Colorado Coolade times AUgust Meeting Notes—8/15/2016 Attending: Latigo, Angel, Muggins Taylor, Grizzly Bill, Miz Griz, Homestake, Backstrap Bill, Lilly Blossom, Galloping Swede, Montana Lone Wolf, Journey West, Bugler, and Tough Eye Jones Backstrap Bill queried the group on the preferred location for the 2017 Montana State SASS Championship. Great Falls was the consensus choice. The Big Sky State Games match was discussed. The match went well and was well received by the participants. The club will host the BSSG again next year. Angel read an email from Gooch about a memorial service for Poverty Bill on September 4, 2016. Plans for the August match were discussed. Set up will be Friday the 26th at 6 pm. Muggins will bring a 4 wheeler. Backstrap will have the stages for the September match completed soon. Latigo is writing the October Zombie match stages. Lilly Blossom and Miz Griz will co-chair the Christmas party. News You Can Use Hoss Shoer Recommends …..bullets from Summer Enterprises. Hoss Shoer reports good performance at a good price. Price list is here: As an example, .38 caliber bullets at .358 in a 130 grain RNFPBB are $39.60 per 900 or about 4.5 cents per bullet. Shipping is reasonable at $14 for 4 boxes.