USASAC Regulation 10-1
USASAC Regulation 10-1
USASAC Regulation 10-1 Organization and Functions United States Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC) Organization, Mission and Functions United States Army Security Assistance Command Bldg. 4402, Martin Road Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 __ May 2012 UNCLASSIFIED The proponent of this regulation is the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, Deputy Chief of Staff, G8 (Resource Management). Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms, to the Commander, U. S. Army Security Assistance Command, ATTN: AMSAC-RM, 4402 Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. F. D. TURNER III Major General, USA Commanding UNCLASSIFIED i USASAC Regulation 10-1 United States Army Security Assistance Command Bldg. 4402, Martin Road Redstone, AL 35898-5000 -- May 2012 Effective __ May 2012 Organization and Functions United States Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC) Organization, Mission and Functions Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Paragraph Page …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 5 5 5 5 5 …………………………………….. …………………………………….. 2-1 2-2 5 5 …………………..……… …………………..……… 3-1 3-2 6 6 Office of the Deputy to the Commanding General (DCG) Deputy to the Commanding General (DCG) ………….………….. 4-1 7 Chief of Staff Chief of Staff (CoS) ………………………………..…… 5-1 7 …………………...………… …………………...………… …………………...………… …………………...………… ………………….....… ………………….....… ………………….....… 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 Command Information Office Command Information Office ………………………………..…… 7-1 9 Washington Field Office Washington Field Office (WFO) …………………...………… 8-1 9 ……….……….. 9-1 10 ………................ 10-1 10 General Purpose Scope Designation of Elements Structural Organization Reporting Responsibility Mission and Functions Mission Functions Office of the Commanding General Commanding General (CG) Sergeant Major (SGM) Special Staff Special Staff Secretary of the General Staff (SGS) Command Counsel Auditor Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Safety Protocol Performance Management Office Performance Management Office (PMO) Deputy Chief of Staff, Human Resources (G1) Deputy Chief of Staff, Human Resources (G1) UNCLASSIFIED ii Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Appendix A Paragraph Page Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5) Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5) …………………………. Strategy and Policy Division …………………………. Operations and Plans Division …………………………. Mission Support Division …………………………. 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11 11 13 13 Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics and Acquisition (G4) Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics and Acquisition (G4) ……………… Logistics Systems Division ……………………..……..... Logistical Programs Division ……………………..……..... Services and Products Division ……………………..……..... Contract Process Management ……………………..……..... 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 14 14 15 16 16 Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management (G6)/Chief Information Officer (CIO) Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management (G6)/Chief Information Officer (CIO) ……………….….… 13-1 Information Management Division – RSA ……………….….… 13-2 13-3 Information Management Division – NC ……………….….… Administrative Support – NC ……………….….… 13-4 13-5 Information Management - WFO ……………….….… Information Management - USASATMO ……………….….… 13-6 13-7 Information Management - OPM-SANG ……………….….… 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management (G8) Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management (G8) …………...…... Program and Budget …………………………….. Financial Policy and Procedures …………………………….. Manpower …………………………….. Financial Operations - NC …………………………….. Financial Operations - RSA …………………………….. 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 18 18 19 19 19 20 Regional Operations Central Command (CENTCOM); European/African Command (EUCOM/AFRICOM); Pacific/Southern Command (PACOM/SOUTHCOM; Intensive Management Office (IMO) Country Program Management Central Case Management 15-1 15-2 15-3 21 21 22 ……... ……... ……... Office of the Program Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM-SANG) Office of the Program Manager Saudi Arabian National Guard ……... 16-1 (OPM-SANG) Washington Field Office (OPM-SANG WFO) ……... 16-2 U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (USASATMO) U.S. Security Assistance Training Management Organization …… 17-1 (USASATMO) Common Functions Functions Common to All Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) and Regional Operation Common Functions Office Management and Service Common Functions Supervisory Common Functions USASAC Organizational Charts 23 23 23 …………………..... …………………..... 18-1 18-2 24 24 …………………..... 18-3 24 …………………..... 18-4 25 ……............................... A-1 26 UNCLASSIFIED iii Chapter 1 General 1-1. Purpose This regulation prescribes the organization missions, major functions and structure reflecting organizational components of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC). This document provides the framework for which the USASAC mission can be accomplished and to identify staff responsibility throughout the organization. 1-2. Scope The content of this regulation applies to all elements of USASAC. 1-3. Designation of Elements The organizational alignment and titles of organizational elements within USASAC, as reflected in this regulation, are in accordance with the USASAC Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) as currently approved by the Department of the Army (DA). All published media of USASAC will conform to this structure. 1-4. Structural Organization The organization structure of USASAC staff elements and subordinate components is reflected in the organization charts depicted in appendix A. 1-5. Reporting Responsibility In accordance with Army Regulation (AR) 12-1, Security Assistance, Training and Export Policy, 23 July 2010, “The U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) has designated USASAC as responsible for reporting on materiel cases and the training included on a materiel case.” Chapter 2 Mission and Functions 2-1. Mission USASAC leads the AMC Security Assistance Enterprise (ASAE); develops and manages Security Assistance (SA) programs and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases to build partner capacity, support Combatant Command (COCOM) engagement strategies and strengthen U.S. Global partnerships. 2-2. Functions. The following represent broad scope functions USASAC performs to achieve mission success (detailed functions performed by organizational elements follow in succeeding chapters): a. USASAC, as an SA Implementing Agency (IA), receives and responds to Letters of Request (LORs). b. Respond to Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) guidance. c. Provide materiel and/or related services to approved foreign countries or international organizations. d. Coordinate with other Army commands, military depots, U.S. Government (USG) agencies and private industry, as necessary, to support approved programs. e. Establish and maintain professional contacts with representatives of foreign governments and international organizations in the performance of approved programs. f. Obtain Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Export and Cooperation (DASA DE&C) approval on actions that affect the programs, funding and budgeting of other commands, agencies and activities prior to implementation. g. Refer requests for waivers and clarification of policy to DASA DE&C with appropriate background, discussion of alternatives and recommendations for resolution. h. Keep DASA DE&C informed of sensitive actions that may be of concern to the senior Army leadership and pertinent to the mission and oversight responsibilities of HQDA. i. Provide essential articles and services using established FMS procedures when tasked to support peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance operations. j. Submit financial and manpower data required for the FMS Program Objective Memorandum (POM), President’s budget and year of execution reporting according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Planning, Programming and Budget Execution processes and milestones. k. Provide FMS administrative support for the development and processing of medical FMS cases in support of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency. l. Provide FMS administrative support for the development and processing of FMS cases in support of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (USASATMO). UNCLASSIFIED 5 Chapter 3 Office of the Commanding General, USASAC 3-1. Commanding General (CG), USASAC a. Missions. (1) Execute the Department of the Army’s (DA) SA mission as designated by the AMC CG. (2) Provide strategic leadership, guidance, capabilities focus and Command vision to meet the USASAC mission. (3) Oversee the Office of the Program Manager - Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM-SANG), providing guidance and assistance with developing and maintaining the OPM-SANG force modernization program. (4) Oversee USASATMO, providing guidance and assistance with developing and maintaining support for foreign nation requests for training assistance. b. Functions. (1) Receive, process and execute requests for FMS materiel and technical assistance. (2) Provide financial management and distribution of FMS administrative funds to the Life-Cycle Management Commands (LCMCs). (3) Manage FMS case funds. (4) Establish and maintain a case and/or program management system that: (a) Provide life-cycle management for all SA activities from pre-LOR to FMS case closure. (b) Maintain the master records and/or files for all Army SA transactions. (c) Satisfy FMS customer requests as prescribed in the Security Assistance Management Manual and this regulation. (d) Synchronize activities with the LCMCs to develop requirements that meet customer needs and ensure delivery as specified in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA). (e) Ensure LOAs are processed using a Total Package Approach (TPA), including consideration of ancillary equipment, initial and sustaining support, maintenance support, facilities and training support where appropriate. (f) Ensure that a foreign disclosure review is accomplished and release approval is granted by a designated disclosure authority prior to providing Price and Availability (P&A) data or an LOA. (5) Conduct periodic reviews of SA programs. (6) Gain HQDA approval from DASA DE&C prior to initiating dialogue with a country on the potential introduction of a new weapon system into the country or region. (7) Publish management reports on FMS and Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program and/or grant activities as required by HQDA. (8) Manage the information technology (IT) systems used for FMS case development and execution. (9) Review and validate all IT systems requirements. (10) Execute specific requests for logistics support under the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement authorities when directed by HQDA. (11) Act as Chair of the Army Security Assistance Enterprise (ASAE). 3-2. Sergeant Major (SGM) a. Mission. Serve as the senior enlisted advisor to the CG and staff on matters pertaining to enlisted Soldiers’ welfare, morale, assignments, reassignments, utilization, promotions, privileges, discipline, training, operations and logistics. Areas of special interest include Noncommissioned Officer Development Program, safety, drug and alcohol abuse, Family programs, Soldier and Family quality of life, military and civilian education and equal opportunity. b. Functions. (1) Maintain liaison through the Command Sergeants Major, SGMs and senior Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) for the dissemination of instructions and information. (2) Provide advice, counsel and guidance to all USASAC Soldiers and DA civilians as required or requested. (3) Serve as the Senior Enlisted Advisor for the NCO Program. (4) Provide direction for USASAC’s Enlisted/NCO Strategy. (5) Provide advice and recommendations to the CG and staff in matters pertaining to enlisted Soldiers. (6) Execute policies and standards concerning enlisted Soldier performance, training, appearance and conduct. (7) Provide counsel and guidance to NCOs, officers and civilians as required or appropriate. (8) Perform other duties the CG prescribes, to include receiving and orienting newly assigned personnel and assisting in the inspection of Command activities and facilities. (9) Recommend actions on unit morale and discipline. UNCLASSIFIED 6 Chapter 4 Office of the Deputy to the Commanding General (DCG), USASAC 4-1. Deputy to the Commanding General (DCG), USASAC. a. Mission. Assist the USASAC CG providing vision, guidance and command and control. b. Functions. (1) Monitor and direct Command policy for acquisition, contracting, logistics, research, development and international cooperative programs. (2) Act as the Commander during the CG’s absence. (3) Assist the USASAC CG in executing USASAC missions. (4) Oversee and monitor the Army’s FMS mission. (5) Supervise USASAC operational line elements assigned by the CG. (6) Monitor professional development for all civilian personnel, as the senior civilian. Recruit, develop, train, sustain and mentor future leaders (civilian and military personnel) throughout USASAC to build and maintain a highly diverse, professional and qualified workforce prepared to meet current and future readiness. (7) Oversee the USASAC Business and Strategic Plans. (8) Supervise USASAC elements as assigned by the CG to include the Washington Field Office (WFO) and the Performance Management Office (PMO). Chapter 5 Chief of Staff, USASAC 5-1. Chief of Staff (CoS), USASAC: a. Mission. Provide oversight, supervision and quality control of all staff actions and elements as assigned by the CG, to include Command Information Office; Special Staff; Deputy Chief of Staff, Human Resources (G1); Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5); Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics and Acquisition (G4); Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management (G6); Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management (G8); and Regional Operations. b. Functions. (1) Serve as a principal staff advisor to the CG. (2) Synchronize and integrate actions of Command Information Office; Special Staff; Deputy Chief of Staff, Human Resources (G1); Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5); Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics and Acquisition (G4); Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management (G6); Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management (G8); and Regional Operations. (3) Approve staff operating policies. (4) Act as the final recommending authority on the continuing actions of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating the use of personnel, funding, materials and facilities to accomplish the mission and functions of USASAC. (5) Exercise staff supervision over all elements of USASAC. Chapter 6 Special Staff 6-1. Special Staff The Special Staff includes the Secretary of the General Staff (SGS), General Counsel, Auditor, Equal Opportunity Officer and Safety Officer and, by regulation, are directly responsible to the CG. 6-2. Secretary of the General Staff (SGS) a. Mission. Provide administrative support to the Command Group in order to coordinate and synchronize Command-level activities and facilitate performance; assist with day-to-day operations as directed by the Chief of Staff. b. Functions. (1) Provide staff action control, administrative oversight and support to the Command Group. (2) Serve as the central tasking authority for the Command Group (3) Facilitate and liaison between the Command Group, external organizations, the headquarters staff and subordinate components. (4) Oversee and manage protocol, facilities management and safety programs within USASAC Headquarters. UNCLASSIFIED 7 6-3. Command Counsel a. Mission. Provide legal advice concerning all aspects of the Army SA program, policies, procedures and human resources. b. Functions. (1) Serve as the legal counsel to the CG and Command Group. (2) Draft SA-related international agreements and advise U.S. negotiators. (3) Furnish legal support for civilian personnel, labor and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) actions. (4) Provide advice and counsel on all legal issues affecting USASAC operations, including systems acquisition, government contracts, fiscal issues, labor and employment, environmental and intellectual property. (5) Coordinate all AMC/USASAC actions concerning procurement fraud and procurement irregularities. (6) Manage the USASAC government ethics program. (7) Provide legal advice for all USASAC operations, such as the Global War on Terrorism and support to the Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority. (8) Provide legal advice to support USASAC reorganization and Army transformation. 6-4. Auditor a. Mission. Support USASAC leadership through guiding, coordinating and overseeing operations; performing a full range of internal review services; professional audit liaison; audit compliance services; and management of USASAC Managers’ Internal Control Program. Efforts promote effective stewardship of resources, compliance with laws, policies and procedures, achievement of program objectives, operation improvement, support to local decisionmaking and implementation of an effective management control process. b. Functions. (1) Provide supervision and assistance to USASAC internal review activities through development of Command-wide internal review procedures for major policies, plans and programs. (2) Perform or direct internal audits focusing on areas of special interest and high priority to the USASAC Command Group and staff or higher authorities; audit trends and high-risk areas; complex management issues with deficiencies indicating material internal control weaknesses; and adequacy of controls relating to accounting, resource management and associated activities. (3) Provide consulting and troubleshooting services to operating officials. 6-5. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) a. Mission. Serve as the USASAC advocate, advisor and manager of the civilian Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and military Equal Opportunity (EO) programs; provide management, oversight, direction and program evaluation for all EEO/EO programs, creating a work environment free from discrimination, while valuing diversity. b. Functions. (1) Advise USASAC leaders to advocate for and visibly support the civilian EEO program principles of diversity, dignity and respect and ensure USASAC leadership demonstrates commitment. (2) Advocate for the full resourcing of EEO programs and EEO involvement in all civilian personnel issues in order to promote the well-being and readiness of the USASAC workforce and incorporate EEO as an integral part of the USASAC mission. (3) Execute EEO policies and programs as critical to the USASAC missions and objectives and national security mission of DA and promote USASAC readiness through proactive management and accountability. (4) Improve USASAC efforts to train and educate the workforce on equality of employment opportunity by strengthening proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination. (5) Foster a cultural environment of performance excellence and accountability to enhance program effectiveness and efficiency. (6) Accomplish USASAC obligation to respond to all mandates in a timely manner that promotes responsiveness and legal compliance with civil rights laws, regulations, directives and orders. 6-6. Safety a. Mission. Define and develop safety programs, policies, technologies and toolsets that lead and facilitate the integration of risk management into mission planning and execution, resulting in maximum Army readiness, safe equipment for Soldiers, safe work environments and safe behavior by the USASAC workforce. b. Functions. (1) Develop, coordinate, manage and lead a comprehensive USASAC Safety and Occupational Health Program by continually improving documents, policies and assessment tools to better support organizational changes and transformation; develop and administer the AMC Safety Rapid Review Team Program; promote Voluntary Protection Program; focus on USASAC initiatives that support partnerships with other Service, Government and industry safety programs; design programs that take advantage of human factors and behavioral-based safety. (2) Promote safety and occupational health requirements for the Environment, Safety and Occupational Health model in the Single Army Logistics Enterprise. UNCLASSIFIED 8 (3) Implement Federal, (DoD), DA and USASAC safety policy across all USASAC activities and missions, limiting adverse impact on mission execution. (4) Implement and oversee the USASAC Operational Safety and Health Program. (5) Integrate industrial hygiene policies and procedures into all aspects of industrial and other workplace operations to promote a safe and healthful workplace. Coordinate industrial hygiene support with the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine and the Medical Command to ensure legal and regulatory compliance, consistency with established practices and improvement of industrial hygiene support to USASAC. (6) Support USASAC Fire Prevention and Fire Protection programs. (7) Appoint Accident Investigation Boards for selected accidents and review centralized accident investigation technical reports. Provide subject matter expert/support for accident investigations, surveys and other oversight activities. (8) Coordinate USASAC safety management evaluations to assess compliance with all established safety program areas. Conduct, coordinate and monitor safety-related surveys, inspections and evaluations performed by other organizations. (9) Monitor corrective actions and implementation of USASAC Safety Program. 6-7. Protocol a. Mission. Provide protocol support and guidance to USASAC and act as the primary coordinating point of contact for all visitors to the Command. b. Functions. (1) Develop and manage the planning and coordination of VIP visits, ceremonies, conferences and special events involving the USASAC CG and/or the USASAC Command Group. (2) Provide protocol advice, guidance and assistance to USASAC Command elements and, when requested, to other government entities. (3) Maintain USASAC Contingency Funds and give inventory programs for use by senior leadership and/or the CG-designated representative. Chapter 7 Command Information Office 7-1. Command Information Office a. Mission. Enhance understanding of USASAC's missions, visions and goals by informing key internal and worldwide external audiences of the vital contributions of USASAC and its workforce to the U.S. Army and the USG through execution of the USASAC Strategic Communication Plan and the USASAC Public Affairs effort. b. Functions. (1) Primary USASAC point of contact with the news media in accordance with AR 360-1, The Army Public Affairs Program, 15 September 2000, including major responses to the media, government and public inquiries; and dissemination of press advisories and statements. (2) Collect and distribute public information regarding USASAC activities, ensuring consistency with the USASAC strategic message. (3) Conduct final review and release authority for material and information to the public. (4) Coordinate and respond to Congressional inquiries; prepare material for Congressional hearings and information papers; schedule and coordinate briefings to Congressional representatives and staffers. (5) Develop, maintain and execute the USASAC Strategic Communication Plan. (6) Coordinate support for all public events where USASAC will have a presence. (7) Provide graphics illustrator support for USASAC. (8) Lead development, coordination, planning and efforts to manage Command participation at major conferences and seminars (AUSA, APBI, etc.). Chapter 8 Washington Field Office 8-1. Washington Field Office (WFO). Functions. a. Coordinate with DOD and DA Staff and Government agencies, as necessary, to support approved programs. b. Maintain and expand the collaborative relationships reflected in the Materiel Enterprise and the ASAE Memorandum of Agreements. UNCLASSIFIED 9 c. Provide Administrative Oversight to SA organizations within the Washington, DC, area for all matters relating to Army SA/FMS programs and the customer, as appropriate. d. Provide Orientation Briefs to USG personnel, Foreign Officials, members of U.S. industry, pertinent officials in the DoD/Army and SA Officers transitioning through the DC area. e. Represent and support CG, USASAC presence in the DC SA Community. f. Maintain liaison with DA, DSCA and other USG agencies within the National Capital Region. g. Establish and maintain professional contacts with representatives of foreign governments. h. Establish and maintain professional contacts with representatives of international organizations and industry. i. Provide guidance to staff on passports and visas. (1) Coordinate with foreign embassies and DoD to obtain information on unusual or special requirements for visas. (2) Indentify and resolve procedural and process problems that arise with the Passport Office and the Department of State. (3) Ensure accurate and timely submissions of visas; contact DoD, foreign embassies and consulates when passports or visas must be obtained in a short period of time. j. Responsible for protocol support within the WFO. Plan, coordinate and execute all protocol aspects of visits of high ranking U.S. and foreign dignitaries. k. Serve as USASAC principal in executing U.S. Army responsibilities for Section 1206 and related DoD-funded Pseudo FMS programs. Chapter 9 Performance Management Office 9-1. Performance Management Office (PMO). Functions. a. Serve as the focal point for Command workload and performance management/analysis and process improvement initiatives for USASAC and the AMC SA Community. b. Develop, field and train the SA Community on performance measurement systems, tools and reports. c. Develop links to legacy systems for data using Web friendly front ends for Centralized Information System for International Logistics (CISIL) and Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS). d. Provide real time and historical analysis of SA performance and metrics. e. Act as liaison between the USASAC Command Group and the SA Community to ensure continuity of performance measures, strategies and priorities. f. Act as the focal point for the ongoing implementation and management of Lean Six Sigma strategies and culture. g. Conduct periodic COCOM and LCMC Performance Reviews. Chapter 10 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Human Resources (G1) 10-1. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Human Resources (G1) a. Missions. (1) Advise USASAC CG, DCG and CoS regarding military and civilian Human Resource (HR) management and provide HR support and guidance for USASAC. (2) Recruit, administer and coordinate Human Capital Asset resources to execute the Army’s SA program. b. Functions. (1) Create a human capital strategy aligned with USASAC’s mission, goals and objectives and integrate into the USASAC strategic plan, performance plans and budgets. (2) Ensure that senior leaders, managers, HR professionals and key stakeholders contribute to the human capital vision and the USASAC strategic planning process. st (3) Develop an explicit workforce planning strategy to reshape the workforce of the 21 Century, including the size of the workforce, its deployment across USASAC and the knowledge, skills and abilities/competencies needed to fulfill the overall mission. (4) Ensure senior leaders and managers effectively manage people, maintain continuity of leadership and sustain a learning environment that drives continuous improvement in performance. (5) Cultivate leaders that maintain high standards of honesty and ethics, which serve as a model for the whole workforce, that promote teamwork and communicate the organization’s shared vision to all levels of USASAC and who seek feedback from employees. UNCLASSIFIED 10 (6) Maintain performance management programs that are linked to key Command goals, mission and desired results whic: increase managerial and individual expectations, evaluate results, hold people accountable and give performance recognition. (7) Ensure that USASAC has a diverse, results-oriented high performance workforce and a performance management system that effectively differentiates between high and low performance and links individual/team/unit performance to USASAC goals and desired results. (8) Encourage cooperation between employees, unions and managers to enhance effectiveness and efficiency to reduce the number of employment-related disputes and improve working conditions, performance and results. (9) Control unacceptable risks to life and limb across the full spectrum of AMC missions and activities. (10) Maintain the health and safety of USASAC personnel. (11) Coordinate and represent USASAC G1 interests in HR transformation, including, but not limited to, initiatives relating to Base Realignment and Closure and the National Security Personnel System. (12) Analyze and administer mobilization and emergency planning. Focus personnel resources for exercises, crisis actions and mobilization levels, including humanitarian and peacekeeping operations and disaster relief. (13) Establish and maintain policies and programs to meet specialized needs of USASAC for military and civilian personnel management, leader development, professional education and training, workforce revitalization and morale support activities. (14) Oversee the USASAC Army Substance Abuse Program. (15) Act as proponent for HR resource strategy for all funding programs in the personnel and training functional areas. Defend USASAC HR resources in these programs at AMC and HQDA level. (16) Serve as the Executive Agent for civilian and military personnel management, other G1 mission programs and projects, as directed by higher authority. (17) Develop, coordinate, manage and lead AMC Safety and Occupational Health Programs. (18) Oversee, monitor and assist the CG on the Health and Safety of USASAC personnel. (19) Manage and monitor the USASAC Online Training Program. (20) Assist military assigned to USASAC with personnel, change of duty location and mobilization plans actions. Chapter 11 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5) 11-1. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Operations, Plans and Policy (G3/5) a. Mission. Manage the USASAC requirements for planning, integration and coordination, long-term strategies and policies, foreign disclosure, coproduction reporting, security, operational tasking and International trade shows in order to enhance operational aspects of the ASAE. b. Function. Coordinate, as a point of entry, receipt of formal communication/inquiries, tasks, internal and external dissemination of correspondence and task responses for DSCA, HQDA G3/5/7, DASA DE&C and AMC. 11.2. Strategy and Policy Division a. Mission. Coordinate USASAC strategy development, implementation of strategic initiatives and policy development/review with parallel planning staffs at DoD, DA, AMC, other external agencies and the COCOMs through the oversight and supervision of the Strategy and Policy Branches of the G3/5. b. Functions – Strategy. (1) Develop and implement mission, vision, goals, strategies and strategic initiatives for the Command. (2) Review, analyze and provide feedback to higher headquarters strategic documents for situational awareness, impact on the Command, and coordinated improvements or changes to higher headquarters. (3) Develop, update and publish USASAC’s strategic plan, ensuring close alignment with AMC, DASA DE&C, DSCA and HQDA 3/5/7. (4) Facilitate and integrate DA strategy, including the Army Posture Statement and the Army Strategic Planning Guidance, and publish guidance for their implementation. (5) Coordinate strategic plan deployment and execution, including strategic communication, strategic engagement planning, performance measurement and continuous process improvement with USASAC senior leaders. (6) Develop coordinated USASAC response to strategic documents. (7) Analyze the strategic environment for trends and issues that affect USASAC support to the national security strategy in close coordination with the USASAC PMO. (8) Coordinate to ensure that Army FMS is correctly portrayed and integrated as a force multiplier into COCOM operational planning. (9) Formulate policy and guidance for USASAC strategies in conjunction with the Policy Office. UNCLASSIFIED 11 c. Functions – Policy. (1) Facilitate the evolution and improvement of the overall FMS process. (2) Maintain effective communication and coordination with the Defense Institute for Security Assistance Management and other joint and service institutions to provide input to the FMS process for development/publication of supporting policy. (3) Interpret and disseminate operational policy required for the execution of USASAC’s responsibilities. (a) Serve as the subject matter expert (SME) for the FMS case development process, providing guidance to USASAC and LCMC personnel daily. (b) Participate in COCOM quarterly reviews as SME for case development policy. (c) Review sole source requests for compliance with policy procedures. (d) Develop standard notes for use on LOAs, amendments and modifications. (4) Act as DSAMS coordinator with the LCMCs and the minor implementing agencies. (a) Serve as an administrator for DSAMS in cooperation with the Policy Office. (b) SME for the DSAMS system, providing daily guidance to USASAC and LCMC Security Assistance Management Directorate (SAMD) personnel. (c) Evaluate suggested DSAMS system changes. (d) Pull DSAMS reports to support Command requirements. (e) Manage the purchasers’ address data base in DSAMS. (5) SME for Transportation Policy for the LCMCs and minor IAs. (a) Improve pricing and tracking of transportation. (b) Transportation Account Code and DoD funded cases. (c) Competent Authority and Explosive process for purchasers to secure the necessary documentation to ship Classified items back and forth for repair. (d) Develop/coordinate responses to transportation policy questions from the LCMCs. (e) Delegate to the Inter-Service Transportation Working Group. (6) Provide support for development of Manpower Policy. (a) Inform the SA Community which case-related manpower functions are considered Above Standard Level of Service (ASLS). (b) Coordinate and distribute Standard Level of Service and ASLS policy guidance. (c) SME for Manpower, Travel and Data Sheet development and correlation with LOA line data. (7) SA Community Policy. (a) Interface with DSCA Transportation, Manpower, Financial and Policy Specialist. (b) Participate in meetings with Geographic COCOMs, Army Major Commands, Air Force, Navy and DSCA Case Writing Division. (c) Arbitrate LOA questions/conflicts between USASAC Country Program Managers (CPMs) and FMS partners. (d) SME for assistance to CPMs, Central Case Managers (CCMs) and LCMC personnel, providing guidance on case development, to include DSAMS assistance and eCollaboration input of manpower data. (8) SME for policy and procedures pertaining to release of sensitive equipment. (a) Interpret DSCA, DASA DE&C, and National Security Agency (NSA) policy regarding release of sensitive equipment for dissemination to the Army SA Community. (b) Coordinate on policies developed by DSCA, DASA DE&C, NSA and the Air Force (AF) Joint Project Office (JPO) pertaining to release processes. (c) Provide guidance to USASAC and LCMC SAMDs regarding current policies/procedures pertaining to release of Secure Communications (COMSEC) equipment, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and Night Vision Devices. (d) Resolve conflicts between the CPMs, LCMCs, DSCA, DASA DE&C, Defense Technology Security Administration, NSA, and AF GPS JPO during the release process. (9) SME for FMS leases for USASAC, the LCMCs and minor IAs. (a) Interpret lease policies and develop lease procedures/guidance. (b) Provide DSAMS assistance to USASAC and LCMC personnel for development of leases and update of lease milestones. (c) Provide quarterly lease report through DASA DE&C to DSCA. (10) USASAC POC for response to the annual Javits report (potential Congressional Notification of FMS cases). (a) Coordinate response with USASAC regional operations. (b) Provide consolidated response back through DASA DE&C. (11) Manage USASAC international defense industrial cooperation efforts, to include coproduction, technical assistance agreements for production and defense industrial cooperation for emerging industrialized nations. (12) Manage the disclosure of DA hardware/data related to SA programs and provide engineering technical expertise to the USASAC CG on actions concerning international technology releasability. UNCLASSIFIED 12 (13) Interpret policies and procedures concerning Army coproduction. (14) Manage and organize USASAC participation in international trade shows and demonstrations. (15) Execute USASAC Pre-LOR function, assisting potential customers by providing performance, technical, logistical support and pricing information, facilitating informed decisions from international customers regarding their actual procurement of defense articles and services as reflected in the submission of their LOR. (a) Research, analyze and provide performance, technical and logistical information subject to disclosure restrictions, as well as rough-order-of-magnitude pricing and availability of equipment and weapon systems through coordination with USG organizational elements and industry. (b) Respond to requests for proposals and information addressing performance characteristics of U.S. systems or platforms being evaluated through international competitions. (c) Provide information regarding battlefield interoperability with coalition forces and possible system integration onto other platforms. (d) Provide results to the appropriate CPM or through participation in meetings and conferences for those items being provided through U.S. military assistance programs. 11-3. Operations and Plans Division a. Mission. Coordinate and conduct the USASAC current operational requirements. b. Functions - Operations. (1) Manage, track and respond effectively and timely to operational tasking received from DSCA, HQDA G3/5/7, AMC, DASA DE&C or USASAC leadership. (2) Process and execute Warning Orders (WARNORDs), Operations Orders (OPORDs), and Execution Orders (EXORDs) received from higher headquarters; develop and publish internal WARNORDs, OPORDs and EXORDs for specific operational requirements of the Command. (3) Conduct continuous engagement with AMC G3/5 and other AMC elements through participation in meetings as appropriate. (4) Coordinate and prepare materials for CG participation in the AMC weekly Commander’s Update Brief. (5) Maintain presence at and brief for USASAC at the AMC daily Battle Update Brief. (6) Maintain and update the Common Operating Picture on the portal. (7) Host and conduct biweekly operations and calendar review meetings for the Command and ensure that the Command calendar is kept updated appropriately. (8) Produce and coordinate approval of the USASAC weekly Significant Activities (SIGACTs) and CG Situation Report regarding strategic SA activities of interest to AMC, DA and DoD leadership. c. Functions – Plans. (1) Maintain and publish the Mission Essential Task List for USASAC. (2) Create the Command Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan; coordinate USASAC COOP with higher headquarters, conduct and lead COOP exercises; manage and implement USASAC’s emergency notification system. (3) Coordinate and maintain a long-range plan for Command operational activities. (4) Plan, maintain and execute USASAC’s Command Inspection Program and Staff Assistance Visits in conjunction with all appropriate USASAC Directorates. (5) Plan and manage USASAC Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection programs. (6) Staff and operate the Command’s Emergency Operations Center during contingency operations. (7) Collect, consolidate, staff and execute the USASAC Unit Status Report with subordinate organizations and other USASAC Directorates as appropriate. 11-4. Mission Support Division a. Mission. Plan and manage USASAC unique projects, products and activities. b. Functions – Mission Support. (1) Manage strategic initiatives and projects as assigned by the DCS, G3/5. (2) Draft and deliver senior-level briefs for executive engagements, including the Equipment Distribution Review Board. (3) Plan, coordinate and conduct the weekly ASAE Synchronization Meetings and other high-level Materiel Enterprise forums. (4) Design and promulgate standard operating procedures for the G3/5. (5) Plan and execute major events for the Command, including USASAC Semi-Annual Offsite; USASAC Leader’s Huddle; Tri-Service Conferences; and other major USASAC conferences. (6) Plan and execute the bi-weekly USASAC Command and Staff (C&S) and Chief Working Group meetings. (7) Manage and maintain the USASAC central repository for tracking LORs. (8) Manage programs for Excess Defense Articles (EDA); review Army Declaration of Excess; receive client country requests; recommend allocations; track and pursue requests through higher headquarters review and approval process; receive LORs for LOAs. Act as proponent for the EDA Database. UNCLASSIFIED 13 (9) Prepare and staff periodic reports such as Quarterly Arms Export Control Act (AECA) Section 36a, Annual Javits Report to Congress, and Quarterly Lease Report. c. Functions –Security. (1) Manage the USASAC security program. (2) Coordinate and track Lease, Releasability and COMSEC reviews. (3) Conduct security inspections and training. (4) Review all briefings and other published materials, ensuring compliance with law and regulation regarding foreign disclosure. (5) Manage the USASAC security clearance program and ensure appropriate personnel have access to Building 4402. Chapter 12 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) Logistics and Acquisition (G4) 12-1. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) Logistics and Acquisition (G4) a. Missions: (1) Provide general logistics, technical, acquisition and operational support for the Army SA Program, to include system and procedures development for case execution and closure phases of the FMS life cycle, as well as assigned “other SA” programs, managing the SA Product Assurance Program, developing selected FMS cases, and managing special project/acquisitions and financial operations. (2) Director serves as the Command Group's representative and Assistant Chief of Staff in New Cumberland, PA, responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and executing Command and staff actions to ensure sustainment of operations at that location. b. Functions. (1) Direct management and execution functions of assigned divisions. (2) Advise Command Group on USASAC-New Cumberland (USASAC-NC) administrative, personnel and labor issues. (3) Serve as primary USASAC-NC focal point on administrative, personnel and labor issues between USASAC-NC and the following: (a) Letterkenny Army Depot Civilian Personnel Advisory Center. (b) North East Civilian Personnel Operations Center. (c) American Federation of Government Employees. (d) DLA Distribution Center. (e) DLA Distribution Susquehanna. 12-2. Logistics Systems Division a. Mission. Manage FMS case execution/closure processes and systems, as well as those supporting other assigned Non-FMS Programs. Maintain and enhance the CISIL data base and the interfaces between CISIL and other DoD, DA and customer data systems. b. Functions. (1) Develop user handbooks, procedures and internal regulations to document manual and automated processes related to FMS case execution and closure, and assigned Non-FMS Programs (other SA). (2) Monitor and troubleshoot process performance to identify negative trends, problems or opportunities for improvement in performance or cost. (3) Evaluate proposed policy, procedures and systems changes to determine feasibility of change, assess impacts on operations and recommend approval/disapproval. (4) Develop, test and document detailed functional logic for corrections/enhancements to manual and automated processes to correct error conditions, improve performance and/or reduce cost. (5) Develop and conduct functional user training on CISIL data files and new/revised processes, as required. (6) Provide advice and assistance to functional users on extraordinary or unprecedented process issues. (7) Develop, maintain and troubleshoot functional logic for automated interfaces between CISIL and other DoD, DA and customer data systems. (8) Conduct annual evaluation of self-funding enterprise processes (Simplified Nonstandard Acquisition Program, USASAC program support charge, etc.). (9) Overseas execution of Grant Aid, International Military Education and Training (Language Lab) and Presidential Determinations projects. (10) Functional Army focal point for the Supply Tracking and Reparable Return System/Personal Computer (STARR/PC), installing STARR/PC in host countries and training the country's functional personnel in the use and maintenance of the STARR/PC. UNCLASSIFIED 14 (11) Provide systems and process support for nonstandard item procurement (Simplified Nonstandard Acquisition Program, Fair Share Support Program, etc.). (12) Direct and manage Army Case Closure Program. (13) System and process focal point for maintenance support arrangements and the Army's Direct Exchange Program. (14) Provide FMS Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) systems and process support to the Army SA Community. (15) Research and evaluate proposed systems requirements and policy changes from higher headquarters and functional users to determine impact on current operations, environment, existing and proposed systems, procedures and related policies. (16) Develop and design functional logic for new management systems; provide functional assistance during ADP system design; develop and assist in testing prior to implementation. (17) Develop, design and maintain functional logic for automated interface with other DoD/DA/customer country case management systems; i.e., Commodity Command Standard System/Logistics Modernization Program; Standard Depot System; Defense Logistics Agency (DLA); General Services Administration (GSA); Defense Automated Addressing System; Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force supply/finance centers; Defense Integrated Data System; DSAMS; the Publications Center; Program Budget Accounting System (PBAS); Defense Integrated Financial System (DIFS); DSCA; International Logistics Control Office; and U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). (18) Represent USASAC on AMC Functional Coordinating Groups, Department of Defense (DoD), DSAM and DA panels and logistics management systems work groups. (19) Represent USASAC in studies, workshops and special projects to clarify, solve or change Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures, Modernization of Defense Logistics Standard Systems, Defense Transportation System, Military Assistance Program Address Directory, SDR, case, program, and/or logistical automated systems/procedures. (20) Conduct continuous functional reviews and analyze and provide/develop recommendations to improve performance of USASAC systems. (21) Army focal point for the DSCA Security Cooperation Information Portal. Develop functional requirements to provide secure Web-based access to international customers and USG stakeholders (including DoD, State Department, Department of Homeland Security and GSA) for a broad range of DoD Security Cooperation Program information. (22) Manage the Military Articles and Services List for Army FMS. 12-3. Logistical Programs Division a. Mission. Manage the transportation, case development, Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA), SA Liaison Officers and other assigned programs. b. Functions. (1) Responsible for development and application of USASAC transportation policies. (2) Assist and advise CCM, CPM, shippers and freight forwarders with movement of SA materiel. (3) Interpret transportation regulations and policies for country representatives, freight forwarders and shipping activities involved in the movement of SA materiel. (4) Coordinate and maintain SDR shipment files for approved Army-sponsored SA shipments. (5) Arrange transportation for the return of SDR materiel when disposition has been determined by LCMC, DLA, GSA, etc. (6) Assist with movement of SA materiel through the Defense Transportation System. (7) Coordinate with U.S. Transportation Command and assist with the movement of special cargos such as ammunition and classified material. (8) Functional Army focal point for maintaining Military Assistance Program Address Directory. (9) Coordinate support activities of the SA Liaison Officers. (10) Maintain catalog files for the Command. (11) Manage the SA System Support Buy-Out Program for U.S. Army discontinued equipment. (12) Provide SA customers Product Improvement Program and modification work order information for major items they have purchased. (13) Design and develop Ad Hoc Query Programs for the Command. (14) Functional Army focal point for maintaining the CISIL Data Element Dictionary. (15) Functional FMS focal point for the Army’s Ozone Depleting Chemicals, Laser Protection Technology and Diminishing Manufacturing Sources programs. (16) Prepare blanket order, CLSSA, publication, DLA/GSA defined and unique/nonstandard cases, modifications and amendments. (17) Functional Army FMS focal point for the production and dissemination of reports and other automated products. (18) Serve as the functional Army FMS liaison with DLA and GSA. UNCLASSIFIED 15 (19) Prepare input to USASAC and AMC SRS. (20) Coordinate with U.S. Department of Census and DoD shipping activities to submit electronic export information in accordance with regulatory requirements. (21) Collect data and provide logistics performance measurements for supply performance, logistics processes and systems performance. 12-4. Services and Products Division a. Mission. Provide acquisition services for long lead time items and nonstandard items/services. b. Functions. (1) Coordinate with regional area personnel to validate the customer’s items/services purchase requests. (2) Develop procurement packages, to include Purchase Requests, Statements of Work, Independent Government Cost Estimates, Evaluation Plans, Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASPs), Market Research Memos, Service Approval Memorandums, DD 254’s, Management and Oversight of the Acquisition of Services Memorandums, acquisition plans, shipping instructions, etc., for the Contracting Officer (KO). (3) Serve as Contracting Officer Representative or Technical POC on assigned contracts, as delegated by the KO. Maintain liaison with the customer, monitor contractor compliance with contract requirements, verifiy contractor performance, prepare monthly QASP reports, certify vendor invoices in Wide Area Workflow, input contractor performance information in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System, prepare technical evaluations of contractor proposals, etc. (4) Obtain fund sites for the execution of the FMS customer procurement actions. (5) Make Government Purchase Card purchases in support of FMS programs. (6) Obtain and provides contract and shipment status to the appropriate authorities and customer. (7) Work with vendors, regional personnel and country personnel to resolve SDRs. (8) Perform market research to determine cost reasonableness. (9) Chair or serve on Proposal Evaluation Board and Performance Risk Assessment Groups. 12-5. Contract Process Management a. Mission. Develop and evaluate contracting performance metrics. b. Functions. (1) Develop process improvements with Army Contracting Command (ACC). (2) Coordinate with RM to develop and negotiate terms of annual ACC Support Agreement. (3) Evaluate contracting performance metrics to identify potential areas for improvement. Chapter 13 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Information Management (G6)/Chief Information Officer (CIO) 13-1. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Information Management(G6)/Chief Information Officer (CIO) a. Mission. Ensure operational capabilities that support the USASAC mission through superior Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4IT) in order to deliver a net-centric enterprise that anticipates and meets the current and future needs. b. Functions. (1) Serve as the U.S. Army CIO/G6 for FMS PE26 budget, technical evaluation and execution across the Army (AMC LCMCs; Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Program Executive Offices [PEOs], and TRADOC). (2) Serve as the principal financial advisor to the USASAC CG and staff elements for PE26 resources, while providing leadership, direction, oversight, managerial guidance and supervision of the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of USASAC IT. (3) Provide the vision, strategic leadership and portfolio management for developing, implementing and maintaining all aspects of IT capabilities to enable the business of USASAC and ensure alignment of IT with the USASAC strategy. (4) Direct all technical architectures, including hardware, software, networks and IT governance, in order to integrate future technologies that accelerate transition to a net-centric enterprise. (5) Deliver Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Management (C4IM) services to USASAC in order to improve operational performance and better enable leaders and staff to see, decide and act in support of USASAC mission execution. 13-2. Information Management Division- RSA Functions. a. Serve as the Information Manager, providing guidance, counsel and assistance to the CG and key management personnel on all matters pertaining to the mission. UNCLASSIFIED 16 b. Provide management required to effectively plan, coordinate, organize, analyze, integrate, evaluate and control information resources for the Information Mission Area disciplines. c. Develop and maintain USASAC information architecture and ensure a compliance with DoD, DA and AMC standards. d. Develop and manage the information management budget, to include SAMD requirements within the AMC LCMCs. e. Provide functional organizations with technical assistance, guidance and support in obtaining and using information management services and optimizing resources. f. Provide hardware, software and service support to the various LCMCs and minor implementing agencies. g. Serve as the DA Information Management proponent for SA. h. Represent USASAC on the AMC Information Management Council and the Board of Directors. i. Serve as the CP-34(Automated Data Processing) career manager for USASAC. j. Serve on the USASAC IT Configuration Control Board. k. Represent USASAC on the AMC Technical Integration Management Committee. l. Provide procedural assistance for DSAMS to USASAC and SAMD organizations. m. Manage telephonic services and the USASAC telephone register. n. Manage USASAC internal publications, ensuring currency. o. Monitor USASAC IT security; report IT security issues. p. Implement Information Assurance software patches and report associated status. q. Provide Command Information Technology lead for the Security Cooperation Enterprise Solution (SCES) project. r. Provide leadership and maintain the USASAC Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP). s. Manage the USASAC Command Property Book. t. Manage USASAC Security Assistance Liaison Officer (SALO) purchasing requirements. t. Manage the USASAC Property Book. 13-3. Information Management Division - New Cumberland Functions. a. Manage and maintain the New Cumberland IT architecture in accordance with the guidance and direction of the USASAC CIO. b. Install, test and maintain the IT operating systems and associated software and hardware. c. Provide interface support between the RSA and WFO IT systems and communications devices. d. Provide technical support for the USASAC Video Conferencing Network and associated hardware and software. e. Develop Tier III data base applications in support of customer requirements. f. Provide interface support between the RSA and WFO IT systems and communications devices. g. Maintain the USASAC NC IT inventory database. h. Provide IT training. i. Install, test and maintain the IT operating systems and associated software and hardware. j. Provide Information Systems Security. k. Administer the USASAC VISA Card Purchase Program. l. Perform Command contracting actions through designated Contracting Officer. m. Manage USASAC SALO IT interface, hardware and software requirements. n. Perform Command Records Management actions through designated Records Manager. 13-4. Administrative Support - NC Functions. a. Supervise the Admin Office. b. Assist with the Annual Management Control Program. c. Manage the USASAC Equipment Program and assist USASAC CSDP. d. Assist with the USASAC Property Book. e. Perform and maintain the Nontactical Vehicles Program for the Command. f. Plan and manage building issues. g. Submit facility work orders through DLA support center. h. Oversees facility maintenance requirements in Building 54-1. i. Maintain supply stock for the customers. j. Order and procure Command's furniture needs. 13-5. Information Management, Washington Field Office (WFO) Functions. a. Manage and maintain the WFO IT architecture in accordance with the guidance and direction of the USASAC CIO/G6. UNCLASSIFIED 17 b. Install, test and maintain the IT operating systems and associated software and hardware. c. Provide interface support between the WFO, RSA and New Cumberland LANs with the Fort Belvoir Network Enterprise Center (NEC). d. Provide technical support for the USASAC Video Conferencing Network and associated hardware and software. e. Maintain the IT inventory data base for management and control of IT resources. 13-6. Information Management, U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Office (USASATMO) Functions. a. Manage and maintain the USASATMO IT architecture in accordance with the guidance and direction of the USASAC CIO/G6. b. Provide interface support between USASATMO and the Fort Bragg NEC. c. Provide USASAC governance for the CSDP. 13-7. Information Management, Office of the Program Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard Modernization Program (OPM-SANG) Functions. a. Manage and maintain the Saudi Arabian National Guard Modernization Program (OPM-SANG) IT architecture in accordance with the guidance and direction of the USASAC CIO/G6. b. Provide Information Management governance and assistance to OPM-SANG. c. Provide USASAC governance for the CSDP. Chapter 14 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Resource Management (G8) 14-1. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Resource Management (G8) a. Mission. Serve as the principal financial advisor to the USASAC CG and staff elements, while providing leadership, direction, oversight, managerial guidance and supervision of the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of USASAC resources (dollars and manpower). b. Functions. (1) Serve as USASAC representative for all financial and manpower matters. (2) Supervise, analyze, disseminate policies for and provide functional control of USASAC resource management activities. (3) Provide guidance to all USASAC elements and LCMC G8 and SAMD staffs; ensure resolution of comptroller and manpower matters across the LCMCs in accordance with laws, policies and regulations. (4) Comply with all DoD and DA standards for financial and manpower reporting and documentation. (5) Provide oversight of the program, budget, execution, training, personnel management, contractual actions, metrics, organizational environment and administrative support of the USASAC organization. (6) Integrate and manage the funding within the planning, programming and budget activities; coordinate and provide guidance for requirements validation and Program Objective Memorandum (POM) submissions. (7) Deploy and execute the DA General Fund Enterprise Business System for the DA SA Community. (8) Deploy and execute the DoD SCES for the DA SA Community. 14-2. Program and Budget Functions. a. Formulate, justify, defend and execute the FMS Admin Trust Fund for AMC activities and the USASAC Operations and Maintenance Army budgets. b. Analyze and interpret legislative/DoD/DA guidance for impact on FMS POM and budget programs. c. Issue and monitor FMS Admin Trust Fund obligation authority for all of the Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs). d. Provide technical guidance to the AMC FMS financial community. e. Analyze programmed fund utilization to determine cost effectiveness and necessity for reprogramming. f. Prepare statistical and financial tables and reports to support USASAC requirements. g. Provide advice and assistance to Command Group on all matters pertaining to budget and finance. h. Produce and compile monthly execution reports for the staff and DA. i. Maintain automated system of commitments and obligations for fund control. j. Reconcile accounting records, perform quarterly reviews, balance accounts and perform yearend financial closeouts. k. Certify fund availability on all obligation documents for USASAC. l. Represent the CG, USASAC, at planning and programming committee meetings at higher headquarters. m. Act as the Management Decision Package POC for the FMS program. UNCLASSIFIED 18 n. Serve as the USASAC intermediate and basic card account representative. 14-3. Financial Policy and Procedures Functions. a. Develop and implement USASAC-wide SA financial policy. b. Review, analyze, interpret, develop, coordinate, issue, monitor and enforce financial procedures as they apply to USASAC, AMC, Army and DoD SA activity to: (1) Identify weaknesses in existing financial policy and procedures. (2) Develop and issue corrective procedures and act as an interface between countries and U.S. organizations. (3) Resolve differences in the interpretation of financial policies, procedures and guidance. c. Solve operational problems requiring analysis and interpretation of financial systems, procedures and policy. d. Review financial and pricing portions of LOA and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) along with any amendments, modifications, changes or notices for compliance with financial and pricing policies and procedures. e. Provide functional guidance to CPM/CCM on case formulation/execution issues. f. Act as the DA focal point to maintain a central data base for establishment and maintenance of nonrecurring recoupment charges and has overall responsibility for collection of such charges. 14-4. Manpower Functions. a. Establish plans, policy and procedure for FMS manpower, both internal to USASAC and AMC-wide. b. Provide special assessments for FMS manpower at Command level, as well as AMC-wide. c. Maintain organizational documentation through the TDA processes for USASAC, OPM-SANG and USASATMO and monitor FMS portions of AMC MSC TDAs. d. Prepare, validate and report manpower for the AMC FMS program, to include surveys. e. Assess the impact of all personnel actions initiated by management officials on the TDA and manpower reports, specifically addressing: (1) Force management. (2) Personnel action processing. (3) Vacancy control and recruitment processing. f. Coordinate with AMC on force development management. g. Analyze and interpret legislative/DoD/DA guidance for impact on FMS manpower. h. Prepare the manpower input to all POM and budget submissions, including: (1) Long-range financial/manpower planning. (2) Financial and accounting policy determination and implementation, including FMS pricing and billing. (3) Budget formulation, defense and execution. (4) Financial/manpower systems development and implementation. i. Monitor the FMS Program Budget Guidance spaces throughout the AMC SA Community. j. Monitor Requests for Personnel Action for budget/manpower impact. k. As required, research, develop, staff and track USASAC Concept Plans and Command Implementation Plans. 14-5. Financial Operations - NC Functions. a. Provide financial support for the Army Central Case Management process. b. Execute financial commitment, obligation and delivery reporting for the Army’s SA programs. c. Execute the financial reporting of the SDR Administrative Account. d. Record and track financial transactions for the USASAC contingency funds. e. Review obligation authority, commitments and obligations to determine the validity. f. Administer the government travel card program for USASAC and monitor New Cumberland and St. Louis accounts. g. Provide financial support of case execution, specifically billing management, performance reporting and discrepancy resolution. h. Consolidate and forward all delivery reports for Army cases under the centralized billing concept. i. Process and validate interfund billing for Army cases. j. Provide case level financial management for the Army’s SA program. k. Maintain, augment and improve financial elements of SA databases and systems. l. Provide case financial status to the Army’s SA Community and assist in country financial reviews. m. Manage the life cycle financial process from case implementation to case closure. n. Manage the financial aspects of USASAC’s customer order control point function, including implementation, case, line item and requisition interfaces. UNCLASSIFIED 19 o. Facilitate the financial interface in Defense Security Assistance Management System and Case Execution Management System updates. p. Manage the financial Quality Assurance program. q. Prepare financial reports. r. Assist auditors in financial reviews. s. Provide financial support to reviews of and changes to automated systems. t. Resolve and report disbursement problems. u. Serve as managerial accounting official for USASAC, AMC and DA regarding SA case accounting issues. v. Execute USASAC payroll. w. Provide financial data assistance for business process reviews. 14-6. Financial Operations - RSA Functions. a. Obtain Obligation Authority for P&A data. b. Establish and update program funds for direct cite and Funded Reimbursement Authority (FRA) orders in appropriate accounting systems; provide appropriate lines of accounting as requested. c. Record obligations for major item stock sales and unfunded costs. d. Analyze and correct abnormal balances and records missing obligations at time of disbursement. e. Validate obligations for performance of financial contract reconciliation. f. Perform yearend writedown of expiring FRA orders. g. Review shipped/unbilled report for major item shipments and verify shipping information and compute delivery prices; review LOA for articles/services, price, quantity and transportation costs; initiate delivery reports. h. Initiate monthly delivery reporting for service requisitions. i. Initiate monthly automated delivery reporting and financial billing for unfunded costs. j. Provide logistical and financial status of FMS cases and record, report and manage interim closed cases. k. Provide support for Program Management Reviews (PMRs), Financial Management Reviews (FMRs), LOA modifications and amendments from CPMs. l. Reconcile financial data in various systems, ensuring that all transactions are properly recorded, and perform contract and case reconciliation. m. Close case lines determined to be logistically/service complete. n. Provide financial and accounting procedures and guidance to MSCs; update DoD, DA, DFAS and installation financial guidance. o. Provide functional support to AMC and DFAS systems; develop and provide user system training. p. Pull funding authorization documents to issue obligation authority to LCMCs from PBAS. q. Build funding records in Standard Operations Maintenance, Army Research Development System (SOMARDS); record program and funds in SOMARDS and send funding documents to the LCMCs; build reimbursable orders in SOMARDS; record orders received in SOMARDS and send funding documents to the LCMC for execution. r. Issue funded reimbursable authority for all stock sales from PBAS. s. Record commitments and obligations for all stock items. t. Analyze and correct abnormal balances in accordance with DSCA performance measurement indicator reports. u. Reconcile contracts with Logistic, Entitlement and Financial Systems. v. Determine the billing prices and input delivery reports into CISIL for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command (AMCOM), U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Life Cycle Management Command and PEOs for major items and services. w. Provide financial support to the LCMCs on LOA case development, Program and Financial Management Reviews, pricing and case execution. x. Develop financial processes and systems for LCMC and PEO nonstandard requirements. y. Reconcile financial data in various systems and ensure all transactions are properly recorded. z. Review obligations and validate Un-liquidated Obligations (ULOs) quarterly for AMCOM and PEO, U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command. aa. Certify case lines determined to be logistically supply/service complete, including case lines for participating and nonparticipating countries in the accelerated case closeout procedures; certify AMC LCMC case lines on the enhanced accelerated case closure list; certify other case lines as required by the USASAC case manager, CCM or DSCA; move interim closed (C2) cases to final closed. ab. Validate the total FMS obligations on contracts and record missing obligations in the accounting system; provide status of ULOs to CCM at closure; reconcile and close out contracts applicable to priority 1 case lines. ac. Provide support for PMRs, FMRs, LOA modifications and amendments from the USASAC case manager, CCMs and CPMs; validate FMS contract obligations for the country, case and lines applicable to the financial review; close priority 2 and 3 lines applicable to the financial review that are supply/service complete. UNCLASSIFIED 20 Chapter 15 Regional Operations 15-1. Regional Operations (Central Command [CENTCOM]; European/African Command [EUCOM/AFRICOM]; Pacific/Southern Command [PACOM/SOUTHCOM]; Intensive Management Office [IMO]) a. Missions. (1) Manage DA participation in developing and executing SA programs for assigned countries and international organizations, in accordance with (IAW) the National Security Strategy, Department of State engagement strategy and COCOM priorities. (2) Support the Army SA program as the manager of the operational and support phases of FMS, Supply Support Arrangements (SSAs) and FMF. (3) Provide country program and case management for Army FMS cases for materiel and services to include blanket order cases, publication cases and defined line cases for DLA, GSA, excess Army materiel and nonstandard materiel. (4) Provide operational support of disaster relief, drug interdiction, Presidential Drawdowns and other special State Department programs as tasked. b. Functions. (1) Direct, coordinate and integrate the approved Army SA programs for assigned countries and international organizations providing materiel, services and training using a TPA. (2) Act as the primary Continental United States (CONUS) POC for all Army FMS program management with DA; DSCA; Department of State; COCOMs; country teams/SALO; foreign officials; members of U.S. industry; TRADOC; DLA; pertinent officials in the DoD/Army. (3) Initiate/coordinate lease actions. (4) Resolve problems that develop throughout the FMS program phases (initial LOR, LOA development, execution and delivery of equipment) in conjunction with other SA participants. (5) Coordinate determination of initial country/organization requirements with DoD and DA. (6) Provide Program Management guidance to CPMs and CCMs based upon directives from OSD and DA; monitor Regional Office functions by exercising programmatic controls to ensure successful program execution. (7) Participate in U.S. Industry Briefing Team visits to foreign governments when in the interest of the U.S. Army and USASAC. (8) Review and make recommendations on foreign government accreditation requests. (9) Provide overall recommendations, guidance and direction for management of disaster relief, drug interdiction, drawdowns and other special Department of State and Presidential programs as tasked. 15-2. Country Program Management Functions. a. Manage specified country/organization SA program as directed. b. Maintain current awareness of country SA program requirements and U.S. policy objectives to ensure successful program execution, while fostering a close bilateral relationship with the customer. c. Assist country representatives and SAO with program development and execution. d. Manage the FMS program to ensure fielding of a total package within the requirements of the country program; ensure FMS cases are prepared as tasked, accurately and on time and pursue acceptance by country to the maximum extent possible; ensure accuracy of LOAs and DSAMS data. e. Respond to country/organization requests for information, assistance and case status by determining the optimum source(s) of support within the SA Community and coordinating the response as appropriate. f. Develop input for congressional notifications for AECA Section 36(b). g. Review and ensure clarity and completeness of country/organization LORs received prior to initiating tasking of FMS cases and participate in LOR negotiations prior to finalization. h. Monitor revisions to FMS cases to meet country/organization program requirements; carefully monitor case suspensions and extensions of case expiration dates, keeping all case stakeholders informed; complete follow-on case actions in a timely manner. i. Coordinate and direct training through USASATMO, including Mobile Training Teams, Technical Assistance Fielding Teams and On-the-Job Training (OJT) support, to meet country requirements. j. Maintain close liaison with pertinent AMC, DA, DoD and contractor POCs in the SA Community to facilitate case development, execution and closure. k. Organize and conduct Security Assistance Reviews (SARs), Country Management Reviews (CMRs) and InProcess Reviews (IPRs); participate in PMRs with LCMCs as appropriate; ensure resolution to issues identified in program reviews. l. Participate in DSCA-level reviews, including Security Assistance Management Reviews and FMRs. UNCLASSIFIED 21 m. Alert the chain of command, the appropriate LCMC or other support activities/agencies of potential problems and initiate resolution. n. Provide USASAC and AMC leadership with country information papers for respective programs. o. Coordinate and participate as necessary in SA-related VIP visits to HQ AMC, USASAC, LCMCs and AMC/DA facilities. p. Prepare/coordinate papers, messages, requests for policy exceptions/changes and special briefings to ensure country/organization program management meet both country/organization and U.S. policy needs. q. Assist planning and execution of Presidential drawdown activities/operations as directed by Army executive orders. r. Prepare information and documentation necessary for processing diversion considerations and priority upgrades and to substantiate justification required for exceptions to the National Disclosure Policy. s. Coordinate requests for release of Technical Data Packages and release of sensitive and/or classified information with DA and DSCA. t. Prepare quarterly Third Country transfer reports on foreign country production of U.S. originated technology. u. Arrange for demonstrations of U.S. Army equipment in customer country and coordinate administrative requirements with MSC, PEO, TRADOC, SAO and contractors, as required. v. Draft and coordinate for review sole source requests and diversion consideration packages; ensure SAO provide complete country justification for sole source with the MSC for approval/disapproval by the CG, USASAC. w. Coordinate, assemble and prepare documentation packages required for release of sensitive or controlled technologies to partner nations. 15-3. Central Case Management a. Missions. (1) Execute full life cycle execution management from implementation to closure. (2) Manage execution of DA CLSSA program. b. Functions. (1) Review pre-implemented LOAs and amendments to ensure ability to execute; provide CPM and CWD requested changes (if applicable) prior to LOA/amendments being offered to FMS customers. (2) Monitor case modification and amendment prior to implementation, ensuring USASAC data base integrity within PBAS and DIFS. Enable case implementation, ensuring required customer financial obligations are satisfied. (3) Orchestrate DoD-wide functional efforts toward successful SA case/program execution to ensure cases are progressing on schedule, within case value and are closed in a timely manner. (4) Manage the execution of FMS, FMF, Presidential determinations, International Organization’s support and International Military Education and Training programs. (5) Review case standard materiel requisitions, nonstandard procurement requests, assemblage/ consolidated shipment requirements, Concurrent Spare Parts (CSP) requisitions and/or requisitions for obligation authority. (6) Monitor supply and contract award status to ensure compliance with the case; initiate corrective action when indications of slippages and delays occur. (7) Monitor funding controls on BO/SSA/publication cases to ensure availability of program authority and funding for requisitions; notify CPM and countries when funds are fully obligated; monitor billing and pricing actions to ensure timely corrective action. (8) Negotiate CLSSAs as required with foreign country representatives for assigned countries/organizations; prepare the formal agreements to be negotiated with the foreign countries/organizations. (9) Verify that supply sources ensure effective supply forecasting and timely supply of CLSSA repair parts and secondary items. (10) Prepare and maintain required logistics data for assigned CLSSA programs. (11) Manage and execute the CSP program. (12) Arrange for assembly/consolidation of shipments and onward movement IAW FMS case. (13) Expedite and monitor high priority shipments by establishing contact with shipping activities, LCMCs, transportation agencies, commands and carriers; arrange and coordinate the movement of hazardous FMS materiel by commercial carriers, as required. (14) Coordinate and integrate the multicommand case delivery and transportation status to ensure compliance IAW the LOA. (15) Process challenges to proposed air transportation for Army SA shipments by evaluating their priority, costs and mode of transportation that best meets customer requirements. (16) Identify and redirect misdirected/frustrated Army-managed SA shipments. (17) Conduct Case Management Review (CMR) with supporting agencies to ascertain the status and reconcile CMR issues and discrepancies. (18) Research SDRs and coordinate with the supply proponent to render a position to accept/deny the request. UNCLASSIFIED 22 (19) Provide input to trip papers for the CG and higher headquarters. (20) Provide orientation briefings to customer representatives and newly assigned SAO personnel as requested. (21) Respond to information requests from SALOs. (22) Promptly initiate suspension/cancellation of requisitions and shipments of suspended countries. (23) Identify excess funds and estimated case closure dates on their respective cases/lines; develop financial and closure status of USASAC cases/lines. (24) Ensure financial data accuracy; coordinate data base reconciliation actions with the commands. (25) Manage/monitor all cases for assigned countries/organizations to ensure cases/lines are closed within 2 years after they are logistically/with services complete; (for Accelerated Case Closure Program participants, within 3 years for nonparticipants). Initiate appropriate actions to resolve inhibitors; certify lines after inhibitors are removed, perform final case review and certify case for closure. (26) Maintain and retire official FMS case documentation. Chapter 16 THE OFFICE OF THE PROGRAM MANAGER SAUDI ARABIAN NATIONAL GUARD (OPM-SANG) 16-1. The Office of the Program Manager - Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM-SANG) a. Mission. Administer, direct and control the U.S. SA program for SANG. Develop, manage and oversee training, equipment, fielding, construction and medical modernization tasks; direct and evaluate the training and support contractor. Perform Advanced Echelon and augmentation task for AMC and CENTCOM as required. Maintain and enhance the special relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. b. Functions. (1) Ensure training and advisory support to SANG senior leaders and unit operational readiness. (2) Provide medical support for master planning (over 1 million beneficiaries) and clinical care. (3) Provide construction support for planning and design of Joint Engineering Teams and construction management. (4) Provide light armored vehicle support for acquisition oversight and fielding. (5) Provide aviation support for acquisition oversight, planning, fielding and training. 16-2. The Office of the Program Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard, Washington Field Office (OPMSANG WFO) a. Mission. Represent the PM in all matters internal and external to the organization remotely from Fort Belvoir, VA. Perform liaison with AMC, USASAC, DA, DoD, Department of State and the private sector to support all program initiatives. b. Functions. (1) Ensure OPM-SANG priorities and objectives are known and achieved. (2) Coordinate and accomplish SA action as the CPMs. (3) Act as technical lead for OPM-SANG CONUS acquisition issues. (4) Coordinate military personnel assignments and authorizations with USASAC, AMC and the U.S. Total Army Personnel Command to obtain the quality and quantity of military personnel required. (5) Process and prepare all OPM-SANG military and civilian personnel for deployment. (6) Serve as the USASAC staff office of responsibility for all SANG program actions. Chapter 17 U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization 17-1. U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (USASATMO) a. Mission. The mission of USASATMO is to plan, form, prepare, deploy, sustain and redeploy CONUS-based SA Teams to execute Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) Security Assistance missions that support ASAE missions. b. Functions. (1) Consolidate all foreign training and advisory functions associated with delivery of Army defense articles and services under USASAC. (2) Provide the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to operate and maintain equipment sold under FMS IAW the Total Package Approach. UNCLASSIFIED 23 Chapter 18 COMMON FUNCTIONS 18-1. Functions Common to All Common functions exist in every organization and are listed as fully as possible in this chapter. Within the limits of established policies, procedures and directives, all organizations are charged with the following functions as applicable: a. Initiate recommendations as necessary to continuously improve the FMS process. b. Report contacts with higher authority to immediate supervisors. c. Protect Government property and exercises supply economy. d. Use competent managerial practices to administer assigned duties. e. Develop and use efficient and safe procedures and operations; prepare applicable directives. f. Provide proper training of personnel, both formal and OJT, including training of career interns. g. Use current records management practices. h. Continually review the organization to ensure proper alignment to accomplish assigned missions. i. Gather and compile information for historical reports. j. Perform routine clerical functions, i.e., typing, filing, reports preparation, telephone courtesies. k. Facilitate the processing of staff papers and/or special requests within the Headquarters and beyond; ensure correspondence is appropriately staffed and coordinated. l. Brief CG AMC, CG USASAC and other VIPs on subjects of interest or as directed. m. Chair/participate in studies, workshops, Process Action Teams, Quality Management Boards and special projects, as required, to resolve problems or improve processes affecting SA programs. n. Provide data used in preparing DoD and Congressional reports on an as-required basis. o. Coordinate with local union officials concerning negotiable issues and other labor contract requirements. 18-2. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) and Regional Operations Common Functions All DCSs and Regional Operations Directorates will, as applicable: a. Direct, monitor, supervise and coordinate all directorate activities to successfully accomplish assigned missions. b. Advise the CG on technical, operational and other directorate matters. 18-3. Office Management and Service Common Functions Office management and service functions will be centralized in each DCS and Regional Operations Directorats and performed as follows: a. Coordinate personnel matters with the servicing Civilian Personnel Office (CPO) and/or the Administration and Security Division; maintain personnel records as required, including time and attendance records. b. Control personnel strength within approved authorization. c. Receive, record and distribute incoming mail and dispatch outgoing mail; furnish necessary information, regulatory material and directives to personnel concerned; maintain controls for safeguarding classified material. d. Perform clerical and administrative duties; maintain liaison with appropriate activities to coordinate the Records Management Program, reproduction services, fund drives, Blood Donor Program, hospitalization, telephone changes, elections, transportation and travel, property accountability, supply management and facilities engineering. e. Ensure action on directives from higher authorities; maintain a suspense and followup system to ensure timely response to correspondence, advising responsible personnel on delinquent correspondence. f. Maintain correspondence files and directives. g. Obtain and distribute office supplies, forms and publications. h. Maintain reference publications (administrative and technical) about organization's missions. i. Maintain subsidiary records of center property and related records. j. Maintain current procedures. k. Determine if administrative procedures, policies and regulations are current, properly displayed on bulletin boards and comply with the organization's missions and functions. l. Provide messenger service, generally limited to within the organization. m. Accumulate and consolidate directorate training requirements to be submitted to the appropriate approving authority. n. Evaluate suggestions under the Army Ideas for Excellence Program. o. Prepare directorate input to the Civilian Management, Upward Mobility and Equal Opportunity Programs. p. Prepare and maintain special and recurring reports. q. Control the directorate forms management program. r. Formulate, analyze, coordinate and implement policies, procedures, directives and regulations that apply to directorate operations and mission. s. Monitor and assist with manpower surveys; prepare manpower reports. t. Administer the security program for the directorate. UNCLASSIFIED 24 u. Provide orientation briefings to newly assigned SAO personnel. 18-4. Supervisory Common Functions Responsibilities Common to all supervisory positions: a. Direct, control and coordinate the operations and functions of subordinates and subordinate organizations through personal supervision or by delegating authority to key personnel. b. Supervise and coordinate the following through the CPO: (1) Duty assignments and orientations. (2) Individual career plans. (3) Qualification record cards. (4) Transfers, promotions and dismissals of subordinate civilian personnel. (5) Training. c. Counsel and evaluate the performance of subordinates (ratings and appraisals); advise employees about each evaluation; recommend promotional or corrective action to ensure proper occupational and career development of employees. d. Support personnel management and EEO goals. e. Ensure internal controls are implemented and monitored. f. Disseminate relevant information, instructions, directives, regulations, memorandums to responsible personnel in the organization; ensure compliance with directives from higher authority. g. Establish policies for the organization; implement policies from higher authorities which include planning, developing, reviewing and maintaining current emergency and mobilization documents. h. Coordinate publishing of local policies, programs and regulations. i. Obtain maximum effectiveness, economy of operations and employ management improvements within daily operations. j. Allocate and control personnel, equipment and facilities; participate in and develops program and budget data for the organization. k. Ensure all equipment assigned to the organization is adequately maintained, properly utilized and operated by qualified operators; ensure equipment that requires maintenance beyond the scope of the operator is reported to the organization responsible for such maintenance. l. Ensure the organization complies with safety rules and regulations and that safety and fire hazards are eliminated. m. Ensure that all personnel in the organization have been properly oriented about their security responsibilities and are aware of prescribed procedures to report security violations and known or suspected foreign intelligence agents and their activities. n. Develop and provide necessary budgetary information to the G8 on an as-required basis. o. Maintain good housekeeping practices in assigned areas. UNCLASSIFIED 25 Appendix A A-1. USASAC Organizational Charts USASAC Organization Structure Commanding General SGM USASATMO OPM‐SANG Fort Bragg, NC Fort Belvoir, VA Deputy Chief of Staff DCS G1 Command Information Office Human Resources Operations DCS G4 Logistics & Acquisitions Washington Field Office New Cumberland, PA Fort Belvoir, VA Regional Operations CENTCOM EUCOM/ AFRICOM PACOM/ SOUTHCOM IMO AF/PK Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward Special Staff DCS G3/5 Performance Management Office DCS G6/CIO Information Management DCS G8 Resource Management UNCLASSIFIED 26 Command Group Commanding General SGM Deputy Chief of Staff Chief of Staff Chief of Staff Command Information Office Special Staff Command Group USASATMO/OPM-SANG Commanding General USASATMO OPM‐SANG Fort Bragg, NC Fort Belvoir, VA UNCLASSIFIED 27 PMO/WFO Deputy Performance Management Office Washington Field Office New Cumberland, PA Fort Belvoir, VA USASAC Regional Operations Deputy Regional Operations CENTCOM EUCOM/ AFRICOM PACOM/ SOUTHCOM IMO AF/PK Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Country Program Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers Central Case Managers CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward CPM ‐ Forward UNCLASSIFIED 28 Chief of Staff Chief of Staff DCS G1 Chief of Staff Human Resources Command Information Office DCS G3/5 Chief of Staff Operations Special Staff DCS G4 EEO Logistics & Acquisitions IRAC DCS G6/CIO Information Management DCS G8 Resource Management Human Resources Chief of Staff DCS G1 Human Resources Civilian Personnel Branch Training Branch Military Personnel Branch UNCLASSIFIED 29 Operations Chief of Staff DCS G3/5 Operations Operations & Plans Mission Support Strategy & Policy Financial Case Management SYS/QUAL Assurance Financial Case Management Special Programs Special Programs Logistics & Acquisition Chief of Staff DCS G4 Logistics & Acquisition Logistical Programs Customer Support Office Logistics Systems UNCLASSIFIED Process Management Services & Products 30 Information Management Chief of Staff DCS G6/CIO Information Management Information Management Division RSA Admin Support RSA Information Management Division NC Admin Support NC Information Management WFO Information Management OPM‐SANG Information Management USASATMO Resource Management Chief of Staff DCS G8 Manpower Resource Management Financial Policy & Procedure Financial Operations RSA Funds Support Program and Budget Case Management Financial Operations NC Financial Case Management UNCLASSIFIED Special Programs SYS/QUAL Assurance 31 CENTCOM Deputy Regional Operations CENTCOM (RSA) CENTCOM Case Management (NC) Branch A Branch A Branch B Branch B CENTCOM Regional Operations Branch C EUCOM/AFRICOM Deputy Regional Operations EUCOM/AFRICOM EUCOM/AFRICOM EUCOM/AFRICOM Regional Operations Case Management (RSA) (NC) EUCOM Branch A AFRICOM Branch B Branch C UNCLASSIFIED 32 PACOM/SOUTHCOM Deputy Regional Operations PACOM/SOUTHCOM PACOM/SOUTHCOM Regional Operations (RSA) PACOM/SOUTHCOM Case Management (NC) PACOM Asia SOUTHCOM Pacific SOUTHCOM UNCLASSIFIED 33
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