Communication Studies
Communication Studies
20 10 Communication Studies 1 Table of Contents Introduction to Communication ...............................................................1 NEW Tubbs: Human Communication, 12/e NEW Pearson: Human Communication, 4/e NEW Gamble: Communication Works, 10/e Hybels: Communicating Effectively, 9/e Communication Theory ..........................................................................3 West: Introducing Communication Theory, 4/e Interpersonal Communication.................................................................4 !" Stewart: Bridges Not Walls, 10/e Intercultural Communication ..................................................................5 NEW Martin: Experiencing Intercultural Communication, 4/e Public Speaking ......................................................................................5 Gregory: Public Speaking for College and Career, 9/e #$%!&"' (& )&%!* +-6 #$%!-7" NEW Small Group Communication..................................................................* Galanes: Effective Group Discussion, 13/e &! $$ % !!"' Interviewing ............................................................................................9 Stewart: Interviewing, 12/e Mass Communication ...........................................................................10 Dominick: The Dynamics of Mass Communication, 11/e Baran: Introduction to Mass Communication, 6/e 7))&&;< NEW Journalism ............................................................................................ 11 #$7< 6=#$7;&> ))=)-?@7!&;&"" (@7!&A Harrower: The Newspaper Designer’s Handbook, 6/e NEW Media Studies ......................................................................................13 NEW Open University Press Titles ..........................................................13 Introduction to Communication Human Communication: Principles and Contexts, 12/e NEW Stewart L. Tubbs, Eastern Michigan University Intended for the introductory communication concepts course, this text focuses on the principles and contexts of communication studies. The award-winning author links theory and research with fundamental concepts to create plentiful opportunities for students to apply their understanding and develop practical communication skills. His exposition is seasoned with intriguing case studies and stimulating examples drawn from contemporary K$$@==LLQ! interests in gender and cultural issues. Table of contents Part 2: Contexts 9: Interpersonal Communication 10: Intercultural Communication 11: Interviewing 12: Small-Group Communication 13: Public Communication 14: Organizational Communication 1: The Process of Human Communication 2: Person Perception 3: The Verbal Message 4: The Nonverbal Message 5: Listening 8: Relationships in Process Human Communication: Make it Smart, Keep it Real, 4/e NEW Judy C. Pearson, North Dakota State University Paul E. Nelson, North Dakota State University Scott Titsworth, Ohio University Lynn Harter, Ohio University The fourth edition of Human Communication&&&Q! K - @& RV) %X Y! 7Z[\!$== !!K V Z ]KV!Z^& @&&-!$K @ goal is to highlight the relevancy of communication to college students by engaging the readers. Every chapter features skill-building, critical thinking, innovative pedagogy, 21st century examples, and lively writing that is respectful of the student reader. Table of contents Part 1: Fundamentals of Communication Studies !" #$%& '( 4: Nonverbal Communication ( ) Part 2: Communication Contexts 6: Interpersonal Communication 7: Intercultural Communication *+)# 9: The Dynamics of Small Group Communication !"#$%! Delivery ,# % . ./ % ;/<= 12: Organizing Your Presentation '>=/?@ 14: Informative Presentations 15: Persuasive Presentations $ _*L'L'L<`"AjL"R-qzq[ 1 Introduction to Communication Communication Works, 10/e NEW Teri Kwal Gamble, &?@7 Michael W. Gamble, New York Institute of Technology 7&^&&@! A" @ {% =& =& & @ !^& L$& promote the development of personal and professional relationships in real world and virtual settings. Features | {=&@&!!'!! particularly when it comes to privacy and online disclosure issues. | (!)!"!#*!&=!&V%&&! Z&&!$=&&=K Table of contents Part 1: The Essentials of Communication 1: Communication: The Starting Line ! % /+ ' %& #+.AB E " #. (# 6: Nonverbal Communication: Silent (%#) ( ) +!(!! *<@# 9: Person to Person: Relationships in Context (!&$-! ,F#%&> )"; Solving (J@= (!!&# !%#). J %;K '>=#A%# %##A E>A%# JQA >=A%# "A &=%#) "=%#) Communicating Effectively, 9/e Saundra Hybels R[ /&456)++ Designed for the Introduction to Communication course, this trusted text presents the foundation of communication studies through numerous examples that range from the campus to the workplace to communities both in the United States and throughout the world. Every chapter contains numerous activities that engage students and promote group work. Features /'(&%$!!!7&$&! practically about the ideas, concepts, and approaches they encounter and to apply them to their lives. $03#'R%[$!\!!R!=!! LL=[!!K Table of contents 1: The Communication Process !%&$" #$ 3: Intercultural Communication 4: Listening 5: Verbal Communication 6: Nonverbal Communication 7: Interpersonal Relationships *=#=@# 2 U +) 10: Small-Groups Participation F#(# !F%W%# 'JQJ%# 14: Delivering the Speech 15: The Informative Speech 16: The Persuasive Speech Communication Theory Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application, 4/e /&4567Emerson College Lynn H. Turner, Marquette University \ @ = background in communication theory. Its three overriding goals are to help students understand the pervasiveness of theory in their lives, to demystify the theoretical process, and to help students become more systematic and critical in their thinking about theory. Table of contents $ & $5 ) ; >[$ $ \ ! ) ; W ]\').;/@ \E^&+^\\\;&<!5%/; /\ &\=> /\*]# /?/\U< /@ /\ ,% "/\% ] /\!@> /\' "= //\ EF#)\% /\JQ/\JQ&/\*@ \U >\!,="\!%\!!=./\!'<F[ /\!E%#&% /\! //\!W _/\! . /\!*F#/\!U %#/\=&>!*!55530: Moving in New Directions A First Look at Communication Theory, 7/e 8-"97Wheaton College The most widely-used textbook for the Communication Theory course, . W () Communication Theory, 7/e ^]= appropriate for both lower- and upper-level courses. The 32 theories represented in the \Q\!$ and interpretive approaches. Table of contents <)!=))?5( A%/& /\!);/\'++\E## /`%=W& /d\<)!+!(!!5 5: Symbolic Interactionism &F;\&`d&+\^" j?\]# /? /&k^\* =&k>\U% "/&.j>/\,< / @ /&^\% &" /&k#+\!@> &(^]j ^;/\' ?&"+Q )\E% k/&Q&%&\;() @ "/jk ##\=> /&(W\<)!-!#(!!5 W "# =F#> )&@/)j>F\*.#=% /& % "\U.## JQ&&&FQj " )/\!, /& .## JQ&%>Q\!@ &.\!!>&q^)\!'="&+W\ <)! @ (!!5 !E / & (\ ! % & @ ^\ ! % & % \ ! = / & F F;\ !*._% / & ] ; j > %\ !U %# & % & ; _\ <)! ( (!3\ ', . / & F\ ' W _/&%_/\'!%# /&F/"#\''F %/&>;\'E %#/&%jk+\'F#/&q\<)!+!5 36: Common 3 Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication: The Whole Story Kory Floyd, ^%=L! Q\!\!-!! Interpersonal Communication: The Whole Story addresses a broader range of interpersonal ! $ LL$ !& V Z # throughout the text and by including diverse populations in its research-based and everyday examples. Drawing upon his own contemporary research on affection in relationships, and !!&Y@L to-earth, 21st Century perspective on interpersonal communication. Table of contents .; !F ' %& 4: Interpersonal Perception 5: Language 6: Nonverbal Communication 7: Listening *% "@# UW/@# , " 11: Interpersonal Deception 12: Emotion $ _*L'L'L<Aj*LjR -{[ Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication, 10/e John Stewart, University of Dubuque &L!!&\$& topics about interpersonal relationships, drawing from such disciplines as communication, philosophy, social science, and psychology. The thought-provoking articles discuss the nature of interpersonal contact, connections between verbal and nonverbal cues, person perception, listening, identity management, gender and ethnic similarities and differences, $ \ = !@ $& Q management, cross-cultural communication, and dialogue. This tenth edition features 23 new readings. Table of contents 8&+!A ^) ! # ' ^ E?;=; @%@B!& " =( ]]#> 4 /!& W/W 8: Communicating with Intimate Partners IO!6 9: Coping with Communication Walls ,+^ ^>&& 12: Promoting Dialogue Intercultural Communication Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction, 4/e NEW Judith N. Martin, ^%= B&!Q5O%'7 Northeastern University ]# . $ E} provides a number !&& ! = Q & ! outlines, chapter objectives, suggested websites and other resources for further learning, = ! $ ! K introductory text, the material is accessible and encourages students to seek out more information. By giving the students a framework to begin understanding the complexities of intercultural interaction, students begin the process of learning about both other cultures and their relationships with their own culture. Features 8&!!"!&!0includes new material on the varying boundaries of religious identities, @@&Q$=@&&$& &!&&&&!&Q& educational institutions. 83!)!"!!!!!"new information on domestic and international impacts 6+$$!%@@ downturn on intercultural encounters, and the historical impact of capitalism on contemporary intercultural encounters. A=4( includes a wealth of additional teaching and learning resources. Student material includes !LL^^&K-$K Table of contents 6: Nonverbal Communication Issues "# Communication *$ $ U @#=//(& 10: Intercultural Communication in Tourism Contexts ^ ! ' Care Public Speaking for College and Career, 9/e NEW Public Speaking %/ ! ^ ^ )^ '/ E/ 5: Verbal Issues in Intercultural Communication >!-!'7 =L6$ Community College "; %#) & $ U} offers a practical, accessible, and nonintimidating approach to public speaking. Through numerous stories, examples, and !!\@@=& the speeches they must give in college, in their careers, and in their communities. The new edition features Connect Public Speaking--a dynamic and powerful web-based learning management system with the student experience at its core. Informed by extensive research conducted with both instructors and students, Connect is designed to help students earn better grades and save instructors valuable time, whether teaching a face to face, online, or hybrid course. Table of contents "; %#) 2: Controlling Nervousness 3: Listening E@ . % # $"#$ W& =&j.= Plagiarism *%##A U". ,^/&%# 12: Outlining the Speech 13: +%# 14: Delivering the Speech 15: %#)& 16: %#)" 17: Persuasive Strategies 18: Special Types of Speeches 19: %#)F# $ _*L'L'LA_j>*L`R-) 6[ _*L'L'LA_j>jL<R- 7q[ 5 Public Speaking The Art of Public Speaking, 10/e $&8547University of Wisconsin By far the leading speech textbook of our time, .& "; %#)$&$ more than 10 million students and instructors. Whether a novice or an experienced speaker, every student will learn @ $ $ !$ ! & - explanations of classical and contemporary theory and thorough coverage of practical applications. Features 8&!throughout the text ! &^ ! & their audience from the topic selection process to delivery of their speeches. () )7 )) 37 ! & 7"!!!"!!' rhetoric provide students with a strong understanding of public speaking. $! !) !" & # % expertly guides students through ethical issues they will face in each stage of the speechmaking process. B& 4 + B& $' continues to be one of the main reasons for the popularity of this text. %! @ - {-)6X as well as the media program that accompany the text, are cross-referenced to produce an outstanding integrated teaching system. +!)!)'throughout the text since K ; $ = coverage is woven into the fabric of the book from beginning to end rather than treating it in boxes or adding coverage into a chapter or two. !!&%with the aim of helping students become capable, responsible thinkers while helping them become better speakers. = & \!LL@-? > Connect Lucas allows students and instructors to access all course materials including a complete media and research library, study aids and speech preparation and assessment tools from a single place, Table of contents $%4 %#)"; ! "; %#) 3: Listening $&!-$ E% # "# ./Q. 6: Gathering Materials %##A $&!=*R= *JQ^/&%# U^%# 10: Outlining the Speech &$& <( 6 12: Delivery '?. U!"#$% E%#)& %#)" &" %#)%# J *%#)%F# $ _*L'L'LA>AA<LjR -{[ _*L'L'LA>AA>L>R-)[ _*L'L'LA>AAL<R-7q[ _*L'L'LA>A<"L'R%;$[ Public Speaking The Audience, The Message, The Speaker, 8/e V!&>7&R{[ This brief, core introduction to public speaking combines a concern with classic rhetoric with a strong focus on ethics, diversity, and the latest technology. . $$ %#)$*}!^!-!$=& @&^$\!=K Features > !)! # ! !! by guiding them in audience analysis and exploring the ways that people listen. Provides !)!"+&. Includes !!)!!?!, with guidelines for creating effective slides with words, graphics, and photos, and avoiding common pitfalls. Table of contents B&A "#. !"#. 'WF E(@ B&@ # $"#$&%# JQJ 7: The Speech to Inform *)@ U%# " B&$% ,%#)~W& 11: Delivering the Message 12: The Power of Visuals ' % A Speaker’s Resource: Listener-Centered Public Speaking 4*=XI7Phoenix College .%#)~@ embodies an innovative, classroom-proven technique for teaching public speaking that sets it apart from other texts and handbooks. The listener-centered approach—using a framework known as listenability—relies on two major principles: conversation and considerateness. Considerate speakers prepare and deliver their presentation from a listener-centered mindset and the heavy reliance on the conversational approach allows them to use their own voices as they do so. Using a student-friendly tone, lively examples, and practical advice, the handbook helps students develop successful !@K Table of contents I9/!#!"#$% %#)"; !F=AW%# "; %#)" '[" E.##/ 5: Listening to the Speeches of Others q=A&"; %#) -$ .## "; %#)(_" *./QA. U>A%# "#$# 10: Incorporating Your Research %##A =*<)!Y!$& !JQA 'JA E 15: Creating the Conclusion < Y!$& &>=/ *%#) 19: Practicing Your Presentation 20: Communicating with Language 21: Communicating with Your Voice !! A^/ !'<= !E% #?%## 25: Maintaining Listener Engagement !;A;/%#) B'!"#$% !%#)& !*%#)" !U>=#A. ',%#)%# J Small Group Communication Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice, 13/e Gloria J. Galanes, Missouri State University Q&45A7%=L $& & @ ! become productive group members, this leading text covers secondary groups of all kinds: work groups, committees, task forces, self-directed work teams, and other small &! @ $]= & !$ !& & creating policies. Table of contents %F#=/~(& 2: Human Communication Processes in the Small Group Context 3: The Small Group as a System E>=/&& & ;@ F#$W/$ % Q$$ (%F# "# = *(%F#" # U";%=> ) "# = ,";%=> )" # Techniques %F# !&.=F# Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 7/e Q&45A7%=L Gloria J. Galanes, Missouri State University Communicating in Groups, 7/e offers a concise, step-by-step introduction to the theory and practice of small group communication, and teaches students to develop and apply &&!!$=&K;$&!!! $!&&^&\!Y &= @=K7 are presented with a focus on what is important to students--understanding their group experiences and making them effective communicators. Table of contents 1: Small Groups as the Heart of Society !F#% J#%/ 3: Communication Principles for Group Members E?;=;<%F# ^ F# +)>=/%F# * = )%F# *F#";_%=" U " =/ ,.##/(#" # "$JQ$"%F#J Presentations Small Group Communication A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 10/e Stewart L. Tubbs, Eastern Michigan University The only book for Small Group Communication that integrates all important small group topics into a single comprehensive conceptual model, this text pioneered the systems approach for the group communication course. Each chapter begins with a brief preview, @ $ & X ! \ followed by several experiential exercises for skill development and two original readings. Table of contents +%F# B 2: Communication Processes '@=^ )W EF# % (#% " > _)" Interviewing: Principles and Practices, 12/e Charles J. Stewart, #=L; 6I5(&7V57?=?%! Interviewing Interviewing, 12/e offers comprehensive coverage of a wide range of interviews, as well & $ =@& R& !\ interpersonal communication process, types and uses of questions, and the structuring of =@!&&[K7=& for the practical aspects of interviewing--for both the interviewer and the interviewee. "AQ&@&!@@=@& being approached, the ever-expanding body of research on all types of interview settings, recent interpersonal communication theory, and the effect of equal opportunity laws on interviewing practices. Table of contents . = !.# " '< 4: Structuring the Interview 5: The Probing Interview 6: The Survey Interview 7: The Recruiting Interview 8: The Employment Interview 9: The Performance Interview ,"==" "==" 12: The Counseling Interview 13: The Health Care Interview 9 Mass Communication The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition, 11/e NEW V!&/5<!%7University of Georgia Dynamics of Mass Communication, 11/e takes a comprehensive and balanced look at the changing world of mass media. The new edition explores how the traditional mass media are dealing with shrinking audiences, evaporating advertising revenue and increased competition from the Internet. The 11th edition brings students up-to-date on the latest =!@&$@X@ $XL$X=$K KX!&=&K Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 6/e $'V5I7Bryant University @ =L= \ central to its approach, and given recent national and global turmoil, its emphasis on media use and democracy could not be more timely. Building on this tested emphasis, the sixth edition features a complete updating of industry statistics throughout, numerous new examples from the ongoing Iraq war, the Presidential election, and the emergence of wildly popular Internet applications such as massive multiplayer online worlds like Second @&$)%!K Mass Media in a Changing World, 3/e -!/!7 Brooklyn College This engaging text introduces students to the world of media through a unique structure that makes the material easily intelligible and meaningful to their lives. Each chapter is divided into three-part narrative sections: history, industry, and controversy. +$'} is the story of where the media came from, why they do what they do, and why those actions cause controversies. The Third Edition features updated statistics and current examples including the selling of the war in Iraq, shock jock Michael Savage, the work being done to save Darfur and much more! 10 Journalism Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 3/e Dan L. Lattimore, University of Memphis =65I%7Pepperdine University $*B5>7University of Missouri-Columbia 8*#&45B!&7University of Maryland-College Park Coverage of global markets, new technologies, and multiculturalism throughout make this \&L&!$K !$ ==@!$\! explains in a personal, jargon-free style the fundamental tools of public relations practice, !=&L!&&&@K Table of contents Part 1: The Profession 1: The Nature of Public Relations 2: The History of Public Relations '. ^&"; @ E( Part 2: The Process @ <"; J# 6: Strategic Planning for Public Relations Effectiveness . 8: Evaluating Public Relations Effectiveness B&# U@ 10: Employee Communication 11: Community Relations !@) 13: Investor Relations B& E"; .&&@F= "; @#[JQ 16: Corporate Public Relations $F;$JQ"; Relations Public Relations Writing: The Essentials of Style and Format, 6/e B&!>5I)7University of Oregon This text equips students with the essential skills for developing and writing public relations materials, covering all areas of public relations writing--including news releases, $&@&^$!=&! $ !K 7 & & = &= understanding of how technology impacts the public relations industry. In the constantly changing world of public relations, the text continues to stress the need for public relations professionals to communicate more effectively to all audiences. Table of contents 1: Writing for Public Relations !"@ '@ E@" >$"$>)#"; @^ ) $Q$W+ *^ J&" U.j% @#;/@# ,".= =@ !%# " '#+ E ("; @+ 11 Journalism Melvin Mencher’s News Reporting and Writing, 11/e Melvin Mencher, Columbia University More than a quarter of a million students have learned the craft and ethics of journalism from = ~@#+. This classic text shows students the fundamentals of reporting and writing and examines the values that direct and underline the practice of journalism. The new edition features current developments in all areas of !&!!=^@ @]K =& !& =& !& ! #^ #^ @ examination of recent libel cases. Inside Reporting: A Practical Guide to the Craft of Journalism, 2/e NEW Tim Harrower The second edition of @# !^ $ $ provides a wealth of information on online reporting and packaging stories in more visual, interactive ways. It also includes more useful information on feature writing--from stories =@L@&LL\K Table of contents 1: The Story of Journalism !+) '^ E@#^ 5: Covering the News ^/^) ( 8: Online Reporting U^ k 10: Public Relations The Newspaper Designer’s Handbook, 6/e Tim Harrower ## >~ ;)$ } is a step by step guide to every aspect of newspaper design, from basic page layout to complex infographics. The new edition ^@!&L&\!@\!@$ design and increased emphasis on digital photography. This textbook is for journalism students and professionals alike. It is loaded with examples, advice, design ideas, and \@!$&R! \[X!&X&=!!X =!!&$!\X=&&&!& &X@@X&@!!K 12 Media Studies NEW Tim Dwyer: Media Convergence, 1/e NEW Stuart Allan: News Culture, 3/e NEW Neil Washbourne: Mediating Politics: Newspapers, Radio, Television and the Internet, 1/e NEW Graeme Burton: Media and Society: Critical Perspectives, 2/e NEW Barbie Zelizer: Keywords in News and Journalism Studies, 1/e NEW Daniel Synge: The Survival Guide to Journalism, 1/e 13 @8RA" Aly Mahmoud (Egypt, Libya, Morocco & Tunisia) [email protected] Mobile: 0020 1 23161795 Tel. /Fax: 0020 2 24534178 Mohamed Shawky (Egypt, Libya, Morocco & Tunisia) [email protected] Mobile: 0020 1 80603886 Tel. /Fax: 0020 2 22705305 Haluk Baykara (Turkey, North Cyprus & Israel) [email protected] Mobile: 0090 532 3514194 Tel.: 0090 312 2381369 Fax: 0090 312 2381395 Sevcan Karababa (Turkey & North Cyprus) [email protected] Mobile: 0090 533 3503378 Tel: 0090 312 4176458 Fax: 0090 312 4176459 Faris Bukhari (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria & Palestine) [email protected] Tel: 00962 777 44 7676 Hassan Zaza (U.A.E. & Gulf States) [email protected] Mobile: 00971 506534623 Tel.: 00971 43913171 Fax: 00971 43918005 Shirine Habash (U.A.E. & Gulf States) [email protected] Mobile: 00971 509034491 Tel.: 00971 43913171 Fax: 00971 43918005 Hussein Al-Qadi (Saudi Arabia & Yemen) [email protected] Mobile: 009665 0 4630149 Tel. /Fax: 009661 4 742447 Tony Moggach IMA (Africa) [email protected] Tel.: 0044 20 72678054 Fax: 0044 20 74240034/74858462 Joseph Makope IMA (Africa) [email protected] Tel.: 00234 8089539358 / 0044 20 72678054 Fax: 0044 20 74240034/74858462 Behruz Neirami (Iran) [email protected] Tel.: 0098 2188748554 Fax: 0098 2188745894 Marketing Managers, MEA Taline Prescott-Decie Business, Humanities & Social Sciences [email protected] Mobile: 00961 3 326143 Tel. /Fax: 00961 4 401579 Wissam Al-Sha’ar Science, Engineering & Mathematics [email protected] Mobile: 00961 3 849458 Tel. /Fax: 00961 5 410748 ™ Craft your teaching resources to match the way you teach! @-? >8! offers a variety of content solutions to help lecturers ^\&$-$K Find Search across and within 3 million pages of content. 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