Image - Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre
Image - Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre
“ “ lyttelton review lyttelton harbour community update www.lyttel tonh a r b ou r . in f o 3 December 2012 E66 St John Honours Lyttelton St John Ambulance News Pressure of work and personal pressures have meant that there hasn’t been any news from Lyttelton St John Ambulance for some time now however there are several events that are occurring or that have occurred that are worthy of wider publicity. St John Honours for Lyttelton Resident The Governor General, Prior of the Order of St John in New Zealand as the representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has announced that Lyttelton resident Brent Stanaway has been graciously admitted to the Order of St John in the rank of Officer of the Order of St John [OstJ]. The Order of St John which dates back to the Crusades [circa 1070AD] was founded in New Zealand in Christchurch in 1885 and has six classes of honour: Bailiff or Dame Grand Cross, Knight or Dame of Justice or of Grace, Chaplain or Commander, Officer, Member and Esquire. Her Majesty the Queen is the Sovereign Head of the Order and as such St John has its own annual Honours List as distinct from the New Zealand Queen’s Birthday and New Year Honours lists. Brent Stanaway and his wife Anne have been long time supporters of St John Ambulance in Lyttelton through generous financial contribution and valued legal advice. Both Brent and Anne are active members of the St John Banks Peninsula Area Management Committee and recently were awarded their 9 Year Service Certificates by St John in recognition of their service and commitment to the work of St John in the Banks Peninsula community. St John Banks Peninsula Area congratulates Brent for his admission to the Order and thanks him and Anne for their work in St John for the benefit of our community. Brent joins three other Lyttelton St John members who hold the same honour, Mike Capon, Glenn Cowan and Pete Dawson. St John Ambulance Lyttelton Needs Volunteers We recently offered the community a series of free First Aid – Level One courses for Lyttelton residents. Explanation of the course that we offered is set out below. It is a pre-requisite course prior to progressing to higher qualifications such as Pre-hospital emergency care (PHEC) and the Ambulance Service qualifications at National Diploma and Degree levels. The course covers the following NZ Qualifications Authority Unit Standards: NZQA 26551: People credited with this unit standard are able to: assess the scene for hazards; assess the casualty for life-threatening conditions; and provide first aid for life-threatening conditions. NZQA 26552: People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and describe common first aid conditions; and describe how to respond to them. The normal fee for these courses is $162.00 inclusive of GST per person. We have offered a total of five of these courses free of charge to Lyttelton community residents at a cost to St John Banks Peninsula of $600.00 per course. This cost covers our qualified instructor wages, course resources and materials ie: manuals, workbooks, consumables, etc. There was a minimum requirement of ten students for a course to proceed and a maximum of fifteen students for each course. The courses were held at the Lyttelton St John Ambulance Station, 52 London St, Lyttelton, from 08.30am to 5.00pm on each course day. Continued …/2 Professionals Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ Lyttelton St John Ambulance News Story Continued... St John Banks Peninsula Area has provided these courses as a service to our community in the hope that they will better prepare the community to respond to major civil emergencies and for the community to become more self sufficient in times of isolation in a civil emergency. Public preparedness and emergency services/Civil Defence response capability, command, control and operational response planning are right at the forefront of media and public attention and interest right now with Royal Commissions, internal emergency service reviews and Coroners' Enquiries following the collapse of the CTV Building on February 22 2011, and we hope that these courses will educate our community of the need and responsibility of the public to ensure that they are trained and prepared for self sufficiency in the event of isolation and until the full emergency services response can come into play. Lessons already hard learnt show that factors beyond human control can render a community such as Lyttelton Harbour Basin totally isolated from the full range of emergency response service to which we are usually accustomed to in our day to day lives. “It is of great concern to us in St John Lyttelton that we are forced to rely on our volunteer ambulance officers that come from Christchurch and further afield to man our ambulances 24/7. It is great that these volunteers are willing to do this but it is also very sad that we cannot seem to attract local community members to join St John and train as volunteer ambulance officers in support of their own community.” During the February 22nd quake and the weeks following, great stress was placed on the few St John volunteers that reside in the Lyttelton area as they struggled to maintain emergency pre-hospital care and response capability in the harbour basin. It brought it home to us just how ill-prepared our community was for such an event and it was more through extremely good luck than from good management that we were able to cope with the workload that our Team experienced over that stressful period. We need volunteers and we need them now. There is no charge or membership fee for being a volunteer in St John. All costs of training, qualification, uniform, travel expenses and shift allowances are provided by the organisation and membership as a volunteer ambulance officer provides an opportunity for members to entering a training programme that can provide them with nationally recognized qualifications up to the level of National Diploma – Emergency Medical Technician [EMT] and even Paramedic. Volunteer ambulance service can also provide a pathway into a fulltime career as a paid ambulance paramedic. Anyone who is interested in progressing beyond the First Aid – Level One courses that we have just offered and those that wish to take advantage of the opportunity to give something back to the community by training and working as a volunteer St John Ambulance Officer should contact: Pete Dawson Phone: 021-334381 or Email [email protected] The Brigade – the story of the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade St John Banks Peninsula wishes to congratulate our colleagues and friends of the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade on the publishing and launch of their book “The Brigade.” We wish them well in their efforts to sell this book which is well worth reading and we recommend that the Lyttelton community get behind your Brigade and support their book launch. Well Done! Article: Lyttelton St John Ambulance Image: 65 London Street, Lyttelton 8082 P: 03 328 9093 Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information E: [email protected] W: Thank You St John Lyttelton For A Very Generous Gift Most weekends in November the St John’s station in Lyttelton has been filled with Harbour Basin residents learning how to become First Aiders. Wendy Everingham from the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre was fortunate enough to be one of the class participants, and she shares her experience with us: Approximately sixty residents were given the opportunity to attend a free course. The aim was to ensure that within our community there are many of us that know what to do in an emergency situation. We are the ones who have the ability to save lives while we wait for emergency services to respond. The course ran for an entire day and covered assessing accident scenes plus recognising medical and various trauma conditions. It was amazing how fast the day went, and for someone like myself who often switches off when I get into “classroom” mode, I have to say it was a most pleasant experience. St John have nailed it when it comes to training volunteers. The class was fun and informative and the tutor Cushla Farac was so passionate, enthusiastic and professional. Everyone who attended last Sunday was extremely glad they had given up their Sunday to participate. St John’s generosity has really benefited this community. To show our appreciation I would like to recommend that if you haven’t already done so you join their organisation. Two reasons: to show support for the invaluable work they do; and have peace of mind that if you need an ambulance it is a free service to members. If you aren’t a member there is a fee each time you need an ambulance. This was new to me. Yearly membership costs $45.00 for an individual and $55.00 for a family. For more information see Article: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Image: Class participants on Sunday November 25th practising bandaging skills. Image taken by Cusla Farac, with thanks. The Brigade Official Book Release On Friday night the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade launched their fundraising book “The Brigade” – the untold story of the men and women of the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade who found themselves at the very centre of disaster following the February 2011 earthquake sequence. And what a great read it is. Amazing personal stories from our own Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade during February 2011. The professionally presented book is a celebration of volunteer spirit and dedication plus much more. It is an insight into the remarkable skills a community has within it, the generosity of local employers and the gratitude of a community. A story that might not have been told if the Brigade hadn't needed a new home! Thank goodness Alastair Suren snapped his shots, wrote stories and stored them away so they could form the foundation of this book. The Brigade is another snap shot into this wonderful community of Lyttelton, and deserves a place on everyone’s bookshelf. The Brigade is available for sale at Portico $40.00 or online at Comedy at Fishermans Wharf The infamous comedy duo Gary McCormick and Southland Mayor Tim Shadbolt are at it again with a stand up comedy show scheduled for Sunday 9th December at Fishermans Wharf. Both are on a mission to get Lyttelton laughing! Tickets are $30. Book by phone 03 328 7530 or email: [email protected] Lynnette Baird P: 03 328 7707 Licensed Real Estate Agent M: 021 224 6637 E: [email protected] W: Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ about the lyttelton review Lyttelton Review is a community newsletter initiative developed by local Professionals real estate agent Lynnette Baird and Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre chairperson Wendy Everingham. The objective of the Lyttelton Review is to help keep local residents informed with what is going on in the wider Lyttelton Harbour community. Each week readers can read about community groups; businesses; events; and everything in between. If you have an event, topic, cause, or other, that you would like to share with the harbour community, then we would love to hear from you. Be heard, be seen, be informed - read it or offer it here. Lyttelton Market Town Markets to Delight on London Street AND Oxford Street Help us to pass the word around: The Grassy Market on Oxford Street still operates every Saturday. Please don’t forget to make your way around there. The stallholders eagerly await you with their jumble of second hand and new hand crafted items. It’s the perfect place for your Christmas shopping. The community also eagerly awaits your trade as all the stallholder fees collected each Saturday are shared between the Lyttelton Main School and the Lyttelton Youth Centre. The more stalls trading the more funds that are raised for these two important groups. The Grassy Market is another distinct entertainment precinct every weekend in Lyttelton. This weekend Al Park will be heading up there to entertain you. Market organiser Ros Dixon is always on the look out for people to help entertain the shoppers. Maybe this is your chance to perform up there? Age is no barrier. This might be the opportunity you are looking for. Now that the Farmers Market has moved to London Street there has been some confusion with people thinking the Grassy Market has joined with the Farmers Market. This is not the case. These two market are totally separate. The Farmers Market is for food and plant products only and is a Project Lyttelton initiative. The Grassy Market is for bric a brac, crafts, etc and is a fundraiser for Lyttelton Main School and the Lyttelton Youth Centre. The two markets have always operated independently all these years. Once you’ve checked out all the special things at the Grassy the ever popular Garage Sale is just a few paces up the hill. Each week a different community group in Lyttelton has the opportunity to fundraise for their various groups. Civil Defence will be looking after the site on December 8. Show them your support, as they need to raise money for Diamond Harbour’s team kit. The Grassy Market, Farmers Market and the Garage Sale are must visit places in Lyttelton every Saturday morning. For more information on the Grassy Market contact Ros Dixon [email protected] or just turn up to the market and she’ll allocate you a place. Stalls cost $10 each week so it’s really good value for money. For the most up to date information on the market see the newly created a web site For more information on the Farmers Market or the garage sales contact Lottie Harris [email protected] or see Article: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Images: contact the lyttelton review The team at the Lyttelton Review would love to spread the word about your community group, fundraising efforts, local heroes, business promotions, events and anything else that the local community would like to share. Deadline for any content: Friday before Monday publication date. Phone, Email, or Post: Lyttelton Review, PO Box 94, Lyttelton 8841. Lynnette Baird 03 328 7707 021 224 6637 [email protected] Wendy Everingham 03 328 9093 021 047 6144 [email protected] Lyttelton Kidsfirst Wins Environmental Award Environment Canterbury: Environmental Awards for Canterbury Schools Young people’s achievements in thinking and acting with environmental responsibility were on show at the annual Enviroschools Canterbury Award Ceremony on Thursday 29 November. Environment Canterbury’s Chair of Commissioners, Dame Margaret Bazley, was on hand to present an award, along with councillors from Waimakariri and Selwyn District Councils and Christchurch City Council, and Department of Conservation staff. The awards are given to schools that embed principles of sustainability right across school life. More than simply setting up a worm farm, the Enviroschools concept was developed with the aim of creating healthier, more peaceful and sustainable school communities. It is a student-led programme where students plan, design and take action to create a more sustainable community. Enviroschools Bronze Awards were given to: Kidsfirst Kindergarten Lyttelton, Tai Tapu School, Ashley School, Bright Horizons Preschool, Fernside School, Banks Peninsula Plunket Community Preschool and Rudolf Steiner School and Kindergarten. Children from long-standing Enviroschools participants Kidsfirst Kindergartens Lincoln and Ashburton Borough School also gave presentations reflecting on their achievements since earning a Green-Gold Enviroschool Award. Dame Margaret commented: “It is always a pleasure to acknowledge the ongoing commitment of schools and their wider communities to environmental issues. Enviroschools awards are not given lightly. They are hard-earned and highlight the importance to us all of educating a new generation of environmental thinkers and leaders.” Enviroschools Canterbury - Background Enviroschools is a nationwide organisation, coordinated in Canterbury by Environment Canterbury and supported by local funding partners: Department of Conservation, Waimakariri District Council, Selwyn District Council, The Enviroschools Foundation, Timaru District Council and a grant from the Christchurch City Council. There are over 850 Enviroschools nationally with 65 Enviroschools in Canterbury. The list of schools wanting to join the programme continues to grow. For more information and pictures from the award ceremony, contact Andrea Taylor, Coordinator for Enviroschools Canterbury, on 027 280 0011 or [email protected] Article: Environment Canterbury | Media Release 30 November 2012 Harbour Co-Op Shareholders Meeting For those who are keen to voice any ideas about the shop and be part of discussions on future directions of your Co-op, come along to the next shareholder meeting at Naval Point on Sunday 9 December at 4pm. Please be advised that the shop will close early that day at 3.30pm to allow all of the Harbour Co-Op staff to attend. St Saviors Snippet At a meeting last week between Holy Trinity Church leaders and the Anglican diocese it was confirmed that St Saviors will be returned to Lyttelton in the New Year. The proposed church hall will not proceed but it was agreed that modifications would be made to the existing vicarage to cater for gatherings. Church services are back at St Joseph's Community Centre until the Union Church repairs are actually signed off! The desire to be back in the church jumped the offical process. Stay tuned for the approved re-opening date! subscribe to the lyttelton review The Lyttelton Review is published every Monday and can be delivered straight to your email inbox. Just send an email with the words “subscribe me” in the subject line, then sit back and wait for the next instalment of local news, events and reviews. If you do not have access to email, but would like read about our local events, Professional Real Estate print hard copies that are available from Thursdays at the Lyttelton Club; Samo Coffee, Fisherman’s Wharf, Lyttelton Library and at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre on London Street. Or a copy can be delivered to your door, if you live in within the Lyttelton township: Contact Lynnette on 03 328 7707. Education Good Practice Award Lyttelton Resident Recognised for Work in Mauritius Lyttelton resident Mary Hancox and colleague Annette MacDonald [Wellington] have recently returned from Mauritius* where they were finalists in the Commonwealth Education Good Practice Awards, which were held in conjunction with the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers. They were awarded the special “Jubilee Award” for the project which best reflected the Commonwealth theme of “Connecting Cultures”. “The Awards bring good practices to not only a Commonwealth audience but a global one,“ said Dr Sylvia Anie, Director of Social Transformation Programmes Division at the Commonwealth Secretariat. The New Zealand entry into the awards was based on a resource collating examples of effective practice for Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour [RTLB]. This resource highlighted successful outcomes of RTLB work supporting schools and teachers with students who have learning and/or behaviour difficulties. As finalists, from a pool of 123 entries from around the Commonwealth, Mary and Annette delivered presentations to a number of educational forums that were run in conjunction with the conference. “We were also invited to present at the Mauritius Institute of Education to both students and lecturers who were impressed with, and very interested in, the RTLB Service,’ said Mary “It was a humbling experience getting to know the other finalists, many of whom were involved in amazing work supporting some of their most vulnerable students into education in developing African countries,” said Annette. The Secretary for Education, Lesley Longstone commented “The award gives international recognition to the work of RTLB across New Zealand. The cases show the professionalism of RTLB and the positive impact RTLB have on learners, teachers, classrooms and schools. Knowing that one of the key principles of RTLB practice is cultural responsiveness, I am very proud to know that this important aspect has been recognised in this way.” Photo: Mary Hancox [left] and Annette MacDonald with the special Jubilee Award and finalists’ awards. They were photographed standing in front of the New Zealand flag at the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers held in Mauritius in August 2012. * Mauritius is situated in the Indian Ocean, approximately 2400 kilometres off the south east coast of Africa. The island, which is of volcanic origin, covers an area of 1865 square kilometres. Article and Images: Supplied by Mary Hancox, with thanks Urban Downhill Event: Meet the Organisers The Lyttelton Urban Down Hill (non profit) is having a Christmas gathering- Come down and meet the organisers of the event along with some of the great volunteers who help make this event possible. When: Monday December 10 7.00pm - 8.00pm Where: Lyttelton Petanque Corner London Street and Canterbury Street Why: To ask the organisers questions, share stories Try Christmas cookies and egg nog! More: Visit c’mon get involved Lyttelton is known for its culture of volunteer activity and community participation. If you have ever had the thought that you would like to be more involved in the local community, but you are not sure where to go, or who to talk to? Start by having a conversation with the team at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre, as they can give you some advice on the many types of great volunteer organisations here in Lyttelton. If you are passionate about elderly care, sustainability, youth culture, harbour activities, heritage, radio, business development, fundraising, or just about anything - then there is a group who would love for you to be involved! Naval Point News Lots of Club Activity A good fleet of catamarans participated in last weekend's cat regatta. Even with the R Class, Finn and youth sailors attending the Charteris Bay regatta a large number of boats enjoyed the warm conditions on Saturday. The blustery Nor'Wester curtailed the Cat regatta on Sunday which allowed the out of towners the opportunity to head off early. Last week's Twilight race continued the tradition of great sailing conditions and we had a record turnout. Last weekend hosted a couple of longer races for the bigger boats - The keelboats headed to Motunau and back starting at 10am a 70 mile round trip. The trailer yachts are heading for a round trip to Port Levy, starting at 11am. On Sunday the trailer yachts competed for the "His n Hers" trophy starting at 1.00pm. After sell out shows in Auckland in 2012, Five Mile Town are on tour in December. In support of the release of the new single 'Kids And Their Chemicals', Five Mile Town have announced a three city 'Kids And Their Chemicals' mini-tour (Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland) supported by some of New Zealands' most talented and original musicians. The Christchurch and Wellington shows are supported by fellow Silver Scroll nominees Adam McGrath [The Eastern], with additional Wellington support from local bands John The Baptist and The Blind Venetians. Where: Wunderbar, London Street When: Friday December 7 Tickets: $15.00 Door sales and Online Christmas Carols: Wednesday 19 December Save the Date, More Details to Follow The Council Waiata group will be singing carols in Lyttelton at 10am on Wednesday 19 December. The Council Waiata group was originally a library staff initiative, meeting weekly to practise, and had been performing at library functions for a number of years. In more recent years other council colleagues have joined the group. Each year at Christmas the group travels around the Christchurch libraries to sing carols and seasonal songs. This year the group plans to assemble across the road from the Lyttelton Library, on the steps of what was Coastal Living, on Wednesday 19 December at 10am. More details may follow. Article: Annette Williams | Community Team Leader: Libraries and Information Unit pass it on, spread the word Not everyone receives these news letters, so please pass them onto anyone you think would be interested. We can also arrange printed copies for interested parties - just let us know. A big thank you to everyone who emails us with what is happening in their part of Lyttelton Harbour paradise. If you have news, or belong to a community group, own a business - get in contact with us, we would love to promote or share your story with the Lyttelton Harbour district. Errors, Omissions and Typos are all part and parcel of a volunteer service. These quirky additions are offered free for your amusement. But, if we have “got it wrong” - please just let us know. Project Lyttelton Seek Event Co-Ordinator Project Lyttelton is looking for an Event Coordinator to manage the inaugural Autumn Harvest Festival in the Whakaraupo Lyttelton Harbour Basin tentatively planned for early April 2013. The Event Co-Ordinator will be responsible for the logistics, management and implementation of this event including but not limited to: consultation with key stakeholders; event planning and budgeting; advertising; management, evaluation and summary of the event. Position Details 16 hrs a week on average for four months; starting as soon as possible; based from home; hourly rate $20 Key Outcomes Achieving quality event production, where school and pre-school children learn and benefit from the Harvest Festival activities. The awareness about importance of local, home grown and healthy food is increased. Closer ties are established amongst schools, pre-schools and with the wider community. Children feel inspired and are looking forward to celebrate their next harvest. Contact the Project Lyttelton office for fuller job description details 328 9243. Article: Project Lyttelton 2013 Census Seeks Collectors The 2013 Census is now just three months away and Statistics New Zealand is looking to recruit local people to deliver and collect 2013 Census forms in Lyttelton and surrounds. The job involves part-time paid work during a six week period [from 11 February to 24 March 2013]. Census collectors work from home and work flexible hours, although weekend and evening work will be required. Full training will be provided. Having trusted census collectors who know the area they are working in is vital to the success of the 2013 Census. The information collected from the census is used to make future decisions on hospitals, schools and roads and it gives us an accurate picture of how our communities are growing and changing over time. Census collector roles will be advertised from 7 December. If you think you'd make a great census collector, then go online to or call 0800 CENSUS Nikki Hawkey, Community Engagement Manager, Census Phone: 03 943 4664 Mobile: 021 759 257 Farmers Market Update New vendors to look out for on London Street: Cannon Hill Gourmet: A huge welcome back to Cannon Hill Gourmet who return this Saturday with their delicious selection of flavoured mayonnaises, dips and other delectable treats. Moko: a huge welcome back to Moko and their beautiful locally smoked eel [the Cannon Hill Saffron and Dill Mayo and Moko smoked eel might just be a match made in heaven]. Penny Sewell: Penny offers a beautiful selection of organic produce, particularly an amazing array of asian and other greens. Westwood Chickens: who will be at the market every week now rather than once a fortnight. Bridge Street Bakery: Are back having found a new home alongside Breads of Europe they returned to the market last week - great to have you back Craig and the team. suburban papers available Do you know that each week at the Lyttelton Information Centre you can collect most of your local newspapers? We get weekly editions of the Lyttelton Review and Coastal Mail, plus fortnightly issues of the Bay Harbour News, and the Akaroa Mail. We also have local events advertised in our windows plus many brochures for events happening in the greater area. LIFT Library L=Living Economies, I=Inspiration, F=Facts, T=Transition It seems that more and more people are hearing about the LIFT Library and wanting to contribute to it – so I’ve been rearranging my bookcase again! I’m trying to be selective and accept offers of things that our readers will be interested in – but there is such a wealth of fascinating-looking stuff out there that I hate turning things down! While I was at the Petanque Court on Saturday, during and after the Farmers Market, I was approached by a stranger who offered this gem he had made himself. Inorganic #2 by David Merritt It’s a handmade book that will take you two minutes to read, and stay with you forever. It’s not available for borrowing, but will stay with the library. I’ll always have it with me when displaying books in public – film evenings, at the Petanque Court, etc. And recently I was approached by a local, Jeremy Agar, probably well-known to many of you, representing CAFCA (Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa). CAFCA have offered a large suitcase full of books, on long-term loan, of which I’ve selected about half for LIFT, and here’s the list, with blurb details on one of them: Mothers of the land: birth of Bougainville Women for Peace and Freedom Being the first: 2009 ed. Cents and sustainability: Securing our common future Coal and the Coast – the Pike River disaster Corporate predators Franzi and the great terrain robbery Good cop bad cop: environmental NGOs and their strategies toward business The health of nations: towards a new political economy In search of the Friendly Islands – Tonga The predator state: how conservatives abandoned the free market Strange liberators: militarism, mayhem, and the pursuit of profit A thorn in their side: the Hilda Murrell murder Truth: the rise and fall of the people’s paper Sirivi and Havini A A Pollard & Marilyn Waring Michael Smith, Karlson Hargroves, Cheryl Desha Paul Maunder R. Mokhiber, R. Weissman Sam Mahon Thomas Lyon ed. Gavin Mooney Kalafi Moala James K. Galbraith Gregory Elich Robert Green Redmer Yska Storms of my grandchildren: The truth about the coming climate catastrophe and our last chance to save humanity 2009 James Hansen The world’s leading climate scientist speaks out for the first time with the full truth about global warming: the planet is hurtling even more rapidly than previous acknowledged to a climatic point of no return. He paints a devastating but all-too-realistic picture of what will happen in the near future, mere years and decades from now, if we follow the course we’re on. But he is also an optimist, showing that there is still time to do what we need to save the planet. Finally, today’s quote: Money doesn’t make you happy. The man with $10 million is no happier than the man with $9 million! Are you a member of Timebank? Would you like to read a LIFT book, write a review, record the number of hours spent on it, and get those hours credited to your account? Choose something you’re interested in and let me know. If you’re not a Timebanker – join up with that! It’s worth it, for lots of reasons. To become a member of the LIFT Library, based right here in Lyttelton, contact Juliet Adams on 03 328 8139 or mobile 021 899 404, for more information. lyttelton market town Saturday mornings are never dull in Lyttelton! Enjoy the local markets including the Lyttelton Farmers Market for fresh produce, meat, fish, eggs, honey and yummy baked goods. Head up to the Grassy Art and Craft Market for bargain items or unique art items from creative local artists. Also be sure to check out the Community Garage Sale located up the driveway behind the swimming pool. The Garage Sale is a fundraising activity for any Lyttelton community group; so if you’re not buying, feel free to donate items instead. LIFT Library Film Evening Every Monday Evening The LIFT Library Monday free Film Evenings are going well. If you have missed a film that you would really like to see, Juliet often has available on laptop, so could arrange to get them to you to look at, via a USB stick or other such alternative device. Let Juliet know if you want any films that have been shown and she will tell you how she got hold of it. What: When: Where: Time: LIFT Library Film Evening Every Monday Evening The Portal, 54a Oxford Street [behind the swimming pool] 7.15pm film begins CERA Port Hills Cabinet Papers CERA have released the Cabinet papers covering zoning decisions on the hills. From the CERA website > Port Hills Section > Library or following this link, and scroll down to the bottom of the page: These documents were used in discussions between the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery and Officials regarding the zoning of Port Hills. 9 March 2012 8 June 2012 13 June 2012 13 June 2012 14 June 2012 18 June 2012 10 August 2012 Port Hills Policy Decision Framework Port Hills White Zone – Cliff Collapse/Debris Inundation and Landslips Cliff collapse, debris inundation and landslips Port Hills White Zone - Rock Roll Rock Roll Scenarios Presentation: Rock Roll, Cliff Collapse and Landslips Mitigation for the Rock Roll White Zone Insurance and Savings Ombudsman The Insurance and Savings Ombudsman [ISO] have posted more earthquake case studies: On this web site there are two sections of particular interest: Canterbury Earthquakes and Earthquake FAQ’s. The Frequently Asked Question section covers a number of questions including: EQC says my house is a "total loss", but my insurer says it can be repaired. How can this be? EQC refers to a “total loss” if the damage to your house is more than the cover EQC provides, which is $100,000 + GST. Your insurer provides cover for earthquake damage to your house over the $100,000 limit. If your insurer says your house is repairable, it does not mean it disagrees with EQC, it just means that the insurer believes it is economic to repair. My insurer says it will replace my house. However, the plans for the new house show chipboard with carpet for the floors. My house had rimu floors. Can I make the insurer put in rimu floors in the new house? Unfortunately, no. Most insurance policies replacement is on the basis of “current materials and methods”. This means that you will not necessarily get an exact replacement of the finishes you had in your house in a new house. If you think that your house had special features and/or you would like specific materials used in the new house, you should raise this with your insurer. However, unless the materials you are requesting are considered “current materials”, then it is likely that your insurer will not be obliged under the policy to rebuild using those materials. I would like to make a complaint about my insurer. How do I do this? Before the ISO can consider any complaint, the matter must have been through the insurer’s internal complaints process and reached “deadlock”. This means that the insurer cannot resolve your complaint. If you get to “deadlock”, you can bring the complaint to the ISO within two months. lyttelton market town Saturday mornings are never dull in Lyttelton! Enjoy the local markets including the Lyttelton Farmers Market for fresh produce, meat, fish, eggs, honey and yummy baked goods. Head up to the Grassy Art and Craft Market for bargain items or unique art items from creative local artists. Also be sure to check out the Community Garage Sale located up the driveway behind the swimming pool. The Garage Sale is a fundraising activity for any Lyttelton community group; so if you’re not buying, feel free to donate items instead. EQC, Fletcher EQR Performance Review CanCERN is requesting your input for the following: Office of the Auditor General Performance Review - EQC Fletcher EQR - As part of the ongoing work on the Canterbury Earthquake recovery, the Office of the Auditor-General is conducting a performance audit examining the governance, management, and implementation by the Earthquake Commission’s (EQC) of its home repairs contract with Fletcher Construction. CanCERN has been asked to be part of the review and we are interested in the opinions of those who have been part of the Fletcher EQR Canterbury Home Repair Programme. Please follow the link formkey=dE1ESFBrOV9KMjRhNFhrSlY5U2Y3bVE6MQ#gid=0 to leave your comments. CanCERN will collate the information and put a summary of our review in an upcoming newsletter. And they thank you in advance for your input. CanCERN is also meeting with Fletcher EQR next week to discuss a few issues that have been raised by residents and to hear about some initiatives around contractor management, video clips on the repair process and a better complaints process. If there are priority issues or questions you believe would be helpful to ask, please email [email protected]. Any responses will be in future newsletters. Article: CanCERN | Ministry of Education Seek Input to Schools Design Kia Ora Koutou, Secondary student? Or know some students you can pass this on too? Opportunity to have your say on the Modern Learning Environment designs that the MoE is proposing... Want youth feedback about the design concepts and what type of environment helps your learning. Your feedback will given to Ministry’s architectural advisor to help inform the initial design process for the overall concepts. Get involved! The dates, times and venues for the workshops are as follows: Wednesday 5 December Hagley Netball Centre (Atrium Room) 10.00am to 1.00pm Thursday 6 December Grace Vineyard Beach Campus New Brighton 9.00am to 12noon Thursday 6 December Avondale Golf Club Cnr Wainoni & Breezes Road 1.00pm to 4.00pm Department of Conservation Visitor Centre As of Monday 3 December 2012 the DOC Christchurch Visitor Centre will be opening a seven day operation at the Botanic Gardens Information Centre. The new team is looking forward to providing an enhanced level of service to the public in our more central and accessible location. Best wishes to you all for the summer (whenever the hot weather arrives)! Michael Smeaton - Visitor Centre Supervisor Phone 03 341 9113 c’mon get involved “ December 2012 Lyttelton Harbour Community Garage Sale All donations of good used, or new, household items greatly accepted at Project Lyttelton 54a Oxford Street. Please do not donate items that cannot be sold, as this increases our costs trying to take unwanted items to the charity barn, or worse still the rubbish depot. Governors Bay Pre-School Music Preschool music classes run on Thursday mornings during school term, 9:15 - 10am in the Governors Bay School library. Come and join us for singing, dancing and musical games. Cost $3.50. All under 5s welcome, please bring a grown-up with you. Contact Mel Dixon 3299 908 Lyttelton Community Association New members welcome. As an issues based organisation, we do not hold regular meetings. If you would like to be advised of when the next meeting will be held, or have an issue to discuss, please email us at [email protected] or phone Ken Maynard 03 328 9553. Lyttelton Community House Meals for the elderly continue to be prepared and delivered daily. If you know of any elderly residents who need this service, or would like to volunteer to assist, please contact Christine or Courtenay 03 741 1427. Lyttelton Harbour Basin COMMUNITY Civil Defence New members welcome. Meet second Monday of every month, 7.00pm St Johns Ambulance Station, London Street. To become involved contact the Area Co-ordinator Julie Lee on 03 328 7779 or 027 739 1832. Lyttelton Harbour Business Association For more details visit: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Monday to Friday 11.00am to 3.00pm; Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm; Sunday 11.00am - 2.00pm. Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo Issues Group For details of the next meeting please contact Melanie Dixon 329 9908 or see our website: Lyttelton Lions Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Community House at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in becoming involved, or anyone who would like to learn more about this organisation, is most welcome. Contact Mary Jamieson 03 328 8523. Lyttelton Historical Museum Society Lyttelton Museum committee is developing a concept plan for the re-building of Lyttelton Museum . Meetings held once a month. New members, donations or any other support is welcomed. Lyttelton Museum, PO Box 95, Lyttelton. 328 8972 [email protected] Lyttelton Reserves Management Committee Reserves Committee meets on a regular basis to make decisions about the management of the reserves. It organises weed control and planting programmes that include public and schools planting days. To be involved email the group at [email protected]. Lyttelton Time Bank Either Bettina, Lisa or Lottie will be at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9.00am to 11.00am. Phone: 021 806 406 or email the team at [email protected] Lyttelton Toy Library Now at 25 Canterbury Street. Sessions every second Saturday 10.00am to 12noon. Range of 500+ toys for children aged 0-5 years. Toys large and small, ride-ons, puzzles, games and dress-ups to borrow. Join anytime $42.00 per year. Toy Librarian: Roz Jenkins 328 8552. Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Meets for training and maintenance every Thursday night from 7.00pm at the temporary station in the Lyttelton Port Company admin building car park, 56 Norwich Quay. If you are interested in joining, then pop on in. Russ Barron, Brigade Secretary. Lyttelton Youth Centre Youth Centre/Community House, 7 Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Contact Christine 03 741 1427 for further details. Plunket Playgroup The Plunket Playgroup can be found at Lyttelton Main School, every Monday and Wednesday, 10.00am to 12noon. 50 cents donation and everyone is welcome. Contact Lisa York-Jones 03 328 8918 for more information. Project Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton [located behind the Swimming Pool]. Office 03 328 9243. Volcano Radio Currently - Off Air. Fundraising t-shirts available from Portico, 48 London Street. “ “ business directory support our local businesses December 2012 Lyttelton Abbraccia Bellydance Acupuncture Therapy Alexander Technique Alterations and Ironing Service Bank of New Zealand Banks Peninsula Accounting Beauty by Carly Bells Pharmacy Body Kinetics - Gym | Fitness Choice Take Home Dinners Christchurch Council Service Centre Christchurch Yoga Coastal Living / Picture Framers Coffee Culture Dandy Designs - Web|Business Develop Diamond Harbour Ferry Dockside Apartments Everest Indian Restaurant Fishermans Wharf Freemans Restaurant Frog Web Works Four Seas Restaurant Ground | Gourmet Foods, Catering Harbour Co-Op Hands on Health | Nutrition Massage Himalaya Design Home Based Child Care Irish Pub Jack Tar Sailing Land Arch Landscape Architects London Fish and Chips London Street Books London Street Dairy Leslies Bookshop Lyttel Beauty Lyttelton Bakery Lyttelton Builders Limited - Office and Yard Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Lyttelton Library Lyttelton Health Centre Lyttelton Physiotherapy Lyttelton Recreation Centre Lyttelton Sea Foods Lyttelton Service Station Lyttelton Shuttle 41 Voelas Road [West School] 18 Oxford Street Private Address Oxford Street 56 London Street PO Box 83, Lyttelton Private Address 50 London Street Oxford Street 20 London Street 35 London Street Private Address 34 London Street 18 London Street Private Address B Jetty, Lyttelton Wharf 22 Sumner Road 2 London Street 39 Norwich Quay 47 London Street 14 Winchester Street 23 Dublin Street Lyttelton Farmers Market 12 London Street Private Address 20 London Street Private Address 17a London Street West Side, No.7 Wharf 13 Exeter Street 34 London Street 48 London Street 34 London Street 18 Oxford Street 32 Voelas Road 34 Norwich Quay 16 Canterbury Street 65 London Street 35 London Street 18 Oxford Street 18 Oxford Street 25 Winchester Street 26 Norwich Quay 1 Canterbury Street Airport, Tours, Anywhere 03 328 8883 03 328 9053 03 328 8968 Private No. 0800 80 04 68 03 328 7231 Private No. 03 328 8314 03 328 7002 03 328 8784 03 941 8999 03 328 8889 03 328 7350 03 328 7080 03 328 8646 03 328 9078 03 325 5707 03 328 8185 03 328 7530 03 328 7517 Private No. 03 328 8740 Private No. 03 328 8544 Private No. 03 328 7600 03 328 7217 03 328 8085 03 389 9259 03 328 8882 03 328 8819 03 328 8088 03 328 7358 03 328 8292 03 328 7093 03 328 9004 03 328 9305 03 328 9093 03 941 7923 03 328 7309 03 328 8111 03 941 5656 03 328 7628 03 328 8749 Private No. Paige 021 999 848 Robin Kerr Belinda Walker Wendy De Backer 021 0288 1466 Trish, Kelly, Donna Chris 021 280 0086 Carly 021 294 5676 Jen 027 204 1224 Available 5.00 - 6.00pm Debbie/Patricia Rebecca 021 071 0336 [email protected] Grant / Kathy Parminder Singh Graeme 027 473 5018 Jenny 022 476 8633 Rebecca 027 494 6349 Wed-Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm Marcia 021 236 1682 Ross, Janet, Roger and Sandy Mike Rossouw [email protected] Thurs-Sun Open 7 Days Peter Tocker 021 862 537 Linda 021 254 4986 “ “ business directory support our local businesses December 2012 Lyttelton [continued] Lyttelton ‘Top’ Club Mac Todd Solicitors Maid of Ink Min Sarginson Real Estate Mondo Vino Orbit Architecture PedalOn Bicycle Service Port Electric Port Hills Auto Centre Porthole Bar Portico Professionals Real Estate Project Lyttelton Office Pynenburg and Collins | Architects Ray White Real Estate Roots Rossouw Window Cleaning SAMO Coffee Sno Clothes and Milly May Special Branch NZ | Arborist Storm Hairdressing Tailored Portraits | Photography Thea Mickell Services Ltd | Fundraising The Mindful Body The Rookery Time to Resolve | Mediation Service View Hairdressing Volcano Radio World Organics Skincare 23 Dublin Street 50 London Street 31 London Street 53 London Street 42 Norwich Quay 5 Norwich Quay 2 Exeter Street Private Address 42a Norwich Quay 40 London Street 48 London Street 36 London Street 54a Oxford Street PO Box 80, Lyttelton 47 London Street Private Address Private Address 3 Canterbury Street 8a London Street Private Address 34 London Street Cressy Terrace Private Address Private Address Ross Terrace Private Address Private Address Private Address Private Address 03 328 8740 03 328 9992 03 328 9263 03 328 7273 03 328 7744 03 328 9294 03 328 9246 03 328 8099 03 328 9980 Private No. 03 328 8088 03 328 7707 03 328 9243 Private No. 03 331 6757 Private No. 03 389 9259 Private No. 03 328 8584 Private No. 03 328 8859 03 328 7122 03 384 7547 03 328 9923 03 328 8038 03 328 8219 Private No. 03 328 8566 03 328 7446 Bronwen Jones– Writing and PR Services Rawhiti Street Chalfont Cafe | D.Harbour Country Store 2 Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Ferry Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Medical Centre 2a Waipapa Avenue Orton Bradley Park Marine Drive Snowdrop Cottage Children’s Store Waipapa Avenue Shunyata Retreat | Day Spa 10 Rawhiti Street Thrive: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition Private Address 03 329 4303 03 329 4854 03 328 9078 03 329 4402 03 329 4730 03 329 4464 03 329 4773 03 329 3254 Open 7 Days till 5.30pm 03 329 9970 03 329 9433 03 329 9825 03 329 9788 Neave Ross-Wallace Ray Blake 021 43 66 50 Basement Level Min Sarginson 027 432 0327 Neil Aitken 021 155 5601 021 055 6865 Ken 021 117 6848 Mike 021 328 977 [Tue-Sun] Tue-Sun 10am - 4pm Lynnette 021 224 6637 Sue-Ellen Simon 021 163 7193 Marie | Daisy Christy | Guilio 021 120 8083 Mike 0274 355 239 Open 7 Days Heather Tim 022 091 9202 Sally | Kat Gillian Taylor 021 047 4415 Thea 027 607 7282 Janet 027 368 6515 Angus | Rene Chantal 022 618 8532 Megan 027 488 5173 Nicki 027 423 9455 Diamond Harbour Open 7 Days 9.00am - 5.00pm Contact Paru Mark and Lou Warren Governors Bay At Home Childcare Limited Governors Bay Hotel She Chocolat Living Springs 18 Bay Heights 52 Main Road 79 Main Road Bamfords Road “ “ accommodation places to stay around the harbour December 2012 Lyttelton Canterbury Street Apartment. Fully renovated one bedroom apartment ideal for short term or holiday stay accommodation. Completely self contained with separate living space, kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom. Spread over two floors this furnished apartment will feel like a home away from home. Tariff from $120 per night. Phone Gloria 03 328 7065 or mobile 022 073 0014. Dockside Apartments. Three private apartments enjoying harbour views, now open and available for casual holiday or short term occupancy. Scenic and so close to London Street, this is an ideal option for friends or family to stay. Options range from studio; one bedroom or two bedroom apartment. Tariff from $90 - $120 per night. Phone Grant or Kathy on 03 325 5707 or view more details online No.1 Apartment. Warm two bedroom apartment with magnificent harbour views available for holiday or short term accommodation. Undercover parking. Tariff $120 per night with minimum three night stay. Longer rates available on enquiry. Phone Linda 03 328 9128 or 021 254 4986. Randolph Apartment. Private two bedroom modern apartment with superb views across Lyttelton and inner harbour is now available for holiday or short term accommodation. Apartment features private spa, bar-b-que area, off street parking for one vehicle, and all the mod-cons including WIFI and MySky television. Tariff from $120.00 per day, with minimum three night stay. Longer term rates available. Phone Heather 03 328 8585 or 03 328 8584. The Rookery. Built in 1866 The Rookery Bed and Breakfast is one of the oldest surviving local cottages, with wonderful panoramic views of the historic port town of Lyttelton, the main harbour, Quail Island, surrounding hills and volcanic cliffs. Three beautifully renovated rooms are available; one with ensuite facilities. Tariff from $115 - $160 per night. Phone Angus or Rene Macpherson on 03 328 8038 or view more details on line Diamond Harbour Diamond Harbour Lodge is the perfect place to relax, enjoy and unwind. Offering harbour sea views, spacious rooms, TV/DVD, CD player, large selection of books, board games, free wireless internet, fridge, toaster, jug, microwave, sink, selection of tea, complimentary cookies, electric blankets, underfloor heating in bathroom, heated towel rail, linden leaves toiletries, towelling bath robes. Robyn and Pete Hedges 3 329 4005 or visit www.diamondharbour Manaaki Eco Farmstay Purau offers self contained ensuite accommodation. One or two bedrooms with spacious fully equipped kitchen/living in a beautiful rural setting overlooking Purau Bay. Holiday (min 2 nights) or longer term rates available. Contact Wendy ph 329 3202 or view us online Mt Evans Bed and Breakfast offers accommodation in two self contained cottages. Quiet rural setting only 500m from the beach. For further information contact Pauline 03 329 4414 or visit The Old Exchange Bed and Breakfast right in the heart of the Village at 2 Waipapa Avenue. Two queen sized bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, own private entrance, sea views and within walking distance of the Ferry. Contact Jill 03 329 4275 or mobile 027 482 6014. Orton Bradley Park offer self contained camper van sites for overnight stays. Services include 15 powered sites; treated drinking water; toilet blocks and dump site, with the golf club and tennis court next door. Fees start from $15.00 per night for two persons, with additional adults at $6.00 per night. Contact 03 329 4730. Governors Bay Governors Bay Bed and Breakfast offers a place to relax and rejuvenate on nine acres to bush side paradise beside the harbour. Enjoy breakfast on the deck while listening to the native bird song. Furnished room with ensuite bathroom and separate sitting area also available for short term rent for those seeking emergency accommodation. For more details contact Eva on 03 329 9727, or view on line Governors Bay Hotel has been restored to it’s former glory and offers six guest rooms located on the first floor level. All rooms recently renovated with 32 inch flat screen televisions, queen size beds, free wifi broadband, heaters, electric blankets and vanities. Four of the rooms have direct verandah access through French doors opening out onto a balcony with wonderful views over the Lyttelton harbour. Contact the Governors Bay Hotel on 03 329 9433 or view more details on line: Living Springs offer an array of accommodation options from fully service private rooms, studios, twin rooms, shared bunkrooms to outdoor camping. Also available are some powered caravan sites. All rooms are clean, comfortable and well maintained for your relaxation. Contact Living Springs on 03 329 9788 or view more details on line: “ “ harbour vibe what’s on around the harbour this week December 2012 05 Wednesday Creativity Meet Community Garden She Chocolat Community Dinner 10.00am 10.00am 6.00pm Lyttelton Library, London Street The Portal, 54a Oxford Street 79 Main Road, Governors Bay Knit, Crochet or Bring Another Hand Craft Shared lunch from 12.00pm $20 | Bookings 328 9825 06 Thursday Governors Bay Pre-School Music Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Contra Dance Night Al Park Live Music Thursday 9.15am 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm Governors Bay School Library LPC Building, 56 Norwich Quay Private Address, Cass Bay Porthole Bar, London Street All Under 5s Welcome with Adult | $3.50 Weekly training etc | New members welcome Contact Bill 03 328 8985 | $5 Live Music Thursday | Free 10.30am Lyttelton Main School Hall Wunderbar, London Street All welcome. $5.00 per session Tickets $15 | With Tom Lark and Adam McGrath 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am London Street, Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street The Grassy, Oxford Street 8a London Street Cnr London and Canterbury 265 Charteris Bay Rd, Teddington Fresh produce; Live Music; Buskers and More Second Hand Bargains and More Art, Craft and Bric-a-Brac Courtyard Full of Christmas and Gift Goodies Bring, Exchange and Share Food Open ‘till 4pm 10.00am 3.00pm 4.00pm 8.30pm St Josephs Parish Centre Norwich Quay Freemans, London Street Naval Point Club Wunderbar, London Street 21 Exeter Street | All welcome Gary McCormick and Mayor Tim Shadbolt Carmel Courtney Live | Free Voice your ideas, and discuss direction Pop on a Frock | Visit Ms Candy Applebottom 10 Monday Community Garden Urban Downhill Meet and Greet Lyttelton HBC Civil Defence LIFT Library - Film Evening 5.30pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.15pm The Portal, 54a Oxford Street Cnr London and Canterbury St St Johns, 52 London Street The Portal, 54a Oxford Street Make new friends, enjoy the fresh air Meet the Organisers | Christmas Cookies All Welcome. Julie 03 328 7779 Thought Provoking Film Series 11 Tuesday Community House Shared Lunch Lyttelton St John Youth Division Lyttelton Lions 12.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm Comm.House, 7 Dublin Street St John Ambulance Station Lyttelton Community House Make new friends 52 London St, Lyttelton 7 Dublin Street. All Welcome. Mary 03 328 8523 07 Friday Senior Exercise Class Five Mile Town 08 Saturday Lyttelton Farmers Market Lyttelton Garage Sale Grassy Market Cecily at Milly May Plenty to Share Bergili Wool Fun Day 09 Sunday Combined Church Service Comedy at Fishermans Wharf Live Jazz Sundays Harbour Co-Op Shareholders Meeting Cross Dressing Sunday|Sundae Beats Lyttelton Review is proudly sponsored by: Lynnette Baird - Lyttelton’s resident Professionals Real Estate Agent Lynnette Baird | Licensed Real Estate Agent P: 03 328 7707 M: 021 224 6637 E: [email protected] W: Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ
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